Adrian s first blow job
- 3 years ago
- 59
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Sandy slept for an hour while I busied myself in the kitchen. When I looked in and saw her awake, I took her in a peanut butter sandwich. "You want to talk?" She nodded, yes. "Okay, I have a question for you. Andrea and I have often wondered why we never knew anything about your life before you married Dad. Would you tell me?"
"I have never talked about my early life. Aden doesn't know much about me either. You think that you had a hard life growing up. I know all of your past, but it is nothing to what my family life was like.
"Think drunken father and a mother--well, loose woman to put a barely acceptable name to her lifestyle."
I stopped her. "You lived somewhere in Massachusetts, right?"
"Yes. How did you know?"
"Your accent. Andrea and I had a friend with the same way of speaking while we were in college in Pennsylvania."
"Yes, we lived in Roxbury. To go on, I had a sister a year younger than I am. She was raped when she was only fifteen by some black youths. Two months after the rape, she committed suicide by cutting her wrists. I found her and I suffered terribly from the trauma. I suppose the clinical term would be depression. I was only sixteen when this happened. I swore I would get away from my folks and the section of the city I was living in. For years, Roxbury had one of the worst crime statistics in the country. I don't know where they stand now.
"Summers, I made my way to the Cape and waited table. I knew if I ever ran into a man that would take me away, I would do anything to get him to let me go with him. I did graduate from high school, but I don't think I am very intelligent. I knew what I wanted and I latched onto a young man my age. He was a guest at the resort I worked at. He was much like you are right now. He fell in love with me and we were married a very short time later.
"Do you think his parents were happy about his choice of a wife? Ha! You can't believe how miserable they made me. My husband didn't see it and couldn't understand my dislike of his parents. I found him out to be a Mama's boy. I was aware that over time, my mother-in-law would prevail, and I very well could be right back where I came from.
"Fate. Do you believe in fate? I didn't, but now I don't know. I do know sometimes the results are good and sometimes they are bad. I'll give you an example and then you can decide. My mother called me and said she wanted to see me. She had caught a disease and didn't have long to live. I asked my husband to drive me back home to visit.
"We drove into Roxbury and it was only about a block to my former home. A car came up beside ours and we could see the window being rolled down. A gun appeared and several shots were fired and then the car sped off. My husband died before I could say good-bye. The car crashed into a utility pole and I miscarried a two-month-old fetus. My husband never knew about the coming baby. Gone, everything gone!"
Tears were rolling down Sandy's cheeks. She didn't stop talking. "That fate I mentioned--I'm here thirteen years later and I almost lost another man from a gunshot. Not only that, I almost let another man seduce me. No, that's not correct, it was me that tempted you and I can plead that there was a reason. Adrian, you could be a twin brother to my first husband. You are a stronger, better man than he was though. Please forgive me for letting you know sometimes I have had this attraction for you. Several times I almost gave in to the desires that came, not from you, but from my past."
"Forgiven. Don't think about it. I have to ask about one thing. Again Andrea and I have always wondered about something. Where did you get the money that you brought to your union with my father?"
"That was from a life insurance policy. My name was on it. My husband had transferred the title less than two months before this from his mother to me. Needless to say she thought it should be paid out to her. It was going to be a battle and so I took the money and ran. I met your father a year later. I confess, I have never had as much love for Aden as I did for my first husband. Aden had money, for he showed me an account of his assets before I would turn mine over to him to manage."
"Kids. Why did you want the children?"
"Because I lost my first baby through miscarriage. I was unbelievably happy when I found I was pregnant. I wanted to recapture that feeling of happiness again. And I have! Three times to be exact."
"One more question. How did you feel when you found out that Dad was a bigamist and you weren't really married?"
"It didn't matter so much at the time, because I had the children. You managed to retrieve my money and the interest it earned. You watched over me to see that I was treated fairly by him and the rest of your family. Now Aden has changed for the better as well. I honestly feel you shamed him into treating our children the way they should be. I know how he treated you earlier and I know how he feels about you now. I can see you are beginning to have respect for him again. That makes me respect him as well. I seem to follow your lead in everything.
"I suppose you could tell Andrea what I have shared with you this afternoon, but only if you need to. I would just as soon all my secrets remain with you."
"There may never be a reason to share them. Look, you must be needing the bathroom again. I'm going to see if Rena is awake. She can help you." I grinned. "I had my turn. And--you will soon be wanting another pain pill. It is about time to pick up the kids and I'll do that as promised." This brought a smile to Sandy's face. I wasn't going to share with anyone what had happened today, but I wouldn't easily forget it either.
Her parting words were, "Adrian, I hope the woman that you introduced me to Saturday night is the one for you. You two make a lovely couple. She better be good to you too. I could turn into the wicked stepmother if she doesn't treat you right."
I was waiting in front of the Academy School as classes were let out. Rich ran and jumped into the front seat of my car, leaving the rear seat to his two sisters. "Is Mom home?"
"Yes she is and has had a nap. Her arm is in a cast and when she is up it has to be strapped across her chest. Her other hand is bandaged, but that will be only for three days, so she tells me. I spoke to your father and he is doing great. His elbow was injured and the doctors were going to repair it this afternoon. I'm going in to see him this evening."
"Mom can get out of bed?"
"Of course. Phyllis, you may have to help her in the shower. Both arms will have to be shielded from getting wet. I'll show you what to use and how to tape some plastic bags over them." Ten minutes later, Sandy had her three children standing beside her bed. Rena was in the apartment and she and I set about getting dinner for everyone.
Phyllis came out into the kitchen and stared at me. "What's up, Phyl?"
"Adrian, tell me how Mom got undressed and into bed. She couldn't do it by herself and I already know Gram was sleeping."
Rena was standing on one side of the kitchen. I think she was waiting to see how I would answer, as much as Phyl was.
"I helped her. I helped take her clothes off and I found a nightgown for her to wear. I was standing behind her when I put it over her head. Just once I touched her bare skin and that was after she was in bed, when I washed her face with a cool washcloth. Your Mom is a beautiful lady. I want to stress the term lady. She needed help and I was the only one here at the time. I trust if I was hurt and needed help, I could count on you to do the same for me as I did for your mother."
"I just wondered how she got in bed, that is all."
"Okay then, that is how." I watched as Phyllis went down the hall to rejoin her mother.
"Did you lie to the child, Adrian? She is growing up and when she asks about something happening, she needs the truth in her answers."
"No Rena, I didn't lie to her. Our relationship hasn't changed or shifted that much, except we might be a little farther apart in one way and maybe a little closer in another. We talked a lot and I found out several things that I have always wondered about the early years before my father. What she told me lets me understand her better. She asked me to keep her confidence and I will. Sandy has always been a good woman and she still is."
When dinner was over, I asked Phyllis to go to the hospital with me to visit her father. Dad was sleeping, but we could tell he was restless and hurting. He came awake as we were talking in low voices and his eyes lit up when he recognized his daughter. "Phyl, how is your Mom?"
"She's okay Dad, but she needs to take a lot of painkillers. It was she who insisted on getting out of bed for dinner tonight. She is back in bed now. Rich and Tammy want me to tell them how you are, so you have to tell me everything."
Dad was going to have a serious problem with his elbow. The joint was totally smashed. The police had found hollow point bullets in the gun, which explained the amount of damage. The other wound was not as serious and his flesh did not give enough resistance to expand the bullet. It had passed on through the soft tissue of his side. We didn't stay very long for it was a school day tomorrow for Phyllis.
The kids went to bed shortly after we returned from the hospital. I was going to sleep on the couch and Rena was to get me up first thing in the morning so I could get on the road in time for my first class. Rena offered to come in and stay with Sandy all day. Mom would help with getting the kids ready for school.
It was eight o'clock when I made a call to Cindy Bickford. When she came to the phone I said, "Hi, I came down this morning to help with some family problems. I imagine you have heard about my father getting shot in the parking garage after midnight."
"Oh Adrian, I wanted to call you. Yes, I heard about it. Is he going to be okay?"
"His elbow is going to be useless. The other wound will heal without any trouble. Sandy was hurt at the same time. Dad fell into her when he was shot and knocked her down. He landed on her arm and fractured it below the elbow. Somehow her other hand was lacerated at the same time, but she will regain the use of it as soon as it starts to heal."
"Can I help in any way?"
"I think she has everything covered, although you might run up at noon to say hi. You will meet a lady named Rena Harris if you do. She is the woman that helped my sister and me the most when we were teenagers. I love her as much as I do my own mother."
"I will go to visit your stepmother. Count on it. Adrian, is there any connection between the man that shot your father and the person our office was to depose today?"
"I have no idea. The thought did cross my mind. I talked to my father and he was wondering if Romaine Darcy did give the deposition."
"Not for me to say. You understand?"
"Of course I do. I won't be back in town before the weekend. Are we still on for our date Saturday?"
"Yes. Can we make a day of it?"
"We will. I'll call when I get in. I tell you what, meet me at the Chelsea Royal Diner about nine on Saturday and I'll buy you breakfast."
"It's a date. I'll see you and will be waiting."
I couldn't think of much more to say and reluctantly said good-night. The memory of Cindy lingered though. Everyone had settled down for the night and I made ready to lay down on the couch. I stepped into say good-night to Sandy. She was awake and lying in bed with just the night light on.
"Phyllis was questioning me how you got undressed and into bed this morning."
"I know, she asked me too. Thank God we didn't have to lie about anything. I would feel so guilty if we had gone beyond what was appropriate."
"I would too. Look, I may not see you in the morning. I'm heading north early. Rena and Mom will get things going in the morning for you."
"Adrian, thank you for everything. You know this whole family would fall apart if it wasn't for you."
"Whatever. I'll see you on the weekend." I went in and crawled onto the couch. It had been a long day for me and I went right off to sleep.
"Adrian, please come help me." I roused up and instinctively knew it was very late. This call came from Sandy's bedroom.
I got up and went to see what she needed. That would be the bathroom. "I'll get Phyllis. She has to learn some responsibility." I went in and shook my sister. "Wake up, your mother needs you."
"What for?"
"She needs the bathroom."
"You helped her this morning."
"I know, but there was no one else here to help at that time. You are here and it is better that you be the one to do for her now."
"Okay, I understand." I went back to my couch.
Dad was allowed to leave the hospital late Friday. It was decided that he would bump Rich from his bed and would stay in Sandy's apartment. Sandy had regained the use of her left hand by then, although it was stiff and sore. She had to be cautious about bending her finger joints as the scabs tended to crack open and bleed.
Mom didn't go in to see him at all, leaving his care up to Phyllis and Rena. I stopped in Saturday morning to see how they were managing. I was pleased when Dad said how useful Phyllis was to her mother and now to him. The only real news he had for me concerning what happened was that Rome Darcy was in jail awaiting arraignment. He had been arrested late on Friday. This was on the local news.
I went up to Mom's apartment. She and Peter had plans for the day. "Have you talked to Dad?"
"No. I can't bring myself to be in the same room with him. Oh, I know I was at Christmas, but now I can't stand him. You know what? I don't even mind that he got shot. He deserved it. Say what you want about all of his good intentions lately, if he hadn't hired that man years ago, he wouldn't have been wounded now."
"I know Mom. I feel somewhat the same way about the situation. How about Sandy? Do you hate her because she is going back to him?"
"No, of course not. She has her children to look out for. He is responsible for them and it is best for all. It isn't like you and Andrea who had to grow up on your own."
"Do you mind that I'm helping him then? Helping both he and Sandy, I mean?"
"God no. I have come to expect it of you. I'd be more surprised if you didn't. Just don't ask me to be friends with him. I have found Peter and he is going to make me very happy. He already has for that matter."
"I'm glad. Hey Mom, I have to run. I have a breakfast date."
"This is the Bickford girl you introduced to Sandy a week ago?"
"That's the one Mom. How soon can I bring her home to meet you?"
"I've met her already. She has been up during her noon hour and she got out of work early on Thursday to visit Sandy. Sandy brought her over to meet me. She's nice."
"I think so. I'll see you sometime before I return to school. Love you."
I waited in the parking lot of the Chelsea Royal Diner for Cindy. She was a few minutes early. Could I read something into this? I certainly hoped it was because she was anxious to see me. The bright smile I received made me think she just might be.
Breakfast was over. When we got outside she asked, "What's on for today? I don't want to go skiing again."
"Your choice this time. Sis and I chose last Saturday."
"Okay, have you ever been to an antique shop? There is a great place in Chester called Stone House Antiques. There is a lot of old stuff just as it comes out of somebody's attic. It is only forty miles from here."
"You're in charge. I warn you, I know nothing about antiques."
"You can learn. Antiques are my passion. I'm collecting a little. Items are expensive as hell, but if you choose well, it can be a good investment."
"What do you have so far?"
"I have a child's oak fall front desk that I paid $95 for. I sent a picture to a site that makes a guess from the details you send with it. They gave me an estimate of $250 to $430. I also have a child's convertible that was made in Morrisville, Vermont in 1870. It is in almost perfect condition. I saw a picture of one for sale on E-bay. Buy it now for $1075. I only paid $145 for mine."
"And what would a child's convertible be?"
"It's a child's high chair that folds down and converts to a rocker. The mother can rock the child with her toe as she is stting down knitting or reading. At meal time it can be extended again so the child can be at the table with the family. Quite ingenious, really."
"I'll have to see it sometime."
"You can see it the first time I allow you into my bedroom."
"If I'm ever allowed into your bedroom, I don't think I'll be looking at some centuries-old chair."
"What would you be looking at?"
"Hopefully a young and beautiful woman."
"Flattery such as that, just might get you to see whatever you want to."
Cindy and I spent five hours inside the antique center. This was what is called a group shop with many different dealers and individuals putting their items in separate booths. The tags listed the selling price, the booth number and an identifying number or symbol. Sometimes these tags had a discount if it was purchased by another dealer. Also again, sometimes all of the items in the whole booth were marked a percentage off.
Cindy was far ahead of me looking for bargains where I had to look at each item. With many items and tools especially, I tried to figure out what and how they were used by our ancestors. After awhile Cindy came back and we went through each booth together, with her explaining many of the things I wasn't knowledgeable about. She went into a different section of the shop that held mostly old furniture.
I was looking for some little thing that I could purchase that I could give to Cindy for her to remember this day. I found it on the far wall displayed in a locked cabinet. There was a large tag that had some tiny writing on it on the same string that held the price tag. I went to the clerk and asked to have it taken out so I could view it. The silver spoon was laying half encased in cotton in an open 10-inch box, covered in soft leather. It had hardened over the centuries and the leather had cracked in places. There was a logo imprinted on the box of a Boston silversmith.
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I had seen Adrian many times before. It wasn't like you could miss her. We lived in the same apartment complex and her husband was stationed at the same base with me, even though we weren't in the same unit. She had a little girl about three years old and the two of them were frequent visitors to both the apartment pool and the beach across the street. Even though she didn't flaunt it and actually appeared very shy, every swimsuit she wore accented her beauty. She had marvelous breast that...
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His name was Lucas; he was twenty-three years old, single, six feet tall, weighed 160 lbs, had blond hair and blue eyes, and lived in an apartment complex in Florida. Staying in the same complex were two girls who were on their summer break. One was called Lauran, and the other Judy.Lauran was visiting her sister for the summer. She was seventeen years old, with light brown hair, a beautifully clear complexion, and small breasts. Her friend Judy had long red hair, a pale complexion,...
First TimeYe kahani meri pichli story “pados ki 45 saal ki aunty” ki hi sequel hai. Last story kareeb 2 saal pehale ki hai jab mai 28 ka aunty kareeb 45 saal ki rahi hongi. Huwa yu ki jab mai apni story aap logo ke saath share kar raha tha to mujhe aunty ki kaafi yaad aayi. Jinhone last story nahi padhi unke liye bata du, mera naam Abhi hai mai ek average handsome hu. Height 5’11 , good physique not like body builder but athlete types.mera lund 6” ka normal but mota aur jo bahot hard ho jaata hai, aisa...
I slowly let the sheer, white stockings slide up along my closely shaven legs. They were smooth as silk, and no hint of coarseness caught the fabric as I stepped into them. The broad bands of elaborate lace hugged my thighs and made me feel great. Four straps, each decorated with a small silk ribbon, held the stockings attached to the garter belt I wore around my waist. The coarse lace felt tight around my body, but I loved the feeling of the feminine garment. It filled me with joy and arousal....
CrossdressingI walked out from behind the curtain, Britney right behind me. She took a couple of quick steps forward to get ahead of me and took my hand, leading me back to the table. She stopped on the side of Jess who looked up. “Ma’am, I’m bringing your husband back,” Britney said politely. Jess glanced at her, then to me, then to my shirt before her eyes widened in surprise. “Wow! Guess you two were very busy in there!” she said, laughing hard. She tugged at my shirt, examining it and the tell-tale...
My best friend also happens to be my wife’s best (boy) friend. They had actually been friends way longer then we have been and basically grew up together. We both had been married for about 4year and we went over to my friends house for dinner. His wife was pregnant and abit grumpy because the three of us were drinking and getting a bit silly. Around 10pm she decided she had had enough and went upstairs to bed. We carried on playing drinking games when my wife said she was getting drunk and...
I took my local bride's small soft hand and sat her at the round teak table. Yuko poured us wedding wine. I lifted the silk veil to uncover Cherry. Her makeup really enhanced her lovely face, big brown eyes and her first smile. 'I hope you like her makeup. She has learned to do that for you if you want.' 'Lovely, thank you!' Yuko showed surprise in her smile because I very rarely thanked anyone, other than my superiors of course. I crossed my arm with Cherry's and emptied the cup but...
I walk into the room, I see you lying there on your bed. The light falling onto your body, half in the sunlight half-hidden underneath the duvet. You look up at me and smile, your blonde hair messily surrounding your face.‘Hey’ I say ‘should we go out and do something?’ You move slightly to face me, your back now fully exposed to the light, looking smooth and delicate, the light bronzing your skin.‘No, come over here instead’ you reply.I drop my rucksack on the floor as I move towards your bed,...
Quickie SexHey guys suraj is back with another story. And am very thankful to all readers who gave such a valuable feedbacks.For fucks and fun contact mail: and kik username: suraj2030. Skype id “Suraj gowdas” for sexting.. Hi Welcome back everyone this your suraj gowda back with another short fantasy story to make you guys masturbate and cum well. So before we start I request my readers to get alone as this a reality and new experimenting story I want you guys to enjoy as much as possible. So guys and...
Before going to the story let me describe us my name is kannan age 23, 5.6 feet, cock size 6 inch and thickness 3 cm about my neighbor girl name kavya her age is 21 and real milky and fair of size 34 30 34 she is really a sex bomb looks like heroine Nayantara. Coming to the story this happen almost a year back, while i was doing my final year engineer and she was in her first year i stay in the 1st floor and she was the next house to me in the ground floor. I can clearly see the kavya’s...
Hi Females, wo lamhe main bataane ja raha hoon jo mere saath hua. Meri bua ki ladki Sunita (changed name) mere ghar aayee hui thi and usne mujhse kaha ki use park ghoomna hai. Ghat waalon ne mujhe kaha ki Sunita ko shaam ko le jao aur park ghuma do. Maine ghar me kah diya ki humlog dinner bhi bahar se kar lenge. Shaam 7 baje main apni bike par Sunita ko lekar park gaya. Us wakt wo skirt aur jeans pahni hui thi. Jab bhi main bike ki break maarta to woh mujhse sat jaati aur mujhe sihran ho jaati....
It was pitch dark inside the tent when I opened my eyes. I was lying on my side, and I could barely make out Sharon’s form as she laid facing away from me. I stayed still, and then I heard her softly crying. “Sharon? Are you crying?” She inhaled sharply at my soft question. “I’m okay.” “What is it?” A minute passed before she spoke. “I’ve never killed anyone before.” I hadn’t either, but, to be blunt, Sharon’s life had been in danger. At the moment, I’d had no compunction whatever about...
Chapter 6 – Hidden Beauty ‘So, how was the birthday dinner?’ Marti began I reached for the leftover carrot sticks from the night before and washed them down with a swallow of her Sauvignon Blanc. We had just gotten back to her apartment after an evening of free music at the local pub and I was again feeling itchy, just like I had every day now since my birthday. It had been five days, and I had had sex all five of them, two with Jon and three with myself. I needed to tell someone of my...
Hi, my name is bunty and i am 29 year old. Height 5.10″ aur body achi hai aur rang savla hai. Ye meri pehli story hai. Ye baat hai last year 2014 ke july mahine ki jab mein pune se mumbai return aaraha tha. Uss din bahot barish ho rahi thi. Meine shyam 7 baje pune station se ac bus pakdi. Meri seat second last row mein thi. Meri piche ke seat khali the. Bus shuru hone ke phele ek married lady jiska naam shalini tha who mera opposite wale seat par beth gayi. Shalini ki umar 26 saal thi aur rang...
I grew up dirt poor on a small farm that never did well. My daddy was a good man who taught me to work hard and get more out of life than he did. Sometimes he taught me by what he said and did. Other times, he taught me by taking me over his knee or put me over the bed and gave me his belt. Through our church, I got a position at a large and very profitable ranch. In those days, boys would apprentice at such places and, if they did well, be given a position. I was a strapping boy of twenty,...
Gay MaleDownstairs, lunch was ready, and Ted was already here. It seems their parents hadn't returned yet, and he was hungry. Erin put in an appearance while we were eating. She took a chair next to Ted. I noticed that she was moving very carefully. Maybe five times had been too much for her. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed, because when Mom was cleaning the table, she had advice for Erin. "Why don't you go up and take a nice hot bubble bath, Sweetie. I'm sure it will make you...
Well, summer was over, I realized as our boat made for shore in the teeth of a storm. It took us two extra hours to reach port in the face of an easterly wind with intermittent squalls. When we tied up, the rain was over but a stiff cold wind continued to blow. I was on the road to pick Liz up two minutes after the boat was secured to the dock. I hadn't even showered, and she noticed it as soon as we hugged. "Do you want to wash up, sailor boy?" she said. "I want to fuck you silly...
First time part 3bPaul looked at me. "So, you can't keep a secret huh?""He tricked me, he said he knew but he didn't and I said something and he found out""So you sucked his dick so he wouldn't tell?" "Yeah, he was gonna tell you I told on us,so I sucked him so he wouldn't I'm sorry, I didnt mean to."Mark spoke up. "And it was good too!"Paul and Mark both started laughing. "Dude, I told you I had a k** that likes it, didn't i?""You did, yes you did, and you weren't lying, he does look like a...
Hello, friends in ISS. I am Vishwas (name changed). Well, to tell a bit about me, I am single and I just finished my college studies. I just had a couple of flings with one of my classmates and she got married now. So, I cannot tell her name. Let’s start with the story. I felt very desperate for the sex one day after reading some stories on this site. Since I do not feel safe in approaching call girls or prostitutes, usually I would just jerk off at night after watching some porns. But soon I...
Following my divorce, my company transferred me across the country and the custody agreement with the ex allowed me to have my daughter for six months then she would go back to her mother’s place on the West Coast for another six. I had a deadline rapidly approaching and desperately needed some uninterrupted time in my home office to complete my reports. I called my usual babysitter and she apologized but had accepted another job for the evening. I explained my situation and asked if she had...
Chapter 1 … confused feelings …. Hey all, I just wanted to open my hart and talk to somebody, but I don't have anybody I could talk to freely, so I thought I could talk to you allThis is my real life story … all is what I had to face in my long miserable life … no need to lie As I remember …I was a normal k**, in normal family with normal friendsBut there was a little thing, weird feelings...There was that boy (*), a teenager lives in my block, and goes to the same schoolHe was the alpha;...
Billy and I had agreed to meet the next night after I got off work. The anticipation of what was to cum had me so turned on all day that my panties were wet with precum my whole shift. I had made sure before I left for work that I had an enema because I was determined to get fucked that night. When I got to his place he was wearing nothing but a bath robe he sat down on the couch and I sat next to him as we watch a bit of porn he opened his bath robe and began to stroke his cock and I watched...
This chapter further develops the story between Portia and Lawrence. Read chapter 1 to get a better picture of the story so far. As always, do vote and comment at the end. I could barely wait for the weekend, when I could meet Portia again, but the next week seemed to drag on unreasonably. Memories of our first meeting kept me in a happy daze for the week, right until some bad news considerably soured it. I had worked hard to secure a deal with some Chinese investors. In the current economy,...
Introduction: Sorry this took so long guys, hopefully you wont have to wait so long for Sunday, which I PLAN to try to do in one piece. I have another story trying to claw its way out of my brain and it may kill me if I dont let it out ::grin:: Thanks again for your encouragement. Hope you enjoy. =) (Saturday.Night) It was funny, Josh mused as he made his way back to Rachels bedroom, a bowl of tomato soup in one hand, glass of water in the other… Friday night when he decided to find her all he...
Melissa Moore is engaged to be married, and in addition to arranging for both her engagement and wedding photos, Melissa is going to surprise her man with some boudoir photos! She’s so excited to pick some sexy lingerie to show off, and she’s not just showing off for her future partner…she’s showing off for her sexy photographer! His name is Isiah, and Melissa’s a little worried about the monogamy that comes with marriage. She’s like one “last...
xmoviesforyouWe’ve been in Puerto Rico for a week now, we are both very chilled out and nicely tanned, we both look healthy and fit. We’ve been on the beach for most of the day catching up on our tan’s and playing in the sand and sea, so we decide it’s time for a slow walk back to the apartment and to call in and have a couple of happy hour cocktails in a bar we like on the way back.We grab a couple of drinks in the bar, which is quite quiet as its change over time for the holiday makers, people going to...
You have the perfect hair color-the color is a hue between magenta and blood red. Your black leather jacket looks great on you. I see you as a very handsome woman. Usually I don’t get turned on by masculine figures, but you are an exception. I met you on a trip. It was a student exchange program. You were the mom of my exchange student. The student himself looked like a sissy. I understood why it was like this, because your son smoothed down your own manliness. He brought balance in your family...
LesbianFranklin Carter tried to shake himself awake. But the more he struggled to regain consciousness the harder it was to awake. The dream was over but he could not wake up. He seemed to exist between worlds and riding a razor's edge. For a moment he felt his bones take on substance in the dream world, then the opposite happened. He came back to the real world but it was a fantasyland. When he tried to touch something his hand went through it. He was getting increasingly anxious and frantic...
So there we were, me and my mate Nigel, out on the town for a pull and a piss up. Well what else is there to do on a wet weekend in London?We started off at our local, the Crab and Cockspur, which claimed to sell the best beers in the South East, but to be honest the only thing worth going there for were the birds. There were lots of 'em, but that was because there was a nurse's residential block round the corner, and they gathered there when their shifts were over.You couldn't wish for better...
BisexualMonica Santhiago is a Brazilian with a big phat ass. She re-enforces the fact that Brazilian women have the biggest, juiciest asses out there. Monica also happens to be a huge freak, she loves it all. She paraded her amazing ass for us, and after that we called in Mandingo to satisfied her cravings of getting fucked in her asshole and her pussy. He penetrated both her holes in different positions before delivering a hot load right in her mouth. Monica Santiago definitely got the fucking that...