Adrian HunterChapter 8 free porn video

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Sandy slept for an hour while I busied myself in the kitchen. When I looked in and saw her awake, I took her in a peanut butter sandwich. "You want to talk?" She nodded, yes. "Okay, I have a question for you. Andrea and I have often wondered why we never knew anything about your life before you married Dad. Would you tell me?"

"I have never talked about my early life. Aden doesn't know much about me either. You think that you had a hard life growing up. I know all of your past, but it is nothing to what my family life was like.

"Think drunken father and a mother--well, loose woman to put a barely acceptable name to her lifestyle."

I stopped her. "You lived somewhere in Massachusetts, right?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Your accent. Andrea and I had a friend with the same way of speaking while we were in college in Pennsylvania."

"Yes, we lived in Roxbury. To go on, I had a sister a year younger than I am. She was raped when she was only fifteen by some black youths. Two months after the rape, she committed suicide by cutting her wrists. I found her and I suffered terribly from the trauma. I suppose the clinical term would be depression. I was only sixteen when this happened. I swore I would get away from my folks and the section of the city I was living in. For years, Roxbury had one of the worst crime statistics in the country. I don't know where they stand now.

"Summers, I made my way to the Cape and waited table. I knew if I ever ran into a man that would take me away, I would do anything to get him to let me go with him. I did graduate from high school, but I don't think I am very intelligent. I knew what I wanted and I latched onto a young man my age. He was a guest at the resort I worked at. He was much like you are right now. He fell in love with me and we were married a very short time later.

"Do you think his parents were happy about his choice of a wife? Ha! You can't believe how miserable they made me. My husband didn't see it and couldn't understand my dislike of his parents. I found him out to be a Mama's boy. I was aware that over time, my mother-in-law would prevail, and I very well could be right back where I came from.

"Fate. Do you believe in fate? I didn't, but now I don't know. I do know sometimes the results are good and sometimes they are bad. I'll give you an example and then you can decide. My mother called me and said she wanted to see me. She had caught a disease and didn't have long to live. I asked my husband to drive me back home to visit.

"We drove into Roxbury and it was only about a block to my former home. A car came up beside ours and we could see the window being rolled down. A gun appeared and several shots were fired and then the car sped off. My husband died before I could say good-bye. The car crashed into a utility pole and I miscarried a two-month-old fetus. My husband never knew about the coming baby. Gone, everything gone!"

Tears were rolling down Sandy's cheeks. She didn't stop talking. "That fate I mentioned--I'm here thirteen years later and I almost lost another man from a gunshot. Not only that, I almost let another man seduce me. No, that's not correct, it was me that tempted you and I can plead that there was a reason. Adrian, you could be a twin brother to my first husband. You are a stronger, better man than he was though. Please forgive me for letting you know sometimes I have had this attraction for you. Several times I almost gave in to the desires that came, not from you, but from my past."

"Forgiven. Don't think about it. I have to ask about one thing. Again Andrea and I have always wondered about something. Where did you get the money that you brought to your union with my father?"

"That was from a life insurance policy. My name was on it. My husband had transferred the title less than two months before this from his mother to me. Needless to say she thought it should be paid out to her. It was going to be a battle and so I took the money and ran. I met your father a year later. I confess, I have never had as much love for Aden as I did for my first husband. Aden had money, for he showed me an account of his assets before I would turn mine over to him to manage."

"Kids. Why did you want the children?"

"Because I lost my first baby through miscarriage. I was unbelievably happy when I found I was pregnant. I wanted to recapture that feeling of happiness again. And I have! Three times to be exact."

"One more question. How did you feel when you found out that Dad was a bigamist and you weren't really married?"

"It didn't matter so much at the time, because I had the children. You managed to retrieve my money and the interest it earned. You watched over me to see that I was treated fairly by him and the rest of your family. Now Aden has changed for the better as well. I honestly feel you shamed him into treating our children the way they should be. I know how he treated you earlier and I know how he feels about you now. I can see you are beginning to have respect for him again. That makes me respect him as well. I seem to follow your lead in everything.

"I suppose you could tell Andrea what I have shared with you this afternoon, but only if you need to. I would just as soon all my secrets remain with you."

"There may never be a reason to share them. Look, you must be needing the bathroom again. I'm going to see if Rena is awake. She can help you." I grinned. "I had my turn. And--you will soon be wanting another pain pill. It is about time to pick up the kids and I'll do that as promised." This brought a smile to Sandy's face. I wasn't going to share with anyone what had happened today, but I wouldn't easily forget it either.

Her parting words were, "Adrian, I hope the woman that you introduced me to Saturday night is the one for you. You two make a lovely couple. She better be good to you too. I could turn into the wicked stepmother if she doesn't treat you right."

I was waiting in front of the Academy School as classes were let out. Rich ran and jumped into the front seat of my car, leaving the rear seat to his two sisters. "Is Mom home?"

"Yes she is and has had a nap. Her arm is in a cast and when she is up it has to be strapped across her chest. Her other hand is bandaged, but that will be only for three days, so she tells me. I spoke to your father and he is doing great. His elbow was injured and the doctors were going to repair it this afternoon. I'm going in to see him this evening."

"Mom can get out of bed?"

"Of course. Phyllis, you may have to help her in the shower. Both arms will have to be shielded from getting wet. I'll show you what to use and how to tape some plastic bags over them." Ten minutes later, Sandy had her three children standing beside her bed. Rena was in the apartment and she and I set about getting dinner for everyone.

Phyllis came out into the kitchen and stared at me. "What's up, Phyl?"

"Adrian, tell me how Mom got undressed and into bed. She couldn't do it by herself and I already know Gram was sleeping."

Rena was standing on one side of the kitchen. I think she was waiting to see how I would answer, as much as Phyl was.

"I helped her. I helped take her clothes off and I found a nightgown for her to wear. I was standing behind her when I put it over her head. Just once I touched her bare skin and that was after she was in bed, when I washed her face with a cool washcloth. Your Mom is a beautiful lady. I want to stress the term lady. She needed help and I was the only one here at the time. I trust if I was hurt and needed help, I could count on you to do the same for me as I did for your mother."

"I just wondered how she got in bed, that is all."

"Okay then, that is how." I watched as Phyllis went down the hall to rejoin her mother.

"Did you lie to the child, Adrian? She is growing up and when she asks about something happening, she needs the truth in her answers."

"No Rena, I didn't lie to her. Our relationship hasn't changed or shifted that much, except we might be a little farther apart in one way and maybe a little closer in another. We talked a lot and I found out several things that I have always wondered about the early years before my father. What she told me lets me understand her better. She asked me to keep her confidence and I will. Sandy has always been a good woman and she still is."

When dinner was over, I asked Phyllis to go to the hospital with me to visit her father. Dad was sleeping, but we could tell he was restless and hurting. He came awake as we were talking in low voices and his eyes lit up when he recognized his daughter. "Phyl, how is your Mom?"

"She's okay Dad, but she needs to take a lot of painkillers. It was she who insisted on getting out of bed for dinner tonight. She is back in bed now. Rich and Tammy want me to tell them how you are, so you have to tell me everything."

Dad was going to have a serious problem with his elbow. The joint was totally smashed. The police had found hollow point bullets in the gun, which explained the amount of damage. The other wound was not as serious and his flesh did not give enough resistance to expand the bullet. It had passed on through the soft tissue of his side. We didn't stay very long for it was a school day tomorrow for Phyllis.

The kids went to bed shortly after we returned from the hospital. I was going to sleep on the couch and Rena was to get me up first thing in the morning so I could get on the road in time for my first class. Rena offered to come in and stay with Sandy all day. Mom would help with getting the kids ready for school.

It was eight o'clock when I made a call to Cindy Bickford. When she came to the phone I said, "Hi, I came down this morning to help with some family problems. I imagine you have heard about my father getting shot in the parking garage after midnight."

"Oh Adrian, I wanted to call you. Yes, I heard about it. Is he going to be okay?"

"His elbow is going to be useless. The other wound will heal without any trouble. Sandy was hurt at the same time. Dad fell into her when he was shot and knocked her down. He landed on her arm and fractured it below the elbow. Somehow her other hand was lacerated at the same time, but she will regain the use of it as soon as it starts to heal."

"Can I help in any way?"

"I think she has everything covered, although you might run up at noon to say hi. You will meet a lady named Rena Harris if you do. She is the woman that helped my sister and me the most when we were teenagers. I love her as much as I do my own mother."

"I will go to visit your stepmother. Count on it. Adrian, is there any connection between the man that shot your father and the person our office was to depose today?"

"I have no idea. The thought did cross my mind. I talked to my father and he was wondering if Romaine Darcy did give the deposition."

"Not for me to say. You understand?"

"Of course I do. I won't be back in town before the weekend. Are we still on for our date Saturday?"

"Yes. Can we make a day of it?"

"We will. I'll call when I get in. I tell you what, meet me at the Chelsea Royal Diner about nine on Saturday and I'll buy you breakfast."

"It's a date. I'll see you and will be waiting."

I couldn't think of much more to say and reluctantly said good-night. The memory of Cindy lingered though. Everyone had settled down for the night and I made ready to lay down on the couch. I stepped into say good-night to Sandy. She was awake and lying in bed with just the night light on.

"Phyllis was questioning me how you got undressed and into bed this morning."

"I know, she asked me too. Thank God we didn't have to lie about anything. I would feel so guilty if we had gone beyond what was appropriate."

"I would too. Look, I may not see you in the morning. I'm heading north early. Rena and Mom will get things going in the morning for you."

"Adrian, thank you for everything. You know this whole family would fall apart if it wasn't for you."

"Whatever. I'll see you on the weekend." I went in and crawled onto the couch. It had been a long day for me and I went right off to sleep.

"Adrian, please come help me." I roused up and instinctively knew it was very late. This call came from Sandy's bedroom.

I got up and went to see what she needed. That would be the bathroom. "I'll get Phyllis. She has to learn some responsibility." I went in and shook my sister. "Wake up, your mother needs you."

"What for?"

"She needs the bathroom."

"You helped her this morning."

"I know, but there was no one else here to help at that time. You are here and it is better that you be the one to do for her now."

"Okay, I understand." I went back to my couch.

Dad was allowed to leave the hospital late Friday. It was decided that he would bump Rich from his bed and would stay in Sandy's apartment. Sandy had regained the use of her left hand by then, although it was stiff and sore. She had to be cautious about bending her finger joints as the scabs tended to crack open and bleed.

Mom didn't go in to see him at all, leaving his care up to Phyllis and Rena. I stopped in Saturday morning to see how they were managing. I was pleased when Dad said how useful Phyllis was to her mother and now to him. The only real news he had for me concerning what happened was that Rome Darcy was in jail awaiting arraignment. He had been arrested late on Friday. This was on the local news.

I went up to Mom's apartment. She and Peter had plans for the day. "Have you talked to Dad?"

"No. I can't bring myself to be in the same room with him. Oh, I know I was at Christmas, but now I can't stand him. You know what? I don't even mind that he got shot. He deserved it. Say what you want about all of his good intentions lately, if he hadn't hired that man years ago, he wouldn't have been wounded now."

"I know Mom. I feel somewhat the same way about the situation. How about Sandy? Do you hate her because she is going back to him?"

"No, of course not. She has her children to look out for. He is responsible for them and it is best for all. It isn't like you and Andrea who had to grow up on your own."

"Do you mind that I'm helping him then? Helping both he and Sandy, I mean?"

"God no. I have come to expect it of you. I'd be more surprised if you didn't. Just don't ask me to be friends with him. I have found Peter and he is going to make me very happy. He already has for that matter."

"I'm glad. Hey Mom, I have to run. I have a breakfast date."

"This is the Bickford girl you introduced to Sandy a week ago?"

"That's the one Mom. How soon can I bring her home to meet you?"

"I've met her already. She has been up during her noon hour and she got out of work early on Thursday to visit Sandy. Sandy brought her over to meet me. She's nice."

"I think so. I'll see you sometime before I return to school. Love you."

I waited in the parking lot of the Chelsea Royal Diner for Cindy. She was a few minutes early. Could I read something into this? I certainly hoped it was because she was anxious to see me. The bright smile I received made me think she just might be.

Breakfast was over. When we got outside she asked, "What's on for today? I don't want to go skiing again."

"Your choice this time. Sis and I chose last Saturday."

"Okay, have you ever been to an antique shop? There is a great place in Chester called Stone House Antiques. There is a lot of old stuff just as it comes out of somebody's attic. It is only forty miles from here."

"You're in charge. I warn you, I know nothing about antiques."

"You can learn. Antiques are my passion. I'm collecting a little. Items are expensive as hell, but if you choose well, it can be a good investment."

"What do you have so far?"

"I have a child's oak fall front desk that I paid $95 for. I sent a picture to a site that makes a guess from the details you send with it. They gave me an estimate of $250 to $430. I also have a child's convertible that was made in Morrisville, Vermont in 1870. It is in almost perfect condition. I saw a picture of one for sale on E-bay. Buy it now for $1075. I only paid $145 for mine."

"And what would a child's convertible be?"

"It's a child's high chair that folds down and converts to a rocker. The mother can rock the child with her toe as she is stting down knitting or reading. At meal time it can be extended again so the child can be at the table with the family. Quite ingenious, really."

"I'll have to see it sometime."

"You can see it the first time I allow you into my bedroom."

"If I'm ever allowed into your bedroom, I don't think I'll be looking at some centuries-old chair."

"What would you be looking at?"

"Hopefully a young and beautiful woman."

"Flattery such as that, just might get you to see whatever you want to."

Cindy and I spent five hours inside the antique center. This was what is called a group shop with many different dealers and individuals putting their items in separate booths. The tags listed the selling price, the booth number and an identifying number or symbol. Sometimes these tags had a discount if it was purchased by another dealer. Also again, sometimes all of the items in the whole booth were marked a percentage off.

Cindy was far ahead of me looking for bargains where I had to look at each item. With many items and tools especially, I tried to figure out what and how they were used by our ancestors. After awhile Cindy came back and we went through each booth together, with her explaining many of the things I wasn't knowledgeable about. She went into a different section of the shop that held mostly old furniture.

I was looking for some little thing that I could purchase that I could give to Cindy for her to remember this day. I found it on the far wall displayed in a locked cabinet. There was a large tag that had some tiny writing on it on the same string that held the price tag. I went to the clerk and asked to have it taken out so I could view it. The silver spoon was laying half encased in cotton in an open 10-inch box, covered in soft leather. It had hardened over the centuries and the leather had cracked in places. There was a logo imprinted on the box of a Boston silversmith.

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Bromfields Temptations Ch 04

Author’s note: There is some confusion regarding the sequence of chapters in this book. Chapter 1 was titled ‘Making New Friends.’ Chapter 2 was ‘Ancient History.’ Chapter 3, in which Jim and Bette take up housekeeping, was titled Bromfield’s Temptations. Henceforth, all the chapters will be identified only by chapter number. Chapter 4 — Bromfield’s Temptations The 10/40 Club I missed Louise terribly, but life with Bette had its compensations. While she lacked the earthy good humor and sense...

4 years ago
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Heirs to the AncientsChapter 5

They had abandoned the canoe two days before and struck a trail towards a curious mountain. They had hidden the canoe with the expectation of returning at some point to retrace their path back to the tribes. Keeping his doubts of their return to himself, Taima had woven branches over the top of the canoe. They had smoked fish for their trek inland and each night Taima had set snares for small creatures along the faint runs and game trails. The mountain called, and they went as quickly as...

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Sorting Out The Smiths Ch 01

Tales From Sechs City — welcome to Sechs City, a wealthy, middle-class costal area of Western America in the state of California. A gorgeous, quiet largely uneventful place, people move to the city to follow their dreams, to live their day-to-day lives. It’s almost too perfect to be true… It was an afternoon of brilliant warm sunshine in Sechs City. It was the type of afternoon that nobody wanted to miss, that made a working man for one split second envious of the unemployed, that every kid in...

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Anal Sunday

I lay in bed listening to the birds chirping outside my window and yawned and stretched. I lay there just relaxing taking in the quiet of the morning. Richard must have gotten up as I didn’t see him which was odd. So I got up and took a shower and wrapped a towel around myself and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. There sat Richard and Tim. I didn’t pay them much attention as I got toast and coffee going as I fried an egg. I sat down at the table and Richard say hey mom, tell Timmy what...

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An American Incest Story Chapter Four

Late October 1985Keeping secrets aren’t easy, especially the ones you want to tell everyone. Yeah, I wanted to tell the world that I was Kathy Kramer’s secret boyfriend. But if I did that she would tell everyone about my mom and me. At least I think she would.You see Kathy enjoyed playing with my mom almost as much as she enjoyed playing with me. My mom would gleefully tell me that Kathy would skip school and come over. She would jerk me off and share every juicy detail of their carnal trysts...

4 years ago
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With Online Partner In Hyderabad

Hey all, I’m Archana here. Telling you about myself, i’m 25yrs old now, kinda fair and just another normal looking girl. I got introduced to online sex-chat and roleplaying a few years ago since then I’ve been addicted to role-playing. This story is about what happened when i personally met one of my roleplay partners a few months ago. There is a guy named Karan who works in Hyderabad with whom i roleplay very often. He is my favorite partner. We both always had a wonderful understanding and...

3 years ago
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The Slut Wife Chapter 14

What a crazy week….MondayMy hands were tied behind my back as my ass was impaled by the huge donkey cock of that gross client that I have. Big, fat, hairy, sweaty…even his cock was too big!“Giddyap momhwore!” he ordered as he pulled on a chain that had clamps tightly tied to my big nipples at the end. I began to ride his massive cock faster as I faced him. You could hear the slapping of my ass on his lap as I fucked his cock faster. He pulled on the chain harder and my boobs were being...

3 years ago
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Trucker tales

THE COUPLE AT THE VIDEO STOREIt was summertime and I was trucking through Illinois on my way to PA. I had been driving all day and eased off the interstate at a place I had planned to stop at for the night. It was not unusual I had stopped at that exit many times before.One of the features of that exit was that it had 5 or 6 different fast food places with big truck parking but it also had 2 adult book store right across the street from each other It was kind of weird because they were both...

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Sweet Revenge Chapter 3

It had been a while since I'd seen that wild-eyed expression on my wife's face. And I realized just how much I had missed seeing it."I think we're being poor hosts here." Shelly suddenly announced. And then she stood up and made the short trip over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. I felt her hand seek me out beneath the water, and I tensed at her touch, and shot a quick look over towards my wife. Cindy however had her head tilted back against the headrest, eyes closed, and a...

1 year ago
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Brandi Gets More Than Her Hair Done Chapter 4

I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn't feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was working for a travel agency and we could get decent rates...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Mystery Motel 17

Donald and Regina have been back from their honeymoon now for a couple of months when Regina has been waking up nauseated and hasn't been able to hold down food. Donald looked at Regina worried and said, "Honey, you are going to see the doctor." Donald went in called the doctor's office and within 2 minutes he came back into the bedroom. He said, "OK, honey get dressed I got you an appointment." She said, "Good grief but ok honey." She got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and...

4 years ago
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Awesome Fuck On The Bus With A Stranger 8211 Part 2

By this time, I was completely turned on and my dick was not able to stay inside my pants anymore. So I opened my belt and zipper and let my seven-inch fat dick outside. It was standing like a straight flag pole and pulsating with lust. Since she didn’t give any response till now, I was sure I can proceed further. I lifted her left hand from the armrest and folded the armrest back so that it won’t come in our way. I kept her hand on my lap such that her elbow can touch my dick. Still, she was...

4 years ago
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New obedience

Life had changed lately, really changed. She did not know if it was for the better or for the worse but she could not think of going back now. Nothing would prevent her to do so, nothing was out in the open, she could have say stop when ever she had wanted to, yet she did nothing. At the beginning it was a mix of curiosity and adventure. But as it went on it became more about abandoning herself, abdicating responsibilities, letting someone else making the decisions and just obeying, pure and...

4 years ago
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Sisters By The Pool Part 10

The one thing that I had really commended Hailey for throughout the duration of this crazy relationship was her ability to constantly get around her sister’s desires to have me to herself. Whether it was getting her sister to leave the house, or sneaking a quick session underneath the water or behind a bed, Hailey was the master of not getting caught. I had told her that if she tried this hard at school she’d be a future Ivy League student, but I guess this was more important to her....

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 16

Later that morning Celeste was once more dressed in her male garb as Terence addressed her. ‘We still have funds for a week or two, perhaps we need not look to our trade for a while.’ Celeste retorted hotly ‘We need money for our own purposes also. Remember that I at least don’t intend to remain in this profession all my life!’ His relaxed, to her eyes lazy, attitude provoked her to her old independence. She would not be told how to conduct their affairs if it was so clearly ill-considered....

1 year ago
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The whore next door Part 2

This is a continuation of the story the whore next door, enjoy!! Rima was sitting at the table and was now very confused and horny as to what Miranda had just told her. She was excited about the fact that her crush had just admitted about being a lesbian but at the same time was scared about cheating n her husband. So she waited on her chair to sort herself out. Minutes passed away but Miranda was nowhere to be seen. Finally Rima got up and proceeded to the kitchen. The door opened...and what...

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Wild night part 3

He pulled his pants and shirt off and straddled the now naked black guy. His cock was a good seven or 8 inches long and his balls were the biggest I had ever seen. He slid his cock in the black guys ass then ordered me to lick his balls while he fucked. The bars had just closed and the theater was getting busy with guys who hadn't scored coming in to get their nut off. A crowd was gathering around us now as someone pulled my shirt off over my head an threw it into the pile of clothes in...

2 years ago
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Another Memorable Encounter

As you all know I was lucky enough to get to fuck my mum and I must admit I have been horny about it since and have wanked over the thought so many times, mum though never mentioned it and we have continued just as before.I was in the bath one evening after work having a long soak when I heard mum come home. She shouted hello and came upstairs, came into the loo and lifting her skirt popped down on the loo for a pee.I noticed she was wearing stockings and suspenders the suspender pressing into...

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Doing Miss Wilson and Keeping On Doing It

You met Miss Wilson in my recent story, "Learning to Type and Other Things" and I wanted to share with you what happened in the next two years after I came upon Miss Wilson pleasuring herself there in her typing classroom late on afternoon. After that first time, I still called her "Miss Wilson" for awhile, but then I began, of course, calling her by her first name. It's hard unless you're really bashful and repressed to fuck a beautiful woman regularly and call her "Miss Anything"....

3 years ago
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HunterChapter 14

It was nearly three in the morning before Mike finished the decontamination process. The decontamination process had been humiliating. He had been required to strip completely naked because any clothes, even underwear, could harbor radioactive dust. He had stripped before removing his mask. The scrub brushes had stiff bristles that hurt when applied vigorously and they had been applied very vigorously. The water was cold despite the summer heat. After decontamination, he went over to medical...

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Wenchs Nipple Party

Wench's Nipple Party      I cringed, for tonight I was to be punished.  MyLove had caught me masturbating without permission.  We preferred theterms ?My Love? and ?Wench? to ?Master? and ?Slave?.  It was personalpreference I guess.  We were to go to a ?play party?, and I was sure thatI would be one of the ?toys? to be ?played? with.       I was forced to come to the party wearing only a blackdress that ended mid-thigh, a pair of heels, and I was locked into my Tollyboychastity belt.  I didn't...

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Running into an old friend

When I was 19 I had a friend named Tony there was definitely some sexual tension between us but nothing ever came about it maybe because we were both seeing people at the time. Then Tony moved out of state with his boyfriend and we lost touch of each other but I didn't stop wondering what it would of been like having his cock buried deep in my ass. Now it's been almost 5 years since I've seen him when one day I was at the local supermarket and heard someone say nice ass baby, I turned around to...

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Webbs Wonderful WebPart 3

June drove towards Webb's Industries determined to find Alice; she wanted Damon to know that his wife was safe from the moment he awoke. However June didn't speed towards her destination, she was in two minds about seeing Alice again. Would the alien desire to touch Alice return? 'To hell with it, Damon's recovery is the most important thing' June's foot stood on the accelerator, and the Clio burst into life. Minutes later she arrived at W.I. A security guard approached her right...

2 years ago
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Thats a Good Slut

You look at yourself in the hotel mirror, hardly believing that you’ve been able to arrange a night in the big city sans your husband, but here you are, dressed in your slinkiest lingerie, wet to the extent that you’re about to leak. He’s going to be at the door any minute and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet, the cop. Sure, you’ve seen a picture, but they never tell the whole story. You’ve talked on-line and on the phone, his voice is sexy as hell, so is what he said he was going to do....

5 years ago
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My Student In Bhubaneswar Is A Princess

Do please inform me if you liked this story at Her name is Mousumi and she was my student in college. She was a nice student and was a good student too, but somehow she became a victim of sexual harassment by one f her seniors due to whom she became pregnant and it was then that I had helped her get rid of the problem and after that our bond strengthened. She came to my room everyday and will talk for hours and will always behave as if she is possessive of me. She would demand things from me...

4 years ago
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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 4

We arrived home at 1:30. Mike was the first one out the door to welcome us home. "Hi Mom, did you have a good time?" Mike reached around Mel to give her a hug. "Mommy had a wonderful time Mikey. Daddy really surprised mommy this weekend." "Good, I knew you were going to be happy." He gave me a hug as I came around the car. When we went inside the house where Becky greeted us happily. Robbie was busy on the phone. It seems that his girlfriend was more important. Oh, to be 16 again. I...

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Diane my slut wifes encounter

Let me tell you about my wife, Diane. She’s this sexy girl who grew up in Minnesota. She has shoulder length, blonde hair, brown skin, blue eyes, a full mouth, and a body like a fuck doll. She’s 50, 40DD tits on a nice, slender frame, so it’s all pretty firm and outstanding. At the time of this story we’d been going out for about two years, and had been through most things sexually, but had never brought in a third person. I should add that Diane is a total fuck slut. She likes to be fucked...

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Every mans fantasy

Almost every man on earth has to have thought about having two women at one time. I know that I had fantasized about it many times but unlike many fantasies, the actual experience far surpassed the fantasy. After my wife, Estelle, and I had started swapping with another couple, Ron and Megan, Megan came over one day to see us on a special mission. I had playfully suggested a threesome and she and my wife had agreed to try it one day. That day was today. We all went upstairs to our bedroom where...

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Homecoming surprise

All day and throughout his journey home he'd been looking forward to this moment. It wasn't often he was able to surprise his wife but having tied up the final paperwork on the new contact earlier than expected, he'd decided to make the journey home today instead of leaving it til his usual Friday. Besides, he'd long grown tired of living in hotel rooms and it would be fun to surprise his wife. Yet for some strange reason, five minutes ago when he'd switched off the cars engine, he...

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A Weed in the GardenChapter 21

The British authorities were like a beehive poked by a bear. The military was on the streets again just like in Ireland where their presence was like salt on the wounds of time. It was like a quiet calm had settled over my savage heart to see the restlessness on the faces of the civilians on the street. Leibah was filled with a greedy need for carnal sex. She constantly pestered me for my cock and I regretted my weakness in fulfilling her needs even when I knew I should be on my knees...

2 years ago
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Gorgia Spies On Kristy And Her Old Man

I had no idea that Kristy was already into sex, and I'd certainly never figured she was fucking with John her old man. He wasn't a tall guy but he was very muscular.Kristy was a sexy piece of ass. You should have seen her. She was only 4'2" tall, with the sexiest little body. Great legs and a cute rear. Her tits were very small, with tiny pink nipples. Her hair was long, blonde, and straight. She had just a small patch of pubic hair just above her slit leaving the rest of her vagina completely...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 31

The family had no trouble settling into the beautiful suites at the resort. Jane came walking up from the outside almost as soon as we were enjoying the open patio doors. She said, "See how easy it would be to get to you guys? I don't think you have anything to worry about, but remember your vulnerability if something comes up." All the women, including Tina, swarmed the Japanese/Hawaiian beauty. We all noted that an additional low fence had been added between our patio and the swimming...

2 years ago
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Milfty Jasmine Jae Creaming Over Creme De La Soul

Jasmine Jae is one of those women who has all the girls talking about her. How does she do it? How does she stay so hot? The older she gets, the more guys seem to go crazy for her. I guess you could say she ages like fine wine. But really, she ages like a super fine MILF. Today, she is ready to reveal her secret. What keeps her so young is a little potion called Creme de la Soul. It is a potent concentrate derived from a pure source, her stepsons cock. She shows her friends how to extract it...


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