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4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

2 years ago
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Aus der Ruhe gebracht

Es war an einem Samstagabend. Ich hatte Unmengen an Arbeit. Es hatte einen kurzen Disput gegeben, da meine Frau gerne etwas unternommen hätte mit mir. Ich war wie immer äußerlich ruhig und sachlich an den Streit heran gegangen, hatte argumentiert und sie hatte gefühlsbetont entschieden, dass die Arbeit warten könne. Unter Anderem hatte sie mich gefragt: „Gibt es eigentlich irgendetwas, was dich aus der Ruhe bringst?“ Was ich mit einem Schulterzucken beantwortete. So werkelte ich dann ein wenig...

3 years ago
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Die Rache des Zuh lters

Ich bin die 39jährige Polizistin Sandra König; viele würden sagen daß ich bildhübsch bin, ich habe schwarze, gut schulterlange Haare die ich meist zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammen gebunden habe, schwarze Augen, ein sehr hübsches Gesicht, eine Handvoll Brüste mit kleinen Nippeln und Vorhöfen, eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und unheimlich lange, schlanke Beine und das ganze verteilt sich auf 1,82 bei 66 kg. Vor 1 1/2 Jahren habe ich mich von meinem Mann getrennt, unsere Zwillinge Brigitte...

3 years ago
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Christine Teil 4

Drei Tage später hatte ich zwei freie Tage, wovon ich den Mädels aber nichts erzählte. Kurz nachdem Chris aus dem Haus war, fuhr ich in den Baumarkt und besorgte dort so einiges an Material, das ich zu Hause direkt in der Garage verstaute.Ich begann direkt damit, eine Pritsche zu bauen, in der auf Höhe des Kopfes, der Titten und der Lenden entsprechende Löcher waren. Das Ganze wurde dann noch mit Kunstleder überzogen. An den Beinen schraubte ich noch Ösen ein, um dort später Stricke durchziehen...

3 years ago
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Die Verwandlung zur Gummisklavin

HI ich bin Elli und 20 Jahre alt. Mein größter Wunsch ist es den Rest meines Lebens als Gummisklavin zu verbringen. Als ich meinem Freund von meinem Traum erzählte, sagte er ganz erstaunt das er einen ähnlichen Gedanken gehabt hatte aber, diesen aus Angst mich zu verlieren mir nicht erzählt hatte. Ich erzählte ihm alles was ich wollte, er fing an sich Gedanken darüber zu machen und meinte zu mir, das meine Erziehung zur Gummisklavin am Montag beginnen würde. Ca. Zwei Stunden später sagte er zu...

2 years ago
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Kleine versaute Biester Teil 2

Sonja konnte sich jetzt nicht mehr zurückhalten. "Komm schon, leck mir die Fotze du Sau!" Erst jetzt merkte Nicole, dass Ihre Freundin eben so ein geiles Biest ist wie Sie selbst."Zieh dich aus, setzt dich auf den Sessel und spreiz schön die Beine für mich." Erst jetzt konnte Sie Sonjas Körper in ganzer Pracht sehen. Schlank und durchtrainiert, kleine feste Brüste mit harten, beidseitig gepiercten Nippeln und einer glatt rasierten Fotze. Als Sie ihre Beine nach oben streckte konnte man schön...

2 years ago
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Von einem perversen Arzt benutzt und zum Sklaven

Vor einiger Zeit erhielt ich von einen geilen Kerl eine Anfrage zu einem Date.Er schrieb mir, das er ein aktiver Kerl sei und mein Profil sehr geil findet. Er würde mich gerne zu sich einladen würde, wo er mir dann mit Dildos und seinen Fäusten gerne mein Loch dehnen und fisten würde.Mir gefiel diese Einladung, da ich sehr gerne passiv bin und mir gerne mein Loch bearbeiten lasse.Also verabredeten wir uns für den Abend um 19 Uhr. Ich sollte aber pünktlich um 19 Uhr, mit gespültem Loch, bei ihm...

3 years ago
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Die Gummi Lesben Teil 6

Als sich mich dann um Dreiviertel sieben auf den Weg zu Anna machte freute ich mich schon auf unser Anal Spiel. Angezogen hatte ich meine Latex Leggings, darüber den Keuschheitsgürtel und darüber eine Jeans damit keiner sah was ich wirklich darunter trug. Als ich bei ihr ankam klingelte ich. Kurze Zeit später kam Anna dann zur Tür und öffnete mir, im Vergleich zu mir war sie komplett nackt. Sie sagte mir, dass wir jetzt in den Keller gehen und zeigte mir den Weg. Als wir im Keller ankamen...

2 years ago
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Schwanzgeile junge Sau l auml sst sich im Asylantenheim

Ich konnte es mir nicht verkneifen nachdem ich das hier gelesen habe es selbst zu probieren. Ich bin Gestern später am Abend zu den Flüchtlingen gegangen. Ich sehe mit meinen 21 Jahren etwas jünger aus und habe mir schwarze Strapse angezogen ohne Slip, einen sehr kurzen Minirock und ein Bauchfreies Top und nur noch einen langen Mantel angezogen. Draußen vor der Tür standen auch schon ein paar Männer verschiedenen Alters und guckten schon leicht verdutzt zu mir. Ich ging direkt weiter zu Ihnen...

4 years ago
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Der Busfahrer mit dem Riesenschwengel Teil 2

Herr Leinberger wirkte nun sichtlich erleichtert und schob David sanft in Richtung Wohnzimmer. Er machte nur eine gedämpfte Beleuchtung an um die heimelige Atmosphäre beizubehalten. Die beiden Männer begannen nun sich nach und nach ihrer Kleidung zu entledigen wobei David darauf achtete den Genitalbereich von Herrn Leinberger nicht zu sehr in sein Blickfeld zu bekommen. Diesen Moment wollte er nämlich richtig zelebrieren. Er stand nun mittlerweile nackt auf dem Teppich und enthüllte seinen...

2 years ago
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Strapon Power

Es war gestern,ich saß da trank einige Bier und spielte mir mit meinen Fingern an meinen Arschloch rum.Ich wusste genau das es schon viel zu lange her war das ich einen prächtigen Gummischwanz in meinen Arschloch gespürt hatte.Ich hatte mich schon seit Jahren immer wieder von Frauen in den Arsch ficken lassen.Ich denke nicht das ich ich schwul bin, aber so richtig geil werde ich nur wenn ich einen kräftigen Gummischwanz in meiner Analfotze spüren darf.....einmal hatte ich es sogar geschafft mit...

4 years ago
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Sabina und ihr neues Leben german

Sabina und ihr neues Leben (german)Kapitel 1: WutSabina ist eine gelangweilte Ehefrau, die seit sieben Jahren mit Sven verheiratet ist. Da ihr Mann als selbstst?ndiger Anlageberater sehr gut verdient, musste sie seit der Heirat nicht mehr arbeiten.Mit ihren 31 Jahren k?nnte Sie sehr gut aussehen, doch da Sie merkte, dass ihr Mann Wachs in ihren H?nden war, gab Sie sich keine M?he mehr. Ihr rotblondes Haar hatte sie sich aus Bequemlichkeit ziemlich kurz schneiden lassen, w?hrend ihre Fotze, die fr?he...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

3 years ago
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Geiler Samstag

Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....

4 years ago
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KOMŞUM MERALÖncelikle bundan sonra yazacağım hikayelerin bazıları gerçek , bazıları ise hayallerimde kurguladığım fantazilerdir.Sizlere sanki anı yeniden yaşıyormuşçasına bir dille anlatacağım , yani 18 yaşında yaşadıgım bir olayı , o yaştaymışım gibi anlatacağım , yorumlarsanız sevinirim.Ben Tuna , istanbul 4.leventte oturuyorum , çocuklugumdan beri aynı evde ailemle yaşıyorum,24 yaşındayım ve yeni bir iş kurdum , sermayem çok az olduğu içinde zorluklarla ofisimin kirasını, çalışan 2-3 kişinin...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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Pocket money

I was asked by a Hamster subscriber if I had ever been offered and taken money for sex. The answer is yes, I have on a number of occasions in the past. The first time and on a few occasions thereafter I wasn't aware that taking money for sex was 'prostitution'. To me, at the time, it was a way of increasing my meager wages so that I could afford to buy cigarettes, clothes, and makeup. It was 1979 and I was 15 years old living in London where I had been born and raised. Still, at school, I was...

3 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch4

‘Or something!’ Thought Dan. He paced around in excitement as he heard Jane moving around upstairs getting ready for bed. After a while it went quiet, Dan wondered how long he should wait to make sure that Jane was asleep. He gave it 5 minutes before he could wait any longer. He rushed into the study and fired up the computer. He quickly opened a web browser in private mode and keyed in his favourite search term;cuckold sissy and bbc bullHe quickly pulled his stiffening cock from his pants and...

2 years ago
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The Door Upon Which I KnockChapter 3

Things settled down at home, nothing was said about smoking pot and Patricia did not get into trouble for giving it to him. He continued the dialysis and had his second chemo treatment before a meeting with Doctor Sawyer was scheduled to review his treatments and the progress of the cancer. You know, pretty standard stuff. NOT! Up until they left the house he was feeling pretty good, but when they got in the car he sensed an uneasiness with his parents, which had a bad effect on him as he...

2 years ago
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Mom Gets it OnChapter 8

Rob gazed at his wife's naked ass, at the way his son was tonguefucking Sandy's hairy cunt. From his position, he could see his wife sucking on Joey's cock with her tight, greedy lips. He could see it all, even the pucker of her asshole that his son was rubbing. When he saw what they were doing, his initial feeling was of disgust, but the feeling was slight and it fled swiftly, and he was amazed to find his cock getting hard inside his pants. He found what he was seeing exciting, very...

4 years ago
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Hots for teacher pt 1

Hey guys this is my 1st story. I am in high school still but I am off age ever since my sophomore year I have seen this beautiful woman everyone has those few people that make an impact on your life well this is a story about class I will never skip after that day. It's Wednesday my fifth period class is English just got done with lunch heading to my class early because I had to get the my absent work .then I walk in and my teacher isn't in the class well I have five mins till the bell...

4 years ago
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Got One Part 2

Enid Vanderhoff called me one evening not long after I had watched her calmly pump five friable little slugs into her despicable husband. I have no idea how she got my number, but I was aware that she worked for the Company. "I need to see you," she said. I could hear her sigh, more of a snort. "I'm kind of busy," I told her since I had two underage girls in training at the time, and they were scheduled for delivery in about ten days. "I do need your help," she insisted and her voice...

4 years ago
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Mom back to shape

My eyes were still glued to the TV. "Sure, but can this wait until later? This game is almost over." She picked up the remote control and shut the tv off. "Hey! I was watching that!" "You can read the results online or catch the replay on the news, I really don't see what the difference is anyway," she replied sternly. "Fine, what can I do for you mom?" She lifted the bottom of her t shirt to reveal a soft, curvy stomach. She had given birth a year earlier which had left her with...

2 years ago
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Julie s Subway Abduction Pt 3

As so often happened on her subway rides, Julie hunched over her phone screen. She had pulled up a dirty story to read in secret. It made her feel naughty to hide her smut from prying eyes, though today the car was empty. Julie wriggled her plush thighs together, pressuring her heated pussy. She gazed at her phone screen, watching the inky text drip and unfurl into images. First they were still, but they sped up, like an old projector getting up to speed with a film reel. The protagonist in...

2 years ago
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HobyBuchanon Yumi Sin Tight Asian Yumi Sin Creampied And Facial

Tight sexy Asian Yumi Sin was a big fan of the Face Fucking King before she got into porn and used to masturbate to my videos. I walk up and begin fucking her pretty face. I eat her little pussy and begin to fuck it. Her pussy is too tight so I blow my load balls deep inside her. I fuck her face more and spit on her. I wrap my legs around her head and spit in her face again and she eats my ass. I stand on the couch and fuck her throat then I undress her and pound her little fuck box. I pick her...

4 years ago
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my mom

Eram intr-o seara, tarziu, ma uitam la un film erotic. Eram singura in camera si ma uitam la o scena in care se futeau 2, intr-una din pozitiile mele preferate, adica pe canapea, si ea peste, infipta in pula lui si miscandu-se in ritmul pe care il vrea ea, el o tine de fund si ii priveste sanii mari cum i se misca in fata...Bineinteles ca privind asa o scena, am avut o senzatie, si bineinteles ca mi-am scos afara sanii, ca sa pot sa mii ating mai bine... Stateam in pat si in timp ce mii frecam,...

2 years ago
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After Class in His Office

She has a few questions for her professor after class. He was losing control of the situation quickly, which unsettled him. He had been teaching for the last 13 years and of course he had been attracted to students before, but he had always managed to keep himself in check and under control. During this semester however he was having quite the struggle. If 19 year old Victoria Lewis hadn't been his student it would have been like any other class, but the damn girl wasn't just attractive she had...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Cousin Sister

I am getting a pleasure in telling you how I enjoyed by cousin sister when I was 18 years old. Her name is Swathi and she was a teen She pretended as if she is the best student of the school but actually she is not. She always scores good marks in all the subjects. One day apparently I did get a chance to be one of her friends and got the shocking news that she is faking her marks. I went to her room and took all the marks sheets which were hidden. I kept myself quite for sometime and struck...

3 years ago
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It Started With ChristmasChapter 10 I Want To Be Consequence Free

I didn’t fall asleep. There was too much going on in my mind. But I was glad to hold Jess as she slept, and to sit and think in the silence. Katelyn wanted me to be the guy she lost her virginity with. Part of me was giving myself a mental high-five. I mean, what guy wouldn’t jump at the chance of bedding a willing teenager? And Kate was willing. Or at least Jess said she was. And then there was Jessica’s story of her own experience. I hadn’t asked for all that information, and wouldn’t have...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 22 Return Mail

Stan and Laura were fucking furiously on the sun deck of the yacht they had rented for their honeymoon get-away. It was now exactly one week since they had gotten married and, with one week still to go before they were back home with their kids. They had chosen to use the sun deck as their bedroom for the past two days, to be near the computer. They were expecting a letter and they wanted to know the second it arrived. Their kids has sent them a letter the very next day after they had sent...

5 years ago
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The pleasure of older guys part 2

As ian approached me, i watched over my shoulder as he wrapped his hand around his cock and started pulling his foreskin back to expose his flared cock head. Once behind me i started to feel his cock push at my tight hole, slowly my ass relaxed and allowed his cock to slip further into me, inch by inch, until finally i could feel his thick length stretching my hole. With his hands clasping my hips, he began to fuck me with long slow strokes, gradually he picked up the pace until he was going at...

3 years ago
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Sister s Helping Hand Chapter 01 Sis Helps My Anxiety

But when I try to hit on a girl, I freak out. My stomach tenses up into knots and my throat goes dry and raspy. Every time, without fail, when I see a girl I find attractive, it happens. I’m 18 and I wouldn’t say I’m particularly ugly. I’m not a model or anything, but I get plenty of looks from girls around campus. I play a lot of sports and hope to jump into uni on a football scholarship. But that damn vee card… I know it’s not a big deal, most guys are still virgins at my age. Well, if you...

3 years ago
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Dianne And Sheila And Steve

At lunchtime at work after the largely sleepless night the previous night, Sheila was making a suggestion to Dianne."Can you phone Steve and get him to see us again tonight?" late forties Sheila asked her fifty-three-year-old friend Dianne."We are both knackered now and we have got to work tomorrow as well," said Dianne, although another session with Steve was appealing, as was further lesbian sex with Sheila."I know, but my Colin is only away once in a blue moon; if you don't fancy another...

3 years ago
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The Nude Beach loyalsock

The small cove was nearly deserted as I carefully made my way down the steep, winding track. The sun had baked the cliffs and turned the mud into dust. As I got to the beach I kicked off my clothes, damp and sticky from the long climb down, and ran into the sea. The water was cool, good and clean as I swam half a dozen strokes underwater then flipped onto my back and surfaced. I was about 20m from the beach, looking up at the cliff I could see why the guidebook had said that this beach was for...

3 years ago
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"Hey Kid," Chuck Michaels called out from the other side of the seemingly endless row of slot machines, "you having a good time?" Bobby Harrison turned in the direction of the familiar voice, giving a friendly wave in response to the inquiry before quickly disappearing down the row. The twenty-one year old really hated it when his co-workers called him "Kid", even though there was some truth to it since the majority of them were much older than him. Once he was sure he was out of sight...

3 years ago
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Travis Trunk

Phlegmatic! That would be the most appropriate word I could use the describe Travis. There were times that he would be engaging and other times he would scarcely acknowledge my existence. He spent a great deal of time in the shop across the road and I would see him coming and going on a daily basis.Travis was a stutterer; this was particularly bad when he got excited. Travis must have been in his mid-forties and was a sexy man. Travis stood around six-feet tall and had a slight paunch. He had...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Tried Something Different That Time

Hey Friends! This is Sumi again with an another erotic experience of mine. This was happened few days’ back when mom & me were alone in a weekend. But obviously, first of all I would like to thank all the readers from whom I have got so many e-mails & messages, and also to those girls who convince & encourage me to write down an another one. Without your support and compel I wouldn’t be able to defy my experiences in front of all. Further, I have a request especially to the boys that, read this...

2 years ago
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How I fucked Rajita Aunty s Mother

Hey this is Vex and I am from Thane, Mumbai I am an avid reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net and I had written my first story How I fucked Rajita and this the continuation of that story. Well, I had been fucking Rajita for almost 3-4 months and slowly my mind was engrossed in something new. Her Mom! Yes, she was around 55 but never looked like one! Her husband had died long back and of course, she did not have had sex for a long time ( her pussy was damn tight). Whenever I used to visit...

1 year ago
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Living room

I walk into the livening room and see you asleep on the couch upon closer inspection you left you or blouse wide open and your boobs were basically hanging out of your shirt silly I say and was about to walk of when suddenly in your sleep you start to say dick please then I stop stopping unsure what I heard turn around and you say it again dick please I walk back over to you and the you say dick now so I walk over me being only in a house coat you reach up and start rubbing my thigh then you...

4 years ago
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Rubber Restriction part 2

Miranda looked up at the shelf to where the lady pointed out the book she was looking for, 'curious' she thought 'I've never noticed that book on the shelves before?' She went over to the ladder used to retrieve books from the top shelves and carefully lifted it down. She opened the cover and to her surprise noticed that it did not have the stamp of the library or the place where the books get stamped in and out."I-I don't understand?" Miranda looked puzzled "What is it my dear ?" the woman...

4 years ago
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Fall of The House of Lush

The fewer sets of eyes around, the less chance of being spotted by someone we knew. From the footbridge above the tracks I saw Heather step down from the train. Her overnight bag was slung casually over her shoulder and her eyes flitted about the tiny rural station scanning for a sight of me in the fading evening light. As she saw me a smile spread across her face, and she bounded up the stairs two at a time. She threw her arms around me and kissed me with a force that momentarily knocked me...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The SparkChapter 34

When a Roman general returned triumphant from whatever campaign he was on he would ride on his chariot while a slave would ride behind him holding a laurel over their head. While he was doing that the slave would be whispering, "Remember, thou art mortal." In my case the slave would be whispering in my ear, "Remember thou art human." Today was Wednesday, and for three days minus the time I spent hearing the offers from other countries as well as visiting the gambling clubs and...

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Most of the time my husband goes along with whatever I suggest about having sex with other guys. Sometimes though he likes to set things up - like the time with Sam, and the first time with Paul and his friends. I know he wouldn't suggest anything that I wouldn't want. So when he said he'd like me to be blindfolded for a Saturday afternoon session, I had no hesitation is agreeing.That afternoon he got me to shower, then put on stockings and suspenders and lie on his bed, in a position where it...

3 years ago
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Family Making Porn Part 4

After we finished the shoot, uncle paid us and went to abroad and with his links ,distributed the video which has been made and returned back after a month with some profit money and shared with us.He insisted us to do more video and we too agreed as we get both pleasure and money. Mom asked did he wants to marry her friend ,while he said yes,but told to tell her what he did and does and about us also,for which mom said that she had told her everything about the shoot and even about uncle the...

2 years ago
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Eye for an Eye Part 1

Deb: What a night, last night was fantastic. Bringing in the New Year with my close friends was fantastic. To add to a great night, I managed to take this beauty home with me. Lying in front of me, this sexy brunette, with an ass to die for. She was hesitant last night, I told her we would do something in the morning. She was rather adornment she was straight, but we all know, so is spaghetti until it is wet. Ellie: I soon came to realize that, that wasn't my bed. But, how would I end up...

2 years ago
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A Soldier s Gypsy Ch 06

Dear Readers: This chapter is a definite change of pace from the other chapters. I hope you enjoy the combination of the two different stories. This may not be the juiciest of chapters, but I promise that will get better ,). Thank you for reading and please vote!! — I woke up stiff and bleary eyed the next morning. I suppose crying yourself to sleep does that to you. I couldn’t believe what Rae had said to me. We were best friends, how could she be with Gabe behind my back like that? And...

4 years ago
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Mom s Boyfriend

Once mom and dad's divorce was final I moved back in with mom into our house. Dad had purchased a townhouse a few miles down the road. Being 17 and staying with my aunt and uncle had given me the freedom to do and act as I pleased, so I made no bones about telling mom that her son was a crossdresser and enjoyed sex with men. She really didn't say much and pretty much told me that as long as I was happy, she didn't care.One night mom went out to a bar and met a gentleman, who was about 10 years...

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It’s all I can hear. Whoever is doing it seems to be rather distressed. Their breath is alarmingly raspy and they’re clearly hyperventilating. Oh. That’s my breathing. The realization helps centre me. I’m me. Wherever I am, it’s pitch black. I try to move, but I can’t, I’m restrained. There is something holding my ankles and arms. I have a brief feeling of terrible vertigo, unsure of which direction is up. After a few horrible seconds, my panic subsides. My feet are on the ground; I am...

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Sally Thomas was a bit late next day as I patiently awaited her under the old band stand next to the dance Pavillion by the local lake. “I took a detour just in case Marty Chase and his stupid brother we’re around!” she told me breathlessly and a bit excited. “I borrowed a few porn mags just in case. You like porn Sally?” I asked. .”yeah Didn,tbuse to, but brother Bob is always beating off to some of the filthiest mags ever fucking, sucking, men with me, women with women, orgies, even one where...

3 years ago
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Mummy ko principal ne choda

Hi dosto mera nam vikas hai aur aaj me aap logo ko meri mummy sarita ki school me hui chudai ki kahani ke bare me batane jar aha hu .me jab 8 class me tha to mere papa ki death ho gayi vo private school me teacher the . Hamare school ke principal ne mummy ko adhoc librarian ki naukri school me lagva di to jis se mera aur mummy ki paise ki problem solve ho gayi. Lagbag 2 mahine tak to mummy mere saath school jati aur vapis aa jati par fir mummy week me 2se 3 baar school band hone ke baad library...

4 years ago
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Chrissie gets deballed

Chapter 19 Chrissie gets deballed I am just about to undergo a gonadectomy or more specifically an orchiectomy or, as Kate would simply say, I am getting deballed this evening. On my back on a surgical table with my legs splayed and my feet planted in raised stirrups, at the end of the table I can see the doctor, Kate and Tracie discussing my fate as if I wasn't in the same room. "I want the bottom of his penis to smoothly come out of his skin like it does on the top," Kate said...

2 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 14

I asked the chairman, “Please hold a minute.” I called Joe, he answered, “Yes, Sir.” I asked, “Joe, are you still with the Chief?” He replied, “Yes, Sir, I am.” I said, “Joe, ask him if he wants you to do a side investigation of the so-called guards.” Joe did and I heard the Chief ask, “Ok, why?” Joe asked, “Sir, he would like to know why.” I explained, “I have a suspicion that the men he arrested are actually hit men who were hired to execute the members of the board.” Joe said,...

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Cat Is Carly s Antidote

The Victorious and iCarly gang have just finished singing 'Leave it all to Shine' and are all going back to be what they were doing before their little karaoke section. Andre went back to chasing the panda with Keenen Thompson, Beck, Jade, Spencer and Sikowitz went back to the pool to finish there game. Trina went back to trying to find Lane's k*ds before she got into trouble, Robbie went back to hand with some Northridge girls with Rex, Freddie and Tori went to spin a few tracks together and...

4 years ago
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Just going to a bar after office

Friday night some of my office mates invited me to have a drink at a nearer bar after work. It had been a very long week, with too much stress; so I accepted.My husband was out of town; so, nobody at home was waiting for me that evening…Once in the bar the conversation centered around work, gossip, promotions and … even more gossip. We danced amongst us with some light flirting until last call. I was seated at one end with Mitch and Pete around me.We were good friends and office mates; but I...

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The Stone Fox Tapes

[ Note: The scenario with the VCR is borrowed from the estimable Dee Janes. You should go and read those stories too. ] The video player seemed to stare at me like a rectilinear mechanical toad squatting amid the remains of some disaster in an electronics warehouse. The woman tending the stall appeared more than keen that I should buy it, though in truth my interest had waned as soon as I was close enough to discover that it wasn't a U-Matic - a video format from the heroic age of...

4 years ago
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She was not prepared for the blast of heat as she left the artificial cool of the Metro station. The summer was like an oven and bathed the street in brilliant, harsh, white light. The sand in the vacant block beside her blazed brilliant  white, while the breeze lifted it into little columns and eddies which seemed to hang in the air for the moment before collapsing. The ubiquitous hotel and apartment buildings lined the street, behind which rose the odd oblong of the Ski Dubai construction....

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What Next 2 Burning

Chapter Two BURN Alicia, smooth, dark, sophisticated Alicia, was hell bent for revenge. Whatever they say about a woman scorned was definitely true about Alicia. While I duplicated the DVD’s she ranted about posting the various episodes from the DVD’s her husband made of he and my wife Kate to amateur porn sites like RedTube, Spankwire and Hardsextube. She raged on about how we should post them at the rate of one a week on each site until they were all on the internet. After I finished...

2 years ago
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Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Seven

She spun her tongue against the slimy tip of his cock like a corkscrew. Then she turned her head, her face swiveling around on his cock as if she were screwing her wet mouth onto that hard spindle. Her head was tipped down and his cock loomed up. He was still spilling out lots of preliminary juice, but it was all going into his mom's mouth now, her tongue soaking it up like a sponge. Only pure saliva washed down Jimmy's cockshaft now, crystal clear, all of his pre-cum staying in her...

2 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 19

The next few days slid by with relative ease. Marie's promised layabouts were two strapping young men just as eager for something to do as she had said they would be. With them in tow he headed down to the docks to retrieve their baggage. The docks were still fairly empty so finding the Pinya was easy. Separating their gear from the rest of the loot piled on the pier took some time but was finally accomplished. As they were loading up the handcart they brought with them Dent saw the figure...

1 year ago
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Casey Calvert 800 319 000

Casey Calvert was born as Sarah Goldberger in Baltimore, Maryland, on March 17th, 1990, to an Orthodox Jewish family. Let's take a short moment to give thanks to extremist religions.If it weren't for motherfuckers still living in the stone age, we'd have a lot fewer porn stars on planet earth. I'd rather have more porn stars than the world peace cutting religion out could bring. As long as I can jerk off, I don't mind if the world is burning down around me.From Orthodox to Fucking CocksThough...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Daughter To Wife 8211 Part 1

Archana the female lead of the story shall narrate how she became her dad, Akash’s wife. I am Archana aged 22.I have always been one of the most beautiful and intelligent girls in my classes throughout school and college.Though I have received and continue to receive so many proposals I was never interested in any.I lost my mom at the time of my birth since then I have become my dad’s world.Anyone in my dad’s place would have cursed me as the murderer of his wife but my dad instead took care of...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Vina Sky Sucking At School

Vina Skyʼs grades are not where they need to be in order for her to transfer. Community College is hard on a beautiful, 18-year-old girl who has parties, dates, and tons of better things to do that donʼt involve studying. She drops by class a little early one afternoon to see what kind of extra credit she could do to raise her ‘D’. Professor Jay Crew has seen it before and is not swayed by her pleading. Her tight body and see-through top is another thing though! And Professor Crew...

3 years ago
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Sex Bounties Part 2

She let him go, and he took the opportunity to get at those pieces of art bouncing in front of him. One hand on her upper back, he pulled her closer to the ground and, dragging her up a little, began to tease her nipples with the tip of his tongue. She responded well, pushing herself onto his face and thrusting even harder. His other hand, meanwhile, was exploring the region nearer to their mutual interests. He grabbed her rear and pulled it against him each time she drove him into her, trying...

3 years ago
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“Hi, I'm Elise! I'll be your server tonight. Do you know what you'll be having, or would you like to hear the specials this evening?”“I think we're ready to order,” says Carrie, her brunette hair framing her face perfectly, and bringing attention to her wide smile and hazel eyes.Elise takes Carrie's order first, then her cousin Melinda's, and finally, their friend David's, before turning to another table. As she walks away, Carrie and Melinda notice that David can't stop staring at Elise, and...

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Sex with Grandma Evelyn

I had been having sex since I was 13 years old. After my first time I had sex with various girls, typically it was girls who talked to other girls about sex with me. Up until I was a legal adult at the age of 18 I only ever had sex with two women over the age of 18. One was my girlfriend's mother, (I posted another story about this earlier). The other woman was before her. The first one was my step grandmother Evelyn. I never knew my maternal grandmother, she died long before my mom met my dad....

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At the Summit Ch 06

by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website without the author’s permission. Late in 1997 As Sophia relaxed in her willingness to trust my story-telling, I continued with Dean’s hypnotic words. I watched Sophia closely as the story unfolded, and as...

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I Want to Fuck You in the Rain

As I write this, it’s raining outside. Most of the time I hate the rain. In Guam, the rain was sticky and warm. In Korea, it was cold and bit through your clothes. But in the desert Southwestern US, when it rains, it cleans the air. Leaves the air with that fresh and purified smell. I want you to visit here when it is raining, maybe even live here so you can really appreciate it when it does. I am looking at the raindrops hitting the pool …Mmmm … what I would do to you if you were here while...

3 years ago
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This story is set in the North of England in the winter of 2009/2010. As any readers from the UK will know, it turned out to be the worst winter in 50 years with snow around from before Christmas and well into the New Year. It was because of those weather conditions that this story occurred. My sister, Anne, and I had never been that close until about 5 years before that winter. She was 3 years younger than me and had had to get married at the age of 18 when she fell pregnant. She married...

4 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 45

Life as a hermit was not what Dan had expected for the last three years but it was necessary. The minimal human contact, always moving mainly at night and the restless nights in the now dilapidated caravan, was only made bearable by the wildlife that shared the silence of the night. It had taken nearly two years for him to gain the foxes trust and tonight, as most nights, he was sitting on the small metal step outside the caravan. The badgers that came close, seemingly unafraid of anything,...

2 years ago
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My beautiful sleeping sister 1

We got up about 8am again and, like yesterday, I went to make breakfast as Chloe showered. My head was full of lustful thoughts from the previous night. I had actually stroked my beautiful sister’s pussy, had her juices on my finger. I instinctively raised it to my face, inhaling once more. I wanted to save that scent forever. I noticed as I got out of bed the cupboard door in the bedroom was closed so another body lotion show seemed unlikely. I still crept to the bedroom door when I heard...

3 years ago
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How I Gave My Virginity To Mr Roy

Hi everyone!!! This is my first story. In fact, it happened in real. My name is Manisha and I am 26 years old. I am on the chubbier side. I stand 5’6 tall and I have 36C boobs and 43 inches ass. It would be 36C -32 -43 when said properly. I have always been interested in sex right from my teenage. I grew curious about it. I learned to masturbate at the age of 18. The first time I masturbated, I read an instruction from the internet. It said to rub your clit continuously. I went to my room and I...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Katrina Colt Tall Hottie Katrina Colt Loves Taking Cock LIVE

Legs for days babe Katrina Colt sure knows how to wear the shit out of her tiny little black bikini. How much would you love to tear open those fishnets and devour that pussy? Katrina will stick those long legs to the sky so you can kiss them all the way down to her wet pussy! Dan Ferrari is up for the challenge and his cock is definitely up for fucking this hot babe! Katrina sucks him down and gives him all the access he needs when she bends over in doggy so he can plow into her hard! Katrina...

3 years ago
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Part 2 to First Time I shared My Dad

The Night I Shared my Dad part2The three of us sat all cuddled up on the couch in our living room. As I laid against my dad his arm wrapped around me I thought of what just had happened. Especially of what Lisa had done, her and I had only kissed and played with our tittys but she had fingered my pussy tonight. It had felt so good to orgasm on her fingers and the feelings that ran thru me as we had passionately kissed like never before. At the time I wasn't for sure whether it was feelings...

3 years ago
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Stealing Zoe

With a slight groan the lock in the window parted,and swung open silently. I lifted myself through and dropped down low letting the silence wash over me. I looked around the room letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before moving into the house. I was after anything small and concealable, I didn't want to be stopped by the cops walking down the road with a television in my arms. Kind of awkward to explain that away at two am in the morning.I made for the stairs and went up, the best stuff...

4 years ago
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Angry Fuck

There was this very hot transgender girl who use to live in the Perth CBD, Western Australia and was working usually in a hotel on Hay Street. But she now lives in the United States with what i can only assume is a successful porn career as i have seen her sexy body and beautiful hard cock in several sexy scene's. We'll call her Marissa for whatever reason and she has a cock i have sucked dry on six different occasions either with my mouth or asshole. I remember all of them fondly and i do jerk...

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My Boy Callum Part 3

Introduction: You might hate me for how this ends… haha. There we lay the morning after, asleep together, unconsciously treasuring the tranquillity of being in each others arms, our recovery from last night almost complete. I felt a slight twitch on my stomach, slowly waking me up from a perfect rest. Looking down with squinted, tired eyes I saw it was Callums right hand as he shifted delicately in his sleep. Tilting my head to the right, there he was&hellip, sleeping blissfully with his head...

4 years ago
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A Good Christmas

This year was going to be a good Christmas. Dave leaned back and took another sip of latte, watching the Food Court crowds scurry. This corner table served a calm oasis amongst the bustle, giving him time to reflect. Of course, last year's Christmas wouldn't be tough to beat. Getting asked for a divorce Thanksgiving Day. Claire out of the house with half the furniture by the 10th. Christmas Eve alone in the empty rooms watching the cat scamper across the floor. Then far too many questions...

2 years ago
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Doctor in my hole

I met Richard on the net and we Skyped a few times. He seemed decent and when we Skyped he always broadcast from a room that looked like a surgery. He wasn’t a doctor but asked me if I would indulge his medical fetish. I wasn’t sure but then life is too short? I arranged to see him and a few weeks later, I drove to his home.Richard’s bungalow is in the sticks and when I called to see him, he answered the door wearing a smart suit, shirt and tie. Unlike our conversations on Skype, he was very...

3 years ago
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Ein heisser Sommer

Es sollte ein heißer Sommer werden, so zu mindestens hatte Thomas es geplant. Er hatte gerade sein Abi in der Tasche und wollte mit seinen Freunden drei Wochen an der Ostsee verbringen, bevor jeder seine eigenen Wege ging. Es sollte eine nette kleine Runde werden. Neben Thomas wollten John und seine jüngere Schwester Samantha mitkommen, Claudia und Julian mit seiner Freundin Melanie. Thomas, John, Claudia und Julian kannten sich schon seit Jahren, schließlich hatten sie sich zusammen Bis zum...

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My Wife is a Slut

My name is Rob. Candice and I have been married for nine years. We met in college and have two children now. Ages five and six. They spend alternate weekends with their two sets of grandparents. Candice is 5’1′ tall, weighs 103. Blonde and well-endowed on top with nice full milky white tit’s a narrow waist and full hips. Her ass is to die for. Full looking round ass and further down she has what I like to call. Thunder thighs. Candice is always saying they look fat but guys are always starring...

2 years ago
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BlowJobFridays Bri Klein Newbie Sucks Dick Like a Pro

Bri Klein is pretty new to the porn world, but we think she’s gonna be a star! Not only is she super hot, she’s got a crazy good head game. We’ve been trying to film a BJ Friday with her, but the dudes just couldn’t get hard. Finally, we knew that wasn’t fair to her. We needed a real pro to step up and get his dick sucked. We called our boy Tyler and she finally gave her the hard dick she’s been waiting for. She gave him an amazing blowjob and even let him...

4 years ago
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Bath Time Quickie

My Wife and I recently got a new bathroom with a lovely big roll top bath. After having it for several months we finally got round to using it together. It was a Sunday evening after a tiring weekend spent rushing around seeing people and getting various jobs done. After all that we needed to relax, so a bath was in order. My wife went to run the bath and I cleared and washed up the remains of dinner. I arrived in the bathroom to a naked wife and nearly full bath with lots of bubbles. I tested...

Quickie Sex
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The Mason

I sat in a Trotteria in Vincenzia, Italy. I was waiting for my meeting with a local Don. Well I guess local was a bit of an understatement. He controlled all the crime in northern Italy. We had some business to accomplish. It was not the type of business a person could discuss over the phone or write in a letter. One had to conduct this business face to face, in a public place, and in "neutral" territory. The waitress had brought me a carafe of the local red wine. It was good. She has asked...

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Hi folks, this is a long one. And it’s not going to be the ending you expect. But getting there is the fun part. It’s difficult getting to write during this time of year because we’re putting the batteries back in and all of the wheels back on all of the cars to get ready for spring. Yesterday we had temps in the sixties for the first time this year, so I took the Boss out. God, I missed that growl. Anyway, back to the story ... oh, now’s as good a time as any to warn you. Like I said at the...

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Comment to a photo from your gallery Valeriemilf

Valerie had obviously fallen asleep. The day had been too warm and her trip out earlier to the store had been too tiring. She had come in from the garden, opened her shopping, and sat back for a moment. Her eyes must have closed and sleep had taken her. Something was wrong though. she was being watched she sensed. A shadow by the still open door outside resolved itself to a male figure she didn't recognise. He was turned slightly away, as if he had just done so and seemed to be silently busy...

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Cunning Linguists

I was never happier than when giving head. You should know that. Whether I’m wrapping my lips around a dick, licking a pussy, deepthroating a hard cock, sucking on a clit, or taking a pair of balls in my mouth, I can never get enough. I had been particularly been looking forward to this one; I’d taken her home after catching her eye at the bar, buying her a drink or two, and very gently sliding my hand up her skirt under the table, watching her glaze over slightly as my fingers brushed the...

1 year ago
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An Unforgettable Night My Wife Swapping Sex Confession

My life changed drastically when I tried first-time wife swapping with my close friend. Hello readers, my name is Nishant and I’m about 32 years of age. I am a software developer and have been married since two and a half years. My wife’s name is Sandhya and she is 30 years old. We dated for about three years before tying the knot and we were pretty open into our lives before our wedding. We were very intimate with each other before we made it official and both of us had been in...

4 years ago
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Sands of Agadir

[ For my friends A&T---and for all those interracial cuckold lifestyle couples out there! ]The day before, Mara had fucked three of the four African men we'd made plans with months earlier, all at the same time---and the memory of that was still very fresh in my mind as we sat outside on the beach together. The wind off the Atlantic ocean stirred the slender palm trees above us, and the salty scent of the sea, mixed with that of the Jasmine and Oleanders, made for an exotic effect.I glanced...

3 years ago
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Mom On The Make

This story is a work of Fiction and Shall be treated as such This story is Originally written by Robert Vickers I am just sharing it here for you people to enjoy.CHAPTER ONE"Goddammit, you fuckin' slut, what d'ya mean sayin' somethin' like that to your husband?" Lee slurred.Joanne King could barely tolerate the hundred horsepower breath gusting into her face. Her husband had really gone on a binge this time. He was drunker than she could ever remember seeing him. She didn't much like it-and had...

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Cross Dressers First Time

I was in my mid 40's and divorced and living a great life. I ran my own successful from home and lived in a large house in it's own grounds at least 5 miles from my nearest neighbour.Whilst I was single I had an active sex life having been lucky enough to know 3 ladies who were unattached and had no need for a long term relationships but were happy to meet up for sex or go away for a break all no strings attached. They all knew of each other and I was aware they saw other men or ladies if they...

4 years ago
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Private Nature Tour

Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Chocolate Kisses 2 Pearl Ch 05 06

Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Saturday, December 6th, 1941 The cloudless blue-sky sunshine glowed around her as the surf roared onto the beach. Rolling up to where she had stopped, it splashed her long legs. Wearing a dark-brown two-piece swimsuit, Bethany looked almost nude as she walked along the sand with her two girls, one on each hand, suddenly, another child appeared from the water arms up, wanting to be held. As Bethany reached down, the morning reveille sounded...

3 years ago
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The Pick UpChapter 4

I must have rolled over in the night. I woke to a hard cock pressed in between my thighs and a hand wrapped around my tit. I stiffened, expecting him to roll me over and fuck me, ready or not. The hand gently squeezed my tit, but he just snuggled behind me and nuzzled my neck. I relaxed as I realised he wasn’t going to force me as Brad had. I wiggled in invitation. The hand tightened and the cock flexed. I giggled and wiggled again. His fingers pinched my nipple for my troubles. Suddenly,...

5 years ago
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A Night in Gateway

Over 50 years later, the 900 year old demon lord meets an attractive half elf, Chalise, in search of a cure for those falling ill to evil. Shion finds that he can imbue her with his demonic essence, which will in turn, give her the skills she needs to cure the innocent. They began to travel together and before long, fell closer than thought possible. ******************************************** Chalise stormed into the room, for once, not angry with the events of the day. “Shion!” She...

3 years ago
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Driven Ch 01

I’d like to extend my thanks to WildSweetOne for taking the time and having the patience to edit this story. To kiwiwolf, thank you for the inspiration and encouragement. You are both gems. ***** ‘Shit!’ I exclaimed, as the high heel of my favorite shoe snapped off. I leaned against my shit-heap of a car and grabbed the ruined shoe off my foot as I considered throwing the damn thing over the nearby fence, but hurled it into the car instead. The other shoe quickly followed the first. I had...

4 years ago
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Hidden Memories

Introduction: Ok, some people have asked me about me having any involvement with someone in the military and I havent. I dont have anybody special like that, though sometimes I wish. I just have an idea of what that life what must be like. Anyways this story is a new one, I hope you like so far. Im not sure if this one will have ten parts like my last one. I know how I want it writen, I just dont know how long it will actaully be, so be patient for my next part. Sorry for any mistakes I didnt...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 94

Sandra and her dad didn't speak with each other during the drive to her school. Sandra didn't show it to her dad, but she was troubled about herself. After all that she had done this morning, she was still feeling as horny as hell. And the worst part of it all, while she did feel troubled about it, she also liked it a lot. Charles wasn't sure what was going on with his daughter, but even he could see how turned on she was. It made him wonder what had happened to her earlier this morning....

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