It Was a Hotly Unusual Occasion
- 2 years ago
- 25
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The weather had been kind to us as we left the town of Cherokee and I had kept the Aston’s roof down. The road was cutting through the hills and valleys; before winding its way through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. This was just what the Aston had been built for, and she purred around the bends and growled along the straights.
We’d stopped south of Cherokee for a late breakfast at a little family dinner. We sat side by side in a booth and ordered the breakfast special. They had a Wi-Fi connection, so we’d made a call on the iPad to Mila and Sally.
Mila was bouncing around the screen with her news. The hospital had agreed to let her start her year of unpaid leave at the end of the week. She was going to book a flight to Denver for the middle of the following week.
“I just can’t wait to see both of you, I want the pair of you to fuck me senseless,” she said. Thank god we were using headphones to talk. I really don’t think that the rest of the diners at Terry’s Diner needed to know about our girlfriend’s sexual need. Zoe choked on her drink, and I patted her on the back.
She whispered to me, “Is she always as blunt as that?” I nodded.
I got her travel plans from Mila and then spoke to Sally, “How long do you think it will be before you can join us?”
There was an anxious look on her face when she replied, “Things are going reasonably smoothly with Clive. We should have the paperwork signed and submitted to the courts by the end of next week. The solicitor expects that we should get the decree nisi after a couple of weeks. Clive is applying on the grounds of desertion, and I’ve moved out of the house and into Mila’s flat. Then we need to wait six weeks before he can apply for the decree absolute. I don’t need to be here for the decree absolute.”
“So what’s the issue, is there’s something you are not happy about?” I asked her.
“It’s not the divorce that is going as smoothly as I could hope. I’d hoped that the hospital would give me a leave of absence the same as Mila, but they are saying no. I’m going to have to resign, and that makes me sad. This is the only job I’ve ever had and I’m really going to miss it.”
Tears were trickling down her cheeks, and I tried to wipe them away on the screen. She held out her fingers to touch the screen and mirror my action, and we both had tears.
She took a deep breath and said, “I have set a date to be with you, in six weeks I will be by your side. Can I put my stuff in storage with yours, please?”
“Of course, so can Mila.”
“Oh, by the way, I’ve sent you some house details by email. There’s one in Buckinghamshire I really like, I know it’s a long way from here, but I think I’ve fallen in love with it.”
“Where in Buckinghamshire?” I asked.
“Hang on, let me get the papers ... it’s on the outskirts of a village called Brill. It’s to the east of Oxford.”
I thought for a moment, “I think I know it, Linda and I had a few holidays in that part of the country before the twins were born. Let me have a look, and I’ll get back to you.”
“Please do, I love you, and I can’t wait to see you.”
“I love you too, and you, Mila,” I said as Mila’s head appeared beside Sally’s. They both blew me kisses and said goodbye to Zoe, then we signed off.
I opened my email and found the links Sally had sent me. I had opened a couple before I found the one she was talking about. It was a lovely place set in two acres of mature gardens. The details said it had been built in the 1920s and had been thoroughly modernized ten years ago by the present owners. There were enough bedrooms for all of us and a guest suite, and it even had its own tennis court and swimming pool. I showed it to Zoe, and she poured over the details.
She said, “It’s lovely, where is it?
“It’s near Oxford in England. I think it’s where I’d like us to live when we go back to England after my two years are up.”
“We, does that include me?” She said softly.
“Of course you, that’s if you want to. All of us, you, me, Sally, and Mila.”
“But what about my MD, can I practice in the UK? I don’t want to waste all the time and effort I’ve put in.”
“I’d never ask you to. It should be possible. I think you’d need to take some exams when we get there. I can check for you. In any case, we are not talking about moving for at least two years.”
“I need to think about this, but it doesn’t mean I’m not interested. It would be an enormous step for me. I know I love you, and I’m sure you feel the same way about me. But until we are all together, I’m not sure of my place.”
“I’m sorry, and you are an idiot. Your place is with us for as long as you want.”
Zoe looked at me, and then a smile flitted across her face. “Kiss!” She demanded, holding her face up and parting her lips. I couldn’t resist my little Elfin girl, and my mouth joined hers in a sensual kiss that had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.
I needed to make a call to the UK, so I got up and walked outside. I found the number I needed and called it. It was fifteen minutes before I rang off and walked back inside. Zoe looked at me questioningly, so I told her I’d been talking to my family solicitor.
The dappled sunlight flowed across the car, causing moving patterns over us as we drove along the winding road as it descended through stands of tall pines. It had taken us almost two hours to reach the highest point of the pass.
Zoe sat beside me, the little gusts of wind that crept around the windshield tousled her hair, molding her tee-shirt to her bra-less breasts. Her bare feet were propped up on the dashboard. I kept glancing down at the junction of her tanned legs and a hint of her white panties visible below the raised hem of her mini denim skirt. Her sunglasses-clad face was resting against the back of her seat, enjoying the sunlight and breeze.
The radio was tuned to an oldies rock station. I was contemplating the rather depressing fact that I’d seen almost all the bands they were playing in my youth. Pink Floyd at Wembley, Genesis, at the Dury Lane Theatre and the Eagles, to mention a few. I recalled that it was a similar warm sunny day that I’d seen Queen in Hyde Park. Who was the girl I’d gone with, Jackie, Jane, no Jo, that was it, pretty Jo. We’d both been drunk and got sunburnt that afternoon.
I was brought back to reality by the fingers of her left hand tracing lazy circles on the flesh of my leg below the confines of my shorts. The opening bars of Joe Cocker’s ‘You Can Leave Your Hat On’ started playing, and I began to sing along with the Sheffield growler. Zoe grinned at me and pulled her top off. She stole the baseball cap I was wearing and put it on.
She said, “Am I the girl in the song?” And she arched her back pushing her breasts forward. The wind caused her nipples to harden. I almost drove off the side of the road as I couldn’t take my eyes off her perky breasts. I had to pull up on the side of the road, and she turned to face me.
I said, “I think this song could have been written for you.” She leaned over and kissed me. She started at the sound of a truck’s horn and we looked up to see a trucker waving from his cab as he passed us heading back in the direction of Cherokee. Zoe blushed an unusual shade of red and hurriedly pulled her top back on. I laughed at her embarrassment and she playfully punched my arm. She gasped as I ran my fingertip along the curve of her breast and pulled her in for another kiss.
She looked at me and said, “I understand just what Mila means when she says that your touch is electric. You touch me, and I’m wet.” She took my hand and pressed it to the crotch of her panties and I could feel the dampness.
There was a sign for a rest area a couple of hundred yards up the road, so I pulled back onto the road and turned into the rest area. There were a few tables scattered about under the trees. Only one was occupied by two couples who looked a few years younger than me. A pair of gleaming Harley Softail Classics stood near them. I pulled up near a table about fifty yards from them, and we acknowledge their greetings. The four stood up and wandered over in our direction.
The first held his hand out and said, “Hey, I’m Steve and that sir is a beautiful car, what model is it?”
“Thank you; it’s an Aston Martin Vanquish Volante. I’m Michael and this is Zoe.” I saw their eyebrows rise as they heard my accent.
I shook his hand and that of his companion, who introduced himself as David. Their wives moved around their husbands and we were introduced. Their names were Jacqueline (but call me Jackie) and Petra, and they were all in their early forties. We were invited to join them to eat so I pulled the car up closer as they all walked back to the table they’d occupied.
I got the insulated bag with the food and drink we’d picked up at the diner from the boot, and we sat down. I opened a bottle of white wine I’d picked up the night before and offered everyone a glass. We sat sipping the wine. Steve and David waxed lyrically about their bikes. They were on vacation, taking a road trip. They were both architects, partners at the same firm and the four of them had been close friends since college.
Jackie said, “You sound like you’re a long way from home Michael, are you here on vacation?”
I shook my head, “No, not really, we’re on our way to Denver, so I can take up a new post.”
Petra asked, “Are the two of you married?’ I shook my head. I didn’t think now would be a good time to explain the rather convoluted relationships that existed.
Zoe smiled at me and said, “I’m working on him, but at the moment he’s my knight in shining armor who looks after me and can put me back together when I’m hurt.” She held her bandaged arm up momentarily.
“Oh, are you a doctor?” Jackie said.
Zoe said proudly, “Michael is the professor emeritus for radiology at the University Hospital in Denver.”
“But it doesn’t sound like you are American, are you Australian?” David pointed out.
“Nope, I’m British, but I’ve taught over here before, and this is just a two-year guest teaching post when you boil it down.”
Zoe leaned back against me sipping her wine and enjoying the sun on her face. I wrapped my arm around her and she sighed contentedly.
Jackie and Petra looked at us and wanted to know how we met. So as they snacked on the food, Zoe gave them a quick synopsis on how we met. While she was talking, I took the opportunity to have a look at the bikes.
I’d ridden a few bikes when I was much younger but nothing as powerful as these. I was sort of thinking it might be nice to own one. Zoe saw the gleam in my eyes and turned to Jackie and Petra.
“What’s the betting he’s the proud owner of one of these in a couple of months,” she said.
“So, where are you guys heading to?” I asked.
Steve said, “East for another day, maybe as far as Charlotte. Then a loop to the south and back home to New Orleans. What about you two?”
“We are heading west; I’m hoping to find somewhere to stay in Nashville.
Petra said, “Then we know the perfect place for you to stay at. We stayed there last night. It’s called The Inn at Fontanel; it’s just north of the city. Dave, honey, have you still got their number?”
He did, and I called them and as luck would have it, they had a suite available for tonight, so I gave them my name and credit card details and reserved it.
I checked, and it looked like it would take about three to four hours to get there so we needed to get back on the road. We said our goodbyes and the girls exchanged numbers. As we were packing the bags away, the guys were getting their bikes ready and I noticed that they weren’t wearing helmets.
I walked over to them and said, “I know it’s not really my business, but do you know what all emergency departments call bikes and their riders? Donors and donor machines. Do me, your families, and yourselves a favor; please wear a helmet.”
They looked at me for a few moments, then they shrugged their shoulders and put their helmets on.
As I walked back the car, Jackie ran over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you; we’ve been asking them to wear the damn things the whole trip.”
Back at the car, we pulled out of the rest area and headed off in the direction of Nashville
A little over three hours later, we were pulling up to the entrance of the Inn. If it hadn’t been for the signs, I would have sworn I was approaching the front of someone’s house. A small group of one and two-storied buildings were set around the main two-storied colonial-style building. The whole place looked so peaceful and relaxing. I parked in one of the designated spaces and we were met by a porter who took our bags through to the reception.
The receptionist greeted us with a warm smile, “Welcome to the Inn at Fontanel Professor Fitzpatrick, my name is Ann, and I hope you will enjoy your stay.” I raised my eyes at the use of my name and title.
The receptionist saw my surprise and said, “You are the last of our guests to check-in, so it had to be you. We only have the six suites here. You are in the Grand Southern suite; you were lucky we had a last-minute cancelation.”
She looked at me speculatively, “The original reservation was for two nights, will you be only staying the one night?”
I looked at Zoe, and she looked hopefully at me. “Tell you what, let’s extend the stay for the extra night,” I said. “We should be able to make Denver in two days if we push it.” The receptionist nodded in agreement
“This place is fantastic,” I said as I looked around the entrance hall. I registered us, and Ann didn’t even flicker at our different surnames. Very professional I thought and made a mental note to increase the gratuities I was contemplating.
“Would you like us to reserve a table for you for dinner,” she asked. I glanced at Zoe, and she nodded.
I checked my watch, and it was five-thirty, “Yes, that would be nice, say seven-thirty?”
“That will be fine; the restaurant is in the building through those doors. Simon will take your bags to your room if you would like to follow him.”
The request was polite and intrigued me. The man was a friend of a man who recently escorted me to a budget hotel to meet a stranger for sex. He asked if I would be interested in meeting him at his flat in Kensington London.He was he said a gay man but had always wanted to look at his aunt naked and had when a young teenager stroked her bottom. He also said he had fantasies about her being naked and him masturbating while looking at her. He claimed his aunt was flattered that he had stroked her...
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Unusual Punishment: Conclusion By Norman O. Johnson Part Six: Life Sentence Electrodes were glued to my forehead, my right forearm, and the top of my breastbone. "Is your name Karen Lauterbach?" asked my investigator. He was a stocky SBI man with a flattop and a well-trimmed moustache. The moustache looked rather good on him. "No," I said. This was the preliminary phase. I was supposed to reply 'no' so they could test how the lie detector's needle would bounce if I told a...
Introduction: My second story, a bit longer than the first. I hope you like it An Unusual Hotel….. As she drove out of the city, Sarah Dalton was angry. Shed just spent much of the afternoon arguing with men in caravans, and she still had a long drive home. Shed had to come out to the site herself, to see why the construction was so far behind schedule, and shed gotten good and mad at the Site Engineer and the Works Foreman. Theyd initially been patronising towards her but she was used to...
Thank you for the requests of a part two to my original story based upon a daydream etc. so i guess i have to rely on my literary genius he laughs and see if part two matches up to expectations of the masses lol''';;;;dededededaaah went the music as we cast our memories back to the scene as we left if it part one..."THANKS MARK" they said... I was thoroughly glowing and wow just could really believe that happened to me I mean I had to pinch myself.Guys im gonna take a swim to refresh and...
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Hi everyone. Long time reader, first time contributor. If it's any good and you like it I'll definitely continue it. An Unusual Day By Swishy It's not a usual day the day you get turned into a girl. Not at all, it never had happened to me before. Never have I been walking to the shops to get the papers only to return sans newspapers but with an ample pair of breasts. I have lived my share of days too. All sorts of days. Hot long days, days on vacation, hung over days alone in my...
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Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature adults who appreciate certain aspects of life that some might from offensive or simple not entertaining. If you do not enjoy transgender fiction then it's not for you. As the author I give you permission to reprint my story freely, so long as you give me credit for my work. If you are a writer, and feel inspired by certain plot details of this story, then feel free to borrow from it as much as you'd like. I'd love to read what you came...
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Straight SexChapter 03a Hungers ***** Another big thank you to my editor, AsylumSeeker! As ever, I’m grateful for your suggestions and advice. The story so far… Angela and Gwen, best buddies from San Diego, California, are on holiday in Fuerteventura, staying at a timeshare owned by Gwen’s parents. Less than twelve hours ago, Angela awoke to find she had a fully-developed and completely functional, though as yet sterile, penis and testicle between her legs, replacing her womanhood. Angela and Gwen...
First of all, a big thank you to AsylumSeeker for editing this story and valuable advice – it made, to my mind, a huge difference in how the story reads. Secondly, a note to the reader. This story is part of a series of stories revolving around a family of witches, for want of a better word. Their origins and powers will be hinted at throughout the course of the stories, leading to a climax on the sister and brother’s 21st birthday. All the stories will have the words ‘This Most Unusual’ in...
***** Once again, thanks to a wonderful editor! AsylumSeeker, thank you for your input and comments. This story follows directly after TMUP 01. It is the morning after Angela’s transformation, and her bladder is filling up. Angela grows more and more desperate, and Gwen becomes curious. If you don’t like watersports/golden showers, please don’t read this instalment. If you don’t like this story, well, that’s my fault. If you do like it, remember to thank AsylumSeeker for the polish and...
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Authors Personal Note= If You Find that This Story Is Not For You Than You Are More Than Welcomed To Leave At Any Time you Want No One Is Forcing To Read The Whole Story Authors Personal Note 2= Please Keep In Mind That My Stories Maybe Unique And Not Just In Format But Also The Author Tries To Fit As Much X Rated Scenes As She Can Just As Long As She Could Fit It In The Plot As Best She Could So That It Doesn’t Feel Like A Or Some Cheap Porn And May Not Be For Everyone Author’s Personal Note...
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This story is entirely fictitious although the cove exists and the story was the result of a daydream.hope you like it. all names are made up.The alarm sounded in my ear that morning last July.The weather where I live in South Devon had been hot for a few days and the forecast for the coming day was good too. I planned to spend it at a favourite cove of mine, which offers a secluded place to be both naked and as a bonus is plentiful in bounty from the sea such as fish and the odd edible crab....
Please send or leave comments so I know whether my time writing this was well spent! Thanks for all comments. _______________________________________________ A Tale Of Hollywood Mystery And Magic, And An Unusual Medallion! An Altered Fates short story by Caleb Jones (Inspired by the Oscar winning actress, Hilary Swank.) Hilary Swank read the headline one more time, still unable to believe last night's events were true. "Swank Wins Oscar" Sun, Mar 26, 2000 05:54 PM PST LOS...
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This unusual love story happened recently during the lockdown. I live with my parents in a detached home. Just after the strict lockdown was lifted, we hired a maid to do daily chores. Her name was Simran. She was a 46-year-old brown-skinned, chubby woman. She was not sexually attractive. I did not care about her as I was occasionally getting sex from a neighborhood aunty. Simran started working at our home, and she would spend more time near me. I figured out that she was into me. She would...
From all outward appearances, my family life in the Philadelphia suburbs with my wife, Megan, is ideal. I have a great job in the city, my beautiful wife keeps herself busy with our two elementary-school-aged kids and volunteer work, and we have a reasonably good sex life.My name is Dave, and Megan and I met in college in our junior year. We were married soon after graduation. I was the first man to fuck her, so she really couldn’t compare with others the feeling of my four-and-a-half-inch dick...
Cuckoldby Vanessa Evans Graham Paxton was a very successful businessman who, in the 25 years that he built his business empire, had developed it to make it worth billions. Unfortunately that was at the cost of his wife who hated the long hours that he worked and she left him with a daughter (Siobhan) who Graham sent to a private boarding school. When she left the school she went and worked for him and after another 5 years she became her father’s assistant. It didn’t bother Siobhan that the office...
I had an opportunity to visit my sister last fall when an oddball assignment took me to Texas. I don’t usually like to leave New York in the fall. To my way of thinking it’s the nicest time of the year to be in the city, but I accepted anyway, as I had not seen Helen for some time. My work as a senior editor on the staff of Pet World normally confined me to the office, but occasionally, just to get out and around, I would take a story, especially if it was of an unusual nature. My...
A couple of hours or so later, I walked to the entrance with Dee pushing Zoe in a wheelchair beside me. Dee had found her a Tee-shirt and a set of scrubs to wear, and her arm was in a sling. They had wanted her to stay the night, but she didn’t want to. I’d offered to look after her, and Jose was happy with the idea. I found my car where Mike had parked it. He’d taken the time to wipe down any blood that had splattered the interior. It wasn’t as much as I’d feared, I’d done a reasonable job...
I sipped my coffee as Zoe finished her story. She looked up the end of her admission and smiled at me, “So do you still want me with you on your grand road trip.” I laughed and muttered, “So long as you realize I’m going to blame you for all the wrong turns I make.” She smiled and sat back in her seat and gave a contented little burp. She shot me an embarrassed grin. “I take it that means you’re done?” She nodded. I paid our bill, and we headed out to check on the car. Zoe stopped me at...
Cynthia You'd think nothing else could possibly happen to wreck the weekend. After all both girls had accepted the other. Wrong! While Rebecca and Samantha had been reaching their truce we forgot entirely about Cyndi, and why shouldn't we, she wasn't even meant to know about Samantha and I. At least Mom remembered because she managed to come into my room, wake us and get both Samantha and Rebecca out of the bed before Cyndi woke up. As it turned out Mom need not have bothered. After...
When he woke in the morning, both girls were taking turns to lick and suck his, by now, erect penis. When Kellie saw he was awake, she greeted him and then mounted him, sitting down facing his feet. After bouncing up and down a few times, she lay back on top of him, bringing his hands around to caress and fondle her breasts. Wendy didn't stay out of it for long. She was between their legs where she could not only see Dave's penis as it thrust in and out of Kellie, but assisted, holding...
The fourth of a series of shorter tales featuring my mind-controlling protagonist (I seem to be on a roll). If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories. As always feedback is welcome. — All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. ***** You know when you wake up in a bad mood for no reason? There’s nothing unusual or stressful about the day...
The third of a series of shorter tales featuring my mind-controlling protagonist. If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories. This story was inspired by doorknob22, so thanks to him for his input. As always feedback is welcome. — All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. ***** I’m an early riser, always have been. I seem to get by on...
—– This is a sequel to an earlier story (AMOST – Keri). It is not necessary to read the earlier one, just to know that our mind-controlling protagonist had met and enjoyed a girl a few days earlier, and has decided to visit her on the weekend. Proofing thanks go to doorknob22. As always feedback is welcome. —– All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. —– Keri’s apartment is in a quiet...
A Man of Singular Talent – Ilona Bialik & Harper Shelby —– The second of (hopefully) a series of shorter tales featuring my mind-controlling protagonist. If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories. As always feedback is welcome. —– All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. —– Nowadays I avoid Hollywood. Sure, I’ve had a lot of fun...
Ready to bust a nut at JAV Most? If you’re from the western part of the world like me, you probably have a bit of a fascination with Asian women and the porn that they star in. I’m not sure what it is exactly, but I’m pretty sure I’ve narrowed down a few different reasons why I find them so fascinating.For one, due to their culture, Asian women usually are super submissive in most scenes. You know the ones I mean; where a Japanese student begs her senpai to improve her school marks after...
Asian Porn SitesThe Corcoran School for Girls was a very elite college tucked away in rural Pennsylvania. While it carried a very liberal arts curriculum, it also had a number of very special classes whose descriptions in some cases were quite vague while in others no attempt was made to describe exactly what was being taught. The tuition was very high which you would think would limit the number of applicants but the reality was that it was a very difficult school to get in. When I applied for a position...
There are thousands of men who fantasize about their wives having sex with another man, but very few will experience it quite like this. Anyone ever had a younger man just take a liking to your wife? Surely some have, but I mean quite literally a guy who developed a serious crush on her. One who would have bathed a cougar if she asked? Well, my wife had such a fellow in her very recent life. He adored her. This infatuation was well within reason too. I had become accustomed over the years to...
Lucy Hogarth was a leading light in the local Women's Institute and in her own eyes, she was THE leading light. She was good at organizing things but she went way beyond just organizing and became bossy bordering on tyrannical. Some of the other ladies put up with her and tolerated her but a few almost loathed her, virtually none of the members actually liked her.She was aged sixty and her husband was some fourteen years older than her but most of Henry's married life had been spent being told...
SpankingThe drive to Denton the next day took us about an hour. It was a warm October day, the temperature well up in the seventies. My appointment with the breeder was at ten o’clock, and we had allowed for plenty of time. Helen had taken my suggestion and not worn a bra. As I watched her at the wheel, I could see how the material of the jersey she was wearing hugged the firm shape of her breasts. The least little rocking motion of the car caused them to bob deliciously. I had worn a skirt and...
I’m a fairly tidy person; I always have been. I never got fussed at for not picking up my clothes or keeping my room straight. As an adult, I became more so. I’m not manic or fussy about it, but ‘everything has a place and everything in its place.’ That may be one of the reasons I’m a good software engineer. That was the opinion of a girl I lived with in college. It was also the reason she moved out. It’s the main reason I noticed that things would be moved slightly or something like a...
When we left, Carol had just given John a cum-filled footjob and then insisted on him slathering her cunt with his face and mouth, and I, who couldn't sit on the sidelines, sat on Carol, pointed my cock at her and told her to suck it."Suck it."Carol put her arms around my ass and pulled me closer to her. She took her oil-slickened hand and wrapped it around my cock. She began stroking it while staring into my eyes. She whispered to me, "I love your cock. It's the best"She continued...
Wife LoversOnce we finished breakfast we all sat around and made small talk. I knew what was on everybody's mind - sex. Some days Carol is near insatiable.John asked, "What did you two this morning?"Carol said, "Dick finger-fucked me to orgasm and I sucked his cock until he came all over me."Underneath his T-shirt John's cock twitched.Carol's robe fell off one shoulder and her bare tit was on full display. John stared at Carol and his face was flushed. I looked at both of them and thought,...
MILFUna had never understood the need for people to show off. These days we could all do it over the internet. Instead she had to drive miles, be away from home and proper work for three days, be bored senseless and of course be hit on by every guy in the place. Yuk. Her closest friend among colleagues is Breda. We have done this job and been to these conferences for twelve years. We acted foolishly the first couple of years by dressing normally which is professional but feminine. We quickly...