Niki's Family LifeChapter 8: Roger Gets A Show free porn video

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Niki glanced down at her nipples as she tossed her momentarily worn shirt into the basket, adding it to the skirt she’d already removed. Roach really was making an interesting design, she thought, though there was so many dots around her right breast now, it was going to be impossible to miss. Thankfully Max had come up with something good for her to explain when her mother asked, which Niki was sure she would. Walking through the kitchen, and then the living room, she did not see anyone, which was a little odd. Max must have dashed to his room for some reason. Going to her room, she left the door open as always, reaching down to pat Cooper and Milo’s fur as she set her small backpack down and took out her reading assignment.

Carol brought a clean load of laundry upstairs and stopped by Niki’s room first, a bit surprised that her daughter’s door was open, another new change since her and Roger had taken their trip. Niki used to be adamant about her privacy. Stepping into the room, she was startled to see Niki on her bed reading, laying on her stomach with her legs spread rather far apart. There was something shiny or jewel like hidden between the cheeks of Niki’s slightly parted bottom, and one of the dogs was just laying between her legs. She stopped and blinked a moment, her brain shutting down it’s rational center, just like it had yesterday in the foyer.

“Honey, I know you are probably still chafing, right? But you really shouldn’t let the dogs get up on the bed, their hair will get everywhere!” As she moved to Niki’s dresser and began to lay down her daughter’s portion of the clean laundry, she missed Milo’s tongue lazily taking a lick as Niki rolled onto her side to face her mother.

“Oh, yeah, still sore, but they really don’t bother me, they are awful warm at night too, I guess I just did not think of it. Off, Milo, yes, off now” Niki said, her body achingly alive and her mind beginning to wonder just how blind her mother was going to be. It was if she did not see what she did not want to see.

“I guess. If you really want them, we could get the older bedspread out, that way your nice one won’t get ruined” Carol added, turning and looking at her daughter’s sprawled nude form, shaking her head in wonderment at how casual and unconcerned Niki continued to act.

“That would be great!” Niki said, sitting up and facing her mother, wondering if she really was not going to say anything. She parted her legs farther and farther until they were over two feet apart, way farther than Max demanded, and made a comment ensured to underscore what was happening, “God I am so tired of my skin stinging, I can’t wait until it heals!”. She knew her newly decorated nipples would be obvious to her mother as well, and the fact that she said nothing about either was something she had not expected.

“Erm, yes, me too dear!” Carol said, adding “I will find the old bedspread and bring it back after dinner, I need to get the sauce going shortly.” With that, she made her escape, laundry basket in hand, nearly bumping into Max as he poked his head in.

“Dad’s home, grab us a couple beers again, and you can bring your book to finish studying outside.” He said, nodding as Niki simply answered “Yessir”.

Carol’s mind that was shut down behind her denial was practically screaming at her to do something. Did Niki just say “Yes sir” to Max? Had she really been laying there with a butt plug inside of her? And the dog was right there ... she couldn’t really, could she? She had to talk to Roger, she had to!”

As she finished putting the laundry away, she slowly shut down that inner voice, content to go make dinner, sure that everything was going to work out in time, even if her daughter was acting a little strange.

Roger had gone out to the back patio with unfeigned eagerness when Max had suggested it, certain that he would be getting another long uninterrupted view of his step daughter’s charms. Besides, he knew there was more going on than they were admitting, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it. Making some idle small talk about the yard, and the decision Max had made to hire the neighbor kid, he waited for Niki to come out. Finally hearing the back patio door open, he watched as the naked body of his step-daughter crossed the patio, setting two bottles of opened beer on the patio table, one in front of each of them. He could not look away as she moved to the chair she had used yesterday, sitting down and beginning to read her book. At a cough from Max, she glanced up and blushed slightly, nodding as she parted her legs much wider than she had them when she sat down. Further and further they went, until they were at least as far apart as she had sat yesterday, if not a bit further.

“See, she learns and obeys, often without words.” Max said, breaking the odd silence that had settled over the three of them as Niki’s shaven sex was opened and exposed before the two of them.

“I see, um, and she’s, um, happy about this? I mean, you aren’t like forcing her to do this?”

Roger did not really think his son would be that mean, but he wanted to be sure before admitting to himself that he was really enjoying the change.

“I swear she’s doing this because she really is submissive. Right Niki?”

Niki had only been pretending to read her book, the longer they looked, and talked about her, the more aware of her nakedness and the more aroused she felt herself becoming. The way Max was forcing her to sit made sure that she would always feel people looking, and she wondered just how much he really understood about why she loved this. Looking over at her stepfather, she did not make a move towards closing her legs, merely nodded.

“In fact, let’s prove it, as well as show you just how much she does enjoy this. Niki, I am giving you a choice. You can continue to just sit there as you are, and things will likely just continue as they are, or you can check to see if you are as awake as I think you are, and then let us both know the exact state you are in.”

“Awake? Of course she’s awake!” Roger said, more than a bit confused, though still quite interested and secretly aroused.

“That’s not what the word means to Niki, is it sis?”

Shaking her head no, Niki thought for a long moment, before reaching down and running her finger up and down her wet slit. Stifling a moan, her audacity at doing such a nasty thing in front of her stepfather exciting her on top of the thrill she already was feeling from simply obeying, she slipped a finger inside briefly before taking it out.

“I am quite awake, sir” she said, leaving her legs spread and her aroused cunt blinking in arousal as she sat back in her chair, her book forgotten in her other hand.

“She just, touches herself when you tell her to?”

“Of course, I told you, she’s submissive. She will do anything I tell her to. She trusts me now to always take care of her, look out for her, make sure she’s ok. In exchange, she does whatever I say. Niki, keep yourself good and awake for us now, you know I like to watch” he said, smirking as he watched Niki obediently return her hand between her legs and begin to play with herself for his amusement, not unlike the night before at the dinner table

Carol had glanced out the kitchen window and saw how Niki sat down and (apparently) nonchalantly spread her legs right in front of the two men. She did not blame Roger and Max so much, she knew they were pigs, but she shook her head; Niki should really know better. Even if she was chafing, there were better ways to relieve the pain, she was sure of it. The longer she watched, the more upset she got, until she stepped back from the sink, dried her hands, and headed outside to the patio. Holding a body of sunscreen in her hand, she marched up to the trio and said sternly.

“I told you before! She has sensitive skin, I bet you did not put sunscreen on her, no? Well!!” she said, imperiously, holding out her hand holding the bottle to Niki. She made no comment about Niki’s continued stroking of herself as she sat spread-legged before the three of them.

“Here mom, I’ll take it” Max said, reaching out to take the bottle from the suddenly barely moving Carol. He could see her brain shutting down again, and her inability to move quickly, or to protest what was going on made him more and more certain his plans to have his sister as his pet in full view of her parents was going to work out.

“Niki, come, kneel, facing away!” he ordered, sitting back and popping the top of the sunscreen lotion open, parting his legs and giving her room to kneel between them.

Carol watched, part of her mind flabbergasted at the way Niki put her legs together and got off the chair as if she was ordered to, and the other part miffed at the way Max seemed to just order her around.

“She can do it herself you know, she’s not a child!”

“I know, but obviously I want to do it, and she does whatever I say now, or had you not noticed? She understands how to be around her natural dominant. See how happy she is?”

And indeed, Niki appeared happy, sighing as his hands began to coat her shoulders and back.

“That’s not how we kneel now is it Nik? Hurry up unless you want to be spanked like a child.”

Max stopped rubbing the lotion and waited while Niki slowly rocked from side to side, parting her knees over a foot, and sat back on her heels, her breasts thrusting up into the air.

“Better, much better, though you should stand now, I can’t reach your bottom” he said, enjoying the simple control, and the stunned look on his father’s face. Carol’s reactions continued to be a mystery to him, a look of scorn followed by one of obliviousness.

“Oh really, you can’t expect me to believe she wants you to rub it there!”

“Yes, and she does, ask her if you don’t believe me” Max said, his hands slowly rubbing the sunscreen all over her bottom and the back of her thighs, moving back up to slowly caress her bottom far longer than was necessary... “You will chafe Nik, get your legs apart now!”

With that, Niki quickly parted her feet, keeping them moving farther apart until she was practically spread eagled before the three of them. Matt’s hands returned to rubbing the lotion all up and down her thighs and bottom, not shying away from the crack in her behind, though the secret she kept there remained hidden from her mother as she faced Carol most directly. “R-roger, this is really not appropriate. Tell your son...” Carol said, stuttering to a stop before simply standing and watching Max casually run his hands up and down her daughter’s backside, then moving to the inside of her thighs and sliding higher.

“Be sure and get the chafed skin well covered, damaged skin is the most susceptible to sun damage.’ she said after a long moment, her eyes again taking on that slightly faraway look. With that said, she turned and headed back into the house, “Don’t keep her from her homework now, she always got good grades”.

Roger looked at the back of his departing wife and shook his head. He was sure she was about to blow a gasket, and then suddenly she was making sure that Niki did her homework and was well protected from the sun.

Turning her to face his father, Max got some more sunscreen on his hands and began to run them over her stomach and up to her breasts, all they while remaining behind her. Her shaven sex was split wide as she stood spread legged, and he could feel her quivering under his touch as he boldly began to touch her body wherever and however he wanted to, right in front of his father.

“Are you still awake Niki?” he asked, teasing, wanting to keep her on edge.

“Oh, god yes” she said with a heavy breath, her knees practically giving way as her brother’s hands cupped her breasts and his fingers lightly pinched each nipple.

“Got to cover these too I guess” he said by way of unnecessary explanation, he his hands moving down to frame her wet cunt. Turning over his hand, he held it out and told her “Get some of the sunscreen and get it all over your nicely shaved front” he told her, waiting with upturned hand until she reached down and rubbed her fingers against his palm, coating them lightly with sunscreen. Not really wanting to get a LOT of sunscreen inside of her, Niki deftly moved her fingers over her sensitive skin, coating it lightly in the protective gel.

“Good girl, you are a good girl aren’t you? Get yourself all the way awake now, yes, just like that” Max said, continuing to transform their relationship in front of his father into an obvious dominant/submissive one.

Niki stood there and masturbated for a long while, waiting for Max to tell her to stop. The first touch against her clit had sent her nearly into orbit, and she was long past worrying about what Roger might think. If Max wanted to toy with her in the backyard, she was ready willing and able. Especially when he drove her crazy like he had been.

Sitting back and watching for a long minute, Max eventually slapped her on the behind, laughing, “Ok! Ok! I believe you are awake now!” he teased, as if he was really waiting for her to prove how aroused she was. “Go on, go potty and we can go in and get ready for dinner. Who knows, soon maybe I’ll let you go the way you want to, but for now, you can use your usual spot, hmmm?”

Niki stopped her movements as soon as he told her to stop, though she stayed spread apart, showing off her whole wet aroused sex to her stepfather. She began to move across the yard almost immediately, slowing down when she realized he was really going to begin to treat her like he used to, albeit without the overt, public sex. She trusted him to know that his father would not object, but she still turned away from both of them before squatting down in the grass and going to the bathroom like the doggie bitch she loved to be sometimes. It seemed to take forever before she was finished, and as she slowly stood, dripping dry as she made her way to the door, she sensed that they had turned another corner, and things were going to really get interesting.

Roger watched as Niki casually repeated what he had seen early that morning. It was clear now, though, that much of what she did was under Max’s direction, and the whole ‘becoming a naturist’ story had begun to be replaced in his mind. Somehow, someway, Max had discovered things about his stepsister that gave him the ability to mold her into what was appearing to be some sort of sexual servant. Or he assumed so. Adjusting himself, he caught Max glancing at him, and he got up to make his way into the house. “Erm, yes, I need to do a couple things before dinner.”

Carol caught the motion in the yard out of the corner of her eye as she washed up the pot she had just used. Watching her nudism loving daughter crossing the yard by herself, she tsked when she saw her squat down in the grass. ‘She’s going to get all dirty again. I swear, that girl is never going to grow up to be a lady!‘ she mused, turning her attention back to the task before her.

Max was pleased. Very pleased. The way his stepfather had watched and said nothing to stop what was happening on the patio confirmed everything he had suspected. Carol’s inability to confront the situation directly made him certain that he could continue to demonstrate just exactly how much control he had over his stepsister. Feeling himself twitch inside of his pants, he could not wait until Niki was once again naked beneath the table, sucking him off while he ate. Soon, very soon, he thought. He still needed to get them to confront and accept certain changes in their daughter. Originally, he had not intended to go quite this fast, but the more he pushed, the more they just seemed to accept things. Having her masturbate in front of his father had confirmed that at least Roger was beginning to see her as a slut, and when she demonstrated her obedience by going potty like a doggie, he had not failed to notice his father’s interest.

Watching Niki deliver their salads, her nude body gliding around the table, he reached up to make her pause at his place, his hand reaching behind her to rub her behind. “Thank you, Carol, this looks delicious.” Turning to look at Niki, his hand still rubbing her bottom, he added, “Make sure they have enough wine before you sit down”. Dropping his hand, catching his father’s glance, he watched as Carol took a deep drink, holding out her glass for her naked daughter to refill.

“You must admit, having such an obedient, er, servant, has its advantages, right Mom?” Max asked, underscoring the change in Niki’s status. He rarely called Carol Mom, but he thought it might give the question just the right amount of familial familiarity. He wanted her to remember that it was her daughter that was serving her naked. And so much more as he continued.

“Yes...” Carol said uncertainly, taking another long drink as she watched her daughter return to her seat. She felt a little warm, the things that she had seen over the last few days continued to bounce around in her mind, forcing her to continually rationalize and adjust her reactions lest she be forced to control the situation directly, and likely blowing up her happy family life. Glancing at her husband, she could see he was quite content with the way things were going, and she did not imagine things would go well if she fought back and they had to have it out in front of her children. Besides, Niki seemed happy, her non-confrontational rationalizing voice told her as she felt the warm glow of alcohol begin to numb her senses.

As Niki sat down, Max spoke up, continuing to make it clear to everyone that she was submissive, and not only submissive but willing to cross the normal sibling lines. “Don’t forget, knees at least 24 inches apart whenever you sit down, you can’t start chafing again.” He watched as she obeyed, her body moving slightly as her knees parted beneath the table. He was only a little surprised when her hand disappeared beneath the table, and he realized she was following his orders from the previous night, keeping herself ‘awake’. He saw her glance at him, as if for approval, and he quickly nodded back before taking a bit of salad, waiting for the dogs to finish eating in the other room. Tonight, he would not be letting them be taken away, not if he could stop it.

He watched as Niki continued to pleasure herself while she ate. His father seemed to look her way constantly, and the way Carol stared at Niki over the rim of her wine glass made it clear that even if she tried to protest, both of them were being drawn further and further into the world that he and Niki had created. His own private world of absolute pleasure. Glancing at Carol, he began to wonder if she was like her daughter. Secretly Submissive. It was something to think about, he thought, as he heard one of the dogs come in and immediately duck beneath the table.

Niki’s eyes closed briefly as Cooper’s tongue found her wet fingers and began to take over the job of keeping her awake. Flushing, she opened her eyes back up and reached for another bite, glancing around the table, noting that everyone seemed to be keeping a least a partial eye on her. Max, she expected to do so, as well as his father. Roger had been watching her more and more lately. The fact that her mother kept glancing at her made Niki wonder, for the hundredth time, just what was going on in her mother’s mind. Her mother was not acting like she had assumed she would.

Milo came in and joined Cooper under the table, glancing at the clothed bodies in the other three chairs before moving in besides Cooper, sneaking in a few licks of his own whenever the alpha male moved enough to give him some room.

“Roger?” Carol said uncertainly, nodding at the other end of the table where Niki seemed to be squirming a little on her chair.

“Oh, yes, um, I’m hungry for sure, can you bring out the lasagna now?”

Carol glared at her husband. That was not what she had wanted him to do. She wanted him to stop this, this, insanity before she lost her mind.

“Dad, don’t ask, tell, like this. Niki, We’re ready for the lasagna now.” Max spoke up, not missing the frequent looks Carol was sending in the direction of her husband. This was working out well.

Niki got up from her chair, flushed and aroused, and did not bother to try and hide herself as much as she might have previously. As she crossed to the kitchen, her damp thighs and dog spittle covered shaven sex glistened in the lights from above the dinner table. She was both scared and excited about how Max was pushing things along. The thrill of being so bad in front of others continued to make her almost constantly aroused.

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The Story Of Roger Part 4

Roger spent the rest of the evening with a big smile on his face, he was really loving life in his new home having little secrets with all three of his lovely neighbours, Ella loves the attention and knows the effect she has on both they guys, Ollie was full of testosterone and Sam was in need of adult company and has her own needs. Nobody was complaining least of all Roger who at 65 and 35 years of banging the same hole was starting to get variety, he was fast learning a whole new...

1 year ago
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Roger and I and an unexpected quest

I came downstairs still groggy with sleep. I could hear Roger and Freddy and a strangers very deep voice laughing and talking about something on the television. I had turned to go grab my other robe when I heard Roger say. “ Here she is Miss America “ I cracked up and said yeah you wish.Where you going asked Roger? I told him to get my other robe. He said, oh you’re fine ( with a wink )come on down and grab us a few beers would you and watch some TV.? I wrapped my kimono tighter around me and...

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The Story Of Roger Part 5

The old man spent the next hour or so uploading some more of the pics that Sam had taken to his profile as well as updating his interests and he was quite pleased with what he had done, he received a text from Sam asking if Ollie could come round for a kick about as she had to help Ella with her cookery homework, he quickly text back that it was OK.Ollie soon came round with his football, Roger saw him coming down the path in just his little sports shorts which for some reason he seemed to live...

3 years ago
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Uncle Roger Part 2

I understood why my mother wouldn't trust me. After all, she had found her underwear in my bedroom, and what mother wants to deal with that scenario? She obviously thought that leaving me with Uncle Roger when she was working late was a good idea - as a former teacher, you'd expect him to be responsible. But instead of supervising me doing my homework, he had humiliated me more than I ever thought possible. In fact, some of his behaviour was nothing short of abuse. Forcing me to swap...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 35 The Good The Bad The Ugly

June awoke early on Saturday morning. The room was dark, and the house was quiet. She rolled over, turned on the lamp which sat on her nightstand, and looked at the clock. It was 5:30. She closed her eyes, turned the light off, and tried to go back to sleep. A half-hour later, she realized that sleep was not going to come, so she quietly got out of bed. After going to the bathroom, peeing, and washing her hands and face, she put on her robe and headed for the stairs. Halfway down the stairs,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

The Monday early morning swimming practice session was shorter than the previous week's practices; the coach was fairly pleased with the team's performance on Friday so he had the team doing straight laps, skipping the drills. "I want you to work on endurance today," he told the team, "so stick with one stroke and do ten laps; then go to your next stroke. We'll do an hour of laps today. Later in the week we'll need to work on our early start problem," he told them. After practice,...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 32 Rogerrsquos News

June awakened from her morning nap by the telephone ringing. She ran down the stairs to answer it. She had no idea what time it was or for how long she had been sleeping. “Hello, this is June.” “Were you still in bed? You sound like you just got up,” Roger chimed. “Yes. I was exhausted from last night, and when I got home, the house was empty, so I decided to take a nap. What time is it?” Roger chuckled before answering, “It’s 12:30. I was getting worried about you. What time did you get...

4 years ago
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Sharing My Wife With Roger

I am a 29-year-old male and am married to Julie who is 22. Although I had only been married for less than a year, I can say in reflection that I was a fool for not realizing exactly what I had. Julie is incredibly beautiful. She is petite at 5′ 6″ and looks like she fell out of the pages of a sports illustrated swimsuit edition. Her long blond hair does not come out of a bottle like so many other “pretend” blonds, and her blue eyes exude an aura of innocence. Although I...

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Sylvia Delights with my new friend Roger

I watched both men climb into the tiny car, already crowded with wooden boxes, Ida, Dulce and me. It looked as if he and Woody had done this a lot, and though it might seem clumsy, it wasn't at all. I always watch how men use their bodies. that is a cue for me about how sex with them might be, and I liked the way both of them moved, especially Roger with his crutch and a bad leg. Ida stopped at the co-op on University Avenue, and we all piled out of her wagon like clowns tumbling out of their...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 2

It was Friday, and the spring term would begin on Monday. The twins needed to take Ayame to the high school to register and then they had to stop at the dojo to return some equipment. As they drove through the base, Ayame looked around in amazement. “This is such big place! When you said you lived in place called ‘Camp Pendleton’ I thought it was like small camp, yo?” “Yeah, nothing like Japan, right? Even LA isn’t anything like Tokyo; Tokyo has all those tall buildings. You didn’t get to...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 25

In the morning, Barbara’s voice boomed over their beds. “Come on, kids, time to get up!” Tom groaned, pulling Cynthia closer to him, “Oh, Mom, we’re tired.” “I’ll bet you’re tired. You guys slept together so I’ll bet you’re tired, huh? Got a workout last night?” Tom sat up. “Um, we just snuggled, Mom. We didn’t do what you’re thinking.” “And how d’you know what I’m thinking, eh? What’s that white crusty stuff in Cindy’s hair?” “Mmmm, just a tiny gift from Tom...” Cynthia giggled. “Okay,...

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The Story Of Roger Part 7

Roger cleaned her skirt up the best he could and Ella said she would bury the skirt in the washing basket hoping her mother wouldn’t see it too closely. It was an enlightening evening having got confirmation of her relationship with her father; he had her trust so maybe she would open up further as time goes on.Roger loved the feel of their panties and was saddened to give them back even though Ella’s had a slight rip, she had promised him to bring over a supply if she could sneak them out and...

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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked arse is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 24

Early Saturday morning, the twins and Ayame left home for Tom's house; they were going to ride to the nudist resort with his family. After they reached his house, they took their bags and went to the door; Barbara greeted them. "So, ready for your first real nudist experience, kids?" she smiled at them. She looked at their bags. "Hmmm, those look kinda full ... just what did you pack?" They looked at their bags. "Ah, stuff for a week ... Toiletries and things, some undies, changes of...

2 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 3 The Meeting

June came down the stairs to find her sister sitting on the living room sifting through pictures and her stomach turned with worry. “That was quick.” Autumn said when saw June enter. “Did you bring your panties?” “Yes’.” June uttered as she held them out for Autumn to see. “You’re not wearing any, are you? Lift your dress and show me.” June lifted her dress and held it open.” “What are you doing?” June asked “You can put your dress back down and come sit next to me. I want you to pick...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 13

When the twins’ dad arrived home for dinner, he had news for the family. “I heard I’ll be getting orders soon. I heard that General Markus recommended me to be lateraled to sergeant major and assigned as the chief NCO at Camp Lejeune. It’s an honor to be selected for such a leadership post.” “Lateraled?” Ayame questioned. “Yes, dear. Not an actual promotion because I’m already at the top enlisted pay grade in the Corps. But my rank now is a kind of staff rank, not a command rank. The...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Early the following day, Kevin went to the pool with Roger. When they arrived and walked out onto the deck, there was a bunch of kids milling around and talking to a teacher. Roger walked up. “All right, everyone—what gives? You need to get suited up, we’ve gotta start.” he called. The teacher walked up. “That’s the point, Roger. Mr Winters—the new assistant principal—is making some changes in the high-school sports rules. He wants gym classes and the teams to be working naked, said it’s...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 19 Gaylersquos Bombshell

June awoke later than usual on Saturday. She looked over at her sister’s bed and saw it was empty. She got up and went into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed in slacks and blouse, and went downstairs. She went into the kitchen to find her sister eating a bowl of cereal and decided to join her. “Good morning, sunshine,” Autumn said. “ Thanks for last night, but you know you didn’t have to do that.” “I know I didn’t have to. I just did it to celebrate my new freedom.” “Well, let’s...

4 years ago
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The Story Of Roger Part 9

Sam looked her usual hotness as she walked in with lunch, a quick intro to Gavin before he left and then a quizzical look at the old man being naked, “Who was that?” she asked sweetly after checking him out, “And why are you naked?” she added with a giggle as she had no problem with Roger being naked but in the presence of another man raised questions, especially one so young and hot as Gavin.She didn’t even wait for an answer before putting two and two together, “You’re bi aren’t you daddy,...

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The Story Of Roger Part 6

Roger was up usual time and stood by the window just as Sam was about to start the school run, Ella looked up and smiled at the old man and never before had he looked forward to the afternoon more as Ella was coming to do some ‘cleaning’.He had his breakfast and decided to potter about in the garden for a while and once he was ready he stood by the patio door in just his shorts surveying his garden figuring out his plan for the morning, his phone went ‘ding’ as he received a text from Sam.She...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 20 Gaylersquos Audition

June and Roger sat on the couch watching TV while they waited for Gayle to come. June looked at the clock showing it was 1 o’clock. “She should be here shortly.” She said “Yeah. Are you nervous?” “No. Well, maybe a little When Gayle does get here, let me ask some questions first. Then you can either add to them or ask anything you want. Is there anything special you want her to do?” “I do intend to put her to the test. Like maybe eating your pussy while I fuck her doggy style.” June was...

2 years ago
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Roger Fiction by Johnny Roger and I have known each other since childhood. We lived next door to each other and went to the same primary school. Since then our paths have diverged but we have regularly kept in touch. We went on to different senior schools and different universities. He was lightly built, athletic and played fly half in his school rugby team. Roger read engineering. I read law. I work for a large city firm and have bought a small house in the suburbs. After a...

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Roger and Lori

Roger is looking over his computer, trying to determine what is going on in the company that he is auditing the books. He is doing just fine, as he has done this company in the past. Roger hears a car in the drive, and sees that it is only one thirty. He knows his wife should not be home for hours from work. He quickly saves what he is doing, and hears the doorbell ring as he clears the monitor. He does not want anyone to see the information that he is working with. He goes to the front door,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 14

Roger's swimming practice was uneventful Tuesday morning; both Tom and Jessica were safely dressed in their suits and everyone was working hard at trying to improve their times by watching for extraneous movements and keeping their strokes smooth and regular. Roger was putting extra effort into his fly stroke; being the most difficult stroke, a good time would be very productive in swim meets. After practice, Tom came over to talk as they showered. "Hey buddy," Tom said, "thanks for the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 4

The following day, after their Intro to Ed class ended, Prof Martins asked her to speak to him. “So, Miss Denison, I hear from your Merritt High School observing class teacher that you are disrupting his class, and then I hear from Principal Leeds that we have to send more students like you; you stopped a rape from happening. Whatever am I to make of this?” “Sir, that the damned Program is all eff-ed up, you’ll excuse me. In the biology class, that damned teacher was trying to have the boys...

2 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 4 After Shock

Roger backed the car out of the drive and looked over at June, who had been sitting in silence beside him, since they left her house. “So, what do you want to do today?” He asked, hoping to start a conversation. “Nothing special. To be frank, I don’t feel like doing anything right now. Let’s go to your apartment and talk.” “Talk about what?” “About your feelings of what you saw morning, I guess. Tell me honestly, Roger, what do you think of me after all that? Do you think I’m a slut or...

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Jen and Roger Stu and Shirley and the Others

Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough...

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Jen and Roger and Stu and Shirley and others

Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough...

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Jolly Roger

Nother true story from our time on the sceneJolly Roger My wife, Hazel and I have always had a great sex life. She enjoys the attention of two men at the same time and I enjoy seeing her having fun. Some of the meetings have been very successful,while some had been total disasters. One particularly bad week we'd been let down by one contact, who despite seeming to be a really genuine contact turned out to be a total time waster and another meet with a couple ruined by a phone call causing...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 8 Jane and Roger

The best way to describe the emotional states of both Jane and Roger is to use the word "rattled". Both had watched as potential partners had paired up and left the room. Both had yearned to be partnered with each other, on the one hand. On the other, both were terrified that they would end up together. Roger felt almost sick at his stomach, because he knew that spending time with this beautiful young woman would result in feelings he didn't know how to deal with. Jane felt exactly the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 12

After gym, the three teens found each other and began to compare notes about what they had learned. Neither Cynthia nor Ayame had showered; they said that their volleyball exercise had been so perfunctory that neither had broken a sweat, despite how hard the teacher had tried to push them. “Say, did you hear anything about cameras in the locker room?” Roger asked. “No one said anything about them getting replaced.” “No,” Cynthia said. “I saw the broken ones were still there.” Then a group...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 17

They walked through Tom’s home to the back, passing through a den with a sliding door that opened on the pool deck. Tom carried out a pile of towels with him. “Okay, this is really nice,” Cynthia enthused when she saw the pool. “It’s pretty big, too.” “It’s actually 75 feet long. A real pool. My sis is a competition swimmer too and the pool is one of the reasons my folks bought this house. I can practice my laps here if I’m careful flip-turning at the shallow end,” Tom replied. “If you...

4 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 8 The Photo Shoot Take 2

Roger moved the camera and lights in preparation for the next scene then stood at the spot where he wanted June to stand. Once she was in place, he returned to the camera and focused it on her he told her to raise her hands as if they were at a point of his chest. He set the lights where he wanted, looked back at June then unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt before setting the camera’s timer. Quickly, he moved in front of June and put her hands on the next button, told her to look at...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 11 Another Humiliation planned

June awoke earlier than usual Friday. She spent most of the night tossing and turning and worrying about what to tell Roger about next Saturday. This morning, however, she could only think about her car. It will be great to not have to wait for the bus and endure the long ride to school. She could now sleep a little longer each morning which will be nice since she’s been getting to bed later because of her having to thank Autumn and complying with any perversion she could come up with....

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 7 The Photo Shoot Take One

June stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. As she dried herself off, she couldn’t help but think about the today’s photo session at Roger’s. Would she be able to get through it without bursting into tears? This wasn’t going to be like yesterday’s romp with Roger which was loving and something she liked. No, this was going to be sterile with no loving caresses. To make matters worse, Autumn was going to be there watching the whole thing. She imagined her sitting there with a smug...

2 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 17 June Coming to Terms

Sunday morning began as usual with the family gathered at the breakfast table talking about the store, school, and what each had planned for the day. Going to church was a given each Sunday. Each member of the family had their plans for the rest of the day. For June, it was spending the afternoon with Roger. When her father asked what they’re plans were, June merely stated that they usually play it by ear. She gave last Sunday’s picnic as an example. Of course, she was lying. She knew she...

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