CherryChapter 14: Easter Holidays Sleepovers - At Piper’s free porn video

Piper and I agreed, then got her parents and Ben to agree, to me going to Piper’s for a few days before Easter, then her coming to stay with Ben and me for a few days after Easter.
We were both looking forward to it as I wanted to see what Isaac was going to make us do (Piper’s parents would be at work); and Piper eagerly wanted to see some of the things that I had told her that I got up to. I really hoped that the weather would be just a little warmer so that I could get her ‘out and about’ in the countryside without any clothes on.
As the school holidays approached we were like excited little kids.
Finally, on the Tuesday morning I was in the land rover being driven to Piper’s house with Ben going to drop me off on his way to work. We arrived just as Mrs Johnson was leaving. She hugged me and Ben had a quick word with her before she told me to go on in and wake Piper up.
Piper was still in bed, well on it, she was asleep, on her back, legs spread and stark naked. Leaving the door open, I put my bag down, took my top, skirt and shoes off then slid up the bed between her legs.
I kissed and tongued her clit and hole until she woke up and said hello. She purred and moaned as I kept going and pushed her over the top. As her breathing returned to normal, I moved to lay alongside her then saw Isaac watching us from the door.
I smiled at him then spread my legs to let him look at my pussy. Then I turned my head towards Piper and said,
“Morning Piper, how are you?”
“A lot happier now that you’re here.”
“Has that brother of your been treating you right? Has he hurt you in any way? Has he made you go anything that you didn’t want to do?”
“Slow down, err yes and no and no.”
“So I don’t need to ask my uncle to come and kick the shit out of him?”
“No, it was good fun actually, you’d have enjoyed it.”
“So you wanted to get gang-banged by all my mates yesterday.” Isaac said from the doorway.
“Isaac, how long have you been there?” Piper asked.
“Long enough to realise hat you are a willing partner in this blackmail. Maybe I should think of some ways to embarrass and humiliate you. You’re obviously getting to like these gang bangs. How about we think of going somewhere public where you two can get naked and seen by lots of people. Any ideas?”
“No.” Replied Piper.
Changing the subject slightly, I said,
“Isaac, if you look in my bag you’ll find a few things that you might want to use on us.”
“What are they?” Both the siblings said.
“Open it and see.” I replied.
He did, but took a few seconds to realise what they were. Piper, on the other hand said,
“OMG! Cherry, thank you so much. We’re going to have lots of fun, I hope that we’ve got lots of the right batteries.”
“So Isaac, how about you, and maybe one of your mates use them on us and have a little competition to see how many times that you can make us cum.” I said.
“That sounds like fun Piper said, where are we going to do this?”
“How about the dining room table? That was the centre of the fun last time that I was here.”
“Can I have a shower and some breakfast before we start please?” Piper asked.
“Go on then.” Isaac said. “I’ve got to get someone over to help me. Any preferences sis.”
“Hmm, that Jake has a big cock and he was quite gentle with me yesterday.” Piper replied.
Okay, get a move on, it won’t take long for Jake to get here.”
I got some breakfast ready for Piper while she had a shower. Then she joined me, naked in the kitchen.
Isaac came to see how we were getting on.
“You’ll need some bits of rope Isaac.” I said.
Five minutes later, Piper and I were laid across the dining room table, pussies facing the opposite direction. As Isaac started tying us with our legs spread wide, I nearly laughed. It was obvious that he had never been in the Scouts because his knot tying skills were rubbish. Unlike when Ben, Lewis or Mick tie me up, I reckoned that I could easily get free; but I wasn’t going to even try.
Just after he had finished, the doorbell rang and Jake walked in.
“Not kidding me then Isaac.” He said with a big grin on his face.
“Right Jake,” Isaac said, “The challenge is to make these girls cum as many times as we can in the next 2 hours using just the toys that we can find in this bag. To make it fair, I’ve set a timer on my phone for 60 minutes and we can swap girls for the second hour. Don’t forget to keep a count of every time that you think that they cum.”
“Can we have a pen and a piece of paper please?” Jake asked; “I may just get a bit distracted.”
“Good point.” Isaac replied then went and go pens and paper.
Then it started. I jumped a bit when the first vibe touched my pussy.
“Oh fuck,” I thought, “number 1 is going to cum quickly.”
I have to say that both Isaac and Jake could do with lessons in how to please a woman, but having said that Piper managed to cum 18 times over the next 2 hours and I managed 21. Towards the end we were both pleading to have a rest but neither of the boys would let up. Having said that I pleaded, I think that I secretly wanted them to keep going; I wanted to get pushed until I blacked-out. Maybe next time.
We finally did get a rest and Isaac ordered some pizzas for us all. Of course they didn’t untie us until after the pizzas had been delivered, and he did get the delivery boy to put them on the dining room table next to us.
The poor boy (didn’t know him) did ask if Piper and I were okay.
“Yes, but knackered.” I told him.
That afternoon was spent playing electronic games. Jake stayed, probably so that he could look at our naked bodies and Piper’s little ‘A’s wobbling.
Piper and I just managed to get dressed before Piper’s dad got home. We greeted him, me giving him a kiss on his cheek and letting him look down the baggy top that I’d hastily put on; then Piper and I went up to her room.
About an hour later there was a knock on the door and Mrs Johnson said,
“Girls, can you come downstairs please? There’s something that I need to tell you all.”
We made ourselves decent then went downstairs. Mr and Mrs Johnson, and Isaac were sat at the dining room table.
“Come in, sit down, you too Cherry, this affects you as well.” Piper’s mum said.
I was starting to get a little worried. Had she found out what we were doing on that table just a few hours ago? Mrs Johnson started talking,
“This morning your aunt Doris, my sister, was involved in an accident. She okay, well almost, but she’s in hospital and is due to get discharged in a couple of hours. As you know, she lives on her own and she’s going to need someone to look after her for a few days until she can fend for herself. So, I’m going up there right now, and I won’t be back until the weekend. I’m sorry about this, but you 4 are going to have to look after yourself. Thankfully, you Isaac and you Piper seem to be getting on quite well lately so I need you to work together to look after your father because he still has to go to work. Cherry, I’m sorry about this, it’s not fair on you.”
“That’s okay Mrs Johnson, I don’t mind. I do most of the cooking at home so it’s not a problem. It will be fun working with Piper and I’m sure that we can keep both Mr Johnson and Isaac happy.”
“That’s very kind of you Cherry, thank you. Sorry, but you are going have to start with getting tea ready.”
“No worries; you get going and tell your sister to get well soon.” I replied.
Piper and I went to the kitchen and got started on the tea. As we worked I asked Piper if she thought that the situation could work to our advantage.
“What do you mean Cherry?”
“Well, your dad has seen me naked a couple of times and he’s seen you naked, how many times?”
“About a dozen.”
“Wow, you’ve been thirsty early on a morning quite a few times.”
“It thirsty work this sleeping naked lark.” Piper joked.
“You mean all the playing with your pussy.”
“Yes, well, how about we get ready for bed straight after we’ve cleaned up after tea, then do a bit of play wrestling on the floor in front of him?” Piper said.
“Wow, you’ve got it all worked out, you must really want your dad to see you starkers.”
“Yes, I think that I do. I mean, he’s seen me on those mornings but he’s always got to rush off to work. If we’re naked in front of him on an evening, he’s got hours to stare at us, especially now that mum isn’t here.”
“Sounds like a sound plan to me. What about Isaac?” I asked.
“I don’t care if he’s there or not. It isn’t as if he’s be seeing anything new.”
So that was what we did. As soon as we’d sorted the kitchen Piper announced that we were getting ready for bed then we’d be in her room. When we had just the vests on we came downstairs and Piper said,
“Oh, I forgot that that program was on the TV. Shall we stay and watch it Cherry?”
“Yes, why not?” I said.
We sat on the floor in front of the TV and watched it. After a while first Piper, then I, moved and lay on our stomachs. Because the vest did a great job of NOT covering our butts both Isaac and Piper’s dad got a great view of our butts and pussies (we both left our legs open a bit).
When the program finished I leant on my side and started talking, then tickling Piper. She’s VERY ticklish and it wasn’t long before she was laughing.
Wanting to get her naked, but not making it too obvious, I got up onto my knees and bent forwards, pushed my hands up under her vest and moved up to her ribs to tickle them. This revealed all of her butt.
I looked at the reflection in the TV and saw that both Isaac and his father were staring at us.
Piper rolled over in an attempt to get her hands to mine to stop me but I just moved my hand up to her armpits pushing her vest up over her boobs.
Piper sat up, pretending to get into a ball so that I couldn’t get to her, but that gave me the opportunity pull her vest up over her head and off.
“Playing those games are we?” Piper said; then reached up and grabbed my vest.
I put up a token resistance as my vest quickly joined Piper’s on the floor.
For the next couple of minutes we rolled around on the floor ticking each other, our legs flying all over the place. We were soon out of breath and we collapsed on our backs, arms and legs spread.
Laying there, I looked over to Isaac and his father. Both were still staring at us. Then I heard Piper say,
“Don’t you think that you should put something on girls?”
“Why? It isn’t as if both of you haven’t seen us naked before.”
“When did Isaac see you naked?” Mr Johnson asked.
“We were in the bathroom earlier today and forgot to lock the door. He came in and saw us both like this so it’s nothing new for him.”
“Oh, right.”
“When did you see them naked dad?” Isaac asked.
“Piper was a little girl not too long ago and I used to bathe and dress her.”
“What about Cherry?”
“Oh that.” Mr Johnson replied but I interrupted him,
“That was my fault, I got up early one morning the last time that I was here and I went down to get a glass of water. I didn’t think anyone would be up so I didn’t bother to put anything on. I was already in the kitchen before I realised that Mr Johnson was getting ready to go to work.”
“So seeing us like this is nothing new for either of you; so what’s the big deal?” Piper asked.
“Well, nothing I guess.” Mr Johnson said.
“So it’s not a problem us being like this then?”
“Well no.” Mr Johnson replied.
Both Piper and I rolled over onto our stomachs to watch some more TV.
About 30 minutes later Piper got up and asked if anyone would like a drink. She brazenly walked passed her father and Isaac to go to the kitchen. After she’d left the room I decided to go and help her.
In the kitchen Piper was so excited.
“I’ve done it, I’ve got totally naked in font of my father and brother at the same time.”
“And you’re not done yet Piper, I replied, you’ve got 3 more days before your mum comes back.”
“Can you stay until Friday afternoon please Piper? I’d be a lot happier if you are around.”
“I’m sure that I can fix that.” I replied.
We took the one coffee and 3 hot chocolates back into the living room. After giving Isaac and Mr Johnson their drinks, Piper and I went and sat opposite them.
“So,” Piper said as we all sipped our drinks with Isaac and Mr Johnson looking at us, and us looking at them to see if the shape of their trousers changed; “ how about a game of monopoly or something?”
“I thought that you 2 were going to your room for an early night?” Mr Johnson asked. “Besides, it’s getting late and I have to be up early in the morning again.”
“Oh yeah, we were going to look at clothes on the internet. We’ll go on up when we’ve finished these drinks.”
Five minutes later, Piper and I got up, took our mugs to the kitchen and went upstairs. In her room Piper said,
“Let’s clean our teeth then go back downstairs to say goodnight.”
So we did, lingering with the cheek kissing so that they had time to look at out tits close-up. Back upstairs, we wedged Piper’s bedroom door open then lay on our backs on top of the duvet and talked.
Before long, both our right hands were busy on our clits.
At one point I looked over to the door and saw Mr Johnson looking in. I didn’t say anything to Piper. He stayed watching us until we’d both cum. Then he walked away. It was only then that I told Piper that her father had watched us cum.
“OMG! He didn’t did he? What am I going to do? He’ll think that I’m some sort of slut.”
I rolled on top of her and looked down into her face.
“Don’t worry about it Piper; if he was going to get mad he’d have stormed in here and started shouting at you, or hitting you or something.”
I kissed her then said,
“Relax, it was a good thing. It means that you can play with yourself in front of him any time that you like and he won’t blow-up.”
“I can’t imaging daddy blowing-up.”
“Now all we’ve got to do is find a way for your mother not to blow-up when you get naked in front of her with Isaac and your father there. Maybe let it happen by accident a few times.”
“You’re a devious bitch aren’t you Cherry?”
“I can be. I needed to be at times when I lived with my parents.” I replied.
“It must have been horrible for you. I don’t know what I’d have done if my parents beat me.”
“Thankfully you will never need to worry about that. And it’s all history for me. I don’t want to think about it.”
“Okay, sorry, I’ll never mention your parents again.”
“Thank you Piper. Hey, it means that we can stay naked all the time now, right up until I have to go home.”
“Hmm, yes, that will please that dumb-ass of a brother of mine.”
“And it’s going to please your dad; just you wait and see.”
Shortly after that we both fell asleep.
I woke-up early on the Wednesday morning, just as I’d planned. I could hear Mr Johnson in the bathroom so I knew that we had to get a move on. I shook Piper’s shoulder trying to wake her. That didn’t work too well so I squeezed and pulled on her right nipple.
“Ouch! What the hell are you doing?
“Waking you up. We’ve got something to do and it has to be now.”
“What?” Piper said as I dragged her off the bed.
“Shhh, we’ve got to go downstairs.”
“Why, it’s the middle of the night.”
“You’ll see.”
Downstairs in the lounge, I put the light on, and some music, and said,
“Your dad will be down soon, start exercising, get those legs spread wide.”
Two minutes later, Mr Johnson walked in and just stared. Both Piper and I were on our backs with our legs up in the air, and spread as wide as they would go.
“Oh hello Mr Johnson,” I said, “we woke up and thought that it would be a good idea to do some exercising before anyone else got up. I hope that we didn’t wake you.”
Mr Johnson just stared for at least 30 seconds before he replied,
“Err no, you didn’t wake me, I’m getting ready for work. Exercise is good, even if you do it so early in the morning. Carry on.”
Piper and I started going through our school gymnastics routine while Mr Johnson kept coming back from the kitchen to watch us. When he finally left for work, Piper and I collapsed on the floor laughing. When I stopped I said,
“Well he’s really had a good look at your pussy now Piper and last night he watched you masturbating. I guess that the next thing is for him to catch you fucking yourself with a big dildo.”
“Wow, do you think that I could do that without him blowing his top?”
“Yeah, why not? He obviously likes what he’s seen so far.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that he’d have gone mad if he hadn’t. So how do I go about getting him to see me using a dildo? I cant just start fucking myself while we all watch TV.
“Good question Piper. Well for starters we could let him just see a dildo and maybe a vibrator. That way he’ll guess that we use them and shouldn’t be too surprised when he sees one going in and out of your pussy.”
“Can we fix it so that he sees both of us fucking ourselves. That way he won’t think that it’s just me.”
“I thought that you’d never ask Piper.”
“Right then girl, what are we going to do today?” I asked.
“Well, I guess that it depends on Isaac. After all, he is blackmailing me.”
“Well, that’s what he thinks, I’m sure that we can get him to do whatever we want.”
“Yeah, probably. Shall we get some breakfast while we wait for him to surface?”
You would have thought that Isaac would have been eager to see his 14 year old sister and her 14 year old friend naked and to maybe fuck them, but he didn’t emerge from his room until the middle of the morning. And when he did emerge he looked knackered.
“So how come you’re getting up so late?” Piper asked; “didn’t you want to see our fit little bodies?”
“I was up until about 3 o’clock sending your photos to all my mates and posting them on the internet. Posting on the internet lakes a lot longer than just looking at porn.”
“I hope that you blurred-out our faces, before you uploaded them.” Piper asked.
“Yeah, don’t worry kiddo, you’re not the only one who doesn’t want them to be traced back to us. You may be the one who gets embarrassed but I’d be the one going to jail.”
“Yes, and you and your mates had better remember that.” I added.
“So what horrible ordeal are you going to make us go through today blackmailer?” Piper asked.
“We’re going 10-pin bowling.” Isaac replied.
“That doesn’t sound embarrassing or humiliating.” Piper said.
“I’ve never been 10-pin bowling.” I added.
“It’ll be embarrassing because you’ll be wearing an extremely short skirt, and of course no knickers.” Isaac said.
“Will there be lots of people there?” I asked.
“Probably, and I’ve sent text messages to all my mates telling them to be there.”
“Oh no, they’ll all see our pussies.” I feigned unhappiness.
Piper and I got Isaac some breakfast and while he was eating he wanted a blowjob. Piper said that she expected her to have to give it, but he said,
“No, Cherry will do it, I can get you to give me one any time that I want.”
Which was a fair point, so I got on my knees under the kitchen table and did the deed, swallowing every last drop.
On the way to the bowling alley, Piper said that she was feeling very exposed. Her skirt was only just covering her butt and, because of the chilly breeze, everyone was looking at 2 girls with bare thighs.
We made it to the bowling alley, got our shoes and some strange looks from the young man handing out the shoes.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, we were allocated one of the end lanes. It was then that I told Isaac and Piper that I had never bowled before. As Piper was explaining the rules some of Isaac’s mates appeared and hung around. Watching some other people bowl I quickly realised why they were hanging around.
It turned out that I am no good at bowling, but I am good at showing my bare butt to all the people watching. Piper was better than me but she too put on quite a display.
We got back to Piper’s house in time to get the tea started before Mr Johnson got home. As soon as he was inside, Piper went over to him and kissed his cheek before saying,
“Hi daddy, tea won’t be long, go and sit down and I’ll bring you a beer.”
“Thank you Piper; how long have you been like that?”
“You mean naked?” Piper replied.
“We couldn’t be bothered to get dressed this morning, so all day.” Piper lied.
“And Isaac has been here all day?” Mr Johnson asked.
“Yes, but he’s been the perfect brother, he’s done everything that we asked him.”
“Good, err, okay then, I’ll just get changed then I’ll be back down for that beer. Are you sure that everything is okay?”
“Yes daddy, everything is just fine, isn’t it Cherry?”
“It certainly is, we’ve had a great day thank you.
While we were eating, I decided to see if I could it organise it for Piper to start coming to the Business meetings on a Wednesday evening. To Mr Johnson I said,
“Has Piper told you that the swimming lessons have changed to a Monday evening Mr Johnson?”
“Yes, I have heard that, her mother is going to have to change her weekly shop nights.”
“Well, there are also the lifesaving lessons on a Wednesday and I was wondering if Piper could go to them. She’s getting to be a good swimmer and our Instructor says that lifesaving lessons are a good way to progress.”
“Well, yes, lifesaving is always a good skill to have, but 2 nights a week is a bit much for us to have to take her into town.”
“I’ve got a solution to that problem if it’s okay with you. My uncle could easily come here and pick up Piper on both nights and our swimming instructor lives not far from here and she’s already volunteered to bring us back here, and my uncle can pick me up from here. That’s if it’s okay with you.”
“I suppose that that would work, I’ll have a word with Piper’s mother and we’ll let you know.”
I wondered if he was just agreeing because both Piper and I were naked, or if he thought that it was a good idea. Whatever the answer was doesn’t matter because it would get Piper to the business meetings, and make her a lot of money.
After Piper and I had done the washing-up, we went to Piper’s room for a while before going down to watch a bit of TV and let whoever else was there, look at our bodies for a while before we went back to Piper’s room, left the door wide open, and had a bit of fun with our pussies.
I kept glancing over to the door and saw both Isaac and his father watching us at different times.
Thursday morning started the same way as Wednesday’s had; Piper and I exercising naked, with Mr Johnson watching as he ate his breakfast. After he’d left we decided that we wanted a repeat of the vibrator marathon. We didn’t wait for Isaac but went to Piper’s room for my toys, and changed the challenge a bit.
We decided that one of us would tease the other’s pussy for an hour and see how many times she would cum. Then we’d reverse the roles.
If we were still able we’d repeat the exercise then add the number of orgasms that we’d each had.
One thing that we did agree on was that during the time that we were being teased we couldn’t ask for the teasing to stop. It was to be continuous torture, sorry, teasing.
Another thing that we agreed on was that if the ‘victim’ wriggled about too much, the clock would stop and the ‘victim’ would be tied to the dining room table and the teasing would then start again.
We tossed a coin and Piper chose to be teased first whilst I got to work on her pussy.
Thirty minutes later I’d managed to make her cum 5 times. Three of them after Isaac had got up and come into the room to watch. By that time Piper was wriggling about quite a bit, and complaining that she was very sensitive.
I told Isaac about our agreement and he picked-up his naked little sister and carried her to the table. He ran and got some rope and before long I was back teasing her pussy with her restrained, spread-eagled on the table.
By the time the hour was up Piper had orgasmed 12 times.
Then it was my turn.
I knew that my body would jerk about when I came so I asked Piper and Isaac if they could tie my ankles and wrists to the legs of the table before Piper started on my pussy. I also told her that it was okay with me if one of them wanted to sit on my stomach while I was being tortured.
For the next hour I was in heaven, cumming over and over. If I had been tied with my butt on the edge of the table I would have begged Isaac to fuck me. As it was, Piper told me that I’d cum 14 times. I was knackered and covered in sweat. I needed a shower.
Whilst I was in the shower Isaac had phoned his mate Jake and the 2 guys were sat in the lounge along with the naked Piper.
Looking at Jake, I said,
“So, it’s going to be you 2 guys torturing Piper next is it? Tell you what, let’s add a bit to the end of the hour. If you 2 can make Piper cum another 12 times in the hour then you can both fuck her; but only after Piper and I have swapped places and you’ve made me cum another 14 times.”
“So,” Jake said, “if we make Piper cum 12 times and you 14 then we can both fuck the pair of you for the rest of the day.”
“Only until just before my dad comes home.” Isaac added.
I looked at Piper, she smiled then I said,
“It’s a deal.”
Jake then picked-up his backpack and got a magic wand out of it.
“I’ve borrowed this from my big sister, but I have to get it back to her tonight. She’s going to stop with one of her mates for the Easter weekend and she wants to take it with her.”
“Hey,” Piper said, “that’s not fair; I thought that you were only going to use the vibrator and dildo on us.”
“And their fingers and mouths.” I added. “But guys, if you can make us both cum 150 percent of our first tally you can fuck us any time, any place.”
“I don’t know about that.” Piper added. “It’s got to exclude anywhere where we could get caught and locked-up.”
“Yes guys, Piper is right. We get caught and the deal is off; for life.”
“Okay, let’s get started; Piper, up on the table.”
Five minutes later Piper was spread-eagled and couldn’t move. I spoke the time on the wall clock and said,
“Let the games begin.”
I sat on one of the chairs and watched as the vibrator and magic wand burst into life. Jake started working on her pussy and Isaac started playing with his little sister’s little tits. It didn’t take long for Piper’s first orgasm.
After she’d cum twice, Jake and Isaac swapped ends. They did that every, roughly 10 minutes.
All the time I was watching and it didn’t take long for my right hand to find my pussy and start idly rubbing.
After about 45 minutes Piper had cum 13 times, then Isaac had an idea. He climbed up onto the table, straddled her, got off her and the table, took his jeans and boxers off then climbed back up.
As he straddled her again, he pushed his cock down and into her mouth.
“I’ve got a case of ‘blue balls’ so suck on this and take care of my problem sis.”
He said as his cock slowly went further and further into her mouth.
That was too much for me and my body started jerking as I orgasmed. None of the other 3 noticing as both Piper and Isaac came again.
Jake and Isaac swapped ends again and Jake lost his jeans and boxers and climbed up onto the table.
I could see that both Jake and Piper were getting close, but so was the clock.
I let them both cum before shouting,
“Time’s up guys.”
Then in a normal voice,
“That was only 16 orgasms so I guess that today’s fuck will be your last one. Never mind guys, maybe you can find some other girl to fuck.”
Isaac and Jake untied Piper and almost lifted her off and onto a chair, whilst I climbed up onto the table. As I spread my legs and arms, I made sure that my head was hanging over the side of the table.
Piper managed to say ‘go’, and the 2 guys got to work on my body.
Ben, Mick and Lewis frequently have me tied-up in a similar position and always managed to make me cum loads of times. I’ve never really counted them but I was sure that it was way beyond the 21 orgasms that I needed to be able to get them to be able to fuck me ‘any time, any place’.
It was as my head bent backwards and Isaac pushed his cock deep into my mouth that Piper said,
“Hey, that’s cheating, I couldn’t get my head like that.”
“Don’t worry sis,” Isaac said, “there will be lots of other times that I’ll do this to you.”
For the next hour, Isaac and Jake worked on my body. They’re not as good as Ben, Mick and Lewis but they did wear me out. That magic wand is unbelievable.
There was a few minutes silence after Piper shouted,

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