FidèleChapter 22 free porn video

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“Stop? But I thought...”

“Seriously. I mean it. Stop.”

Though he was completely bewildered by her unexpected resistance, Luke was even more concerned by the declarative firmness, even vehemence, in her tone. The very last thing he wanted to do was displease her in some fashion, yet it quite clearly seemed that he had, though at the moment the reason eluded his understanding. Alejandro hadn’t moved, but the expression on his face was one of similarly grave regard for her sudden change in mood.

“Kathryn, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...”

“Luke, be quiet. Alejandro, you too.” They stayed where they were — Luke buried in her anal canal, Alejandro kneeling between her wide-open legs — listening to the decelerating cadence of her breathing. The silence lingered, Luke’s tension grew, and the effort necessary to accede to her demand became more than he could endure.

“I’m really sorry.”

“You really aren’t.”

“Yes I...”

“You’re not sorry as much as you’re surprised. You can’t believe I made you stop, can you?”


“You’re still talking.” He shut up, stunned at this abrupt turn of events. Eventually, apparently having judged the duration his silence acceptable, she continued, “Are you finally ready to let me speak?”

“Of course.” He tensed, breathlessly awaiting whatever scolding she was about to deliver.

“Good. Let me start by repeating something I said earlier: you two are insane.”

Was that the faintest hint of teasing in her voice, or am I grasping for reassurance? “I’m sincerely sorry. I thought it was something you wanted.”

“It is.”

And now I’m confused. “But...”

“Tell me, what was on your mind as you maneuvered me into position?”

No, I’m very confused. “You’ve told me more than once how much you’ve dreamed about double penetration. I know for a fact you loved it with Wendy and me, but I know what you really wanted was two men. And since you successfully managed to experience anal with Alejandro, it seemed like the obvious next step. I thought...”

“ ... you thought you’d hoist my legs open, he’d shove that monster into my pussy, and I’d immediately start enjoying the hell out of my long-desired DP with two living, breathing, thinking-with-their-dicks men.”


“For the third time, you’re insane.”

“I’m sorry. Truly. Please, let’s forget I even suggested it.”

“You didn’t suggest it. You just went ahead and did it.”

“I honestly thought it’s something you’d want to try, given the opportunity. I didn’t...”

“Weren’t you listening when I told you that it is something I want to try?”


“Luke, my poor, befuddled love, when we did this with Wendy — the first time, I mean — do you remember what I asked her to do?”

“Huh? Oh, wait...” At long last he understood her objection. “You asked her to start with something smaller than the, uh, Luke dildo.” He pointedly ignored Alejandro’s elevated eyebrows and inquisitive stare, blushing a bit at the prospect of a now-inevitable explanation.

“That’s right. I was incredibly uncertain about having two cocks the size of you inside me at the same time. It was only later that I was able to work myself up to it, and as you might recall it was still a struggle. I understand how it might slip your mind given our present company, but as I keep trying to remind you, you’re significantly larger than average. Yet you somehow thought I could easily handle you and Secretariat at the same time? Just boom, and then off to the Kentucky Derby we go?”

Luke sighed. “You’re right. I get it now. I’m sorry.”

“Good. Because you’re right: I do want this. Holy mother of god do I want this. I want it so badly that I almost don’t need you to actually do it; if I close my eyes and concentrate on having both your dicks inside me right now I’ll come in about three seconds, and again about ten seconds after that. But there’s absolutely no way it’s going to be anywhere close to that easy. I stopped you because if this is going to happen, it’s going to hurt. A lot. And once it becomes clear to one or both of you just how much it hurts, you’re going to stop and then it’s not going to happen at all. I’m trying to make sure it does, and the only way it’s going to is by preparing you for pain. I expect it, I’m ready for it ... and by the way, if you don’t keep going until it doesn’t hurt anymore, I’m going to transfer some of that pain to the two of you.”

“Kathryn,” Alejandro interjected, “you are correct in that I have absolutely no desire to witness you suffering, much less to be the cause of it. I have already been the source of more than I would like.”

“I’m grateful for your concern, but now you’re not listening. I don’t care how much it hurts. You’re going to do this for me, because I want it and I will not leave this apartment until I’ve gotten it. You’re both going to have to suck it up and ignore tears, cries, convulsions, or whatever else I might go through. If it gets to the point where I truly can’t stand it anymore, I’ll tell you, but I promise you that it’s going to take a lot of pain for me to even consider stopping once it starts. Do we have a deal?”

Alejandro closed his eyes. When he finally opened them again Luke thought they looked more than a bit haunted. “I will endeavor to endure for a while, but I cannot promise it will be for as long as you might wish. I am sorry, but that is the only offer I can make.”

“Well, I guess it’ll have to do. Luke?”

“I feel the same way. I can probably hold out longer than he can, because I’m deeply invested in giving you something you want so badly, but I too have limits. There’s a point beyond which I can’t participate, no matter how much it’s going to disappoint you.”

She sighed. “It’s hard to be too upset about two lovely men expressing such concern for my well-being, but please don’t make me audition for Best Actress in an Extremely Adult Role just so you’ll keep going. I want to feel every bit of it — all the struggle, all the pain, all the difficulty — because the reward’s going to be that much greater. Do you understand?” Luke answered in the affirmative, but Alejandro just nodded. He still doesn’t look like he really wants to keep going. Thus it was somewhat of a surprise when it was he who spoke next.

“Luke, have you done this before? With a second man involved, I mean?” He shook his head at the photographer. “Then I apologize if this is an unwelcome attempt to assert a measure of control over events, but I do have experience and believe I can offer useful advice. Kathryn, whoever enters you second will be the source of the majority of your discomfort. I strongly suggest that I go first, for three reasons. The first two are a simple matter of anatomy: it will be easier for Luke to breach an unexpectedly narrow entrance than it would be for me, and his girth will cause you less pain than mine. The third flows from the hesitation I expressed earlier: of the three of us, I suspect that I am the most reluctant to cause your suffering.”

Luke had yet to fully assemble his own doubts into cohesive words as she lifted herself free of his shaft and turned to face him. “He makes excellent points,” she said, “but I’d like to add a fourth: I love you.”

“That makes absolutely no sense. Of all the many reasons I don’t want to hurt you, the fact that I love you is the biggest.”

“That’s why it has to be you, Luke. It’s because I love you that I trust you to hurt me.”

She stifled any additional objections with a demonstrative and demanding kiss. As their lips and tongues moved together, he recalled Wendy’s disturbingly prescient warning regarding the relationship between love and hurt.

I know Wendy was referring to emotional rather than physical pain. But would she have asked me — trusted me — to hurt her like this before we said “I love you” to each other? Somehow, I doubt it. If I can do this ... if I can hurt her in the pursuit of pure physical pleasure, even though it’s hers rather than mine ... does that mean it will be easier for me to inflict the other kind?

A little while later — despite rising ardor and diminishing patience, Kathryn begged for the opportunity to collect herself with a glass of liquid courage — they were in position. She was gingerly lowering her slippery pussy onto Alejandro’s enormous rod, groaning as he spread her channel all the way to her limit. Tucking her legs against his sides, she rode him, sighing with pleasure as Luke finished lubing his cock and worked a generous quantity of the translucent gel into her nether hole. She’s unquestionably tighter than normal, he observed, struggling to push a second finger through an entrance that, typically, could accept three. This isn’t going to be easy.

“Luke, are you ready?” Alejandro was still directing traffic; something both of them were happy to let him do.

“As I’ll ever be,” he answered, straddling Alejandro’s legs and shuffling closer to her ass.

“Do not penetrate her yet. Kathryn, rise up so only a little of me remains inside you. Now, angle your body upward so that ... never mind, let me position you. Yes, like that. Luke, it is now your turn. Once you enter, do not stop unless she demands it. Proceed as slowly as necessary, but give her your full length. Remain there without moving for a while as she adjusts. Kathryn, at first you will feel a reflexive urge to expel me; resist that urge. Luke, when you feel her anal ring relax, pull back as I have and I will thrust inward. We will alternate in this fashion until the resistance of her apertures decreases, at which point we should cede control and let her determine what happens next. I would advise, however, that we maintain alternating strokes; it will be long before she is prepared to accommodate both of us at once.”

Gritting his teeth, Luke introduced his cock to her gel-streaked hole. He’d taken her ass so often and so easily that it was genuinely shocking to feel such strong resistance to his entry. Her moans ascended in volume and pitch as he dug the fingers of one hand into her flank and held on to the base of his shaft with the other, maintaining its alignment and pushing as hard as he could.

He was beginning to wonder if he’d somehow mispositioned himself when the tight ring finally gave way and his glans plunged into the slick heat of her anus. Her head whipped around as she yelped in surprise and obvious pain. “Keep going,” advised Alejandro, and despite his misgivings Luke patiently introduced more of his rod into her well-prepared hole. There was a pinching sensation just inside her entrance that he’d never felt before; he guessed he was experiencing the head of Alejandro’s giant prod through the thin barrier separating her passages. Doing his best to ignore her rattling, half-choked gasps, he kept pressing until he was completely within her, reassuringly stroking his hands up and down her rigidly tensed back. Alejandro, for his part, was gently teasing her nipples, trying to distract her by employing the precise technique about which Luke had advised him hours earlier.

Eventually, her shuddering vocalizations quieted. She relaxed onto Alejandro and they began sharing slow, passionate, even romantic kisses. Luke took this as a sign, withdrawing until he was barely lodged within her ass. The inward progress of Alejandro’s truncheon was accompanied by another sharp yelp, this one muffled by the union of their lips. When there was nowhere else for him to go he stopped, once again waiting for the tension to depart her body.

Over and over they cautiously probed her in this fashion, until the moans issuing from her mouth began to sound more like expressions of pleasure than of tension or misery. Breaking their kiss and lifting her head, she stared deep into Alejandro’s eyes and announced that she was ready for more. Both men readjusted their positions, anchoring themselves for more physical thrusts and then carefully ramping up the pace, driving into her gripping holes like a well-oiled machine gradually accelerating to its top speed. Kathryn’s moans transformed into a keening wail as her pleasure mounted, and Luke noted with relief that she was finally a full participant in their joining, rolling her pelvis in tight concentric circles that helped them impale her all the more comprehensively.

Suddenly, she clawed Alejandro’s chest and flung her head back, wailing to the heavens that she was coming. As if there could be any doubt, Luke marveled, watching with amazement as she thrashed, convulsed, and covered Alejandro’s stomach and chest with a spray of orgasmic fluid. Her sphincter tightened like a vise around the head of Luke’s cock, and the photographer’s groan suggested that her sex was constricting in a similar fashion.

It took her a long time to stop coming, but when she finally did she swiveled her head to face Luke. He remained poised where he’d stopped, just barely inside her ass. “It’s time, baby. Sink your cock all the way into my naughty bottom. And then I want you two to fuck the hell out of me. No more alternating. Both of you at the same time.”

Though the sensation of working his way in and out of such a tight hole had certainly been pleasurable, Luke had been holding back his arousal, instead wanting to ensure that she was as comfortable and stimulated as possible. Now, releasing control, he penetrated her to the hilt, reveling in the tightness of her anal canal and the way the formidable girth of Alejandro’s organ narrowed his path as it stretched her cunt to the breaking point. Kathryn’s groans rose sharply in pitch as he impaled her; when it was accomplished and she was fully occupied, fore and aft, it was clear that her earlier struggles had returned in force.

“Relax and be patient,” the Spaniard soothed. “There is no need for us to move just yet. As before, take all the time you need to grow accustomed to the feeling. When you are ready, begin moving and we will follow your lead.”

Easy for him to say, Luke mused. The friction as he conquered her channel was a towering pleasure all its own, and when added to the primal visual stimulation of seeing her sandwiched between them, it caused him to worry that he might come without another thrust.

And then he felt her move. Just a little, but it was a sign. At a pace even more tentative than the one with which they’d started, they withdrew in tandem, paused for a moment, and eased back into her holes. She trembled like she was having a seizure, hands flailing, and through her soft grunts and gasps he could tell that her desire was racing ahead of her body’s ability to cope with the unprecedented internal pressure.

“Are you okay?” he asked, though he didn’t arrest his inward thrust. She nodded once. So it’s bad, then. Well, she begged us to endure her suffering for a while, and because I know just how much she wants this, I’ll give her as much time as I can. I’m more worried about Alejandro, though. Especially because he can see her face. Of the three of us, he’s the most likely to bring the proceedings to a premature halt.

In and out they moved, as slowly and carefully as possible, but her trembling didn’t cease. Alejandro indeed wore an expression of deepening concern, but he was once again fondling her nipples, trying to divert her attention from the constant squeezing and pinching sensations in her loins.

“Faster.” It was the faintest possible whisper, barely audible. Yet they both heard it.

“Are you sure?” the photographer asked, his hesitation patently obvious.

Impatient and exasperated, yet still quite clearly struggling, she explained, “I know both of you can tell that it hurts, even though I’m trying to hide it. By the way, it feels incredibly good, too. But the pain isn’t the problem. The problem is that you’re not giving me enough pleasure to overcome the pain. That’s why I asked you to fuck the hell out of me rather than treat me like a fragile flower. I need the good to overwhelm the bad. I need it faster, I need it harder, and I need both of you to just take over and use me. You keep checking in ... asking if I’m okay, trying to distract me, telling me I’m in control ... but what you’re not getting is that I don’t want to be in control, and the only way I’m going to get there is for you two to take it away from me.”

Alejandro looked like he was about to object, but Luke interrupted before he could. “You’re right. I was being too hasty earlier, and now I’m attempting to compensate with an excess of caution. I’m sorry it took this long, but I finally understand exactly what you need.” Steadying himself before plunging, headfirst and blind, into the erotic abyss, he announced, “Alejandro, it’s time to give her everything we’ve got. Let’s fuck this slut senseless.”

Her sharp inhalation preceded a full-body shudder and a long, sultry moan. Her ass rhythmically squeezed Luke’s cock like a fist, clenching and unclenching. She was coming. Hard.

While he’d never engaged in any sort of derogatory verbal roleplaying with Kathryn, even when she was deep into submission and it might have been welcome, he had (at her repeated insistence) done it with Elizabeth. She, of course, was incredibly turned on by it, at one point explaining, “It’s hot because it’s true.” And in some sense, based on the way she talked about herself in full sexual rut, he’d sometimes suspected that Kathryn could be aroused by it as well. The problem, for him, was that even though he fully recognized her raw, untamable sexuality, he experienced great difficulty seeing her as anything other than perfection incarnate. It was precisely because he over-idealized her that he couldn’t easily call her names, no matter how appropriate. Yet only moments earlier, as she revealed her frustration over how they were failing to meet her erotic needs, he had a sudden flash of insight; finally taking to heart all the things she’d been trying to tell him since her photographic surprise turned into a bacchanalian adventure.

She said she wanted to completely give herself to Alejandro, that she wanted him to have her in all the ways he wanted, and that she didn’t want to worry about what she was saying while it was happening. She also said that she wanted me to, in some sense, “take her back.” She sometimes talks about her fear of losing herself in sexual exploration, but whenever she does, she takes the time to remind me that I’m both her catalyst and her anchor. I’ve been viewing all of this solely through the lens of my own fragility and vulnerability, but that wasn’t just selfish, it caused me to miss the more important lesson. This is about her and what she wants, yes, but in order for her to get what she wants, we have to make it about we want. She’s not in a submissive state right now, yet it’s still part of her fundamental sexual nature. For her to experience the pleasure for which she’s yearning, we’re going to have to — at least in a sense — dominate her. Perhaps we can’t exhaust her, but we at least owe it to her to try.

Withdrawing as far as he could without completely abandoning her ass, he thrust back into her core with considerable force. She shrieked as he impaled her, and again when he repeated the motion. Alejandro took a little longer to react, and doubt was still clearly written all over his face, but when he finally began paralleling Luke’s thrusts, her squeals of agonized pleasure grew much louder and more frequent. Burying her head in the pillow, she wrapped her arms around the photographer’s back and held on for dear life as they savaged her holes, pounding her faster and harder. Sweat ran down Luke’s forehead and dripped onto her shoulders; the sheer physical effort required to drive his cock into her guts while such a massive presence simultaneously hammered her cunt was more than he’d ever expended during sex.

Suddenly, her rhythmic vocalizations caught in her throat and her entire body seized. Raising her head just far enough to avoid deafening Alejandro, she let loose a bloodcurdling scream of ecstasy.

As jarring as it was, they didn’t stop fucking her. Nor, judging by the repetition and duration of her screams, did she want them to. On and on she wailed, lost to an erotic bliss beyond rationality, beyond reason, beyond reality; a sensational realization of her greatest sexual fantasy, unthinkably made manifest out of nonexistence only hours earlier. All because Luke had finally found the courage and the generosity to give her a nudge; the sort of push that she’d been giving him since they met.

The pressure in his loins built and built, yet despite her howls of abandoned, uncontrollable pleasure her channel remained so impossibly tight that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to release inside her. Judging by Alejandro’s equally visible strain — Luke was relieved to see that he wasn’t the only one sweating — he was experiencing the same issue.

Kathryn solved their problem for them. “Please ... please... PLEASE!“ she yowled in between incoherent cries. Though she could manage nothing more explicit, they all knew what she wanted. Clenching his jaw and ravaging the deepest reaches of her ass with short, sharp strokes — the head of Alejandro’s cock was an impossible-to-miss presence as it mirrored his motions — he squeezed an admittedly painful stream of ejaculate into her colon, convinced he could feel torrential jets of semen flooding her cunt at the same time. She was writhing back and forth like a trapped seal, fists pounding the bed (and the Spaniard) as her body-wracking orgasm grew more and more violent.

The last trickles of his sperm were still oozing from his overstressed slit when she croaked out a strangled cry, relaxed, and collapsed onto Alejandro like gelatin, breathing as heavily as a marathoner at the end of a brutal race. Unsure just what she wanted them to do, Luke settled for caressing her sweat-slicked buttocks while Alejandro stroked her tangled hair.

Eventually, she came to life with a shuddering breath, moaning her next words into Alejandro’s sweaty hair. “God, that was so much better than I’d ever hoped or imagined. Thank you for giving exactly me what I wanted, exactly the way I wanted it. Thank you for caring about me, but even more for getting past the rough parts, ruining my holes, and making me a whore for those beautiful, beautiful cocks. But there’s just one problem,” she added, nibbling and chewing on the photographer’s neck.

“What’s that?” asked Luke, even though he’d already guessed the answer. His rod was still buried deep inside her ass, and any hint of deflation disappeared in an instant.

“I want you to do it again.”

This is much more difficult, at least for me. She’s not exactly a dainty flower, and he’s huge in more ways than the obvious one. I feel like I’m being driven into the mattress by a pneumatic drill. His stomach began to rumble in protest. I should’ve eaten less sushi. And drank less, too.

Alejandro briefly retook control of their choreography to execute an acrobatic repositioning, managing to reverse their alignment without either of them slipping free of their respective holes. Kathryn giggled with lust-addled delight, though Luke was rewarded with a slightly overstressed knee and a brief flirtation with a foot cramp. Still, after a few minutes of squirming and adjustments, they were ready for round two. Her legs wrapped around Alejandro’s waist as he pumped into her with long, smooth strokes. Through he was bearing so much weight that he could barely move, Luke did his best to respond to the up and down motion of her hips as the Spaniard established their rhythm. The grip around his cock was even tighter than before, and though he was physically aware of the fertile lubrication he’d poured into her ass only minutes earlier, the majority of his experience was listening to the wet squelch of her cunt as it was stretched, mauled, and reshaped by the photographer’s mighty pole.

Kathryn and Alejandro were locked in a desperate kiss that only partially muted the impressive volume of her explosive orgasms; peaks that were arriving with accelerating frequency. Luke idly wondered if they’d soon become one long, continuous climax, as often happened when she fell deep into sexual euphoria. Something hot and wet splashed against his face, and to his surprise he realized that it wasn’t her sweat — or the photographer’s — but rather, her tears; she was crying in response to the unfathomable intensity of her pleasure.

He felt somewhat useless, and though in purely physical terms his arousal was significant, he felt that there was little hope of reaching his own peak in this position. Alejandro, for his part, was relentlessly slamming into her receptive pussy, but there wasn’t yet any arrhythmic urgency to it, only another furious assault on her hole designed to send her spiraling into unexplored dimensions of sensation.

With a fierce shove, she pushed the photographer’s face away from hers and yowled straight from the heart of some primal core of desperation; the cry of a wild beast, cornered and trapped and suffering unimaginable agony. Except in this case, the agony was the sheer magnitude of her delirious ecstasy. Luke’s thighs were drenched by the fluids pouring out of her, but he held his breath as rigidly as his loins, searching for any sign that might indicate whether or not she wanted them to continue. Alejandro was staring at her, rapt with curiosity, hesitation, adoration, and concern. All at once, she collapsed into a formless mass of broken flesh, dropping her legs to the bed and splaying her arms wide, crucified on a double-barreled phallic cross.

For a few minutes they remained in position, listening to her breathe, moan, and murmur nonsense syllables. A small rivulet of drool worked its way across her cheek. Alejandro carefully withdrew from her sucking cunt; the wet pop as he exited her hole practically echoed off the bedroom walls. Luke was considering his options when she abruptly rolled away and his cock bobbed free of her dilated sphincter. It waved back and forth for a few moments, searching for a familiar home, before rapidly deflating, apparently no less eager for a long-delayed respite. He laid there, motionless and acutely aware of his bone-penetrating fatigue, while Alejandro sat back on his haunches, resting his hands on his thighs as if he, too, was completely drained.

To the surprise of no one, Kathryn rolled and turned until she was presented with both of their shrinking organs. “Thank you,” she hummed, gathering Luke’s cock into her mouth, sucking it clean of the messy streaks and smears of semen coating its length, turning to Alejandro and (to the best of her ability) doing the same, then slumping back to the bed, looking incredibly pleased with herself.

Luke reached out to caress her, running his fingers over her breasts, her stomach, and her cheeks. She grabbed his hand, gripping it tightly as she rolled to her side and snuggled against him. “My love ... what we just did, I...” The bliss in her voice seemed dulled by guilt.

“The only thing that matters is whether or not you enjoyed it.”

“Oh my god, you have no idea.”

He laughed. “I think our eardrums and our useless limbs prove otherwise.”

“Alejandro?” she called, “could you lay down behind me? For the first time in a long while, I’m not sandwiched between the two of you. It feels wrong.”

“Of course, Kathryn.” He stretched out on his side, cupping her buttocks and tenderly kissing her neck. She shuddered every time his lips met her sensitive flesh, curling a leg over Luke and drawing geometric figures on his chest with her fingernail.

Eventually, she abandoned her tracery and reached between her legs ... probing one orifice and then the other, bringing strands of their semen to her mouth and sucking her fingers clean. “Nothing seems permanently damaged,” she slyly reported. It was an invitation, and all three of them knew it.

“Well, thank goodness,” Luke chuckled, “because I’d really hate to have to explain this in the ER.”

“Lover, you’re not listening. I...”

“I’m listening alright. And the answer is that I don’t think I can do that again without a drink, a meal, a nap, or perhaps all three. Being on top was hard enough. Being on the bottom...”

“I concur with Luke; the supine position is particularly exhausting, and I am fully aware that I am a much greater burden for Luke than he was for me. Loathe as I am to admit it, I must accept the same badge of dishonor and defeat. Other, more sedate forms of coupling may remain within my abilities, though I would first request some combination of the same restoratives. The athleticism of double penetration is something of which I am not capable at the moment. And as long as Luke feels similarly incapable, you cannot actually have what you seek.”

“But I want it,” she whined, squirming a bit and reaching for their cocks. “I want more...”

“Of this I think we are both quite painfully aware,” Alejandro responded with a wry chuckle, rising from the bed and surprising Kathryn with his sudden abandonment. “I am going to freshen myself in the downstairs bathroom. Luke, if you wish you may do the same up here, or simply await my return if that is your preference.”

Same as Fidèle
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Walking To Sex

Last summer, I decided to go on a walking holiday for single people in Italy. On the day of departure, my flight was at 3pm. I arrived at the airport early to get some late breakfast/early lunch so I wouldn’t need to eat the food they give you on the 'plane. At about midday I checked in, went through to the departure lounge and got a drink. I sat enjoying a cold beer and reading from my ipad, until my flight was called. The flight was fine, not a long flight to Italy from the UK. I collected...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Gulbarga Ke Big Bazar Ki Lift Main

Hi friends main ayub ali Gulbarga karnataka se ek aur kahani le kar aaya hun Jaisa ke maine pahli story main bataya tha ke main electrician hun aur puc ka student hun meri height 5fit.9inch hai aur lund size 5lamba aur 1mota hai to baat kuch dino pahle ki hai main 18 year ka hone wala hun to mere ek frend ne mujhe gulbarga bulaya aur kaha ke aaja yaar thodi shopping karte hain Main subha 10baje aland se nikla bus se aur 11 baje main gulbarga cbs pohancha phir main city bus se big bazaar...

1 year ago
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With Strength and SteelChapter 9

"Are you still worrying about lunch?" Talon's smooth hand rubbed down my bare arm as we laid together in my bed. "Yes," I admitted, my eyes on a stray moonbeam that had made it's way past my dark curtains, spilling silver light across the floor. My fingers playing in the illumination, I said, "I wish I could just put it aside to think over later, but-." I sighed, giving a little shrug. "We each deal with things differently." His lips left a trail of kisses across my...

4 years ago
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Anthonys Great RaceChapter 6 Saturday

"Anthony, wake up." "Huh?" Anthony opened one eye, groaning when saw it was only a bit past three in the morning. "Wake up." "Who is it?" "It's me." "Who?" "Denise." Anthony rolled over to face the sound of Denise's voice. The room was dark, but he could just make out her silhouette as she stood in the doorway. It took him a moment to remember where he was, but he soon realized he was sleeping in her bedroom. "What do you want? Do you want the bed?" he asked. "Was...

3 years ago
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Mysuru Guy Mom Hungry Tullu Pussy

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for my stories. Please share your views and correction if any. Any unsatisfied or wanna have fun type of aunties/girls in and around Mysore/Bangalore can mail/hangout me on , unlimited unique fun is ensured with horny role-plays, phone sex, dating and lots of exotic fun. I am published. I am writing this story after a break because there was nothing...

2 years ago
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Like An Actual Girl Part 2 of 2

A hand on Joe’s shoulder made him jump. He looked up from his dessert bowl at his mother. “Joe, sweetie, are you sure there’s nothing wrong? You’ve had that vacant look on your face all day.” He found a smile and rubbed his eyes. “I’m fine, just, things on my mind.” “Well you know you can talk to us if you want to.” “It’s nothing bad, promise.” He pushed his unfinished cheesecake away. No, nothing bad, he just couldn’t stop thinking about Steph, the girl he’d met on Xbox live. How well they...

2 years ago
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TouchChapter 18

LISA Lisa was as good as her word. She went out shopping for decent clothing for young women like herself. Lena believed her twin sister has lost all her marbles. The tension between them forced Lisa to move out. She found a small but comfortable apartment several miles from downtown San Diego. She found some nice furniture in a Goodwill Store. A clean twin sized bed, a nightstand, and a comfortable recliner for the front room. She refused to buy top notch things. Her clothes were simple...

4 years ago
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Hungry Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi guys!!!! This is Vinay here with yet another story which is absolutely real….Thanks a lot so much…for your most inspiring comments which made me write in real time experience of a person known to me. I have heard of husbands dreaming and wanting to get their wives fucked in front of them by other men. But I never knew there was a unique mixture of pain and pleasure in getting your wife fucked by others and watching it like an asshole especially when your wife is totally getting dominant over...

4 years ago
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Wild Couple Swap In Coimbatore

Hi to all readers. Hope you all are safe and sound. This is Varun, 28, from Chennai. I am back after a long time to share my experience with a couple I found online. They wanted to experience a couple swap. Coming to the story, this happened a year ago. I usually surf for advertisements in Locanto for people with different sexual fantasies. While searching, I found a couple who posted an advertisement welcoming other couples for a swap and traveling. They called it destination sex. I contacted...

2 years ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 3

The following morning my alarm clock went off at its usual time and I was halfway out of my warm bed before I realised that I had nowhere to go. Get up and maintain my daily routine or an extra hour in bed? No contest! I climbed back under my welcoming duvet, only to lie awake wondering what the future now held for me. Mid morning, I was not too sure when, as I'd decided to leave my watch off and revel in a place where time was immaterial, my mobile phone rang. It was Julie Thompson....

2 years ago
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How to say hello

This story was written by me and an acquaintance of mine via email piece by piece. The larger breaks show where one writer leaves off and another begins. It's unconventional but I thought I'd share. Enjoy.I always thought that trying to rip someone's clothes off the moment you saw them was the best way to say hello. So when she started pawing at the buttons of my shirt as soon as I crossed her threshold I couldn't have been more turned on. As her hands frantically explored my body I pulled her...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Intense intercourse with salesgirl in a fancy shop

Hello Friends. This is Kannan with another story. I’m 33 years old. I’m here to share with you my real-life sexual experience with Sankari. She works as a salesgirl in a fancy shop near my house. Sankari is 25 years old. She has a wheatish complexion, a 34B bust, and a regular body type. She looks charming. She has some fat around her buttocks and arms. I have been visiting this fancy store for over a decade now. But I saw Sankari in the store for the first time in March 2020. From there on, I...

1 year ago
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Urlaub in den Rocky Mountains

Kate Sumers, eine attraktive vierzigjährige Frau, winkt ihrem Ehemann John hinterher, bis der mit seinem Wagen um die Ecke des Waldweges verschwunden ist. Seufzend dreht sie sich um und geht mit betrübter Miene wieder zu dem idyllisch an einem großen Waldsee gelegenem Ferienhäuschen zurück. Hier wird sie nun den nächsten Monat ganz alleine mit ihren gerade erwachsenen Kindern verbringen. Eigentlich hatte sie die Sommerferien auch gemeinsam mit John verbringen wollen, aber dann hatte ihr Mann in...

3 years ago
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And so i lived in a dream,a wonderfull partner,in love,a good life,what could ever go wrong?? I had the perfect lifeWe worked both ,we had good positions,money never really was an object,our sexlife was allmost satisfactory,we travelled a lot,in short the good life......But without noticing anything,nothing to put your finger on decay broke in ,our so interesting conversations diminished,silences at the breakfasttable became louder and louder and our allmost satisfactory sexlife became a...

1 year ago
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Isolation had been wearing on me. Little more to do than watch porn and stroke my cock day in and day out, I didnt know I was changing. Look back the first real sign was when I started getting excited everytime I heard the word Faggot. Watching joi videos with an absolute goddess of a woman spending 5-10 minutes aggressive telling the viewer how much of a pathetic little faggot they must be.Then came the hypno porn. My mind started going wild. The urge to dress up was real. I caved and got a...

1 year ago
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Teenage Space Whore

I Was A Teenage Space Whore! By LorenaMae VidNewsNow, March 15, 2030 Can you imagine going to the stars as a burly miner and coming back as a voluptuous space whore? That's what happened to Alex Cayman of Darby UK. "I took a contract to mine asteroids with MureMining. I knew I would be gone for three years, but I never expected to be changed into a teenage hooker!" says Alex Alex's problems began when he took too much use of the "pleasure services" available to miners. ...

1 year ago
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A Labour Leader Blackmails a Housewife

Mera naam Savita Singh hai. Mai ek shaadi shuda mahila hoon. Gujarat me Soorat ke paas ek Textile industry me husband Mr. Brijbhushan singh ( we call him Brij) engineer ke post me kaam karte hain. Unke textile mill me hamesha labour problem rahti hai.Majdooron ka neta bhogi bhai bahut hi kaiyan type ka admi hai. Officer logon ko us aadmi ko hamesha pata kar rakhna padta hai. Mere pati ki us se bahut pat ti thi. Mujhe unki dosti futi aankh bhi nahin suhati thi. Shaadi ke baad mai jab nayi nayi...

1 year ago
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Vicious CyclesChapter 8

The mother and daughter sat on the bed in their pajamas, Kimmie brushing her mother's hair, another reversal of late. Always before it had been Lisa who would lovingly brush her daughter's hair while the two talked. A couple of weeks had passed since Kimmie had been safely returned. Although Kimmie's physical injuries were long since healed, Lisa had observed a noticeable change come over the young girl. When Lisa had asked if Kimmie wished to stay out of school a while or even switch...

3 years ago
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My Wife And I Had A MMF In A Van

We met the other guy and communicated with him using an internet website. I had set it all up ahead of time and had told him that he could not fuck her or eat her out. She could, however, suck his cock and he could suck her tits and finger her. I told him where to cum too, but we'll get to that in the end of this story. We physically met in a rather dark parking lot. We have a minivan and I prepared it ahead of time. It was a bit cold out, so I removed the two middle seats and put in a futon,...

Wife Lovers
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My Fantasy with youpart 1

It all begins with me in the shower before going out with the girls. I get undressed, step in the shower wash my hair, shave my legs pits and my pussy. I lather my body with silky washa nd slip a finger deep inside my tight hole. Fingering my pussy and slowly fingering my anus. I reach over to my dildo and slip it deep inside me and pump myself full of that hard cock. A quick fuck before going to the club. I get dressed in my panties, a red low cut bra and a dress.I meet up with the girls...

2 years ago
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The CompetitionChapter 11 St Dunstans vs Valencia Valley

The entire Valencia Valley Ladies' College swim team showed up at St. Dunstan's that afternoon, along with about 20 brave supporters. Unlike St. Dunstan's last swim meet, everyone was dressed to welcome the incoming two buses. A stand near the entrance doors offered soft drinks and hot dogs, and a DJ from Buchanan's AV club provided pop tunes. The Buchanan cheerleading squad was there. Someone in the Buchanan school newspaper had managed to put together a pamphlet listing of the competing...

1 year ago
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Aunty Ko Jabardasti Choda

Hi friends, I am Samrat from Lakota. Mera iss me first story hay or bilkul sacchi ghatna hai.I am very active and energitic and handsome boy. Agar koi unsatisfi aunty or girl mujhse chodwana chahati hai to, mujhe e-mail kare (). I am always rady to fuck.Khas karke kolkata ka girls or aunti mujhe bahut pasand hai.Abhi mera age hai 24. Mai recently ek naya company me join kia hu as a tsm. Mera mba khatam ho gaya hai. Ab mai kahani pe ati hu.Ye kahani aj se do mahina pahele ka hai.Mera ghar ka...

4 years ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 4

I get home late and mom is curled up on the couch, fast asleep in front of the TV. She's wearing a long t-shirt, with nothing underneath it; I can see her firm, round ass where the t-shirt has ridden up. I start to wake her up to go to bed, but instead, I kneel on the floor with my face near hers and run my hand around on her ass cheeks. When she starts to stir, I kiss her on the lips, while running my fingers between her ass cheeks and down over her pussy lips. "Mmmmm." She says dreamily,...

3 years ago
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Fantasia On The The Theme Of Cunnilingus

It doesn't matter where we meet. We need light, space to sprawl, and nothing that might remind us that somewhere, time is passing. We're not in a hurry, and after a while, neither of us will be able to keep track of time. So we do what we do, touch kiss, undress, play with hands and mouths and voices, until our breathing comes faster and our hands slide on our sweaty bodies. I start at your neck, and work my way down your body with my eyes, then my lips, tongue and teeth. I look for the...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Welcome Home Surprise

Clinton had been out of town for work, and I missed him desperately. I had work to keep me distracted, as well as caring for our collective brood, but I missed feeling his body next to me at night. The week he'd been gone felt like months, and while we spoke on the phone every night, I ached to feel him inside me again. I had masturbated several times each night in a futile attempt to fill the void, figuratively and literaly, but to no avail. I was left feeling tired, but unsatisfied. ...

1 year ago
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Just One Kiss

Copyright© 2000-2003 An old man at the Folies Bergere Had a jock, a most wondrous affair: It snipped off a twat-curl From each new chorus girl, And he had a wig made of the hair. I regretted it numerous times but none so vehemently until I met Gory, our photographer. My best friend June's smile was wide and her anxious pleasure obvious as she held my hand, to stop me from running away I should think. June introduced us, and Gory simply grunted and looked me slowly up and down...

3 years ago
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One of a Kind Threesome 2

This is Continuation of “One of a Kind Threesome 1”, You can read the first Part in above Link. Continued.. Now I looked at Ananya, She has naughty Smile on her Face, She Opened her legs and dropped her towel and lay on the corner of the bed spreading her legs. I moved towards Ananya, dropped on my Knees, took some honey on my fingertips and inserted my fingers inside her Pussy and applied honey on inner walls of her Vagina.I opened her Pussy Lips with my Thumb and Index finger and started...

2 years ago
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mind controller chip 4a

Whenever I tried to crawl to the computer he would mount me. I tried to think of food but my signal was not strong enough to get through as all his baselines were probably off the charts. I tried to pull his lead out of the computer but the computer was the wrong way round and it just jammed it tighter in. Then shep had mounted me from behind and wedged my head under a cupboard. As he banged away I saw a pair of scissors on the floor underneath it. I managed to reach them and cut his cable...

2 years ago
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New House New Adventure Part Deux

New House, New Adventures Part DeuxChelsea and I had a nice Saturday all planned out. The boat hadn’t been taken out all summer so we decided it was time to go drop it into the lake and have ourselves some alone time. The lake was only about an hour away and everything was packed up and we were ready to get on the road. Mandy and Misty had been out all morning shopping with each other and had just pulled into the driveway as we were just getting ready to take off. I stopped the truck and rolled...

2 years ago
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The Night My Brother Had a Sleepover

"Hey Tom" a chorus of voice said from outside the door. "Hey guys, sorry it took so long apparently Katie couldn't be bothered getting the door for you, she's been moping about for weeks since she broke up with Adam." my brother replied, I loved him but sometimes he could be a real jackass. "Fuck off Tom, I spilled this shit over the carpet" "What you can't even be bothered to get up to shit now?" he was showing off to his friends "Fuck you!" he realized he may...

3 years ago
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My two moms

My mother and stepmother had a fiery rivalry between them and our week-long family vacation at the beach gave them a perfect opportunity to continue competing against each other before we went back home for the holidays.They always wanted to outdo each other in whatever they did and telling by the first day, it seemed that showing off their bodies was their target for the week. They both were really committed to working out and it really showed in their revealing bikinis. My stepmom’s top could...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 30

“This is absolutely beautiful. I just love the way the houses and barns look with all the pecan trees around,” Miranda said. “It does look good and shady back in them trees. We need to plant some pecan trees over at the other place to shade it a little, I reckon,” Eli agreed. “You boys get you some clean buckskins and go back behind the barn and get a bath,” Eli told the six boys. “Miranda, would you help Sissy get the girls back there and get them bathed?” “I will, but first we’re going...

2 years ago
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Spa Treatments

Joe lay on the massage table waiting for the sweet young thing to return. The girl giving him the massage had a slender body, firm boobs that he wanted to fondle and a sweet ass that he wanted to dive into. He was growing hard thinking about her, and she was due to return any minute. She had given him the option of stripping nude or leaving his boxers on. He took the option of nude, hoping that something else might happen. She returned. He was under the sheet waiting for her as he had been...

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Ians Indiscretions Chrissie the rampant nurse

She dropped her racquet to the floor and fixing her gaze on me, lifted up her skirt to reveal no panties and a gorgeous landing strip blonde minge. To say I was gobsmacked was an understatement. It's not that I haven't been thinking of her in this way, I have for weeks, months even, it's just I hadn't envisioned it happening like this.“What are you doing?” I mutter.“Do I need to spell it out to you? I want you, Ian. I want you to take me and fuck me now.”“What! Here?”“ Look around Ian. There's...

1 year ago
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my first time as a CD

I had been crossdressing since I was a young teen. Back then I was a little bit bigger than my mother and I still managed to fit into here clothes. I really never did anything to dramatic back then, but I loved the few hours I could have the house to myself and slid into some satin panties and nude pantyhose. Sometime I had the time to slip on a bra and one of my mothers dresses, though she was small chested and I desired a larger chest. Crossdressing was always a huge turn on for me, but I...

2 years ago
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JennyChapter 4

It was a nightmare. As much as I tried to stay away from her, I kept seeing her face in the crowds around me. Most of the time, I managed to avoid being seen myself. She called my name a couple of times, but I affected not to hear her and carried on walking. It had been over a week since our first meeting; I'd closed the account from which I'd been making the payments and set in motion the process for opening another account, this one would be offshore and truly untraceable. I had a month...

3 years ago
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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 2

The next morning dawns bright and clear. I wake up to sunshine filling the room and a semi-hard cock resting in my hand. I open my eyes and look across your chest to see our friend looking back at me, smiling. She whispers, “Come with me.” I gently slip away from you and follow her into the bathroom. She turns on the shower then turns to me while the water heats up and says, “How did you two know I’d be willing to do this?” I laugh and say, “We didn’t really. When we get together, it’s like one...

Group Sex
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Night at the theater

One very cold evening i decided to go the the movies with a friend of mine. He was an older black man who i called rick, and he had already got the ticketes for the movie. He arrives at my house and demands me to wear a black shirt, a pair of black panties and black leggings and to bring a black skirt with me. I got dressed and met him in his car. I asked him what movie and we were going to see and he responded in a deep low voice “it is a surprise.” He then said “the movie is at 11pm so we...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 30 Tradition

October 20, 1984, McKinley, Ohio After Vespers on Saturday night, I headed back to campus and found a note saying the gang had gone to see Thief of Hearts and would be back around 10:00pm. I was dying to know if Clarissa and Sandy had received their letters from McKinley, but it looked as if I’d have to wait a few hours to find out. Given that my close friends were out, I really didn’t have much to do, so I picked up my guitar and played, though I didn’t sing. I started messing around with...

2 years ago
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Lormia and ReealChapter 4

Weeks had passed and they were lost. Ree'al pointed out that you aren't actually lost if you don't care where you're going. That argument did not sit well with Lormia. "Mia," Ree'al said. "As long as it's north or west why do we care?" "Don't call me Mia," she snapped. She stood for a moment then she crumpled to the ground, crying. "I apologize if I inadvertently called you a pet name," Ree'al said thinking that Mia could have been what Janarus had called her. After she...

4 years ago
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Please Fuck My Mom

Lindsey was concerned!Her father who had always been an asshole had walked out on her and her mom. As far as Lindsey was concerned this was a good thing!That unfortunately was not the same for her mother, Trudy. Trudy had just turned forty and while Lindsey thought of her mom as smart and pretty, Trudy consider herself as unattractive. For the first month Trudy cried a lot and spent most if her time in bed. Lindsey believed this would come to an end but when it did not change decided she needed...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 8

Before sun-up, Ray was already mobile. Needing to make sure he catches The Rat at home, he makes an early start. "I always get the fucking dirty job" he mutters to himself as he shuffled through the piles of bird shit and rotting maggot infested rat corpses. Working his way through the corridors of an old long abandoned building, he cannot help but imagine how grand and pompous the rooms would have looked in its heyday. The many rooms, with their high ceilings and huge picture windows...

2 years ago
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House Moving Threesome

Like many things, it started innocently enough.I mentioned the opera singer I lived with for a while; the one we were calling Sue. Well, when I moved out, another female opera singer took my room. I had a big Ford Explorer so I helped move her stuff. She was tall with long brown hair; 28 years old with a really fit body and a bit of a nerdy face. We'll call her Kate. They were both behaving strangely that day. "Frisky" comes to mind. Carrying boxes, they would bump into eachother in doorways,...

2 years ago
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Underwear party 2

I was used as a model at the naughty knicker party. This is a true story from about two months ago, I have though changed the names of those involved, you will understand why!As I previously described I am a HGV driver, I do not get home very often during the week as I am usually away in different parts of the country. I do not normally see my wife between Monday morning and Friday evening.On this occasion my wife had an Ann Summers party booked for a Saturday and her friends and our new...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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At The Window

She was young.  She was new.  She had never been a part of an adult online community before now.  No one knew about it.  Not her friends.  No one.  This was her private secret.  One of several secrets she was keeping deep in her heart.  She had started by reading some of the stories.  Some had been awful but others were quite, well, stimulating to use an archaic term.  Eventually, she became a regular in the chatrooms.  Her experiences had been decidedly mixed.  There were interesting women but...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Ashley Fires Haley Reed What8217s This For

When naive teen stepdaughter Haley Reed sifts through her stepmother Ashley Fires’ bedside table she finds a knobby looking vibrator. She turns it on and innocently massages her underarms. Ashley walks in and explains it’s a personal massager. When Haley looks at her blankly, Ashley knows it’s time for ‘the talk.’ She explains it’s for self-relaxation and it’s normal. Ashley puts the vibrator on Haley’s developing breasts and it makes her tingle....

3 years ago
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The Borrowed Dog

I was at my girlfriend's place and we were going to have a fuck. She had rung me and said she was horny and would I fuck her. While we were getting undressed, I told my girlfriend about the story. She said, “She had heard of it but didn't know any girl who would let it happen.” I joked and said, “You should try it one day.” And she didn’t say anything. Then we had our fuck and while we were doing it she started to talk about what I had said. “Do you think it could happen?” she...

4 years ago
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Sharmi Aunty 8211 My Dream Woman

Hi friends,my name is Ajit. I am 22 years old. Right now i am studying Engineering. I am 5’7” in height. I am a huge fan of this site. This is my first story.Please let me know whether you liked it. This story is a real experience involving Sharmi aunty my mom’s best friend n me. My Grand father was ill so both my parents had to go visit him at Delhi. But my exams were coming up so they didn’t want me to miss any classes.So it was decided that i would stay at Sharmi aunty’s house for that week....

2 years ago
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Aces and EightsChapter 11 Surprise

Day 11 The Revenge Walter I ran to the rail and shouted down to her, "Jenny. What is it?" "Can we keep them?" she shouted up at us. "Keep what?" I said. "Come and see," she replied and turned and ran back to the caves. I looked at Mike and he shrugged. We went to the gangway and ran to the garage. We entered the garage and followed the giggling to the back right hand corner of the cave and I found all the kids sitting inside a large box. Looking in, I started laughing as I saw...

3 years ago
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All in a Days Work

It had been a long day at work and youhad been fucking with me all day long. Every chance you gotyou were kissing my neck or shoving me in the bathroom rubbingmy clit and getting me frustrated as hell. It was about 5 o’clock when a man came in and wanted a PrinceAlbert, you asked him if he wanted a male or female to do thepiercing and he stated that he did not care. I came out fromthe back and saw this tall good looking black man; he wasabout mid thirties and looked like a bad boy. I winked...

2 years ago
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Masters Valentine

Introduction: A romantic evening with Master. Enjoy, dont pick it to death. Sturing the pot of chocolate again so it doesnt clump I lay out the strawberries and the pineapple, to be dipped and eaten later tonight. The house has been cleaned and I had a couple of bags of rose petals make a small trail to the bedroom. Finishing up I take the small platter to the bedroom along with a long nosed lighter. Setting the platter on an end table in front of the bed ,I light the candles that Ive put...

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