CorruptionChapter 10: Blitz free porn video

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JJ tried to hurry her last appointment of the day. That wasn't something she did often, but the patient's issues were more mental than physical. The woman did have physical problems, but nothing that a balanced diet wouldn't fix. Unfortunately, preparing a balanced diet was too much work for this patient. She preferred a magic pill that would allow her to continue eating junk food and trying to act like she was twenty, instead of on the north side of forty.

"Surprise, surprise," JJ angrily muttered to herself as she hurried through the hospital check-out procedures. "You're getting old, Mrs. Smith. Try acting like an adult if you want to feel better."

She compared Mrs. Smith to a patient she had seen earlier. Emily Patterson wasn't JJ's patient, but JJ had agreed to see her because Emily's doctor was on vacation someplace in the Caribbean. Emily was eighty-three years old, and had terminal cancer. With her new-found capabilities, JJ could have healed her, over time, but it was much too late in the treatment process to go unnoticed. Besides, Emily had accepted her coming death. She only wanted to hang on until after the holidays, and if possible, do it without too much more pain. She didn't want her family's holidays to be saddened, or have her death overshadow future holidays. JJ had taken her pain, and ensured that Emily's wish would be granted. She would last until after the holidays.

JJ was anxious to get home. There were too many things happening this morning, and she was worried about her family. Gabi was kidnapped, but Caleb and her dad would rescue her soon. Her mental connection to Caleb wasn't constant in the sense of continuously monitoring her husband. Her connection was more in the sense of being continually aware of his mental and physical well-being. Caleb and Scotty being shot at earlier had frightened JJ even more than revealing their secret to Scotty had. Caleb would be bringing Gabi to their house, and JJ felt that she needed to be there to meet them when they arrived. Gabi's Companion would heal any of the girl's physical damage, but JJ wasn't sure what a new Companion could do about mental trauma.

"Doctor Connor," a voice called, as JJ stepped through the automatic door of the emergency room exit.

JJ turned back to the hospital as a nurse hurried to her.

"These are the Christmas Cards that were addressed to you, Doctor Connor," the nurse said, handing JJ a folder. "We're taking down the Christmas decorations, and I didn't want your cards to get lost in the shuffle."

"Thanks, Nancy," JJ said warmly, accepting the folder. "Happy New Year. Don't exceed your fun quota if you go to a New Year's party."

"No worry there," the nurse said with a grimace. "I'm on duty New Year's Eve. Maybe one of these days when I'm old and gray I'll have enough seniority to get New Year's Eve off."

"And then you'll be too old to enjoy the party," JJ commiserated with a knowing laugh. "Been there, done that, and have the t-shirt," she continued with a shake of her head. "Happy New Year anyway. Maybe the new year will bring better circumstances."

"Yeah, well, I hope so," Nancy replied doubtfully. "I'm afraid to say things can't get any worse," she said, waving her hand at the hospital. "Every time that I do, another rule or regulation is spawned, and it gets worse."

"Things will get better," JJ said in a quieter voice, patting the nurse's arm. "We just have to believe it, and be willing to work for it."

"Thank you, Doctor Connor. Happy New Year," the nurse said, before turning back towards the hospital interior.

JJ watched the nurse for a moment, lost in thought, as she considered the challenges the hospital, and the entire medical profession were facing. Medically, the world was a very different place than it was when she finished her internship.

She turned back and began walking briskly towards the parking lot. JJ really wanted to be home when Caleb arrived with Gabi.

There was no reason for JJ to notice the idling van at the other end of the parking lot as it began moving.

Mohamed Amil tapped speed dial number three on his phone and hit talk.

"She is exiting the hospital now," Mohamed informed the listener that answered on the first ring. "Move on the house now," he ordered.

"An old woman arrived about fifteen minutes ago," Jameel Carim replied. "We were only supposed to bring the boy. Should we bring the woman, too, or kill her?"

Mohamed hesitated for a moment. Killing was final, and abrogated any future value. On the other hand, Mullah Hassan had only ordered the two teens to be kidnapped, and one of them had left early that morning. The Mullah frightened Mohamed more than he would admit, and he was not about to do anything other than what the man ordered.

"Kill her," he ordered. "Move on the house now. The Doctor is walking towards her car."

"Yes, sir," Jameel replied before ending the call.

Mohamed stabbed speed dial number four and spoke when the call was answered.

"Take the girl, now," he ordered.

"She is in the library, studying with another girl," Ahail Rahal replied. "They are the only two in the main part of the library. What should I do with the other girl?"

"Take her with you. Kill her and leave her when you get to someplace that it won't be noticed," Mohamed ordered.

"Yes, sir," Ahail replied before disconnecting.

Ahail nodded to the other passenger, saying, "We take them both. The blond girl is the only one that must reach the Mosque."

The other passenger grinned, showing a gold tooth, while asking, "So, we can do anything we want with the other girl?"

Ahail grinned back, and said, "It is a long drive back to Houston." He glanced at the driver, saying, "We may have to switch drivers several times before we get there."

"I'm sure I can find something to do during my breaks," the driver replied, smiling in anticipation.

Jameel Carim gave his driver a nod. The van quickly moved around the corner, and turned into the driveway of the Connor residence. They didn't need to discuss what would happen next.

Jameel and his crew had perfected the art of home invasion in Chicago, long before they had converted to Islam. The driver was their only new member, but he came with high recommendations for his driving skill and ruthlessness. None of the crew even blinked at receiving orders to kill an old woman. They had passed that threshold long ago. Jameel was wearing a FedEx cap, and a shirt with a FedEx logo. That was usually enough to get the door open, especially at this time of year. A gun pressed against the person's forehead when the door opened usually resolved any additional issues.

Jameel stood back from the door and nodded, after taking a deep breath. The man on his right, out of sight of the peephole, returned his nod and rang the door bell.

The door opened after a few moments, and Jameel took a step forward before pressing the barrel of his pistol against the old woman's forehead.

She gaped at him, and then fainted.

Kim was back in the college library with Joyce. She was a little tired. It had been a late night, and an early morning. Still, she had slept for a few hours, and Alice could help, for a short amount of time, with cleaning the toxins that built up in her blood due to lack of sleep.

Joyce had been surprised at her call, but had agreed to meet her for breakfast before going to the library when it opened at Nine. The two young women were the only two studying. Several library staff had been working around the library, but they had all gone to offices in the back. Presumably they went for lunch. Judging from the faint notes of music Kim heard, plus the laughter, the library staff were having an impromptu New Year's Eve party.

Kim had been prepared to leave, when she heard about Gabi being kidnapped, and then Caleb being shot at. Caleb and her mom both had assured her that staying put in a public place was the safest course of action. She looked around at the empty library, and grimaced.

Joyce glanced wistfully towards the back of the library.

"It sounds like they're kicking off the New Year early," Kim commented.

"Yeah, it does," Joyce said, before quickly looking back at their papers.

"She's lonely," Alice said. "She's wishing that she had someone to spend New Year's Eve with."

"Do you think it would be okay to invite her home?" Kim asked her Companion. "I mean, I know that it would be okay, but I was referring to the problem we're having with General Branch."

"I know what you meant," Alice replied drily. "I think she would fit with our group well," the Companion continued. "She is in danger from General Branch, just by being with you. I don't think going home with you would significantly increase her danger."

"Joyce, I'm tired, and I'm tired of sitting in this library," Kim announced. "We have all the information that we can get from the library. Let's finish this report someplace else."

"Okay. Where do you want to work on it?" Joyce asked uncertainly.

"How about at my house? You can come home with me, and we'll work on it over the weekend," Kim replied.

"I don't know," Joyce hedged.

"We don't usually make a big deal of New Years, but popcorn and a movie with my family isn't so bad," Kim explained. "I understand if you're planning on going to some big party. Popcorn and a movie can't compete with a party, and the only boy at my house will probably be my little brother. This year might be a little different than normal. My family is involved with a lot more than we have been in years past and we may be going to a restaurant run by a family friend."

"I'm not planning on going to a party, and going to your house sounds fun," Joyce said, relieved that she wouldn't be welcoming the New Year alone.

"Let's pack this stuff up and get out of here then," Kim said decisively.

Matching deeds to words, the two young women began moving the organized chaos of their papers on the library table into folders. Their papers would barely fit in their backpacks.

"Two men," Alice announced urgently.

Kim glanced towards the door. Two black men were twenty-five feet away, and walking briskly towards the two girls. Both men had their hands inside their jackets. Kim was sure their hands were on weapons.

"Joyce," Kim whispered urgently. "Stay cool. There is going to be trouble. Follow my lead, and we'll be okay."

"Why don't you let us carry your packs for you," Ahail said quietly, stopping beside Kim and gripping her arm. "If either of you makes a fuss, Red dies painfully," he said, nodding towards Joyce. "Do you understand?"

The other man smiled evilly, revealing a gold tooth, and grabbed Joyce's arm.

Kim nodded, saying, "Just don't get the packs mixed up. This one is Joyce's pack," she said, handing her pack across the table to exchange with the other one, and brushing against the other man's hand in the process.

Joyce opened her mouth to correct Kim, but closed it again and didn't say anything. She looked terrified.

"Let's go," Ahail quietly ordered, picking up Joyce's pack with one hand, and adjusting his grip on Kim's arm with the other.

Gold tooth followed suit with Joyce, and the two young girls were quickly escorted towards the front door of the Library.

"Two men are trying to kidnap my friend and me from the main library at the college," Kim told her mom and Caleb.

"We're about to take Gabi back," Caleb replied. "Something is happening with your mom and grandma, too. I think this is a coordinated strike to take all of you at once. Can you take care of yourself for a few minutes."

"I think so," Kim answered hesitantly. "I'm just worried about Joyce. She has no protection."

"Well, try to give us a few minutes," Caleb said. "When you get ready to attack, let us know. As many as are free will link with you."

"Okay," Kim agreed doubtfully, wondering if she should attack now, while the odds were still in her favor.

"Wait," Alice advised. "The library has video cameras. We need to be someplace private. We'll know if they plan on doing anything lethal, and we'll have time to attack."

"Okay," Kim said again, feeling only slightly reassured. "I'm getting so tired of this," she said angrily.

"Well, don't do anything stupid, just because you're angry," Alice warned.

"I'm not going to do anything stupid," Kim complained.

The girls had to squint in the bright sunlight when they left the library. They were hurried towards a waiting van. Kim was pushed in first, followed by the man, Ahail, Kim had learned from his thoughts. Joyce was right behind them, and gold tooth crowded in beside the tall, slim red head.

"Go," Ahail ordered, and the driver calmly drove away.

Ahail opened his phone, hit a speed dial number, and a moment later said, "Success plus one," before hitting the end button and turning towards the girls.

"We have a long drive ahead of us," Ahail informed the girls. "Whatever shall we do?" he asked with a leer.

"I have an idea," gold tooth said with an even more chilling leer, and reached for Joyce.

"Do you think Nancy would be a good candidate for our little club?" JJ asked Amy, her Companion, as she briskly walked across the parking lot.

"I think so," Amy replied. "She is truly concerned with creating a better working environment. She wants it for herself and the other nurses, but she wants it for the patients, too. She has some problems with an old boyfriend that won't leave her alone, but a Companion should solve that problem."

"One way or another," JJ agreed. "Emily Patterson would be a good choice, too. A Companion would heal her cancer, and could even make her look young again, but that might expose us too much. That age group would be good to explore for candidates. They would be more mature. We can..."

"Someone is watching you," Amy interrupted urgently. "Someone that wishes you harm," she added.

JJ glanced up and saw the van speeding towards her. She stepped back, partially shielding herself by a parked car.

"They're planning on kidnapping you," Amy announced angrily.

"Like hell," JJ muttered angrily.

JJ was a doctor, and by all accounts, a very good doctor. She had taken an oath to do no harm, and had lived by that oath for most of her professional life. She still did, essentially, but with a caveat. JJ had been exposed to the dark side of human nature since receiving a Companion. The ability to know what was in a person's mind was not always a blessing. JJ had developed her mental discipline to block deeper memories, but she couldn't block surface thoughts when examining patients. They were bad enough. JJ still believed in the concept of 'do no harm, ' but she also believed that people should get what they deserved, and these men were about to learn how bad their just desserts were about to be.

Bracelets on both arms extended a few inches to cover her hands. The torque around her neck changed with the goal of creating a natural looking hood. The hood didn't have time to finish forming before the van arrived. Strengthened bones, hyper fast reflexes, and muscle memory learned from sparring with Caleb would have to do.

Same as Corruption
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Losing Consciousness

Thick ivy clung to the stone walls of an old building. A petite woman retreated to the recesses of the faculty dormitory. Staff were required to help out maintaining the school (along with many of the students) for several months at a time. It was more charity work than anything; but for a certain teacher, it was everything she ever desired in her life. Alair Mockwell was born in the rapidly receding rural areas of Britain. Jobs were hard to come by, and she was thankful to have found such a...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Incest Journey 8211 Part 5 Wife8217s Return

Hi readers, I am here with the fifth part of the series, “Incest Journey.” I hope you all enjoyed the first four parts of the series. Sorry for the delay. I will try to post the story frequently. Let’s start with the fifth part. That’s Friday. My wife Keerthi came back home. I was surprised to see her. But I don’t know why she came back after all that happened. She came directly to me and said it was OK. I didn’t get what she said. Me: Keerthi, I didn’t understand what you said. Keerthi: I...

2 years ago
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Fun With My Neighbor

Hi everyone. I’m from Chennai .This is my first story here. I’ve been reading iss for a very long time. This is a real story. Hope you all enjoy. Coming to the story… It happened when i was 18 years old. I m a tall guy ,quite fair ,weighing 90 kg, my sunni length is 6.5 inches with 2 inches circumference. The heroine of the story is my neighbor aunty. We used to live in a flat. My house comprises of my father mother and me. This aunty moved into my opposite flat a year before. Their house...

3 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 6

My Aunt made me wait much longer than twenty minutes before she returned to outline the rules that would be in effect until my Parents arrived. Buddy and Lewis were playing outside again, which suited them just fine when Blair and my Aunt Sam returned from their discussion about me. They were both smirking like Samantha Stevens on Bewitched when she just thought of a clever solution to some problem her mother in law created. It definitely scared me that they were smiling rather than looking...

3 years ago
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The haunted HousePart 3

After my delightful tryst with sixteen-year-old Meg, I thought it best to shower up, not wanting my wife to get a whiff of another woman on me. Our adventure in the attic confirmed what I already thought. There was definitely something up there that overwhelmed my normally reserved views on sex. In a little over two months, I had cheated on my wife twice and engaged in a threesome, including her, something we would never have entertained under normal circumstances.Drying off, I heard noises...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Gabbie Carter Double D Business Woman Gabbie Carter Means Business

Busty babe Gabbie Carter uses her tight teen pussy to drive Markus crazy! Gabbie’s wearing a red business suit with a short skirt and a tiny white top as she chats in the office. She gets on top of her desk and spreads her legs to reveal that she doesn’t have any panties on then pulls her massive tits out of her shirt. Gabbie hypnotizes us as she jiggles her amazing rack and plays with her nipples until Markus shows up. He gets behind her and places his hands over hers and squeezes tight before...

3 years ago
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A Summer With Amber Chapter 4

Introduction: They have some fun in the shower then Amber gets her father to have a little public sex in his car. The shower was relaxing. Amber ran ahead of me and got the water started as I dragged my body up the stairs. By the time I got there the water was letting off some steam and already fogging the mirrors. Amber stood by the door with a big smile of her face. I returned the smile and stepped into the shower, immediately pelted by three shower heads. I loved my showers so when I bought...

3 years ago
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Shower Of Sex 8211 First Experience

Regarding me, I am Sunayan from Mumbai. I love men, specially muscular, aged, manly looking, dark, handsome. Ye me mera first experience share kara raha hu. Accha lage to comments me feedaback dena. Mere phone ka notification ring baja aur me hamesha ke tarah phone check kiya. new friend request tha, gay dating mobile app par. Bade intrest ke sath maine request check kiya. Sanjay naam ka koi 42 age ka profile tha. Friend request accept karke maine pura profile check kiya. Top profile dekhake me...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Christines Story I

Introduction: As told to Eric Saxon by Christine I had only a week left of summer camp. I had been going to this camp since I was eight. I loved that place in fact I still do. There was so much to do: the crafts, orienteering, the horses, the canoes and boats, I really liked sitting around the campfire with my friends singing songs and telling jokes. I could spend my whole life doing this. Being only thirteen I was feeling sort of funny. I had been reading some of those romance novels, and my...

4 years ago
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Jena and Lisi Ch 3

Cum still dribbling from their lips, the two girls were roughly pulled to their feet by the squad of troopers that surrounded them. They quickly slapped stun cuffs on them and if that wasn't enough, for some strange reason neither of them could touch the Force anymore! Kylo and the silver masked figure both laughed heartily at the looks of confusion on the girls faces. "We know you're both Force sensitive." Kylo began and the bright silver armored figure interrupted him. "From my own...

1 year ago
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Pool fun pt 2

Karen Miller woke up sore all over. She felt as if she had run a marathon, every muscle aching in a way that made her feel accomplished. But unlike a 5K or other run, her exhaustion was from a different kind of activity. She propped herself up on her elbows, looking down her athletic frame. She was lying in bed, the sunlight streaming over her, illuminating streaks of dried semen. She was covered in it, smears of dried cum covered her stomach and small, pert breasts. She sat up and touched her...

4 years ago
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Delilah AgainChapter 4

When I made it to the kitchen, they were both there, both in pinafore aprons over their nude bodies. L ... Enid ... had her back to me, the marks of the whip vivid. I thought there was some swelling, too. “Good morning?” Yes, there was a question in my mind as well as my voice. They both turned to face me. Sally mimed a kiss before saying, “Good morning, Master Jerry.” Enid, though, took a couple of steps toward me and fell to her knees, head down and wrists crossed in front of...

2 years ago
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Cynthia MartinChapter 35

The next morning Cindy stretched and wriggled her body on the bed. It had been one of the most wonderful nights of her life with Dan. Now her quiet movement was all it took to awaken him. He leaned over and kissed her warmly and then with increasing passion. When they separated he asked, "And how would my bride-to-be like to make love this morning?" She reached for his cock and balls and found that he had his usual massive erection and his scrotum seemed to be full. She looked at him and...

3 years ago
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Kansas City Rendezvous Slut in Heat Day 2

When I woke up at around five in the morning, I rolled over and kissed Barb on her neck a few times and she moaned a bit. She repositioned herself to face me then said, “I’m going to be a total slut today. I want as much cock and pussy as possible after I get some more sleep!” I whispered that she should go back to sleep since I was going to work out for a while then I took a hot shower before heading down to the fitness center next to the pool.  As I walked through the lobby, it was devoid of...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Audrey Royal 05092017

With two strong claps of his hands, one of the world’s biggest Bulls summons his private dancer for some entertainment. His name? Mandingo. Hers? Audrey Royal. She’s a Jordanian slut who loves entertaining well-hung black men. Audrey enters the room in her purple Bedleh, her face covered by a veil…while her fingers gently tap on the Zills. “Dingo” holds off as long as he can as he enjoys her show, but soon he’s standing and Audrey is naked and on her knees,...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Lara Frost Bendy Babe Goes Balls Deep

Hands On Hardcore is excited to reveal naughty newcomer Mira Biliss to our members. Trust us when we say that she’s the sexy blonde Ukrainian stunner that’s been missing from your life. This slim framed sexaholic will first blow your mind with a sizzling striptease in the bedroom before she invites her man, Nikolas, over to pound her pussy gape and asshole out. This bendy babe’s orgasmic performance will turn you into an instant fan as you watch her being ass fucked in...

2 years ago
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My Awakening Part 2

Sunday is Church day in our house. My mother is a devout Catholic and she cleared the house on every Sunday except once each month when we all spent the weekend away from each other. Everybody went to service and that included my dad. We could dress as casual as we wanted so I normally just tossed on my jeans, a top and some tennis shoes. Today, I was feeling my sexual awakening. I decided to wear my naughty panties. When I put on my black thong panties and looked at myself in the mirror, all...

1 year ago
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The Silencers DaughterChapter 5

Lilly and Raven headed off towards the elevator laughing and joking. "Where do you want to go? What would you like to see?" "I don't know, what is there to see?" "Well there are twenty-two levels we can visit. The other twenty are restricted to member personnel only. Of the twenty-two, fourteen of them are offices. Once you have seen one office you have seen them all. That leaves eight: There is a fitness center that covers all of level twelve, a hospital on level three where we are...

4 years ago
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New FriendsChapter 6

Our last minute change of plans had us heading to Leo Carillo State park, which apparently had some pretty nice diving. Thanks to Keira for that one, the park itself wasn't exactly remote or roughing it. There was a camp shop and all the facilities that while appreciated, in my opinion sort of took away from the whole experience. There were some back country tracks that we could walk up as well but I figured I would probably spend most of my time exploring the kelp beds and maybe doing some...

3 years ago
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Volunteering Reward The Picnic Part 2

Having volunteered to work at a Soup Kitchen, which resulted inBeing rewarded by another volunteer Julie for jumping her car, with an incredible blowjob. Which when I would recall the scenario over in my head caused my prick to respond by growing stiff with pulsations.What I briefly remember is her leaning in giving me a view of her ample breasts contained behind her T-Shirt. The hot breath momentarily on my cock before her lips engaged it Her grasping, squeezing, stroking my cock slowly up and...

3 years ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 15

MOUNTAIN CITY Tarifa sat on the edge of Aihola's bed, her eyes gazing on her new Drow lover and Mistress as the sun began to creep up in the horizon and cast light into the small window. Aihola's face was quite peaceful as she slept, her soft pink lips open slightly as she breathed. Tarifa remembered vividly the taste and texture of those wonderful lips as they had kissed her passionately and explored her body. Tarifa shifted her eyes and watched the rise and fall of her chest, Aihola's...

1 year ago
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Time MachineChapter 3

Over the next few days I pondered the options I had. Obviously there were many things I could do. What I needed first was funding, of course. I didn't mind having to work part time as a teacher, but the work after school, correcting essays and tests and preparing for class and so on took a lot of time away from my invention and my work on improving it. But most of all, it took a lot of time from my travels. I remembered reading somewhere about someone who had been transported back to the...

2 years ago
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Bully is HUNG

I had been attending public school for around 3 weeks, and there was a boy named Sean who picked on just about everyone besides his 3 to 4 friends. He looked intimidating he was tall, had black hair (skinhead) and was well built. I despised this asshole he would always call me “ginger” and slap me on the back of the head. The only thing I had over him was intelligence; he was a retard and would only be in school twice a week as the other 3 days he went out with his uncle to help re furbish...

3 years ago
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Teen Girls Facial

Even my first facial was something out of the blue, a dream cumming for the old man standing in his open doorway, having a wank, just as I happened to walk by. Call it impulsive or intuitive, it happened, and in such impressive style, and to this day, I can still feel the force, smell and warmth, my first dollop of virgin semen creaming my teenage face, not once, but an incredible five times, of powerful ejaculate, ending with my mouth full of his circumcised bulbous knob end, his glans trapped...

3 years ago
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Horny Mom Seduced In Sauna

Hi people this I my second story in iss. Thank you everyone for the response of the first story, please keep sending me your comments in the email , this story is about how my mom fucked me in the sauna. I live in a family of three , my dad,my mom and me. My dad is a businessman so he out for work day and nights because of which my mom is left alone. Coming to my mom, she is 40 years and has an awesome figure. Her stats are 38-30-38. She has whitish tone of body colour. My mom is modern type so...

2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part 9

"Good- evening," Janet said, checking her watch as Ellie walked through the door. "Making sure it is still evening and not early tomorrow morning." "Hilarious," Ellie snorted as she dropped her handbag on the coffee table and flopped down onto the sofa. "It's only, what, 8pm?" "And you're only, what, seventeen?" Janet replied, before smiling sympathetically. "Though in fairness, when I was seventeen, 8pm was early too, heh. And a lot earlier than you'll be back tomorrow, though...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Macey Jade Macey Gets Freaky

Today we have the lovely Macey Jade here to meet Preston for the first time. She saw an ad online that we needed some new sexy girls for porn videos, and she felt like she fit the job description. We couldn’t agree more. Her big tits and nice ass speak for themselves. She shows off her amazing body and gives Preston an amazing blowjob. She rubs her tits all over his dick and then he fucks her like never before. He really likes this girl, teasing her with some soft and passionate strokes...


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