Predator Series: The Beginning: Chapter 2 free porn video

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Reality over ego starts to set in. I pull her head off of my penis and look at her as her mouth lay open, gapped, with saliva and the little bit of cum from my penis as I pulled out. Shes dead. Oh fuck, I killed her, she suffocated on my dick. What am I going to do, I think to my self as I go into a frantic frenzy. I picked her up, threw her in her car. Shit, I cant leave her, and I can't take both cars. I got it. I will park my car in the abandoned lot near us.

I hop in to my car and drive it into the abandoned lot. No one will bother with my car, its a piece of crap Toyota. It's a 93 model Toyota tercel, blue, rusty blue. I sigh once more leaving my car, my baby, my ghetto pimp ride. I laugh on the inside realizing how white I am for saying something like that.

I turn around and look at her car, as I do a smile comes across my face. It's a jag, a beautiful dark green jaguar at that. As I walk to her car I really take it in. I'm not a car buff, but I can tell this is a brand new car, as I get closer and can actually make out what it is, I realize its a Jaguar XKR, 2010 model at that. As I gawk at the car I motion to get in the car, and as I open the door I realizes how this car came into my possession. I moved this corpse, I mean woman into the passengers seat. Her hair being a mess as well as her face, damn, got to clean her up, just in case. I search her car for something to clean her face with. Not a damn thing. Starting to realize that this might be a one of those sales cars you see that the sales reps get to drive around to 'test' out. I look for the keys, lucky me, already in the ignition. I start the car, and it acknowledges with a nice rumble. Got to love the V8 engine. Standard, luck is just shining my way today. I take off the break and put it in neutral, I give it some gas and watch the RPMs tick up to about 3500 and slam it into first gear as the back tires light up I give a satisfying yell as I burn rubber off the tires and transfer them on the pavement and then make a sliding right hand turn and park. It was less then a hundred feet to my car but I wanted to test the car and see what its got. Why not? Shes not going to need the car where shes at.

I hop out of the jag reluctantly, and go in my car, grab my belongings and some McDonald's napkins off the front passengers seat where I had eaten at the day prior. Get back in the jag, and proceeded to clean her face off. Looking at her again as I clean off her face, she still strikes me as an actress just which I knew who or what movie. I finish cleaning her face off, then I remembered, from the movie 'Serenity'. Thats who she looks like, the mechanic woman from 'Serenity'.

I start to look for some ID or some kind of purse. Nothing in the front seats or console, nothing on the passenger floor board. Would never have thought it be in the passenger rear floor board. I look through her purse to see if I can find an ID or something. What I find makes me smile. I reach in her purse and come out with about 800 in twenties. I count it out, yep 800 American dollars. My luck keeps getting better by the moment.

Reality once again is setting in, damn that reality. What am I going to do with her. I can just dump her and the car somewhere. No I cant do that, CSI coming to mind, me dumping my cum into her throat and stomach and her mouth, not to mention they can find out what paint my car is from the paint transfer. Damn me and my over active mind. The hospital. No, cant drop a dead chick off, the date rape test they do will point towards me, not to mention the dead part and the questions on how she came about, dead. A grim realization is starting to come over me, I am stuck with a dead chick in her car. Fuck. I crank the car up and drive off. Only one place, my place. It can at least get me in to a secure place where I can think.

After spending about ten minutes adjusting this woman in the front seat to look like she is passed out rather then her current condition, I sped off towards my house. It must have been about ten minutes in to the drive before I noticed that her skirt had road up her legs from all the 'stop and- go' driving I have been doing with the car. I noticed she was wearing some sexy panties. From what I could tell they were a light purple and semi-sheer. I seen that they were semi-sheer because of the racing stripe she had. This is going to sound bad but I figured shes not going to be complaining any time soon, so I decided to have a little fun. I took my hand and moved it up and down her thighs, feeling her smooth silk legs that she must keep waxed because I could not feel a single hair on them at all. That I did like in my women, clean, shaved or waxed. I moved my hand up to her crotch and rubbed her vagina through her panties some. I wanted to taste her at this point. Almost losing control of the car a few times I managed to move aside her panties and stick a finger in them, supposed to know, but she was soaking wet from before as my two fingers moved inside her with ease as far as lubrication goes. As far as just sliding in, not very. She was tight, almost virgin tight. I slid my fingers in further then further, till I could not go any further. I moved my fingers back and forth in a scissoring motion, just then I hear a moan creep out of her mouth.

I swerve the car to the shoulder of the road. I sat there, motionless, and eyes thrown forward not wanting to see if she was alive or starting to wake up. As cars honk and drive by that I cut off while I made my move to the shoulder, I did not want to move. It must of been at least five minutes of nothing before I got the nerve to look at her. I mean If I was a woman, just violated to the point of blacking out and then woke up in your own cars passenger seat with a mans hand all up inside you, someone you never met before a day in your life, and hes driving you to god knows where, what would you think? After five minutes of no screaming, no hitting, no crying, no pleading, no nothing at all, I look over and see that shes still knocked out. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing the fact I am not going to be charged with rape and murder, just rape, and kidnapping and a whole bunch of other stuff my mind was telling me. As I regained my composer and drove onward to my abode, I told myself just not to touch her until your safely in your garage.

I pull up to my house and hit the garage door button I grabbed from my car earlier. I previously forgot it when a friend picked me up so I never forget that bad boy. They make life so much easier. I pull into the garage and watch the door as it slowly shuts. I sit there and watch the door creep shut half expecting to see cops rush into my drive way sirens roaring and megaphones blaring. There was nothing. This was to easy except for that episode on the road where she moaned and woke up. If she had done that before I put her in her car and drove off from where I had raped her orally. I could have just left her. Her none the wiser. sitting in the car staring at her, waiting for her to do something realizing just now after looking at her for about five minutes I could have just checked to see if she was breathing. I am such an idiot I scolded myself. Maybe I deserved this. Maybe this is a dream? Maybe when she wakes up she will forgive me and not call the cops? No I don't think so not after what I had done to her. Which brings a thought to mind, maybe I planned this when I saw her? Maybe I wanted this? I don't know, and at the moment my mind is telling me I need to do something before she does wake up and start the screaming and crying and hitting I foresee in my head.

I get out of the car and scrounge around some in the garage grabbing some nylon rope and some rags. I made sure the rag wasn't used for any chemicals that might stir her. I made sure everything I used was clean or not used. I opened the passenger door and put the rag in her mouth and used a second rag to tie around her head and keep the first rag in place. Then I used a knife I fount on my work bench to cut the rope into more manageable pieces. I thus tied her arms behind her back and her ankles and I even tied her knees together to make it easier for me. I then picked her up as she moaned only when moved to much, and I tried to keep all movement slow and to a minimum.

As I picked her up, I carried her into the house in my arms, kind of like a sick demented wedding day. I went to my living room. If she woke up, I didn't want her waking up in my bedroom. I sat her down in my reclining chair Made sure she was comfortable and made sure the ropes were taught, but not to tight to leave marks. I went over to my couch and sat down. Big mistake. I fell asleep.

I woke when I heard a thud. I opened my eyes and realized that It wasn't a bad dream after all. There she was laying on the floor, trying to move like a worm. Good thing I tied her knees together otherwise she could get up and hop away. This also provided me with a little more time to get up and sit her back in the chair. As I did gently and calmly I went to speak in a low soft voice.

"Please don't be frightened. I don't mean to hurt you. Well I didn't mean to hurt you. Did I hurt you?" I managed to blurt out,

I noticed she was shaking and had a deer in headlights look with her eyes wide and focused on me. I tried to explain my situation as with her blacking out, and me putting her in the car because I thought the worst. The ride over here was just that, I left out the fingering and moaning part, and summed up the rest. Her eyes lightened up and she didn't look half as scared.

"If I take your gag off do you promise to not yell, or scream or anything like that? I want to end this situation as soon as possible but I need your help. Can you do that for me?" I pleaded,

She nodded yes in approval, and I took off her gag, and she didn't scream or yell or anything that I feared. What she did, or rather what she said was ten times worse.

"I hope you have had a good life because once I get free I am calling the cops and they are going to throw your dumb ass in jail for a long, long time." she managed out with a hoarse voice from the assault earlier,

"Look I am sorry but I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I just wanted some head and then something came over me, something animalistic, primal, an urge I never felt before" I said,

"All the more reason the cops should throw your ass in jail." rolled off her tongue,

"Please theres no need to get the cops involved..." I said before she cut in,

"Isn't that what I said before you raped me?" she said,

"RAPED? you gave me head." I said,

"How do I know you haven't already had your way with me? I been out of it, and for all I know you have done used my other holes for your enjoyment." she barked,

"Wouldn't you at least feel some kind of feeling if I had done that?" I managed out,

"How do you know what I feel and what I don't feel? It doesn't matter, the cops will believe me, and from the taste in my mouth, thats all they need."

She had me there, and as scared as I was I was believe her every word. Then I started to think harder. She is tied up, and in my house, and theres nothing she can really do unless I let her. I got to think and act quickly. Lets see, ways for her to contact the outside world. Land lines, cell phones, and physical talking. Right okay, if I take care of these I can prolong myself getting thrown in jail or worse. I abruptly get up from my chair and goto each phone in my house and take out the phone cords making sure to grab both cables if there was one connecting the handset to the base, and throw them on the kitchen table. I then go back to the car where I had left her purse and grabbed the whole thing, then put that on the table. I put my cell phone on the table as well just in case she tries to get it off of me.

I collect all the items off of the table and goto my bedroom and find my firesafe I keep tucked away in my closet under the flooring. I peeled back some carpet and chiseled away the cement for my fire box in case someone tried to steel it. Its not to large, just large enough for what I need it to do. I was able to fit everything in the fire safe but the purse its self. While going through her purse and putting her belongings in to my fire safe, I was able to get a better understanding of who she really is. Going through the normal feminine items, a few tampons, makeup, hair ties, and the that sort, I came across her ID, she is 27, not bad, only two years older then I am. five foot five and a half inches tall and well the ID says 118lbs, but that must be in her cup because she doesn't look any bit over 110. Finally some good information, her name, Lorie Meyer. Lorie is such a pretty name. I had and ex named Lorie. Having gone through her entire purse and not finding any pictures was reassuring, odd, but assuring. Throwing everything in the lock box, and putting everything back the way it was, I take her purse and throw it in the closet, and get up and walk to the front room.

I walk into the front room to find an empty seat and empty room. Damn where did that worm wiggle to I ask my self. I look in the kitchen, nothing. Move to the hall leading to the door, there she is. I move to pick her up and she starts squirming around.

"Now, now, theres no need for all that." I tell her,

She manages a howl as I start to tickle her. I have sisters and if there is any thing that would stop them from thrashing the way they want is to tickle them and make them thrash the way I want. just as expected she straitens her body and then curls up into a fetal position. I pick her up by her waist and throw her over the shoulder and hold her ankles so she can not kick me and just wiggle.

"If you go to kicking you might fall off and seriously hurt yourself."

I informed her as I carted her back to the living room and set her down on the seat again. I sat in the chair, and tried to be civilized and have a nice civil conversation.

"Look Lorie, I did not mean to bring you here and on top of that, I did not mean to make you blackout. Whats done is done, and now we need to figure out how to resolve this situation where, one I don't see any cops, and two, you are back where you need to be." I said while watching a smirk appear on her face,

"We don't need to figure anything out, for all I care you can rot in hell. As soon as I get free the first thing I am going to do is goto the cops. Secondly I am going to be there when they pick you up and slap the handcuffs around your wrists." she said with an evil grin,


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Predator in Suburbia

The last of the movers left and Carl was left alone in his new furnished home. The few boxes of personal effects they allowed him to keep have been stacked neatly in the living room. Carl looked over the room before moving into the kitchen; it was bright yellow with warm orange accents. Warm like everything else in Arizona. Carl realized that in his 34 years of living, it was the past two years that drastically changed his life. He was busted back then by a combined federal task force of...

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Predator and Prey

So, about objectification.. I had a little trip to the state line treating myself to an relatively inexpensive vacation. I wanted to get out and away to find time in femme mode, socialize, indulge and build my confidence. I made the drive down there en femme checked into my hotel, ordered myself room service and kicked my heels off while stretching out on the queen size bed.I took in a long hot bubble bath that I had bought from a boutique in LA. I took extra time in making sure my appearance...

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Predator and Prey

PREDATOR AND PREY It began with the advert in the contact section of one of the more popularfetish magazines. Male submissive, rubber fetishist required by demanding dominatrix. Serious applicants only. Must be healthy and willing to undergo extensive and rigorous training in rubber immersion and submissive slavery. Box 4994 Since an early age this had been his ultimate fantasy. He'd spend endlesshours fantasising about being overpowered by an imperious domina and forcedto serve her. He...

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Predator in Suburbia

DAY ONE: The last of the movers left and Carl was left alone in his new furnished home. The few boxes of personal effects they allowed him to keep have been stacked neatly in the living room. Carl looked over the room before moving into the kitchen; it was bright yellow with warm orange accents. Warm like everything else in Arizona. Carl realized that in his 34 years of living, it was the past two years that drastically changed his life. He was busted back then by a combined federal task...

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Predator and Prey Part 01

Hello lovers. I know I have several series that you all would like me to continue. But sometimes an idea just sticks in my head and makes my pussy stick all wet and slippery, and I just have to get it written down to share with all of you! I was starting to write the next part of my story about Sissy Candy and her Uncle Mike (remember, Candy used to be Kenny until he seduced his uncle to sink his cock deep in Kenny's virgin ass, and turn that asshole into a boipussy?). Well as I...

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Predator and Prey Part 02

Predator and prey corrupting a mother and taking her son as my femmboi sissy! By tawny suede chapter 2 - first date i was going to have to play a bit of a long game. I figured it would take about six months. I didn't make a plan as such, but my mind played around with how to go about this over the next several days and a general way forward worked itself out. I was going to have to corrupt the mother. I didn't feel bad about that at all. She had something that I wanted and I was...

2 years ago
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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 6 Going Home

Leaving the Wilderness Park and Tawnee Stone does nothing positive for my shitty mood. This morning, the sky is heavily overcast with dark, ominous clouds. A thick fog makes my old weary bones feel the cold; then while loading the last of my equipment into my trailer, it seems the whole sky opens up and dumps. The downpour is so heavy there are times I can’t see across the road. Drenched to the bone, the defrosters are on full attempting to clear the windows; I am finally on my way. Evidence...

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Chapter 41: THE NEW DAY … AND A BIG CHANGEThe new day brought a new awareness. To all of us. And it was obvious by the reactions of all the species as they milled around the commons area of the settlement. The day before we were in the fight of our very lives. Although I gave us even odds for the initial battle as I had it planned, even odds is also just as good that we would lose. Then, when it was clear they had held back half of their force, I believed we were doomed. If not right there on...

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Chapter 42: MY FUTURE IS DECIDEDThe island is at peace, the mainland threat is gone. The island should be secure. Life should be peaceful. And b**st is gone. Happy, perhaps. But still gone. What does all this mean for me?Within a week of our victory against the invaders, Alex and Addama decide to go ahead with their marriage. She feels it is good for a positive, celebratory change. So early evening, with the world quieting down again, Alex and Addama approach Tessra and me at the edge of the...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 3 Back on the Road Again

For me, there is the good and the bad to every part of my extended trip. The good part is to be on the move again; in this case, destination unknown. The bad part is leaving Krystin and her mother behind, as well as the unknown with Lane. The twelve-year-old preteen was a delight to know. Between the two of them, I enjoyed over a week of mother and daughter loving. After meeting Krystin, it just reinforces my view on the wonders of young girls. The maturity level, of the several I’ve had the...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E15 Patrice Heslop 48 from Rutherglen

We fade in on a residential suburb ... The sky is grey, and so are the buildings ... Semi-detached, two-story, pebble-dashed post-war homes, fronted by high hedgerows. The wide street between them looks like it’s dual carriageway, but the sides of the street are entirely taken up with parked cars. There are even cars parked in the bus stop space – meaning that the bus passing through our shot has to stop in the middle of the road to let off passengers ... One of whom, a middle-aged,...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Chapter 29b: TO THE NW MOUNTAIN – ContinuedWe lost time during the rescue and we lost even more travelling with our now large group of twenty-three. Most of whom were unfamiliar with moving through the jungle or this portion of it. Every new sound brought fearful reactions from some portion of the group. After trekking for several hours, we needed a different plan. The confusion and nervousness of the group was making progress too difficult. The people were fearful of the a****ls in the group....

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escort serieschapter 1 heather

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and does not relate to any people dead or alive directly or indirectly. All the characters descried in the stories are fictions and resemblance is merely an unexpected and unintended coincidenceIntro: This is Chris from Rochester. I am from Rochester NY and i have been in the US for the last 3 years. I have seen several women mostly mature through several escorting agencies and also through personals. I am starting this series where i will be describing my...

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Chapter 37: STILL MORE PREPARATIONFor the next several days b**st and I leave Alex to manage the training while we go out to the plains and mark the areas we think things will happen. We mark where we want our groups to be placed for firing arrows into their formation, where the groups move between their turn to shoot. We are looking for natural formations to offer protection from firing from the new people. In two locations we will need to have some downed trees moved in to provide that cover....

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Chapter 34: “EEWA”I am just walking up onto the beach from a meeting with the dolphins. I have been getting regular updates from the dolphins, the eagles and Thorrass about the activity, if any, from around the new people settlement and harbor area. According to the people we talked to from the settlement they were expecting more ships with reinforcements and we could expect trouble. They didn’t have any apparent interest in the island itself regarding any known minerals or resources or for...

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CHAPTER 21: NEW LIFE REFLECTIONSI woke up disoriented. Where am I, what woke me up? The sun is barely up. Long shadows and rays of light penetrating through the jungle canopy. There’s that noise, again. I am stretched out on the ground along b**st’s stomach and chest, his front leg over my upper body. This has become a favorite sleeping position for me since we arrived on the planet. Although it is much more comfortable on the beach sand at the lagoon. I raise my head to seek out the source of...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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CHAPTER 23: RETURN OF THE PREDATORSFor days after the ceremony with b**st, I was content to stay in the lagoon. We made little forays outside to replenish our food supplies. We would purposely go near the hillside the gorillas used as their main habitat to possibly see our friends. But we kept a wide berth around the village until I was ready to confront them as a people. The time was way overdue and I didn’t completely understand my reluctance so far. I was seemingly much more comfortable with...

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Chapter 29a: TO THE NW MOUNTAINAfter assessing the damage we suffered from the storm and deciding what to do with the carcass of the octopus, we walked our gorilla friends back through the tunnel. We asked them to pass information along to our team members and the clan leadership. That we would come by tomorrow to work out plans for leaving on the following day to travel to the region around the mountain to the NW with the intention to locate and meet with the other village, the other clan, and...

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Beth a Story in the Therapist Series

Claire's next patient was Elizabeth Smith. She was a self-referral, which was quite unusual. Her file had only her name, age (31) and contact details – no medical information or history of any kind. Recalling that her last patient's name was Greg Smith, Claire wondered. Same family name, and though the name Smith is common enough, it was just possible that this was his offspring. He had said his daughter was in her thirties. While she waited for Elizabeth to arrive, Claire thought back on...

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"Is that what we are?" Jill looked at me. She was 24 and she looked like a Jill, with her long brown hair in pigtails, hanging just behind her ears. She had soft brown eyes and a pretty face, with dimples when she smiled. A real tomboy body too, thin and sort of slouching because she was self-conscious about being so tall. Jill was like 5'11 and she hated it. Small breasts, like just nipples really and her sex was so far down between her thighs you couldn't even tell she had one unless she...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Chapter 28: AT THE LAGOONArriving back to the lagoon I find that b**st has already returned. It is early evening and I haven’t seen him in days. Exiting he tunnel I see him at the fresh water pool at the waterfall. I rush to the hut and remove all my weapons and boots and run to the falls to greet him. He hears me coming and turns as I fling myself at him. He is much too massive for me to knock over. Every time I merely bounce off him and end up on my ass.He shakes his head coming to me, gives...

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