His Daddy s Car Part one of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 6 Sunday
- 4 years ago
- 35
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Bobby awoke to a surprise. He wasn’t surprised that he found himself spooning with Patty, but he was surprised when he rolled away from her to get out of bed, his right hand was tied to hers with the belt from her robe.
Her groggy voice greeted him, “You’re not getting away from me this morning buster.” She rolled over on top of him and buried her face against his neck.
“If I promise to come back after using the bathroom will you untie me?” he laughed.
“No, but I’ll untie my side. Let the belt around your wrist remind you of your promise to return.”
She released the knot from her wrist and rolled back to her side of the bed.
When Bobby returned, she pulled him on top of her and whispered in his ear, “Let’s make a baby.”
She loved his immediate and enthusiastic compliance with her request.
When Patty eventually rolled off Bobby, she captured the belt still tethered to his wrist, and pulled on it until he was once again spooning against her.
“I could get used to keeping you on a short leash, especially when in our bedroom,” she sighed.
Bobby nuzzled the back of her neck, “It would eliminate the need for the physical attachment surgery you were contemplating on Friday.”
“Oh, I haven’t given up on that idea yet,” she cooed.
Patty rolled over to face Bobby. “Based upon some of the stories we read last night I learned something new about you.”
“What did you learn about me, or should I ask?”
She reached down between their bodies and let her hand indicate the subject matter of her recent education. “You, Buster, are obviously better endowed than the average man.”
Enjoying her touch, Bobby reminded her, “The same stories often had all the women with 36DDD breasts, so you need to take the perception of ‘average’ with a grain of salt.”
Patty smiled, “Well, I have no real-life experience to compare you too, but the average man was almost always described as being around seven inches long. You’ve got that beat by quite a bit. I’m just glad that you’re mine.”
Leaning down and capturing one of her nipples with his lips, Bobby was still able to voice his response, “I’m glad you’re mine too PattyKat.”
“Okay, we need to stop now,” she said as she started untying the belt from Bobby’s wrist. “JR needs to get in the shower before school and I need to feed my men a hearty breakfast.”
“I need to limit myself to coffee this morning,” Bobby told her. “I have a session scheduled with one of the Physical Training instructors at the base and you definitely want an empty stomach when you have Air Force PT.”
Patty replaced the belt on her robe and finished tying it. “Okay, you go ahead and start your shower while I get JR up and coffee going. Be back in a minute.”
Bobby admired her movements as she left the bedroom before he pulled himself out of bed and headed to the shower.
Patty’s parents were already in the kitchen drinking coffee when she led JR’s sleepy body in to join them.
“What would you like for breakfast JR?” asked his grandma.
“Sleep,” moaned JR.
Patty mussed his hair, “You’ll survive. You’re only waking up fifteen minutes earlier than normal for a school day, and the shower you’ll take after breakfast will make you feel much better. Why don’t you have some cereal and fruit? That will be quick and easy.”
JR went to the pantry to get cereal. “Where’s Dad? He doesn’t get to sleep in does he?”
Patty poured a cup of coffee for Bobby. “No, he’s already taking his shower, but after the wonderful day he showed both of us yesterday, would you really begrudge him if he did decide to sleep in this morning?”
A look of embarrassment came over JR’s face, “I’m sorry, of course not. I just miss him.”
Patty picked up the coffee she had poured and started back towards the stairs. “I miss him too. I’ll take some coffee to him and hurry him along. Don’t wait for him though. Go ahead and finish your breakfast and then head for your own shower. You’ll see your dad before he leaves. I promise.”
JR prepared his breakfast as Patty left the kitchen. When he sat down with his grandparents, he remembered that he had something to ask them. “Grandpa, grandma, would it be okay if Joey and I built a treehouse out back? Dad said he would help us, and Uncle Jason would probably help too.”
His grandpa chuckled, “Tell you what. After school, why don’t you and Joey come get me and we’ll scope out some trees that might be good for a treehouse? As long as we pick one that isn’t diseased or too weak to support your construction, I think we can say yes.”
Bobby was out of the shower and shaving when Patty brought him his coffee.
She kissed the back of his neck. “JR is playing at being sleep deprived this morning, but he’s eating his breakfast right now.”
Bobby smiled at her in the mirror. “Threaten him with having to take a nap later and see if he changes his tune.”
She giggled, “Have you been reading “Dad for Dummies” or some other how-to book for fathers?”
Rinsing his razor, Bobby told her, “Just because you didn’t know me when I was ten doesn’t mean I wasn’t that age once myself. I also had the best Dad in the world to emulate.”
Taking her robe off and turning on the shower, “Well Dad, your son is already claiming to be missing you and wondering where you were, so why don’t you go hustle him through breakfast and into the shower while I get ready myself?”
After cleaning the remaining shaving cream from his face, Bobby told her, “I’m on it. Once I get him in the shower I’ll come back. We have a few things to talk about for today and I’m going to have to head out pretty soon.”
Patty had her head under the water and simply nodded in response.
Bobby finished getting dressed and went to find JR in the kitchen. JR had just finished putting his cereal bowl into the dishwasher when Bobby came up behind him and squeezed his shoulder. “Good morning JR. How’d you sleep?”
Turning to hug his father, JR said, “I was really tired, but it was the best tired I ever felt. Dad, grandpa says he’ll help me and Joey find a good tree for a treehouse.”
“Excellent,” said Bobby. “Once you have the tree selected, then we can start drawing up plans. In the meantime, let me get your mom some coffee and then I’ll escort you to your shower so you don’t get lost along the way.”
“Taking separate showers might be more productive, but it sure isn’t as much fun,” Bobby said as he walked up behind Patty and put her cup of coffee on the bathroom counter.
Turning her to face him, he saw that she hadn’t retied her robe. He put his arms inside the robe as he pulled her body to his and kissed her lips.
Breaking the kiss but keeping contact between their lips she moaned, “You’re preaching to the choir. I almost don’t feel ‘clean’ unless I can get ‘dirty’ with you in the process.”
After a squeeze of her behind, Bobby released her and took a seat on the edge of the tub, “Do you still have the credit card that I gave you on Friday?”
“Okay,” she said as she turned back to the mirror and began drying her hair. “One change of subject on wheat coming right up. Yes, it is inside one of my tennis shoes in the bedroom. Why?”
Speaking up to be heard over the blow dryer, Bobby said, “I doubt that you’ll need it now with Gail Bennet and her team watching you, but why don’t you go ahead and keep it with the rest of your credit cards for a few more days at least.”
Catching his eyes in the mirror she replied, “So it is some sort of tracking device as I suspected?”
Bobby nodded, “Yes. I wanted you to have something when you left the nursing home with your parents in case the Marshals tried to hide you from me before I had made other arrangements to prevent that from happening.”
He continued, “I will need to be in my office today until at least early afternoon, then I can swing by the rental house in Leon Valley, pick up some more clothes and stuff, and then be back here by around 4 PM Will your schedule for the day allow for you to meet with the lawyers this afternoon here at the house? Probably around 3 PM”
Patty turned to face him as she continued drying her hair, “Sure. After taking JR to school I only have a little shopping planned for this morning, and then one or two telephone calls with clients to firm up appointments later in the week. I may have to drop some proofs off to one of them, but even then, I should be home by 2:30 PM at the latest.”
“Is there anything I can do for you while I am in town that would make things easier for you?” Bobby asked.
She gave him a lascivious grin and just shook her head “No.”
Bobby cocked an eyebrow at her, but let her flirtation pass as he said, “With the lawyers, please focus on the personal aspects of your identity before worrying about the financial. Regardless of the name you go by, all of your assets are securely yours. I want JR to see that we are taking steps to make sure that everyone knows he belongs to you and me.”
Nodding she said, “I agree with you, and I had already planned on stopping into the school office with JR when I take him so he could hear and see me getting you added to his records as his father, with full authorization as his legal parent. Plus, I have no doubt that our assets are secure.”
“That brings up another subject that my lawyer is going to broach during your discussions,” he said as he watched to gauge her attention to him. “A pre-nuptial agreement.”
“I have no problem with that,” said Patty.
“My lawyer is the one who has the problem,” replied Bobby. “He may try to get you to take his side in convincing me to not have one.”
Her expression of puzzlement made her response redundant, “I don’t understand.”
Bobby stood, turned off the blow dryer and then took both of her hands into his as he looked into her eyes, “Since I applied for and was granted my first patent almost nine years ago, I have shared everything I own with you. While it has been in name only to this point, it has always been my belief that I am only half of the whole without you, thus I only deserved half of my success if I couldn’t share it with you. From the beginning, my lawyer would tell me that there existed a very real possibility that I would someday make another man’s wife very wealthy. I didn’t care.”
Patty squeezed his hands in hers, but let him continue uninterrupted.
“Community property laws in many States might not respect my desire to ensure you receive half of everything I owned prior to us getting married, so the pre-nuptial agreement I want will guarantee that. It will be unconditional and binding in all fifty States. You can exclude anything of yours that you want, but please respect my wishes to share with you everything that would have been yours naturally if circumstances hadn’t gotten in our way.”
Smiling up at him with misty eyes that radiated her love for him Patty sighed, “Bobby, my promise to fulfill all your desires isn’t limited to the physical. Anything that you desire, and which is mine to give will always be done so willingly and without reservation or regret. Now my business, on the other hand, is another matter.”
Now it was Bobby’s turn to share a puzzled look at her, “In what way?”
Patty placed her hands on his face and smiled up at him as she said, “I don’t want it. I only do it to justify my professional existence as an artist, but things you brought up on our flight home gave me a chance to consider ‘options’. We obviously won’t need the money from my few business clients, and I would rather devote my time and energy to something I am much more passionate about.”
“What would that be?” he asked.
“My husband and my son,” she whispered. “I would like your opinion on homeschooling JR. You and I could do at least as good a job as the local public schools, plus it would allow us to travel with him and open the world up as his classroom.”
Bobby pulled her into his arms and said, “I would support that. I could stand to delegate much more of my work to others, and I like the idea of spending more time with you and JR. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
He released her so she could resume drying her hair, and then added, “One more thing to consider with the lawyers is where your parents are concerned. In all likelihood, the threats that necessitated you all entering the witness protection program will cease to exist later this morning. I’m not sure how this will impact the continued support of your parents and their ability to remain in this house. While the deed is registered in their names, it technically belongs to the U.S. Marshall Service, and they may want to retain it. I’m sure there will be some financial compensation offered to you and your parents, but make sure that they understand that their future plans are not limited by what the government offers them. They do have a very wealthy daughter after all.”
“Are all the men from your planet as wonderful as you?” she giggled at his reflection in the mirror.
He patted her behind and said, “Nope, only those exposed to the rare Earth element ‘PattyKat’. I need to run. I’m going to drive the truck so that I can fit more from the house in a single trip. Do you want me to leave you my keys to the Corvair?”
Patty smiled, shut off the blow dryer and walked into the bedroom. Bobby watched her go to her jewelry box and search for something.
She turned to him holding the purpose of her quest for him to see, and said, “No need. I have my own key.”
Chuckling, Bobby gave her a hug and a kiss as he said, “Have a good day and call me if you need anything. Make sure that Kirby knows your plans so that Gail Bennet and her team are positioned accordingly.”
She kissed him back and said, “I will. Why don’t you call me before you head back from San Antonio in case I think of something that you could pick up at the store on the way home?”
“I’ll do that,” he said as he walked out into the hallway. Instead of going downstairs he turned and headed for JR’s room to see how he was progressing.
JR had just finished making his bed when Bobby stuck his head in the door of his bedroom.
“Hey JR, I’m heading into work and wanted to wish you a good day at school,” he said. “Do me a favor, okay?”
JR went to his dad and hugged him, “Anything Dad.”
Bobby hugged his son back and said, “Your mom will probably drive you to school in the Corvair this morning. Please don’t give her a hard time about sitting in the backseat instead of her seat up front. Okay?”
JR looked up at his dad, smiling as he said, “I have my own seat Dad. The backseat is JR’s and I’ll make sure everybody knows it.”
“You’re the best.” Bobby knelt in front of JR and continued, “I am so proud to have you as my son.”
“And I’m proud to have you as my dad. I can’t wait to tell the kids at school about you,” JR grinned.
Rising, Bobby squeezed JR’s shoulder and said, “Just be careful. Don’t be boastful or insensitive. There may be kids who either don’t have dads, or they don’t live with them. Think about how you used to feel when you were in their shoes.”
JR got a contemplative look on his face and said, “Thanks Dad, I hadn’t thought of that. I sure wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I’ll be careful.”
Bobby patted JR’s shoulder as he was leaving the room saying, “I’m sure you will. I trust you. See you this afternoon.”
As he was walking towards the stairs, Patty opened her bedroom door and pulled him back inside.
“Not so fast buster, I need to check something.” She pushed her hand down the back of his jeans as she smiled up at him. Upon confirming her suspicions, she said, “I’m sure your mom told you to make sure you wear clean underwear, not that you shouldn’t wear any underwear. Am I going to have to start dressing you?”
“Men from my planet require greater ventilation than mere mortals,” Bobby tried to say with a straight face.
“Men from your planet just like to tease us defenseless Earth women,” she giggled as she kissed him and let him go.
Bobby searched out Kirby in the RV on his way to his truck. Finding him at the table in the RV, Bobby sat down and joined him.
“Good morning Kirby,” began Bobby. “Any concerns for today?”
Kirby took a sip of his coffee and replied, “None so far. I spoke with Acosta about an hour ago and he seems to have all identified potential risks wrapped up and in transit to one place or another.”
Bobby nodded and said, “The Attorney General will be holding a press conference at 11 AM our time. I would like for you to watch it. I then would like you to listen in on a conference call that I am going to have an hour later. I’ll text you the details.”
“Not a problem,” said Kirby. “See you this evening?”
As he stood to leave, Bobby answered, “Definitely. I think we’ll have a lot to discuss about the current situation as well as your future.”
Kirby nodded. “I’ll be waiting. Have a good day.”
Bobby paired his cell phone with the hands-free Bluetooth in his truck and made his first call before he had driven through the gate to the house.
“Acosta,” was the clipped response when the call was answered.
“Good morning Rick,” Bobby replied. “Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Hey, Bobby. I got enough to hold me. You want an update on anything in particular or just generalities?”
Bobby thought for a minute before responding, “Specifics on the ‘Circle of Brothers’, generalities on everything else.”
Acosta began, “Ginzburg thought he would be clever and get himself arrested for DUI as a means of ensuring he was safely out of reach. When he used the moist paper towel to wipe the fingerprint ink from his hands during his booking, the neurotoxin was applied. It was quick work from that point to get him transferred to our custody for medical treatment and then transported to the trawler. Ivankov tried hiding out in a lead-lined Cold War-era bomb shelter beneath a bungalow on Catalina Island. Our team got him, along with four more of his guards. They are all on the trawler as well. The guards are ‘messenger’ material, but Ivankov and Ginzburg are awaiting your directions. Butorin and Mikhailov were confident that their assault teams would find and deal with Ivankov and Ginzburg, so they took no extraordinary precautions and were easy pickings. Both are in transit to Guantanamo and should be arriving by the time of the AG’s press conference.”
“Good work,” Bobby told him. “How many ‘messengers’ do we have in total?”
“Fifteen,” said Acosta.
“I’ll e-mail you delivery details for them in about an hour. Are Ivankov and Ginzburg ready to play their roles?”
“They are physically ready right now. I have a few more incentives left to provide them to ensure that they are mentally prepared,” Acosta replied.
“Good,” Bobby said. “Let me know when you’re ready with them. Is everything still on schedule for Odessa?”
“Everything is still a go.”
Bobby tried to think if there was anything else he needed to know right then. “Okay Rick, I guess that’s it for now. Check back with me after the press conference if you can. Bye.”
Ivankov and Ginzburg were lying on the deck of a ship, each on opposite sides of an open hatch. They had been placed there, on their stomachs while paralyzed and forced to watch the scenes below them as men they knew and didn’t know were systematically tortured and disfigured. What they saw presently was merely a heap of moaning bodies.
Their paralysis had subsided hours ago, but they were bound to the deck in a manner that left them just as immobile as if they were still drugged. All their captures wore ski masks, and the ones working on the men below wore heavy rubber-coated aprons to keep the blood off their clothes.
They heard men approaching on the deck, but could not turn their heads to watch. As their bonds to the deck were released, each was dragged to his feet and led down steps into the bowels of the ship. They were led into a room with two wooden chairs and what appeared to be an operating table. As each was secured to one of the wooden chairs, they noticed a chainsaw sitting on the floor next to the door they had entered through. Two of the men left, but another man entered and took their place. There were now three men in the room besides Ivankov and Ginzburg. Once the door was closed and latched, the latest man spoke.
“How are my two favorite cowards this morning?” he asked.
Ivankov and Ginzburg just stared.
The new man looked to the other two guards and asked, “They still have their tongues, don’t they?”
Both of the other men just laughed in response.
“So,” he continued to address his prisoners, “Since you still have the ability to speak, I will assume you still have the ability to hear.”
He bent, picked up the chainsaw and placed it onto the operating table. “The question of whether you want to live or die is not one either of you can answer. It has already been decided for you, as you were informed yesterday. What each of you can decide is whether you want your wives and children to experience what you watched your colleagues experience all evening.”
Pictures were placed in front of each bound man and positioned so that they could not help but see what they portrayed.
“Your families are currently on another ship, very similar to this one. As you can see, they are sitting in a hold just like the one your colleagues are in on this ship. Now, I need a simple yes or no response from each of you to the following question; do you want your family members to be permanently blinded, tortured and disfigured?”
He approached Ginzburg first, “Well Comrade Ginzburg, what is your answer?”
“No,” croaked Ginzburg’s hoarse voice.
He stepped in front of Ivankov and asked the same question.
“No,” was the repeated response from a voice no less shaky than Ginzburg’s.
“Excellent,” Acosta said from beneath his mask. “Now, the next question is what price you would be willing to pay to prevent your families from experiencing the same fate as the men on this ship.”
Remaining in front of Ivankov he said, “I need to be certain that you both understand your situation. While you will be delivered to the Attorney General’s office in Los Angeles this morning, you are not under arrest. You will not face civil criminal charges, and you will not be afforded legal counsel. You have both been declared enemy combatants against the United States of America and are therefore not entitled to any Constitutional protections under civilian law. The Assistant Attorney General will detail the expectations for your cooperation, and you will continue to meet those expectations or your families will suffer the consequences. You should know that our objectives are the total elimination of any Russian mafia operations within the borders of the United States.”
Making certain that Ivankov had eye contact with him, Acosta asked, “Do you understand what I have told you Comrade Ivankov?”
Moving back to Ginzburg, “Do you understand what I have told you, Comrade Ginzburg?”
“Fine,” said Acosta. “You will be transported via helicopter to the Federal Building within the hour. There, the expectations I mentioned will be explained to you. You will then be transported directly to the Guantanamo Naval Base prison, where you will remain until either a military tribunal is convened, or your usefulness to our objective has ceased. The longer you cooperate, the longer you will live. Your families will be deported to Russia, but they will all be implanted with tracking devices that will enable us to find them should your actions at any time in the future be viewed as a threat to the United States.”
Patty was somewhat surprised when she told JR to take his backpack out to the car and he immediately ran and jumped into the backseat of Bobby’s Corvair.
“Did you and your dad discuss your ride to school this morning,” she asked as she climbed behind into the driver’s seat.
“Maybe,” JR replied with a giggle.
Patty adjusted the seat and mirrors and then looked back at her son. “Thank you, JR.,”
Patty drove down the street to the Reid’s house and waited until she saw Gail Bennet and her husband signal her to proceed. Patty followed Gail and her husband down the street, with Frances and Joey in the car behind them. Frances was followed by another couple from Gail’s team.
“Mom,” JR said to get Patty’s attention.
Looking at him in the rear-view mirror she responded, “Yes JR?”
“Now that Dad’s back, are you guys going to have any more kids?”
Patty smiled and told him, “We’re not doing anything to prevent it. Why, do you want a brother or sister?”
JR nodded and said, “I would prefer a sister I think.”
“Why is that? You’re always complaining about the girls at school,” she said.
JR explained his thinking by saying, “Joey is almost the same as a brother, and I think that a big brother taking care of a little sister sounds kinda cool.”
Patty beamed with her pride for her son, “We’ll see what we can do JR.”
The remainder of the trip to the boys’ school was uneventful. Frances dropped Joey off at the curb and headed to work at the hospital followed by one of the couples while Patty parked and walked into the office with JR. Gail and her husband waited for her in the parking lot. Patty went to the counter and asked for a new signature card for JR’s records. Bobby had always been listed as JR’s father in the records, but his signature would need to be on file for comparison if he ever needed to sign him out or write him a note. JR mouthed the words, “Thank you” to his mom, and headed off to his class. After JR left, Patty asked to speak with someone who could provide details and requirements for homeschooling.
Since the shopping she wanted to do involved stores at the mall that wouldn’t open until 10 AM., Patty decided to head back home to brief her parents on the pending meeting with the lawyers that afternoon. She spent almost an hour explaining what Bobby had told her about the threats against them being eliminated and what this could mean to their future residence. She also made sure they understood that she and Bobby’s financial situation provided them almost unlimited options on where they could live. She wanted them to have a few hours to digest things and prepare questions while the lawyers were there, and they seemed to appreciate that consideration.
At 9:30 AM, she got back into the Corvair, picked up her escort at the Reid’s house, and drove straight to NorthStar mall. That was the location of the closest Victoria’s Secret store she could find.
Bobby watched on the television as the Attorney General of the United States approached the podium in the White House Press Room.
As the reporters quieted, the AG began his prepared statement, “I have a brief statement and then I will take your questions. Under current U.S. law, domestic terrorism is defined as acts that are dangerous to human life and which are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. As of this morning, there is a Presidential Finding which states that organized crime activity conducted by foreign nationals either within the borders of the United States or targeting our citizens meets the definition of domestic terrorism...”
Bobby didn’t need to hear the rest of the prepared statement, but he was interested in the questions that the reporters would ask afterward. These were what he knew he would need to be prepared to address on his call at the top of the hour.
Patty’s cell phone rang as she was returning to her car at the mall. The number didn’t have a caller ID associated with it, but she recognized it because Bobby had asked her not to enter his name in her directory.
“Hi! I love hearing from you during the day,” she said as she answered.
“Right back at you PattyKat. I have the appointment for you with the lawyers confirmed for this afternoon at 3 PM Is that still good for you?”
Patty looked at her watch. It wasn’t even noon yet. “Sure, I only have a couple of more stops to make and then I’ll be home. What would you like for dinner?”
“You probably won’t believe this,” Bobby said, “but I’ve been craving your tuna casserole for more than 10 years. Do you still know how to make that?”
“Excellent choice,” she said. “JR has been asking for that lately too. Consider it done.”
“By the way,” she continued, “JR has placed his request for us to provide him with a baby sister. Do your superpowers include selective gender determination of your offspring?”
Bobby laughed, “Sorry, but I flunked sex chromosome manipulation in superpower school.”
“Bobby, you never failed at a thing in your life, so I have complete confidence that you will give both me and your son the girl that we want,” she chided.
A tapping at the bedroom door woke Bobby. Katie was beside him and apparently was able to remain asleep. Bobby was feeling mischievous, so he said “Come in” in a voice loud enough for JR to hear him through the door. Katie opened her eyes just as JR stepped into the room. She was still curled up next to Bobby with her head on his chest, and it took her a minute to register the situation. When she did, she promptly reached under the covers and pinched Bobby in a spot that he would remember...
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Her first sight of JR was his crestfallen expression as he watched her back out of her garage on Wednesday morning and then drive away without even acknowledging his wave. She had arrived home the previous evening around eleven o’clock and purposely done everything she could to hide her arrival from him. Had he not been on his patio when her garage door had started to open, he probably wouldn’t have heard her leaving. She felt that their pending conversation would require more than the few...
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ROCKIE:I will be getting home earlier than expected. Do you have a class or studying to do? JR:I have a final in Philosophy at eleven this morning, but I should be home by two. What time will you be home? ROCKIE:I can go home anytime I want, but I could also spend a few hours running some errands. I should be home by the time you get there. JR:You know what sounds good after a long road trip? Lounging in my hot tub. Are you up for that? We can sit and talk until our skin becomes macerated,...
“Are you sure that dress is a good idea?” asked Cile. Katie smiled mischievously at her cousin in the dresser mirror as she adjusted the straps of the white Gothic Angel Dress. From the front, the straps looked like normal spaghetti-type straps in the flattering, satiny A-Line dress. The back of the straps had white feathers affixed to resemble angel wings over each of her shoulder blades. The hem of the dress that stopped about four inches above her knees and the long slit up the right side...
Bobby chose a different route to get to the baseball practice the next day. Avoiding the chance of getting that song into his mind again was one reason; trying to avoid the trip down memory lane that started yesterday was another. He needn’t have worried about the song - other thoughts distracted him. Other than singular events like baseball practice or work, Bobby couldn’t remember having, or even wanting an individual identity once he had met Patty. Everything that mattered to him was...
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” said Tyler, “but isn’t Katie’s risk pretty much isolated to California? If she no longer lived there, the chance of her ever being identified as the Shoreline Angel would be effectively eliminated, wouldn’t it?” The assembled group, which consisted of Tyler, Katie, Bobby, Patty, JR, Rockie, Jason, Franc, Cile and Joey, all sat around the large conference table in the communications room located in the safe house downstairs. While the assembled adults ate Danish and...
“The Israelis don’t mess around, do they?” Tyler said. “It’s better to be respected and feared than admired and revered,” Bobby said. Within eighteen hours of the President of the United States speaking with the Prime Minister of Israel, Emily Fredette had been apprehended by agents of the Mossad. Three hours after that all members of the Sororibus had been instructed by the Matriarch to do whatever was necessary to recall the feminine hygiene products tainted with the nanobots. Cile and...
Tyler waited until the Bluetooth connection in his car had disengaged before answering the call. “Hi, Katie. Are you okay?” “I’m fine. We just landed in Phoenix. Tyler, is everything okay with you?” “Sure, why wouldn’t it be?” “I don’t know. I just got these weird feelings about halfway through the flight here that made me think you were ... I don’t know, fearful is the best way I can describe it. Did something happen?” Fearful. Apprehensive. Concerned. All would have been appropriate...
“I don’t know where we are going, but your mom said to ‘dress to impress’ and your aunt implied that this was a regular event for them on Thanksgiving, so you tell me, where have they usually gone?” JR continued watching as Rockie applied make-up and styled her hair in his bathroom. The activities probably wouldn’t be as impactful if she wasn’t doing them while wearing matching pale pink panties with no bra and sheer black stockings. The red dress that she was waiting to slip on had made...
The valet opened her door in front of the Loew’s Ventana Canyon Resort just before eight o’clock at night. The traffic had consisted mostly of semi-trucks, and JR had explained that by taking Interstate 8 instead of Interstate 10 through Phoenix, they had bypassed the rush-hour traffic there. She inspected the exterior of the hotel as JR helped the bellman load their bags onto a cart. They didn’t need all their luggage, but it was better to take it all in rather than leave anything in the...
Rockie stepped into the room and turned to address Jasper, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know how much of a gratuity is appropriate. Can you tell me?” “I’ve already been taken care of, Miss Preston, but thank you. Please enjoy your stay.” The bellman handed her the card key, stepped back into the hallway and closed the door. Rockie walked into the room and realized that this was a multi-level suite. The first level consisted of a large living room area with a fire burning in the fireplace, a...
The Rockie that greeted JR when he opened his front door the next morning was a different woman. While he had recognized that the woman he had met and spent so much time with yesterday was pretty, the version on his porch this morning was radiantly stunning. There were subtle changes that by themselves would not have been that significant, but on a whole, they had transformed her. There was the obvious application of makeup, really just a conservative application of mascara that accentuated...
“November Two Four Five Eight Bravo, turn south to 180 and climb to 1500 feet.” “Roger. November Two Four Five Eight Bravo turning south to 180 degrees and climbing to 1500 feet,” JR acknowledge to the flight controller routing his departure from John Wayne airport. His flight plan into Stinson Field outside of San Antonio was predominantly eastbound, but departures today out or Orange County had planes taking off towards the west, which is why he was now being directed to start the turns...
Rockie giggled as her garage door began opening at the touch of a button on the remote control. She had forgotten how nice it was to park her car in the garage, but before the door had opened far enough to allow her to pull in, she heard JR honking at her from his car. He had followed her home from the dealership where it had only taken a few minutes for the sales agent to give her a tour of the vehicle and its features before handing her two key fobs. The new car didn’t use traditional...
Rockie and JR had gotten into a routine of meeting on his patio each morning after he returned from surfing and before she left for work. He had given her a spare key to his front door so she would bring her computer bag and everything she needed for work over to his condo and drink a glass of juice while waiting for him to arrive. Their kisses were still relatively platonic, but they were occurring more frequently and were no longer just being delivered by her. She couldn’t talk him into...
“I think ‘our’ bed should be a double,” whispered Rockie as she nuzzled against JR’s neck. “I would prefer a twin-size, but that would be too greedy of me.” He had just awakened next to her in his bedroom. She had apparently been awake a while longer since she was more fully aware of their surroundings than he was. “You don’t like the king-sized bed at the condo?” he asked groggily. “You have too much room to get away from me in that bed. I like you being confined more like you are in...
Patty was already awake when she felt Bobby remove the knotted belt from his wrist and gingerly slip out of their bed. She smiled as she lay perfectly still, letting him believe her to be asleep. He had mastered his technique of escape years before, and while she knew he knew that she knew what he was doing, it was a game they continued to play and enjoy. He had started soon after his daughter Kathryn Frances had been born as a way for him to cover her nighttime feedings without disturbing...
Introduction: Ive decided not to state the ages of the young girls in this story. This is to allow the tastes of the reader to fill in the blanks with their own preferences. As I wrote this, I found myself re-editing it several times, but eventually you need to just accept that a piece is finished, and share it. This chapter has alot more speaking and less actual sex than the first to parts did, but I think it builds nicely on what has already happened, and sets the scene for part 4. enjoy....
Sleeping naked together was everything that Katie and Tyler had imagined. Waking up naked together exceeded their expectations and required very little imagination for either of them. “Someday, and I mean some day real soon, we’re going to have to devote an entire day to simply being in bed together,” Katie said as she reluctantly rolled herself away from Tyler’s sweat covered body. “Today is ‘some day’,” Tyler teased. Katie giggled at his response and rose to stand beside the bed, “Yes,...
Rockie tied the apron that Patty had handed her around her waist and said, “I hope you’re not making a mistake asking me to help with preparing food. JR’s a better cook than me.” Patty smile at her reassuringly and said, “Where do you think he learned? It’s actually better to share the duties with someone who wants to learn rather than with someone who thinks they know what to do…” “Well, I certainly don’t have the first clue what to do, but I am very willing to learn.” “Good. Can you...
Rockie sat with her coffee at the dining room table, reviewing the specifications for the standard Mercedes AMG GT C Roadster. She saw that the handcrafted four-liter engine was bi-turbocharged, claimed to accelerate from zero to sixty in three point six seconds, had active rear-wheel steering and dynamically enhanced handling. It looked like it would be a really fun car to drive. She would find out soon enough. Switching to the satellite imagery being fed to her directly from the NSA,...
“I believe the accepted term is still ‘mulatto’,” said JR’s dad. JR’s family had been joined for an early dinner by Joey, Cile and his aunt Franc and uncle Jason. Each had just taken a turn looking at the picture of Rockie in the blue dress. Joey had repeated his observation that JR had neglected to mention that his new girlfriend was African-American. “She’s beautiful,” Franc observed. “She kind of reminds me of Vanessa Williams, when she won the Miss America Pageant in the early...
“I know her,” Claire told her partners as soon as she walked up to the small conference table they were sharing. “You know who?” asked Dennis. “The clerk at Tiffany’s,” Claire answered. “I thought that ‘Teme’ was an uncommon first name for a girl, and I had only known one other girl with that same name, so I did some digging through public records on Sunday and found out that she is the same Teme that I know. She is still using her married name even though her divorce was final last...
“Do you want to come with me when I go pick up Katie?” JR asked. She was sitting on his lap in a chair in the family room. Patty had told her to relax for a couple of hours before she would be needed to help mash potatoes and finish the other side dishes for their meal. “I would love to, but that will be when your mom expects me to be here to help her,” Rockie said. “You know that she really doesn’t need any help, right?” “That’s not the point. She asked me to help so I am going to. I am...
“Oh, my handicap is off the chart,” Katie said in a mocking tone. “Yeah, Cutie, zero is definitely off the chart.” JR and Rockie were laughing as they helped Tyler load the golf bags into the back of Patty’s SUV. Katie feigned annoyance at being bested by Tyler on the nine holes that the four had just played, but anyone who saw her face every time Tyler hit the golf ball could see the pride in her expression. Tyler walked to the rear passenger door and opened it for Katie. She kissed him...
“Does she sleep with you”? Tyler asked. “No. In fact, she seldom likes to be in the house at all. She has a bed in the garage that she usually prefers, but since she hasn’t seen me for so long, this is an exception.” Tyler had to admit, even as much as he liked dogs already, this little girl had won his heart immediately. According to Katie, she was a mix between a Cirneco del Etna and a Boxer that Katie had rescued from the shelter in Orange County where she volunteered and brought her...
Katie had to use her cellphone to activate the garage door opener from the SSR since she hadn’t brought her extra remote on the trip. She’d get it out of the kitchen and put it in the truck in the morning. Right now, she just wanted to get in the condo and ready for bed so that she could place the promised call to Tyler. Watching the garage door raise, she smiled at the position of her other truck. Tyler had kept his promise and moved it to the far side of the garage, just as she had...
Unsere sexuellen Eskapaden blieben weiterhin geheim.Niemand schöpfte verdacht oder kam dahinter , welches verbotene Spiel zwischen mir und Anna ablief.Langsam aber sicher bekam ich mit wie die anderen Jungs über Sie redeten.Ich konnte es nur zu gut verstehen.Wer konnte dieser Frau überhaupt widerstehen ?Umgeben von unzähligen triebigen Jungen männern.Es war ihre strenge authoritäre Erscheinung die alle auf Abstand hielten.Aber insgeheim wollte jeder von diesem heissen Kuchen naschen.Was ich...
“You made all of these arrangements yesterday morning?” Tyler asked. He saw Katie nodding her response before she verbalized it over their video call. As she had promised him last night, she had called him this morning as soon as she had gotten dressed and ready for her meeting with the owners of the vehicle she had hoped to buy. “Sure, but I had some help from my mom. While I was making arrangements with the sellers to show me the SSR, my mom started routing out my course back to California...
“Thank you, but I think any mystery that existed is lost now,” Katie said in a groggy voice, her eyes barely open. She was responding to Tyler pulling the tail of his ‘former’ shirt down to cover her naked and exposed derriere when he had gotten out of bed to use the bathroom. His stirring had brought her to a semi-awake state, but the feel of him repositioning her garment made her consciously smile at his attempt to protect her modesty. Based upon what other women had told her about guys...
Rockie felt like a chauffeur with both girls sitting in the backseat of Patty’s Honda while she drove. Even though she trusted that Katie knew the way to the mall that they wanted to shop at, she programmed it into the GPS just in case. Katie and Cile were jabbering and giggling in the back seat, so Rockie wouldn’t have been surprised if they forgot to give her a critical direction at some point. “How old were you when you got your ears pierced?” asked Cile. “I was fifteen,” Rockie told...
“How fast are we going?” Rockie squealed. Glancing at the speedometer, JR responded, “About one hundred and two miles per hour.” “It feels faster,” she said. “This is exciting.” “Compared to the rest of our boring morning?” he said with a grin. “That wasn’t exciting. That was the most terrifying experience of my life. I thought that they were going to arrest you. First, those fake Border Patrol agents, and then the real police. Your calm confidence in any situation amazes me. Can you...
The next morning Beth and I had woke up around 11am. I told her that she needed to come to my house tuesday afternoon after school. Remembering that daddy said I was to follow my instructions and so far I had. Thinking back to last night playing with Beth and actually letting Rex lick and fuck me. I really didn't think that having a dog fuck me was going to excitie me as much as it did. As much as i had fun my mind kept going to daddy. I love him and i love being with him and I missed him. I...
Introduction: This is for all those incest lovers out there. I love it myself and i honestly do not care if you dislike it or not. Please comment and tell me what you think! Thank you for reading and ENJOY <,3 It all started when i was real young. I had developed way faster than the other kids. I weighed 90 pounds and was about 52. I had already started my period and My breasts were now C cups.Yea, i was developed look wise, but i haddent done anything close to sexual. I had kissed one or two...
Introduction: kitten lust after her daddy When I was a kid I would sneak peeks at my daddy from the time I was 4 till I reached my early teen years. I always wondering about our differences and why I wasnt built the same way. Now its my birthday today and all I can think about is my daddy and he makes me tingle in places I am just learning about. I would wake up with my panties soaked and a stickiness that would coat my virgin pussy. I laid in bed and stroked between my legs amazed about the...
“Do you go to a local church?” JR finished his fifth taco before replying, “I don’t attend anyplace regularly. If I hear of a sermon or program that sounds interesting, I will check it out. For example, Christ Church by the Sea will have a nationally renowned Pastor named Bernie Calaway speaking at their service Sunday morning, so I’ll probably try to go hear him. What about you?” She shook her head and said, “No. I didn’t have any religious education while growing up. My faith and...
His parents had retired to their bedroom by the time that he and Katie had finished saying goodnight. She had insisted on showing him all the art, book reports and other school work that she had done since the last time he had been home. He patiently sat with her hopping off and on his lap to retrieve one thing after another for his review and approval. Katie had never been satisfied with anyone else’s approval except JR’s, and she had a large stockpile of items to share with him. When he...
“Is the event at the Taronga Zoo next week the one you had mentioned wanting to take the kids to?” “Is it the twenty-ninth of January next Saturday?” asked JR. “Boy this year if flying by.” Rockie reached across the dining room table and squeezed her husband’s hand, “Yes, Cutie, and don’t pretend that you forgot. You have been talking about surprising Jimmy and Jamie with the new animal encounter area of the zoo since we made the donation that finalized the funding for it. The weather...
I wake up and its Monday ... Yuck school so i get up and shower and get ready. As I walk into the kitchen daddy is sitting there and says "good morning princess, did you sleep good"."Oh yes daddy you helped me sleep very well." I say as I walk over and kiss his lips and push my tongue in his mouth. As I kiss him I hear the front door open n think shit she has the worst timing. I turn to open the fridge to get some milk and fruit for breakfast as mom walks in and says hello. We both say hello as...
The lead-in for a song that Rockie faintly recognized began playing and the lights in the main room faded. As everyone’s attention turned to the stage, the legs of a woman appeared from the ceiling and her body began lowering down a pole to the stage itself. As soon as her feet touched the stage, the lyrics for the Jessica Simpson song, “Come on Over” began. Rockie realized that the song selection was intentional, because the blonde woman now strutting around the stage wearing Daisy Duke...
“I’ll be back to pick you up at noon,” JR said as he opened her door at the curb in front of the employee entrance. “If you think of anything that you forgot to pack, text me and I’ll bring it with me.” Rockie rose out of her seat and stood to hug him, “I’m pretty sure that I have everything, but I’ll let you know if anything comes to mind. I can’t wait to get started.” “Me too. Have a good morning.” They kissed quickly, and she hurried into the building. JR climbed back into his car and...
Watching Rockie stroll down the sidewalk towards the walkway that led to her condo, JR noticed that the sun was still relatively high in the western sky. He closed the door and returned to the kitchen where a glance at the clock on the microwave confirmed that it was not even six o’clock yet. There were at least two hours before sunset. He put any food items that required refrigeration away but left the rest of the clean-up for later. He could finish that after sunset, but he couldn’t clean...
JR turned and saw flashing blue lights on a white and green SUV that was racing to catch them. He recognized it as a Border Patrol vehicle, which was common in this area. “It looks like it, but it’s the Border Patrol so you’re not being pulled over for any traffic violations. There’s the next exit in about a quarter of a mile. Turn your right blinker on, take the exit as before, but pull over to the shoulder as soon as you can.” “I’m scared,” she admitted. “I’ve been pulled over by the...
“Are you sure that you’re not upset about me having left?” “How… can… you… even… speak… right… now?” Rockie giggled with her head on JR’s chest as his gasping words denoted his need to recover from their lovemaking. “I let you do all the hard work and then enjoy the fruits of your labor,” she teased. She considered that her body lying on top of his chest would impede his ability to catch his breath as easily as he would with her off him, but the feeling of him inside her wasn’t something...
“You said to come over whenever I was ready,” said Rockie with a big grin on her face. She couldn’t ignore the warmth she was feeling in her heart at the sight of JR’s sleep-filled eyes, drowsy expression and hair that was more disheveled from sleeping than she had ever seen it in the daytime. He really was touching her in ways that she had never experienced before with anyone. “You’re doing this on purpose,” he grumbled sleepily. “Of course, I am,” she admitted. “Do you think I would...
Introduction: This is a true story about my first sexual experience and how my life has continued. I understand it may not be pleasing to every reader, but to those who have experienced it……..enjoy! I was 10 years old and grew up in a very small town in the Bible Belt. My step-dad was tall, thin and had dark curly hair. He wore cut-off denim shorts and from time to time they were cut very short. My sister and I would giggle when we saw his cock and balls fall out of the leg of his shorts. He...
Introduction: This was inspired by some real life roleplay Ive done. id like to make THIS happen, as I havent gotten this far and fantastic in real life(: Sissys P.O.V. —————- How did I finally get into this? I ask myself with a smile. I finish brushing my raven black shoulder-length hair, and put it into childish pigtails. I apply my cover-up, making my skin look flawless, and apply mascara to make my eyelashes big and luscious. I put on pink lip plumper, and put the long ribbon around my...
As time went on things kinda fell into a happy routine. Mom skipped out of rehab with some guy and never came back. I did see her again but it was years later. April and I had started playing with buddy, our German Shepard. Man he could eat some pussy. It was great feeling his tongue all up inside me.So I woke up to sloppy bj noises and rolled over to see. Daddy had gotten used to his morning bj's, and we wanted to drain daddys balls and make sure he was happy always. I saw April on her knees...
Katie was approaching her patio gate on her bike when she saw Taylor stomping around her garage and yelling at her car. Taylor and her brother had moved into their condo on the first of August, and while Katie had been able to avoid Tyler due to his work schedule, Taylor was another story. Stopping in front of the next-door garage, Katie stared at Taylor until her presence was noticed. “Having problems with your car?” Katie asked. “Ugh!” screamed Taylor in exasperation. “The battery is...
Rockie waited until she heard JR’s garage door close, and then waited another ten minutes before deciding that he wasn’t coming back. She felt no guilt about spending a few minutes roaming around his condo before going back to her own to prepare for the wedding. She considered her research as constructive to their relationship since her intent was to gain greater insight into her partner. She even justified it by saying to herself that JR would have let her do it if she has asked him. She...
“That definitely is a positive,” said Claire. “Having only 151 cars of that model manufactured should make identifying it much easier.” Tyler nodded and took another drink of coffee. He had been updating Claire and Dennis in on what Katie had told him about the Corvette over breakfast. They were scheduled to meet with Sheriff Radcliff in a little under an hour, and he wanted the opportunity for them to all to be as informed as possible before the meeting. Claire continued with what she had...
They pulled into his garage at two-forty-five, leaving JR fifteen minutes to help Rockie get her groceries into her condo before his three o’clock appointment. As he opened her door, he said, “Too bad you don’t have a garage door opener in your garage. It would save us from having to walk all the way around the building.” “I do have a garage door opener,” she said. “But it stopped working years ago. Brad kept saying that he would fix it, and I stopped asking him to avoid making him mad....
His erection was proudly pointing directly at Rockie. JR had never seen a woman lost fully in lust before. His experiences had been milder in the past. She wasn’t looking at him, she was studying what was between his legs. She bent down, grasped his erection tenderly and kissed the leaky crown. JR tried to rise, his thoughts leading to the master bedroom in her condo. Rockie wasn’t in the mood to move. She pushed him back into the futon and straddled him. JR smiled at her aggressiveness. It...