AimlessChapter 12: Fixer free porn video

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The trip to Sydney was nice. The shuttle took about an hour and a half. I traveled with Master and not with any other whores, so Master was nearby. I just cuddled as good as I could sitting next to him, and my mind emptied and the entire trip seemed to happen in minutes.

At customs and immigration, Master showed a blue passport for me, rather than a collared servant’s gray passport, and there didn’t seem to be a problem with it.

At our hotel, waiting in our room was the Floozy, wearing a collar.

“Gidday, mate,” the Floozy said, smiling, as we entered. She didn’t have the slightest hint of an Australian accent.

“Hi ... Stella, right?”

The Floozy nodded. “You can call me Floozy. I’m starting to like it when I hear it from you.” She laughed.

Master walked in, and suddenly, he was the center of her attention.

“Go ahead and kiss her already,” Master prodded.

I shook my head. “Uh ... I told you girl-girl stuff is disappointing with a collar, Master.”

The Floozy agreed. “Don’t I know it. Weird. It’s like...”

“Masturbation,” I suggested.

The Floozy nodded. “Yeah. Very distracting.”

“I’ve heard that from a number of girls,” Master said. “The programming seems intentional, but I haven’t figured out why they did that particular kink.”

“Maybe as a punishment,” I suggested.

Master looked at me. “Really?”

“It seemed so with Sammy and me.”

The Floozy nodded. “You know, now that you mention it, you could say that. Maybe the programmer was homophobic, and put that in.” She looked at Master.

Now that I knew he invented the collar technology, a lot of things became clearer to me.

“That’s a possibility,” Master said, pondering.

The Floozy looked at Master with tremendous need. I went over, kissed Master, and found a nice little spot on the floor and lay down.

I heard the bed springs squeak for a bit, and then heard the Floozy finally sigh.

The Floozy and I had some private time to ourselves. We didn’t spend it sexually, but did discuss things.

“I thought Master was punishing you for betraying him,” I said.

“He is.”

“That doesn’t make any sense. If you betrayed him, why would he trust you working for him?”

“He trusts the collar, not me,” Floozy explained. “He only sees me as a whore. Jess, I’ve tried to apologize to him, but I cannot form the words in front of him. Wait ... you know Master and I used to work together, what I did?”

I nodded. “Not what you did, but that you were partners, and I think he meant it outside the sexual scope. The last time I saw you, he told you to report for reassignment. He told me you were coming here.”


“Anyway, you need to understand, Master doesn’t want apologies. He prefers revenge, and this is his typical way. He told me you invented the bonding technology. Now he’s applied it to you. I think that’s his way of finding the punishment to suit the crime.”

The Floozy nodded. “I have this need ... I’m unfulfilled if I don’t apologize, and then I physically cannot do so. I can get sexual satisfaction, but it goes away quickly and always seems very hollow without my being able to apologize to him.”

“That’s precisely the punishment he programmed for you,” I said.

The Floozy looked at me with disbelief in her eyes. Her jaw was agape. “What an evil mind he has. I knew he was twisted, but this ... even now that I know it, I’m still helpless! Anyway, enough about me. What is he having you do here? I see you’re an illegal. You cannot be collared without having a physical collar here. They will eventually detect you.”

I simply shrugged.

“Well, if they catch you, the fine is a special collar and you walk the street for sixty hours a week for three years, all proceeds going to the government. That also pauses the sponsorship contract, so your five year contract would become eight years.”

Bristling, I simply said, “I will have to trust in Master.”

“Good luck with that.” The Floozy shook her head.

I couldn’t believe she was such a fucking idiot.

An “interesting” thing during my stay in Sydney was that I met a guy named Trevor. He was the nerdy type, and I saw him in the lobby of a hotel different from the one we were staying in. Master had work to do, and he told me to “go walkabout” in the city. I was wandering about the city, noticing the various collared whores peddle their wares in an area of the city known as The Cross. The tourist literature said it used to be a red light district until the early twenty first, and recently has undergone a rebirth of the “new glory days” with state-sponsored sexual entertainment in its place. It was Floozy’s assigned location, and she told me she was popular as a Caucasian Yank among many Asians and Ozzies. I was curious about the area and was admiring the restoration of an old hotel that supposedly dated from the early twentieth or late nineteenth.

It was about four in the afternoon and I saw a young man in his late twenties that was just sitting in the lobby, reading a tablet. Normally, I don’t get attracted to other people, but something seemed special about him.

“Hi, my name’s Jess,” I said.

“Trevor,” he said. He then looked at me and did a double take. “Sorry. Were you talking to me?”

“You’re the only one here except me, and I rarely talk to myself.”

“You’re a yank.”

“A tourist. Yes. This place looks amazing. Opulent, even.”

“Trevor Muscat,” he said, offering his hand.

“Just call me Jess,” I said, shaking.

Trevor looked around the lobby. “You sort of expect a bell boy, a doorman, and the manager all around. The place isn’t quite open, but I like the feel of this place. It might become very popular with the tourists.”

“Are you waiting for somebody?” I asked.

“Not anybody specific. A few of my mates went to the pub, and I didn’t want to stick out.”

“Stick out? How?”

“I’m ... I’m not much with the Sheilas,” he said. “They make jokes. Not really my scene, so I just decided to sit around and wait here.”

“You were waiting for me? I’m touched.”

Trevor laughed. “Somebody will need me to figure out where their car is. They’ll call me on my comm. I live on the other side of the bridge, so I wait here for the eventual call.”

“I tell you what. I don’t drink, but if you promise to get me something nonalcoholic, I’ll go to the pub with you. I’ll be your date you can show off with your mates.”

“Are you for real?”

I nodded. “I don’t have anything else to do, and I have been dying to visit a real Australian pub.”

“They’ll know you’re a Yank.”

“I can say gidday with the best of ‘em,” I said. I always had a good ear for voices, and I think my accent was impeccable.

“That’s actually pretty good.”

“I won’t lie to them, though. Let’s tell them the truth. You picked me up here at the hotel, and I’ve always wanted to see how Ozzies live and play.”

Trevor warned me that to American sensibilities, the pub he was taking me to would be pretty seedy. He offered to instead take me to something more upscale.

“Upscale is what I’ve been seeing. I want to see real people. I promise you, I read the stories about the area I was in. You cannot shock me!”

“All right, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The pub was seedy, but all the people were warm and genuine. A few didn’t seem to appreciate the fact there was a Yank in their midst, but still everybody seemed nice.

All of them, even the ones that didn’t warm to Yanks, made me feel at home. A few of the women commented on my expensive silk dress. I told them mine were imported from Japan, and all of them gushed over it. The general feeling was that I was a rich playgirl from the states, and I didn’t say anything to disabuse them of it. A couple of the guys asked if I had a husband or boyfriend, but I simply shook my head and indicated I was with Trevor.

Trevor kept his promise. He kept getting my drinks from the bar. A lemon soda called Lemon Up. It was served over ice with a tiki umbrella, complete with a cherry. When people pointed out my “girly” drink, I just smiled at them.

Bawdy jokes were being told all around.

Trevor wasn’t telling any, I guess due to him not wanting to offend me, or as he told me at the hotel, he just didn’t fit in with the others.

One of the boys telling stories looked at me. “So, I bet you Yanks don’t tell stories like that, now, do ya? You got no sense of humor, I hear. Right?”

I shrugged and asked, “What is green and brown, has six legs, and if it fell on you from out of a tree, it would kill you?”


“A billiard table,” I said. It was a silly joke I heard a while back that seemed to fit in with the jokes they were telling.

Everybody looked at me, and suddenly the entire table erupted in laughter. “She got you, mate!”

I knew another one. “Did you hear the one about the two cement trucks that got married? Now they have a little sidewalk running around the house!”

The group laughed at that as well, and I was told that “footpath” might have been a better description. I loved the local slang, and explained that I would imagine a foot path to be where somebody would hike.

“Well, I guess the Yank definitely has a sense of humor, mate!” said the guy that originally said we didn’t have any sense of humor earlier.

The jokes they told were funny, but I heard most of them already. Living and working with whores a few times, I’ve heard them all. However, I laughed politely at them all, and refused to get offended, even at Yank jokes.

At six, a show started. Strippers performed on stage. All of them were collared. The guys seemed to be more intrigued by the start of each act, when the girls were clothed. I guess the rule about always being nude was not in effect when they were stripping. Anyway, a collar with clothes seemed to be a local kink. I thought that somebody might make a fortune with a strip show that started with the girls nude and then putting on clothes.

I pointed this out.

“That would be a trip, mate.”

“Yeah. ‘Put ‘em on!’ we would scream,” said another guy.

“The collars are jarring to me,” I said. “We don’t have them in the States.”

“Yeah. You disguise your sex workers there.”

I shrugged. “People know them. They do wear uniforms.”

“So, what do you think of Ozzie strippers?”

“Different tastes for different cultures.”

“Like how?”

“Well, I’ve been to Tokyo. They have a class of people that could probably make you soil your pants without taking off a single item of clothing.” I was thinking about my soku, of course.

“Right. They’re nude to start with!”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “They just ooze sensuality. At home, there are some exotics known as Belly Dancers that also ooze sensuality, again, with minimal stripping needed. We have our own strippers as well, of course. And they strip. The tradition goes back hundreds of years, back to the dance hall girls.”

“Too bad you’re not Japanese or a Belly Dancer. Are you telling us you’re a dance hall girl?”

“Oh, I was given a Japanese soku worker as a gift.”

That silenced the table. Just the stripper wiggling to electronic music was moving.

“Crikey, you got a sex worker as a gift? Female?” Trevor asked.

I nodded. “From a powerful person in Japan. One of the richest, actually. It’s rude to not accept a gift in their culture. Asami, the girl, is my best friend now. She has sex with who she chooses as well.” I didn’t mention she usually chooses me, and that she still considers me her Mistress.

“Is she here?”

I shook my head. “She still has immigration issues.”

“Tell me she taught you all her tricks,” said one of the guys that I recognized didn’t seem to like Yanks because we were all, quote, “Wankers.”

“She’s taught me some, actually, but I would think us Yanks know stripping just as well.”

“Now I know you’re shitting me. Americans are stuck up and prude wankers!”

I turned to Trevor. “Trevor, you’ve been such a dear, can you walk me over there?” I pointed to a bored looking stage manager.


“Just humor a stuck up and prudish Yank, OK?”

Trevor glared at the guy that made the insult, but nodded at me and said, “Sure.”

As soon as we were away from the table, Trevor said, “Don’t mind him, he’s an arsehole. Most of the rest of the blokes are fair dinkum.”

I said, “I prefer you, anyway. You’re fair dinkum as well. Do you want to see me onstage?”

“G’arn! You’re shitting me!”

“Nope. Serious.”

“You’d do that? Here?”

“Of course! I’ll make you proud!”

Trevor didn’t seem convinced I was serious. “Go for it, honey!”

There was a stage manager, but it didn’t take any real difficulty for me to convince him to let me backstage to do a song.

“You’re a Yank, aren’t ya?” The accent was wrong. It wasn’t Australian. It was British, actually. My ear for voices couldn’t be wrong.

“And I hear you’re a POM,” I said, using the local Aussie euphemism for somebody born in England that I heard in a few of the jokes at the table earlier.

“You have a good ear for accents. At least you didn’t add the last part. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the term ‘Pommie bastard, ‘ I’d be rich. Anyway, I see you’re not wearing a collar.”

“Don’t you allow amateurs to try out?”

The man gave me a big belly laugh. “Do you need some old Dutch?”

“Dutch courage? Not really, but I have a favor to ask. Can you send a particular song to your music guy?”

The stage manager turned and yelled, “Hey, Deej. I got a request for ya!”

“Send it.”

The manager said, “Just don’t make it Tie Me Kangaroo Down.”

I laughed. “I’m a yank, not a rube.” I pulled out my portacomm. “Here’s the code...”

I quickly used my comm to select a song I heard a few times, mostly in old comedy viddies. It had the right rhythm and feel for an old fashioned American bump and grind. I found it, and sent it to the code the manager gave me.

“Holy shit,” yelled Deej. “Who is she?”

“A Yank, and we’ll both find out,” the manager said. He winked at me and showed me the stage, where the previous artist just departed.

The song started with a very, very sensuous drum beat that ended with a lewd brass arrangement with lots of musical slides. It was a song from the twentieth called The Stripper. Despite its name, it didn’t seem to be in common use at strip clubs any more.

The song volume seemed to be at the max, which is what I hoped for. When the brass joined in, I rotated my hips in an over-the-top motion.

I thrust my breasts out, and exaggerated all my motions as I slowly danced to the beat. I let my mind empty until the only thought would be how Sammy would play this to evoke the maximum amount of sensuality, and from my memory of old black and white viddies I watched when at the WfD shelter.

The club quieted down, and the only thing I could hear was the music, and I channeled Sammy’s encyclopedic knowledge of all things sexual into my performance. With each emphasis in the song, I thrust my crotch or breasts toward the audience. Soon, they were accompanied by cheers and raucous claps.

As I was wearing my silk dress with nothing else other than my slippers, there wasn’t much for me to take off. Even so, I managed to keep the final reveal until the last chorus. I was writhing, throwing up my hands, thrusting, and even dancing until the reprise of the main theme at the minute and a half mark (how did I know the exact time? How the hell would I know?). At that time, I managed to perform a motion I saw Sammy do many times, but until that moment, never managed to figure out. My dress flew completely off, held above my head, flying out as I waved it around in circles above my naked body for the final crescendo, where I jumped down from the stage into the surprised arms of Trevor.

“Good catch,” I told him.

“You were fantastic,” he said.

“I am fantastic, but only as fantastic as who I’m with. Thanks!”

Trevor let me down onto the floor. “You left a fortune on the stage.”

I noticed a bunch of coins and bills that were thrown at me during the performance and shrugged. “Donate it to the elderly strippers union.” I didn’t have any use for foreign money.

Trevor laughed.

The stage manager came over. “You know, that was bonzer. I haven’t seen a throwback to burlesque in donkey’s years. Would you accept a collar? I could have you making thousands every day!”

I shook my head. “Thanks, but I just wanted to show Trevor and his mates that us Yanks aren’t all stuck-up prudish wankers!”

Of course, my performance and my jumping into his arms made everybody consider Trevor with admiration, especially the females.

Trevor shook his head, but soon there were scores of people crowding around us looking to buy us rounds of drinks.

“If you take me home, I’ll show you I’m even better in bed than on the stage,” I whispered.

“You’re naked!” he said, scandalized.

I still had my dress in my hands. I did the reverse flip from what I did on the stage, and suddenly I was completely dressed. I then jumped back into his arms, surprising him completely. “You can let me down, but if you really want to make an impression, leave with me now. You’ll be getting shouts for the rest of the year, I imagine!”

A “shout” from what I gathered, was a round of drinks and had something to do with paying or not paying for them.

Same as Aimless
Chapter 12: Fixer Videos

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My Sexy Buxom Wife And The Servants 8211 Part 1

Dear friends, this is a true story which took place in Assam. I am Samar and my wife is Manasi aged about 32 years. Like most Assamese girls Manasi is quite beautiful, a bit on the plumper side with a stunning figure of 38-26-40 height (medium height) 5ft 2 inches and 65kg. Right from the time of our marriage I wanted her to be sexy and well maintained. I used to send her to gym, yoga classes for swimming and I also urged her to go to beauty parlours on a regular basis. I also imported costly...

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5 One in the Hand Is WorthChapter 14

The next few weeks were tough. Now that Kendall knew there might be something ahead for us, she felt free to go into 'flirt-mode' nearly every time we were alone, and sometimes with more subtlety when we weren't. She found any number of excuses to touch me, or to brush against me. And I had never realized how many words in everyday conversation could be twisted to infer a sexual intent. She had me so horny that in desperation I called Sharon to ask for her permission to ask Gerri if...

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By Samantha G. You will encounter a time in your life when someone you love will betray you. Someone you stood by, through all the good and bad, will wait for you to turn your back. Don’t let them decide how deep the cold blade will go. The Arizona sky was clear blue, as tall shadows began to silently overtake nearby buildings, marking the end of another long workday, and a longer than usual week. “Will you be joining me for happy hour?” Ah, my buddy Jenny stood in the doorway of...

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Tell me a story part two

Prologue: Erica Fry is a fortyish woman who has on a whim taken it upon herself to visit a company that records one's sexual fantasies on audio tape. A woman thirty something woman named Valerie has taken her to a room in which there is a chair designed to sexually arouse the user when she tells her story. The chair itself has a large thick dildo protruding from the middle of the seat which Erica was at first reluctant to use. After a bit of prodding from Valerie, she finally sat down on the...

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From a friend for the guys out there

How to Eat a PussyWhen a woman finds a man who gives good head, she's found a treasure she's not going to let go of too quickly. This is one rare customer and she knows it. She won't even tell her girlfriends about it or that guy will become the most popular man in town. So, remember, most guys can fuck, and those who can usually do it satisfactorily, but the guy who gives good head, he's got it made. Most women are shy about their bodies. Even if you've got the world's most gorgeous woman in...

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Visiting QueenslandChapter 6

I asked mum whether she minded Jimmy joining us, too. She said "Of course not" and asked whether I thought Sandra might "like" being seated between Jacky and Jimmy. I roared. I also realised that mum was fully aware of one daughter-in-law's prejudices. "No, but you could put Jacky between Weena and me and Jimmy on the far side of her. He's her patient." "Yes. She already told me not to give him meat." Dinner was a bit strange. It was clear that Andy and Becky were extremely...

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Daughter Loves HorsesChapter 12

She recognized all three stallions, and they remembered her, Buck Morgan had a couple dozen stallions around his ranch, and Cindy had gotten to know most of them intimately. As she approached these three, they stood watching her expectantly, their eyes on her wobbling tits, on her sexy tanned skin, on her pretty feet. She watched their horse-cocks slide out of their sheaths and erect. "Hi, boys!" she said, admiring their three waiting pricks. "Wanna have fun?" The stallions snorted and...

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Human Resources

“Ee lass come in and sit down tell thee Uncle Eric all about it,” Eric Ollerenshaw mithered to some stuck up bitch from t’office on third floor. Eric were CEO and in charge of Human Recourses at Ollerenshaw’s Mill. Elanore shuffled awkwardly into the room and sat opposite Eric. “It’s Dan, the lad who I work with, he put his hand up my skirt,” she announced. “Grabbed thee pussy did he?” Eric enquired, “Inside the pants or outside?” “No just touched me.” she said. “You sure it weren’t...

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Twisted and Torn Part 7

Part 7 Chris, the married guy, had been sucked, rimmed and watched a guy get fucked and covered in man juice. Now he had his hairy big cock buried deep in another man’s smooth greedy pussy. The cock sucker felt Chris grind his hips and cock into him and it felt good. The slow poking made his whole body tingle and he gripped the strong arms above him for support. He loved the sweat dripping down onto him as he watched their shadows move around the semi dark room. Their quiet groans were just...

Gay Male
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My fantasy came true Part 2

You have read the first part of my true love story with my subordinate officer boy of 24 years of age. Believe it, this is real experience of love and sex and i am further sharing my experiences with you. As already narrated that my lover boy is very beautiful with brownish eyes, rosy reddish lips, milky fair complexion and with nicely shaped buttocks. We made love in rest house. On a holiday we went in jungle in our car and the moment came when we were all alone in the forest. By now my lover...

2 years ago
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Innocent College Pussy 8211 Part 5

Hello, dear readers. This Sonia and Rohitha again. I hope you read the previous parts. All the boys must be reading this story with a swollen dick, and all the girls are reading this story with a wet pussy. The story starts in Rohitha’s words. I was entering the building. While I was in the elevator, there was huge sweat and tension in my head. I felt some tingling in between my legs. When I kept my hand in my panty, they were completely wet. I realized how hot I got for Ravi sir. I rang the...

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Magic InkChapter 14

In the morning I awoke to two loving wives kissing me. We were still in bed at the cottage in the Otherworld, so none of this had been a dream. I shaved in water that I had heated with a spell, while my wives prepared our breakfast. After eating, my wives chanted a cleaning spell to get the entire house clean before we left for a last bath in the pool here. On returning we donned our regular outside clothes and waited for Brian to appear. He arrived shortly with two of the men that guard the...

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Im a nudist

I’m a nudist. I like being naked. When I am home, I am usually naked. I go to nude beaches whenever I can, including areas on both coasts of the United States, as well as spots in England, Germany, and Greece. I even have home pages of me naked, although I haven’t posted them anywhere on the net. There’s just something about being naked in public that gives me a thrill. Yes, I like the feeling of freedom and warmth, but I think there’s something more to it. I like having people look at my...

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The Nerds First Time

It isn't a bad thing to be the youngest of five children, especially when you are the only boy in the family. Let me explain. My name is Earnest Winston Mallone. I am the product of a loving couple who are still married to this day. When my Mom and Dad started out, like most couples, they wanted a son, a daughter, a nice house and the proverbial white picket fence.There first born was a girl, April. April was a perfect baby. She was in tumbling, ballet and eventually grew up into a beautiful...

First Time
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Booking the GirlsChapter 20

As much of a disturbance as Sabrina was in the midst of my tranquil life of teaching teenage girls, in only ten minutes I had returned to my typical self and my cock had returned to its typical hardness. Jacqueline, a 15-year old blonde, was my next client for Personal Services and she wanted her anal virginity properly removed. "It's not like popping your cunt cherry," I explained. "Each boy who fucks your ass has to do it properly. I'll show you how to have your ass fucked properly...

2 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 11

Trapped and Trained Ch. 11It took me hours to fall asleep that night. It was hard to narrow it down to just one reason why...Maybe it was the tingling feeling of my fishnet stockings sliding around on my pink silk sheets each time I moved. Or perhaps it was trying to get used to the feeling of these D-cup breasts flailing around as I tossed and turned, the glue holding them on pulling at my actual skin and causing the metal teeth around my nipples to grind. It was impossible to get comfortable...

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Slut Girl

Hi my name is Candy, I'm 21, blonde hair, blue eye and have a great body. I work at a sex shop in London, it's great but I get so horny with porn movies playing all day and all the toys just waiting to be used. It's a great place to meet guys and girls. The alarm goes off at 7:30.

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Me Hu Tumari Aadhi Gharwali Meri Sali

Hiii mera naam raj h or me ahmedabas se..Mujhe bhabhiya bht pasnd h.Aaj me apni first story aap sab ko batane ja raha hu.Agr koi galti ho to ignore kar dena..1st me apni sali k bare me batadu …Meri sali marride h. Or uska fighr size h 34 30 34.. He.. Vo bht hi sexy h nd yahi ahmedabd m hi raheti hi. Jab b hum milte h to double mnngs ki bate karte or kabhi kabar to me usse chu k pareshan b karta hu..Usse b ye sab baht pasnd he.Ek din ki baat husne mujhe call kiya k usse thoda kaam h to mere ghar...

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Modeling for Life Drawing Part 3

I was surprised when Sheila called me. “How are you?” she asked. We had met at the group drawing session that Lucy had arranged. Sheila was a young art teacher at a middle school a year or so out of college. She was shy and reserved during the drawing session and had demonstrated much talent in the drawing she had done of me. We exchanged greetings on the phone and then she got to the point of her call. She told me that she was applying to enter a master of fine arts program at the...

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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme by Lubrican Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON'T know is the REST of the story of what happened that day. Jack was a strapping lad, 5'10", wide at the...

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Winter Fires Ch 01

Chapter 1 It was a dismal, damp December Friday night. Simon sat at the wheel of the large red vehicle, making his way through the traffic, blue lights flashing, bells ringing. He was still very new to this, and still felt the enormous thrill of guiding the huge bulk at high speed, with the Perkins V8 beneath him. John sat next to him. Simon knew he’d be watching, keeping an eye out for potential trouble. He didn’t feel slighted or upset, in fact, if anything, he felt relieved to know that...

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GirlsWay Celeste Star Abigail Mac Cheat Day

Abigail Mac is getting pumped for the gym in the bathroom, but her girlfriend Celeste Star is just waking up. When Celeste tries talking her out of going, Abigail insists she’s raring to go after taking a pre-workout supplement. Celeste thinks they should use that energy to have sex. Abigail gives in, but only if Celeste will be her soul mate. Celeste kisses Abigail’s cute face and pulls off her sports bra like she’s been waiting to fuck her all night. The lesbians embrace and...

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Shifter The Sex Demoness

"If you see this girl, use extreme caution- contact law enforcment in the area as soon as possible." A lovely blonde news lady is talking on screen. To her side is an image of the "criminal" she is speaking of. A silk skinned beauty with long, jet black hair. She's not human, her skin is dark, but a beautiful shad of crimson. Her eyes are black, lips full and soft- probably hiding sharp fangs and a snake-like tongue within. Large bat-like wings extending from her back. A demon- they were...

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Strangers in the NightChapter 15

"What?" "The second son is everything the asshole isn't." "Explain?" "The kid is kindhearted, honest, doesn't waste his money, I like him ... even if he is just 14." Dal muttered a few words. "That's Russian," I said. "You and Wendy are not the only transferees in this household," he said. Imagine my shock. He opened his luggage. The longest case held an interesting rifle. It was long, with camo paint and there was a long bag of camouflage cloth and assorted streamers...

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A Game of Twister

The Hughes and the Coulter families, are having a game of twister one weekend in the Coulter residence in Atlanta. They were able to acquire a much bigger twister mat and fixed it on top of cushions. There’s a few modifications to the rules. With more people included, more than one person could be in one color at the same time to make it more interesting. The game begun with the first spin. Right hand red, the second spin was left foot yellow. The game went on and on until finally, the...

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My WIfe is a Real Cum Loving Slut Amazing Slut S

My wife is awesome, I told her to get as much cock as she wanted. I love how she picks up guys to fuck and has no feelings for them just wants there cock and cum. I love it when she has been fucked and tells me all about her fucks. She loves to fuck with several guys at time. Her first gangbang was with 5 guys and I watched it all. She loved it and after they all left I ate her super wet sloppy cunt. She is so horny she can get fucked by a bunch of guys and still be hot and ready to fuck me...

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My Milky Boobs 8211 Part I II

I am 29 year old NRI living in London with my husband.He is doctor.My father is a retired doctor in Mumbai.After six months i was coming back to my home in new Delhi. My husband was supposed to come with me but at the last minute i had to come alone. The plane landed on the airport.I hired a taxi to take me home. The driver started asking me whether i would need a hotel.i said no but he went on pestering me that he knows lots of good hotels.i told him to take me to my home,and i am not a...

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Driving With Cherry

Cherry was recently divorced when we started dating and her sexual experiences had been limited to her husband (HS sweets, early pregnancy) who mostly did missionary on her except for the one drunken time when he forced himself anally and scared her away from trying it again with him.Cherry was blessed with full round breasts with just the hint of a natural hang (she was 37 after all) and nipples that could poke an eye. Adding this to her long legs, blonde hair, trimmed pussy, and tight buns,...

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Saturday Delight 1 Katies Bath

It was a nice Saturday morning. I had woken up early to get a workout in, and I was relaxing in the bath afterwards. I heard the door open, and heard the soft shuffle of feet. Someone was trying and failing to sneak up on me. I feigned sleep as a hand slipped into the water and wrapped around my cock. "Good morning, Katie," I said without opening my eyes. The hand lifted my cock and gripped it firmly. She stroked my hardening shaft while she asked, "How did you know it was me,...

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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 12 To Tami

This story is dedicated to one special person. Well, all of them are. But, this is to one of the sexiest women I have ever met. This is to you, Tami. From me. This is how I feel. The unadulterated truth from my eyes.I first met Tami in a history class in high school. I was 16 at the time. It was around 2008. I was looking at you from a distance. My mind was the sheer epitome of the disclaimer “Viewer Discretion is Advised.” I’m sure I knew I wasn’t the first… Or second, nor third to want to...

Quickie Sex
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A Typical Friday Night

So there I was, in the bar, being propositioned by an attractive young man. Very attractive actually: mid-twenties, good body, gorgeous brown eyes and the most enormous bulge in his trousers. He had a big, fat cock tucked away in there. Excellent. Exactly what I was looking for.“Yes, I’ll fuck you,” I whispered.So what if I’d only just met him?He edged closer, a devious glint in those beautiful eyes. “What’s your name?”“Does it matter?”“Yes. I need to know what to call you when you beg me for...

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Hypnotic Freedom

CHAPTER 1 I’d met Linda at a party and she really turned me on. My dates with her until now had been enjoyable but despite her foxy, little body, she had not allowed me any real contact whatsoever. She was really uptight and I decided to give her some space. That had not really worked either. After our fifth date, with nothing in a physical way to show for my efforts, except for a few cases of blue balls, I suggested that she really needed a way to relax. I offered to give her a massage but...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXI

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-One By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 2 - The Girl's Showers (mc, mf, ff) By Tuesday, I was sick of not having a girl of my own. After that Saturday afternoon, Scooter, Paul, and Gina were constantly disappearing to have three way sex. I was still a little sore from that experience and I simply didn't have any interest in joining them. The others were taking things slow. This was fine with me, but nobody was...

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The uncovering Pt1

Chinese. Brown hiligts5'-4"Skinny and dicate frameSize 0Perky titties Has only dated white or native Cock worshiper You wouldnt know she was such a slut. Quiet, shy chinese girl. It started when she when she wanted to break up. There were k**s involved.She said she wanted to be single again to break the ice one night. Iater found out she was rekindling a c***dhood relationship online and looking for any excuse. I buckled down and won her back. Among other efforts i proposed to her that she...

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