Remittance ManChapter 3 free porn video

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January saw the birth of a little girl to our family, yet the poor waif drew not her first breath. Cold and silent she came into this world, cold and silent she left it with no laughter nor joy between times. Katherine retreated into herself for a while. I took many a long walk in the woods. We held each other at night attempting to ease the pain of the other. We held and rocked Joshua and Mary to ease our hearts.

I forced myself to labor rather than retreat.

My forge was rebuilt and the blades came from it at a prodigious rate. We attempted to cast cannon barrels with dismal success. Winding barrels in the method of constructing shot-guns also failed. We seemed doomed to failure in the field of heavy weapons.

We persevered. I recoursed to casting barrels in brass. We had some limited success. The technique lended itself to casting mortars. Scaling up to larger sizes gave nought but grevious accidents until puddling, pre-warming and gentle heating of our castings gave us the reward we so devoutly wished. We had mortars that could shake the earth, with barrel apertures of one half of a foot with barrel lengths of but two feet and a full diameter of thirty inches, allowing a full foot of brass about the bore and behind the touch hole.

I began to purchase powder of the Dutch and the French. We parceled out the loads and stored them within dry bunkers.

The baths were rebuilt as soon as the frost left the soil and the mortar would set. We constructed six great tubs surrounded by laundry tubs. It was a popular place to fight the chill.

We cast drift nets from aboard ship and harvested many a bountiful catch. We smoked what we did not eat while our hunters worked the streams for deer coming down for water. The game did not seem to see danger from the water.

Porcupine meat is sweet. I know this for a fact as the youths killed many that were attracted to our camp by the prospects of an easy feed. The opportunistic little wretches fared poorly against boar spears.

We cut many a tree for firewood and to construct shelters for the ovens. The structures involved in the powder bunkers and larders went in with if not ease then a smoothness of practice. I built a raised oven at each longhouse as well as many in a group at our central camp. We found many new supplies of bush willow to supply flights.

The women missed our leaching pits for the hides and alkalai leaching benches to make soap. Have trust in my statements that I and mine had no time for idle hands—we were too busy keeping the women happy. Without a doubt that—from a man's perspective—there is nothing more disheartening than a contentious woman. The longer I live the more this proves to be one of life's constant lessons.

One warm spring evening I sat with Clancy appreciating the fire when he spoke as was his wont—constructing questions that would befuddle a Jesuit.

"Lord, it seems odd that there is no stonework to mark or provide defence of your hold."

"Clancy, the stones are you, the men, the women and the children. Walks Together is not an empty phrase, it has become our way of life. It matters not where we are, simply that we are together gives us unity and structure. Each has learned by example to throw in together. Some labor more than others yet each labors to their utmost in their time. We are favored by not only our Lord above, but also by the hundred nations. The great wet bogs give fruit, the deer come easily to the spear and our families are prolific"

"Yet lord, what of incursions? Our brown brothers respect us, yet the French and English give no such promise. How may we make ready?"

"Already we prepare. Truly, we need produce granaries and warehousing for goods, a trading house and a deepwater dock. I would have stone strong points made to surround and protect our cannon so that small arms fire would not affect their advantage. We yet need teams practiced in the use of the cannon made ready. However, our central camp is our only exposure to the bay, all other camps have been constructed nestled deep within the woods, observable only by great diligence by the white man. The fields have been prepared away from the shoreline. Thus any attacks should be concentrated upon our site here where we are prepared to mass cannon fire upon them."

"Lord, would it be prudent to mount cannon to the East and West edges of our camp both to enfilade any opponent and draw fire away from our powder magazine?"

"You have a cunning twist of mind, Clancy. We shall begin digging out positions and collecting rock tomorrow. The magazine needs to be reinforced with earth and stone as well. Wheeled barrows should prove advantageous for this task. I shall work some up immediately."

The barrows proved their worth in the planting as well as collection of the harvest, cut wood, clay and rock. Good English shovels and hoes aided the works to be sped towards completion at a prodigious rate. We had no teams of oxen nor horse to support dredging a line to support blue-water sailing craft or bury the footings for a proper dock so we compromised. We built rafts and bolted them together. Our vessels grew in number and made the trip to port town regularly to obtain foodstuffs and send finished goods to market.

Our native women were producing black fired clay ware of astonishing beauty and function. The reed mats while of lesser durability and value were treasured by shopkeeper and housewife alike to soften the floors of many folk. After mentioning at the ordinary that I slept upon a bed made up of three or four mats layered upon each other the demand went up again. Finer grass mats were used to cover all and provided astonishing comfort, as well as to cover rude log walls. Woven baskets and reed sun hats found a ready market as well.

The sale of arms from our forge brought in gold and imported goods. I sold to Frenchmen, Germans, Spaniards and the Dutch. The English could chew rocks for all I cared. A Moor traded several wonderful rubies to be equipped with a great bladed scimitar he called a Tulwar. It took as much iron as three normal blades to complete, yet we both walked away satisfied. He claimed that its damascene rivaled the best Damascus blades. If he could swing it, I would forge it.

As part owner in the mercantile, rooming house, eggery and chicken farm a base profit kept returning to our coffers. Our ownership of the warehouse, granary and smokehouses gave little profit, yet cut our costs to near zero for food preparation and storage.

Were we preparing for no reason? God supports the ready, willing and able. The women were taken as slaves from camps that thought themselves ready enough. A ready camp filled with beautiful women posed a tempting target. Our shipboard visitors could not help but talk on long nights and in comfortable alehouses. The lessons of my father and his father oft came to mind. One should be prepared yet never seem so. paths were to funnel the enemy into unsheltered galleries with no escape but for the ends. We gently flooded the pans about the camps that would mire horses or armored men but for causeways we could advance or retreat thru. They could be blocked by downed trees, and never ran straight for any distance. The two bombards set away from camp were covered by fast-growing reed and vine. The approaches before and beside them were made mires beneath the greenery and blackberry canes.

We received yet again visitors from the hundred nations. Several viewed our camp with the eyes of a war chief and suggested food caches and a retreat. We eagerly took advantage of their wisdom and rocked in a large shelter near a stream some days march West of our camp which was disguised by dense thorn bush. We stocked this shelter with firewood, bedding, dried food, arms, skins and much portable wealth. We set aside powder by the waxed keg, shot, ball, cannon ball and two of the lightest mortars. Many, many flights and throwers were left there. We were reminded that no man is the largest or fiercest, as no nation is the strongest. Any may be overcome. However, the fiercest bear may be harried to death. We found a hillside Northwest a day's march away almost as fine and repeated our exercise, constructing another redoubt.

Summer flew by in our preparations. We had need to build three more longhouses and clear three more fields. We gained escaped indentured servants, Scottish, English and Irish. It was a sad jest that saw our rude camp to be considered infinitely better than the life of an indentured slave. These folk brought much anger with them and mixed well with our camp. Our hunters stalked at a lope, memorizing the land and were constantly vigilant. They preferred the flight and throwing stick against the shot-gun or musket due to the silence of its fire.

Our harvest feast drew many native guests. I found that our hospitality was well known amongst the tribes. We roasted many pig, deer and porcupine. We surprised our guests that year with molasses baked beans and pickles, forcemeat sausage and sourkraut. Many took note of the construction of our ovens and casseroles. Buried firepits could only be used for a single dish, while ovens could be used until cool, then fired again easily, without re-digging a hot, smoky pit.

Katherine and I were faced with many wondrous faces as we read stories and poetry at our Christmas celebrations. I nodded to my wife as she observed the same. We had neglected our brood. Though we had lost one child the rest were ours by fiat, hence our responsibility.

With the winter winds and storms imprisoning us within our camp the classes in letters and numbers were well-attended. Many young as well as many not-so-young diligent students learned the basics. Classes in geometry brought many a confused look and later many a satisfied smile.


We were awakened New Years day by a horrendous wailing and caterwauling. Clancy had succeeded in fashioning my pipes. I fear that my most perfect wife Katherine has not forgiven me to this day. I believe Tom spoke up with a heartfelt refrain that most natives entertained:

"My God, Clancy! Either fuck it or kill it, but stop torturing the poor thing."

From that day forward Clancy took a horribly dim view of anyone declaring him 'goatfucker'.

I left Clancy behind during my next voyage to port town. No man could have known the repercussions.

Two weeks before the mast left me at harborage. I left the ship wearing my customary skins and boots, saber and small knives, sword breaker and staff. The tone of the village had changed and for the worse. I stopped by the widow to arrange for shelter during my stay. She had been struck across the face and seriously bruised. She wished not to discuss it yet I prevailed. A stout red-haired man was the cause of her distress. I vowed to be the Lord's tool and act without judgement or malice. The Lord would command my arm. However, the wolf would command my stalk. Of the three alehouses and two ordinaries in town I made my way, light of foot and keen of eye. I did not spot my quarry. I found that the sheriff had been struck down from behind and lay abed, never to regain his feet. I secured sixty pounds of powder in tins, three demijohns of whale oil and sixteen feet of cannon fuse from the merchant then secured them with the widow in which I could manage to work at night. I spotted our red-headed wonder late that night at an ale house sporting a profusion of women available for a price. I stole a hank of wire from a blacksmith's forge and wired shut the doors of the alehouse while he caroused. I carefully wetted the sills and porches with oil and threw a canister of powder with a lit fuse thru a window. I then retreated across the street to enjoy the evening's entertainment. When the powder blew the flames caught at the sills and carried about the house. Then the screams began. Those that escaped death to flee into the night were burned most piteously yet I could not bend my resolve. As chief and laird it was my duty to insure that this disease was burned free. The next night another bawdyhouse caught fire and burned to the ground, this time without survivors. Many a suddenly lordless young man strode the streets seeking revenge that night. Many never saw the dawn. The howl of a wolf was heard throughout the town that night. The next night was dark and the leaderless ones patrolled with torches yet even less woke to see the dawn. The third night saw little activity as most men not of the town had taken passage out of town upon the earliest vessel sailing. I visited my friend the Sheriff abed and left him a gift which I requested of him not to open in the presence of his hostess.

It was filled with thumbs, many burned almost beyond recognition. Never let it be said that the Stuarts do not pay their debts. It has been said that good and decent people must be protected and persuaded by gentle means, but the rabble must be led by terror.

Word was left with the town merchant and the operator of the ordinary that slavers and thieves were not welcome. Vessels would be burned and bodies would henceforth disappear into the swamps to feed the skunks and raccoons. Patrols would occur at random times yet enforce the rules of common men with cold efficiency. The rest of the powder, oil and fuse were left for next time lest any watchful eye may purge the deceived. Calvinist though I be, I sought confession within the sanctified walls of the church for my deeds. I shall not speak further of that day.

The spirit of the warrior ran high within me the next day. I walked upon the fronts of my feet and brooked no argument with man nor woman. I arranged foodstuffs for our tribe then closed matters with the widow. I presented her with a matched pair of red-haired ears before I left. It took her aback yet she kissed my cheek as I left. Upon my next trip I found the pair well tanned and presented upon a board within the front door. I truly appreciate that woman.

My wives sensed my anger and lack of patience. If truth be told I was spoiling for a fight and would not brook second place. I was in a killing spirit. My wives arranged for six women to bleed my poisons night after night until I regained my balance. I felt badly for them after the fact yet they claimed that they had not been cruelly used. We wed all six into the Stuart line before harvest found us.

Each voyage to port town thence was mastered by myself or an Irishman with a suspicious nature accompanied by a minimum of four of our home-grown marines. Vengeance may be the Lord's yet judgment is within the scope of man's mandate.

I regained my center at the forge. Forging things of beauty and utility will always bring peace to my soul as long as I can swing a hammer.

Late that spring we experimented with glassmaking. I had a modicum of soda, used for welding at the forge. We needed more. I sent Clancy to town to see what was available in Soda, ingot tin, salt, coal and heavy copper sheet. My book of recipies gave many solutions of glass, yet few descriptions of their properties. I would need to experiment with the percentages and temperatures involved. This would require a high temperature laboratory.

We rocked in a long low building much as the forge, yet with beehive oven-like structures built over the tuleries. This would accommodate glassblowing. The stands, pipes, scissors and forms I readily fashioned at the forge.

A great copper bath upon a sturdy stand was fashioned over a multiple-throated tulerie. This was filled with bits of tin. A great walking wheel was fashioned at one end of the building, near the door, to drive the bellows. The watershed did not possess enough head to drive a waterwheel hence manual power must make due. Once prepared this building was left fallow for the season. I felt that it made no sense to drive the men mad with heat at the height of summer.

The idea of fashioning a beehive oven with a tulerie caught the fancy of the pottery crew, and soon a reducing kiln was fashioned. I am to inform you, gentle reader, that many an odd and exotic color came from that thing as the women experimented with glazes and combinations of clays. The days of plain black pots with simple lines and stipples were over.

We had hunted out the shores adjacent to any local navigable waters, hence our hunting practices had to change. I researched our library with an eye towards the journals of early hunters. Three techniques caught my eye—one used baits during spring, summer and fall hunting, one involved burying a small white oak bark fire near a stump and covering the hunter with a blanket to keep him warm and invisible to game while stalking game on a trail during late fall and winter hunting. The last involved hunting during rut, using the urine of a Doe to lure bucks to the hunter. We planted clover and grains in great patches at the edge of the swamps. Huge piles of branches were established near oak stands to provide cover for does and young. I anticipated a sustaining population.

The women by then had adopted many behaviors taught at their mother's knees. A thing once begun was kept and even improved upon by their collective knowledge and wisdom. The crops were planted, tended and harvested with due diligence, whether my eye lay upon the task or no. When a tool was broken or they felt its need, the request was made thru my wives and brought up with me. At times, needs must that I discuss the matter with those needing a new tool so as to fashion it properly yet I most concientiously attempted to never turn down a request.

Thruout this hurdy-gurdy my family life ran smoothly. I soon discovered eight frolicsome wenches to be a thorough distraction. Many was the time I chased one thru camp, only catch her and take her back to our longhouse for bedding to the shouts and catcalls of my braves and their mates. One can imagine my consternation at discovering that I had been graced with a camp name. Rare is the man that can bear the name Buffalo Dick with impunity. I can but attribute my father's gift to me—that of the constitution of a Scotsman.

Early winter was the time of visits. The crops were in and tribes could afford to host and feed travelers without fear of mortal sacrifice. Though I took the high side and treated with my guests as a gentleman, without a doubt they were regaled with tales of the man with eight wives. I acted the innocent when four or more wives descended upon me—all quite lovingly—before guests at a feasting. Any child being trained as a Laird is taught to catch any hint of collusion, thus making the knowing nods and grins about the fire as bold as a mad dog. I had to threaten Clancy with eight wives of his own to damp his fires. The daft ghillie was having too much fun at my expense. Now, I mind not a jape or two, yet my honor must be left inviolate. We parted with an understanding.


We started the season 308 strong.

It was a brutal, windy, snowy winter. Our granaries began the season nigh to overflowing. Smoked fish and the English manner of keeping forcemeat sausages under grease kept us in meat when the hunters could not fish nor hunt. Our meager supply of seed potato had multiplied with such a fervor that we were hard pressed to find space for the bounty. We dried much to avoid spoilage. The cattails were allowed to lay fallow that year for want of storage space in the larders.

This was the year Clancy began engraving and silver chasing greaves and great spear points. Elizabeth's lace books caught our fancy when designing patterns, and the ancient Claddagh and thistle became two of our favorites.

I ruined more batches of glass than I care to recall attempting to float a sheet of plain glass. The fusing heat of the glass had needs to be a touch lower than that of the melting point of the tin bath below it, or the tin would be evaporated in a flash, leaving behind a molten mess of glass across the bottom of the float tank. A salt, soda and flint receipt eventually fell victim to my experimentation. Our plane-walled buildings such as the trading houses, granaries and warehouses were glazed with thick panes beneath their shutters. We were able to keep our musical scores, books, instruments, good tools, spices and dried goods under better management. Our greater quantities of powder were kept sweet in this fashion, assisted by contact with tightly closed bags of unslaked lime.

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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 27

Harriet had put in a full day at work like Mac and Harm and the other members of the JAG legal staff, but when she got home, she'd already given her brother-in-law, Mikey Roberts, a phone call and invited him over to spend the evening with her. It was a Friday and she knew he had some Friday/Saturday privileges from Annapolis, so she asked Mikey if he'd like to stay over that night. Mikey readily agreed and said he was very much looking forward to it. Mikey said he couldn't get there in...

4 years ago
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Who needs gods anyway

You wake up feeling particularly refreshed. like you'd slept as much as you needed for the rest of your life. you were 19, male, and not particularly handsome or fit. a bit pudgy if you were being honest. at least you had a big dick, 8 inches full mast. you'd measured once. despite your large member you hadn't actually had sex with anyone, since you not only lacked a fine body but also most of the social skills necessary to navigate the modern sexual world. You are bisexual but mostly lean...

1 year ago
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Closer Inspection

He slept in. As the houseguest of Will, his college roommate during the last two years at school, they’d stayed up late last night drinking and reminiscing. Bob knew that Will had to get up and do something early that morning. After he peed he went out to the kitchen in the little robe they’d provided. Seeing him, Will’s wife Sarah turned toward the coffee pot, her lovely early-thirties back and buns completely uncovered. When she turned towards him he got his first full look at some firm...

3 years ago
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Rent Dancing In The Rain

While Gary B.B. Coleman was singing about the sky crying, I was inside staring vacantly at my armoire, wondering what the fuck I was going to wear. A glass of red was in my right hand, to calm my nerves, but so far it hadn’t done anything, other than make me feel a little tipsy. I hadn’t eaten much at all that day, aside from the odd nibble of some seaweed crackers and a few cherries. The alcohol was going straight to my head.I turned down the stereo until Gary’s voice was no more than a low,...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Violet I Prefer To Be Nice Sweet Submissive

Today it’s Violet and she’s here to fuck and suck some more cock on camera and Rick over at said we just have to shoot this girl so that’s what we did. It’s also a very special day because Tyler’s going to get to fuck and pound this little girl’s asshole and it is spectacularly cute by the way and it sure-as-fuck got a thorough workout. That spectacularly cute pussy also got a thorough workout today and we want to bring this girl back for more because her sexual...

3 years ago
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Johns berraschung

John ging damals in die elfte Klasse. Er war vor einigen Wochen 18 geworden. Er war ein durchschnittlicher Junge mit braunen Haaren und blauen Augen. Leider war er noch Jungfrau aber er mochte das Masturbieren am Abend, außerdem mochte er gutes Essen, den FC st. Pauli und Hannah. John wusste zwar, dass sie einige Liegen über ihm spielte, aber er konnte einfach nicht aufhören an sie zu denken. Sie war so schön, sprach so unglaublich wundervoll und ihr Körper erst. Hannah war etwas kleiner als...

3 years ago
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Fancy Dress or Undressed

I shocked myself a bit when I said it out loud. Mostly I’d been attempting to amuse my friend Rob. He had a huge talent for, and interest in, inappropriate comments. But he had perhaps mastered the art of making such comments sotto voce, or at least quietly enough to not be heard by the person referred to. Just for a moment, I hoped that Sarah hadn’t heard, but she turned and approached me. I expected to be slapped in response. When I looked around, it seemed that Rob had also mastered the art...

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Jessica Black Femdom

I was at a red light on a sunny day waiting in my car, I had long blonde hair with a cute face and I was lost in my thought. I tried to resist my fantasy so much it became more and more strong. I was 27 years old and a beauty; I took my medium latte Starbucks coffee and drink some thinking about the Black girl I saw at the Starbucks. How beautiful she was, how I wanted to make love to her. Why thought? Why having that fantasy I never was attracted to woman. I had a boyfriend for so many years...

4 years ago
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Leather Armchair

Julia wrote: Becky, my pussy is so warm and juicy this evening. Don’t you wish you could be here with me? I’d instruct you to make me a cafetiére of hot, strong coffee and bring it to me with a slab of dark chocolate. I’d sit in my brown leather armchair with you kneeling at my feet. Hold on. I’m going upstairs to change. You must stop reading this e-mail for 5 minutes and wait for me. Start timing now, no peeking. Hi. I’m back now. Look at the pictures to see what I’m wearing. Hasn’t the...

1 year ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 25 Yeah I Know

There's nothing to write about here. It's a piss boring trip from Armadillo to Albuquerque and up to Durango. It's desolate waste land that has no value. That's why the Native Americans got it. Washington had no use for the land and less use for the Navajo. Any time a white found a use for a piece of the rez, Washington took it. No compensation, and no apologies. Just took it. I highly recommend reading Lazlo Zalezac's John Carter series. He stirred my mind and my stories poured...

3 years ago
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Halloween All Saints Day and Beyond

Halloween - All Saints' Day and Beyond Authors Note: Halloween Getting what is Deserved I had intended to be a one-off standalone story. Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha. Thank you all for the constructive comments, I do appreciate all the feedback received Thanks also to Cressar for his time in editing, commenting and tweaking this story --- --- Halloween - All Saints Day and...

3 years ago
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Axiom Ch 06

It was still dark when Gwyneth inexplicably stirred from sleep, even though the alarm hadn’t gone off. Still groggy, she was about to roll over and slip back into slumber until she realized that she wasn’t alone in bed. A strong, muscular arm was draped over her waist, pulling her close to the masculine warmth that was spooning her from behind. Slowly, she twisted around to face him, making sure not to wake him in the process. When he felt her weight shift his arms tightened around her in...

3 years ago
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He Belongs to Me Now

When I dream, I go places and do things, without all the humbug of daily life and without my physical limitations. The setting can be anything from a hot-tub, an igloo in Alaska, or a bungalow in Tahiti. I can have with me as many people as I want; however, it is usually me, a boyfriend, plus another person, man or woman. What I like best about it is the fact it offers me the kind of privacy I don’t have in reality. I can fuck, make love, act out my kinkiest fantasies, or try some new things....

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Rakhi Gift

By : Crazzy_ananya Hello everyone! How are you all? First of all, I am huge fan of ISS and a regular reader too. It is my first story. I would like to share my experience with you all. I came to know that many stories written here are fake. But my story is true incident which took place on this Rakshabandhan. I’m Ananya, 19. I am from New Delhi and studying Engineering. I am in second year of my college. My stats are 34-26-35. I m very concerned about my figure. The most seductive thing in me...

1 year ago
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Hidden Heritage I The GuardiansChapter 9

My short hunting trip was successful and I was about to decide if I should smoke the two deer by myself or should I take them to Ake to add something to my credit. It turned out that the decision was made for me, as a group of riders approached my home from the direction of the village. It took one quick look to verify that the riders were Guardians, and I could think of only one reason why they would come to see me. I left those deer hanging next to my smokehouse when I turned to face the...

3 years ago
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Wanted Dead or AliveChapter 4 The Great Divide

Three days after burying the man and woman beside the trail, Hoyt rode into Durango, Colorado early in the morning. He’d wanted to travel faster, but his horses were tired after being pushed hard for six days out of Mexican Hat Junction. When he saw the livery stables, he headed straight toward them. While Chelley and the pack horse ate crushed oats and fresh hay, he brushed them, then wiped them down with a wet sack before checking their shoes. He knew there would be rough country ahead,...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Amara Romani Step Sisters Dirty Secret

Brick Danger finds his stepsister Amara Romani’s diary and discovers all of her dirty fantasies and secrets, including that she uses her mom’s vibrator to get off. He can’t help but whip out his stiffie and start stroking it. When Amara finds him jerking it to her diary, Brick offers to keep her secrets in exchange for a hand job. Brick tries to help Amara enjoy herself by taking off her bra and caressing her tits. When he suggests that she start sucking, she leans forward and...

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BigCockBully Angela White 25025

Angela White has a boyfriend but is not sexually satisfied, she is craving a much bigger cock. She met this dude that was hitting on her and couldn’t help but wonder how big his cock was. They did a video call and he showed her his cock, it’s EXACTLY what she was looking and hoping for. She can’t wait to get her hands on it and invites him over. They waste no time at all, he comes in, she pounces and he bullies her with is big cock. With her huge natural tits pressed up...

1 year ago
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Redbook Date Ashley Mature Meth Queen Part II

Recalling my experience with "Ashley" from the day prior, I was envisioning her walking up the stairs ahead of me, watching that sweet, bubble butt ass swaying d****d in her pencil skirt and thinking of her ad, "Greek is not on the menu, yet". My phone buzzed with an alert of a text. It was Ashley, "you left your Bailey's here, do you want to get it from me tomorrow night"? Of course I did…She texted again saying that she had a two bedroom, two level room tomorrow night in Fremont and that I...

2 years ago
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A 101 Field Test

by Alex Greene writing as ‘Fiat Knox’ Copyright © Alex Greene. All rights reserved. ‘Poisoned?’ Anita blew a stream of smoke into the air. ‘Yes, Tom, poisoned,’ she replied, looking at Julia. ‘That’s what I wanted to call you all over for,’ Julia said, looking at the three neighbourly married couples in her living room. Tom and Anita Carlisle from next door looked like each other, Tom having the same kind of short brunette hair, the same light tan and the same style in shell suits. Serena...

4 years ago
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Was I Dating An Alien

I'm a fairly ordinary guy, but after two weeks of dating Triffy, things just didn't seem very ordinary anymore. I had taken a girl named Barbra to a drive in movie. Not sure if they still have drive in movies anymore today, but back in the 70's they still had a few drive in movies left in California along with the left over Chariots. Barbra asked. "Would you get me some buttered pop corn and a Coke?" With a smile, I said,"sure." I headed over to the pop corn stand and it was lust at...

3 years ago
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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 19

She was adamant about keeping her appointment with Claire. He was glad she was going, because he had to go to work. He hoped Claire would talk some sense into her, and he made her promise not to do anything until she'd talked it over with him, no matter what she decided to do. She was waiting for him when he got home from his shift. She was calm, but looked drained. "I have to make this right," she said. "If you're sure about this, then it needs to be done right," he said...

1 year ago
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What a Wife

At first I couldn?t believe it, while driving home I caught a glimpse of what I thought was my wife?s BMW, I quickly looked in At first I couldn?t believe it, while driving home I caught a glimpse of what I thought was my wife?s BMW, I quickly looked in the rear mirror and saw a guy in the passenger seat so I dismissed it as someone else. About two weeks later, while my wife was at work, she?s a pilot for a major airline, I was test driving a new Ford F250, I pulled up to a stop light,...

3 years ago
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Who Needs Coffee When You Have SEX To Wake You

Hey all! Another of my experiences. You will love it if you’re a romantic person because I am one hell of a romantic man. So, a few months back me and my girlfriend went for a weekend getaway to a hill station. A very calm cozy place to be. We booked our room, which was small but amazing with one wall made of glass and a beautiful view outside. It all started on the first morning. I woke up a bit early than my girl that day. I ordered some coffee for us and stared at my girl. OMG, I was unable...

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Ned and his mother Alice

I was in a daze...having just witnessing the love of my life sucking the dick of her teenage son. I drove aimlessly for several hours, re-thinking the scene forever burnt into my brain of her, down on her knees, servicing his big cock like a cheap whore. I was appalled, yet also stimulated, knowing what pleasure her lips could give. My hard dick decided the issue - I would go back to face the situation. Entering via the front door, I found Alice in repose on the sofa, reading. Her...

4 years ago
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Mom Dad and Us Part 2a the missing part

After reading Mr22000 remarks I went back into the desk top again and found the missing part misfiled. My apologies. Again I am not the author and the original story name is 'F***ly Games.' Again thank you Mr22000 for making me search again! Mom, Dad, and Us Part 2a (the missing part)Lorena thought she had never seen anything so beautiful as her brother and the girl, naked together. She had come back too late to actually watch them screwing in the pool, but she knew they had. The...

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The videotape

My wife Niki and I were in the habit of walking around our neighborhood in the early evenings after work. We would usually stick to one of 3 routes. We would keep track of the appearances and disappearances of for-sale signs in the neighborhood, especially ones within 3 or 4 blocks of our house. We had noticed a house about 4 blocks away had gone on the market. We kept an eye on it because we liked the secluded back yard and the long covered porch in the front of the house, and we thought...

2 years ago
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Raat me maza

Hi. Dis is my 4th story. Mai yaha pe story keval holi tak likhunga. Mujhe aap sabki madad chaiye. Plz meri pheli story”Tell me” padhkar meri madad kariye. My id is N thanks 2 da boy.who reply me.its not mine . Dis story of my friend. Jise mai suna raha hu.Maire college mai ek bahut sundar mam aai. Her name is anu. She is vry sweet. Aap sab bhi apni mam ke peeche padte honge. Mai(yani mera dost). Bhi mam ke piche pad gaya. Mai usko har samay ghurta rheta tha. Unko class me padhane nahi deta...

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Her Incomplete

After a long day of grading, Dr. Douglas Dyer was almost done. ‘Never again’, he vowed to himself, ‘will I give four essay finals on the last two days of finals week. It’s just too much.’ He could get one good night’s sleep, and double check his formulas, and file all his grades comfortably before tomorrow’s deadline of noon. He was very tired of grading. He checked his email. ‘Don’t forget that you still have an incomplete left over from last semester,’ read his latest. ‘Even if the grade...

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Beths ArmChapter 12

Beall stopped for a meal on his way out of Georgetown and still got home before dark. In bed that night, he told his wife of his visit to Gil, the miser in his dark cave, and of his talk with the constable afterwards. "He promised to leave Gil alone unless there was a trial." "Will he keep his word?" Beall's wife asked, inching down to get nearer the warmed, wool covered bricks at the foot of their big bed. "I think so. Hope so. Remind me to get down to M'Gregor's tomorrow. That's...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Amma Kulipathai Paarthom

Enaku appozhuthu siriya vayathu, naan athu naal varai nirvaanamaaga entha pennaiyum paarthathe illai, muthal muraiyaaga sexiyaaga thaiyaiyum pinbu ilamaiyaana oru pathumaiyin mulaiyaiyum serthu paarthom. Enathu nanban ennai vida vayathil periyavan, avan thaan enai naan nirvaanamaaga pengal kulipathai paarthen, neeiyum enudan vaa unakum kanbikiren endru solli irunthaan. Enaku siru vayathu enbathal ennal kaama unarchigalai katu padutha mudiya villai, en sunni naan en nanban velaiyaana mulaigalai...

1 year ago
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She Loved Swallowing My Cum

Hey, everyone. I have been reading stories on this site for a long time. I never really knew or cared if any of them were true. It’s interesting to see all the ways in which people fuck and do fuck up things. Women like sex as much as men and are usually much more. This is my first sex story here. All of this is a real incident that has happened to me and I hope it jogs your imagination and turns you on. This sex story is about the summer of 2016 in Delhi. I had recently broken up and wanted to...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 002 Slow Motion Blackout

When my conscious mind returns to the experience at hand, I am pleased that I allowed myself a bit of distraction. I am still as hard as granite, and now I am ready for more. It’s more than apparent that they are too. Emily’s mouth might actually be watering as she looks longingly at my the tip of my cock. She moves toward it as the moth to the lantern.At the moment she puts it in her mouth, my eyes roll backward into darkness. The second when I know by her hot breath that she has enveloped me,...

3 years ago
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 07

Dylan was woken the next morning by orgasmic cries of ecstasy, which seemed to be coming from his father’s room. The voice sounded like Caroline, so presumably Gareth was enjoying his new secretary, and she was enjoying constant cumming from her god’s orgasmic touch. Dylan groaned, and rolled over in bed. “Is everything alright, Dylan?” Dylan opened his eyes, and looked at his phone on his bedside table, where the UI was smiling back at him. “I didn’t turn you on,” he said. “You didn’t...

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