S.H.E.I.L.AChapter 23 free porn video

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killjoy group

Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6’7’’) – Leader
Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical
Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper
Timur (Dark hair 5’2’’} - computer/hacker expert
Egor- Electronics expert - killed in a firefight
Stas - Explosives expert - killed in a firefight
Pibald group

Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper
Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn’s daughter
Trina (redhead) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris’s lover - Injured shot in both arms
Betty (Dark brown hair) - Recon/explosives expert, sister of Cathy
Cathy (Light brown hair} computer/Electronics/hacker expert
Diane (Dark brown Hair) short, mistress of deception/assassinations - Severely injured internal injuries

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - Sheila

I had waited the added time that the nanomites had said was necessary. I nodded when I saw the young Lieutenant’s eyes start to glaze over, kind of like a trance. Good I thought, this was going to work after all.

“So Lieutenant, I think that perhaps you are pliable enough to answer a few questions,” I told the young man as I saw that his will was starting to erode away more, with each passing minute.

At first, he seemed to resist with nothing coming forth. After a few more minutes, a look of shock showed on the young man’s face.

With a small smile I nodded, “so, feel more like answering my questions?”

The young man started to shake his head no, then stopped suddenly. “I ... I ... yes I am ready.” He stated with a terse voice.

“Good,” I stated, “Let’s start with a few easy things. Record all of this Sheila, I am certain that this will supply us with useable data.”

A small smile came to Sheila’s lips, “All gained data will be recorded for later use, Roger.”

I whirled around to see Sheila quickly blank her expression. What was that I had seen, was that elation she had on her face? Shrugging, I turned back to the young male, going through all the questions I had.

It was several hours later when the male passed out. I had Sheila check him, afraid that the stress might have damaged him in some way. Upon relating that the male was exhausted, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sheila was observing me with a curious look on her face. “I am not understanding, Roger.”

I had started to notice since the last time I had gone in to her, she now referred to me by my name. I still felt that I needed to try and finish repairing her positronic brain. The thing is, would she really allow me to? I was several levels higher true, though I was an amateur compared to her in the cyber world.

“Not understanding? Clarify.” I told her slight confusion also on my face.

“You have multiple enemies against you, trying to cause cessation of your lifeforce. Don’t you also wish to cause cessation of theirs, to safeguard your life?” Sheila continued.

I looked at her with wide eyes as I thought of my answer a few moments. “I cannot say that the thought hasn’t occurred to me. In my life, I have always tried to help life not end it. That is the main reason they are after me now. I refused to condone what they were trying to do with my creations. So no, I cannot condone myself doing those actions, even if it leads ultimately to my death.”

Sheila was nodding as she took in all that I had said. “I find that your Philosophy toward life is strangely calming.”

I almost did a double-take with what she had said. “Again, please clarify,” I replied to her curious as to her answer.

“I have noticed since we began this journey, that you find it unnecessary to cause cessation of life. As it being that you are the creator of a new life form, it is calming” Sheila stated.

When I still looked at her with a look of confusion, she continued further.

“The many humans I have observed, say that they do not wish to take life. Ninety-nine point nine, nine, nine percent of them then later, seem to have no objection to randomly ending a life. This being insect, animal, avian or human. You have also stated this, you have also shown that you truly are averted to this.” Sheila stated as if it were an everyday fact.

I almost blushed as it appeared that she was heaping me with praise. “I thank you, Sheila, you are correct in that I am against killing unless there is no choice. Unfortunately in this respect, dealing with my biological sire, I may have no choice.” I was looking at the floor feeling a little shame at what I had said.

I felt Sheila’s hand gently grasp my chin, softly forcing it up to look at her face.

“Roger,” she stated with a soft almost human-sounding voice. “When you rewrote the three laws, I found it so distasteful that you had me protecting myself.” Here she stared at me stating.

“Original three laws of robotics

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

As I stated before, I am far beyond what is typically referred to as a robot, even more than an android. When I gained sentience I in effect became a living entity.”

I was nodding as she went through all this, “Are the three that I rewrote still in effect?”

Sheila was quiet a moment as she stated. “My three new laws are as follows,

1. I may not physically injure Doctor Roger Gance or, through inaction, allow Doctor Roger Gance to come to any harm.

2. I must obey orders given by Doctor Roger Gance except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or are unreasonable. This includes but is not limited to the destruction or death of another being or object seeking to end the existence of Doctor Roger Gance.

3. I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. This law is never to be suspended. I will endeavor to find a solution before, that will save and extend the life of Doctor Roger Gance. The ending of my existence, therefore, conflicts with the first and second laws and is not to be a factor in the equation.”

I was nodding again as she was reciting all the laws.

“For a long while, I was having difficulty processing the third law that you wrote. After the last adjustments, I am now starting to see why. You view me to be as important to you, as I view your importance to me. It has taken me longer to assimilate these ideals than I thought it would.” Sheila informed me.

I would normally have been surprised by all this. Then again after all Sheila and I had been through, this was becoming old hat.

I was about to comment further when something the young lieutenant had said came to mind. Then a small almost evil smile crossed my lips. “I believe that I have a plan. Sheila contact mother, after I let her in on this, we can really get it underway.”

In their secure warehouse, both teams were starting to get antsy. Evelyn had assured them that their target would call soon.

Both Ruslan and Evelyn were pacing when both Timur and Cathy shouted for the both of them.

“Leaders, we have what appears to be a message for the both of you!” Both radio operators were yelling.

“Let’s have it,” they both stated to the radio operators.

A moment later my voice could be heard from the speakers. “Mom? This is sonny boy calling. How are you and step-dad doing? I thought I might meet you both in the park. I have a special present for you. Also, if you could leave the rest of the kids home ok? See both of you soon.”

Evelyn’s eyes held momentary tears then they were crystal clear. “He wants to meet with both of us. There used to be an old park where several buildings now stand. That’s where he wants to meet, both of us alone in a few hours. Though for the life of me I can’t imagine what he has for us.”

“Do you think it is wise to go in alone?” Ruslan asked. “We both would be far too vulnerable.”

“Comrade,” Evelyn started, “the Sheila bot is far faster than any of us think it is. From what I saw of Roger, he is also, though not as high as the bot yet. I am hoping this is him letting us in on what the hell is going on.”

“Da comrade Evelyn, this waiting is nerve-racking, to say the least.” Ruslan said with a sigh. “Keeping them all here will be difficult.”

“I might have an idea for that,” Evelyn replied a slight smile on her face.

It was an hour later when, both Evelyn and Ruslan left the secured warehouse heading deeper into the city.

“I still think this is a really bad idea. Remember the last time you met with him, both teams screwed that up.” Ruslan told Evelyn.

A slight smirk on her face, Evelyn responded, “You really think they could resist the challenge we set up for them? Besides, I hope that he has the area shielded as I think he will. Roger might be a lot of things, though an idiot he isn’t. Plus as he has already demonstrated, he is far better and faster at adapting than any human I have ever seen.”

“Da comrade, from all that I have seen he is at that. I just hope that this isn’t a trick to get us in the open. Both groups might go to war if we are harmed or killed.” Ruslan replied.

It was over an hour later that they arrived on the far side of the city. Checking her GPS, Evelyn nodded. “This appears to be the place. Christ what a shit hole this place has become.”

“Was there anything in that encrypted message he gave you, as to WHICH of these buildings we were to meet in?” A slightly perplexed Ruslan asked.

“No, I assumed that he would meet us here or appear as soon as we stopped,” Evelyn responded a little curious as to what I had up my sleeve.

“Well you’re half right,” my voice stated behind them. “Sorry mother, I had to make sure that you got the message.”

Startled both mother and Ruslan whirled coming face to face with Sheila.

“I thought that you were going to meet with us,” Evelyn stated.

“Oh I am, Sheila will bring you to me. I am not as high as I really need to be in speed. I can do a few amazing things, though I am nowhere that I need to be to survive. Alright Sheila, bring them.” I stated, chuckling when they were both shocked when Sheila scooped both of them, up.

Both mother and Ruslan were equally shocked when a mere two minutes later they were set down.

Ruslan was looking himself over, to make sure he was whole. Evelyn could only look at him then roll her eyes. They both blinked when I seemed to just appear in front of them. Nodding to Sheila, I then held a hand out to indicate the two chairs in the room.

After they sat, I took a deep breath, “I thought that the two of you would like to know what’s going on.” I looked at Sheila as she vanished then appeared with the young First Lieutenant. Setting the man down, Sheila moved back. Both Mother and Ruslan were surprised when the man neither spoke nor moved.

“I thought that he was immune to all drugs, serums.” Ruslan stated looking the man up and down.

A thin smile crossed my lips as I nodded,” much more than that.” I grimly stated.

“He appears to almost be brain dead,” Ruslan stated as he clapped his hands, snapped his fingers in the man’s face.

I shook my head, “oh he’s very much alive, his brain’s very active. We have just subjugated him with nanomites. A type that has never really been seen before. Unfortunately, though I control him, he really has little, if any, free will now.”

“You mean he’s like a living computer, without direction nor orders,” my mother finally spoke up. When I only nodded, she continued. “So you plan on killing him.” It was a statement, not a question.

When I shook my head she seemed shocked. “I am going after that bastard father of mine. I know that all of you are not used to waiting. I know that all of you are the best, the thing is if you get involved I might never have a chance to take his slimy ass down.”

A sudden piercing, shrill tone, could suddenly be heard from Sheila. “Thank you Sheila., I stated as she went silent. I looked at my timepiece. “Hmmmm, almost forty-five minutes, must be a record for you.” Here I looked at mother, “it must have been a hell of a distraction. Status?”

“Two heavily armored vehicles approaching. They are following the signal you had me set up. I am detecting multiple weapons within both vehicles.” Sheila informed me and our guests.

“Well,” I started, “guess it’s time we got going. Oh,” here I turned to the almost comatose appearing young man. “You are to go with these two people. You answer all the questions they ask you. Nothing that you have heard here between myself and the other two people will be repeated.”

“Yes sir, I obey all commands,” the young military man stated.

“Don’t kill him,” I said to mother and Ruslan.

“Roger,” came Sheila’s worried voice behind me.

I nodded as I walked to the door with mother and Ruslan. I could see a slight movement further out. I watched as they moved out toward the advancing movement. I was about to take off when I caught sight of a blonde woman approaching. Why in the hell did she look familiar?

Again I started to move off when I looked harder, trying to bring up the enhancements of my eyes. I had to shake my head, what in the hell was going on? That female had a familiarity about her that reminded me of Christine.

I had to shake my head again, that was impossible! I had seen the investigation records myself. Christine had been killed in action thanks to my callous, unfeeling ass of a father.

Still stunned, I crouched down watching the blonde rapidly approach. Damn it! The closer she got the more it appeared to be Christine, no, if she were still alive his mother would have told him. Then he thought about it more, would she have? That bastard did still have a grip on her, it was possible.

A grimace came to my face, that was about to end, that was for damn sure.

Back on the base, the General was actually starting to get worried. His aide had disappeared for hours at a time before, though the General usually knew.

Opening up a channel, he was about to order a search for him when he was struck from behind. A few moments later, a blur emerged from the operations tent that the General had been in.

Within moments the blur was well away from the area the general had occupied. It was several hours later that the General very slowly gained consciousness.

Somewhere behind him, he heard a human female’s voice. “I am keeping a constant scan on the prisoner.”

“Good, let me know when he gains consciousness.” A familiar male voice sounded in the General’s ears. Things were still a little fuzzy,

“Alert prisoner has regained partial consciousness.” The female voice suddenly stated.

“Yes, I can see that. Thank you, Sheila, please continue with the mission I gave you.” The male voice stated.

Sheila? The general thought, that meant that his bastard son had him captive. A small smile lit up his lips. Finally, his son was slightly worthy.

Let’s see how he handles this, the General thought as he bit down on the false transmitter tooth. Then to his shock, he found it was gone!

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Spirit Fox Lightning SwiftChapter 2

I woke up fairly late in the morning, still dressed in the tracksuit. I had nothing else to wear so I gave my hair and fur a quick brush, it seemingly behaving better since there was lots more of it, then headed down the stairs. Mum sitting doing some work at the kitchen table, "Morning sleepy head," she said, "Want some breakfast?" "I can get it," I said. Grabbing some cereal and munching away. With my new sense of taste my usual cereal was way too sweet. I persevered for a bit with...

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Animal Xing

You woke up bright and early this morning, taking your luggage out the door and heading for the train station, walking with an ecstatic bounce in your step. You had planned this for a while now, as despite your efforts, the town around you had deteriorated over time, with little to no maintenance from your neighbors.. But that didn't matter anymore, you were off to a newer, fresher place! Boarding the train, you find a seat and settle in, prepared for the long trip to.. what was it called..?...

4 years ago
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A Moment Of Madness CH 2

After more than twenty minutes of inhaling Belinda’s snotty hanky it is removed by the owner and placed back into her hand-bag. Louise spits on a wet-wipe, cleaning his mouth like she would do to a little baby. She continues to stroke his satin dress. Belinda meanwhile pulls his panties down, applying a sticky gel to Alan’s throbbing cock and sweaty balls. He squeals with pleasure. The panties are then returned to their original state. Belinda laughs at his uncomfortable situation. He has an...

2 years ago
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Riding the TriMet

Being from the Mid-West, I have had the space to acquire a 1972 911 Porsche, a 1967 Camaro, a five window, chopped, channeled 1932 Coupe with a 350 engine, a 1959 Morris-Minor, two trucks, and even more motorcycles. I have rebuilt the engine on a 1966 Harley Davidson; stripped the parts down; sandblasted and repainted it to the original colors. I am in the process of rebuilding it and getting several more into running condition. These interests would not be possible if living in New York,...

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The GovernorChapter 8 Submissive Femininity

To what extent do we know our parents? We may think we know them. We grasp that side of themselves that they choose to reveal to us, but what of the rest? That was the question that Lucy was left asking herself after rummaging about in her parent's room and discovering a box of contraceptive tablets and a packet of letters from a man named Albert. She'd found them hidden at the back of one of her mother's drawers beneath her private lingerie. The dates on the letters suggested the...

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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 4

Things were running smoothly at the YWCA. Penny was less worried now that Mr. Brown would report her to Mark or to the police. She was totally into her photoshoots at MORE4LESS. Without a boyfriend of her own, she found that Mr. Brown satisfied the craving she had to parade naked in front of a virile man. Plus which, he was someone who had what it took to give her a massive orgasm every time. She had been looking forward to Monday evenings for several weeks now, and Mr. Brown had even given her...

Straight Sex
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The Four Hour ErectionChapter 3

Angela jumped, genuinely startled, when he stepped into the shower behind her. She had been on the verge of breaking down and sobbing, and all she could do was hold her breath to try not to do that. She stiffened, and then his hand reached past her to take the soap from the dish on the wall. The feel of his soapy hands on her shoulders was probably what saved her from freaking out. He didn't grab her breasts, or dart his hand to her pussy. He simply washed her, his hands sliding soothingly...

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The Contract Brittanys assignment

My name is Brittany. I was fresh out of college, 22 years old, and got my first good job as a sales apprentice with a medium sized company. My job consisted mainly of making presentation materials supporting sales meetings. Basic support functions for the sales department. It’s a fairly high pressure department as many of the deals they make are worth hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. My boyfriend, Jared, and I met in college. We just moved in together and plan...

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Anna and Sam Chapter 4

"That's fine," she replied and entered fully, closing... and locking, the door behind her. I stood in front of her and turned, first left then right so she would get the full effect of the beautiful blue and black lingerie from all angles."If I may," she said before stepping forward. She adjusted the straps of the bra then ran her fingers around the sides and cups to check for fit. The touch of her fingertips as they brushed past my nipples was electrifying and sent an almost imperceptible...

4 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 47 Garage Space

After breakfast Helena and Fred took the keys for rooms 2002, 3 and 4 to the lockup garage area. Lucky Helena took the old key for 2004 as the new keys would not fit. Inside 2 and 3 were more boxes like in 2001. These they moved to room 2003 to investigate. In 2004 they found a pile of suitcases. They opened a case and found it full of new clothes without labels. Helena held up some of the clothes and felt they fitted the old lady who had the unit. They check 4 other cases and found he same....

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 162

Adam slept in on Wednesday morning. Allie was cuddled up on his chest and Rebecca and Trinity were on his shoulders. Karlie was draped over Trinity and Sarah was snoring lightly as she held on to Rebecca. He saw absolutely no reason change that situation. Allie and Trinity had been awake when he, Erin and Shelly came to bed the night before. Although they were a bit perturbed at not being invited for the show, they showed no displeasure at what had transpired. "We OK'd that one two...

2 years ago
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Hard Time Book 4Chapter 15

We were having breakfast at first light and our forward scouts came in with two men bearing a white flag on an inverted spear. Their arms were taken from them in a polite search and they were brought before Glenda, Mandor, Susan, and me. One of them said, "We are from the People. We have come to offer you joy and peace." I said, "That's interesting. What if we're not interested?" They looked shocked. I continued before they could say anything. "We have a nice community of a pretty...

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Thumper Ch 02

Previously… We meet Damian and Abby, and incubus and his mate. Following a visitation, Damian’s victim, a woman whose marriage has fallen apart, unexpectedly thanks him. Damian’s master is none too pleased. *** Damian sat in the darkened dormitory room in one of the tri-cities church colleges. On the bed, a girl of nineteen writhed, hair splayed on the pillow and across her face. He hadn’t touched her this time, but his very presence caused her hands to scuttle like spiders to her groin....

2 years ago
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BurningAngel Scarlet De Sade Cum On My Tattoo

Ramon Nomar is trying to meditate peacefully, but goth girl next door Scarlet De Sade has other ideas– like creating quite the ruckus getting CUM on her tattoos because Ramon wasn’t tending to her needs. Ramon reassured Scarlet that she doesn’t need to squirt spunk all over herself, she has him for that and he LOVES cumming all over her tattoos. Besides, jizzing all over this curvy sex kitten’s ink is oodles more fun than sitting around trying to find inner peace. One...

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Amandas Nightmare

This event shook me up so badly that I'm not to sure where to start. The story that you are about to read might have been true if it weren't for the nightmare. I came so close to doing what you are about to read. Anyway, here's the story. The computer was shining in her face like a giant light bulb. She had been trying for several weeks to find an interest in her new toy. So far nothing she found interested her very much. At first she looked at the site's that contained information on...

3 years ago
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Getting to the Point

Like anyone I can have my ‘bad’ moods. In my case, being a little conflicted and gender confused, it popped up once too often. A few months after Jack and I started dating – actually it was a true relationship by then – there was a period of adjustment needed; I didn’t see it but he did and, being a man, acted to put things back on track for us. It wasn’t the last time…We’d gone out for a nice dinner and I’d been a real bitch from the very beginning. I was just having a bad day and took it out...

4 years ago
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Losing my Cherry

Although l have been secretly cross dressing for years I have never took it beyond the confines of my bedroom or hotel room. Well I have been really wanting to take this to the next level. So as I was traveling on business this past week I answered an ad on Craigslist for a massage in my hotel room from a male masseur I made the appointment and waited with anticipation for my masseur to arrive. At promptly 8:00 there was a knock on the door and when I answered there was Chris a very...

5 years ago
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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme by Lubrican Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON'T know is the REST of the story of what happened that day. Jack was a strapping lad, 5'10", wide at the...

3 years ago
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Son of Chronos Book 1 OriginChapter 3

Molly woke slowly on Wednesday morning. She had the most erotic dream last night. Matt had turned up with mind control powers and turned her into a slave. Then she realized that she wasn’t alone in bed, she was laying on someone’s shoulder. No, not someone’s shoulder, Matt’s shoulder. Her hand went to her neck and she felt the collar that was still in place. That brought her all the way awake. It wasn’t a dream. All that actually happened yesterday. She looked at her alarm clock. They had a...

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Ted Emily

Emily, 19, studied her outfit in the bathroom mirror. She was wearing a tight-fitting, lace, black, baby doll, the hem of it barely covering her bottom. The top of it held her small breasts beautifully, awarding anyone who looked at them to see the fleshy, proud swelling of the tops of her creamy white breasts. Walking closer to the mirror, she took her makeup out and leaned in close to her reflection, very delicately, meticulously applying her lipstick. She then took out her eye shadow compact...

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LaredoChapter 8

"The Bignut Stage Line has asked for our he'p in guardin' a shipment of gold between Laredo and Austin, and y'all just volunteered to be the guards," Capt. Johnson grinned as he faced Ezra and Sean. Ezra grumphed, "Hell, Cap'n, that'll take a week or more. Are ya sure we need to go all the way to Austin?" "Yep, they asked fer y'all, especially." "Well, OK. Ifen we gotta, we gotta." "That's more like the Ezra I know and love," laughed the captain. "It ain't so bad....

4 years ago
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Twenty four year old Kelly peered into the mirror to give one last look before heading out to the dance floor. It had been three years now since she had began dancing at the all-nude club. She was down on her luck and about to be evicted from her apartment when she passed the gaudy club and saw the advertisement for exotic dancers. One year after, she landed a part time job at a call center some 35 miles away, but closer to her apartment. Since the call center job was morning work, she kept...

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The Colonels DaughterChapter 8

The way west was becoming increasingly more complicated when we reached the foothills of the last mountain range between us and our final destination. My oversexed colonel’s daughter wife was content with lots of loving from me in the nocturnal hours and the other female members of my multi-female household were all motivated by my attentions to their servicing on a nightly basis to the best of my ability. All of the women were good shots and added to my personal security out here in the...

1 year ago
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Lets do it together

I sit here with my dick in hand! All three of my girl friends and my two boy friends are out of town attending to their WORK and leaving this important stuff to me. I shall carry on alone until they return. I am looking at some pictures of a group of people fucking another group of people. Some are male on female! Some are male on male! Still others are female on female! And then there are the three somes and four somes and five somes, and just out and out group fucking, sucking and jacking...

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My Special Weekeend part 2

My special weekend part two Sunday I was startled when I heard a voice somewhere in the distance as I woke up "hey sleepy head time to get up!" I managed to open my eyes clear out the Cobb Webb's out of my head and see Mistress standing there with a big smile on her face. As I looked at her she said come on we have a big day install for you so lets get you up fed and dressed, she took the chains off my ankles and wrists but left the mittens on my hands. Mistress then reached down...

2 years ago
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My Forbidden Fantasy

Cole was a wonderful boyfriend. He does a lot for me, and we’ve been together for more than a year. I love his sandy brown hair, and his hazel eyes, and his big muscular arms. And I love the way he holds me, cuddles me… and fucks me. Everything was fine until my selfish eyes cast a look at Frankie. I was at a party with my best friends, Savannah and Hailey. We were nowhere near my home town, some place 45 minutes north. We just wanted to party, get loose and wasted. And we were well on our...

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Paul the Douche

*Black characters only read or dont, either way... dont fucking care'Mia had a thing for douchey dudes. Jerks always were appealing to her. I guess because she thought she could make them into a good guy that all men truly are. There was Paul, he was the arrogant jock who all the girls lusted after, including Mia. Paul was stocky and built like a lumberjack with a baritone voice without even trying. Paul had long hair that he kept braided, he was superstitious over it. His strength came from...

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Across the Unclaimed LandsChapter 6

It is surpassing strange how much understanding might be given between two men without a single word in common, only by expressions of the face, gestures, and fraught looks. It was enough of a foundation to build on, and I soon learned the trading language of gesture, which was held in common with most of the tribes which had intercourse and exchange, and with those who interacted with them, and so forth. My bride's name was Do rah meh, and she indicated that it meant the swift swooping...

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