- 4 years ago
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I was getting ready to go out when I looked up to see Charlie standing at my door. His eyes said it all; they conveyed anger, disgust and hatred, directed at me.
"Hi, Charlie, what have you been up to?" I asked, trying to sound casual.
"I'm putting you on notice, Oldham."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Watch your back!"
"Huh?" I asked, pulling my pants up. He was gone. I followed him to his bedroom door, which he slammed in my face.
"Charlie, you're going to have to tell me what you mean. I'm not clairvoyant," I said, looking at the door, considering opening it.
"I saw you," came from the other side of the door.
"You saw what?" I asked, as if I didn't know what he had seen.
"You know." He was right. I knew exactly what he had seen and I hated myself for taking part in his mother's transgression.
"You're going to have to be more specific, Charlie," I said, hoping to draw it out of him. When he didn't answer I told him about our plans to have pizza and see a movie, inviting him to join us. "I'm leaving in two minutes," I warned. There was no answer so I left.
Zelda was waiting when I parked next to her dormitory. Her short dark hair was arranged like Scott Fitzgerald described her namesake's hair in the 1920's. Her skirt was short, tan-colored twill and her top was tight fitting, showing off her small, but impressive breasts...
"Nice car," she commented as she got in. I looked at her face closely.
"Go inside and remove the eye shadow," I ordered, without acknowledging her compliment about the car.
"Why?" she asked in a whiny voice that made me sorry that I had been so harsh.
"We're going for pizza and a movie, not a fashion show."
Zelda jumped out of the car and ran to the entrance of the building, making me wonder if she would return. Surprisingly, she was back in five minutes with not only her eyes scrubbed clean; the heavy application of lip gloss was also missing.
"Is this better?" she asked, cheerily.
I laughed, liking her attitude. But I didn't like what I had seen as she let the short skirt creep up.
"What color are your panties?" I asked, having already seen they were red.
Zelda didn't respond to my question. This time she was back in four minutes, having changed her panties. It was also evident that she was now wearing a bra.
I smiled, approvingly and put the car in gear. Thinking she needed a better explanation than simply 'we were only going for pizza and a movie', I said, "You've been in freshman orientation all week and probably feel like you've earned the right to act older than your age. What are you, seventeen? Is this your first time away from home?" I asked, looking over at her and seeing that she was about to explode.
"WRONG! I'm almost eighteen and I'm a preppy like you. Where do you get off trying to act like my father?"
"Wait, how do you know I attended a prep school?" I asked, already knowing that she had been finding out as much as she could about me.
She smiled, coyly, showing that she was not inclined to tell me how much she had found out. I drove to the parking lot behind the dress shop and told her we would walk the rest of the way, explaining the shortage of parking at the movie theater.
"Is this where you live?" she asked, motioning to the stairs leading to my apartment.
"Yes, we usually gather here on Friday nights, but I was in the mood for a movie tonight."
"Do you miss Shirley?"
The question took me by surprise. At first, I found it irritating to be asked such a personal question, and then I thought, 'Touché, I made her change her panties'. "I miss her doing the food shopping and planning the meals. I miss her helping with the laundry. I miss her giving me advice and I miss having her next to me, running, studying and sleeping. Yes, I miss her."
That shut her up for about two seconds. "Do you like tall blondes better than short brunettes?"
Wow! What else had she heard? Had Charlie spread the news about Sheila and me? No, he was far too private to let it be known that I had fucked his mother. "A girl's hair and height are not the first things I look at. I pay attention to her personality and how well she plays tennis before I check out her bra size."
"I don't believe you," she said as we entered the pizza shop. Everyone was there and they had already ordered the pizzas. I introduced Zelda to Skip and Laura and Amy. She already knew Kent and Wendy from our tennis match.
"This was a big mistake," I said, looking around the small shop. It was so crowded that we decided to take the pizzas outside where we had to stand around a small table. There was a shortage of chairs.
There was only one mention of Charlie when Skip inquired about him, and I saw Wendy's head turn in my direction. I told them about inviting Charlie to join us and that he had said he was busy, which was a lie. I didn't know what he was doing.
There was a short discussion as to which movie we would see. Amy was adamant about Cape Fear with Robert DeNiro and Nick Nolte and once we reached agreement on the movie she changed the subject, exclaiming about the collapse of the Soviet Union. Most of us, except Laura, had no opinion, saying we didn't know what to make of it. Amy and Laura walked ahead, talking earnestly between themselves while the rest of us followed.
We caught the early showing and I found myself sitting between Wendy and Zelda. Near the end of the movie, when the two main characters mixed it up in a showdown, I felt Zelda clutching my hand and tucking her face into my chest. When the lights came on her hands were still gripping mine. She raised her head off my chest, looking sheepish.
I offered to take Wendy back to her dorm. She glanced at her brother before accepting the ride. We were saying goodnight when Laura said we were all welcome to come to their house for pizza and beer the next Friday night. "Bring Charlie," she said to me and I told her I would let him know about her offer.
As we walked to the car I considered Laura's invitation. It would certainly be better than trying to eat at the pizza shop. Why was she taking over the Friday night get-togethers? Was she reading my mind? Without Shirley to help out I was lost. Also, Laura was the only one of us old enough to purchase beer. I was glad that she was taking over.
Zelda held the door open and Wendy took her place in the back seat. When we got to campus Zelda directed me to Wendy's dorm. I got out and walked her to the entrance. She thanked me for the ride and, almost as an afterthought, "You will remember to invite Charlie next week, won't you?" I assured her that I would.
Although I was able to park in front of the entrance at Zelda's dorm, I guess she expected me to give her the same treatment as I had given Wendy. I walked around the car and opened the door for her and saw her to the door. "Would you like to come up to my room?" she asked.
How was I going to make her understand this was not a date? "Your roommate may already be in bed," I said, knowing how ridiculous it sounded. It was not yet ten o'clock.
"She wouldn't dare," Zelda countered.
"I better go. Maybe I'll see you at the courts," I said, backing away. She caught up with me and I felt her breasts against my chest just as she planted a kiss on my lips. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her and let her dart her tongue between my lips. For seventeen, she was an accomplished kisser. I felt my cock growing.
"Are you sure you don't want to come upstairs," she asked.
"I've really got to get some sleep tonight," I said, backing away, hoping I wouldn't need to go into detail about how I had been robbed of sleep the last two nights.
Reluctantly, she smiled and turned to the door. "Goodnight, I'll see you at the courts," she said.
The next day when I spoke to Marcie, she listened to my account of playing tennis, going to the movies and taking Zelda to her dorm. "What are you leaving out?" she asked.
"She wanted me to go up to her room with her, but..."
"You're dawdling, Oldham!"
"You're being evasive. What are you not telling me?"
My mind raced. Since we had last been together my life was a series of scandals. I couldn't tell her about my night with Loretta. She would be hurt that I would fuck a thirty-year-old Mexican woman when I had avoided having sex with her. I couldn't tell her that I had fucked Sheila, a forty-two-year-old married woman. It would make Marcie feel rejected. And I couldn't tell her that I had slept with one eye open because Charlie had implied, "Watch your back!" that he would jump me the first chance he got.
"Charlie's feeling sorry for himself. He had an automobile accident and his mother brought him back to school," I said, supplying some news that I knew would interest her.
"That's too bad," she said.
"Debra was with him. She got hurt and her parents won't let her talk to him."
"Was... was alcohol involved?"
"Yes, he may be in trouble. He's without a car and resents me."
"Why on earth would he resent you?"
"I think he resents me for being generous. I pay all the bills. He lives here free, without contributing to the rent or food."
"Why don't you throw him out?"
"I can't. His mother asked me to look out for him."
"Poor Sammy, I'm sorry I blamed you for holding out on me."
She was eating it up and I hadn't lied. Well, the reason that Charlie resented me was not exactly accurate. I steered the conversation to what she was doing, but ended the call hating myself. Perhaps it would have been better to level with her, tell her about Loretta, Sheila and that Charlie had warned me to 'watch my back'.
I visited Luke and found that sales of the study desk had fallen off. He said decrease in demand for the desk was due to graduating seniors parting with their desks at half the original price. I told him that I would like to ship a desk to Marcie and he suggested that we produce a knock-down model that could be assembled by almost anyone. I told him it sounded like a good plan and left, feeling downhearted that sales of the desk had diminished. It meant K.O.'s education account would suffer.
Staying on guard, waiting for Charlie to strike, didn't appeal to me at all. I didn't want to put a lock on my door because it would make it look obvious that I had taken his threat seriously. I needed a means of waking if he came into my room while I was asleep. On the way back to the apartment I bought a bicycle bell like I remembered having on my bicycle when I was a kid. The ring was loud enough to wake me.
I mounted the bell on the molding above the door and attached the trigger to the door itself. The trigger was cut from a wooden dowel. I was pleased with the way it worked. All I had to do was to remember to cock the trigger with the dowel before going to bed and take it out when I left the room...
For the most part, Charlie kept to himself and I seldom saw him. If he knew about the bell on my door he didn't let on. When we did see each other he would make a cryptic remark in passing, usually repeating what he had said before, "Watch your back".
Once, when he said, "I saw you," I asked him what he meant and he answered with, "Watch your back".
I could tell that whatever he saw was really eating at him and I would have liked to resolve it because it was eating at me too. I left a note on his door. 'Pizza and beer will be at Kent and Skip's house Friday night. Everyone's expecting you to be there'.
School started and I settled into a routine, attending classes, studying and missing Shirley. Although I had avoided Zelda and the tennis courts, I was looking forward to Friday. I sent word through Kent that I would pick up the two freshmen.
Laura donated the beer and made sure the younger girls drank soft drinks. Kent paid for the pizzas. They said it was their way of paying me back for hosting the parties last year. I corrected them. "Shirley managed the food budget and Tammy bought the beer. I just paid the rent."
Everyone asked about Charlie. I told them I would convey their concern to him. So far, I hadn't told anyone about his strange behavior. That would require my admitting that I knew what was bothering him.
We talked about our classes while the two freshmen listened and took everything in. Laura told us that she was taking one of Professor Edison's history classes and I mentioned that I was in his wife's class.
"Is she pretty? He's a hunk," Laura said.
"Not that I've noticed," I said, wondering if we were talking about the same couple. "I would never have guessed that she could attract a hunk."
"Describe her," Zelda said and everyone echoed her request.
"Mrs. Edison is thirty-one, five feet, seven inches tall, one hundred and seventeen pounds, thirty-three, twenty-six, thirty-six, alternates the use of bifocals and contacts, wears her salt and pepper hair in a bun, smokes Lucky Strike cigarettes and safeguards her seldom-used diaphragm on a chain around her neck."
The reactions to my description of Mrs. Edison were mixed. Skip applauded and Kent joined him. Laura said, "No more beer for you." Amy snickered, saying it must be the full moon and Wendy sat open-mouthed in dismay. Zelda, whose idea it was that I describe my instructor, jumped into my lap, aggressively kissed me and announced that I was going to be a great hit when she took me home to meet her family.
After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...
After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...
Straight SexHis name was Charlie and I’d known him forever, or so it seemed. We were kids when we first laid eyes on each other; only just entering adolescence and for about ten years or so, we remained very much in love. I can’t begin to describe the closeness and affection that grew alongside us all those years ago, and I can only put to words the affirmation of this and hope dearly that you’ll understand what it means to truly love someone, as I did Charlie. We were in love, yes, I’ll say it again and...
Gay MaleChapter six—Tina & Carla do Charlie If you haven’t read the first five chapters, you should, otherwise it will just be too confusing. Mark was in heaven. He was making love to the third member of the “Terrific Trio,” a nick name used to describe the three most beautiful girls in school. The three had decided to share him as their boy friend and lover. He had already fucked Beth and Jen. Moreover, his sister Teeny and her best friend Carla had seduced him and used him to learn as much...
This is a sequel to Cupids Revenge co-authored by DG Hear and myself. Please read that story first for background. Again I want to thank Techsan for editing this story. Prelude The death dealer stood in the doorway, rocking back and forth on his feet. A hard man of no conscience, he mused once again what a great business selling drugs had become: you just had to get them hooked and they were forever customers … until they died. And they always died. Lighting up a smelly black cheroot he...
Charlie was one man who really lived up to his name sake. He personified both "good luck Charlie and "hard luck Charlie" in his life. However, what he lived the most was the song Good Time Charlie's got the Blues. It wasn't always like that though. At first, it seemed like he had it made right from birth. Charlie was born to a wealthy investor and a woman who not only had a successful modeling career, but was often sought after to perform in various commercials. Even though most of them...
It’s dusk and it’s raining, the sky is dark and brooding. We climb out of our taxi and head towards the upmarket restaurant. I’m wearing a long black coat, hot pink heels, black stockings and under my coat is my pvc corset and short, black pencil skirt with suspenders. I am wearing my collar. This is not a romantic dinner. My hair is pink and down, my makeup dark and heavy, my lips dark too. You are wearing your deadliest black suit with a hot pink tie that draws the eye up your body to your...
It’s dusk and it’s raining, the sky is dark and brooding. We climb out of our taxi and head towards the upmarket restaurant. I’m wearing a long black coat, hot pink heels, black stockings and under my coat is my pvc corset and short, black pencil skirt with suspenders. I am wearing my collar. This is not a romantic dinner. My hair is pink and down, my makeup dark and heavy, my lips dark too. You are wearing your deadliest black suit with a hot pink tie that draws the eye up your body to your...
CuckoldDid Ginger Make Charlie by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The story covers a history of changes that Charlie experienced with Ginger after that first night. MadQuill Three weeks later I was heading out to shop with Thelma at the nearby Mall. She had suggested that the day would be spent looking at and possibly buying some new shoes and accessories. I had a small amount of cash and was anxious. "I've got a few friends who...
'Charlie! What are you doing here?' She cried, John still holding her, his thumbs moving softly over the outer curve of her breasts. The old man looked at her, at John's fondling of her and spoke. 'It were your John here wot found me. He told me you'd told him all about me and how I looked after you when you was just a kid.' He looked at her, his eyes on John's hands. 'You've turned out a right pretty lass!' His eyes moved slowly down her body, renewing his early acquaintance with...
It felt quite natural to be on the move again. My initial flurry of sexual encounters with women had lasted but a short two weeks before I suffered a two month long dry spell. I was in no danger of falling into depression over it, but I was wondering what had happened to the magic. Pattie Monahan had solved all that. As I looked in the rear-view mirror of my Outback, I was imagining I could see her standing there, waving goodbye to me. Our little fling had lasted four nights, broken up over...
I had been feeling horny all day. The problem was that there was never the opportunity to whip out my cock and jerk off, at least not without getting myself arrested for indecent exposure. It wasn’t helping my situation one little bit when I sat down to eat my lunch. Across from me was an older gentleman who happened to be wearing shorts. I am always on the lookout for some nice cock and balls that may be outline in their clothing. This time, I was not disappointed. There in front of me was a...
Charlie was looking across the coffee shop longingly. God he’s just SO hot! she was thinking to herself. She got off whilst thinking about him all the time, yesterday had been amazing. She had sat in her comfy grey chair outside of the coffee shop, and discretely rubbed herself until she came – right there in the middle of the school. She had managed to justify it however – she was a 16 year old girl, she was horny all the time! Of course it had to be the same for the others… didn’t it? The...
Charlie was looking across the coffee shop longingly. God he's just SOhot! she was thinking to herself. She got off whilst thinking about himall the time, yesterday had been amazing. She had sat in her comfy greychair outside of the coffee shop, and discretely rubbed herself until shecame - right there in the middle of the school. She had managed to justifyit however - she was a 16 year old girl, she was horny all the time! Ofcourse it had to be the same for the others... didn't it? The...
Time Stands Still Chapter Ten: Uncle Charlie By 11:00 a.m. Jennifer stopped and looked straight at me. She was horrified. "Someone shot their dog? Who would do a thing like that? What kind of animal shoots a family's dog?" After kissing Jennifer and promising that I'd think about a partnership, I headed downtown. I had some restaurant business to take care of. After riding on the freeway and in to the city for about five blocks, I arrived at my destination. I...
Alexandra was horny as a skunk. Of course she was always eager to get back to David at this time of day, but for the last hour it had gotten bad. A warm glow welled up from her crotch that made her mind dreamy and unfocused. Regardless of the raised eyebrows among the women on her staff, she would have rushed back to David if Claire hadn't asked her to see Charlie Roemer, for what she didn't even know. She didn't realize just how horny she was, though, until Charlie turned up. She...
I feel like writing another fantasy. over the last 2 years, I have come to realise, that I am the only person, that has yet to see the movie top gun. it's not my first movie pick but it wasnt as boring as some of the other movies I have watched. my only complaint is that, in the locker room scene, no matter how Maverick stands, leans, moves, that darn towel stays on :-p Charlie, as I will call myself, (from the movie) showed up to Maverick's (insert one of my doms here) house in a long...
Introduction: A short story, with no sequel, of young love. Enjoy My name is Charlie. Im a 65 year old widower, living in an assisted care facility. I have lived here ever since I suffered a stroke, and now have only three months or so to live. They found I had lung cancer about a month ago. I had let it go for so long that, by the time they discovered it, it has spread throughout my body, causing my stroke, and leaving me an invalid in this house. So they said to make any arrangements I needed...
Prelude The death dealer stood in the doorway, rocking back and forth on his feet. A hard man of no conscience, he mused once again what a great business selling drugs had become: you just had to get them hooked and they were forever customers ... until they died. And they always died. Lighting up a smelly black cheroot he thought he saw a ghost of movement on the rooftop across the street. Being in a chancy business he was always cautious, and blowing out the match, he backed deeper in the...
I know I should’ve quit smoking years ago. I tried, but to no avail. After my wife of 40 years passed away four years ago, I guess I just let myself go and really didn’t give a shit any longer. Well, I guess, now I have to pay for it. As my Pastor says, “Charlie, you’ll quit some day, even if it’s after you die, you’ll quit.” Needless to say, I’ve done a lot of soul searching this past month. Hell, I can’t do much else. I sit here at this computer, typing slowly with one good hand....
I'm short 5'4 I have a little meat on me I have died hair black with 2 red strips that seporate in to sections, I have black eye cantacts and huge 48DDD breasts I was wearing a blue mini skirt, with a white t-shirt. I'm hot well thats what I think. Charlie is 5'6, huskey like he should have been on the football team and he was hairy he was wearing his usual jeans, a wife beater, and a green and blue button up shirt that he never buttoned. He closed and locked the when he came in, he...
Introduction: This is a true story and Im writing it mostly to wrap my head around all the thoughts going through my head. A.N. All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens. Just a heads up there isnt any sex in this one For a few months now, I have realized that I am more attracted towards guys than I thought possible. I have had occasional girlfriends in the past but it never really did much for...
STORY OF CHARLIE I checked in the full length hall mirror before leaving the house. I was more than happy with the way I look. I locked the front door and strolled down the drive to my car, I got in and backed out of the driveway, no need to change my shoes, these are only three inch heels. As I drive to the railway station to catch my train to London. I smiled to myself realizing how much enjoyment I now get out of life. I am wearing a simple navy three quarter sleeve jersey dress,...
I lay on a blanket in the grass, sun reflecting off my black sunglasses and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. "I'm so nervous!" I said. "Really? It's just dinner and a movie, right? What's there to be nervous about!" replied Monica lying next to me on the blanket. She was looking for shapes in the clouds floating by in the sky as we waited."No, he said dinner and a show. I think it's not a movie he has planned for us. But what kind of show is the question," I explained to her. I slid...
Straight SexHave you ever been swept off your feet? Been thrown over a shoulder? Felt the ecstasy of having your body ravished? I have and this is my story . (My first story.)I was almost 19 and it was a cool autumn evening driving our friend Harry home from work. My friend Kate was in the passenger seat as usual. She could not drive a stick shift well on the wet valley back roads. So, I was driving her car and Harry chattering away about his older brother moving in w/ him for awhile. I didn't pay him much...
Straight SexIntroduction: Story Written By … Edited by me. This is the story of the first time I tried to seduce someone. Im an intern in a small office with a mostly older staff. Id been working there part time for about a year, when they filled the new office manager position with an outside hire. Charlie was 40ish, bearded, bespectacled and a little heavy around the middle, but I wanted him so badly from the moment I was introduced to him. I cant tell you why, but...
The day after Charlie Ford's evening visit, Katie walked back to her car, chatting to one of the other ladies from the early morning bathing session. "I can see you are a pretty confirmed naturist, my dear!" "You what?" Katie was confused. "That lovely over all sun tan, you silly! What tropical paradise have you been to, showing the locals your special talents!!" Katie could not deceive this sweet old dear and explained herself. "You don't know who I am, do you? Well you must...
I lay on a blanket in the grass, sun reflecting off my black sunglasses and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. ‘I’m so nervous!’ I said. ‘Really? It’s just dinner and a movie, right? What’s there to be nervous about!’ replied Monica lying next to me on the blanket. She was looking for shapes in the clouds floating by in the sky as we waited. ‘No, he said dinner and a show. I think it’s not a movie he has planned for us. But what kind of show is the question,’ I explained to her. I...
(Credit to Incase for the cover art.) You were finally moving away from home! Hallelujah! Goodbye small town thinking and boring familiarity. You were off to the big city, you were off to college, you were out on your own for the first time ever. It was time for higher learning and expanding horizons. You simply could not wait. This last year back home had been claustrophobic. You had decided to wait a year after graduating in order to wait for your girlfriend Samantha, who was a year behind...
TranssexualPoor Charlie, a 21 year old gelded pinto. This was looking like his last winter. Not necessarily lame, and not truly blind, he was just old. Charley was nine and she was six when the pinto was given to her. The Richeys bought him for their daughter, unaware he had one trick. He came to a whistle. Otherwise, he could run like Hell for a quarter mile and stop dead, switching ends and kicking with both feet, like a mule. A pretty penny they paid for a small horse that damn near killed their only...
They arrived at Charlie as the sun was setting. A twelve-foot wall ringed the outpost, the comms center and guard towers rising above them. They had put up Hesco bastions around the base of the wall to protect it from explosives, mesh and fabric containers that could be filled with dirt and gravel to act as sandbags. They did a pretty good job of stopping projectile weapons and shrapnel. The group approached the fortified entrance, concrete barriers shielding the two guards who were on duty,...
To Hell and Back. The book was the first I had read in some time. I looked at it on the floor, it’s spine demolished after the first readthrough, marred with highlights and underlines throughout. I stared at it, having made up my mind. I knew I needed help and I was going to get it; however, I was still the same stubborn jackass and was determined to do as much as I could by myself.Emily stared at me with a look of concern, her fingers absentmindedly stroking the handcuffs that she was holding....
BisexualHave you ever been swept off your feet? Been thrown over a shoulder? Felt the ecstasy of having your body ravished? I have and this is my story . (My first story.) I was almost 19 and it was a cool autumn evening driving our friend Harry home from work. My friend Kate was in the passenger seat as usual. She could not drive a stick shift well on the wet valley back roads. So, I was driving her car and Harry chattering away about his older brother moving in w/ him for awhile. I didn’t pay him...
The story that I'm about to tell you is true, as to the basic facts. I have changed the names of the people, the town, and the motel, so that where this happened, and who the people are, will not be evident to those who know this family. The year is 1962. The yearly wage for a policeman or an insurance adjuster is five thousand, two hundred dollars a year. A top salesman for a company such a Dow Chemical would make ten thousand. Charles and Lynn Van Hoven liveed in Jamestown, New York. Both...
I hadn't made any plans for my birthday, but Dad and Mom surprised me that morning with a very unexpected gift, a car. It was small, a four-cylinder two-door Chevy, but it was mine. Dad said it was my reward for pulling down good grades in spite of the turmoil at school. He also warned me not to go anywhere by myself, especially away from the public eye. My relationship with Tammy had grown very close; we were almost like sisters. We both felt that our "One True Love" was waiting out...
The new neighbors, Jen and Bob, moved in on a Saturday. My wife looked out the window and saw them unloading their truck. She called me over and told me to go over and see if I could help.I walked over and introduced myself to Bob. He gave me a big smile and accepted my invitation to help. With the first piece of furniture, it was clear he was much stronger than I was. He lifted his end of the sofa with ease, his biceps bulging under his shirt, as I struggled on my end. But, he was...
Charlie’s was busy, but then it was Friday and Charlie’s was always busy on Friday’s. He sat at the bar looking around at the chaos that was swirling around the room. There was the usual mix of workers. Normal 9 to 5 types, their work done and there were retail workers, finished for the day and pretending for now that they did not have to go back to work in the morning. Michael took it all in, the wage slaves paying for drinks for the women that flocked to Charlie’s for just that reason. He...
Charlie’s was a gay bar or a gay hang out, in any case I knew where it was and had thought about checking it out but never had the nerve to go. However, several girls that were in the group were up to going, so I felt it was a good opportunity to go check it out since there was going to be a group of us. As we all headed over to Charlie’s, we decided to Uber, which I thought was a great idea, and as we all started to show up at the bar and go in, we felt a little out of place. We did...
Charlie's was busy, but then it was Friday and Charlie's was always busy on Friday's. He sat at the bar looking around at the chaos that was swirling around the room. There was the usual mix of workers. Normal 9 to 5 types, their work done and there were retail workers, finished for the day and pretending for now that they did not have to go back to work in the morning. Michael took it all in, the wage slaves paying for drinks for the women that flocked to Charlie's for just that reason. He...
My wife, Karen , is 32, 5ft 2” 130 pounds with long straigt blonde hair, athletic legs and a beautiful sexy ass and perky 32C tits. We have been married for years and have a very active sex life. We have always discussed and acted out as many of each others fantasies as possible and this is the story of one of Karen’s and my own, longest standing fantasies and how it came true a few months ago.My wife has always known that I love to see her getting fucked by other men and she loves as much cock...
Jacob and Holly were more than a little overwhelmed by the events of the previous evening. Holly had the time of her life but also realized that she had gone way too far after fucking the men Jacob had arranged for her. Stopping at the adult theater and fucking whomever was over the top and she apologized to Jacob for pushing it beyond their agreement. He was forgiving, but was also a little perturbed by her behavior and really thought they needed to rethink their choices in lifestyles. But...
– 48 years old – 100% amateur first time doing porn – Loves younger dudes with endless rock hard cocks – During sex she likes it rough and loves to be choked out – Often fantasizes about two guys gang banging her rough – Loves anal sex just as much as vaginal. Makes her squirt – Of course, I banged her ass really good – Gets hit on by younger guys out in public, fucks them sometimes – Youngest she has been with is a 21 year old guy – Likes going to strip clubs and swinger parties – She has a...
xmoviesforyouThe Problem Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As I ran my hands down my body I felt the soft silky blouse, the soft swell of my breasts, saw my legs and the short skirt. Grinning, I once again checked the mirror, then pulled my shoulders back as I opened the door. With a smile on my face I entered the room, calmly walking over to the chair. I smoothed the skirt as I sat down, looking across at my guest. The look on his face was one of awe and shock. "Damn!" "What?" I...
October 30, 2006, the blaring hip-hop and R&B music blended smoothly with the energy of the hundred costumed bodies at my Halloween Masquerade Ball at the Cipriani in Wall Street. The dance floor was packed. It was hard to move in the club but everybody was having a great time. Photographers from my Goodfella$ magazine ran around snapping pictures and mingled with my guests. I was dressed in a shiny red Versace suit, identical to the one Puff Daddy wore in one of his videos, being an observant....
My wife was a bit nervous and asked me about the sex that was expected of her. Valid questions like how many times each guy is allowed to fuck her. And how many times does she have to suck on each guys cock. I told her to use her imagination and go with her instincts. Then I added, it’s a bachelor party and you’re their entertainment for the evening. Plan on multiple times with most guys that have the stamina to do just that, many times over and then some I would think. She replied “I guess so,...
Boy ScoutWhen I was in the ScoutsThis happened to me back in the early eighties, I was a member of my local Boy Scouts group. Once a year we had to raise some money for charity by carrying out chores in the neighborhood.I knocked on all the doors up the street that I lived along. I had a few jobs, cutting grass, washing cars, running to the shops etc. I still needed to make a little bit more as we all had targets. I arrived at number 23, my parents have always said to keep away from this House....
"My God, Andre!" shouted Margo with absolute glee as she looked into the mirror the following morning. "Wha... ?" "Look!" she cried, running to the bed to show him. "Your ... your hair!" the stunned son gaped. "White as the driven snow!" she beamed. "Do you realize what this means? You're not sterile after all. We had all simply assumed ... but now ... oh, Andre, I'm carrying your child!" "It would seem so." "Perhaps you have a chance with Justine after all." "I...
Talking around the situation with Di reduced the tension Jason felt. They dried off, drove home, and slipped into a quiet Sunday listening to music as he helped her fold their clean clothes. His phone rang after a lunch of soup and sandwiches and he saw Lauren's name on the display. "Hey sis," Jason said as he placed a folded undershirt on the stack sitting on the coffee table. "Wha'sup my brotha?" she sang in a fake accent. "Not much," he sang back at her. "Wha'sup witchoo?" Di...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of advance readers and editors, especially Dragonsweb & The OldFart If they made me a king, I'd be but a slave to you, If I had everything, I'd still be a slave to you. If I ruled the night, stars and moon so bright, Still I'd turn for light to you. If the world to me bowed, yet humbly I cling to you. If my friends were a crowd, I'd turn on my knees to you. If I ruled the earth, what would life be worth, If I hadn't the right to you. The music was...
One afternoon i had ta leave for work a little earlier than normal because i had some errands I had to run. Getting my clothes together for a shower i asked my step-daughter if she needed ta go before i got in she said she didn't and i was in.I couldn't have been uner the water more than 3 minutes whne i heard her come in and say she was wrong hearing the water run made her need to which was nothing new it always did happen. I just politely told her not to flush that I would take care of it...
Wet Dream - Part III By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Part 3 of 3 XXX smut that will be updated from time to time with new chapters. Each chapter will feature a different scenario, and the table of contents will tag each chapter with keywords and cup-size so you can skip and read at your leisure. I will attempt to write each chapter so that they can be skipped if desired, but with an underlying plot for those that wish...
Three things happened very quickly that changed the situation considerably. Kendall was promoted to account executive, a move everybody had expected for a long time, and I was promoted to Kendall's old job, a move I for one had not expected, but it meant I got a substantial raise and Kendall was no longer my boss. And then Kendall was sent away to Northwestern University for a two-week seminar. Kendall's plane was barely in the air on that Monday in May when Karen called me. "There's...
Hi friends, i am avinash sharma (changed name). I am a regular reader of iss. Well i am a medical student and i am doing mbbs. I am studying in moscow (russia). Well i am from raipur chhattisgarh. I am 26 years old, height 5’8”. Sorry there is a lots of hindi readers that’s why now i am writing in hindi. If u peoples wanna this story in english………than mail me…… To dosto main yahan russia me study karta hoon…..aaj mujhe russia me 6 saal hone ko hai…kyonki yahan par mbbs course 6th year ka hota...
Bill stood there a smile on his face as he watched Patrick Sherwood. He was tending the two large hot plates of his home made brick barbecue. Both were filled to overflowing with chops, sausages, hamburgers, chicken pieces and steaks. In one hand he held a pair of long tongs that he was using to turn the meat, in his other hand he held a VB (Victoria Bitter — a beer from the renowned Carlton and United Brewery). The beer while tending the barbecue was the right of the cook, it went hand in...
It all started innocently enough; it had been a very warm day, so after dinner, we went for a walk along the beach.It was a beautiful night, balmy and not a breath of a breeze, and so we ambled along for quite a distance before turning to go back home. Some way along, my wife Margie decided that she needed the toilet, and so, knowing that there were change rooms and toilets spaced at intervals all along the beach road, we made our way over the dunes and found a toilet block.Everything was quiet...
At 18 I was a senior in HS. The first day of class I discovered that my best friend who had graduated the spring before had been secretly fucking my ex girlfriend since February(we broke up in December). I was pissed, not because he was fucking her, but because my best b*o had lied to me. I couldn't believe he had lied. Anyways, the entire time they were fucking, we had still been sleeping together irregularly so I still had stuff at her house.( She lied to him and told him that I had just...
Carl and Stephanie were invited to her friend Brenda’s annual Halloween party. They were both trying to decide what costumes to wear that would be both fun and sexy at the same time, costumes that allowed easy access to each other, but kept them anonymous. Carl is not much for costume parties and has always chosen to stay home, but this year he was going to go until a last minute phone call from a buyer changed his plans. Stephanie always wears a sexy costume and Carl has fun teasing her...
Mera nam sandy(name change), Guwahati mai parhai k silsile rahta hu..Mera age 21.. B.A kar rha hu.. Ye story aj se 6-7 months pehle ki matlab august ki hai .. Mai yaha rent house pe rehta hu .. 2 room aur 1 kitchen hai..Mere sath ak cook v rehte hai..Kavi kavi wo nhi rehte .. Un dino cook 3 days se nhi tha mere room mai..Wo kuch kam k silsile 1 week k liye bahar gaya tha.. Wo matlab aunty meri chote uncle ki wife thi..Age 29, size – 32/36/34 hai..Dekhne mai v bohot achi thi ..Puri sexy...