Himura Battousia Book 2: Kenshins PastPart 194: Three-Front Battle: Fight 3 Part 1 free porn video

(On the other side of the dojo, Otowa and Yahiko stand watching each other.)
Otowa: It's gotten quiet... The fight must be over. Are you worried?
Yahiko: No. There's no way Sanosuke would lose. Anyway, forget about that! Quit standing there and come at me!
Sanosuke (inside, being bandaged by Megumi): Forget about my fight?
Megumi: Shouldn't he?
(Kenshin gets to his feet.)
Kaoru: Wait, Kenshin. You rest. I'll watch Yahiko.
Otowa: I may not be rushing, but I will kill you, don't worry. I'm just thinking how I should do it. Shoot you with needles. Burn you with acid. Poison you. Just killing you would be easy, but I want the shame of the wound to remain... I'll make you taste death directly. It's time for what I brought today.
(He draws the sword on his back and tucks the sheath in his belt.)
Otowa: The assassin's tool Bishamonken! (he chuckles) Shall we begin? Yahiko (thinking): This is the third time I've risked my life in a fight... I'm gonna give it all the strength I have!
(Otowa swings downward; Yahiko blocks with his shinai. The edge of the sword cuts into the bamboo only slightly.)
Yahiko (thinking): It's not cutting at all! (aloud) Your precious sword doesn't have much of an edge on it.
Otowa: Laugh while you can.
Yahiko (thinking): His strokes are wild. His footwork is all over the place. There's no question about it--this guy is a rank amateur! I don't know how this thing is an assassin's tool, but I'm definitely the better swordsman!
Kaoru: Wait, Yahiko! He's an expert with assassin's tools--don't get too close to him!
Otowa: You should have listened to her, boy.
Yahiko: What?
(Otowa tosses a small glass jar at him. It shatters against Yahiko's shinai, showering him with powder.)
Yahiko (thinking): To get in my eyes? Or is it poisonous?
Otowa: It will neither cloud your vision or poison you. It's my assassin's tool Bishamonpun. As the name implies, it works with the sword... This is the first time I've been able to show its full worth. (thinking) Preparations complete. Now the real fun starts.
(He strikes with another downward swing. Yahiko dodges sideways)
Yahiko (thinking): He's fast! This is nothing like before!
Otowa: You can't run!
(His sword twists around to follow Yahiko, striking him in the shoulder.)
Yahiko (thinking): He changed direction in mid-swing?
Kaoru (thinking): No... There's no way an amateur could use such a high-level technique. This is the sword's own power--a high-speed homing device!
(Otowa smiles knowingly.)
Yahiko: What the hell? (High speed, yeah, but a homing device?)

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