Bridget The Story of a trained Slave
- 3 years ago
- 31
- 0
(Cadiz, Spain, 1805)
In today's movies, and in the romantic tales before them running all the way back to Homer, the hero or heroine never spends hours in the dripping rain. Cold, wet and miserable are simply glossed over in favor of thrills and romance. Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I WANT to be out in the cold and damp instead of toasting in front of a nice, warm fire with my feet up. I pulled my cloak closer around me, waiting for whoever, or whatever was going to show up for this little assignation I was waiting for.
I had been lurking in the shadows of the wharfs of this old port city for months now. Life had not been completely uncomfortable during my wait. Months before, I had found an old deserted pier with a ramshackle warehouse that was secure enough for me to use as a base of operations as well as a refuge from the sun. The docks alone held such a transit and busy population that I could feed as needed without having to take undue risks or worry about seriously harming anyone.
So why was I stuck here, now, tonight? Well, that was a long story. Following the encounter I had with a sadistic, insane Countess I had fled Paris. When the revolution broke out, I kept a close eye on it. Originally I was sympathetic. What I had observed over the years of the political and economic situation in France, all I could think about was "it was about damn time". Besides, I'm Irish. Rebellion lurks in our hearts.
When "The Terror" commenced in Paris I changed my mind. No matter what the ruling classes of France had done, and I had enough personal experience to know how corrupted they were, they didn't deserve what happened to them. Nor did the innumerable common folk who were swept up and sent to their deaths on nothing more than secret accusations.
By the time Robespierre went to the guillotine, I had already made arrangements to get out of France into Spain. Of course eventually the French army caught up to me again when they occupied Spain. A few years later Napoleon even named his brother King. Must be nice. Of course I've outlived pretty much any monarch I've ever seen. Its better now, but at one time it was a pretty unsafe profession.
I had been making plans to get to America, but the outbreak of the continent wide war stifled any chance of that. Even when the French were masters of Europe, the English fleet's blockade kept their ships in port. An occasional blockade runner might slip back and forth to the West Indies and other locations, but I didn't intend to take the chance of being dragged on deck on a beautiful sunny day for inspection as contraband. So I settled down to wait things out, slowly moving farther south until I reached my present location.
I'm Irish, Irish to the core of my soul. I had been raised to consider the English as brutal invaders of my beloved country, bent only on the subjugation of my race and the extermination of my religion. Well, I hadn't found the Catholic countries any more tolerant. I'd seen too many people butchered in the name of God and his son. I still prayed for the freedom of my homeland, but I no longer hated England. In fact, the more I saw of first the Directorate and then the Empire, the more I felt my sympathy lean towards Britain.
How and where I must have given this away I don't know to this day. Obviously I had though, because one rainy evening I discovered a note had been tucked into my cloak when I left a tavern I frequented. I did like Spanish brandy.
For once in my "life" I had been coming as a customer rather than as an employee to a tavern. I had cut my hair shorter and was dressing as a male, something I did frequently over the centuries. My breasts aren't very big, but I am endowed enough that I strapped them flat. I'm not equipped to grow a beard so I was passing as a young fisherman or dockworker using the name of "Brian". Inwardly I was amused to find that this passing didn't cut down in the slightest the number of sexual offers I was receiving. Apparently cute boys were in great demand with a certain percentage of the sailors. One ship's captain was so enamored of me as a young man he offered me a sizable bonus to ship aboard his next voyage. The sizable bonus he pressed against my ass was rather tempting too. However I wasn't sure he would react happily to the discovery I was a female. Once again, it was not something I was willing to risk.
Sometime I must have blurted something that a British agent overheard. That evening when I took off my cloak in my hidden quarters my hand found a folded piece of paper. Wondering if it was another offer from Captain Ramirez, I opened it.
The first surprise was that it was written in English rather than Spanish. The second was its contents. It read: "I know who, and what you are. I propose you meet me on the southernmost wharf at midnight on Saturday night."
Well THAT got my attention alright. I was sorely tempted to see if Captain Ramirez was indeed willing to pay a cabin boy as much as he had offered, which offer included the feather bed in his quarters. If the note was serious, if someone really knew "what" I was, than Spain was not the place I wanted to be. They had lots of experience burning humans at the stake, much less vampires.
For some reason though, I was more intrigued than worried. I'm not sure why. Perhaps because the note didn't sound threatening. There was no "or else". Call me curious. When you live forever you tend to seize on unusual incidents. It breaks the monotony. So that Saturday night I was lurking where an old grounded hulk threw shadows over the splintered lumber of an abandoned dock, secure in the knowledge no one could sneak up on me.
I do so get tired of being wrong about those things. A firm touch on my right shoulder almost sent me out of my skin. I cast off my cloak in preparation for a fight. My preternatural night vision revealed one figure. As startled as I was, my fangs dropped and my eyes glowed as I shed my human appearance.
"Oh stop hissing at me like that," a calm male voice with an English accent remarked. "I can do that too if I want. As far as I can sense, no one else is watching but let's not be too obvious as to exactly who you are, Bridget O'Brien. I don't see you wanting to be the guest of honor at an auto-da-fe."
"Who, I mean, what," I hate stammering, but I had been caught completely off guard. I tried to pull myself together. I took a deep breath. I know its unnecessary, but the psychological influence of doing that is even calming to the undead. "Who are you and what do you want?"
"I am Robert, Roberto if you want to remain in character. And what I want is you. Come on." He turned and glided away.
I shook my head, breaking the paralysis that gripped me. I scurried down the dock after him, following him. After catching up to him, I walked by his side without any additional discussion. We wound our ways through the old streets until we reached a non-descript inn. Passing through the common room without stopping we mounted the stair on the wall and finally emerged in a well-appointed and comfortable room.
Robert tossed his cloak on a chair. He walked to a sideboard and returned with two glasses and a bottle. "I understand you like brandy." He half-filled the glasses and handed me one. "Please, sit down," he invited as he returned the bottle to its place and settled himself on a couch, warming the brandy with the friction of his hands.
I swirled the liqueur in my own glass, enjoying the aroma before I took a sip. I took the opportunity to study my new companion over the rim of the glass. He was over six feet, much taller than most men of that period were. His fashionable dress did nothing to hide the fact that he was well-muscled and his movements hinted at speed and strength. Of course, if he was indeed what he claimed to be, like me, he would be fast and strong beyond human abilities.
"Very good," I tried to be casual as I took a second sip of my drink.
"The brandy? or me?" Robert leaned back, obviously well aware of my scrutiny.
"Both actually." I was determined to be as relaxed as he was. Then I gave in. "Okay, so I'm a little too volatile to make clever repartee. As nice as all this, including you, is, I would like to know what is going on."
He sighed. "Your first two hundred years haven't taught you patience it seems. Oh well, hopefully you will learn it eventually. I was much too headstrong and rash when I was that young myself."
I was tempted to give him the "I don't know what you're talking about" speech. To Hell with it. Verbal fencing was something I enjoyed at times but right now I wanted to cut to the chase. "That's great. I'm sure you were really something at that young age. Now then, assuming that we are alone here, and I don't smell any humans, lets be frank. I'm a vampire, you're a vampire and what do you want?"
"I already told you," he returned impatiently. "I want YOU. Not sexually," he raised his hand to cut off any rejoinder I was about to make, "But as a fellow agent for the British crown. Now before you protest how much you hate England, I know better. You might not love it, but you know that Ireland under English rule, as bad as I must acknowledge that is has been at times, is better off than it would be under the Corsican."
I shrugged, acknowledging his point without agreeing with it. "And if I don't? What happens then?"
"Nothing." He returned my surprised look with one of his own. "Do you expect consequences? Why? I don't expect you to go to authorities you don't care for and turn me in as an English spy. Forcing you is hardly an option. You'd simply slip away one night."
"Well then, what's in it for me? I really don't need money, although I have no objections to getting paid."
Robert stood up and walked up to me. "How about something exciting, something adventurous, to pass the time? Something that needs doing? And how about I add the promise of a safe passage to America aboard a British warship at the end of this war?" He grinned at my surprise. "I've been watching you for sometime Bridget. I know that's where you want to go. I know quite a lot about you."
"Oh, what the hell. Why not?"
"I cannot tell you of the thrill I receive at your excitement. My heart could almost beat at the fervor, the passion, you demonstrate."
I rolled my eyes. I was to learn that Robert often talked like that. Eventually I was to finally decide that he did it just to drive me up a wall. Nothing like starting a two hundred year habit off right.
"So what is it you want me to do?" I inquired. Then, as a vagrant thought struck me, "And what do you mean you don't want me sexually?"
"I want you to keep your eyes and ears open. That's all. Listen to the gossip about shipping and blockade runners. Listen to the officers and the crewman from the Spanish ships. Back in April I received word the French fleet had sortied from Toulon. Sooner or later they are going to try to meet with the Spanish fleet. It may be here. I want to know all about that. I can get information to the inshore British frigate watching the harbor and it can get word to Lord Nelson."
He turned away and walked back to the sideboard. "As for your undoubtable sexual charms, I'm attracted to women only, 'Brian'. If you're going to continue to pass as a cabin boy than you need to stick with ass buggerers." He turned around. "You look like a fish, your mouth is opening and closing but no words are coming out. Your fangs are showing too. And not just the ones we have."
I closed my mouth, which had indeed been flapping in the breeze while I struggled for a crushing reply. That reply, of course, occurred to me about 5 weeks later, by which time it was pretty useless. Instead, I hammered out an agreement with him on how to contact him and how I was going to get paid. He gave probably more than he intended, being, I suspected, a bit embarrassed by his remarks.
I snooped, I pried. I sat on Captain Ramirez's lap, wiggled some and still managed to escape being bent over the chests in his cabin. He had recently moved ashore and received a promotion. He was now in charge of arranging for the resupplying of ships. That didn't keep him too busy. I was able to pick up a lot of information and pass it to Robert.
The climax began one evening I woke up to discover the harbor was full of ships. The combined French and Spanish fleet had anchored. I was sure Robert was able to see that himself so I didn't rush to him with the information. Instead I worked my usual haunts. I gathered what I could from the crowds of sailors before I slipped away to Robert's rooms.
"What do you have, Bridget?"
"The fleet is in sorry condition, Robert. The ships have suffered a lot of storm damage from their trek to the West Indies and then to the Channel. The crews are riddled with sickness. Even with this last voyage, Admiral Villeneuve is aware the state of training is very poor and his ships are no match for the British fleet. Still, from what I understand, he would give battle if cornered. He would have no choice. Napoleon apparently believes he can win a sea battle."
Robert snorted. "Thank you Bridget. Keep watching. And be careful."
The night of October 20th was the breaking point. Too absorbed in gathering information, I allowed myself to end up alone with Captain Ramirez. I had been plying him with wine in an attempt to loosen his tongue. He had been plying me with brandy in an attempt to loosen my britches. Tipsy or not, when I made one more attempt to avoid him, he turned angry.
When I started my job about five years ago, I was initially working first shift. I would be over at about 3:30-4.00 pm every day, and it was predictable. On occasion I'd get asked to stay over and pull a double shift. I didn't mind it. The money was good, I liked the work I do, and I loved the environment. After about three years, my supervisor asked if I'd be open to changing shifts and modifying my schedule. I wasn't too keen on working second shift, but I agreed to change on occasion. I...
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I'd just started working with Bridget about six months earlier when I'd gone to third shift. She's a bit on the bigger side compared to girls I'd done stuff with, and I knew a bit older. For the last couple of years, I'd been doing stuff with my stepdaughter's friends in the sixteen-eighteen range, and I'd done stuff with a couple others that I knew who liked to flirt, fuck around and have fun.Working with Bridget was fun to start with. Very outgoing, friendly, almost crude, extremely blunt,...
Office SexBridget and I had been flirting since the day she started at work. With a personality like hers, it wasn't hard to like her. Very outspoken, almost too loud at times, sarcastic, funny, off the wall, and dirtier than most girls I'd ever worked with. We hadn't been working together that long which made it even more fun. She simply said what she felt like saying, if it offended someone, she would smile, smirk, and go "whoops. Did I say that out loud?" and everyone would laugh.What I did not...
TeenI gave Bridget one of my personal email addresses a few days ago ... one that I use in the private online world. But not laurenmom. I don't know that I'll ever want her in my online story and sex talk world. In any case, she sent me a message the same day. Even her emails are ultra adorable. And, she shared something that has me intrigued as hell. She told me that she has two tattoos. Tattoos are something I can generally take or leave. But the thought of her having ink adorning that sweet...
Damn! Nearly 2 weeks has gone by since I've had time to update my tale of Sweet Bridget. Some things have developed. Here goes... She and I have had a couple of dates, which is how I'm referring to our outings, since I posted about this a couple of weeks ago. We've become social network friends and we're emailing pretty much daily. I'm also stopping in the store to see her as I always have. Here's something fun, that's been quite titillating for me. I haven't really touched my sweet...
I'm not sure how I want to (or don't want to) continue with the story/journal part of this tale of me and my almost girlfriend, Bridget. I've woven parts of my real life through much of what I've written in my online life, but this is pretty much the first time I've actually just shared the real thing as it was happening. But for now I'll continue sharing this way, because it helps me think it through. And, as I just shared with one of my good online pals, if the shoe were on the other...
What a fun time I've had telling the story of my pursuit of young Bridget. As those who have read the previous chapters know, as well as those who have read my blog posts about this, the closer I've gotten to an actual relationship with her, the more I've been uncertain about how long I would keep this story/journal thing going. Now that Bridget and I have taken the plunge (not that plunge, yet ;-), it no longer feels like the right thing to do, nor does it even feel fun anymore to write...
This is my first venture into publishing on Literotica – please be kind! The story is my own, though the characters are not. Well, one of them isn’t. If you haven’t already, you must read Patricia51’s novellas Bridget’s Nights and Bridget’s Days. This story is based around the character Bridget O’Brien, and while it is effectively a stand-alone, it would help to get the background. Patricia has graciously allowed me to take her beguiling heroine into the most tumultuous period of recent Irish...
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I’m way too old to be doing this, Candy thought as she finished putting on her costume. The thought sent a thrill of naughty excitement through her sexy young body. Candy was a high school senior, 18 years old, with long black hair, full red lips and a body that wouldn’t quit. She was also probably the oldest person that would be out trick or treating tonight, not that she was worried about getting her fair share of candy. In this costume, she could have all the candy if she wanted it. White...
When Daisy Stone dumps her live-in boyfriend Tommy Pistol, Tommy breaks into the house to save their troubled relationship with BDSM and hardcore anal sex! The only way Daisy wants her anal sex is if someone takes her ass! She likes it rough and she thinks Tommy is just too nice to get the job done. Before breaking up with him Daisy is having a good ole’ time pleasuring herself in her bedroom with a glass ass dildo until Tommy barges in on her and wants to get in on the action. He is so...
xmoviesforyouThe day finally arrived whe I absolutely had to get my boat out of the water and fortunately it was a slow day at work so I asked a couple of my employees if they wanted to assist me? They eagerly agreed because they would still be on the clock and it was a very nice day. I had them drive one of my company trucks and I took my own truck and told them to meet me at the boat dock. I decided to stop and pick up some beer and ice and figured we could run around the lake for a few times to use up...
Chapter 1 I lost my virginity because of my sister. That is absolutely true but it needs some explanation. I'm Amy Howell, I'm fourteen, and my sister, Liz, is eighteen. This all happened one night when my parents were away overnight and my sister was staying home to 'sister-sit' as my parents called it. We'd finished dinner and were just sitting at the kitchen table when Liz asked me, "Do you have a boyfriend these days, Amy?" "Nah, so many guys at school just aren't interested,...
Noble Vickers fussed around nervously, wiping cabinets and dusting the living room. When Belvin came, he didn't want her to become annoyed because the place was not in good shape. The first night that Noble had brought Belvin home after meeting her at The Hornet's Nest, a D/S dive bar just outside Buttermilk County, Belvin had tossed her amber tresses and ordered Noble's pants down.He'd just met her a few hours before, and they'd made out a bit at the bar...he knew her proclivities but...he'd...
Sleep overtook us. Well, overtook Emily. I still slept on a hair trigger, years and years after leaving the fire department. I awakened from time to time, alert to the second sound that would identify whatever had called my attention to it as benign or threat. Listening revealed wind rustling, or small animals scurrying in the litter on the woodlot floor. Reassured, I drifted back to sleep. I would admire the sun wafting through the branches, varying as the breezes moved the tree limbs....
As he’d promised, Justin began combing the internet, looking for sites that would lead him to men interested in sharing another man’s wife and possibly, later, group sex. A gangbang. The thought made Justin instantly hard, he still couldn’t believe his shy, sweet wife had been entertaining the same kinds of fantasies he had. They’d agreed to take things slowly. While Kelly’s excitement and desire to explore this fantasy was plain, Justin could tell that she was nervous. He’d emailed back and...
Roach caught up to Niki just before English class. “Where were you? I had three more lined up for you! You made me look bad!” “I had to do a tutoring over lunch today, I forgot!” Niki said by way of explanation, wondering just how many times she was going to get yelled at for doing what she was told to by a teacher. ‘Well, I can’t do anything about it now, or in Science, but wait for me outside of Mr Jacob’s classroom, don’t go to Biology, I will get you out of part of it. Maybe we can...
Latina, hot and always sexy, it’s of course none other than Veronica Leal, a stunning Colombian who has come to Private Specials, Kick Ass Kitchen for a wild time with Potro that you won’t want to miss! Some ass play with a huge dildo serves as the perfect warm-up for Veronica as she gets wet and horny by herself as she waits for her cock to arrive. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as she goes on to enjoy a sensational gonzo scene that includes deepthroat, anal, some...
xmoviesforyouDammit, Ma! We stay cooped up in here much longer, Luke and me are gonna go crazy,” Jeb said as he turned and glared at his mother. She didn’t answer, just glared back. Jeb kicked the end of the broken down couch that made up half the furniture in the main room of the cabin. He turned away and cursed under his breath. “You boys brought this on,” she said, “You had to go shooting up the police like that. Radio said that one fella was bad hurt.” Luke stepped into the doorway from the one bedroom....
IncestI had been searching for sometime trying to find some nice secluded cabin for my next vacation. And then I found it on the net, in Gatlinburg….up in the mountains…no one around for miles…..Heaven It was a nice warm indian summer day as I pulled into the place and proceeded to unload my gear and food stores for a nice peaceful three-day rest. I jumped naked into the hot tub, ice chest of beer within arms reach and laid back. How relaxing, out on the porch, beautiful mountain view, nice hot...
MasturbationWe go for a drive to the beach, the dog's are running and playing, and after a bit I have to go pee, and so do you, we see a couple of big rocks in a circle not far away and we head there. Once there we look around, no one is anywhere close, we kick off our shorts and undies an you start to squat to pee. I say "wait Laura, pee on me" You look at me funny, but I lie in sand and I pull off my shirt and you straddle me and pull open your lips and begin to piss on my chest, your piss hits me hard...
Get ready for an unforgettable eve with Casca Akashova. This bodacious MILF is eager to get messy, so she calls for room service to ask for some towels. When her handsome host Brock brings in her request, his eyes soar through Casca’s stunning body, leaving him speechless. She knows the power she has over men, so he asks him in for some sexy time. As he sits him on the couch, she starts rubbing herself on Brock, driving him wild. The man surrenders to Casca’s cock-sucking skills, feeling her...
xmoviesforyouNights like this I wish rain drops would fall I could lay back in my bed and know I have it all… You’re more than a woman you’re more than a friend I keep telling myself you could be in my life til the end Late nights I clutch my pillow wishing it were you I spray your perfume on my bed to make myself believe I’m sleeping with you I wake up confused when you’re not there I tell myself you had to leave before I got up. I ask myself if she knows how much she means to me then I hear her voice...
"Welcome to a special video auction ladies and gentlemen," announced the man in the tuxedo. He stood in a large room darkened except for a small circular cushioned mat positioned in the center of the floor. The mat was brightly lit with video floodlights. The man stood in the middle of the mat addressing the several cameras which were televising his image, by closed circuit television, to the private homes of cartel members around the world. "Mr. Drawes." he said, looking into the...
Banjin (punching Sanosuke again): Ha--ha! Otowa (to Kenshin): Protecting them when you have to fight will be difficult, don't you think? Megumi: Sanosuke... Kaoru: Kenshin. Enishi: Action and calm in a state of deadlock. The course he chooses now will determine the state of the battle. Well, I leave this to you, Mr. Gein. (Gein cuts the rope suspending his box from the balloon. It hits the ground and bursts.) Gein: Well, it's my turn. I and my Sangou Iwanbou Moushuu-gata! (The dust...
Carlo was playing video games in the living room. Aunt Jackie was shopping with Kelly, and Martin was reading a book. Carlo wanted to share his good news with his brother."Martin, I became a man the other day.""Yea, sure. With who? You never leave the house.""If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell.""Okay, I promise. Who did you have sex with?""Aunt Jackie and I had sex together.""Why would Aunt Jackie have sex with a dork like you?""I guess she wanted to have sex. Man. You should...
IncestRebirthday It was the beginning of my senior year of college, and our fraternity was throwing the annual fresh meat back-to-school party. It's easily the best party of the year because it's our first chance to check out the crop of incoming freshmen girls. They're always so sexy, all dressed up and unsure of themselves, awkward and embarrassed by their blossoming 18 year old bodies, and they're always so worried that they have to put out or they'll get a bad reputation. And as usual...
Alex I stood before the mirror and admired the view. Me, dressed. Gray suit, white shirt, blue tie, black shoes. Hair combed, my St. Andrew medal visible - I even found the cufflinks Great Aunt Claudia gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. I looked sharp. I looked good anyway, but when I dressed for it, I looked damn good. Mom tapped on my door, "Sweetheart, come on, we're going to be - oh, my!" She stopped and admired the view. "We're going all out this Sunday, aren't we?" "It...
As promised I told you I would share info about how my wife became a slut. Cheri is a smart girl. Knows her job well and her boss as always recognized it. Cheri's boss Barb is a woman whos is very sexy and strong. Barb is 54 tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a phenomenal body that is built for sin. 38 d tits and a tight waist with a nice ass. A few years ago Barb asked Cheri to go to Dallas for company meeting. It was after Cheri returned home that I found out how she got here...