Remittance ManChapter 4 free porn video

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Brutal cold was that winter. The reports of the trees snapping in the cold kept many awake at night. Our experiments with canvas great-shirts over woolens garments fashioned in the same manner kept us hale. We gained many elders from surrounding tribes that winter. They could not be given the succor of their tribes without causing injury to the children. We were glad to accept them into our fold. Once again, we numbered an elder per longhouse. The children learned the tales of their elders as well as our more conventional education in reading, writing and arithmetic. The singing and chanting of the elders fascinated us. We recorded many of their songs and tales in journals. Their arguing back and forth as to the proper cadence or words to a certain story had us in muted gales of laughter supported by tears of glee. The tongue of the elder becomes naught but sharper throughout the years.

That spring brought many unusual adoptions. Warriors of the Seminole and Crow nations came seeking their sisters. The woman had found succor and joy in our camp. The warriors could not convince their sisters to leave, so the warriors joined their sisters. We could not hence did not demand that they adopt our tribal colors since truly, we had none. In great ceremony the many families dressed and painted on their colors, including the Zulu. We sang and chanted long into the night. I cast forth my best wolf howl into the night. I was delighted to hear my call replied by the warriors of my tribe. My tribe. It tasted glorious to my mouth. I took my brides to our bed that night convinced that we lived in the best of all worlds.

I greeted the morn with a ferocious appetite. After breaking fast on hasty pudding and smoked fish I dressed for the cold and set forth to check the local sets and stands for game. I spent a long, tiring day. When dusk caught up with me I began snatching dry tree roots and forks for a fire while keeping an eye open for a storm-downed tree which took its root-ball with it. I found a maple which had gone down leaving a deep cavity sheltered by the standing roots. Judicious use of a canvas and many small balsam branches brought me a secure, comfortable shelter for the evening. Good fortune and habit favored me for my tinder remained dry, and the candle stub I carried lit my fire. The two hare I had killed provided a sumptuous dinner when seasoned with a pinch of salt. I stoked the fire and half-covered it with dirt, then rested. I woke at nearly four hour increments to re-stoke the fire throughout the night. The silence of the woods heals a man's soul, bringing him closer to his maker and the wonder of the land about him. One finds oneself smiling for no reason but to smile.

A quick cup of hasty pudding over the coals fortified me. I folded my blanket and canvas, then made way for home. I had noted little game yet many large fish in the waters.

My wives welcomed me home in such a fashion as to leave me with aching knees and short of breath, yet I held to my duties and persevered. There were short times that I doubted the wisdom in opening my arms to eight wives yet love divided is love multiplied. Upon a more earthy note, frolicking with a happy wench on each arm in a hot bath is a pleasure to give fond memories to the aged.

The breaking up of the ice was greeted with great favor as our diet had become quite monotonous. A short visit to Port Town, now called New Portsmouth, brought many staples from our factors. Fresh fish was a welcome change in our diet, and a short journey netted us chickens, eggs, sugar and wheat flour. Fresh bread and cookies raised many spirits.

The spring tides brought with them a government cutter representing Jefferson's presidency. I was presented with a weighty packet of papers under seal of the president of the United States. I dared not open it without the presence or approval of my first wife. A conclave of my wives and all classically educated members of my tribe were present when I cut the string.

A cover letter both congratulated me as to my governorship of the Wisconsin Territory and apologized for the tumultuous situation which international diplomacy and left my case, namely deep within the heartland of French interests in the depths of the continent. The French were incensed with the current policies promulgated by the recently enacted treaty with England.

Having dealt with the bewigged parodies of men representing either country I came to an equitable contract. I had runners sent to all tribes about the sweet waters offering a bounty for the ears of either Frenchmen or Englishmen, bounties to be paid from a list of forged goods, brass buckets, woolen goods, canvas or needles. Their wigs needed to be included. In this fashion no self-respecting colonial would be caught.

The next few months brought a frenzy of reimbursement for wigs and ears. Now what the hell was I to do with several hundred pairs of ears? Simple. I had them salted in a barrel and sent them to the president with my compliments.

It would seem that my present rode the mid-line of current congressional furor. One party wished to damn the French while the other wished to damn the English. I damned them both.

Neither party toasted my name yet neither party called for my blood. Any grandfathers whose history was that of a long knife likely laughed themselves to their graves for turning the tricks of the Europeans against themselves. Before fall came upon us the supply dried up.

The war-chiefs continued to learn the ways of their enemies. The twelve tribes took ports and ships as their own. From wives and children adopted into the tribes they learned the skills of the sailor. The first frigate that warped into our port manned by our Indian brothers was manned by Seminole warriors. We feasted them then taught them the art of the cannon.

Once again, the seas were not safe for the English. They were not the first, by any means.

The tribes both up and down the long finger lake joined us in a federation of hostile tribes against the French and English. Our partners crept East and South thru Lake Erie and South to destroy the colonial militia to a man. Soon a nation of equals would form or the white man would be driven off the continent. My regular packets from Washington allowed me to document those of bombastic fury demanding the destruction of the 'red man'. It truly amazes me that fifty pounds gold will buy an uneven duel or an anonymous grave. Many merchants quietly joined our federation, as well as abolitionists and innkeepers. Strong central government would destroy us, hence we opposed it by manner fair and foul. I worked to apply the rules of combat to the political front both before and behind the dock, yet strove to keep a curtain of anonymity between myself and the continental congress. As the governor of the Wisconsin territories I was resolute and polite while as Laird Stuart, chief and war commander of Walks Together, primary amongst the militant tribes of the sweet water confederation I resolved to be bloodthirsty and unyielding until success rendered my enemy naught but depressions in the earth. There would be no mercy, no trial and no forgiveness.

Christmas and the New Year found a heady taste upon the wind.


Ice-in found us prepared. Steam houses had proliferated not only throughout our tribe but throughout the confederation. I found our bathing house to be much more habitable with thick windows bringing in sunlight. Five of my eight wives were great with child, including my Katherine. She said naught, yet I often spied her staring out over the water gently rubbing her belly, lost in thought. I knew that she desperately wanted this child to live. There was naught we could do but to keep her well fed. She was healthy and strong, refusing to take to her bed for the last months as English women did. She and my other wives kept each other's company.

I kept to the forge and the glass house for labor. The throwing and pressing of glass plates and goblets consumed my time. Who would have thought that Cherry wood does not leave an ash that interferes with hot glass? Who would have thought that without an annealing furnace all thrown glassware destroys itself from rapid cooling?

Our smithy teams poured many brass goods that winter including a few nice deck guns. Hinges, pipes, wheels and gears took shape. We had the diagrams for creating waterwheels and water-powered machines yet there was not a place with fast water near enough to use.

Still, we persevered.

Clancy built up a four-foot model of a windmill that could pump water or grind grain. I asked for and received a pattern for a hinged collar to connect the pipe sections. With a slight flare cast into the ends of the pipes we could run water great distances. Valves were a more difficult proposition.

The natives were pushing themselves quickly from the late stone age into the bronze age. Copper and tin were traded along streams by canoe and across the great sweet waters by ship. The fashioning of a bellows and refractory clay vessels was all they needed. Our smiths assisted in the fashioning of collared carriers that would allow two men to lift and pour a batch of brass. Some ironwork came across my hands that seemed native made. We fashioned leather polishing wheels of flat and round aspect for finishing steel surfaces. We forged drills and peg plates first to replace our tools, then to trade, to both native and settler.

Several times we found ourselves with uninvited guests—priests, ministers and the like. We sent them away sans bible, shoes or garments. I had vowed not to proselytize to a people with a perfectly good world view. They were happy in their lives. The doctrine of original sin had not occurred to them or been forced upon them. I vowed to maintain this condition. Man should feel repentance for his own actions, not that of some uncontrollable distant forbearer.

Our masons had had a long boring winter with naught to do but sharpen their chisels and assist at the forges. This kept their strength up. I set them a project to be worked upon with a draughtsman—design and build me a square stone keep with a courtyard, all on solid stone footings. How large? Make it generous. How high? Three stories would be impressive. I requested that the first floor incorporate kitchens, workshops, barracks and stables. Heavy stores should not need to be lifted but stored at a low elevation, and ramps included for moving stores between stories with carts or barrows. Windows should face the courtyard, not the surrounding countryside. I requested a roof of slate with leaded seams, as we had used since time immemorial in Scotland. They planned a shell of a building about a handsome courtyard one hundred and twenty long paces across. A spiral was planned for each corner that went from top to bottom. I believe that they wanted something to keep them busy for several years. Much to my dismay they had the foundation for the damned thing in the first year.

A site was selected but three miles South upon the coast, overlooking the water from a small prominence some forty feet above the beach.

They could not find a local source for good stone so bids went out for stone block, a foot by a foot by three to be traded for as well as sheet slate for the roof. Soon vessels arrived with a ballast of stone and left with a ballast of sand. They had two great ovens built into the side of a hill to burn shell and limestone for quicklime to make mortar. Axmen were cutting trees and floating them to us in prodigious numbers to fire the ovens. We cleared new fields and stored wood for the winter as well. Our wootz steel axes lasted well, yet any steel tool will dull eventually. Soon the masons were cutting and facing sandstone grinding wheels as well as working upon their great diversion.

That year the native traders and fishermen learned to fashion great canoes with side-rigged trunks fashioned much as counter-balances against the rough waters of the lakes. Then some genius made them both canoes, doubling their capacity. Finally, I witnessed a great flat deck over two huge logs, a mast over all and guided by a tiller. It had no keel nor ballast and was fashioned of boards pinned together. Speaking to the sailors I heard but one complaint—the mast kept driving thru the decking due to the stress the standing rigging and sail put upon it. I know not whence it came, but the thought occurred to me that a third log beneath the center would support the mast in an admirable fashion. Once I conveyed this to them a furious labor began to attempt to implement this idea. We found that a hole drilled thru the center log provided a better axis to control the rudder as well. It was fascinating. The thing flew thru the water. A small cabin before the mast provided shelter during inclement weather. This allowed the boom free play abaft the mast. It could be grounded easily and had a miniscule draft.

I was a father again, five times over. Yes, Katherine carried to full term, and we had a beautiful little girl in repayment for her labors. She recovered slowly, but well. I believe that her inability to nurse contributed to her return to health.

Our investments in New Portsmouth had returned to us with interest. The town had grown and changed yet again its flavor. Native faces were common and trading was no longer a matter for Europeans or Colonials. It became something of an open port. I was confident that several vessels I witnessed in port flying a Virginia or Carolina flag had been seen flying a Dutch or French flag not long before. We had a Spanish ship or two upon occasion. Though beef would be welcome we resolved that they ate too much for the return. Instead we bought goats. We provided our own milk and meat in this fashion. Still, we purchased many eggs and chickens, much smoked fish. Since the woodcutting had proceeded for several years we were forming large tracts of land denuded of trees. Some we replanted in nut-bearing trees such as filbert and walnut as well as fruit orchards, notably apples, pears and cherries. Some we dragged clear and planted in vast fields of wheat or corn. It was too cold for flax, cotton or rice and it was cheaper to buy rope than plant hemp. Some families stationed great stands of beehives about the fields to make a living selling honeycomb, honey and beeswax. I realized that we would need to import horses soon and planned for their feeding. I sent bids for bags of clover seed. We used wheat straw to bed the chickens and removed their manure to the vegetable fields with the used straw. We were selling eggs in brine and smoked chicken to merchant vessels that sold to both north and south shores of the sweet lakes. Our melons, tomatoes and peppers were renown throughout the lakes.

We feasted parties from over twenty tribes that fall. The Cherokee visited us once again to trade and talk. Each year I specifically had planted a special patch of melon accompanied by hot pepper bushes in hopes that Walks Far would return. It had been several years yet there he was, in the party. At the end of the feast cut melon was offered. I purposefully paid homage to Walks Far for his trade of melon and pepper seed. I manfully took a bite of a slice, keeping the tears from running down my cheeks by willpower alone. The expression upon his face made much worth the efforts as he blew a mouthful of chewed melon across the fire. I whooped and howled, falling backwards from my seat. Each time I began to stop I gazed upon his face, his dumbfounded expression sending me off again. Eventually he stepped around the fire to slap me sharply upon the head, saying "Bad man. Bad." I giggled away the evening as we offered melon to the rest of the party. I relayed to him the story of the melon-loving shaman and the first accidental fire-melon batch later that evening. It was only then that he appreciated the jape.

We received word that the federalists had fallen from grace as the favored party. The state's rights party had come to the conclusion that without a uniform basis of trade and commerce between the colonies we would remain individual colonies rather than a nation, which would give us benefits in the waters of international trade and defense. International treaties could not be signed by any single state—a referendum of the congress must accede. Excepting this rule, we pledged to be a federation of neighbors—more of a fraternity in common cause. If insulted singularly we vowed to respond in concert, each with a significant fraction of the population held as militia at arms.

Christmas came merry with family and friends. Our tribe grew and prospered.


I took the last of our trading vessels to New Portsmouth with a supply of pottery, glassware, fine forged goods and reed mats—an always popular winter item for colonial beds and floors. I was at the counter of the mercantile arranging the details of our transaction with our factor when two men came in wearing riding boots and wool greatcoats, marking them as foreigners. I ignored them as they made their way about the store then came up behind me, drew pistols, cocked and fired at my back. I heard the sound of the hammers cocking back and dove for the floor as they shot. The storekeeper took a round in the chest. I gasped out 'Keep them alive!" as two of my marines crashed thru the door. I witnessed arms and legs being broken as all faded to black.

I awoke in bed dry and groggy with an amazingly painful belly, wondering who had cut me open with a saber. My puzzlement was not relieved before Morpheus claimed me once again. I awoke much more aware and secure in the knowledge that I had rested for a period as my beard was nearly two fingers long. I was weak as I felt my belly, finding a long incision bisecting my belly top to bottom. I realized that I had been some surgeon's hand puppet and God's grace had brought me thru it. My hands before me seemed pale and bony. I would live the life of an invalid for the nonce. I slept once again but to awake as my bedding was being changed. I regret that the devil pulled my ear at that time, for I forced out a "Boo!" much to the dismay of the housekeeper whose arms I was in. I regretted it even more fully as she shrieked into my ear and promptly dropped me like a hot stone. After peering at me as if I were Lazarus himself she dashed off, obviously to find another witness to the miracle. The jolt of my partial fall had awakened me fully and I slowly pulled myself up to a seated position in bed. It was from such a position that I was found by Clancy and the town Chirugeon. "Congratulations, Doctor. The patient survived."

"Your having the constitution of a draft horse likely had much to do with it. You will find yourself lighter by three pounds of sweetmeats next you check yourself against a balance. Before you ask, it is mid-February. Six weeks have passed. The French spies yet live and a man has been dispatched to England in the hopes of giving remedy to that condition in their spymaster. The Congress has been notified of the matter. There have been other events of a grim nature that paint a grimmer picture of collusion and undeclared war such as acts by the British Parliament making free with Colonial goods and seamen when encountered upon the high seas." Bloodletting is among the ingredients of political medicine. It was time for the wind to shift.

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Halloween and Batman

Just a short non-erotic story for Halloween. If you’re looking for sex, it’s not here. For the rest of the readers I hope you enjoy it. A big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for making it a much better read. * I’m what most people would call a normal, non-descript type guy. I’m 5′ 10′, weigh 160 lbs. I’m not overly smart, but not dumb either. I’ve always been on the somewhat quiet side when it came to girls. In school I was the guy you never remembered in class. You would have to look in your...

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The 22 Year Old Neighbor gravida 3 para 2q

"Story was written by the wife, edited by both husband and wife." "It is the wife's story.""Each of our stories is written together and reflect our real-life experiences in the swing lifestyle over the past fifteen years. Any images or video attached is of us from the time of the story. We welcome and encourage all comments since it keeps us posting new stories if we know people are enjoying what we write. At this time we have many single male friends from over the years and are not actively...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 36 School Days

I went into the station the next morning at 0730. I figured I would go in early and see the shift changes and roll calls for a bit to get a feel for things from the bottom up. After roll call, I headed back to my office, only to get stopped by Mindy Hollis. She dragged me back outside to the department parking lot and over to the corner it shared with the impound yard. “This is where we should build a storage annex,” she said. “Why here? In this corner?” “It’s the best choice. It’s inside...

3 years ago
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Accepting His Fate

They lay on the bed together, he on his back and she propped up on her elbow. Slipping her hand across, she began to trace the outline of his penis through his new satin pyjama trousers. She felt it begin to stir. ‘Would you like me to train you to be more submissive?’ she asked. Mike knew that was indeed what he wanted her to do but asked so directly, her question filled him with doubts. What was she planning? Now he’d expressed his willingness, could he go through with it? Did he want to go...

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Fishing Buddies

I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...

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Coar dreams come true

Coar (Dream Come True) by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Coar was a prince, third born and very willful. He had been told that to enter the Glittering Forest was very dangerous, if not deadly - and that went double when the three moons were in stepped-phase. Then, he had been told, there was created an opening between the world of Kingdom Tehnra and the realms of the Others. Coar was as curious as he was headstrong, and he was very interested in seeing an Other. So, ignoring all warnings and...

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The Hitch Hiker

The Hitch Hiker was revised from a previous version published elsewhere. -------------------------------- Daniel was divorced and living alone. His stupid job had been the cause of his marital problems because he had to spend so much time on the road. If only he and his ex-wife Sally had kids, she would have had something to keep her occupied whenever he was away. But that was not to be, no matter how hard they tried, and Sally's apparent barrenness overburdened the shaky marriage. Perhaps, he...

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Losing Virginity To Breastfeeding Aunty Upstairs

Dear friends, this is the story of how I lost my virginity with my neighbour Maya aunty during my final year of studies. Ok, so let me introduce myself. I am Manjunath from Hassan in Karnataka and am 21 years old doing my final year engineering. We bought a flat in Bangalore recently and my father was getting some interiors works done. As we had college holidays, he wanted me to stay in this new flat for a week to supervise the finishing works. There was a temporary folding cot and bed there...

3 years ago
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The Brave Little Tailor

THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR By C Once upon a time, in the tiny village of Schmetterlink, there lived a poorbut honest little tailor named Gottfried. He dwelt and worked in a one-roomhouse on the edge of the village. He labored hard from sunrise to sunset, andyet he had barely enough to survive. Thus he was very upset to learn one daythat someone, or some thing, was pilfering his meager stores of food. He hadgone into his larder early in the morning to fix his usual breakfast of stalebread and...

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She wasn't going to do it. She got dressed, a black V-neck tee shirt and black pants. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, taking that all important first sip of the day. "I really can't do it, " she thought. "It would be too embarrassing." She put down her cup and headed back to the bedroom. She looked through her closets selecting five skirts which she lined up on the bed from shortest to longest. The first was a miniskirt, black and tiny, appropriate for a...

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18 July 2008Chapter 4

“You’ll have to excuse me. I have to go to the washroom,” he said motioning her off his lap. “You’re going to leave me in this state, horny as hell?” “I’m sure you know what to do,” he smiled kissing her and smiled at her exposed front. Tina watched Dan disappear around a corner wall then turned her attention to the table closest to her. With her pose relaxed, she placed her hand on her inner thigh and teasingly moved it up to touch her pussy. Looking at the men at the next table, her...

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Sucking and Licking for Grades

Most high school teachers have reputations among students. One teacher will have the reputation of being hard, one will be considered easy, another will be thought to be a fair teacher, and another will be considered to be a bastard or a bitch. At Claremont High School there were two teachers in particular who had reputations: Mr. Rocklin who taught physics and algebra, and Ms. Struthers who was a social studies teacher and counselor. In Mr. Rocklin's case, he had a complex reputation among...

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More fun with Mike

I had promised Mike I would suck his cock whenever he wanted me to and he made sure I fulfilled my promise. He really kept me busy every day while we were at work and always made an excuse to stop by the house or invite me over to help him with fixing up his recently purchased house. I sucked his cock in just about every office in our department and there wasn't a room in his house where I hadn't gotten on my knees and drained his cock.The house was a classic 'fixer-upper' in every sense of...

2 years ago
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Refusing to accept a new client

At that point she starts to lean back up. I put my hand on her back and pushing her back down. She complied without saying anything. I put my other hand between her thighs and ran it slowly up. Her thighs are steaming hot. The thighs feel so smooth and soft. She gasped, but still didn't say anything. As my hand traveled further up her thighs, pushing her skirt up higher. She froze. " Open your legs," I commanded. She widened her stance and put both palms flat on the desk. Still quiet,...

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Caught with Consequences Pt VII

Caught with Consequences Pt VII By Teaser If thug number one was big and stupid, then thug number two was big, and, well, maybe, not quite as stupid. He eyed Debbie like a hawk. And not just her ass either. He kept his distance from her. We had our hands up the whole time. That meant one thing. Thug number one had recovered enough to scoop up what was left of his balls, and limp home. He marched us over to the management area of the building. I hadn't been over here often, so I...

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The GauntletChapter 8

Jean de Carrouges was in a darkened stone chamber that smelled of mold and dead things. The damp walls and floor amplified the cold in the room, which chilled Jean’s naked body to its core. He tried to move, but heavy chains secured him to large iron rings in the wall at each ankle and wrist. He attempted to cry out, but his throat was dry, his lips parched. He could hear laughter in the distance, echoing off the stone walls of his prison. “You are a fool, Jean de Carrouges,” came the...

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Night Before the Wedding Night

Jack stared at her across the table, thinking how beautiful she was. The way she ran her fingers through her brown, wavy hair to keep it out of her face. The little golden flecks in her brown eyes when she looked at him could hypnotize him and he would do anything for her at a drop of a hat. He worshipped her body also. She was short but she had the curves of a woman. Sexy was an understatement. She knew the control she had over him, but she was too sweet to use it against him, besides she...

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The fun continues

Introduction: Sundays fun with les Last night had turned out better than ever, with more guys and a extra dog to keep us all happy, when I moved in bed, the sheets were stuck to me, the cum had dried, sticking me to them, so I quietly got up, and headed for the shower. The warm water felt great, my body was a bit sore from the extra fun we had but my pussy and butt were still tingling with excitement too, it was then a hand slipped between my legs and found my wet spot. Looking back, I saw...

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VPN Sites

VPN Sites still seem like a goddamn mystery to most of the internet-using population, which includes basically everybody in the developed world. Shit, you’re reading this on the internet right now! What do you really know about using a Virtual Private Network to unblock content and keep your computer safe? The fact that you’re even reading this page tells me you might know a little more than the average joe, but perhaps you ain’t quite sure which VPN is right for you. It’s a crowded market...

Best VPN Sites
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My Ass need you

My ass need youI am lying in bed, half-asleep. I feel him climb into bed beside me. I feel hands running along my back. As they circle around my waist, pulling me toward him, I curl inward. I feel his fingers catch the back of my panties and pull them down, exposing my ass.I twist my head to look back at him, but a hand pushes my head back down to my pillow. I stare at the wall, frozen, unsure as to what he expects from me. I close my eyes and focus on the sensations as his hands slide along my...

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One Snip Short

Karen paused outside the lavatories. To the left was the Gents, signified by a pin figure. To the right was the Ladies, where a similar pin figure wore the silhouette of a skirt. Well, it was obvious really. She was the one in the skirt, so she pushed the door open with a determined and resolute thrust. After relieving herself, she busied herself with the real reason she’d scuttled off to the loo, and that was to adjust her hair, reassure herself about the make-up she’d thickly applied to her...

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SixteenChapter 7

It was that same afternoon when I subtly glanced at my phone to see who was ringing. We weren’t supposed to use our phones during class, but I had mine on silent-mode in my pocket and it was vibrating madly. It was Jim. He had my number, but strictly for emergencies. Nobody from the store had ever needed to call me before. I got up and excused myself, Mr Davis, my maths teacher, too shocked to even ask where I was going. Nobody ever just got up in the middle of a lesson and left. In the...

4 years ago
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Pretty Sure I Was dgged and Abused

I was at a local gay club as i frequent in my town, having a few drinks, talking, time is around 11:30 pm. I'm quite personable and have fun when i go out. here is where i mess up, thinking back, stupidly i get up to use the restroom, leaving my drink behind, i had maybe 2 or 3 bye this time, so i come back and casually finish the rest of the drink, during this time a guy sits next to me and we start talking, he was a black man, very built, charming, and good looking. obviously flirting with...

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Its My PartyChapter 61

Time: Sunday, March 3, 2019 11 AM Mark was home in the large bath area of Red Mall, drying himself after a quick shower. He had put in a very strenuous hour downstairs in the gym, and was expecting to be back at the library communications console within a few minutes. Charles and Lynn would soon go past their point of no return. His arms and thighs were a bit tired, but Mark was pleased with the results of his workout. He now considered his sword to be an adequate weapon against a large...

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This one is for Tracy

This story requires a short preamble. I had e-mailed erotic stories and fantasies back and forth with my friend Paul for several months. He liked to be a dominant, so one day I asked him to send me exacting instructions on how he would like me to masturbate, which I would have to do and then describe back to him. He sent the instructions, which involved me getting fully cross-dressed before sitting down to watch a particularly hot she-male video, and about a week later I was finally able to...

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Wolf On Campus I Want to be Lori Baxter

Wolf On Campus: I Want to be Lori Baxter By Eric Lori I had noticed her from time to time. She was a quiet new girl, rather short and dumpy looking. I was surprised when she came up to me and as bold as anything and asked me how it felt to be so pretty and popular. I think my mouth dropped. What the hell do you say to something like this anyway? "I never thought about it!" I finally said. She looked skeptical. She was about 5' tall and as I say dumpy, flat chested with...

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Wanting Something So Bad Yet So Good

I went to my window. "Good, Gary, you brought your girlfriend," I muttered, peeking out there. "Oh, Veronica, you're as hot as lava, but I wouldn't mind having you all over me," I muttered, letting my hand into my panties. "Here you come with my brother, but damn, I almost wish you two would break up. Of course, I wouldn't want to help another lady cheat, but shit, Gary, you know how to pick them. Oh, you're kissing now; if I didn't know any better, I'd say you had something big to tell," I let...

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Second Black Cock

I wrote about my first experience with a BBC, his name was Michael and the story is titled ironically My First Black Cock, I published it 7 years ago and it has been read many times, so I thought it was time to write about my second time with a black guy named Aaron. It was few months after my first and I was working in a small clothing store in a fairly small town that has a large University, the girls I worked with were all younger than me by at least 10 years and they loved to hang with the...

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Continuing The Journey In USA

Hi, This is Nitya back after a long time. There are so many things happened during these 2 years. Yes, I broke up with my boyfriend during the B-Tech 3rd year. Since then I was concentrating on studies more and my future. While I was busy studies and taking a break, my boyfriend had moved on and found a new girlfriend. It was heartbreaking but I knew everything happens for a reason. I knew we both had so much fun during our 2year relationship and I will always cherish it. Anyways, I made my way...

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The CureChapter 10

Vilgra sat in front of a screen that was acting as a mirror for her as she brushed her hair after a sonic shower. She was the most junior of the monitors in the ImpSec branch of Medical Resource and naively unaware of the point scoring and jockeying for position in that department. Only rumours of the interaction they’d had with other Cures had come to her attention and that often enough was confusing. The order to be the point of contact with Cure David had come directly from her Head of...

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Jonathan CreedChapter 2

I was sitting in my office with the lights off. I was doing my usual victory ritual. The ritual involved closing the blinds and telling my exploits to a bottle of scotch. It was four in the morning. I could hear people milling about the bullpen. They were making calls, getting calls and dealing with lawyers. As expected, all the rich individuals were no longer sitting in our interrogation rooms. The little lawyer bees had already stormed in. They were ready with claims that their client had...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXI The Main Attraction

‘I’ve heard that, if one pinches oneself whilst dreaming, they will awaken,’ Alice thought to herself. Putting words into deeds, she did just that, pinching her thigh as she took the last step. Alas, all that happened was she left a tiny red mark upon her thigh, one that began to fade almost as quickly as it appeared.‘Bloody hell,’ she thought with a disappointed sigh. Not that she had truly expected it to work, only that she had hoped it might as Sargeant-Major Dumpty led her into a small room...


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