Really!Chapter 2 free porn video

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I awoke the next morning with her in my arms and my cock sporting a morning wood. I needed to pee and slipped from her body. She was still sleeping soundly when I reentered her bedroom and knelt by her side. As I slipped into my clothes, I wondered whatever happened to Amy yesterday. She could have sat there and watched us for all I knew. I never heard her if she did.

I walked out of the bedroom headed to the garage. When I got to the kitchen, Amy was busy working on something at the table. I kept on walking to the garage when I heard her ask me. “Are you done fucking my mother? Are you going to sneak out and leave her all by herself to cope with what she has done?”

“I am going home for a bit and will be back soon. I hope to be back before she awakens. I plan to ask her to marry me, if I can have your permission to marry your mother?”

She jumped up from her chair and came running to me. She gave me a huge hug and said. “God yes, I thought you were just taking advantage of her. I’m so happy she has found you then. You must also ask my sister Bet if you can marry our mother.”

I was going back to my house to get the ring I had from my marriage to Beth. Beth wanted to be cremated and had made me promise that if I ever got remarried the ring would be part of the ceremony. Beth thought it would show that she approved of the relationship and would make her part of it giving us her blessing. I know she would have been even more ecstatic that it was Cindy, her best friend that I was infatuated with. “Do you happen to know where I might find Bet? I’ll ask her before I ask your mother. I want both of you girls to approve of my love for your mother.”

“She will definitely be as happy as I am. I’ve never seen my mother turn into such a nymphomaniac as she has ever since you started doing her. She’s probably going to be jealous like me ... I mean ... Hell I don’t know what I mean. I guess I wish I could get half what she is getting.”

“Amy, you are a very pretty young woman. I am sure you will find someone that can take your breath away. I think Jack is a fool as he is losing a very sexy mate.”

“I would love to just once cum as hard as I saw you make Mom cum the other night on the couch. I think the problem is with me; I don’t know how to let go and experience the ultimate orgasm. I’m surprised Mom could as I know she has been rather frustrated for years.”

“I think there are a couple things that added to her having a strong orgasm. One, she was Beth’s best friend and they talked about sex a lot I guess; specifically they talked about Beth and my sex life a lot. Two, I first pushed her to give me control of her body. I gave her a safe word, but I made her wear the ball gag at first so she couldn’t use it. I furnished the restraints for her to use on the table, told her what I expected but I didn’t put them on her. She knew what I wanted and how to do it, but I didn’t help. I made her call me and tell me when she was going to do what I suggested to her. I found out she had wanted me for years but didn’t do anything about it because of her respect for Beth. She knew I had been very happily married to a woman that I still love and miss something fierce.”

“Oh my God, my Mom cuffed herself up on the kitchen table. I can’t believe she did it totally naked. It’s unbelievable that you shaved her pussy bald. I don’t believe she was real happy about that as she told me she had never even considered doing it.”

“I use to keep Beth’s pussy smooth. I don’t think that is something she shared with your Mom. I know it would have embarrassed Beth to show it to anyone. I also know she use to tell me how much it turned her on to know she had a secret and would tell me it sometimes turned her on to have her underwear rubbing on it. There were a few times we went out dancing and partying, that Beth left her undies at home. She said the drafts and breezes would drive her crazy before we got home and she would be unbelievably horny by the time we got back”

“I may have to try it if I ever get another lover to enjoy it with.”

“I’d better run. I need to get back before Cindy wakes up. If I don’t get back before she wakes up, tell her I will be here soon.”

“I’ll tell her. I started to ask what was in it for me, but I know having her happy will be very rewarding. You can find Bet over at my Uncle’s ranch.”

I left and drove over to Bill’s ranch, seeing Bet at the barn as I drove up. I got out of the Jeep and walked toward her. Bet is like twenty two and looks a lot like her Mom. She was about five feet ten and her hair was reddish blonde; maybe that was from all the work in the sunshine. She was a very pretty wholesome girl-next-door type. Cindy was pregnant with Bet when Tom her husband drowned. She was wearing tight blue jeans, a short sleeve shirt with the tail knotted together, and cowboy boots. She was engaged to be married in the fall.

“Hi Bet”

“Hi Trey. Amy said you were going to come and talk to me.”

“She did, did she? I guess you know that I have been seeing your Mom then?”

“From what Amy has told me, it’s much more than seeing.” She said with a giggle.

I was very embarrassed at this point and sure I was rather red. She could be just as wicked as her Mom. She was not making it easy for me to ask her the question I came to ask. “Bet, I want to ask you if I can marry your mother. I know it’s really sudden, but I love her and I know she loves me.”

“Trey, I know she loves you. I know she always has in how she would react whenever she was talking with other people and your name came up. She loved Beth, but I know she was also jealous of her. She wanted what she had, but Mom loved Beth too much to ever try and steal you from her. The answer is YES! You may marry my Mom.” She jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss and a hug. “Does this mean I can call you Daddy? I have never had someone I can call Daddy.”

I had tears in my eyes as I let loose from the incredible hug. I was going to have two daughters in my family soon. I had my two sons, and their wives, with three grandchildren.

“Bet I would be honored for you and Amy to call me Daddy.”

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“Yes, what do you need?”

“I have already asked Uncle Bill to walk me down the aisle but was wondering if I might ask you and Mom to also walk with Uncle Bill and me. You three are the most important people in my life other than my matron-of-honor Amy.”

“I would be honored to join Bill and Cindy walking you down the aisle on this most special occasion.”

“Thank you Bet, I need to get going.”

I was whistling and singing, making my way back Cindy at her house. I hadn’t been this happy in a long time.

I slipped into Cindy’s bedroom when I got to the house and found her still asleep. She was laying just the way I left her except the sheet I threw over her was now lying on the floor and she was sleeping completely naked. I wondered if Amy had been in and checked on her. I slipped my clothes off and snuggled up with her. I had the ring on the knuckle of my little finger as I waited for her to wake up. I relaxed and fell asleep waiting.

I awoke to her lying between my legs lightly licking and sucking on the head of my cock. Oh shit, she is circling my cock with the tip of her tongue, right behind the head. Oh my, that does feel good. I don’t think I better ask her to marry me with my cock in her mouth. Oh my, she is lightly biting the head of my cock. Oh wow, if she keeps that up I am going to cum. She is holding my cock in her right hand and massaging my balls with the other as she lightly bites around the head.

She’s still holding my cock and balls when I feel her jerk her mouth and move away. I look into her eyes as she says. “Trey, what is that on the tip of your little finger?

“Ah ... ah ... Beth’s ring. I promised her if I ever got remarried that I would ask the bride to do me the honor of wearing the ring that had kept us so happy for years.”


“Yes, and I figured you might be just as happy doing it as Beth was your best friend.”

“Would it be okay if I still wore Tom’s ring on my right hand then?”

“It would, but I was going to suggest we buy a chain necklace that you can wear around your neck and put the ring on it.”

“I think I would prefer to do that. I just can’t hide it in a jewelry box and forget it. He has always been a big part of my life and the father of my two precious daughters.”

I got on my knees and asked her to marry me as I slipped the wedding ring on her finger. I was then kissing the new love of my life. I wonder how many women have ever been proposed to while, they were both completely naked, and after she had just had his cock in her mouth. My cock was soon totally imbedded in her smooth and wonderful pussy.

The next week flew by. I was back in Cindy’s arms the night after her visit to the doctor; we were in bed naked of course. “Trey, everything was fine with the doctor. She said I had the body of a twenty-five year old. She did ask about this.” Her hand grabbed mine and placed it on her very naked pussy. “She asked me about the new style. I of course told her my fiancé was the instigator of it. She laughed and told me she saw lots of them just as naked now. She said most girls under 21 were that way it seemed and was sure some had never had a bush in their life. She confided in me that she had just joined the group last month and she loved it. She told me she thought it made her want sex more than she ever had. She said she could not wait to get home at night and get her hubby into bed. She noticed my inner lips were very red and she commented I had been very active lately. She gave me a cream that she told me will sooth the rawness and keeps my pussy very happy.”

“I may have to administer that cream with my dick and hope it will work on him also. You know you have a very tight pussy, and also know how to tighten it with you inner muscles. I can feel you working it when I slide it in and out of your tight box.”

We had decided to get married in October and things went along well for the next month. About the end of July, Cindy asked me a favor. “I’m worried about Amy. She just stays at the house, never goes out with her friends or anything else. I almost wish she would go get drunk and let a bunch of guys fuck her brains out or something.”

“Is that what you did when you were depressed?”

“No, I would cry on Beth’s shoulder and talk to her about how you fucked her brains out the night before. Then I would play with myself and fall asleep dreaming about you fucking my brains out.”

“What do you think Amy dreams about or thinks about?”

“I am hoping it is you fucking her brains out. I think if you did, she might loosen up and start trying to live a normal life.”


“Well, it is either that or taking a chance of losing my daughter. I prefer to share you rather than take that chance.”

“You can’t be serious Cindy? You really want me to fuck your daughter?” You don’t think that might be a little too much. What will it do to our lives?”

“Trey, I know I may not be thinking straight but I just know how bad Amy is feeling and it scares me.”

“The only way I will consider doing it, is if you are right there with us when I do it. What are you thinking about doing or having me do?”

“I think she wants to find out exactly what you did to me the first time. She knows how much I enjoyed it. Can we do that?”

“Ok. If you really want to do this, I will go home and you call me when you have her fastened in the position you were in when I found you. When I get here I expect to find her lying back on the table with her legs and arms spread wide at the edge of the table. I expect you to meet me in front of the garage with the door open and dressed in my favorite suit of yours. You still have the ball gag, blindfold and IPod with ear plugs for her. My bag of goodies is in your bedroom. I left it there in case of your need. You call me when you are ready unless you or she changes your mind.” I patted her bottom then turned and walked out the door.

It was about two hours later when my cell phone rang. I noticed the caller ID.

“Hi Cindy, what’s happening?”

“I have Amy secured to the table. I am standing in my garage naked as the day I was born except for your ring on my finger and Tom’s on the necklace around my neck. I’m opening the door and standing outside to wait for you just as soon as I end this call. Please hurry so we can have some fun. Can I play with my pussy as I wait for you?”

“No playing with your pussy. I want you to be super excited when I get there and want your juices flowing.”

“You’re wicked Mr. Trey. I’ll be as you say, now hurry. Bye.”

I drove the Jeep to Cindy’s house and pulled up to the garage. I loved seeing her standing in the driveway watching for me naked as a jaybird. I pulled in the garage, and as I stepped from the Jeep she jumped into my arms rubbing her very naked pussy on the crotch of my jeans. I was wondering if Amy’s pussy was just as naked. I’m sure Cindy had probably shaved hers this afternoon as it looked very smooth. I let her back down so she was standing there on the garage floor. She started unzipping my jeans. “I thought we were going to work on Amy?

“She’s in the kitchen on the table naked. I thought maybe I should help you get naked before I lead you in to see her.”


She was soon leading me to the kitchen by my cock; I loved having her hand on my cock. When we entered the kitchen I saw Amy, all of Amy. Amy is a very pretty girl but can be very intimidating in that she is six feet-two tall same as me. She probably weighs like one hundred sixty five pounds, none of it fat. She’s always been very athletic and has arms some guys would love to have. I saw she has tan lines from wearing a bikini sometimes this past summer. I noticed her bush was intact, maybe trimmed to stay in her bikini but otherwise quite full.

“Are we shaving her bush off?”

“You fucking well better believe you are! We’re going for the complete experience. I sat the razor and the can of Edge right over there.”

I reached for the bag where Cindy had put it and grabbed the camera and the tripod. “You’re going to video record you shaving her pussy?”

“You’re wrong; you’re going to shave her pussy bald. I’m going to fuck your pussy as you do it.”

“Oh my God, I don’t think I can do that. You think I can?”

“I filmed me shaving your pussy and then eating it and fucking it. I thought I would do the same to hers. Only I will be filming my cock going in and out of your pussy as you shave hers.”

“Let’s try it; we can stop in the middle if we have to. It’s not like she is going anywhere.” I plugged the clippers in and handed them to Cindy. I slipped my cock in her pussy as she started shearing the hair from her daughter’s pussy. Once she had Amy’s pussy down to stubble, she grabbed the can of Edge and putting some gel in her hand worked up a lather that had Amy’s entire pubic area covered in white foam. I could see Amy was pulling against the restraints as Cindy worked the Menthol lather into the tender area. Cindy reached for the razor as I pumped my dick in her swampy pussy. I could tell she was enjoying herself and soon had Amy’s pussy as bald as her own. I loved watching her shave a pussy with my cock buried to the hilt in her pussy.

When she was done shaving Amy’s pussy, she reached for a towel and wiped it dry. She was staring at it as I pumped my cock in and out of her pussy. “I think you should taste it and then after you cum I’ll taste it also.” I told her as I hammered my dick in her treasure. Soon she was licking her daughter’s pussy. I’m sure this is not only the first time she ever touched another adult woman’s pussy, let alone using her tongue on one, never mind it being her daughter; it was driving me crazy. I pulled my cock from Cindy’s pussy as I felt her cum and then moved down beside her to lick Amy’s pussy with her.

“Oh God Trey, I know I have a pussy, but I have never really seen one this close up. I mean, ... I had to spread and feel it as I shaved it. I licked it as you were fucking me and got to see how it expands and how really cute it is. I thought I would be grossed out by it, but it really is a work of art. Thank you. I’m learning about things I just never knew existed or expected that they could be so important.”

I watched as she took the index finger of each hand and worked open Amy’s gorgeous pussy. “Look how the lips close off and move when I remove my fingers.” I watched her move her tongue to Amy’s clit.

Cindy stood back up and released Amy’s ankles from the cuffs. Burying my cock in Amy’s tight pussy, I was hammering her pussy as I soon shot my first load of the evening. I then removed my cock from Amy’s tight pussy to go and put the camera and tripod away.

I turned to Cindy. “Lick her pussy as I remove the IPod from her ears while I remove the ball gag from her mouth”. Cindy stood back up as I removed the blindfold from Amy’s eyes. I am not sure if Amy knew that the person licking her pussy had been her Mom.

“Trey, your cock is huge; it felt so good in my pussy.”

“I’m releasing your hands for a minute. I want you to put your hands behind your back and I will put cuffs back on your wrists then we’re going to the garage. Your safe word, if you ever decide to use it, is Green Hornet.”

“There is no way I am using that; not if there is a chance I might feel that wonderful cock in my pussy anytime soon.” She suddenly looked around and she saw Cindy standing there. “Mom, I didn’t know you were going to be watching all of this?”

“Trey told me he wouldn’t do it without me being here. I’ve been here the whole time. You notice I’m just as naked as you are or as Trey likes to remind me, we are bald ass naked. You now have a very bald pussy, do you like it?”

“I think I wished that I had shaved it sooner and kept it bald all my life; it makes me feel really sexy.” I picked up the bag and led the girls to the garage. I dropped the bag at the back of the Jeep and had Amy back up to spare tire. I unlocked her cuffs and then fastened them and her to the spare tire.

Reaching down in to the bag, I got the pump and two of the tubes. Amy had larger breasts that Cindy, so I pumped the first one on Amy’s right nipple making sure it was on tight and that I had as much of it as I possibly could get into the tube. I then returned the favor to her left nipple. Bending back down to the bag, I grabbed another set of cuffs and had Cindy turn around so I could also cuff her wrists behind her back. I then took two more tubes out of the bag and pumped them onto Cindy’s tender nipples. Reaching back in to the bag, I grabbed another tube and pumped it tight on Cindy’s clit, sucking it all the way to the end of the tube. Reaching in to the bag one last time, I got the last tube and pumped it onto Amy’s swollen clit. Like her breasts, Amy’s clit was bigger than Cindy’s; I loved teasing it. She made some lovable sounds while I pumped it on her clit.

“Okay Amy, here’s the deal. You have to suck my cock as I sit on the bumper of my Jeep. Your treasures and your Mom’s will be released when I cum. The only drawback, is that my cock has got to be buried in your throat when I cum. Now if there is a problem it is up to your mom to coach you and get it done. Her nipples and clit are experiencing just as much suction as yours. Now she can demonstrate or coach, she can add something to make you help quicker or whatever she likes.”

Amy quickly had my cock in her mouth, but she was just sucking on it; she only had the head and another inch or so in her mouth. Cindy was down next to her and moved her aside. She soon had my cock buried in her throat and after a few strokes, slid it back out to let Amy try it again. Amy had a little more in this time; it might have been touching her throat, but was nowhere close to in her throat. Cindy showed her again how to do it and then gave my cock back to her.

“Amy, you either get that cock in your throat or I’m going to bite your pussy until you do.” Cindy lay down on her back and was looking up at Amy’s pussy. I felt Amy pushing more of my cock in her mouth and down her throat; I knew Cindy was licking her pussy as she did. I soon felt my cock in her throat; she was milking my cock for all it was worth. I soon shot a huge load in Amy’s throat.

I soon had the girls standing up and was removing their tubes; as each tube was released there was a scream of joy from the girls. I removed Cindy’s clit last and she begged me to fuck her.

As I was telling them what was next for them, Cindy had my dick in her mouth sucking on it. “Next we go for a ride. Amy you’re going to sit on my lap and drive while I am going to operate the pedals and the gearshift. You will steer the Jeep and run the turn signals. I want your pussy sliding up and down my cock as we drive to the radio towers. I want you to experience and think about your pussy the whole time. I want you to notice your clit is sliding on my shaft and to notice when my cock thrusts into your pussy and then when it pulls back out.”

“Cindy, you’re going to ride in the passenger seat. You will have the rabbit vibrator from my bag playing with your pussy and clit as we drive there and back.” I was soon sitting in the driver’s seat with my cock standing straight up. Amy slid in, got her pussy lined up with my cock then dropped her pussy on my cock to the hilt and started rising up and down on it.

I saw Cindy enter and sit in the passenger seat, reach for the vibrator and turn it on. She was soon working her pussy as Amy started the Jeep. I made sure I popped the clutch as I shifted gears driving Amy’s pussy hard down on my cock. I hit fifth gear as we drove into town and then out the other side.

Same as Really!
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Tony Rubino is doing a construction job for a house that real estate agent Alina Belle is trying to sell, and the rest of his crew is off for the day. Alina asks Tony if he’s still with his girlfriend, but having recently split from her, Tony tells Alina that he is single. A little later, Alina brings Tony a bottle of water, then asks him to join her in the kitchen so she can show him something. Once inside, Alina reveals she really wants to fuck Tony, and thinks he’s hot. The...

2 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 7 concluded

"Ummmm... this is really weird. A moment ago I honestly wasn't feeling the urges. And now, I think I am again." "But you were able to take all of it off to shower. That is so weird." "Yeah I don't get it either." Things were building rapidly, and she could see it on my face. "Oh dear. Do we need to get you dressed again?" "Uh, yeah, please. It's building up really fast." "Okay, but let me get you some clean things to wear. Just try to hang on for a minute." She went down to...

3 years ago
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Ashwini My New Office Manager 8211 Part 1

I am Kailash from Mumbai. 26 years old single. Any women wanting to have sex chat with me just drop in a mail on I have done my MBA and I have my own training institute. I train corporate people for various personal grooming and as well as professional etiquette. Initially I used to manage things from my home and single handed. But with Gods grace my client list started to increase and was difficult to manage things myself. I bought an office in posh mall of Malad and appointed 2 staff member...

1 year ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 21 Roger deflowers a virgin

"Hi all of ya," Pelo, a woman I knew from a previous visit as being the 'mother' in charge of the girls' home greeted us. We were sitting at a table outside Riku's the community house and had just finished eating. "Ellie, one of my girls, Waunu, is due to become a woman in a few days and has asked that Roger be the one to perform the ceremony and in fact she wishes to be linked to him for a few days until she is likely to be pregnant. Would you allow that? Is it possible?" I turned...

1 year ago
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Piece By Piece Part Two Gathering the Pieces

"I can't believe it," Robin said as we turned off the interstate. "I am sorry, but I didn't have a choice," I said looking over at the passenger seat. "Not you, mom," Robin smiled back at me. "Cindy, she hooked up with that guy I was telling you about." "Oh," I replied. "The guy with the tattoos and the piercings?" I shook my head as I remembered the photo Robin had shown me. "Yes," Robin nodded. I looked in the back seat. Jack was fast asleep. Luckily the medication his doctor...

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The Weekend Away

It was now into 2010 and my Aunt and I had struggled to get much time to ourselves, only managing a few little quick sessions here and there but nothing to fully satisfy is both to the degree that we wanted. During a phone coversation with my Aunt she had the perfect excuse to get away for a weekend and take me with me so once we worked out the date it was only a matter of time before we had our dirty little weekend away together. We didnt go too far, only into the north of scotland. It was...

4 years ago
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At the Summit Ch 03

Copyright 2004, All rights reserved ——————————————– Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literorica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website without the author’s permission. ——————————————– AT THE SUMMIT by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Part 3 ——————————————– 1997 – After the Summit Drowsily, I awoke to the sound of Sophia...

1 year ago
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Indian Slut

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am married to an indian businessman for last 8 years. I will not say my sexual life with my hubby, Ajay, is very satisfying. He is highly busy in his business, he is a share broker. My name is Alpana and I am 32 years old, fair, attractive, curvy female and my friends say I am very sexy. My vital stats are 35C-29-36, 5ft 6”, fair, clean-shaven and never wear bra and panty. I stopped wearing them since a very early age. I have to find out my own...

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Truth or Dare 05 and 55

My sister must've felt me shudder as she tried to comfort me. "You always get so emotional."She rubbed my back as I shot the last of my load in my pants."Sorry," I said to both of them as I gasped in pleasure and shame. To Nadia cause it soaked through onto her hand and to my sister from cumming while she made skin contact with me."That's okay," Stephanie responded. She let go of both of us and sat back down in her seat."Do you want me to go first?" She asked."That's alright, Sis....

1 year ago
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First time fucked

It was complete dead silence. Only thing they were hearing was each other's heartbeat.the cold breeze from window made the event more special. She was breathing heavily , may be it… It was complete dead silence. Only thing they were hearing was each other's heartbeat.the cold breeze from window made the event more special. She was breathing heavily , may be it was adrenaline rush . Their brains were completely numb, Surrendering to hormones. They were about to explore something that they...

First Time
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Suck My Tits Daddy

About a year ago my daughter met a guy who was the epitome of scum. She was eighteen, he was twenty-five and the two were about as well suited as oil and water. The one time I met Roger Banks, I remember being thoroughly disgusted; his long, stringy hair held as much oil as the crankcase of his Harley, his face, which was not what anyone would call handsome, was dotted with old acne scars and several blackheads. He was so nasty that I was afraid to shake his hand.I didn't believe at the time,...

4 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 14 I Am From The Government

"I'll be next door if you need me," I told him. He nodded, told me, "I have things to clear up here. Go ahead." He stood there, a man deep in thought. I returned to Bobbie, not knowing what to do next. I was frightened and became more so by the minute. I was afraid something would happen to her. Of course I was frightened for me too, but her safety lay uppermost in my mind. We had to either find a fast solution, which seemed unlikely, or we had to disappear. The third alternative was...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 35 Ill Take 70s Game Shows for 00 Art

December 31, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Why don’t you come inside for a bit?” Janey said. “Just hang out, OK?” I smirked,” Will you walk into my parlour?’ said the Spider to the Fly, ‘Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy; The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I’ve a many curious things to show when you are there. “ “So, like Hotel California? You can check out any time you like but you can never leave?” I chuckled, “That’s probably not QUITE as culturally...

3 years ago
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Solitaires first 13 inch dick

Introduction: This story is paired with the video “Solitaire’s first BBC” During sex, our dirty talk had evolved into big ass dicks fucking Solitaire. She got really wet, she’d get worked up moaning and agreeing to being fucked by monster dicks. A few times I asked her if she wanted to try one, you know dicks that we’re ten inches and up. She’d had nine inches and enjoyed them. But she never had the ones bigger than that. When I brought it up, she’d just say, “You have a big dick, I don’t care...

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Bananas With Bill

Bananas with BillNancy shivers as she sits waiting on the bar. She wants to get up and forget this whole charade. She is nervous and doesn’t even know why. Bill is her friend, her lover, her most trusted ally, she knows he will make this fantasy come alive for her but for some reason she is still worried. She hops down from the countertop bar and paces the kitchen waiting for him to arrive. Should she or shouldn’t she…she continues to ask the question, stopping by the bar she looks at the cool...

1 year ago
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Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid

Any feedback would be welcome and can be sent to me at this email address: [email protected] Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid By Paula Hanson March 1998 Chapter 1 The small girl was rolling on the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching her right leg wailing her heart out. Her bother, ran down the stairs after her looking concerned. Her mother also ran out of the kitchen to see what all the crying was about. The mother immediately bent down to console her...

2 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 28

Because of the religion, I was born into, because of my occupation as a pornstar and because of still covering my head like a pious woman of the religion I was born into, there were occasions I came across trouble. This happened a little after I retired from porn. I was twenty-six then. These days, refugee and immigrant men from the middle east, Northern Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. Were around where I lived. They were a true menace to the women there and in fear of being called racists,...

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All for Mr Redman Chapter 9

Introduction: Peter and I struggle, Jessica interferes and I prove I am only human *** You will find this easier to read, and more enjoyable, if you take the time to read the other chapters first Thank you to all those who have written to me about this, commented, and voted. I really do appreciate it very much. There is not a lot of sex in this Chapter, it is located in just after the middle portion. Please do not be too hard on me as for this story to continue to be true I had to admit...

2 years ago
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Long desire

My name is Anil and I am 35 years old. I am married to Madhu, a beautiful women and we are really enjoying our sexual life very much. My wife is having a beautiful younger sister binita and she is approx. 30 years old and married, having one kid. She is extremely fair complexioned with big pair of tits and specially her ass is the sexiest part of her body, big butt really rounded in shape. Any body would like to fuck her from rear and since my marriage i also had a desire to fuck her ass badly....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 286 Flying the Happy Skies

No wonder I got the text to make sure I had one of my bags of rubbers in my laptop bag. I had on a pair of long boxer-briefs under my board shorts and a plan. The girl texted back and forth, occasionally dropping her hand down to diddle her hard clit, at least until she realized where she was, all the way up until they told us to turn off electronic devices. When it was our turn to take off, the girl scooted over against the thin console separating our seats. As the jet started moving...

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First TimeGay My History fantasy 2

#4 (fantasy #2)Here is my Saturday morning fantasy for the weekend that never was.....things start to get interesting.I awake next to my black stud around 8. He is sleeping on his back, cock hard with morning wood. I tickle his rod with a fingernail and it starts jumping, I quietly get on my knees and start sucking that beautiful cock, slowly at first then start pumping him. He wakes and wraps both hands around my head and fucks my mouth to a quick orgasm, a huge hot morning load which I...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Luna Corazon 10152018

Oh, the ex-pat life! Isn’t it sweet? Just ask Erik Everhard, who grew tired of everything American. Three years ago, he left the states for the beauty and splendor of Budapest, Hungary…and he hasn’t regretted it for a second. He’s even started his own business, and trust us when we tell you — business is booming! He’s got one of the hottest nightclubs in Budapest, which means hiring beautiful women is easy. It’s so easy, in fact, Everhard is very, very...

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Akkavin Thozhiyai Sex Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kama kathaiyil en akkavin thozhiyaai epadi sex seithen endru ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar ramesh, enaku oru thangai irukiraal, avaluku oru thozhi irukiraal aval peyar Yamuna vayathu 23 irukum. Oru naal aval en veetirku vanthaal, apppozhuthu ennai vidamal sight adithu konde irunthaal. En vayathu 21 aagugirathu, en akkavai naan peyar solli thaan azhaipen. Yamunavaiyum peyar solli thaan azhaithen, iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal. Yamuna adikadi en veetirku vanthu...

3 years ago
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Dual sex drive

TunnaldiggerAt the very base of dual sex principle is the understanding of a woman's psychological need for a variety of sex partner's. Psychologically, women are hardwired differently than men. A woman has a dual sex drive. The first is centered on finding a mate for life to help support her and her offspring. This is why (and when) love is such an important part of a women's sexual desire. The second is a desire to obtain a variety of the best genetic material to produce the best c***dren....

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Sea FenciblesChapter 14 A Narrow Escape

HM frigate Syren was once again on the prowl. The night before, Anson had taken his ship through the narrow passage between the Dutch islands of Ameland and Terschelling. By daybreak they were amidst the shallows, sailing under doubly reefed topsails only and with the lead going constantly. By afternoon they caught their first prey off Harlingen, an almost new brigantine sailing with a cargo of wheat. With this prize in their wake, they felt their way south, surprising a small ketch coming...

1 year ago
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From Nice Wife to Dominant Bitch

All of the usual disclaimers apply. Please don't read this if you're underage for your particular corner of the world. This is my first attempt at writing since high school, so please be gentle :-) I'd actually appreciate any and all feedback, good or brutal. I can't improve if y'all don't tell me what I'm doing wrong. Call me an aspiring writer of this venue. [email protected] From nice wife to dominant bitch By Lipstick My wife used to be so vanilla. Used to be. I...

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Sex with a stranger I met in the park

I am off work now and have been for about 3 weeks, I'm waiting for another contract to start at the end of April, so I'm getting fit ready for an iron man competition I'm completing in August. I run every day, stopping in the park and do a few pull ups and press-ups, all a bit intense right now. Last week, for a few days I was in the park probably the same time as I always wait for the k**s to go to school and for it t be a little quieter, a woman walked through the park, taking a short cut to...

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Wifes first threesome

My wife and I were married young. I was 19 she was 18. I joined the military the following month and overseas I went. It was sometime over there while watching porn that I realized threesomes turned me especially those where it showed a wife being shared. After returning home I slowly revealed to my wife my fantasies. It stayed just that, we would talk about it when we had sex and it made things hotter. A few months after I returned home a friend of mine happened to get stationed at the same...

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The family Road Trip BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....More adventures of my hot New Step sisters and New Huge Boob Step MomRecap of previous Story - Went to prison for a year. Got out on parole. Went home to find my Dad got remarried. He is out of the country on business. My new Step Mom is super bodacious. Her two daughters turned out to be real big nymphos. They came home from private school. They put on a naughty fashion show. One thing lead to another and I end up fucking both of them. Also without my...

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Fallout 4 Wasteland Fucking

"Enjoy your time on the surface and Thank You for Choosing Vault-Tec" It had been about 210 years, but Nate and Nora were finally going home. They'd spent the last two centuries frozen before having their son, Shaun, stolen from them by some bald guy and a scientist. Nora was glad that Nate was shot in the shoulder instead of the head when he was struggling for Shaun and that his injury didn't worsen when they were frozen again. Nora helped him through the giant roach infested Vault and out...

Group Sex
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The Wife

Monday finally came. I'd been looking forward to this day for months. My alarm went off at 7 am but I didn't need it to get up. I was wide awake with anticipation and excitement. I took off my silky smooth nighty and got into the shower. Usually, I take a long shower but today I had a plane to catch so I didn't waste any time. I washed up and shaved my entire body. I wanted to be smooth and clean on this special day. Next, it was time for make up. I was going for a professional, classy...

2 years ago
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Fun with the Mechanic

Last weekend, I had a date to go out to a bar with some other CDs in another state and a 2 hour drive. I would get dressed when I got to the motel. On the way I had car trouble, but kept driving to the motel. Told the girls who were already dressed that I couldn’t go to the bar or play because I could not relax knowing my car was having problems. I was so horny because we had set this date up a few weeks ago and I had spent the day trying on my new sexy short black dress and getting ready. ...

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Marjorie 3

This is a continuation of one story, you really will need to read this from the beginning. I downed what was left of my coffee and while still naked I walked to the shower. I left little droplets of dog cum in the living room as I made my way to the master bath. The living room has the only hardwood floors in his house, at least for now anyway. I felt a whole lot more awake after my shower but oh my god what a feeling I still had from having my vagina stretched out like that, that big...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 40

I had seen all I wanted to see on this trip, so I put up my kickstand and nine hours later walked into my apartment. There were twenty-six voice messages waiting for me on the machine. Reggie, Dani, Monica, Penny, Dottie had all checked in to say hi, some more than once. I think Dani was in town because she called a couple times and I heard her say something on one of the eight hang-ups. Dottie had a package for me, and Mom and Ashley wanted to see if I made it back OK. Although I had been...

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The Dress

The Dress by Diann Looking around the second hand shop, I spotted a pretty, solid blue dress that looked about my size. I'm not the easiest person to fit a dress for either, at 6' 3" and almost 300 pounds, not to mention my being a male is quite a deterrent for finding something pretty and feminine. Still, since I was a kid I had a fascination for them. The soft fabrics, the pleasing color combinations and the lovely patterns to those color combinations were too enticing to...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 73

I stopped in the lane as the lad on the bicycle pedalled towards me. If this was indeed Liam, then from what I could see, Amanda hadn't done justice to this fine example of manhood. I judged him to be about twenty or so and quite well built and fairly tall. He had bleached blond hair cut close to his head. He had a fairly handsome face, though I noticed on closer examination, a front tooth was chipped, and he had a slight squint in one of his deep blue eyes. But, all in all, young Liam was a...

2 years ago
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Prelude to Her Night

Prelude to her Night Several weeks had passed since she had her Night of Pleasure, when she sat down at the table and told me she had something to tell me. She said that she had planned the night before hand and was hoping I’d go along with it, but there was something that she didn’t tell me right away. She felt now was a good time, as we had both enjoyed it. She told me that while she was at work that day, she noticed that her friend was more talkative than usual and he was asking all types...

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My Cousins Girl

Im from new york, and have family all over the states. My cousin who was usually up to no good had seemed to find his way back to NY, and at my house after moving down to florida but this time he wasnt alone. He came up with a big booty puertican chick. I was like daaaaamn " she got the phatty "...... Me, im the type of person who gonna listen and see what you have to say...... yada yada yada to make a long story short my cousin told me he and his girl were on bad terms. " i swear nga im waitin...

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Everyone was so surprised when the invitations came to attend the wedding... Everyone except cyber-lover's Patricia and Billy who's online love affair was now becoming real when they had finally met they realized that they were meant for each other somewhere deep inside they had always known what their hearts now truly felt! Billy proposed to Patricia on their very first date in a restaurant of Billy's choosing he had set the whole thing up in advance everyone at the place was in on it and...

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Campground Part 1

Introduction: This story is long so i broke it up into 3 parts. Enjoy When my boyfriend Jason told me he was going away on a camping trip for a week with a bunch of his mates, I wasnt very impressed. I had taken a couple of weeks off work and was looking forward to spending it with him. Jason and I had been going out for about six years and it had been pretty good, as relationships are at the start. The last year though, we had been arguing more, usually about stupid little things. This wasnt...

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