Reginald's ChildrenChapter 8 free porn video

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Frances asked, “You think that it may be possible that they came from a smaller museum’s store, darling?”

“Not really,” replied Reg. “Such stores get checked regularly for mundane reasons such as dusting, testing the humidity levels, and checking that the picture hangings are secure. No, what I think is that the drugs man probably gathered them over a considerable period of time, salting them away as his retirement fund. This is a big drug dealer who never gets caught holding drugs, so he sends them on to someone else as soon as he can get gemstones or art in payment. His distributors would know his requirements for payment, so they had the task of acquiring artwork or gemstones and ensuring it is not known as stolen. The onus would be on them to make the offered payment satisfactory in that way.

On occasion, they may have been obtained from a shady art dealer who had already acquired them illicitly, such as buying them cheap from a collector who had reported them destroyed by fire, and who was making money on the side, from the insurance payouts he got for his accidentally ‘destroyed’ art. He would just want the art to disappear for many years until they were no longer ‘hot’ property. It was a long term investment for the art dealer, but he could afford to wait, as art prices tend to increase year by year.

As to whether our drugs baron took larger artworks, who knows the mind of a crook? Only if we can find some would we know. It is certainly the case that smaller paintings can be moved with greater ease than larger ones, so he may have stipulated a size limit.

Our drugs baron in my feeble opinion was solely in the wholesale side of the business; selling to the men lower down the pecking order, so the drugs would seldom remain in his hands for more than a short time. I would guess that the tub in the garden was a reservoir for drugs in transit: a supply he was holding temporarily until he had payment arrive from his lower-level distributor. He was careful to keep the drugs well away from his person. Nothing inside the house would prove him to be a drug dealer; no more than a hint of the possibility. Nothing there could be proved positively as part of a drugs operation. In fact, the fake cash might have been a cover operation; a deliberate sideline of passing off counterfeit money which he could cough up to the police if necessary, and thus avoid the more serious penalties for drug-running. That guy was seriously well organised, I feel. He was just extremely unlucky to be killed on the roads, unless that accident was a criminal ‘hit’ from another drugs baron. It would not be unknown.”

Frances took what Reg suggested as probably accurate, and returned to what her father had told her.

“Daddy says that the artwork is not easy to value. It depends on the market at the time of sale, but his appraiser suggests in excess of half a million.”

“Gosh! That high?” Reg was surprised. “I was guessing at about a couple of hundred thousand, if they were all real and not stolen. It just shows you how little I know about art.” He added, “Does that include the sculptures?”

“Yes and no. The art expert said he was not so sure about valuations for small sculptures, especially bronzes, which is what most of them are. Sometimes if the statuette is a trial piece for a larger statue, he said, it can be higher or lower in value according to how many trial pieces the artist produced. On other occasions the piece may be a later mass-produced copy for the retail market, and that drops the value considerably. There are also questions of whether the piece is signed by the artist, and whether it is numbered. All in all, the sculptures are more awkward to value. Daddy says he will put a few up for sale, and see what happens.”

“Okay. I would go with that; it makes sense. Hey, has everyone had enough to eat and drink?”

“No idea. You haven’t eaten much, yourself. You spent too much time talking.”

“When a man is getting married, he has to get on good terms with his father-in-law.”

“You did that with Telford all right.”


“Telford. Fiona’s Dad. That’s his first name. He’s named after a famous engineer, Thomas Telford.”

“Oh, I had the impression his forename was Theodore.”

“That’s the trouble with unusual forenames. He gets called a whole slew of alternatives, according to Fiona. Folk often can’t remember his first name, so they call him whatever they guess it is!”

“Right. I will make a point of remembering it is Telford. I will think of it as telling myself I have a Ford car: tell Ford. That will help me remember.”

“Does that work?”

“Yes. You give your brain a link to something easily memorable, thus it finds it simple to see that memorable item and links through it to the target name. It is surprising, but quite effective.”

“I must try it with my studies. Does it work for dates as well?”

“I don’t see why not. What date do you want to remember, Frances?”

“The due date of my baby, silly! What else would a woman want to have in her mind?”

“I wouldn’t know, darling, not being a woman, but I can see how it would be important to you. It has struck me: if all of you are going to give birth at the same time, it is going to be a maelstrom for me as well.”

“You obviously haven’t studied childbirth, Reg. Even if we all got pregnant on the same day – which we didn’t; we just waited and told you on the same day – the actual births could be as much as a week or two apart. We are aiming for home births, if we can arrange for a midwife to be on hand. It will only be if our doctor has any worry about a birth, that we will go into hospital for it, such as a caesarean if a pelvis is on the small side for the baby’s head, if it is a large baby.”

“You seem to have this well thought out, Frances my darling woman.”

“It is a woman’s job to to prepare for every eventuality. Giving birth is not as easy and straightforward as men seem to think. Occasionally a mother still dies in childbirth, thought it is rare nowadays. With good doctoring, any problems should be revealed early enough to have the solution prepared in advance, such as extra blood supplies on hand should there be excess bleeding.”

“Good grief! Do you have to be so morbid, Frances?”

“Darling, every woman has to face up to such medical facts, but giving birth is no more dangerous than crossing a busy road. Many people die every day from road accidents, and we think nothing of it. We girls can take this minor risk; childbirth is what our bodies are designed for. There is no other way of perpetuating the species without childbirth.”

“You are right, and when we look at the rate at which the human race breeds, the odds are all on the side of successful breeding,” Reg offered his assessment.

“There you are then,” declared Frances. “At least you men don’t have any death threat when it comes to fatherhood!”

“Agreed, but now that you have been confirmed as pregnant, I want all of you checked over by a doctor regularly, so if anything is not quite right, it gets seen to, sharpish. Is this possible under the NHS, or do we have to go private for such specialist attention?”

“Theoretically, the NHS should be able to do the job, but the efficacy may vary from hospital to hospital. It may be that we have to engage a doctor or midwife privately, to be able to dictate when they will come to us. NHS staff don’t have as much leeway over appointments, I believe.”

“That’s my Frances: always organised and in charge of events. Once we graduate I can see you being the chief operating officer for your father’s company. You will walk that job!”

“And your other wives?”

“There I am not so certain. My guess is that Freda will understudy Charles Frye, if he is still Head of Legal Services for the Company. She will bring new legal ideas to the company for further development of built assets, I am sure; Erika and Prudence are strongly individualistic, so may either become professionals in another field, or be very practical managerial talent for the company; possibly making the company more efficient in the field of assessing a building’s economic potential before purchasing, or making best use of the building assets they hold, finding new ways of getting profits out of them; perhaps just good marketing ideas.”

Frances stared at her husband. “Reg, you sound to me like the CEO of a company. You may want to take over from Daddy when he decides to retire. The amount of money he will make over the contents of our house may cause him to think of retiring early.”

She suddenly thought of her new sister-wife. “What about Fiona? What do you see her doing? Will she become part of Daddy’s company as well?”

“No idea, pet. I don’t know her in enough depth to get a feeling for her future career. She might take up life as a university professor.” Frances stared at her husband thoughtfully as she took in this idea, and stared over at the girl herself, and debating whether Fiona would pursue life as an academic.

Fiona said goodbye to her father after the buffet meal was over. Reg and the other wives gathered to thank him for coming and being part of the ceremony, and once again he put up with kisses from all the Robertson wives, plus the supernumeraries – Jessica, Sidra, Holly and Carol. He commented to Reg, “How do you put up with being surrounded by so many loving women, young man?”

Reg told him truthfully, “I was an only child, sir, so all this is the stuff of dreams. I never want to spoil a great dream, and my life now is just that; a great dream.”

Fiona collared Reg before they headed home. “Husband, can we go to church tomorrow again?”

“Certainly, Fiona my wife. A new one, or do you want to go back to St. Bartholomew’s?”

“Can we check with Jessica and Sidra first? They may want to join us, and I’d like Jessica’s input before suggesting that.”

Reg mused, “If we include them, we should include Holly and Carol too, should they want to come. They may fancy the trip just to get out of the house again, but more importantly, I’d like them to act as the first-level protection squad for Jessica and Sidra, watching to make sure they don’t get harassed in any way. Teenage girls can be effective that way without causing offense.”

“Good idea, Reg. Can we go speak with all the girls now?”

“If you want, Fiona. This is your wedding day, after all, so we should give you your head!”

The consultation was revealing. The twins admitted they had been confirmed at their parish church a few years ago, and had been regulars there for a long time, so were all for a visit to a church service now. Sidra and Jessica were rejoicing in their participation in today’s Commitment ceremony, and were keen to follow it up with a church service next day, so Fiona found everyone willing to join in such an expedition.

Frances suggested that St. Bartholomew’s would probably have a different visiting priest, so should be worth going back to. Reg reminded them that there had been an assumption that his wives were his sisters. “I didn’t disabuse them of that notion, but we can’t make out that Jessica and Sidra are your sisters! They will have to be friends who are visiting us. The twins will be themselves – relatives of Frances. Everyone okay with that?”

Prudence decided to be practical. “Reg, if you are directly asked who is your wife, you are going to have to confess that most of us are. You daren’t lie to these folk in a church! If they can’t take the truth, then we don’t go back again.”

“True. We will just take things as they happen then,” he admitted, prepared to face anything in support of his wives.

Once home, the girls all reluctantly changed out of the hired dresses and jewellery that they had enjoyed wearing. Curiously, no-one opted for the purchase of the originals. Reg was surprised at this decision, then belatedly recognised that his ladies most likely saw no reason for splashing out for what they would wear only occasionally. Frances saw his consternation and whispered to him, “If anyone wants a special dress or jewellery, darling, we can contact your beautician lady again. I was really surprised at what she was able to do for us. Can we engage her from time to time, whenever we want to go to an event?”

Reg cuddled her to his side, and gave her a loving hug. “Naturally. Anything for the mothers of my children!”

Frances added quietly, “Did you notice Sidra?”

“No. What?”

“As soon as she changed out of that lovely dress she was wearing, she went to her books and got back to studying. That girl has taken your advice to heart, Reg, and is educating herself as fast as she can.”

“Great! She has a good brain that has not been stretched until now. She is the better for it already, now that she is enjoying learning.” He and Frances exchanged a ‘high five’.

It was a convoy of three cars that carried them to St Bartholomew’s parish church next day. They were welcomed by a lady greeter, who handed out hymn books and service booklets, clearly pleased at this sudden procession of visitors entering for the service. She recognised the Robertsons among them as previous visitors, and said “Welcome back to St Bart’s.” She was not so sure about the others, especially the apparent foreigners, so said nothing, just smiled.

The Robertson household spread themselves over two pews in the middle of the nave, and Reg noticed there were a few more people in the congregation than last time. They chatted by themselves for a while until the clergy party trooped out from the vestry to start the service.

The Robertsons were surprised to find that the celebrant was the same lady who had conducted the service on their previous visit, but she made no outward sign of recognising them other than a glance at the filled pews in their part of the church.

The service went as expected, and there were several good hymns that Reg recognised and sang lustily, as well as two that had him flustered until the second verse, when he at last saw how the tune went. They all went out to the rail for the communion. The reverend lady was sure she recognised Reg and some of the women beside him, but naturally made no comment.

At the end of the service, one of the congregation rushed to bring the urn to the boil. It had been heated prior to the service, so did not take long to return to the boil. The congregation, those members who were not rushing off to family or other appointments, gathered for their tea or coffee, and some bakes provided by one of the ladies. Today’s offering was a banana and chocolate chip loaf, spiced with cinnamon, and was delicious, Reg thought.

Finally the clergywoman got back from removing her official garb, and came to shake hands for the visitors. She told Reg, “Didn’t I see you here a week or two back?”

“That is so, Reverend. We brought everyone today, as we enjoyed the last service here.”

“Ah, yes. Now I remember. This lady is your wife,” she gestured at Frances.

Reg concurred, “Yes, Frances is my wife. Well remembered.” He said nothing more.

The Reverend went on, “And the other ladies of your household?”

“The foreign-looking ladies are visiting friends, and the twins are cousins of Frances.”

“How nice of you to bring them, Mr...”

“Robertson. The girls you met before are all Robertsons as well.” He deliberately left it at that.

“I see,” said the clergywoman, who was left wondering what this actually meant. The way he spoke implied something unusual. Her gaze shifted across the girls called Robertson, and noted that all those whose left hand was in view were wearing a wedding ring on the correct finger. She considered asking another question about these, then reminded herself not to be nosy. She asked if his coffee was satisfactory.

“It is, and the baking is excellent. Please tell the baker so.”

The priest ended her social chat, “Well, I must speak to some others and not monopolise your time, Mr Robertson.” She moved off to accept her own coffee and cake, and was collared by a member of the congregation wanting to ask something. She was grateful for the chance to sip her coffee while she listened, and have a bite of the cake. It would allow her to make a comment about the cake if she needed to think further about her response to the parishioner’s request, as it was almost a demand. Probably the best course would be to offer to refer the point to the congregation’s own priory, as she was only a visiting priest. The priory, all elderly men who assisted with the services, would manage to obfuscate the matter quite effectively.

Then she remembered something, as her eye was caught by the sight of the foreign lady and her obvious daughter. She cut short her conversation and went over to grab Reg Robertson’s arm.

“Mr Robertson, can I have a word in private? In the vestry, if you don’t mind?”

Puzzled, Reg nodded. “Sure. Just let me organise things. Frances?” he called to her. She came over. “Yes, dear?”

“Take over for a few minutes please, darling. The Reverend wants to speak to me in private.” He rolled his eyes, indicating that he thought this was about his having more than one wife. Frances saw this too, and simply said. “Sure. We’ll be fine.”

Reg followed the priest to the vestry room, and she closed the door behind him. “Mr. Robertson? We clergy have a sort of grapevine, where unofficial information gets passed around. Something came to me last week.”

“Oh? From the Reverend Professor at the university?”

“What? No, why should it? This was about Pakistani women.”

“Oh? Please tell me more.”

“There was a request for feedback about a Pakistani woman and her daughter. Apparently this lady absconded, taking her daughter with her, and stealing from the marital home. The poor husband is beside himself for word of them, and asked his priest to help. That is what came to me, but I am confused. Both the women with you seem very happy. Can they be the same people?”

Reg gave her a grim smile, and explained, “If we are talking about a Mr Sadaf, he had been abusing his wife for most of their married life, and also started beating his daughter. The daughter, terrified, ran away from home and ended up hiding at the university here. She was handed over by the Reverend Professor for us to offer her a place of safety. From her, we found out about her mother’s terrible situation. We made arrangements for the mother to escape, with the guarantee of safety with her daughter. We arranged her rescue through the good offices of a policeman friend, and she is now recovering.

Reverend, I saw the bruises on both of them when they came to us, so I know their story is true. What seems to be happening is that the abuser is trying to locate them to get them back. An anonymous informant advised their local police that he was an abuser, so they have been investigating, but have limited powers as the abused persons are not available to them. The women only want to escape his clutches and have no desire to be near him. We are protecting them, and will do so for as long as they want.”

The priest was looking shocked. “I think I should inform his priest that he is an abuser under police investigation.”

“I agree, but I would suggest doing it anonymously, in case the priest lets slip your location. Even if he just mentions your name, you are in Crockford’s Clerical Directory, are you not?”

“I am, although not under the name of this charge, but I take your point.”

“Thank you, Reverend.”

He thought they had finished, but she had not.

“While we are in private, Mr Robertson, whose is ‘we’?”

Reg looked her in the eyes and said calmly, “My wives and myself, Reverend. Our love has extended to cover our charges. They are in the best place possible.”


“Wives, by their own choice.”

“The ones with the unfortunate facial looks?”

“All those happy girls wearing wedding rings, Reverend,” Reg corrected. “If you need a reference, speak to the Reverend Professor at the university. She will back me up.”

“You committed bigamy? That is a crime, young man!”

“Not if there is no legal marriage involved, ma’am. We performed a Commitment Ceremony in public, where we declared our love and commitment to each other, agreeing to being together for life. We regard this as just as binding as a legal marriage, and all the girls have used the Deed Poll system to legally change their names to Mrs Robertson, with just the first names different. We are a Christian family, all of us are university students, and we intend for all of us to graduate eventually. We are home-schooling Sidra, the runaway daughter, and she is taking to learning with gusto. Her mother is still trying to cope with life, but she will have our full support.

Was there anything else?” he challenged her.

She looked shocked at the revelations, but as a wife and mother, as well as a priest, she believed in tolerance.

“Nothing. I shall have a quiet word with the learned Reverend you mentioned, and if she backs up you story, I will not interfere. Indeed, if you want me to come and visit you at home, I shall be happy to offer my pastoral care, should what you say be supported by my university colleague. Thank you for your time, Mr Robertson. Ring me if you need me: here is my card.”

Reg returned to the back of the church and finished his own eats before gathering his flock for the departure. He collected all the empty mugs and handed them back to the serving lady, with his thanks. He made a point of dropping a five-pound note into the donation box beside the urn before leaving, getting a genial smile in return.

Once he was sure that everyone was accounted for and back in the cars, they set off for home. A few asked him in the car about what happened in the vestry room, but Reg said, “Later, once we are home.”

Sure enough, as soon as they were through the door, almost everyone was trying to ask what happened with the priest. Reg asked for quiet, so he could explain.

“First, Frances, it was not what we expected. Instead, it was about Jessica and Sidra. It seems that your husband, Jessica, told your local priest that you had run away, taking Sidra with you and stealing some unnamed valuables from the house. Untrue of course, but so was everything else he offered to the priest. He apparently claimed to be trying to find you, and asked the clergy to put out the word, and let him know if you went to a church somewhere.

I told the Reverend the truth of the matter, so she is going to privately inform his local priest that the truth is different from what he claimed, and that the police were investigating him.”

Frances exclaimed, “She can’t do that, or that will give our general location!”

“Frances, I am not stupid! I asked her to pass on the information anonymously, to keep that possibility from happening.” He emphasized, “I am really not that daft, you know, despite my occasional gaffes!”

“Sorry, Reg. I should have known you would be prepared for that. So that was it?”

“Not quite. As she had me alone in the vestry room, she asked me point-blank about all of you with wedding rings, so I admitted you were all my wives. She accused me of bigamy, but I explained we had not made a legal marriage, so were free of that accusation. I gave the Reverend Professor as a reference that we were in a loving relationship, so she will check that out, and promised not to interfere. In fact, once she speaks to the professor and if she is satisfied, she is willing to offer us pastoral care should we want it.”

He looked over to Jessica, including her in the conversation, and Sidra showed interest too. He added, “I wondered whether Jessica would benefit from an external shoulder to cry on. We have to phone the lady if we want her to visit us, and I have her card for that purpose.”

Jessica seemed unsure of what to say in response. Sidra was more forthcoming, “Ammi, if you want a woman more your age to talk to, she may be quite helpful. Is the lady married, Reg?”

“Yes, she is. She said her husband is also a priest, and I gather they have children.”

“Sounds like she may sympathise with you, ammi.” Sidra concluded.

“But I already have Reg sympathising with me, Sidra, and I like it. Do I need another?”

“Mum, she is a woman with children. That is the difference, She will have life experiences that Reg doesn’t have. She can talk to you as a mother; even I can see that!”

“Oh. That is true. Very well, I am willing to try that, Reg, if she accepts us.”

“Soon, or whenever?”

“Within the next few days, while I am still supportive of the idea. If we leave it longer, I may change my mind.”

Sidra raised a point with Reg, having him handy.

“Reg, what do you know about the Vikings?”

Reg looked towards Sidra, and answered, “It depends on what you want to know. I have read a fair bit about them, and there are a variety of descriptions based on who and when they are being written about.”

“According to this history textbook, they rampaged all over the coast of Europe in their longships, pillaging and stealing people for slaves; a nasty bunch altogether.”

“I see. And that is what the author says, does he?”

“In essence, yes. Is it not true? I thought it was all well documented.”

“It is. Let me ask you another question: what do you think of the English?”

“The English? What has that got to do with the Vikings?”

“Bear with me, Sidra. English merchants got rich, did they not, sending ships to Africa, buying slaves with manufactured goods from home, taking the slaves to the Americas, and selling them there. The captains bought tobacco and sugar with the proceeds, and brought these goods back to England to sell, making a huge profit on the total transaction. The Vikings raided coastal villages, captured people and sold them as slaves to other countries. What is the difference between the English slavers and the Vikings?”

“Um... , when you put it that way, not a lot. So why do we moan about the Viking raiders, and not about the English slavers?”

“Perspective, Sidra. Most of the slaves were taken from England, so as English people, we find that offensive. Slavery abroad, between Africa and the Americas, had little impact on English people at home, so it got relegated to the ‘unimportant’ side of the balance.

Actually, when you work out the numbers, the Vikings were small beer compared to the English slavers. The Vikings probably captured and enslaved tens of thousands of people. The English slaver captains shipped MILLIONS of Africans, some of whom didn’t even survive the voyage, before the slave trade was abolished.

When you think about it, every Viking raid probably involved a couple of hundred warriors. This happened only during the summer months, because these men were farmers the rest of the time. Once they had their fields ploughed and the seed sown, the summer was free for them to go raiding with their friends. The made sure they returned in time to gather the harvest from their fields. This restricted their raiding efforts somewhat, as they had to dispose of their captives after each raid; so they probably went back to Norway or Denmark to sell their captives as slaves before they could go on another raiding voyage. Their ships could not carry many slaves, as these ships were designed as raiding vessels, not transports. If they had the investment capital, they could take one or two cargo vessels with them – these ships were called knarr, unlike the raiding longships that were called snekke.

Putting all that together, the proportion of the Norwegian or Danish population that went on Viking raids was miniscule. The majority of the population stayed at home to farm or ply their trades, in the same way as most of the English population were not involved in the English slave trade.”

“But all these records of Viking raids? It makes them seem frequent and horrific.”

Reg smiled at Sidra, and told her, “Again, it is a matter of perspective. Who did most of the recording in that period of the Viking raids? It was the clergymen, as they were almost the only people who could read and write. Their records concentrated on raids against monasteries on the coastline for much of the time. They probably ignored raids on fishing villages, partly because there were no priests involved, and partly because the information perhaps never reached them. If a small fishing village was attacked, those who were worth enslaving would be grabbed, and those not worth taking would be slaughtered to prevent them raising the alarm. The village would vanish entirely, becoming a ruin. Who is going to report this to the monastery where the records were kept. If you look at the records prior to that Norman Conquest, it is only matters which the monks felt were important to them that got recorded, not the lives of the common people.

As with most of history, what gets recorded is only about the doings of ‘important’ people, or the people who are doing the writing. Most war records are written by the victors, from their own standpoint.”

Sidra was saddened by this revelation. “So we don’t know what the ordinary people were doing?”

“As far as recorded history goes, that is so, but archaeologists are filling in the gaps. They can look at ancient bones and determine what people were doing with their lives. Archers had strong arms from holding the bow taut, seamen had two strong arms from hauling ropes to raise the sails, or to row the oars in a ship when there was no wind, and so on. Teeth can be analysed to determine where you grew up, based on the local geology. The geology affects the plants that grow there, and that difference gets carried into the human body. Fish in your diet also shows up chemically in the teeth. The types of pottery also suggest trade links. Samian ware was common in England during the Roman period, and we know its origin. It was produced in quantity in parts of Gaul (modern France) and in what is now Germany. Specific designs added to the pot or bowl help to date the piece, and in some cases the name of the potter is found impressed in the underside of the base.

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ReginaldChapter 5

“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

3 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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MILF Allie A Cable Conundrum

Allie lay on the bed, panting for breath — her brow damp with sweat. She was far more than damp elsewhere, as she recovered from a powerful orgasm. She'd knocked the remote for the camera off the bed during her throes of passion, but fortunately, the guy on the other end of the connection wasn't asking for any special views. He seemed as content to watch her in the afterglow of her climax as she was to enjoy it. Her vibe lay next to her hip, still slick with her juices. She'd barely found...

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Raising RocChapter 2

It was Roc's first planet fall; the troops were being given liberty before going into combat. Didn't the ancient Romans say "For those about to die, we salute you!" or something just as silly. Well, I get to see how Roc appears in public. I hope he behaves better than the Romans; my opinion is that the Roman warriors were dumb! The officers in charge of the soldier's little visit to this planet weren't stupid, though. After dark, the shuttles carrying the Liberty personnel landed at...

4 years ago
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Fucked My New Virgin Friend

Hello friends my name is Aston.And i am a regular iss reader.I always read stories whenever i feel erotic.This is my first story in iss so dont mind if any mistakes Well i am 20 years old and i am in sybba.I am from Mumbai. Without wasting anytime i will start the story.I was a virgin till this incident happened.It is my first and true experience,,,,,,,,,, This incident happened in January 2013.My semester exams were going on.My exam was at 9 am.I reached college at 8 30 and i was searching for...

4 years ago
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3 some fun

"It'll grow back," you laughed as I used my nails and scratched at the skin above your cock. I started to say something smart but you took my chin and said, "put it in your mouth and shut the fuck up." I pretend pouted and leaned in to kiss you hard on the mouth. We had been fucking for about a month, I'd spent almost every night with you since we met. The sex had been phenomenal! You are my pussy like a fiend and lived to make me cum using your mouth and fingers. I returned the favor by...

1 year ago
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Managing My Elder Sister

Hi i’am yash i’am 17 and having an athletic body still virgin although my gf tried many time to take my virginity but I managed cuz I need an extra ordinary curvy body. I am tall dark and handsome. This is my first story hope you enjoy it give a feedback or if you need any massage tell me I am from Lucknow I have a distance relative sister who is 20 years who came to lucknow for one bank exam and she planed to stay in my home for 2 days she came to my home on 11/10/15 by morning 6 am I went to...

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A nudist8217s adventures while on the why home

I spent the holidays and a couple of weeks after at my Dad’s place in Chicago. I was indoors and nude the majority of the time. I had planned it that way so that I wouldn’t have to haul three suitcases along with me. My dad knows I am a nudist and that I intended to be naked while I was visiting. He got divorced from my stepmom last year and I think he was just glad to have some company, so he told me that I could be naked during my stay. When I left my dad’s place, all I put...

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Wicked Uncle Slutty Aunt Virgin Niece 2

The small alarm clock buzzed insistently and Wendy’s eyes opened. Her first thought was, “oh my god, I let my uncle masturbate me!” Her second thought was, “oh my god, that was so incredible!” Her third thought was the awareness of the gathering wetness in her panties. She always set her alarm ten minutes fast, so she could attend to her morning ritual of masturbation. On this particular morning, she needed it desperately. She clicked on her bed lamp, flipped the covers off and doubled a...

1 year ago
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Here we are, with yet another ‘Gone Wild’ subreddit. We all know what that means, right? Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ beside the name is pornographic and erotic. This one is called r/GonewildAudible/, and that should already tell you what the fuck you can expect. Of course, for those who would like to know a bit more about r/GonewildAudible/ in general, I am here to make your life a lot brighter.First of all, if you are utterly confused, r/GonewildAudible/ is a subreddit, which is a...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mother n Son Lust Love n Marraige

Chapter 1I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Vikram started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates...

1 year ago
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Mazi goshta 4

Tya raatri shekh daru pit basla hota. Mihi tyacha barobar hoto. Me tyala mavshi baddal mahiti sangitali. Me tyala mhanalo ki me tumala madat karin pan me swata kahi karnar nahi. Thik aahe” to bolala. Tu ahmala sex kartana chupchap bagh. Tula live blue film baghayala milel. Me: pan yaat dhoka aahe. Ti suddha kahi kami nahi. Eka manasashi ti ladhuhi shakte ani tumhi tar 65 varshache mhatare ahat. Shekh: ari tumi naku ghabaru. Tila kasa tayar karayacha te me baghatu. Tihi aatmadhun sex saathi...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 102

A few days later, she ran into Rob in the drugstore near work, the same one where she had initially encountered Barbara, starting an ongoing conflagration. He was looking through the magazines. "Did anyone ever tell you you look like Stephanie Seymour?" he asked her, showing her a magazine cover. "Only hundreds of people," she said, poker-faced. "It's very nice of them." "She can't compare with you," Rob said, looking her up and down. "Only a man who's fucked me in every...

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Vegas Baby Deuces Wild

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the next installment of my series. I am not connected to anyone who uses Brett Lynn, since Brett Lynn is a pen name of mine. If this is illegal where you're at, please don't read this. Also, if you want to check out more, visit my website. All commercial and non-electronic rights are reserved. Now with no further ado, let's get on with the show. VEGAS BABY: DEUCES WILD By Brett Lynn "Is everything OK?" the woman asked in particular as...

3 years ago
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Mera pahala sex

Aap logone meri pahali story ko bahut pasand kiya mujhe aap logo ke kafi mail mile. Ab mein aap logo ke samane meri dusari story pesh karane jaa rahi hooon wo bhi aap logo ko acchi lagegi ye meri aasah hai. Mein Shakuntala aunty ki deewani ban gayi thi, ab mujhe shakuntala aunty aur meri mummy ke saath chudai karane mein bahut maza aata hai.Jis din chudai na ho us din mujhe chain nahi aata hai. Dusare din hum teeno raat ko karib 9 baje kamare mein gaye aur turant pure kapare utarake nangi ho...

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Boy Power

Disclaimer: this is a -fictional- story, nothing in here is real or meant to be interpreted as real. all characters are aged more than 25+ years. unless otherwise stated. remember to rate and leave feedback if you want to see more. (so far a lot of low ratings and rude comments, this is my best work guys, try to support me a bit - Lupine, April 2013) Welcome to Boy Power ! Which boy's adventure do you wish to read ? Boy Millionaire Boy Devil Boy Super Hero Boy Detective

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Holly Takes Them All Part 1

Holly was always a slutty girl. As a teenager she always had multiple boyfriends (and a couple of girlfriends) but they could never keep her fully satisfied. You would never think to look at her that she was quite the little sex addict. Behind her beautiful blue eyes, golden hair, petite frame and innocent looking face was a sexual beast prowling for the next thrill. Here lately, thrills were few and far between. Now a single mother in her early 30s, life didn’t seem to hold much excitement....

1 year ago
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Hot Cruise

Last summer, I went on a cruise to Mexico. I was with some friends during that trip and had no intention of picking up anyone for sex. The second night of the cruise, I was approached by a young waiter who worked on the ship. At first I thought Joseph was simply asking me if I wanted a drink, which I didn't understand because I had one in my hand. He introduced himeslf and asked what part of the ship I was staying on...I thought this was an odd question but I told him anyway. He was...

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Kathys panties

Kathy knew she had to hurry, her husband’s friend Craig was waiting for her downstairs in the kitchen. She turned and looked in the full length mirror one more time at her fancy dress costume she was wearing to the work party that night. Her husband of ten years, John, had been dropping unsubtle hints lately about her old school uniform, wondering aloud if she could still fit into it after two c***dren. To her delight, Kathy could still squeeze into the little pleated skirt, although her hips...

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The Enchanted Lake

Right after getting married two newlyweds, Marry and Archie decided to spend their honeymoon somewhere quite, a place where they would be free from the mundane tasks of the busy city life and enjoy the scorching summer in its full swing. . The two decided on a remote part of the vast forests of Upstate New York. They rented a little cabin by a lake. The Enchanted Lake, the name which came from the beauty of the surrounding land and a legend of a young couple that once resided in that cabin. The...

1 year ago
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Curious Meg Becoming a Slut Wife Chapter 2

I knew early on that I needed more than just fantasies to satisfy my desires. I also knew that if I stayed in our town I would end up like most of the girls I knew, married to a local guy and trapped for life. I wanted to find a guy like the ones in the stories I had been reading, a guy I could love and marry and that was open minded enough and to accept and satisfy sexual desires. I just didn’t know how to get there and couldn’t think of any options to get away to have some adventures like the...

Group Sex
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576 Shadow Oak Drive Part 2

As Molly drove down the highway, I sat in the passenger seat. Although I had always had a feminine side, I was experiencing all kinds of new emotions and feelings that I hadn't felt before when dressed. I don't know exactly what brought it out. Maybe it was the love and support of Molly. Maybe it was seeing myself truly dolled-up for the first time, seeing my own cleavage, having my manhood taped and pushed back. Whatever it was, for the first time in my life I felt more girl than man. Molly...

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The Stuff ch 1

She had some experience with drugs herself, back in college. She still smoked the occasional joint now and then, and had really liked acid and mushrooms back in the day. Now, though, she was worried that her fifteen year old son was doing something harder than pot or hallucinogens. She was worried he was doing meth, and was searching his room for his stash. In his underwear drawer, she hit pay dirt, but it wasn’t the meth she suspected him of having. Instead, she found a small brown vial...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 2 Monday August 2 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010 Kate’s eyes widened. “Really? What?” “There’s some good news and some bad news. Let’s go someplace where we can get some privacy.” Jan took Kate’s hand and lead her out of the kitchen. “Boris, would you come and deliver the news?” “Yes, ma’am,” he said and followed. Jan, Kate and Boris sat at one end of the dining room table. Jake, who had been out of the loop when it came to Kate’s treatment for two weeks, decided he needed to get a feel for how things had...

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Last Frontier IIChapter 4 A New Beginning

Roxie hadn't been to Anchorage since 2002 for fear of running into the bikers. The first stop was Darla's hairdresser, where Roxie had a cut and perm. This took up most of the morning, but when she was done, she would fit in at any mall or grocery store once she had some different clothes. That would be the next stop after lunch. With a new look, Roxie then went to State Police Headquarters. There she gave her deposition on the woman who was dumped the year before, and Clyde shooting Bugs....

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Office Se Bistar Par Sneha

By: Sksahil Hi My name is Sahil from Delhi. Height 5.8 lund size 7 inches good looking and average body. Now I’m coming to my story. Ye story aaj se lagbhag 1 saal purani hai jab main Delhi main ek mnc company main as a security engineer laga tha. I was new in the office and there were less people in my department include a lady. Us ladki ka naam sneha tha figure 34 28 34 fair but hot and sexy. Boobs to mano abhi bahar nikal kar aa jayenge pahle din meri kisi se jyada baat nahi hui. 2 week...

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Death by fucking ch 21

Our little girl has changed our lives. Something – hypnotism, magic, psychic brain surgery – has moved our relationship to a place we never knew existed. It’s what I suspected about our children all along. But I never expected it for my husband or my sister or myself. We long ago had recognized that the children ‘touched’ each other with their emotions. Andrew calls it telempathy. But I must say that I was the first one of us to recognize the implications. I had guessed that they could...

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Girl FagChapter 11

"What are you thinking about?" Kyle ventured a few minutes later. "Pull over," I answered. I'd made a quick decision without really thinking about it. Something had to be done though or this would turn out to be the worst night of our lives. "What?" Kyle glanced at me. "Pull over. Right here, on the shoulder," I said, pointing with my finger. "Stop the car." "Okay, okay." Kyle was confused, but he did it and as soon as the car had stopped and he'd put it in park, he turned...

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TRESChapter 5

I stood bereft. My sister, my love, had just left me. Tears streamed down my face. I'd tried so hard. I wanted to be brave for her. I knew what she was feeling, and I wanted her to reach for and find the strength she needed in me, and I almost succeeded. I didn't start weeping until she walked away to board her plane. When she turned to wave goodbye, she saw my tears and ran back to me, held me, kissed me passionately, twisted out of my arms, and with a strangled sob and stumbling gait,...

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Knigin Kristinas peinliche Befragung German

K?nigin Kristinas peinliche BefragungEnde Mai 1280, in einem fiktiven europ?ischen K?nigreich.In der Folterkammer der Burg bereitete der Henker grade seine Instrumente vor. Er kontrollierte die Stricke an der Streckbank und drehte mehrmals das Rad. Das ausgetrocknete Holz knarzte schrecklich. Sein Gehilfe ?berpr?fte Zangen und den Schraubenstuhl.Die Fackeln in den eisernen Beh?ltern warfen ihr flackerndes rotes Licht auf die dunklen Mauern des Kellers und die schrecklichen Instrumente. Dann kam der ...

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My Sweet Girl Part 2

She was smiling, a peaceful smile, head rested on my chest with her arm thrown over me. My leg was positioned the way she'd made it last night, stuck between hers, making herself comfortable against me. I lightly ran my finger over her bare shoulder, her neckline barely catching the bit of light peaking through the slight part in the curtains. It was a little cold in the room so I slid the blanket up to cover her the rest of the way and pressed a long kiss onto her forehead. The little...

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JulesJordan Gia Derza Has Her Teen Ass Opened

Gia Derza is back for more ass pounding from Manuel! Gia’s a sexy spinner who can’t get enough cock in her tight little asshole. She’s dressed in red lingerie with high heels and matching fishnets as Manuel inspects all of her amazing curves. Gia takes off her top then drops to her knees in front of Manuel and starts rubbing and kissing his big cock through his jeans. Manuel lets her suck his cock momentarily then has her stop so she can take off her panties and show off her bare ass before...

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Grad School gets very interesting for student Seth Gamble when the Dean’s Wife, London River gets involved. London is a stunner, Blonde Bombshell, huge tits, long legs, dressed in a tight pink number with black high heels. The Dean’s wife is lounging by the pool when Seth arrives and convinces him to study her body for extra credit. Mrs River thought she was signing up for a quick pussy eating but opens the door for Seth’s dominance. Tied up in tight restrictive rope bondage...

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MySistersHotFriend Ashly Anderson 23281

Ashly Anderson has been dying to ask her friend’s brother Ryan to go with her to a sorority dance, and now that she finally has time alone with him, she musters up the courage! But the dickhead says no. His sister left to see her boyfriend, and all he can do to little Ashly Anderson, standing by the staircase, is deny her something she so dreamily desires. Well, fuck him. Those are the thoughts, both figuratively and literally, of Ashly. She follows him upstairs to his bedroom and tells him she...

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How i Enjoyed holi

Hi. How was your holi ppl. We had a holi party in our society in chandigarh in our garden. People of all age groups were present.young and old, aunties and uncles everyone.there were lot of girls and women too. I did not knew many ppl around but on holi u can play with anyone as no one minds.this is the best time to have fun with girls and women round.there were a few gals wearing tight blue jeans and t-shirts / tops. A few ladies in saris and salwaar kameez. The bolder ones were in short...

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Great Migration Georgia to Milwaukee

It was October 1945. Eustace Griffin, a farmer from Georgia, and his wife loaded up in the 1938 4-door Oldsmobile Series F sedan. Their youngest c***d, 20 year-old Harry, was back home from serving in Second World War. They were heading up to Milwaukee where three of Harry’s older siblings had made their homes during this Great Migration of African-Americans leaving the rural, agrarian South for the industrialized North and Midwest.Eustace who was born in 1895 to a sharecropper was proud of...

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FamilyHookups Hannah Hays Slutty teen nurse Hannah Hays fucks her dads best friend

Hannah Hays is just getting home ofter a long day at nursing school and she’s exhausted… but also horny. She’s currently living with her dad and his best friend from college and his daughter. Everyone says hello when the girls get home but Hannah’s dad leaves her alone with his college friend and Hannah can’t resist making a move. The friend is hesitant at first, this is his buddy’s daughter after all, but how is he supposed to resist a hot young nurse? Next...

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Loving bhabi

Hi myself Neil from bang lore. Let me describe my bhabhi, Nikki first. She is a beautiful woman by all standards. Her complexion is very fair; she has sharp facial features with magical eyes that are full of expression. She has a head-full of thick, curly black hairs that reach down to her shoulders and which she normally parts in the middle. A thin line of red sindur is applied on this parting, indicating her marital status. She is around 5’ and 1” tall and is slim built. But my word what...

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 26

I thought fast. I had forgotten about the microphones when my testosterone level rose. As quick as I could, I said, "I'm afraid you fell for my plan. I had found the three bugs in the house, the two in the van and the one on the phone. I hope you enjoyed our performance." "You did not know at all." "Then tell me how I knew how many bugs there were? Do you want me to tell you exactly where they are? Now that your blackmail bolt has failed, what do you want?" "We will talk about it...

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The Snake Bite VictimChapter 10 The Relationship Unravels

Katherine was a little tired, but pleased with her effort when she returned home from work on Friday afternoon. She had insisted on taking the bus into Civic, so that she could have some independence. She welcomed Stephen fussing over her, telling her to rest while he got her a drink. It was nice to come home from work and not have to immediately start dinner and do housework. Once again they enjoyed home delivered pizzas, being a Friday night and a few glasses of wine as the two adults sat...

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Virginity Gone

Hi,This is the story of how I lost my virginity. It was a day I will never forget.It began as most days do, I was sitting on the floor in the lounge playing with my dolls and dad was having a shower, I could hear the water running and him singing. Then the shower stopped and dad came into the lounge with a towel around his waist, he ran his fingers through my hair as he went through to the kitchen to start breakfast.I heard him filling the jug and tidying up the table. He called out at asked...

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Leesa likes it big Chapter 6

Myra pushed the bench into position and laid down. Reaching down she grasped the stallion’s still long cock. She began to rub the head up and down her pussy and over her clit. She moaned with pleasure as her excitement grew. Leesa watched wide-eyed as Myra began to force the head of the horse’s cock into her eager opening. “My God” she muttered. Beth stood behind Leesa and began to fondle her breasts through her dress. Her moans were drowned out but the moans of Myra as she forced more of the...

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Happy EndingsChapter 9 Just Another Day

Now I felt more in control. I sat behind my desk waiting. I had my hair pulled back into a tight pony tail and had wiped off most of my makeup. Gone was the soft blouse and I was in an old t-shirt and jeans. The high shining heels were gone, replaced with the tennis shoes I wore when I wasn't riding or dealing with the horses. What I didn't know, is I looked all of 18 and not at all my own age. "Good." I said in place of any greeting to JC. "Fill out this, standard employee...

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Pams PonyChapter 2

Pam was halfway out the back door with another carrot when her mother objected. "Pam," the woman complained, "that's the third carrot this afternoon! we need some for supper, you know!" "Just one more," Pam pleaded. "Please, Mom?" Anna Forbes smiled at the excitement sparkling on her young daughter's eyes and couldn't refuse her ardent request. "Well... all right... one more. But tomorrow you go to the store and make sure to buy more!" "Oh, I will!" Pam promised. She...

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