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JJ tried to hurry her last appointment of the day. That wasn't something she did often, but the patient's issues were more mental than physical. The woman did have physical problems, but nothing that a balanced diet wouldn't fix. Unfortunately, preparing a balanced diet was too much work for this patient. She preferred a magic pill that would allow her to continue eating junk food and trying to act like she was twenty, instead of on the north side of forty.
"Surprise, surprise," JJ angrily muttered to herself as she hurried through the hospital check-out procedures. "You're getting old, Mrs. Smith. Try acting like an adult if you want to feel better."
She compared Mrs. Smith to a patient she had seen earlier. Emily Patterson wasn't JJ's patient, but JJ had agreed to see her because Emily's doctor was on vacation someplace in the Caribbean. Emily was eighty-three years old, and had terminal cancer. With her new-found capabilities, JJ could have healed her, over time, but it was much too late in the treatment process to go unnoticed. Besides, Emily had accepted her coming death. She only wanted to hang on until after the holidays, and if possible, do it without too much more pain. She didn't want her family's holidays to be saddened, or have her death overshadow future holidays. JJ had taken her pain, and ensured that Emily's wish would be granted. She would last until after the holidays.
JJ was anxious to get home. There were too many things happening this morning, and she was worried about her family. Gabi was kidnapped, but Caleb and her dad would rescue her soon. Her mental connection to Caleb wasn't constant in the sense of continuously monitoring her husband. Her connection was more in the sense of being continually aware of his mental and physical well-being. Caleb and Scotty being shot at earlier had frightened JJ even more than revealing their secret to Scotty had. Caleb would be bringing Gabi to their house, and JJ felt that she needed to be there to meet them when they arrived. Gabi's Companion would heal any of the girl's physical damage, but JJ wasn't sure what a new Companion could do about mental trauma.
"Doctor Connor," a voice called, as JJ stepped through the automatic door of the emergency room exit.
JJ turned back to the hospital as a nurse hurried to her.
"These are the Christmas Cards that were addressed to you, Doctor Connor," the nurse said, handing JJ a folder. "We're taking down the Christmas decorations, and I didn't want your cards to get lost in the shuffle."
"Thanks, Nancy," JJ said warmly, accepting the folder. "Happy New Year. Don't exceed your fun quota if you go to a New Year's party."
"No worry there," the nurse said with a grimace. "I'm on duty New Year's Eve. Maybe one of these days when I'm old and gray I'll have enough seniority to get New Year's Eve off."
"And then you'll be too old to enjoy the party," JJ commiserated with a knowing laugh. "Been there, done that, and have the t-shirt," she continued with a shake of her head. "Happy New Year anyway. Maybe the new year will bring better circumstances."
"Yeah, well, I hope so," Nancy replied doubtfully. "I'm afraid to say things can't get any worse," she said, waving her hand at the hospital. "Every time that I do, another rule or regulation is spawned, and it gets worse."
"Things will get better," JJ said in a quieter voice, patting the nurse's arm. "We just have to believe it, and be willing to work for it."
"Thank you, Doctor Connor. Happy New Year," the nurse said, before turning back towards the hospital interior.
JJ watched the nurse for a moment, lost in thought, as she considered the challenges the hospital, and the entire medical profession were facing. Medically, the world was a very different place than it was when she finished her internship.
She turned back and began walking briskly towards the parking lot. JJ really wanted to be home when Caleb arrived with Gabi.
There was no reason for JJ to notice the idling van at the other end of the parking lot as it began moving.
Mohamed Amil tapped speed dial number three on his phone and hit talk.
"She is exiting the hospital now," Mohamed informed the listener that answered on the first ring. "Move on the house now," he ordered.
"An old woman arrived about fifteen minutes ago," Jameel Carim replied. "We were only supposed to bring the boy. Should we bring the woman, too, or kill her?"
Mohamed hesitated for a moment. Killing was final, and abrogated any future value. On the other hand, Mullah Hassan had only ordered the two teens to be kidnapped, and one of them had left early that morning. The Mullah frightened Mohamed more than he would admit, and he was not about to do anything other than what the man ordered.
"Kill her," he ordered. "Move on the house now. The Doctor is walking towards her car."
"Yes, sir," Jameel replied before ending the call.
Mohamed stabbed speed dial number four and spoke when the call was answered.
"Take the girl, now," he ordered.
"She is in the library, studying with another girl," Ahail Rahal replied. "They are the only two in the main part of the library. What should I do with the other girl?"
"Take her with you. Kill her and leave her when you get to someplace that it won't be noticed," Mohamed ordered.
"Yes, sir," Ahail replied before disconnecting.
Ahail nodded to the other passenger, saying, "We take them both. The blond girl is the only one that must reach the Mosque."
The other passenger grinned, showing a gold tooth, while asking, "So, we can do anything we want with the other girl?"
Ahail grinned back, and said, "It is a long drive back to Houston." He glanced at the driver, saying, "We may have to switch drivers several times before we get there."
"I'm sure I can find something to do during my breaks," the driver replied, smiling in anticipation.
Jameel Carim gave his driver a nod. The van quickly moved around the corner, and turned into the driveway of the Connor residence. They didn't need to discuss what would happen next.
Jameel and his crew had perfected the art of home invasion in Chicago, long before they had converted to Islam. The driver was their only new member, but he came with high recommendations for his driving skill and ruthlessness. None of the crew even blinked at receiving orders to kill an old woman. They had passed that threshold long ago. Jameel was wearing a FedEx cap, and a shirt with a FedEx logo. That was usually enough to get the door open, especially at this time of year. A gun pressed against the person's forehead when the door opened usually resolved any additional issues.
Jameel stood back from the door and nodded, after taking a deep breath. The man on his right, out of sight of the peephole, returned his nod and rang the door bell.
The door opened after a few moments, and Jameel took a step forward before pressing the barrel of his pistol against the old woman's forehead.
She gaped at him, and then fainted.
Kim was back in the college library with Joyce. She was a little tired. It had been a late night, and an early morning. Still, she had slept for a few hours, and Alice could help, for a short amount of time, with cleaning the toxins that built up in her blood due to lack of sleep.
Joyce had been surprised at her call, but had agreed to meet her for breakfast before going to the library when it opened at Nine. The two young women were the only two studying. Several library staff had been working around the library, but they had all gone to offices in the back. Presumably they went for lunch. Judging from the faint notes of music Kim heard, plus the laughter, the library staff were having an impromptu New Year's Eve party.
Kim had been prepared to leave, when she heard about Gabi being kidnapped, and then Caleb being shot at. Caleb and her mom both had assured her that staying put in a public place was the safest course of action. She looked around at the empty library, and grimaced.
Joyce glanced wistfully towards the back of the library.
"It sounds like they're kicking off the New Year early," Kim commented.
"Yeah, it does," Joyce said, before quickly looking back at their papers.
"She's lonely," Alice said. "She's wishing that she had someone to spend New Year's Eve with."
"Do you think it would be okay to invite her home?" Kim asked her Companion. "I mean, I know that it would be okay, but I was referring to the problem we're having with General Branch."
"I know what you meant," Alice replied drily. "I think she would fit with our group well," the Companion continued. "She is in danger from General Branch, just by being with you. I don't think going home with you would significantly increase her danger."
"Joyce, I'm tired, and I'm tired of sitting in this library," Kim announced. "We have all the information that we can get from the library. Let's finish this report someplace else."
"Okay. Where do you want to work on it?" Joyce asked uncertainly.
"How about at my house? You can come home with me, and we'll work on it over the weekend," Kim replied.
"I don't know," Joyce hedged.
"We don't usually make a big deal of New Years, but popcorn and a movie with my family isn't so bad," Kim explained. "I understand if you're planning on going to some big party. Popcorn and a movie can't compete with a party, and the only boy at my house will probably be my little brother. This year might be a little different than normal. My family is involved with a lot more than we have been in years past and we may be going to a restaurant run by a family friend."
"I'm not planning on going to a party, and going to your house sounds fun," Joyce said, relieved that she wouldn't be welcoming the New Year alone.
"Let's pack this stuff up and get out of here then," Kim said decisively.
Matching deeds to words, the two young women began moving the organized chaos of their papers on the library table into folders. Their papers would barely fit in their backpacks.
"Two men," Alice announced urgently.
Kim glanced towards the door. Two black men were twenty-five feet away, and walking briskly towards the two girls. Both men had their hands inside their jackets. Kim was sure their hands were on weapons.
"Joyce," Kim whispered urgently. "Stay cool. There is going to be trouble. Follow my lead, and we'll be okay."
"Why don't you let us carry your packs for you," Ahail said quietly, stopping beside Kim and gripping her arm. "If either of you makes a fuss, Red dies painfully," he said, nodding towards Joyce. "Do you understand?"
The other man smiled evilly, revealing a gold tooth, and grabbed Joyce's arm.
Kim nodded, saying, "Just don't get the packs mixed up. This one is Joyce's pack," she said, handing her pack across the table to exchange with the other one, and brushing against the other man's hand in the process.
Joyce opened her mouth to correct Kim, but closed it again and didn't say anything. She looked terrified.
"Let's go," Ahail quietly ordered, picking up Joyce's pack with one hand, and adjusting his grip on Kim's arm with the other.
Gold tooth followed suit with Joyce, and the two young girls were quickly escorted towards the front door of the Library.
"Two men are trying to kidnap my friend and me from the main library at the college," Kim told her mom and Caleb.
"We're about to take Gabi back," Caleb replied. "Something is happening with your mom and grandma, too. I think this is a coordinated strike to take all of you at once. Can you take care of yourself for a few minutes."
"I think so," Kim answered hesitantly. "I'm just worried about Joyce. She has no protection."
"Well, try to give us a few minutes," Caleb said. "When you get ready to attack, let us know. As many as are free will link with you."
"Okay," Kim agreed doubtfully, wondering if she should attack now, while the odds were still in her favor.
"Wait," Alice advised. "The library has video cameras. We need to be someplace private. We'll know if they plan on doing anything lethal, and we'll have time to attack."
"Okay," Kim said again, feeling only slightly reassured. "I'm getting so tired of this," she said angrily.
"Well, don't do anything stupid, just because you're angry," Alice warned.
"I'm not going to do anything stupid," Kim complained.
The girls had to squint in the bright sunlight when they left the library. They were hurried towards a waiting van. Kim was pushed in first, followed by the man, Ahail, Kim had learned from his thoughts. Joyce was right behind them, and gold tooth crowded in beside the tall, slim red head.
"Go," Ahail ordered, and the driver calmly drove away.
Ahail opened his phone, hit a speed dial number, and a moment later said, "Success plus one," before hitting the end button and turning towards the girls.
"We have a long drive ahead of us," Ahail informed the girls. "Whatever shall we do?" he asked with a leer.
"I have an idea," gold tooth said with an even more chilling leer, and reached for Joyce.
"Do you think Nancy would be a good candidate for our little club?" JJ asked Amy, her Companion, as she briskly walked across the parking lot.
"I think so," Amy replied. "She is truly concerned with creating a better working environment. She wants it for herself and the other nurses, but she wants it for the patients, too. She has some problems with an old boyfriend that won't leave her alone, but a Companion should solve that problem."
"One way or another," JJ agreed. "Emily Patterson would be a good choice, too. A Companion would heal her cancer, and could even make her look young again, but that might expose us too much. That age group would be good to explore for candidates. They would be more mature. We can..."
"Someone is watching you," Amy interrupted urgently. "Someone that wishes you harm," she added.
JJ glanced up and saw the van speeding towards her. She stepped back, partially shielding herself by a parked car.
"They're planning on kidnapping you," Amy announced angrily.
"Like hell," JJ muttered angrily.
JJ was a doctor, and by all accounts, a very good doctor. She had taken an oath to do no harm, and had lived by that oath for most of her professional life. She still did, essentially, but with a caveat. JJ had been exposed to the dark side of human nature since receiving a Companion. The ability to know what was in a person's mind was not always a blessing. JJ had developed her mental discipline to block deeper memories, but she couldn't block surface thoughts when examining patients. They were bad enough. JJ still believed in the concept of 'do no harm, ' but she also believed that people should get what they deserved, and these men were about to learn how bad their just desserts were about to be.
Bracelets on both arms extended a few inches to cover her hands. The torque around her neck changed with the goal of creating a natural looking hood. The hood didn't have time to finish forming before the van arrived. Strengthened bones, hyper fast reflexes, and muscle memory learned from sparring with Caleb would have to do.
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(continued from part 1) "Second base?" "Okay, what do you think 2nd Base is?" "I'm pretty sure it's when the guy gets to feel the girl's boobs!" "Ok, reach over and show me how you think you are supposed to do that." He reaches out and grabs her left breast. He squeezes it, and lets go. "There, like that?" "No Honey, not like that. At the age of almost 18, it's about time you learn this. You are supposed to gently caress a woman's breast. Slowly, at first. Put your hand on my boob again. Now...
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I found the picture of your fabulous cock released from the confines of your jeans most provocative.I can only imagine the strain that monster must have put on the fabric.Perhaps I will. I am sitting on a bench in Birmingham Garden wearing a pastel yellow skirt that comes to mid thigh showing the start of my sheer beige stocking welts.My shoes are 4" matching yellow open toed pumps.My blouse is white silk covering my bra filled with double D breast forms.My wig, of natural human hair,is...
We’d agreed to meet, i’d meet you at Liverpool Street station around 11.30 during the week. We were both nervous wondering what the day would hold and if we’d click. We met as agreed and went for a drink and a chat, you couldn’t resist teasing me with your lovely legs and beautiful smile, we're soon flirting and your giving me the occasional flash of stocking top, always teasing. When I suggested that we go somewhere else, i’d booked a room earlier. Feeling full of mischief you happily came...
3.01 The Entertainment Room 1: 3.02 Dianne, Jessie, First Lesbian Mating: 3.03 Jessie, Dianne, Fisting, Bed: 3.04 John, Daniel, Deepthroat: 3.05 Daniel, John, Doggy Style Mating: 3.06 Adrian, Susan, Foreplay: 3.07 Adrian, Susan, The mating: 3.01 The Entertainment Room: Susan had made some changes to the mansion's entertainment Room . A friend had recommended a contractor that did specialized renovations for clients. In the center of the family room was a 20' x 20'...
Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...
A glowing line sprouted from the center of the design, stretched past the inner circle, and into the outer transformative balance. It touched the symbol for the void. Lady Zamora raised an eyebrow, and watched as the line pulsed and throbbed. "The mathematical transformations begin," she observed. "Zero to one." Monday morning. Joey was sitting in the car clutching his backpack. He was dressed, ready to go, and was now just sitting and willing himself to open the door. "Well?"...
Copyright 2001 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Alone in her place of darkness she stares into the space. Alone in the room with the candles burning, creating shadows that dance on the ceiling. The winds and rains beat softly against the windows. She’s a true woman, long black hair, milk white skin, well formed breasts and no bra. Black lace gown and panties. From the distance a wolf calls. The blade crawls across her wrists, leaving thin marks that soon spout blood. She raises her hands above her head and lets the blood run down her arms....
Chapter 1 It was a cool autumn night when I found myself sitting alone in the park. The park was almost as big as the town I grew up in. I was an only c***d so my parents were very strict. We lived on a ranch two miles out of town. On our land we had horses, and cattle and all sorts of farm a****ls. Way out behind our house we also had another small house and that's where my dad's hired help would stay if they didn't already have a place in town. As I grew older and entered...
When we pulled into Matt’s driveway, I heard Terri take a deep breath. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her. “Yes,” she said. “Just a little nervous.” ‘Me, too,” I said. “A lot nervous, actually.” “Ok, me, too. A lot.” “Two weeks ago, would you even have dreamed we’d do something like this?” I asked. “Ha!” she said. “Not a chance.” We both laughed a little at that, which seemed to relieve the tension. It was a few days after Terri and I, during a wilder night of sex than we’d...
BisexualOn the occasion of our 7th wedding anniversary, me and Yug threw a big bash at our new residence. Although it was a chilly day in December it still was sunny; perfect for a garden brunch. A lot of friends and dear ones came and we spent a lovely day together. Towards the end of the party me and Yug were nearly sloshed and were chilling with just our close friends when I saw 3 guys enter the party. One of them I recognized as Yug’s distant cousin, the other two were walking behind them so I...
Mike A Detective Story by EmileCopyright 2008. This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities. You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. ______________It starts with photos. A handsome buff chestnut haired guy swaggering off the gym mats, tee balled in his fists to expose his lightly dusted beefy body, arms defined and abs rippling as he walked, only the loose red trackpants hugging the curve of his tight...
The following is my attempt to share one of my sexual adventures with you . That said, happy reading!Living in a small town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than a young girl that seems so innocent until you've tasted her sweetness , and then you realize ... It was March, just a couple months ago, when I was out for a run down Division St. At the end of a 0.5 mile...
Halloween Part 2: Chapter Three: Wearing it: So I woke up on 31st October in a hurry to go to the toilet. My bedroom was dark and at first I thought I was still wrapped in our bedsheets when I sat up in the bed but as I moved to the door I realised I was still wearing the same black silky chemise with the lace trim and the matching panties that Leanne had pegged me in last night. (I have since learnt that phrase at the time I thought it was just described as made love to...
My marriage wasn’t much of one. It felt more like a partnership than a marriage. I was on the road a lot to make ends meet and my wife was working part time, being homemaker and raising our daughter. Needless to say, we both were pretty miserable without being able to spend much time together. Then the unthinkable happened. While traveling through Kansas toward a South Carolina destination, I got a call from my sister that no sister should have to make. My wife and daughter perished in a...
Sophie had been with Dave for only 5 months but she was so in love with him. She’d never felt this way about anyone, the he held her, caressed her and kissed her lips so sweetly. They knew it was love, so did everyone else. When she brought him home only 2 months ago her parents loved him too. He brought out the good side of her, and the naughty side. He was the only one who she could ever trust with her life. They spent her birthday together, it felt like it was only the two of them in the...
Then some ago while we were at a five-day trade fair, on the first night we became lovers. In the afterglow we confided we both have a fetish for hung men, eight inches is our benchmark. And watching hung men masturbating. And lesbian sex, we both love being licked and teased. We slept with each for the next three nights and had wonderful lesbian sex. On the last night we decided we would invite one of the men at the fair who had been chatting us up to join us in our room. “If you want to...
Rebecca pulled her dress off over her head and stood with a slightly apprehensive look on her pretty face. She had small, perky breasts with nipples shockingly red against the surrounding white flesh. I approached her slowly, savoring her nervousness. I stopped when I was so close that my cock nearly touched her stomach. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked. I leaned forward and whispered. “Whatever I want.” I reached up and touched her breast with my fingertips. She moaned and I...
It’s a dark and shiny place, But with you, my dear, I’m safe, and we’re a million miles away. — Karen O. * They locked eyes. They dropped to the floor. His weight was bearing down on the frame of her hips, his eyes meeting hers, her hands gripping his back, pulling his chest to hers. She heaved a thick, deep sigh, boasting relinquishment of all control. A fiery force rose from her pulsating pussy, instantly surrounding her with golden glowing light, and painting her cheeks with natural,...
HardcoreThis incident happened when I was staying with my bachelor friends. It was a 2 BHK flat where there were 5 boys staying together including me. We used to have drinks almost on a daily basis and were enjoying our lives as roommates, but none of us were involved in sex with each other as there were no gays in the group.We had 3 spare keys for the main door and any of the 2 roommates would keep each of them, and last key, we normally keep in the nearby bakery to avoid any last minute confusion...
Hi all, this is Ramesh here from Bangalore. This story is all about me and my girl friend who had really made me feel special on bed .It was almost 2008 she came to my life her name is sunanda.We became friends from a dating website and exchanged our numbers .I still remember it was a Wednesday when the first call went from me . Me:may i speak to sunanda ? She:yah, you are speaking .. Me:thanks a lot for sharing your number to me She:its my pleasure Me:can we please meet somewhere today...
All through school I hung out with a group of four other girls, we had all started on the same day, all played on the same team together, and basically were all inseparable. From our first year in school we had a tradition, that during the last school break before the summer term, we all went away together, with one of our families. We were now in our final year, all getting ready to head off to college I the following September, so this would be our last holiday together before our final...
It might be an odd analogy, but fellatio is a little like Brussels sprouts. You either like it or you don’t. Lots of women will engage in fellatio, for one reason or another, but only a minority of women really crave it. That’s understandable. Just as Brussels sprouts have a unique taste, so, too does semen. Women who have tasted more than one man’s semen will tell you it tastes different from man to man. Brussels sprouts taste a little different, depending on how they are prepared. The point...
Vinyl, wings, a massive pair of tits. Oil, fishnets & a big ass. A thong, a choker & black latex gloves. Lolly Dames is dressed up to get dicked down. Peter Green has his tools readied. Peter pinches her big nipples before covering her body in oil. Her pierced pussy is soaked. Peter spreads her out for all to see. He fingers her wet cunt and she writhes around. Lolly takes his big cock in her mouth. Peter fucks her hungry pussy roughly. Spreading, slapping, screaming & creaming....
xmoviesforyouI’d had a long, hard day at work and couldn’t wait to get home and relax. I stopped at the grocery store and got a few things we needed for the weekend. When I drove up to the house I was surprised to see my husband Greg’s car in the driveway. He doesn’t usually get home on Friday’s until after me. I didn’t bother waiting for him to come out to help me with the groceries. Greg believes those things are women’s work. It was hard to unlock the door...