PhiChapter 3 free porn video

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Sunday morning was gray and rainy and should have been miserable. Instead, it was glorious. We lay abed, entwined, listening to the rain pelt off the windows. At one point, Drat came to the bedroom door and simply stared, balefully, then went away, silent; smart cat, which is probably redundant. Wind rattled the big, draped bedroom window. We sighed and shifted, making ourselves comfortable in each other's arms - and legs - and hands - and -

And at some point she was crouched over my fiendishly erected self, stuffing me into her. I opened my mouth to speak, but she silenced me with a gentle finger on my lips. I watched her face and understood: Later. Then she bent and buried her face in the hollow of my collarbone. I wish I could devise a way to save her moist, warm exhalations. Slowly, gracefully - was there anything she did otherwise? - she straightened until she was prone atop me, motionless... on the outside. She was gently, rhythmically pulsing on my cock, pulling on it.

I carefully flipped her hair up onto my face, just to inhale its bouquet, then began running my fingertips slowly and lightly over her flesh, savoring the bumps of her spine, counting her ribs, appreciating her wee waist, then gliding across the taper of her sleek hips, finally coming to rest on her compact buttocks to gently squeeze, appreciate and marvel.

Fran's pulsings were becoming less regular and a bit more insistent. Her breathing had become shallow. I let my thumbs trail to the inside of her buttocks, felt her gasp and quicken when one touched her anus. In moments, she was cumming uncontrollably - which, of course, means that I was, too. And as her orgasm waned, she moaned my name against my chest. I mean: I think she did; it was a bit muffled, so Fran could have been groaning, "Oh, my."

I repeated my caress pattern on her as our breathing slowed.

"Can we just stay here, like this, forever?" she whispered.

"Only if one of us wins the Lottery."

She found that as funny as the Catholic reference to the mohair towels, chuckling against my chest. Which meant there was some squishing of mammaries, and, all things considered, I thought this would be a good time to ask.

"Your tits are awfully big for your, er, ethnicity... and frame. Not that I'd complain, but - augmented?"

She sighed, which was another treat. "No. All me." She squirmed upright, one of the blankets draped around her shoulders. "I've been kind of waiting for this question."

"Get that a lot, eh: 'What's a nice Vietnamese girl like you doing with tits like that?'"

"Ever since I was 12 or so. I have no idea." She looked down at the tits under discussion. "Nobody in my family had a bust like this, not even my sisters."

Sisters? Oh; right.

"I've thought about having them reduced. Surgically." She saw the look on my face. "Well, not for long, but it has occurred to me." She hesitated. "Why haven't you brought this up before? I mean, it's not like you didn't notice."

OK, so now we were going to find out how far we were willing to be honest: "Umm, if I told you I didn't have a thing for big tits, would you believe me?"


"Try 32DD."

She blinked at me. "You're exaggerating, right?"

"Only if her custom-made bra-strap was lying."

Fran sighed slowly. "Talk about backaches."

"And welts. Major welts."


"About the time you were born. When the subject finally got discussed, the statistics were 32DD-21-31. And 5 feet tall."

Fran was gawking at me. "She was, like, a stripper?"

"She was a nice Jewish girl from Philadelphia who wanted to be a classical dancer."

"Not with boobs like that."

I shook my head. "No. She could have made a living off her figure, but she didn't have to. She eventually realized she was an heiress. Instead, it merely broke her heart." Merely. Like the way I tossed that off? One of the sweetest, gentlest, most personally generous people I'd ever know. Merely broke her heart, because she was stupid enough to be born with genes that gave her a figure that would make most of us walking hormones who are called "Men" unable to see anything but the big tits on the tiny frame. Merely. And about 10 centuries from now, when our great-great-great grandchildren are wondering why the Marie Curies and Amelia Erharts were so rare, what do we tell them? "Sorry, we were only looking for big tits, at least until gravity got to them. So we didn't pay attention to big brains or big talent."

Yes, it pisses me off. Fran was smart and idealistic. Barbara was smart and dedicated to the (arcane, to me) ideal of expressing beauty through movement and music. All anyone paid attention to was their tits. I've got nothing against tits - not as much as I'd like to have, sed the Male Chauvanist Pig - but how clever is it to ignore a basic fact: Cows have bigger tits, but humans, including the female variety, have better brains. And when a female-variety human with a terrific mind comes along, how damn smart is it to sandbag her because she's got tits that are big (but not as big as a cow's)?

"What attracted you to her, then - mutual love for Shakespeare?"

Truncate, I thought. "We were in the same apartment building, and she decided I could use some company. I didn't know about the figure until... She usually wore these big, loose dresses called mu-mus, and I figured she was a squat, pudgy college girl with a sweet disposition and liberal-arts head looking for a little adventure." I shrugged.

"So, uh, what happened to her?"

Ooof/ I thought about it and realized Fran was staring at me. Total honesty; nothing less would do.

"I don't know for sure. We lost touch."

"Why?" She read my expression and shook her head. "No, Mike, I can tell you really thought a lot of her, and not because of these -" At which point she cupped, hefted and bounced her boobs. Which didn't bounce much. "She was special to you."

I sat up, stood and padded toward the living room, pausing to pull a totally disheveled blanket with and then about me. I flopped on the sofa and grabbed my cigarettes as Fran oozed into the sofa next to me under a blanket of her own. Drat, of course, fled back to her corner under the dining table.

"So some friends of hers at grad school, in Philly, set her up with a blind date. Who proceeded to tie her up and rape her."

Fran was staring at me as I took a drag on my smoke.

"She came to stay with me for a couple of days, but she didn't even want to cuddle or be touched."

"I think I can understand that."

"Yeah. So I put her in touch with some people, including the first woman to get an Ob/Gyn license in the U.S., and tried to help. She went back to school in Philly. A dorm-mate seduced her."

Fran looked grim. "A lesbian predator. Fixated on her tits."

I just stared at her. She had it nailed.

"To coin a phrase, 'Been there; done that.'" She grimaced. "If a male does that he's an adolescent pig; if a female does it, it's empowering sisterhood and womyn-power or some such bullshit." I'd never heard her use a vulgarity before. "The hypocrisy, the lying, infuriates me." She took a deep breath, parting her blanket with her fingers, and looked down. "So these were not the attraction, eh?"

"They're part of it, sure, but mostly because they're part of you. Like your gorgeous eyes, sweet lips and cute butt. Oh, yeah - did I mention your working brain?"

"Y'know," she said, turning and pushing her lush self against me, pulling her blanket over me as well as her, "I sort of figured that." She sighed against me. I liked that. "And you 'lost touch'?"

I looked down at her until she returned my gaze. "If that phone rang right now - right damn now - and she needed me, I'd be there before the echo quit. But, yeah, she chose it, and I have to respect that."

"And leave me and my young big tits here alone." Teasing-skeptical.

"Not necessarily. Your choice. You'd be welcome to come along. Hell, you'd probably help."

She quirked her luscious lips in a half-smile, and then she kissed me, right between my breasts, on my sternum - over my heart.

"And I'd be glad to meet her."

"Yeah, well, I'd be glad to se her again, but..."

"Her choice," she murmured. I felt her face moving back and forth, a negation. "What are we going to do about you?"

"I have plenty of suggestions." I reached down to cup, then caress, one preposterous breast.

"I'll bet you do, but I hope some breakfast is near the top of the list."

That could be arranged, too.

Clad in matching hooded gray rain ponchos - a neighborhood discount store had offered them at $4 each a year before, so I'd bought five - we strolled south, down Third Avenue, in the drizzle. The nasty weather meant we largely had the sidewalk to ourselves. At the door of the apartment building where she was staying, there was a brief but tingling brushing of lips.

"Later? I can call?" she asked in the damp vestibule, strewn with menus and advertising flyers.

"Any time."

So we chatted on the phone, and then she was very excited about her final interview with [CEO of Major International Thinktank]. She was totally psyched for it. With her brains and personality, I fully expected her to be hired on the spot.

Instead, Tuesday night, around 7:15:

"If you're not too busy, I'd like to talk with you."

With, not to. One of the reasons I was getting crazy for her. More important, at the moment, was an undertone in her voice.

"Sure. When?" Calmly.

"How about today, like really soon?"

Something was definitely wrong. "Get over here, kid."


As soon as she got off the line, I got on my computer and started going into what I call my "special" files, getting them ready for quick access. By the time the electronic fart of the doorbell BLAHHHHTED, I was loaded for bear and ready to rock. What I was not ready for was the way she locked.

Fran looked worse than the way she had on that day, a year - Was that all it had been? - before when she'd confessed to the dreadful living situation for her (now not-so-lucky) ex-boyfriend in a studio with three other people.

"Come in, drop your coat and snuggle up on the couch. Get you anything?"

She looked ready to weep or collapse or both. She shook her head, threw her coat across the arm of the sofa, huddled into the corner with the afghan - older than her - pulled it across her and curled into a ball.

"What happened?" As if I didn't suspect. I settled onto the hassock in front of the sofa.

"He... he kind of groped me." Spoken into the afghan. I pulled out my phone, punched up a number.

On the second ring: "This is Elizabeth -"

I cut her short. "Mike. I need you."

"Twenty minutes."

"Who was that?" Fran asked.


"Why did you - ?"

"Because there's no way it gets better. Time to call in the A Team. What else?"

She sniffled. This was not a woman who sniffled. This was a smart woman, educated and tough by experience and lineage. "He said... he said that if I didn't... I didn't... Well, he'd see to it I didn't get anywhere in the field."

A predator. There's a way to deal with predators. I punched in another cell number.

"Dan - "

"Mike," I interrupted/ "We need you."

Pause. "You at home, in Midtown?"


"I'm in Amsterdam. Be a couple of hours. Can you hang in there, or do you need the Marines?"

He wasn't referring to Uncle Sam's Misguided Children; he meant the really scary ones, the ones who give Andrew Vachss nightmares.

"Not that immediate, but we need you. Predator."


I could hear his eyebrows go up.

"I'll explain, and you'll see."

"On my way."

I pressed the EXIT button on my cell. Fran was staring at me.

"Who did you call?"

"My half-brother." I settled onto the sofa next to her and urged her to cuddle into my arms. She hesitated for a moment, then welcomed it.

"I didn't know you had any siblings. Is he a big guy like you?"

I allowed a tight smile. "No, but he is about the last person in the world you want to have pissed off at you."

"You make him sound scary."

"He's not, usually. Actually, for the most part, he's more of a pussycat than Drat." I nodded toward Brainless, who was licking herself. If humans could do that, would we have gotten past Adam and Eve?

"So, what happens now?"

"Assess, research, plan and execute." I snuggled her little closer, "But for the moment we rest, catch our breath and feel -"


Right on time, 20 minutes later, two loud raps on the door were followed by, "Liz, here," and then the keys in the lock. (Of course she had a set.) She oozed into the room - in a an olive-green formal Kenneth Cole, which I had never known nor even suspected she owned - and a matching long wool cape, looking like a panther on a mission. "Hi. Bring me up to speed." As she shucked the cape and settled on the hassock, putting her enormous tote bag - absolutely unfashionable - at her feet and began pawing through it. She came up with a laptop, a DayPlanner, a Blackberry and a cell phone. She kicked off her shoes.

Fran was happy to see her, which I could tell because she immediately perked up, but the perkiness was concealed beneath the afghan. I waved a greeting and said simply, "Thanks, Liz."

"Boring stuff tonight. You got me out of there. Give." As she booted the Vaio.

Fran started slowly as I peeled off the afghan, but Liz has good people skills and soon got the whole story, in ugly detail. By which time Liz was going through her files.

She was peering at a listing. "Anyone else working on this?"

"I called Dan. He'll be here in a few hours." I saw Liz's glance. "He's in Amsterdam."

"You called Dan?"


Liz shook her head as she manipulated the trackball, scrutinized the screen. "So... the idea is -?"

"Until that sonuvabitch glows; then send in the heat-seekers."

She looked up and fixed Fran with a level gaze that made me think of what had cleared the lions from South Africa and Rhodesia. "I don't think you know how bad he's got it for you. He called Dan." She muttered something in Swahili, shaking her head in amazement. Then: "OK, here we go." She donned the headset of the cell and punched numbers.

"Hi, Jerry. Liz." Pause. "Yes, that one, and, no, I won't pop your eardrums." Liz's last name (Swahili) involved an explosive glottal sound that could be damaging on an ear phone. She made nice small talk - How was his nephew (and godchild)? Was he still seeing... Sorry it didn't work out. Except that with Liz, it wasn't really "small" talk; she really wanted to hear about it.

Ten minutes later, Jerry was agreeing to call her back with -

"Goodies. Trust me on this."

"And his connection is?"

"Financial analyst, and on the board of directors of that outfit. Mr. [CEO of Major International ThinkTank] has a very cushy remuneration deal. Only a quarter-mil in taxable salary, but he's also gets comped to a three-bedroom penthouse on East 45th, exclusive use of a rather expansive vacation home near East Hampton, a chauffered limo, an unlimited and only slightly audited expense account and... you get the picture."

I nodded. "Respectable Roy Cohn."

"Jerry is going to get back to me with info on who holds what paper."

My eyebrows hurt when I realized what she had in mind.

Liz smiled her hungry-kitty smile. Then: "Look, people, I'd really like to get out of this formal torture garment. Got anything I can wear?"

"You don't have to wear anything at all, Liz."

"Don't start with that shit. Besides, it's chilly in here."

Drat mewled disconsolately as I stood and headed for the bedroom. "Fran, will you do the honors for the wretched beast?" I called.

"But she has plenty of -"

I rummaged through bureau drawers. "Of course she does. Shake the Science Diet box over her dish and scratch her head." Found it. "OK, Liz."

And I found myself standing in my bedroom with an unbelievably sexy woman preparing to take off her gown. Under which, I was willing to bet folding money, she wore panties and nothing else. I handed her the sweatshirt. She held it up.

"Road Runner™?" She frowned. "Wasn't this Gina's?"

"Mine; Gina liked it. Should fit you OK. Excuse me." I squeezed past her - she was still wearing the cell-phone headset - into the living room, where Fran was doing the right thing by Drat, i.e., spoiling her. Yes, Drat was training Fran well, too.

"Can I get some help with this zipper?"

"Don't start with that shit, " I answered.

"Maybe Fran..."

Fran straightened, bobbling slightly, going to high beam and smiling eagerly.

"Not now, Liz. Back up to the door, and I'll get it. And if you so much as flash me, I'll grab you and fuck your brains out."

She snorted. "Yeah, like you're that way. C'mere." At which point her cell chirped. Her perfectly toned back appeared in the doorway as she said, "Liz, here."

I tugged the zipper. I consciously suppressed the urge to drool at that flawless ebony flesh. Fran was alluring, sexy and captivating; Liz was a good definition of Female. But forever beyond my reach or even grope... if I wanted us to remain friends. And I desperately did. Maybe I am getting old. Or smart.

"Can you send me that data, maybe as a file, without getting yourself into risk territory?" She shrugged the shoulders off the gown. She was making me crazy. "Thought so; that's why I called you. One more thing: Suppose something happened to the files at those companies, like they got somehow mangled by something that looks like a power surge, how quickly would the effects be felt?"

The gown started to slither off her. Oh, Fran! This would be a good time to make your presence known to me.

"Yes, because the friend of a friend has told me something. He's a predator, Jerry."

Fran came up behind me as Liz began stepping out of her gown.

"Really? Really? Get me some phone numbers. Let's fry this mother."

"Wow." From behind me, as Liz stood tall and gorgeous and sinewy, clad only in her (silver) thong panties. I'd only been wildly fantasizing about her for a few years; she made the fantasies look pretty lame. That ass, alone...

Liz glanced back, wriggling her fingers: We'll deal with this later.

Fran tugged my waist. I grudgingly let myself be hauled away. Liz was kicking the door shut, saying, "He what? What?" Pause. "Will you help?" Pause. (Muffled by the closed door): "I thought so; that's the other reason I called you."

Drat was watching our minuet with eyes wide. Fran hooked her fingers in my belt and turned me. "You've known her how long and never -"

"She made it really clear that I'd lose things in trios, starting with my hand and her friendship."

"Wow. She's really sexy, you know."

"I noticed. Do you want to get into something more comfortable?" She was in a maroon bodystocking and another madras wrap skirt that draped to her ankles. She looked gorgeous and fetching and probably didn't know how much so. And where did she get those - never mind.

"That blue tee-shirt,, the long one -?"

At which moment Liz burst back into the living room, headset still in place. "Can you do that?" Pause. "Good. I'm going to call some of the other ones. Talk to you later."

She whipped off the headset. "That no-good mother-" And she calmed herself with a visible effort. Liz glared at me. "How did you get him wired so completely and so quickly?"

"Practice; I've seen his kind before. Give."

She filled us in. Mr. [CEO of Major International ThinkTank] had apparently made it a life goal to fill his office with Asian women who would be beholden to him for one reason or another. For him, Fran was a curvaceous new league.


"I'm going to call a few of them. This might take a while."

"I want to get comfortable, too," Fran announced. "If you'll excuse me -?" I nodded as she sidled into the bedroom.

"If you need some help, just let me know," Liz said.

I glared: Don't start with that shit. She grinned at me, called up a file on her Blackberry and starting punching numbers into her cell with one hand as she settled into My Liddl Workstation and used her other hand to activate my cablemodem connection.

In the kitchen, I started boiling water for tisanes (herbal teas) and considered a couple of fingers of Knob Creek, then decided against it; too much alcohol. I was going to need a clear head for this. Fran padded barefoot into the kitchenette, bobbling (slightly) in the long, faded-blue tee-shirt that came down to her bare, unreasonably lovely knees, her hair completely loose. She looked scrumptiously vulnerable. I had some Celestial Seasonings boxes opened and on the counter next to the clear, tempered-glass Marley mugs.

From the living room: "Hi, this is Liz. the African woman who was in your office a couple of weeks ago. We chatted briefly." As if her body wasn't sufficiently alluring, her throaty voice with its exotic accent was enough to give me a hard-on.

Fran was examining the selection of tisanes.

"Yes, that one. Something has come up, and I need a little help with it. Your boss, Mr. [CEO of Major International ThinkTank], hit on one of my clients, a Vietnamese woman with a great resumé and really big -" Pause. "Yes, her. I understand he makes a hobby of this, and I want to help stop it. Do you feel comfortable talking about it, in confidence?"

Fran leaned in front of me and looked up, quizzically. "What's she doing?"

"Assembling the plutonium. See a tea you'd like?"

By 10:30, Liz had finished her calls and picked up her files from "Jerry," who sounded like an OK guy. He definitely went on my personal A List for his help. Fran had slumped into the bedroom to sleep - after such a stressful day, it was no wonder that she was worn out - and Liz asked, "Can I crash here?"

I stared at her, in my ex-lover's sweatshirt. "Yeah, I think that's OK."

"Mike, I said 'here,' not 'with you.' C'mon."

I sighed heavily. "Yeah, I know."

She cocked a hip and glared at me. "Just stop it. You're going to crawl into bed with a smart, stunning babe you're clearly on overdrive with. I'm going to be shoe-horned onto an undersized sofa with a spoiled cat for company." Then she grinned.

It took me a minute. "Don't say it."

"Happiness is a warm -"

I guess my expression got to her.

"Could not resist."

"Try to resist. I just had a lover take off with another woman."

Her face softened. "I know. I'm sorry." She knew about Gina, in all of the lubricious detail and subsequent unexpected disappointment. I still missed her, but I was oddly happy that she and Christine had found joy with each other. "I hope you know I'm not like that."

"You know I trust you." I left the rest unsaid.

She just nodded. "What time is Dan getting here?"

"He's in Amsterdam and said it'll be a few hours."

"If he gets to de Gaulle or Heathrow, he won't even get a red-eye for a while. We're probably talking eight or nine a.m." Her eyes got distant. "It'll be good to see him again."

I tried to read her face. "Liz, are you implying -?"

She shrugged, which made marvelously crazing conical things happen under the Road Runner™ sweatshirt.

"If I was ever going to go back to men..." She grinned. "Don't worry; you'd be my second choice."

"Story of my life. Say 'Good night,' Gracie." I lumbered into the bedroom, changed into some incredibly sexy flannel blue-plaid pajamas from Kmart and allowed myself to suffer falling into bed with a smart, gorgeous 5-foot-5 beauty with 34D tits. Hey, it's a tough job, but...

"Izzat you?" Fran buzzed, rolling into my arms so we were nestling like spoons beneath the blankets. "Oh, yeah. 'S OK."

"Who else were you expecting?" I muttered, figuring she was half-asleep, at least.

But, again, I had underestimated that wicked-sharp mind of hers: "Maybe her."

"In my dreams." I was on my right side. She tugged my left arm down, over her shoulder so it was pressed between those startling breasts and my hand over her abdomen. Amazingly, I dozed off almost immediately, my face buried in her hair and my awareness consumed with her scent and warmth.

Sometime around five, I was dimly aware of Fran stirring and pulling back the blankets.

"Huh?" I'm really witty when awakened from a sound sleep.

"Gotta tinkle. The tea."

I lay there, half-conscious, hearing the water running and the toilet flushing and missing her in my arms, starting to doze. Then I felt the shift in weight on the mattress - and then another one. "Make some room," Fran was saying, nudging me to the outer edge of the bed as she climbed in.

My eyes opened wide. Fran lay next to me, and Liz was on the other side of her.

"I know how uncomfortable that sofa is," Fran whispered. "And it's cold, and I want everyone to be warm. Especially me."

Of course, in the pre-dawn darkness in a heavily draped bedroom illuminated only by the annoying digits on the radio-clock, Liz was a barely perceptible shapely movement with bright eyes.

"Are you going to be OK with this?" she whispered to me across Fran's face.

"Not if this turns out like..."

"Not my intention."

I held her gaze, weighed, considered, reconsidered, made a leap of faith. "I trust you."

Her eyes seemed to glisten a bit. "You can."

"Let's all snuggle up and keep me warm," Fran hummed, on her back between us. I rolled to my side and put my arm lightly across her - I didn't want to smoosh her boobs - and rested my hand on her lower belly. After a moment of rustling, I felt Liz's slender fingers find, then twine with mine. And then Fran's small hand covered both.

Can you believe I actually fell asleep that way?

Of course, none of us had maintained the presence of mind to set an alarm, so I didn't stir until about 10:15, when I heard a soft tapping on the entry door, followed by keys in the locks. I opened my eyes to find Liz with her head on Fran's shoulder and one hand covering Fran's pubis. Fran had her hand over the crotch of my pajamas. As the steam heat had been on for a couple of hours at the point, we had somehow discarded both blankets and were covered only by a sheet.

At which point I heard. "Hey, guy. It's Dan. Are you home?" And he stuck his head into the bedroom and spotted us on the bed just as Liz opened her eyes.

"Holy shit," he blurted. "I thought I just left the Red Light district."

Liz chortled. "Don't jump to conclusions."

"Why would I do a thing like that?"

"Wuzzat?" murmured Fran. reaching down to cover Liz's hand over her pussy as she gently fondled my crotch and slowly opened her eyes. "Who the hell are you?"

Dan hummed the opening bar of "Sympathy for the Devil." Liz completely lost it at that stage, convulsing with laughter.

"I'd like you meet my brother, Dan."

"Omigod." She frantically grabbed at a blanket and pulled it over us.

"Thanks for getting here. Toss your coat and get some coffee under way, OK? Did you get any shuteye on the redeye?"

"Coupla hours." He backed out of the bedroom. "You guys get as indecent as possible while I prepare the elixir of life."

I rolled out of bed and grabbed my purple robe for Fran and the white terrycloth number for Liz, who was already unfolding - long, lean, limber, luscious, all strong and ebony and so damned disheveled and sexy - and sliding to the bottom of the bed to let herself off the mattress. That process pulled the Road Runner™ sweatshirt up to her waist, revealing that at some point in the night, her silver thong panties had been shed. After gawking for a moment at her gorgeous, ripe pussy, I started wondering if I had missed something.

"No," she said, standing and tugging the sweatshirt down, "you didn't miss anything. It just never hurts to be prepared." As she reached over to accept the white robe, she gave me an odd look. That kind of shook me up. This was one very tough, very smart person. Remember: She was a Zulu who spent her childhood in a land still ruled by the demonically evil apartheid. She'd overcome that, gotten herself an education, come to America and created a career and a life for herself - before her 30th birthday. And she was giving me an odd look, as if there was something she wanted to say but was hesitating.


"I really liked that, Michael," she said very softly. "You two seem to fit so well, to be completely in synch, yet I felt welcomed and... comfortable. Like I belonged." Her eyes misted. "I... I could get used to that."

"Omigod," Fran whispered from the blankets. Liz turned to her. "That's exactly how I felt."

Same as Phi
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SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because Hope Honeybun drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and draws him from his ‘shell’ with ease. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a...

4 years ago
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Good girl gone bad

Anna liked to consider herself a good girl. But there was nothing that got her hornier than a good bowl. Packed to the brim with sparkling weed, the body high always went straight to her pussy. And when she got like that there was no holding back. Luckily, she was usually with her fiance whenevet she lit one up. And as he always said, there was nothing like a good toke and stroke.It had been a late night for the two of them, and not in a fun way. Pick ups and drop offs and plenty of driving...

2 years ago
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Grimm Tales Snow White

"It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?" Jenny’s lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose. Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his wife with a warm...

3 years ago
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Her name was Meredith. She was as plump as a little partridge. Thick muscular legs, toned. Her ass defied gravity.We would get together in my room and play guitar and sing songs. We would do Cash and Carter's "Jackson". We were pretty good too. She could harmonize well.One night we were at a bar here in Down Town. She sat in the stool next to me. She wore a short skirt. She had soft blond hair on her thighs, very light, barely visible.Her tits were small and pert. She had big gorgeous brown...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 11: A 5-SOME (OR IS IT A 6-SOME?)Joe showed Nikki an email exchange between Michele and Jim and Sarah. Although they had experiences with each since the initial meeting at the resort, they had never gotten together as a group. They were wondering about the 5 of them getting together for similar fun as they have shared separately. “We could invite them all here. We’ve met in neutral locations in the past for the convenience of everyone. It might be a bit of drive for them but we can...

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You Cant Fight Biology

It's been a week since the graduation ceremony and Dave couldn't be more relieved. High school was over and he didn't have to deal with the drama anymore. One of the worst experiences was repetitive: he'd become really good friends with a girl just to watch her fall for another guy. Never having much luck with the ladies and always being just a really good friend, Dave thought it was his time to shine. On the table, Dave was reviewing job posting both local to Spats Michigan and outside of the...

1 year ago
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School of Deceit Pt 4

School of Deceit Part 4 - Come Dine with Me, and I Fall in Deeper. Next morning, I spotted Linda in the smoking shelter as I arrived and joined her for a cigarette. "We are on for the dinner party." "Oh fantastic," she said excitedly. "We will do a little draw at lunch to see who does what night it will be Wednesday to Friday so you will still get the weekend free." I nodded and thought oh well at least that's something I can get back to being Chris for the...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 01

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Marcy cried out in terror as she sprang up from the cold, firm mattress. Her entire body was aquiver, her breath ragged as her eyes darted all around the rustic bedroom. She had just had the most awful nightmare. A mad dog had been chasing her through the woods. Before she was able to get to safety, it had pounced. The...

2 years ago
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Switch Teams Lesbian

When my husband and I were dating, he was the most loving man. He was so pleasant and always complimented me and made me feel so wonderful. We dated for a year and really got to know each other before we married.He wanted us to explore our sexuality when we dated. I knew that we'd marry, so I agreed for him to take my virginity. He made sure my first time was very loving and wonderful. After that, he wanted sex more and more every time we were together. We married about six months after he took...

1 year ago
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The Creature and Jessica

There came a sound from just beyond my bedroom door. I didn’t know what it was because I had never heard it anytime before but I decided to see what it might be. I wasn’t scared of it and figured I didn’t have any reason to be. The only thing I did know was that this sound was not from something in my house. My name is Jessica and I had just turned seventeen which was that age most often spoken about besides sweet sixteen. I opened the door and stepped out into the dark hallway. There wasn’t a...

3 years ago
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Madhavi Flower Between Flowers

Hi, this is Radhakrishna once again with a hot encounter with a sexy flower selling beauty. I am 28 years of nice looks and a horny guy. Whenever I have free time, I used to roam on the roads to chase the girls. In the process I found a girl, who sells the flowers at a flower stall near my house. First let me describe her. Her name is Madhavi of 25 years and unmarried girl. She always wears chudi. She is fair in color and has very cute face. But her main drawback is her personality. She must be...

4 years ago
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XL Chapter 3

The phone rang sharply in my ears, but it took me a moment to figure out what it was. I rolled over and grabbed the receiver, putting it to my ear as I tried to wake up. "Good morning, did I catch you in bed or are you up already? More importantly, are you alone?" I recognized the cheerful voice of Jan. True to her word, she was checking up on me to see if I had the resolve to keep my first date on a slow pace. I smiled, as I thought of the teasing she and Denise had given me when I...

3 years ago
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Sex on the farm part 2

That left the outcasts which included dopers, sluts, rednecks (called goat-ropers in Texas), latter day hippies (pre-Goths), and me. Though I was raised on a horse ranch, I did not consider myself a redneck. My mother had a master’s degree in English and had encouraged me to read from an early age. So I felt different from this bunch. I was soon paling around with a hippie type who didn’t care about school but, because of the law, had to attend until she was sixteen. She was actually very...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Stone Double of Nothing Part 3

"I'm Jay Heckmer." Then a moment later he added, "Julienne's cousin." "Fine Jay. Let me introduce you to the class," Mr. Kern said. Then in a louder voice, "Children, children, can I have your attention?" The class quieted down. Mr. Kern was a good teacher and had trained his class well. "This is Jay, he will be filling in for Julienne for a while. I want you to give him the same respect you would give to Julienne or any other student in this class. Is that understood?" The...

2 years ago
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Job in Nana Plaza

1 Watching a livestream of Sukhumvit Road, Na knew she’d feel like a fish out of water... Bangkok ... The lights, the traffic, the faces, streets brimming, floods of activity... One single city block had more people in its radius than Na had ever seen in her entire life, coming from a small rice farming village in Nowhere, Nakhon Phanom... Bangkok, Krung Thep, the metropolis, had so many foreigners, too, or, as the Thais called them: “farangs.” Not that she’d never seen foreigners, in...

2 years ago
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Divorced Ex Gf Kavita

Hello to all indian sex stories dot net readers. Thanks aap sabke feedbacks k liye. Khas Thanks un bhabhi and girls ko jinhone mujhse friendship offer ki hai aur contact number dene k liye. Hope age bhi mujhe aap sabka aise hi pyar mile. Me Rocky Mumbai se apke liye aur ek meri nae story leke aya hu. Meri sab story 100% real hai. Agar koe bhi girl ya aunty ya bhabhi mujhse sex karna chahti hai ya friendship karna chahti hai mail me at Ye story meri aur meri ex gf ki hai. Story thodi lambi hai...

1 year ago
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Having a Lucky Day

My friend, Darryl, wasn't home, so I went around to the wooden side gate beside his garage and let myself into his back yard. I'd been playing catch with him in his back yard the afternoon before, and I'd ended up forgetting my baseball glove. I needed to get it, because I had baseball tryouts that afternoon for the local Kiwanis Club 13-15 year old Babe Ruth league team. I wasn't really thinking about anything much as I walked into Darryl's back yard. I just wanted to find my baseball...

1 year ago
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White Satin

White Satin Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Diane Jones, and i own a bridal salon called 'White Satin.' On my left is a beauty salon run by my good friend, Margaret. I've owned the business for five years and am doing great business, as is Margaret. We are a great team, bringing in business for eachother. Let me tell you about a true story about a couple that came into my salon about six months ago. Now that in itself is unusual. Nicole had booked an appointment on a Friday at 10 am...

3 years ago
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Neighbor sucked my cock at the ABS

Feeling horny I pasted by the local ABS. Thought I would stop in and get a blowjob in one of the gloryholes in the video booth. It was dark gave my eyes time to adjust, and looked over the video selection. Went to the middle section of booths put in $5.00 and began scanning the channels. Found a Bisex video, and began rubbing my cock. I soon unzipped and unbuttoned my jeans, had my cock out edging my foreskin over the gland. A hand reached in and grabbed my balls. He began gently squeezing and...

3 years ago
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On the street with Luci

About a week after my fantastic session with Luci and Karen, I was walking down the street in the city. I got a text. It was from Luci. It simply read 'Stay there Ill meet you very soon.'Strange!I looked around and couldn't see her anywhere, so how could she know where I was?I stood and waited a couple of minutes. (I was standing in a small corner between two shops) Luci suddenly appeared round the corner.She was wearing an ankle length coat and lovely strappy sandles. Her hair was glistening...

4 years ago
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She Got it Hot in Their Holiday Hotel Room

Em’s nipples were about to be hotly massaged. They were already erect and hard as little rocks. Her masseur’s warm, firm hands were just below the swell of her breasts. His fingers had already lightly brushed her nipples. She was wet with anticipation. She was naked and her legs were wide apart. She was in their room at the island resort she and Ambrose had chosen for a four-day break. To be precise, she was on a massage bed onto which the masseur had placed her thirty minutes ago as soon as...

1 year ago
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Recovery of a Hero Ch 14

Chapter 14 Birthday for Two Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his editing. This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. As the days until my birthday went by, Janny made me take it easy. She said that I’d overextended myself too much since Uncle Dar had gotten home. I didn’t argue much. Having Uncle Dar and his daughters around made it easy to sit back for awhile. Having Ellen and Nancy around was a big change for me...

2 years ago
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Me Nikki and Sam

Me, Nikki and SamI’m a happily married man in my early 40’s and a few years ago I changed jobs. On my first day I was introduced to Nikki with whom I felt an instant kinship as we were newbies together.Nikki was 19 at the time. Because she had a few dietary issues she was very slim bordering on, but not quite skinny. She did have a lovely figure and looked great in whatever clothes she wore to work. I would describe her as looking very like Audrey Hepburn.We would often chat at work about home...

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the Italian Job 14

The Italian Job 14After the ending of the relationship with Maria I settled down to a steady situation with the remaining women who I must say had a very much more philosophical approach to our relationships, Ellie was always pleased to see me and thoroughly enjoyed my getting between her legs and fucking her, she loved being servile so a nice arse pounding was on the cards now and again as she took it in her stride, she had fucked her nephew although he did not know it was her, she realised...

2 years ago
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Be Your Own Hero

Welcome The Protector. You have been given the unique opportunity to recreate yourself as a Superhero in the universe of your choosing. First, please select a universe...

1 year ago
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Part 5 The Car Ride

The Car RideAs I followed Mona's Lexus to the hotel my mind started to wonder if her offer to kiss my balls was real or not. I know for a fact that Joyce would be willing to fuck and suck me in a heartbeat. Joyce made it very clear to me that she enjoyed a strange cock every now and then and that she was a willing slut to the right kind of guy. I found it also very erotic that both woman could not take there eyes of my cock as I stood there without anything to wear. Then Mona's offer to...

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Its the Small Things That Count Part 5

The next morning started...interestingly, lets say. I felt my cock getting hard, which was unusual since I never had morning wood and especially not after last night. I slowly opened my eyes, wiped the sleep out of them and looked down to see Rachel with my cock in her mouth."Morning sleepy head," she giggled, taking my throbbing cock out of her mouth for a moment. "I was up early so I thought why not give my man a treat?""Well, you sure do know how to wake me up, babe. Keep going. You're doing...

1 year ago
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A Fistful Of Dollars

My life took on a new challenge after graduating from Newborough High School with honours, at the end of 1980. All my life, I had lived in the small country mining town of Yallourn. The town was dug up for the brown coal beneath it in 1980, which meant moving with my parents and brother to its sister town of Yallourn North, some three miles away. A country girl by heart, I left the country and my family, to study Journalism at the University of Melbourne; some ninety miles away. My parents were...

2 years ago
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Billy Beth and Alan Ally next chapter

There was now only one week left of school and my month's punishment was about to end. "Mother, the end of the month is on Saturday. Do I change back to Billy?" I inquired. "Well, do you want to Beth? Or would you prefer to remain as Beth with all of your pretty clothes and new "feelings." That was the problem. What did I want to do? I wasn't so sure. Yesterday I had said to myself I wanted to have breasts, large breasts and I wanted to be a "gurl!" Now I was confused as my...

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Mothers Night

It was a Friday night in a random week; it was 23:42, and I climbed out of bed to get myself a glass of water. I walked down the stairs to the 1st floor, when I heard the muffled sound of a voice coming from my mother's bedroom. I noticed the door was slightly open and dimmed light was shining through the opening. Because I didn't know what was going on (my mother and I lived alone, my two sisters had their own place), because she was supposed to be alone in her room, and I heard a voice, I...

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Taking a chance

My marriage had been celibate for years. After our daughter was born, my wife had lost interest in sex. I'd suggested she see our doctor about it, but she felt too embarrassed. She never wanted more than a cuddle. Don't get me wrong, I supported her decision to stop working to raise kids. She was a good mother, and she kept a clean tidy home, tending to my other domestic needs, while I worked all hours. I'd 'played away' a couple of times, but never looked for a relationship. And now I am no...

2 years ago
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Everybody loves a Stranger

The day had been long, I was tired and needed to go home. My head had been full of meetings and deadlines, and now, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. There was a small bar across from my office, a quiet place, that seemed a perfect respite before my journey home.Crossing the street, full of traffic and commuters, I was so relieved that this bar was here. I ordered a drink, a long vodka and tonic, full of ice, so refreshing.I looked around and saw a nice quiet place to sit, away from...

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College Days

By: AWC Some say the relationships started earlier in age last much longer. The school time sweethearts, who get married later on in life make the best couples to stay together till death do them apart. The argument on the other side speaks with the actual figures and the numbers which cannot be denied or considered wrong in any condition. The figures tell us that the monogamous boys and girls, who pick one another as their life partners earlier in life, they break up much more easily and the...

1 year ago
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Half Wife Chapter 3

Note: 100% fiction! Hi Folks, this is Arvind back again with more to share! Nisha is the third sister of Rekha and is 3 years younger. But for her age, she has a well developed feminity about her. She has 34C cups and 26 waist size. She is fair with light brown eyes, and black hair that have a habit of falling on her cute face. I had a day off that day and Rekha had gone to some of our relatives place the day before. I had jacked a off three or four times thinking of Rekha, but was not...

1 year ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 35

“I wish you’d stop messing with that thing.” Shavala looked up from where she was sitting cross-legged with the staff laid across her lap. “It’s not saying anything now,” she told Katrin. “It’s a hunk of wood—it shouldn’t have said anything at all! It’s creepy.” Shavala stood and leaned the staff against the wall, then went to sit next to the other woman. “It was more like it was thinking than talking. It just didn’t like what I was doing.” “What if it happens again?” She didn’t have an...

1 year ago
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No FutureChapter 10 The Good Seed

Alex 2023 It was like joining a club. Not a very exclusive club of course, as it already had over eight million members, but certainly one with crippling membership fees. It was a club to which Alex had long aspired to be a member and that was to be one of those who lived within the circumference of the M25 and could call themselves Londoners. For sure, Rickmansworth wasn't that far inside the M25. The Metropolitan Line through the suburb continued above ground to places like Amersham...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 56

I left an hour early on Sunday morning. The night had been very quiet and I needed to be at the college Monday morning at 8 to start the new routine. The Suburban was a lot quieter than the diesel Ford. When I went in no one was up. Jenny had kicked the covers off sometime in the night and was sleeping on her side, naked. This was a clothes optional house hold; it wasn't unusual for everyone to be sitting in the living room watching TV, naked. I put the 8 inch toy and the bottle of lube in...

4 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 31

As we’d expected, Mom was already up and about with the kids when we entered the house; they were early risers, and she was just starting them on their breakfast. I could smell the coffee machine doing its duty, so the timing was perfect. Katelyn entered the kitchen first and got the distraction mission done, loudly thanking Mom for having her kids for the night, while Mel and I sneaked across the hallway into the family room to hide out on the couch. Despite our fitful sleep on the plane,...

4 years ago
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My First Time With An Old man

Since I was young, I've always had a liking to older people, both men and women. And alot of my friends parents fit into this category. There was this one married couple who were my neighbors that lived on the same street. There son and I grew up together and over the years, I found myself very attracted to the mother and father. At the time they were much older, in their mid 50's. They were of German decent and had these hot german-american accents. The mother was very sexy, nice figure and...

3 years ago
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Love Charger Of My Lady Boss In Patna

Hello, all my ISS readers, I am back with yet another fantasy of mine in the form of a hot lustful and kinky story. This story is about how unsatisfied was my boss sexually as she was a divorcee, and she took an advantage of one of my mistake to make me her personal slave. After graduating from a highly reputed college in Hyderabad, I was posted in an MNC as a software developer. My salary was near 18 LPA. I was very happy that now I will be able to support my family financially. My first...

2 years ago
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To the uninitiated, Las Vegas is the place to go and indulge oneself with the knowledge of knowing that one’s secrets would be kept. Those who truly have secrets and not just fascinations and random hedonistic thoughts know better, they know that no place in the world keeps a secret better than Geneva . Geneva is perhaps best known as the hideaway for illicit funds gained from all sorts of criminal gains throughout the world. The city is relatively smaller than one would expect...

4 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 15 Movie What movie

Abby paused her touching for a moment, drawing out the pleasure, waiting for another good scene. She wished now that she had inadvertently put on one of the soft core movies when she changed episodes. With the way everyone was sighing and moving around in the room, she was pretty sure no one would have said a thing. Reaching up, she held on to her small breasts in each hand, idly rubbing her nipples with her thumbs as she leaned back against her mother’s side, feeling her shake a bit behind...

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Victorious Corrupting Cat part 1

Keywords: Ff, Oral Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 1 by K.O.P ([email protected]) "Why are you so mean to me?" Cat asked in a small voice. Although the sound had been barely above a whisper it sounded deafening in the lightless room. Those words were the first Cat had uttered since Jade ruined the redhead's spontaneous bedtime story video. Of course Cat had expected Jade to be mean, but she had been hoping for funny-mean, not mean-mean. And then Jade had pretended she had...

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Art CriticChapter 4 Plunged into Darkness

Annette and I were officially seniors. So were Kendra, Les, Mavis, and Susan. Dad helped Morgan set up an agency LLC with Les as a contractor—even though Les was still a year from graduation. The two of them began recruiting artists from the incoming senior class, starting with Annette, Kendra, Mavis, and me. They decided to focus their efforts on getting more of our material into the public eye. I was a painter, Annette was a writer, Kendra was a sculptor, and Mavis was a photographer. For...

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The Girls Night Out

As Gina looked through the sales rack, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her. She turned to see Rita someone she hadn't seen in years smiling at her. The two hugged and kissed each other, and immediately left the store and went to a nearby coffee shop. The two talked for over an hour sharing tales of husbands and kids. Gina was pleasantly surprised when she leaned that Rita had moved into a house just a couple of blocks from hers. Both women were in their mid forties, the kids now...

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Grannys Surprise

Granny's surprise By Innocent Guilt They say that death is the ultimate end to everything, but what really happens during death? How can something that is so unknown be the true end? I know I'm one of those who thinks too much about his problems, people around me, and life; but there is a certain truth that I do know death brings. That truth is closure and togetherness. I don't remember much about my parents, but what I do remember is what my grandfather and grandmother...

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CherryPimps Adira Allure Bella Rolland Therapist Fulfills Wifes Needs That Husband Greatly Lacks

Adira Allure has had enough of her wimpy husband. All he ever wants is to be fucked in the ass with different strap ons. Adira is the woman here and she needs fucked. Luckily for Adira her therapist Bella knows just the way to show Marcelo how its done. She whips open her jacket standing there with a strap on ready to go and Adira can not wait to get fucked by it. Bella fucks her hard from behind and forces Marcelo to clean up that dildo. Is that all he is good for? Cleaning up after watching...

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Wife Peggy

We have been swinging with my wife the active one and me the guy with the camera for many years now. Peggy is Asian and in her late 30,s now and we have a daughter in college but have been into this most of our married life. I was watching my wife on her knees playing with Rogers cock well I am getting ahead of myself It was Super bowl Sunday and we had invited three of our married friends over to watch Super bowl with us but we all had other plans to. Peggy had been with these three guys...

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Evil Aunty

By: AWC When David and Dorothy got the swimming pool installed in their backyard, it was nice of them to allow Raymond’s; their next door neighbors to let them use it also. Jerry and Kathy were glad for the facility but they did not use it as much as their son Barry Raymond. David and Dorothy always treated Barry as a kid and Barry also being a nice boy, was always very respectful and called them uncle and aunty and never by their names. When Jerry announced that he was the winners of the...

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The Bosss Concrete Fortress

In April 1989, I was working at a corporation with so many layers that I couldn’t precisely say who my actual employer was. At the top was a conglomerate that had started out as an auto parts manufacturer. As it added and shed many lines of business over the decades it needed a new identity. Eventually, it had purchased an old-line Hollywood studio called Apex and it had glamorously renamed itself Apex Communications.Apex must have been doing well because it built itself a skyscraper...

3 years ago
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"You will be very sorry for you insubordination, young lady," Sir Jason said softly while tying the frightened woman's hands ankles and wrists to each corner of the large heavy table, leaving her naked body in the classic spread eagle position of submission, "and you will surely rue the day you disobeyed me, yes indeed, you surely will!!!" The cool air contacting her bare breasts immediately caused her large pink nipples to erect involuntarily, a sure sign to her master that she was indeed in...

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Hauz Khas Villlage 8211 Elf Bar Se Ladki K Flat Tak

Hello friends, I am Harsh Singha and I live in Delhi. Any girls or aunty from delhi if you want to get fucked please mail me at Maine pehle b bohot stories likhi h and sab real thi. Ye story mere recent ki h. Pehle mai apne baare me bata do. Meri height 5.11 hai and I live in delhi. Mai apne friendz k sath rent pe rehta hu. Hamne ek flat rent e liya hua h. And ham sabhi job karte h. Aise hi ek din plan bana hauz khas jaane ka to hamne weekend ka din choose kiya. It was the month of july 2016....

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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 19

The big event I was looking forward to after the Prom and Krys's graduation was, of course, my seventeenth birthday. After that I would be legal, at least in the eyes of the Law. I wouldn't have to worry too much about CPS. No, that was a mistake. As long as our group of kids existed, and we had a member who was under 17, we would have to worry about them. This struck me as strange. I'd had to do some reading for one of my classes, and girls normally were getting pregnant at the age of 16...

2 years ago
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Jack and Diane Ch 01

I discovered my wife’s infidelity the way most men do… she told me she was divorcing me. I will admit it came as a bit of a surprise as I had thought we were the ideal couple. Our love life seemed normal enough and Diane didn’t seem to be out of the house any more than I would expect. I was pretty busy at work, but I don’t think you could describe me as inattentive at home. Anyway, she presented me with her decision, two suitcases of my clothes, the information that I had reservations at the...

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