Play It Again, SamChapter 1: Vicky free porn video

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The scream woke me up. I shook my head. My back was stiff, and I felt groggy and confused and everything seemed to be spinning around in the same way you feel when awakening from a deep sleep. As I shifted my eyes, I saw the peeling wallpaper on the cracked and yellowing walls of a dimly lit room. It was small and dirty, and looked almost like it was unlived in except that clothes and a few beer bottles were strewn across the floor and the bed sheets were a tangled up mess hanging half off the mattress. Thick curtains covered the room's single window and no light filtered through them. I felt another jolt and immediately closed my eyes again. I felt movement under me. I opened my eyes and tried to look down far enough to see where I was, but I could not move my head without feeling extreme pain. The rest of my body felt the same way. I could not move a muscle. Then my eyes finally focused.

I was lying on top of a girl. Her tee-shirt was pushed up over her small cone shaped breasts and her legs were spread apart, with my cock, although soft, buried inside her vagina. She couldn't have been any older than twelve or thirteen and even though her hair was unkempt and she looked as though she could use a bath she was a pretty little thing, with long red hair and large green eyes.

I shook my head once again. It didn't help. I looked down again. The look on the little redhead's face was one of pure terror and I could feel her body trembling under me. That look on her face told me it must have been this girl's scream that had awoken me. I pushed up with my hands flat against the mattress we were laying on and felt my cock slipping out of her vagina. Watching my cock as it dislodged itself confirmed my previous guess at the girl's age because of the very sparse amount of silky red pubic hairs that framed the puffy lips of her vagina.

I slid my body painfully off the girl, turned, and then dangled my legs over the side of the bed while holding my pounding head between my hands.

"God Jimmy," I heard the girl say behind me, "you scared the life outa me. I thought you had died or something."

Who the hell was Jimmy? "Huh?" I wasn't sure but I think it was me that had woozily responded.

"I said I thought you kicked the bucket while you were doing it to me. I swear it scared me to death."

"Ah ... I..." I muttered agonizingly turning my head to look back at the girl. She was now sitting up Indian style but she had not bothered to cover herself and her open pussy was blatantly displayed although her tee-shirt had slipped down and was now covering one of her young breasts.

"Ah ... Jimmy?" She said timidly looking up. "Even though you didn't get off this time or anything you're still gonna turn me on to the stuff right? Ah ... you can still try and screw me again if you want ... you know, so you can get yourself off, or I could suck you off or something if you want me to. I really need that hit."

I felt completely confused and disorientated, not a comfortable coma dizziness but more like ... then I could feel some part of my brain snap which triggered the memory that I had just had my cock inside some twelve year old girl's pussy! "Where am I? Who are you?" I think I yelled.

My tone of voice must have frightened the girl because she scooted back getting that terrified look on her face once again before saying, "You're scaring me Jimmy! Come on."

I put everything I had into collecting myself and steadying my nerves. Then in as calm a voice as I was able to muster I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Now, please just tell me who you are and where I am."

"You're kidding right?" She asked looking a little more relaxed.

"No I'm not kidding." I responded, "Just bear with me for a moment and tell me your name."

"Yeah sure. Vicky. But if you're trying to get outa giving me what you promised it isn't my fault you didn't get off. You had it inside me and everything. And I told you that you could do me again anyway. Come on Jimmy. Just a bump."

"Thank you Vicky." I tried to smile but my lips didn't cooperate and I think it came out more like a sneer. "Now, where are we?"

"Are you strung out or something Jimmy?" She asked, "What's wrong? You're starting to scare me again."

"I just feel a little sick. Now please, where am I?"

"In your bedroom. Where else?"

Then I actually did feel sick as if I were about to heave. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Come on. Get off it. What's wrong?" She asked looking perplexed.

I just looked at her.

I guess I must have looked sick because she finally said, "The bathroom's down the hall."

I stood up, got dizzy, sat back down, got up again, and then quickly stumbled my way out through the door. From the hall I could see into what looked like a living room to my right. It was just as dirty and just as much of a dump as the bedroom was. I found the bathroom and emptied my stomachs contents into the toilet bowl. Then after dry heaving several times I leaned over the sink and splashed cold water onto my face. When I straightened up and caught my reflection in the mirror I almost shit my pants, or almost would have, had I been wearing any pants that is.

Instead of the sixty some year old worn out wrinkled face I had grown accustomed to the face that stared back at me was that of a teenage boy perhaps sixteen or seventeen years old with smooth, unlined skin and a full head of unkempt long hair atop it. But that was impossible. That was ... Fuck! I've lost my mind!

I sat down on the toilet seat and tried to make sense and order of things. What happened? There was something. What was it? Then it came to me. I was merging onto the freeway and that stupid bitch with the cell phone welded to her ear was in front of me and then ... Oh Shit! I died! I was killed in the crash! I'm dead!

I stood up and looked into the mirror once again to verify. Yep. The face was the kids. Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore, I thought.

The kid's face could have been handsome other than it looked like hell. Based on some of the things the little redhead had said I assumed the face I was looking at belonged to somebody named Jimmy who was a drug addict or pot head at the very least which is probably why he looked like shit. I scanned down along the body the face was attached too. Not bad I thought and it felt strong and viral. And the package was certainly a lot larger than what I'd had hanging between my legs before.

I started thinking rationally. Okay, you're dead so this is hell right? Now why would Satan put you in a teenage boy's body and give you a very good looking young redhead to fuck? He wouldn't right? Right. So, this must be heaven then. But wait ... how likely is it that God would supply you with a good looking redhead. Not very likely ... then again ... isn't that what heavens all about? No way, he wouldn't supply one that young. Hmmm ... unless he's into kiddy porn. Fuck! If you're not in hell thoughts like will certainly get you there asshole. Okay, so where does that leave me? Fucking nowhere that's where. Christ! Opps! Sorry about that.

You might question how someone would even be able to think at all without going stark raving mad after discovering they had died and found themselves inside a teenager's body. Well all I can tell you is, until it happens to you you'll never be able to understand it. It's just one of those things you have always heard about, 'life must go on' or in this case death must go on. Hell I don't know, I was insane remember.

I made my way back to the bedroom intending on asking Vicky a number of what I considered to be very pertinent questions. When I got to the doorway Vicky was still sitting on the bed naked but she was so preoccupied with what she was doing that she didn't even noticed I had return.

I leaned against the door frame looking on with interest. From somewhere she had collected some aluminum foil, a lighter, a spoon, and a glass tube along with a couple of other items. She dumped a small amount of white power into the spoon then added a pinch of baking soda from an Arm & Hammer box. After adding a few drops of beer from an almost empty beer bottle she stirred the mixture around with the heel of the lighter then held the flame under the spoon.

I watched with interest as the substance in the spoon swirled and bubbled, and then separated. Then she poured the most viscous part of the mixture onto the aluminum foil. She took the glass tube into her mouth then holding the flame of the lighter under the foil the puddle started to crackle and pop just before a rush of thick gray smoke climbed up which Vicky very quickly sucked through the tube into her lungs. She drew it in deep and held it ... I saw her face become slack, and her eyes lose their focus. Finally she exhaled filling the room with a cloud of gray smoke from her lungs. She leaned back against the wall with her eyes closed obviously enjoying the rush.

She opened her eyes and noticed me for the first time. She looked startled but I could tell she was still under the influence of the drug when she spoke slurring her words very badly.

"Ohh ... Ahh ... I'm sorry Jimmy. Please don't be mad at me. I ... You told me I could have a hit after you had sex with me. Please Jimmy ... Please ... I ... Don't be mad. Don't hurt me. Please Jimmy." Even as high as she was she still looked scared as hell.

I walked over to the window and pulled back the drape looking out trying to get a bearing on where I was. Other than it looked as though I was up on the third or fourth floor of some building I couldn't see shit. I closed the drape then looked over at the girl on the bed again. She looked so scared and fragile that the only reasonable course of action was for me to somehow comfort her and make her feel safe.

I stepped over to the bed and sat down, then taking both of the girl's feet into my hands I pulled her over to me. After draping an arm around her shoulders I hug her to me and in as soothing a voice as possible for me at the time I said, "I'm not mad at you. It's all right. Just relax okay?"

I felt her body relax a little, "Wow, thanks Jimmy. You know I'd never rip you off or anything, but you were gone so long and I really needed a hit. I'm really sorry I'll never do it again. But I did let you have sex with me and you said you'd hook me up after. Right?"

"Right." I smiled down at her and my mouth worked properly this time.

I had no idea what the hell was going on but it made me feel good when she returned my smile, weak though it was, and it seemed as though the drug she had taken was wearing off a little.

"Wanna hit?" She asked reaching out to retrieve the glass tube. Somehow she had managed to hang on to the tin foil and lighter but the glass tube had fallen onto the mattress.

"No. Not right now." I smiled. "Why don't you put that stuff down and we'll play a little game okay?"

I felt her flinch under my arm. "You are mad at me aren't you? I'm sorry. I'll ... never ... please ... don't hurt me. I'll even start earning my way like you wanted me too." then she started to cry.

I hugged her even tighter to me and then leaning over I kissed her softly on the cheek, "I'm not mad at you honey and I'm not going to hurt you. I'll never hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise. Okay?"

Through her tears she looked up at me and I could tell she was very confused. "Really?

"Really." I responded hugging her again. "Now put that crap down and then cover up your cute little bottom. You're such a sexy little thing that I'm finding it very difficult talking to you exposed the way you are."

She looked up even more confused then she said, "Wow! Are you sure you're Jimmy? You can stick it inside me again you know. I don't mind. You didn't get off last time so if you want to do it again it's okay."

"That's all right sweetheart maybe later." I told her. "Now slip something on so we can talk okay? You have no idea how much your body affects me."

"Oh, I can kinda guess." She giggled looking down at my hard-on which I had not even noticed getting stiff.

I laughed. "See I told you what looking at that did to me." I pointed down between her legs.

She laughed and it sounded like music to my ears. Then slipping out from under my arm she retrieved a pair of panties and shorts off the floor then slipped them on. I found a raggedy pair of levies lying across the bed and I quickly pulled them up over my still ragging boner.

She looked at me curiously then she said, "Something did happen, didn't it... ? I know something happened. I just know it. You're not really you are you?"

"Why would you say that?" I questioned.

"Because you're nice, and I like you. And ... and I don't know I can just feel it." She answered pointedly.

I patted the bed next to me and Vicky sat down. Turning to the girl I said, "Thank you. I like you too. Now, we're going to play a little game Okay. Here's how it's played, let's pretend I've lost every bit of my memory and you're job is to try and help me find it."

"You mean like amnesia or something?" She asked innocently.


"Okay but let's take a hit first. I didn't even cook half of it before." She sounded very confused and needy. I didn't want to torment her I just wanted to get some answers to my questions and that meant I needed her able to think clearly.

"Not right now. Talk first, just for a little while and then we'll discuss getting a hit from that. Okay?" I pointed toward the square of tin foil Vick had placed on the mattress behind us.

Vicky looked disappointed but she nodded.

"Now tell me about yourself. Your full name, how old you are, your family, how we met, what our relationship is all about, you know all that kind of stuff."

Over the next half hour I learned her full name was Victoria Clayton. She was thirteen years old. When she was seven her father had died of some kind of brain tumor nobody even knew he had. He hadn't left them anything so her mother was forced to go on public assistance. Her mother began to drink heavily and three years after her father's death, when Vicky was ten her mother married a guy named George who she had met at some bar. George was a heavy drinker as well but managed to hold onto a steady job. For a year everything was fine although George and her mother argued a great deal. Then when Vicky turned eleven George began making her pull down her panties so he could spank her bare bottom whenever he felt she had done something wrong. At about that same time whenever Vicky's mother had passed out from over drinking George started slipping into Vicky's bedroom so he could fondle her breasts and genitals. Over time this fondling progressed to George forcing Vicky to either masturbate or orally satisfy him. Vicky told me she had talked to her mother about what George was doing to her but her mother had only called her a liar and screamed that she shouldn't make up stuff like that about her father. Because of her home life Vicky started running with a rough crowd at school, her grades plummeted and these kids introduced her to drugs. She said the drugs helped to numb the guilt she felt over what George made her do with him. Then a month ago George raped her and she ran away. For a week she had been living on the streets, sleeping in alleyways and scrounging for food when she ran into Jimmy (me?).

Vicky became very nervous at this point in her dissertation and I needed to hold her hand and reassure her on several occasions that whatever she told me (Jimmy) would not be taken wrong and that Jimmy (I) would not get mad or hurt her.

She continued. She told me that after that week spent on the streets she was a little strung out and wanted a fix so Jimmy offered to turn her on if she sucked him off. She had agreed and Jimmy brought her to his home (where we now were) and she sucked him to orgasm then he gave her the hit he had promised. Jimmy offered to let her stay with him in his room but he let her know that if she did stay she would have to put out. She agreed again and he kept her supplied in dope and food as long as she let him do her whenever he could get it up, which wasn't very often. Things went okay for about two weeks and Jimmy was nice to her most of the time only abusing her occasionally when he was loaded or got pissed off. It wasn't heavy beatings or anything just slapping her across the face, squeezing her arm to tight, or slamming her against the wall. The only real problem they had started about a week ago when Jimmy told her that when she got a little older or when the right situation came along he wanted her to start earning her own keep by spreading her legs for John's he planned on setting her up with. She had argued with him telling him she wouldn't become a whore which had earned her a slap across the face. Then for five days he had cut off her drug supply. She had never been that heavy a user so she managed to hold out during those days but then three hours ago when Jimmy finally showed up she felt strung out enough that she had begged him for just a little hit. She said that I (Jimmy) had smiled at her nastily and then I (Jimmy) had told her to strip off her shorts and I (Jimmy) would think about turning her on only after I (Jimmy) had filled her cunt with a load of cum. She told me those had been my (Jimmy's) exact words.

She was crying by then and I couldn't help myself. I had really fallen for this kid ... hard. I picked her up and placed her onto my lap pressing her tightly to my breast while plying tender, light, little kisses onto her neck, ear, and hair. "It's all right honey. I told you no one is ever going to hurt you again. I promise I'll be here for you. I won't leave you." I whispered.

She sniffled then leaning back she looked into my eyes. A small, joyful smile crossed her lips and then she pressed her mouth to mine. Her tongue trickled out and I unconsciously opened my mouth allowing it to enter. When it retreated mine followed and entered her mouth. We kissed for several long moments then I remembered she was a thirteen year old child. I pulled away from her lips and said, "Oh Vicky, Vicky, Vicky, you don't need to do that. I just want to be your friend. I'll take care of you. I do not expect, nor will I demand anything from you. Okay?" I smiled.

"I want to do it. I want to give myself to you. I didn't before..." she paused and looked at me very carefully before continuing, "I hated it then, but now you're so different, so nice. You can have me any time you want. I won't even try to trade for a hit or anything."

She looked so sweet and genuine I lost my heart to her. "As much as I want too, I can't." I told her still smiling.

"Why not?" She questioned with a curious look on her face, "I'm offering myself to you freely. I want you to take me. I want you."

"I want you too sweetheart." I answered, "But there are things you don't know."

"Like what?"

"Well, for one thing if we did it, it could be considered statutory rape."

She looked up at me and grinned. Then she wiggled her cute little butt over the hard-on that had developed inside my pants and she said, "Well, I heard that statutory rape is carnal knowledge of a statue and I don't think doing it with a statue is against the law."

I laughed and then I kissed her lightly on the lips before scooting her off my lap. "Enough of that you little dickens, I've still got more questions to ask you."

"Ah ... Jimmy? Can we take a little hit first? I don't feel so good. I didn't get much before."

I thought about what she had just said and wondered why I, now Jimmy, didn't feel any overpowering need for drugs. I surmised that because my Sam Eldon mind was not hooked I didn't need it. Later on perhaps, the Jimmy body might suffer some physical withdrawals but for now I didn't feel any cravings.

"Vicky," I said very seriously, "for now you can have a little bit, but eventually we're going to have to get you off that crap. You've become far too important to me to let you continue using honey."

She looked startled. "You can't be Jimmy. This is way too weird. Jimmy would never talk about going clean, and you'd certainly never tell me I was important to you."

"We're not only going to talk about going clean we're going to do it. And yes, you really are important to me." I said with what I hoped was authority in my voice. And deep inside I knew as strange as it was she had become important to me. Why I didn't fully understand.

She didn't say anything, but she did pick up the fixings and then took in a lungful of gray smoke before crawling back onto my lap. "Ahh," she sighed resting her head against my shoulder, "this feels nice."

I rubbed up and down along her back and asked, "So, you ready to play the amnesia game again?"

"I guess," she mumbled into my dirty tee-shirt. "But I'd rather play the husband and wife game."

"You are a little minx." I joked while pinching her cute bottom. "So, do we live here alone? How do I get money to buy drugs, pay the rent, buy food and other necessities?"

"This is your mom's apartment. You live with her. I'm just a cheap piece of ass you'll keep around for a little while until you grow tired of me." She told me solemnly.

"Damn it Vicky!" I snapped, "You are not just a piece of ass and I'm not going to grow tired of you. Now any more talk like that and I'm going to spank your bottom."

She lifted her head and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "For you ... whoever you are. I wouldn't mind pulling down my panties so you can spank my bare bottom."

"You little tease. Now tell me about my mom. What's her name and what's she like."

"I'm not teasing; you can spank my bare bottom any time you want. Anyways, your mom's name is Jennifer and she drinks a lot. She's probably out drinking right now. Sometimes after the bars close she brings some guy home and they get it on in her bedroom. She doesn't walk the streets or anything but I think most of the guys she brings home give her money and I'm pretty sure she gives you ... she gave Jimmy some of it. I also think she gets a check from welfare because you're still considered a minor."

Speaking of that. How old am I?"

"Seventeen. Your birthday is on the 6th of September."

'Curious', I thought. Jimmy has the same birthday as me, Sam Eldon. I said, "So my mother is a drunk, she scams social services, brings guys home to screw that give her money, and I may be the one pimping her out. That about sum it up?"

"Yeah. Can I take your dick out and play with it?"

"No. So other than the money I get from mom do I get any money from anywhere else?" I had to slap her hand which had wormed its way under her rear end and over my crotch.

"Mostly from cutting drugs, but you also shoplift, boost car radios and hubcaps and sometimes you snatch a few extra bucks from the wallets of the guys your mom brings home after they've done it and he's passed out."

"So where are we? You know. Where exactly is this apartment located?" I asked.


"What town are we in? What state. Hell, what country for that matter?"

"We're in Hollywood silly. In the good old U.S. of A."

I looked around but not finding a clock in the room I asked, "Got any idea what time it is?"

"Not positive, but around nine I would guess."

"Because it's dark out I guess that would be 9 PM right?"

"Are you kidding? You never get up before noon."

"Okay." I said kissing the tip of her nose before lifting her up off my lap, "here's what we're going to do. You're going to get yourself into that bathroom and take a long hot shower. Scrub everything real good including your hair..."

"Even the hair on my pussy?" She interrupted teasingly.

"Especially the hair on your pussy," I responded slapping her on the fanny. "While you're getting yourself cleaned up I'm going to take a quick look around."

"Okay." She responded happily as she scurried away toward the hall. Then over her shoulder she added, "Maybe after I'm all spick and span you'll want to play house with me."

Spick and Span? I thought. Hell, I hadn't heard that term used in over twenty years.

The first thing I did was search my rear pockets for a wallet. I found one, and upon opening it I discovered, a drivers license I.D. card with the name Jim Maxwell printed on it, a few miscellaneous scraps of papers with several names scrawled in pencil on them, and ninety seven dollars, all older style bills, including a 1976 two dollar bill. In the front pockets I found, a small baggy of white power, and an even smaller baggy filled with several different colored pills, and eighty one cents. Like the bills all the coins had older mint dates and included a 1969 Kennedy half dollar and a 1972 Roosevelt dime. What the hell? Was this Jimmy Maxwell a coin collector as well as a drug dealer?

Looking through the closet and dresser only revealed some additional ratty, mostly unwashed clothing, underwear, socks, and a couple of nearly worn out high-top sneakers. I also found some additional drug paraphernalia, but no additional drugs.

As I walked down the hall toward the living room I could hear the shower running and I couldn't help but mentally visualize that cute little redhead all lathered up standing completely naked under the running water. My dick got hard again. Stop that I told myself. Once I got to the living room it was just as I remembered it from the quick glance I'd had of it earlier. Trashed out. Apparently no one had come in and cleaned it when I wasn't looking. The kitchenette wasn't in any better shape than the rest of the house. Dirty walls, dirty appliances, dirty dishes, dirty clock ... then my eye focused on a dirty calendar with an image of Mount Rushmore pictured on it. And I freaked! The calendar displayed the date of July... 1979!

I rushed into the bathroom, threw back the shower curtain, and then gripping Vicky by the arm I shouted, "What's the date!"

Vicky became frightened again. "Jimmy. You're scaring me again."

"Sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean too." I told her relaxing my grip and lowering my voice. "What's the date today honey?"

"Ah ... July 12th I think." She told me with soap suds streaming down the sides of her face.

"No. What year."

"Ah... 1979."

Shit! Not only had I died and entered a new younger body but I had also traveled back in time 27 years!

Well shit! A least I'd be able to watch Charlie's Angles, the Dukes of Hazard and Hawaii Five-O on prime time TV.

Then I finally took notice of the cute little redhead all lathered up standing completely naked under the running water. The real McCoy looked even better than the one I had visualized earlier. "Thanks sweetie." I said, and then I quickly re-closed the shower curtain and got the hell out of there before I did something the little head was trying with all its know-how to coerce me into doing.

I returned to my (Jimmy's) bedroom and sat down on the bed to think. Man, oh man, oh man. What now? I didn't have a clue. My mind was a well educated, highly paid, 2006 Electronics Engineer, but my body was an unskilled, uneducated, looser drug addicted dealer with a drunken whore for a mother, living in an old rundown apartment building in Hollywood in 1979.

A few moments later Vicky came in wearing nothing but a towel. God she looked good enough to eat. Her beautiful long red hair was combed out and she literally sparked she was so clean. "Hi." She said tentatively.

"Hi yourself beautiful," I responded.

She smiled, "Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

"Without a doubt gorgeous. You're about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

She squealed with delight then dropping the towel she leaped into my arms gripping me tightly around my neck and pressing her compact breasts with their two little hard nipples into my chest.

"Enough of that," I told her while inadvertently running my hands up and down over her firm ass cheeks, "it's time for me to get cleaned up."

"Ohhh..." she complained when I gently scooted her off my lap onto the bed. Then I valiantly went into battle for control of my body which the evil little head was once again attempting to take over by imposing on my libido. Fortunately, or perhaps not so fortunately, the big head managed to win. Devoid of any modesty I stripped off my tee-shirt and jeans then quickly made my way to the bathroom.

"I'm not getting dressed until you come back!" Vicky called out to my back.

I showered and scrubbed down every square inch of Jimmy's body then I washed his hair three times. After about two minutes most of the hot water had all but vanished and the big head thought the colder water was a form of sweet revenge on the little head for what it had been trying to do.

After drying off I wrapped a towel around my waist then joined Vicky in the bedroom.

As promised she was sitting on the bed buck naked. I noticed some residue smoke in the room and I knew Vicky had taken another hit while I was occupied in the shower. I didn't say anything but I didn't smile either.

Then I got the distinct impression that Vicky felt guilty for having succumbed to the demands of her addiction and she was trying to pretend that nothing had happened. I played along. She'd had more than enough trouble in her young life already and I wasn't going to add to it right then.

Same as Play It Again, Sam
Chapter 1: Vicky Videos

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I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...

2 years ago
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I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...

4 years ago
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Living With Sweet Vicky

November 1980, It all started in this month when Vicky was only eighteen years old. Vicky and her brother, had come to live with my parents and I because her mother 'my sister' had got a new job in London and her farther had gone to live back home with his parents in Scotland. I remember that Vicky and I were alone in the utility room at the back of the house. Vicky was just chilling out, lying on her back over an old box-seat that we used to keep toys in. As she stretched herself out over the...

2 years ago
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Aunt Vicky

AUNT VICKY By: Fantasy Man Billy's aunt knows what's best for his large testicles... He did not understand what was about to happen. Aunt Vickyhad given him a nice warm cup of tea spiked with an arousal/sedative drug.He was lying on her bed nude with his legs spread open. He couldn't figureout why he had no desire to close them. His well-developed testicles restedheavily on the bed, his large penis semi rigid... Aunt Vicky glanced at her nephew. An attractive, large breastedwoman of 32, she...

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Damsels in Need Anna and Vicky

“Let me get this straight mister ... I get to use your car for my wedding if I fuck you” Anna the leggy strawberry blonde repeated back to me. “Yep ... two fuck sessions ... no condoms” I replied then added “First one ... right here and now ... and the second one on your wedding night”. She looked back at me with a mix of horror and curiosity on her face. “And you want to fuck my mother too before the wedding” Anna asked for confirmation. “Yep”. “And how do you expect me to get her to...

3 years ago
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Top Ten PantsSpunks ndash 1st in public Miss Vicky

I was 19, and I knew what I was. I’d already got 1000s of dirty mags, and seeing girls go-go dance on telly made me cum in my pants. My evenings are spent hanging out my window wanking on the girls going by. It doesn’t occur to me as we enter this club that I’m taking a very big risk.It’s a firm’s do, some bloke is leaving so everyone’s going to this club place, and I tag along, I haven’t been with this company long so I feel it would be unwise to refuse. It was unwise to agree to go. Inside...

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Vic And Vicky

Friday I went shopping at my friendly neighborhood WallMart. There are only two cashiers open and they are next to each other. I cannot get into the shorter right hand lane as there is a couple in the left lane and their cart is blocking me. She is behind the cart and he is standing beside it, his back towards me. She looks cute, maybe 30-years-old, and five foot three. She's a wee bit heavy, built for comfort, not speed. He is at least six foot tall, maybe thirty-five and is unshaven. Since...

Oral Sex
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Friday I went shopping at my friendy neighborhood Wal*Mart. There are only 2 cashiers open and they are next to one another. I can not get into the shorter right hand lane as there is a couple in the left lane and their cart is blocking me. She is behind the cart and he is standing beside it. His back is towards me. She is a cute 30 year old, maybe 5'2". She's a wee bit heavy, built for comfort, not for speed. He is at least 6' tall, maybe 35 and is unshaven. Since he is blocking my progress. I...

4 years ago
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What if She WantedChapter 9 Vicky

I never thought I'd suffer as much pain as I suffered Saturday. When Robert decided to insert that fishhook in my tongue I thought I'd die. When he started to burn my tits with his cigar I really wished to; or thought I did; then whenever I tossed my head, it felt as if my tongue was getting ripped off my mouth. In comparison, the pins under my toes were not that bad. My tits nailed to the two by four were a different matter. The pain was exquisite however, I managed to control myself; but...

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This story is true, so certain names and places have been changed to protect the guilty.We first met about 7 years ago when we were both 23. She hired in to the company where I worked, but we had very little initial contact. Was fairly plain, not too pretty; a typical female engineer. I was not drawn to her, for she was definitely not my type. Her short hair was dirty blond, her breasts were 36a, and her hips were slightly hefty. My girlfriend Amy, however, had long brunette hair, a 40d-26-36...

1 year ago
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Romantic fuck in abroad vicky

This story is novel base i was submit my all Iss reader enjoyed this story u really like this pls mail me then i was continue is this your enjoyment… This story starts with me in my first class with Prof. Harrison. I am in my third year of college. While in class, I start daydreaming about Michelle, which is setting the next row over and two chairs up. She is the girl of my dreams. I have wanted her ever since she started going to collage here two months ago. She is so very beautiful. Michelle...

1 year ago
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A Football Sunday to Remember for Vicky

100% fiction! Like every Sunday it's a day of NFL Football at Vicky's house, My husband Paul watches it every Sunday and I too love the game but I wanted to to go and do something 1 sunday so I bugged him all week let's do something this Sunday...So Friday he said we are going to a party this Sunday as a compromise...He said it'll be fun..not exactly what I wanted but why not...So Sunday came, Paul told me to dress in my short plad skirt and my raider halter top and heels, I'm like isn't this...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Cosplay Cumdump Chapter 1 Victim Of The Vixens

The first day had been spent milling around the convention hall and taking in all the sights and sounds. Micah had played beta builds of unreleased videogames, seen previews of upcoming seasons of some of his favorite anime and collected a plethora of convention swag and freebies. UwU Con was weeaboo nirvana. Even if it had only been a one day event, it would've been worth the trip. But UwU Con was a three day event and the best was yet to come. The primary reason Micah had attended was...

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I knocked on the door of Amanda's apartment. "Hey, Jason," Amanda said, opening the door. She stepped to the side, her long brown hair flowing with her movement. "Please, come in." "What's up?" I asked as I stepped inside. I caught a familiar look in Amanda's brown eyes as she said, "I'll explain in a moment." I always hated that look in her eyes. It usually meant she had an idea. I was a part of enough ideas to know Amanda was never one to really plan things out. As I entered the...

2 years ago
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Cosplay Catastrophe

The Seriously Awesome Expo (SAX) has arrived! Lights, glamor, and glory await in the convention center's halls for those who can claim it. SAX is the largest and loudest event of the year for gamers, comic book lovers, and pop culture fanatics of all kinds. You name it, they've got it! Not only does it play host to the biggest names of the industry, it sponsors the fiercest cosplay competition of the year: Cos-Clash! With the massive influx of money comes massive advances in costumes and props,...

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Cosplay Porn Tube

CosplayPornTube! Porno has always been the realm of fantasy. Most of you neckbeard motherfuckers ain’t getting beautiful lesbians to double-team on your little nubs, and even fewer of you are bagging your step-mom with the big tits. In real life, nobody at all gets to fuck the anime sluts, comic book whores and video game bitches of your masturbatory fantasies. Well, not unless you count cosplay fantasies. That’s the shit that CosplayPornTube is all about.Sex tubes are a dime a dozen, and if...

Fetish Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Cosplay Magic

Un-convention-al Magic "Wow! What a great cosplay!" I could not contain my amazement. It was not only the accuracy of the costume and the make up, how perfectly she fit the character's body shape and face, but also the fact that she had the courage (or audacity!) to cosplay that character to this convention in the first place! I felt my heart skip as she turned and glanced at me with just the perfect calculating little smile. I swore she had stepped right out of the anime. Or should I...

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we meet again2

A little about Tammy is 61, 5'6 ,skinny, long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was always a lot of fun to be around and always cheerful. When ever we ran into her she was always was happy to see us. She would always wrap her hands around me and give me a hug. We had dated a few times in school but beside kissing it never went any farther.We are friends on face book and occasionally chat there keeping in touch. Well a few weeks after the funeral Tammy messaged me and said she was coming...

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Being taught how to love again1

After spending 27 years with my one true love, and raising our 26 year old daughter, it just doesn’t seem right to place that all behind me and find someone new to write a new chapter with. My daughter says I really should start looking for someone to share life with, now that she has moved out, and living her life. My name is Mike, and as I said, 50 years old, 5’ 10, 175 pounds, brown hair, with a touch of gray on the sides. I bike daily, just to stay in shape, except the winter time,...

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Taken Again1

Shay put out an ad for a female roommate immediately and pretty soon she was interviewing prospective roommates. However there was a problem, whenever she was showing one of the girls around there ‘He’ was!! ‘He’ would approach, introduce himself to the girl, charm her, and then say he would hope to see her around. Afterwards she would turn to Shay and practically swoon, saying how ‘He’ was such a gentleman and so handsome. Shay got so pissed after that, that she actually smacked one girl...

2 years ago
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Helping a friend out again11 years later

Well over the years my friend and I have seen each other a lot even though he never wanted to speak of our indecent I had made a few comment from time to time. and recently his wife has given in and sucking his cock on birthdays and some holidays but just yesterday we had planed hanging out go out to lunch like we do once or twice a month. As I park the car at the front of his house my phone was ringing and it was him he said he just stepped out of the shower and he left the front door open to...

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Roleplay Pt 2

The heavy wet snow is just beginning to fall in Louisville when Ben walks out of the airport. He is totally exhausted from the trip and can’t wait to get home and snuggle in his warm bed. The whole area is rapidly turning white with fresh snow, and the streets are getting dangerous to travel. It takes Ben an extra 40 minutes to navigate the icy streets home. He is glad to see Todd's jeep parked in front of the house. If Todd had waited until morning to come home, the roads would probably have...

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Playmate by shalimar I took a break from my household chores on that early May afternoon and watched Miriam, my five-year-old and her friend, Sarah, learn a clapping song from two of the older girls in the neighborhood. The older girls are very patient with my baby and her friend as they learn the actions, rhythm and words of the song, "Playmate." As I watched them it brought back memories of my own childhood, sitting and watching the girls in the neighborhood do that and other...

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Playa Samara

Just a quick one inspired by Playa Samara, Costa Rica. This is my effort for the Earth Day contest, and as such I hope I haven’t gone too flowery with the philosophical musings of the principal character herein, I was just trying to justify the link to Earth Day. Anyway, as usual, there may be errors, if there are, forgive me. Send feedback if the mood takes, let me know what you like — if anything — or what you didn’t like. If you do send/post feedback/comments please make ’em constructive. ...

1 year ago
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Cosplay Butts

Reddit Cosplay Butts, aka r/CosplayButts! Are you an ass man? Do you enjoy watching cuties in cosplays? Well, how about checking out r/cosplaybutts/? I mean, this subreddit is basically those two things combined, which is pretty nice. With a name like that, I am sure that there is no need for me to formally introduce what this subreddit is all about, but then again, I am sure there are loads of you who would love to know more.So, what can you actually expect from r/cosplaybutts/? Well, you can...

Reddit NSFW List
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Playboyhyd Again With Matured Slim Lady Neha In Hyderabad

Hi all,l thank you for iss and friends for feedbacks. This time it was with me friend neha again after two days again we meet and had once again about she is north indian housenwife age 37 staying with his husband in hyderabad we meet both meet and fun she 37 slim with good body. Any female or couple like to meet me or contact me means mail me on ping me to get good fun. Coming back to experience after our first fuck we talking in phone and chatting after two days she called me and said me to...

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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Crating Vicki

?Bobby is getting serious about his new girlfriend,? Vicki spoke softly sitting down to breakfast. I felt an inflection of concernor maybe resolve in her tenor. It was Saturday morning. The May air felt cool,the sun warming my back as it had just cleared the eves. We were eating breakfaston the patio. It seemed so quiet, peaceful; nice to be with my wife. ?Good for him. He needs to be thinking about a wife and family anyway.? Thekids were watching TV, Saturday AM cartoons. They were eight and...

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It began with a sudden realization of Rod's while turning on his compact disk player. Mike was standing in the room looking out the window thinking, watching an attractive black woman walk down the street, turning the corner and disappearing. She had been very pregnant from the looks of it, as still very attractive. He wished that Lisa would want to have more kids. They had only Will, and Will was a fine son but Mike had always dreamt of having more children. The black woman seemed a...

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Playboy Plus

PlayboyPlus takes a comically stereotypical approach to bring a classic brand into the new millennium, slapping a Plus on the end when they could have just as easily tacked on a 2.0, a 4K, an Ultra, or maybe even a Hub. Whatever, though, because I’m less concerned about the name than what they’ve actually got to show me. This is the porn brand your grandpa grew up with, but the younger generations are less familiar with. Playboy has lost some of its luster in this world of hardcore Internet...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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Heaven or Heathen for Vicki

Haven was a friend; actually, he was more than a friend, but that is a whole other story. He had been in what he and his best friend both thought was a relationship that was going to be something either long lasting, or permanent, when suddenly, it was over. He stopped by Taylor's house about two weeks after the last and loudest argument, saying he needed to have a long talk. He held up a six-pack of beer and said he was prepared to spill the beans and needed a good listener. He probably...

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Playboyhyd Again With Matured Slim Lady Neha In Hyderabad 8211 Part 2

Hi all, thanks for support and thanks to ISS. This experience was part two with neha after fucking her in kitchen taken rest for some time. Then she said her friend is coming to meet us then I asked her details she reply that she is her lesbo friend and having fun from last few yrs. Even she told me that her friend knows about us and she coming to meet us so we waited for her to come. Any female or couple like to meet me or contact me means mail me at give me feedbacks and contact me. Coming...

3 years ago
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Vickie was royally pissed! Her husband Carl was pissed, too. But he was pissed royally drunk on his ass upstairs, unconscious on the bed. Vickie was mad as a cat in the shower. Dang blast it, and all the other blasts her granddad said that got her giggling; but she and Carl had agreed! They wanted a kid; they wanted it now and they wanted it their own flesh and blood. The son of a bitch she married wouldn't even go get his virility checked! "I'm fine, skookums," was all he said. And...

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The Importance of Sophie Part 1 Vickie

=========== The Importance of Sophie, Part 1: Vickie by SmokingMan =========== I lay in bed, wondering. Pondering. What was that? Was it real? So many questions float around in my head. I roll onto my back, staring blankly at the ceiling, trying to figure out what the hell that was. It couldn't've been real, just an extremely realistic dream. I wasn't actually there -wherever there was supposed to be- it was all in my head. Right? I get up and begin pacing around my room. I...

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Playoff Time Approaches

A lot of people get excited when the snow starts to fall fueling their hearts with Christmas cheer. I get a little bit excited my self in the festive season but for a completely different reason. Although Canadian I have always been excited by the American Thanksgiving. As far back as I can remember it was always a day that I would suddenly be overcome with my traditional ‘cough’. I know my mother and father saw through my rouse but they played along each and every year. Even though I am much...

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Playoff game at a friends

The whole experience was crazy, I was driving home and just thinking about it, but I knew it was real as I could still taste and smell the juices. Well let me get started I was driving home from a friends house, the plan was we were just going to hang out and watch the afternoon playoff game, but they had more in mind. I called ahead of time, and my friends said they were lagging so to come on in, sit on the couch, and relax. Well I did just that, and next thing I noticed I could see in to...

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Tricky Aunt Vickibyastralmote©Hi. My name is Kevin and I just turned 18 in June. School's out and I'm free for the summer. I live in a small town in Iowa and my mom and dad run a restaurant. I usually help out in the summer, but since I'm planning on going to college in the fall, mom and dad felt I should have a break. That's good, but there's nothing to do in a small town. Just when I thought I'd be spending my summer playing video games, my mom suggested I visit her sister, my Aunt Vicki.Aunt...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 45 Vickie

Catherine and Vickie sat quietly. I severed their connections and began to scan for everyone else. I sensed Vickie scanning me as I did, so I smiled at her. Candy, along with Nicky, Randi, Julie, Jennifer, and Mandy, were just leaving the stables out past the main house, leading horses to the big barn for today's trail ride for the other guests. I could sense they were actually working this trail ride. Debbie was still in bed. As were Grace and Natalie. I couldn't wait to see them. I was...

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Vengeful VirginChapter 16 Violating Virginal Vicki

Mary's revelation that Joan's infidelities went beyond those that Don had known about was not a complete surprise to him. After learning about his wife and Reverend Gibson and about her seduction of Julie's ex-boyfriend, Tom, he had remembered other occasions that would fit with cheating. He felt like a fool. And now he was an angry fool. He should have felt guilty about having sex with big-titted thirteen-year-old Mary and, in a way, he did. It wasn't because of the young girl, however....

1 year ago
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Vickie Though everyone working in the library referred to him as “old Saunders”, the head of the staff was really no such thing. He was in his late forties. He was strong and robust looking, with sexy grey hair speckling his temples. He looked more like a successful businessman than a head librarian, and only his wire-rimmed glasses gave him a faintly intellectual air.He was stern, and he didn’t appear to have much of a sense of humor to those who came in contact with him. Not many people did,...

2 years ago
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"You're sure that I can bring this back for a full refund if she says no?" "As long as you do nothing to it like resizing it to fit her finger we will take it back." I handed the man my Visa card and five minutes later I walked out of the store with a half carat diamond engagement ring and hoping that Vickie would say yes when I took a knee in front of her. I picked her up at seven, took her to dinner at Mario's and then we went to The Boom Boom Room for drinks and dancing. She went...

3 years ago
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MILF Vicki

I was s*******n and a real dork. I did not know how to act around women and thought that I would be a virgin all my life. I liked to hang out with my older brother and his friends. They were cool and in college and I had hope that I could get one of the girls in the group to give up some pussy time. We were other at Billy's house, my brother and friends were in town from college. We werehanging out when the guys pulled the big bucket out. The big bucket is a bucket full of our names and...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 37 Vickie

Friday, May 28, 1971 The morning sky was overcast, I noticed as I started scanning for everyone. I could sense that most of the others were awake and moving around. However, Nicky, Randi, and Jenny were all still asleep where I had left them last night. Catherine and Liz were talking as Catherine packed her things. Sarah and John were also talking as John packed. Jeff must have been packed because he was sitting on the bed moaning as Debbie worked up and down on his manhood. "One more for...

4 years ago
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Billy and Vicki

They say that your cousins are the first friends you ever make and in my case, this was certainly true. Vicki and I are only 4 months apart in age and we pretty much grew up together. As babies, our parents tell us that we were so close in appearance they were constantly confusing us with each other. Thankfully our physical difference became more pronounced as the years progressed. Vicki began to show signs of beauty early on and I found myself being attracted to her and all through our...

2 years ago
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Roleplay with meeta

febian : Story will be like this.febian : we will meet at ur freinds marriage. U had come to attend one of my friends marriage where I saw u and got attracted towards and told ur friend(Sana) about you and send proposal thorough that friend.meeta : okayfebian : and i will proposed ur family thorugh that freindsfebian : i will be alonemeeta : kmeeta : i say yes for the propsalfebian : yes… as u have seen me at the marriage.febian : why dont make a scene of our first meet to know about...

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Bill and Vicki

They say that your cousins are the first friends you ever make and in my case, this was certainly true. Vicki and I are only four months apart in age and we pretty much grew up together. As babies, our parents told us that we were so close in appearance they were constantly confusing us with each other. Thankfully our physical difference became more pronounced as the years progressed. Vicki began to show signs of beauty early on and I found myself being attracted to her and all through our...

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Playthings first day

PrefaceI am an owned Pig/Piglet in a Dom/sub relationship with Bear/Master/Sir, (the terms are interchangeable). In this little fantasy of ours we live together with a plaything, something that I would like very much for Master, in order to fulfil all of his needs and desires. This is being written very late at night, so please do excuse any silly grammatical errors. Thanks and happy reading! ---It was her first night in our house. Of course, me a Bear have lived here for a few months now, and...

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Darla was having a birthday in a few short weeks, Vicki pulled me aside one afternoon that we were visiting and told me what Darla was expecting for a present, as well as wanted to make plans for a surprise party away from the family, just a few close friends. So, we began to plan it out. It was pretty much done in a few minutes, as Vicki made a few phone calls to verify who would be coming, etc. She was siitting across from me in her white shorts and Texas Ranger T-shirt. I couldn't help...

4 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 10 Violating Vicki

 The big, tall girl got shakily to her feet and, as he had hoped, the monk saw the tell-tale dark patch on the crotch of her light coloured jogging suit. He stood also but, by bending forward slightly, he was able to hide his huge erection in his robes. "What is that, Vicki?" he asked in a stern voice as he pointed to the moist stain. "Were you affected again by thinking about what you saw last night?" "I ... I ... Oh, Father? I didn't mean to? Like? I? Oh, sir?" "That's all...

1 year ago
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My First time with Vicki

My name is Rod. I recently received a phone call from a family friend. Darnell told me that her mother was given six months to live. She has been fighting cancer. My wife could not go because of her teaching job so I packed a few things and drove to Texas. I spent the first three nights with another friend. I had known Tommy for about 25 years. He was a gracious host and we had a good visit. On the Wed night before I had to leave on Thur, Betty told me her daughter had made arranged a place for...

First Time
2 years ago
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Cosplay and Corruption Ch 02

Chapter Two: 1101 Dellmar ——- ‘1101 Dellmar,’ Alice repeated the street name as she walked along the sidewalk, glancing down at her cell phone where she had taken her naughty picture. It wasn’t too far from the convention hall, it turned out, which was nice since she had been able to get in at least enough time to merit her two-day pass. It had been a little awkward with her friend Jacob when she had suddenly taken off early, but she could always explain it away at work tomorrow that she had...

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