Kampar's WandPart 2 free porn video

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The group did penetrate the woods a fair distance before the sun dipped toward the horizon. The thick canopy of oaks, maples, and walnut trees caused the light to fail even quicker as they continued on. Finding a good, level spot with a nearby stream not far off the obviously well-trodden trail, the group stopped to make camp for the night.

The kampar scurried off to gather up wood, and the rest began the work of setting camp. Matusen emitted a pleased snort when Lorelle proved competent in setting up the small tent she had brought for Devan and herself. He had worried that he would have to give up his own tent in a chivalrous gesture, and upon seeing she had a tent, had guessed she probably wouldn't have a clue what to do with it until she started setting it up.

The kampar returned with a stack of wood that obscured his vision and threatened to tip him over. Still, it wasn't much and would really only serve as kindling to start a real fire. The little man proved adept with his flint and tinder, and soon had a small fire burning cheerily as the light continued to dim.

Matusen went off into the woods with a hatchet, returning shortly and dragging a large deadfall limb that looked well dried. He immediately chopped it up to provide them some real fuel for their fire.

Lorelle picked up a few of the wood chunks Matusen had chopped and brought them to the kampar, who fed the fire and soon had it blazing to an acceptable height for light and cooking.

Devan sat down, not really having any skills to provide as the others set camp, and fighting off a throbbing in her head from the kampar's never-ending story on the road.

Once the fire was going well, Lorelle brought over a small tin pot and some vegetables to Devan. "It's your turn to cook," she said with a wink.

Devan stood up, the throbbing in her head having finally subsided to a dull tingle that she could ignore. She dipped water from the stream and cooked vegetable soup seasoned with some spices and beef stock Lorelle also provided.

Matusen sniffed the air, smelling the soup as he approached from where he had just finished chopping firewood. It was fully dark now, the light from the fire the only illumination in the camp. Outside the wood, it was probably still before sundown, but the thick vegetation blocked out that fading light within its confines. He put down the armload of wood and looked into the pot where Devan was cooking.

"Vegetable soup. I thought we might have some decent food for at least tonight and tomorrow morning before we have to resort to trail fare. I have eggs and some bacon for the morning," Lorelle explained.

"Smells good, and it'll be a damn sight better than hardtack and jerked beef," Matusen remarked.

"Relax for a while, you've been working hard. Devan is a wonderful cook," Lorelle suggested and patted the ground near where she sat.

The kampar wandered off into the woods to look for ghosts, letting a blessed quiet settle over the camp. He returned shortly thereafter, crestfallen that nothing more interesting than an owl had accosted him, and then was thankfully silent again as he ate.

Lorelle edged closer to Matusen as they ate, once again touching him frequently as she discussed the next day's journey between bites of soup. When Matusen walked off into the woods to relieve himself, Devan walked over and whispered to Lorelle, "Aren't you being a little too nice?"

Lorelle chuckled and said, "Watch and learn, Devan. Trust me."

Devan shook her head and said, "Okay."

Matusen set watch for the night, and the kampar actually proved a welcome addition to Devan in that regard. It reduced the amount of time each of them had to stay awake. Devan was given the first watch because she had never done it before, which would provide her with uninterrupted sleep.

She was still fighting to stay awake when her watch at last ended and she awoke Matusen for his turn. She crawled into the tent next to Lorelle and wrapped her blankets around her, surrendering to blessed sleep.

Devan felt Lorelle moving next to her some time later, roused slightly as the other woman crawled out of the tent. Devan moved into a slightly more comfortable position and almost immediately drifted back off to sleep, assuming Lorelle had went to answer the call of nature.

Shortly thereafter, Devan half-roused again due to some sound she couldn't quite place. Peeking outside the tent, she was surprised to see Lorelle on her knees, bare breasted and with Matusen's cock in her mouth. The sound Devan had heard was Lorelle's mouth slurping up and down the man's shaft.

Matusen let out a quiet gasp as Devan watched, and from Lorelle's reaction Devan guessed that the man must be coming in her mouth. When his knees grew wobbly a moment later, it more or less confirmed Devan's suspicions.

Devan pulled her head back inside the tent and wondered what had prompted Lorelle to warm up to the scarred old warrior. He was hardly her type from what Devan had seen. Lorelle crawled back into the tent a short while later — licking her lips — and curled back up in her blankets.

When Devan looked at her through sleepy eyes to ask the question in her mind, Lorelle put a finger before her lips and winked. She then curled up in her blanket to sleep.

Devan just shook her head and did the same, too exhausted to care at the moment.

The kampar awakened Lorelle for the last watch, and as it drew near a close, she started breakfast. Everyone else rose shortly thereafter as the scent of bacon filled the air in the camp.

Once everyone finished eating, they set out on the road again. Darmok had eaten more than his fill, and remained relatively quiet — at least for a kampar. That of course meant that he occasionally paused for a quarter hour or so.

Darmok constantly tried to engage Devan in conversation, but she pointedly ignored the creature. The only time she didn't ignore him was when she noticed him walking along close to her and found his hand in her spell component pouch. She slapped his hand away and scowled at him.

"Sorry, that little funny smelling bag was trying to fall out of there. I didn't want you to drop it, so I was pushing it back in. I didn't mean to startle you, but I had to move quick to catch it before it fell," Darmok explained to her with a bright, cheery smile.

Devan rolled her eyes at him and adjusted her pouch around to the front of her body.

They passed a few people going through the wood in the opposite direction. The strangers were wary as they approached, but were more or less friendly as they passed upon deciding the small group was not a threat. Everyone tightly held their purses and packs when they noticed the kampar, however.

Lorelle carefully scanned the sides of the trail, judging the conditions right for Wyvern Tongue. It only grew under very specific conditions, and the plant that grew from the root that was the prize they sought looked like any number of other plants that shared the undergrowth of the forest with it.

Around noon, Lorelle spotted something and walked off the trail to examine it more closely. She smiled and called to the rest of the group, "I found some!"

Devan walked over as Lorelle dug up the plant. Lorelle pointed out the features of the plant, which looked much like a dandelion, except it had red veins running through the leaves of the plant. She carefully dug up the two plants she had found, and then explored the nearby woods for more.

Darmok wandered off to look for ghosts or bandits again while Devan searched the area as well. Matusen just sat down on the trunk of a fallen tree, not really having anything to do.

Lorelle found four more plants, and Devan found one before they paused to eat the noon meal. Lorelle said the location was perfect for the plants, and they could probably find all they needed in this area.

It took them a few hours, but they eventually filled their sacks with the long taproots of the plants. They now had twice as much as the amount Lorelle had sold a couple of days before. Each root was carefully wrapped in cloth as soon as it was dug up, because exposure to sunlight for more than a few moments destroyed the potency of it. That and the difficulty in locating the plant was what made it so hard to find in many herbal shops.

The traveling companions were about to have an evening meal of trail bread and dried beef when Darmok returned to the camp with a brace of squirrels he had brought down with a sling.

Lorelle gratefully put away the trail fare and roasted squirrel on a fire instead.

Once everyone finished eating and Matusen extinguished the trailside fire, the group backtracked to a more suitable location to set up camp for the night. Roasting the squirrels had extended the time they would be on the road, but all felt it was worth it. The group managed to set up camp in plenty of time before darkness settled over the woods.

Matusen suggested the same watch as the night before, and once again, Devan noticed Lorelle creeping from the tent shortly after Devan returned to it. Devan was not quite as exhausted tonight as on the previous night, so she plainly heard the sound of Lorelle slurping on Matusen's manhood this time.

Even though the man was completely unattractive to her, the thought that Lorelle was sucking his cock only a few feet away made Devan wet. The sounds stopped for a moment, and something new replaced them. Devan couldn't help but peek outside the tent to see what had caused the change.

What she saw was Lorelle's bare bottom bobbing up and down over Matusen's legs. The new sounds was the squishing of his rod sliding into her depths, and her ass bouncing off his legs in an ever-increasing tempo. Those sounds were soon joined by quiet moans and groans from the couple. The firelight reflected off Matusen's slick member every time Lorelle rose up to impale herself on him again.

Devan's hand found its way down between her legs, her sex screaming for attention and refusing to be ignored. She couldn't take her eyes off the scene before her, her fingers pulling her panties aside and slipping between her moist lips.

Devan stroked two fingers into her depths, the fingers of her other hand rubbing her bud. Lorelle started to slam down harder on Matusen's cock, her sounds of pleasure growing louder. Devan's hands moved faster in pace with Lorelle's hips, and she bit her lip to trap her own sounds of pleasure.

Lorelle suddenly sat bolt upright, a low moan emerging from her throat as she sat impaled on Matusen's shaft. She pinched her nipples and pulled them outward, her body shuddering.

Devan's hands moved rapidly now, the growing heat of her impending orgasm swelling in her loins. It was all she could do to remain silent, her eyes still locked on the couple fucking in the firelight.

Lorelle's hips bounced spastically over him a pair of times, and then she gasped, falling forward. His hands found their way to her buttocks, tightly gripping them. He thrust up into her, causing Lorelle to gasp and bite off a yelp.

Matusen's hips thrust up at Lorelle fast, and Devan heard the woman release a moan that she attempted to choke off as she obviously reached another peak. Matusen's movement suddenly stopped and Devan heard him groan.

Devan could almost feel his hot cum flooding her depths as his seed spurted deep into Lorelle. Devan's body stiffened and it took every ounce of her will not to cry out as her own orgasm gripped her.

Devan curled up into a ball as her orgasm refused to let her go, pulling her head back inside the tent. She stroked her fingers inside her a few more times, causing her to curl up even tighter and emit a quiet, choked off yelp of pleasure. She jerked her fingers out of her depths and brought them to her mouth, sucking her wetness from them, and covered her quivering sex with her other hand as she slowly spiraled down from her peak.

She had only just managed to pull her panties back into place and regain her composure when Lorelle returned to the tent. The scent of Devan's arousal hung heavily in the air, and Lorelle smiled knowingly at Devan feigning sleep.

Lorelle curled up in her blankets and drifted off to sleep.

The group packed up their camp and set out early, believing they could make it back to town before nightfall if they didn't dally. Matusen seemed to have an additional spring in his step as he walked.

Unfortunately, so did Darmok.

His constant chatter gave Devan a feeling as if a bee was hovering next to her ear from the moment she started walking. The kampar constantly darted off the trail, bringing back this or that interesting — to him — objects and trying to draw everyone into conversation about them.

The traveling companions made good time, and Devan estimated that they were perhaps an hour away from the edge of the woods. Darmok had once again darted off the trail into the underbrush, and while Devan was glad for the brief respite in his chatter, she groaned knowing that he would trot back soon enough with a deer antler or some other piece of junk to annoy her again.

"Hey everybody, wait up! I found a dark and spooky staircase leading down into the ground over here!"

Devan rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath, "Good. Go fall down the stairs."

"A staircase? The Kampar has lost what little mind he had. We're in the middle of the damn woods," Matusen grumbled, shaking his head and turning to continue down the trail.

"Maybe we should go take a look," Lorelle suggested.

Devan and Matusen both stopped walking and turned to look at Lorelle in surprise.

"It could be an old cellar or something similar. The conditions around here are perfect for Dwarf Beard fungus and a few other types of fungi we don't have in the shop. An old cellar would be the perfect place for them to grow."

Devan considered for a moment and realized Lorelle was right. Finding some Dwarf Beard would provide a welcome addition to their stores. It had uses in both magic and herbal healing. "Maybe we should check it out."

"I don't have any torches," Matusen offered as an excuse to continue on their way.

Lorelle smiled. "We don't need them. Show us this staircase Darmok."

Darmok's face sprouted a huge smile and he pointed. "It's right over here, just a little off the trail. Follow me!"

The little man bounded off into the undergrowth, and the other three followed. When they reached the spot, Devan saw that there was indeed a moss-covered staircase leading down into the earth.

Matusen kicked at a mossy stone nearby. "These are worked stone. There was a house or something here at some point."

"A little light, Devan? Yours are always brighter and last longer than mine," Lorelle requested.

Devan cast her spell, and a brightly glowing orb of light appeared in her hand. She sent it drifting down into hole, illuminating more of the stairs. Peering down, she could see the landing at the bottom and little else.

"Wow, you can do magic! Do some more!" Darmok exclaimed, clapping his hands and staring at the globe of light.

"How about I turn you into a toad and look for a snake?" Devan mumbled.

"That sounds fun! Could you make me a purple toad with green spots? I don't think I'd like being a regular old boring toad."

Devan groaned and walked down the stairs. The Kampar bounded down after her, with Matusen and Lorelle following.

Once the four emerged from the staircase, they found themselves in what must have been a true basement, much more than a simple cellar. The walls, floor, and ceiling were worked stone, supported by columns. Devan saw a few pieces of collapsed and rotting wooden furniture, but other than that, the basement was empty.

"Look — Dwarf Beard," Lorelle exclaimed and walked over toward a rotting desk that was covered in spots of fuzzy fungus.

Once again, Matusen was lost. He sat down on the last step while the women gathered up the fungus. The excitable halfling moved all around the room, peering into cracks in the walls and under the crumbling furniture.

Lorelle and Devan had just finished scraping away the fungus when they heard Darmok say, "Hey, what's this?"

The sound of stone grinding on stone startled everyone, the volume of the noise and the echoes it produced in the basement causing everyone's teeth to grind.

Looking over toward the kampar, Devan saw him standing in front of a hidden door. "Wow! A secret passage!" He exclaimed and immediately darted inside.

Lorelle stepped into the room after him and quietly said, "Oh my, what have we here?" She knew full well what the room was, in truth. Devan likewise immediately recognized a wizard's lab and library when she stepped through the door.

The room was just large enough to contain the bookshelves, a pair of work desks, and a few chairs. These had been protected from the elements, and everything was in good condition.

Matusen at least had the luxury of sitting in a chair while the women gathered up things this time. The women were constantly forced to slap away Darmok's hands as he reached for things.

Darmok protested when Devan snatched something out of his hands, "I was just going to look at it! Have you ever considered being a prison guard instead of a magic user? You're really good at taking all the fun out of life, and that seems to be what prison guards are best at."

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"Christ," Tracy moaned. She stared at Cloud's cock. "Seeing his prick always makes me cream." "Me too," Mary said, lying on her back, her fingers jabbing in and out of her sopping wet pussy. "Ooooo, I think I'm creaming." Patsy was still leaning against the bale of hay. She came out of her faint but was still dazed. Glassy blue eyes watched Mary writhe naked on the ground, her fingers disappearing into her cunt. "God," Patsy gasped, hating her cherry. She looked at Cloud and...

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TandraChapter 96A

Mom used her hologram self and some probes to pretend she had the body we all had seen. I think she did this as much for me as for the children. She made bread in the oven like the kind we had on the tug at one time. I made coffee and prepared for the onslaught of hearty eaters that would soon come to the house. They were currently fishing from the boats or the shore but part of Mom was always looking out for them. Secric, Amy and Star got up a bit early because their breasts were full. A...

1 year ago
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Ryans Summer Pt 05

Chapter 16 A warm late August breeze blew through the open window as Ryan got dressed for the surprise engagement party for Ms. Baker (or as he now knew her, Gabrielle De Brawn). It seemed to Ryan that the summer had flown by. In just a couple of weeks he would begin his senior year in high school. As he thought back, he realized that he was a very different person going into his last year of high school. At the beginning of the summer, he was a shy and na‹ve boy with little sexual experience....

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Players Trick Book6

Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...

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BBC Gangbang turns an Alpha to a Cuck

Room 313. Same number as the area code now that I was thinking of it. I almost smiled, but it gave me a sick deluded sense that the perverse poetry of watching my fiancé getting fucked through the sliver of a chain locked hotel door was somehow by design all along.“Thahk you so muh baby, I uhv you.”  Andrea, faced pressed against the adjacent wall, eyes deeply locked with mine, slurred past the finger hooked in her mouth. It was about all I could see besides the massive dark brown hand pressing...

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Twelve Boons of the FaeChapter 3

“It seems that the Governor of Utah reacted to your partition by declaring himself President of the ‘Nation of Deseret’ at once. He got the legislature to ratify his edict and called for them to act as a constituent assembly in drafting a new constitution for the now independent state. Of course, I wouldn’t call it a republic, since it’s much more of a theocracy. The way that the Mormon Church applauded his move tells me that he’s just a figurehead or puppet for the real rulers of...

4 years ago
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Moti Teacher

Hi my name is Farhan from Rawalpindi my email id is main app sab ko apni sachi story batanay ja raha hon ye story bilkul sachi story hain ok to ab main batata hon apnay bare main im farhan age 22 aur main phatan hon rang white handsome tu ab story ki taraf ata hon umeed hain ye story app ko bohat passand ayegee ye un dino ki baat hain jab main class 9th main padta ta main bohat kabil ta lakin sirf maths main bohat kamzor ta is wajah se main ne tution rakha maths k liye hamare mohalay main...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMSunny Manor Pony Farm and Pet Grooming Facility

“If where we are going next is something for Lucy, then we probably ARE going to the FART FACTORY!” Lindsay teased her little sister as we walked back to the golf cart. “They will make you head of production in no time!” “You fart too!” Lucy pouted. Lindsay was once again making the joke that the Fun Center was a Fart Center because in her opinion it was dumpy while at the same time getting a little dig in on her sister. “You seem obsessed with farts,” Eddie said to Lindsay, “sounds like a...

2 years ago
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Friend ki tharkey girlfriend

Mera naam Suraj hai. Pune ki ek I.T. company mein job milnae se mein Mumbai se Pune aa gaya. Yeh mera pehla work experience tha. Kuch din company accommodation mein rehnae ke baad, mujhae sharing basis pae ek flat mil gaya. Mere naye roommates bhi meri hi company mein kaam kartae hai. Sabhi roommates ki apni-apni girl friends thi. Jo kai baar flat mein aati-jaati rehti thi. Woh sabhi bhi almost humari hi company se thi. Unkae saath bhi meri achi dosti thi. Ek saal ho gaya hai, lekin merae...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 39

Monday I spent two hours on VCATS with Prime Minister Cordeiro and then another hour with Biff and Ed. Things were coming along nicely with the Portugal security arrangement. With the Pact firmly situated and the addition of two more countries - Slovenia and Austria - into the Pact it was time to move forward. I gave Ed an assignment to look at several properties that Lorrie’s group and a Realtor had found. With the bulk of our people in Portugal I - along with Andy - felt our European...

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18 Year Old Foster Chapter 1

Chapter I Crystal isn't the first foster we have opened our home to, but she is the first to stay after turning 18. Being in her final year of high school it seemed logical to let her stay until she finished. Yes I admit she is a good looking girl, but I can honestly say I never imagined anything would develop. The event that changed everything came one night after my wife and I returned late from a friend's house. The house was dark, Crystal was assumed to be asleep in her room. As...

1 year ago
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Guns Bitches Bling

"Guns, bitches and bling were never part of the 4 elements, and never will be..." From "Thou Shalt Always Kill" : Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip It serves me right for not paying attention to the local news. Maybe if I'd read the Gazette this week, I wouldn't have fallen for it and I would have saved myself a very embarrassing time. As it was I hadn't heard anything about the robbery at the jewellers in the town and so I wasn't in the least prepared for what...

1 year ago
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Rough Draft Twisted Ink

Ben prologue I reached across the bed and felt cold sheets. Bolting upright, I scanned the room. Her fucking girlie bedazzled sandals and that stupid flowy shirt were gone. ‘Fuck,’ I muttered and fell back into my pillow. I ran my hand down my face. Yesterday had been fucking amazing. Jen had taken me on a tour of my new home city. We’d done every touristy thing she knew of. We spent the day laughing and talking about straight up bullshit. I felt like we’d known each other forever. She...

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Student Se Kaise Mumbai Ka Giglo Bana

Hi readers mera nam rajiv he, me mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Ye kahani 6 months pehle ki hai. Jab mai student tha. Mai ek engineer hu. Ab me lagbhag ek professional giglo ban gaya hu. Meri height 6ft aur athletic personality he. Koi client muzse contact karna chahe to pe mail kare. Privacy and confidentiality will be concerned. Ye meri pehli story he to koi galti ho gayi ho to maaph ke le. To story shuru karte he. Bat tab ki he jab meri exam khatm hui thi aur me ghar aya tha. Mere ghar me ham tin...

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Cooking With Mom Part III

After Mom got a taste of two cocks at once she couldn’t wait to add a third. Bill was excited to see his son fuck my Mom too. We decided the following weekend would be the best time to plan some fun. Mom and I continued to have sex during the week but neither of us could wait for the weekend to get here. We invited Bill and his son Greg over for dinner and all of knew what would be for dessert except for Greg. The night finally came and Mom looked terriffic as she always had lately. I watched...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 30

Earth time: Tuesday, December 21, 2032 4:00 PM Central Standard Time Aina time: 7:15 PM, day 126 of 1436 H.E. (first day of autumn Makule, one month before the Festival of Ice) Jim Arnold put down his marker and walked away from the whiteboard to sit with A'moth and me, Antelope Freeway's newest arrivals. We had spent our first couple of days socializing with each other. Then Cindy converted one of the Arctic bedrooms into a classroom, and over the last two days, she and Jim and Isabelle...

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Stock Ch 0118

This is by an adult for adults. If you are under legal age then get out. If you find that any of my material is offensive then don’t read it. That’s all I have to say about that. As for the rest of you. Enjoy! Chapter 1 Uncomfortable would be a good word to describe how Sean felt at the moment. Underage would have fit his situation even better. Decadence was shown lavishly about the dining hall, velvet curtains, silk hangings, tasteful paintings, and enormous crystal chandeliers hung...

4 years ago
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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 9

Mom and Ronnie had their dinner on Sunday and he asked her again to marry him and she said yes, but wanted to wait a year. He wasn't happy but accepted it knowing they would eventually tie the knot. The next few days Ronnie spent on the computer setting things up and going to rooms talking to people. Occasionally he'd find someone in the rooms who lived close enough to set up a date for me. He also set up a few from guys I'd fucked before and at times he'd parade me around Vicksburg...

1 year ago
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HotMilfsFuck Haily 40 Years Old

So to say that 40 year-old Haily is super excited and horny today to get fucked is an understatement, and I don’t think that she realized what a fucking great debauchery of a good time she’d have with Tyler but let me tell you. This girl can fuck and she just loves to be used as a little fuck doll as you’ll all come to see. Throat & face fucking? Check. Ass Rimming? Check. Multiple orgasms while on the sybian and from Tyler’s cock? Double check and this girl’s pearly whites were...

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Lucky Few

"Look at her! Totally shameless! That's disgusting! What a cheap, slutty whore! There should be a law..." That's the message we have had brain-washed into us from the day we were born. Women should not want sex. Ideally they should just close their eyes, think of England, and submit to their husband's baser urges. Of course with no-one to teach these poor husbands, they were rather inept lovers, so it wasn't difficult to suppress any good feelings. Oh, sure, some people do seem to still...

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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 6

I know I am stressed because, in the morning, Moira puts her hand on my door, and I wake up, ready to fight. Before I am awake, I am standing beside my bed at the ready. That hasn’t happened since before the girls started waking me. She opens the door and screams, startled by me being up and ready for a fight. As soon as I see her, I relax, and she puts her hand over her mouth, looking sheepish. “I hope I didn’t wake anybody.” “You might not have. We didn’t get in until after 4 this...

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Mom and Billie

I bought a computer and hooked it up in my room and then I figured out how to hide a camera in the ceiling above the shower. She didn’t know it was there and I would watch her take showers and sometimes I would catch her playing with herself. When that would happen I would jerk off while she played with herself and I would try to cum at the same time she did or at least when I thought she was. But, since I turned 18 she was giving me more opportunities to look up her skirt and her blouses were...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Natasha Starr Cuck Caught On Camera

Natasha Starrs husband saw one of his employees who was staying with them for a while was still sleeping on his security cameras when he was supposed to be at work. He had Natasha go wake him up, which was a bad idea because she was unbelievably horny. She knew her husband could see them, but did not care one bit. She gargled down this mans cock not caring about the consequences and got her limber euro pussy mangled. Even though her husband was pissed as he watched his security cameras he could...

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My Beginnings as Denise

The Beginning of My Life Denise Girl Disclaimer: This document is written as an autobiographic experience. It is not to be copied without written consent from the author. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be named. Please enjoy it with happiness and good health. Beginnings As most transvestites; I started early...probably 7 or 8 years old. I could not resist the feeling of my little sister's lace and silky slips and dresses. Having 2 sisters made dressing...

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(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: April 5, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, mystery ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 7: Date - After Gabriella and I rinsed off in the shower together and got dressed, I made sure I knew what mall we were going to, and then took a...

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Last night I got a call from a horny couple that i've played with recently. I really liked this couple, Beth and Joe, they are in thier early30's and love to fuck. It helps that they are Bi and Beth is the more dom of the 2, and has great control over Joe. Beth asked over the phone if I wanted to fuck Joe, and I said sure, love to.She said on one condition, that she just got a new strap-on and wanted to try it out. I really got excited and ran right over. I wore a matching bra and pantie set...

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Sues Will Ch 03

On Friday, after class, Sue headed over to the library as usual. She did not see Will in class, and she was relieved. For the past few days, she did spot him in class (his height was hard not to miss), but she usually sat in the corner before his eyes met hers. If he did see her, he chose to ignore her. Her white dress floated off her waif, dainty figure as she walked down the street into the building. Humming a song as she walked up the stately stairs, she gasped in surprise when she saw...

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Some adult entertainment every night which we both enjoy and have our libidos stretched. Tonight it was a voluptuous woman Sarah’s age being pleasured by a much younger woman and her man. It was very exciting watching him fucking her standing against a wall while his lady alternated kissing her and licking her large, erect nipples on her 36B tits. “Our ladies want to have you while we watch. They have been watching you at the pool and the nude beach,” a man we now know as Brian confidently...

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Have you ever met a man you instantly feared? Who made you quake deep down inside? I don't mean a physical fear. I mean a sexual fear. A fear he would possess you as his own. A fear he would reach deep into your woman's heart to seize your innermost feelings, making you eager to do what he wished of you. And a fear he might do nothing. A fear the deep gut longing for him would be unfulfilled, leaving you aching and wanting. I'd heard other women speak of such fears. They're referring to...

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Hot Adventures With Mom And My Maid

Hi iss readers thank you for your good response on my previous story titled my innocent maid…and me, my maid and my mom..now coming to the story. I am Rahulrai from Bangalore ..my maid rani stats 32d-30-34…my mom renu stats 34d-32-36…my mom has got big boobs and lovely ass anyone would die for … Now coming to the story we fucked a lot…everywhere… We decided to go for an adventure trip in the forests.everyone was happy with the plan..after2 days we were planning to go. We brought all the stuff...

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Private Dylan

As a carefree high school senior, Dylan was known for his athleticism, congeniality, and good looks. He had it all. He could have had any girl he wanted, of course, although he only dated Daisy McLaren. She was his sweetheart since their sophomore year. She loved Dylan as much as he loved her.They married soon after graduation in the summer of '43. Their honeymoon year was cut short when things abruptly changed. Dylan found himself living in a new place wearing different clothes and he even...

Love Stories
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 9

Originally, Millie intended to spend perhaps half an hour teaching Boots how to dance. What actually happened was much more complicated than that. Boots demonstrated what she knew of dancing, which consisted more of stomping and clapping and singing at the top of her lungs. Millie joined in and the natural production of endorphins began. Within a few minutes of starting, both women were laughing and panting. Boots, being energetic by nature, enjoyed the rhythms of dance though, as Millie...

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