ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 25
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“I see what you mean. I should be able to do that, Frances. Keep an eye on Rex for me, dear?”
Jessica took the printed draft to her room to peruse it, accepting that most of the board would be middle-aged, middle-class, men of various educational standards, and she should read it with them in mind.
Hearing about the draft report, the other wives came to Reg and asked for a company meeting to review it.
“Why?” he asked, uncertain of what they were after.
“We each saw our own stores, but we haven’t had an overview of the whole set of grocery store targets, Reg.” said Fiona, fronting the group. “There may be similarities we haven’t yet spotted.”
He was at first taken aback, then saw their point.
“Yes, we do need an overview, even if it is only in case we do a similar contract in the future. I’ll get Frances to call the meeting and print out a copy of the draft report for each of you to look at in advance. Jessica has a copy to look over as an outsider.”
He caught Frances after she had prepared Jessica to examine the report. He explained what the other ladies intended, and why he saw it as warranted. She swiftly assented, and told him, “I’ll get a meeting room arranged with the hotel manager, and copies printed for examining before the meeting. I should have thought of that myself: too inward-looking, I’m afraid. I’ll ask Jessica to join us when she has gone through the draft.”
A room was available, so the meeting was soon in session, the girls still browsing their copies of the draft report. Fiona was first to comment when she was ready.
“Shouldn’t we have a section for our modus operandi, rather than a bland ‘Observations’? We should let them know what parameters we were using as guidelines when we examined the stores.”
Frances exclaimed, “Dammit. That is right, and we forgot it. It is important in a professional matter such as this, telling them how we proceeded with our thinking: our operational method. Thanks, Fiona.”
She looked around the room. “Main points, please?”
Prudence put in, “Location, location, location. We looked not just at an actual site of the store, but its relevance to the community of today. Some stores were appropriately positioned when first opened, but what with one thing and another, some of them were no longer conveniently sited. The group should have been looking at relocation before now, and sell the old site for a different type of store that customers would drive to: furniture centre, car showroom or a high-tech store are examples.”
“A valid criticism, Prudence. Anything else?”
Freda suggested, “Changes of manager every few years. That keeps them on their toes, expands their experience, and prevents them setting up scams that will probably be revealed and closed down when a new manager comes in.”
Jemima was more interested in staffing.
“I would like to suggest that they pay more attention to staff development. By that I mean giving the staff a chance of learning a more responsible job, such as assistant to the manager in organising locally-sourced supplies. If senior, more experienced, store staff get a shot at such a task, the chances of scams being successful will be minimised. You could have an advanced placement in another store for a week or so, to see how things were done elsewhere. One store may have introduced a good idea and they can pick it up, or conversely she or he can tell them what they are doing unwisely, from her own experience.”
Erika commented, “Someone should be doing training on financial aspects of running a store. Things like negotiating a new deal for local supplies of potatoes. Such a deal should for example have a flexibility clause to allow for bad harvests or bumper harvests, reflecting the price paid to the supplier and passed to the store’s customers. Customers tend to be aware of harvest variability.”
Frances said, “You would think the head office would have such a flexibility clause as standard, and could pass on that pattern for the local store to use in local contracts.”
Reg agreed with this thinking. “I would expect that to be the case, but that is on the basis of good commonsense thinking. We know from past experience that ‘it ain’t necessarily so’.
A knock came at the door, and Jessica peeped in. “Okay to come in, Frances?”
“Please do, Jessica. You can tell us what, if anything, you saw.”
“Yes, we have come to a natural break in our discussion, so now is fine.”
Jessics gestured with the printout. “Apart from several typos that I circled on this copy, I wondered if you intended to tell them how you embarked on the checks: what you were looking for; but you may have wanted to keep that to yourselves.”
Frances chuckled, “No, that was an error that we have now realised, Jessica: well spotted. Anything more?”
“Only on the fees chargeable. I know it is in the contract, but board members do not always read a contract. They expect the lawyers to do that and tell them what they need to be aware of. I think it would be wise to spell out again the fees payable on succesful work by you.”
“Most insightful, Jessica. Do you go along with Jessica on that point, ladies?”
Enough murmers of approval came that Frances announced, “We will insert that from the contract, word for word. Then they can’t say they didn’t know or didn’t understand, when it comes to paying us. They have lawyers to tell them the meaning. I just love contracts that your Dad writes for us, Freda!”
Freda smiled sweetly. “I can always depend on Daddy to know how to word a contract to get the best out of it. He confirmed what you assumed, Frances, regarding capital costs making changes we recommend. The contract stipulates that the contract relates solely to our recommendations for action, and savings that result from these. All legal, social and commercial outcomes during implementation are solely a matter for the client, and have no direct relationship to the investigating company’s proposals. That is why fees are only payable if the client decides to go down the recommended route and improved profitability arises. That is what we expect to happen, so we will be well paid in the end.”
“Is that the wording, Freda?” asked an uncertain Reg, to which she responded, “Of course not; nothing so simple. Daddy put it in legal terminology that they can’t get out of, even if they fully understand what they signed up to.”
“I expected as much,” chortled Reginald.
Frances now asked the meeting, “Has anyone any other observations to make? I would like to get this document rewritten, ready to send out tomorrow.”
The others seemed to be satisfied that enough alterations had been made to their satisfaction. They would be happy to leave Frances to do the rewrite job with the assistance of Freda.
“Fine. In that case, the meeting is adjourned. Thank you, ladies. Your contributions were excellent.”
Everyone got a good sleep that night, after all the travelling and the seperation from their offspring who now got lots of cuddles and other mummy treatment. Hermione and Jemima phoned their mother before going to bed, to satisfy themselves that their babies were comfortable.
In the morning, Sandra got a frantic text from Bobby, so she showed it to Frances at breakfast, while Sidra and Elizabeth filled in for her at the nursery.
“Please read this, Frances: it is from Bobby.”
Frances converted the minimal-spelling text to English in her mind: “Mummy has gone to the press! I don’t know what she was telling them, but a reporter phoned me to ask about you and the Robertsons.”
Sandra’s reply: “Oh God. What did you say?”
“I told her – it was a woman – that I only knew that you worked for the Robertson family, with a lot of women and their babies. She asked: “Your mother said it was polygamy but the police wouldn’t listen to her. What do you know about it?”
I said, “It is not polygamy, as Mr Robertson is not married to any of them according to my girlfriend”: I thought it was easier to not go into what happened between us.
She said to me, “Is it white slavery, then?” and I asked, “What do you mean, white slavery?” and she said, “Women acting under duress: forced to submit to sex.”
That didn’t seem right, so I told her, “Well, they all appear to be happy, and Sandra says they work for the company as well, getting well paid. There doesn’t appear to be any pressure on them.”
“What company is that?” and I said I didn’t know, so she asked where they lived. I had to admit to knowing where you worked for them normally, so she took a note of the address. Tell the Robertsons to expect some pressure from a popular daily, probably at their home address. Sorry about all this, Sandra. I didn’t think Mummy would go this far.”
Sandra then told Frances that she had informed Bobby that his mother’s actions had forced her to refuse to go out with him ever again. He said he accepted this as final and the call ended.
Frances said, in a kindly manner, “It is probably all to the good, Sandra. You have done your best. It is now up to us Robertsons to fend off the media. We have done it before and we will do it again.”
“Thanks, Frances. I’ll get back to the children now.”
After a moment, Frances phoned home, seeking Holly and Carol, not bothered which one answered the phone. It was Holly again.
“Holly, Frances here. Beware the press, lovey. Some daft woman has set them on us, claiming we were in a polygamous marriage, which we are not. Stall them in any way you can, from downright refusal to speak to them, to claiming you know nothing. The main thing is to admit nothing at all, no matter what they ask you. These journalists will try to twist anything you say into something you didn’t mean, so say nothing at all with any meaning.
‘I am merely an employee of the Robertsons’ could be a good ploy. Imply that you don’t ask anything personal, and so don’t have any useful information at all. You can agree to phoning them if you find anything interesting. We’ll find something we can tell them to mislead them.”
Holly laughed delightedly. “I know you, Frances; you’ll confuse them utterly!”
“We’ll see. Just be prepared. As word of warning: the journalist may not say they are a journalist. They may say that they are a friend, looking for one of us. If you get something like that, ask what you can pass on to the person concerned; look for detail and don’t be fobbed off with vague assurances. If necessary, act daft, as if you are less intelligent then you are. I have seen you do that before, so I know you can manage to put on a good act.”
“Damn: I thought I was good, trying to confuse you!” admitted Holly.
“Mostly because I knew you were trying to get out of doing something, Holly dear. Keep me posted if you get a bite from the popular press.”
Frances then informed Reg of developments. He was not happy. “I don’t like it, Frances, when outsiders take an interest in us like this.”
“We take things as they come, my darling. We can always get Freda’s Dad to slap an injunction on them if they get too intrusive.”
“The trouble with that is you either get to know what they are about to publish; and that’s not easy. Or, you try to stop them continuing afterwards, which is again unsatisfactory.”
“Well, I have done what I can. Holly and Carol have been briefed to say as little as possible to the media. We can do no more, so let’s get back to the submission to our client.”
After breakfast, Jemima came over to Frances to say, “We need to go back to the farm to our babies, Frances. Do you need us today or can we stay wih Mum and Dad or a while?”
“I understand that desire for your babies. I have nothing in my mind today for you girls, so go and enjoy yourselves at the farm with your parents. Check with Reg as well, but if he is fine with it, on you go; I’ll phone for our minibus, in case Reg wants to visit them as well. In fact, stay over with your folks tonight; we’ll keep in touch by phone. I don’t believe we have any other business to conduct here.”
Reginald’s phone rang again. He was surprised to be so popular, but answered with his number. A male voice asked, “Reginald Robertson?”
“We spoke before. This is Tom Freeman, of the Scarborough News; You recall?”
“Yes, Mr Freeman. What do you want to say now?”
“A delicate matter. I got a call from a national newspaper. They have an allegation that you are a polygamist, but at the same time the police say it is not true. They want me to clarify the situation for them. Are you able to help?”
“Ah, I understand. This arises from an overactive middle-aged woman who objected to her son being the boyfriend of our babysitter. He broke it off, but something was said about our living arrangements and she threatened to go to the police. Our babysitter rightly said ‘go ahead if you want to appear foolish’, and stupidly she did. When the police informed her that there was no case to answer, she decided to take things farther and phoned the popular press.
Naturally any hint of scandal interests them, as it sells newspapers. That is why you have become embroiled in the story.”
“Let me get this straight. You were accused of being in a polygamous marriage, but the police confirmed it was not so. Where is the story?” He halted, then went on, “Oh, wait: these ladies on your company staff; they live with you, don’t they?”
“Yes. We all live and work in a large building owned by Frances’ father. It works for us.”
“Right. You are not married to any of them, but they live in your home with you?”
“Well, we all live in our combined business premises and accomodation. Is that a crime?”
“Not as far as I am aware, but to read some of the tabloids, they will make it sound as if it is!”
“So there is the situation. We have a legal address for our business, and our staff living accomodation is within the same building as it is a sizeable structure.”
“That is clear enough, Reginald. What is not clear to me is the bunch of babies that you have with your staff. Do any of them have a recognised father?”
“Of course they do: me.”
“Eh? You admit to fathering all these babies?”
“That is not what I said, Tom. I am the father of each, according to their birth certificates. That is much better for them than a blank for the father. I regard it as a social duty towards my girls and it makes for a cohesive staff for the Company. The Company funds a creche for the children, making their work/home life less complicated.”
“Ah, yes, the Company. Remind me of it’s name; I failed to note it previously.”
“The Company is registered as ‘Recovery Enterprise Group’. The name states our business: recovering assets lost, mislaid or misappropriated in large organisations such as companies, local authorities, and national charities; that sort of thing. We can conduct operations that are awkward for an in-house investigatory section to do without alerting wrongdoers.”
“Recovery Enterprise Group? Doesn’t that abbreviate to R.E.G.? Reg?”
“Why, so it does! The name was devised by our staff before we applied to register the business. They wanted something memorable. We have our formal legal representation for the business and a qualified company accountant. It is all regularly done according to business law, and we are gathering some useful clients. In fact, we are currently concluding a contract for a grocery chain.”
“So the story is less of a scandal and more of a feel-good approach to life?”
“You could say that. Several of the ladies are fellow students at my university, one is an older lady fleeing an abusive ex-husband, and two are Scarborough natives, former layabouts who now have responsible jobs in our oganisation. They are just back from visiting two grocery stores as part of our wider team investigation. They made excellent reports on their research, and these have been incorporated into our overall report. Everyone contributed to that report.”
Tom Freeman asked again, “Reginald: can I be assured that you did not father some of these babies?”
“Tom, that is a question that only a dna analysis could prove, for definite. I am not going to make such a claim of fatherhood for any of these babes, but I gave them my name on registration, and I will act as if they are my children, and love them as such. They deserve no less.”
“Therefore you are not claiming that these women are your wives?”
“That is so. I do not make such a claim, but the ladies are determined to declare to me that they are my wives. There is a great difference.”
“You do not claim they are your wives, but they claim that you are their husband. That sounds odd to me. This is without any duress, I presume.”
“Certainly. They didn’t put me under duress.”
“Pardon me, but I meant that the ladies were under no duress, not you!”
“No duress on anyone’s part, Tom. At one point, about a year ago, they decided that they would be my wives, and informed me of that decision. They told me that to allow one to legally marry me would be unfair on the others, so they elected to forego a formal marriage. Instead, they organisaed a commitment ceremony, where we all pledged ourselves to each other.”
“So, effectively a marriage, but not a legal one?”
“That would cover it. We all intend to remain together for the forseeable future. That may be more of a positive outcome than most legal marriages, would you say?”
“What has this to do with your company?”
“Oh. We encountered a few financial oddities, starting with one at the university. We worked on it as a team, and solved it satisfactorily, and that spurred us think in terms of a business opportunity, and it snowballed from there. Having a team of undergraduates to hand, we involved them all and recruited them into the company structure.”
“You did this, yourself?”
“Gosh, no; I am a relative simpleton when it comes to finance. The ladies organised themselves and involved their parents as well. It made the whole operation simpler, especially when students wanted to set up a company. Their parents stepped in and in no time it was all done and dusted.”
“You didn’t take charge?”
“Good Lord, no. I am from a poor working class background. I have no experience in such matters.”
“Poor background? But you appear to be affluent now!”
“Serendipity, Tom. Sheer luck. I was donated a metal detector and managed to find a silver hoard on a local farm near our home. Even with half going to the landowner by law, I ended up with a lot of cash. Last time I went back there, for another try, all I found was unexploded German bombs!”
“You do live an interesting life, Mr Robertson. This is not the story you gave to me previously.”
“Different questions result in different answers, Mr Freeman. Two reporters could write completely different stories from the same facts, as I am sure you are aware.”
“True. Can I speak to one of your self-procliamed wives, Reginald?”
“Sure. Frances! Come speak to the editor of the Scarborough News.”
He left it up to her as to what she told him.
“Hello, sir. What can I do for you?”
“My name? Mrs Frances Robertson.”
“It is my legal name, sir.”
She listened then declared, “You ought to know something about the law of England, to edit a newspaper. I changed my name by deed poll, and that is what it now is.”
“Wife? Yes, I am Reg’s wife, though there is no marriage certificate to say so. We don’t need that piece of paper.”
He asked a few more questions, but the answers merely corroborated what Reginald had told him, and he gave up.
“Thank you, Mrs Robertson, and goodbye.”’ He sat back at his desk, and pondered what he had heard. Their voices held the timbre of reality, and it all held together as a tale, despite its weirdness.
But what could he tell the national daily? He would expect a fee for supplying the information, but they would expect a usable set of data in return. He didn’t want to make things awkward for the Robertsons, and he certainly didn’t want to impact their Company. He could imagine being sued for defamation of the company’s officers, so he didn’t want that to come his way.
Thinking for a while, he decided to go with a simple statement of facts, adding at frequent intervals the phrase ‘I understand’’ or ‘I was told’ and other get-out phrases where he could show that he did not make unsubstantiated claims, but merely passed on second-hand information. He did not get to be an editor without learning to avoid the pitfalls of stating as fact what you can’t back up with evidence. The national dailies had lawyers to tell them what they could get away with, and even then, they often got it wrong.
He wrote his story details, looked it over, then started revising it over and over until he was certain he had said nothing that could traced back to him as inaccurate. Before sending it by email, he read it over again to make himself certain that he was covered.
After sending it off, he send a second copy to Reginald Robertson for his information, so that they could see what was actually sent, with a covering note, ‘This is what I passed to the national daily, so that you can see that I made no unwarranted claims about you or your family or your business. I would recommend you pass it to your company lawyer for him to compare it with whatever the daily prints’. He added the email address for the daily.
On receiving the email, Reginald showed it to Frances to read and comment. She was quick to say, “Thre is nothing salacious or actionable there. He has worded it very well, but I would take his advice and give it to Hubert Dangerfield to have him see what actually appears.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
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Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
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I drove home from the bookstore with a smile on my face. Spunky hadn't changed a lick. To Spunky any guy who was getting any, was 'The Man'. He really was all about sex. I felt funny leaving my step mom there in the glory hole room but I figured she was getting just what she wanted. She wanted me to screw her on the side and I was all right with it as long as I didn't hurt my dad. She was in heaven sucking the cocks as they stuck them through the wall so I didn't feel bad about it but just a...
Tara Spades has already cum a few times, but she wants to cum some more. What man could resist her when she already has her tits out and legs spread? Certainly not Chris, who adores her big breasts and eats her out before Tara services him with her mouth and cunt. By the way, Tara loves how her pussy juices taste on his cock. She also loves how his cum tastes. What a woman!.. “Sex is my everyday need,” said Tara, who’s 45 years old and lives in the UK. “I’ve loved...
xmoviesforyouAfter we both wake up in the afternoon, we had our shower and later we ordered some food. We had our food and we both got ready for the private beach of the resort. Only the residents of the resort were allowed to enter the beach. It was a half moon size, clean beach with blue water. It was afternoon so there was no rush on the beach only few people were there on the beach. We both headed to the sea, the ambiance was simply enchanting and presence of Amee in a black bikini which was showing her...
My trust was broken as well as my world. The worst thing was that I hadn't suspected a thing. I had trusted Chris with my life. He had fathered my only child. Chris had had an affair. Although he claims it was a drunken one night stand with a hooker who was milling about outside a hotel where he was staying while out on work. In short - it was a terrible mistake and everyone deserves a second chance. The problem is, he often stays away from home. So one prostitute could easily be ten or more....
Alex was glad to get out onto the streets of Oklahoma City. While he was afraid of attracting more attention to himself following the shooting in Dallas, he didn't like the idea of hiding in the hotel room any more than Cate did. What's more, the idea that Cate might have some ideas on how his 'automatic boost' ability worked had him enthused. If they could crack that nut, it would really improve things for his followers and for himself as well. As necessary as boosting people was, he...
He also occasionally looked at male on male, more than anything else... So, I decided there may be some interesting possibilities. Phil and I used to be roomates. He had the upstairs, and wife and I had the lower, Then the WIfe moved, and it was just me and Phil. We sometimes talked about our porn likes and dislikes, and it turned out we both had a similar habit. That habit would lead us to some interesting adventures. Self cleansing, and insertion. Yup, a nice warm enema to clean out...
What is Truth? By Gambler "Mr. President, an emergency!!" the aide stormed into the Oval Office as newly elected President Bush looked up from his desk. He saw the aide snapping on the TV. As always, it was set to CNN. Then a reporter was repeating what she had said for the last half hour. "This is the breaking news. We have just learned that an explosion has taken place in the crude oil loading dock in Kuwait City, Kuwait. An Iraqi terrorist group is claiming...
I suppose I better get it right out up front here that my intent from the beginning was to seduce my young niece. As far back as when she was ten or so, the youngster was always flirting mischievously with me. Even then, Gabby was as cute as a whip; and over the next couple of years her feminine attributes truly began to blossom, so that by the time she was 14, and this story took place, Gabby was quite breathtaking. Her boobs were already in the 32-34 range and unless I missed the mark, she...
She was eighteen and cuter than hell. Hair so dark it looked coal black with eyes to match. Eyes that sparkled with devilment and sexual desire. She was slender, small petit tits, and only five foot tall and weighed about 100 pounds. She knew that I fancied her, she had caught me looking at her enough. She seemed to enjoy giving me a flash of her bare breast, or her soft satin thighs with a flash of her hairless pussy. I tried not to do anything, but a man can only take things like that so...
“I left the money to pay the movers on the dresser,” her husband said, as he walked out the door. “How much are we paying them?” Renee asked. “One-hundred for the three hours. I gotta run, love you!” he replied, as he closed the door behind him. Three hours later all but a few boxes have been moved into the truck. "I need to run, there is somewhere I need to be," Jason, one of the movers, said. “Ok sorry, I can pay you now. Can you stay and get the last few boxes?” She asked Ty. “Sure, no...
Cheating“Yes he’ll be home soon baby, why?” Mom asked while I dropped my back pack on the ground and sat next to her. “I was just wondering, I’m kinda glad he’s not here right now.” I said making her look at me and turn the tv off. “Uh oh, what did he make you mad?” She asked making me look at her. “I’m not mad I’m just so so frustrated.” I said while I looked at her. “Why?” She asked while she turned to me she touched my face. “Because you told me that he made up his mind that he was going to...
In our house there are two male workers and one female worker their names are Ramesh and Prabhakar between 35-40 and Radha 36 is a widow her husband died just a month back of the incident and she is staying just behind our house, She also looks good and her structure is 38-32-40 and I’m very much interested in fucking her but I don’t know what made me interested in her. Lets come to the story, On one day my mom went to some relatives marriage and my dad was on business trip, I as usual went...
Hello Readers, this is the first time I am sharing my real life experience which happened and happening as well. I am regular story reader but first time thought of writing my own. I would love to share with all of you my erotic and sensual experience of my life. Let me tell you something about myself, I am Sameer from Hyderabad Deccan, 30 yrs tall & handsome. It all started when in my college days where I and humera use to study. I proposed her and she accepted my proposal and we were going...
EroticPaul, Lilly and Lane get in to the city late in the evening. Paul persuades them this would be the best time to go see his friend. They walk in to the strip club. Paul walks over to the bar. A few minutes later Frank Gannon walks out of the office. He sees who it is and motions them to follow him. Lane is wearing his trademarked mask. Frank wonders who he is. He sits down behind his desk and says, "Hi Paul, what brings you here?" "My friend here needs some equipment." "Who is...
living with just her dad for the past five years she was given more freedom and being 17 she used it often to go to privet parties her friends threw to drink and remember how good mary-jane can be. she graduates this coming year, got a year ahead in skipping 6th. she was on her way to pick up her friend lizzy when a car roared by blasting music and honking at her when they saw her in the drivers seat. she drove on hoping they would be caught causing such noise. jared the driver saw her...
Work is hard. Can I quit? Kidding of course, but this has been a rough fucking week. The guys have switched gears now that I'm feeling a bit better adjusted, and letting me do the lion's share of the quantitative analysis. In fairness though, that is not inequitable. I am just tired because of it. I don't really feel any better than I did last week, but at least now it's because of legitimate fatigue instead of loneliness and misery.None of that is to say that I don't still miss...
VoyeurJaded part 1"Will there be anything else Madam?" the pretty blonde shop assistant asked with a smile from behind her glass fronted counter.Jayne put her bag and shopping basket down, "Ah, no, ah, thank you," she replied nervously, "Just these." she indicated the slim silver vibrator and the chrome play hand-cuffs in the basket and rummaged in her bag for her credit card."We have an extensive range of restraints Madam," the girl continued, as she checked the items, "The metal does get rather...
My name is Paul Walkman. I am of 25 years from Sydney. Today I feel like sharing one the greatest lovemaking experience of my beautiful life through this story. I have a girlfriend named Samantha. I first met Samantha through my best friend Johnny’s sister. I met her 2 years back at Johnny’s home. Both of us fell in love with each other at firs site. We started dating and enjoyed each other’s company. I am talking about my first date with Samantha. Oh! Let me tell you something about...
The mansion glowed. Not only were there lanterns everywhere, but the owner had gone so far as to have magical lights summoned to the house’s window sills, bathing the whole structure in a swirling rainbow of ethereal hues. The large, round flower bed in the driveway seemed like one single pool of fire, made from hundreds of candles planted onto the frozen earth. When we exited the coach, I could hear soft string music, wafting from the open doorway. And guarding said doorway were ......
I woke suddenly the next morning as bright sunlight found a gap in the bedroom curtains and fell across my face. It was early. I blinked in the semi-darkness, rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I looked across at my wife Alice who was sleeping peacefully by my side. Her sweet face was turned towards me, her eyes closed, her body relaxed, deep in slumber. Had it all really happened? I looked closely at the lovely woman I had been married to for so many years. It was almost impossible...
Cuckold“Tina has some news for you, Michael.” Tara was playing the mom card. “Don’t you, honey?” Tina looked like she was going to burst from wanting to tell me something. She was turning thirteen and just as beautiful as a picture. I’d missed the transformation she went through that took her from awkward to graceful. Knowing what I missed hurt almost as much as my hips. Tara couldn’t wait any more than Tina could. “Go ahead, Honey. Tell him your news.” Tina shifted in her seat on the sofa, her...
10:31pm This night went from strange, to just plain bizarre. I went in to the punishment room, and Catherine was lying still, not making a sound. I walked around and sat on the edge of the twin bed, facing her. She looked up at me. "Mmmm?" she said. I sat there and looked at her for a while, trying to figure out how to handle this one. "MMMmm?" she repeated, louder this time, annoyance obvious in her voice. She seemed remarkably calm. I reached over and pulled the duct...
The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.DADDY'S LITTLE LEELEEChapter 3: A close callLeelee and I swore to each other that nobody would ever find out about our "special" relationship. We had too much to lose, there was too much at stake, if anyone were to find out that my daughter and I had become much more than just father and daughter. I'd...
IncestI pumped my hands furiously up and down Tom's horse cock, feeling it throbbing. I stroked his hard, slick flesh for quite awhile wanting to such it so much. All of a sudden his thick white cum started gushing out like a fire hose. His hot sperm splashing all over my chest and up on my face. Some of his slippery cum squirting into my mouth, I loved the feel and taste of his cum in my mouth. It tasted better than my own. Aiming his gushing cock so all of his tasty cum went into my mouth. His...
The small flying robot circled the Gulf Snow Birds Flying Club at an altitude of 1000 meters, virtually invisible to the naked eye. No sound reached the ground from that altitude as the robot looked through several electronic eyes. The on-board radar was able to peer through some abandoned buildings but unable to see through the roofs of others--that was a significant bit of data for an intelligence analyst, though most people wouldn't understand the importance of that information. Also...
I had been lonely for a while and I missed having someone to talk to or even have sex with. I was bored and my work kept me busy 6 days of the week. Italy is a beautiful place to live but if you are single, nothing that a place can do for you. I wanted some company one night and decided that I would try a phone sex service. I was open to talking to a stranger on phone sex and get something to manage my boredom and loneliness. I tried that phone sex operator line after researching for a few...
FetishI may look back on this year and say ‘that’s when it all started’. It might be the year that things changed just for me. Or it might be the year that things changed for the whole world. This might be the Year Zero. This could be our Genesis. Some future historians will look back and mark 2003 A.D. as the start of the new calendar, the third era of mankind. Naahh! If I talk to people about this they will think I am nuts. They already think I’m nuts, going from no woman to two women...
CHAPTER 52C: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: ARRIVALAnthony meets the plane as it comes to a stop at the Rodriguez hanger. He has the customs official, the estate car and a rental van. We congregate around the luggage and kennels as they are removed from the cargo area of the jet. We have the dogs on leash and it is again clear that the noise and movement of vehicles is making them nervous. But the customs process in scary easy and quick on this little island, especially with two known representatives...
Introduction: Mary and her mother are reunited and Mary learns what really happened to her mother thirteen years ago. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 Chapter Thirty: Tiffanys Tale Visit my blog at My hands were shaking as the adrenaline bled off. But the images of the dead and dying would not leave my mind. Oh, God, so many dead, I prayed. Forgive me, Lord. Why are you crying, Mother! my daughter spat at me with such venom in her...
A bit later in the morning, Bobby woke up alone in the hotel bed. Delightful memories of what Paula and he had done after they got to the room the night before flooded his mind. But where was Paula? When he heard the shower running, he knew. Passion rose in him again. He slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Playing in the shower with a beautiful woman was one of the young man’s favorite activities. He walked into the bathroom and saw the general shape of Paula’s nude lithe body...
Sitting at home, could not sleep, so tried to watch some late night infomericals. The girl friend was out with the girlfriends. I figure it was an all nighter, since it was 1am.My girl friend had a university daughter that loved to flirt and had a body to go with it. She was always rubbing into me, shoving her hips sideways into my hip, when her mom was not around. I brushed it off as cheap harmless firty.About 1:30am, car lights pulled into the drive, and sat there for awhile. I figured it was...
You are at work and as you sit at your desk you find yourself constantly stealing glances at a woman named Rita. You have been fantasizing about her for some time now and you immediately get hard whenever she walks by you. She is everything you lust for in a woman; she is tall with a gorgeous face and she is also happens to be a very shapely plus size woman. You watch as Rita walks over to a file cabinet that is just a few feet in front of you and your, one quick glance and your cock instantly...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 14 I ran towards Gabe and Batman, hoping to be on time. As I was running, I shouted, "Stop it. Stop it you two." I reached them quite fast and as I stopped between them, I touched Gabe and absorbed a large portion of his electric energy. It gave me quite a boost in my internal stored energy. 'He really packs quite a punch with that kind of power!' Meanwhile I turned to Batman, "Don't you dare shout a sonic blast at me, I'll blind you for a long...
I came home five hours late and ready for trouble. Daddy was waiting for me in the living room, sitting in his big easy chair and staring at the front door. He had his belt in his hands, the long black leather one that he usually wore. Daddy held it doubled over across his thighs and I had the impression that he'd been sitting like that for a long time already. I didn't say anything. I just swallowed hard and closed the door behind me with a loud snick sound. The house was very quiet and...
The next two weeks were spent unpacking and getting accustomed to the place. The new house was a large one, but we were also trying to squeeze two households into one. Because of their devotion to fitness, dad and Babs decided to turn one ground-floor bedroom into a training room where dad and I set up our free weights and the girls stored their mats, and steps, and resistance bands, and ankle weights, and all of the other weird shit they apparently required to get not as fit as me. They...
“Oh how could he, how could he?” Sabby felt tears well up in her eyes and her temper rise as she watched her husband Rob's bare butt thrust forward again sending the dick that she had experienced so many, many times doing for her what it was doing now for the naked female lying on “their” bed. At thirty-two years of age Susanne Andrea Belvoysan, SAB or Sabby to her friends, felt that her husband's behaviour would cause her to die of a broken heart, but that was a silly thought, after all, she...