BethChapter 15 free porn video

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June 30, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written on July 2, 2017]

I woke to the feeling that I was being watched. I gathered my wits, thinking about where I was, and when. Oh, yeah. My face must have lit up, but I know that I felt myself grinning like an idiot. I turned my head to face Rhee’s side of the bed ... Wait a minute. When did that happen, that Rhee has an official side of my ... our? ... bed? Anyway, I turned toward her and discovered a grin that could not have been less goofy than mine.

That grin opened and whispered, “Morning.”

Feeling a bit perverse, I replied in what I hoped was in the ballpark of an Irish accent and replied, “And top o’ the mornin’ to you, too, lassie. Do we know what time it is?”

“I don’t know if ‘we’ do, but I do,” responded Rhee, obviously also feeling perverse.

“All right, smart-ass, what time is it?”

Rhee’s grin got extra crazy, but then she relented, “Shortly after 7:30.”

“Wow. That may have been the best night’s sleep that I’ve gotten in a long time. I mean, we can’t have gotten to sleep much later than 10.”

“Yeah. Maybe we need to watch your parents fuck on the kitchen table and then have wild-monkey sex ourselves anytime that we start getting sleep-deprived. And, by the way, I will never look at that table in the same way, again.”

I chortled. “I know. It’ll be ... well ... at least a bit odd to sit at that table with them for a meal.”

Rhee’s query, “Shower time,” was accompanied by that left-eyebrow raise. “I imagine that we must smell like sex.”

I inhaled, exhaled loudly, and sighed. “But I’m so comfy,” I whined. Then grinned at Rhee.

“Come on, girl,” she replied as she threw off the sheet.

I followed her lead and headed to the bathroom. While Rhee peed, I got the showerheads running; we then traded places. Rhee was washing her hair when I stepped in the shower and I started in on mine. As I was rinsing my hair, with my head leaned back, I suddenly felt a mouth on my left breast along with a tongue on that nipple and a hand kneading my right breast.

“Hey, no fondling the Assistant Coach while she’s got shampoo on her face.”

The hand and mouth moved off my body. I was mentally pouting, when Rhee said, “Okay. There’s no more shampoo on your face,” and she returned to my breasts, only this time, the mouth attacked my right breast.

I was having trouble concentrating on finishing the rinse, but eventually managed it, all the while having my breasts lovingly mauled. As soon as I finished, Rhee stood up, tenderly put her arms around me, and said in my ear, “Good morning, Beth.”

I almost started sobbing. It may seem silly, but that was the loveliest, most romantic thing that I’ve ever experienced. Rhee loves me. How is it that I can know that I’m not gay, but feel so wonderful, thrilled even, that Rhee loves me romantically? And I know that I am in love with her. How is that possible?

Rhee must have felt the slight tremors that my emotional storm created, as she hugged me even more tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and turned my head to the side and rested it on her shoulder, the shower stream washing my tears off her shoulder.

After a short time, I know not how long, a voice whispered in my ear, “Are you okay?”

I tried to nod my head, but the position that it was in did not really permit such. I lifted my head and leaned back to look into her eyes. “I’m ... Hmm. I’m okay, I think. I’m also confused. One thing about which that I’m not confused is that I love you.”

Rhee interrupted, “I love you, too.”

“I wasn’t quite finished. I love you. But I love you... , “ I inhaled deeply and continued, a bit fearful. “I love you as if you were the love of my life.”

Rhee started to interject, but I shook my head, rather violently, and continued down this scary course upon which I had decided (when did that happen?).

“I’ve not been in love before, but I feel it – so strongly – that I love you as if you were a boy or man. But I also know that I really want to make love to my dad, and I am sexually intrigued by the possibility that Brett presents. I don’t think that I’m gay ... a lesbian. How could I be, when I am sexually interested in two males, one with whom I’d agree right now to a long-term sexual relationship? I’m confused ... and scared.”

“Scared? I don’t know that I’ve seen you scared. You’re so strong, confident.”

“Terrified is a more-correct term. Is it just the sex? I really hope not.”

That got me squeezed again.

“Beth, I love you. So, you’re confused; I am, too. What do two 14-year-olds know about love? Alone, in bed, I often catch myself thinking about us, us as a couple. I was serious the other night: I would be very happy living with you. But, I, too, want your dad in a sexual relationship. I don’t know Brett well enough to have any feelings in any direction for him, but I can also imagine having sex with some other male. But I want you. Again, I would enjoy living with you as lovers. But, and this is a big ‘but,’ if we cannot have your dad, then we need to move to a different city. It would be just too frustrating with him at hand all the time, but not available.”

She chuckled and grinned. I smiled, then pulled her in tightly, rubbing my hands up and down her back. About then, I could feel the water temperature declining. How long had we been in there?! We disengaged and did a quick-and-dirty wash of bodies that got us out of the shower before the water temperature became unbearable.

We dried our hair, which took the usual epoch, and went back to the bedroom. Without thinking, I opened my panty drawer and pulled out a pair.

“What do you think you’re doing, young lady?”

I startled, but then snickered and shook my head. “My mind was obviously elsewhere. I’m starving, let’s get some breakfast.”

We trundled downstairs to find Mom about to depart for work.

“It’s about time, you slug-a-beds. Or, should I say, slug-a-showers?”

I rolled my eyes at her and said, “Good morning to you, too, Mom. Have a nice day at work,” and then smirked at her.

“You will get your come-uppance, young lady, and I hope that I can be there to smirk at you when it happens!”

I laughed and walked over and hugged Mom. “I love you.”

Her arms then went around me, “I love you very much, Dear.” She then unwrapped me and stepped back. “Have a good practice, you two.”

She then turned and headed for the garage. I then got my first look at a clock today.

“Holy shit, it’s 8:40! No leisurely breakfast for us!”

Rhee shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the Cheerios. I got out bowls and spoons; Rhee got the milk.

Rhee and I were dressed and gathering our things for practice and about to walk out the door when my phone rang. I looked at it and answered.

“Hi, Coach.”

I was looking at Rhee at the time, and she lifted that eyebrow.

On the phone, I heard Coach say, “Hi, Beth. I’ll be at your place in a few minutes, please don’t leave.”

“Okay. What’s up?”

“When I get there. Later.”

And she hung up.

I looked at Rhee and before she could ask, I said “I don’t know. She was very abrupt, but she’s heading here. Something must have happened. I’ll wager that she can’t make practice.”

Just a minute or so later, we heard a car in the drive, so we opened the door and went out to meet Coach.

As she was getting out of her car, she started talking, “I’ve got to go to Cleveland. My mom fell and she’s in surgery now. There’s no one to care for her once she’s checked out of the hospital, and I’m the only sibling that can get there today. I’m rushing to make a plane. You two, grab your stuff and I’ll drive you to the field.”

Since we were ready to go, we just grabbed our soccer bags, closed the front door, and got in Coach’s car.

“I’m really sorry, Beth, but you’ll have to run today’s practice and, probably Monday’s. I hope to be back Monday night. I’ll stay in touch so that you’ll know what you’ll have to do. The crazy thing is that my brothers and I had been talking about getting her into assisted living. Obviously, we didn’t start that discussion soon enough.”

“Oh,” I said, “that’s sad.”

“Yeah,” Coach replied, “none of us live near her anymore, so we’ve delayed doing something, just because it’s difficult for any of us to get there, particularly me during season. This was the problem to which I alluded yesterday.”

“Don’t worry, Coach, I ... we all can deal with it.”

“Thanks, Beth. And Rhee. I know that you’ll help. I was going to suggest to you today that we name a Co-Captain, so someone else can take at least some stuff off your plate. Being Captain has enough duties without adding Assistant Coach to your stack of titles. Who would you suggest?”

“Ann,” I said without hesitation. “She can speak for the defense, but she’s also got a great head on her shoulders.” I turned to Rhee and said, “I’m not slighting you, Rhee. But I voted for Ann for Captain and I still think that she’d be good in that role.”

Coach spoke up, saying, “I agree. Ann, it is. Please, don’t be afraid to delegate, but as some say, ‘Trust, but verify.’ Although, that has always seemed something of an oxymoron to me.”

That made me think back to the beginning of my captaincy, and I nodded.

“I understand.” I turned to Rhee again. “I can count on you to help out, right?”

“Absolutely! Just let me know.”

At this point, we were pulling into the parking area at the practice pitch.

Coach said over her shoulder, “Rhee, would you get the bag of balls out of the trunk?”


“Beth, also in the trunk is a bag of stuff that you might need if I don’t make it for the game on Tuesday. I will let you know as soon as my return is confirmed, though it might be by text.”

“Okay, Coach. We’ll handle things. Just take care of your mom; the team will be fine.”

“Thanks, Beth.” And then she hugged me. I was a bit flabbergasted, as she’d never hugged any of us before. At least, not that I knew. But I hugged her back.

She continued, “I knew that I could count on you. I’m off.”

She got in her idling car and drove off. I looked at Rhee and she at me.

“Huh,” I said. “I’m sure glad that we were ready to go.”

“You got that right, girl.”

“Hey, before the team gets here, what do you think of Heather, team-wise.”

“I don’t know her that well; she’s pretty quiet. I do know that she’s wicked fast. I’m faster with the ball than she is, but she’s no slouch there.”

“Yeah. Those were the things that I was thinking about yesterday. She’s going to have to step into Lissa’s position as a starter, so I hope that you’ll help her out.”

“Of course, ... but I feel that you’re thinking larger. If so, give.”

“Well, I’ve got an idea how to use her. I mean, with her speed, there’s no reason to have her play the wing like we have Lissa playing it. They have quite different skill sets, unless Heather’s hidden Messi-like dribbling ability.”

“I don’t think so. Yeah, she’s fast, even with the ball, but I’ve never seen her juke someone out of her shorts.”

“Me either. The immediate need is to make her feel welcome on the starting front line and help her out, if you see that she needs it. My attention is going to be scattered more widely than usual.”

Rhee hugged me. “I’ve got your back.”

I squeezed her tight.


Rhee squeezed me even harder.

“I see a couple of cars coming, so we should probably stop acting like lovers, though, I guess that’s what we are,” but turned it into a question with rising inflection and raised left eyebrow.

I started, then nodded at her. She’s right, no matter how odd it seems. Then, while tugging the ball bag over to the sideline where we usually meet, I turned to see who was arriving. As per usual, the first to arrive immediately started stretching, and Rhee and I joined Mia, Ann, and Gracey in that task. The rest of the team arrived over the next ten minutes, and I let the newly arrived get their stretching in, though I moseyed over to Ann and pulled her aside.

“Would you be willing to serve as Co-Captain?”

Ann looked hard at me, her brain obviously working at hyper speed. “Yeah, okay.”

“Thanks. I’ll announce it. Basically, you’ve got the Captain’s duties anytime that I’m playing at Coach, which will probably be fulltime today and Monday,” and I looked at her for a response.

She nodded, and I continued. “I don’t know anywhere near enough to actually fill in completely for Coach, so I’ll be leaning on you and some others to keep from dropping balls.”

“No prob, Beth. I’ve got it. I assume that Coach isn’t here today. What’s with that?”

“In a minute.”

In thanks, I hugged her quickly.

Once it appeared that all had gotten at least initial stretches in, I called the rally. After they were all standing and I had their attention, I started explaining.

“Coach had a family emergency this morning and she’s on her way to Cleveland.” A bunch of ‘oh’s indicated support for Coach; she was well liked by the team. “We’re on our own for today and, probably, for Monday. She said that she hopes to be back before Tuesday’s game, but she wasn’t sure. So, how about a quick moment to wish Coach and her mother well?”

After about ten seconds of silence, I continued.

“We’ll start out with the usual. Today, Rhee gets to lead calisthenics. But, first, Coach and I have an announcement. Because I’m now saddled with something like three jobs, Coach wanted to appoint a Co-Captain. Since Ann came in second in the voting for Captain, second to that no-talent bimbo who is the current Captain,” I paused, hoping for at least snickers and got them, “Ann was the obvious choice. She has agreed, so please welcome your new Co-Captain.”

Mia, who was Ann’s best friend on the team – they often rode together to team events – chimed in.

“Welcome, Co-Captain. Which shoe do I need to kiss to keep my starting position?”

Snickers and chuckles resulted.

Ann shot back, “Oh, it’s not a shoe that you need to kiss.”

Guffawing ensued.

“Okay, gang. Let’s get started on the fun part of practice. Rhee?”

Rhee led calisthenics and we did the usual three laps of the field. As I finished, I had everyone gather around, again.

“Ann, Mia, and Padme, please set up a dribbling course. Once it’s set up, I want everyone to run through it twice.”

The assigned three grabbed the cones and went at it, the others following, each grabbing a soccer ball from the bag. I walked over to Heather and pulled her aside.

“Hey, I’d like to talk an idea over with you.”

She looked a bit nervous, but looked me in the eyes and responded, “Okay.”

“Rhee says that you’re almost as fast as her with the ball, but that you’re probably the fastest person on the team. Is that right?”

“I guess. Well, I know that Rhee’s faster with the ball and that I’m faster than her without it, but there might be someone faster. I just don’t know for sure.”

“Okay. How’s your wind?”

“Pretty good, I think. At least, I’m usually the first one to finish wind sprints.”

“Yeah, come to think of it, I’ve noticed that. I’ve been thinking about ... No, let’s start this way. Unless you don’t want it, we’re considering you for filling in for Lissa while she’s down with that ankle.”

Her eyes lit up and she started a response, but stopped, took a breath, and then said, “I’d love to do that. I like right wing best and I think that my skill set fits well there. My right is a fair bit better than my left and I’m pretty good at crossing.”

“Yeah, that’s my recollection. So, what I’m thinking about is designing the position’s duties around your skills, which are different from Lissa’s. If my idea works out well, we may need to change our offensive plan a bit. Anyway, with your speed, I’d like to use you as a streaker. We define that as different from a runner, as it’s an offensive player, usually a forward, that takes off toward the goal upon a change of possession in our end of the field in hopes that someone can boot it long and set up a one-on-one with the goalie. Rhee has been our de facto streaker, as you might have noticed. Though what planning we did for that was done last year. We seem not to have explained that to the new team members. Hmm. We’ll have to do something about that.

“Anyway, being a streaker means you’re gonna need to like to run ... and run a lot.” She nodded, so I continued. “We’ll need to get Mia and Rhee ... oh, and Padme, involved in a larger discussion, but that’s the bare bones of my idea. Interested?”

“That sounds great! But I’ll do whatever the team needs.”

Her face, though, looked a bit confused.

“Okay. Let’s go grab the others that we need and get talking about what we’ll have you do.”

Ann had kept the rest of the team doing dribbling practice while I finished up my talk with Heather.

“Ann, please set up the backup offense against the starting D, and cycle whomever’s left through it.”

“Okee-dokee.” She then turned and yelled, “Gather ‘round!”

I guess that we’ve all picked up that rally call from Coach. I intercepted Rhee, Mia, and Padme and had them join Heather and me.

“If Coach cannot make Tuesday, you four are the starting offense. Even if Coach can make it, I want you, Padme, involved in certain decisions about how we’re going to use Heather while Lissa is out. There’s little doubt that you’ll have some field time running the O, even if I don’t have to fill in for Coach.”

Padme nodded and then I noticed Lissa on the sideline. With crutches. That cannot be good.

“Let’s go join Lissa, as her input would be useful.”

As we got near Lissa, I asked “Hey, what’s the story?”

“It’s not all that bad, but my doctor wanted me to use the ankle as little as possible this week and then we’d see how it goes from then. It doesn’t hurt too badly now, and I’m not on serious meds. I don’t doubt that I’ll miss this week’s games, but I’m hopeful that I can make the following Thursday’s.”

“Okay. It’s good to know what we don’t have, as well as what we do have. But, and this is Coach talking, I’d rather have you miss next Thursday’s game than screw something up and not be available later,” and looked at her hard.

Lissa nodded and said, “I’ll be good; I don’t want that either.”

“Okay,” I replied. “Now, since you’re here when you don’t have to be, your dance card probably isn’t filled and you’ve got some free time...” and I arched my brows at her, to which she nodded. “I’d like you involved in the discussion of how we’re going to involve your temporary replacement, which is Heather.”

Again, Lissa nodded.

“The important bits are that Heather is probably the fastest member of the team without the ball, and darned fast with it.” There was a general murmur of agreement, so I pushed on. “Since her style will be different from yours, Lissa, we need to come up with a plan on how to use that style. Heather’s fast and she’s good at wind sprints, so I thought to use her as our primary streaker. No, that’s not quite right. I think that we should set her up so that if she sees an opportunity, to simply go for it.”

I glanced sidelong at Heather to see her response. Her eyes were shining, no doubt of that.

“Padme, as you know – as all of us know, the sweeper is often the decision point for booting one to a streaker. So, if we’re collapsed into our end so much that you’re getting involved in D, I want you to keep an extra eye peeled on Heather and if it looks like you can get her the ball ... onside ... then get her the ball. Heather, if the ball does not come and you wind up behind the defense, figure that the ball is not coming and get back onside. Okay?”

“Yup. Got it,” she replied, her eyes had moved beyond shining to glowing.

“Rhee, you’re a superb streaker in your own right, and I don’t expect you to change your modus operandi. However, if Heather streaks and she’s in front of you, I’d like you to put yourself in a position to support her. Yes?”

“Sure, that’s obvious. But what about Mia?”

“Ah, that’s the question I was going to ask. Anyone?”

Lissa looked down, but then lifted her head.

“I suggest that if Mia sees the ball heading to a streaking Heather, that she’ll know that Rhee will follow Heather. Therefore, Mia should, assuming that Heather isn’t streaking down the center, move toward the center to provide an outlet option that might not be covered by the defense, as they’ll probably shift to their left. In fact, they’ll have to shift left, because no sane defense will leave Rhee unguarded in front of the goal.”

We all snickered.

I followed with, “That’s quite true. That means, Padme, that the sweeper will have to serve as support for Mia, but also as another outlet option for either Heather or Rhee, so position yourself accordingly. Also, taking Lissa’s expectation of how the defense will respond, and I think that Lissa is right, then Zala, or whomever is playing right half, should follow Heather and Rhee in, both to provide an outlet in a different direction, but also to provide a first layer of defense in the case of a counter-attack should Heather or Rhee lose the ball. Thoughts? Questions?”

Heather looked like she had one, though seemed hesitant to voice it. So, I put her on the spot.


“Ummm, I like the plan for me; it sounds fun. I’m just a little concerned that I didn’t think about all these bits of ... strategy? Tactics? Yeah, tactics ... for something as seemingly simple as lobbing the ball to a forward behind the defense. At least, this sort of ... um ... layered response was never part of our discussions on my last team.”

She seemed to notice that Rhee was winding up to respond, so she held up her hand.

“Oh, I think it’s great. I just never realized that there was more involved in...” she paused and screwed up her face, obviously thinking furiously, “um, deeper offensive tactics, I guess.”

Rhee’s face cleared of concern and she came back with, “Hah! You ain’t seen nothin’, yet. I know that you’re new and weren’t with us at the beginning of the season. This ... this, my dear Heather, is the main reason that Beth is Captain and why all of us old salts follow at her heels, as I’ve been doing since we were 9. I think that she dreams soccer strategy and tactics.”

Mia shouted, “May I have an ‘amen?’”

Rhee, Lissa, and Padme followed on cue, “Amen!”

I rolled my eyes.

Mia continued, “Yeah, Heather, now that you’re on the starting offense, you’ll have to put up with a lot more of this! You now may sit at the feet of the Master with all of us other acolytes,” and she proceeded to genuflect at my feet.

“Get up, girl,” I said to Mia, “before I make you run five more laps.”

Mia rushed to stand and replied, “Yes, Master. Whatever you say, Master. I live to serve, Master.”

I whapped her upside the head.

“Umm,” said Heather, “My last team didn’t really consider any of the things that you guys mentioned. We were told to “get open.” Then her face got a look something short of awe, but approaching it, and she finished with, “I guess that I just didn’t understand that you guys play on such a different level. Because I didn’t understand, I felt ... not ostracized, but that’s close. You guys rock. I want in, into the elite club, not that I think that you guys are elitist ... but...”

Rhee, bless her soul, just stepped over to Heather and hugged her.

She added, “Hey, you’re on the starting offense, at least for now, so you’re automatically in. I’ve got to warn you, though. If you see Beth and Lissa sitting somewhere with their heads together, they’re delving into deep, deep, deep strategy and tactics. Most of us just turn around and pretend that we didn’t see them.”

Mia shouted, “May I have another ‘amen?’”

Rhee, Lissa, and Padme were joined by Heather in shouting, “Amen!”

“All right, you guys, go replace the backup offense and kick that defense’s butt.” After a second, I added, “But don’t tell the D that I said that.”

After we finished up the active part of practice, I sat the team down and discussed the new plan for the offense, making sure that Zala knew her task with a streaking Heather. Lissa is more of a ball-control forward, as she can out-dribble nearly anyone, so she usually wound up supporting a streaking Rhee, rather than streaking herself. I also reminded everyone else that anyone could boot for a streaker if she saw it happening and if she had the space required to kick a long ball. That is, despite that the usual outlet for a counterattack from the defense being one of the midfielders or the sweeper.

As we were breaking up for the day, I again pulled Heather aside, though Rhee was right there, too.

“Hey. On Monday, anytime that you’re shooting, whether for shot practice or in scrimmaging, I want you to shoot only with your left,” and I cocked my head and raised my brows at her.

“Yeah, okay. I know that I need more skill there.”

“Do you watch soccer videos on YouTube,” Rhee asked.

Heather turned to her with a puzzled look and replied, “Some.”

“Do you know who Messi is?”

“Yeah. Striker. Barcelona.”

That took Rhee a bit aback, and she came off her tack.

“Oh, you will fit right in, girl.” Then she turned to me with that eyebrow raised, “Afternoon for the offense watching Barça?”

“Hmm. Let’s think about that. It’s a good idea, but who do we include and, by extension, exclude? Just the starting offense? All offense? Midfielders? And where? Your house, as you guys have that big screen. But the room is too small for too large a gang.” I turned to face Heather more directly, as I noticed Gracey approaching. “By the way, where do you live?”

“A couple blocks north of here.”

“Well, hell, girl,” Rhee responded, “you’re practically a neighbor. I’m only two blocks south of here and Beth is another block south, though off to the east. We regularly do a little pick-up play here or just kick the ball around. You should join us.”

I jumped in. “Yeah. What’s your number? You know, I should probably have every ... oh. I’ll bet everyone’s phone numbers are in the stuff that Coach left for me.”

“Regardless. Heather, ready for my number,” Rhee asked, then proceeded to recite it to Heather.

Heather then dialed it, giving Rhee her number. When that was done, Gracey spoke up.

“You guys ready to go?”

Rhee and I got a ride home from Gracey’s mom; the ball-and-cone bag would have made that a difficult walk home.

“Thanks, a lot, Mrs. García. We’re going to be getting together tomorrow around noon, if that’s good for you, Gracey, Mrs. García.”

Gracey looked at her mom, who replied, “I’ll drop the duo around noon, then. Later.”

Rhee and I went in through the garage so that we could drop the ball bag in the mud room. As we exited the mud room, Rhee started stripping.

“This is great! Something like 24 hours without having to wear clothes!”

“What if we go out to dinner?”

She snorted. “Like your mom will pass up a chance to do the culinary thing.”

“Nah,” I responded, “I think that she’s working late, today.”

That gave Rhee pause. “Well, what if we made dinner? I know that you can cook some things and I can certainly help.”

After we both came back downstairs from my room where we stashed our soccer bags and clothes, I went to the fridge and started pulling lunch makings out, all the while checking to see what we have that I might use for dinner. There was ricotta and provolone, so lasagna was doable. As Rhee started building sandwiches, I texted Mom.

“If it’s ok, I’ll make lasagna for dinner.”

We were cleaning up our lunch mess when Mom finally got a chance to answer my text: “Go for it. Thx.”

Since we had plenty of time to get it made, we went upstairs for our post-practice shower. Finally. We weren’t too frisky in the shower, but I couldn’t help but remember the shower that we took this morning. The stomach butterflies reminded me that I am still confused over the ‘Us’ that is us. Happy, but confused.

We spent a couple hours trying to track down as many videos as we could find of Lionel Messi shooting right-footed, all for ammunition to keep Heather focused on improving her left-foot ability. We also got to talking about a subject that Rhee introduced, the possibility of going to a four-position front line, if Heather worked out. We both agreed that, with her speed, if her dribbling was even somewhat better than average and her positioning sense was good, that it would be criminal to keep her out of the starting line-up. We hashed out some options, including who gets demoted to make room for another offensive player or, more pointedly, do we scrap the sweeper position.

The lasagna was baking, the garlic bread was ready to go in the oven at the appropriate time, the table was set (and Rhee made more than one comment about the table, suggesting enshrining it), and we were working on a salad when someone came in the back door.

Same as Beth
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I came back home after spending the day playing golf and my sexy wife received me just wearing high heels and a black nylon hose. Anita dragged me to our marital bed and we fucked all night long like wild crazy rabbits.When we were both done and recovering the breath she told me:“I arranged a gangbang with two black studs; Jamal’s friends…”Ana admitted she was really horny and needed more than one black cock to calm down. My sensual babe said she had arranged everything with the black guys and...

3 years ago
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Massage Woman Of The House 8211 Part 5

I am Brinda. You read that on 10th night of mourning period of mother inlaw’s death I had cock of husband of my eldest sister in law Rashmi . While I fucked with Vinod in Rashmi’s room, she had full night fun with her lover boy Babu on my bed. Not only his handsome personality what I like most of Vinod was his boldness, daring. Moment I started teasing him, he warned me that he is not an impo but still I believed that he will not be able to fuck me so easily. But within 6-7 minutes since I...

1 year ago
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Camgirl Confidential Pt 1

Sophie was depressed. Her first semester was only just beginning, but she had pretty much decided that college wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She had entered university life full of expectations about an exciting new life, one full of parties, new experiences, and new friends that shared her interests. If maybe those interests were a little on the nerdy side, so what? Surely at college she would find people like her, who loved video games, art, astronomy, and writing short stories.She had...

4 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 24

My sister Princess came back to the estate for a visit that promised to have lots of fun for both of us. At least, that was the anticipation I held right up until the time that she threw the bottle of French perfume at me and told me to get out of her bedroom in no uncertain terms. My other sisters were all giggling because they enjoyed my discomfort at Princess's attitude and newfound liberation from our close family ties. I guess she was quite independent now and had her own agenda to...

4 years ago
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Elizabeth 03 The Art Student

The sun was ablaze on the mysterious tropical island, and Jonathan was ambling down the beach admiring the waves. Rocky bluffs on one side, emerald-green water as far as the eye could see on the other, and the sand felt beautifully soft between his toes as he walked alone towards the somewhere he knew but couldn’t quite remember. The sound of the waves rang out in his ears, and he could hear the seagulls crowing overhead as well, only strangely enough they sounded nothing like any bird he had...

1 year ago
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Like RabbitsChapter 7

Back at home, Cassandra is waiting, sitting on the lounger where this day’s adventure began. None of the other girls are around, which Carson finds strange. “Where is everyone” he asks. His sister smiles at him. “They are waiting for your arrival.” Kelly, who has been holding his hand since they walked through the door, pats it now, smiling at him as well. “I’ll go get them prepared.” Cassandra waits until Kelly leaves before speaking again. “Well, big brother, you did it,” she says...

2 years ago
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Porn Star

"This place is a bitch", the man said chewing a cigar with his uneven, stained teeth. He was a portly old man in a dark jacket, blue jeans and shiny crimson shoes. His short gray hair covered only the sides of his head. He had small eyes and bushy eye brows, a large nose, big forehead and puffy cheeks. His large, round face and double chin melted into his thick body and his thick stubby hands poked through the long sleeves of his jacket.Joe owned the studio, not legally but we all knew who...

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The Encounter

As we made the plans for the first meet anticipation was building inside. Questions were racing through my mind. ‘What is he like? Does he look like his picture?’ But I didn’t let it stop me from sleeping. The day approached quickly. We began texting as we do as soon as the first persons eyes opened. He sent the final text that he would call when he was close. I lay in bed for another 45 minutes before I began to get ready. I got up picked out the perfect outfit and got in the shower. I went...

3 years ago
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Sex in the Time of Covid19 with apologies to GG Marquez

The showerhead hissed as Tony picked up the bottle of Hibiclens, the disinfectant body wash. Apply thoroughly. Avoid face and genitals, the label read. He obeyed.As he rinsed himself, he gazed down at the jelly roll dangling between his thighs, fat and complacent.“You look good like that,” Tony said. “Better get used to it. I know it’s a date but it’s a socially distanced date if you can believe. So your help will not be needed.”He dried himself and got dressed in freshly laundered casual wear...

2 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 20 Salem One

T'Pol awoke with a slight disorientation. Even though they had been living in the captain's quarters on Salem One for three days now, she still felt slightly disoriented in the mornings, waking up in a room that was even more spacious than their quarters on Enterprise. All that, however, was not the reason for her premature return to consciousness. Waking up to the sensation of being in a firm hug from a semi-naked or naked engineer was the rule rather the exception, but today he had woken...

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BreedersChapter 12

"Tamarack," Carolyn enunciated as clearly as possible for the ticket agent. "Tamarack, West Virginia. It's just a little place, just below Charlestown about twenty or thirty miles." The ticket agent ran a stubby finger down the list of stops on his bus schedule, flipped over the page and ran down a second line of numbers. "Oh yeah, here it is. Tamarack, West Virginia. Well, if you take the next bus - that's at 7:30 tomorrow morning - you will get in there about 4:30 tomorrow...

1 year ago
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Slut ts latest report she was told to lube

Here's her reportI walked over onto his back deck took my shorts off pulled my tits out and knocked he opened the door grabbed my hair and pulled me inside, he reached down and slid 2 fingers into my wet pussy as he sucked on my nipples I started moaning and tried to reach for his cock he grabbed my hand and pushed it back by my side and told me to leave it there unless he told me otherwise he then walked into the other room came back with a bandana and rope he threw it on the table and pushed...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a College DropOut Part 1

Jessica sat nervously in the lobby of the insurance office as she awaited her interview with Mrs. Devine. It was the middle of December and she had just returned home from college a few days earlier. It was a difficult return home because she had lost her financial scholarship due to her grades dropping very badly this past semester. She had called her mother to confess the news last week after her Student Adviser told her she would need to come up with the money for next semester’s tuition on...

3 years ago
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As a Wall Street attorney, I have to dress the part. Believe me, if it was up to me, I'd wear jeans and polo shirts all day everyday.Please let me introduce my self. My name is Kevin Provocante. I am 30 years old and just over 6 feet in height. I have black hair which I keep short to maintain my professional appearance, and I have green eyes. I keep in shape by working out probably three times a week, plus a good run on weekends when I can find the time. At 175 pounds, I keep myself in pretty...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 10 Jimrsquos Bucket List Has One Less Item

Jim didn’t even get to press the doorbell as he stepped up to his neighbor’s house. Sam opened it before he could reach the bell button and dragged him inside. The door closed behind him and Sam gave Jim a heart-stopping kiss, so full of passion and lust that his cock nearly burst from his shorts. “Welcome back, stud,” she said, grinning as she broke the kiss and stepped back. “Now that’s what I call a welcome,” Jim said, grinning back at her. “Oh, we’re just getting started, baby. Just...

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The Storm

Angie arrived later that night than she was supposed to due to the storm delays with her flights. There she was, lost in the big city…it’s storming and rain is coming down in sheets. The taxi drops her off because she’s out of money and it’s in the worst part of town. She shivers as the wind cut through her. Cold, wet and afraid she hurries over to get under an awning of one of the abandoned buildings that lined the street. She gathers herself and notices a group of men just down the alley...

3 years ago
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Rob Vs The Succubus Round 8

We both stood there holding each other for a bit with our heads rested on each others shoulders. Once I had caught my breath, I started to kiss her neck and shoulders.She responded with the same. Suddenly, we were feverishly kissing each other all over.I grabbed her hips and backed her toward the shower. She flung the curtain open with one arm and began to back in. We never slowed down as we entered the shower.Fortunately, there was still hot water. I am not sure that we really cared where we...

Straight Sex
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How I Got An Aunty In A Bus With Her Husband In The Bus

Hi to all…I am Anil… From warngal let me explain about me I am very athletic .. And handsome of about 6.1 inches height and medium built body white in colour… This is my first ever story … Going to the story when I was travelling from warngal to Hyderabad usually I have lot of sex desires … On aunties who are married .. Coming to the story .. During my journey I am getting bored ..and bus was almost full .. No one sat beside me…. After few minutes a newly married couple entered into bus .. Bus...

1 year ago
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Its Wonderful To Be A Woman

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a prequel to the first story that I posted on Fictionmania, titled "To Become A Woman." Permission is granted to post this story on any free archive for transgender stories. Feedback would be most appreciated. Enjoy! IT'S WONDERFUL TO BE A WOMAN By Mr. Solitude In a dark corner of the Lakeside Bar and Grill, a twenty- something slightly heavyset man sat alone at a table for two. He looked up expectantly at the door each time it opened, as though...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 52 Friends and Neighbors Part II

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I rang the bell at the Nichols’ house, a brick home like mine, but with a very different look, blockier and almost fortress-like. We were quickly ushered in by Alice Nichols and my first impression was ‘old money’, given that the decor was very traditionally American, as opposed to my more ‘Scandinavian Modern’ minimalist tastes. That didn’t mean that it was actually ‘old money’, but it sure felt that way, especially when I saw a series of black and white...

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Me My Wife and a Man

It all started one night when me and my wife were laying in bed. My wife looked at me and said "you know i've always had fantasies about being with a woman." She told me that she had an idea that I could dress up as a girl and be her girlfriend. I told her that I'd think about it. The next friday when we got home she asked if I had thought about it and I told her I would do it. She got excited and said thank you and we should do it soon because we were off on vacation for two weeks. WE...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Cousin At Amritsar

Hi friends, I am Rahul age 27 yr from ludhiana punjab. Here I will tell you a real exp of my life ,how I fucked my cousin sister. This is my first story and if there is any mistake then let me know. All feedback, suggestions and comments are welcomed. My mail id is Now I am coming to story My cousin name is priya and she was studying in chandigarh. She is not from my close relative that’s why I didn’t much about her at that time. First time I saw her pic on face book but was not sure k she was...

2 years ago
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Doctor and His Nurse

Dr. Maxwell Straus finally warms up to his new nurse Eric Hollis, a 30-year-old personal aide to Dr. Maxwell Straus, knocked on his boss’s door before entering, ‘Cabot has you by the balls on this one.’ ‘Goddammit. For the last time, No! How much more paperwork am I going to have to fill out now to make them go away,’ Maxwell Straus replied. ‘There may be no away out of this one. The budget for all our supplies and medications now go through his office. The governor signed a new order...

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Fucking Leena 8211 My Wife8217s Best Friend

Hello everyone. Get ready to jerk off and finger yourself after reading this story. This is Raj again with a real story which happened to me some days back. This is a true incident that happened between me and my wife’s best friend. Her name is Leena. She is average in height and with a figure to die for. She recently got married. This started when we meet at a common friend’s wedding. As she was my wife’s friend I knew her very well. We met at the wedding and greeted each other. Few talks...

4 years ago
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1st Visit to FantasyLand 1

FantasyLand 1 - Introduction to FL by SatiSlut - is the story of my first time in FantasyLand 1 in Tampa. It isn't erotica, this is exactly how it all happened. This is also not a review of FL, as I'm getting to that at a later date. I just wanted to write down my experience going in for everyone to read before I forget how it all went down!I have to say, that I was pretty nervous going in...

2 years ago
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The Teacher and the Secretary

I am quite proud of my body. I’m not over-confident about showing it off, but I know I am not fat and not skinny, and just the right amount of curvy in just the right places. My measurements are exactly the same as Marilyn Monroe’s, which I was ecstatic to learn! I don’t mind guys checking me out, and I appreciate when people tell me I look good. Sometimes, I like to leave my bedroom curtains open when I get dressed. I have noticed one guy who drives past my house every morning, on his way to...

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Vickies Abduction

Vickie is a very beautiful woman in her fifties looking more like a thirty year old. She unknowingly gets the attention of a local stalker rapist as she shops at the local super market. He kidnaps her and rapes her as she worries about him killing her. Her thoughts were to survive what ever he does to her. ______________________________________________________________ I was doing my monthly grocery shopping at the local super market when I spotted her. I pushed my shopping cart past her in...

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Hitchhiking Baby Doll Part One

I hadn't been in his cab for more than a half hour when the driver who picked me up, brought up the subject of sex to me."Last week, I had a guy and girl riding with me and they both liked giving me blow jobs. And, you know, if I closed my eyes, I couldn't tell the difference of which one was sucking me off. They were both excellent at sucking cock.""That sounds like you had a fun ride," I replied.The fact that I was a cute cross-dressing boy made the solution simple to me. My trucker was about...

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Michelle tries BBC and craves more

Michelle's FirstMost women fantasize about how big black men really are and what it would really feel like to have sex with one. I kind of brushed the idea of it ever happening out of my head until I moved to Georgia. I met a couple of black guys a few days after I moved there and they paid a lot of attention to me and were always teasing me about how they were going to seduce me.The first time Mark ever talked to me I started thinking about having sex with him. He had a nice body and all the...

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Beautiful Girl On Railway Station 8211 Part II

Hi friends. I’m 22 male from Hyderabad. U can call me Akela I don’t share my name n all my stories there no names contains. “According to Shakespeare what’s there in name” sorry for that friends. I don’t want to disturb any 1 lives. I hope u all understands. Girls n aunties who r interested in sex or sex chat or who r feeling alone like me they can mail or chat with me on Once i was waiting for a train on railway station there was a girl standing n waiting for a train. She is dam beautiful n...

1 year ago
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How to Wash a Girl Guide

How to Wash a Girl Guide Jo comes into the kitchen, her sandalsundone, and as she walks they slap against the stone floor, the buckles ringinglike little bells. She is in her Girl Guide uniform — brown shorts,yellow shirt, and a blue neck-scarf tucked inside her collar. 'Ooh, biscuits!' is the first thingshe says. She makes straight for the chocolate bourbons and crams one intoher mouth. Then she pours herself a mug of tea from the pot. 'That'll be cold,' says her sister,Helena, sitting at...

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Truth or dare brother 2

I wasn't sure what to say. He said he would never be mad at me. So I just told him. “Earlier, Jessica and I were talking,” I said. “OK, what about?” Jeff asked. “Just promise you won't get mad. It's not a big deal I don't think anyway. And remember we just had great sex,” I replied. “OK, what is it?” Jeff asked. Then I another deep breath. “Well Jessica and I were talking about you earlier. Let's just say we're both interested in you. So we were talking about how I wanted to be with you and she...

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Fucking Dairies 8211 Wechat Ki Ladki Ko Hotel Me Laake Choda

Hello readers, I am Harsh Sinha and I live in Delhi. This is my second story about how I didi sexy my 2nd time. Any girl or aunty of Delhi if you want to do sex with me reply me I can make sure you wont regret doing it with me. Give it a try. Meri story start hoti h jbb mai darjeeling gaya hua. Mai and mere 4 friend the mere sath. Ham log jbb darjeeling pohche to hame ek hotel liya and waha thoda aaram karne ki socha.. Plan hu k aaj sbb log rest karenge and kal se ghooomne niklenge.. Mai leta...

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Humiliate your Husband

Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband:Tease your husband with the idea of, you sleeping with another man.Comment on how good other men look to you.Tell your husband that you like big endowments.Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you.Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.Tell your husband he is a wimp.Tell your husband he is a jerk.Laugh, grin, giggle or shake...

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The Meadowlands

I’m driving you down to the Meadowlands. The brooding, wild and desolate Meadowlands, you’ll like it there I’m sure. It’s so quiet and peaceful, a world away from your hectic city lifestyle. I used to bring your Sister here years ago, ten years ago to be precise, back in the day when we were still a couple. We are travelling in complete silence, the only sound is the quiet hum of the engine as it propels the car ever closer to our destination. I cast you a sideways glance and take in your...

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[Author’s note: this chapter directly follows the Prologue.] She grabbed him arm and forced him to face her, pulling back her hood to reveal a wild tangle of flame-red hair framing brilliant green eyes. She was incredibly beautiful. She was... “You ... you can’t be...” He staggered backward. One step. Two. Three. “She told me...” He fell to his knees, ignoring a cluster of sharp pains as they struck gravel and began sinking into the mud. “You’re ... you’re not...” “I’ve been waiting...

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A Slave To 50 Teenage Girls

Chapter 1 I become a slave How could I have been so stupid to end up on a bright Saturday afternoonwith my hands handcuffed behind my back through a park bench while a girl mademe lick her patent leather shoes? The girl was cute but her shoes really stank. It all started when I and my friend Ted and his girl friend Debbie acceptedan invitation at a disco to go back to the condo of two cute blonds. They werereally sexy and we were a bit drunk. I was interested but hesitant until Debbiesaid she...

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Sissy Bimbo Dream

"I can make your dreams come true. I can make you the Sissy Bimbo you really want to be. The mindless cock sucking slut you dream about being." I must admit the caption under this curvy Mistress certainly had my mouth watering. I looked at the picture, Mistress Samantha Payne, she was not a BBW my personal preference but she was full figured. It was however the knowing smile that captivated me. I had been looking through several adverts for a professional Mistress and somehow this one...

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The Lust of Learning

You are Elizabeth Longwood, a 36 yr old billionaire philanthropist born with both male and female genitalia. You have recently announced to the world that you are to build a school for talented young women on an island off the coast of California. You are praised all over social media for your generosity, If only they knew your true reasons for building this school. You interview many women for teaching and staff jobs, only hiring the hottest among them. You receive tons of applications from...

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Arabian Nights

Another day, another dollar.I was waiting at the subway station for my wife to pick me up. She had taken the day off to go on a job interview. I jumped in the car. It was early summer, and she was wearing a cute floral-patterned sundress and a big smile, the picture of a demure suburban housewife happily picking up her husband."I was a bad girl today.""Yeah.  How'd the interview go?  What'd you do?""Well, Mohammed called me. I told him I was busy today and had to go for a job interview, and he...

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A Study Break

Sebastian is a sexy German grad student. We initially met online, clicked, and had already hung out a few times and had incredible sex. Standing 6’2 with shaggy blond hair, I was immediately attracted to his muscular but lean athletic body. Once we spoke on the phone and I heard his sexy German accent, I knew I wanted to hear him whisper dirty, nasty things to me in German. We arranged to meet up on Saturday afternoon once he finished up some lab work. I picked him up at the T station and we...

Straight Sex
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New Life Chapter Two

Please read part one. Thanks!!I had fallen asleep in the dark room after Sir had left me alone in there after our encounter. I woke up to the sun shining through a big window. I was now in a king size bed, complete with a soft mattress and a down comforter. I looked around at my surroundings. Where was I? I must have been moved from that room. The door opened up, and the smell of breakfast wafted in behind it. A maid walked in, carrying a tray filled with eggs, toast, and fresh fruit. There was...

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Slumber Party Fun and Games

It was Friday night, my parents were going out and my sister was having a slumber party. It was my job to make sure they stayed safe and behaved themselves while Mom and Dad were gone. I sat watching TV while the girls were in my sisters room. After a while I went to check on them quietly standing outside the bedroom door to listen. I heard one of them say to the others "Have you ever seen a guys dick?" I heard a couple of them answer no and they giggled a bit. Then I heard my sister tell them...

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Jerry and Cyndi

I had just gotten off work and it had been a bad day so I stopped at Duke’s for a wind-down drink. I was halfway through my vodka tonic when she came in. She being my wife’s best friend Addison. I was in a back corner and it was a bit dark and I hoped the Addie wouldn’t see me sitting there. No such luck. She scanned the room like she was looking for someone in particular, spotted me and headed my way as I thought “Fuck! Just what I need right now.” She walked up to me and asked if I would...

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The Night After

 Okay, I want to start off with a few words. No, I'm not gay, just go around with stories. And No, I'm not a child malaster, and have never had any thoughts of...well, you know. Anyways, I highly recommend you read the first one, as this story continues from where the first one leaves off. For all of you, let me reveiw you on Jake. Jake was the silent type, but had major dreams, and was quite intelligent for his age, liked dressing in nothing but black (not gothic), and enjoyed looking at porn...

4 years ago
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LA FunChapter 83

I woke up Tuesday morning thinking that something needed to be done. It was almost six, so I slid from the bed to unload and try to think of what I forgot. I put workout clothes on after brushing my teeth. The girls were waking up, because there was a parade going to use the toilet, then following me through the closet to also dress in workout clothes. We went downstairs and into the kitchen, ignoring the coffee pot on the bar in the saloon. I went to the bigger fridge to pull a fairly full...

3 years ago
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I awoke into darkness, with the strangest floating feeling. Where am I? OK...think.....I remember going to bed, admittedly after arguing with Penny about our sex life. She has such a high sex drive that she often wants sex when I do not! So I must be asleep in bed I can sense my surroundings but I cannot I dead Vaguely I here a buzzing noise almost like the sound of an alarm clock I open my eyes..... I can see but everything is fuzzy I cannot make out the details of...

2 years ago
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The Secret Machine of Doctor Zero

Introduction Steampunk is a genre which came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s and incorporates elements of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, horror, and speculative fiction. It involves a setting wherein steam power is widely used. It can be in an alternate history such as Victorian-era Britain or the "Wild West" in the United States. Another scenario would be in a post-apocalyptic time. The scenario would usually incorporate elements of either science-fiction or...

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Deann Finds Out

Jimmy sat up in bed and felt the dry cum on his belly from last night's masturbation. A quick look at the clock told him his parent's had already left for work and their weekend trip so he knew he had nothing to worry about. The plans he had for the day could begin right now. Stepping out of bed, he padded to the bathroom and began the process. A long shower began the day. He made sure his shapely legs were shaved silky smooth before moving to his underarms and then to his pubic area. He liked...

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Our first encounter

OK, you have been tantalizing me for a couple of weeks here online. Pictures of your hard dick with a cock-ring, private messages about hooking up, de-friending me, re-friending me. So here’s how it’s going to go down:Tomorrow night I will be sitting in my car at the Wal-Mart on your side of town. Not directly under any lights or so far away from other cars as to attract attention. Just out near where the employees park. Light green 4 door sedan, with the driver-side seat belt hanging out the...

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I convinced my BF to let me peg him

This is a true story about how I convinced my boyfriend to let me fuck him in the ass with a strap on.Never have I thought I would have the chance to fuck him in the ass but this pass week he allowed me to..In case you haven't read my last story or looked at my about me section, I have a lot of fantasies and I am into being submissive but sometimes dominating. After cheating on my boyfriend and experience a huge black cock, the fantasy of being dominant to my boyfriend grew bigger and bigger...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Cleo Vixen The Camping Trip

In The Camping Trip, Cleo Vixen goes on a camping trip with her boyfriend by T.Stone. Cleo plays the part of the naughty little blonde perfectly, with pigtails, a pink shirt and shorts so small you can see her tight little ass as she hikes up the mountain. After putting up their tent and snapping some pictures on the trail, the young couple head back to their campsite. Things get heated by the campfire as Cleo drops to her knees to suck her man’s dick and get fucked. This is one camping trip...

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Ride Sharing To Bed Sharing

Hi, I am Sagar working in a MNC in Bangalore.I have a good personality and I am very horny and testosterone charged guy. It is this horniness that led to my first sex encounter.I would be happy to satisfy the thirst of other girls as well .All you have to do is mail me at Now let’s move to the story. This is a true incident which happened six months back and even I can’t believe that this happened. It was a sunny day, and I was waiting for an auto. Five minutes passed and I had no luck. And...

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James and the Little Nymph

The crickets wouldn't stop chirping, and it was getting to James. It was midnight, and he was in a slump. He had a meeting with Laura, his editor, the next day and he still had more than half a chapter to write for her. Not to mention, being in a cabin in the middle of the mountains meant a long drive down to the metropolis. "Maybe I just don't have it anymore" he mused, as he twiddled a small clip with his hand. Laura had even been so kind as to loan out her grandfather's cabin to see if...

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Vegas Porn Theater

I was having fun and Vegas when at around 3am my friends decided to head back to the room and call it a night. I was not ready to stop so told them I would catch up with them in the morning. I was horny and looking for fun so decided to try one of the adult theaters. Fortunately, there was one within walking distance so I headed out. This place had booths and 2 theaters. I gave the clerk my money and headed into the theater. I was hoping that there would still be someone up looking for fun.As...

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