Troubles Beyond Trouble Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 34
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Later that night Dawn called me.
"Hi sweetie. How are you? You didn't call me last night and I was expecting it. Is there something wrong?"
"Oh hey there Dawn. Something wrong? NO. I just had a hard day at work and when I got home I hit the sack early. How are things in Boston? Are you and your client getting it done? Got everything worked out between you two?"
There was a short pause after my question about her client. I'd never questioned her about her clients before, especially on the phone. I just couldn't resist the temptation to dig at her just a little bit, but I knew that I couldn't go too far or she'd know that I had found her out. I was having a hard time just trying to sound normal as it was.
"The client and I are doing fine. Matter of fact I may be done a bit early and get home a few days before I thought I would. Are you okay Dave? You sound... I don't know, tense maybe? Why were you at work today anyway?"
"I'm fine. Just a long day doing the yard work. Lots to do around here to keep up with things, know what I mean? Let something go too long and bad things begin to happen. If you let a little thing go, it can come back to bite you on the ass real quick. You can be fooled into thinking that things are good when they're really about to fall all apart. Just had a lot of things to catch up on."
Another dig and another pause on the phone. This was by far the quietest phone time we'd ever had. I wasn't talking unless spoken to, and she was probably trying to sound me out and get a feel for my mood.
"Oh. You know Dave maybe we should take a break next week or month and go on a long vacation. Just you and me. We could go anywhere you'd like to if you wanted. Where would you like to go?"
"How about Boston? You know your way around there now and I've never been there. I'd like to see everything. You could be my tour guide."
Dead silence.
"You there honey? Dawn?" I was pressing now.
"Yes. I'm here. Dave, is there something that you're upset about? Is there something wrong?"
"No. Not at all honey. You said that we could take a vacation wherever I wanted to go and I figured that Boston might be an interesting place to visit. You should know the best places to stay and go have fun at by now having been there so much over the last year and all. I thought why not?"
I could sense her tension now. She had to be wondering if I knew. I'd even bet that once she got off the phone with me she'd call Lynn and bounce things off of her for a bit. I had to make sure that couldn't happen.
While our conversation was going on from that point on, I had my cell phone on speed dial and was trying to get Lynn. She picked up and I put Dawn on speaker phone, without talking to Lynn.
"So Dawn... you think you might finish up early?"
I spoke loudly so that Lynn could tell I was on the phone with Dawn. Having Lynn on her phone meant that Dawn wouldn't be able to call her and I had to talk to Lynn immediately after our conversation got over with. I had to make sure Lynn didn't give me away.
"What? Yes, that's what I said earlier Dave. What's going on with you? You're acting very strange."
"Dawn, I have had a long day and weird things have gone on. I'm just in a mood I guess. I'm sorry. If you want I could call you tomorrow and I will probably be in a far better mood then too."
Another pause then she came back.
"Yeah. That might be a good idea Dave. I'll call you though, okay? Dave, I love you... you know that... right?"
"Of course I know all about that Dawn. Take care."
Hanging up I picked up the cell phone and heard Lynn.
"Son of a bitch. She's going to call me isn't she? What did you tell her Dave?"
"I took a few digs at her, but not enough to let her know that I knew about her affair. Just enough to worry her maybe. I think she is going to call you soon though and I had to let you know that I don't want her to know that I know about her affair yet. Please Lynn... I know this isn't fair, but you're in the middle of all this thanks to Dawn anyway..."
"Dave, she won't find out from me that you know. Matter of fact I'll kind of hint that I'm holding it back from you. She'll calm down and probably think you were just in a bad mood. After the last few days I couldn't sell you out Dave. I care too much for you to do that. Dawn broke my heart when she told me about Steve, and all I've thought about was how unfair and hurtful this would be to you."
"Thank you Lynn. I know you care for me and I hope you know that I think the world of you too. I need to go to bed now. Good luck on the phone call. She'll probably call you straight away I'd imagine."
"Yeah, she will. Goodnight Dave. Sleep tight. Love you and all that stuff."
Her words stopped me dead. She'd never told me 'love you' before. I knew that there were many things going on in undercurrents and Lynn sounded like there may be more to that 'love you' than just a friendly kind of thing. It worried me.
The next morning I finished up the yard work around the house and then went for a run. When I got home Lynn was on the front porch with two large cold ice teas in her hands.
"Hey there Dave. I brought your car back and figured you might want a cold drink. Take a long run?"
"Yeah. Three miles early this morning. Five just now. A bit lower than usual but I had some yard work to get done too."
"Wow. I never knew you ran so much either. You really take working out seriously don't you?"
"Yeah. I do. No big deal really. I just work out by lifting one weight and then another. Run pretty much the same way, one foot out, then the other. It all comes together. Eventually."
"Why didn't I know this about you anyway?"
"Never came up. My workouts are usually done in the mornings before I go to work, and you're never around then. My running... well, you and Dawn would be out so you probably never knew I ran either."
"I noticed yesterday that you seem to be in pretty good shape. Do you think you could give me some work out pointers? On weights I mean."
Her blush was amusing yet frightening. I could see where this was headed and I wasn't sure it would be a good idea. I couldn't see me fighting fire with fire as far as Dawn's cheating went. Two wrongs don't make a right and I wasn't going to go there if I could help it. Now though, with Lynn standing right there looking like she did... I could see an issue developing that could change everything.
"I'm not sure that my giving you pointers on weights would be a good idea right now. Maybe after things all get settled out?"
"Yeah. That's probably a good idea. After... everything gets settled."
I could see disappointment on her face, but I also saw something like anticipation too.
'She is far too young for me.' I kept telling myself that, but it was getting harder and harder to hear myself over the din of lust and need that was building up inside me.
"So what brings you by my humble abode other than returning my car?"
"I thought you may want to talk about your plans for this week. I'll be available to help you in whatever you'd need me to do. I can even take some time from work and..."
"Lynn, they need you there right now. When I go in tomorrow and ask for the next two or three weeks off, they'll really need you there. You are the one engineer that knows what the hell's going on around that shop, and you are the only management type that Bill or the other people in the shop will listen to anyway. You'll need to be there."
"But you'll need my help. Dave, I can't let you face this all alone. I care too much for you..."
"That's been worrying me too Lynn. I get a feeling that you may actually feel more for me than I'm capable of accepting... right now at least. First of all, there's our age difference and then there's the fact that you're Dawns friend too. Besides, I may want to try to salvage what I can with Dawn. I don't want you hurt in the process."
"You can't hurt me Dave. How could you tell anyway?"
"I wasn't sure at first, but last night... after thinking about it... I knew."
"Then you should know that I do love you. Yes, in that way. If you'd ask me, I'd go anywhere and do anything you wanted. Anything. Its how I feel and I can't help it. I love you too much to let you be hurt like this. It kills me to know how Dawn has treated your love for her."
"Lynn, you're a beautiful and very appealing young woman. I have often wished that I were twenty years younger and single... honestly. I just can't help but think that the situation right now isn't conducive to 'us'. I don't want to do something with you that I may regret if Dawn and I got back together. I also don't think that 'us' would work out at work. I'm not sure if we'd get along in other things and be able to make it work for us. As much as I want to grab you right now and run... I know logically that would be one of the worst things we could do. I care for you Lynn, and right now with my mind the way it is, I don't think I'd be a good person for you to tie up with. Maybe, if Dawn and I split up and divorced... later on... I'd love to ask you out and date you. Maybe even fall more into love and do the rest of it all too... but not now, not like this."
"More in love with me? Then you do love me? Dawn is the biggest fool on earth! She has a great man like you and she's taking this terrible chance... she has to know that she could lose you over this. She has to know that she's acted horribly... she has. And you... Dave... are the most upstanding kind of man I've ever known. You know you could have me in an instant yet you are holding true to your marital vows until the bitter end. God I love you so much."
Lynn pressed up against me and locked her lips on mine. Hugging me hard for a moment she then broke away and ran not walked, down the sidewalk and out of sight. I saw tears in her eyes as she broke away from me and my heart twisted in a painful manner. I was torn to run after her, and not. That indecision let her get away.
This had been one hell of a weekend. The most eye opening and eventful one I could ever recall. Monday would bring changes for me. Hard changes. I hoped I was up to those changes.
In my mind I had made some harder decisions. The first was the legal part, that of a separation. I wasn't going to go for a divorce yet. Legally separating would give Dawn and me time we needed to see if we even wanted to be together anymore or not.
I knew that most separations ended in divorce, but I had to know in my mind that I still loved Dawn enough to want to fix things. If not, we needed to get divorced. Both of us had to feel the same way about each other, and I truly didn't know how I felt at the moment. I really didn't know how Dawn would feel about me after my ultimatums were delivered.
The next three days flew by and though I had to take time off, I still took care of some issues. Lynn called me several times a day. Either with work issues or about Dawn and I. In the mean time I had got back into touch with the Private investigator I hired on Friday, checking to see if they had gotten anything yet.
They assured me that if something was going on they'd find out about it, though they really would have liked a longer timeframe to deal with. In the end, the promise that I'd pay whatever they wanted to get what I needed over the next six days helped. I was curious if they had found anything out over the weekend.
The lawyers were a tougher issue. I searched around and finally called up a family law lawyer firm that was located out of town. They had been recommended to me by several people, and after ensuring that they had no connections with Dawns firm or co-workers, I went with them. They drew up the necessary papers for a separation agreement and just in case, I had them on retainer working on divorce papers as well.
At home I packed a bunch of Dawns things together and began stacking them in the garage. She'd be the one out. Not me. I'd worked too long and too hard to purchase this house and make it a home, and I'd be damned if I'd give it up in a divorce. Besides, I felt that if Dawn realized all she could lose, she may think harder about what she could potentially lose if we ended up divorced.
Wednesday turned up cloudy and almost chilly. Dawn had called me on Tuesday night saying that she'd be staying for the full week this week. I knew that the detectives were to call me and set up what they had to be sent to me and to my lawyers today sometime, so her late night call last night had only fed the flames in my heart.
I drove over to the next city and picked up the paperwork on our separation from my lawyers, later I stopped by work on my way home for a minute. There I found the shop running smoothly and professionally as always. Lynn was at my desk and involved in some drawings when I peeked around the corner.
"WOW... leave for a few days and look who's taking over my desk."
"Dave! I'm so glad to see you. Can we talk later? It's about... Dawn."
"Yeah. My place... whenever. I'll be home with no plans on going out or anything."
"I'll see you after work then."
She had stood up when I came into the office and as I turned to leave she jumped up into my arms and kissed me. A little hug and then she sat back down.
"Whoa... what was that for?"
"Just wanted you to know I still feel the same way. About you. About... us."
Luckily nobody saw us kissing or hugging, but it was a close thing. Bill walked into the office only seconds after Lynn sat down.
"Hey, I thought you were on vacation Dave. What's up?"
"Just stopped by to check you out you old reprobate."
"Old?! You're the old reprobate. I'm the young man of the shop. Especially with Lynn here. Man, you could stay away as far as I'm concerned. She's far easier on the eyes than you have ever been. Smells better too."
Lynn winked at me and smiled. Bill was laughing a bit as he shook my hand. I left knowing that the shop was in good hands. My drive home had me wondering what Lynn wanted to tell me. Evidently Dawn had called her. I was curious as to what that was about.
At home the phone was ringing. It was the detective agency.
"Mr. Jameson?"
"Yeah, this is Dave."
"We have what you need. I've emailed you the report and some jpeg's, but the real report and DVD's of what we got is coming via the U S Postal service, express. You should have it tomorrow according to the shipping papers. Uh... you may want to make sure you're all right in the head... before you look at what we sent you. Do you have someone that can be close by for you should you need them?"
"That bad huh?"
"Yeah. We're used to this stuff, but our clients never are. For them is the first and worst. For us it's just another day in the city."
"I have someone that will be here. I'm sure I'll handle it... okay."
"Well, thank you for your business, sorry it turned out as it did."
I sat down thinking that I should open my email up... then decided it could wait until later. I just couldn't bring myself to look at Dawn at the moment, especially if she was doing something that we both knew she shouldn't be doing.
A little later I heard Lynn walk in. We had long ago gotten away from her knocking at our door so that's how I knew it was Lynn. Had it been Dawn there'd have been yelling that she was home and how much she'd missed me... as if.
"Dave? You here?"
"In the kitchen Lynn."
"Hi. How you holding up?"
"Got the report from the detectives a bit ago. Haven't looked at it yet. They said 'thanks for your business, sorry it turned out this way' so I expect it's not going to be a good thing."
"We knew that already though Dave. So... shall we go look at it then?"
"I guess. I really don't want to see her... doing... it. I guess it will come eventually though so we might as well get on with it."
I was resigned to my fate now. Lynn seemed upbeat in spite of it all and I had to wonder about that. Once online and in my email account my worst fears surfaced. Seeing Dawn in the arms of another man, naked... killed me. At first I raged... then I actually cried... then I just felt numb. The rage soon returned though and suddenly I wished I'd pushed for the divorce instead of the separation.
Lynn was there beside me through it all. She hugged me, cried with me, and even raged with me. Yet, she held something back too. There was something she knew that she wasn't telling me. Then she began her story.
"You know, Dawn called me Monday night. She was worried about you and was asking how you'd been lately. I told her you'd seemed preoccupied about something. She didn't like that, but she didn't know what you would have been preoccupied about. Even though she told me that she'd been doing what she'd been doing with that jerk in Boston, she didn't seem to want to bring it up with me again."
"That's strange. I mean, she told you about it then she seems to want to forget that you know?"
"That's not all. Towards the end of the call she said that she thought you may know something was up with her in Boston."
"What did you tell her then?"
"I told her that she would deserve whatever happened if you found out about her and her lover... but that I didn't think that that was what was preoccupying you."
"What was preoccupying me then Lynn?"
"I didn't tell her this, but I think I've been preoccupying you."
"Oh really?"
"Yes really. I think that you're afraid to let go with me. I think that you think I'll be hurt if we do something together... say like... fuck. I think that you're afraid that you may have stronger feelings for me than I could for you. I think that you're afraid that our age difference would ensure that we'd never have a chance. I think that you just have a full plate thinking about us and Dawn is becoming secondary to it all now."
I was stunned. This was a Lynn I didn't know. She shocked me with saying the word 'fuck' then drove her points home ever so forcefully. I didn't think she was fully correct though. Dawn wasn't secondary yet, but for Lynn to have acted and said what she just had, she had to feel that way.
"So. That's what you think then?"
"Dave, come on. You know you've looked at me in 'that' way a few times lately. You know that I love you and want you... yes... I desire you. You can't deny that. Can you?"
"All right. You're right about my desires. But I'm still married and you may think that Dawn is secondary, but she's not. She's right square in the middle of all of this. She's cheated on me, yes, but she's also been my wife for a long time. Long enough that I feel that I have to give her a chance to come clean and then make amends."
"Yet, you really would like to fuck my eyeballs out wouldn't you? You'd love to have my hot lips around your cock, sucking you off, right? You'd love to lick my pussy and then move up and stick your hard cock into me wouldn't you? Well? Wouldn't you?"
I was stunned. Never had Lynn talked like this around me. I could hardly put together my response to her on that, messed up as my mind was.
"Two wrongs don't make a right."
I was desperate.
"Loving me and fucking me are wrong?"
I struggled for a response.
"When I'm married to someone else? Yes."
"After what she's done to you, in spite of your love and affections for her, you can stand there and refuse me?"
She wasn't playing fair at all. Lynn was doing a full court press and I was unprepared for such an event.
"I have to."
Lynn moved back and started to unbutton her top. She had a look in her eyes that spoke volumes.
"Lynn, please... don't. We can't do this. It won't be right. I'm married, regardless of what Dawn has done."
Her top floated to the floor and she reached back undoing her bra.
"Lynn, really, we can't. Yes, you're an attractive and desirable woman. I just can't break my vows."
Her hands moved away from her body and as her bra fell off to one side her breasts bounced and swayed with the movement of her body.
"Oh God. Lynn, please. We can't do this. I'm old enough to be your father. I'm married..."
"Dave, I can see that I'm turning you on. You're allowed lover. You are allowed."
Her hands were on her jean buttons. As they came undone, one at a time I could only watch her from where I sat. I glanced at the computer where I saw my wife in the arms of another man and they were obviously enjoying themselves sexually. I licked my lips, unconsciously thinking of something... I wasn't sure what.
"Dave... look at me. Tell me you don't want me."
I turned to see a totally naked Lynn. Her flat toned belly, shaved pussy, firm enticing breasts all begging for my lips and tongue. Her arms went out as if to draw me into her center. Standing there in front of me shamelessly showing me that what I desired was there and ready to take.
"Lynn, we can't."
My desperation must have shown as Lynn smiled and started to stalk towards me. I couldn't help but watch her body move, breasts swaying, hips twisting, her small slit all wet and shiny in the light of the room and her arms still up and out towards me. Looking into her eyes I could only see a woman in the depths of desire. Desire for a man... not any man, but this man. Me.
Age differences had slipped away. My marriage was slipping away. In my mind, suddenly I realized that I truly did want Lynn in 'that' way and I knew it was about to happen. Lynn saw it in my eyes the instant I admitted it to myself. My surrender was almost complete.
She saw that in my eyes too. Suddenly she was kissing me hard. In between kisses she babbled on and on. She was fighting as she only knew she could.
"I knew it. I knew you'd love me. You love me I can see it in your eyes. I knew that if I came over and we did it that you'd see it. I knew it."
I felt a sharp pain in my heart at that moment. Guilt coupled with the love I was feeling for Lynn and the love I still held in my heart for Dawn was overwhelmingly crushing me. I moved to get up and ended up falling onto the floor in front of the couch. I sat there, Lynn on my lap still, my head in my hands.
"Oh God. What have I done? What am I doing? Oh God."
"We're just going to make love Dave, that's all."
"It's wrong. I have no right. It's all wrong."
I struggled to get up. What had I almost done? I'd messed up everything. I was scared now. Afraid that Lynn would treat me differently. Afraid that I'd tossed away my marriage... afraid of what the future held. Then I realized... Lynn and I hadn't done it yet, but if we had, I had no protection.
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Here comes the Troubleshooter! Part 4 The circle closes Once we landed in the Middle East, we got ushered to a converted army base, where a bored looking guard called out our names without even looking at us. "Captain Andrew Mays and Sergeant Carl Ryan?" "Actually, I go by Andi, now," I said gently. "And we lost our ranks." He looked up, and did a double take. "Oh. Sorry." He didnt sound very sorry, which only made my bad mood worse, to the point I was ready to snap at anybody...
Hi my sweet unsatisfied females i am sam crasto, 25 years with a good muscular figure. I belong to mumbai. Females like my shoulders and chest very much. However my first attractions are my eyes. I too feel proud when i sense the feelings from them. I m writing my most beautiful experience which i had some times ago. I am engineer and working in a very reputed bank in it operations. Being an it person in any non it company gives you lot of attentions and i used to enjoy this a lot. This...
Night had at last fallen. Long time Residents of the valley regarded the time just after sunset, as one of quiet contemplation. As indeed did those who now regarded the darkened form of the shrine. They however were trying to figure out the best way to break in. "Keep the flashlight covered!" Sato growled. "You want the whole fucking town to see we're up here?" Sato's long time in the city had robbed his recollection. He'd forgotten how just how dark it got here about. His...
There are a lot of dangers associated with a Nuclear Power Facility. Probably first and foremost is the danger of Radiation that might escape in some way from the containment units and there is also the standard dangers from dealing with high pressure steam systems and the electrical current that is generated by the transmission units connected to the electrical grid. Then there is the danger of sabotage and deliberate damage done that might create a problem with the internal workings of the...
Chapter 5 As Flora was enjoying the day with her new class, Fiona had an entirely different experience over at the middle school. She was introduced to her new teacher, Ms. Putnam, and told what they were doing in class and what to expect from everyone there. She was less than thrilled to tell Fiona that she was going to be assigned to be the new partner of the other new girl, Maisie Campbell, and that she didn't want either of them in her class at all but had to put up with...
After the weeks-long vacation from work Hiro was eager to arrive at Kuniumi to start the next chapter in his life. Ship travel was not to his liking, despite the opportunity to spend time with so many colleagues he had previously been apart from. During FTL travel everyone was cut off from everything outside the ship, from the colony, from the other ships, and from what had been transpiring in the Confederacy. One existed in a bubble of ignorance, and that was disquieting to Hiro. When the...
He seemed sad most of the time. That's what Janice thought about her son, and it troubled her. He seemed worse since going out with Karen. But she was grateful that he always seemed willing to talk to her; her son didn't hide his life from her and that meant they could have real conversations. So as they sat together in the afternoon sun she asked, "Jason, do you love Karen?"He sort of snickered as they both took a swallow from their second beer and he said, "No way mom. Sometimes I'm not sure...
For some weeks there had been an undercurrent of unease in the harem. Nothing David could actually put his finger on, but when he had a parade the women did not all seem quite so keen to draw attention to themselves in the hope of being picked for a night. Passing the door to the harem ante-room one morning, David thought he heard something. When David entered the harem, the usual calm and tranquillity was broken by screams of female rage and pain from more than one woman, interspersed with...
Sitting in my second hour class, I pondered over a dream I had woken up from that morning. While I had come to terms with being a bisexual two years before, I was troubled over the possibility that I was leaning towards the homosexual side of the spectrum. I hadn't had sex with a girl for nearly two weeks, but had willingly accepted every single one of Eric's invitations or hints to screw around with him. And the fact that I had woken up that morning cumming from the dream of having dirty...
I knew I would be in trouble, but I just couldn't help myself. Oh, let me back up a bit.Chatting in bed one night, Dave and I got into a discussion about sex toys. He knew I didn't have any good enough to provide me with real satisfaction so he decided to buy me a few from internet sites. Of course, he wanted toys he would be able to use when he came to visit me. He looked for a dildo that was of similar size to his very large cock because he wanted me to get used to his size. Having looked at...
Toys"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...
The new Imperial Japanese Army was working hard to train a new battalion of soldiers, which was a difficult task given that no outdoor maneuver areas were available on Kuniumi that wouldn’t require the soldiers to wear breathing apparatus. Helmets could be fashioned to include them for operations on Kuniumi, but their deployment on Rek wouldn’t require them. “Yakazuki-san, what are your thoughts about conducting the training for our soldiers on Rek, where the environment would perhaps be...
My story begins with a discussion I overheard one night, it was my mom and my older sister Cindy, she had just turned 18 at the time, from what I could hear it was something regarding drugs and a good for nothing boy friend. No matter how much I tried I couldn’t hear very well, after some screaming and crying everything went silent and finally I went to sleep. The next night during dinner my dad told my sister Jennifer and me that Cindy had left the house and was going to be living on her own...
Finally alone, Katie poured herself a glass of the champagne she had been serving everyone all afternoon. If the extravagance of the wedding was anything to go by, it must have been an expensive bottle, but she was no conniseur. It tasted like fizzy wine, just like they all did. Not that it wasn't refreshing. The cold drink and the cool air of the cellar were a pleasant escape from the heat outside. She looked at the hundreds bottles on the racks that covered every inch of the walls and...
SeductionAs the summer weeks passed, their inevitable separation weighed on mother and son. She wanted to hold him longer, kiss him more. He wanted to have her more than ever. Ten days before his departure Janice said, "We didn't do the mountain this year, how about today?" Every year, at least once, they climbed to the top of what they jokingly called, 'Little Everest.' It was small, but the highest point in the area. It was a thirty minute walk up to the view, and solitude. Very few people went up...
Special thanks to Steve Zink for editing this story. The super lover suit, giving nothing but trouble Nothing but Trouble - By Shrike Aloysius Talling was walking down the street, and though he'd just been discharged from the Army, he wasn't worried about his future yet. He had a little money in his pockets, and though that would run out soon, he expected to have a job again within days. He didn't have much of an education, but he had a rigorous training as a Special Forces...
Chapter 1 The summer holidays were underway and going well although both Molly and Ryan were surrounded by uncertainty at this point. As if it wasn’t enough for them to be dealing with normal teenage problems they had found themselves in quite a tricky situation which if not handled with charm and finesse could go horribly wrong for them and everyone around them. Over the next few days the siblings were awkward around each other to say the least. They still saw each other as brother and...
This story was written as a serial on my Yahoo group over a period of several months. Trouble Comes to School By Morpheus Part 1 It was nearly an hour before school yet three figures huddled together behind the football bleachers of Kay Osterman High School. The three boys were alternately known as Geek Squad or the Nerd Patrol among the other students, but today they hoped that was about to change. Martin was the tallest of the three, though he was also the skinniest and...
I arrived to class early. I was always early- punctuality was something my parents had drummed into my head. Besides, I was looking forward to this class. I had been trying to get into a figure drawing class for two semesters, but they were always the first to fill up. My name’s Kyle Michaels. I’m an artist. Well, I’m a lot of things, but ‘artist’ is one of the first descriptors I think of when I define myself. Hmm, only a few people around so far. Today’s the first day of classes, so we’ll...
From the moment I first saw her, I instinctively knew Mary-Jayne was trouble. She can't help it, she exudes sex. When they first started dating, I wondered if my stepson worried about her dressing like she did. To call her attire daring is an understatement. And my wife, who is broad-minded, couldn't understand why her well-mannered, soft-hearted little boy, as she often refers to him, chose to marry someone who dressed like she was constantly on the prowl. On family vacations, Mary-Jayne wears...
WatersportsTwilight was descending as I pulled up the gravel drive. Turning the key, I settled into the evening silence until I could almost hear the increasing beat of my heart. A distinct tingle was pulsing through me and I sat there for a long moment, savoring the anticipation as thoughts of my beautiful, golden-haired pet filled my mind.Simmie had just recently come to live with me. Although she was still in training as my sub, she had proven to be more passionate and pliable to my will than I ever...
SpankingThe cold evening air blew through Lucy’s hair like needles. She shivered sending cold chills down her spine. As she made her way across the campus quad she hugged her sweater closer around her waist. It was Friday and Lucy couldn’t help but wish she was anywhere but where she was at this very moment. Her roommate Fiona had invited her to go to a party across campus just hours earlier. “Come with us, Lucy,” her roommate had said. “My boyfriend, Carl, has a sexy friend he’d like you meet!” Lucy...
LesbianTwins, Ties, & Trouble – Part 1 Trish placed $3.02 into the teenager's outstretched palm. "Here's yourchange...thanks for coming in." She looked past the girl's reddish brownhair and saw Kelly, her best friend, go into the Videos for Hire Rental storeacross the mall walkway. Trish suspected that Kelly was interested in Jeff,her boyfriend, because this was the 4th time this week that she had seen Kellycome in to rent videos. Trish didn't have any more customers so she busiedherself by...
"Dan, Mary-Jayne needs a ride this evening. Her car is in the shop, and she needs picking up from work. I'd do it myself, but it's Wednesday, and I have choir practise.""Uh, what did you say?" I mumbled into the newspaper. My good lady's voice soothes my soul in the evening, but in the morning, I do my best to ignore it. Violently, she ripped the page from my hands, and I looked into the angry eyes of my lovely wife."You damn well heard me, you old cuss.""I didn't —""Now don't start with me,...
WatersportsDar (her name is really Darlene, but we've called her Dar for as long as I could remember) shrieked and averted her gaze. I wasn't sure what had surprised her more, my holding a very big, very chrome .45 in both hands, or the fact that I was standing in the hallway dripping wet, stark naked and quite fully erect. I'd been pleasuring myself in the shower when my alarm chirped, warning me of an intruder. I hadn't had the chance to tell Dar about the recent alarm. I was going to have to fill...
As always, thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my story a much better read. I remember years back when I was a kid. We had all our traditions and the Holidays meant so much. Family and friends were there to enjoy the good times with us. As teenagers they were still fun but a little different. Other than the actual holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas we wanted to spend more time with our friends. Eventually we all grow up and meet our mates and start our own...
We snuggled again, drifting back to sleep. I heartily recommend Emily’s treatment for insomnia: I slept as if I were in my own bed and had just, well, just been sucked off. And, so I awakened well rested, it appeared to be shortly after sunset. I threaded my way out of the hootch, laced up my boots and armed up again, and tiptoed away to drain my bladder. I returned, and started to clear a patch of bare earth for our breakfast. I had just set up the stove, and set some water to boil, when...
Look above to see Victoria. A short while ago ago she would have been horrified by anyone seeing her topless let alone photographing it. Now instead she's smiling for her new school photos. Why you might ask? Because as part of her education at "St. Anne’s Reformatory School for Troubled Girls" she's been kept completely nude for the last three months and with good behavior she has finally earned a skirt. She only gets one but she gets to wear it everyday with continued good behavior. She has...
Favor Wanted: I need a man to peg. Send me your husband. I'll send him back a little stretched. Seattle area Sept 17. $200. Garter, panties, and stockings, +$50. Chastity cage, + $25. "Your girl is innovating, Cath." "Yup. Wil makes a little side money now servicing sisters who travel. But Mindy's job is carrying her to Seattle a lot. She gets kind of aggressive when she's on her period, so she dresses like a man and..." "Two hundred dollars seems a little cheap." "I guess many sisters don't...
MasturbationBig Trouble By Margaret Jeanette Misty Johnson was troubled. This was the third time she'd found her closet in a different order than she remembered putting it. Her red dress was always next to her black dress and now it was between her aqua and her dark blue dress. She was angry that anyone would mess with her clothes. That night she asked her husband, Mike, if he was going into her closet. She asked why he would be going in there, and said that she didn't want any crap, that...
Thanks to all of you who leave comments. I am new at this and your feedback is really appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. Intro. How the hell did I get myself into this mess? More importantly, how the hell do I get myself out of this mess? It all started after a lads day out in Soho in London. I got separated from the group and was wandering around a bit unsteadily trying to find them. It was early evening and the prostitutes were...
Looking back at it now, I can clearly see that all the basic signs were there. I hadn't recognized them for what they were. It was only when the miracles started to occur that I knew something was up. The first 'event' happened just after our third anniversary. I totally missed it at the time, but later on when I had reason to revisit it with the crystal clear clarity of 20/20 hindsight. It came around and smacked me in the head hard. What caused all of this? What single event led to my...
"What do you think I should do?" I heard her ask the student who was standing before her as I quietly came into the classroom and let the door shut. "Damn it, Joseline, I said 5:00," she whined, looking at me."I'm sorry, I'm only ten minutes early," I mumbled, strolling to her desk. "I didn't know you were talking to a student," I whispered, before kissing her."Oh, you have a girlfriend, Kendra?" The student asked."Yes, Ms. Walker, and again, you are to address me as Ms. Foley, do you...
TabooAn original story by Starrynight Enjoy: David and the girls waved at their mother until she turned around to face the airport personnel and shortly after disappeared behind the gates and scanners of the security check. They waited there for another minute, hoping to catch a last glimpse of Jennifer before turning around and heading out of the airport. They strode down to the nearest exit, the twins chatting amongst themselves a step or two ahead of their father. As they headed towards the...
Trouble At Work As I walk to my boss's office I have the realization that I am probably in trouble. I have never been in his office other than during meetings and performance evaluations. I always keep a low profile and just do the assigned tasks as I am asked. As a matter of fact I do everything I can to not draw attention to myself because of my lifestyle. I don't need anyone in my office to know about the details of my sexual perversions so I remain quiet and...
I Knew You Were Trouble As I looked around the party searching for some action, I spotted this girl, she was standing alone in the corner of the room with a drink. she was just what I was looking for, long blond hair, big red lips and breast the size of... well big. I'm a pretty good looking guy myself. I'm 5'11, with short brown hair, but what always gets the lady's riled up is my light blue eyes. I snuck up to her side and lightly bumped her shoulder. My name's Mark. she looked...
DOUBLE TROUBLE VThe reader is strongly recommended to read the previous chapters in the DOUBLE TROUBLE series for background to the following narrative.CHAPTER IJosh and Tito had gone to a ballgame that Saturday afternoon; Lori didn’t know where Alexis was. Lori hadn’t exercised her love of self-bondage in quite some time; Josh usually ‘helped her out’. With a full afternoon ahead of her, Lori decided that now would be a great time to tie herself up and tease herself.She didn’t bother with...
DOUBLE TROUBLE IICHAPTER ILori Lavalle was a luscious package; barely 22 years old; she had a 36 C/D bosom, her breasts firm and round, with 37? hips, a terrific bubble ass and, thanks to her penchant for wearing tight corsets, a waist that barely measured 24? around. At 5’ 7? and 130 pounds, long lustrous black hair, with startling green eyes and high cheekbones, she was as innocent-sexy as could be. Especially when she wore the long, snugged-up-to-pussy sheer lycra stockings, almost always...
DOUBLE TROUBLEOur protagonists:Lori Devalle (her lover, and loving tormenter, was Josh Allen) a month shy of her 22nd birthday, was 5’7? tall and weighed about 130 pounds. With flashing green eyes and high cheekbones, she had long, lustrous coal black hair, and a figure many women would kill for:1) a beautiful set of boobs, very upright and erect, measuring 36? with a C/D cup – 2) thanks to many hours in restrictive corsets and waist training, she measured just over 24? around her middle – 3)...