MackChapter 09
- 3 years ago
- 22
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It was a Sunday lunchtime in early June when Millie decided it was time to make her big announcement, but as it was Millie, it had to be done in her own inimitable fashion. I wasn't working that lunchtime; normally I always did the Sunday lunchtime shift. But for some reason that day I was playing darts with Philip, Barry (Jean's husband) and John.
Some holidaymaker had just made an inane comment about Millie's appendages and she'd put him down very nicely with one of her ribald comebacks. Everybody had laughed at the poor guy, and he was sitting there doing a very convincing impersonation of a beetroot.
But then as Millie walked back across the pub to the bar with her usual wicked grin on her face, she literally shouted to Philip. "'ere Luvver, you're gonna have to buy me a wheelbarrow before long you know, you realise that, don't ya!"
Phil who was just about to throw his dart stopped in mid-swing and looked at his wife, with a confused look on his face, quite obviously having no idea what Millie was talking about and preparing himself for whatever ribald comment Millie was about to come up with next. I think the whole pub had gone quiet, because Millie had everyone waiting with bated breath for the punch line to whatever joke she was planning.
But Millie just stood there and stared at Philip, who eventually was forced to ask the question.
"What in heaven's name would you want a wheelbarrow for Millie?"
"Yeah, well, I'm told that when they get filled up with milk, they get even bigger. I'm gonna need something to carry these buggers around in, ain't I!" Millie grinned at her confused husband and continued on her way towards the bar as if what she'd said was nothing out of the ordinary.
Phil stood there looking like a complete fool with that same confused look on his face for some time. Then someone, god only knows who shouted "Congratulations!" and slapped Phil on the back so hard that he dropped his dart. Within seconds everyone was slapping Phil on the back and congratulating him, but he still hadn't twigged it. That is until Michelle kissed him and I do believe she whispered to him that he was about to become a daddy. At that point Philip nearly fainted and had to be helped to a seat, but Millie had soon returned from the bar and was sitting on his lap reviving him by giving him her personal version of the kiss of life.
So that's how the village learnt that Millie was pregnant. Regretfully the following week brought bad news for everyone. Old Bert didn't turn up one morning; he'd been slowing down for sometime by then but normally showed by about lunchtime. Beverley must have got worried when he hadn't telephoned and she tried to call him. There was no reply, so George and Beverley set out for Bert's cottage to investigate.
They found him sitting in his lounge where he'd obvious sat himself down on arriving home the evening before. He had left us! George informed us later that Bert had gone with a smile on his face.
Bert's funeral cortège took a protracted route to the church, driving out of the village to stop in the Willow's car park where everyone (holidaymakers included) stepped outside to participate in a toast to Bert's memory, then all the staff from the pub joined the cortège for its journey back into the village and on to the church. After the service we followed the hearse to the crematorium.
Beverley's sister had travelled down from Norwich with two of her barmaids to look after the Willow's whilst we were away.
The following week there was another short ceremony in the pub garden, when his ashes were sprinkled over what Bert considered to be "hallowed turf" by the vicar. For many years Bert had been the pub's gardener.
A little brass plaque of remembrance was put up near Bert's usual stool in the bar and for a long time that stool was never soiled by a local resident's behind. Holidaymakers knew no different though and some of them did get a little confused by the toast of "To Bert" that was often sung out if one of them made the mistake of sitting upon that stool.
It must have been only a couple of weeks after Bert left us that my cousin, Billie, turned up one day on one of the cruisers. Billie was with her boyfriend and another young couple; I had no idea they'd arrived or were even coming.
I'd just put some customers drinks on their table when out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed a lithe female form that was clad in several small pieces of red materiel - making a vain attempt to pretend that it was a bikini - threw itself at me. Both the body and I finished up rolling on the grass whilst Billie kissed me.
Billie had always been my favourite cousin - my kissing cousin. We'd sworn our undying love for each other at about the age of about seven or eight, I believe. Those sentiments had cooled a little as we'd got older, but not by very much. Billie still always hugged and kissed me whenever we met.
"Christ, Billie, have some decorum will you. I'm supposed to be working here!" I managed to say once she'd broken her hello kiss and let me breathe again.
"Well, that's nice! No, "hello, Billie"; just, "get off me." You never used to say that when we were little."
"Hello, Billie, it's nice to see you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I replied, still trapped beneath her on the ground, by the way.
"We weren't sure when we would get here. We booked up at the last minute and had to collect the boat from miles away. That's my boyfriend, Laurence - no, my fiancée now; he asked me to marry him last week. I thought I'd better bring him up here to get your okay. You never come down to see us! Oh, and these are our best friends, Debra and Griff; they've just got engaged as well, so we're planning a double wedding sometime next year."
"Hi, folks," I said looking at them through Billie's mop of auburn hair as best I could. "It would be easier to shake you fiancé's hand, if I was standing up, Billie, and besides I think he's looking a bit jealous," I pointed out.
Billie rolled off of me, then her friends helped us to our feet. But Billie still hung on to me as if I was her fiancé. We did the formal introductions, hand shaking and congratulations bit, then I I was steering them towards one of the picnic tables when a voice disturbed us.
"'Ere, luvvy, I'd put him down if I was you. You don't know where 'e's been!" It was Millie's dulcet tones. "And I'd put something a bit more chaste on, as well. We can't control 'im when he gets excited! Besides that, this is supposed to be a family pub."
"Sorry, I dropped my wrap when I was sneaking up on Mack," Billie said a little contritely at the same time as taking the sarong that Debra was holding out to her and winding around her waist, after disentangling herself from me that is. Then she went over to Mille and gave her a hug. "You must be Millie; I've heard so much about you. Congratulations!" Then seeing the slightly confused expression Millie's face, she added, "Julia and I chat all the time. She told me about the baby."
"But how did you know she was Millie?" I asked.
"Don't be bloody silly, luvver!" Millie chastised me with a grin on her face. "Everyone knows who I am the moment they see me, don't they. Jesus, Mack, you've been around 'em too long."
"Oops, yeah, forgot for a minute," I replied, realising that there weren't likely to be another pair like Millie's within a hundred miles or so.
Millie stepped close to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Should have married the bugger when I had the chance," she said to Billie, as if I wasn't even there.
"I tried to throw a rope on dream boat more than once, but the bugger kept dodging it," Billie replied.
I suddenly realised why I'd got on with Millie so well. Except for the obvious differences, the Norfolk accent and that front suspension of Millie's, she could have been Billie's twin. No, that don't sound right. They don't look like each other at all really. Billie had an extremely slim and lithe figure; well, they both had really, but Millie had those knockers that would look big on someone twice her size. Billie and Millie, well, they just had the same personalities and sense of humour. They both cracked the same sort of ribald jokes and had the same habit of flirting with any handy bloke.
What's more, I was soon to discover that they got on together like a house on fire. You'd have thought Billie had dropped in to visit her long lost cousin Millie, instead of me! Most of that evening was spent with Laurence and Griff chatting with me at the bar, whilst the four girls (Michelle had joined them) held court at one of the corner tables in the room.
When Bev and George came down into the pub, Bev Joined the little clique in the corner and George came to help me behind the bar.
"Don't like that!" Laurence said suddenly during the evening.
"Don't like what?" Griff asked.
"When they go all quiet and turn round and look over here. I think they are talking about me!"
"Look, lad," George offered. "If they are talking about you, you ain't got much to worry about. The same goes for if they are talking to you. You pretend to be paying attention and watch the telly at the same time. When they ain't talking, that's when you got to worry about women!"
Billie and her little gang had only hired the boat for a week, so the following morning they set off up river and returned two days later for an evening on their way back down river to the hire yard. Millie dragged Philip in for Billie's inspection that time. A friendship was built between those two girls in those couple of visits that lasts to this day.
It was Millie who two months later persuaded me to go to Billie's wedding. I don't know what happened - I can only assume that Billie and Laurence must have got a little lax about taking precautions, either that or a condom burst. Billie explained to me that she was one of the few whose bodies refused to tolerate birth control pills.
Billie had invited Millie and Philip to her wedding as well as me of course. She'd also invited Michelle but we couldn't have too many of us away from the pub at that time of year.
I wasn't going to go when the invite first arrived, but Millie wasn't having any of "that nonsense" as she called it.
"Time to put your toys back in the pram, Mack!" Millie ranted, "Besides Phil and me would have to spend the whole damned day making excuses for you not being there!"
I drove Millie and Phil down to town in my old car; Phil wasn't one for driving very far, unless it was on a tractor. The wedding had been organised at short notice so the reception was in a hotel some miles from where the family lived and the three of us had booked into the same hotel as the reception was being held in. The excuse I'd used for not staying at my parents' place was that I wouldn't have to worry about drinking and driving.
So we checked into the hotel before we went to the church, where my family pounced upon us. Julia dragged Millie and Philip off to introduce them to everyone; but not before asking me where Michelle was. I couldn't understand how several people who asked about Michelle even knew that she existed.
After the service we all went back to the hotel for the banquet and then the reception afterwards. Considering the short notice I thought it was a bloody good do, but Laurence told me later at the bar that they'd struck lucky and the hotel had had a wedding cancellation. They'd literally taken over the booking.
Once the formal side of things were out of the way, the party started; friends and guests who hadn't been invited for the meal began to arrive. The guest list had apparently been a little restricted because the numbers who could be invited were limited by the original booking. It showed how much Millie and Billie had bonded together because, as almost strangers to the family, Millie and Phil had been invited to the formal stuff.
It fell to Julia again to warn me. I was sitting at the bar talking to another cousin of mine when Julia came up to join us. I'm not sure if it was pre-planned, or if Julia made some gesture to my cousin that I didn't see, but he vanished almost the moment Julia climbed on the stool beside me.
"I thought I'd better give you some advanced warning!" Julia said after ordering herself a drink. "Lynn's coming later with her fella." Then she turned to look at me. I got the feeling she was watching for my reaction to the news.
"So why should Lindsey being here with Conway worry me?" I replied.
"No, not with Conway, Mack. Lynn's been going out with some other guy."
'Strange.' I thought 'I wonder what went wrong between Lindsey and lover boy?' but I didn't voice the question to Julia.
However Julia must have decided that the point needed clearing up in my mind, even if I attempted to show no interest.
"Conway and his wife have reconciled, Mack, or at least they are trying to. They should be here later as well!"
"That's of no interest to me, Julia!"
"Oh, well I thought that you'd be interested in who organised their reconciliation at least."
"Stephanie, I should imagine; she's always into everyone's business. Or was it you, with your interfering hat on again?"
"No, it was Lynn. Apparently we all misunderstood what was going on between Conway and Lynn. We discovered that Conway's wife and Lynn have always been friends since she first moved up to town from Bath. Conway wasn't so much chasing after Lynn, as asking her to play go between. That's why he always liked to have Lynn around. He knew that she'd tell Maria that he was behaving himself and she was happy to leave the children under Lynn's watchful eye."
'No, I don't believe a word of it, Julia!' I was thinking to myself. Lindsey and Conway have really pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. This had to be more of their smoke screen. One thing that was bugging me, though, was this Lynn instead of Lindsey bit; it was really getting my goat. I'm not sure why I asked Julia.
"What's with this Lynn bit, Julia? When I was going with her she would go ape-shit when I wanted to call her Lynn?"
A slight exaggeration on my part there, but Lindsey would always make a point of correcting me.
Julia just stared at me for a few seconds. "Work it out for yourself, Mack. And while you are at it, think. Was there anything you used to go on at Lynn about?"
"I don't understand what you're on about, Julia."
"Well, what about her hair?"
"Her hair?"
"Yeah, didn't you tell her you preferred it long, when she had it cut short that time?"
"Probably. I just happen to think it looked better long."
"And didn't you tell her that you liked her in that red dress of hers?"
"Most likely. I thought the colour suited her."
"Well, dumb arse, Lynn is the lady in red nowadays. She hardly ever wears any other colour and her hair is almost down to her waist now. Does that mean anything to you at all?"
"No, should it?"
"Oh, god, give me strength," Julia said, then slid off of her stool and walked away.
I was just about to follow her to get her to explain what she had been talking about when Phil and Laurence arrived at the bar. Those two appeared to get on well, which was lucky considering the way Billie and Mille got on so well. Phil was explaining something about the sugar beet harvest and for some reason Laurence sounded enthralled.
After a couple of minutes of hearing about sugar beets, a regular subject of conversation amongst the locals back at the pub around September and November time, I wished that I had chased after Julia. So as subtly as I could, I slipped away to find someone else to talk to.
I'd no sooner stepped into the function room than four children surrounded me; actually there were a damn sight more than four, but you know the four that I'm referring to. I managed to ditch them after ensuring they all had replenished soft drinks.
Anyway the presence of Conway's two informed me that he had arrived. I don't think I went looking for Conway on purpose, but I might have done to see what his wife looked like. I found them along with Lindsey and some other young guy, sat at a table at the far end of the room. Pretending that I hadn't noticed them, I carried on out into the hotel's foyer and through into the bar that was open to residents.
I'd been safely hiding in the resident's bar for some time when Millie found me.
"What-ya doing in here, Luvver?" Millie asked dropping in the seat beside me.
"Hiding. What-ya think? Millie, I've spent most of the day replaying the story of the last two years of my life to relatives that I ain't going to see again for donkey's years. And one of the first thing most of them, asked is how is Lindsey? Now they are going to spot her in there and wonder what the fuck is going on."
"Well, you've only yourself to blame, maybe you should have visited home a few times, Mack!"
"Millie, let's not go there please; I just ain't in the mood!"
"Fine, I'll mind my own business, Mr Misery, but only if you dance with me. You haven't asked me to dance yet and that should get them wondering what's going on."
"Where's Phil? I thought he'd be dancing with you."
"Yeah, well, he did, but for the last hour him and Laurence have been chatting; I think they are cooking something up between them. Billie's getting a bit narked about them as well."
Millie and I did our thing on the dance floor for a while - well, until Billie spotted us; it was pretty obvious to me that she manoeuvred Griff over to where Millie and I were dancing. Then she ditched Griff, and grabbed hold of me for the next dance.
"You can have him for this one, Luvver. But if I can't find our husbands, I'm having 'im back for the next!" Millie said to Billie as we glided away from her.
"What's with Laurence and Phil?" I asked Billie at the first opportunity.
"Don't know. Some big secret they're cooking up, I think. I'm not sure if it's a surprise for Millie or me they are planning. When I asked them, they both got little boy grins on their faces."
"Well, providing it isn't a surprise for me, I don't mind," I replied. "You seem to have hit it off well with Millie."
"Yeah, she's great fun. I wish I'd met up with her years ago. She's like having a sister; we have the same sense of humour."
"Yeah, I noticed."
"And we have the same big brother."
'What the hell are you talking about now, Billie?' I thought, but I just said, "Pardon?"
"You, you great lump. Having you about was like having a brother," she said, grinning at me again.
I'm not sure what expression came on my face, but Billie must have read a lot more from it than I intended.
"Oh, shit, you didn't, did you? Christ, that was almost incest! -- Oh damn, now I'm jealous of my newest best friend. How come you never took me into your bed?"
"It's nothing of the kind, Billie. I'm no relation to Millie."
"You might not be but I told you she's like a sister to me now. And you bedded her. How many times?"
"Wilhelmena, can we please change the subject?" The use of Billie's given name, I was pretty sure, would bring her back under control.
"All right, providing you don't start calling me that all the time. Okay, what do you make of him?" Billie asked.
"Who?" I asked. I had no idea if she was talking about Laurence or Philip.
"Lynn's new fella," Billie said.
"Haven't seen him," I lied. "Are they here?"
"You're a piss poor liar, Mack, you always were. You know full well that Lynn is sitting over there with Conway and his wife. And I know you've checked out the guy she's with. I watched you when you went out earlier."
"I might have seen them, now that you mention it. But I really didn't take any notice."
"Okay, have it your way, but there's really no sense in lying to yourself, Mack. You know that neither of you will be able to move on until you've talked over this thing that came between you, don't you?"
"Billie, I can't see that there is anything to talk out. And Lindsey can go out with whoever she likes. I don't give a monkey's."
"You really are a piss poor liar, Mack. You're dancing with me, remember? You lost all coordination when you said that. If I hadn't been nimble on my feet, you'd have stamped all over them."
Possibly Billie was telling the truth. I was aware that our feet had collided.
"Don't be silly. I'm just a little worn out, that's all. It is the middle of our busy season. I've been worked off my feet for weeks."
The holidays go well for everybody at Sandy Knoll Farm, even the Thomas and Lukovic families appreciate the slower pace of having that many of the children away for the holidays. One aspect of being at the farm Mack didn’t expect was Ma Hanson organising for all of the kids to have cooking lessons while there because she’s inspired by Mack’s past lessons. At the start of the last full week in January the Queanbeyan kids pack up their gear, load it in the Yukon, and leave for Queanbeyan just...
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Life settles into a rhythm for Mack. School during the week, hunting three afternoons a week and every second Saturday. Twice a week he takes the children out to get them acquainted with the forest while he teaches them what he’s learned. They soon learn how to know where they are in relation to the houses and the camps. The kids and men spend a lot of time trying to thin the rabbit herds, but it still looks like they’ve not touched them. Many families enjoy their improved diets due to the...
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Group SexBy: AWC Lark Lewis was seriously thinking to either change his fuck buddy or at least have one more because this fucker had to be out of town at least 2 weeks every month or even more for his job but he fucked so good that LL simply could not give up his fantastic cock and did not know if his fuck buddy would allow him to have another man to fuck him as well. There were so many mother fucking hitches and hurdles imposed by the stupid socio-cultural binds and getting a new or additional fuck...
I've never actually been in Heaven, but I grew up next door. "You'd better not be smoking up there," Betts warned from the stalls below me. "Jesus! Isn't there anyplace I can go and be alone?" "You swore! You took the name of the Lord in vain. I'm telling Mom and you will be alone in your room for the next twenty years." "Good! Tell her. Then you won't be able to bug me anymore." Betts stormed out of the barn. I'm sure she told Mom she was going to go take care of the...
Dosto ye kahani isi january ki hai. Mere flat ke saath wale flat main ek bhabhi (meenu) rehti hai. Unki sister in law (shalu) ke saath apna chakar chal raha tha aur hum dono ne kai baar sex kiya tha. Humara chakkar 2 saal se chal raha tha. 30 january ki dopar ki ye baat hai jab mere ghar main koi nahi tha. Maine shalu ko 11 baje apne ghar bula liya ke aaj poore din masti karenge. Wo ghar pe aayi aur jaisa maine plan kiya tha main us par toot pada. Main use seedhe hi bedroom le gaya aur usko...
Chapter 1 The Beginning of Salvation As I lay on the ground I felt weak, I felt useless, like my will to do anything had vanished along with any hope I had left. Mother told me to hide, I was always good at doing that but she never told me what would really happen or what It meant for me. That day would be the last day I would ever hear her or my father say my name ever again, father always let me wear his pendant, he said I was his greatest treasure after all. I never truly knew what It meant...
FantasyHi, I am Tejas. I am here to tell you about my first gay encounter with my best friend. Let’s begin with how I got I started watching porn when I was 18. Then after a couple of years later, I came to know about BDSM porn. I started loving it. I always liked the role of Master in BDSM the way the Master dominates. We all friends shared porn. But there was one friend. Let’s call him A, who also watched BDSM porn. As we had a similarity, we both became best friends. Whenever his mom and dad were...
Gay MaleMy toyfriend Teasyme and I have had many exciting sexual experiences while staying at our cabin in woods, and last summer we had a fantastic encounter one afternoon on our boat, in our cabin at the beach. During a visit to our cabin about a year ago, we awoke to an absolutely fantastic July morning. The sky was bright blue and cloudless, the temperature was in the mid 80's and there was no wind at all, not even a hint of breeze. As a result, the sea was like glass, or more accurately, like a...
The day was hot like any other but more so than the day before. Despite the weather Jin got to work mowing the grass for his father who usually did the work on his own. His back wasn't in the mood for hard work on this particular day so Jin step in and did it for him. The heat was so intense that he did the job topless, but the shirt he did wear was used to wipe off all the sweat pouring down his body. To cool off he had a little bottle of spring water, drinking half of it and pouring some of...
I met my Uncle Joe over at the cop bar on Eighth Avenue that still used sawdust to keep the dirt down on the floor. The scent of the lunchtime menu overpowered the aroma of the beer and spirits that never left the place if you had a sensitive nose. The thing I liked best about the White Rose was their mid-day collection of hot food for the blue-collar workers in the neighborhood. Of course, most of the clientele washed it all down with liberal helpings of the draft beer that tasted like it...
Mera naam Sujay hai aur meri umr 26 saal hai. Maine aaj tak sirf 1 hi ladki ke saath ke saath sex aur 1 ladki ke saath sirf nude kissing ki hai. Jo anumbhav main abhi apko bataane jaa raha hun woh us ladki ka hai jo meri dusri wali thi. Uske saath main lagbagh 5-6 baar sex kar chuka hun par uske sath hua mera pehla sex main kabhi bhul nahi sakta. Dosto ye tab ki baat hai jab mera degree ka dusra saal khatam hone ko tha. Aapko andaza aa hi gaya hoga ki meri umr karib 21-22 saal thi. Main bahut...
EPIFANIOPART ONE "Whether you're a brother...Or whether you're a mother...You're stayin'alive, stayin' alive..." The driver of the gleaming new 1998 Blazer rolled down the windows andcranked up the CD player for old time's sake. The soundtrack disk toSaturday Night Fever had been a spur of the moment purchase at a truck stopa few miles outside of town. Somehow the lyrics to "Stayin' Alive" seemedless life affirming than he remembered. Block after deserted block of empty store fronts slipped...
EPISODE 12: "Violated by Evil! Fear Raider Attacks!" "Aw, too bad," the Tsarina said, taunting Jennifer while holding her tightly in a headlock. She willed her muscles to move, to fight back, but her body would not obey after all the lightning hits she'd taken. "I was hoping my monstrosity would be able to take yours down, but no matter. It served its purpose, it's given us this time together. Retrieval." The town vanished in a swirl of purple and blue energy, and then they were...
After we had relaxed by the pool and eaten lunch, I fell asleep on one of the chaise lounges underneath an umbrella. It was so relaxing, I relished it. I’m sure we made quite a sight at the pool. Three confident ladies and two nervous ones, all of them pretty in their different ways. Later, we went back up to the room and gave Cindy her spanking. She took it like a champ, but I still denied both of them their orgasm. They were like firecrackers. “Ok you two, it’s time for you go home. I’m...
"Hi honey ... yes, I'm leaving now so I won't be long. I want you to meet my new friend Kevin from work, so I invited him to have drinks with us." I'd been teasing Kevin for nearly a month about how much my beautiful wife likes to expose herself occasionally, so he was VERY anxious to meet her as soon as possible. "I don't know why, but she's anxious to meet you too, though you may have to be willing to play a little too, to give her a 'green light'." When I told him she often rode...
Alice was in the first row in the second session of her Anal Studies research seminar contemplating her total humiliation under the pounding eleven inch cock of the huge black professor with his superior manner and demanding attitude that put her at a distinct disadvantage. The fact that she was in awe of his huge cock was an understatement but at least she was able to convince him to place the thing into her baby-making entrance rather than her almost virginal rear door portal with its...
It was while in the Army I actually done something to really change my life. The times reflected the mood of the early 1970's with the Vietnam War, Watergate , and Women's Lib in the headlines.. I was stationed at Monterey, California at Ft. Ord . I was only months from discharge and counted myself lucky they didn't need mechanic's so I wouldn't be re-enlisting. It was a job not unlike a civilian who worked 9-5 40 hours a week. My nights and weekends were free, and because...
Midshipman Suppor or actually Namamir of the Suppor Clan was not at all pleased with the development so far. All the things he had done and all the preparation to be her at this event, had not lead to the result he had hoped for. The famous Diamond Ball was nearly over and many of the VIP’s had already left. Emperor Soron, the Fifth was still here and so were other important members of the ruling noble houses of the Thauran Empire, but he had no idea how much longer they would remain. He...
My doctor told me to get admitted in a hospital for appendices surgery in another two days and also told me to remove body hairs from chest to the tighs , he also suggested that this could be arranged by the night duty nurse if i wanted that way and before the surgery i was to have a enema. I registered myself and was shown in a room the previous night of the surgery so as told i asked the night duty nurse to arrange for the hair removal and enema part , she said it will be looked after and...
GayThe following stories a several enf situations, realistic or not. A point system is in place, which allows you to do different things, assuming you meet the requirements. The scores on the right will change over time, based off of your decisions; these scores don't indicate if you picked right or wrong choices (because there are none), they just constrict the possible choices you have to do. Since this is my first time writing something like this, it isn't the best, and am really open for...
Joe Murphy tossed and turned on the bumpy hotel bed as sleep eluded him. He groaned as he glanced across the room at the other bed where his wife, Carol, slept peacefully. She always had a knack for falling into a deep sleep wherever they stayed the instant her head hit the pillow. The rumpled mattress and lumpy pillow only augmented his restlessness. The real reason he was sleepless was a nagging bout of sexual frustration. He and Carol had been married for seven years. While they still made...
A gift to you from me was a pair of stockings and garter belt. I was hoping you would wear them for me and show off those sexy curves. After buying them I had them wrapped and sent anonymously. They arrived at your door and after signing for them you ripped off the wrapping and stared at them, wondering who they could be from.They were black with lace at the top, matching thong and very expensive. You put them on and admired yourself in your full length mirror. How they hugged your sexy...
It is written in Polish, I will try to translate on English. I know very little English August afternoon, the last day of vacation. Today Ania has an exceptionally bad mood, she repeatedly tells me of her problems at work. I still keeps her that I have a good job, she doesn't have to work, if she doesn't want to. Maybe sometimes I will stay longer some days, but that won't change the time we spend together significantly. She insisted on working there until she got pregnant. For me, this excuse...
Nick was a big boy, a dark haired, good-looking boy, if a little thin. He was tall with nice muscles that girls and a not a few women liked to glance at. But Nick was not a high school "stud." Nick lacked the self confidence, the aggressiveness, that hint of a sexual predator that could make a nubile cheerleader drop her pants or a married teacher flash him her bare pussy in an effort to get his hard teen cock into her. Nick was just too nice to awaken that kind of female lust. No,...
I was doing dishes in the kitchen. It was quite late that night; I don’t usually stay awake late at night but that day, I got busy with some office work after the dinner so didn’t get time to do dishes. I was thirty-nine years old, living with my nineteen year old only son Edward, but I called him Ed. Life was not going really well; I was working hard and so was Ed. He was studying and doing part time jobs to help me. Ed was a good son, he loved me and respected me, but there was one thing that...
IncestCassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it and they were avoiding her as if she was the center of a five-foot quarantine. Stress was ever-present for associate attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in becoming involved in hers.For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware they were keeping their distance and that was fine with her. She glanced at the clock again, wondering if her obligatory appearance at the Firm’s meet and...
SeductionWe spent the rest of that long weekend in Fantasyland. We shopped. We dined. We went out drinking and dancing, just us girls. Can you believe it? God, what a rush! We fucked; a lot. It was fast, furious, frantic. It was slow, soft, sensual. We did it everywhere in the house, over the hood of the car, in the changing room of the boutique where we were trying on clothes. I can hear the Blue Noses now. "They fucked? That's it? What about making love, like responsible adults?" Honey, it was...
Hi I am Suzie, I have just turned nineteen, and am taking my first holiday on my own. I am traveling Europe by train and having the time of my life, an adventure in so many different ways. I would like to share with you one such adventure an encounter on a train traveling though Germany one a hot summer’s night. I had the carriage to my self, and given the sweltering temperature, I had stripped down to my undies to sleep. I managed to sleep for a couple of hours when I was awoken by the some...
My wife was walking, actually staggering, back through the house towards the front door. “Jane! Aren’t going to take your clothes?” I yelled after her. “Fuck you, John. How could you do that to me?” “Jane, I told you, I didn’t do it. I told you, the daughter you cheated on did it before I got home.” I said still holding out the gift card. “She hates me that much?” “Oh yeah. You felt a little of her hate when she hit you. If you want to feel even more stick around for about fifteen...
By the end of February, Marta had bounced back from giving birth and she’d wangled for herself an invitation into my bed. The tall woman was an enthusiastic lover and while her primary focus was on being bedded by me, she had no problem with the fact that there were four other women in my bed or that they liked to get involved. Since everyone in the bed ended up happy once all the moaning and groaning was over, no one minded that Marta had a habit of monopolizing my attention. It did however...
Lucy put her hands out and closed her eyes as Valerie approached. In a moment, Lucy felt smooth leather around her left wrist and a tug as it was tightened and fastened followed by the same around her right. Then she felt the two pulled together and clipped, so her wrists were immobilized. Lucy opened her eyes. For the first thirty seconds or so she told herself that nothing was different, her hands were just held together. Although she could still move her fingers, Lucy started to feel...
Stella Cox is welcomed by masseuse Tiffany Watson for pain in a very erogenous zone. Stella removes all her clothes and lays on the table naked while Tiffany admires her clients huge natural boobs and silky ass. Tiffany rubs Stella’s body, covering her in oil but she isn’t hitting the right spot to mend this beauty’s pain. Stella turns on her back and Tiffany presses her fingers over her shaved pussy and her client indicates she is in the right area. Tiffany has Stella sit up...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! Intro This story is about a married couple that definitely approach sex in a way some of us would find a little too planned and structured. They are both perfectionists, obsessive, and deviant. This story begins when they are in their late thirties, their names are Ken and Debra, and they have two adopted children, Lisa and Mike. Ken and Debra lay in bed after a second round of heart stopping sex. Ken had been working out on the coast for the last two...
IncestWhen i was in my 20's i was living in SF and got into the d**g scene. Coke made me so horny with no care on how i got off. First of all, i am a slim asian male with no body hair. I am bi and not too picky when it comes to sex. The stranger the better!.I always go to my friend Harvey's house to do some coke. My usual habit is to do some lines have a few drinks and then head to the bathroom with a stack of porn. Ialways tale off my shoe laces and bind my cock and balls really tight and then tie...
There was a knock on the door. Jenny answered it, coming face to face with Virginia Casey, “Hi Jenny, why have you been crying?” “Come in. Maybe you can help.” Jenny added water to the already hot teapot. Jenny answered after she had Virginia and herself seated at the breakfast nook, “I am still being overwhelmed by the memories of the rapes.” “How’s John dealing with this?” Virginia asked. “He’s, my rock. He loves me and tells me this will become a distant past.” Jenny cried. She calmed...