FirebrandChapter 11: Solitaire free porn video

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Korbaz paced about her cell, clenching her fists as she glared at the featureless walls. It was an empty box, for all intents and purposes, made from white metal without even a carpet to warm her paws. There were no windows, and only one door that was securely bolted shut, a single slot serving as a means to feed the occupant their processed swill. There was a toilet and a drinking fountain, along with a bed that was little more than a metal frame with a thin mattress laid on top of it.

The tight leather of her pants creaked as she stalked, joining the clicking of her sharp claws on the floor as the only sounds in the room. She was furious, frustrated, and with no outlet to speak of. She had considered savaging her mattress in a fit of anger, but that would leave her with nowhere to sleep, and she had no idea when they would see fit to release her.

How dare these creatures confine her like this, accuse her of atrocities that she had no part in! They flouted her diplomatic rights, denied her the respect that her status afforded her. The Matriarch would hear her complaints, and Korbaz was certain that her condemnation would be harsh indeed.

She finally ceased her restless pacing, the springs in the bed making an intolerable scraping sound as she sat down on them. She crossed her arms and legs as she loosed an irritated snarl, her tail flicking back and forth, her ears flat against her cropped hair. Her people did not imprison one another in this way, they settled their disputes with their claws, and punishments were meted out with little delay. It was impossible to guess what they hoped to accomplish by keeping her here, their alien minds were unfathomable.

She recalled the humiliating fight in the suite, how that oversized kitten of a Polar had forced her into submission, how the UNNI agent had taunted her. She would trade all of her pack’s riches back on Borealis for ten minutes alone with that smirking ape. She would peel the meat from his bones, have him begging for her to grant him a moment mercy. Humans had such tender flesh...

Her thoughts wandered to the Chief of Security, and she lay her head in one of her furry hands, exhaling a sigh as an involuntary pang of arousal tickled her loins. Her rank of Vice Admiral gave her a privileged position in the Rask hierarchy, on top of being the Alpha of a pack with high standing in the social order. She always got what she wanted, either given willingly by fawning underlings or taken by force if it was denied to her. The only people that she couldn’t strongarm were those of equal rank, and the Matriarch herself, of course.

Something about the Security Chief’s defiance and stubbornness made her desire him all the more. It was the forbidden fruit, just out of reach, that tasted the sweetest. She had heard the whispered tales of his people’s sexual prowess, their smooth tongues, and their dull fingers. They seemed almost designed to make a Borealan weak at the knees. Yet her Rask pride told her that they were frail creatures, small and fragile, unworthy of her consideration.

The Chief was different, however. He had strength enough to subdue even her, and his skin was a patchwork of scars earned in battle. The very thought of tracing them with her pads made her heart skip, it was a feature that her people found most desirable in a mate.

How she longed to challenge him, to defeat him, and to take him every manner that she pleased until she’d had her fill of him. Only then could she excise him from her thoughts. He had crept into her dreams following their first, somewhat confrontational encounter, taunting her in the depths of sleep where she had no control over her faculties. Korbaz was confident that she would come out on top in such a battle, but that nagging doubt remained, a possibility of defeat that gave the whole affair a dangerous and exciting allure. The humans did not observe the pack structure, and so there was little danger of any true loss of standing, yet the risk made her cheeks flush red all the same. The very idea that a Vice Admiral of the Rask could find herself in a subservient position to an alien was ... scandalous. How long had it been since she had felt defeat, since she had been roughly mounted after being taught her place? Not since her youth. She was uncommonly resilient, as her high rank suggested.

There was her defeat at the hands of the Polar, but that was different. They were manipulative creatures, sneaky, and no challenge had been issued. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a guilty pang of arousal at the idea of the fat, furry creature taking her there on the kitchen floor, right in front of the humans. It was an intrusive thought that she quickly banished from her mind, turning the focus of her lust back to the Chief.

She parted her thighs, eyeing the corners of the room warily for the cameras that the humans liked to place all over their station. There were none that she could see, her captors had granted her the dignity of a little privacy if nothing else.

Her heart was racing, and the bout with the Polar had left her frustrated. There was no aphrodisiac quite like a good fight, and she had been denied the satisfaction of inflicting even a single injury on her opponent. There was nothing worse than swinging one’s claws and having them fail to connect. It was like building to an orgasm and then stopping just short of the climax. If she didn’t do something about it, she was going to go crazy, the risk of her jailors walking in on her be damned...

She began to unzip her leather jacket, her heart beating faster as she exposed her toned midriff, running her sharp claws across her stomach as they wandered down to her belt buckle. Her muscles tensed beneath her tanned skin, pulling taut as she left stinging trails, just the right amount of pain to get her going. She fumbled with her buckle for a moment, hastily unfastening her belt, the comforting weight of the weapons that usually filled her pouches and holsters now absent.

She pulled down her zipper, struggling to drag her skin-tight, leather pants down far enough to expose herself. They clung to her already dampening skin, Korbaz shuffling uncomfortably on the creaking cot as she got them about half-way down her muscular thighs, exposing a tuft of sandy-blonde fur on her otherwise smooth mound.

The cold from the metal wall behind her permeated the padding of her leather jacket as she leaned back against it, spreading her legs as much as her tight pants would allow. She was already dripping, her juices staining her inner thighs, her lips swollen and needy. Biting her lower lip, she slowly slipped a finger between them, wetting her fleshy pad with her excitement. She already knew that her fluids were going to soak her fur, she’d stink of sex, but she was beyond the point of caring about that now.

Her eyelids drooped as her damp, slippery pad brushed her engorged clitoris, a jolt of pleasure making her shiver. Being very careful with the sharp claw on her index finger, she began a slow, circular rubbing motion. Even now, Korbaz longed for something filling, something long and girthy that could scratch the maddening itch deep inside her. But there was nothing to be done about it, she couldn’t insert a finger, not without filleting herself from the inside.

She couldn’t remember the last time that she had been forced to do this alone, there had always been a willing subordinate on hand to provide a cock or a tongue whenever the urge arose. Grumbling her disappointment under her breath, she focused on her sensitive bud, closing her eyes and trying to take her mind off her decidedly unerotic setting.

In her imagination, the Security Chief had come to her suite alone, without his UNNI lackeys in tow. She couldn’t recall the details of his uniform, save that it was blue, perhaps a little tighter fitting in her mind’s eye than it had been in reality. His prosthetics stood out to her, however. She could recall every minute detail, down to the whirring sound that they made when they moved, to the subtle checker pattern that was visible on the black housing when they caught the light at just the right angle. His dark hair, the scars on his tanned skin, those dark eyes that radiated such self-assurance.

She replayed the interrogation in her head, blanking out the two agents and focusing on the Chief. Moralez, that was his real name, but his title afforded him a status that she found quite alluring. Chief of Security had no equivalent in her society, but it was similar to Captain of the Guard, a position in the Elysian military.

The scene played out in much the same way, with the Chief discovering the alien device in her pocket, and confronting her with the demand that she allow herself to be incarcerated. This time, there was no brutish Polar to fight on his behalf, Korbaz flipping the table and squaring off against the human.

He was strong, resilient, putting up a good fight as the pair exchanged scars and bruises. The duel was part of her fantasy, no less erotic than its result, and her racing mind went into great detail as her finger rubbed slowly.

Korbaz dodged out the way as the Chief swung at her with a clenched fist, the hard, tough material punching straight through the wall behind her as though it posed no resistance at all. He came at her again, far quicker than any normal human, a follow-up strike destroying a kitchen counter. The wood fractured, the contents of one of the drawers spilling alien implements onto the floor, her opponent’s dark eyes tracking her as she danced out of his reach.

He raised his arms defensively as she swiped at him with her hooked claws, her talons leaving deep furrows in his polymer forearms. It felt good to feel them tear through something, even if it was only synthetic flesh, the Chief reeling under her powerful blow. She forced him back against the counter, the alien giving up his defensive posture, ducking under her blow to send her claws slicing through a wooden cabinet where his head had been a moment before.

There was an electric whir as he punched her in the stomach, moving as though he intended to put his iron fist straight through her, her muscles tensing as a jolt of pain rocked her. She did not fall as he had expected, driving her knee into his torso, lifting him clear off the floor and sending him slamming into the counter. The Chief was dazed, rising to his feet as he glared at her defiantly, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his prosthetic hand. Korbaz had no idea how resilient humans really were, but in her fantasy, he could take anything that she could dish out.

The Chief took up a boxing posture, a human fighting stance that she had seen on the station’s intranet. Their fists were dangerous, the knuckles reinforced for combat to the extent that they had to wear protective gloves to save from wounding one another. She could only imagine that the Chief’s fists were even more deadly, perhaps designed for combat.

Unrelenting, he threw himself at her, harrying her with swift punches from his robotic limbs. He was fast, but he couldn’t hope to stand against a Rask, their bout ending with Korbaz throwing him across the kitchen with a brutal backhand that knocked him off his feet. Even now, he tried to get up, but she marched across the kitchen and reached down to grip him by the collar of his uniform. She lifted him off the ground like a duffel bag, tossing him onto the Borealan-sized couch in the living area.

“Submit,” she panted, her sweat making her leather garments stick to her skin. “You are spent.”

A Borealan would submit once bested, he would become compliant, boring. But Korbaz had heard stories of how the humans prolonged the encounter well past the point of submission, resisting even as they were taken.

“I’m afraid not, Vice Admiral,” he replied. He was always courteous, even when he was angry.

She reached down with her sharp claws, intending to tear open his uniform, but he gripped her wrist with a robotic hand. Korbaz batted her lashes in surprise as she found herself unable to break his steely grip. Her heart fluttered as her fingers began to grow numb, her wrist starting to hurt. He was so strong...

She brought in her second hand, and he stopped that too, Korbaz’s biceps bulging from beneath the sleeves of her jacket as she tried in vain to reach him. She was winded by a savage kick from his prosthetic leg, the skid-like foot catching her in the belly. Her lips curled into a grin as she pressed more of her weight on him, she could hear his arms creaking, the motors whining. Finally, she managed to gain control, pinning his arms against the cushions as she loomed over him.

Korbaz brought her face close to his, her labored breathing washing over him, the sweet scent of his exertion filling her pink nose. She opened her mouth, grazing his cheek with her rough, tapered tongue. His taste was just as irresistible.

“I finally get to have you,” she whispered as her heart began to race, “no more games...”

The Chief reached up and sank his teeth into her neck, biting her hard enough to leave a sore, red mark. A jolt of pleasure coursed through her as her eyelids fluttered, the real Korbaz beginning to stroke herself faster as her imaginary counterpart wet her lips in anticipation.

“You can’t resist me,” she continued, “you’ve never had anyone like me before. I’ll send you back to your prissy Polar covered in my scent.”

She drew the loop of rope that she kept in one of her pouches, delighting in binding his hands together. Korbaz wasn’t interested in the details, or the fact that he could easily have broken free, her fantasy demanded that he be restrained.

Now bound with his arms above his head, he couldn’t prevent her from slowly popping the buttons off his uniform one by one with her black claws. Did he have buttons, or had it been a zipper? She couldn’t remember. No matter...

She tore the garment open, exposing his chest, running her padded fingers over his collection of scars. Each one was the proof of a battle won, an engagement survived, a story that had been imprinted in his skin. Korbaz let her claws prick him, leaving red trails that came just short of drawing blood, the Chief twitching as she moved lower.

She knelt, the sound of tearing fabric filling the room as she discarded the rest of his shredded uniform. The garment disappeared to leave him naked as soon as it was no longer part of her imagined encounter, her focus turning to his alien, yet familiar physique. Korbaz could see where his prosthetics connected to his body now, the stumps covered by polymer housings in her mind’s eye. They were some of the most deadly injuries that could be survived, yet he fought on, a shiver traveling down her spine as she admired his physique.

Although she would never have admitted to letting her curiosity get the better of her, she had seen a human’s member before, an anatomical drawing on an intranet article. They weren’t nearly as small as one would have expected from a creature of such diminutive stature, and they were covered in smooth skin, without a barb in sight. The stimulation instead came from the odd ridge on the pronounced head and the bulging veins that ran up and down its length.

She pressed her padded finger against its sensitive tip, watching it twitch, her amber eyes darting upwards to see the Chief peering back at her expectantly. How could he resist her? Given the opportunity, she would turn him, she was certain of it. The sinewy, vigorous body of a Rask was a sculpted work of art, fat Polars and frail human women couldn’t hold a candle to her. If only he would see it. Korbaz had contrived so many opportunities to have him close to her, to let him run those metal hands across her body. If he was at all curious, then he never showed it.

All he had to do was turn up at her suite and ask for a closer look...

Her fingers began to rub faster, wet with her juices as she imagined closing her lips around his member, feeling his pulse against the flat of her tongue. She dug her claws into his prosthetic thigh, feeling them sink deep into the material as she began to suck, crawling her lips lower as his resistance started to melt. She took him into her throat, kissing the base, Korbaz delighting in the way that he throbbed in her mouth.

It was more than simply wanting to conquer him as she had so many others. She wanted to pleasure him, she wanted him to reciprocate her desire, and she wasn’t sure why. Conquest had always been enough before, but she wanted to prove herself in other ways, she wanted him to want her.

His rubber fingers delved into her sandy hair, alternating between affectionate stroking, and stinging tugging that made her loins ache. Where the rope had gone, she didn’t care, logic wasn’t a requirement when she was lost in a sordid fantasy.

Her long tongue coiled around his length, winding up and down his shaft, coating it in her saliva. She reveled in his every twitch and sigh, pulling back the protective skin to expose his pink flesh, paying it special attention as its tip leaked beads of his excitement. She wasn’t sure if he would appreciate its rough texture, but in her mind, she was gentle, and he reveled in it. His grip on her hair grew tighter as she teased him, a groan of disappointment escaping his lips when she stopped short of finishing him off. She took his member in her hand, tickling him with her furry palm, now damp with her drool.

“Now, perhaps you will be more honest with yourself,” she said as she crawled up onto the couch. She straddled him, her weight pressing the cushions down to either side of him, her leather pants creaking as she brought her crotch to head-height. She gripped the headrest, seeing the conflict in his eyes as they traced the indents that her toned muscles carved into her exposed midriff, droplets of her sweat following the contours as they dripped down her belly.

“I want you to undress me,” she said, more of a statement than a request. “Surely you can resist me no longer, Security Chief?”

She licked her lips as she peered down at him, finding his indecision adorable, his arousal overcoming the shame of his defeat at her hands. His lips pressed against her belly, Korbaz shuddering both in her fantasy and in reality as she imagined the sensation of his silken tongue darting into her navel.

“I’ve been lying to myself,” he muttered, the Vice Admiral grinning from ear to ear as he placed a gentle bite on her hip.

“Did you always want me?” Korbaz whispered, her cheeks flushing as her imagination took a self-indulgent turn.

“I didn’t know how to show it,” he replied, “your culture is so foreign.”

“Human courtship is so indirect,” she purred, reaching down and cupping his scarred cheek in her hand. “A Rask simply takes what she wants.”


Korbaz lurched as she felt his prosthetic fingers dart up towards her pants, the alien crushing her steel belt buckle in his hand as though it were made from tin, tearing it away. Once her belt had been loosened, he ripped open her fly, not even taking the time to pull down the zipper. He had become so aggressive all of a sudden, not at all like the submissive behavior of a defeated male.

Korbaz’s excited chuckling morphed in a low, sultry moan as his tongue skirted the fluffy tuft of blonde fur on her mound, his fingers delving into the meat of her rump through the tough leather. His metal hands were so small, struggling to cup her firm cheeks, but the lack of claws meant that he could knead and squeeze in a way that a Borealan partner couldn’t.

She shivered contentedly as he took generous handfuls of her flesh through her pants, her spine arching, fresh beads of sweat trailing their way down her washboard abs. Her now willing partner began to drag her pants down, so tight that it was a struggle, even with his enhanced strength. They were like a second skin, as though they had been painted onto her, the material creaking audibly as he hooked his thumbs around her waistband.

Korbaz helped him along, dragging them down slowly, making him work for every inch of exposed skin. He seemed enamored, mouthing and kissing as he went, biting her with his dull teeth.

The garment slid down around her muscular thighs, the Chief running the rubbery pads on the ends of his fingers across her wet skin, the sheen of sweat making her glisten under the suite’s lights. She could feel his eyes wandering across her figure, drinking her in like a thirsty traveler at a desert oasis. He radiated a long-repressed desire, his cool hands sliding between her parted legs, probing as though he didn’t know what to expect.

His fingers found wetness, warmth, and he pulled them back to see a web of sagging fluid clinging to the polymer. He brought it to his mouth, glancing up at her defiantly as he sampled her flavor, Korbaz’s cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red.

The Vice Admiral was jolted back to reality as the bed in her cell made an especially loud creak. She realized that she had raised her rump from the mattress, her fingers moving furiously between her trembling thighs. She pulled them away, watching the strand that linked them to her swollen loins fall to her belly as it broke.

“Too hot,” she grumbled to nobody in particular, putting her sordid fantasy on hold as she removed her leather jacket. The cold wall behind her was now pleasant, soothing, her tank top already stained with sweat. The damned cell was like an oven, trapping all of her body heat. As someone who was accustomed to the harsh weather of the Rask territory, it took a great deal of discomfort to make her complain.

She tossed her jacket to the floor, the metal studs and badges clattering against the white metal, then shifted her weight as she tried to find a comfortable position. She spread her legs further, wishing that she had something softer to sit on, the rhythmic squeaking of the bedsprings resuming as she began to rub again.

In Korbaz’s fantasy, her pants had vanished, leaving her nude from the waist down. The human left a sucking kiss on her inner thigh, a pleasant shiver winding its way up her spine, her muscles dimpling her skin as they tensed.

“You taste so good,” he muttered, her eyes rolling back into her head as she felt his smooth tongue draw shapes. He neared her loins, her pulse seeming to make them throb, his nose delving into the silky tuft of sandy fur as his lips met hers. Like a lurid kiss, he explored her with his dexterous organ, its texture like satin that had been soaked in warm water. That was the way that she had heard it described, was it not?

“Yes, just like that,” she whispered as she let her hand rest in his hair. She drew him a little closer, her legs turning to jelly as he painted her burning vulva, teasing her with gentle licks and pecks. She leaned back a little, making it easier for him, feeling the warmth of his red cheeks on her thighs as he dug deeper.

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Hi, ISS readers, this is Sandeep back with my second sex story and thank you all for the wonderful rating and feedback given for my previous story. Mail me at for feedback, review, meets and chat. This is a real sex story about how I was humiliated and abused by a middle-aged woman. About me, I am a 29-year-old virgin, 5.4 height, and weight 70, and average dick of 5.4 inches. And I work in Bangalore as a banker. I like to being dominated by a woman in both bed and conversation. From my teen...

1 year ago
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The AccidentChapter 10

I could be an asshole and lie about it ... so I will. I asked Grace. “Lookit, sister mine. All I want is a date for the prom,” I said. The sister mine had her Immediate attention. Let’s face ... I’d never admitted she was related to me by thought, word or deed. Did I expect she’d fall all over herself to help her brother? Yes. Did she? No. Grace is smarter than I’d like to admit. She got that evil sister smile. “Ok ... I’ll order a dress.” “Whoa. Whoa, Whoa!” I said. “I said,...

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Boss is the Beneficiary of Wifes Horniness

Recently my wife went back to work after fifteen years of being a stay-at-home mom, to supplement our disposable income. She is working in a small office with a few other women, and a couple of retired military officers. She found that she enjoyed being back in the workplace, and liked the rewarding work in which she was engaged. Being in her early forties, my wife, was at one time quite promiscuous, but had long ago trended toward a more conservative lifestyle. The office is one that deals...

4 years ago
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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 4

Rather than waking her with breakfast, as he usually did, The Beast simply left it on the dining room table, where she found it after giving up waiting and trekking wearily downstairs. It was cold, and the yolk in the egg was long-since hardened. After eating, a part of her wanted to find The Beast in the garden, but she could not imagine such a course of action ending happily. With nothing better to do, she returned to the project of cleaning the house. Apart from the old servants’ quarters,...

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Morning In The Park

After nearly 20 years in a rather unexciting marriage and finding myself single again at the age of 45, meeting Joyce seemed a bit like a dream come true. She was a rather leggy 23-year-old with perky breasts only a woman her age could possess. Like a lot of younger women, she wanted to try it all, including being with an older man. I was only glad to help out. She said she liked my maturity and the fact that I took my time in the bedroom. Heck, it was probably more middle age than any real...

2 years ago
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A Teaching Moment about Grading

Coach J recently had asked me how some of his varsity basketball players were doing in my class as he wanted to keep abreast of their academics and to make sure they kept their grades up to maintain their playing eligibility. Unfortunately I had been preoccupied with other things and I’d been remiss and fallen behind in my grading. So one afternoon I stayed later than usual catching up on the paperwork and grades until I was all caught up, for the time being any way. I surmised if his players...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 4 Latina MILFs Futa Discipline

Chapter Four: Latina MILF's Futa Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Christine Holt I opened the door to the house, eager to get in, get changed, and get out before I ran into my mom. I didn't see her in the living room. A lavender scent filled my nose. One of Mom's dumb scented candles she was trying to sell on the internet. She thought she'd be the next Martha Steward or some dumb shit like that. Though, it did smell good. I took...

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The Life of RyanChapter 32 Miami Days 2 3

In the morning, Ryan and Danielle had sex in bed and again in the shower before heading into a long day of meetings and appointments. Ryan was a little wiped out at first from the night before, but after some coffee and a high-protein breakfast, he felt rejuvenated enough to become a major businessman for the day. Much was accomplished in the final negotiations of the terms of the merger that day, and Ryan played his part well. He knew he was more of a figurehead than anything else, but as...

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Movie Theater Gangbang

I had just got out of a 5yr relationship. Losing my fiance was one of the hardest and worst things to ever happen to me. I lost all interest in women and sex for 3 long months. Until I saw the post online. "Adult Movie Theater Slut Looking" She wanted anyone, any cock, to fill her up bareback with hot cum. Her husband wanted to see how much she could take, and just like that my sex drive started up again. I had trouble finding the place in the rain, it was in the city in...

4 years ago
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Liz Giving In To Temptation

I have written before about Liz, about how easy guys managed to get her knickers down before we met. Liz in her teens and early twenties was stunning. She was very attractive, slim, with 34E breasts. She also had a very warm personality, so men were drawn towards her. Even when she had a boyfriend, men would still try for her, and being that she was more than a little gullible, more often than not, she ended up being screwed by the confident guys who tried it on with her. Then I came along, I...

Quickie Sex
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Massage of His Life

Patrick finished his long day of skiing. He was sore from all of the runs and headed to the spa club to soak in the hot tub. Just as he went to get into the tub, he noticed an amazing looking woman over by the club desk. They caught eyes and she smiled back at him. Patrick stepped gingerly into the steaming hot tub and began to soothe his tired muscles. The woman wandered over to where Patrick was in the hot tub knelt down besides a surprised Patrick. "Hi there. I'm Melissa." "I'm...

3 years ago
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Used Like A BBC Whore

About a year ago while living in a hotel and living there as a Transexual I was used by a young black man as his whore for the night.He moved in about two weeks ago with a couple friends. They where maybe 5 rooms away from me on 1st floor. As the week wore on I would be coimg and going and would notice them watching me. When I would walk by they never said anything but one of the guys always smiled at me.While one night I got a phone call and he said his name was Rick and he lived down the...

1 year ago
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A Cougars Story

After my indiscretion with Bob that Oktoberfest weekend, Jim and I's sexual activity increased considerably, mostly if the truth be told, because of my initiating 'fooling around'.There was no doubt about it anymore, at least for me, that the night with Bob had reawakened a part of me that wouldn't go back to sleep. One evening, after Jim and I had finished a very delightful 69 session, I lay with my head on his thigh, enjoying the cleaning I was doing of Jim's cock after he had climaxed.He had...

2 years ago
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In the glade

The sun was coming in through the room window next to where I sat, making my white shirt stick to the sweat on my torso. I eased open the top button of my shirt and checked that my tie was up hiding this uniform crime from Miss Willims. Daydreaming away the final minutes of double english I let her voice become a meaningless drone. " But low what light.." she read. RRRRRRRRRRRR - the bell went and the whole class raised slightly as i the bell instilled a new energy into us.Packing my bag I...

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The Adventures of an Innocent Girl

Warning: This story contains some non-consensual sex. If you are uncomfortable with these sorts of things, do not proceed and find a different tale to read. Chapter 1: Learning "Do you remember everything we told you, darling?" "Yes, mom." "Where are the keys?" "In the drawer" "Where's the backup?" "In the pot" "Where's the money?" "In the safe" "What's the code?" "7845" Lily's father brought the luggage to the car, a 2018 Toyota Corolla, as her mom continued quizzing her like a manic high...

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The Demon pt2

John was still in the living room reading the book. He hadn't heard a thing ofwhat has been going on in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes now. He's on the5th page due to there words being so hard to prenounce. As he continues to readEvan is upstairs lying in his bed asleep. He is awaken by the sound of his door slamming shut. He looks up. There's no one in the room but him. Or so he thinks.As he rolls back over, dismissing the door, he feel a tingling sensation on thebottom of his feet. Asif...

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My first time in front of a total stranger

After I discovered that I loved to be naked outside, I wanted to show off my cock to all the girls around my neighborhood. I dont know why I wanted to show off my cock but I did. It didnt take long before I was well known for finding ways to get my cock out in front of them. I spent the summer in shorts and tank tops. I began to hate underwear, and stopped wearing them. I would make the head of my cock able to be seen from the pant leg of the shorts, or "not realize" that my fly was down, or...

2 years ago
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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 15 The Ordreg and the Planet Erdmord

The assault frigate with escorts approached the planet Erdmord. The planet was blanketed by clouds as far as the eye could see. Most of the clouds were white and fluffy, however some were dark and foreboding and lightning flashed intermittently. As they descended below the clouds they saw a beautiful patchwork of farms below with tall mountains surrounding the colorful valley. “I wish we could fly,” said Jason to Corvus. “Pilot please inform ground control we are flying in,” said Corvus....

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Jennifer and Me

This is a fantasy from long ago about a black, female engineer friend. I am an Electrical Engineer, military computer design was what I did. Now I'm seventy-one and own a small store in a small town about seventy-five miles north of San Francisco. I sell mineral specimens, jewelry and Grateful Dead memorabilia. There was a black, female engineer friend that I'd known many years ago and sometimes, as I'm staring up into darkness waiting to fall asleep, she walks gently back into my...

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I Completed My Girlfriend8217s Sex Fantasy

Hello everyone.I am Akhi. This story belongs to my gf sonali.our relationship was going very well. But after one incident this bonding became more strong.we used to do phone sex almost every night and I fucked her like a bitch, she also behaved as a slut over the phone. Whenever we meet, we used to do sex and that fuck would be very hot and rough also. Her figure is 32-28-34 a very hot night we were doing phone sex and I asked her to share her wildest fantasy..she agreed but on one...

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AwakeningsChapter 9

The Captain read the reports with tight lips. He had counted at least30 bodies or what was left of them. Thank god Tahir had rescued half of those left but the body count was starting to mount. Washington wasn't that pleased but after the horror stories of those he had rescued they weren't that unhappy now. Tahir wasn't that pleased either, still perplexed at Natasha's words he was wondering what in the hell was going on. Reaching out he found Natasha wondering if she could talk now....

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Play Date

What is it with men? I think everyone of them has a fantasy involving two women. My husband and I have talked about this subject many times. When I was younger, (in college) this one girl I met, Bonnie, latched on to me and we kissed and played with each other’s tits a few times. One time, when kissing, she put her hand on my crotch. It sent chills through my body. That’s all that ever happened. I never thought much of it, because like most young women, experimentation is part of growing up. I...

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Hottest Aunty Of Society

Hi…. Guys and ladies.I am Harry from chandigarh.I am a student and living there with my friends.I am good looking guy with average height and nyc shaped dick(for you ladies ). Yeh meri first dtory hai riviews dene k liye ya contact krne k liye my id: Let me start with the story.I am a shy type of guy.I go coaching in morning and come back by 1 pm.Rest of the day  I  stay free usually roaming around to have a look on boobs and assets. Let me describe in hindi. Mai free hoke jayadatar market...

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Carpool with Kat

This story has absolutely no truth or reality in it. This is 100% a fantasy based on thoughts rambling through my head and put to words. If you enjoy it I’d love to see your comments. If you hate it, well there are plenty more stories on this site for you to enjoy.It was my turn to drive in our work carpool this week. I didn’t mind driving for a week because on some commutes it can get a bit boring just setting in one of the four positions in the small cars that the other two people drive...

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CFNM World

You get to write about a world where men are required to be naked at all times but women are allowed to remain clothed. You can approach this story in almost any way you want. Perhaps you want men to be nothing more than slaves to women. Maybe men are at a nearly equal standing with them, but still have to be nude. As for the setting, feel free to get creative there as well. Maybe your story will take place in the “real world.” Maybe it’ll be in a fictional country of your own making. Perhaps...

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Life Is a Soap OperaChapter 23

Bailey felt like her stomach was on fire. She had been drifting in and out of consciousness since the night before. Her sister had finally taken her to the ER first thing in the morning, then called her parents. Through the haze, she refused any treatment other than ibuprofen. The pain will go away, she told herself. It always does. But it hadn't. If anything, it got worse. She heard her parents and the doctors talking. Her mother pleaded with her to sign over power of attorney to them,...

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My New Job Part 1

My name is Kaylynn. I’m 28 years old and am currently cleaning houses for a living. I have many clients and some rotate in and out while others are regulars. Something happened last week that is a bit unusual for me. I started cleaning Don’s house a few months ago and he is probably one of my favorite customers. First of all, he’s gorgeous. He’s quite a bit older than me (in his late thirties or early forties, I believe) but he’s aged well. The second I met him I wanted to rip off his...

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The Haunting of Palmer MansionChapter 13

A cool autumn breeze blew yellow and red leaves through the air, rustling gently as they passed Daniel down the sidewalk. Daniel’s shoulders tensed as he turned down his brother’s street. A pit formed in his stomach as he imagined Brad’s truck parked in the driveway. But it wasn’t there. Daniel walked up the drive, down the little path to the front door, and knocked. “Danny!” Penelope squealed when she opened the door. “I’m so happy to see you. Come in.” She wanted to play it cool with...

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The Controllers FollyChapter 7

“Can I be the one to kill him?” Katerina’s eyes glinted with malicious joy. “What?” Preston-Emily’s voice cracked in shock, but on this ordinary Monday, none of the other assembled women seemed all that shocked. Katerina looked around as if she’d just announced the sky was blue on a clear day and was not believed, “Oh come on, that’s what we’re here to talk about right? That’s why the big all hands meeting.” She was wearing jeans and a long sleeve athletic shirt that she’d picked up today....

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The Therapist Part 1

My divorce had left me depressed to the point where I contemplated ending my life. Every day as I drove home from work tears would fill my eyes and I'd sob uncontrollably as I headed for my new, small one room apartment. After a month of this, I knew I had to get some help. I did the research and found a therapist who came highly recommended. I have to admit; I never put much stock into therapy. I probably got a negative impression of it courtesy of my ex-wife. She went twice a week...

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The Office Mess Epilogue

We all rested for an hour or so and then got up. Brittany had a meeting that afternoon, Amy had to be at work at four, and I had nothing to do for the rest of the day.Before we left Brittany asked if we could all meet for lunch the next day. We agreed and everyone left her house. I texted Brittany later that day and asked about meeting that night. She responded quickly that she had the meeting and then needed to go home and get some rest.I watched Amy on the six o’clock newscast. I could not...

Straight Sex
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Secrets of the Peddlers Daughter

Madison cursed to herself softly. She hated the walk from the parking lot to the shop. It was a short walk, but she had to go past a number of trash containers full of spoiling watermelons, cantaloupe and grapes. The Vietnamese who had a shop nearby made things unpleasant for the rest of them. On the other hand, a lot of people who came for the cheap vegetables and fruit invariably stopped out of curiosity to visit her store as well. The City Market had been good to her, her parents and her...

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Some Things Are Meant to BeChapter 9 Epilogue

"Hey, Kevin! Kevin Westcott!" My head shot around at the sound of the voice. A man was sitting at a table outside of TGI Friday's and waving. As soon as I recognised him, my face broke into a wide smile. I hopped off the moving walkway, trying not to spill the bottle of water I held in one hand and the triple-mocha de-caff latte in the other. He stood and held out his arms. I gave the slightly pudgy and balding man a warm, brotherly hug. "Well, I'll be damned!" I exclaimed. "Darren...

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Free For All FarmgirlChapter 7

They gave her beer, and she lay between them on the towels, getting drunk. She'd never tasted alcohol of any kind before, and the beer went straight to her head. She couldn't stop giggling. She let the boys paw her and kiss her and play with her naked body in any way they wanted, and she welcomed every touch. She played with their cocks and balls, sucked on their small brown nipples and nuzzled their armpits, and they crushed her between them, rubbing up against her, moaning about how good...

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Chrissie gets deballed

Chapter 19 Chrissie gets deballed I am just about to undergo a gonadectomy or more specifically an orchiectomy or, as Kate would simply say, I am getting deballed this evening. On my back on a surgical table with my legs splayed and my feet planted in raised stirrups, at the end of the table I can see the doctor, Kate and Tracie discussing my fate as if I wasn't in the same room. "I want the bottom of his penis to smoothly come out of his skin like it does on the top," Kate said...

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Michael By Stephanie Ann Chavez Michael Warren met Stephanie in a college singing group and immediately found her extremely attractive. With long wavy chestnut hair, she was fair skinned with just a sprinkle of sun kissed freckles across her cheeks. She had a knockout figure with breasts that were neither too small nor too large. In high heels she stood slightly taller than his 5'5" stature, but he didn't mind that at all. She was attracted to the fact that he was masculine...

1 year ago
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Danis New Life Ch 08B

Dani’s New Life Ch. 08b by Lauries Husband © (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life — Parts 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, and 8A. This will make much more sense if you do…) * Having dried off after her memorable shower with Tami, her twenty-three year-old lover and protégé, Dani Evans, the twenty-eight year-old Harvard-educated lawyer, Chief Legal Counsel and Corporate Vice President of a very successful software company, dressed in the tight blue jeans and T-shirt that her Master,...

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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 31

The previous day, Michael had opened the door to find Nicolette standing there, a look of burning lust in her eyes. “Oh,” he’d said, and Nicolette recoiled slightly at the disappointment in his voice. “Oh?” she said, and the provocative pose she’d struck for him drooped slightly. “Sorry,” Michael replied. “I didn’t mean ... you’d better come in.” Nicolette was wearing a pink teddy, the sexiest outfit she owned. The effect had been more pronounced when she had a bust to fill it out, but as...

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