ProeliatorChapter 7 free porn video

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Jón had to bide his time. After still another meal with more female intervention and no Clovis in sight, he sent Forni off to take care of the horses and perhaps get Klaes to assist him in exercising the animals. Forni hesitated momentarily seeming unsure about leaving Jon by himself. In answer, Jón smiled at him and gestured to him to go on and leave.

"Tell me about my memories."

Now was a good time to let Jón know the truth or at least a good portion of it. "You were hurt and your father needed some very powerful magic to heal you. Fidelis, by himself, wasn't powerful enough to bring about a cure. A call was sent out among priests, healers, shamans, and the like. Fidelis then had to wait until there were enough of the right people assembled to assist him. The first detail was to look into how this job could best be done."

"I know that much."

"Your father made a treaty with King Gunnarr and King Arnaldr. The Romans didn't want this type of cooperation. The Romans need to keep all of the Germanic people fighting each other, or the Germans will band together to fight Rome and win."

"What else?"

"Because of Roman interference, our King couldn't find any allies to drive out the Romans and the Gauls. The King and Fidelis eventually thought of using magic to find somebody that could help them and to heal you. They wanted an individual who could lead the Frisians to victory over Rome and its allies. Your father had a long list of qualifications he wanted this person to be able to do and so did Fidelis. Are you with me so far?"

"I understand that they must have been looking for a hero."

"I would not use the word hero. A hero has done something noble and risked his life to do it."

"Are you the person they found with their magic?"

Jón was on edge now awaiting my answer. I replied as casually as possible, "I may be. The other me may be still alive in the future. Or, perhaps I will never get to be born, since I have already changed a portion of my history."

The boy had not become more frightened at my revelation and the question he next asked was reassuring. I had to assume it had to do with his age. He asked, "What have you changed?"

"I told Fidelis something that he could use to gain favour with the next Roman Augustus."

"How could you do that?"

"I was always interested in warfare and often studied Rome as a great military power. To me it was an ancient subject. People of my time were interested in warfare and could still learn much from Rome. I followed the historical accounts of their major battles and picked up a bit of their culture. A few facts have stuck in my mind that I may be able to use one day. Some of that information include when important Emperors died, or came to power; also, the times of large wars or battles. This is what I knew in this case that could help us."

Jón was thinking on what I had said and I added, "The history that I learned included the Romans of this time seeing the benefits of cavalry more and changing their tactics accordingly. Fidelis' magic has made me a Frisian. As such, I want Clovis' army to be better prepared and better trained than our enemies in order to deal with what I know will come to pass."

Jón said, "I understand what you are trying to do. In my... our mind, I saw something a man held to his shoulder and smoke came out. A man far away fell down and died almost instantly."

Jón like all boys must love weapons. "That was a rifle. A bit of powder burns more quickly than the eye could follow inside the long tube producing a puff of very hot smoke. That smoke pushes out a small amount of metal-like an arrowpoint without a shaft. The metal goes very far and fast. It will go through an armoured man.

"What I wanted to give your father was a very old type of weapon that works much the same way. It has to be made much larger than the rifle because the objects it propels are far larger than arrow points. So, the larger weapon, which is called a cannon. It's mounted on a carriage between two large wheels. A metal ball or another shape can come out of the much enlarged metal tube that will knock down a solid stone wall. Chain or smaller pieces of metal can fly out and each piece may kill a man, or even more, if it goes in one man and out again.

"Something else I can make will land among men and burn so quickly, it will make a noise like thunder just before bursting outward violently into many jagged bits of metal. The men close by will be thrown around like toys. Most of those in the vicinity will be killed."

"That is a fearsome weapon. Why can't you just use your swords instead?"

I assumed he was talking about the present danger and replied, "The idea is to make Rome stop warring with us. After they are beaten this time, they will retreat, but will come back later with many more men. Rome always did that when there were initial battlefield reverses. Only when we have killed those new larger forces sent at us, will the Romans accept that they cannot come onto Frisian land without a severe punishment. To take care of the Romans the next time they come, even better swords will not help enough because the Romans will bring many legions. We will have to make terrible new weapons for war in order to win despite their larger numbers and teach them the lesson required. They will learn to not try to push their empire this way again at our expense."

"You talked of the future. Did they do that?

"Did they conquer this area?"


"No, they never did. You see, Rome is not our worst enemy. It was other peoples approaching from the east who conquered this land many times. We need to push Rome away permanently and turn to the east to head off those others who would overwhelm our defences and then go on to conquer both the Frisians and th Romans.

"The worst current problem is that there are too many hard-headed Germanic people to make this kind of stand now against any foe. Germans don't understand how to engage in battle as a disciplined unit. The Romans have the same problem to a much lesser extent. Most of their army even now is not Roman at all. The legions are Roman, of course. But, the supporting auxiliaries are much more numerous and mostly like your people. Your own father was one of those auxiliaries in his youth and that is why he and your people are not already dead, or slaves. Clovis took his military training to heart and absorbed all that Rome had to offer. Due to that training he knows how to mount a tremendous defence... if only he could count on his warriors and allies to follow his orders exactly."

"Do you know of me from your future?"

"There very little information about individuals that survived from this time. Your name was common, but I never heard of you. The name Clovis was famous, but it was not your father. The man I know of was a Frank and would not be born for a hundred more years."

"So, we are almost forgotten?"

"Jón, that was my history that I learned before I was brought here. The changes have already begun. In the new history that has begun to unfold, Frisia will be at least as famous as Rome. Now, those who follow will see stone statues made of you and your father in your honour. People for many thousands of years will know all about you."


"I am here to help you bring about even more change. We will make terrible weapons that kill many Romans and Gauls. History as I know it, will change. Rome and Gaul will give way to Frisia.

"How will all that come about?"

"Let's say that you make something new and pay a man to build more of them. Our other ideas mean that more men build some of our inventions. The men pay the money back to you to get those materials he wants."

"I don't understand."

"One man makes a lot of beer in our brewery. I pay that man for his labour. He is not my slave, but is my paid worker. I know of ways to make good beer and do it cheaply. Another man bakes bread in our bakery. This bakery is large and has machines to do the hard work of mixing for him. He is paid just to bake bread all day long. A third man cooks for us in a large kitchen with a much better way of doing his work. He is paid to do nothing but cook all day. A fourth man is a soldier. He has such great weapons that he can kill very easily. He is paid to defend all of us.

"There is only a need for a few of these men in each job. We don't need hundreds of bakers, or brewers, or even that everyone be a warrior. We pay each man and he needs to drink his beer and eat food to live. Their money they pay for our beer and food comes back to us and we hire more men with that money to do other things we require. All it takes is to make it possible for the men we employ to do more useful work than they do now and to do that they need machines which I will invent."

"So your machines make us rich?"

"Yes, they do. Much of our wealth will repose in those machines. They also furnish jobs for the people as they make and operate those machines for us."

"Tell me about this strange bird that flies."

Jón was jumping all over the map in his attempts to understand about our future. I said, "I have very good hearing. Forni is outside and wants in. He knows about me and was told by Fidelis in front of your father that he had to keep the secret. Suppose that we bring him in? I will use your mouth to speak and I get to tell you both at one time so as not to repeat myself."


I took control of Jón's voice and got Forni settled down. I gave him a synopsis of what Jon had found out and my accompanying explanation before going onto the topic of aircraft. I brushed the topic and went right to small aeroplanes like the Cessna or Beechcraft. Canada had contributed half of the tuition money at one time for its citizens to learn how to fly. I had taken advantage of this and spent the next few hours talking about this flying in general from the Wright brothers until the time I had been pulled to this time.

At the end of my lecture, I got the boys ready for bed. They were like my sons in a way, but not quite. Jón's body ensured that I had a large supply of testosterone. I was usually able to submerge myself until it was over, but I knew that I would not always be so lucky, or so inclined.

Jón said with a yawn, "Where do you go when I am asleep?"

Using his voice, I said, "You do the sleeping for both of us. I get to think all night. In a way I would like to sleep too, even if it would only be to have a change."

"Was it because you were awake that we got the two Romans?"

"That's true, yes. My hearing is better than yours, as well as all of your other senses. If I work through your brain, it is the same as what you get if you concentrate hard on something. When I connect directly to your ears I can hear what is said far away, but then it is hard to separate all the voices out."

Forni was very hesitant, but asked, "What about when... when Jón and I have fun."

"When Jón has fun, I will too. It is nice for me to have a change, but usually I hide and make myself not hear or see anything. It is as if I hide in a dark cave. Once in a while, I come out and see if you two are done. Other times, I stay hidden away because it is nice to see you two enjoying yourselves."

"Can we still do this?"

"Forni, Sweetie, hasn't it occurred to you that I love both of you?" Forni smiled and I felt Jón doing the same thing. "Making love to each other is a good thing. Nobody is getting hurt. Have your fun and be very good friends. There are just the three of us in two bodies and we have to take on the entire world soon. Enjoy yourselves while you can."

"Ok," he said in a happy voice.

Jón was horny now and I said privately to him. "It is your body now. Kiss Forni for me and make him happy."

He was not averse to this at all.

I pulled back, but only after the boys began to get very involved with each other. The love was not what I had thought of before, but it didn't seem wrong from my current position as spectator. It was not a mature love. Yet, it was something more than just sex.

I went back to my planning as an excuse to tune out of the physical. Concentration was much easier when I was not distracted. This ability made me wonder just how attached I was to Jón's body. I had not had too many problems when my sexual drive was reduced in my original body by advancing age, but now it was hit or miss and I usually chose to miss. It was like a drug I was afraid would be addictive.

Drifting away slowly, it was my turn to have wandering thoughts. My immediate focus went to the river nearby. It was not fast moving because it had very little declination in its path at this point. It happened to be wide and not very deep. The land around was flat which was good for farming, but not suitable for making a holding dam to create a reservoir. The river was known to flood on occasion and also get very low in some years.

The neighbouring rivers drained into what would one day be the Weser. That large river and the Elbe drained this area. Dams could control the flooding and provide water for the dry seasons. It would give me power to build what I needed built. Others had come to similar conclusions. I had seen dams on the rivers in question in modern times, but I could not remember exactly where. Locks too had been used and these were sometimes in conjunction with the Mittelland Canal system. This east-west system was used a great deal because it was much more efficient than trucks for bulk cargos.

Rome lived by trade and the taxes it collected from subject territories. If it weren't for Egyptian grain, then there was a good chance that the common mob in Rome would starve. Attacking Rome through its stomach was one of my plans, but it would only hurt the poor. Nevertheless, we would do what we had to do to bring pressure on the Roman Senate even if indirectly through rioting mobs of hungry plebeians.

Iron ore, coal, and limestone were readily available locally in Germany. Yet, poor transportation to move those vital raw materials through the thick woods on muddy tracks would quickly stunt my building effort. Steel mills in the 1800s were situated along fast flowing rivers for this very reason. The waterways provided for transportation of raw materials and finished products. The power of the rivers was also used to drive the massive bellows that forced air into the blast furnaces and turned the very wheels of industry.

Coal had to be converted to coke and this took some energy to start, but ultimately became a source of multiplied energy. Only the white hot heat of coke could melt iron and make steel. The requisite equipment required pumps for water to cool vital parts and for many other purposes. Hydraulic power would serve to drive those pumps. Once a coke furnace got hot, it had to be continuously fed fuel to burn, or it would suffer from the resulting temperature changes. Lighting had to be supplied because this was not a job that could be turned off at night. I planned on using natural gas taken from the coal fields supplemented by coke gas emanating from the coke ovens piped into lamps to provide that light. Such were the facts of industrial expansion. All facets were ultimately interdependent.

The requirements of the system also meant that a large well-trained workforce was necessary. I had been a chemist and an engineer and not a metallurgist. Unfortunately, I was all that was available and I had to consider Jón's reaction to boot. He might not want to go along with the program and he might fight me all the way if my demands were seen as excessive. Everyone had to undergo some training and most had to put up with partially educated teachers.

The German warriors of this time were quite hedonistic. Much of the time, the men sat and talked as they drank. All the tribes spoke nearly the same language. This was written in the runes of Elder Futhark, the little that got written down, that is. This effective lack of written word might have been due to the sheer inconvenience to write runes. That fact begged for alteration to a more convenient format. The Latin script was the best alternate choice. My German vocabulary was not great, though I could spell most words in Latin script. The Germannic language was simple to lay down with a Roman alphabet in that what was said could easily be written or printed. My German was High German and not exactly what was spoken here and now.

Books may not be as needed now when so few could read but as time went on, people would have to write down what they had learned. I could point people in the right direction but they would be the ones that had to pursue my goals. They would learn from their own experiments and notes were the way to record their findings.

The metric system had to be adopted. The major reason was that all the constants I knew were in the metric system. It was a well layed out structure. And for information to go from one person to another they had to not only speak the same language but to have the same system of weights and measures. The Roman standards were a second best because of their wide spread used. The problem was that not everybody used them.

At first light, I awoke both boys. They got up slowly and were very groggy. It was their own fault for not stopping their activities soon enough to get sufficient sleep. They groused a bit and I used Jón's voice to say, "This is Vic. Life, I am told, is not fair. There is little we can do about it. Sleepy or not, we have to see that everything gets made and convince the rest to pay for it. A smith has to make our tools and that means another lathe must be built. Get up and get moving! We have much to do and little time in which to do it."

With clean clothing on both boys, we left to eat. This time we ate in the kitchen and chatted with the staff. I only made a few interspersed verbal comments since Jón had to do the eating. Before we left, we had some leather bags packed with food by the staff. I reasoned that eating our mid-day meal wherever we found ourselves would save precious time and needless aggravation on my part by not being here.

"Jón, I would like to talk more today with both of you boys. You can look at this as a tutor talking. What I say will have to be learned by you and Forni, too."

"Can I talk in between?"

"Yes, just as we have before where no one hears us speak. You do a good job of conveying my ideas, but it is faster when I do it directly."

"You can talk if you want."

"Thanks, Jón."

Fálki was up already tending to his own gear. The men in the barracks greeted us with some obvious friendship even though the two boys were young.

"What are we up to today?" Fálki said.

I said, "We have to build another lathe, so that it can clean out the inside of a metal cylinder. In order to do that, we need more advanced help from both of you. That will make the new model lathe construction move forward smoothly."

"What was wrong with the way we did it before?"

"That was for wood alone, or wood and bronze. I need strength for my current planned project and that means iron and bronze rather than mere wood. We have to hold onto an iron bar in the lathe and turn it. That is not much different than what we have done already-though a bronze bushing has to just fit on over this smoothed area. Notice that the stone wheel will spin with the iron being horizontal this time."

"How is it going to turn?"

"I will show you in the dirt outside."

We stepped out into the damp air and I took possession of the body and drew the diagram. When I stood up I said, "It is just a modification of what we did before. This same arrangement allows a large piece of wood to be turned from an iron plate, or a wood board. The block of wood can be turned into a large bowl just like what the potter does."

"That may be fun to do."

"Then let's set it up."

We put the other log in. With a bit of whittling and the sawing of the ends, it too was turned down. I knew where bearings had to be and designed these large. This way small mistakes were less serious. Jón was talking and I got him to say for me, "We need to make more bearings and that means we need to see the potter again."

We measured the circumference with a string and put knots in the right places. Sander was happy to see us. He was proud that he had a lot of very large green-clay work already done. It was as if he had saved himself until his table came back to him.

"This table is the best I have ever seen. I'm very proud to own it. I want to thank you again for what you have done. What may I do for you today?"

Fálki said, "It looks like you are already working on it. Are these the clay pots that were requested?"

"Yes, they are. Would you like to see them closer?"

We had to inspect them and the man was proud of his work. The lids were not made yet, but would be fired just like the jars. Jón allowed me the use of his voice and I said, "These jars are well made for our purpose. They are thick enough to be strong and big enough to hold lots of iron."

"You are going to make your special iron with these jars?"

"Yes, I see no problem other than finding enough people to tend the fire. It has to be both hot and last a long time. The steel made in these jars will be much harder than iron."

"Do you need something else, milord?"

"We need two bushings and I need to do two more that will be similar." I showed him the string and said, "This distance is a bit smaller than the wood we have now." Using my fingers I said, "They have to be this long and with a flange just like the other bushings. The material is this thick. Two will go into our new lathe and the other two will be used to let the grindstone turn."

"The clay part in the middle will be hollow as it was before?"

"Yes, it will."

Fálki got the horse and cart again and we went to see the stone cutter Kareltje. He was working on another project and when we arrived he said, "Your work was done long ago. I am a man of my word."

Jón said, "You certainly are, Kareltje." He walked closer to the wheel and saw that the internal sides were very square. The outer circumference was not as uniform, but we would soon fix that.

Jón continued, "Your work is worthy of your reputation. It is exactly as I asked. Thank you for the fine workmanship. Now, tell me about the cost of a six pedes sized pair of mill stones?"

"I have done a lot of thought on this. I will need three men to assist me to cut the stone and a woman to prepare the meals. Another man to hunt local game is better than carrying food over a distance. The cutting of the blocks will take a considerable time and we may have problems getting a good stone without cracks. There will be further trouble in breaking off these large stones. In some cases the stone fractures wrong and we will have to start over again."

The mill had to be built so that I could work the bugs out of the other water wheels. That didn't mean that early efforts could be inept. Workmanship standards still had to be good with each mill that I built. I could test other equipment in the mill when it was not grinding grain. This meant that on any given day a mill was also my laboratory. Steel and chemicals had to be made and then both had to be worked on to make the implements that I needed. With a bit more thought, I had to increase the size of the building, so that others could safely gather around to learn.

I spoke now, "I am thinking of building the mill enclosure. I need an idea to how much certain required items will cost. You can give me your ideas and this will help me decide to go ahead with this, or not. The first mill I want to construct requires a stone base and a long stretch of wall. This means that you have to cut stone for the wall and floor, too." I pointed to two places on the wall guarding the city and said, "How long to cut all those blocks we see in the wall, but just the ones we can see from here."

The man looked at the wall before us and I could see him using his fingers to count. "We can make perhaps six blocks like those each day, but they will not be dressed." We learned a lot about the time to cut stone and the price in those few short minutes.

My plans for the mill had initially been modest, but as a school it would have to be much larger. The most efficient water wheel would be supported on both sides and the water would run over the top. This meant a lot of digging and a lot of stonework to guide the water. Rivers flood and the mill had to stand high enough to stay reasonably dry. This meant a stone foundation. One day the wood of the wheel would rot and it would have to be replaced with iron. That day may be up to ten years after the completion if I were lucky. Iron rusted but would still last much longer than wood.

"I have another question that concerns cost. Your quarry must be nearby. I would like a large stone chimney made easily accessible from your quarry. It could be made with the flawed stones that crop up as you proceed with the work we already discussed. The inside of that chimney must be lined with clay and then fired. Other people on site at the quarry will then be required to cut wood and throw it into the top of the chimney along with all the small pieces of limestone. If this is built very close to a small hill, it will be easy for them to climb up and then proceed over a walkway to the chimney. A fire will first be set in the base of the chimney. As it burns, more wood and limestone will be thrown in. The fire will never be permitted to burn completely out. Somebody at the bottom will shovel out the warm powdered stone, sift away the wood ash which will be kept dry for other purposes, and put the cooked limestone and the ash into large clay, or wood containers. These containers have to be stored where they will stay dry."

"What is all this for?"

"I want to make..." I had no current word for lime though there must be one. "Kalk" was a word from a newer form of German. "Kalk". It is used by the Romans to harden their roads."

Kareltje said, "I have heard of that. It burns the skin and eyes."

"That's right, it does."

"Are you going to make roads?"

We talked about lime and its uses, but especially what I wanted it for.

Kareltje asked, "When can I begin?"

"You know roughly what I want for this chimney. I am going to have to visit you after the blocks are put together to supervise how you are to build the chimney the way I want. You will be in overall charge of this under my authority and you are required to feed, protect and shelter everyone with you to include the "kalk" making crew."

Kareltje did some thinking and said, "I can do this though it involves many people. We will cut all the stone for your chimney."

My requirements were listed again and he said, "Alright."

"Is there anything that I must do other than guide you and your people in building this chimney and paying the silver." Before he could answer, I added, "Think carefully now. We are making a contract here today. You get exactly what you say you will need and no more. I cannot be at the construction all the time."

"What about silver for food and shelter?"

"You will have to utilize hunters and foragers. Hewn caves or tents can provide shelter for you, as well as for the stored ash and kalk. I can pay some silver before you leave for things you need, but I will not pay it all. This has to be part of the amount you ask."

"When would you come to show us what you want?"

"Five days should be sufficient to give you a start."

"Five days is hardly enough. Give me ten."

"Ten it is. Now give me a price for your work and the number of people you will need."

The man did some thinking and asked for seventeen pieces of silver. He then said, "I think twelve people and a dozen children will be necessary."

"What do I get for the silver?" This was said to clarify my requirements.

"Just what you asked. You get the chimney and a small bridge for people to throw some things into the fires. Small stones will be collected and wood also for the fire."

How much silver do you need to start?"

The man now smiled and said, "Three is enough."

Jón pulled out three of the larger coins and put them into the man's hand. The man grasped them tightly and Jón put out his hand to shake. Again, it took some time to get this custom understood.

As a way of thanking him, we sat there and shared the contents of our leather sacks. Fálki went to a nearby home and came out with some beer. A man stared anxiously at us and I had to assume he was worried about his mugs. The beer was warm, flat and weak, but it was wet.

Fálki said, "You are a trusting person to give silver for a job that is not already done." The stonecutter looked angry at his words, but said nothing.

"I try to think that most of the people in this town are honourable. A man is measured by what his neighbours think of him. This man would no more rob me than you would do the same thing to our King."

Fálki gave me a nasty look. The stonecutter merely sat prouder. Now certainly, he would not sully his name, even if he had to leave for a new town.

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We are lovers, so time can be a problem. But I will take a quick meeting over not seeing him anytime. We were meeting after work. The anticipation of getting to see him that evening had my pussy so swollen and so wet I couldn't even focus on work. All I could think about was ripping my clothes off and letting him fuck me. I called him when I was leaving work. He was already there waiting for me. Just the sound of his sexy voice sent thrills inside the pit of my stomach. My pussy was so hot and...

4 years ago
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Next Day With Sweet Swathi

Hi all…This is vinesha again about my experience on the next day of my earlier story..”Encounter with sweet Swathi”. Thanks all for your wonderful feedback. After such a beautiful/strange/weird thing that happened in the night, I was thinking about it only in the office also. Moreover, since I did not have proper sleep, my eyes also turned red. Some of my colleagues asked my reason why they are red, I told, was not feeling well and some crap. After my lunch, I was not able to control my...

3 years ago
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She Was Something

I was in college at that time; like one year has passed since then. i was a shy person, i still am but at that time i was a loner not fond of anybody’s attention. she was in my college, in my class. i liked her the second day i saw her because she was defended me from some bastards who were mocking me. she still didn’t know my name and that hurted me a lot. she was a nie girl, her name was Nisha. i used to sit at the last benches as i don’t want to come in anybody’s gaze. i used to try to talk...

1 year ago
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A Car Wash They get hot while car gets sudsy

A Car Wash (They get hot while car gets sudsy)Stepping out of the car at the Shell Station, Mark looked at the dark skies and impending storm. He felt the cool breeze and knew the front was just passing over. He unscrewed his gas cap and turned to see just what this tank of gas will cost. He slid his credit card into the slot and quickly removed it. Grabbing the nozzle for regular, he let his mind wander as he slipped the nozzle into the opening for the gas. He pictured Jackie, leaned over the...

2 years ago
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A RevelationChapter 4

"I suppose you would like to know about Cindy and I," Jackie said to me. We had moved from the floor to Cindy's sofa. "I was wondering about that," I said, looking from one to the other. "I came over to talk to Mandy about a year ago and had forgotten that she was at her dad's for the weekend," Jackie said, as she stroked my hand that she was holding. "Cindy invited me in and asked if there was something she could help me with." "Your father and I always told you that we would...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Ch 14

Passion In James County VI: The Wedding Chapter fourteen Dean and Nora Abbott said their ‘Good-bye’s’ to the bride and groom, then they left the reception. Nora sat against the car door on the passenger side, silent and fuming, as they drove toward their house, but her husband didn’t notice that she was upset. He was mentally reliving the way Kathie Dumas had been coming onto him. He felt himself getting hard again, just from the memory of having the woman’s body pressed against his. ‘Kathie...

2 years ago
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Internet Romance

I met a guy, ok an officer, in the Navy through a chat room while surfing the net. We seemed to have a lot of interests in common, we liked to read the same types of books, common interests in movies, liked long walks just to see the beauty of nature, and so on. He would email when he had down time as he called it and I would let him know what was happening here while he was there at sea. I knew that someday we might eventually meet because we really seemed to ‘click’. Sometimes guys feed you...

1 year ago
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Twinks Large Cock Gay

I am an older bi-sexual man who likes to be fucked roughly. Problem is the typical guy who fucks me is a one and done deal. In my times I have fucked a few twinks. Typically it was give and get but most preferred to be fucked. This recently changed. One of my best friend's girlfriend was upset. Her son announced on his 18th birthday that he was gay! She was talking to me not knowing I am bi but she knew her son enjoyed it when I did work around her house as we would talk. I didn't tell her that...

3 years ago
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Blondies Wild Ride Part II

III Blondie whimpered softly as the Biker she’d dubbed Geronino tugged the cups of her bra down, freeing her breasts, doing he best not to squirm as she lay on the bar top. She had a sudden urge to push her hands down between her legs and finger herself, putting on a show while they watched. Only in her wildest fantasies had she ever been such a dirty slut. Now she reveled in it, licking her lips as she met each of their gazes, seeing the beast-like lust in their eyes, knowing that it was a...

3 years ago
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Wedding BetChapter 9 Car Jacking

Monday morning the after-party broke up. Our guests at the ranch packed up their suits and dresses, put on their ‘business’ clothes, loaded up their cars, and headed down the long driveway to head north, back to the populated bay areas and their jobs. Blake and Doug gave me manly hugs, fist bumps, and then really turned on the charm with Mindy as we stood saying goodbye. “We’ll see you Wednesday night, right?” I teased my new wife, “Boys night out, of course.” Mindy dug her fingers into my...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Dahlia Sky 08292016

All Dahlia Sky really needed was a large, black dildo. She’s been fantasizing a lot lately, and since she’s a Size Queen who loves large dicks up her ass, why not head to an adult bookstore and see what they have to offer? Sure enough, they have the 17″ Black Monster Cocks, but what she didn’t know is they have a large variety of Dogfart DVD’s. The clerk even offered to knock 15% off her purchase if she’d preview a few in one of their arcade booths in the...

2 years ago
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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 6

Jeff loaded his and Chelsea’s luggage into the back of a gray Volvo station wagon. Livia approached her daughter. “Did you pack your prescriptions?” “Of course.” “Do you have that debit card you can use for gas?” “Yes, Mommy.” “And, the AAA card?” “Yes, Mommy. We’ll be fine. It’s only for one day.” Livia turned to Jeff. “It was a joy meeting you and knowing Chelsea has someone in her life who loves her the way that you do.” “Thanks,” Jeff replied. “I enjoyed getting to know you and...

4 years ago
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Clone Whores

    Spot lights strobing, alarm noises sounding; the visual and audio cues were like a dentist’s drill boring into her consciousness combining with the adrenaline that was flashing like a lightning storm through her system. As she ran Sandra no. 7 never felt so alive.           If she pulled this off she would be the first of her kind to escape The Facility. She sprinted as fast as she could through the broken streets dodging piles of smashed debris and ruined vehicles, occasionally...

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Fucked On Highway

Hi this is Geeta from humped by driver series. After about a year of incidents with Raghu my husband suspected something and suggested we start a family. He basically forced himself upon me and made me pregnent. As was the custom now I was travelling to my mom’s place in Pune after the 3rd month. My body had become even fuller and now my breasts felt swollen and tender all the time.However a strange sense of loyalty to the husband was returning too.Ishaan had stopped fooling aroudn for time...

1 year ago
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TeensDoPorn Aurora Belle Closet Virgin

She may not look like it, but Aurora has quite the sexual history. It all started when she lost her virginity in a closet. It was really painful for her, but she didnt want to stop. From that day on, Aurora was addicted to giving and receiving pleasure. That is also some of the main reasons she got into porn too. Her sexiness radiated as she sucked our producers cock jovially, and getting to see her pounce on that dick was a treat. Although she could ride it forever, she prefers getting...

3 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 54 Learning the Trade

Wednesday was my first full day on patrol, and pretty much went like Tuesday afternoon. Since the shift started at 0800, the graveyard shift patrolled the school zones in the morning. Otherwise, I was routed back over towards East Matucket, with Jerry pointing out various places to keep an eye out for. Some of it was amusing, such as when he pointed out a couple of popular places where high school students were likely to take their dates Friday and Saturday nights. “How hard do we come down...

3 years ago
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The Naughty Nurse

Bridgette turned the shower off, and grabbed the towel from the rack. When she was dry, she walked into her bedroom, and surveyed the clothes she had arranged on her bed. The crisp white uniform was a stark contrast to the black lacy underwear. They should be perfect, she thought to herself. First, the bra; a low cut shelf bra; it would emphasize the fullness of her breasts, leaving her nipples uncovered. She fastened the catch, and then adjusted each breast in their respective cups. She...

1 year ago
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Scotty fucking with daddys girlfriend

Scotty came into the shop yesterday to tell me about his newest fuck fest. I laughed when I seen his eyes glistened with the huge smile on his face. He told me about daddy's newest girlfriend, Louise. Nice big tits 46DDD's, brown hair that was shoulder length, a little on the plump side, about the same heighth as me, a few tattoo's one being on her lower torso headed towards her waxed pussy.I asked Scotty how he knew all of this, knowing that I was in for a hot steamy story. Scotty said he...

2 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 14

Nesho was right. It was only a few minutes before Festou was rapping lightly on the bulkhead outside their little cabin. Drawing back the curtain she motioned for him to enter and reached for the large basket he was carrying. "What do you have for us tonight, Festou?" she asked peeking under the cloth laid across the top. "Wonderous things, mistress!" he bubbled. "Cook says it's the best for you three. He says he ain't never been on a ship that took care of their wounded like you...

4 years ago
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Dreamscape Ch 02

‘Doctor Mallory, you have made a very wise decision,’ Mr. Crowe said to the beleaguered man sitting before him. Crowe pushed a small grey button that sat atop his large desk and then spoke into the air, ‘Marcy, could you please come in here?’ Sean Mallory sat with his shoulders slumped and chin resting on his chest. He felt defeated. He felt angry. He felt used and manipulated. ‘How could I have been so stupid?’ He thought to himself. The door opened and Crowe’s beautiful personal assistant...

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Room 1408 Part 2

Room 1408 Part 2 (Based off the Novel and Film 1408. This is a sequel to my Room 1408 story so please read the first in the series.) Brittney took her key and opened room 1408. She looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary. She looked at the carpet half-expecting blood stains; there were none. She looked at the bed and found that it was perfectly made. She sighed bored and then went into the room keeping the door open. She ventured into the bathroom and found it...

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Could I be a Stripper

I've fantasised about being a sexy raunchy stripper and I even wrote a little story about a stripper, but now here I was getting the opportunity to be an actual stripper. My old fuck buddy, Taxi boy, approached me recently with a little request. The rugby club he frequented were having a gentleman’s evening and needed a stripper. Most of the strippers they had seen recently were all a bit skanky and they wanted a stripper with proper curves who looked and moved sexy. Taxi boy said I was...

2 years ago
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Friday at the Movies

Jack Tayor couldn't believe his luck. He was going to be the first of all his friends to see the new Clint Conner's action film, Deadly Larry. With a bravado worthy of Clint Conner himself, the 16 yr old had spent a week planning the operation that had resulted in his triumph. First he had reported to school that morning and attended his home room and the first period class, just enough time to establish in the eyes of the school authorities that he had been to school that day. That way he...

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Dressing Room Show

Scarlett Johansson walks into the dressing room with several dresses. She chooses the last dressing booth and closes the door behind her after checking to make sure the sales people haven't followed her. She smiles when she gets into the booth, knowing she's going to have fun. She looks at herself in the mirror, turning side-on with her hands on her ass, admiring her profile. Her big breasts fill out her tight T-shirt nicely, her firm round ass is proudly displayed in cut-off jean shorts. You...

1 year ago
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Baby Doll

Baby Doll ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: Stan was a loner by choice having spent a lot of his years learning to ignore the teasing he got for his small size. It was one of the reasons he liked hiking when he had the time. It would also become one of the reasons he liked being called Baby Doll. Facts From Fiction: Carol was the name of a girl I met over the phone one night standing duty in the service. She had that kind of voice that would make her rich on a 900 call and I...

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The AcademyChapter 22

Jack: Fifteen minutes later, we were headed for Beth's in the van -- and I was cursing myself for being an idiot. I was SUPPOSED to be the planner for this trip, not to mention one of the primary resource providers -- and here I had ten people in a nine-passenger van, headed for a house that probably didn't support the population, either. Child car seats were unforgiving in this regard, so after some thought and negotiation, Frieda was sitting on Oliver's lap in the second row, with Vera...

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Maria is lovely

Before reading my story I want to tell about a lady who is one of the best in the world. She is the only one who have beautiful feet and beautiful heart too. She is my feet queen for the last 3/4 year, through mails I given the owner of queen and she became my feet queen). Her sweet name is “Leidy”, she is very beautiful model of a site and she grab my heart with her sweetest, sexiest, marvelous, glorious feet. I become hungry lover of her. She has much contribution in my writing. She given me...

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Camping Trip Chapter 3

Wednesday Morning The alarm went off at three a.m.We woke up in each other's arms, sharing a quick kiss."Good morning April.""Good morning Beth."We got up and Beth went to her room to get ready for our day of traveling. I decided to wear a pair of beige shorts with a white thong. I put on a yellow polo shirt without a bra. After applying my make up, I put my hair in a French twist.I went to the kitchen to pack the food into a cooler. Beth soon joined me and packed the other cooler with pop and...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part5

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND PART-5 As it was an inviolable law for every gallant to keep to his partner, for the night especially, and even till he relinquished possession over to the community, in order to preserve a pleasing property, and to avoid the disgusts and indelicacy of another arrangement, the company, after a short refection of biscuits and wine, tea and chocolate, served in at now about one in the morning, broke up, and went off in pairs. Mrs. Cole had...

3 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 44

The wagons were roughly surrounding a central, open, area. Mark rounded up all of the people who were going with us and herded them into the open area. When everyone was there he and Jim Crockett climbed up on a freight wagon and he started talking. "I'm Mark Lester and this is Jim Crockett. I am the Wagon Master of this wagon train and the guide who will get you to where you want to go. I think I've met about all of you at one time or another," he said as he looked around the...

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Jack and JillChapter 38

Friday. Today was the start of my new job. I was going to have some money in my pocket this weekend. I was going to be a MAN. School went fine. Sara and I walked together and there was nothing weird about her actions. I got an A on a story I wrote for Creative Writing and my teacher had some nice comments, saying I had raw talent. I guess that was the class to learn how to cook it. I ended off in the pool around 5:00. There were a couple of guys finishing up in the shower so I started...

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E054 The TwentyNinth Pearl

Friday morning Donald and Emma wake early; it is just after six o’clock.  Donald tells Emma since her spa appointment is not until noon, he wants her to learn how to do something from Karen and Julie this morning.Emma looks at him quizzically.“Emma, one or the other of them would give me massages during the day from time to time, but now with you, I want you to learn how to do so for me so that I can feel your warm hands on me instead,” Donald explains.Emma is pleased about this; she is afraid...

Love Stories
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The sleepover

The sleep OverWoman showing boobsAuthor: Jean Curtis Category ▶ EroticPublished: 19-Mar-09 Revised/Updated 14-Aug-14Screen readers & Print: Print This StoryHe grunted and arched his back, all the muscles in his chest and abdomen tensed up as he came inside of me. His orgasm was long and as he continued to shoot his load inside of me I moaned in approval. "MMMMMM!! YES!!"* * * * * * *Our parents had been friends for a very long time, longer than I can remember. They had once been high school...

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Mummys true passion part nine

We finished our breakfast and talked as if we weren’t mother and son who had just fucked like hell and as if I hadn’t voluntary turned into some certain kind of toilet and sex slave for my own mother. As mummy had taken her last bite she got up and gave me a certain look. Then she let fall her bathrobe which fell to the floor like the thick and mystic shadow of fresh and wet morning fog on a day in autumn in Southampton. Then I noticed my view following her smooth and strong body on its way...

3 years ago
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Helping Hands III Cleaned To Orgasm

Over the past couple of weeks since my accident, which left me bed ridden with my legs in plasters and my arms bandaged. My Physiotherapist had visited several times and on each visit had helped me masturbate and even give me a blowjob which sent me into places inside my mind I couldn't have imagined.On her next visit, she came over as my parents were out at work, and it was just mid-morning. My parents had given her a key so she could enter in herself, since I was unable to get up and get to...

Straight Sex
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Bhubaneswar A Great City 8211 Part III

I love Homo sexuality. I am not homosexual though. I am bisexual, means I have my own life with loving wife, kid, and is happily married, but then sometime when opportunities come up I think of homosexuality. I am not obsessed with Homosexuality though. I am today going to narrate a short story of mine with a friend. Although I know many of us do share the same feelings, yet many of us cannot come up and do things we like. I met this friend of mine on net, After chatting with him for some days...

2 years ago
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Uncle HarryChapter 12 Back at the Cabin

When we arrived back at the cabin, Cassie and I sat down and started to quiz Cassie on how she felt with what had happened over the last week. Sandy started. "Cassie, my love, Daddy and I need to make sure you're comfortable with all that has happened in the last week or so. I know it has been a pretty eventful time for you and I know that from time to time you've been ... scared... ? no that's probably not the best word, perhaps apprehensive is the best word. Do you have anything you...

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Lasting Impression Chapter 2 Day 1

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 2 By: ASTRO Day 1 The next morning I felt like I was waking up from a dream. I reached over to wake up my wife only to find that no one was in bed with me. I looked at the clock after pulling my hair out of my face and looked at the time. I paused as my actions started to sink in. First of all the clock must be broken. The time read 9:28 AM, and second why is there hair in my face. I sat up in a panic and felt the weight of...

4 years ago
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Piss Fun

This is a story from when I was 26. Still very much a party a****l in those days. Confused, not caring what I did a lot of time. In a steady job but when it came to the weekends anything could happen and usually did.This weekend I was bored, no one was out and I was stuck inside on my own. Being horny and frustrated and no current play partners was not good for the soul or mind. Add to that my tendency to plunge my mind into doing something stupid or hedonistic. It led my mind to working...

3 years ago
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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 12 No Thanks Ive Just Eaten

The rest of the week went in a blur ... accompanied by lots of sex and lots of squirting of course. Jennifer and Adam made love all over the apartment over those next three days – whenever and where-ever they felt like it ... on the sofa, on the floor, on the kitchen table, half way up the stairs, on Sophie’s bed, on Rhea’s bed and even in Jennifer’s bed would you believe. Another bonus of the week was Mrs Maxwell taking on Adam to work in her bookshop and, like everyone else, he was allowed...

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The AttractionChapter 3

In the past three months Adam had dinner with Erin two times. They were good dinners and the dessert with Erin back at his townhome was great. There were only two dinners because there was a lack of railroad accidents. With no accidents to investigate Erin’s husband was able to stay and work from home. His being there did not deter Adam from phoning Erin at least twice a week at the library and doing what they both were calling ‘foreplay.’ She said she enjoyed his calls and regretted that...

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Pygmalion RevisitedMixed Media

NOTE: “Mixed Media” was first published in Lustily Ever After, an anthology of rewritten myths and fairy tales with an erotic edge. The anthology is still available at but I’ve recovered the rights to republish it here and in the Pygmalion Revisited book, forthcoming. Thank you to Sophia Soror of A Two Dame Production for returning republishing rights to me! In this version of the Pygmalion myth, we are asked to consider what would...

2 years ago
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Lust is Lust

All that before that terrible night. It was one day after her 32th birthday when that horrible accident changed her life forever . Their son, Eric, was only 10 years old when it happened and Alison had to struggle a lot to raise him all alone. She did well, now at 17 Eric was a handsome young man, excellent student and very polite. She knew she was a good mother to him and this made her happy despite her sacrifices. Walking into the shower Alison couldn’t stop but wondering if she made a...

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Fucking My Busty Maid

Hello people, this is my first ISS story. A bit about me, I have recently graduated and I live close to my parents. I have currently applied for a job and I am waiting for the results. I work out regularly and have sex now and then. My tool length is 7 inches. Anyway, back to the story. So this happened a year ago. At this time, I didn’t have a separate flat and lived with my parents. I had summer vacations for three months and had come to stay with my mother and father. It was the peak of...

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The Last ManChapter 5

In Washington President Nancy Bellows had just finished with a security council meeting. The number one subject for many weeks was "Who had done this and how are we going to get them?" After chasing down thousands of leads the CIA and FBI had not found a thing. The Air Force had planes running around like chickens with their heads cut off and nobody had found diddly-squat. What they knew wouldn't fill a paragraph and what they didn't know about the disease and more importantly its shady...

3 years ago
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INSIDE MAPLE GROVE A story about one families bi

Stella Harris had led a pretty charmed life. The only daughter of wealthy parents, her father being an investment banker, she had been given every opportunity to do well for herself. She went to all the right schools and knowing she would never have to work her parents had allowed her to follow her love of tennis, enabling her to have a very good amateur career. The combination of good looks, a tall and athletic physique and mixing in the right circles had seen her married to her husband John...

1 year ago
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Great Time With Aunty

Hii everybody …. I am arvinzz from Malaysia. I had been a avid reader in this site for few years already now.. And this is the first i am writing down my story, so if there is any mistakes please forgive me. Let me tell about myself, i am 21 yrs old normal physique without any six packs.. If any girls like to become friends pls email me The story is about my aunty , she is 38 yrs old, fair complexion, good looking, and with a stats of 34-30-36. She always wears saree at home and in that she...

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BackwardsChapter 4

Alice hung up the phone and sat for a long time, her hands folded. Alex now wanted to be transformed all the way, and she had given him detailed instructions to follow when he came to visit, in two days time. And now she had to perform the most painful of tasks, and so Alice delayed and delayed, thinking and talking to herself. "I've loved you more than any of the others," she said aloud. Her voice echoed around the empty halls. There was no one else in the house and now most of her...

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Private Tutor for Trophy Mom and Daughter

Introduction: This story was previously removed for underage. It has been revised to make the daughter 18 years old. Chapter I: Landing the New Job I graduated from college just as the economy took a sharp downturn and the job market for English majors was considerably bleaker than it normally is. After failing to land a teaching job, I put ads in some upscale publications as a private tutor. Living on Manhattans Upper West Side I thought I had a good chance of stringing along enough students...

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