ComaChapter 2 free porn video

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Tony took me back to my room. Annie came in and asked how things went. Tony said that I did great and would be on my feet in no time. Shortly after I was settled in, my parents came in to see me. They smiled at Annie as she left to do her rounds and both of them came over and hugged me.

Mom was crying and even Dad had tears in his eyes. The last time I talked to Dad, we'd argued. It seemed like it was yesterday. It had something to do with Julie and I coming over for Christmas, but Julie had told me she wasn't going. I remember Dad saying that Mom had planned a nice dinner and that my older sister and her family would be there.

It was like water under the bridge now. My dad hugged me and held me in his arms. I never remember him being that emotional. They asked me how I was and how things were going. They said they would be staying a few days at a nearby motel. They would be in to see me over the next couple of days.

I explained to them that my memory wasn't the best. I could remember a lot of things, but nothing of the accident or where or what I was doing prior to it. I asked them if they knew or had they talked to Julie. I must have hit a nerve because my dad got mad and told me Julie was a cheating wife and took me for everything I had and wanted me dead. My mom had to calm him down.

"What do you mean she took me for everything we had? We're still married aren't we?"

"In name only," my dad said. "I'll do my best to explain it all to you. Are you sure you're up to it? It's a very messed up situation."

I had to wonder, what the hell happened? I told my parents that I wanted, no, I needed to know everything. I let them know that Annie explained my condition after the accident and was told Julie rarely came in to see me.

Mom said, "That Annie is a Godsend. If it wasn't for her you might be ... dead now." Mom started crying. Now I was more confused than ever.

"Son," said Dad. "When we saw you after the accident you were in a coma. You were pretty messed up. Annie said you were on life support to keep your heart beating and to help your lungs receive air.

"The next day Julie arrived with some guy as old as me and said she wanted you taken off life support. She said you always said you never wanted a machine to keep you alive."

"That's not exactly true. I told Julie one time that I wouldn't want to be a vegetable the rest of my life if my brain was dead. I said it after we saw a movie. Maybe that's why she said it."

"Thank God she didn't have it in writing. Annie was determined to keep you alive. She said your brain and heart were both functioning but that they needed a little help because of the accident. It would take time to heal.

"Julie and Annie argued about it and Julie went to the hospital administrator to see what could be done. The administrator said that since it wasn't in writing that the hospital could keep a patient on life support for thirty days. It was in the best interest of the patient to help his body recover. Julie ran off and got a lawyer came back and said she would fight it."

"Why was she so adamant about life support? We never discussed it other than that one time watching a movie. I don't understand why she would do that."

"You're not going to like this but we'll tell you why we think she wanted you off of life support," my Dad explained. "Your life insurance with the company was two-hundred fifty thousand dollars. If you died as a result of an accident it would pay double, which would be a half-million dollars. The double indemnity would only be good for ninety days. After that, the policy would only pay out the two-hundred fifty thousand. Still a large amount of money."

"So you're saying she wanted to do it for the money? It's hard to believe she hated me so much. I know we had our differences but to want me to die..." I know I had tears in my eyes.

My dad continued, "She got herself a lawyer, but according to the hospital policies they had to wait thirty days before unhooking you from the life support systems. At the end of thirty days, Julie was back with her lawyer and being your wife, demanded you be taken off life support.

"The administrator had no choice but to comply. Annie went to the hospital board and demanded that your feeding tubes be left in. The board agreed that not letting you have nutrition would be the same as letting you starve to death. They left in the feeding tubes but undid life support of your body functions such as the heart and lungs.

"We fought along side of Annie but they considered your wife as the decision maker. You were breathing on your own and every couple of days Annie ran an EKG and other tests. Your body seemed to be getting stronger. Julie and her lawyer went to court and got an injunction to remove your feeding tubes in another three months.

"Annie fought it but lost. In two more weeks, they would have removed your feeding tubes. You owe your life to that young woman. She fought for you the whole time. I don't know if you know this but Annie's dad is the hospital administrator and her mother is a surgeon in this hospital."

I could hardly believe what I'd just heard. My wife wanted me dead and Annie fought for me the entire time. I asked my father about my job and he said it was still there for me when I returned to work. Cindy, my secretary was handling the position while I was gone. She is a middle age woman with a family and never wanted a management position.

I found out that she had visited the hospital and talked with Annie who told her I would recover, so Cindy held my position for me. She was more knowledgeable about the business than I was. I have learned a lot from her over the years.

Over the next few days, a lot of things happened. I was trying to remember what all happened in the days before my accident. Tony worked with me and I was now walking with crutches but taking it slow. My parents came in everyday and told me more things about Julie; none of it good.

She had taken all our savings, which was around twenty-five thousand dollars. She tried to get the insurance company to give her the money for my car but the company owned it, so dad received the money. I found out she maxed out our joint credit card to the tune of fifteen thousand dollars.

My mom told me that Julie had me taken off our lease and was now living there with her boyfriend at our apartment. Mom and Dad went with the police to my old apartment, removed my personal things, and put them in their garage for safekeeping. Most of the stuff was keepsake items and clothes. They did get my phone, and other electrical stuff. I guess I was a broke homeless person right now. My parents told me not to worry, that they didn't give Julie my disability checks. They'd put them in a special account for me.

Julie tried to get them, but she was not able to except as a beneficiary and I wasn't dead yet. Dad said my back pay was near fourteen thousand dollars and I'd be able to get another company car. I was very grateful to my parents.

I gave a call to Cindy who was excited to hear my voice. I explained to her that I was trying to piece my life together in the week before my accident. She said that she kept my daily calendar with all my appointments in it and maybe that would help. She came to see me and said she was happy that I was getting better. She couldn't wait for me to come back to work so her life could get back to normal.

Back to Annie, she was there every day to see me. I have to admit I was a bit embarrassed when she removed my catheter. She smiled at me and said it wasn't the first time she saw my private areas. She gave me sponge baths regularly. I thanked her time and time again for all she had done for me. How do you thank someone for saving your life?

Annie grew on me and I constantly thought about when we used to be together in class. If I wasn't with Julie at the time, I know I would have dated Annie. I guess I picked the wrong girl.

It had now been three days since I woke up and Julie still hadn't as much as called. My parents were going back to Cleveland, but would be back the following week to see me. I still worked out with Tony who told me that Annie had fixed him up with another nurse that was a friend of hers. He suggested that maybe the four of us could go out sometime.

It occurred to me that he was talking about Annie and me. I told him I would like that, but wanted to wait until I could walk on my own and besides, Annie would have to agree to go out with me. Tony just smiled.

Annie would stop by after her shift everyday and talk with me. We talked about my life with Julie and why we got married. I told Annie that I knew everyone considered me a playboy. My parents were wealthy and I got most everything I wanted.

During high school, I dated and bed a number of girls. When I started college, I was one of the party animals. It was parties for me most every weekend. I slept with my share of women but usually practiced some sort of safe sex. Why I was telling Annie all of this, I just don't know. I guess I wanted to let her know I'd changed.

It was when I met Julie that I stayed with one woman. I met her at a party and she was the sexiest woman I'd ever been with. We hit it off and all my friends would tell me how lucky I was. The funniest thing is, it was all about the sex and being with the one woman most other men wanted. We became a couple and when she got pregnant, I felt I had to do what was right.

I mentioned to Annie that Julie and I still attended parties but I never cheated on her and she never cheated on me. That was why I married her. I explained about my parents not trusting Julie and all the things they told me. When I mentioned Julie's miscarriage, Annie just stared at me. That wasn't like her so I asked her what was the matter.

"Justin, Julie wasn't the honorable woman you thought she was. I'm sorry but you deserve to know the truth. I don't know if you remember when Julie and her girlfriends went to Myrtle Beach for a few days."

"Yes I remember, they went two years in a row just to get away from the class work. She asked me to go but I had to work at the dealership and couldn't go," I replied.

"She didn't want you to go and knew you had to work. Why do you think she went with three of her girlfriends? They went to party. It was the nude day party at a private beach."

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"My friend Kelly was one of the three girls that went with her the second year. Kelly started working here and we became friends, and she told me all about it. I didn't know anything about what happened until you were brought in, due to the accident. Do you really want to know what went on? I'm not really comfortable with telling you."

"Please tell me; I want to know since I was living a lie."

"Kelly said that they all partied for three days even though the nude day party was only one day. She said it was one big orgy and that she had a blast and she was drunk most of the time. It was the only time that she was with two guys at once. She did say it was a one-time thing for her. Kelly said she's glad she went but that life style isn't for her. Now she's dating Tony and asked me not to mention it to him. I think she really likes him."

"What about Julie?"

"Kelly said it was Julie's idea to go the second year since she enjoyed the first one so much. Kelly took photos of Julie with her cell phone. Believe me; you don't want to see them. Julie was so out of it that she doesn't even know Kelly took the pictures. She was with as many as three guys at once. Julie is a very sexy woman, every guy wanted a piece of her, and Kelly said they got it. When they were done with her, she didn't look so sexy. According to Kelly, she looked like a drunken whore who had just gotten gangbanged."

"Did you see the pictures?" I asked.

"Yes, it was as bad as any porno I'd ever seen."

"You've seen porno?"

"Oh my God! Yes, the girls in my dorm got hold of some and we watched them. I have to say it was more funny than sexy. Actually it was somewhat boring at times." I had to laugh after Annie said that about the porno's, but I started to hate Julie for playing me for a fool.

"Maybe, I shouldn't have told you about Julie, I'm sorry," replied Annie.

"No, I'm glad you did. I needed someone to tell me the truth. I'm still trying to piece my life together. Is there anything else you can tell me besides Julie being a slut?"

"I didn't say that she was a slut, even though she was," said Annie. "I don't think she had a miscarriage either, but I can't prove it."

"What do you mean? You think she had an abortion?" I asked. "What makes you think that?"

"She went to a Family Planning clinic and during the procedure she had complications and was brought to the hospital and they finished with the miscarriage."

"So why do you think it was an abortion?"

"People go to Family Planning for abortions. If they are miscarrying, they usually come to the hospital. I can't prove anything but I thought you should know."

"She didn't seem as sad as I was at the loss of our baby. Maybe it wasn't even mine. She started exercising the follow week saying she wanted her body back. After a couple of months she went back to work at the real estate company."

After Annie left, I started looking through my calendar book for last December. I noticed two calls from a Norma Wilson, both in late December. I notice the last one was on December 22, the day of my accident. I decided to call her and maybe she could shed some light on the twenty-second.

I called the number on the calendar; a woman answered and I asked for Norma.

"This is Norma," she replied.

"I'm Justin Wright..." and Norma seemed astonished.

"You're awake! Oh my God. I'm so sorry; I'm surprised to hear from you. I haven't heard from you since your accident. Rob said you weren't going to make it."

"Norma, my memory isn't the greatest right now and I'm trying to piece together my last few days before the accident. Can you remind me of why you called me?"

"The first time I called was to tell you I thought your wife was having an affair with my husband. I called you on the twenty-second to tell you that I found out they were meeting at the Holiday Inn. You told me you had to know for sure and was heading there to find out for yourself. The next thing I'd heard is that you had an accident and were in a coma."

"I think I'm remembering the call. Is your husband Rob? I heard that my wife came to the hospital with a Rob somebody the next day."

"Yes it is, but we're in the middle of a contested divorce. He left me for your wife. He moved out of the house and in with your wife right after Christmas. Our kids want nothing to do with him. They really aren't kids anymore, they're in their twenty's. He came up to us after Christmas and said he loved another woman. He's paying alimony and I'm receiving half our assets.

"I am half owner of the real estate business but I don't work there anymore. I hope the information helps you out. I won't be talking to you anymore. My attorney said I shouldn't be talking with your wife or her friends. It all has to do with the divorce. I am happy to see that you recovered. Take care."

Wow! I lay back on the bed and thought about what Norma had said. It was all beginning to make sense to me. Julie said she was going to the company Christmas party and I asked her why she didn't ask me to go. I remember her saying it was for employees only.

It was then that I received the call from Norma and decided to check it out. She told me there wasn't any Christmas party and my wife was meeting her husband. Damn! It was all making sense now.

I wasn't sure where I was going from here but I knew I wanted a lawyer and start divorce proceedings. I wanted out of this marriage as soon as possible. Ken, my lawyer came to see me the next day. I explained the situation to him and he said he would get right on it.

Annie came in to see me and I explained everything I had found out from Norma. She smiled when I told her I had talked to my lawyer and getting started on a divorce. She told me she had some news for me. I was doing better than expected on my rehabilitation and would be released from the hospital in a couple of days.

I would still have to come in for an hour or so each day and work out with Tony. I could also start eating soft foods, but not to overdo it. Now I had a new problem. Where was I going to live on such short notice? I couldn't move back to Cleveland with my parents. I was hoping to get back to work within a couple of weeks.

Annie told me not to worry about it. She would take care of everything. I don't know what I would have done without her. Tony was right, she was one special lady.

I was up and moving around using a walker but I could get by with a walking stick when necessary. I was still a bit unsure on my feet. I was eating lunch when low and behold who comes in to see me but, Julie. She didn't seem the least bit happy to see me.

"Your lawyer called and stated you want a divorce." That was the first thing she said to me. No hello, how are you or glad to see you're finally awake. Of course she wasn't happy, but she could have lied to me like she's been doing for the last couple of years.

"Yes I do. You've been cheating on me since I met you," I told her.

"Who told you that, Miss Prissy, your housemaid? Maybe it was your parents who never liked me. Let me say one thing; I'll go down fighting. You'll be paying some big alimony for what you put me through. You owe me for sticking around." I couldn't believe what she was saying to me.

I responded, "You got to be kidding! You go fucking your boss and move him in to my apartment. I know his wife kicked him out and is getting a divorce. I also found out that you fucked a dozen guys at the nude day party you went to, two years in a row."

"Who told you that? That's a lie," she replied.

"Pictures don't lie and I got my hands on some."

"Bullshit! You're bluffing, you don't have any pictures." She looked a bit worried.

"You'll get a chance to see them at our divorce hearing. I'm sure Rob would be interested in seeing his slut girlfriend at play."

"You wouldn't dare! You leave Rob out of this."

"So, I see you're admitting it and afraid you might lose your meal ticket. I also know you cheated on me with Rob the night of my accident. I even have proof of that." I was making up a few things but I could probably get Norma to testify if I needed too.

"I do have a question I would like answered. Was the baby that you aborted even mine?"

She looked like she had seen a ghost, got up and left the hospital. It was the day I was released from the hospital that my lawyer said that Julie agreed to the terms of my divorce. I asked him what terms, since I didn't have anything.

"She doesn't get any alimony and she has to pay half the credit card bill that she ran up since it was a joint account. I know she took the money out of your savings account but you can't get any of that back. Since your name was taken off the apartment lease, you have no expenses there. You will be free and clear of her. All she asked for is that no pictures of her in compromising situations be shown. You never told me about any picture so I just went along with it. This is a pretty easy settlement. The only thing is, she wants a 'no-fault' divorce."

"Sounds good to me Ken. How long before I'm free of her?"

"I believe it could be over in just about a month if you both agree to the terms and she has already agreed to it but not signed it yet."

Annie came in after my lawyer left and asked me how it went. I explained the terms of the divorce and she laughed, knowing I didn't have any pictures of Julie having sex with anyone. Now my biggest problem was to find a place close to the hospital to live until I could get a vehicle and when to start back to work.

Annie told me she had my living problem taken care of. She has a two-bedroom condo a half mile from the hospital. I could stay there for the time being, until I could work out other arrangements. The hospital hospitality bus went right by her condo and I could ride it to therapy everyday. She said that way she could make sure I ate right.

I didn't know what to say. This angel saved my life, took care of me and now offered me a room in her home. "Justin, I like you and consider you a good friend. I just want to help you out, till you get on your feet. No strings attached."

I wondered if I would have a problem living at her place. I knew I was developing strong feelings for her, but didn't know if it was because she was so nice and helped me out or because I was falling in love with her. I thanked her and agreed to stay at least a few days. I needed some time to get my affairs in order, do my rehabilitation and find out where my life was headed.

I went to therapy and Tony said he heard of my good fortune that I was staying at Annie's place. "I knew she liked you," said Tony. "Don't hurt her and always be honest with her. She's one of my best friends. I've never known her to let someone stay at her place. You're one lucky guy."

Annie put me in a wheelchair to wheel me out of the hospital and to the hospitality bus. She helped me on and we headed to her place. I was both excited and nervous as we pulled up to a gated housing unit. This was one ritzy area. We got off the bus and the guard at the gate smiled as he greeted Annie.

"Roy," she said to the guard. "Can you give my friend Justin and I a lift to my condo? He will be staying with me and going to rehabilitation each day."

"Anything for you Annie," he said with a smile on his face. He gave me a look that said, 'you better not hurt Annie', but acted nice enough.

Her place was really nice and exceptionally clean. It was two steps up to the porch and then into the house. I looked around; the place was immaculate. "Annie, I know it's none of my business but are you rich?" Since my parents were wealthy I grew up having many of the finer things in life and never worried about money till I married Julie and had to make it on my own.

She laughed, "My parents are and I've done pretty well for myself. Most people don't know and I hope you won't spread it around. I had a lot of guys asking me out when they found out who my parents were. I guess they thought the way to their future was through me."

"Why are you doing all this for me? Help me understand. We were lab partners and never even hung out with the same people. As I understand more about my life I'm finding out you've done more for me than anyone ever has. I understand my parents helping me but why are you doing so much?"

"Justin, you must know by now that I had a big crush on you in college. I would often dream about us being a couple. Needless to say, that dream was crushed when you married Julie. That didn't mean I no longer liked you. I've seen what you've been through and I couldn't stand by and do nothing. Those feelings I had are still there. Now, let me show you around."

Did she just say she still liked me, I asked myself?

I walked with a sturdy cane as she showed me the apartment. Her place was big, clean and very well kept. She showed me to my room and all I could think about was being with her in the big king size bed. She pointed to her room across the hall but we didn't go into it. There was a bath across from my room. There was another bath off her bedroom which she said she uses.

The living room was decorated like a woman would have. There was a couch, loveseat and a lounge chair. There was also a big screen TV. Annie said she didn't watch it much.

Off the beautiful kitchen was a patio with a hot tub. I looked over at Annie and pictured her in a bikini getting into the hot tub. "You can use the hot tub but be careful getting in and out. I don't need you falling and suing me," she smiled.

I didn't have many clothes, hell I didn't have much of anything right now. Annie handed me a couple of shopping bags. She said she went and bought me a couple of outfits so I would have something to wear. I had called my parents and told them where I would be staying and they were blown away. They said they would bring some of my clothes and I could go through them and see what still fit me.

I couldn't help but think that this was the kind of place Julie talked about having. I realized now that she was all about money and material things. How could I be so stupid and not see through her. She had the looks, that was for sure. I guess she was all about sex and money.

My parents were wealthy but I blew most of my money on good times. I started saving after we got married and Julie took all of it. I remember my parents telling me they weren't going to fund Julie and my life. It was time for me to take care of myself and family. Dad did give me the managers job that paid a thousand dollars a week. I thought it was great but it just wasn't enough for Julie.

Annie said she would make us some dinner. She told me to sit down and relax. I couldn't do it, I got up and went into the kitchen to help her out. I didn't want to take advantage of her and have her waiting on me. Together we made a simple meal, sat in the living room, and watched a little TV while we ate.

Afterwards we talked about how we would do things. It was mostly, play it by ear as we went along. She would get up in the mornings and leave for work. She usually drove but sometimes used the bus. She did tell me I had full use of her place but I had to clean up after myself. I laughed when she said she wasn't my maid. We both started laughing. God! Was I falling in love with her?

She put on her PJ's and I had on a pair of shorts. I sat in the easy chair and she sat on the couch with her feet under her. We watched TV but I spent more time looking at her. She really was an angel. She looked, acted and talked like one. I had to wonder why she wasn't with anyone. She was definitely worth keeping.

It was getting late and we headed for bed. Annie said goodnight and I watched her close her bedroom door. I lay on my bed and went to sleep thinking about Annie. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming but I heard that voice singing the song I remember hearing while in the coma.

Forgive me for wanting you so
But one thing I want you to know
I've loved you since heaven knows when
There! I've said it again,

I sat up in bed and thought about the song. I got up and opened my door. About the same time, Annie came out of her bedroom dressed for work. "Oh, hi Justin, I hope I didn't wake you."

"Did you just sing a song while in the shower? You sure smell good."

"Thank You, ' she smiled at me. "And yes, I'm always singing. Why? What's the matter? Did it bother you?" asked Annie.

"God, no! It was beautiful. It was the voice and song that I heard singing to me while in the coma. I told the doctor about it but I don't think he believed me. Did you sing that song to me while I was in the coma?"

"Why yes, I sang it quite often. Sometimes I would sing to you and other times read to you."

"What is the name of the song?" I asked.

"There! I've Said It Again by Bobby Vinton. Do you like it?"

"Yes, I love it. Will you sing it for me sometime?"

"Maybe, but not right now, I have to leave for work. I'll see you later at the hospital. Don't forget to call the hospitality bus to pick you up. Also, if you call the guardhouse Roy will drive you to the gate. Take care, ok."

I don't know why I did it but I leaned over and kissed her. I know it surprised her. She turned and went to leave without saying anything.

"Annie," she turned toward me, "I ... I'm not sorry I kissed you."

"I'm not either," she said, as she walked out the door.

Over the next couple of days, I went to therapy and Tony and I talked. He asked me how it was going with Annie and I told him it was great but there was a little tension. He told me to talk to her and let her know how I felt.

That same day my parents came by and brought me some of my personal items. They said they heard Annie had a nice place. When Annie came in, they hugged and kissed her. Damn, they loved her too. They offered to take us out for dinner and Annie accepted.

They asked Annie about a restaurant and lounge they had seen on the way in. Annie told them it was a local hangout for a lot of the hospital staff and the food was good, so we went there.

My parents said they would be in town just the one night and needed a motel room. They wanted to take me to the dealership the next day so I could order a vehicle to drive and I could talk with some of the people I worked with who were wondering when I was coming back.

Annie insisted that they stay at her place. She said they could have my bed and I could sleep on the couch, which converted into a bed. Dad started to say something but mom interrupted him and said they would stay. It would give us all more time together.

It seemed Annie knew most everyone in the restaurant as they all greeted her. There was a DJ playing some soft music for the patrons. He waved at Annie and she smiled back at him. I felt a bit jealous that everyone was friendly with Annie. When we were about done with our dinner, the DJ made an announcement.

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January 18, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I’ve thought about what you said,” Jennifer said. “And I think you’re right. I’m sorry it took me three days to think it through.” “I’d expect nothing less than you giving it serious thought. So you agree with Ed’s assessment?” “I’m no more a psychologist than you are, but it makes sense. And you said that Bethany agrees?” “Unofficially, yes. She can’t make a diagnosis in a situation like this, but she confirmed Ed’s research was accurate enough that...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected Visitor Part 3

Mrs Lane told me she had now concluded her investigation and was going to now email the evidence to Mrs Thomas who as principle would have the final say as to what happens now, I enquired about Mrs Thomas who was in her mid-60’s and widowed and god forbid if she wanted to visit me, I felt bad enough about her seeing the pictures let alone a physical encounter and I have to say I was quite nervous once the email had been sent waiting for a reply.After another cup of coffee it was fast...

3 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 6

As we sat down for breakfast (which was leftover pizza), I found myself playing footsie with Josie, who seemed to be rather thrilled with my attitude about her estranged husband in Montreal. Then again, my perspective wasn't really surprising, given that I was Jewish and didn't particularly care for Nazis, Aryan types, or skinheads in general. I think that she enjoyed was my hands-on outlook on her involvement with Jean-Baptiste, given that he still seemed to want a reconciliation and she...

3 years ago
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Going Forth

Faye was 16 years old. She'd started wearing a bra in 6th grade, had been so excited at first, getting boobs before most other girls in her class. But the excitement slowly waned, giving way to uncertainty, and then disappointment as her noobs (her sister Katie called them that) refused to grow. Now in 11th grade, she was a frustrating 32AA, the smallest of all her friends. It didn't help that she was 5'1" tall and weighed only 92 lbs. Of course she had no noobs: she wore size zero-zero...

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Melissas Photo Shoot

I was over the moon, when my husband Dave had arranged for me to have a photo shoot for my 40th birthday. Dave had arranged it with his mate, a professional photographer that had worked with loads of models over the years and I was going to have a two hour session with him. “Make it a sexy shoot,” said Dave as he watched me dress and pack a few different outfits for the shoot, “and don‘t forget, live out whatever fantasy comes your way!” I found it a strange thing to say, but just smiled and...

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IHaveAWife Kenzie Love 31759

Kenzie Love is working out at her apartment’s gym when Danny walks in. What a surprise? Danny is one of Kenzie’s college ex’s and he just moved into the complex with his wife. There’s something about that ring on Danny’s finger that gets Kenzie wet and she just needs to have Danny right there and then. Danny is a little hesitant, but Kenzie assures him that no one else ever uses that gym. Well assured, Danny grabs on Kenzie’s big natural tits and starts...

4 years ago
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Watching and being watched

A last minute cancellation meant that Ali and I had the chance of a long weekend break skiing. So we picked up Dave and Chrissy and all their gear for the 3 hour drive to our chalet. As soon as we set off Chrissy couldn’t wait to hog the conversation to tell us what they’d seen last night “We’d been to see the latest Harry Potter and were coming back to the car park when we noticed three or four men peering into a car and shining flashlights. Now we thought they were breaking in. I wanted to...

2 years ago
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The Life GuardChapter 2

Matt had finished his shift at the pool and was walking to his car when his date from last weekend approached. "Wanna go get a cone, Patty?" "Sure. I don't need to be home until ten o'clock." Ever the gentlemen, Matt walked to his car, opened the door for her, and then walked around to his side. On the way to the ice cream parlor, Matt pulled into an alley. "Patty, I have something you can suck on first." She knew what he wanted; that is how it had started last weekend. Reaching...

1 year ago
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The Halloween Fantasy Part 1

Some of my most erotic adventures I ever enjoyed always seemed to occur at Halloween parties, and 1986 would be no exception. The party I chose to attend was held at a large upscale nightclub located just off the lobby of a well known hotel chain. They kept the riff raff out by imposing a large cover charge and demanding that all patrons be in costume. Well it worked as the place was full of costumed partiers. This year my costume was an exact copy of the one worn on stage by Michael Crawford...

Straight Sex
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The Bavarian trip

Capt David McCulloch woke up to the sound of his alarm. It was 5:30AM on this Friday, and he had a busy day ahead, and it would also be a long day of travel. As an Air Force logistics officer, this wasn't unusual. He'd been serving in Germany for the last 3 years, and the country was like a gift he'd been given with a big bow on it. He was actually stationed at Spandahlem, about 15 minutes from Luxembourg, but today was going to take him to the Fürstenfeldbruck German air base in Bavaria, and...

2 years ago
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You Gotta Love Hunting

I mean sitting out in the wilderness with a cocked crossbow a bottle of Jamison and a dozen bolts waiting for the prey to come to the bait. Boring hours go by as you await the coming evening in your concealed little pit, listening to the forest sounds of chirping birds and noisy squirrels. The bait provides some distraction, as she makes moaning noises from time to time, and struggles to pull the chain away from her neck, but the noise she is making will hopefully attract the mother cougar's...

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Jennifers BodyChapter 2 ldquoTommyrdquo

After school on Friday I met Tommy near the school bus stop. We got into his car, a nice red corvette. It must be nice to have money. We went inside a big two-story brick house. It has a four-car garage attached to the house. The living room is huge, with a wood- burning fireplace. We went into what he called the game room, which is bigger than our apartment. It has a pool table, and a big screen TV with lots of DVDs. We played a little pool, drank some pop, and watched some music videos....

3 years ago
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Another women

My husband and I never got along. Especially after he thought it would be OK. to bring another women into our home. He asked me if he,and I and the other women could work out some form of a threesome. At first I was livid. But after hours of talking out all the details he finally convinced me.So finally I agreed and said next weekend end we will do this but this is the only time.On that Saturday around 3 in the afternoon, a knock came at the door.I looked through the window to see a tall...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 15 Medical and a Guest

Stepping out of the transport tube, Tammy walked into the medical bay, and over to a young girl. Looking down, she saw a beautiful child lying there, who should not have a care in the world. "Ashley, we will make it better for you, I promise." Tammy looked around the huge room, and saw Molly down at the far end talking to someone, and wandered down that way. As she got closer, she saw Commander Hutcheson sitting up in one of the beds. "Commander, you should start feeling better, now....

3 years ago
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All In A Days Work

ALL IN A DAYS WORK BY Caroline Kingsley I had worked for this company for almost 6 months, and I’d never felt as invisible as I felt now. I worked as a receptionist for a medium sized business. Answering phones, sorting mail and copying documents didn’t sound too glamorous and it wasn’t, but it paid the bills and gave me the flexibility to come and go, and the insurance that I needed for being a single parent. I was content in my job and performed most of my daily tasks with little or no brain...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Two Guys Find Gay Love

You could say this is part two of my first story but can be read as a story of its own. Like I said, a lot of straight guys from my section of Brooklyn don’t have any problems with having a queer suck their cock. I found out, that I don’t have a problem with it either.  Unlike the straight guys in the neighborhood having my cock sucked by a queer was more than just another sexual option.  It was having sex with another guy that was more important to me.  I found out I was queer that day I...

4 years ago
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Smokey and the Bandit Part 2

This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. [email protected] SYNOPSIS: "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law." (Sheriff Buford T. Justice, with thanks to Hal Needham and his film.)...

4 years ago
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Young Stepmother Part 3

Young Stepmother Part 3 By Mark Dayette I called my friend Pete the next day and he said it was fine that I could come over to his house Friday afternoon. During the phone call I wanted to rip into him and make him admit right that second what he had done by setting me up with my Stepmother's clothes under my bed, but I decided the conversation was too important to have over the phone. I also thought it would be easier for him to deny it over the phone but face to face he'd tell the...

3 years ago
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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 4 Bureaucrats Cows

The weeks following the meeting at Casa Cavalla were hectic for everyone for a lot of reasons; and there were three major 'happenings' other than finalizing the adoption. Mer ... excuse me, Sean read my first draft of his story and asked me to include that month. He thought the month was significant and pivotal to many things that happened later in his life. In retrospect I agree. So, I included as much detail about Sean's time waiting for the adoption to be complete as I could get from...

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Until Next Time Part Two

I don't know when this story started, or when the last one ended - if it did in fact end. Standing in front of the picture window with my wife, watching John drive away, I had to admit that things between us felt far from over. How surreal the evening seemed in retrospect. Our "getting to know each other" evening should have been just that. I had hurried home from work to eat a quick supper, shower, and tuck our little ones into their beds. Paula had busied herself with tidying, and John was...

Wife Lovers
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The beautiful Hitchhiker

Hey guys I am writing this story after a long time because it's not just a story it's actually an incident which happened with me last month which I want to share with you all.I hope you will react after reading it ....Last month I have a official meeting so I left the house in the evening so that I can reach the same day till night and attend the meeting next day.I was almost 30 miles away from my city when I saw a beautiful girl waving hands towards me to stop.Being a man I stopped in front...

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Kylie relaxed as she let her boyfriend push her down onto her knees in front of him. Wearing thigh high black leather boots, a tiny black leather miniskirt, a tight boob-tube and a spiked collar, she was ready for her boyfriend to have at her. It was a nasty fantasy of hers, to have a guy use her like his own little whore and give her a throatjob she'd never forget. She'd tentatively asked her boyfriend, who'd happily accepted the challenge, already familiar with her deepthroating talents and...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 16

As the afternoon passed, Bobby began to wonder if he’d met his first nymphomaniac. The passions unleashed in her were of almost astonishing proportions. She was insatiable and he had to force her to let go of him so they could clean up and be respectably dressed before his mother got home. Paula’s outlook, as she stood in the shower ... alone ... exemplified the difficult and complicated social structure of young women in that decade. Women had more options than they had had when she was a...

2 years ago
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Maam Ki Majburi Ka Fayada Uthaya Part 8211 2

Fir maine apna hath or aage kiya toh malum hua ki uski chut pani se tar fir mai neeche aya or uski panty utar di or uski chut ko suck karne laga vo bhut jor se chilla rahi thi ki yes or yes bhut acche rahul yes ahhhhhhh ah uuuhhh Kar rahi thi fir maine apni underwear bhi utar di jaise hi maine apni underwear utari maam ne mera lund dekha or kehne lagai wah kitna mota lund hai tumhara itna keh ke mera lund pakda or apne mooh mai le liya fir mai toh ustime heaven mai tha or maam mera lund ase...

2 years ago
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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 5a

Miss Spencer. I require your presence on Saturday at 2 pm on the 8th floor of the University Library in the Chemistry section. You are to take a seat at one of the study tables and keep yourself occupied playing with your delightful cunt. Dress appropriately to please. Under no circumstance are you to acknowledge my presence. That was how my week began, a typically terse email from my Mistress that revealed none of her intentions beyond driving me crazy with anticipation as I began to...

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Roger and Jane

They were actually going at it in the bushes. We'd gotten to the picnic early and set up the barbecue. The rest of the employees, having arrived pretty much on time, were socializing and drinking and having a gay old time. As third man in the company of Silver and Silver Mfg., that is Benjamin and Rodney Silver, I was the barbecue man of choice. At S&S we manufacture a plethora of household goods, mostly electrical appliances. It wasn't all me of course doing the cooking, I was a high...

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The Conspiracy

Mr. Gupta is a 48 year old, widowed business man, and a billionaire. Even at that age he was fit and a possessed an attractive charisma. His wife had died 15 years ago and since then he had grown his once a small business to the billion rupee size. His 21 year old son was completing his studies in England, and he was the only reason why he never got married and spent a lot of time and attention towards his growth till a point he sent him to England for higher studies. Mr. Gupta was very homely...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 69

Say thanks to Tony S. for this one. ‎ An eighty-year-old woman ran into an old friend in the checkout line at Wal-Mart, and the two women wished each other a happy New Year. But her friend frowned and said, “Oh, but I was so sorry to hear about the sudden death of your husband!” “Yes, it was a terrible thing, but at least Herbert died happy -- in the act of love.” “Goodness! Really? That’s ... amazing. I mean -- at your age and all!” “Well, we certainly had toned it down some these days,...

2 years ago
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Like a GentlewomanChapter 6 Settling in

When Esther woke, she felt George stirring against her. “Your tea is here,” he said. “Wait until I am out of the room, if you please.” He got up, donned his dressing gown, and left by the door to his room. She put on her night rail, and called for Dorcas to come in. The tea was hot and sweet, and Dorcas seemed to be cheerful for so early in the morning. Dorcas dressed her in the traveling clothes, and she left the dressing room to see what the day would bring. George was waiting to lead her...

4 years ago
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Discovering The Joys Of Being Watched

“I want you to come. You NEED to come!”“I already told you. I don’t want to.”“I’m not taking no for an answer!”“Well, you’re going to have to this time.”“Oh, come on… please? It is my birthday.”I shake my head, not that she can see this.“I can be VERY persuasive…”“Yes, this I already know,” I laugh. “But please try to understand it from my side.”I don’t know why I am arguing with Lou. We’ve been the best of friends since primary school and you can count on one hand the amount of times that I...

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Mom Gets Gangbanged By College Seniors

Hi, this is my new series. I hope you enjoy it and please do give your comments. I am Lingesh, studying in college. This story is about my mom who became a slut and started enjoying sex with strangers. Coming to my family, my dad is a businessman and is working in Malaysia, my mom Suganya, is a Indian housewife aged 29, and my sister Sanju is aged 19. I am 18+ years old My mom has a stats of 36D-28-30. She is fair, slim, and a tall lady who used to go to the gym and maintains her body shape. My...

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Another Welcome GuestChapter 17

Greek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...

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Snow JobChapter 2

"Wow, something smells delicious. Is that lasagna?" Frank walked to the oven and peeked in. "Mmmmm. I see you have a bottle of wine out, shall I open it?" "That'd be great Dad. I'm going to go change, can you make the salad?" Cindy kissed her dad on the cheek and trotted off to her bedroom. She couldn't keep from smiling to herself. The evening was about to get very entertaining. "How do I look?" Cindy turned around. The doorbell rang before Frank could answer his daughter....

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Mama Ts Visiting and meeting her household

Mama T had made a happy man of a passing skinny white boy on a summer's night.... But what happens when a few nights later he decides to see if she is interested in going for it again?Many of you said the first part of the story was hot.... Put on your fireproof undies, grab some lube and enjoy part 2!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Walking down Euclid Avenue I saw that there was a light on in the front of the house where Mama T lived. My heart was pounding and I hoped that I was not being...

1 year ago
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Mom makes a deal

Mom and son make a deal Growing up in a small town I was always lucky to have my dads looks, I have blond hair, blue eyes and an average build from swimming. My mom was quite the looker too, even as her son I had noticed what a charm to look at she was. She had long brown hair, blue eyes and a body that made grown men cry. She had the curves in all the right places. It was just going on summer vacation and I was close to graduating highschool, the last day ended up being a half day...

2 years ago
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slaver or collecter the branding

Hanna goes to talk to Sasha. Sasha tells her that she was working on somethings for her, part of it was the burkas, when I was making the design for the burka I thought about the mark. It is on your burka and here it is on this branding iron. You are married to him you should have his mark on you like I have for Omar’s. Hanna say that she wanted his mark on her but without him having one she was not going to ask. Sasha then says “ you were married on the computer so why don't we have the...

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Chloroform man

Welcome to CHLOROFORM MAN! Now chloroform man is personally BI to me but this is an anthology! In the dark prison cells of Joey Buscher Penitentiary, in the maximum containment are there is a mysterious entity known only as Chloroform Man. "Sooo.... Since we *are* alone here" flirted Michaels her fingers tiptoeing against Sanchez's back in a feline way "what do you say... We have fun?" She asked slowly raising up packs of condoms. Sanchez smirkes at the offer, woah was Michael's beautiful, with...

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The Bridge Club

© 2005 by Arika Lee All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permissionof the author. This material is presented as adult entertainment and is not intended forany person under the age of eighteen years. While every precaution has beentaken in the preparation of this work, the author assumes no responsibilitiesfor...

1 year ago
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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 11

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Odin - War god, main god of the Norse gods Frigg - Wife of Odin, promoter of marriage and fertility Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Thor - a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of mankind, hallowing, and fertility Loki - a mischievous god who can shape-shift...

3 years ago
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Plains of TexasChapter 11

In the morning, I woke up to my cock being sucked. It didn't feel like Sue though. I opened my eyes and saw Sue between Elaine's legs and, looking down, saw Martha between mine with my cock down her throat. I came flooding Martha's mouth with my cum as Elaine orgasmed to Sue's expert cunt sucking. Sue moved to James and woke him up with her mouth. She sucked him to completion. Martha smiled and whispered, "I was first. I told her to do our hosts while I took care of you. I did, didn't...

2 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 7

My body has gotten used to waking up an hour before my alarm while receiving some kind of sexual pleasure. I wake 50 minutes before my alarm with a painful erection. I ignore it and watch Dahlia sleep. I don’t hear Kim, but when the next person arrives, I can hear Kim profusely complaining about Dahlia taking her morning to wake me up. I want to be here for Dahlia when she wakes up, but I have to defuse the situation. I’m careful not to wake her as I slip out of bed and put on some pants. I...

2 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 17 Remembering

Sunday Later There were a few things Janelle wanted to do immediately. She would have adored showing Bob what true love really felt like, but that would remind him that she was gone, and the memory would hurt him; and she had sworn to herself she would not hurt him any more. She needed to explain to Cutie that there was a difference between sex and love. She also hoped she could talk with her brothers and help them understand that the desires they were feeling were strong, but could be even...

1 year ago
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Masala Desi! Let’s agree on one thing, besides the essence of porn in our lives that is the factor that it’s not every goddamned person's schedule that allows them to meet up with friends or even engage in the normal chit chats with friends. The good news for such people from the Indian race being that Masala Desi has created an opportunity for them to participate in basic discussions on things like football every day in forums. Besides, there is more interesting shit to do here including...

Porn Forums
3 years ago
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Fight For Me

Author’s Note: This is the first chapter of hopefully an ongoing romance story. This is my first try at posting a story so I would really appreciate comments and feedback. Thanks everyone! -Deanna Chapter One: Daydreams and Nightmares ‘Remind me again why I agreed to this’ I said to Danny as we made our way down the street. It was Saturday night and we were walking a few blocks to a party hosted by a friend of his. I’m not much of a party person so Danny had to con me into going. And of...

3 years ago
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My Son

My Son Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name is Carol Stewart. I have a watched as my son slowly became more like a girl than a boy. When he was a youngster he would play dress up in his sisters clothes, a game of dress up that all kids played. By the time he was nine, and still playing dress up, I began to wonder a bit, yet it seemed so harmless that I let it go. When he was 11 I saw him all dressed up again, wearing a nice blue and white dress with white tights and...

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What Once Was Old Part 7

I had been laying in my room staring at the ceiling for a good hour. Whatever Mason planned to do with that book was the farthest thing on my mind at the moment. This hangover is killing me. I guess the good thing is now I know the limits of my new teenage body. I rolled over on my side and held my belly. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and it wasn't because of the hangover. It was something else. A nervousness, maybe? But of what? I'm sure Mason isn't doing anything too...

3 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Nine

SUNDAY MAY-1 "I don't fucking believe it! I don't believe you actually did it Lara," laughed Carol Baker as she lay back and allowed Lucy James to fuck her stupid with the twenty inch double-ended dildo that had been a recent purchase for the girls of the group when the innevitible happened and the guys ran out of steam. Lara grinned and looked across from the hands and knees position that Chris Barratt had placed her in so that he could achieve maximum penetration and have complete...

1 year ago
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Who needs this scenario

I am feeling very sexual this morning. I have decided to wear under my work attire a bra, garter, stockings and lacy boy shorts. I feel very feminine and dare I say very gay.I don’t really speak from a lot of experience, only what I know I might like and have thought about or maybe experienced. There’s no question though that we are in the same lane.Oh yes, babe, I’d have you moaning and your hips would be rising to meet my mouth as you pump your cock in my desperately horny mouth. My mouth...

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Cartoon ENP

From Disney to anime to cartoon characters, witness the humiliation and embarrassment of your favorite characters. To make it easier to find the characters, the branches will be split up into a few branches first anime and non-anime and then it'll be grouped with letters instead of having one giant list. Please make sure to put the characters in the proper category. All victims must be 18+ whether they are canonically so or aged up. The following characters are NOT permitted to be used as...

2 years ago
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My First Trip Out of the Closet

  I have wanted to write this story for many years but I hesitated to do so out of my fear of the unknown.   Since moving to Florida , I have pretty much been on my own for the first time in a long time. Let’s just say that now that I am older, I’m bolder! I no longer care who knows my sexual interests. It’s funny, because everyone I currently see understands my desires and approves of my different fetishes.   Foremost of these, is my predilection to live my...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 32 Ancient History

Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...

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