Remittance ManChapter 2
- 3 years ago
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It was a glorious trip. The cool breeze blew over the waves glistening in the sun. The cold spray coming off the hull made rainbows against the bright blue sky.
A short, dark sailor with large ocher-colored plugs in his ears came up to one of the new mothers and held out his finger for the baby to grasp.
He smiled as the baby tugged at it. "I remember when my children were so small. I ignored them as a proper warrior should. I was a fool."
He kissed the baby upon the brow and went back to his tasks.
The ship's cook grilled fish for all of us over a fire set in a large wooden box half filled with dirt and sand. The wood sides were covered in mud and clay. The high sides of the box kept the wind from blowing the fire about and scattering embers. We gave the cook our corn meal and dried venison. He was very happy with the trade. He told us that the cooks would trade news and receipts at the massed groundings during the winter months. That was why so little was asked to move our people.
I resolved that the spare wootz long knives and axe heads were to be left with the cook as a surprise for the captain and crew.
We were met by a large crowd as we warped in at the pier. The Iroquois vessel brought attention on its own and the deck full of people drew more out of curiosity. Soon my heathen little brothers and sisters popped out of the crowd, anxious to see what was happening. When they spotted me a great noise started. When we stepped onto the pier I could hardly speak for all the questions. Finally I made myself heard and let all know that my siblings were healthy and waiting with the other two-thirds of the people waiting to join our tribe. We cleared the deck of our debris and rolled a great barrel of smoked fish up the boarding plank to aid in feeding the rest and as a promise of filling their larder. The captain seemed a little disappointed as to the barrel being filled with fish until I asked him to try a piece cold. It had been heavily smoked and almost did not taste as fish. He appeared to like it more then. I promised the rest would be from game with four legs.
I searched out my family to give them the news of our well-being. I presented grandfather with a bag containing the proof of our tale and left him to discover its contents while speaking to mother and father.
"I fear your cabin is no more. It was burned to the ground by a raiding party of Sauk before we arrived. Chief Springing Buck is no more. His camp is gone, his people dead but for the ones seeking sanctuary.
Grandfather holds our revenge. The slaving Sauk tribe is no more."
I left the rest for my brother to tell, as was his right.
It was good that we were arriving in the spring. It was the work of but a few days with so many hands to level and prepare another field, build a long house and supply house as well as construct an oven. It would take days of heating to prepare before it could be fired to full heat without splitting or exploding from hidden water. I aided as I could and sat up at night keeping a low fire burning in the oven, watching the camp and stars. Some nights my brother James sat with me part of the night, curious as to our story. I spun him and him alone the tale. His eyes read the darkness in my eyes as I related the sights and smells of the morning after our attack of the village. He put his head to my chest and hugged me. Together we mourned for the ones we killed. Not all could have been guilty. We killed the children. We killed the children. together we wept. Those nights were very, very long. They are with me yet. They will never leave me. My chest aches. My mouth is full of ashes. We killed the children and nothing comforts me, then or now.
I waited for my brother and sisters to join me. I insisted that we search out a shaman. There would be a ceremony for the children killed in the destruction of the Sauk camp. But no--the shaman was proud, proud.
He did not want to honor the slavers in any way. I shamed him. I walked behind him for a while saying but one thing over and over. "We killed the children. We killed the children." Soon he sat and wept, as had I. We would have our ceremony. All of us involved took part. The warriors, my siblings and I sat before a fire, covered in ashes, from dawn to dawn, mourning the children. Then the mothers among the ones we had rescued circled us and mourned the children taken from them by the slavers. When it was over the camp was quiet.
Mary's story
A month does not go by in which my sister gives me reason to look at her anew, thinking what she is and what she is to me. It shames me that I am 'just Mary'. I take walks in the fields and woods trying to find my place in things. I was sitting upon a stone, thinking bleak thoughts when I heard the sound of steps coming up the trail. It was a trail that the long-distance traders used to cross the land to the great river many days to the west.
A tall, tall old native man came walking with a broad pace designed to eat up the miles. He wore his hair in braids and had several feathers caught up in his hair. He carried a bow and quiver. His eyes were sharp. They caught me sitting still on my stone in a place made to be unseen, yet I was not dressed to be hidden.
"We are Walks Together. Come in peace and be welcome."
"I am Black Chicken Hawk, chief among the Sauk. I come in peace." This could be bad.
I looked at the ground, then looked to his eyes. "We have blood between us. The slavers are dead."
He carefully looked at my tattoo. "We do not claim the slavers. Sauk are farmers. We grow corn."
With that we walked into camp. I spoke of our role as a sanctuary tribe.
He nodded his understanding. He smiled at the long rows of corn springing up and the dark green fields of squash and beans. He appeared to be in love.
I quietly said "None are ever turned away." and left him to my father's care. I left to find Joshua. We talked while touching foreheads for several hours. I felt as if it were the last time I could trust him with my honesty. He had another in his heart.
Samantha had taken up the task of quietly shadowing our new guest. He was not just a chief, he was a widely known war leader. She reported to us that night.
When Black Chicken Hawk saw the string of ears he seemed to age before her eyes. She heard him speak to himself. "So much anger. So much pain. It is good that it is over."
I then began walking with him each day. He taught me that being a farmer was not a bad thing. Being a protector was not a bad thing. He was a simple man made important by others. To him any field was a holy place.
Every forest, every glade. I taught him the knife game. He taught me the creation chants of corn and squash, bean and oak. We were comfortable together. Before winter he took a wife. I was alone again.
Deep within the powdery snow I would run. I would track the game and touch the deer with a willow wand. I hunted only to survive. I had no direction.
I spun about as the last winter leaves holding fast to the oak, spinning and fluttering about yet always coming back to the same place. I had a small cave that I kept warm and dry with a small fire. One night I dreamed as I slept. A hawk asked me if I wanted feathers so that I might fly. I said yes. The hawk said I must die and be reborn to gain feathers. I was ready to say yes when a great brown bear said no, there was much for me to do yet. The bear wrapped me within its great paws and went back to sleep.
The bear became the earth, the paws the cave about me as I woke. I could smell bear. It did not leave me. I rose and ate, thinking deeply. I put out the fire and went to find father. He was surprised when I borrowed his pipe, filled it and lit it between us. I told him of my dream, then sat back and watched his eyes. He looked out into the distance, giving away nothing. "There is onother one you should speak with." He put out the pipe and cleared it. Abruptly standing he strode out into the camp, searching out I knew not who. I struggled to keep up with his pace. He came to a hut away from the greater wickiups and long houses. He hailed the camp.
An old stringy man with head tattoos came to the door flap and bid us enter. It was an old shaman that I had not seen before. Father had given him sanctuary and succor for his final years. Father left me with the shaman. He had a hoarse, old voice. He could not call the chants anymore. He was frail in the manner of people brittle and thin from age, yet wiry. I had never seen anyone this old before.
I told him of my dream. He sat listening, slowly rocking to and fro.
"Shaman are always alone." Suddenly, like a flash, I felt it. Suddenly being alone was not so painful. He went on. "Bring sleeping robes, food, a pot. You cook, I talk. You need more dreams." He peered closely at my tattoo. He tapped the center marks. "Good start. You have heart."
He turned away to his furs to sleep, muttering "much to do. much to do."
I was alone no longer.
The lessons nearly drove me mad. I recited chants while sitting in ice water. I snuck up behind a blue jay to snatch a tailfeather. I learned to rub the belly of a bear drowsing in the sun. I traded insults with a badger. I had a pet skunk that thought pissing on someone was a great joke. I learned that birds grew bored. When I showed him I knew the growl that would totally panic a cat he pissed himself laughing. He tattooed my brow and would not tell me what it meant. We walked the woods almost daily. I learned wet herbs from dry, shady herbs from sunny. I could succor with a cup or kill with a scratch. Some mushrooms had to be cultivated to get the best juices.
I can make your skin break out in blisters with the essence of marigold and sumac. I can make your brain boil with essence of moon flower and blooming vine. I can make you run screaming thru the woods from imaginary terrors with three roots. I can calm, I can ease, I can heal as well.
Each time there was a birth I was sent first to watch, then to assist.
I remembered father's lectures about clean hands and argued this with the shaman. He agreed that as there were large plants there could be tiny.
I took bread from the kitchen. We watched for green mold and watched it kill other molds. He was happy with a new thing. We brewed poultices with the liquor from the mold. Other shaman took it up and I earned another tattoo, this time upon my cheek.
Father's books taught of turning a lamb within the womb to allow it to come forth. I reasoned that a baby was as an animal in all but proportion, and closer so at birth than not. When a child was turned feet first I reached within the mother and brought it forth alive. The women attending asked many sharp, shrewd questions of me, some mentioning witchcraft.
I turned to the eldest and measured my small hand against hers. She grunted and would hear no more evil of me. I showed her the books my father kept within his library and we became fast friends. The shaman heard of the saving of a turned baby and asked how it was done. I could not explain, only show. Many were disappointed that it would not succeed on a new mother, only one that had been stretched in childbirth before. I demonstrated on a cow and calf how the largest of men could aid the stock. I gained another tattoo.
A huge warrior crept into camp when the moon was dim, seeking out his wife. She had escaped to us as he preferred to beat her for his pleasure. I was walking thru camp that night, enjoying the smells of the pine needles upon the ground. I heard the screams. I saw the fist rise and fall. I pushed off my staff and kicked him in the center of his back with a heel. as he fell I punched his throat, then watched him die. they tattooed my right hand red after that. I got another feather, too. My teacher said that I should have just cut his ankles and watched the tree fall. I said that in the heat I took my game. He shrugged and smiled. I smiled.
We understood each other.
It had to come. He weakened with the turning of the seasons. There was nothing I could do. We spoke of it and discussed his coming time.
He thanked me for the distraction. I thanked him for his lessons and care. It was understood that we thanked each other for our love. I stayed with him until the end. I called the others and we honored him in death, in a bower high among the trees. We took turns drumming for his spirit. Before the ceremony ended, I was brought before the eldest remaining shaman and given my name. I learned that each of us has a name, the same as all the others. We call ourselves one alone. My shaman name would be child of bear. My public name would be sharp blade. I was a shaman at eighteen. The drink I had been given for the ceremony gave me a fever. I took to my bed for several days. When I rose I felt different--lighter somehow. I could see things I could not before.
Each animal and person had a light about them. They said that in the dark my eyes flashed silver in the light of a torch. Many would not meet my eyes. I had seen this before when people came before the shaman.
Now I knew why. I distanced myself from my family. I wished to remember them as I had before. I wished them to remember me as I was before.
My changes could be--disturbing and I did not wish grandmother to fret.
A young female brown bear came to be with me. I often slept within her paws. I am glad she liked the taste of goat and mutton. We kept the flocks under control by feeding her the eldest and most cantankerous.
I salvaged the sheepskins for winter leggings.
On rainy days we would play. She would roar out. I would screech like a wildcat. She would whuffle and snort like a pig. I would growl like a wolf. She wold baa like a sheep. I would whinny like a horse. Silence would watch us in awe. It was not often that any could put a cork in that one.
Deep winter was coming. Evangeline, the bear, was eating more to fatten up. She would hibernate due to her very nature. I would join her on the first part of her journey, then continue on with mine.
I prepared for the journey by weaving snow paws and sewing wool and canvas overcoats as was my family tradition. I rolled a sleeping fur and a large double span of canvas square that would form my shelter.
I packed bags of food and lard as well as a brass cooking pot all upon a drag to pull behind me in the snow. I always carried water and two fire kits on the trail. This was no different.I went fully armed and carried an axe to cut wood.
We left on the night before the full moon.
We walked thru the silence, watching the horsetails of snow whip up in the breeze. Our steady pace carried us far in the bright moonlight. We slept by day and walked by night. On the fifth day she snuffled at a rocky hillside and pulled away a growth of thorn. She had found her cave. I watched with a smile as she turned about, getting comfortable with her nest. Her breath slowed as the slumber of the season came upon her. I camped near her that day and night, then shifting to sleeping at night and walking during the day now that the full moon had past. I had far to go. I had seen pictures of mountains in the books of my father and would see them.
I traveled west, west and further west. I came upon a broad river that I could not cross without help. I walked down stream for days before I came upon a ferry. They would take a good knife for toll. I was happy to pay as I could not see the far side. I waited for several days to cross so that they could make up a load. They said that for two gold they would take anyone across immediately. I was not in that much of a hurry.
The trees gave way to a great grassland, in some places taller than I was. The great swales of grass were hard to walk thru.
The snowpaws allowed me to walk above them when the wind had not scoured the snow away.
I guested with many tribes. My tattoos gained me welcome, my flights and throwing stick allowed me to hunt at a greater distance than they could. I took several buffalo along the way to feed the tribes. I was given a tanned buffalo robe by one tribe. I traded my bearskin sleeping robe for a pony that would carry my goods. He would not starve in the grasslands.
The tribes made their winter camps in the deep valleys cut by streams and rivers long ago. This kept them out of the winds that never stopped. They burned dried buffalo flop for firewood.
They were hunters of the great herds of buffalo.
I heard tales of the great steaming lands to the southwest. I altered my path to go there. By spring I reached my goal. There were bubbling pits of mud and hot springs of water. Some smelled very bad. I walked around the great valley making sense of the place. The heat of the earth had made a wonderland enjoyed by men and beasts. I found bear and buffalo drowsing in the hot springs. I found three old men camped deep within the place over the course of several weeks. In one spring I found an evil thing that gave me wonder. I enjoyed my time there yet my goal had not been reached. It was still many days walk to the south.
I began my journeys again.
The high plains were dryer and the grass more sparse than that to the east. I carried much water as I did not know the sips and seeps of the land. I could smell out some nearby yet did not know the master trails that would keep me near them. The birds guided me.
I came upon my goal near the longest day of the year. It was high within a cluster of mountains. There I found the great medicine wheel laid out among the clouds. I sat there watching a thunderstorm overtake the plateau. I had to tie down my pony so that he would not bolt. I could not make him understand that we were not hunted. He did not like that place at all.
As I sat out the storm the great wheel seemed to drift in and out of sight. At the edge of my hearing I heard the drumming and chanting of a ceremony. I caught images of the dances from the corner of my eye yet I could not look at them directly as they would fade away.
I remembered the chant. It would not leave my ear.
I found my poor pony trembling and lathered. I calmed him the best I could and we made our way down out of the mountains after the rain had passed.
I was stopped half a day later by a patrol of mounted warriors. They calmed at seeing my tattoos. They took me to their camp, some distance away. I spoke with their wise man. I told him of my journeys. When I sang out the chant I had heard he rose from the fire and returned with a painted rawhide box containing dyes and needles. He said I had needed another tattoo.
It was the most painful tattoo yet as it went over the palm of my left hand.
It was a circle and spokes in four parts and four colors. I stayed with them until my flesh healed. I left them with the idea of the throwing stick and flights. I did not know how much good it would do them without a source of wands. I suppose that they could trade for them. I told their shaman that I had seen brush willow growing in the steaming lands to the north.
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IncestI was drinking a glass of orange juice and watching The Three Stooges when the phone rang at six on Monday morning. I grabbed the receiver in mid-ring, hoping that it had not disturbed Mom and Dad. Mom didn't have to be up for another hour. She was a home- health care nurse and didn't have to check in at the office until eight-thirty. "Where were you yesterday?" Joyie asked me without even saying good morning. "I went with Brad to see his grandmother at the nursing home and then we...
Jenni had just got out of her backyard pool from her 9am exercise session, looking a fine piece of work in her bikini, her tanned, curvy body showed well in the skimpy material. She looked up as Megan ran into the house, crying. They had been friends since year 7 and now that they were 20 years old, lived together. Jenni tied her sarong around her waist, while shaking the water out of her long blonde hair and walked up to Megan’s bedroom and found her sobbing on the bed.“Did Brett break it off...
Growing up on the farm was not the easiest thing to do. We were always given farm chores and then came the homework assignments. My si**ter and I were the only c***dren in the house and our parents were so damn mean, they even made us go to private schools. One for just girls and one for just boys. They were so conservative but as I look back at it today, they were just over protective of us losing site of what school was all about. They didn’t want us developing opposite sex relationships. I...
He told her he was thinking about it for some time, and it would brighten their life up. He said he thought if they started with the winner with most on the card night spending the night with her as a prize, she was taken aback but said she would do it, he said she could do it here or go to their place if she wanted because most of them were in their fifty’s and single, she said it would be up to the winner, but she would prefer to stay here. The next Saturday when the lads arrived Jack said...
Author's Note: I would really like to thank The Purvv for all of his help. I woke up with a really bad tummy ache. I looked over at my clock and noticed that I had only been asleep for about an hour. I knew my daddy would still be up working in his office. He usually does his paperwork after I go to bed. My father is a doctor; one of those woman doctors and he has his office in our house. He has the whole exam room set up just off the entrance to the house. He usually ran his office...
Part 2 The Long Drive Home By Docker5000 Introductory. It’s the next day after Denise and her two teen son’s had sex in the Pub bedroom. And Denise is filled with anger and shame over her actions. Denise takes Gary home and James goes with his dad to help his widow auntie. The next morning Denise awoke to the full horror of what she and her two son’s had done last night. She couldn’t believe she had allowed them to have sex with her and she was so ashamed that she had really enjoyed...
Kat looked out the coach window. Her uncle and and aunt stood by waving as the coach pulled away. Kat ignored their worried looks and turned to play with her doll. It was a long ride. The coach stopped several times and she slept on the seat several times. But soon they reached their destination. As Kat climbed down the steps she noticed one thing, this place was huge, like a castle, she also noticed no one was there to greet them. A footman carried her baggage to the door and rapped on it. ...
TERMS tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p’uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k’aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s...
If you’ve read parts 1 and 2 of this saga, you’ll know that myself and an old GF, Carol, had regular playmates, Steve and Brenda, who had tried to hide from us that they had a ‘Family Arrangement’ with their k(id)s, Debbie and James.You’ll also know that we got invited to a party at their home, where in the last part I got to fuck Debbies ‘boss’, Melissa. Those of you who are into details will also remember that Melissa came along with another girl called..... Tracey.For those of you not from...
Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...
You and the stranger both like Role Playing. Stranger: hey You: f 19 US. U? Stranger: 22 m us You: What roles do u like? Stranger: I like roles with authority, like boss, parent, teacher, etc. Or supernatural ones, like gods and vampires. You: I like daddy/daughter, teacher/student, You: stuff like that Stranger: Oh, nice. WHich would you prefer today? You: Lets do teacher student. Stranger: Ok. What's your name? You: Alex Stranger: Nice. I'm Dan. I'll get us started. You:...
"Dream Cream" By Louise My name is...err was Lou. A few months ago after work I decided to go to the city's newest gentlemen's club. They were promoting the nation's newest porn star, Kristi Peaks (56G-26-36) and one luck guy would have a free VIP "dream" dance with Kristi. I ordered my drink and made small talk with Danielle, one of the very buxom bar maids; she was something to dream about. The DJ made the announcement with all the hoopla expected: "Here is the one all you guys...
Time to write our story. Diapers ahoy!
Hi everyone and this is Rajesh from Bangalore. It was September of 2008 when I moved to Bangalore, for pursuing Engineering in IT from a good college in Southern Bangalore since I had taken a late admission. I could not get a nice room in college hostel. We had a close family friend anu Aunty living in Bangalore. She was working in HR dept in very big IT Company. I was 21 at that time and she was around 37 and divorced. Her husband was a big time loser and never cared for her. She is a real...
The house was silent, Robert must of left already, she got lost in thought over where he could of gone so early in the morning when she felt an awful sting in her pussy she reached her hand down under the covers and removed the clamp which was harshly placed on her clit. It had always turned her on when Robert done this kind of thing while she slept, she always makes it easier for him by sleeping completely naked. She turned over to find a note that he had left, she rubbed her sensitive...
This story is based on a dream I had about shemale porn star Meghan Chevalier around 15 years ago.I'm sitting up in bed. There is an empty glass on the nightstand; I know that I have recently drunk whatever was in the glass. I'm wearing a light violet silk robe, and nothing else. It seems quite feminine. Then I realize that my body has become quite feminine as well. The fat I've been carrying around for years is gone and my waist has tapered down to about 27 inches. My legs are long and slim....
In the morning everyone has a quick shower, breakfast, and pile into a vehicle to go to the new office space being used for today’s games. They arrive in time to get set up in the training room after the boys change into the tight speedo briefs Eve bought for them to wear today. The ladies are in small bikinis and will work as waitresses during the show. While Hal and the boys are arranging the bright lights on the stage, so it’s well lit for the cameras set up in the back of the room, Henry...
Julie sat at her desk at uni, staring at her monitor, not really seeing anything. Her brain was a whirl of emotions and thoughts. Physically, that thing last night with Cassie had been lovely. She'd never felt such a sense of euphoria before, it was better than being stoned, and, although she thought that Cassie had taken advantage of her, kissing was actually very nice. But also, for the first time, she saw how much Cassie really loved her, and it scared her, it really scared...
I've recently begun working on a game that contains many of the same themes as this story and it's where most of my efforts are directed towards right now. You can find it on TFGamesSite here: I've also set up a Patreon and Discord for people who would like to support me in order to get more content of this sort out there, they can be found here: and here: That being said, happy...
His thick cock is being swollowed by this unknown stranger or is he a stranger as my cock is getting hard watching this Gay Porn movie and was wondering Do these gays know each other before the Director yells action. I would love to know more about these Gay Movies.the other guy is sucking this big cock as he strokes hisown cock. Its only a few more minutes and the suckee is now jacking off while sucking that big cock and his cum is all over his hands and pubic hair. I love a good blowjob but...
One of my ex-girlfriends was one crazy chick! She didn’t start super crazy, but she did get crazier the more our relationship developed. All of my friends think I let the best get away, but more on that in another story. This story is about the theater. And so you know, I am going to embellish the story a bit with detailed descriptions of things to make it more interesting, but it’s not too far off. The whole of the story is intact. So, a little background on us…We first had sex after about...
But I'd like to tell you anyway. Imagine: Moscow, a bar. It's smoky, dimly lit. In the far corner, just over there, you can see two men playing pool. That one on the left, he's Mr. Salvastor. Very rich merchant banker. Foreign. I don't quite recall the other one's name, but he's likewise rich. The music is just a touch too loud, and it's all about 7 years old. But, the atmosphere is good, and drink is cheap and of decent quality, and -possibly something to do with the condition of...
The tall, willowy girl looked troubled as she walked the stairs of the university. She needed to ask a favour of the history professor, and she felt wildly insecure, as she always did when she was in a new situation. Three months earlier she had gone to the admission examinations at the university, but on the evening before the last test: the history examination, she was taken to hospital. Two weeks later she went to the university offices to present papers, signed and stamped by the hospital,...
Hello friends, mera naam suren hai. Mera age abhi 32 years hai.Mein berhampur (Orissa) mein reheta hoon. Mein iss site pe story bahat pehele se hi padhta tha. Aaj pehele bar aapna ek chota sa experience share kar raha hoon. Agar aap ko mera experience achha lage toh please mujhe mail karna. Mera email id hai If any girls, aunty or bhabi needs safe private sex with unlimited fun then can contact me by mail. So let’s start the story. Yai mera sachi story hai, aur mein ek ek feelings detail men...
Jill answered, "I will be nude all the time, my mom will be dressed until everyone has arrived then she will also be nude. Other people may choose to just swim nude and put something on the rest of the time, just like here at your aunt's yesterday, but the people will be younger." Aunt Jane came into the kitchen after her morning jog. As she said hello to everyone, she pulled off her sweaty clothes on her way to the shower. I was surprised, I was just getting used to the idea of being...
AHSOKA TANO PLEASES THE PALACE—by Jim Tonic Chapter 1: A Betrayal and Passing Jabba’s Guards Anakin Skywalker hated the sand. He always had. And here, on the surface on Tattoine, he saw something that caused him more anger than he’d ever felt before. Only his Jedi training was keeping his temper in check…barely. It wasn’t the face of the man standing before him that caused his blood to boil. It was all he represented. The lives he’d taken with that aura about him. That cold...
Abigail smiled contentedly now she had Rex all to herself in the confines of her personal boudoir; as he knelt cowering, she strutted about the large bedroom which was clinically clean and tidy, and pictures from a bygone era of women in service adorned the walls. Rex was immediately given a feather duster and marshalled about the room, the stern and coldly authoritative woman taking great pleasure in striping his bare cheeks with her stinging cane at any given opportunity; though the room...
I hated my sister and she hated me. It has always been that way. Growing up Naomi resented getting stuck with me and I wasn’t any happy having her as a babysitter. When we were very young fights always with us trading insults but they ended with biting, scratching, and slapping. Thankfully, we grew out of that by the time we were in high school together, but we never got along. So why was I moving into her apartment in the city? Well you can thank our mom and dad for that. I had just graduated...
FetishThe Beauty & the Beast Hi, I’m Saransh. This incident happened a few months back, the night of 3rd February to be precise. It involves my elder sister’s friend Suhani and me. I’m narrating it from her point of view as it seemed more interesting that way. You can write to me on for the feedback or just to say Hi. My name is Suhani. I have finished my masters and started working with an NGO. Since my college I have been dating Kunal. I call him Kanu. He is a nice boy, sweet, simple and very...