Ed BiggersChapter 3 free porn video

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Sitting at the obscenely large desk, Ed stared up at the picture of John that hung on the wall of the office. It was an official color photograph of John. His white hair and beard with the robe, cane, and cloak made him look like a mystic. The whole world saw John as a mystic, but Ed knew better. He sighed and said, “John, you brought out the best in me. I’m a better man for having you in my life. I really miss you.”

“Talking to yourself?” asked Ellen Faber as she entered the office.

“Talking to John,” answered Ed with a sigh.

Although Ellen ran the daily operations of the Fusion Foundation and knew both men, she knew very little about the relationship between John and Ed other than the fact that they were married. She had watched the news coverage of John’s death and had been shocked when she had seen him struck by lightening in the middle of the glade. She couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for the family to be there and observe that scene. She said, “He was a great man.”

Smiling, Ed said, “He was a man and he was great. Calling him a great man diminishes his life as a man and his greatness.”

The comment gave Ellen pause and reminded her why she had come in the office. She said, “The rest of the board is present.”

“Okay,” replied Ed as he stood. He paused to look around the office before saying, “Too fancy.”

Ellen shook her head. Over the past few years she had been invited in the offices of some of the most powerful men in the country. This office was barren compared to any of those she had encountered. It was hard for her to imagine billionaires feeling uncomfortable sitting behind a desk that cost five thousand dollars. She shrugged and said, “Its purpose is to impress.”

The comment made Ed laugh and he retorted, “I’d rather be impressed by the person behind the desk than the desk they are hiding behind.”

He walked across the hallway to the conference room and took his seat. The seat at the head of the table was conspicuously empty. Ellen stood by the seat and said, “I call this meeting to order.”

After everyone acknowledged her, she continued, “The agenda is on the table in front of you. Normally, the first order of business is to review the minutes of the last meeting. However, today we have a different and far more difficult task as the first order of business.”

Breaking the tension in the room, Fluffy yawned as though bored with the meeting. Looking over at the bear in irritation, Ellen continued, “The first order of business is to elect a new Chairman of the Board.”

As she went through the process of reading the charter of the Fusion Foundation, Ed listened with only half his attention on what she was saying. His thoughts turned in the direction of the others in the room wondering which one of them would take the place of John at the head of the table. He felt sorry for that person, as there was no way they could ever live up to the reputation of John. His attention returned to Ellen when he heard her say, “There has been a motion that Ed Biggers take over as Chairman of the Board.”

“Pardon?” asked Ed wondering how he had missed the nomination.

Ling said, “I second the motion.”

Ellen asked, “Are there any other nominations?”

Looking around the room in the hope that someone would say something, Ed tried to come up with a name to nominate. His mind went blank and he couldn’t remember the name of anyone in the room. As panic welled up in him, Ellen said, “If there are no other nominations, then I move that we vote on making Ed the Chairman of the Board.”

“Seconded,” said Sidney and Sherry simultaneously.

“All those in favor say aye.”

Everyone except Ed said, “Aye.”

“All those opposed, say nay.”

Ed’s throat swelled up as he tried to get out a word. He grabbed a glass of water and took a sip. Sherry was sitting across the table from him watching his discomfort with a smile. Ellen asked, “Abstain?”

Ed finally managed to croak, “Ah.”

Smiling at Ed, Ellen said, “The motion has carried. Ten votes for the motion and one abstain. Ed Biggers is now the Chairman of the Board.”

As everyone clapped, Ed shook his head in disgust while wondering how this had come about. It was clearly time for him to say something, but his mind was still blank. After a minute, he said, “I did not seek this position, but I shall do my best to carry it out in the manner that John desired.”

Ellen said, “If you will take the chair at the head of the table, I turn this meeting over to you.”

Ed moved to the head of the table and looked down the table at everyone gathered there. Most of the board members were Druids and he felt that it was time for that to change. He said, “The second item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of the last meeting. Does anyone have any corrections or comments on the meeting minutes?”

When no one said anything, he continued, “I move that we accept the minutes as they stand.”

“Seconded,” replied Ling.

They went through the formal business of voting on the meeting minutes. Even as they went through the process, Ed glanced at his watch wondering how long this meeting was going to last. Once the minutes were accepted, Ed said, “The next item on the agenda is the empty spot on the Board of Directors. I suggest that we identify potential candidates and bring the names to the next meeting. We’ll cull the candidates down to three and then invite them in for an interview. After that, we’ll vote on the person to fill the spot.”

Harold Hawkins, the only businessman on the board, raised his hand. When Ed acknowledged him, he said, “We need more businessmen on the board.”

Ed said, “If you find a businessman that is willing to forsake all current and future business with the Fusion Foundation, then go ahead and nominate them.”

“I was going to question that rule,” replied Harold. That rule prevented any of the businesses that he owned from selling their products to the Fusion Foundation. Although he ran a chain of video rental stores, there were opportunities to get into other businesses that this rule prevented him from pursuing.

“You can make a motion to change that rule, but I assure you that changing that rule will be defeated. It would put the tax-free status of this organization in jeopardy. This organization deals with huge amounts of money and we have to prevent any hint of conflict of interest on the part of the board,” said Ed. He looked at Harold with the expectation that he would make the motion or threaten to resign, but the man surprised him and settled into his seat.

Sidney raised his hand and when Ed acknowledged him, he asked, “What would be the primary area of responsibility?”

Ed thought about it for a moment and replied, “I guess they would take over the Emergency Response Section.”

The meeting lasted for another two hours as they established that a technologist would be a good candidate and covered the other items on the agenda. The discussion concerning the budget seemed to drone on forever, but in his new position of Chairman of the Board he found that he had to pay attention. It was with great relief that he was able to call an end to the meeting.

As people left the room, they stopped to congratulate him. Ed still didn’t know who had nominated him. When the room was empty of everyone except Ellen, Kelly, Ling, and himself, Ed asked, “Who nominated me?”

Laughing, Ellen answered, “Sidney.”

“I’m going to get even with him one of these days,” remarked Ed. It was hard for him to believe that Sidney had done that to him.

Kelly said, “He only voiced what everyone in the room was thinking.”

Ed sat down in a chair and thought about it. In a way, it made sense since most people thought that he was John’s right hand man. He never thought of himself in that manner, but it was true in many ways. John had shared more of his thoughts with Ed than anyone else. Sighing, Ed replied, “I guess.”

Ling asked, “Will you be coming home with us?”

“No. I’ll finish up a few items here and head to the University,” answered Ed. He had given up his position at the University and now it was time to see if he could return.

Kelly and Ling kissed him before leaving to return home. When they were gone, Ed turned to Ellen and said, “I suppose that it’s time to write a press release.”

“I already have one written for you,” replied Ellen with a smile. She had assumed that it would be Ed that took over for John. She added, “I assume that you’ll want to edit it.”

“Of course,” said Ed. He decided that he would do that and then get something to eat. There was going to be a lot of work to do this afternoon and he scratched making it to the University off his list. He asked, “Would it be appropriate that I talk to the heads of each of the Fusion Foundation Sections?”

“I was going to suggest that,” answered Ellen. She actually had a list of things that Ed needed to do that afternoon before the news spread too far. She added, “I have a press conference scheduled for this afternoon.”

Ed returned to the office while Ellen went to get all of the work items that she had arranged for him. Sitting behind the desk, Ed looked around the office wondering how much time would be spent at the desk over the next few months. Things didn’t look good for him in the future.

Kim Green knocked on the door frame to get his attention. Looking up at her, he was surprised to see how old she looked. He had met her when they were undergraduates in college. He said, “Come in, Kim. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. I really enjoy working here,” answered Kim. In the past few years, she had traveled to many places around the world establishing staging areas for the Foundation, negotiated purchase agreements with companies, and served as a press agent during crisis situations overseas. For a young woman that had dreams of making the world a better place, this was the perfect job. After holding the position for nearly sixteen years, she still thought it was the perfect job. She looked at Ed and said, “I’m sorry about John.”

“Thank you,” replied Ed. Getting condolences still threw him for a loop, as he didn’t know how to respond. Gesturing for her to enter the room, he said, “It’s really good to see you. I hear that you’ve been globe trotting on behalf of the Fusion Foundation.”

“Just got back from Italy where I negotiated a storage area for supplies,” replied Kim while she entered the room and took a seat. She added, “I have to say that it’s a very lovely place. So much history packed into such a small area.”

“How was your reception there?”

“When people heard that I was with the Fusion Foundation, they went out of their way to show me a good time. You’d be surprised what a great reputation the Fusion Foundation has everywhere around the world,” answered Kim. When she had arrived in Italy, very high-level government officials did everything they could to help her. Curators had given her personal tours through some of the greatest historical landmarks, once they learned that she was from the Fusion Foundation. Everywhere she went, people told her what a great organization she represented. It was overwhelming.

“That’s good. I’m very glad to hear that,” replied Ed. This was the kind of feedback that he liked to hear. Kim was quiet for a minute as she struggled to figure out how to bring up a request. Ed noticed her sudden change in demeanor and asked, “What do you want?”

“Uh, I kind of wanted to ask you about something.”

“Ask away,” replied Ed curious what could be so serious that she wouldn’t know how to go about asking him a question. Leaning forward with his elbow resting on the table and his finger to his temple, he watched her struggle with asking her question. It was clear to him that she had no clue how to make her request. He suggested, “Maybe if you give me a hint I can help you formulate your question.”

Kim looked down at the floor, feeling like she was about to loose her nerve. Summoning her nerve, she said, “I haven’t been satisfied by a man since my rape.”

He didn’t know exactly what she meant. Did she mean that she hadn’t been with a man since the rape or that a man hadn’t been able to give her an orgasm since the rape? Regardless of which answer was correct, the news shocked Ed as he realized that it had to be at least sixteen years since she had been raped on the campus. In as soothing of a voice as he could manage, Ed replied, “I don’t know what to say.”

Hesitating, she smiled at him and said, “It’s not your fault that I can’t be satisfied in bed by a man.”

“I thought that you had gotten beyond the rape,” replied Ed very disturbed by this revelation.

“You don’t understand. I’ve gotten over the rape and know in my heart that it was an act of violence by a very sick man. The problem is that I haven’t found a man that can satisfy me,” she said. “I know it’s not physical as a few women have been able to bring me to orgasm. It’s that I haven’t been in bed with a man that turns me on.”

Rather than say anything, Ed sat back to listen to her. It was better to let her come to the point than try to put words in her mouth. She licked her lips nervously and then said, “You rescued me. No one has done anything that significant for me.”

He realized where she was headed and wondered if she was actually going to request him to sleep with her. Rather than address the question now, he decided that this was something that was best dealt with in a more private environment. He asked, “Would you like to come over to dinner tonight?”

Believing that he was agreeing to sleep with her, Kim sighed with relief that she hadn’t had to say it aloud. A wide grin spread over her face as she said, “I’d love to come over.”

“Great. Come over about seven,” said Ed. He watched as she thanked him and fled the room far faster than she had intended. Smiling to himself, he shook his head at having to rescue another damsel in distress.

Helen returned in time to hear the final exchange and was relieved to know that Ed was going to take care of Kim. The two were occasional lovers and she was fully aware of Kim’s unrequited desire to sleep with Ed. She knew how frustrating it could be since she shared the same feelings. Entering the room, she placed a stack of papers on the desk and said, “Here you go.”

Groaning, Ed stared at the stack of papers knowing that it would be hours before he could get through them all. Sighing, he picked up the first paper finding that it was the legal form establishing him as Chairman of the Board. He reviewed the signatures of other members of the board and signed it. Ellen had recorded his vote as abstained. He signed the form and handed it back to her as he said, “I would have objected, but I was too shocked to think straight.”

Ellen laughed and said, “The choice was obvious. No one would have listened to your objections.”

He looked over the next paper in the stack. It was a draft of the press release that she was going to send out to the news services. Looking over it, he thought that it made him sound inhuman and unreal. Grabbing a pencil, he immediately removed statements that talked about his heroism and his unrelenting dedication to a list of causes. He then took out all of the references to his past accomplishments that had nothing to do with the Fusion Foundation. Finished, he handed it back to Ellen and said, “You might want to review this. I’ve made a few changes.”

She looked at it in dismay. The one page press release had been reduced to four sentences. The first indicated that he had been elected as Chairman of the Board. The second told how he had helped set up the Emergency Response Center. The third described his dedication to the keeping the mission of the Fusion Foundation on track. The fourth expressed the honor that he felt at being given the responsibility. She said, “I’ll release it if you allow me to include your Fusion Foundation resume with it.”

“I have a Fusion Foundation resume?”

“Yes. Whenever you’ve done something for the Fusion Foundation or achieved some other public recognition, we’ve documented it,” replied Ellen with a grin.

“I’d like to see that,” Ed mused aloud as he wondered what was in the resume. There were no doubts in his mind that it would exaggerate his past accomplishments.

“I thought that you would say that. The binder contains your resume,” replied Ellen watching the expression of disbelief that crossed his face when he took in the thickness of the binder.

“This isn’t a resume, it a biography!”

“Not so. Each of your accomplishments has a single paragraph describing the significance of your involvement,” replied Ellen. Kelly and Linda had worked with her in developing the resume. It was based on the material within a biography about Ed that the two wives were preparing. She had found the material in the biography so captivating that she had read the entire thing in a single night.

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James lavished attention on me for the rest of our little holiday. We didn’t spend it all in bed despite the temptation to do so. We were both sad when we had to pack and shift to the Army Base. I was placed in a room with two women, and James found that he also had two roommates. Since the course was shifted to the base, the Army had decided that it wasn’t to be wasted and they had added some of their own people. We had six civilians, four Police Officers and six Army Officers in the...

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CLUB SEX 2 The 20yo

Well here I am again, at the club waiting for the show to start. You can feel the anticipation from everyone as they get ready for what he hoped would be another great show. I made sure to look around and take note of any girl that happen to look my way. There were some damn sexy women here. It also a huge turnout, there had to be about 50 people here. Since they made place big enough to accommodate 4x that amount there is always plenty of room. Tonight’s show was a 20yo very beautiful,...

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Yes Master

Hi friends this is master x (that’s what I want you to call me) from bhopal This is a true story about the origin of my slave madhu. Yeh story shuru hoti hai tinder se, me madhu ko tinder ke through hi janta tha Madhu kafi fair hai 5’5 ke aroun hogi and photo me uska figure dhang se samajh ni aa raha tha but 32-28-30 ke around hoga…Usne mujhe right swipe kia tha. Hum normal chatting karte the and wohi sab usual flirting. Usne ek din mujhe bataya ki use bdsm bahut pasand hai, and I was shocked...

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Groped by a stanger

It was a hot summer day and the city had organized a free concert for the afternoon. The band playing was very popular so the park was full of people. I was quite far from the stage but there were still a lot of people around me.Suddenly I felt something touching my ass but didn't think much of it. It was probably just someone accidentally pressing against me as the crowd kept pushing closer to the stage.A moment later I felt it again, and this time I could tell that it was a fairly big hand,...

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neighbor breeding

I just walked in from work I see my wife ,sister ,daughter, and sister in law watching T.V. my wife 32 ( Terry) had on daisy dukes no panties , a tube top that's say's my hubby loves to watch and a picture of a black man fucking a white wife. her nipples were poking out she had no bra on her DD tits were looking good. she had a tan but hat the white lines on her tits and pussy I love that, here feet are 6 1/2 and taste to suck on . she was 5'5 110 pounds green eyes , black hair.my wife has a...

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Endless DesertChapter 8

Big Wolf and I headed back to Mexico to try to buy some more sheep and the dogs we needed to look after them. Meanwhile, White Buck and four more men followed the Comanches to see where they were going. We were all determined to punish them for what they had done to us. It looks like, no matter where you live, you have to treat bullies the same way. Once White Buck and his party had found out where the Comanches lived, they would return to the village and help in the rebuilding at least until...

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NobleChapter 30

One of the young braves was in critical condition and might not survive. Two others were in the ICU but were stable. Several of them had a run in with the Russian hit squad and unfortunately all of them were killed including the agent. It seems the Russians got a little too personal with some of the local Indian girls and jealousy arose. Taking what information we could from the bodies and what the contact had passed on to Mr. Black we began to develop a plan of action. That is how we came...

3 years ago
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Dogging Chapter One

The walk through the woods was longer than expected and, by the time Mark and Sandy got back to the small car park, dusk was turning to darkness.As Sandy was about to get into the car she turned and looked across the car park to the only other car there. It was parked in the far corner, partially hidden by trees.“Mark, are those men... wanking?” she whispered.Mark turned to look and saw that, in fact, his wife was right. There were three of them, each with their cock in hand, and yes, they were...

Group Sex
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RecoveryChapter 4 May

Evan retreated into the entranceway and wished again that Greg would go back inside. Greg had zoned out on him and seemed oblivious to the steady push of the wind sucking the spring warmth out of them. The slate sky, unexpected dump of fresh snow, and Greg's silence was depressing him. A random scream drew his eyes away from Greg's profile to where a scrum of boys and a pair of determined girls kicked wildly at a red ball. The Patterson kid was in the middle of the mêlée casually bumping...

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Taking Louis for a Walk

We were hanging out at Kira's house when her mum asked us to take the dog for a walk because it had been a few days since he had been out. We reluctantly agreed as he did need to be walked but was difficult to handle because he is so big and does what he wants(hes a mastiff X german shephard). I told Kira I would hold the leash this time and we started walking down the street when Louis started pulling really hard towards one of our neighbours yards, we soon found the reason was their...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 9

Gallagher and his new female head-hunter bride were getting used to the routine of a happily married couple. He enjoyed the submissive nature of the attractive dark-skinned girl but was concerned at times when she would bite down hard into his flesh with her sharp little teeth. She had assured him repeatedly that neither she nor her relatives were a "cannibal" tribe with a passion for human flesh. The memory of her striding through the jungle with two human heads swinging from her grassy...

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Boudir Sex Pipasha

Ami shubhangi asa kori amr lekha story ta sobai porbe. Ami aj amder parar akta bou dir ktha bolbo. Bou di dekhte khubi sundr. Lomba, forsa, bisal boro boro boobs,pacha tao chaora. Age 35 r boobs size 38 hight 5’6.Boudi sb smy pith kata blouse pore.R patla silk er sari. Jkhn para diye jai chelegulo boudir boobs r pachar dike dekhte thake.Mot kotha je kono chele r bou di k dekhle tar bara dariye jabe. Boudi r aktai chele class 12 e pore. R bor chakri kore. Kintu bor ta kaj kore ase eto tai klanto...

2 years ago
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Running Into Trouble

Jennie settled into a moderate stride for her morning run. She was moving briskly along the lake front with trees all around. There were a few people out but not too many. She was enjoying the exercise, enjoying pushing herself and the feeling of the exertion. Running was one of her pleasures, it had been all the way back into her high school years. She began her day with it as often as not. These days she’d taken to running in the park by the lake, where the scenery was so gorgeous. She had...

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A Guy Obsessed with sisters feet

I have had a foot fetish since I was in grade school. I have two sisters but my youngest sister has gorgeous feet she is four years younger than me. When I was about 16 we were watching a movie on tv, she was laying on the floor in front of me and I was laying on the couch. She had a blanket over her but every once in awile she would slip her perfect cute little feet out from under the blanket. I would just sit there and stare at her feet without having to worry about her catching me...

3 years ago
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Coming Home to La Petite ValleyChapter 5

I had already given thought to how a lashing was to take place. Up near the end of the street, there was a flag pole that was set up to display the Confederate flag from one arm and the arm opposite would be to display the Lone Star flag of Texas. This would make an ideal place to carry out the sentence. The arms were strong enough to hang a person from. If Innes screamed that he couldn't take anymore of the whipping, all that would be needed to carry out the last part of the sentence was...

4 years ago
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Period of AdjustmentChapter 2 A Tasty Bit of Company

I'm a practiced liar. I'm good at it because it was my job. I made people believe whatever story I chose to tell them. The only thing I had to work hard at was remembering which story I was using at the time. If you lie enough times, you start to lose track of which one you are telling. I had a handicap, as well. Women remembered me. They remembered me much better than men did. As much as I would like to be forgettable, or even invisible, they remembered me. A friend of mine at CSIS said...

2 years ago
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Private Candice Demellza Swinging with Candice Demelza

Anything is possible at the Love Hotel, a quiet swim in the pool can even turn into an exchange of partners, and for Candice Demelza and Dean Van Damme… it’s game on! There’s no separating these two after they’ve laid eyes on each other, and soon enough they’re heading to the privacy of a bedroom where Candice gets straight down to business with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action unfold right here on www.private.com as our sexy girl spreads her legs for an incredible night of...

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Trouble at the Office Party

The tables had been pushed against two walls in one of the larger meeting rooms, and they'd been loaded up with snacks and a variety of soft and alcoholic drinks. On one of them a large cake sat in the middle, with the logo of the company emblazoned across it in colorful icing. About forty employees mixed and chatted amiably – these late afternoon office parties were laid on by the management once every few months, and all of the staff members who'd more recently joined considered them to be...

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Mom Fulfills Sons Desires Part 1

Mom Fulfills Son's Desires: Part 1Tim rolled out of bed, took his shower, and dressed for school still half-asleep. It had been a brutal week and week-end what with final exams and non-stop partying. This week should be a breeze, he thought, just show up and prepare for graduation. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his dad sat reading the paper and his mother stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the dishes prior to putting them in the dishwasher. Tim stopped behind her and leaning...

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Grace and the Longest TiePrologue

THE PRESENT I was being awaken. Someone was between my legs licking my pussy. What was happening? Everything was coming back. It wasn’t a dream, then. I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a dress. Well, half a dress. The top and the veil. I peered down my body. I was still wearing the thick white corset that covered my body from below my breasts down to the beginning of my ass that I had been given the night before. And what was licking me between my legs was one of the three dogs...

1 year ago
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Sauce NAO! Have you ever been interested in finding out where a particular photo whether erotic or not came from; either because you would like to find more of them or just simply because you are a fucking collector? SauceNao.com is the ultimatum of such searches, here you can search for photo sources conveniently at fast speeds and an affordable premium price. Search for your favorite TV shows photos, erotic mangas, and doujins and basically any photo you might have in mind and get the results...

Hentai Porn Sites
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The Magic Notebook Part 1

She looked up when she heard the sound of the door open. A middle aged man walked into the shop, carrying a large cardboard box. Clara walked over to greet him. She helped him set the box on the counter and smiled. “Hi! Are you looking to sell?” The man smiled kindly. “Yeah. My mother recently passed away and I was looking to get rid of some old books. No room for them,” he explained, glancing around the shop interestedly. He turned back to Clara. “Sure, we’ll look at these tonight. You can...

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Dman2Chapter 2 London

"Good Morning Mr. Stewart, it's time to get up and get ready," Nancy said, gently waking me up. "We'll be landing in an hour and we have to get you fed and dressed properly." "Morning Nancy, you look much too beautiful after nine hours of flying," I told her as I sat up. She was in her short black skirt and white blouse that she had on when I first boarded the plane and looked as fresh as when I saw her then. "I took the liberty of resting and then changing into a new uniform,"...

4 years ago
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A Spiders Web Ch 08

It was usually the cold air that woke him up, and if not that then a hot body grinding against him. If he was lucky, it would be Mary Jane, at least then he didn’t feel guilty. However, it rarely was her, and when it was Black Cat would be watching nearby, mocking the red head’s ‘poor performance’ and pulling her off so she could finish the job herself. Spider-Man had done his best to keep track of the time, able to see night and day through the windows on high. His guesses were only though,...

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office 1

Tommys my wife had done it again. She had a nasty habit of calling him at work on his desk phone preventing him from working. She knew while in his cubicle, no private calls were allowed, but she still persisted with he calls making him angry. “Everything ok, you sounded angry on the phone. “ Looking over his shoulder, he found it was pat, the departments office manager. “Just the wife bugging me again.” “So trouble at home then.” “Yes you could say that, but ill sort it eventually.” “Why...

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Be Careful What You Wish For

I found this one on the web and it is pretty hot, but slightly disturbing.... Weak of heart take note!This is to let all of the husbands out there know that watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be.My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 35 and she is 30. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my...

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Between Friends

Introduction: A little story about a friend. I knock on your front door, and step back to wait for you to answer. I hear footsteps, and you open the door. Your face lights up briefly, and then you try to hide it. Hey, you say quietly, and I follow you to your room. When we enter, I glance around. Theres clothes strewn about, some food wrappers and soda bottles, and the sweet stench of weed in the air. You blush briefly, grabbing a few pairs of boxers and throwing them in a drawer. Your room...

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PureTaboo Gina Valentina Casey Calvert Don8217t Talk To Strangers

The scene opens on Amy, a bright and happy 18-year-old high school student, as she heads home from school one afternoon. The camera lingers on her while she walks – wearing her school uniform, listening to ear-buds, and carrying a book bag innocently over her shoulder. When she passes a homeless man, she pauses and reaches into her bag, handing him her lunch leftovers. The man thanks her and she tellshim to keep his chin up before putting her buds back in and walking on. You can tell the...

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26 December 2006Chapter 9

The house phone rang. Karen stood, suddenly losing her balance for a moment to go answer it. “You okay, Mom?” Brad asked. “I suddenly felt dizzy. I sure hope I’m not getting something. This is the season for colds and the flu,” she said, sitting again. “I’ll get the phone Mom,” Brenda offered. “I noticed that her face was flushed earlier,” Wendy mentioned. “When was the last time you had a period, Mom?” Diane asked. “Maybe you’re pregnant,” Brenda added, answering the phone. “I wish!”...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter One

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't read the prologue yet I suggest you go and do that quickly. It's fairly small so it shouldn't take long. Chapter One: Worst Fears A heavy and steady rain pounded outside the double and reinforced windows that lined the large high school Richard attended in the heart of a major metropolitan center. The dim fluorescent...

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