Drive-in Rape - Chapter 2 free porn video

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As I pulled out to the highway in front of the drive-in, I had a decision to make. Although it was fun ravishing my young victim in the generous back seat of the Buick, I wanted somewhere we could have more freedom of movement and where I could enjoy her screams and cries without worrying about any interference. Immediately I though of an old gravel road I had scouted for just this very purpose. It was about an hour out of town and went for some distance back in to a logging area. It was late in the evening on the weekend, so there would be no loggers there and any other person would be miles away.

I took my time driving to the turn-off and took the darker back-roads to minimize the chance that someone would see my cargo if she started to stir. Just as I was pulling in, I started to hear her rustle under the tarp in the backseat floor. My final destination was still some distance away over the bumpy gravel road and I needed to better secure my charge in case she was coming around from her drug-induced stupor. Maybe even arrange for a bit of eye candy for the rest of the drive.

Once I was out of sight of the main road I pulled the over and headed to the back door. Sure enough the little bitch had started to thrash and turn around and had managed to get out from under the tarp. As the dome light came on and I popped open the switchblade to cut her bonds she stared up at me, her eyes wide with horror. Probably with the idea that I was going to murder her right then and there then dump her by the side of the road.

She was starting to look more alert and I reached down to cut the ropes attaching her ankles together. I pulled the naked little teen out of the car and found that she was capable of standing on her own, although the sharp fresh rocks of the gravel road were clearly causing her bare feet pain. As she stood, I could see a little smear of blood on the inside of her thigh. Her lips were swollen where I had hit her face before and dried blood crusted one dimple. A big bruise was starting to form on her check.

Grabbing her bound arms, I manhandled her over the sharp gravel around the front of the car to the passenger door and pushed her onto the seat inside. As she positioned herself on the seat, her firm 15-year-old tits jutted out deliciously, made even more prominent by the fact that her elbows were bound tightly together behind her back. It was unlikely she would be able to bolt too quickly, but I took more rope from my stash in the glove compartment and fastened it in a noose around her neck. I ran the free end over the back of the car seat and anchored it to the seatbelt stays behind, pulling it tight so she had to lean her shoulder back to stop from strangling, causing her tits to jut out even more. I circled back to the driver's seat and finally removed the rag stuffing her mouth. She could scream and wail all she wanted now and no one would hear her.

"Please, please, let me go," she started as soon as I pulled out the gag and started the engine. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." Her eye pleaded with me as she said this.

Well, I was going to to let her go eventually, but not after several more hours of fun on my part. Might as well start now and get a bit of entertained during the drive. "Maybe", I said, "but I had quite the evening planned." I paused for a moment, as though thinking, "I'll tell you what. Suggest one thing really perverted you will let me do to you, and I will let you go unharmed. What do you think? Its got to be really perverted. Something you wouldn't do for your boyfriend."

She looked over at me dubiously, her swollen lips working as she thought. "I could give you a blow job," she tentatively offered.

"Shit," I said, "All my girlfriends give me blow jobs. Since you are my girlfriend for this evening you would be giving me one anyway. Really, cunt, you have got to try harder."

"Ok, ok. Let me think," she cried. She screwed her eyes shut as she said this, obviously trying to think of something to placate the pervert that had been abusing her, but that was not too horrendous. While she was deep in thought, I reached over and caressed her perfect tits with the back of my hand. She stiffened at my touch and made a little whine. The bite marks I had left there from the abuse at the drive-in were developing nicely, with a few bruises just starting to form around them. I lightly shook and pinched one of her nipples as we drove.

Finally, she blurted out, "You can pee on my face." I was actually quite surprised she came up with such a worthy idea.

"Now we're cooking," I responded cheerily. "It would look really nice seeing my piss flowing down your cheeks." I paused for a few seconds while she looked at me hopefully. "But I tell you, I had a lot of fun shit planned for you and me tonight. Maybe we can spice it up a bit. If you let me piss in your mouth and you you promise to swallow every drop, I'll let you go unharmed. Deal?"

She made a face when I made the comment about pissing in her mouth, but after a short pause punctuated by a nipple squeeze on my part, "Ok, ok, but please let me go after that."

"Well, deal then." I said as I reached over to the glove box to get a joint I had rolled earlier that day, then pushed the cigarette lighter in. "Want a hit?", I asked as I lit it up. She shook her head yes and I placed it between her lips. She sucked on it greedily and the ashes on the end fell off and rolled between her naked breasts. When she finally exhaled she started to look visibly relaxed, perhaps with the thought that the ordeal would soon be over.

I was certainly not going to let her get off that easy and pushed in the cigarette lighter once again. When it popped out, I pulled out the cherry red lighter and held it under her left tit. "Nooo," she wailed, "you said you would let me go."

"Well, sure," I replied with an cheerful chuckle, "but I'm bored and we haven't had our little piss session yet. And I like hurting pretty girls." (I had heard the latter in a porn roughie and liked the sinister sound of it.) As I said this, I touched the lighter briefly on the underside of her left tit. She screamed loudly when I did this, and started to blubber. "No, please, no, please, please." she begged as tears streamed down her face. The lighter had left a slight circular brand on the upward curve of her perky breast. I replaced the lighter in its socket and reheated it to working temperature. Again I threatened her naked body with the cherry red device, in turn brandishing it in her face and at her sparse teen pubic mound. The slight scent of burning hair filled the car as I held it mere millimeters from her trim bush. As I did so, she no longer tried to plead with me, but merely wailed and blubbered as she tried to futilely pull away from the tormenting device.

Each time, just as the cherry red was fading, I touched it lightly to her naked flesh and each time she let out a satisfying shriek and begged me to stop. After about 10-15 minutes of this torment her body was covered with almost a dozen O-shaped welts. Each tit had two or three and I had marked her abdomen and thighs with a half dozen more. Most were probably only 1st or 2nd degree burns and would probably not leave permanent marks, but it was clear from her reaction as I stroked and admired my abuse that they were painful.

After a bit, we arrived at our destination. It was an old borrow pit the Forest Service had used when building the local roads and I pulled the Buick up by a tree near a small tepid pond that was left when they scooped out the gravel.

"Ok, my little friend. Lets finish our deal," I said with great enthusiasm. I actually did have to go pretty bad from the beers I had consumed. Tweaking her nipple one more time, I got out and opened the passenger door and untied the noose around her neck from its anchor, then eased her out of the car on to her feet. Using the noose like a leash, I lead her to trunk where I pulled out a battery powered lamp that plugged in the cigarette lighter. I rigged it up and lit us up a nice little area between the car and the pond. I wanted to be able to fully appreciate the events I had planned.

I helped her kneel down in the sharpest gravel I could find and unzipped my pants. My cock was sticky and maybe the slightest bit bloody from my previous assault on the little bitch, and it was starting to get hard in anticipation of the events to come. "Open wide, cunt." She complied and I jerked her head back by her long hair, her mouth a wide "O" beneath the tip of my cock. "OK, ready to be my toilet whore? Every drop or the deals off."

I released my flow briefly and tried to stop it right away. Even so, the pressure was so great that I had mostly filled her mouth with my fluid. Her face in a grimace of disgust, the young bitch closed her mouth and swallowed the whole load down. "Good girl. Now some more." I pointed my cock toward the back of her throat and let go with more pressure, then stopped again. This time she started to gag and cough, but was able to swallow most of it. Again I released. "Chug it, bitch." This time I filled her mouth to the brim and when she closed her lips to swallow, continued to play my stream on her face and hair before I cut it off.

"OK, last one. Lets not miss any this time." I shoved my half-erect cock deeper in to her mouth and let go. This time she did manage to get a good chug going and was able to keep up as fast as I streamed it down her throat. Even half-erect, my cock filled her mouth all the way to the back. As I finished, I grabbed her long and now piss soaked hair, shoved my cock as far as it would go and held it as the last drops of my piss were forced down her throat.

As I forcibly pinioned her mouth against my rod, she started to gag. I continued to hold it there until her chest and stomach began to convulse. Knowing what was to happen, I jumped back just as he proceed to regurgitate the whole mess, the liquidy vomit flowing from her mouth to coat her tits and stomach as I held her head back at arm's length. She coughed and retched harshly as her stomach emptied out.

"Damm it, bitch. You were supposed to swallow it, not puke it all out on my tenni's," I yelled with mock anger. "So unless you plan on licking that mess out of the dirt, the deal is off. I guess we will just have to finish off the evening the way I had planned it."

"No, no, please, no, no," she stuttered and started to sob and cry uncontrollably, stilling coughing bits of vomit from her lips. I continued to hold her head for some time enjoying the tableau.

Although the results of my piss session were a bit more than I expected, I had parked next to the pond with the expectation that she would need a little bit of cleanup and to enable one of the other tortures I had in mind. I shoved her down in to the puddle of vomit and walked over to the car to strip down. As I pulled my t-shirt over my head, I heard a scramble from Julie's direction. As the shirt cleared my head, I was greeted with the sight of my naked captive trying to run toward the hills, her arms still bound behind her.

I took my time dropping my shorts as her naked body was quite visible in the moonlight and her progress impeded because of the sharp gravel and stubble from the surrounding clear-cut. Naked but for my tennis shoes and with my now fully erect cock leading the way, I loped off after her. As I caught up, I slowed to better enjoy the sight of her frantic attempt at escape.

"Fucking whore. I'm going to cut off your tits as soon as I catch you," I yelled ahead to increase her panic. The moonlight reflected off the sweat on her perfect teen bubble ass as she ran. Her legs and torso were becoming covered in shallow scratches and scrapes as she stumbled and fell through the low and thorny brush. After a particularly nasty fall, she finally came to a stop. She lay before me, bleeding from the savaging some of the blackberry bushes had given here, and sobbing as she gasped for breath.

I reached down and grabbed her by one of her nipples, pulling it out hard and pantomimed checking my pockets. "Shit, left the knife at the car. Guess you will have to wait a bit for your breast reduction surgery. Oh well, I've got plenty else planned first." I pulled her to her feet and slung the exhausted little bitch over my shoulder and walked back to the pond. I waded out until the water was to my waist, and tossed my slave-for-the-night in to the water. Her head went immediately under and her legs thrashed, trying to get sufficient purchase on the bottom to right herself. Going to her, I slipped my knee under her back, grabbed her by her hair and raised her head so she could breathe again. She sputtered and gasped as I secured my hold until I had complete control of her position, her face and tits just jutting out above the muddy water. I ran my hands over her wet teen body, washing off the puke and blood that had accumulated from her earlier abuse. Finally we were clean enough to continue

"Ok, my little bitch. Lets see how long you can hold your breath," I said as I slowly pulled her head below the water by her hair. She started wiggling a bit as I pulled her under. As the seconds ticked by, she started to thrash. At about 40 seconds, the thrashing became quite frantic, the flailing of her legs beating the water to a froth and I could barely contain her movement. At this point, I let her head pop back up above the surface. The little teen coughed and sputtered, gasping for air.

"Ok, ready for another one?" I asked as I started to pull her hair down again. "No, no, please no," she begged. "I'll do anything you wa...", the latter drowned out as I dunked her again. The thrashing started anew. This time I held a bit longer. The trashing became intense, and I almost lost my grip before I finally let her come to the surface again. She resumed her cries for mercy offering me anything if I would just stop the dunking.

"So, anything?" I asked. "Yes, yes. Anything," she squealed back. "Will you let me rape you in the ass?" "Yes, yes. Anything," she repeated. "OK, but you have to beg me to do it." Some seconds went by in silence, and I started to pull her under again, she sputtered, "Please, please rape me in the ass, please, please." "Well then, if you want it so much, I guess I have no choice," I said with a chuckle.

I stood up and holding the young teen by her bound arms, drug her over to the mud at the bank of the pond and dropped her face-first to the muck. Forcing her legs apart I positioned myself behind her. The wet twin orbs of her 15-year-old ass gleamed up at me and I massaged, slapped and pinched them as I took in the sight. I grabbed her hips and pulled them up so her rear was on her knees, then pressed her face hard down back in to the mud. Spreading her ass cheeks, I exposed her pucker and roughly probed it with my thumbs. It was tight and dry on the inside and I had a hard time forcing even one finger past her sphincter. She sobbed and squealed each time I did so. My massively engorged cock was certainly going to cause some damage.

I slowly humped her in her ass crack as I reached down to shove her face further in to the muck. Soon I could stand no more. I put a bit of spit on the end of my cock, then pressed the glans slowly but hard against her opening. Her ass was puckered tight as she tried to resist my attack. As my cock finally popped through, she screamed. I did not plunge right away, as I savored the tight ring around he tip of my penis. My little captive quieted down, but continued to pant quickly. She struggled to avoid the rape she knew was coming.

Finally, I renewed my grasp on her hips and shoved as hard and as deeply as I could. The 15-year old girl screamed at the top of her lungs and tried to buck away from me as my 8 inches buried itself in her dry, virgin asshole. She continued her screaming as I pulled out for the next stroke. Her anus clung to my cock and it looked as though I were tearing her insides out as I withdrew. Again, I jammed as quickly and hard as I could, eliciting more hight-pitched screams from the girl. As I settled in to my pumping the going got easier and slipperier, and my cock was tinted red from her blood. As I rode her, I slapped her ass hard and reached down to abuse her firm young tits. Eventually my weight and the force of my frantic pumping forced her flat in the mud. Holding her now muddy hair as a handle I pushed her face in to the mud, muffling her screams.

After what probably felt like eternity to the young teen, I finally came, collapsing on top of her. Once again for the evening I lay spent and relaxed, the full weight of my muscular body anchoring her in to the muck. Both our bodies where totally coated with it. I savored the sounds of her sobbing while I thought of what to do next. A little more recreational abuse on the girl and I should be good for one more pop.

Pulling my cock out of her ass, I stood and pulled the little bitch back in to the water to rinse the worst of the mud off our naked bodies. I slung her exhausted body over my shoulder, stopped by the car to get more rope and my knife, then carried her over to a nearby tree branch. She seemed unaware of her surroundings and was barely able to stand. I had to hold her up as I unbound her arms from behind her and rebound her with her arms in front this time, tossing the free end over a tree branch overhead. Picking her up off her feet, I pulled the rope as taught as I could before I tied it off. The little cunt hung with her toes just off the ground, the rope cutting in to her wrists.

I spun her body around in the light of the battery-powered lamp, admiring her beautiful taught body and the burns, cuts, scrapes and bruises I had inflicted upon it. Starting with her tits, I caressed her curves with my lips and tongue. Every so often I would nip down hard, leaving bite marks and drawing a bit of blood. This seemed to bring her alive a bit, and she screamed and kicked from the sharp pain. I licked and sucked my way down her stomach and abdomen leaving nips marks as I went. Finally, I was squatting before her teen slit. I probed my tongue between her outer labia and worked her little clit roughly with my fingers. As I did this, it started to became engorged from the attention. I continued the stimulation with my tongue while I reached up and gently tweaked her nipples. To my surprise, she actually seemed to be getting aroused. I had heard that 'ludes lowered sexual inhibition, and I guessed I was seeing some of that now, since she was still pretty doped up. As I tweaked, the nipples became increasingly erect and her cunt was now quite wet. Whether from my saliva, arousal, or the cum and blood from my previous rape was hard to tell. Going with this, I gently stroked her inner thighs as I ate her. After some time she started to tense and convulse slightly in a way that could almost be pleasure.

Somehow this strange reaction aroused me yet again and soon I was ready for one last rape for the evening. Untying her arms, I carried over to the car and tossed her face up on the hood. Lifting her legs to my shoulders, I jammed my cock hard into her now slippery cunt. After two strokes or so, I switched to her bleeding ass and as I continued to pump, alternated back and forth between her ass and pussy every few strokes. Although not worthy of her earlier howls she still had enough energy to blubber and bawl each time I plunged my rod in to her asshole. She was no longer as tight she was in my earlier rapes, but satisfying none the less. As I raped her, she tried to push me away. Grabbing each arm above her, I pinioned her against the hood and continued my thrusting.

As I ravaged her, I bit down hard on her legs straddling my shoulders, tasting the blood from the previous abuses, or drawing new blood as my teeth dug in to her skin. Just as I was ready to cum, I slid her off the hood and made her kneel before me. I jammed my fingers in to her cheeks to force her mouth open and I came, blowing my load into her mouth and on to her face, painting it across her face using my shit and blood covered cock as the brush. I slapped her twice hard across the face as I finished and she slumped to the ground panting and sobbing.

At this point, I was pretty much exhausted. Time to dump my little captive. The naked sobbing young teen put up only token resistance I as retied her arms and legs as I had done at the drive-in and shoved a few more 'ludes down her throat. Although she was not going to escape from the Buick's trunk, I did not want her thumping around too much. I first thought I might just dump her in some random rough part of town, tied up and totally naked to let others have their chance at her. This idea had merit, but too much chance of not coming out in my favor.

Another idea occurred me. My dealer got his stuff from the head of a biker gang who went by the name of Max. In addition to drugs, I had heard that Max also ran most of the street walking operations in all the nearby towns, either as pimp or pimp boss. I had also heard that some of the girls were not necessarily in the whoring business willingly. I decided to go track Max down and see if he wanted to add another girl to his stable. It was a long shot, but my chances of getting out of this without ending up jail were otherwise pretty slim.

I got dressed and headed on back to town. I knew that the gang hung out at at a roadhouse at the outskirts of town in an old run-down industrial area. I figured I could dump her there if I did not find them. As I pulled up, I knew I had the right place from the rough looking sorts hanging out with the gang's insignia. Left the car parked at the far end of the parking lot and made my way toward the entrance. I was starting to get a feeling how my victim felt. Some of the guys were eyeing my 18 year old ass and one blew me a kiss. I imagined myself, not at all fondly, getting cozy with this sort in prison if this did not work out as planned.

Inside, it was pretty clear which one was Max. He was at a back table on either side of him were two bitches with short mini-skirts and tight skimpy tank-tops. Your basic hooker outfit. He had his hand down the top of one of them and was groping away at her tit mercilessly. She looked a bit unhappy. Mascara running down her face from tears, a bit of a bruise or two forming on her face and one eye almost swollen shut, probably indicated she was not here for her own good time. Gang members formed a defensive perimeter. I was not going to get through that gauntlet without something to pay the price of admission. The abused cunt next to him gave me an idea and I headed back to the car to get my "ticket."

As I opened the trunk, I could see that the 'ludes had done their job and my own little teen whore was petty much out of it. She could just barely stand as I pulled her to her feet. I cut off her ropes and pulled an old torn t-shirt I had been using to wash the car over her head. It was pretty big, and just covered her petite body past her ass cheeks. It had been washed hundred of times, and the thin fabric clung to the points of her pert nipples. I took my knife and cut a few more holes in strategic places so that one tit hung through showing the bite marks and burns from her previous abuse. This, combined with her bare feet and all the other burns, cuts and bruises I had inflicted on her was quit appealing to a sexual sadist such as myself and, I hope, Max.

As I headed back toward the door the bikers outside began to take quite the interest. They began to hungrily surround Julie and me. "Whoa, whoa, this is for Max. I don't think he would take too kindly to anyone hijacking his delivery," I quickly responded. That seemed to have the desired effect and I was able to make my way in to the roadhouse. A few of the guys did sneak a grope at Julie's ass and tits as we ran the gauntlet. She was at least somewhat aware of her surroundings as she squealed and clumsily tried block their abuse. As we entered, one of the guys split from the pack outside and steered my little hottie and me to Max's end of the room.

"Well, well, what the fuck is this," Max mumbled drunkenly as we approached his party. "She's for sale, want to buy?" I said with false bravado. Max seemed to suddenly sober up and get serious and start to look a bit mean. "Word has it that you might be in the market for some fresh, but slightly used meat," I improvised, never having actually heard such "word."

"Maybe. " Max seemed to soften up a bit and asked, "What's the story." I made up some cock and bull story about her being my cousin who said she had run away from home to get away from a sexually abusive father and had moved in with us, but it turns out she was a bit of a slut and when I took her up on offer she threatened to blackmail me for rape just as she had done with her father. "I got kind of angry and worked her over a bit," I concluded. "Anyway, there's no way we want this bitch around. And I was thinking that it would be to both our benefits to have such a devious little slut in more 'capable' hands where she won't cause any more trouble. Not yet 16 too so lots of miles on her still."

"Hmm, whatever," said Max as he hungrily eyed my young "cousin." In an attempt to close the sale, I grabbed the old t-shirt at the neck and ripped it down her chest fully exposing her slim young naked body to Max and his entire entourage. The drugged teen tried to clumsily cover her breasts and pussy, but I pushed her arms down roughly and reached round her to squeeze and cup her tits. "See, banged up a bit, but still firm and tight underneath."

This seemed to settle it for him, "Hmm, 15. That is worthing something, but obviously not a virgin any more, and it will be a few weeks before the bruises mostly go away and we can put her to work." "I'll give you five hundred bucks."

I was a bit taken aback by what seemed to be a huge number for an 18-year-old in the '70s, but continued to act as though I knew what I was doing. "No, man. Shit, you can get that back in one night with this sweet young slut," I improvised. "$1000."

Max laughed a bit then said, "Maybe, but she sounds like she could be a pain in the ass. $700." I decided to not push my dumb luck any more and accepted his offer, leading the naked teen over to the leering Max. Hell, I would have given her to them for free if it got my ass out of trouble. One of his minions peeled off the corresponding number of bill off a big roll of hundreds and passed them to me and I turned toward the door to leave.

As I headed out the door he yelled after me, "Pleasure doing business with you. If you have any more stock to send my way, feel free to drop by." In fact I did so a few more times before I headed off to school that fall. With this much fun and $700 dollars in my pocket, I was hooked. I laid low the next week or two, but no Law Enforcement came knocking on my door. I still have all her clothing from adventure and even today, I force some of my more petite victims to wear the now bloody and cum covered garments. The dirty rag I used to muffle their scream is also still part of my rape kit and I always look forward to stuffing the filthy cloth into the mouth of one more victim.

I thought I did see Julie at a street corner off in another town where I was stalking for victims a few months later. She was in full hooker regalia so I guess this deal was a profitable one for Max. And Max certainly welcomed me with open arms when I brought him another sweet young thing from that very trip. I look forward to telling you that story in a future installment of my life's adventures.


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rape in afghan4

Before the other men could react, Kehalis was up and at the door, brushing aside the blanket to stare at the scene within. The sight of the dark man mounting the naked American woman froze him in place. He could not move; he could not even raise the AK he held clenched in his right hand. He could only stare at the nude body on the sleeping platform, her arms and legs held underneath her body, reducing the captive woman to an agony filled face and an apparently limbless female torso, Cathy’s...

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Inappropriate Familial GangRape of Daughter Story

Inappropriate Familial Gang-Rape of Daughter Story Description: In this story, Sandra?s family conspires to rape and enslave her, for no particular reason other than that she is beautiful and they are horny psychopaths.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction...

3 years ago
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RapeBetrayal 11 My Daughter my Cunt

I guess I've always had a thing for rape. Not the violent sick kind. I just like nice, normal rape stories. You know what I mean? I always thought it was cruel to pierce a woman's nipples, or cut them off, or punch her in the face and slap her around--I mean c'mon, why? I don't want to make her fuck a dog, lick a cat, or drink cum from a horse. I certainly have no desire to see her 3 yr old abused. The things I read on the internet can be quite disgusting. Beastiality, torture,...

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Subgirl The Rape Mistress

The Hydreaus Plague SubgirlTheRape Mistress      ??????????? Her codename was Subgirl.? However she was not a sub even though what a girl she was at five foot nine with long blond hair, blue eyes set in a lovely face and a long legged, shapely build.? When naked, which was how Subgirl always worked her body was quite something to look at with her long silky legs, smooth shaved pussy, round hips and ass, a small waist and full breasts with pink nipples and her soft skin tanned from head to...

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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

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Terminator rape machine

Terminator, rape machine This is my first attempt at writing anything remotely science fiction/fan fiction related so I hope it works. For those who are unfamiliar, some of it is based on the Terminator movies. The story is set before Kyle Rees is sent back to protect Sarah Conner, the mother of John Connor, the savior of mankind some 20+ years later story is a work of fiction inspired by the films. No one was hurt during the writing of this story....

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The Right To Rape

Rational and reasonable people down through history have always believed that men and women should have equal rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities under the law. It started with the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. In the late 20th century, legal precedent established the obligation of men to pay alimony and child support to their ex-wives; everybody, with the exception of a few curmudgeons, accepted this as fair and just. Alimony grew from a small temporary...

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Inappropriate FatherBoyfriend TeamRape Story

Inappropriate Father+Boyfriend Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a father encourages his daughter?s ex-boyfriend to mercilessly abuse and rape her, and throws in the use of her cheerfully willing sister as well. It should be noted that though this story is categorized as involving snuff, the event is ambiguous, and occurs off-stage.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The...

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The Professors Rape of His Teenage StudentsChapter 2

"I'm going to cum," Michael said. His shirt clung to him with sweat. "Don't cum in me, I don't want to get pregnant," forgetting it while he was raping her but now clearly aware of the fact as he readied to unload his semen inside her fertile vagina. "Don't worry, I have a pill you can take that will prevent you from getting pregnant," Michael said. "I'm going to cum inside you, Mita. Get ready bitch. Here I come." He arched his back, burying his cock inside her, bruising her...

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Fold Spindle and Mommyrape Part 3 mF inc nc rape

by DiscipleN - all characters herein are 18 or older by the time they act sexually. - I managed a full night's sleep after a long shower, until Race woke me the next morning by pulling my jaw open. "Huh? Race? Hey! NO!" I shrunk back. His hands grabbed my head and pulled my face back to his outthrust prick. "Remember what you promised." He cautioned. "You even said you needed my cum several times a day." His cock pressed my lips. All I could remember was how sick I had...

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Rape and The Highland Fling

Introduction: A young married couple whos husband wants to show his wife off attend a wild dance and his wife Tessa experiences all of the indignities of forceful rape! Rape and The Highland Fling! Tessa and her husband attended a special Dance Night event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She...

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Rape Bait

Introduction: Superheroine Volunteers To Get Raped To Catch Rapists M & M Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayors Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroines as they look incredibly voluptuous,...

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Rape Bait

Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayor’s Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous and scantily clad, while they strive to make...

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R R R Recreational Rape and Rapture

       R. R. & R. - Recreational Rape and Rupture.Page 1.        I'd known about it being there, since it opened a year earlier.        My sex radar went up right away and my cock went on high alert and chomped at the possibilities.        A high end, la-di-da woman's spa and get away, way off in the boonies named something like 'The Pampered Ego' or some similar too-cutsie-by-half name aimed at separating well-healed, spoiled women, and the power bitches, from their cash and inducing them...

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The Rape Run

Written by Olga Anastasia The Runners: Melena de Santo – The Colonel Ja-alixxe – The Bounty Hunter Aireela – The Amazon Elionara – The Dancer Palonae – The Princess (Princess Palonae Noonian Aurora Tonova) Tasha Castelaine – The Career Woman Jasmeena – Daughter of the Sands Cara Haston – The Model Leesha – The Born Slave Oorla – The Actress The Hunters: Salarin – The Sadist Leshan – The Runt Cronorgan – The Master Lotho-etsarra –The Libido Jackran-ad-aktar – The Alien 1 -...

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God is a Slut Chapter 4 The Gang Rape Movie1

I sat in my office with famous psychologist Sigmund Freud and sexologist Alfred Kinsey. We poured over the dossier I had on Rachel, trying to figure what made this pure girl tick. Smoke filled the air as we inhaled pack after pack of cigarettes. “…I think you’re overestimating the controlling nature of Rachel’s sexuality.” Freud said, “All humans desire control, but Rachel seeks to put that control in the hands of an idealistic interpretation of God.” “That’s where I think you’re...

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Abduction and rape of Megan

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...

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Bosnian Rape Farm

BOSNIAN RAPE FARM By Shabbadew2002 and JoeTex Contact us: [email protected]  or [email protected]  In 1992, Bosnia erupted into a cauldron of ethnic hatred, violence, rape and civil war. Tens of thousands of women were raped in Bosnia and the other parts of the former Yugoslavia between 1992 and 1994 during the rule of Radovan Karadzic.? Two Serbian teenagers join the local militia and discover the opportunity of a lifetime to abuse a neighboring Muslim family. Velimir and Tatjana While in...

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Reversed Rape

I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. 'Lady, 30, would like to be raped.' Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: 'Seriously?' She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. 'Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I do not want to know anything about you or meet you beforehand, but there must be some way of identifying you: figure this...

4 years ago
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Reversed Rape

Introduction: hey guys! just another quickie ,) email me if ya want! [email protected] She started it. She asked for it. It was all her fault. I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. Lady, 30, would like to be raped. Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: Seriously? She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I...

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Rape and The Highland Fling

Tessa and her husband attended a special ‘Dance Night’ event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She looks incredible when they arrive, dressed in a blue velvet dress that has a wild flared hemline that ends at mid thigh, a scooped neck that shows a lot of cleavage and requires no bra something...

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The young school-teacher fled desperately down the corridor, the flat slapping of her shoes echoing sharply in the silence. Panting for breath, she ran past deserted classrooms, none of which offered any hope of refuge or escape – she was on the third floor of a long block, and even if a window would open far enough, it was too high to jump. Tearful and gasping, she looked back over her shoulder at the sounds of closing pursuit, the raucous whoops of her hunters. Three black teenage girls...

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Fantasy Files Megan Likes Rape

Every woman has fantasies. Many ladies would love in real life for a burly bare-chested Highlander to grab them into his strong arms and rip away their bodice, just like in the romance novels. Other women have darker desires or needs and it wasn't entirely a complete surprise to discover one evening that Megan, a rather casual acquaintance of mine that I had been hoping to get to know better someday, admitted to us rather frankly that she had rape fantasies ... and insisted that most other...

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The Art of Rape

As I shut the door behind me, I saw with pleasure that the faint glow of moonlight was plenty to see by. It was an ordinary girl's bedroom. There was a dresser, a bed, and a desk. A few items of clothing were scattered about on the floor, and the desk had a few books and papers on it. The walls had posters of horses and cute baby animals. In the bed was Caitlin. It was a warm night, so she had only a sheet over her. Lying on her side facing me, her long blond hair was mussed over the pillow...

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The Enemys DaughterChapter 6 Rope Rape and Torture

For two days, Courtney was locked in a cell. She did not know what had happened to her father, but she expected the worse. She had heard what they planned to do to him, ass raped and knew that is what probably happened. Every four hours, she was woken up, made to stand, arms behind her neck, thrusting her breasts out, her legs spread as she was inspected. This was really just another chance to humiliate her and also to abuse her body. One guard would play with her breasts, squeezing them...

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The Fantasy Of Rape

This, is a rather interesting subject, and can be very different depending on ones point of view. That is, male or female. I have a friend that works at a Adult Video Arcade, and has also worked at a large adult theater. He has told me on numerous occasions, and even he was quite surprised by the number of women who have expressed to him, their fantasy about being raped, most of the women he talked with were young women however their were several that were not so young! Any woman that has...

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Jessicas Dangerous Obsession Addicted to Rape

by Millie Dynamite Jessica applied her make up carefully. As she administered the final touches, she looked in the mirror studying. Jessica saw her curly platinum blonde hair around a face that was beginning to show her age. She could not believe she was 35 years old. Her blue eyes were no longer as bright as they once were, looking mostly sad. She scanned her body standing up she saw her ass still looking good the slight role around her tummy was a constant reminder she had a weight...

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I don’t understand what has happened to me. Oh, I know the actual events – I’ve replayed them in my mind, over and over, during these last few weeks. It is how and why they have changed me so profoundly that I don’t understand – but they have, and forever. There are four things that you need to know about me. The first is that I am black – and I mean really black, with dark ebony skin. My ancestors were taken in the eighteenth century from somewhere in tropical Africa to the West...

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Rape ConfessionsChapter 3

(Um here is the intro from the last archivist -- "An exceptionally violent and angry story about rejection and revenge, self-destructive behavior and hurting others. Very sacrilegious." Heh, I couldn't have said it better myself, Jaz) "I did it, I raped a Nun." God it sounds weird saying that, even to me. I raped her quite a few times actually. She was a sweet girl, I kind of liked her. I mean as a person, she was ok. I didn't rape her out of lust, or greed. I did it to prove a...

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Inappropriate FatherDaughter TeamRape Story

Inappr opriate Father+Sister Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a girl seduces her father into a heavy kinky relationship, then convinces him to rape and torture his other daughter with her.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction between fantasy and real...

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rape in afghan3

" What is your name, girl?" Despite her surprise at his use of English, Cathy responded as she had been trained- with name , rank, and serial number. " Harper, Cathy C. ,Captain , United States Army, 409-67-0221" " No. You are wrong. That is not who you are. You are no longer Harper, Captain, United States Army. You are now the slave Cathy. I am your Master. A merciful master, once you have learned to obey. A merciless one if you do not. I know Western women like you , Cathy. I...

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The Gang Rape of Farrah Fawcett

Secret Tales of the '70's: The Gang Rape of Farrah Fawcett- Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction and has nothing to do with existing persons. The story features one celebrity, several fictional characters, kidnapping, and rape. In 1976, Downtown Corpus Christi, Texas was a very... interesting... place to be. Downtown was divided into three sections: 'The Bayfront' extend up 2 blocks from the carefully maintained marinas for the rich on Shoreline Drive. Another half mile inland, a steep...

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Rape ConfessionsChapter 2

(Sister gets fucked, Nun gets raped, priest gets fucked with mentally. Jaz goes to hell, where he will probably be fucked. Warning: Strong religious themes. This story will stand alone, but it is definitely a sequel.) "No, No, Please God NO!" My sister whimpered as I played with her breasts. She did not fight or struggle really. I think a small part of her tactile memory recalled how much pleasure these hands had given her. You see my little sister Susan had recently been held hostage...

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Rape Bait Part 3

Introduction: The Blonde Avenger Gets Raped To Get Evidence On Film Before The Pervert is arrested Rape Bait Chapter Three The Bondage Rapist / Extremely Foul Play Mona strutted into her husbands study, in full sexpot mode, and asked coyly, Think my date or dates are going to like me tonight, honey? When Saul looked up, she made a 360 degree models sexy twirl with her body. He looked over her abundantly exposed, curvaceous flesh, and whistled, Where in the hell did you get that hookers...

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Come On Please Rape Me

Come On Please Rape Me When I turned fourteen my sister Ashley was already fifteen years old. She thought that her shit didn’t stink. Ever since her tits got bigger dad had given her everything that she ever wanted and he paid very little attention to me. Mom was in the same boat because dad paid very little attention to her too. Then one day when we were alone in the house mom said, “Please rape me.” I had heard what she said but I just couldn’t believe it so I said,...

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Rape at Sea

RAPE AT SEA I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which...

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License To Rape

When rape becomes one of the highest committed crimes, the USA decides to make some changes to their laws. With so many rapes and sexual assaults being committed, overwhelming the police, allowing most to get away with it. And so the USA opened the License To Rape Institute. If any citizen of the country wanted to rape a person, they simply had to apply for a license. A $300 fee was all it took to get a license allowing the person to be able to rape three people a month. Every rape was required...

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My Sisters Gang Rape FantasyChapter 2

Codes: fmmmm+m (Underage) Characters: Jason: Age 14, first-person, me Hannah: Age 15, my sister 4 Boys: Ages 16 & 17 Aaron, Jordan, Nathan, and Ryan Hannah, my fifteen-year-old sister, one year older than me, is a cock tease. She loves to lounge around in skimpy suggestive clothes with loose-fitting tops and no bra and she knows I will try to see her titties. And, she sits so I can see her panties like in this photo with her legs apart pretending to be asleep so I can almost see her...

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Glorias Transformation the Rape

“It’s good to see you again, man! We had some good times in high school! The reason I called you after all this time is to propose something I know we both will enjoy. I want to watch my woman being raped. What can I say – I’m a sadistic fuck. I’d like to bring her to your gang because you’re someone I can trust to not go too far with her, and I heard you’ve got some of the ugliest, toughest hombres around, right?” “Si, feo y fuerte! It will be bueno to hang together again,...

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Fold Spindle and Mommyrape Pt 2

by DiscipleN - all characters herein are 18 or older by the time they act sexually. - Knocking woke me to Monday. "Mom? Are you okay? It's nine AM." Race sounded concerned. For my work as an agent, I hired a desk from a local real estate office. I could come an go as much as I pleased. I wished I was already there. Race was late for school, though. "Have you eaten?" "I'm more worried about you." "Then, go on to class. We'll talk when you get back home." I...

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Rape Bait Part 3

Chapter Three The Bondage Rapist / Extremely Foul Play Mona strutted into her husband’s study, in full sexpot mode, and asked coyly, “Think my date or dates are going to like me tonight, honey?” When Saul looked up, she made a 360 degree model’s sexy twirl with her body. He looked over her abundantly exposed, curvaceous flesh, and whistled, “Where in the hell did you get that hooker’s outfit.” “I borrowed it from my daughter, darling. Her measurements are about an inch...

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Gang Rape My Wife Pt 1

Introduction: This is a true story about my wife. Because of it we were able to open up our sex life This is a true story about my wife. Because of it we were able to open up our sex life. My wifes name is Melissa and we have been married for 14 years. Melissa is 45 years old and is still in pretty good shape. Slightly heavy – about 155 pounds, and she is 57 tall. Overall she looks very nice and we have enjoyed a pretty good sex life. Well, there have been a few shortcomings on Melissas end,...

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Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Date Rape Avenger

Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger When a friend of the nerds is date-raped, the nerds decide to help see that justice is done. ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. ...

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Rape of the Party Girls

Rape of the Party GirlsAmy and April walked briskly down the quiet street, the clack-clack-clack of their heels on the pavement the only thing breaking the silence of the quiet December evening.  It was cold, and they wanted to reach the Christmas party quickly; neither was dressed for these temperatures. Both girls were 17, and worked part time as waitresses at a local restaurant while studying for their A levels.  They were looking forward to the party, and had dressed to impress; close...

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Rape in The Subway Station

Introduction: An attractive older business woman in New York only wants to return to her expensive hotel room, it is almost midnight. She is tired from a grueling meeting, and do to her inattention has gotten on the wrong subway train! Rape in The Subway Station An attractive older business woman after a late night business meeting only wants to return to her expensive hotel room, it is almost midnight. She is tired from the grueling meeting, and do to her inattention has gotten on the wrong...

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Lovers Lane Valentine Day Rape

Janey gasped as Ron's hand "accidentally" brushed up against the crotch of her shorts. "No, don't do that," she warned him. "Sorry Janey, it was an accident," Ron told her. From the front seat, Janey heard Marsha giggle. That was it, the last straw. "Lets go Marsha, I want to go home NOW," Janey demanded. No answer, she raised up and looked over the back of the front seat for Marsha and her boyfriend Billy. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, MARSHA!" Janey gasped. Billy was slouched...

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Inevitable Rape

(Original story by Phil Phantom) *** Pam and I have been going together since the seventh grade. We are now in our mid-twenties with four kids. Pam always said she'd have four kids - two boys, two girls. She always said we'd settle in our home town, buy a house in Elm Heights, that I'd go to law school, and that she'd be free to be a housewife and full-time mother. In fact, Pam planned our wedding in our sophomore year. From the moment we met we both knew we were perfect for each other....

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