FidèleChapter 42 free porn video

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“What the... ?”

Blinding flashes of muddled memory. Nervous system reboot. Pain. Lungs rattle into motion. More pain.

Eyes struggle open. The floor. A bottle. A chair. Unexplained sparkling near the window.

At least I didn’t...

Digestive system reengaged. A desperate and pathetic crawl to the bathroom. Just barely in time.

The cool porcelain whispered of sleep. He listened.






God, what a horrible taste.

His porcelain savior once again offered comfort. Judging it wiser to remain in place for a while, Luke cuddled the basin as his most loyal friend, resting his sore cheek on the seat. It was wisdom rewarded time and time again. Eventually, with nothing left in his stomach except regret, his religious experience came to an end. Though the urge lingered and revisited for the remainder of the day, he had no more left to give. Only the emptiness of well-earned suffering.

Several rounds of oral cleansing later, his mouth was restored to reasonable tolerability, though about his breath there was little to be done. He probed the throbbing at the back of his skull. The pain turned sharp the moment he touched it, and when he retrieved his fingers they were dusted with flakes of dried blood. More thorough study revealed a small gash that he’d reopened with his exploration. I’m going to lose some hair trying to fix this.

Stripping off his clothes, he discovered even more bruises. His elbow felt like it might be seriously injured, and he shuffled into the kitchen for some ice. It was then that he finally recalled the full measure of the previous night’s carnage. He righted the chair — unlike him, it seemed undamaged — and moved the empty bottles to the counter, but decided to leave the rest of the cleanup for later.

Ten minutes later, he was asleep. In his bed, for a change.

It was early evening when he finally dragged himself out of bed. Judging by the way he felt, he knew he was still a long way from the end of his hangover. A shower and fresh clothing helped little. Nor did cleaning up the damage caused by his anger and desperation. Unpacking his suitcase was more than he could manage in his current state, but he knew he had to at least try to eat. Throwing on a light coat, he made a zombie-like trip to his favorite bodega for a few essentials and an atypically bland sandwich. The owner was so surprised by his order that he began interrogating him, but when Luke mimed the universal sign for drinking too much, the questions were replaced by an empathetic nod. He was back in his apartment, attempting to psych himself up for a meal his stomach was rather forcefully protesting, when his phone chirped.

Did you manage to kill yourself?

Tried and failed.

How hard?

No sleep, no food, bottle of Champagne, bottle of 1964 Bas-Armagnac, an entire day of heaves that turned from wet to dry, one broken crystal stem, one broken cheap-ass tumbler, bleeding from the back of my head, ice pack on my elbow, probably some other things I haven’t discovered yet.

Jesus fucking Christ, Luke.

On the bright side, I had a lovely day date with my toilet, and I think we’re going to keep seeing each other.

Finally, someone other than me that’s used to putting up with your shit.

Clever. Even better, it doesn’t talk back as often as you do.


I’m staring at it now. The problem is that it’s staring back.

Did you do something dumb like get sushi?

Turkey, lettuce, American cheese, no condiments or pickles or peppers, white bread.

Jesus, that’s sad.

I know.

Eat something anyway, you pathetic motherfucker.

I thought we were on a two-week hiatus.

I wanted to make sure you didn’t die before I had the chance to yell at you.

Mission accomplished.

Oh no. This isn’t yelling. But I promise that if you drink yourself to death over the next two weeks, I’ll come over and kill you myself.

Luke sent her a heart emoji and put down his phone. I’m not even close to ready for Wendy. It’s a good thing she insisted on a break.

She broke several of her promises the very next day, banging on his apartment door far earlier in the morning than he had any intention of experiencing. He stumbled to the door, groggy and confused. Though not as confused as he was when he opened it.

“How did you... ?”

“You get three questions. All must be answerable by a single word. There will be no additional conversation. Is that clear?”


She pushed past him and dropped four overstuffed bags of groceries on the counter, then turned to face him. “You look like shit.”

“Of course I do. It’s an accurate representation.”

“So? Questions? Or can I get on with my day?”

“How did you get into the building?”



“Former.” She held up two fingers, impatiently tapping her foot.

He took a deep breath. “You brought me a bunch of healthy, restorative things like vegetables, because you knew I’d spend the next two weeks hiding in my cave and existing on a diet of fattening takeout and booze, and you did it because behind all your bitterness, sarcasm, anger, and frustration over the way I’ve been conducting my life, you still care about me.”

Instead of answering, she sighed and walked to the door. Just before it closed behind her, she muttered, “Exactly.”

By the end of the first week, the first slender threads of order had been restored to Luke’s life. With the exception of one far less disruptive relapse, he managed to avoid drinking to excess, though a day-long experiment with abstinence proved beyond his current resilience. Wendy’s groceries helped, and by the time he was in need of more, he was making tentative attempts to exercise. He’d worked out so infrequently at the lake that he was in relatively terrible shape, and his destructive binges hadn’t helped. But I bet I could still run a sexual marathon, he mused, as his sluggish feet dragged him through a nearby park.

The thought, of course, filled his mind with images of Kathryn. Not that it was ever entirely free of her, but there were certain moods, situations, and moments that made him unable to focus on anything else. He occasionally experienced mild arousal while revisiting his memories, but — at least so far — he felt no need for sexual release. I guess Wendy didn’t need to buy those two boxes of extra-strength tissues after all.

Early in the second week, he managed to attend his first tasting since his return. Industry colleagues were thrilled to see him back, and peppered him with questions about his absence. He’d prepared for this with an array of responses that he hoped sounded more uninteresting than evasive, and though the interrogation was renewed with every fresh group of old acquaintances, he eventually judged the attempt a success.

And then it was Sunday night, two weeks after his return to the city. He texted Wendy a single word — Tonight? — and she responded in the affirmative.

This time, she kept the first half of her promise, helping him descend into serious inebriation while he opened his heart and succumbed to uncontrollable tears at her bar. But it wasn’t until the next morning that he realized she’d broken the rest of it; when he rolled over, he discovered that she was in bed with him. On top of the covers and fully clothed, but still there.

A little while later, they were sipping coffee at his table. He noted that she was wearing flannel pajamas decorated with anthropomorphic dildos, which meant that she’d brought an overnight bag and that her lingering had been planned all along.

“Wendy, thank you. You’re my guardian angel.”

“I’m sure as hell no goddamned fucking angel. But you do need one, surrounded as you are by demons. Most of them your own.”

“I’m sorry. I know I dumped a lot on you last night.”

“More like a biblical flood, but yeah, you did. And by the way, the purpose of guardian angels is that you’re supposed to listen to them, dumbass.”

“As you’ve told me many times, I’m slow. So what do you think about... ?”

“No. We’re not having this conversation. First of all, there’s that flood I mentioned, and it’s going to take me a while to avoid drowning in it. Second, there’s the gap between what I think and what you’re prepared to hear. Third, there’s what’s best for you, and that might be completely different than the other two. In any case, none of those thoughts are going to pass my lips until I’ve purged some shit in the direction of your ears. So you can sit there and wait until I’m ready.”

“Okay. Still, I really am grateful for last night. All of it. I certainly didn’t expect you’d still be here this morning.”

She studied her coffee mug for a while. “Luke, I’m going to tell you something about yourself. I don’t want you to get angry, but I need you to think about it for a while. You and I both know that most people in our field are, at least on occasion, high-functioning alcoholics. Yeah, there are some who’ve managed to give it up and stay dry, but not many. Most of us drink to what any rational observer would call excess. It just so happened that your lover fit right in to our world and is more than a bit of a high-functioning alcoholic herself — though I’m sure her situation had a lot to do with that — so you had nothing even close to a respite while you were out there. But when you’re feeling bad about things, or yourself, you drink alone, and you drink a lot. Too much. Way too much.”

Luke scrolled back through his memories, thinking about the times he’d been dangerously drunk. When I first learned that Kathryn was married ... the night of the charity gala, when she gave me the handjob ... the night she and Bill were all over each other at dinner ... when I realized how little time we had left ... the day they spent together on the lake... He saw the pattern, realized she was completely correct, and told her so.

“I knew there’d be no stopping you on your first night back, but this is why I had to check on you. Still, it was way worse than even I’d predicted, which is part of why I brought you food the next day. But the more I started thinking about last night, the more I realized I didn’t quite trust you to stop drinking once I got you home, bucket alongside the bed or not. That’s why I decided to stay.”

“I didn’t...”

“I know you didn’t, and that’s because I made sure you were too drunk to keep drinking long before we left the bar. Do you remember falling asleep in the corner while we cleaned?”

“Uh, not exactly, but there are some gaps...”

“That’s fine, I didn’t figure you’d remember. I feel like I had to carry your fat ass all the way from my bar to your bed. Which reminds me: you have got to lose some weight. Anyway, my point is that it’s fine when it’s with me or other people you can trust. One day, when everything’s back to normal between us, you and I can get drunk together just like we used to. But you have to be a lot more careful about your solo binges, Luke. They’re a little scary, and from what you told me last night, they’re getting more frequent.”

He nodded. “You’re right, they are. Thank you for warning me. I’m still suffering, and it’s hard, but I’ll try to be careful.”

“Speaking of hard, have you blown a hole in those tissues yet?”

“Haven’t even opened the boxes.”

“Really? I mean, even through you’re especially gross and unattractive right now, and you have to reacquaint yourself with a razor, you’re usually good for a solo rubdown now and then. What happened?”

“No interest.”

She stared at him, considering. “Luke, it’s time to listen to your guardian demoness for a change: you need to get laid. Well, get back in shape first. And then get back on the horse. Anyone’s horse.”

“I don’t suppose...”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”

“Okay, okay. But I’m not exactly in the mood to date, and...”

“Who the fuck said anything about dating? Just go bang someone. Jesus, hire a fucking hooker if you have to.” His face clearly expressed his indecision, and she grew audibly frustrated. “She may be the best, but she’s not the only. Even if Tinkerbell comes and waves her magic vibrator at the two of you, it’s not going to be soon. You told me she wants you to do this. I want you to to do this. I know there have to be girls who are so desperate that they want you to do this. Why are you the only one who doesn’t?”

“Because they won’t measure up. Because I’ll either be comparing them to her, or thinking about her while I’m with them. And because I’m afraid that if I don’t, I might not even be able to ... you know.”

“Get it up? Then don’t call someone who’s going to give you grief about it. What about your unapologetically slutty friend? If anyone can raise your mast, it’s her.”

“Liz? After last time I can’t...”

“It’s been, what, about four months? A lot can change. Give her a ring. I bet she’ll be up for it.”

“Speaking of dating...”

“It was nice. We had fun. That’s all you need to know. Don’t push.”


It took him several days to drum up the courage, but when he did, he learned that Wendy was right.

“Luke!“ Liz squealed, exploding in laughter at the volume of her outburst. “Okay, now all my coworkers know what I sound like when you make me come,” she whispered, still laughing. “Can I call you back in a few minutes? I’ll find an empty conference room or something.”

His phone rang before he’d even finished putting it down. “Before we start, is this a touching or a no-touching call?”


“I just need to know if should lock the door or not.”

He’d forgotten just how brazen she could be, and it made him smile. “Let’s say it’s a call about touching. Or rather, inquiring about the possibility of touching.”

“Baby, does that mean your dick’s back on the market?”

“Well, it’s more complicated than that, but the short answer’s yes. For now, at least. After our last time, though, I...”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I missed you so much that you can call out whatever name you want. I haven’t had a worthwhile ass-fucking since you left — your gender is populated by fumbling cretins — so expect to be doing a lot of that. Name your night and I’ll be there. Or you can come over, if you’d rather.”

His own burst of laughter was as much a release of tension as it was delight at her lighthearted sexuality. “I didn’t think it would be this easy, so I didn’t have one in mind.”

“I’m hurt, Luke. Because I really am this easy, and you forgot. Anyway ... and I really don’t mean to put you off, but I just remembered that there’s a reason ... how about next Tuesday or Wednesday? I just had an extended fling with a super-hot designer that was working with one of our clients, and the last of it was bareback; so while we were both tested before we got to that stage, I’d like to be sure. And baby, while you know that I trust you...”

“No, you’re right, and it’s a good idea, considering it’s been a long and very interesting while. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

“Yay! If we’re gonna be at your place, remember to stock up on lube. I’m in a serious drought when it comes to butt stuff, and you’re the best I’ve ever had back there.”

“The designer wan’t interested?”

“He thought it was nasty.”

“His loss.”

“Exactly! Okay, baby, I’m gonna rub one out while thinking about you bending me over this conference table, but then I have to get back to work. I’m so excited! Mmmwah!“

He was still grinning at the phone when Wendy texted.

Remember what we talked about?

I’ve kept it to a half-bottle or two cocktails.

The other thing.

Liz is up for it.

I knew it. Now go take down someone else.


Liz is easy. No disrespect intended, but she is. Go poke your sweaty schlong into some other willing victim. One who’s not already in your contacts.


Because you need to prove to yourself that you still can. Because you need to remember that there’s a sex life beyond you know who.

Can I at least verify that all the equipment works first?

Fine, but don’t hesitate once you do. And Luke? For her sake, shave your nutsack. I’m sure it’s disgustingly hairy by now.

Deciding that getting out of the apartment was its own worthy goal, Luke met Liz at her place for an early dinner of takeout sushi. At around four in the morning, she weakly shoved him away and did something she’d never done before: begged him to stop.

“You were really, really good before, but now you’re a fucking sex god. I’m not going to be able to walk straight for a week, I’m sore everywhere, and I squirted so much I might have to replace another mattress. I should just have them delivered on a monthly schedule or something. Who in the hell is this woman, and when can I meet her? Never mind, too tired, spoon me and let me get at least a little sleep. Set an alarm for seven. No, fifteen minutes of. Gives us time for a morning quickie. ‘night!”

Luke smiled at the barrage of words, tapped his phone a few times, and embraced her from behind. While Kathryn had indeed popped into his mind on occasion, especially at the beginning, it was far less often than he’d feared. As he drifted into sleep, however, he wondered if that was a good or a bad thing.

Whatever energy he’d driven out of her the night before, she recovered it for a frenetic morning reprise. As she bustled around her apartment getting ready for work, she asked if he had any plans for later. When he admitted that he didn’t, she invited herself over to his place for another round. “No need to follow me out. For now, just relax. Sleep in if you want, shower whenever. I don’t think there’s much food, but help yourself. And I give you permission to dig through my drawers in an attempt to discover all my naughty secrets. There are a few here and there, though all the real action’s on my laptop, and you’re going to have to figure out the password yourself. If you find something sufficiently interesting, promise that you’ll use something I wear or sleep on and leave me a little gift. Bye!”

Their sexual escapades that night — at his apartment, this time — were even more exhausting than the night before, and as she rolled back and forth in post-orgasmic ecstasy, guarding her ravaged holes with shaking hands, she offered an extremely uncharacteristic proposal.

“Can we make this a regular thing?”

“I’m absolutely not saying no, but this is ... unlike you.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” she laughed, “I’m not getting all clingy or looking for any sort of commitment. It’s just that ... well, you used to be a fantastic lover, and it was always exciting to hook up with you. Now, you’re a master. You’re so good that I’m afraid I’m going to start canceling on other partners just because I know you’re going to fuck me so much better than they will. On the other hand, I don’t want it to be so often that I get addicted. Every two weeks, maybe? With the option to get together more often, of course.” To this he readily agreed, pleased to have such an enthusiastic and unproblematic outlet for his sexual desires. “And now, since I’m in desperate need of a break from your beautiful cock — which I see is still hard, by the way, and you’ll have to tell me which devil owns your soul in exchange for that never-ending erection — I’m going to sit here and you’re going to tell me all about her. I won’t be able to offer much emotional support, but I’m a good listener.”

She was, and he did.

When he got to the part Kathryn had encouraged — the assertion that Liz had been demoted to third place amongst his lovers — she was only shocked for a moment. Then her eyes grew as sultry as her smile. “And you won’t tell me who she is.”

“Absolutely not.”

“How hard should I try to force you to tell me?”

“Please don’t. I’ve already blown it twice. I can’t do it a third time. Anyway, I don’t think that’s what Kathryn had in mind.”

“Oh, I know she didn’t. That vixen wanted me to try to fuck you to death in order to reclaim my title. Right?”

“Uh, I think so.”

“Well, then. Let’s see about your carnal demise, shall we?”

Neither of them got any sleep that night. But in the middle of the following afternoon, Luke received a phone call from a very sleepy Liz.

“You look like a man who’s been getting laid,” Wendy remarked as he wearily settled into his usual spot at her bar.

He nodded, a bit sheepish and more than a bit fatigued. “One night turned into two, then three, then four. I’ve never known Liz to be like this, but...”

“Addicted to your schlong, is she?”

He blushed as he shrugged. “I think it’s a little more complicated than that. Yes, I’m apparently much better than before, and she’s exploring what that means. Plus, Kathryn laid down a bit of a gauntlet that...”

“Lemme guess. She told you to hold the fact that both she and your slutty supermodel are better lovers over Liz’s head.”


“That’s what I though. Manipulative bitch.”


“I meant it as a compliment. Since you told her about it, Liz has been trying to fuck your nuts off, hasn’t she?”

“I didn’t exactly tell her about it — yes, I finally learned how to keep a secret — but yeah,” he responded, unable to hold back his grin. Wendy rolled her eyes.

“And you’ve been outlasting her, haven’t you? Thanks to all the evil sexual arts you learned in the cavernous depths of your insatiable succubus.”

“As you know very well, they’re not cavernous, and I ... well, yes, I suppose, but...”

“And she keeps coming back for more. How many dates, or whatever, did she break to spend the week getting railed by you?”

“Uh ... a few, I think, but...”

“So now she can’t get enough of you. Pretty soon she won’t want anyone else unless you want them for her.”

“No, it’s not like that. She’s...”

“I presume you’re not fucking all the time.”

“No. Actually, that’s been the really interesting part. She’s being a really good friend right now, and...”

“Yes, yes, she’s a nymphomaniac with a heart of gold. I thought you said she’s incapable of emotional commitment.”

“That’s still true.”

“It’s about to be untrue.” Wendy shook her head, muttering, “It’s like a virus. A disease. Kathryn is Patient Zero, and now it’s spreading.”


“Liz — no-commitment, fun-loving, used to be more than you could handle, screws her way through the known universe with no regrets — is halfway to moving in with you. Oh, she won’t make it formal and neither will you. And she’s still her, so you’ll be able to fuck anyone else you want, with or without her involved ... which is the best of all possible worlds, isn’t it? Except she’ll never love you, and you’ll never love her. You’ll both kinda half-feel it, and then you’ll be stuck.” She leaned over the bar. “She’s your replacement. You’re setting up the exact same scenario you had with Kathryn, except now you’re in the driver’s seat and there’s no risk or pain, because your connection only goes so far. But the moment your crimson unicorn calls, you’ll go running and Liz will be ... well, what will she be? Hurt?

“I don’t know, and I think you’re being a little unfair. She’s free with her body, yeah, but she’s the most honest person I’ve ever known, and she’s really quite kind. We even...”

“You’re white knighting all over my bar. It’s worse than jizz. Stop it before I have to get a rag. She’s not devoid of emotions, dumbass. No one is. You get deep enough inside her — I don’t mean her pussy, though that’s probably the easiest path — and she’ll have some. For you. And maybe you’ll have some for her. But she’ll never be more than a substitute for what you really want. Even then, she’ll never actually be second on your list, will she? She’s trying to be, though. You have to turn this volume down, and you have to do it now.”

“Weren’t you the one who was encouraging me to get laid?”

“Yes, and I still am. You absolutely shouldn’t stop with Liz. Just cool it down a little. And for the love of all that’s unholy, go fuck someone else. Any candidates?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe.”

“Good. Let me know if you need a wingwoman. Experience demonstrates that I’m skilled at getting you comprehensively laid. Now, are you ready to drink non-alcoholic beverages while I vent months of accumulated rage at you?”

“I doubt it, but I’ll persevere under one condition.”

“Which is?”

“Any more dates?”

To his surprise, Wendy blushed. “Yes.”

“You realize my condition doesn’t end there.”

She sighed. “Fine. Two more, and another one scheduled. Yes, we had sex both times, sorta. I met Sasha. She didn’t hate me as much as I thought she would, and the feeling was surprisingly mutual. Satisfied?”

He leaned back. “Very.”

“Good. Now, listen carefully you stupid son of a bitch...”

“I’ll have the Division Gamay Noir.”

“Of course, and thank you. Because I just won.”


“I bet Greg you’d order that.”

“I guess I’m predictable. Is he here?”

“He might be there, actually. Division, I mean. He’s on a research trip to Oregon.”

“A wine-soaked junket, you mean? Drooling over Kate?”

“Isn’t that what I said? You know as well as I do how drool-worthy she is.” Terrence, the only bartender at Caveau that he knew by name, grinned and walked away, returning a few moments later with an extremely generous pour.

“I’m sorry, Terrence, but I actually meant the bottle. Not that you didn’t just give me about half of it.”

“I know you did. But even though he’s not here, Greg has plans for you.”

“Oh no.”

“You’re right to be worried. Though for what it’s worth, I don’t think he’s the only one with plans.”

“What do you... ?” His question trailed off as Terrence smirked, turned, and escaped to the other end of the bar.

“Hey, stranger.” The faintly accented voice was directly behind him. “It’s been a while.”

“It hasn’t been that long,” he responded, turning to face her. “And until my last visit, you didn’t even know who I was.”

“Oh, but you’re wrong about that. I asked about you every time you came in. I’m pretty sure that’s why I was assigned to your table.”

“Really? Why?”

“Really.” She said it with a half-purr, moving a little closer than was strictly acceptable between staff and a patron. “As for why, surely I don’t have to explain that.”

“Then why didn’t you... ?”

“Strongly discouraged by management, and difficult to hide when I had no reason to be chatting up people at the bar, which is the only place you ever sat. Plus, your last visit didn’t exactly seem like an opportunity, though if I’d only known ... anyway, Greg’s not here right now, is he?”

“So I’m told. Olivia, you’re looking very well. It’s really nice to see you again.”

“You’re looking solo, Mr. Bronson. I haven’t been on the floor very much tonight, but I didn’t see your lady come in, and if she is here, she still hasn’t commandeered a table or a bar seat. Anything happening in the alley that I should know about, or better yet join?”

He smiled, though it was fraught and she quite obviously noticed. “I can’t speak with any sort of authority about the alley, but she’s not here ... and, unfortunately, she’s not my lady.”

“But I thought...” She gestured at her neck, her eyes full of questions. He lifted his left hand and pointed at his unadorned ring finger. “Ah. So you two were being even naughtier than I realized.” She turned her head to scan the room for urgent needs, then returned her attention to him. “Why are you here, Mr. Bronson?”

“Call me Luke, please. Even my dad doesn’t respond to Mr. Bronson. I’m here to enjoy some nice wine and food, to get away from some things that need getting away from, and to see someone I was eager to see again.”

“Is that so?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, don’t hurry through our wine list. Who knows what might happen later?”

They were in her small apartment, a few subway stops from the restaurant, in a relatively quiet residential area. It was messy — she’d made him wait in the hallway while she frantically cleared a place for him to sit — and pointedly youthful; the longer he stayed, the more he felt like he was cradle-robbing, even though she wasn’t that much younger than him. At the moment, she was issuing her fourth apology for the low quality of the wine she was pouring into his glass.

“Olivia, stop. Though I’m immensely grateful for the hospitality, I’m not here to judge your wine selection.”

Same as Fidèle
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When I was a teen I noticed my younger brother and some others guy friends of his get really excited, like they were doing something REALLY naughty, as they were trying really hard to act like they were not up to something. I kept my eyes on them to try to figure out what they were up to. Something REALLY was exciting to them as they kept pointing different ways. After a while one of them switched cups with a girl. Right then, I had a pretty good idea on what they were up to. My first emotion...

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Runaway TrainChapter 28

As was usually the case, it was left to Susan to rein us back in. Susan Weathers was the outlier in our group. She had a good sense of humor but she also had enough common sense to ensure she only showed it when the time was appropriate. She was the oldest in the group at 37 and she and Chris had been married for more than 15 years. She was also the one that grew tired of our antics the quickest. As was her way, she simply cleared her throat and we stopped with the wisecracks. “So, back to...

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SlamPig Crackwhore Fucks So Hard

'That's the best needle you'll ever get, you fuckin' slut.'He pulled his jeans up and looked down at her as she struggled to untie the knot her panties were getting into around her cheap and glorious fuck me stilettos.She looked up at him and stared. She did not hate them anymore, but she did not like them either. It was pure economics. She immunised herself with heroine, but she always needed more. d**gs, like sex: you always need more. That was why she was kneeling in One Lamp Alley playing...

3 years ago
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Dating Two Best Friends 8211 Part 2

Thanks to all who read and gave their feedback on my previous story. My last story was about how me and my first gf Richa lost our virginity. This part of the story will be about incidents that succeeded that day. Me and Richa, were still going strong. Having taken our relationship physical, we both were much more comfortable and knowing of each other. Me and Richa did the nasty every week or a fortnight at the max. After 2 months and having slept together 6 times, our relationship was in that...

3 years ago
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Long Long Distance Fun

The plane finally touched down in Cleavland. It had been a very long journey 9 hrs fight plus two stop overs normally I would have been tired. I was kept awake by the thought of seeing her. The anticipation and excitement kept me alert and blood flowing. The last time I could remember being this excited was when I was younger at Christmas waiting to unwrap presents.I packed light just a small carry on as I always worried about loosing my luggage and always felt ripped off have to pay the extra...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Stacy Cruz Dick On Delivery

Brunette Czech stunner Stacy Cruz gets horny as hell after getting a sweet note from her man delivered to her. She imagines his thick dick inside her trimmed pussy and promptly starts masturbating her pink. Delivery man David Perry comes back to deliver part of her missing package and finds the now super wet nympho dressed down to her sexy black lace lingerie set complete with garter belt and thigh high stockings. He’s now in for the seXXXperience of his life in today’s Hands on...

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Britney Spears Photos

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same – a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

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Pariwank Anand 8211 Part II

Agale din manisha mere liye chai lekar aai aur char char badam pista chhodkar gaai main kuch kamse bahar ghum kar aaya aatehi manisha mere samne sajdhajkar aa gai maine manisha se puccha bhabhi aaj bahot sunder lag rahi ho kya baat hai? Manisha boli devarji aaj mere khushi ki vajah kucch khas hain. Shayad aap jante ho ya nahi! main chounk gaya badam pista khaliye ya nahi? Han khaliye magar aaj achanak ye badam pista kisliye? Aaj tumhe ek surprise Milega devarji dopahar thik 12.30 par muze mere...

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The Operation 1720

Chapter Seventeen We arrived home, Theresa shut off the ignition but my motor was still revving. Theresa looked at me with desire in her eyes. I swung my legs out of the car, arising in a perfect ladylike fashion. "Jenna, your makeup looks great, I love it you sexy thing!" I basked in her appreciation for my developing skills, batting my eyes and making a sexy pose and winking. She embraced me enthusiastically, kissing me full on the lips, and turned, taking my hand. I almost...

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A Change In The Status Quo Revisit

After reading A Change In The Status Quo by OccamsPileDriver I thought it was a really good story, a sign of the present times but Chuck the main character had left a lot of questions unanswered in the mind of the reader. I know that the author is wrestling with a second part, but with his permission I’m going to try to continue the story of Chuck and Rebecca. To me the original story didn’t give Rebecca any chance to put her side of the situation, but the two participants seemed basically...

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Monica Bhabhi 8211 The Seduction

Hello friends, I, Abhi, am a lover of ISS stories and have been enjoying it for a few years now. I also had a feeling that I would some day be able to share my experiences. It was actually ISS that gave me the courage to take a step forward when having a conversation with ladies older than me. This story might be a bit longer than usual but I would like to stress on the fact that how both of us build our relationship till the night we had our first encounter. This encounter happened on July...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Emma Starletto Natalie Knight Step Sibling Valentines Day Club

Natalie Knight has noticed that her adopted sister Emma Starletto and their stepbrother Codey Steele have a very close relationship. She suspects that they’re more than friends. He brings Natalie a Valentine’s gift as they’re lounging in the room together: dick candy and butt plugs with his dick hidden at the bottom. Natalie is a little bit hesitant to do anything with Codey’s gift since Emma is right there, but eventually Codey coaxes her into delivering a handjob. Once...

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The Only Woman for Me Part Five

      I can’t believe it but the day has finally arrived. Elaine is back in town.   She is moving in to her home right now. I am getting ready to head over there and help her unpack everything. Mike offered to help as well and I couldn’t think of a good enough reason to turn down more assistance so he is coming with me. I am standing in the mirror giving myself on finally look over, as nervous as if this was a first date or something. I am so excited to finally see her again I am about to...

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Skeletons in my Closet part 18

Skeletons in my closet part 18Skeletons in my closet part 18 The She-devil makes an appearance John and I retired to our bedroom after our little talk. Were just about to make love. I looked up to see Michelle dressed in those damn ugly pajamas standing in our doorway.”Is something wrong Michelle?” I asked her.She walked over to the bed as she replied, ”I couldn't get comfortable in bed with Sara and Linda, ” ”Besides Sara snores, ” looking to me with those puppy dog eyes.I looked to John who...

2 years ago
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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 13 A Lot Left Unsaid

David, Sara and Linda got up early, hoping to quietly steal away into the early morning, but it wasn't to be. The others got up just after they did and fixed them a going away breakfast while they were loading the car. While it was appreciated, David was worried about making progress, given the bad condition of the interstate. However, he was further delayed, as everyone tried to give him a personal goodbye outside. While he couldn't chide them for wanting to say goodbye, he still felt a...

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AsylumChapter 5

Billy Billy knew he must not advance along the corridor hastily. He did not know what awaits him, in the dark shadows of the hallway. Max is much bigger than him, in height and weight. The madman had the advantage of being more aggressive. Billy had to plan every move if he was going to bring Max down. The crushing sound in the distance brought Billy to a halt. He waited for a while before he continued. He reached halfway to the main entrance of the hospital. The flickering lights got...

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Dads sex slave Jan

Introduction: First Time Writer [i]I was 5 when my mom died and a year later my dad remarried to Jan.She was 17 then and was concidered the hottest girl in town.When I turned 13 my dick swelled up and dark curly hair began growing around my crotch including on my balls whick had doubled in size.I began jacking off all the time and one night I became really excited when I heard my parents bedsprings squeeking. My cock grew rock hard so i jacked off while listening to my dad putting the dick to...

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Aprils Secret

Stepping out of the lecture hall, I took a deep breath and then yawned. Two hours of political science with Dr. Tom Evans was a very good way to bring on the afternoon yawns. The guy could probably make sex boring.“Hey, Ross. How goes it?” sang out a cheerful female voice beside me.I turned with a smile to see my friend April standing there.“I need caffeine,” I groaned.April chuckled. “Me, too. Was it just me or was Evans even duller than usual?”“No, it wasn’t just you,” I sighed.With a laugh,...

College Sex
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Amy Affair with her older Brother Wife

It June and 18 year old Amy lives in Arizona and just graduated from high school and is off to university in the fall. Amy always wanted to go out to state university but her parents don’t want her on own. So the parents and Amy come to an agreement that she can only go to university out state if she moves to California where her old 23 year older brother Matt lives with his 23 year old wife Amanda. Her parents want her stay the older brother place which Matt and Amanda seem to be alight with...

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Black Familys Nasty AdventuresChapter 2 Carols Animal Adventures

Once the two sluts had finished gulping down all the nasty dogjizz, Emily took hold of one of Carol's nipples and used it to roughly pull her over to the stable. She pulled hard on Carol's nipple, distorting her huge tit into cone while she twisted and pinched the nipple and Carol stumbled after her. The horny housewife felt her cunt juice from Emily's dominant behavior, and even more so when she saw the big horse in one of the stalls. Emily shoved Carol to her knees on the dirty wood...

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Minha primeira vez

This is the Portuguese version of my story previously published story called "First ttime" (the second "t" was a typing error), so if you want to read it in English, please visit that story. If you can read Portuguese, however, I really recommend to read this version. I rely deeply on mundane language and this increases the "realism". I also give a more colorful description of S?o Paulo and, if you are Brazilian, you will sure recognize some of the street names and the d...

2 years ago
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The Grocery ListChapter 10

Saturday, late morning, September 8th {Bob} In the bathroom, I hauled out my cock, which was chomping at the bit. "Is she really for me?" he gasped. "No!" I said. "Get a grip!" "I can't, he moaned. All I can think about are those luscious breasts!" He cried a single tear. I have to admit it. I knew where he was coming from. I choked him for about twenty seconds, remembering those smooth swells of white flesh I had seen, and he finally gagged and tossed his cookies into the...

1 year ago
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Rebecca in trouble part 8

The door was opened, the key in the metal lock waking Rebecca up. She sat up in bed, frightened, not sure where she was. The blanket fell down, her breasts, naked, her nipples hardening in the cool air of the cell. "Who is it?"The Commander moved into the light. Rebecca noticed a small black bag at his side and the fear began to form in her eyes. She knew that she was to be sexually abused again, but at the same time she could feel her pussy becoming wet."Wake up, Rebecca. You have been asleep...

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Its better with the belt

a 'Quicky' by Jo-Anne WileyThe white hash marks flashed past. She stepped lively avoiding them like cracks in a sidewalk:Step on a crack, break your mother's back! Her bare legs slanted against the tight fabric of her skirt. The rhythm of her body was hypnotic and the hum in her head sounded like wind in far off wires. The warmth of the sun fell across her shoulders, soothing the strain in her back where the rope had held her. The “clicking” stopped her. She missed a step, and startled, she saw...

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A Penance of Twelve Part 4

This is Part Four and Denise is now beginning to enjoy and explore her circumstances. Story contents include nudity, oral sex, reluctance dominance and masturbation. Comments are welcome. More to come! ******************************************************************** A Penance of Twelve Part 4 Denise was at her usual waiting spot a few minutes before 11:00 AM looking down from her second story window into the parking lot where she would be able to see his shiny car arrive....

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A Fortunate Rescue 3 Samanthas Story

I awoke to find my husband, Peter, fondling the breasts of another woman, lying behind her and reaching round her voluptuous body.   Her husband, Daniel, lay behind me, spooning me in our large bed.   I could feel his semi-erect penis pushing between my ass cheeks and the thought of him exploring further made me tingle and instantly wet.   I looked over at Peter and smiled.   He had enjoyed Catherine last night but only after I had taken my pleasure with her.   Now he looked into my eyes...

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Severance Pay Chapters 7 through 12 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER SEVEN I'm sure this feeling of being a Munchkin will eventually fade away but right now, it's as bad as ever. I can't even shop in the Young Adult section of the clothes store's for God's sake! Jessica ... I mean Mom, decided that the first thing we needed to do was buy me some clothes, since the only ones I had were what was at the lab. It turns out that I'm too small for the Young Adult clothes so I'm in the Junior's section. "What do you want from me ......

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Me And A Mature Woman

Hi, Readers, I am narrating my experience with mature women in Bangalore, I met online , I was in my late 20s and was online to chat, since I was in Bangalore at work for a week and was stiff bored. I was on a site for swingers and came across a mature woman. We chatted for some time and when she realized that I was from out of town, she quickly revealed to me that her name was Vidya and she was 45, divorced. We became friends thru the site and we were chatting and sending each other pics....

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The New Sales Girl Part Ten

The New Sales Girl - Part Ten By Sherry DeAnn & Mark Patrick ( May 2019 )Keith told me to put my dress back on and fix up my makeup in the bathroom here in the back of the shoe store. I did and I was back to looking 'classy and sexy' instead of 'slutty and used' which is ok too but now it was time to pose for some photos so I had my make-up on with care. False lashes, Eye liner, Slut Red Lipstick, Dark lip liner etc. etc.We walked into the lingerie shop and Angel smiled a knowing smile...

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I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....

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Neighborhood Matured Aunty Introduces Me To Sex 8211 Part 3

Hi, I hope you like the second part. I would love that the ladies also to comment and give feedback on my real incidents on So, the next day morning, as usual, Mom and Dad had left for hospitals. I was about to reach aunty’s house with my clothes to take a bath. She told me that uncle is still at home and he is leaving the office late. So she requested that if I could take a bath at my place itself and go to school. I acknowledged and was about to leave. She held my hand on the gate, slowly...

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Now its over with Or is it

When Chris got drunk he got abusive to his wife of six months and he was getting drunk more and more often lately. Keri was a sweet girl and I do mean girl. She had met Christopher when she was 17 and she ran away and married him just after her 18th birthday. They had only dated for a few months and he was nice to her while they did. That's not to say that he didn't take her virginity on their second date even though she had said no, but she enjoyed it and he took the time to make sure...

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A Summer Job with Fringe Benefits

When my father offered me the chance to work in his office for ten bucks an hour, I jumped at it. It was a lot better than cutting lawns and it was air-conditioned. The other benefits were unexpected. I was seventeen that summer and had just finished my junior year of high school and done well on the SATs. I needed money for college. Dressed in chinos and a clean polo shirt, I rode to work that first Monday and listened to my father tell me the rules. No smoking, no dope, no drinking and be...

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Great way to start the weekend

Finally. Mikey sat in his last period class on Friday staring at the clock. 2:45, it read. Only fifteen more minutes. As he was watching the seconds tick by, Mikey’s teacher, Mrs. Simmons, droned on about world history and the importance of studying Africa. He knew he should pay attention as it was his junior year and he needed to get good grades, but paying even the slightest bit of attention last period on a Friday was just too much to ask. Finally, it was 3 o’clock and Mrs. Simmons was...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 15 Obstacles and Choices

Derek walked hand-in-hand with Sandy into school. "What a difference a week makes," he thought. The reason for this thought was all around him. Girls of all classes were checking him out. He even noticed one of his sister's friends, a senior named Amélie, was checking him out. Over the years, she had always thought of him as nothing more than Laura's pesky, younger brother. He smiled at her. "Hey Amélie! Were you able to see Laura on Friday?" "Only for a few minutes," admitted the...

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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 4 May 1936

Anjelica Di Angelo The second thing that happened in the spring of 1936, also started at the dairy. I was reconciling the April accounts ready for the following Monday’s board meeting. We had kept the dairy going as a separate concern from both the farm and the crop dusting businesses, so it could be sold off easier if we needed to. Anything over a dollar plus the clean-up costs were pure profit. But the dairy was going so well, especially with the new Milk Bar, that we kept it going, with...

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One For Her Kinky Surprise

We had booked the hotel and there was no going back now. We were to meet in the afternoon in the hotel bar for a few drinks and then go up to the room to live out all those fantasies that we had been talking about online. The day came and I finished work early, showered, changed and excitedly made my way to the hotel. I made sure I was early as I didn't want you waiting for me, so I went to the bar and ordered a bottle of wine. I turned round and got a massive shock as I suddenly saw someone...

1 year ago
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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 5

Monica had quickly gotten more and more confident in her newfound career as an adult photo model and porn star. She'd never envisioned her life would take such a direction, but now she felt so confident with her own physical beauty and she'd quickly discovered that her innate sexual skills and tastes seemed to be what turned her audiences on bigtime. When Monica met with her producer and director after returning from her successful home visit, she found herself confronted with one of the...

2 years ago
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Male Wife

MALE HOUSE WIFE BY JANICE My name is Nathan; I was twenty one when my life started changing. I had my own company which employed between twenty and twenty five people. It seemed the biggest problem I had was my stature; I stood five foot two inches tall, average for everyone in my family for several generations. I was a good business man but felt that if I was more imposing I might have more customers. Maybe I was a...

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The Slave Speaks Chapter 2

"No!" I cried. This angered him. "I AM YOUR master." he held me tightly as I shook, and finished undressing me. He slapped me hard on the ass twice. "I would do more for this great crime, but you should look decent for this. Rachel, take her." Rachel pulled me into the hallway again, this time bringing me to large doors. I heard a loud crowd on the other side. "You're GOING to do this. Be prepared, he has a large cock. I would know." she smirked, "Oh, and no cumming until you're given...

Erotic Fiction
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A New Taste Part 13 For Lily

In the morning we sat on high stools in Harrison’s kitchen, quietly eating cereal. Both of us were pretty tired from or exertions. Cereal was pretty much all the food we had because we were spending so much time on other activities we had neglected shopping. I was enjoying the nutritious benefit of his sperm supplement at twice a day but I was losing my own at the same rate. Swings and roundabouts.“What do you want to do today?” He said.“Well we need to get some food or my balls are going to...

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The Butterfly

I sat alone in the lunchroom accompanied only by a cold grilled cheese on a dirty plastic tray. Swarms of college students marched in and out of the concession stand of a cafeteria. The food was never enjoyable, even when the grilled cheeses were hot. Everyone was black and white. They were bored, vacant, uninterested in anything going on around them. I’ve never looked in a mirror so I may have been just as bland and colorless as them. It was Valentine’s Day. If you haven’t noticed yet, being...

Love Stories
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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

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Teens Night of HorrorChapter 2 The Return

It was a warm April day. Susan was celebrating her seventeenth birthday. The attack she had endured last Halloween was still fresh in her mind. In spite of it, Susan was trying hard to live her life like a normal teenaged girl, even if she was a teenaged girl who was six months pregnant. There had been one serious reminder of whose baby she was carrying. She wasn't showing much and the boys at school still thought she would make a cute girlfriend. At a New Years party thrown by one of the...

4 years ago
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Imprinted by stepsister Shelley while edging and selfsucking

There I was laying on my bed, remembering having shared the first dance at prom with my beautiful, gorgeous, blonde stepsister.  She was a super brain all her life, won scholarships and excelled at everything she focused on.  She was also a stunning demure fox!  I would have done and still will do anything for her. This is a brief story of how I was imprinted into love for my stepsister, Shelley.  Ever since she walked in on me by accident, into my bedroom, and saw me sitting on my bed with my...

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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 4

That evening I sat at my computer, starting to work on this story, enjoying every minute of it, occasionally glancing at the two gift-wrapped packages on the edge of my desk, not knowing where the story was going in the coming weeks. I couldn’t imagine a guy having a better life than I did right then; a wonderful wife who I loved unwaveringly and a beautiful girlfriend who that wonderful wife knew about and approved of whole-heartedly. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world! Then a funny...

Wife Lovers
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Dark Redemption Ch 03

The next morning I resigned. When my boss questioned my decision, I told him I had been offered a job at Peter’s firm. They were opening up an accounting section. It was the truth. I guess my boss was disappointed because he had lost an accountant as well as a client, but I didn’t care. Some weird magic was at work inside me. I had given myself over to Peter. What I did not tell my boss was that I was going to marry Peter. That first night was without any doubt, the greatest night of my...

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B7 Chapter 15 Epilog Washington

Chapter 15: Epilog - Washington The cigarette smoking man smiled as he drove to work at the Pentagon on Monday morning. All in all, it had been a very good week for him. Although he couldn't be there to see the shit hit the fan in person, he had a very good idea of what had happened recently on the Island in the Bahamas. The intelligence satellites and the information systems at the Pentagon could keep track of just about anything on the globe, after all. Not many people on the planet had...

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sister In Law calls at an inconvenient moment

I posted this under another name with Peter in it several years ago.My stories all have a moment of two that inspired me to take it further.My Wife Deann and I were fucking one night. She had her ass up and her face buried in her pillow when the phone rang. She said I should just let it ring, but I shook my head "NO" and picked up the receiver. It was my wife's sister who lives in Ohio many miles from us. We both call her Chatty Kathy because she can't seem to ever quit talking . I said,...

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Amelias Seduction

Wednesday: Eight Fifty-Nine p.m. She stood at his door. In one hand a single red rose, her other poised and ready to knock. Her heart beat wildly and her head spun with a heady mixture of fear and pure excitement. Her mind was full with the expectation of what was about to happen to her body; her insides ached from her high state of arousal. Like a ripe peach her womanhood was bursting with sweet juice; ready for someone to take a mouth-watering bite. She took a deep breath and knocked. ...

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Married life by Lucy part four

part four.After the birth of our son James we decided to have another baby so my story continues with me five & a half months pregnant. Money has become tight because there's an overtime ban where John works & with me not working we needed some income to see us through the next few months. John came home after having a drink with friends. saying that he had a solution to our problem. A friend that he hadn't seen for a long time was splitting up with his wife & needed somewhere to...

2 years ago
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Seduction Of LaurieChapter 7

Rebecca and Robert were both a bit nervous as they sat in their reserved seats at La Petite. Rebecca took a quick drink of her vodka tonic as she stroked a single finger up the naked teenage thigh that was stretched across her lap. Trish winked at Rebecca and ran her soft wet tongue across her lips. She slid the hem of her denim mini-skirt a few inches higher on her legs to give the older woman a more lurid view of her silky young pussy as she parted her thighs. Rebecca couldn't resist the...

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