Did Ginger Make Charlie free porn video

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Did Ginger Make Charlie by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The story covers a history of changes that Charlie experienced with Ginger after that first night. MadQuill Three weeks later I was heading out to shop with Thelma at the nearby Mall. She had suggested that the day would be spent looking at and possibly buying some new shoes and accessories. I had a small amount of cash and was anxious. "I've got a few friends who work at the stores. One woman works at the lingerie store we'll visit and Sheila is a manager at Aldos. She'll help us by applying her Employee Discount. Come on Charlie. You look too cute to stay in today." I was anxious every time I ventured outside. She was wearing a pair of black leather pants that were so tight I could see the indent of her Venus mound and of course when she turned her ass cleft was well defined by the material tautly conforming to her body. The black heels were way too tall for me. She was so lovely. "I can't believe the work it takes for you to get into those Thelma!" She was a yard away reviewing herself in front of the mirror. "Charlie that print dress does look good on you. I explained that we're not in a troop so we simply can't be dressed alike. Besides I only have one pair of these pants. You're lucky that Ginger agreed to share the new girl in her life with me. The subtle changes to your makeup details make a huge difference. You don't pass like a boy now. You look like a 'doe' now." She kissed my cheek when I came beside her at the mirror. "Come on, let's get going cutie," she said. Her friends various discounts saved us both hundreds of dollars. She insisted on buying many small items for me and I came home to Ginger's with a bounty. "I'm in the toilet girls. I'll be there is a minute. I want to see Charlie in the new pants and the five inch heels!" The strapped heels were only four and a half inches and Thelma had pushed me to get a pair of faux leather leggings. Even with help I couldn't get the sexy pants on easily. Ginger came out wearing a loose jean and she was barefoot. Yet her face looked gorgeous. She came to me and bending at the waist kissed me. "The pants are worth the effort Charlie. Just keep slipping and pulling. Wow Thelma, how did she afford that heel?" "Charlie has slightly bigger feet as I do and I learned how to review the discount table long ago; thirty-two bucks." "But my pair cost me over a one-fifty only two weeks ago?" Ginger went to her wardrobe and returned with a pair matching my new ones. "Life isn't always fair Ging, help Charlie with the waist okay?" The trip had included my ear piercing. "Those look cute in her ears. Was it painful?" I smiled. "Not at all Ginger. How did the doctor appointment go?" "She says I just need a different prescription. The new pills are ready at the drugstore. We'll stop on the way to work then?" Thelma said as I moved to the mirror, "Great fit Charlie." Ginger stood and pulled Thelma beside me. "Look how beautiful my two lovers are! Two tightly wrapped bums," as she shifted us about laughing. Thelma teased. "Let's get into bed then girls," but Ginger was in charge now. "No way can I get sexy for you two. I'm on at five this evening and Charlie has a shift too." I had quit the Inn following my revelation at Ginger's hand. After tens days and my cash getting thin she suggested I could try her old position at a medium priced restaurant down the street. It was more casual but our schedules seemed to coincide making it possible for me to avoid driving while not being dressed as a boy. I didn't need a cop causing a problem. The Place on the Park was a great little bistro with a popular bar as well. Being a hostess and bar server brought in more than twice what I had getting at the Inn. At the time Ginger suggested. "You can use many of my outfits from my stint there. No one will notice." The only problem was Ginger had left because of bothersome attention from one of the staff. He wasn't a head of the place but was second in-charge. "If he even comes near you Charlie let me know. I'll call his boss and he'll be spinning. Two reports of harassment would get him fired." The idea that Sam would make a pass was ludicrous. I didn't have Ginger's charms! Besides Thelma had suggested I use a pair of glasses to help conceal my facial structure. "She looks very good but watch what happens when I put these on Charlie." She was correct. The affect of the subtle shadow on my face meant that the other details of my face and head were less clear. The lenses were just clear glass. "I've used this device to reduce the number of passes made on me at one of the bars I used to work. Girls wearing glasses you know," Thelma said. That evening I got off early at ten though and was walking toward the Inn to meet Ginger. It was only a quarter of a mile and I'd worn a low wedge shoe tonight. A car slowed alongside the walk but I didn't pay any attention nor look to see whom it was. The girls had trained me to ignore obvious attention from leches. "Do you need a ride home Charlie?" It was Sam in his little bimmer. The window on the passenger side was down and I spoke as I continued to walk toward the Inn. I considered my alternatives. "No I'm find and the friend I'm meeting is just up the street." He didn't drive off but said, "Could that be Ginger? She works at the Inn." Now I was stuck. She had advised me to minimize the people who knew I was her friend. At least until now I hadn't had to share the information with anyone at the Place on the Park. I came up with a response quickly. "Sam I'm with someone and therefore though it's nice that you're interested in me I can't say the same. Please respect my privacy and I'll respect yours okay?" This seemed to work. "Sure thing Babe. I'll just move along." He sped away and I didn't think anymore about the incident. I also didn't mention it to Ginger nor Thelma. - - - - - - My education had been Ginger's joy since that first evening and I had come to realize that she was a better judge of all things regarding Charlie than I could be. Therefore the omission of the conversation with Sam was crazy. Why was I now thinking of superseding her control and vision? - - - - - - After Ginger had dress me that first time we had slept together. She insisted that I needed to be taught to pleasure her body. I didn't orgasm with her for nearly a week. "If you get my pleasure correct yours will be a lot more intense Charlie. Playing like girls do will take some time and I'm willing to teach you. So first and always keep your tongue soft and your fingers moist. Lick me gently until it's obvious I'm coming." By the third night of dressing and loving her I was able to get her to peak without her intervening. She loved to lick my face clean after her orgasms! The needs of my lover became more important each of those first days. I say days because we didn't get out of bed the fourth day until after she had come three times. Her toys were so varied that I almost considered writing notes. "This one is an insertable but we won't play with it for several weeks. Here, I want this long thin pink one buried in my ass." This was prefaced by her instruction on keeping clean. "Your tongue will appreciate my clean little hole. I expect the same from my lover." As I moved close to moisten her bottom I asked, "Your cleft has no hair. Can you shave me like this?" The toy slipped into her tight canal and I helped bring her to orgasm again. Later she told me, "Women who enjoy sex eventually find they can enjoy anal. It can't be rushed Charlie and having a clean back door is essential. I love your tongue in my bottom and I want you to enjoy mine there in yours." - - - - - - - The actual shaving was very intimate. "Someday I will be deep inside you Charlie." Ginger insisted that first week I spend watching her going everything. "Maybe you'll better understand how a woman lives by observing the routines we take for granted. It will be fun too Charlie, playing a 'shadow' like from the play "Peter Pan"." We spoke of the gender shift that was at the core of that character. Ginger wondered about the author Barrie's sexuality and the transformation at the core of the story. "I'll never grow up? That's what I mean. Peter will control his 'changes'. It's obvious to me why they used females in the roles over the years." I wasn't so sure having been in a Lit class two years earlier with a professor who'd written her dissertation on the play. "I believe the casting was due to the labor laws back near the turn of the century in London." "Don't get technical Charlie. It's just a great story. I'm just suggesting that you can use the shadow idea to help make these changes a little easier." She came to me and we hugged. "So I mimic you, doing the dishes, brushing your beautiful long hair, putting on your bra?" She smirked and said. "I've got to pee. You come and watch. You'll learn something I'm sure." I did and I listened as she released the urine. "It's so quiet compared to my habit." "And a lot less messy. I love cock as much as any girl but those damn things have made a mess out of the world." - - - - - - - Near the end of the first week with Ginger I was in the second bedroom using the desktop CPU when I hear voices. It was Thelma at the door. "So where are you hiding him, oh, I should've said 'her' correct?" I stepped into the front room wearing a simple dress and flats but with full makeup and a wig. "Hello Thelma." She saw me immediately and ran across the wood floor, her heels clicking. "Aren't you adorable Charlie! Ginger said it was remarkable, I mean you face and body were meant for this change." She hugged me with her face turned to avoid affecting her own makeup. "I'm on in twenty minutes sweetie. Ginger offered to let me see her new girlfriend. You look great, even nice boobs?" She looked toward Ginger. "I found them on-line over a week ago," Ginger quietly provided. I paused hearing this since it implied that she had bought the silicone falsies before the night I first stayed. I had wondered during the past five days how easily she had coopted me. The dresses and wigs were hers but our feet weren't close in size. Yet she had three pairs of heels that seemed to fit well. Now I was clear. She had set up that evening and initiated my girlhood. Thelma smiled and turned toward the door. "I'll be late if I get into the details now. Let's meet after work for a drink girls, here will be okay Ginger?" Ginger closed the door and walked over to where I stood. "Yes Charlie, I lead you to this. I didn't trick you. I knew you were meant for a different path. You are already a beauty and with a bit more training from Thelma and me you'll be perfect." I wondered if there was something inside my mind that would have found this alternative life independently. "Why did you select me Ginger? I can accept the notion that I'm a 'prettyboy'. There have been girls telling me that all of my life. Shit there have been guys implying that since my junior year when I didn't have to shave or what. How did you come to decide to make your life more complicated?" She was quiet, just listening. I turned away but encountered my image in the hall mirror. "I don't know Ginger. I do love being with you. Is this just a short-term masquerade though? I enjoy how smooth my body is and I clearing like wearing your clothes and sleeping with you but someone will find out. I can't fool everyone." She came to my side and I noticed her dress and cleavage. About her long neck she had a simple gold necklace. She smiled as my eyes reviewed her tightly fit black dress. "I saw this 'girl' the first time I met you. I didn't scheme to get you in my dressing room. But I did buy the appliances that make your body womanly Charlie. I wanted you in my bed, and your gender isn't an issue. I've slept with many more girls than men and I think I've got a right to choose. I'll be sad if you leave now. Selfish as I may sound I'm just getting started with my new girlfriend and won't let go easily." Her eyes were nearly at my level since she was wearing a tall pair of black pumps and she turned me and kissed me. Her soft tongue entered my mouth as her hand caressed my bottom. She reached into my thong panty and slipped the narrow panel material aside. Holding her fingertip at the pucker opening she said. "This is my next step. To have you filled up and screaming to climax. You haven't had an orgasm with me yet Charlie. Well, I haven't allowed a cock in my pussy for nearly a year either." This thought caused me anxiety. She was really not into my penis? "What about the toys, don't they count?" I asked as she moved about but didn't answer my question. Ginger hugged me and our breasts touched. She dropped to her knees. "Let's see if my girl has a need for release." As she lifted my dress I looked down to her face. Her eyes were smiling as her left hand shifted the thong that held my penis back and though soft was now near her mouth. With her right hand she touched it lightly as she moved close enough to kiss and lick the very tip. I moaned softly and she said. "Just like a girl. This soft clit is for me." She rolled her tongue across the head of my stiffing member and then ran up its length to my groin. Slowly she moved back to the head and lightly licked as I became fully erect. With her right hand at the base she licked slowly across the head again and again then slipped her moist tongue down to my testes as the finger again teased my opening. She seemed to relish the fact that I was stiff as her tongue moved slowly about the length and along the sides repeatedly. I trembled waiting to be engulfed in her warm mouth. "A girl loves her pussy licked this way Charlie; slowly and with passion. Enjoy this because it is your future. I want you to love my sweet holes like I'm loving your clit." As she said this her mouth and tongue engulf me. Covering my hard penis her lips reached nearly my groin. Then I realized how I was dress and her lesson made sense. I needed to love her body in the same way. I would learn to be slow and focus on her feelings and needs. It was a marvel how she slipped my clit past her throat and held me there. She had definitely done this before. But now I was the lucky one, the lucky girl. That's when I decided I was this girl Charlie and would remain so. I continued to watch her lovely me. She paused slightly and ran her tongue along the length then allowed my body to re-enter hers deeply. Her eyes looked up to mine and said, 'I'm loving this'. I almost lost it thinking of her sensual kiss but she softly said. "I love juice Charlie. Fill my mouth with your honey." I hadn't ever released into a lovers mouth but I couldn't stop and I came strongly. I almost lost balance but she kept her mouth on my clit and held my bottom. "That's a girl, sweet honey in my mouth." Standing Ginger kissed me. "We will share this too Charlie." To be continued, MadQuill

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Ginger and Cindy

Introduction: I was out of town on business when I was approached by her husband. I was just sitting there in the hotel restaurant in Wichita, Kansas minding my own business as I usually did when I was out of town on business. I had just finished my meal, paid my bill, and I was enjoying a nice glass of wine when he approached me.He said, “My wife wants you.”I asked, “For what?”He laughed softly and then he sat down at my table, leaned in a little closer, and said, “She wants you to fuck her...

2 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 5

Gary woke up slowly. His head was pounding and his entire body was in pain. He groaned and heard footsteps. He saw his mother standing over him with a very worried look on her face. “Gary ... oh Gary...” Alice began to cry. She stroked his hair. “Hey mom,” Gary gasped. “You need your pain medication?” Alice asked. Gary could only nod. The pain on his stomach was excruciating. “Let me call the nurse,” Alice said and pressed the button near the bed for a nurse to come assist. Within a few...

2 years ago
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I had been waiting for Saturday all week long. Mom took Mikey and went to a seminar, and my sister was out with her friends. I had the house all to myself, or so I thought. Anyway, I went out back to my weight pile for a quick workout.By the time I was finished with my workout, I was hot and the sweat was rolling off of my body, so I decided to take a shower to clean up. When I was finished, I put on just a pair of shorts. Since I was alone, I decided to get one of my porno tapes and watch it...

4 years ago
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WanderingPart 6 Charlie

It felt quite natural to be on the move again. My initial flurry of sexual encounters with women had lasted but a short two weeks before I suffered a two month long dry spell. I was in no danger of falling into depression over it, but I was wondering what had happened to the magic. Pattie Monahan had solved all that. As I looked in the rear-view mirror of my Outback, I was imagining I could see her standing there, waving goodbye to me. Our little fling had lasted four nights, broken up over...

2 years ago
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Encounter With Charlie

I had been feeling horny all day. The problem was that there was never the opportunity to whip out my cock and jerk off, at least not without getting myself arrested for indecent exposure. It wasn’t helping my situation one little bit when I sat down to eat my lunch. Across from me was an older gentleman who happened to be wearing shorts. I am always on the lookout for some nice cock and balls that may be outline in their clothing. This time, I was not disappointed. There in front of me was a...

3 years ago
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Having Ginger Back Home

It was just another hot, Florida Saturday for me. I was sitting in front of the TV like any other 17 year old k*d, flipping through the channels but somehow finding nothing to watch. I clicked off the boob tube, lay back on the couch, wearing just my boxers and wondered what exactly I should do that day.Even in high school, I stood 6 foot and weighed 170 pounds of muscle. I had short brown hair and blue eyes. I’d like to say I was popular with the girls at school, but that would be a lie. I...

4 years ago
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GingerChapter 3

Randall Adams lived about fifty miles from where Ginger and I first met at the beginning of summer. It was that much closer to Minneapolis. Ginger and I left Minneapolis to get to her father's before dinner that evening. He welcomed us with a kiss and a hug for Ginger and a handshake for me. Wendy, his wife, was ten years younger than he. The twins were just walking and excited to meet some new persons. They didn't remember Ginger and she hadn't seen them for awhile. Dinner was almost...

2 years ago
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GingerChapter 4

The next day, I was on pins and needles whenever I had a minute I wasn't concentrating on my work. Getting the presentation ready for our client was going well. Although I was inexperienced, many of my ideas were being incorporated. More than a normal person as young as I was could expect. When it was near the end of the day, rather than start on building a new visual, I headed for home. I parked my car and slowly made my way into the house. Mom and Ginger were in the kitchen preparing...

1 year ago
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Gary GingerChapter 4

Gary watched as Ginger got dressed. He was with her in the dressing room. The other girls were already out on the floor making their rounds. Ginger applied very little make up and dabbed a bit of perfume on her skin. “What?” She asked as she looked at Gary through the mirror. He stared, mesmerized by her beauty. “Nothing. Just that I love you.” Ginger turned around. “Oh do you now?” Gary nodded. “Does Brett know you’re in here with me instead of out there working?” She teased. “No, but...

1 year ago
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alex amy and charlie

Charlie was looking across the coffee shop longingly. God he’s just SO hot! she was thinking to herself. She got off whilst thinking about him all the time, yesterday had been amazing. She had sat in her comfy grey chair outside of the coffee shop, and discretely rubbed herself until she came – right there in the middle of the school. She had managed to justify it however – she was a 16 year old girl, she was horny all the time! Of course it had to be the same for the others… didn’t it? The...

2 years ago
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alex amy and charlie

Charlie was looking across the coffee shop longingly. God he's just SOhot! she was thinking to herself. She got off whilst thinking about himall the time, yesterday had been amazing. She had sat in her comfy greychair outside of the coffee shop, and discretely rubbed herself until shecame - right there in the middle of the school. She had managed to justifyit however - she was a 16 year old girl, she was horny all the time! Ofcourse it had to be the same for the others... didn't it? The...

1 year ago
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Reddit Ginger, aka r/Ginger! Some people have a certain kind of woman in mind which they deem as the ‘perfect woman’, and will fap to this kind of woman almost instantaneously because they’re THAT attracted to her for various reasons. Sometimes it’s because she reminds them of a certain ex-girlfriend which they’re still in love with, other times it’s because she looks an awful lot like their mother, and sometimes it’s because of personal preference.I know that there’s probably plenty of dudes...

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This just happened the other night and I'm still smiling. As you know, Ginger and I were lovers for many years, ever since we were y***g. We even lived together as lovers as adults. After a few years, she moved out to be with her lover, Cookie. A couple of days ago, my wife Janice got a call from Ginger. She was asking if she could stay with us for a few days. Her girlfriend Cookie was going to Boston to see her parents and Ginger didn't want to be alone. Janice told her to come on over. When...

2 years ago
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Janice is mind controlled and humiliated by Ginger part 4

The day had started like the previous few days. Janice was quietly singing to herself totally unaware of everything that had happened to her over the last few days. She was happy someone and she could not remember who had told her that to day was going to be a big day. David her son left the house and she was about to lock the door as she usually did but something told her to leave it unlocked. She walked through into the front room and stopped, she could not move, Janice tried to pick her...

3 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice part 7 humiliated by Ginger part 4

The day had started like the previous few days. Janice was quietly singing to herself totally unaware of everything that had happened to her over the last few days. She was happy someone and she could not remember who had told her that to day was going to be a big day. David her son left the house and she was about to lock the door as she usually did but something told her to leave it unlocked. She walked through into the front room and stopped, she could not move, Janice tried to pick her...

4 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 2

~One Week Later~ Gary knew he shouldn't have answered the phone but he always made the mistake of answering it without looking at the caller ID. "Gary. You will be meeting your mother and I for dinner this evening at eight o'clock at my house." Gary's grandmother, Ava, was on the phone sounding demanding as always. "Hi grandma," Gary said cheerfully. "Don't hi grandma me, you just show up for dinner. You're mother says you don't want to go back to school. Is this true...

1 year ago
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GingerChapter 5

From down on my side of the table came a question. "Do you have a sweetheart? You don't have a wedding ring on." I peered at the girl who asked. She appeared to be about Ginger's age. I laughed as I said, "Another difficult question. Am I fully committed? No not at this time, but I have a person in mind I hope to be committed to someday. She did some things for me that eased my mind while I was in England. When I first met her she needed help and at the time so did I. We helped each...

3 years ago
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JuniorChapter 17 Charlie

I was getting ready to go out when I looked up to see Charlie standing at my door. His eyes said it all; they conveyed anger, disgust and hatred, directed at me. "Hi, Charlie, what have you been up to?" I asked, trying to sound casual. "I'm putting you on notice, Oldham." "What do you mean by that?" "Watch your back!" "Huh?" I asked, pulling my pants up. He was gone. I followed him to his bedroom door, which he slammed in my face. "Charlie, you're going to have to tell me...

2 years ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Ten Uncle Charlie

Time Stands Still Chapter Ten: Uncle Charlie By r.gold 11:00 a.m. Jennifer stopped and looked straight at me. She was horrified. "Someone shot their dog? Who would do a thing like that? What kind of animal shoots a family's dog?" After kissing Jennifer and promising that I'd think about a partnership, I headed downtown. I had some restaurant business to take care of. After riding on the freeway and in to the city for about five blocks, I arrived at my destination. I...

4 years ago
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WOPI ChronicleChapter 5 Alexandra and Charlie

Alexandra was horny as a skunk. Of course she was always eager to get back to David at this time of day, but for the last hour it had gotten bad. A warm glow welled up from her crotch that made her mind dreamy and unfocused. Regardless of the raised eyebrows among the women on her staff, she would have rushed back to David if Claire hadn't asked her to see Charlie Roemer, for what she didn't even know. She didn't realize just how horny she was, though, until Charlie turned up. She...

1 year ago
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Janice is mind controlled and humiliated by Ginger part 2

Suddenly memories of the previous day came flooding back, she remembered what Ginger had made her do, he had raped her and by controlling her mind he had made her enjoy it and join in. Ginger was coming back she knew it. Janice. “NO, NO,” she screamed but not a sound came out of her, the scream stayed in her head. Images of the previous day were flashing through her mind. She tried to struggle but her body refused to move, nothing moved not even her eye balls. Janice stood there as the...

2 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice part 5Ginger part 2

Suddenly memories of the previous day came flooding back, she remembered what Ginger had made her do, he had raped her and by controlling her mind he had made her enjoy it and join in. Ginger was coming back she knew it. Janice. “NO, NO,” she screamed but not a sound came out of her, the scream stayed in her head. Images of the previous day were flashing through her mind. She tried to struggle but her body refused to move, nothing moved not even her eye balls. Janice stood there as the...

4 years ago
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GingerChapter 2

Coming out of the theater, I asked what she wanted to do now. "Can we go somewhere and talk? Some where some beautiful old girlfriend of yours doesn't show up for you to compare me to." "Sure, I'll take you where I used to go parking. Are you okay with that?" "I'm in your hands." Again Ginger mumbled something that I didn't catch and didn't repeat when I asked her to. I drove to a secluded part of the city. It wasn't a well known parking spot and I didn't expect the...

3 years ago
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Ginger learns her lesson part two

Introduction: After teasing all the older men in the apartment complex 13 year old Ginger is trapped by 30 year old Ryan who rubs her to orgasm through her panties. After she cums he tells her she can go, but before she can make good her escape, he catches her at the door. Little does she suspect, her lesson is far from over. Authors note: I highly recomend that you go back, and read part one to get the full effect. He pulled her body in close so that she could feel his hard cock against her...

3 years ago
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Ginger goes for broke part 2

He leaped from the couch, and flew to the door, slamming it closed with his body as he said, "Whoa! Let's not go nuts." Ginger heaved an internal sigh of relief. If he'd let her get that door open any further she would have either had to run out screaming, or had her bluff effectively called. She quickly spun around to face him, sliding one hand up his thigh to rub his crotch, while she threw the other arm over his shoulder, pulling him down to her, and once again licking the blood from...

3 years ago
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Ginger learns her lesson part one

"Ginger Collins had been going around teasing all the older single men in the apartment complex. This smart assed little thirteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting raped. Truth be told, she was pretty good at gaugeing how far she had to go with each man to get his dick hard, before skipping out. The little tease got off on it. She'd go home, and masterbate after leaving these men all hot, and...

3 years ago
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Gingerby theduck1930This is a true story. Everything happened just as it is told. Names are changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1970. I was on a Fraternal Order of Eagles drill team. On this occasion I was not in uniform, I had stopped off from work to have a drink in the Eagles bar. The bar was nearly void of customers except for some women who were all on the Auxiliary Drill Team. I knew all of them because the men’s drill team and women’s drill team all traveled to...

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