MackChapter 09
- 3 years ago
- 22
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It was a Sunday lunchtime in early June when Millie decided it was time to make her big announcement, but as it was Millie, it had to be done in her own inimitable fashion. I wasn't working that lunchtime; normally I always did the Sunday lunchtime shift. But for some reason that day I was playing darts with Philip, Barry (Jean's husband) and John.
Some holidaymaker had just made an inane comment about Millie's appendages and she'd put him down very nicely with one of her ribald comebacks. Everybody had laughed at the poor guy, and he was sitting there doing a very convincing impersonation of a beetroot.
But then as Millie walked back across the pub to the bar with her usual wicked grin on her face, she literally shouted to Philip. "'ere Luvver, you're gonna have to buy me a wheelbarrow before long you know, you realise that, don't ya!"
Phil who was just about to throw his dart stopped in mid-swing and looked at his wife, with a confused look on his face, quite obviously having no idea what Millie was talking about and preparing himself for whatever ribald comment Millie was about to come up with next. I think the whole pub had gone quiet, because Millie had everyone waiting with bated breath for the punch line to whatever joke she was planning.
But Millie just stood there and stared at Philip, who eventually was forced to ask the question.
"What in heaven's name would you want a wheelbarrow for Millie?"
"Yeah, well, I'm told that when they get filled up with milk, they get even bigger. I'm gonna need something to carry these buggers around in, ain't I!" Millie grinned at her confused husband and continued on her way towards the bar as if what she'd said was nothing out of the ordinary.
Phil stood there looking like a complete fool with that same confused look on his face for some time. Then someone, god only knows who shouted "Congratulations!" and slapped Phil on the back so hard that he dropped his dart. Within seconds everyone was slapping Phil on the back and congratulating him, but he still hadn't twigged it. That is until Michelle kissed him and I do believe she whispered to him that he was about to become a daddy. At that point Philip nearly fainted and had to be helped to a seat, but Millie had soon returned from the bar and was sitting on his lap reviving him by giving him her personal version of the kiss of life.
So that's how the village learnt that Millie was pregnant. Regretfully the following week brought bad news for everyone. Old Bert didn't turn up one morning; he'd been slowing down for sometime by then but normally showed by about lunchtime. Beverley must have got worried when he hadn't telephoned and she tried to call him. There was no reply, so George and Beverley set out for Bert's cottage to investigate.
They found him sitting in his lounge where he'd obvious sat himself down on arriving home the evening before. He had left us! George informed us later that Bert had gone with a smile on his face.
Bert's funeral cortège took a protracted route to the church, driving out of the village to stop in the Willow's car park where everyone (holidaymakers included) stepped outside to participate in a toast to Bert's memory, then all the staff from the pub joined the cortège for its journey back into the village and on to the church. After the service we followed the hearse to the crematorium.
Beverley's sister had travelled down from Norwich with two of her barmaids to look after the Willow's whilst we were away.
The following week there was another short ceremony in the pub garden, when his ashes were sprinkled over what Bert considered to be "hallowed turf" by the vicar. For many years Bert had been the pub's gardener.
A little brass plaque of remembrance was put up near Bert's usual stool in the bar and for a long time that stool was never soiled by a local resident's behind. Holidaymakers knew no different though and some of them did get a little confused by the toast of "To Bert" that was often sung out if one of them made the mistake of sitting upon that stool.
It must have been only a couple of weeks after Bert left us that my cousin, Billie, turned up one day on one of the cruisers. Billie was with her boyfriend and another young couple; I had no idea they'd arrived or were even coming.
I'd just put some customers drinks on their table when out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed a lithe female form that was clad in several small pieces of red materiel - making a vain attempt to pretend that it was a bikini - threw itself at me. Both the body and I finished up rolling on the grass whilst Billie kissed me.
Billie had always been my favourite cousin - my kissing cousin. We'd sworn our undying love for each other at about the age of about seven or eight, I believe. Those sentiments had cooled a little as we'd got older, but not by very much. Billie still always hugged and kissed me whenever we met.
"Christ, Billie, have some decorum will you. I'm supposed to be working here!" I managed to say once she'd broken her hello kiss and let me breathe again.
"Well, that's nice! No, "hello, Billie"; just, "get off me." You never used to say that when we were little."
"Hello, Billie, it's nice to see you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I replied, still trapped beneath her on the ground, by the way.
"We weren't sure when we would get here. We booked up at the last minute and had to collect the boat from miles away. That's my boyfriend, Laurence - no, my fiancée now; he asked me to marry him last week. I thought I'd better bring him up here to get your okay. You never come down to see us! Oh, and these are our best friends, Debra and Griff; they've just got engaged as well, so we're planning a double wedding sometime next year."
"Hi, folks," I said looking at them through Billie's mop of auburn hair as best I could. "It would be easier to shake you fiancé's hand, if I was standing up, Billie, and besides I think he's looking a bit jealous," I pointed out.
Billie rolled off of me, then her friends helped us to our feet. But Billie still hung on to me as if I was her fiancé. We did the formal introductions, hand shaking and congratulations bit, then I I was steering them towards one of the picnic tables when a voice disturbed us.
"'Ere, luvvy, I'd put him down if I was you. You don't know where 'e's been!" It was Millie's dulcet tones. "And I'd put something a bit more chaste on, as well. We can't control 'im when he gets excited! Besides that, this is supposed to be a family pub."
"Sorry, I dropped my wrap when I was sneaking up on Mack," Billie said a little contritely at the same time as taking the sarong that Debra was holding out to her and winding around her waist, after disentangling herself from me that is. Then she went over to Mille and gave her a hug. "You must be Millie; I've heard so much about you. Congratulations!" Then seeing the slightly confused expression Millie's face, she added, "Julia and I chat all the time. She told me about the baby."
"But how did you know she was Millie?" I asked.
"Don't be bloody silly, luvver!" Millie chastised me with a grin on her face. "Everyone knows who I am the moment they see me, don't they. Jesus, Mack, you've been around 'em too long."
"Oops, yeah, forgot for a minute," I replied, realising that there weren't likely to be another pair like Millie's within a hundred miles or so.
Millie stepped close to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Should have married the bugger when I had the chance," she said to Billie, as if I wasn't even there.
"I tried to throw a rope on dream boat more than once, but the bugger kept dodging it," Billie replied.
I suddenly realised why I'd got on with Millie so well. Except for the obvious differences, the Norfolk accent and that front suspension of Millie's, she could have been Billie's twin. No, that don't sound right. They don't look like each other at all really. Billie had an extremely slim and lithe figure; well, they both had really, but Millie had those knockers that would look big on someone twice her size. Billie and Millie, well, they just had the same personalities and sense of humour. They both cracked the same sort of ribald jokes and had the same habit of flirting with any handy bloke.
What's more, I was soon to discover that they got on together like a house on fire. You'd have thought Billie had dropped in to visit her long lost cousin Millie, instead of me! Most of that evening was spent with Laurence and Griff chatting with me at the bar, whilst the four girls (Michelle had joined them) held court at one of the corner tables in the room.
When Bev and George came down into the pub, Bev Joined the little clique in the corner and George came to help me behind the bar.
"Don't like that!" Laurence said suddenly during the evening.
"Don't like what?" Griff asked.
"When they go all quiet and turn round and look over here. I think they are talking about me!"
"Look, lad," George offered. "If they are talking about you, you ain't got much to worry about. The same goes for if they are talking to you. You pretend to be paying attention and watch the telly at the same time. When they ain't talking, that's when you got to worry about women!"
Billie and her little gang had only hired the boat for a week, so the following morning they set off up river and returned two days later for an evening on their way back down river to the hire yard. Millie dragged Philip in for Billie's inspection that time. A friendship was built between those two girls in those couple of visits that lasts to this day.
It was Millie who two months later persuaded me to go to Billie's wedding. I don't know what happened - I can only assume that Billie and Laurence must have got a little lax about taking precautions, either that or a condom burst. Billie explained to me that she was one of the few whose bodies refused to tolerate birth control pills.
Billie had invited Millie and Philip to her wedding as well as me of course. She'd also invited Michelle but we couldn't have too many of us away from the pub at that time of year.
I wasn't going to go when the invite first arrived, but Millie wasn't having any of "that nonsense" as she called it.
"Time to put your toys back in the pram, Mack!" Millie ranted, "Besides Phil and me would have to spend the whole damned day making excuses for you not being there!"
I drove Millie and Phil down to town in my old car; Phil wasn't one for driving very far, unless it was on a tractor. The wedding had been organised at short notice so the reception was in a hotel some miles from where the family lived and the three of us had booked into the same hotel as the reception was being held in. The excuse I'd used for not staying at my parents' place was that I wouldn't have to worry about drinking and driving.
So we checked into the hotel before we went to the church, where my family pounced upon us. Julia dragged Millie and Philip off to introduce them to everyone; but not before asking me where Michelle was. I couldn't understand how several people who asked about Michelle even knew that she existed.
After the service we all went back to the hotel for the banquet and then the reception afterwards. Considering the short notice I thought it was a bloody good do, but Laurence told me later at the bar that they'd struck lucky and the hotel had had a wedding cancellation. They'd literally taken over the booking.
Once the formal side of things were out of the way, the party started; friends and guests who hadn't been invited for the meal began to arrive. The guest list had apparently been a little restricted because the numbers who could be invited were limited by the original booking. It showed how much Millie and Billie had bonded together because, as almost strangers to the family, Millie and Phil had been invited to the formal stuff.
It fell to Julia again to warn me. I was sitting at the bar talking to another cousin of mine when Julia came up to join us. I'm not sure if it was pre-planned, or if Julia made some gesture to my cousin that I didn't see, but he vanished almost the moment Julia climbed on the stool beside me.
"I thought I'd better give you some advanced warning!" Julia said after ordering herself a drink. "Lynn's coming later with her fella." Then she turned to look at me. I got the feeling she was watching for my reaction to the news.
"So why should Lindsey being here with Conway worry me?" I replied.
"No, not with Conway, Mack. Lynn's been going out with some other guy."
'Strange.' I thought 'I wonder what went wrong between Lindsey and lover boy?' but I didn't voice the question to Julia.
However Julia must have decided that the point needed clearing up in my mind, even if I attempted to show no interest.
"Conway and his wife have reconciled, Mack, or at least they are trying to. They should be here later as well!"
"That's of no interest to me, Julia!"
"Oh, well I thought that you'd be interested in who organised their reconciliation at least."
"Stephanie, I should imagine; she's always into everyone's business. Or was it you, with your interfering hat on again?"
"No, it was Lynn. Apparently we all misunderstood what was going on between Conway and Lynn. We discovered that Conway's wife and Lynn have always been friends since she first moved up to town from Bath. Conway wasn't so much chasing after Lynn, as asking her to play go between. That's why he always liked to have Lynn around. He knew that she'd tell Maria that he was behaving himself and she was happy to leave the children under Lynn's watchful eye."
'No, I don't believe a word of it, Julia!' I was thinking to myself. Lindsey and Conway have really pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. This had to be more of their smoke screen. One thing that was bugging me, though, was this Lynn instead of Lindsey bit; it was really getting my goat. I'm not sure why I asked Julia.
"What's with this Lynn bit, Julia? When I was going with her she would go ape-shit when I wanted to call her Lynn?"
A slight exaggeration on my part there, but Lindsey would always make a point of correcting me.
Julia just stared at me for a few seconds. "Work it out for yourself, Mack. And while you are at it, think. Was there anything you used to go on at Lynn about?"
"I don't understand what you're on about, Julia."
"Well, what about her hair?"
"Her hair?"
"Yeah, didn't you tell her you preferred it long, when she had it cut short that time?"
"Probably. I just happen to think it looked better long."
"And didn't you tell her that you liked her in that red dress of hers?"
"Most likely. I thought the colour suited her."
"Well, dumb arse, Lynn is the lady in red nowadays. She hardly ever wears any other colour and her hair is almost down to her waist now. Does that mean anything to you at all?"
"No, should it?"
"Oh, god, give me strength," Julia said, then slid off of her stool and walked away.
I was just about to follow her to get her to explain what she had been talking about when Phil and Laurence arrived at the bar. Those two appeared to get on well, which was lucky considering the way Billie and Mille got on so well. Phil was explaining something about the sugar beet harvest and for some reason Laurence sounded enthralled.
After a couple of minutes of hearing about sugar beets, a regular subject of conversation amongst the locals back at the pub around September and November time, I wished that I had chased after Julia. So as subtly as I could, I slipped away to find someone else to talk to.
I'd no sooner stepped into the function room than four children surrounded me; actually there were a damn sight more than four, but you know the four that I'm referring to. I managed to ditch them after ensuring they all had replenished soft drinks.
Anyway the presence of Conway's two informed me that he had arrived. I don't think I went looking for Conway on purpose, but I might have done to see what his wife looked like. I found them along with Lindsey and some other young guy, sat at a table at the far end of the room. Pretending that I hadn't noticed them, I carried on out into the hotel's foyer and through into the bar that was open to residents.
I'd been safely hiding in the resident's bar for some time when Millie found me.
"What-ya doing in here, Luvver?" Millie asked dropping in the seat beside me.
"Hiding. What-ya think? Millie, I've spent most of the day replaying the story of the last two years of my life to relatives that I ain't going to see again for donkey's years. And one of the first thing most of them, asked is how is Lindsey? Now they are going to spot her in there and wonder what the fuck is going on."
"Well, you've only yourself to blame, maybe you should have visited home a few times, Mack!"
"Millie, let's not go there please; I just ain't in the mood!"
"Fine, I'll mind my own business, Mr Misery, but only if you dance with me. You haven't asked me to dance yet and that should get them wondering what's going on."
"Where's Phil? I thought he'd be dancing with you."
"Yeah, well, he did, but for the last hour him and Laurence have been chatting; I think they are cooking something up between them. Billie's getting a bit narked about them as well."
Millie and I did our thing on the dance floor for a while - well, until Billie spotted us; it was pretty obvious to me that she manoeuvred Griff over to where Millie and I were dancing. Then she ditched Griff, and grabbed hold of me for the next dance.
"You can have him for this one, Luvver. But if I can't find our husbands, I'm having 'im back for the next!" Millie said to Billie as we glided away from her.
"What's with Laurence and Phil?" I asked Billie at the first opportunity.
"Don't know. Some big secret they're cooking up, I think. I'm not sure if it's a surprise for Millie or me they are planning. When I asked them, they both got little boy grins on their faces."
"Well, providing it isn't a surprise for me, I don't mind," I replied. "You seem to have hit it off well with Millie."
"Yeah, she's great fun. I wish I'd met up with her years ago. She's like having a sister; we have the same sense of humour."
"Yeah, I noticed."
"And we have the same big brother."
'What the hell are you talking about now, Billie?' I thought, but I just said, "Pardon?"
"You, you great lump. Having you about was like having a brother," she said, grinning at me again.
I'm not sure what expression came on my face, but Billie must have read a lot more from it than I intended.
"Oh, shit, you didn't, did you? Christ, that was almost incest! -- Oh damn, now I'm jealous of my newest best friend. How come you never took me into your bed?"
"It's nothing of the kind, Billie. I'm no relation to Millie."
"You might not be but I told you she's like a sister to me now. And you bedded her. How many times?"
"Wilhelmena, can we please change the subject?" The use of Billie's given name, I was pretty sure, would bring her back under control.
"All right, providing you don't start calling me that all the time. Okay, what do you make of him?" Billie asked.
"Who?" I asked. I had no idea if she was talking about Laurence or Philip.
"Lynn's new fella," Billie said.
"Haven't seen him," I lied. "Are they here?"
"You're a piss poor liar, Mack, you always were. You know full well that Lynn is sitting over there with Conway and his wife. And I know you've checked out the guy she's with. I watched you when you went out earlier."
"I might have seen them, now that you mention it. But I really didn't take any notice."
"Okay, have it your way, but there's really no sense in lying to yourself, Mack. You know that neither of you will be able to move on until you've talked over this thing that came between you, don't you?"
"Billie, I can't see that there is anything to talk out. And Lindsey can go out with whoever she likes. I don't give a monkey's."
"You really are a piss poor liar, Mack. You're dancing with me, remember? You lost all coordination when you said that. If I hadn't been nimble on my feet, you'd have stamped all over them."
Possibly Billie was telling the truth. I was aware that our feet had collided.
"Don't be silly. I'm just a little worn out, that's all. It is the middle of our busy season. I've been worked off my feet for weeks."
The holidays go well for everybody at Sandy Knoll Farm, even the Thomas and Lukovic families appreciate the slower pace of having that many of the children away for the holidays. One aspect of being at the farm Mack didn’t expect was Ma Hanson organising for all of the kids to have cooking lessons while there because she’s inspired by Mack’s past lessons. At the start of the last full week in January the Queanbeyan kids pack up their gear, load it in the Yukon, and leave for Queanbeyan just...
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Life settles into a rhythm for Mack. School during the week, hunting three afternoons a week and every second Saturday. Twice a week he takes the children out to get them acquainted with the forest while he teaches them what he’s learned. They soon learn how to know where they are in relation to the houses and the camps. The kids and men spend a lot of time trying to thin the rabbit herds, but it still looks like they’ve not touched them. Many families enjoy their improved diets due to the...
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Life soon develops into a series of routines of classes, studies, fun with friends, meals, exercise, chores, and other duties. At school Mack makes an effort to mix with a number of the social groups by visiting different tables for lunch in the first few weeks. Thus he soon gets to know a lot of different people. Mack’s one school issue is Sport as the New South Wales Department of Education requires all students in the years up to Year Ten to play a sport, unless they have a pressing...
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It was summer; the streets in the city was empty because every-one was on vacation or back home with their old folks. At least most people that Suzette knew. She had turned 21 a few month earlier and since she now had her bachelor´s degree, she had moved out of her old dorm and into a cheap but crappy one bedroom apartment downtown, while trying to find a job. She was also broke and bored. One Wednesday morning she borrowed her neighbor´s car and drove out to her old dorm, where she still had a...
We'd like to share a little story of what we did last weekend in a hotel room. But before we do, we would like to point out that we are both consenting adults, that do like a little rough sex and dirty talking and we know how to turn each other on. We have a password so that if either of us feels uncomfortable with what is going on we can say and everything stops. Read on:First we got a cracking deal of £10 per person per night at a B&B so the male is well happy already! Then we drank...
Ms. Crump was a rather stern and imposing teacher. One did not misbehave in her class. There was never any whispering. There was never any passing of notes. Students always arrived on time, if not a good five to ten minutes early. One always paid close attention, never got caught being distracted, which wasn't that easy as her lectures on Victorian literature could be so long and tedious. The students so much preferred Miss Bixley, but her classes this semester were all full (see "Miss Bixley...
You have to understand that Jenny is a beautiful gal. Actually, at 5'4", 135lbs, long blonde hair and hazel eyes, she's a stunner. And believe it or not, she's got HUGE tits (38F) and yeah, they're real. (She always makes me add that.). Jen also has great legs and a beautifully rounded ass. She just turned 28; I'm now 31. Jen comes from an academic family. Her family and friends were pretty repressed about sex. In her college days some of her geek friends got together every now and again for...
It was 8 o’clock by now, and a full three hours since our little fuck-fest with the gorgeous Ellie had come to an abrupt halt. The rest of us had all had a drink or two but didn’t want to get too drunk and ruin the fun we were expecting later.Jess was the first to pipe up with what we were all thinking, “surely she must be finished studying by now?” She decided to head upstairs to Ellie’s room and, being the curious and horny types we were, Lela and I both followed. When Jess entered the room,...
My name is Sheldon and this is the day that I first had a sexual encounter with the man that I now call my husband. I was seventeen at the time and he was thirty eight. He was my teacher at a boarding school that my parents had sent me too. They were obsessed with god around here and the fact that I was a gay kid never set well with them. Guess I was not the only gay one around …. ********** I had not been in the mood to eat lately. I missed being home and I missed my friends and family. How...
Diane looked at the clock. ‘Damn, 6:10. I need to get going,’ she said to herself as she applied eyeliner to her freshly washed face. The tennis match had gone extra sets, putting her behind schedule. She smiled. Well it was worth it she thought. She was in the Club championship. Not too bad for a 37 year old married mom. She grinned, looking in the mirror, then refocused on the task at hand, getting ready for the night. Diane leaned closer to the mirror, as she did the cold granite...
Mrs WalkerI was born in a very small village in the Cotswold area of the UK, with about twenty-five houses a small pub, and village shop come post office. Everyone knew everyone’s business, and my nearest friend lived thirty minutes away by bicycle, I attended an all boys school, and I’m an only c***d. My sex education was none existent, the local shop didn't have a top-shelf magazine section, there was no internet, and the girls of my village were too old to take notice of me or too young. ...
My name is Sunny. Before I start telling my story let me tell you guys that I am a big fan of ISS and I visit this website frequently and I absolutely love it. This is my first time writing a story so any mistakes please forgive them. Now a little bit about me as I told you my name is sunny, I am 23 years old and I am 5 feet and 11 inches tall. I am fair and well built. All in all I am a good looking guy I would say. Girls always tell me that I am very cute and I have good body. I work out in...
IncestI looked out into the early Saturday morning light as my taxi took me the short distance from Peter’s house where I had spent the night to his office. I thought over the events of the previous evening and night (for the story see ‘Peter and Louise’). They had proved an extremely rewarding young couple and I had certainly not finished with them -although no doubt they devoutly wished that I had! As I looked out into the lightening sky I thought of the events of the last few...
Hi, All, Thanks for all who applauded me for writing my first ever love cum sex story in the recent post. I hope, this will make you all feel pleasurable while reading and if it didn’t make you feel, then please forgive me because this is all that I did and it is a real and genuine sex story. Let me again introduce myself for the first time readers. This is John from Hyderabad working as a Software Engineer in MNC (Hyderabad Location). Age: 28, Height: 5’9″, Weight: 75kgs, Body type: Athletic,...
Me Arjun.Delhi se hu, meri age 25 year me hauz khas area me rahta hu. This story me jo hotty ke bare me batane wala hu uski age 24 year.Uske assets h 36-32-38. Wo like ek south ki mallu aunty jaise the. Uska name poonam h. Mera dost Jaipur rahta h. Jyada time waste kiye bina me story pe aata hu. Ye chudai story 1 year pahle ki. Ek bar me kuch kaam se jaipur gaya. To waha mera dost rajesh rahta tha. Mene usse phone karke pucha kaha ho tum. Rajesh bola ghar pe hi hu. Me bola thik h me aa raha hu....
I parked at our driveway that late evening, feeling very tired. I was hoping my loving hubby would be there; but our house looked dark and empty. I walked into the leaving room and turned a light on.I just wanted to enjoy a quick warm shower and drag my nice hubby to our marital bed; since I was also horny besides tired and needed a good sexual relief. My loving Victor would give it to me.As I looked inside, I gasped in shock and surprise; as I saw a naked man sitting on a chair, his head...
I went home drained after unloading so much of myself into Kim in the suv. I had said good bye to her at her door and was driving home. I got home at a decent hour and went to bed. The following day at work I could only think about how wild a time we had together and began fantasizing about the whole affair when my cell phone went off. Amazingly enough, it was Kim sending me a text inviting me to her place that evening for a barbecue and to sit around the pool in her back yard. After work I...
Hi, I am Rahul now my age is 22 staying in Coimbatore in Ganapathy . Am going to write my first sex experience that happened to me when I was 19 years old. My hometown is Chennai but i studied in Coimbatore so I used to stay with my friends in a rented house. Near to my house there were one apartment available its for family peoples only. In that apartment there were aunties who belong to rich families and have super physic. We guys used to stare at that aunties and sometimes masturbate...
One morning, college freshman Chanel awoke to a strange guy laying naked, and out cold in her bed. Fellow students have stumbled into her room before, mistaking it for their or their friend’s dorms after late nights. The dorm rooms are practically identical from the outside so she figured it must have happened again. Although, no one had actually crawled into her bed before. After a few unsuccessful attempts at getting out from under the strange student, he wakes up and realizes that no, she’s...
xmoviesforyouMy husband and I have been divorced for ten years. Mark has spent his time divided between us. I found the time when Mark was at his father's very difficult as he was our only c***d and I was alone in the house when he wasn't there. I promised Mark a week's holiday which involved driving from North Wales to The Highlands in Scotland. We had a week to enjoy a leisurely trip, stopping as we desired along the way. Our first day on the road was fun. I thought it great that we liked each others...
I woke up to the most pleasant sounds: that of a woman being fucked. That, I thought, had to be Jason, but the girl does not sound familiar, must be somebody new. I lay there for a while, entertaining a thought of going and joining them, and then decided against it. When I am fucking a new girl, I want her to be all mine. I don't mind getting sloppy seconds, but there's time for threesomes and gang bangs, and there's time for good old-fashioned fucking. My name is Hassan Mustafa. I was born and...
I had moved into Matt's apartment. He said he wanted to do right by me and the baby. I wasn't totally sure what he meant by that and was a little afraid to ask. I did ask him if he told his parents about us and he hesitated and said the timing wasn't right but he would tell them soon. Matt and I had sex almost every night but things were changing. He had me go down on him more often and afterwards just fucked me. I usually came but he didn't seem as interested in me. He did tell me that...
Hi friends, en kathalan nanbanudan ulasamaaga sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Malar, naan chenniyil vasithu varugiren. Enaku oru kathalan irukiran avan peyar mani. Naan veetil irukum pozhuthu niraiya kama kathaigal padipen, athu en kathalanuku theriyaathu. Eppozhuthum en mobile vaangi parthathe kidaiyaathu, en kathalan udan naan niraiya murai sex seithu irukiren. Avan ennai nandraaga sex seiyuvaan kathal udan, aanal mani sunni velaiyaaga irukum. Enaku karupaaga irukum...
He's been watching her from his little spare room for four months now. Why shouldn't he? The window in her bathroom doesn't have a curtain and since she moved in four months ago she hasn't put one up. It's like she's inviting every voyeur in the neighborhood to come and watch her take a shower, if they knew what time to come and watch everyday(twice on Friday's). He can't believe he knows her schedule by heart. He's not a freak or anything, never done this before in his life, well except...
Author's Forward: Hello again, dear reader! This posting is the third of what turned out to be four total sections. Things are about to really heat up for our girl, Miki! If you can't wait 6-8 weeks to see how it all ends, the final part is available now at ! As I have formally completed this story, a new round of polling is now underway. If you want a say in what I write next, you need just follow this link:...
It was five months after Javila had been raised to Queen and Macro had become Prince Royal. His work had not become less because of this. In addition to his duties as Vice-regent of Tanitsar, he had to fill in for the ageing King frequently, in particular when the duty involved dealings with the public or long travel. Odar wanted his son and successor to bond with the citizens and the common soldiery of the realm. Macro would never be welcomed by the nobility. His power base had to be the...
Elliot Carson looked at the screen on his HAAS controller. He pressed the buttons that would run the program at 25% rapid and in single block mode. Running in single block, meant that the huge machine would execute only one single block or command in the program at a time. It would then wait for him to prompt it before doing anything else. He closed the door to the machine's cavernous machining envelope and wished for the best. He'd been tweaking this program for more efficiency and hoped...
My Whore Task To understand this story, you should read ‘T/Th Class will Never Be the Same,’ first. When it was all over, I couldn’t believe how exciting it had been. Keyser-Soze from had told me what to do and I had done it. I wanted more. When I got home, I got online and found him and told him what had happened and how wet it had made me– being dominated online by him and told what to do gave me a sensation I’ve never had before. I told him I wanted more and that I would obey whatever he...
Is was the same staid kind of thing. A large showy hotel, full of fast-moving business people, while the staff tried to maintain a more sumptuous aura for those few perhaps here on leisure. It has to be a challenge, though by design, most of the meeting rooms were set off in an adjoining wing, accessed from the hotel's mezzanine level. Still, difficult to keep the energy from one part of the complex from overwhelming the peacefulness of the other. It had been a long day, with too much...
Straight SexReddit Feet, aka r/Feet! I’m going to gain access to any of a chick’s best bits I’m choosing her pussy or tits. Maybe even her asshole if I’m feeling especially kinky and want some of that anal action. But feet? Come on, that’s like saying you want to get jerked off by her eyelid.Maybe I don’t fucking get it. Plenty of people have foot fetishes: a female foot basically plays a supporting role in every Quentin Tarantino film. Harvey Weinstein would dip his foot in peanut butter, and while his...
Reddit NSFW ListBeth looked into her young lover’s eyes and she knew that she could not escape his request. No other man had ever asked her to do this before; he was different, unique and very direct. She almost questioned him on the reason as to why, but bit her tongue to stay silent.It was not because Beth thought his request was unsavoury or even objectionable, it was just unusual and this would be her very first time doing it. At forty seven years old, Beth had been around the block so to speak. There...
I would order you to remove all your clothes stand feet apart and with your hands on your head as I come up behind you and whisper in your ear, that my slut is looking particularly horny tonight. I drop my hand till its resting on your arse and slowly trace your left leg down the back to your ankle before feeling your lower calf muscle then slowly trailing my finger tip up the inside of your legs until I am almost touching your cunt, my hot breath now wafting over your ass cheeks, I take my...
It was the last week of year 2013 and the bus was not yet full. I sat with my forehead pressed against the window, watching the other students file past in matching uniforms. I heard someone get on the bus and looked round with mild interest. I perked up when I saw that it was Leah, a c***dhood friend who I had always admired from afar if you catch my drift. I put my bag down by my feet as she moved over and leaned on me.“Hey Max, how are you doing today?” she asked with innocent eyes.“Good,...
I was an out of work, 48 year old marketing representative. A friend of mine named Bill, who just happens to be black and the owner of an electrical supply company, gave me a job in his warehouse in Detroit. I needed to get some income to support my family and no jobs were available in my profession. Many of the other men resented me getting the job, especially since I had never worked in a warehouse and hadn’t paid my dues so to speak. I was constantly being teased by some of the men. This...
Hai naa peru rajesh nenu ok story papmpichannu bagundha leda theliyadu bagunte mee cooments naa emial id ki post cheyyandi.Maralla ippudoka kataloki veltamu niamgaa zarigana katha.Oka roju maa pinni ni yesukovalanitry chestunna kaani aarouju kutharaledu .Kaani naa modda baaga lesi kottukuntundhy kaani ela -aina chethamani maa pinni intilekellanu talupu vesi undi lopale okte mulugulu vinapadthundi,lopaliki thongi chusthe maa babayi maa pinni pukulo ki naaluka petty raapadisthunnadu ame arusthu...
“Quick put this on and follow me.” She says as she tosses me a coat. I put it on and follow her across the street and inside the door she opens for me. I can hear people walking and talking nearby. “Stay here out of sight until I come back.” She says. I go to the window and listen. My mind is telling me I’m in danger, but I have nowhere to go so I wait and listen. “Sup Tab?” a Guy asks. “Just got home from work, what are you boys up too?” Tab says. “We got wind of...