Critical Modification (Chapter 1) free porn video

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Robotic surgery has progressed to the point that machines can perform major, minor and microsurgery well beyond the talents of normal surgeons. In the local doctor's office, surgeries could be planned out using previously defined robotic surgical programs. Thus the robot would analyze the surgery to be completed and would follow the preset guidelines. Medical related problems could be dealt with a minimum time in surgery and would greatly minimize the trauma to the patient. If unexpected problems were found, whole volumes of medical information could be scanned at an instant to provide the best solution for the problem at hand. Robotic surgery had achieved a 99.9999% success rate. Cells could be replicated as needed to form whatever body structure or tissue was needed. If large tissues are to be replaced, these tissues or organs could be constructed ahead of time in preparation of the surgery. Incisions are kept to a minimum and concealed in fold lines whenever possible. The incisions are closed with micro tissue welds and a skin repair patch is placed on top. Any marks left by inserted needles are also covered over with a skin repair patch. After 12 hours, there is no trace of an incision or mark. Most patients enter, have the surgery completed and leave the clinic within two hours. Now instead of doing surgery, doctors key in programs and run simulations to prove the programs operation. The program is then submitted the surgical board for final verification and then the program is returned for additional learning and behavioral modification. Learning now happens instantly through the use of the "Encephalographic Portal". All non-medical people call this the "Brain Plug". Instead of having to the learn a method by slowly absorbing the information through what was called the "Learning Curve", the information could be updated as fast the data could be pumped into the brain and cataloged. Approved behavior could also be implanted to help the employee in completing his job (e.g. sales demeanor, professional attitude, etc). - * - * - * - Back in High School, Martin Anderson had been notified that he was eligible to receive very advanced computer training straight out of high school rather than going through the testing phases as most students did. Seth Belasimo (Martin's best friend) was the runner-up and very jealous of Martin's success. Seth sabotaged the schools computer system leaving a trail of clues that indicated Martin did it. Due to this, Martin was ejected from school, arrested for computer tampering and jailed for two months. Since Martin was disqualified from the advanced training, Seth attended instead. Sitting in jail serving his sentence, Martin swore that he would get his revenge upon Seth. - * - * - * - Martin had struggled and had finally gotten to a place where his true talents could be used. Martin now worked for the New York Robotic Surgical Clinic and was responsible for maintaining all computers connected to the robots. Since he was the one who also received the programs from doctors tagged with the patient's name, he would then file the programs for eventual use in the surgical suites. Now today, Martin was notified by the computer system that Seth was due to have some surgery performed at the clinic. Martin couldn't believe that fate had given him such a chance. After hours, he came up with the perfect revenge. Seth was going to have some minor surgery completed, and the antiquated "Brain Plug" in his brain would be replaced with the latest model, as was standard medical practice. Seth would also have his chronic appendix removed and a language update implanted through the new "Brain Plug" Martin sat down and planned his strategy before instituting the program change. He listed the things that he wanted to accomplish; 1) Turn Seth into beautiful sexy woman 2) Dominate and humiliate Seth 3) Have lots of sex with Seth (all kinds) 4) After getting tired of sex, turn Seth into prostitute. 5) Leave Seth as a nympho and neutralize birth control strips after getting 10X money back. Martin created a new program that would not only remove the appendix, but would also drastically alter Seth. Basically, Seth would undergo a radical sex change, have critical behavioral programs downloaded into his brain to force the behavior Martin wanted. This would turn Seth into a fantastic looking female who was obedient, docile and respective of Martin. In essence, Beth would become the perfect girl friend and sexual partner for Martin until the time he engaged implanted subroutines to make her prostitute her body on the street. - * - * - * - Upon entering the clinic, Seth signed himself in and completed the mountain of documents that needed taken care of prior to the surgery. He looking forward to the absence of pain that his appendix had been causing him. After all the preliminaries were completed, he was taken to his surgical preparation room. Seth undressed himself and lay in bed. After he was injected with a sedative to help him prepare for the surgery coming up, he slipped into a dreamless sleep. Seth was transferred to a robotic gurney and then transported to the Surgical Suite for his procedure. During his trip, the gurney and coverings were bathed in a series of different wavelengths of lights to remove all possible biological contamination from the coverings and to make things as sterile as possible. The coverings were removed and Seth's body was sprayed down with a quick drying antiseptic in preparation of the surgery. As a final verification, the fingerprint on three random fingers were checked and found to be Seth's. Also a scan of the left eye also confirmed this was Seth. After this was completed, Martin substituted the new program in place of the other program. Prior to the surgery, he had the clinic construct a functional female reproductive tract using Seth's DNA. Martin knew that under the right conditions, pregnancy was still possible with two male DNA's (an X sex chromosome in the egg plus either an X or Y in the sperm from Martin would result in a pregnancy. If the egg contained an Y sex chromosome, pregnancy was still possible if the sperm contained an X. Only one time out of four would result in a non-viable embryo (an Y chromosome in the egg combined with the Y sex chromosome from Martin). This new organ was stored in stasis waiting for the surgery to commence. The program was downloaded and activated for the procedure that to be completed. The robotic suite accumulated the surgical supplies it will need for the surgery. Specialized surgical supplies furnished by Martin were sterilized and placed into position. All associated surgical programs were loaded into the robotic surgical suite for the operation. Seth was then shuttled into the first stage of the suite. Program Instruction - Begin recording and save to data file "Beth.vid" A high definition video recorder was moved into place where the transformation of Seth could be filmed. This would be played back later for Seth. Program Instruction - Access vein in left arm and install T-junction. A small incision on the left arm was completed and a large vein the arm was temporarily separated. A T-junction was placed into both openings of the vein and the vein was closed around the T-junction cutting off bleeding. A small pump hooked to an elaborate filter was moved into position. This pump was pre-primed with Seth's replicated blood and was purged of all air in the lines. Finally the pump was started and blood flowed through the system. The specialized filter was engaged and all male hormones were removed from the blood. As the testosterone was removed, estrogen and progesterone were substituted. Through out the procedure, the testosterone in Seth would diminish until totally eliminated and the estrogen and progesterone being injected into the blood would reach the predefined level. This elimination / substitution process would take as long as the entire procedure to complete. Program Instruction- Remove all body hair from below the eyebrows - do not remove hair on head. With a combination of lasers and electrolysis, the body hair was removed leaving Seth's body as naked and smooth as he was when he was first born. In order to gain access to hard to reach areas, Seth's body was manipulated and rolled over and over until all hair was removed. Seth would never shave any part of his body again. Program Instruction- Remove excess hair from eyebrows and shape to arch style 7. Seth's eyebrows were thinned and arched. A small vacuum is activated and travels just above Seth's body removing all detached body hair. Once again Seth's body is sprayed down with a quick drying antiseptic. Program Instruction- Perform body liposuction. Modify rib skeletal structure to conform to size B2 and reduce waist to achieve waist of 21 inches. Needles are installed at various points around Seth's abdomen and a small nanites are injected to speed up the liposuction process. After ten minutes the fat is being vacuumed into the hoses and is delivered to a central holding tank. Since the ribs were reduced in circumference, excess bone material is removed through a separate needle and hose. Nanites are injected into the breathing tract of Seth and travel to the lungs slowly tightening the lung tissue until the lungs fit the smaller ribs. The fat is cleaned of all residual blood traces and any foreign biological contamination. The nanites under the skin continue to sculpt the stomach area until the stomach measured 21 inches. All nanites are collected, removed and destroyed (to cut down on contamination and possible infection). Program Instruction- Use fat previously obtained to perform breast augmentation to conform to 36-D appearance. Two large needles attached to hoses snake out of the robot and are guided into position on Seth's chest. With the use of manipulator fields Seth is rolled over on to his stomach and the needles are set into position just beneath the nipples. The areas around the breasts are sprayed with Elasti-Lastin that will help the skin stretch to accommodate the enlarged breast tissue. New nanites are injected along with a portion of the cleaned fat. Also included is the new miracle tool for body sculpturing called Glu-Lastin. This helps the fat being injected to form webs and stick together. After the Glu-Lastin has set, the fat tissue is indistinguishable from normal breast tissue. Forms are placed around the swelling breasts and the fat continued to be pumped in and distributed by the Nanites. Once the forms are filled with new breast tissue, the fat being injected is stopped and the forms are held in place. For ten minutes, the breasts are bathed with ultraviolet light to set the Glu- Lastin. In addition, some fat is distributed to the nipples to make them more prominent. The excess Elasti-Lastin is rinsed off with disinfectant. After the ten minutes of having the breasts in the forms, the forms are removed and are discarded. Program Instruction-Modify skeletal structure to achieve basic hip dimension of X4. Use previously obtained fat to round buttocks and hips to achieve 36 inches around. Seth's hips and buttocks are sprayed with more of the Elasti-Lastin. Other needles connected to hoses are positioned around Seth's hips and buttocks. Nanites are injected and they begin the task of altering the hip structure. Some previously obtained bone material is injected into the site and the nanites complete their job in altering Seth's hips to the size on the program. This bone structure is commonly known as "Breeder Hips" to the layman. The hole in the bottom of the hips is enlarged so that if Seth becomes pregnant, natural childbirth is now possible. New needles are guided into position and additional fat is pumped into these buttocks and hips to round and soften the shape. New Nanites are also pumped to assist with the distribution of fat. The buttocks are rounded to form a curvy bottom that any woman would be proud of. The excess Elasti-Lastin is rinsed off. Once Seth exits the surgical suite, he will now be a perfect woman's size 7. Program Instruction- Shorten Achilles tendon. Alter muscle mass to conform to leg size C3. Alter leg skeletal structure to conform to size C3. While Seth is still on his stomach, lasers open his ankles exposing the Achilles tendon. Forms come up out of the table and force Seth's feet into a tiptoe position so that the tendon length can be shortened. From now on Seth would have to wear high heel shoes of at least four inches high or suffer debilitating pain. In addition the length of the leg bones are shortened approximately three inches to bring Seth from 5' 7" to 5' 4". The excess bone material was removed and placed in a temporary container with the other bone material. Finally the leg bones are slightly thinned to bring them within the normal size for a woman. The muscles in the leg are softened and modified to fit the ideal encoded in Seth's program. The excess muscle mass is removed via needles and is placed into the patient's biohazard container for eventual disposal. New needles are guided into position and inserted into Seth's feet. More bone material and tissue is removed until Seth's feet are changed from a Men's size 10 to a woman's size 7 shoe. Seth's feet are in perfect proportion to his legs. This will remove another inch from Seth bringing his height to 5' 3". Program Instruction - Alter muscle mass to fit arms Size B3, shoulder size B4, Alter arm skeletal structure to conform to size B3. New nanites are injected into Seth's arms and shoulders to start reducing the muscle mass of the muscles. Additional nanites reduced the thickness and length of Seth's arms until they were thin and shapely. The excess bone material was removed and placed in the temporary storage container if needed later. The muscle material is channeled up into waste hoses and is placed into the biohazard container for eventual disposal. The amount of weight that could be carried by Seth's arms was reduced so that Seth could only carry 30 pounds maximum. Program Instruction - Alter skeletal structure in hands to fit size B4. New needles are positioned at various points on Seth's hands and bone nanites are injected to start making the hand smaller and fingers thinner. Seth's hands now appear in proportion of the rest of Seth's body. Program Instruction - Alter skeletal structure of spine to reduce the length, decrease spinal nerve length, remove excess muscle mass. New needles are placed into position all the way up and down Seth's spine. Nanites are injected and begin the task of shortening Seth's spine to bring it into proportion with the other altered bones. As the spine was shortened, the spinal nerve was slowly decreased in length to match. Finally the excess muscle mass in the back was reduced. Excess bone material and muscle mass was collected in storage containers. This reduces Seth's height another 3 inches. Seth's height is now 5' 0". Program Instruction - Tighten skin in areas bone length has been shortened or thinned. Do not spray head, breasts or hips. ConstricteLastin is sprayed over Seth's body except the hips, breasts and head. The loose sagging skin is sprayed and the extremities are exercised until the skin has been tightened to a normal tension. The excess ConstricteLastin is rinsed off. Program Instruction- Remove obsolete Encephalographic Portal and replace. Finally, the base of the skull is exposed and penetrated. The old brain plug is removed and discarded. The new brain plug is inserted and temporarily connected to make sure that all connections are flawless. Upon completion of that, previously obtained bone material is injected into the small hole and the flap of skin and hair is re-attached. Program Instruction- Remove genitals and replace with female genitals located in Stasis location B4C, remove appendix. Seth is rolled back over on to his back and his knees are brought up and outward allowing access to Seth's genitals. Quickly the robot removes Seth's male genitals and manipulates the tissue in the groin area to provide room for the new reproductive tract. A robotic probe snakes into the lower abdomen cavity, cuts and removes the chronic appendix. The previously constructed female reproductive tract is shuttled to the surgical suite and is removed from stasis. The micro-surgeon puts the reproductive system in place and completes the critical blood vessel connections and the urethra connection. The brain plug is activated and each nerve in the Seth's groin area is carefully cataloged. Finally the nerves are connected to the reproductive tract and are verified three times so that the reproductive tract becomes fully operational. In addition, the length of the vagina has been slightly increased to allow males with a longer penis to fully enter without causing pain to Seth. The new ovaries are stimulated and are calibrated in order to produce the 125% of the amount of hormones as a 16 year old girl would produce. This will keep Seth perpetually sexually aware of his body. The fortunate side effect of the hormones is that Seth's hair will thicken slightly over time and the skin and hair become soft. Program Instruction- Place birth control implants in to sub-dermal tissue of left arm. Seth's left arm is raised and the birth control strips are inserted in the underneath of the arm by the armpit. Unless neutralized by a specific frequency of light, the strips will provide birth control for a minimum of one year. Program Instruction- Full body scan - high-resolution - compare to program parameters and release if within tolerances. A laser scan of Seth's body compared to preset parameters in the program indicated that all procedures were completed. Seth's weight has now been reduced from 185 pounds down to 105 pounds. After Seth had healed, his body and skeletal structure were all female in size. A very detailed inspection by a doctor or a DNA test could discover the truth, but this wasn't likely to happen. The gurney is moved to the cosmetic surgery part of the suite. Program Instruction- Facial scan - Ultra high resolution. - Baseline. A detailed laser scan is completed of the head to provide the micro- robotic surgeon with a map on the areas to be altered. This is compared to the instructions in the program. Program Instruction- Alter dental tooth pattern to align teeth. Apply ultra tooth whitener to each tooth. Seth's mouth was opened via an instruction from the brain plug. Microsurgery was performed in order to get the teeth into the correct position. All plaque was removed to and including the root line. The enamel of each tooth was micro-polished. Ultra tooth whitening solution was applied to all surfaces of his teeth one by one until they were gleaming. Because of the application, the teeth were impervious to tooth decay for a period of six month. Program Instruction- Modify facial structure to achieve stored value. The nose is opened with a laser scalpel and the size is reduced to match the pre-programmed ideal. Similar other opening are made and the neck and chin are modified to fit the value stored in the program. The Adam's apple is removed and the chin softened. The lips are slightly enlarged to produce a more feminine look. The cheeks are reduced in size to create a softer appearance. In addition, the ears are trimmed slightly and aligned. Program Instruction- Modify vocal characteristics to Soprano range. The mouth is opened via a command patched through the brain plug. The vocal cords are trimmed to and the voice is tested to make sure that the proper range has been reached. Seth would always speak with a high soft voice. Program Instruction- Apply Luxurant Ultra to lips, eyebrow, and eyelash line - increase lash length and darken. Small amounts of Hair-gro are applied to the eyelashes causing them to increase in length and thickness. The length is trimmed back to the length as dictated on the program. The hair-gro is rinsed off and the eyelids are dried. Finally the Luxurant Ultra brand make-up is finely tattooed onto the eyelids and lips. In addition a line highlighting the eye around the lashes is tattooed in also. The Luxurant make-up is top of the line due to the fact that the user can choose individual shades by touching the make-up stylus / applicator to the specific color on the make-up pocket computer and then touching the stylus / applicator to the area where the color is to be changed. This in essence allows nearly instant changes of make-up with out the hassle of make-up removal and re- application. Unfortunately for Seth, the tattooed make-up cannot be removed and is permanent. Program Instruction- Increase fingernail length, polish all nails and apply Luxurant Ultra The nail beds of the fingers are placed into a formula of nail-gro, which causes the fingernails to grow over one inch in length. The nails are trimmed back to a length of one inch and are shaped to an almond shape. The nails are then micro-polished to remove all irregularities in the nails. A layer of Luxurant nail color is forced into the nails and sealed. Seth's toes receive similar treatment. A thin layer of Luxurant nail color is forced into nail beds so that when the nails grow the Luxurant color will continue to be imbedded into the nail. A thin seal membrane is also embedded. This treatment is updated once a year to maintain the nails appearance. The Luxurant Ultra treated nails will not break or tear and must be trimmed using a Luxurant Ultra trimmer. Seth's nails are now very feminine and glossy in appearance. Program Instruction- Increase hair length and apply Luxurant Ultra hair color. Seth's head is placed into an oversized helmet that is sealed around the hairline. Hair-Gro is sprayed on to the roots of Seth's hair and the length is increased until the hair would normally hang to hollow of his back or just above the bottom. Luxurant hair color is embedded into the hair shafts and also into the root of the hair. This treatment generally lasts approximately for six months before needing to be renewed. Again the hair color can be selected and the hair in mass can be changed to another color. As an unfortunately side affect, the hair color at neutral or rest is now platinum blond. The helmet is removed and excess Hair-Gro is rinsed out of the hair. The hair is the measured and evened up by the program. Program Instruction - Apply Luxurant Ultra hair color to eyebrows. Small ovals cover the eyebrows and they are similarly embedded with Luxurant hair color so that the eyebrows will always match the hair color. Program Instruction - Modify eye structures and tighten sags and folds. Micro needles are inserted just under the orbit of each eye and a collagen / Glu-Elastin mixture is injected into several locations. The minor folds and wrinkles are filled out until there are no wrinkles present. A shield is dropped into place to protect the eyes from the light and the area is bathed in ultraviolet light to set the Glu-Elastin. Program Instruction- Facial scan - ultra high-resolution - compare to parameters and release if within tolerances. A final high definition low power laser scan is completed and compared with the desired outcome on the program and found to be with acceptable tolerances. Seth's head now appears like a very pretty young woman. Seth is then moved to the behavior programming section. Program Instruction- Activate Encephalographic Portal and begin alteration of nerve sensitivity. Engage training on fellatio. The brain plug is activated and the program is reviewed. The first module activated is the baseline sensitivity test of Seth's new genitals. The clitoris is lightly manipulated and brain activity is monitored and altered until the body finds the manipulation to be very pleasurable. The nipples are then manipulated and again the levels are altered to find the experience very pleasurable. A large container of cloudy liquid which is Martin's replicated semen is brought into the suite and hooked up to a small pump connected to three simulated penises on manipulator arms. The primed penises are placed in proximity of all of Seth's orifices. The first one is lubricated and enters the newly formed vagina and begins to slowly slide back and forth so as not to damage or hurt the new tissue. This produces vast readings in the brain, which are interpreted and adjusted to produce incredible pleasure for Seth during intercourse. An ejaculation of semen through the hole in the tip is given and the corresponding reading is noted and adjusted. This will cause Seth to experience an orgasm when someone ejaculates into the vaginal canal. The penis is then temporarily withdrawn. The simulated penis waiting at Seth's anus is activated, lubricated and slowly enters Seth's ass. The pain is noted and significantly reduced. The neural centers of the brain that control the anal sphincter are cued that when a penis is entering the anus, to relax the muscles. Once the penis is through the sphincter of the anus, the levels are calibrated to allow Seth to enjoy anal sex. The penis is placed fully into Seth and manipulated in and out. A large ejection of more semen through the tip of the penis is given and the corresponding reading is noted and adjusted. This will cause Seth to experience an orgasm when someone ejaculates into the colon. Further readings are modified to find this activity highly enjoyable. The penis then temporarily withdraws. Seth's mouth is opened via the brain plug and the final simulated penis slowly enters his mouth. Since Martin really enjoyed receiving oral sex, he decided to enhance this area so that Seth would greatly enjoy giving fellatio. A preprogrammed set of instructions is shunted into Seth's mind causing the arousal to go through the roof when performing oral sex. The gag reflex is found and turned off. The penis fully enters the mouth and throat and the physiological readings are noted and calibrated. Additional programming is downloaded teaching Seth in minute detail how to orally please a male. Finally an ejection of semen through the tip is given and the behavior is verified that Seth will automatically swallow an ejaculation. Additional readings are noted and Seth's behavior is keyed to feel very feminine after Martin ejaculates into her mouth. All penises now enter the body and are manipulated back and forth for a period of ten minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes all penises have a simulated ejaculation of semen and the corresponding readings are noted. The other penises retract out of Seth, but the penis in Seth's mouth keeps sliding in and out and pleasure centers in Seth's brain are monitored. The hoses are disconnected a valve is activated preventing flow to the withdrawn penises. The remaining hose connect to the simulated penis in Seth's mouth is all that is connected to the container of semen. At the end of every minute for the next 30 minutes, more and more of semen is ejected into Seth's throat and monitored. At each simulated ejaculation, Seth's brain is tweaked until after 20 minutes Seth would naturally be gifted at pleasing any penis placed into his mouth and would greatly enjoy the act itself. At the end, Seth's stomach is nearly full with semen and the container is empty. The neural responses are tweaked until found within expected tolerances. The penis that had been in Seth's mouth is withdrawn and all simulated penises are discarded. Finally a robot irrigates the vaginal canal to remove all traces of the semen to prevent infection. Program Instruction- Behavior modification - remove previous gender behavior and verify The robot scours through Seth's brain eliminating any male gender specific behavior for implantation of new feminine ones. A final search indicates that the search and elimination was successful. Program Instruction- Behavior modification - place new gender behavior and verify New instructions were placed into Seth's brain that would alter him to be a docile, obedient and very willing sexual partner. Other instructions would cause overwhelming lust when certain body areas are activated in a sequence. In essence, upon command, the instructions imbedded would cause him to do any sexual acts that the Martin would suggest. This would over rule the implanted basic sexual ethics and will force him to do sexual acts and perversions that he normally would not do. This new behavior would be permanently in control unless Martin activates alternate behaviors. Because of the implanted behavior, Seth would always behave like a very sexy feminine woman. Program Instructions - Behavior modification - Outward appearance enhancement and verify. New instructions were placed that would force Seth to be very feminine at all times (he would keep his personal appearance at a high level). The clothing that would be picked out would keep him very feminine in appearance. As a consequence of this, pants would be rarely worn, as he would pick dresses and skirts to wear if given the choice. Alternative items such as shorts could be worn if suggested by Martin. A large amount of information is applied so that Seth could pick colors, fabrics and styles that would be very feminine. Also instructions are placed in Seth's mind to walk like a woman (including walking in high heels). Seth would be able to walk in high heels like he was born in them. Instructions for the care and styling of long hair are downloaded. Seth would always have long hair since the longer the hair; the more feminine Seth would feel. Program Instruction - Behavior modification - Name substitution, surgery inhibition and aggression modification. Further instructions are encoded on the program to make him very docile and would always follow the direction of Martin. In addition, the brain was scoured and Seth's name was replaced with Beth. When referring to himself, he would always introduce himself as Beth. His full name would be Bethany Ann Belasimo. Finally instructions were placed where Beth could never tell anyone other than Martin what or who had caused him become a sexy woman. Also included are instructions that Beth could never harm Martin and would obey his every command as a good sexual partner should. Behavioral programming was done that if Seth would ever get angry, the behavior of crying would be substituted instead of aggression. Program Instruction - Behavior modification - Subroutines "Prostitution" and "Nymphomaniac" Additional behavior instructions were installed in Beth's brain that when activated would cause Beth to act like a nymphomaniac or prostitute and to dress appropriately. Martin wanted this for certain times at parties and private displays at home or when he was angry with Beth. This way Beth could be changed into a nymphomaniac or prostitute on cue and would service anything with a penis in any orifice. As a prostitute, Beth would walk the streets accumulating cash for Martin. This would also turn her sexual orientation to bisexual and would equally service women as well as men. The behavior was keyed to last until Martin gave a code word sequence, then she would revert to the normal ultra feminine behavior. Beth would of course remember the behavior and would be ashamed of the depravity she had been through. The code words to activate this behavior were "Mega Alpha X-Ray Nympho (for nymphomaniac mode)" or "Mega Alpha X-Ray Prostitute (for prostitute mode)". The code word to have Beth become the normal ultra feminine Beth was "Mega Alpha X-Ray Beth." Program Instruction- Activate makeup to preset condition. Finally all the make-up was activated; the lips are crimson red, eye shadow is green, eyeliner activated, hair color is now red, and nails are now crimson red to match the lip color. Program Instruction- Install PermaLux Earrings in each ear and lock As a final touch, each ear was pierced four times and the small self- cleaning flower shaped studs were locked in placed. These studs would be basis for all earrings placed in the ears. If other earrings were desired, the external earrings could be placed onto the flowers and pressed in slightly to fix them in place with the molecular catches. If the external earrings were to be removed, the external earring is pushed in and turned approximately 90 degrees causing the catch to release. These studs would remain in the ears for a minimum of 6 months before they could be removed. Most patients chose to keep these earrings permanently locked in place. Martin definitely would leave these in forever. Program Instruction- Pierce and install ball in tongue and lock Through the brain plug, Beth's tongue was extended out of his mouth and the tongue was pierced also. This was also locked into place like the earrings. The ball on the end of the piercing could not be removed however. This piercing too was to be in place for a minimum of 6 months. Martin had always wanted his girl friend to have a pierced tongue and now he would get his way. Program Instruction- remove used surgical supplies and all biological material to incinerator. A small robot shuttled about the suite gathering up the used supplies; fat cells, bone material and muscle cells in their respective storage bins, removed tissue. All these along with simulated penises, tubing, pump, and filter were placed it into sealed plastic cube. This cube was placed into the wall and sent directly to the incinerator where it was destroyed within seconds. Program Instruction - Remove T-Junction. A final bolus of estrogen and progesterone was given to bring the hormone level in Beth's blood to 250% of normal. This would decrease to the baseline over time, but would keep Beth very docile. The T-junction was unclamped from Beth's left arm and removed. The vein is reconnected together and the small opening in the arm is closed and covered with a Skin Repair Patch. Program Instruction- Clean patient and dress in surgical clothes - Administer pain medication. Beth is dressed in surgical panties, bra and gown and placed back onto the robotic gurney for transportation back to his recovery room. There the anesthetic was neutralized and several pain and muscle relaxant medications were administered. Once again the machines monitoring his biological vitals collected the information and found that they were within acceptable norms. Martin was waiting and the robotic suite discharged Beth to him. Upon electronic receipt of the discharge, the computer altered the surgical programming back to the original programming and the discharge was altered to show that Seth discharged himself out. Martin had transferred a good portion of his savings into the clinic's accounting package to pay for the surgical supplies used and the surgery. When the accounting books were compared to inventory levels, there would no surprises or causes for worry. Program Instruction - Stop recording and save to file. The recorder stops and is moved out of the suite. The three hour long transformation is sent to Martin's home and deleted from the computer at the clinic. Martin then takes the semi-conscience Beth to his apartment to recover.

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1. Think about why you want to become a girly girl before you do it.Having the clear goal of looking great and being happy because of it, will add to your self esteem. Which in turn will increase your attractiveness through radiating self assurance. If you just go through the motions, it will show."any "female" can present herself in a feminine and alluring way with patience and practice, but before you can captivate and entrance even an audience of one, you must learn to move with effortless...

2 years ago
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Behavior Modification

Donna fidgeted nervously, a cigarette in her hands. She knew, as she brought it to her lips, that she'd regret it later. But damnit, quitting cold turkey was just so hard! She didn't care so much that smoking was bad for her, but now the rule at work was that you had to stand 20 feet away from the door outside to smoke, which was great fun when it was raining. The last straw was the latest tax increase on tobacco. She decided she had to try to quit again, if for no other reason than she could...

4 years ago
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The modification factory

Fluff Notes from the author This story is slow. If you?re looking for some quick sexual descriptions and/or activities, this is not the story for you. If you on the other hand think that you would enjoy a story about a heroine that falls down the veritable rabbit hole and becomes trapped in a fetishistic world of intrigue, plotting, ritualized lesbianism, institutionalized D/S relationships, the exploration of a artificial culture, the odd love triangle and with a occasional furry...

2 years ago
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Genetic Modification

Today was to be the day, all of the tests, the hypothesis and fights with ethical groups had been either worked out with scenarios considered, probed and prodded, or just discarded. Elaine, or just Laney to her group of friends, was ready. A small thrill of fear and doubt coursed through her, but she pushed it to one side and revelled in the luxury of the no expense spared comfortable room. "Hi Laney, would you like anything?" The mechanical and electronically filtered voice of Trisha came...

3 years ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 8 Body Modification Time

“Imp, I’d like you to project a three-dimensional image of how each of us would normally look at whatever age their body is fully mature - around nineteen to twenty-one, I’d guess,” Jason requested. “We’ll start with the youngest and work up wards. Leave Nelson with boxers on.” Images appeared in a line across the room. “Nelson, what do you think?” Jason asked. “I dunno,” Nelson responded. “Looks okay to me.” “Okay, we’d wait until you are fourteen before making any significant changes,”...

4 years ago
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Identify Chapter 4 of 10 Modifications and Preparation

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Identify - Chapter 4 of 10 - Modifications and Preparation One morning, 10 weeks...

3 years ago
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Critical Acclaim Or Not

I am a cocksucker and bottom. I love sucking clean hard cocks. And I love taking it up the ass even more. But I’m not 100% gay, as I also love pussy. I have reached a point in my life where ED has overtaken me and I can no longer fuck anyone man or woman. So, these days I mostly suck and bottom.How did I get to this point? Well, it started when I was a mere sixteen. My two older cousins and I use to skinny dip in the Scioto River, and this middle-aged man would stand on a railroad trestle and...

4 years ago
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Critical Update

You sit in front of your PC, placing a cup of coffee nearby. Looking at the screen makes you grin - it's only 3%, that's everything you need to wait for the newest update of your favorite MMO game. It took almost two hours. This update was announced long time ago and player were waiting with anticipation. You want to know what it will give you. But installation is still on. Bored of waiting, you move on your account on the graphic forum, where you post the pictures of your characters....

2 years ago
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Mass Effect Modifications

The desiccated slab lying on the table had once been the first human Spectre. Time spent floating in the void of space, as well as the initial trauma that had killed it, had left little resemblance to Commander Mary Shepard. The lump of flesh sat still as a corpse should, even as needles full of nanites and experimental poultices injected into what had once been veins full of blood. "Is it even possible, do you think?" Miranda turned to her employer as she asked. "I will make it possible, Miss...

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 28 The First Body Modifications

“Wake-up, Donna!” Donna woke up shivering from the cold. She rocked back and forth a bit in her bondage before she was totally back into the real world. The pain in her vagina was still there, still intense. The muscles of her arm ached having been strung up to the ceiling for hours. Her back hurt from being bend over, and her legs were cramped from being folded for so long. As she moved, Donna heard the chain around her neck rattle softly. “It’s chilly in here, don’t you think?” Ninon...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

2 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real Chapter2

Jerry also had an idea, coming from a boast that I could still fit into my wedding dress, I had made during our conversations. Jerry always wanted to fuck a white bride and I still had my wedding dress. “You’ll do as my bride, we will collect you at 4 tomorrow afternoon.” And they shipped me home in an Uber, freshly showered, still slightly high, very horny and naked except for shoes, my long blouse and Jerry’s belt. For the Uber driver this was an added benefit as I knelt in the passenger...

4 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter17

Hailey was meeting the potential guest in a discreet London hotel room which allowed her to undertake a final vetting interview before inviting them down to the cottage to indulge in whatever dog sex fantasy they had. Hailey had already conducted a couple of phone interviews and used the very discrete but very efficient screening service that Julie had introduced her to. Already the company had proved invaluable weening out a couple of attempts by thrill seekers who just wanted to find out...

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Growing Up Chapter3

She sits on the bed and takes me over her knees and gently, with a lot of lube from her nightstand, works her fingers into my butt hole, one and then two. The excitement of being penetrated gets my balls all tingly. Rubbing my crack up and down with lots of slick lubrication she makes sensations zing through my body. I’m grinding into her lap and my dick feels so good through the satin panties I’m wearing added to the silk she’s wearing. “Cindy, do you know where my special drawer is?” ...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter16

***** Deanne had never been to the Sappho club before, but from the moment she had seen the neon sign outside she knew it would be like every other lesbian bar she had ever been to over the years, though perhaps this was a little edgier than normal. The two butch lesbians on the door had looked her up and down and Deanne had to stifle a giggle at their stereotype crewcuts and slicked back hair along with the obligatory boots and braces over checked shirts. “Any weapons or drugs?” the...

3 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter15

***** “So, ladies,” Julie said after introductions had been made and the tea and coffee had been poured. The setting was such that if could have been four women gathered together for afternoon tea and discuss a charity ball, but the next words out of Julie’s mouth dispelled that vision, “let’s get down to business, will you both want to fuck different dogs at the same time or just take turns with one?” Gina who was the younger of the pair, being in her mid-thirties, looked at Donna and...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter14

The two giants suddenly moved like greased lightening to step in front of Craig and held one door open each as he walked into the plush but neutral office. The décor was totally non-de with no personal items anywhere, just a large desk in the corner, with two monitors and a large leather swivel chair with its back to him. The back two corner walls were pure glass and looked out over the evening view of the city and the lights in the distance picked out the various landmarks of London. ...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter10

The last year had been fantastic for Michelle, she enjoyed her job as kennel bitch immensely and made sure that all the dogs were serviced on a regular basis to keep their juices flowing as well as her own. There was a strict rota when the owners weren’t around that was carefully monitored as the agreement was that every dog had its balls emptied at least every other day. At first there had just been the privately-owned dogs which had numbered around 20 which Michelle was able to deal with...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter13

As she got to the cage Hailey paused and poked the panties through the bars to the mastiff who after a couple of sniffs took them between his teeth and started to chew on them to extract the taste. All the cage doors were key code locked and Hailey punched in the code to open the door but the light stayed red instead of turning green. “What the fuck,” growled Hailey and punched the code in more slowly, making sure she had not made a mistake. Still the light remained a steady red and Hailey...

2 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter12

Deepti smiled serenely as she replied, “It will be fine Miss Hailey and it will leave me close to the dogs making it easier for them to fuck me regularly.” On saying the last words her face lit up with the thought of training the 20 intact dogs that had been collected together with a view to training and shipping over to Perro Mundo as community dogs. ***** Craig had waited two days for the chance to be alone and examine the flash drive in more depth. From the evening he had found it after...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter11

Hailey laughed as she reached down to ruffle Sam’s head, who had accompanied her inside and was sniffing around, as she said out loud to the empty room, “sign should have said, beware of the dogs as they will fuck you senseless.” Then still chuckling at her joke Hailey explored the cottage with Sam leading the way. The frantic beeping from the panel by the door prompted Hailey to quickly enter the second set of codes of the note to silence the alarm before it sprang into action alerting...

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A family that cums together stays together Chapter1

It was me, my younger sister Emily and my mum Becky living together in a small 2 bedroom, one bathroom house. Thanks to my mums new found addictions it was on me to be the man of the house, my day normally consisted of getting back from school, making myself and Emily food, watching TV and then taking care of mum when she eventually stumbled back home, if she didn’t find someone to fuck that is. Going from a pretty big house with all the privacy I could ask for to having to share a room with...

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Birds of a Feather Chapter9

********************************************************************************************************* Birds of a Feather, Chapter 9, (Oh happy day and the surprise of our lives) Friday morning was here and the end of another workweek. We were up early, showering, dressing, eat breakfast and was on our way to work. Kathy was in a very good mood. She was constantly kissing and touching me and it really made me feel great. We were a little early so we detoured by her...

4 years ago
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Death is a beautiful thing chapter1

Death I slowly run the knife across my neck leaving a red trail in its wake. My hand falls down as i feel a stabbing pain from my neck. I move my hand to my neck and feel the sticky liquid that now covers my neck and soon my chest. When i pull my hand away i see a bloody hand. I smile knowing in a few minutes my blood will be all over my chest and soon I’ll be a dead body. laying in my bed. My sheets will soon be covered in the red liquid and look as if they where red and not white. But as...

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Florence My exhibisionism experienceChapter1

Josh was a kind and loving brother who was was two years younger than me. He was also in the canoeing club and was rather athletic. He was good with the computer and helped my dad when an electronic appliance needed repairing. While Ellen had a cheerleader’s body with a tight ass and breast that were firm and pointed straight out from her tight, tanned body. She was also a bitch and likes to boss everybody around as she is the eldest. She was a popular girl in school and god know how many...

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Domination of MoniqueChapter1

Fresh out of school 18 yr old Monique was a little nervous as she approached the door to the managers office for the first time.It was a hot day and she had chosen to wear a very pretty,short floral dress together with 4in stilettos that accentuated her attractive tanned legs.She wanted to make a good impression and guarantee herslf the job.She had seen the ad in the local paper for a temp postition and was in desperate need of money and had subconsiously decided to do what ever it takes then...

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At Age 64 Chapter2

Chapter 2 Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with Draggonfly’s permission Chapter 2 It’s been a week since my first encounter with Bill and John so I decided to give them a call. I was able to reach John first and asked if we could get together some time soon. He said that he had been thinking about me and that yes we should, then he asked when would be a good time for me as he was always available and that Bill was too. We decided that 1:00...

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50 Shades Of Beech Moutain Chapter17

Introduction: Getting started in the BDSM Craft 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain As this story progresses , I will delve into the craft of BDSM. Ill say its not for everyone, but there are too many possibilities out there to ignore this extremely sexual lifestyle. I will include the link below–and Im by no means advertising for the books. It is the best examples of what you may seek in your life. This forty-five minute video simply can explain why so many are moved not only by curiosity, but...

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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. ‘This is your room, Miss Victoria,’ she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was...

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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Dirty Tricks Chapter7

Previously in "Dirty Tricks"While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayoress's extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.Heather and Sean eventually agree to let only Sean’s shady campaign manager,...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter9

We returned to our room after breakfast to find a note from Sheila pinned to our door. She was reminding us to join her on the front deck for an introductory tour of the Colony and surrounding area. The instructions also suggested that we dress for the weather.Our walk-in closets looked like walk-in dumpsters. Everything we had brought with us in the Rav4 had been piled in the storage spaces like an unorganized jigsaw puzzle. I busied myself picking out an appropriate wardrobe for our tour.I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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FAMILY VACATION GONE AWRY(BLACKED)::PART 4Sometime after arriving back at the plantation house all 4 adults each in their own way thinking and contemplating in their minds the events they had just seen and witnessed::Maryellen wanting to go back to Aunt Esters and get her some of that young hot pussy herself:: Irene wanting to go back,and watch,more depraved things,fuck her damn daughter at Esters, and her other daughter being black bull fucked in the massage cabin!! She was afire with lust,...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter2

 Brenda watched in the rearview mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform; six foot two, 210 pounds, wide shoulders and narrow waist and, as always, wearing mirrored sunglasses. He walked up and stood next to her car. Brenda's window was open and he placed both hands on the door. As she looked into his face she could see her reflection in the mirrored sunglasses. She knew why he wore the mirrored shades. He wanted Brenda to see herself as he...

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Rita theSlut Chapter1

Rita was out walking the streets when she just happens to run into a man that makes her a proposition she can't refuse and that was that he wanted her to become his Number 1 slut in his stable of sluts that he owned so she agreed and he took her down town to buy her some new outfits to wear that would show off her very sexy assets!! The first stop was Victoria's secret shop where he picked out several hot and slutty outfits that she liked of which were panty's bra's thigh highs and heels garter...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter11

Drew opened his eyes. He instantly knew it was still quite early as the sun was not shining into the bedroom yet. He looked at the clock, 5.55am it told him. He felt refreshed as he lay on his back. Dave was cuddled into his right hand side and Fiona's hand was cupping his cock and balls. He was not really comfortable with her doing that. He thought for a moment and then gently lifted her hand off himself. He sat up and looked down the other end of the bed. Fiona had turned over during the...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. "This is your room, Miss Victoria," she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was used...

First Time
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A Pokelove story CHAPTER3

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and Pokemons.Chapter 3: the runA few days after we caught Caninos, Ashley was looking all joyful. Every night she locked herself in her room with Caninos and Metamorph. No one except me knew what was making her so happy but she really looked gorgeous. From my room I was hearing it all, night after...

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A Pokelove story CHAPTER2

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 2: the huntI was a bit uneasy when meeting with Ashley on the next morning for breakfast. A few hours earlier I was spying on her masturbate with our Metamorph, making it levels up with her orgasm. Without winning a single fight, our pokemon reached LV 32 in a few weeks, which...

2 years ago
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A Pokelove story CHAPTER1

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 1Hello, my name is Ben. I guess that to start this story I have to introduce my sweet friend Ashley first. We first met in our old orphanage where we both grew up: two simple abandoned k**s from the region of Hoenn. When we were 18, we both got hired in Team Magma. Boss gave us a...

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Chubbys memoirs chapter2

Stella switched on the recording. I felt a bit uncomfortable watching my mother having sex, or was it that I was feeling jealous to see her being fucked? We saw my mother coming out of the bath room. She walked up to dad. Dad took mom into his arms and held her close to him, for a long time, enjoying the bliss of the embrace. “See brother, my dad is in no hurry. He is taking his time to feel her in his arms. Not in hurry like you.” “Shanty, all the time we dated you did not let me fuck you....

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Only Women Bleed Chapter1

Chapter 1 I guess you could say that I've always been a little bit different. When I was little, Mom always told me that I was unique; A different kind of little boy. And that I was destined for great things. I always believed her too. I wanted to live up to her expectations. I wanted to make her proud. But she never got to see me grow up. When I was eleven years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. By the time I turned twelve she was gone. That was when I started to grow my hair...

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How it came about with my son Chapter3

How it came about with my son: Chapter three:After my son and I came to almost getting caught by my wife, I told my son if he was interested in doing more sometime that we would have to start earlier. He agreed and told me that he would like to take it to a different level. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but it wasn’t long before I was going to know what he meant.It was a couple of days later and was about six o’clock in the evening when the phone rang and it was my neighbor. I will...

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Youre my cousin CHAPTER1

It was my first day of my senior year and this will be the best year ever! I tried on multiple outfits, My plaid shirts and skinnies, My tube dress with a cardigan, and at last I found it! A perfect low cut v-neck that showed off my 35c cup breasts and jeggings that hugged my butt perfectly, a grey cardigan, and brown boots! I shake my long curled brown hair grab my bag and went on my way downstairs."Goodmorning Chelsea how about a bowl of cereal?""No thanks mom I gotta go to school. Can you...

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Man Dating Chapter13

Man Dating Chapter 12 Sometimes a social event can turn into so much more. For Tuck this was a real date, with real people seeing him out with Jake. How was he supposed to feel, how was the date supposed to go. A baseball game... so what could happen? Thank you so much such wonderful words of review and encouragement. If you have not read the other chapters, they are there for your enjoyment many stand alone, but it is a path that Tuck is on, being led by Jake and others. A new chapter...

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CHAPTER 2 And it truly was not that I was at my mother in laws to be around him, well in part it was,but what I wanted in the true depths of my mind, was to get him to fuck me! I wanted this man to fuck me! In my then very conservative house wife ways,I guiltily fought in my mind why I even could think such things, let alone doing this to get this strange new man to absolutely fuck me. To Breed Me! I wanted him to breed...

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