A Well-Lived Life - Book 4 - BethanyChapter 30: A First Kiss free porn video

October 1980, Milford, Ohio
Another week of school passed, and after school on Friday, I showered and dressed in my black slacks and black polo for my date with Kara.
“That outfit is going to get you laid for sure, Big Brother!” Stephanie smirked.
“I don’t think so. If everything goes perfectly, I’ll get a nice goodnight kiss, and that’s it. A single kiss.”
“Jeez, Steve, you’re really losing your touch!” she teased.
“It’s not like I’m not having sex, Squirt. I’m just not as crazy as I was before my trip to Sweden or when I had that meltdown over Jennifer.”
“I suppose. But what’s with this girl?”
“Kara Blanchard? She’s an evangelical Christian.”
“What the hell are you doing with her?!”
“Winning bets! It’s fun to tease her and get her to think differently.”
“But what are you looking for? What do you want from someone like her?”
“Well, I told her once that I wanted to taste the mixed wine in her goblet, but that’s not ever going to happen.”
“It’s a reference to the Song of Songs in the Bible. It means lick her pussy.”
Stephanie doubled over laughing, “That’s in the Bible? Really?”
I grabbed a Bible from the bookshelf in the hallway and showed her.
“Oh, that’s too funny! Well, have fun Big Brother!”
I drove to Kara’s house and once again, her dad greeted me at the door. I was a few minutes early, and he invited me in to wait for Kara.
“Kara tells me that you spent most of the time eating ice cream talking about the Bible, Steve. I’m impressed.”
I suspected she didn’t tell him that I was arguing against pretty much everything she believed, but if she wanted to maintain the fiction, I wasn’t going to do anything to mess it up.
“Yes, Sir, that’s true.”
“Perhaps you would like to come to church with us sometime.”
“Maybe, Sir. I’ll think about it and talk to Kara about it.”
Kara came down just then.
“Talk to me about what?” she asked.
“I was just asking Steve to come to church with us sometime.”
“Oh, OK. Sure dad, I’ll talk to him about it. Maybe he can come to the youth group.”
“That’s a good idea, Kara. Well, you two have a good time and I’ll see you by 10:00pm, Kara.”
“Yes, Dad,” she said.
“Sir, I promise she’ll be home by 10:00pm. You have my word on that.”
“Thank you, Steve.”
We walked out to the car, and I held the door for her, then got in the car myself.
“Where are we going?” Kara asked.
“I was thinking about the Cork ‘N Cleaver in Madeira.”
“That sounds good.”
“There’s a movie that might be good, though we’d have to make a 7:00pm showing to get you home in time. We should be able to do that, if you want.”
“What movie?”
“It’s called Somewhere in Time and I checked that it has a PG rating.”
“I guess that would be OK. I usually don’t go to movies.”
“If it’s a problem, we can just have dinner and then I can take you home.”
“That might be better. I really would need to ask my parents about the movie before I see it.”
I just shook my head. She was sixteen and couldn’t decide to see a PG movie without checking with her parents. That was a level of control my mom only dreamed about!
“Are your parents really that strict with you?”
“Yes. I’m certainly not allowed to go to R-rated movies, even if I wanted to, and I’m not allowed to go to school dances, either, because dancing isn’t permitted.”
“Dancing isn’t permitted? What are you talking about?”
“It’s inappropriate to be that close to a boy. It can lead to lots of inappropriate things.”
I stifled a laugh. I also made a mental note to get the kiss when we left the restaurant rather than at Kara’s house.
We arrived at Cork ‘N Cleaver and were seated almost immediately. We had a nice meal and, as I had guessed, had more in common than Kara thought. She was a Reds fan, liked ice hockey, was a good student, and liked to swim. We were also both Republicans and looking forward to Reagan winning the election in November. After the disastrous presidency of Jimmy Carter, anything would be better!
We each ordered apple pie for dessert and when I had paid the bill, we walked out to my car. I stopped at the passenger door and turned to Kara.
“If I read things correctly, I should get my kiss here, rather than have your dad see it.”
She looked down at her shoes and I could see she was blushing.
“I’ve never kissed a boy before,” she said shyly.
“It’s simple, really. We just put our lips together, slightly apart, and hold them there.”
She didn’t reply, so I stepped up to her and put my hand under her chin and turned her face up to me. I could see in her eyes that she was nervous, but she didn’t move or draw back. I bent my face down and our lips touched. When she didn’t flinch, I gently pressed my tongue forward just enough to touch the tip of her tongue, causing her to gasp and pull back.
“Uhm, I didn’t expect that!”
“Did you like it?”
She blushed an even brighter red and nodded.
“Want to try one more?”
She nodded again. I moved forward and kissed her again, pushing my tongue forward even more, and moving it gently. She responded by moving her tongue a bit, but then broke the kiss, letting out a long breath.
“That’s enough!” she said, breathing hard.
I opened the car door for her and after she got in, I went to get in the car myself. Kara was quiet for the ride home. I was pretty sure those two kisses made her feel something she hadn’t felt before, and she was trying to figure out what was going on. I thought about the situation and realized that I liked her.
In different circumstances, I’d try to get her into bed. But as much as I was teasing her, I didn’t think it was right. If something like that were to ever happen, as unlikely as it was, she’d have to ask me. I didn’t want another Annie on my hands. Or Dona. Or Becky. That said, as good looking of a body as she had, I wouldn’t turn her down if she asked.
When we arrived at Kara’s house, I walked her to the door and we said goodnight. She turned to go inside, then stopped, turned back towards me and kissed me on the cheek.
“Thank you,” she said softly and quickly went into the house.
When I arrived home, Stephanie asked about the date. I described what had happened.
“Yep, I was right,” Stephanie said with a smile. “That kiss made her wet, and she didn’t know what to do about it!”
“Maybe, Squirt. But there is no way I could do anything with her. It’s totally against who she is. It just wouldn’t feel right to try.”
“You never know. From what I hear, your kisses are pretty damn amazing. She might just decide it’s worth it.”
“Well, if she does, I won’t turn her down, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that happening.”
On Saturday, after we swam and ate breakfast, Stephanie came with me to pick up Bethany so we could get decorations and other stuff for the Halloween party that was now less than a week away. We spent the morning visiting several different stores, buying black and orange crepe paper streamers, plastic pumpkins, and paper skeletons and witches. I bought a couple of ‘black’ lights to put into the lamps in the living room as well. When I thought about it, I bought some colored bulbs to replace some of the lights by the swimming pool as well.
When we arrived home, we carried everything inside and stashed it in my room. The three of us then walked across the street to Debbie C’s house. We talked to her for a bit and I confirmed that she was coming to the party. She told me that she was going to have Tracy, Debbie V’s sister, babysit. I offered to pay for it, and Debbie gratefully accepted. I knew Mom was going to have a hissy fit, but I didn’t give a damn. We said ‘goodbye’, and I told Debbie C that we’d see her on Friday.
“Steve, did you have sex with her?” Bethany asked.
Stephanie laughed, “Who hasn’t he had sex with?”
“Squirt? I said with a grin. “I haven’t had sex with you. And if you don’t want it to stay that way, be quiet!” I turned to Bethany and said, “Yes, I did. One time. Before I went to Sweden. Why did you ask?”
“Just the way she talks to you and looks at you.”
“She’s marrying the baby’s father in a couple of years, once they both turn eighteen,” I replied.
“Really?! Wow! That’s pretty cool,” Bethany said.
“She’d marry him now, but their parents won’t agree to it. He’s sixteen and she’s fifteen.”
“And what do you think of that, Mr. ‘No Commitments’?” Bethany asked with a sly smile.
“I think that if that’s what they want, then it’s fine with me. I’m in no position to judge them or tell them not to do it. Heck, I encouraged Pete and Melanie to get engaged.”
“So it’s good for other people and not you?” Bethany asked softly.
“Right now, yes. We talked about this. Please don’t push it. I’ve said more to you about this than anyone, including Jennifer.”
“What did you say to her?” Stephanie asked, wide-eyed.
“He said, and I quote, ‘I want you to be part of my life, Bethany Michelle Krajick.’”
“What?! My brother?! He said that to you?”
“Yes, he did, and he meant it, I’m sure.”
“So, are you two going steady? Did you get engaged and not tell anyone?” Stephanie asked nervously.
I chuckled, “Relax, Squirt. It was me telling her that we could end up together; that I felt like we could end up married and have kids and all that stuff,” I said.
“Does Jennifer know you said that to her?”
“No, and there’s no reason for Jennifer to know it. Bethany knows that I’m going to see Jennifer again. Just like she knows I’m going to see Karin again. But she’s sure that in the end, I’ll choose her. And I told her that yes, that is a real possibility. I love her, Steph. I mean, really love her.”
“And I love him, Stephanie. I think we belong together. But I also know that I have to wait for him to sort things out,” Bethany said. Then, with her voice dropping a bit, “And sorting things out means sorting things out with you as well.”
“I love him, too,” Stephanie said. “I was just surprised that he would say something like that to anyone.”
“You mean to anyone who is not Jennifer, don’t you?” I asked.
“Yes,” Stephanie replied with exasperation in her voice.
“We know who you want it to be, Squirt. I’m not writing Jennifer off, far from it. Bethany knows how I feel about Jennifer and understands the risk that she’s taking. But let Bethany and me worry about it. In the end, I’m the one who decides.”
“I know,” Stephanie replied. “I guess you’re changing a lot and that scares me.”
I pulled my little sister into a hug just outside our front door and looked deeply into her eyes.
“There is nothing in this world that will change our plans, Squirt,” I whispered. “Nothing.”
She smiled and kissed my cheek, then said, “Take your girlfriend to lunch and then make love to her, she looks like she needs it!”
I turned to see Bethany frowning and with a tear in her eye.
I pulled her to me, “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”
“It’s just so obvious how much you love Stephanie and how committed you are to her. I can’t compete with her.”
“Bethany, Sweetheart, you’re not competing with Stephanie. I’m not going to marry her and when I do commit to someone, then Stephanie and I are done with that part of our lives.”
“It’s still hard to see. I want that kind of relationship with you.”
“I know. Give it time. If it’s meant to be, then it will happen. Look at how our relationship has changed since we first met.”
“That’s true. It has. And every time you call me Sweetheart, it makes me shiver. Can we do what she said? Go to lunch and then make love?”
“Of course,” I said with a huge grin, then drew it out that word a low voice, “Sweetheart!”
I told Dad we were heading out, and we went to Frisch’s for lunch, and then walked to the apartment. Rather than just taking our clothes off and getting into bed, we started on the couch, just necking. Our tongues wrestled, and I gently roamed my hands around Bethany’s shoulders and back. I broke the kiss and pulled Bethany’s polo shirt over her head, revealing a pale blue bra.
“You weren’t planning on sex today, were you?” I chuckled.
“You’re right. I would have worn purple if I was!” she giggled.
Bethany pulled my polo off and lowered her head to lick my nipples, causing my partially erect dick to instantly harden. I groaned as she sucked on my nipples and then ran her hand across the front of my slacks, gently dragging her fingers along my shaft. I quickly unhooked her bra, and she shrugged it off. I lowered my head to lick and suck Bethany’s nipples, and I ran my finger along the zipper of her jeans, causing her to moan softly.
We stood up and helped each other remove our pants and underwear, then hugged tightly. I cupped both of her butt cheeks in my hands and pulled her tight against me. We kissed deeply and ground our bodies together.
“Make love to me!” Bethany whispered.
We got into bed and I moved on top of her. I placed my dick against her dripping labia and pushed completely into her in a single stroke. Bethany wrapped her legs around my thighs and we began moving slowly together, staring deep into each other’s eyes.
“I love you, Bethany,” I said.
“I love you, Steve. Make this last a long time,” she requested with a deep sigh.
We made love for twenty minutes, my dick sliding in and out of her hot, wet, silky tunnel, giving Bethany several small orgasms. We continued moving together, completely in sync, never breaking eye contact. I leaned down to kiss her, and she jammed her tongue into my mouth. I took that as a signal and began thrusting harder and faster. Bethany met every thrust, moaning almost constantly.
“Now, Steve, hard!” Bethany gasped. “Fuck me really hard!”
I thrust in and out with rapid, hard and deep strokes, trying to time our orgasms. I was successful in that as soon as she groaned loudly and arched her back, I slammed hard into her and fired jet after jet of cum into her spasming pussy. We lay still, savoring the afterglow of lovemaking.
“I needed that,” Bethany sighed. “I needed to feel you love me like that.”
I moved next to her and pulled her to me to cuddle. We lay there together, quietly, for about half-an-hour. We got up, showered together, taking our time and lovingly washing each other.

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