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"This Kori person is the best thing since sliced bread." Queen Beryl exalted.

"We still have no clue as to his motives or agenda, Majesty." one of her subjects reminded her.

"But he's taken the number of Sailor Scouts down from five to two, and those Future Sailor Scouts have the remaining ones so confused they won't be watching for Negaverse activity."

"The Future Scouts will be helping in that department, Mistress." another Negaverse operative said. "And they are far more powerful than either of the remaining Scouts of the present. And they are armed with the mysterious ChronoShards."

"I've got an ace in the hole." Queen Beryl said. "Now is my chance to play it." With that, she left the throne room, and those standing in the room believed she was retiring to her chambers. Instead, she took a left precisely six hundred and sixty-six paces from the entrance to her chambers. The holographic wall rippled as she walked through it and descended via a spiral staircase to a secret place below even the sub-basements. Once there, she pushed open a long-closed door, which led into a room where pools of liquid energy bubbled like glowing Jacuzzis. She spent a couple of hours luxuriating in one of the pools, energizing herself for the taxing exercise ahead. When she was energized to capacity, she followed a tunnel into a room where a giant crystal stood, shining the color of frozen blood. Queen Beryl placed her hand against the crystal, suffusing it with energy. After several minutes, the crystal began to crack. Nearly an hour later, shards began to flake off like the leavings from arrowhead making. Queen Beryl collapsed, panting, exhausted. She searched the shards, ignoring the cuts they inflicted on her, until she had found all the workable pieces, ten in all. With these in her arms, she began to stagger back to the energy pools, where she reenergized. She could hear the commotion outside when servants failed to locate her, but she didn't care. After six hours' soaking in the energy pools, she was ready to begin phase two. The energy crystals would give great power to their possessors--greater even than her own. They would be impossible to control unless she infused the crystals with her own will. This was a painstaking process, requiring persnickety manipulations of the psychic fields surrounding the crystals.

"It's done." she sighed, after nearly two days of work. The crystals smoldered malignantly at the pool's edge. Queen Beryl curled her lips up in a tired, yet very evil smile, showing one elongated eyetooth. "When I have rested, I will put my plan into action."

"Someone's coming." Kori said, awakening Minako. "They're bringing something with them. Something powerful, and very evil."

"Should we wake the others?" Minako asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I think perhaps that's best." Kori replied. "How are you feeling?"

"Same way I usually feel in the mornings." Minako replied. "Sleepy, lazy, kind of horny." She quirked a smile up at him.

"Mmmmm ... wazzup?" Rei asked, emerging sleepily from under the covers. "Is something wrong?"

"Perhaps." Kori replied. "Let's get the others up."

Chiao Shen breathed a sigh of relief. She hated the ten pm to six am shift, but someone had to work it. Unfortunately she didn't get paid more just for working an unpopular shift. Worse, she had to work six pm to six am tonight for a special conference. With the business overseas booming, the graveyard shift was anything but, and Shen was going to need her rest. A woman appeared before her, smiling as if she knew a secret. That smile frightened Shen, and she backed away. Stabbing pain lanced Shen's stomach, and she staggered, fell, and clutched her torso in agony.

Kataigin Ayumi sat lotus-fashion as she meditated, awaiting the arrival of her students. Incense burned in the censers before her, calming her, helping her to gather her thoughts. Ginseng tea energized her, washing away the fatigue of work and sleep, helping her prepare for the work ahead. Her students were coming along nicely, growing more and more disciplined each day. It wouldn't be long before some of them began to ascend to the rank of black belt. The thought pleased her. Not only would her girls have learned to defend themselves, but the discipline and focus would help them in other areas as well. One of her students, Jiyu Hana, was becoming quite an accomplished scientist thanks to her lessons.

Ayumi opened her eyes, feeling a strange presence in the room. She unfolded her legs and rose, wondering who could possibly be this early. A very sinister-looking woman appeared, holding a shard of crystal in her fingers like a throwing-dagger. Even the crystal looked evil, pulsing with darkness like a malignant tumor. Ayumi stepped around her censers, standing in the practice area, where she would have more room to maneuver.

"How utterly predictable." the woman muttered as Ayumi began to rise into the air. How had this woman been able to set a trap in Ayumi's own dojo? The woman chucked the crystal with deadly accuracy into Ayumi's torso. It pierced a lung. A dark chill spread through her even as the crystal wound began to burn like a wildfire in her body.

No! her mind cried. Not like this!! I can't die like this!!

"You're not dying." the woman replied. "Far from it, in fact."

"Is something wrong?" Kori asked.

"Pain." Callisto replied. "Someone's in pain. Agony."

"You can feel that?" Mars asked.

"Where?" Kori urged.

"One nearby." Callisto said. "Another one across town." She seemed to be experiencing some kind of sympathy pains, one in her gut, and the other in her chest. "It's maddening!"

"Concentrate on the location." Kori said. "Focus."

"She's coming. Homing in on our energy."

"Who is?" Mars asked, placing a hand on Mai Li's shoulder.

"I don't know ... I can't ... the pain ... drowning her real self out." Suddenly a female figure with Chinese features landed on the roof. Lightning in a wicked shade of purple lashed out from her fingernails. Her skin was the same shade. Her eyes glowed red.

"Super Love-Me Chain!" Venus exclaimed, binding the woman in golden chains. Purple electricity traveled up the chain, shocking Minako and causing the chain to dissipate. She landed hard on her shoulder, her eyes closed so tightly that tears leaked out. Mars rushed to help her comrade, but was batted aside by the swift woman.

"Odin's Thunder!" Jupiter exclaimed, lashing out with vengeful fury and enhanced thunderbolts. The purple woman absorbed it with no ill effect.

"Nice try." she snarled. "My turn. Clonestorm!" With that, she created two purple-lightning clones of herself and sent them after Jupiter.

"Zeus's Spire!" Jupiter exclaimed, and a gigantic spike of electricity rose, destroying the clones and causing everyone's hair to stand on end. "Thor's Hammer!" Lightning struck Lita's hand, causing a heavy-looking hammer to appear. She hurled it, and it moved as swift as lightning, and apparently propelled by the lightning trail which connected it to her hand. It struck the surprised woman on the chin, knocking her to the floor. When the hammer returned, Lita went to Minako's side while Mai Li attended the purple woman. The others watched in awe as Mai Li reached into the woman's body, pulling out a nasty-looking crystal. She tossed it to the ground as if it were hot, clutching her hands in pain for a moment.

"We'd best get our wounded to safety." Kori suggested, picking Rei up in his arms. Lita gently lifted Minako, and Meiko carried Mai Li and the strange woman, because Mai Li for some reason refused to let go of her. As an afterthought, Kori gathered up the crystal as well, placing it inside a silver box. He suppressed a shudder as the box closed. Never before had he felt anything as evil as that.

Shen's eyes opened slowly. The first thing she noticed was that the pain was gone. She looked down at her stomach, finding no wound. Had it been a dream?

"It was no dream." a kind young woman said. "More like a waking nightmare."

"But it's over." Shen said. "Isn't it?"

"For you, yes." she replied. "But there are others. I can feel them."

"How? Who are you?"

"My name is Mai Li. I was able to remove the shard from you. You will recover."

"Thank you." Shen said. "There are no words to express my gratitude."

"Those will do fine." Mai Li replied. "I could feel your agony as the crystal tortured you, and even though the wound closed, the pain wouldn't stop."


"I have very strong healing powers, made even stronger with Kori's power over the various mystic elements."

"What you describe this Kori to be sounds like some of the legends my grandfather used to tell us about the ancient Order of Catalysts." Shen said.

"Funny, I wasn't aware any Catalysts had visited Earth prior to the mid-twenty-fourth century." Mai Li mused.

"How did you find me?"

"You found us." Mai Li replied.

"I did?" Shen asked.

"You don't remember?"

"All I remember is the pain." Shen replied. "It was like I was drowning in it." She felt Mai Li's gentle touch in the valley between her breasts, and was suddenly made very aware of her own nudity.

"It almost overwhelmed me, too." Mai Li said. "But you're safe now. Everything's going to be fine. When Kori gets back, he's going to want to talk to you, but you can rest until then." Mai Li reached down beneath Shen's feet, pulling up a light blanket. "You can cover up with this if you're shy."

"Thanks." Shen said, turning on her side and closing her eyes.

Ami opened her eyes. Someone was whispering her name. She glanced toward the shadows in the corner of her room and discovered Kori. She opened her mouth, drawing breath for a scream. More swiftly than she would have given him credit for, he was at her side, clamping his hand over her mouth.

"Quiet." he whispered. I need you to pass something along to Tuxedo Mask. Sailor Callisto pulled it out of some unfortunate after a battle. It was controlling her, giving her dark powers and driving her mad with pain. I put it in this box for safekeeping." He produced a silver box about the size and shape of a mouse's coffin. "I've placed a lock on it that only Darien's thumbprint can open. I want you to promise me you will give it to him." Ami nodded. "Thank you." he said, placing the box on the bed.

"Are you controlling the others?" Ami asked. "Forcing them to serve you?"

"I'm not forcing anyone to do anything." Kori replied. "I'm going to be honest with you, Ami. I've done some things I'm not proud of, like the time I was forced to kill a pair of soldiers in self-defense. But under normal circumstances I would never knowingly harm someone. What I have done for your friends is drop some troublesome emotional barriers which prevent them from living life to the fullest. All things considered, your friends are happier than they've ever been in their lives."

"Our psychological barriers keep us from doing bad things." Ami replied. "They are what separate us from the animals."

"You're confusing emotional inhibitions with conscience." Kori replied. "I would never alter someone's conscience, or their core self."

"Then why did Minako use her powers on Sailor Jupiter to make her fall in love with her?" Ami asked.

"Minako didn't know how strongly her power would affect her." Kori replied. "She is accepting responsibility for her actions, and taking good care of Sailor Jupiter, until we find a way to undo this particular mind job without hurting her."

"She really feels bad about it?" Ami asked. Kori nodded. "I guess you really didn't change her ... that much."

"You still don't trust me." Kori said, sounding somewhat hurt.

"I don't know all the facts yet." Ami replied. "You ... don't seem like the super villain type, but..."

"But Sailor Future Moon makes very strong arguments." Kori sighed. "That girl is in serious need of an enema." He turned back to the shadows. "Keep an open mind, Ami, and draw your own conclusions. I have to go take care of the others." Ami sat in the bed, thinking about what Kori had said. She wondered what she would say to Tuxedo Mask when she handed the silver box over to him. She wondered what she would say to Kori if she saw him again. She began to play scenarios through her mind. Her mind wandered, seeing his face and the outline of his body under the cloak, deciding he was indeed quite attractive. Before she knew it, her fingers had found her rather moist labia. They quested inward, finding her clitoris. Spurred by unfamiliar feelings, Ami began to masturbate. She moaned as powerful sensations wafted through her body. Her free hand rose, taking her left breast in hand. Her fingers brushed the fabric over her sensitive nipples. She squeezed, drawing a gasp from herself. She fantasized about running her hands over Kori's chest, down his sides over his hips. She wondered what it would be like to have him inside her. Would it hurt? She switched hands, plunging her left hand into her flooded slit while tweaking her right nipple with her right hand. She pinched it. If her breasts had been maybe a size bigger, she could probably have bitten it. She imagined what it would feel like to have Kori nibbling at those sensitive buds. The thought made her shiver, and she rubbed at herself with greater urgency. She could definitely feel something happening. Her body bucked and shook. She screamed out Kori's name. Lights exploded behind her eyes. As she flopped back on her pillow, she sighed. Never before had she felt such pleasure. Why had that never happened before? As her senses returned to normal, she realized she was covered with sweat. Her hands were sticky, and there was a strange smell about her. She went to the bathroom and climbed into the shower. She felt an odd satisfaction as she cleaned herself off, rubbing scented oils into her skin. She found herself doing it again when her mind once again wandered to Kori.

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 76

I awakened twice during the night. Once, lying on my left side and once on my right. Both times, I had a pair of firm titties pressing against my back, with my cock buried in a hot, wet pussy. The more I learn about these new pills, and the more women I meet who are taking them - the more I like the pills and the pleasures they offer a young single man like me. Clara and Erica have both told me I’d need to be more aware of who I put my naked cock into and make sure they’re not only on the...

1 year ago
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Nancy Meets Santa on Christmas night

Santa entered the living room and froze. His instincts told him that everyone in the house was asleep, but he had assumed they were asleep in bed. Not so at all! There on the couch, sound asleep sat 22 year old Paul, naked as the day he was born. The only thing he wore was a smile, and looking under the Christmas tree, Santa understood the smile very well!!She was not tall, but her long body showed the definite curves of woman and not a girl. Nancy wore a red Santa hat and three...

4 years ago
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Slutty Kate

Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...

2 years ago
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Gregor of Hartshorn Hill

Note from the author: Jarrod of Hartshorn Hill is the First of this Series. Druesha of Hartshorn Hill is the Second of this Series. Fallon of Hartshorn Hill is the Third of this Series. Evan of Hartshorn Hill is the Fourth of this Series. Avalon of Hartshorn Hill is the Fifth of this Series. * * * * * Gregor had been born a slave. Usually when you are born a slave, you never know your parents. Slave babies are sent to the slave nursery until they are old enough to perform simple...

3 years ago
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Wife Trained Abused and Bought Back

My name is Sanya. At least that is my name today. I do not know what it will be tomorrow or six months from now, but that matters little. It shouldn't matter at all. Not to you. I will try to tell you everything you need to make you cum. Knowing that while I'm writing this, I have a vibrator strapped between my legs and I have to stop every few minutes while I cum. It turns me on to describe to you that I am not good for anything but abuse and humiliation. It turns me on, it makes me hot....

3 years ago
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SeniorChapter 3 Adjusting to teammates Megan and Kelley

Jerry Bastian the Baltimore office manager met my flight and we stopped by a hotel to pick up Neill. He'd arrived the night before because he had a longer distance to travel. I found Jerry to be a congenial man. He was helpful, answering our questions concerning locations and surrounding neighborhoods of the two buildings. I commended his knowledge of the area and he admitted that he'd always lived in the city. Neill was a good choice to appraise the structures, and estimate the costs to...

1 year ago
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Dating Kelly Part I

I am 25 years old, married, and completely in love with my wife. We have a baby on the way, and this is the first of a series of true stories about our teenage years together, starting with when I first asked her out. If you’re just looking for sex, you won’t find it yet, not for a few more parts. When I was 16 years old I lost my virginity. I was always pretty shy, despite my ability on the athletic fields of high school, and the musculature that resulted from being a quarterback, wrestler,...

1 year ago
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Towel boys

"Hey, Timmy," the big boned stud called from across the dressing room, "I need and extra towel over here!!!" "Uh, right away, sir," he replied while rushing over to him with his hand extended holding a fresh towel, "is there anything else I can do for you!?!" "I dunno, Timmy," he said while grinning at his locker mate, Kelly, "is there anything else he can do for me!?!" "Wellllllll," Kelly replied with a smirk, "maybe, and I'm saying just maybe, he could give your dick a little suckin', whataya...

3 years ago
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Bridgets Nights Ch 09

Mike’s deep voice smothered everyone else’s hurried questions. ‘What is it Bridget?’ ‘Vampires feed from blood. But Thorfinn has been taking an enormous amount, more than he needs, more actually than he can drink. He’s accumulating the blood, and the power it gives him, for a sacrifice. For a summoning.’ ‘Summoning what?’ Sue inquired. ‘I don’t know for sure, but you can bet its not going to anything we are going to like.’ I thought about it for a moment. ‘Probably one of the Norse gods, or...

3 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife

Some six months has gone by since we first began toying with the idea of me fucking your wife Audrey while you watched us and took photographs and video. The big night for the three of us was this past Friday and my hands and shoulders still shake a little just remembering the intensity of my time with her and I smile broadly around outsiders without obvious reasons to smile. It’s like I am living inside a scene from the movie “Unfaithful” where Diane Lane’s character Connie Sumner mentally...

Wife Lovers
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shemale on shemale

Hi dear it just a story may be its real cany sure some 1 told me & i write this 1 for u Hi mai ap ki friend ap ka leya aik or story la kar aee hoain, mujha 1st three stories ka jo respons mila vo to mai ko bata nahi saktee, par ap ka tnx zaroor kartee haoin dil sa. Isee ka sath maree 4th story ap ka leya. Ya mara sath hona wala aik ajeeb or anokha waqia tha. I mean really very different, mujha movie dakhna ka mood huva to mai cenma chalee gae wahan khelade 420 film aksha ki lagi thee new film...

2 years ago
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Baby Night

Baby Night By Holly v This is a first attempt at writing for the site, i am not a professional writer please enjoy or complain i'm open to all feedback Joe was on his school break, and every morning rushed downstairs to see if it had come yet. It should have come by now and he was so excited. Joe was 12 and had just reached puberty but you couldn't tell because he had a growth defect that ment his body wasn't the size it should be. He was treated as normal at school but he had a...

4 years ago
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Boston Lez Contest PT8

A Edible WaitressCrystal had been stuck in a boring faculty banquet that night and sighed multiple times as she saw texts showing up on her phone announcing (well, actually bragging) that Veronica got her second turn and then Jasmine got into the game with a turn. She couldn't dare attempt a seduction of other faculty members, the male faculty members' wives, or the honoured guests and thus was helpless to do anything but sit there nursing her cold cup of tea and watch her competitors' scores...

3 years ago
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Stars of aunt kim

I am Mia .. this is based on a true story. I was at the lake enjoying the summer sun and water dripping down my white pale breasts when I saw aunt kim watching me. Grinning devilishAs she nipple white pale growing wet. As she winked. Finishing the swim entering my room ,I in a nightgown, as aunt Kim entered . My nipple harderened. I lay in slumber feeling her warm caress on my breast. As she massaged my nipple slowly.. stroking me.stroking me.’your magical’ .she moaned ....

3 years ago
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Second Time With John

When I did start hanging out at the game room with friends again, I saw that John was now taking other boys out for lunch and breakfast. Seeing this made me a little jealous, to the point where I eventually wanted to approach him to see if he might still be interested in me. Over time, I got up the nerve and when I went up to him and we greeted each other, I hoped he’d suddenly ask me if I’d like to go out for lunch. Well it worked, and when he suggested going to get something to eat, I tried...

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Catholic Nun Strips Naked During Church Services

Prelude: An beautiful young woman is a Catholic Nun. One Sunday morning she is given the opportunity to conduct her own Church service. She has a fantasy about being naked on stage in front of the entire congregation so she can watch them admire her slender sexy body. This is her story. deleted

3 years ago
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Getting to Know My SisterChapter 4

Well, this was turning out better than I could have imagined. First I get to take my own sister's cherry and we eat each other out thoroughly. I fuck her ass for a great time and finally we get caught by Mom. So what do I do? I get a blow job from Mom and fuck her brains out. This was turning out great. And it was going to get better. My sister, Wynter, walked in on Mom and me as Mom was licking and sucking my balls. Wynter grinned. "I love my new family," she cried. And then she ran and...

1 year ago
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RenewalChapter 4

The small crew consisting of Regina, Greiss, Marion and one other Extroneon landed the small secondary craft just under the canopy next to a little expanse of open field in the middle of forest land. The smaller craft has a large enough cargo bay to store captives until they return to the much larger ship that awaits them back on the opposite side of the moon. Greiss and the other Extroneon are merely with the ship to ensure if anyone stumbles upon the space craft, they won’t be leaving to...

2 years ago
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Panty Boy Chapters 34

Chapter 3 The next morning was Saturday and I awoke before Megan. There she was sleeping soundly and I didn't want to wake her. I got up and realized I was still wearing everything from the night before, even the heels. I took off the heels and went into the bathroom. My face and the corset had dried come on it and I looked like a disheveled hooker after an all night gangbang. I washed off my face and decided that I would fix Megan breakfast in bed. I went to my drawer to put on...

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Carley Ch 11 Alternate Version

Chapter 9 in this series was the last one to have any sex in it. The last few are more science fiction than anything else. I had some ideas that I wanted to explore and the Jack-and-Carley universe seemed like the correct setting. ***** Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, my...

1 year ago
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On The Mound

The end of summer brings a sweet sadness. The long, hot summer days take their place in our memories while the beginning of the end of the year approaches. For me, the change from bikinis to book bags is now in full swing as my classes for the fall semester are confirmed. Time with my boyfriend is more precious than ever as his baseball team prepares for the playoffs. With the increased practices and meetings, our sex life is dwindling. We went from having sex more than 12 times a week, to...

3 years ago
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After school detention lesson part2

From part 1 As we recovered I thanked her for keeping her promises that it will not hurt. I asked her ‘do girls masturbate as well? Can I see you do it please???’ ‘Of course Jack, it wouldn’t be fair not to teach you everything about sex’ She told me to watch her carefully as she slowly undressed Part 2 Jessica stripped to her bra and underwear and asked me remove them. My hands shook violently as i unfasten her bra. I took a look at her breasts as her bra fell to the carpet of her...

1 year ago
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After Hours Show Chapter One

Paul sits at his computer, whiling away the hours at the store he minds. It is empty and near closing time and he can’t wait to leave so he can go home to his wife and crawl into bed naked to write. He is looking up fashion items on Pinterest and working on his PhD. His Skype page is open and suddenly a friendly name pops up; Mistress Persephone. Paul smiles, recognizing his friend’s nickname. He answers the video call and gasps at the image on the screen. She is bent over the keyboard in a...

1 year ago
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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 10 Ultimate Corruption

Tendo Aoi slow came back to awareness of her body in total darkness. She jerked up with a start, only to find her arms and legs bound by something that bit into her soft skin and held her down to the hard surface where she lay. She could feel that she was horizontal and her legs were spread apart. Also she’d been stripped naked - or had she already been naked. It didn’t matter. She knew that she needed to get out of here and for that, she’d need the strength of the goddess. A blinding flash...

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My first threesome with a vibrating dildo

One day I was all alone at my apartment, feeling quite bored. I decided to get online and check my profile at a rating site. "Hm.. 8.5. Not gorgeous women, with their round breasts being almost fully exposed, I felt a stirring sensation going through my body. "Hm... maybe i'll just look..." i thought. I decided to google "breasts". I had never even attempted to look at porn before, so when the results popped up I gasped. There were countless women, all topless. They all had perfect, round...

3 years ago
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A CFNM Fantasy

Chapter One- A CFNM Fantasy It’s a Saturday, and you have gone out shopping withyour friends. Home alone, I start getting horny, wonderingwhat kind of clothes you may be buying, and if there willbe any sexy “presents” you will be wearing home forme. I love when you dress sexy. I feel my cock starting toget hard just thinking about what you might get….maybesome sexy lingerie….or a cute new dress that shows offyour body…..some shoes that let your toes peek out…..ormaybe you’ll buy another sex toy...

1 year ago
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Jenny und der Film 2

Was bisher geschehen ist: Jenny hat polnische und bulgarische Wurzeln und lebt mit Bernd ihrem Freund seit kurzem zusammen. Sie ist Germanistikstudentin und ziemlich unerfahren, was Männer angeht. Sie ist sehr fleissig, aber pleite. Sie wird von der Studienfreundin Judith auf eine Stelle bei einer heruntergewirtschafteten Produktionsgesellschaft aufmerksam. Erst beim Vorstellungsgespräch realisiert sie, dass die Produktion Pornos dreht. Sie lernt Mara kennen und Mara verhilft ihr zum Einstieg...

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