Reginald's ChildrenChapter 13 free porn video

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“Naturally not. He has five other children on the way.”

The doctor spluttered, but Frances patted him on the arm. “Are you all right? It is fine, doctor. We are all happy as a loving family, and that is what matters, is it not?”

He calmed down and finally admitted out loud, “If you are all happy, then I suppose there is no harm done, but are you certain about that?”

“I am certain, doctor; WE are certain, so no need to fret. Reg is under our control, not the other way around!”

The doctor allowed himself to be ushered out by the same teenager who had let him in; although he was wrong as to her identity. It was Carol. No-one had mentioned twins, so he did not twig to the personnel change.

In the hospital, Reg was roused from a painkiller-induced doze by the ringing of the mobile phone now parked by his bed. He answered it groggily, not sure who was ringing, and decided on non-committal.


“Mr Robertson?”


“Josephine Newsome, Mr Robertson; the Finds Liaison Officer.”

“Oh, yes. I remember. Sorry, I just woke up.”

“Good news, sir. The concretions have separated nicely. Mostly silver coins, as we thought, but the hints of gold in the base of each concretion turned out to be what I suspected, given that remainder were coins: gold aurei.”


“Sorry, it is the Latin plural of aureus; a Roman gold coin originally equal to 25 pure silver denarii, but that was in earlier Roman times. The silver coinage was later debased, but not the gold coinage. Strictly speaking, the Roman term for these gold coins was nummus aureus – gold money, but we only use ‘aureus’ today, for simplicity’s sake. That is all by the by, for we are viewing the coins as treasure rather than money, and of course any gold coin is much more valuable than the face denomination due to the appreciation in the value of gold as a precious metal. Beyond that value, there is the rarity value of a Roman gold coin, to numismatists; the aureus particularly so, much more than the later solidus introduced by Constantine.”

Reg murmured, “I am afraid you have lost me, Mrs Newsome. Can you simplify it for me, a simple university student?”

The irony was lost on her as she replied, “I am sorry, Mr Robertson. Are you sitting down?”

“No, I am actually lying flat in a hospital bed; but as you yourself said, that is by the by. What is your news, please?”

“Ah, yes. I am sorry to hear about that. I was not aware that you were unwell, Mr Robertson. Please accept my apologies for disturbing you in such adverse circumstances.”

“Mrs Newsome? Your news?”

“Oh. My news. Of course. The aureus is rare in any condition, therefore much more valuable than its bullion content of just a few grams of gold. The size of these coins is similar to the denarius, you see. There are hundreds of denarii in your finds, so the total value from these will be quite considerable on their own, depending on condition, rarity, and market demand at auction.”

“Mrs Newsome, you are wandering off the point: the value of the aureus.”

“I am, amn’t I? Sorry about that. The aureus’s value, yes. The answer is really that it depends on a number of factors: condition of the coin, name of the emperor (some emperors didn’t last long), rarity of that particular striking, the quality of the striking, such as centering, and so on, but the value can range from a few hundred pounds to hundreds of thousands. Much depends on the interest at a particular numismatic auction, but people view rare gold coins as an investment opportunity, and the prices accordingly keep increasing.”

“So the gist of it is that each aureus could be worth between a few hundred pounds and possibly half a million?”

“Yes, give or take. Our official assessor for the British Museum, though an acknowledged expert, may be unwilling to set a specific value because of the market variability, so you might be advised to wait for a noteworthy sale rather than accept an official estimate at the start.”

“Can I return to another basic, Mrs Newsome? How many of these gold coins are there? You haven’t mentioned the quantity involved.”

“Oh, yes: I didn’t say, did I? The one concretion contained seven aurei and the other contained eleven aurei. Heavens know why they varied so enormously between the concretions – or rather the bags they were originally held in. One would expect two hoards buried together to have similar totals in each bag of coins, but we are dealing with the vagaries of people, are we not? The one bag may have had eleven dumped in, being in a hurry, and the remainder went into the second.”

“Indeed so. I can believe such a scenario. Are all the aurei of the same vintage?”

“Curiously, they are; all of Domitian’s reign, first century A.D. Why that should be, I have no idea. Perhaps once we have all the silver coins examined, and we can date these, this may become evident. If the silver coins are of a similar date, the hoard may have been buried soon after that period, and reflect the coinage in circulation at the time. Aurei were never minted in any great quantity except by Julius Caesar. Denarii were always minted in quantity, but were susceptible to debasing. The silver content dropped drastically over time.”

“So, can I assume we have a hoard which is worth probably tens of thousands of pounds, right?”

“Umm ... yes, you can make that generalised assumption, though what the final total will be is anybody’s guess.”

“I can live with that, Mrs Newsome. The local F.L.O. for my last find was very helpful. I expect it will be some days before you can come up with any valuation from your coin expert. I had better ring off, for I need to catch up on some sleep. Goodbye and thanks again.”

Reg switched off his phone and swiftly switched off his mind, as sleep overtook him.

He was roused some hours later by a nurse who insisted that he required some sustenance. “You missed your evening meal, Mr Robertson, for you were too deeply asleep. The doctor said to give you this high-protein drink to make up for it.” She proferred a small carton, like a juice drink, complete with a plastic straw, then used the bed’s hand control unit to swing up the top section of his electric bed so that he could drink from the carton. He immediately felt the pressure on his wound as it was stretched by gravity, but instead concentrated on the drink.

The nurse was determined to make sure he drank it all, so waited to observe. He grimaced at the taste, but realised it was not a fun drink, but a medicinal one, and under the watchful eye of the nurse he sucked out and swallowed all the contents. He asked for a sip or two of water to wash the residue down his throat, and was granted that boon.

“Can I go back to sleep now? Can we have the ward overhead light off too?”

“I am afraid, sir, that the ward light does not get switched off until ten p.m. - hospital rules.”

“Damn all hospital rules!” Reg declared. “Oh, well, hopefully I will just drop off again.”

“It would be different if you were in a private room, sir. There, you would have some control over light and sound.” she suggested.

Reg perked up at the idea. “A private room? Great! How much for a private room?”

“Ninety pounds per night in this hospital, sir. The charge varies from hospital to hospital.”

“Cheap at the price, if I can get a decent sleep. Move me, please, and charge my card.”

“Sir, I should warn you that all medical treatment continues as before, even if you are in a private room. You will still be woken for medicine administration and any tests prescribed by the doctor on your case.”

“I accept that, but at least I can decide when I want the light out, and control noise disturbance and other nuisance factors.”

“Very well, sir. I will check to see if a room is vacant, before we attempt to move your bed.”

One was indeed vacant, so within the hour, Reg’s bed was trundled to this private room. Before he settled, they presented him with his breakfast options, and he tried to mark as much as he could, but the nurse pointed out what would require him to sit up straight to consume, and thus not advisable with his wound. Reg took their advice on the menu choices. He slept well after that.

Morning was pleasant, not having the lights on too early, and no nurses bustling around the ward attending to this patient and that patient. Eventually a polite knock at the door heralded the cheery orderly with his breakfast tray.

Within an hour he had his first visitor, surprising him for it was well outside visiting times. A female head surmounting a clerical collar poked itself around the door, and a surprised voice declared, “It IS the uncommon Reginald Robertson!”

In walked the Reverend Professor from the university, in her weekday clerical garb, and announced, “I arrived to do my visits for those who professed the Faith, and the admin staff told me one of our students was here. I got a shock when I was told it was a Mr Robertson. I was not expecting to find you here, young man. Have your women worn you out?”

“No, ma’am. I got stabbed in the back, at Scarborough, protecting some ladies who were NOT my wives.”

“What? YOU were the character who one-handedly killed an assailant after being stabbed? I didn’t expect that a Yorkshire story would impinge on our own hallowed halls, and I never thought it might be you.”

“Yes, ma’am, I cannot tell a lie; it was I.”

“Now, Reginald, that is a bad quote: you should know that there is no evidence that George Washington really said that, or even that he chopped down a tree like the story goes. It was all hearsay evidence, long, long afterwards.”

“Yes, ma’am; unlike the Bible, of course!” he quipped.

“You are quite sharp this morning, Reginald. Does that mean you are feeling much better? I am surprised. Killing another human being, no matter the circumstances, is never good for the soul, or the psyche, as the psychiatrists would have it.”

“That is a fact, Professor. I did feel terribly shocked at first about getting myself in that position, but I rationalised it as having been the only recourse I had at the time, if I was to protect the lives of myself and my companions. I had no intention of killing him. That mental argument has helped me cope somewhat with the fact of killing someone, no matter how bad he was. I regret having killed him, full stop.”

“A good start, Reginald. Would you like me to put up a prayer to the Lord, begging forgiveness for breaching one of his Ten Commandments – a major one at that?”

“I would be glad if you would do so, ma’am,” Reg said sincerely. “I could do with forgiveness.”

Immediately she performed that prayer of supplication, asking God to accept that this act of killing was not actively intentional, and that Reginald sought forgiveness for the unfortunate error.

He was unable to bow his head for that prayer, but he closed his eyes and trusted she would not think he was falling asleep!

Reg felt relieved that he had the Reverend Professor on his side, and his conscience relaxed as well. He ventured a question that had come to him a while back.

“Professor, what is the main difference between humanism and Christianity, apart from atheism?”

The woman looked at him quizzically, surprised at the question. “There are basic assumptions, based on a different view of faith, Reginald. The humanist looks to mankind to find solutions to all our problems. We Christians have the benefit of knowing that Christ died for our sins, so that our past transgressions are not a continuing worry; only our future decisions are in our hands. The humanists have to deal with their past sins in their own way. I think we have the better deal, with Jesus having given us a head start!”

“Thanks for that, Professor. It is a succinct and positive answer. It makes me feel much better, after having deprived a fellow human being of his life.”

The Reverend then asked, “You mentioned companions in Scarborough? That was an interesting choice of word. They were not your wives, Mr Robertson?”

“Not this time, Professor. Their studies took priority when I had to go to Scarborough, you will be pleased to hear, so they remained at home. I got my Pakistani friend to drive me in a borrowed car, and her daughter came too, as a short holiday break from home. There were two other ladies with us at the time. They were acting as local guides, at the request of their farmer father.”

“You have a disconcerting habit of baffling me with snippets of unrelated information, Reginald. I got the reference to the first two ladies, but farmer’s daughters has me nonplussed.”

“Sorry, ma’am. A local farmer near where we live allowed me to try out a metal detector in one of his fields, and by a fluke we found some buried treasure. He later remembered an uncle in Yorkshire who had found a silver coin in one field of his farm many years ago. So, he arranged for me to visit with my metal detector, to check out the field in question. I got on well with that family, and thus the daughters were volunteered to act as guides around Scarborough, after I had discovered another hoard and got the Finds Liaison Officer to collect the coins. The farming family as landowners get a share of the proceeds.”

“You do have unusual life experiences, Mr Robertson. Treasure hunter extraordinaire indeed. Anything else I should know about?”

“Only that the two daughters are coming to our house for relationship training. They were not behaving very kindly towards their parents, you see, so I offered my wives as relationship trainers, considering what a great job they did with a useless lump like me.”

“An admirable thought. They did indeed have some success with you, Reginald, to their own ultimate benefit. When these Yorkshire lasses are with your ladies, would you like me to call in and offer some additional thoughts on how best to react with relatives and others?”

Reg’s eyes opened at the idea, and he nodded enthusiastically. “Good idea, ma’am. I’ll pass it to Frances and she can organise such a visit at the appropriate time.”

After a few more minutes she apologised for having to rush off. “I have other patients to visit, Reginald. One or two of them have to make their peace with God, for they are not much longer for this life. Death is an unfortunate part of life, so I do what I can to make the transition as easy as possible for their immortal souls.”

Reg at once excused her, and she left him realising how lucky he was to be recovering, and not dying.

Another while later, as he was getting bored with simply lying on his front, a nurse looked in to tell him there was a reporter from the local newspaper outside, and did Mr Robertson feel up to seeing him?

Bored as he was, unable to see much with lying on his front, Reg agreed with some trepidation that the reporter could come in. The young man in his twenties entered hesitantly, came round to where Reg could see him, and said apologetically, “There was trouble before, some months back, when I tried to speak to you at the university, but this visit has nothing to do with that, sir.”

“I remember. It was a touch intrusive back then, so we took action to stop it. What is it this time? I am not in a position to throw you out, as you can see, apart from screaming for a nurse if you upset me too much!”

The man told Reg, “You will not have to do that, sir. We were given a tip-off by another newspaper. Actually they e-mailed us the story they printed about you in the Scarborough News, Mr Robertson. You are a local hero, did you know?”

“Oh. They pass on such stories, do they?”

“Yes, sir. We do this to help each other if there is a local connection. With you living locally and also a student at our university, a story like this is wonderful copy. It is not often that we hear of a local who can retaliate to an attacker at all, never mind kill him with one blow!”

“Do we really need that kind of flummery to keep local newspapers alive?”

“Sir, it is not flummery! This is genuine heroism, where a man being stabbed can manage to protect his friends so swiftly and so successfully. It is great news! We can’t ignore such stirring and valiant prowess.”

“But I killed a man! That is not something to be celebrated.”

The reporter looked at Reg in a new light. Regret for killing an attacker? Very unusual, not to say odd. “But sir, you were protecting other people, the article said.”

“Yes, but I didn’t want to kill the man, just disable him, to stop him continuing his attack.”

“You did that, all right, sir. The fact that your retaliation killed him is an accidental by-product of your defence tactics. Your intentions were honourable, Mr Robertson, and that is what matters for the story.”

“Perhaps so, but...”

“The people you were protecting, sir; were any of them locals, that is, people from here?”

“The people I was ... oh, yes. Sorry, no; none of them were local to this town. Friends and such, that is all.”

“They must have been very good friends, for you to protect them so strenuously.”

“I am afraid I didn’t think of it that way at the time. I was being given a guided tour of Scarborough, and when attacked, I simply reacted defensively without thinking. I was unaware that I had been stabbed; didn’t find it until the action was over. I had been through a self-defence course, and this was one of the ‘last-ditch’ tactics to employ in an emergency. When you get an unexpected attack on you, such as a blade stuck into your back, it is an emergency, so all I thought was which response to use to save myself and my friends. This was the only one that came to mind at the time. Emergencies are not the occasion for deep and meaningful thought.”

“I like that, sir: your last sentence. Can I quote you on it?”

“Certainly. It is true.”

“Your full name, sir, is Reginald Robertson, right?”


“You are 19?”

“Coming up 20, so please call it twenty; sounds more mature, not being a teenager.”

“Your address?”

“No fixed abode.”


“No, but that will do for your story. I don’t want my home address mentioned. I have an enemy that I don’t want told where I live.”

“We can skip the address then. You are a student at our local university?”


“Studying what?”

“Whatever interests me. I have not decided what my principal subject will be yet.”

“So we just say student. Married? I think that is a yes, from what I have heard.”

“Correctly speaking, the answer is yes and no.”

“Peculiar answer. How do you make that out, sir?”

“I have not gone through any legal marriage in England, so legally I am not married, but in practice I am married. Does that help you?”

“Confusing is the best word for that, sir.” After a moment’s thought, he suggested, “I can say ‘he is understood to be married’, if that satisfies you.”

“That sounds acceptable for public consumption.”

“Any children?”

“Not yet.”


“I was an only child.”

“Uncles and aunts?”

“No idea. My widowed mother never mentioned such people.”

“For the story about your adventure in Scarborough, may I simply copy what the Scarborough News published?”

“I thought it was the Scarborough Evening News that was the local paper?”

“It was, but it closed in 2006 then in 2012 reopened under the new title, and became a weekly paper. So you probably were moved here before the story appeared. You didn’t see it?”

“No chance to do so. The hospital kept me comatose for most of the time I was in Scarborough General. I don’t know where they got their story or what it said.”

“The sources, from the look of the story, would be a combination of the police, ambulance, and local witnesses, but it would be an accurate summation, I assure you. It has to be, to avoid legal problems later.”

“I’ll take your word for it then.”

“Fine. That should do me for now. Is there any indication I can quote of your current medical condition and when you might be released?”

“You can say I am on the mend, but the doctors have not told me when I can go home. I am hoping it will be soon, though what ‘soon’ will mean is anyone’s guess.”

“Fair enough. That will do. When I ask the doctors about a patient, all I usually get is either, ‘the patient is as well as can be expected’ or ‘no comment’, so your opinion is just as valid, Mr Robertson.”

“Thank you. Is that all?”

“It is, thank you. I’ll be off now. Thanks again, and get well soon.”

Reg relaxed once more, until his phone rang again. He regretted leaving it switched on, but answered it.

“Mr Robertson, it is Josephine Newsome again. I have spoken to various people about your finds, and a coin expert will be calling here tomorrow or the next day. He said to me, ‘Robertson, again? That guy is a walking treasure finder!’ I thought that would amuse you.”

“It does, a little, but two swallows don’t make a summer, Mrs Newsome. I have just been lucky; that’s all.”

“However. I found it interesting that you were a serial successful treasure finder. I did not suspect that from your demeanour at East Ayton. You gave no sign of already being well off from a previous discovery. At least you go about reporting your finds the right way.”

“Thank you for your encouraging words, Mrs Newsome. I am in hospital at the moment, as I mentioned before, but hope to get home soon.”

“Oh, I had forgotten that, sorry. My mind is on several finds that I am dealing with, and some facts can slip the busy mind. I tend to rabbit on without giving you a chance to speak. I shall ring off and leave you in peace then, and call you only when there is significant news to report. Farewell for now, Mr Robertson.”

Reg closed down his phone, hoping that now he would get some peace. His current life appeared to swing between boredom and hectic. He checked the room clock, and worked out how long until visiting time. Who might turn up next, he wondered? He dozed off while he was still wondering what his day would bring.

Unsurprisingly, it was Frances who marched in, asking, “How come you have switched to a private room, my love? Was the ward too public for you to display all your spouses?”

“No, Frances my sweet. It was the disturbance to my sleep; what with lights on when I wanted them off, other patients needing attention – some of them cry out in pain at times, you see, or mumble in their sleep – and orderlies wheeling beds in and out when the medics want them moved for operations or back from operations. It was annoying me. I had to pay for this room, but I get a blessed relief in return for the payment. I can afford it, can’t I, Frances?”

“You certainly can, you sweet boy. We are all missing you at home. Being pregnant seems to heighten the libido, so we are looking forward to fucking you again.”

“Ah, Frances, the doctors tell me I can’t do anything strenuous until my wound heals, so I think that means no sex for some time yet. I don’t like it, but I think they are correct in that diagnosis.”

“Not even cowgirl-style? I could cope with that, and you would not have to exert yourself much.”

“I am not sure. I’ll ask a male doctor that question later. Is everything okay at home?”

“I love the way you say that, ‘at home’. It sounds so right and comfortable! Yes, we are all fine at the moment, except we have these two strays you sent to us with Jessica. Oh, you did know that Jessica has been confirmed pregnant? We called out a doctor to do it, privately, to keep her name out of the records.”

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B6 Chapter 3 Accusations

Chapter 3: Accusations Jordan and Jeanne had just finished their session in the Milking devices. Because of the extra help that Dee Dee had given Jordan's balls, Jordan was the clear winner in this event. Both Barocca and Jeanne had finished viciously insulting and accusing Dee Dee and Tiffany of cheating of some sort. At this point, Rhiannon and the Vectran girls entered the auditorium from the side. Rhiannon decided to make a bold entrance, and called out, "Well, well! Is this a private...

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Eternal Love Ch 03

Once outside she led them down the street and to a small, family owned ice cream shop. Inside she placed her order, then gave Stephan his. Walking outside, Stephan began eating his ice cream and looked over at Kylie. ‘Mmm, this is really good,’ he said to her, devouring the sweet treat. She grinned at him. ‘I told you it would be worth your while.’ ‘I’ve never had ice cream that tasted so good, how’d you find this place?’ ‘When I first got to Paris I happened up on this little shop and had...

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The Beautiful Teacher

Hey guys! This is Prashant. This is my second story for Indian sex stories. So the event took place when I was studying in 12 grade. I was a brilliant student and every teacher was impressed by me as I scored very good and was having clear understanding of various subjects…Though most of our teachers were male. There was a teacher named sneha mam who taught us chemistry. She began teaching me in 12th grade itself but I knew her since 9th grade because she was pretty famous in school as she...

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the last time

So me and paul had been meetin up for a while. Everytime we were at a mates house and it got late we would walk home together and admit to one another we were gonna wank wen we got home. Then we would say bye and go our separate ways. Nearly every time we would then meet ten minutes later at " the spot" and wank, lick, suck each other. But never penetration. So after a while I got curious so knowing I would be home alone for a few days I invited a few mates and "paul" over for a few drinks...

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I took my drunk girlfriend dogging

I would describe her as slim with small boobs with short dark hair. She has always been shy sexually and is even reluctant to undress in front of me! I put this down to her religious parents. We had the usual boring sex maybe once or twice a week, and it was always at my instigation.  On my birthday we went out for a meal, and during this I ordered a bottle of wine. Now my girlfriend does not drink, but that night I pursuaded her to have some. When she had drank two glasses, she seemed to...

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JapanHDV Ami Kasai House cleaning and gets caught masturbating by the owner

Ami Kasai is a very good worker. She cleans houses for a living. She does a very good job and she makes sure that each place she works in gets the best cleaning possible. She is so good at her job she is being hired all over Tokyo. It seems that one client will tell another about her and recommend her to clean their apt. Also, the clients all seem to be single men that never have time to clean their own place. Ami works hard and really works up a sweat while working in these men’s apts. She...

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Wolf WorldChapter 13 CrossCountry

Leadville, Colorado might not be much more than a small town at first glance, but it supplied everything that they needed for the moment. The summer tourist season was nearly over and the snows hadn't started to fall, bringing in skiers to this part of the Rockies, but the small pawn shop cum jeweler's was more than willing to convert a part of their loot into hard cash. "Well, Charley, what's the easiest way to get in touch with your boss?" "Neal Marten?" Charley cocked his head to...

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I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that’s exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn’t really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn’t it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...

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Thanks to Lubrican and Three Sheets for editing and guiding me.Special thanks to Old Fart for the kick in the pants that got me writing again. "Hold still, Maggie" said my best friend Sara, laughing as she captured a stray mahogany lock and pinned it with the rest of my hair piled on top of my head. "Or we won't ever get to the party." The Halloween costume gala Mama and Daddy have held for the past ten years in the ballroom of the Grand Moon Hotel was underway. You have to be sixteen to...

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1979 Beth I hear You Calling

The Place: Helix High School, San Diego area The Cast: - Beth Wilson aka Beth, Lizbeth - Jim Hanson aka Jay Are (JR), Junior, The Junior- - Cathy Thomas, friend of Beth - Doug Russell, aka Rowdy - Mike Julius aka Doctor J - Alan Julius aka Little J, Little Dipshit - Steve Danner aka “D”, Big D - Byron Roberts aka Fleabag Some other miscreants which don’t warrant calling out Amazing inventions of 1979 Sony Walkman — that music device in Guardians of the Galaxy. It played cassette...

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Start of Going Bigger Gay

had been chatting with a guy, lets call him Kurt, online for a little bit. He seemed nice and chill and was into me being a bit nervous and wanting to go at my own pace. I'd been fucked in the ass twice before and had experiences that made me want to try more. I also really enjoyed playing with toys. My first two times were with guys that were smaller and I wanted to try moving up in size.I'm in my mid-twenties, slim, pale, tall and smooth and have been told I have a cute little butt. I wanted...

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Employee Discount

“Tariq, you need to go get a suit for Uncle Mack’s funeral,” Jackie Woods instructed her twenty-four year old son.“Okay, ma,” grunted the fast food worker who was on his day off playing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.“I’m serious. Do it today. You can use JC Penney card.”“Yes, ma’am.”“Tariq! Have that suit before we leave for Cleveland tonight.”“Okay,” the six-foot-one-inch slim dark-skinned guy huffed as he paused his game. “I’ma get ready and go now.”“Thank you,” the exasperated woman sighed....

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Mias first time

The first time I was fucked while dressed happened about 10 years ago. I was wearing a short black sweater dress, black fishnet stockings with black and silver 5 1/2-inch heels. It was also my first time out in public while dressed. I wore my long black wig and made sure my makeup was perfect before I left the house. I decided to go to the 24-hour adult video store as it has peepshow booths in the back. I sat in the parking lot trying to convince myself to go in (I almost chickened...

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Sissy Wife Adventures

You open your eyes and turn to the alam clock on your bedside. "Seven a.m.," you whisper to yourself as you stretch your arms out wide. You pull down your blankets to reveal your slender and smooth body wrapped up in a very cute pink babydoll that barely covers your privates, which themselves are covered by a sexy pink thong. Your long bpack hair lay strewn behind your head, and your 5'5" body was just exotic. Turning to your right, you see your husband has just begun to wake up. "Rise and...

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My Sex Toy

My Sex Toy “But Mom it hurts.” “Too bad young lady. You were the one to start it. No daughter of mine is going to be a cock-teaser. I would rather you become a sex toy.” “But I don’t want to become HIS sex toy.” “But you liked teasing him, don’t you?” “Yes.” “Well when I opened the door you only kissed his cock but you sure as hell let him lick your clit until you got off. In my book you owe him.” “Okay, okay, I owe him, but not now, not like this, and not in front of...

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Family revelations part 1

Introduction: My sister needs to move… I was on my way to my younger half-sisters apartment. She had called in tears, explaining how her boyfriend had left her, and that he had taken all their money and ran. He had apparently not paid the rent on their apartment for a couple months, and her and my niece were getting kicked out. She was going to go stay with her mothers parents until she could find a place, but she needed help moving some of the furniture out of the apartment and into storage....

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My First Time

I just turned seventy years old the other day, and as I sat there thinking of the all the women I have had sex with over all that time I could not help but think of the first one, the woman that started it all for me. It was 54 years ago in 1960 and I was at the Doctor Jackson's office for my sports release so I could play another season of football. I lived in Texas and football was the big thing and I was one of the best. Back then we just got a note from our family doctor to play. Doc...

5 years ago
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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 27

Cherrill crouched naked in the dense bushes, her attention rapt upon the two men nearly a quarter of a mile away. Her sharpened senses easily detected the changes in the air currents as they talked back and forth as well as the faint noises in her head from their unshielded human minds and the slight brightness of whatever area or section of the park on which they had their attention. Two days earlier, that darling prince, Michael, had vaporized her physical form and made love to her as only...

1 year ago
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My wife is a little bit slutty

It was a while back when Tommy called me one day and asked if we wanted to go to The City with him and his wife this Friday night and party. It had been a while since we had been up there and I decided, without asking Lainy, my wife. “Man, that would be would be great,” I told him. On Friday we were getting ready. Lainy was looking hot as always in a slinky little mini dress covering a thong and nothing else. But the phone rang, and Tommy said that he and Yola had a big fight, and that she has...

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this is part two

"It looks like you've got a little competition for Nick's cock." This was Lily's response when I told her about the ass patting incident that I had witnessed. She was stretched out on my bed with her laptop open and one hand inside her panties. "What the fuck are you looking at?" I asked after a few moments of watching my girlfriend masturbating herself and rose from where I previously sat and sank down on the bed beside her. On the monitor screen was the classic shot of Britney Spears...

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My Incestuous Journey Part 4

Hey guys. First up I want to say sorry for not posting this continuous part of the story. Second, thank you so much for all the emails saying that you guys like the story. Now let me continue. As annu was sleeping. I was watching some movie while finishing up homework so that I can have all the time tonight with Annu. It was already evening when annu got up to make some tea. She came and gave me some tea in the living room. After setting the cup on the coffee table, I pulled her towards me...

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A Life Will Change Today

A LIFE WILL CHANGE TODAY Hi, my name was Steven Weiss and I lived in an average sized city (the suburbs) in America's heartland. While I could tell you all about my life today..... I will spare you these tales and focus on how I became what I am. I was in my late 30's and working odd jobs as a waiter, a bar back and any other type of work that would pay my bills and leave me enough extra to do what most other single 30 yr olds do... go out and party! Oh by the way, I have always...

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The Edification of Mary Kate BenniganChapter 2

Tommy’s Confession The twins had been having oral sex continuously since New Year’s Eve. He knew it was sinful in the eyes of the Church and kept telling himself that he was going to stop. But Mary would let him. And he wanted more than oral sex but fearing pregnancy wouldn’t allow it. On the verge of forcing her to go all the way, Tommy decided to vent his problems through confession. Closing the door of the confessional Tommy waited for the priest. Through the thin wall, he heard the...

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Saturday night escapades 2

I laughed as I leaned in and kissed Jess on the cheek, saying, “It’s nice to see you again!” “You too, Lisa!” She then added, while looking down at my hips, “I see you had the same idea I did!” I then looked down at her hips and noticed that she, like I, was wearing a skirt. It was a nice little white skirt, going down to a little over mid-thigh, complimented by a body-hugging blue tank top that showed more than a hint of her cleavage line at the top (which led me to wonder what kind...

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Savior of the Galaxy

© Copyright 2006 - Shakes Peer2b DING DONG DONG DING, DING DONG DING DONG! Once again I cursed myself for having installed that stupid chime as my doorbell. Then I cursed whoever had the temerity to ring it in the midst of one of my favorite masturbatory fantasies. FUCK! It was bad enough that I had little better to do with my time, but it was even worse that the asshole at the door chose the middle of one of my few enjoyable pastimes to ring the stupid bell. Didn't anybody knock...

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Cool Big bro

I had gone to bed early on a Saturday night cause I had just got back from a Boy Scout hike and I was tired. At about eleven p.m. I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. After I peed, I heard noises in my brother's room and the door was open a crack so I looked in. He was fucking his girlfriend on his bed. I had never seen his girlfriend, or any girl for that matter, naked before and she looked hot. Big tits, cute ass and smooth white skin. My brother lucky guy. They were both into it big time...

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TeacherFucksTeens Eva Long Hot Teacher Makes A Home Visit

Although Eva Long has been in trouble for fucking students in the past, she still has her job and she’s grateful for it. She does not, however, really want to be doing home visits for students like Justin Hunt. Justin has been sick and stuck in bed for days. Eva’s principal has demanded that she go to Justin’s house after hours and tutor him, so here she is despite her reluctance. Their tutoring session starts out normal enough, but Eva eventually realizes that Justin is...

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Ms Rosen and I1

She asked, “What are you doing here?” I replied that I had missed the bus. So I used the phone called my moms job and told her that I missed the bus and if I can go home for the day. She said yes so I was about to go when Ms. Rosen said that she needed help with something. I followed her to her office. “Can you help me with these boxes to my car?” It was 2 boxes that were pretty heavy but I knew I could handle it so I said sure. Before we left her phone rang. She picked up “Hi honey. How you...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 464

This one is compliments of RabbiRabbit If you have children over the age of three you already know this: For those who have children this age ... this is not so funny For those who have children nearing this age ... this is a warning For those who have not yet had children ... this is birth control Things I've learned from my children... (honest and no kidding!) 1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 square foot house 4 inches deep. 2. If you spray hair spray on...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 67

"You have received but few hints of your past, and they have been so subtle that I doubt you picked up on them. Do you recall your first visit to Grimmauld Place, and what the portrait of Mrs. Black screamed at you?" "Yes." There was a long pause; Imogen by her silence passed a test. "You really do take my instructions literally, don't you? How rare in a teenager. I give you permission to speak freely." "My recollection of things not in 'the books' is very far from perfect, but...

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Jaq Helps Out Some Friends

Jaq and I were living in a small close; our friends Clive and Jane lived two doors away. One summer evening while sitting on the patio, we heard raised voices, Clive and Jane were having a row and it seemed to be very heated. Jaq went to investigate; a few seconds later, Jaq was back, asking for me to help her. Things had gotten out of hand, and Clive and Jane had nearly come to blows. I managed to wrestle Clive to the floor while Jaq attended to Jane.With Jane out of the way at our house,...

First Time
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 38 Summer

Officially it was Summer. The weather was warmer and the sun was establishing its seasonal realm. The sisters were apparently most in tune with the summer season, at least in my thinking, because they really seemed to revel the condition. Their happiness made my Happy-mess a whole revel- level greater as temperatures climbed in all regards. The sisters knew of no sins on earth; there was no guilt for any past wrong doing. That just didn’t happen for them. Maybe that fact coupled with warmer...

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‘Spread your legs. Let me see it. Yes… That’s it! You’re such a good boy, aren’t you? And this little cock of yours, it is so fucking hard right now, isn’t it? Remind me, boy, how long since you’re last cum?’ ‘Six days, Mistress.’ ‘Well it’s not very impressive. You’ll not break the world record for cum denial, ha-ha-ha.’ ‘No, Mistress, I will not.’ ‘Never mind. Go on, jerk your useless meat. Do it for me, boy!’ ‘Yes, Mistress!’ I wrapped my fingers around the shaft of my hard cock. Damn it was...

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Haunted by the PastChapter 16

Diana Richards was barely listening to Ed Hood's voice drone on about how they could save each other if only she'd walk away from her husband and come to him. She was fighting the waves of nausea that kept washing over her every time the bastard would intimate that he knew they'd be good together if only she'd give him a chance. Suddenly, a feeling of calm settled in the pit of her stomach and there was a prickling sensation on the back of her head. She almost gasped aloud when she heard...

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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 5 My Aunt Stacy

"Fuck me ... fuck me hard and deep" moaned Carol as she bent over the back of the chair in her lounge rooom with my cock buried in the depths of her pussy for the second time in a couple of hours. We'd come back to her place to talk about what had just happened at Ling's movie studio. I'd fucked Carol as part of a movie shoot, and she was concerned about it given she was a teacher at my school, and that I had been dating her daughter Kelly. We didn't get too much decided before the...

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A Rangers Journey

Nota Bene: This is story will involve sexual interactions with beings that may seen like they do not have intelligence. *spoiler* This is an incorrect assumption made by the characters in the story. All beings are of legal age. The author does not encourage sex with plants/mutants/whatever. Just fuck people who are 18 or up and are willing. The author is saddened that he has to include that last sentence as it should be common sense. Welcome to Alleria! In this world a human`s life force is...

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Boyz To Men in the RV

I’m on my way to Springfield Township, Pennsylvania, a small municipality in the western Philadelphia suburbs. I’m off to meet my new best friends, Jo and Dave. Jo and Dave are a middle aged married couple whom I met on an erotic stories site. They have not published any stories yet but Jo’s profile made it clear that they were very willing to act out some fun scenarios that we could together write about later.Jo is a pretty petite blond with an amazingly tight body. She admits that she and...

Group Sex
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finding the naughty side of parents 2

after the first exotic experience finding my friends moms toys and goods. i started trying to get her to find me doing it. leaving things out of order on purpose. so i left her panties drawer out of order. she had thongs on one side and a bunch of other ones on the other. one day as me and my friend were swimming in the pool his mom came up and asked to join, he was all pissy with her i invited her right in sayin dude dont worry its cool. we played sharks and minnows and other stupid games...

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Rocky Mountain High

FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Hey, dude, your luck’s changing. Didn’t I see you out at MacMurdo’s Friday night with some hottie? FROM: Mike Olson TO: Paul Mason Nope, no hotties in sight. Friday night I took my little sister out for a burger and a movie. She’s a great kid, but I wouldn’t call that a change of luck. FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Wait, that angelic brunette in the white sun dress was your sister? My God, man, you’ve been holding out on me! FROM: Mike Olson ...

3 years ago
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My Job Is To Fuck Mom

Mutha muthala velai kidachu naan veliyoorila join panninen. Ammava kooppittu poi thangikkalamnu idea irunthuchu. Athu varai self cooking pannalamnu ideavila. Ammakitta amma, enakku eppadi cook panrathunu solli tharuveengalanu ketten. Aanal unmayil inner feelings vera mathiriyum irunthathu. Ennoda inner feelings appadie “eppadi okkarathunu konjam sollithara mudiyumanu. Athunala first cooking lessonla start panninen. At twenty two, I’d had a couple of encounters with girls by that time, but none...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMThe Best Chapter I Ever Wrote

“I am just here to check on our newest family in the community,” Eddie greeted my father with a hearty handshake as Charity knelt at his feet by our front door. “Thank you for telling me we couldn’t remove the lock yesterday,” Dad told him. “You would be surprised how many people have told me that. A little time and discussion were what you needed. I am glad I could be of service,” Eddie smiled. Dad ordered Charity to serve them a drink in the living room and sat down with Eddie. Charity...

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Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemale

Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemalea man and his shemale lover get down to businessWill led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sarah lightly ground her ass into his crotch, rubbing herself against his hardening cock.“Mmm,” she moaned, feeling Will’s lips kiss the nape of her neck, causing...

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