FidèleChapter 44 free porn video

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He rolled away, drenched in sweat. “I don’t know why I keep thinking it can’t possibly get better, but it always does. It should be impossible, and yet...”

“Just think what it’s going to be like in a year. Or in ten years.”

“I’d better get started on my will. I’m sure I’m going to have a ridiculously enjoyable yet tragically shortened life, but it’s good to be prepared. You don’t happen to know any lawyers, do you?”

“Just one, she’s retired, and don’t joke about things like that.”

“Then stop trying to fuck me to death.”

“How am I supposed to know what your limits are unless I test them?” she asked with a grin, reaching for his cock.

“Seriously, I need a break. Can we talk about something other than my sexual demise?”

“Like what?”

“There’s something I’ve been wondering about. Obviously, you know more or less exactly how my life went from the time we parted until the time you reappeared. What about you? I don’t mean while you were still married, but afterwards. Where’d you go? What did you do?”

Kathryn fell so silent for so long that Luke turned to stare at her. She had a reluctant, even pained expression on her face.

“Are you sure you want to know?”

“If it’s too depressing, we can talk about something else.”

“That’s not really the problem. I suppose some might call it depressing from a point of view that I don’t share, but that wasn’t my experience at all, and it was exactly what I needed at the time.”

“Which was?”

“Luke, I was grieving, confused, and desperate to rediscover who I really wanted to be. For months I lived alone at the lake house without seeing another living person, save for the lawn service and the cleaners. You know me; what do you think I’m talking about?”

“Oh.” Now it was his turn to fall silent for a while. “Tell me about it.”

“Are you serious?”

“I may regret this at some point in the near future, but yes. Absolutely.”


“I haven’t forgotten your vision of our future together, but you and I haven’t really done anything in pursuit of that future since the day you teased those deliverymen.”

“Oh god, I’d forgotten about that. You’re right, though I think you should also count our experiments with dominance and submission. Which we should really pick up again, hint hint...”

“You didn’t seem interested the last few times I tried to get you in that particular mood.”

“That’s because we were with Olivia, and it made her profoundly uncomfortable. She couldn’t bring herself to help you top me, and she couldn’t relax into her own submission with me around. It was easier to avoid it. Still, I know you picked up even more experience with her, and I really am looking forward to being at your mercy again, Sir.”

“I promise. Anyway, my point was this: the only reason we were in a multi-partner situation was because you walked right into the middle of mine. We made it work for a while, but it was inertial, at least until it started to fall apart. We still get together with Liz from time to time, but since you’ve been back, we haven’t done anything to actively expand our sexual universe. And I remember quite clearly that one of the bigger hurdles was getting me used to the idea of you being with other men. Now, on that score I have made some progress, in that I shared Liz with other men multiple times. Liz and I even talked Olivia into it — just once, though — and I was not only fine with it, I truly enjoyed watching her lost to sexual abandon. Maybe I’ll feel differently because it’s you, but you telling me about your sexcapades feels like a manageable first step before diving into the deep end.”

“I’d call it more of a sexcation, and while that’s eminently logical, I’m not sure logic is what’s going to be filling your head if I agree with your request.”

“All the more reason to see if I can deal with it, then.”

“How much do you want to know?”

“As much as you’re willing to tell me. Start with a broad overview and I’ll let you know if I can handle more detail.”

“Actually, Luke, it’s the broad overview I’m most worried about you hearing. Are you sure you want to go down this road?”

“If it’s a road we’re eventually going to walk together, then I think it’s necessary to take a step.”

“Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She looked away for a moment, summoning up the memories. “I traveled the world for just over three months. I visited every continent, including Antarctica. And over that entire time, I spent only four days and/or nights without intimate companionship.”

Luke’s eyes got big. “Wow,” he whispered.

“Before you start doing the math in your head — and I’ll warn you now that the final tally is higher than you probably imagine — you should know something else: while a majority of those encounters were with a single partner and some of them went on for a while, they’re only a majority by the slimmest of margins. Close to half my experiences were with multiple partners. As you can imagine, I made a lot of progress towards knowing whether or not that’s the sort of lifestyle I’d like to lead.”


“I’m more certain than ever.”

“Then I guess you’d better start telling me some of the details.”

“How much detail do you want? Names? Measurements? A stroke-by-stroke recounting? Video?”

“You have video?”

“No, but others do, and with one exception I could easily get them to send it to me.”

“No video. I’m probably not ready for that. I have a different idea: why don’t you tell me about a few of the more significant or memorable moments now, and if I can deal with those, we’ll leave the rest for erotic story time. Like with those deliverymen.”

“The deliverymen with whom I didn’t have sex. None of these stories involve me teasing without delivering. I had sex with absolutely everyone I could, as often as I could.”


“Yes, my love?”

“Look down.” She did, breaking into a broad smile.

“I guess that means you want me to go ahead. Well, okay, but I feel like I should give you a safe word,” she admitted with a laugh. “I’ll start by telling you that my first five partners were women, because at the time I was feeling a little antipathetic about men. The last two I managed to get together for some amazing Tantric threesomes at a Hawaiian spa. Despite all my sexual experiences I’d never explored Tantric sex until then, and if you’ll allow me I’d very much like to introduce you to it.”

Luke snorted. “‘If I’ll allow you.’ What sort of nonsensical warning is that?”

“For one thing, you’ll have to fast for a week. And I haven’t even gotten started on the enemas...”


“I’m kidding. Anyway, after that I was thirsty for some cock again. In Japan, I located a Shibari master who agreed to tie me up, and you will be learning how to do what he did — I know you and Olivia were experimenting with rope bondage, but I’ve developed a bit of an obsession with suspension — and I spent three days alternating between being tangled up in his ropes and, uh, thanking him for the experience. And then, since I was in Japan and I’d always loved watching it in porn, I ... you know, it’s very unusual for me to say this, but this is probably the only story in which the telling of it makes me feel like a complete slut, and not in a good way ... I found a club where they’d let me be the center of a bukkake party.”

“Oh shit! And? You love semen so much that...”

“Well, see, that’s the thing. Western porn apparently lies; in Japan bukkake’s about covering, not necessarily consuming. In fact, they made me keep my lips closed and wear a sort of dental dam-like contraption over them. Very unsexy, but I was told there was some sort of health code involved. There’s a different word for what I actually wanted — gokkun or something like that — but I didn’t learn that until later. So not only didn’t I have the fun I thought I would, it actually ended up being pretty negative. My skin felt horrible for days. Worst of all, they wouldn’t even take pictures or video. So that was my first truly negative experience, but at least I tried it.”

“After that, my stories turn relatively prosaic for a while; meeting people in bars, on tours, and so forth, as I worked my way around Southeast Asia. For the first time in ages I went out by myself, dressed to attract attention and quite willing to reward it, though every once in a while I was asked to leave by a manager who thought I was an escort. And yes, before your imagination runs wild, I did consider pretending to be one just to see what it felt like. In the end, the risk of being arrested — or worse — helped talk me off that particular ledge, though I’ll confess that the curiosity’s still there, and maybe we can play around with that one day. Especially if I remain unemployed for an extended period of time,” she teased. “Anyway, I eventually met a really lovely married couple in Chiang Mai that was headed more or less in my direction. I traveled with them for several weeks, moving from place to place and country to country. They were incredibly adept at identifying fellow swingers and I encouraged them to do so, which turned the time I spent with them into a continuous rolling orgy. Until I got on a plane to New Zealand, that is, where I actually had two of my partner-free days. It’s the most beautiful country in the world, but it’s not the easiest place to get laid. I was in Queenstown and feeling a little frustrated when I ran into a group of Australians. They were booked on an excursion to Antarctica, but had just lost one of their number due to a family emergency. Six men.”

“You didn’t!”

“I most certainly did. They used me virtually nonstop whenever we weren’t annoying penguins or watching ice sheets permanently slip into the ocean, occasionally one at a time but much more often in groups from two to all six. I got almost no sleep, but it was glorious. Best sex of the entire trip, without question.”

“Uh, can I ask... ?”

“Not one single penis entered my body anywhere but my mouth without a condom the entire time I was on my slutty odyssey. I’m pretty sure the Aussies had to pay an excess baggage fee for all the condoms they brought, but I definitely made it worth their while, because they were almost gone by the time we returned to New Zealand. Don’t worry; I’m a whore, not an idiot.”

“You’re neither.”

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong. You might think I’d be worn out and in need a break by then, but if anything I was hornier than ever. That said, my stories once again got a bit boring and repetitive for a while, save for the safari in Kruger National Park, after which I enticed my guide and my tracker to search for wild animals in my bed. I felt a little guilty, as they were risking their jobs, but less guilty when it turned out they apparently didn’t require sleep either. After a few more stops in Africa and a too-short detour to South America, l finally made it to Europe. To the extent that I had any sort of intentional itinerary when I left the States, that was it. And here’s where the only other truly negative experience happened, though you’re going to laugh at the reason: I had sex with someone bigger than Alejandro.”

“I don’t see how that’s possible, and I’m not sure why I’d laugh.”

“Well, Faith told me that it was — you and I have to have a talk about her, by the way — and she was right. And you should laugh because I told you I wasn’t a size queen and I meant it, but then I did the sort of thing a size queen would do and deeply regretted it.”


“It hurt like hell. He was about one-hundredth the lover that Alejandro is; he really only cared about himself and how impressed I was supposed to be with his elephantine cock. He wasn’t patient enough to prepare me properly, nor did he possess the slightest bit of creativity in bed. While I did eventually manage one orgasm, it was mostly the result of my own efforts. I allowed my curiosity to get away from me, and it not only sucked, it put me out of commission for an entire day. That was the last time I went without, though.”

“I suspect it was partly my self-flagellation over that encounter that led me to my last, and unquestionably my riskiest, assignation. I met a devastatingly handsome older man in Zurich. After I made it plain that I was available, he explained that he was a dominant, and a very strict one. We had regular sex that night, and I liked it and him, so I agreed to his proposal to go to his estate and give myself to him for an entire week. It really was an estate; there was a butler, a gardener, a chauffeur, several maids, and so forth. He wanted to collar and leash me the moment I arrived, but I told him only one man could ever put a collar me, and it wasn’t him. That was sort of a test of his intentions, and since he immediately accepted my refusal, I decided to continue. I didn’t want a full master-slave scenario, but I wanted everything we did to be more or less in that realm, and he was quite obviously enthusiastic about the idea.”

“For seven days and nights I ... this is hard for me to say, especially to you ... I did things I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do. Things I still can’t really believe I did. For instance, every single night I slept in a small cage suspended about six feet off the floor. It was supposed to be in his dungeon — yes, he had one, and it was both fearsome and incredible — but the one and only use of my safe word was to negotiate myself into his bedroom, because I knew the isolation would be too much for me. I ate my meals from bowls he’d place on the floor next to his chair at the dining room table, unable to use my hands ... though since they were usually cuffed behind my back or neck, or sometimes attached to my ankles, they wouldn’t have been of much use anyway. He asserted control over everything ... when I ate, when I could go to the bathroom, when I bathed... everything. I wasn’t even allowed to speak unless it was to use a safe word.”

“I was naked the entire time, unless you count various types of ball gags, clamps, hoods, restraints, shackles, anal hooks, spreader bars, and so forth. He’d chain me to furniture in the most outrageously exposed positions and invite friends over for meals, drinks, and card games. He never let them touch me, though he encouraged them to ejaculate on me whenever they felt like it. Nor would he let me clean myself until he gave me permission to bathe, which sometimes wasn’t until the next morning. And he punished me constantly. Once an hour, on the hour, whenever he was awake, and he was not gentle. But he was also an expert, and never once broke skin or caused pain I couldn’t handle. Still, it took three weeks for all the marks to disappear. There were some other things we did that I’d rather not talk about just yet, though if you demand it of me I’ll tell you. We barely had any sex — he’d brutally throat-fuck me a few times a day, but though he was an evil wizard when it came to torturing me with vibrators and such, he never once let me come — and so, by the end of the week, I was insane with unsated lust but in no physical condition to go find someone to help me sate it, which I’m sure was his intent. It was by far the most intense submissive experience I’ve had, other than with you, and in fact the only one I’ve had since you.”

“It sounds like it was more intense,” Luke offered, feeling more intimidated than at any point during her story, save perhaps when hearing about her Antarctica adventures.

“In terms of the cumulative physical demands he made of my body it may have surpassed what you did to me in the boathouse, and of course you and I never did anything involving humiliation, but the truth is that I spent the whole week wishing it was you. There was no aftercare until the last few hours before he let me go; he kept me in a submissive state the entire time. I was absolutely wrung out, physically and emotionally. But the fact that I was able to think about you whenever I needed strength or reassurance meant that my submission to him was never even close to total. The only person with whom I’ve experienced that is you, and I sincerely doubt I’m even capable of it anymore unless you’re somehow involved. By the way, he recorded every single minute of my stay on multiple cameras, but that’s the one video I probably couldn’t acquire without offering him an encore, which I would never do unless you ordered me to.”

“Anyway, that week was sort of like the final cleanse. My erotic and emotional enema,” she added with a wicked laugh. “Despite the fact that my body was one enormous bruise, I booked a flight home the very next day, moved into my apartment, and brooded over what I’d done. I admit that there was more than one occasion when I wondered if months of being a complete slut for anyone and everyone wouldn’t make it impossible for us to be together, because you’d be so disgusted.”

“Look, I’ll admit that it’s a lot to take in all at once, and that’s with you sparing most of the details. Here I thought I was being crazy by having a girlfriend, a friend with endless benefits, regular threesomes, and I don’t even remember how many one-off additions whenever Liz was feeling frisky. And now I learn that I was practically a monk by comparison. That said, if someone had forced me to guess what you’d spent those months doing, I would’ve come to a more or less correct conclusion, though I probably wouldn’t have imagined the tally, nor some of the wilder things you did. But ... well, look down again. Do I seem disgusted? Yes, it’s going to be a while before I’m ready to see or participate in the things I just heard about, but this conversation has proven something I wasn’t sure about until now: I will be ready one day. Possibly soon. And you’re not a slut or a whore. Except...”

“Yes, Luke?” She looked surprisingly anxious and vulnerable, as if the entire future of their relationship relied on what he was about to say.

“Except that you are. My slut. My whore. You were, once upon a time, and I promise that you’ll be both for as long as I’m alive.”

“Oh god, Luke, darling, I love you!” she cried, crashing into him and raining kisses all over this body. Before he knew what was happening he was inside her, and all stories, thoughts, and concerns receded into the past to which they belonged, clearing the way for a future they’d write together.

He handed her a bag and picked up her car keys.

“Where are we going?” she casually inquired. Their trust had developed to such a level that she didn’t even peer into the bag to search for clues.

“You’ll see.”

About thirty-five minutes later, she gasped. “Are you sure?”

“One step after another. This seems like the safest one to start with.”

“Thank you. I love you so much.”

“The feeling becomes more mutual every single day. As with the sex, I keep wondering if it can be possible for me to love you more, but then I wake up and I do.”

“Which reminds me: why are you avoiding Faith?”

“Have you talked to her?”

“I have. She’s very put out that you haven’t called.”

“I was with Olivia. She never agreed to the arrangement, and I thought it was disrespectful to even mention it.”

“You’re a good man, Luke.”

“Not always.”

“That’s in our past. Anyway, it’s you and me again. Call her.”

“We’ll discuss this later. Meanwhile, we’re here.”

A few minutes later, elevator doors opened onto a spacious apartment.

“Kathryn, Lucas, what a tremendous pleasure to see you again. I admit, Luke, that I was initially taken aback by your proposal. But your explanation was most thorough, and made a great deal of sense. Nor can I deny that my anticipation is elevated. But you must both affirm that this truly what you wish.”

“My mind’s made up,” Luke replied. “Kathryn?”

“Alejandro, I’m kinda dazed and a little giddy, but I’m really happy to see you too. Though I didn’t know about this until a few minutes ago, the answer’s an enthusiastic yes. Can I ask you two coconspirators how long we have?”

“I have cleared my calendar until tomorrow evening. In terms of available time it will be very much like our last meeting, save that I have no other guests arriving.”

“So I’ve got both of you all to myself?”

“It would seem so.”

She closed her eyes and shivered. “God, I nearly came just thinking about it. Still, Luke will be so disappointed that you haven’t provided him with another diversion.”

“I offered to make inquiries, but he wanted this to be all about you. On that subject, Luke, and before we become too distracted ... especially as Kathryn already appears to be disrobing ... I have a question for you regarding Faith.”

“You’re limping.”

“As I’ve said before, try taking that thing in your ass and see how well you walk afterwards.”

“No thanks,” he laughed. “But you certainly seemed to enjoy yourself. Maybe even more than last time.”

“In some ways, that’s true. Last time there were more inputs and new experiences, especially once Faith arrived, but even though I let myself go as much as possible, I was keenly aware that I was betraying my vows in a truly unprecedented fashion. This time, I was who I’ve always wanted to be. Without limitations. And you were right there with me, supporting me, encouraging me, and fucking me as hard as you’ve ever fucked me.”

“Well, I felt competitive.”

“My love, not that I want to discourage you if that’s going to be the result, but you never need to feel that way. It would be impossible for anyone else to approach what we have and what we do. The measure by which you’re the best lover I’ve ever had is off every imaginable scale.”

“Thank you, and I feel the same way about you. Though I did get a kick out of his reaction when you told him that you’d been with someone bigger.”

She groaned. “Most of my soreness comes from the hours that followed that confession. I almost regret it.”

“But you don’t.”

“I really don’t. He’s a fantastic lover, and despite my aches I feel extraordinary. Though I can’t believe you just sat there and watched him take me like that.”

“It was a good test for me. One I passed.”

She hugged him like a gleeful teenager and then pushed him onto the sofa. “But now we have to address the other elephant in the room. Call Faith.”

“I seriously doubt she’s been living some sort of life of chastity while waiting for my call.”

“Of course she hasn’t. But you’re playing games with a much more dangerous void than her apparently bottomless pussy. You’re challenging her ego. Alejandro promised to explain everything, but you’ve got to call her.”

“Now it’s my turn to ask this of you: are you sure? Why would you want this?”

“Because I think it’s hot as hell. Because you want her, but even more because she wants you. How often do you think Faith Anderssen wants someone and doesn’t actually get them? Never, never, or never?”

“But what if we ... I mean, if she and I... ?”

“Develop feelings? That’s even hotter. I’m not the slightest bit worried that I’ll lose you to her. But if you two want more than a date and the sex marathon that’s sure to follow, if you fall for each other, if you actually end up in love ... darling, I wanted exactly that for you and Olivia. Why wouldn’t I want it for you and Faith? Plus, we already know that she’d be completely on board with our plans for the future.”

“But she’ll never be what Olivia would’ve been.”

“You’re right. She’s not going to be your live-in girlfriend. She’s never going to stop fucking other people. She’ll always be someone who drops into our lives for a few days and then disappears for long stretches. But while I do insist that you call her, what happens next is entirely up to you. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to have sex with me again, and the feeling’s definitely mutual, but I can’t make her ours. You can. How could you not want Faith to be a permanent part of our lives, even if it’s only when she can carve out a little free time? Call her already!”

“Okay, okay. I will.”

“I can’t believe how absolutely ravishing you are.”

“Oh, please. I get professionally tarted up every single day. I can do this in my sleep. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have.”

“I’ve seen plenty of photos, and I’m telling you this isn’t that. This isn’t just you with killer clothes, amazing jewelry, and perfect makeup. This is special. You did this for me, and I’m incredibly honored.”

She opened her mouth to object, but wilted under the earnestness of his stare. “You really like it?”

“I love it when you’re shy, Faith. And yes, I very much do.”

“God, Luke, I ... who the hell are you that you make me feel this way?”

“I’m no one. Or I’m a Master Sommelier who will proceed to bore you with wine talk for the rest of the night, thereby ruining my chances for a second date. Or I’m some dude you met on day two of a rather wild orgy, and...”

“Keep talking that way and you’re going to experience another orgy right here.”

“No orgies. I know this is unfamiliar territory for you, but this is a date. We’re here to eat, drink, and get to know one other. You’re here to have a good time, and I’m here to show you one.”

“The best way to do that would be to bend me over the table and fuck me.”

“The considerable amount of effort I put into making this a completely secure dinner date would be undone by such grotesqueries.”

“Even though that’s the only thing I can think about right now?”

“Even though,” he grinned.

“Fine. I can behave. For now.” Faith picked up her glass. “So, Master Sommelier, tell me what I’m drinking.”

“And here we are,” she said, pulling a key card from a purse that probably cost more than he made in a year.

“Thank you, Faith. I had an incredibly lovely evening, and it was an immense pleasure to get to know you so intimately.” He leaned in for a kiss, which she returned with a thermonuclear level of intensity until he detached and stepped backward. “I look forward to our next date. Sleep well.”

He held back his smirk until he reached the elevators, all the while pretending to ignore her incoherently sputtered imprecations.

“Do you hear that? Someone’s pounding on your door.”

“I do. It can’t be a building emergency, because for those they either sound the alarm or call. Maybe it’s one of the neighbors complaining about the volume of your orgasms. Stay here while I figure out what’s going on.” He threw on a robe and hustled through the living room.

Faith — still resplendent in her exquisite finery — was at his door, simmering with lust and righteous fury.

“How did you figure out where I live? Also, how did you get in?” he dryly inquired.

“You forget who I am. Also, you asshole, what the fuck was that about?”

“Faith, how lovely to see you again!” The love of his life was, of course, completely naked as she exited the bedroom.

“Kathryn, likewise. Your body still pisses me off, but it’s really nice to see it again. And can you believe that this jackass just walked away from me?”

“I can, because he told me all about it, but I also acknowledge that I’m not even slightly surprised by your appearance. I know why he did it, and I freely admit that I approve, but were I in your shoes — and by the way, those are fabulous shoes — I probably wouldn’t have let him leave the hotel.”

“Well, you’re both here, so I suspect we can wrest something useful out of the...”

“Actually, we’re not. Luke, give me a few minutes to get dressed and throw some things in a bag. Faith, key and room number, please.”

At first Faith’s eyebrows arched, but then she smirked and extracted a key card. “2001 at the St. Francis. It’s a suite. Unlimited room service and bar, spa, twenty-four hour access to the gym and the pool ... absolutely anything you want. All of it’s already paid for by a very famous fashion magazine, so please indulge. And if you’re interested in a different kind of snack, there’s a very cute waiter named...”

Kathryn laughed. “I’ll indulge in everything else and take the last part under advisement, but it’s more fun if I don’t know his name. Thank you. Luke, I’ll be back late tomorrow afternoon. Be a good boy. Or actually, don’t. Faith, show him what he almost missed.”

“Oh, you can be damned sure of that.”

“You two look like you sat around and read some books, watched some movies...”

Luke moaned. The bedroom was a disaster. Most of the bedding was on the floor, nearly a quarter of the mattress was exposed, and he had hickeys and bite marks all over his body.

“How was the waiter?” asked Faith once she’d detached her lips from his half-erect cock.

Same as Fidèle
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A Little Girl in The Making It was bright and sunny afternoon as Tony headed home from work. He had a pretty big day of being the boss at his high powered finance job. As he stood on the crowded train he thought to himself, "Maybe I'll go for a run when I get home." However, his girlfriend had other things in mind for him. Brooke never really liked the idea of children, but as she got older, she decided that kids may not be such a bad idea, as long as they stayed well behaved and...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Nala Nova Desires

Black hair and blue eyes are a beautiful combination, and Nala Nova is owning it. She’s an innocent girl, and she has every intention of becoming a star in the porn world. Even though she’s new, she’s not afraid to share her deep sexual desires on camera. She loves getting facefucked, even though she doesn’t think she’s the most skilled deepthroater in the world. But when our stud pokes the back of her throat, it’s ultra-sexy. She eats the lucky guy’s ass and then spreads her legs for some deep...

4 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 29

The concrete tunnel ended abruptly. "Now what, Grannie?" Liv asked. "Look above your head, there's a rope. Just give it a yank." Liv jumped up and grabbed the thin white rope. There was a clicking noise, the ceiling swung open, and a wooden ladder dropped into the hole. "Was your dad batman? What is all this?" Finn asked. There was no way this day could get any stranger. He was running for his life, armed to the teeth, in an underground tunnel with a girl from high school and her...

2 years ago
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My Student Ch 9

I closed the car door and walked to the back of the vehicle, leaning my ass against the trunk. It was a cool clear night, crickets chirping in the darkness. I wanted a cigarette but that habit was hell to break. I found myself playing with his shirttails. I was still naked under his shirt. I pushed myself up onto the trunk of my car and laid back on the glass. Remembering the excitement of walking naked in front of the five men that were nearby, I unbuttoned Bobby’s shirt slowly and let it fall...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 19

‘Perfect…’ J.J. Hanson muttered as he trailed his lips over the creamy globes of his wife’s breasts. They had always been so lusciously full but now they seemed even firmer… almost like she’d gotten breast implants only they still felt completely natural. Sophia writhed and cried out when he sucked her firm pink nipples into his mouth… she’d never reacted quite so forcefully to such stimulation before! ‘Oh God, J.J. …’ she breathed. ‘That feels so wonderful! Yes… keep doing that… it feels so...

3 years ago
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Daddy Makes Sasha a Whore Part 1 rewrite

Introduction: This story involves some subject matter such as incest and rape that may offend some readers. If you are one of these readers please dont read this, just find a different story. It is purely fictional so if there is any resemblance to anyone or anything in real life it is coincidental. Part 1 He kissed me softly at first, I responded and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was flicking my bottom lip and I moaned. His hand slid up my stomach till it reached my breast, then he cupped...

2 years ago
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Found The Missing Essence With My Colleague

Hello all,  I am Pallavi, 43 years old, settled in Mumbai. I am married with a kid. I wanted to post my story in this portal as I can’t share my story with near and dear ones. It’s about the missing essence of my sex life. I faced a lot of problems with my life. But now I forgot those problems, and I am living for my kid and mother. I am a working woman drawing a good salary to survive life in Mumbai city. Without wasting any time, I will start my story, which has multiple parts. I belong to a...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Amber Stark Stepsis Misses The Cock

Amber Stark has a Valentine’s Day surprise for her stepdad in the form of chocolates laid out on her pussy that spell out a message about missing her stepdaddy’s cock. When Amber calls for her stepdad, though, her stepbrother Ricky Spanish comes to see what the commotion is. He finds Amber’s surprise and immediately claims he’s going to tell Amber’s mom. Amber insists that Ricky can’t tell and wrestles him to the bed. Since Ricky is on his back, Amber plops...

4 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 4

As Madame Vesta closed and locked the door behind them, Quentin saw that the cell contained two wooden bunk-beds, one on each side. The left hand one was empty but, on the right hand one, a ovely young naked woman was pushing herself up on to her knees. Once into that position, she splayed her thighs. She was shackled to the wall by means of a collar and chain and, in turn, her wrists were shackled to the iron collar. „This is Melissa,“ stated Madame Vesta perfunctorily.Quentin said nothing...

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Dominics HeroesChapter 4

Sitting on a couch in the lounge, Denise was nursing a diet coke waiting for her friends to come down for the trip to Germany. She’d been up the vast majority of the night on the phone with her people in Germany, Langley, and contacts she had in Homeland Security trying to get all the information she could about how a minimum 12 known terrorists or mercenaries got over the border and into the United States and close to her friends. Steven had handled the problems with his attackers in...

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Crossing a Line to Submission

There is no better way to wake up than with somebody?s balls draped across your mouth and nose.?Look alive, chico,? a voice says. My eyes flutter open. I inhale the familiar smell and smile contentedly. My tongue reaches out and flicks softly at his scrotum.?Good, you?re awake,? he says. ?Yes, Sir,? I say meekly.?I have good news for you,? he says while I lick busily at his balls. Otherwise I do nothing. I wait, expectant. I know better than to speak without being bidden. There is a price for that.?First, ...

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The Dark Room

The room is dark. Just a hint of light from the streetlamps filling the room. I hear the door open, but I can’t see who it is from the bed. I call out, but there’s no response. I see him enter the room, and I immediately know. I know his shape. His movements. His scent. I sit up to greet him, but he’s already at my side, his lips crushing mine with a kiss. Our tongues tangled together in a lustful battle, I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel that he’s still wearing his...

4 years ago
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Sampling My Neighbor Gina

Chapter 1 Gina's a very interesting woman -- she's about medium height, very pretty and has beautiful brunette hair and two attractive children. She has a great personality but the only thing that's sort of unusual about Gina is that she's rather small-breasted. I'd say that for a woman in her middle 30's, Gina's got a decent A-cup set of breasts but nothing more. On occasion, she'll wear something that makes her look slightly larger -- a padded bra or a tight-fitting top that...

2 years ago
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Magic 101Chapter 8

Friday was a bust, as far as holidays go, but then again, New Year’s Eve had been a bust too! Those of us who were hanging around had decided to have our celebration Saturday night instead. There would be no countdown, but we came for a party and we were going to have one! Saturday was a lazy day, with many folks traveling back home or down to the city. Maggie and I just lazed around for half the day and spent the other half meeting with people. Some had business proposals, and some were...

3 years ago
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An Unknown AttractionChapter 6 A Few Theories Tossed Around

"So did you notice anything else of interest in their auras?" Cate asked. She'd conducted several 'experiments', mostly provoking me so the girls could detect which colors in my aura each action produced, but personally, it felt much more like she was trying to humiliate me. I wasn't terribly impressed—but still, it had produced some interesting insights. Now she was trying to determine what results the girls had observed during it that she may have missed. "I saw several things,"...

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How I met my wife chapter 9

After Joan and I separated ways I was on the prowl, I would pick up Debra every Friday taking her out to dinner . I have figured out by treating her with a nice dinner and a few drinks she was more receptacle to my sexual advances.I had always liked small breasted girls but soon found out big breasts were another way to get off with. Once Debra had a few drinks she would do anything to get a cock she told me protein was her favorite dessert. She wasn't the most beautiful girl and couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Swing Party Part 2

Part 2 So, I needed to fuck. as I walked down the hall, realized that, there were more women here than men, and all of the men were busy. I was a bit hungry, so I went into room 409. There were people in there, mainly women, eating and chatting.This lovely woman, named Michelle, asked me if I was having fun. We talked for about ten minutes, she was twenty nine and an experienced swinger. It turns out the she was co-host, and tried to get me to join the club. She also said that the crowd would...

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Can You See Me NowChapter 17

Bob's shift was supposed to end at 0800 the next morning, but he wasn't released until nearly noon. That's because the "sensitive government asset" involved, turned out to be one Cynthia Jean Nelson, the sixteen year old daughter of Senator Larry Nelson, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and, coincidentally, also a member of the president's political party. It seemed that Senator Nelson had received information (from his fifteen year old son, Rudy) that Cynthia...

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Girl Scout Sucking Practice

"Now let's take a break for milk and cookies. After that we'll be having very special activities I know you're all going to enjoy." The girls bounced over to the refreshment table with their usual bubbly enthusiasm, and then found spots on the carpeted floor to sprawl out with their friends. The refreshments disappeared amid the chatter and giggles of a dozen vivacious girls. "OK everybody, finish up your milk and come sit in a circle around me. That's right, just sit...

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Not Fit for Human Consumption

Ever hungry for more market value, Niantic is looking for more products to increase its revenue before going public. Behind closed doors marketing quietly moves to increase the sales of existing product. "Candies! The Ultimate Health Supplement!" they present to the board. In a brief vote share holders jump the proposal and streamline the concept for proper regulatory agencies. They are in need of test subjects;

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Master Master Part 41

I knew what I was going to find on the other side of that door, but I still didn't have the guts to open it. Sonja had just come into the kitchen saying that there was someone in the shed, and considering the strange phenomena that had been happening to me lately, the circumstances of this stranger's presence were obvious. But I knew I had to face this new trial. Behind me were Momo and Sonja, Momo's ears twitching from her curiosity and Sonja growling and fighting her instincts to bark and...

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Die kleine Schwester

Babsi, eigentlich Bärbel, war Hals über Kopf in Ihren Schwager verliebt. Es nahm schon komische Züge an wie sehr sie sich wünschte endlich in seinen armen zu liegen, ihn zu Liebkosen und sich ihm auch Hinzugeben. Babsi war 16 Jahre alt, und shcon seit einiger Zeit total verschossen. an ihrem 16 geburtstag gab es mal wieder Stress mit der Muter, ihr Stiefvater hatte kein Interesse an ihr, und ihr Mutter machte sie für alles Verantwortlich. Vor allem das sie eine tolle Figur bekam, lange braune...

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My first date

I’d like to say the first time that my boyfriend in high school took me on a date was very romantic.  I was young and he was a few years older than me.  I’d had very little experience with boys and I’m pretty sure he knew what he was doing.  He told me to dress really pretty because he was going to take me to a real fancy place to eat.  So the day before I put a hot outfit in a bag and put it in his backseat.  I told my mom that I was going out and he picked me up in his fancy red car.  When I...

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The UK will block online porn from April Proof of

The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we knowAge verification of all pornographic content will be mandatory from April 2018. But there are still a lot of grey areasOnline pornography in the UK is set to undergo its biggest ever change this year. The government will introduce an age-verification requirement for all pornographic websites and people wanting to use them will have to prove they are over 18.The plans were initially announced in July 2017 with Matt Hancock, the then...

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Of Paths To Take The Path Ahead

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Ahead By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over all...

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A Night Out

It starts with me laying out your clothes for the evening: A short black silk dress with spaghetti straps, black high heel strappy sandals, and new black g- string A Night Out ?He starts the evening by laying out her clothes: a sexy short black silk dress, black strappy-high-heel sandals, and new black g-string. The heels and short skirt will really show off her legs. As he puts on his suit, she does her hair and make-up the way he told her, and she gets dressed. She comes out....

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Beshram Ho Ker Chudwai Apni Choot Ko

Hi, mera naam anjali hai or mai ek baar fir aapki seva mai hajir hun. Jaise ki aap sab jante hao ki meri pehli story kamuk anjali ki chudai mai tha ki mai or mere pati ek saath delhi mai ek flate mai rehte hai or mai flate mai pure time sirf nangi hi rehti hun pati na mard hai or woh jyada bahar hi rehte hai mera rung gora hai or mere boobs 44″size ke or badi gand hai. Mere pati ko pata chal gaya ki mai ger mardo ko fasaker unhse chudwati hun ab. Jab bhi woh mujhe hamesa kehte saali...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 18

Transferring the exposed film to a stainless steel canister had to be done in complete darkness, but she showed him what she’d be doing with a strip of film that had already been processed. She fed it into a reel that got progressively smaller until the whole strip was curled up in a circle that didn’t allow any part of the film to touch any other part. Then she turned the light off and told him what she was doing in the dark. The room was cramped, with his wheelchair in it, and he could...

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The Orgasm She Never Had 8211 Part I

I am jay, from Punjab, around 5’8″, fair with athletic bulky physique, the incident happened two years back in Chandigarh… At that time i recently got single.. I was involved with one of my batch mates but things dint workout… N then the new juniors had to join for the course… It had many girls but there was one girl who simply was amazing looking, she was like 5’3 a beautiful face n had an amazing bum. The first time i saw her, i was just sitting in the kitchen n she just passed by with her...

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Craig HillChapter 13

Sunday morning was normal. They trooped off to church in Ripley and then Mark had an early snack lunch and left. His family all wished him luck in his new job and Serena gave him a passionate kiss in public which caused Elspeth to smile. He arrived at Bulford Manor at about half past six and, having circled the house decided which door was the ADC's flat entrance. He knocked and the door was opened by a little man, no more than five foot six, with jet black hair, vivid blue eyes and a wide...

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Aunty Meri Raand 8211 The Permanent Rakhel

Hello dosto, m harmeet delhi se apke samne ek asli story pesh kerne ja rha hun m engineering student hun athletic built able to satisfy any aunty or girl itna dam h mere lode m ek sath 10 aurton ki pyas bhuja dun. So now cumming to my story , ye story ek aunty ki h jo dikhne m average thi but fig uska jabardast that ek din m college ja rha tha toh raste m dekha aunty lift maang ri thi and m very much into helping others toh m unko bitha liya. Unke pass saman bhi tha toh jaise hi unko unke gher...

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My InheritanceChapter 19 Mouse Play

After leaving Mary and Andy in Denver shopping, I headed for Vail. I drove the new Suburban into my driveway about two in the afternoon on December 23. For the first time in six months, I did not have one of my wonderful kittens with me. Suddenly, my tiredness and that well fucked feeling left me. Horny as a billy goat, I headed out into the bright, sunshiny day. I guess the old saying is right. When the kittens are away, the mouse will play. Christmas week in Vail is wild. Every bed in...

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Skeletons in my closet part 5 A Work in Progress

Skeletons in my closet part 5Part 5 A Work in Progress I hung up the phone. I went to John and he wrapped me in his arms. He kissed me deeply then broke our kiss as we stood there near that island in his kitchen. As he held me he picked up a small remote clicking it a few times. John asked me, ”Care to dance?”Country music filled the house. "Leap of Faith" was playing. I laid my head upon his chest as he danced me around the kitchen. I thought how appropriate that song was as I was about to...

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Mrs Jones

I grew up in Gold street, a nice neighbourhood in a nice part of a town, and for many years we lived next to the Jones.Mr Jones was a big guy in construction, he did a lot of work around the town, built a lot of new buildings and was always fairly busy, Mrs Jones however was always at home, she was a trophy wife, a hot blonde thirty something with an all over tan and what looked like a pretty impressive cleavage that was always fighting to get out of her top.When I reached my later teens I soon...

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Not This TimeChapter 4 Get Out of Town

Allen pulled up to the corner. I ran out, jumped into his car, and he sped away. I was certain no one had seen us. I was also certain Allen had done this before. It was too practiced. Too smooth. We crossed the Red River of the North into Moorhead, Minnesota, and he drove straight to the Mercury Hotel. At least he’d chosen a decent place. If we’d gone to Motel 6, I’d have left. No, I wouldn’t. I’d have fucked him and then left. He had apparently already checked in and we went straight to...

4 years ago
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Note to a Lover

Before I settle into bed, I often think of you. I undress slowly, unbuttoning my shirt, the lull of sleepiness surrounds my body and mind. My delicate fingers push each button through each hole with waited effort, and my mind wanders to thoughts of you laying on the bed watching me undress. I turn to you. I like seeing your smile, a mischievous smirk. I want to show you all of me. To feel your eyes on me, to see the excitement in them as my shirt opens to show you my full breasts supported by...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 26

So I talked to the bitch from ABC new's affiliate in Capitol City. I gave her the official story with a few extra statements, like how I felt while it was happening thrown in. Then she asked, "Can you get me an interview with the two men who came from Swamp Dog?" "Not in a million years. You feel free to call them, I expect you can find the phone number." I replied. I got back to the office at 5PM. According to my arrangement with the patrol commander, I rode with one of his officers...

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What he didnt know

James worked in a marketing company and majority of the people in his office were female though the only one he felt physically drawn to was Tracy, the marketing assistant who was a mom of three and in her forties. She took good care of herself and you wouldn't think she had three k**s. She had a slender figure, dark hair, a pretty smile and curves that weren't too big but not too small. She knew this and welcomed the attention the males gave her. James and she both were seeing people their age...

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My Daughter Lauren Part 2

I watched her pack all of her things into her 3 Gucci suitcases over the course of 2 hours. She finally was done and went into Laurens room before leaving. She said to Lauren, who was in her bed crying after overhearing all of the feuding that had gone on this afternoon after our amazing love making, “ You will live with your father for the rest of your life, I’m not coming back, I was never a good mother to you and now I don’t have to be, goodbye and happy birthday.” And just like that...

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Carl or Carla

Introduction: Was I becoming an incestuous lesbian with my brother? I was sitting on the edge of my vanity talking to my brother, teasing him because he had a big yellow zit on his forehead. You cant go out with Yvonne looking like that, you better put a band-aid on your head to hide it. Oh yeah, thatd be real hot, a nice plastic plaster of Ironman over my eye. Or maybe Big Bird, bright yellow. He looked past my shoulder to the mirror behind me god, thats fucking ugly. Why worry about it,...

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Sweetest Taboo

Sweetest Taboo Copyright Don Abdul ©2008 Ambers heart pounded, the anticipation was driving every synapse in herbody firing up an electrical storm, her every erogenous zone tingling. She felt his body heat as he grabbed her firm and juicy 36Cs from behind. He caressed them and tweaked her rock hard nipples for a while, and then she felt his fingers clutch the hem of her short and sexy teddy. He licked her ear and she gasped from the unexpected rush of pleasure,and then snaked lower towards her...

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Lara Croft and the Big Chief

"Another quest successfully completed!" smiled Lara Croft as she emerged into the sunlight outside the Tomb of Zambusi. In her hand she held the magnificent jewel that had been the target of her latest adventure - the 'Eye of Zambusi.' As she turned it in her hand the suns' rays glinted off it in sparkling blue. 'I'm sure this in the British Museum will delight visitors from all over the globe!' Movement off to her left caught her eye. She spun round, whipping out her pistol as she...

1 year ago
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Autobiography of a Rapist Chapter 1

[The Beginning] Johnny's my name and this is my story. Rape was a part of my psyche from the very beginning. Its been over 40 years since I started down this road, and although my other memories of that time are fuzzy, my first experiences with rape are still vivid in my mind. I guess it started an early age, maybe 8 or 9, when I found a big bunch of BDSM mags back in the woods. Although I doubt I totally understood what was going in the pictures, my first sexual memories were of...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 24

The entrance to High Hrothgar was before us. I couldn’t delay things any further, so I opened the door and entered the home of the Greybeards. The four of them were waiting in the entrance hall. To my surprise, two familiar faces to me had apparently walked in just ahead of me. Delphine said, “So, Arngeir, is it? You know why we’re here. Are you going to let us in or not?” “You’re not invited here. You’re not welcome here.” Arngeir said, true to form. “We have as much right to be at this...

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EvilAngel Jolee Love DP Threesome

German porn babe Jolee Love looks sensational in a fishnet top and tight booty shorts. The outrageous vixen pours liquid over her plump rear and bountiful boobs. After an epic striptease/masturbation session, Mr Longwood and Aaron Rock get down to business. Jolee slurps on their big cocks to start, and then bends over for intense anal sex. She sucks dick while she’s sodomized; she moans through serious double penetration! Heated buttfucking comes with raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjobs and...

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Wife Does DogsChapter 7

Catherine moved closer. Kneeling there belly to belly and thigh to thigh, the woman and her son embraced passionately. Tommy's rock-hard cock pressed into her stomach, indenting her smooth flesh. Catherine glanced down, seeing his cock framed by her tits. His balls were rubbing her curly cunt triangle, and his cock jutted up, the prick-knob nudging into the lower curve of her cleavage. It thrilled the woman to see how huge her son's prick was, how far his cock extended up her belly, on the...

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Game of Moans The Stag Prince

Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister's Wedding Night - 284 AC Robert and Cersei were carried by their respective parties to the bedchamber, each group undressing the bride and groom and shouting bawdy jokes. It was only when Cersei and Robert were as naked as their name-day, did the guest reluctantly retreat out of the room and take their position outside of the door, still shouting ribald suggestions. Robert Baratheon, half-drunk, but still handsome, muscled like a maiden's fantasy, and fresh...

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Power Chapter 25

I had been out for a while, searching for a new girl while Carol absorbed the cum that I had left in her last night. She hadn’t been able to get off her back when I left, leaving her flat on her back in a pool of cum, drool, and milk, her belly wobbling and sloshing with my congealing cum. I didn’t know how many children she’d bare, but I knew that soon there would be several more strong, healthy boys with powers like mine. As much as I would have loved to fuck her abused pussy more, I had to...

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Miss Callahan Ch 06

Chapter 6It’s a fucking video call.I should have known when I saw the meeting room change from Guy’s private office to one of our video conference rooms. We generally use those for calls with our other offices or when clients are remote.And sure enough, as I enter the conference room, one of Guy’s admins is setting-up the video technology, which can only mean one thing since the rest of us will be here in person. Lauren will be on the big screen.I know I shouldn’t care, but I’m instantly glad...

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Family Affairs Ch 25

Ricky was excited when he got home from school. ‘Coach made arrangements for me to go talk with the basketball coach up at State,’ he said, ‘He thinks I can get a full scholarship.’ ‘That’s really neat, Rick,’ Matt said. ‘Yes, honey, that’s wonderful,’ Mary agreed. ‘Yeah, we’re leaving Friday night, after school. We’re going to fly up there and spend the weekend. State is paying for everything,’ Ricky said. He was almost beside himself with excitement. ‘That’s super!’ Mary said. ‘How long...

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A Good Girl

It was a complicated dream, but I was sure of the outcome, at least I thought I was. I awoke before the outcome, but I was sure of what would have happened. I'd call this a revolutionary confirmation of sexual nature. In the dream, I was talking to a man, and after some bit of banter and uncertain allusion and intent, the sudden image of the man's cock outlined under his pants, large, hard, and perfect of form, became the focus of attention. It was like an iron cross in front of me,...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 7 A Working Fuck

Professor Emma Jane Cuntslicker, PGCF, FD, FRSF (Fellow of the Royal Society of Fuckers), sat slumped at her desk, weighing up the events of the week. Had there ever been a worse one during the course of her entire twenty-year career in fucking? Perhaps when that stupid girl from Fuckham had accidentally lost a marble up her ass – oh, the hours nurse Cat had spent trying to retrieve it! Cunts chuckled… Or no, even worse, that food fetish class where that boy hadn’t checked the temperature...


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