MayhemChapter 7 free porn video

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The next month and a half was the best of my life since Kathy died. I spent as much time with Cynthia as both her schedule and mine allowed. The closer to the tour the busier she was and the charter business was picking up also so neither one of us got to spend as much time together as we wanted.

Still all in all I couldn't complain. The time we did spend together was fantastic and I don't mean just the sex. Although come to think about it that was pretty fantastic also. She was beautiful, sexy as hell, smarter than anyone had a right to be and ... Well, what else is there to say? It was no secret I was head over heels for her and really enjoying myself for the first time in years.

It was about a week before the official kickoff of Tink's grand tour and Cynthia had asked me about a month before to go with her to a big party put on by the promoters to celebrate it. Unfortunately I'd been booked for a weekend cruise and couldn't find anyone to take it for me so I had to decline.

As fates would have it the booking canceled the afternoon we were scheduled to depart which was the same day as the party. I tried to get in touch with Cynthia but for some reason my calls weren't getting through or she was unavailable. That was a bit strange since her AI should have been able to either put me through or at least tell her I called but for some reason it didn't. But what the hell, I still had the invitation so I thought I'd surprise her and show up.

This was a formal affair so I had to dress up. No bike for Danny boy this time. Yes I have a car; I just don't use it that often. Anyway I drove over to the shindig and had the valet park it somewhere amongst the fleet of limos. I thought I recognized Tink's in the lot but the driver hanging around it wasn't her normal one so maybe I was wrong. Getting in was as easy as showing the card and having my name checked against the guest list and suddenly I was rubbing elbows with the Tampa elite.

The place was huge so I wandered around for a bit until I found what I'd hoped was the main ballroom. I figured Cynthia would be there schmoozing with the guests if she was anywhere. She was there all right, but she wasn't alone.

I saw her from across the room as the crowd parted momentarily. She was draped all over this tall, hunky looking guy; you know the type. The kind that poses for the covers of the cheap romance novels. Broad hairless chest, tight-fitting suit, immaculate full head of hair flowing down over his shoulders. Worse, she was looking up at him. I'd seen that look before. It was the same look she'd given me a thousand times before. Adoration, lust, love; it was all there.

My gut tightened up; no, more than that, it felt like someone had driven a knife directly into my stomach. I swear my heart stopped beating and my lungs just froze. I mean there was nothing; it was like my body and brain had gone into a sort of suspended animation.

I'm not sure how long I stood there but gradually I could feel the paralysis wear off and I could feel my heart start to beat rapidly. Breathing was shallow and quick; my muscles began to clench and unclench, especially in my arms and legs. I could see and feel my focus begin got narrow. Have you ever had this happen to you? It's almost like the outside world becomes fuzzy; sounds muted and it's like a tunnel of complete clarity opens between you and your objective. That's what happened to me. Suddenly everything between me and Cynthia became sharp and bright; I felt like I could see every individual fiber of the clothes the people between us were wearing; taste the scents wafting through the room; see the molecules of air as they gently vibrated.

This is not a good thing, by the way. It's happened to me before, many times before. It means my body is preparing for combat, priming and arming itself like an AI guided missile locking onto its target. Bad things have happened when this occurs; really bad things that usually resulted in copious amounts of blood and bodies. Somehow I was able to check my hand from reaching back to draw my pistol but I couldn't stop my foot from taking that first step towards them.

"Danny, please," I heard a pleading voice from behind me. The sound surprised me and because of my focus the hind brain almost won, my hand actually came to rest on my pistol butt. I don't know how I did it but I was able to stop from pulling my piece but doing so made me disoriented; I wavered slightly and my focus disappeared and all the sounds, smells and sights of the room came crashing in on me again. I turned around. It was Tink.

"I am so sorry," she croaked. I could see tears streaming down her face. I suppose it's a good thing that women's makeup is all waterproof nowadays because it would have left big ugly streaks on her pretty face. It didn't do that but it did look sad.

"I am so sorry, Danny," she repeated. "Please don't hurt her."

"Why?" I whispered hoarsely. "Why?"

She didn't answer but instead grabbed my hand and pulled me through the back of the crowd and out of the room. I was numb and followed like a toy on a pull-string. Once in the hallway she continued dragging me until she found a closed door. Opening it she peeked in and then pulled me in behind her. As soon as I was through the door she closed it and turned to face me. Tears were still coming from her eyes and dripping off of her cheek.

"I wanted to tell you," she started. "But I couldn't. She's still my mother and I just couldn't."

"Why?" was all I could repeat.

"Because that's the way she is," she answered vehemently. "She does that all the time. I don't think she can help herself. She's fucked-up is why. Every man she's ever been with: it's the same thing; She'll fall madly in love, everything is fine for a few months and then suddenly she isn't in love and she's with someone else. I don't know why; she just does it."

"I am so sorry," she said again. "I wanted to warn you but ... God damn it she's my mother! I was hoping ... I was hoping this time..."

"What?" I said probably a little sharper than I should have.

"I was hoping this time would be different," she said looking me straight in the eyes. I'll give her one thing: she's no coward. It may have looked like a mouse standing up to a bear but she didn't shy away. She didn't even avert her eyes. I don't know what she expected but I could tell whatever it was she was prepared to take it like an adult, a mature adult.

"She could at least have told me," I spat out.

"She wouldn't," Tink said becoming rather calm. I think she realized I was past the point of getting physical. "She never has. She just stops taking your calls, won't even acknowledge you're alive. If someone asks about you she'll pretend she's never heard of you. If she sees you again she'll greet you like a stranger. Yeah, she's sick and twisted but I don't know what to do about it. Believe me I wanted to tell you and I really planned to do it when you came back on Monday, but then you showed up."

"I just don't understand," I sighed. The numbness was wearing off to be replaced by a mixture of rage, hurt, and confusion, mostly confusion.

"I don't either," she said. "She's fucked up every relationship she's ever had; some with men almost as good as you. I really thought it was different this time. She was much more calm, in control. I was really hoping she'd finally grown up or maybe realized you were the best thing that could have happened to her and then..." She waved her hand helplessly. "It blew up of all of a sudden."

"Shit," I hissed and rubbed my head. "I need to talk to her."

"That won't do any good," Tink shook her head. "Like I said, she'll just pretend she doesn't even know you. I suppose if you want, you could go out there and make a scene. She deserves it and the scuzzies would love it. Yeah it would probably play hell with the tour, not that I think you give a fuck about that right now, and shit, who knows? The publicity pukes would probably love it. They love getting out names on the vid for anything unless it's about me being knocked up."

"So," she said taking a deep breath, "if you want to do that, go ahead. I won't hold it against you although again I doubt you care a whole lot about that. I would appreciate it if you didn't, but I would understand if you did." Then she just stood there looking at me.

"Fuck," I whispered. The rage was gone and surprisingly enough so was the confusion. What was left was mostly emptiness and the hurt, of course. "Don't worry, Antigua; I won't disturb your party. I'm leaving and I won't be back to bother you again." I turned to leave but she reached out and put her hand on my arm to stop me. I turned back to see what she wanted.

"I was afraid," she said. "I know how dangerous you are, how dangerous your friends are." I was about to interrupt to tell her she didn't need to worry. I don't beat up children or women, even bug-nut crazy ones, but she continued before I could. "But that isn't what scared me. You can be violent and deadly when you need to be, Daniel, but you're one of the most in-control people I've ever met. I wasn't afraid of you doing something, I was afraid I'd lose you."

"What?" I wasn't expecting that.

"I've been doing this crazy shit for six years, Daniel. I've been the star or the rising star since I was fifteen. It's not the kind of business where you make friends. Oh sure, there are a lot of people I know, but no real friends. I enjoy being with you, talking with you. You accept me for who I am, not what I am and that means a lot to me. The thing I was most afraid of was that you wouldn't want to see me ever again."

"Damn," I said closing my eyes. "I don't know. I really don't know. Right now I don't want to see, hear, touch or even think about anything that has the Delmar name associated with it. Maybe later, but not now."

"I understand," she nodded solemnly. "Can I call you when I get back from my tour?"

"I don't know, we'll see. Maybe. Probably."

"Can I send you messages through Sara while I'm on tour?" she asked.

"Don't push it." I warned.

"Can't help it," she said with a shrug. "I'm a pushy bitch."

"And your language doesn't get any better," I chided.

"Bad influences ― what can I say?" She shrugged again but seemed a lot more relaxed.

"We can talk when you get back," I said. "But no promises."

"I can take that," she responded.

"Right now it's the best I can do. See you around, Tinker Bell."

+ + +

I drove around aimlessly for a while trying not to think about what happened but doing it anyway. I'm not sure how it happened but suddenly I found myself in Bennie's parking lot. I debated: go in a face the music or go back to the boat and get stinking drunk. The boat didn't sound like such a grand idea just then: too many recent memories, but getting stinking drunk sure did. Besides if the team was there tonight they wouldn't know what happened. Not that I would expect a ration of shit from them, not for something like this anyway.

Most of the team was there just like I figured they would be with the exception of Sam and Stan. I assumed Sam was with Natalie but was kind of surprised that both of them weren't here until I remembered Natalie still had a couple of gigs she'd committed to before she'd met Sam. I think they were in Ft. Wayne or some other God-forsaken place like that. Stan I just assumed was out running around with one of the multitude of boyfriends he had. Monogamy wasn't a word he could even spell let alone practice. Everybody else was there.

"Cap'n," "How you doing boss?" I could tell right away they knew. Mike could tell what I was thinking.

"Antigua called and told us," she admitted. "What a bitch!"

"Yeah well, that's life ain't it?" I said sliding in beside her. I waved the server over and told her to bring me a scotch, a bottle not a glass.

"Don't worry, boss," she didn't slur at all. I couldn't tell if she'd been drinking or not. She may not have been tight but she was sure wound up. "She'll get hers. The fucking whore will never know what hit her."

"No," I said firmly just as the bottle and a number of shot glasses were plunked down on the table. "Nobody touches her! Nobody does anything to her in any way and that's final. Nothing."

"But boss..." Mike whimpered.

"Nothing, Mike, nothing." I poured my first glass and slugged it down. The whisky burned wonderfully as it slid down my throat and exploded in my stomach.

"But she..."

"Nothing, Mike," I said again pouring another. "In fact I want this to be the last time we talk about this at all. Yeah, she did me dirty but I'm a big boy and can live with it. What I want to do now is forget the whole fucking thing ever happened. I'm going to get stone drunk tonight and when I wake up sometime tomorrow I'm going to take a little time off. I haven't had a vacation in five years so I'm going to take one now."

"Sounds like a good idea," said Top before Mike could open her mouth again and the rest of the team nodded. Except Mike, of course. She pouted and sulked next to me but remarkably kept her mouth shut.

"Where you going?" he continued.

"Down south somewhere," I said downing my third. "Hadn't really thought about it much. Just head out into the Gulf and point her south. Maybe RDJ. (That's Rio di Janeiro. It'd been pretty torn up during the war but I hear it's been making a comeback.) Maybe just island hop. Just someplace to drink and party for a bit."

"Yeah, sound like a good plan," Top nodded. "You've needed some time to unwind for quite a while now."

"And get laid," Mike broke in. "Get yourself enough pussy you'll never remember what you wanted the bitch for in the first place. Ouch!" Somebody must have kicked her under the table. I was on my fourth by then and it seemed kind of funny.

The rest of the night got a bit fuzzy after that.

+ + +

The next thing I remembered was waking up on the rear deck of the Katherine with the early afternoon sun beating down on me. Sure it should have been uncomfortable but to be honest my head and body were hurting so badly the sun was nothing more than a minor annoyance. Fuck! I hadn't even made it to my bed. I sort of opened my eyes (yes it hurt!) and discovered that was probably a good thing since I was lying in a puddle of puke.

As disgusting as that was, the thought of actually moving was even less appealing. Well for a little while it was anyway. Groaning I pushed myself up and stumbled down to the head for a shower. Depositing my filthy clothes in the laundry I had Sara run me a shower alternating from way too hot to way too cold trying to shock my body back into some semblance of life. Afterwards I at least felt clean. I still didn't feel human but I didn't feel dead either ― just wishing I were. Sure I could have taken some pain meds and Detox and felt much better pretty quick but damn it, I earned this hangover and I wasn't about to give it up. I was still wallowing in self-pity and wanted my body to feel the same way my soul did: like shit. At least I felt well enough to walk down to the office and get everything set up for my trip. I had to find someone to take my place for the charters for the next few weeks and other such bullshit.

Stepping onto the pier wouldn't you know I'd met the one person I didn't want to see, ever. She was standing there wringing her hands and looking about as scared as I've ever seen anybody. I tested my emotions for a heartbeat just to see if any of the hate I'd felt before would still be there but that's the great thing about a really good hangover, you just don't give a fuck anymore.

"Go away, Cynthia," I said wearily.

"Danny..." she started tentatively.

"I mean it, Cynthia." I said quickly. "I don't want to hear it. No apologies, no whys, no nothing. Just. Go. Away."

"She's gone!" Cynthia sobbed and then really broke down crying. Maybe I'm really am a prick but right then the sight of her crying actually made me feel a little better.

"Who's gone?" I asked just wishing everything would go away.


"She's probably just pissed off at you," I sighed. "She'll get over it soon. I'm sure she'll be back by tonight."

"No, she's gone! I mean somebody took her!"

"How do you figure that?" I asked. Okay, now maybe I cared just a little.

"We got this this morning," she said handing me a sheet of paper.

I took it and squinted as I tried to read it. Now I'd wished I'd taken the damned meds. She was right, it was a ransom note. The standard bullshit about not going to the police or you'll never see her again, blah, blah, blah; a number, a pretty big number, to be transferred to a numbered bank account in China and a deadline. It looked legit; if it was then it looked like Tink had been taken.

"What do the cops say?" I asked.

"Our lawyers said not to call them," she answered still crying. The shysters were probably right for once. If history had proven anything it was the chances of the cops finding and returning a live kidnap victim were about the same as me dating a supermodel: slim to none with Slim having just left town. "They said it wouldn't do any good and they'd kill her just for trying. They said people like this have informers in the department and they'd find out right away if we reported it." Another good assumption. That was two in a row for the lawyers; another sign of the Apocalypse?

This was beginning to look like a bad deal all around, especially for Tinker Bell. Kidnappings for ransom have been around for thousands of years but it wasn't until the late twentieth century that they became big business in South and Central America. In fact it was almost an industry unto itself. By the 1990s kidnappings in old Mexico were so common they were rarely reported as news. Back then at least the kidnappers had some ethical standards. If the family, company or whomever paid the ransom the victim was returned alive about ninety percent of the time. Most of the time if the kidnappers were good enough to make a successful grab the ransom was paid and life went on. People even bought insurance against it.

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"OK Pilar, let me get this straight, PLEASURE’S NEST is a bar where middle aged women go to meet boys for sex?""Hey, Jewel! it isn't k**dy porn, they have to be twenty-one to get into the place. Other than that, yes you have it right, it’s fun and with no commitments, except for safe sex."When Pilar saw the wispy smile cross Jewel's face, she knew she had convinced her, she told her she would pick her up at ten. She didn't mention that she needed her to be her wingman but she would find out...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 22 Firepower

Alice, Pam, Donna, Robyn, Clarisse, Gail, and Wendy trooped into the living room of Mrs. Dominic Colossi. Her mouth was hanging open at the group invasion, but the women were insistent. Alice laid out the situation regarding Amanda’s disappearance and the high likelihood that her husband was involved in a significant way. She described the scene at the brothel in Englewood to her as Dave had relayed it to her, including the chair with the ropes and what was known about her husband’s...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 10 A Swimming Pool

Half an hour later, Tony was coming from the basement door of the house with a tray of sandwiches. As he approached the table he noticed that Rebecca and Tina had arrived from their discussion inside. Both were wearing wraps over their bathing suits and getting comfortable in lounge chairs. Most of the rest of the crew were sitting in chairs around a table. The exception was Chrissie, who had stripped down to her one piece suit and was sunning herself on another lounger. Chrissie was fully as...

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Karens Tale Ch 04

The attempted break in and Justin slipped from my mind as nothing further happened over the next few weeks. Winter break ended and James returned to his studies. He landed a work-study job and was able to quit Denny’s, so his evenings were free, as were mine. Although free was a relative term… James still had to work on his thesis. Which left me plenty of time to cook for us. I loved to cook for others and had missed that while living alone. We usually spent several week nights at James’...

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The Black Bow

(for new friends) It took me years to shape the black iron wood limb while it grew. I started when I was thirteen and have been practicing with a bow since I was five. After I cut the limb it took me another year to slowly carve the bow. By the time it was ready I was to and took my father's short sword and long knife. He also gave me a letter to a mercenary regiment. The regiment I was headed for was already moving to a walled town and Keep. I strode through the open gate and glanced around...

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The Little Slut

The Little Slut Reuben wasn't much for dancing and drinking. He drank very little, hardly at all and did not fancy the dance club scene with the loud thumping music and the drunk sorority girls trying to hook up with the drunk fraternity guys. It was a rare occasion that would bring them out to a place like this and tonight was one of those occasions. The party was for a couple getting married the next weekend and since they were good friends, he had relented and joined the party. Chloe however...

Quickie Sex
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Mother Queen And Son King

Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...

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That Night

As I come into the room I noticed it’s bathed in dimly lit candle light. Different styles of candles are s**ttered around the room. I find you in the middle of the room lying down on a bed, with candle-light flickering off your body. I slowly move towards the bed and look down at you, smiling. My hand comes down and runs quickly through your hair and lean down to kiss your lips softly. I look the full length of your body and see that you’re wearing a silk and lace teddy with thigh-high...

2 years ago
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A Good Ole Boy Whisky Farm Fucking

Brandy and Comfort are like two peas in a pod. The two grew up together in a small city on the east coast. It was three weeks before they were to go their separate ways and off to college. They decided the best way to depart before college was to take a little trip down south. They wanted to see if they could experience some southern hospitality for once in their lives. The girls packed up their luggage, jumped in Brandy’s pink convertible, and headed down south y’all. While traveling the girls...

3 years ago
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Barbara and Gus Go Full Circle Ch 08

This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...

1 year ago
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Sex with China lady Sex with condom becomes great sex without condom

i had the wonderful opportunity very similar to my earlier story in wuhan. i was in dongguan, china and visited a massage parlour. i like young masseaus, especially inexperienced ones. a young lady in early twenties served me. it was only her first week of work in this industry. i offered to tutored her how to give sensual/sexual massage. she obliged and i started to work my hands on her body freely. she was faced down and my hands worked on her back, buttocks. soon, i moved into the inner...

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He Took Her Out for a Bite

Em was travelling again. This time she was at a big convention in Thailand with lots of big boats around as well as other rich boys’ toys. She would be there for nearly three weeks before Ambrose was to join her for a holiday. So she had packed carefully for the trip. There would be a lot of work but also, she was sure, plenty of time to relax. Vic the Vibrator came along. He always did, he travelled everywhere with her. She had packed three nice evening outfits, lots of tropical business and...

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College Fucked

I was visiting my daughter at college for a week, she lived in a dorm room with a roommate. It was small, she gave up her bed and lay a foam mattress on the floor for her to sleep on. Pam had classes most days so I was on my own, I would go out for walks, sightseeing, shopping. One day I ran into Justin a friend of Pam's he was a Large Black Man who was on the basketball team he was 22 years old about 6.6, 220 lbs. with short hair very handsome. He asked how I was doing I said the days are long...

2 years ago
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Down on your knees, darling.Don’t say a word until I allow you.Show me your full obedience.And you will be rewarded.I know, I set your soul alight.Let me do my job. Don’t ask any questions.I am sure what you want.I am certain you desire to be submissive.Here you are in safety.Don’t be ever afraid.Be concerned about disobedience.The punishment will be strict.Trust me.That’s all I want from you.I know, I’m leaving you breathless. Be attentive to what I am telling. If you miss at least one word,...

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The Interview

I slammed the door to the house and muttered a few choice words after getting home from my nine to five piece of shit job irritated by the course of events that I had encountered that day. What was I going to do? I needed to find a new job desperately, but the job market in the city I lived in was shit. My husband wasn’t home from work yet, so I decided to do some job searching. After doing nearly an hour of searching on several job seeker sites I was coming up empty. Feeling defeated I...

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Schools Nearly Over

Still in school uniform, although it was now untucked and untidy, we walked hand in hand along paths and roads, slowly wandering around her village. As it got darker, we drew closer together, her hand around my waist, and mine slipping up under her white shirt to stroke the warm soft flesh of her waist. Her head snuggled on to my shoulder, and soon we stopped walking and just kissed passionately where we were, Lucy pushing my back up against a tree, her warm little hands exploring my skin as...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 459

The Prison Planet By the time they were almost back from the third, half-mile trip to dispose of the remains of the snow leopard, the sun was setting and an uneasy Morales was pushing them to get back to the cave. Although it wasn’t snowing, the gusts of wind picked up the dry, powder snow, blowing it almost horizontally to lash at their faces. When they arrived at the cave, everyone was tired. Morales turned to Jasmine, “I’m going to wipe the case down so I can get the blood off outside....

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Just For LaughsChapter 15

The very next day the new vice-president and her husband were given the grand tour of her wing of the White House. Her new secretary Vivian Green called "Vi" showed her around. The last room shown to them was the opulent bathroom with its gold plated faucets and marble bathtub and shower. The showing took almost an hour before Gabrielle dismissed Vi locking the door behind her. She noticed that Vi was a tall, slender, pretty black woman who was Woodhouse's secretary. She asked Vi if she...

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The Family Taboo 8211 Part 1

My name is Jerin. This sex story happened when I finished 12 std I had one month leave which I don’t how to spend then one of my uncle asked me to in his house. I liked that idea I had an eye on my aunt for 2 yrs. She look like Shruthi Hassan a perfect milf, her age is 25, I usually see her assets. I learned many things about sex from net, but never had a chance my aunt was the first woman I tasted. I came to uncle house, it’s not big but enough, double bedroom, one toilet, hall, kitchen and...

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Ron slammed his fists down on the bed, tired of feeling guilty and mad and frustrated. Maybe he needed a friend right now after all, someone to talk to and help get some of this off his chest. Harry had claimed to want to listen… but that had been while he’d come to defend Luna’s honor. He didn’t really feel like talking about any of this to the guy who was now in all probability sleeping with his first love. He sat up at the sudden sharp knock on his door and quickly strengthened the...

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RawAttack La Sirena Busty Slut La Sirena Fucked In The Ass

La Sirena is a naughty minx with big tits and a perfectly round ass. The curvy beauty finished her photoshoot but energy is still bursting through the roof. The sexy cat ears, stunning lingerie, tight collar, and seductive high heels make La Sirena the sluttiest and most beautiful feline out there. She also has a tail buttplug shoved inside her asshole to complete her cat cosplay. All the teasing and talking with Tyler made La Sirena horny and wet. Tyler helps the lustful cat strip, revealing...

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Jackies Family LessonsChapter 5

I went to sleep very early that Sunday night and woke late the next morning when the doorbell rang insistently. The family was out again. Yawning I got out of bed, threw a robe over my naked body, and went downstairs to see who was bothering me. "Jackie, let me in!" The bell rang, a fist pounded on the door, and a familiar voice shouted. Halfway through a yawn I realized who it was: Frank! "Let me in, I have to talk to you!" "Wait a second, Frank, I'm not decent!" I ran back upstairs...

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true story tv first dogging

I am a mature TV living in the north of the UK. I have been dressing since I was 7 and having nylon led sexual fun since my early teens. The result today I have a very large wardrobe of clothes and shoes, am 100% smooth apart from a landing strip and have manicured nails and shaped eyebrows and with killer legs in high heels. I am divorced and able to play a lot, but, I had this one desire to go dogging. The problem was safety for me. I did not want to go to a hugely popular place or one that...

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Games The Gods Play three

Even if I took a Wraith as a host I would still need to use the sarcophagus, the Wraith don't age and as long they feed they can live forever but Goa'uld symbiotes have a lifespan of 2,000 years. Unlike Human hosts I could keep the same Wraith host forever plus if my Wraith host feeds on a Human and kills him or her I can place that Human in my sarcophagus where that Human will be ressurected and rejuvinated and my Wraith host can feed on him or her again and again and again. Sitting on my...

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Samanthas Email

Hi, Nathan here. Sam had her very first one night stand on Sunday as requested by me, as I'm working away and a friend of mine who doesn't live too far away from my hometown said he'd loved to fuck her. he knows that we have the occasional 3-some but had yet to meet her, so I arranged for her to pay him a little visit...Email from Sam: Monday 5:18amHey baby, missing you like crazy but yes I had a lot of fun with Dan. I just wish you had been there, even if you didn't participate. I was so...

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I fucked your mother in a train

On a lucky day, I got on a train to travel to a distant country, the train was severely crowded, and there was no free seats are why I have decided to stand next to one of the windows to escape the crowds. I saw a mom a beautiful woman standing beside the window, her hair black and have a soft smile Reservation. In addition, age 47 years ((it was your mom)) and have a beautiful ass and breasts are fantastic. I thought for a moment, it is possible that these women want a man to give her some...

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My Ghost House ch 6

Kari heard the knock at the door. Wondering who it was, she went to answer it and was floored by who was there. Standing on her door stoop was someone she hadn't seen in months. “Victoria, what are you doing here?” she asked. Victoria was Trina's older sister. More powerful and higher ranked than her sister, Victoria was the head priestess over a large Voodoo congregation. She rarely left the Bayou to go to New Orleans, much less travel all the way up here. “Kari, I had a vision. The Loa spoke...

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Family Passions Ch 02

Chapter 02: Mother Weakens The following morning Billy did not emerge from his room at breakfast time. In many respects Hester was relieved. She didn’t know if she could look him in the eye. She knew her son wanted her in the most depraved way. But also she was beginning to understand that she didn’t know how to control the situation. Her own feelings were confused. She knew this was wrong and she had a duty to stop it. But she also knew that she had allowed herself to become aroused by her...

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Coming Upon Celeste

After I let myself in, I stealthily made my way into her spacious bedroom, expecting to find her still sleeping. I looked to see Celeste reclining on her bed peacefully, lying on her side, presenting me with a delightful view of her superb ass. Although there were no lights on, the early morning sun was spreading out over her bed through the horizontal blinds. She hadn't realized that I was in the room with her yet, and as I took in the sight of the graceful curves of her shapely derriere, I...

Straight Sex
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Vacation TwoChapter 15

The magic alarm in my head rang and I slid out of bed to go to the bathroom. It was five fifty. I made coffee, took a shower, and put on my clothes. Today was going to be a very long day. I felt rested, so I knew I would be all right. As I finished dressing, Mercy raised her head and asked, "Is it morning already?" "It is, Honey, you can go back to sleep if you want." "No, I want to get up with you this morning. I may want to go with you on your flight tonight. I'll know...

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CadeChapter 18 Alternate Plans

When he was not looking for a job, Cade spent his free time sorting through the garage and basement. He ruminated about his dead grandfather Walt, and his deceased father Dusty. He couldn't help wondering what his life would have been like if his father had lived, and if he had known his grandfather better. Callie drove the truck into town frequently to run errands. Cade knew most of her reasons for going to town were excuses designed to get her out of the house, but he figured she deserved...

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Dawn and I have some outdoor activities

Dawn and I watched Kay leave then sat staring at each other for a few minutes”wow was that planned”Dawn asked.”What did she whisper to you”she then asked ,then stood up and sat down on my lap. “I hope she told you to take me back to bed”then wiggled her but around, “so are you’? I gave her a kiss ,sliding my hand up between her thighs,you would like that wouldn’t you. But I thought we would take a walk and maybe relive some memories down by the creek.You know , the place where we almost...

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Sissy Rules Reads like a proper job description

(Found this on the internet... #65 seems especially made for me) Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows...

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