Emperor's BodyguardChapter 3: Putting A Ship Together free porn video

As soon as I was out of the office I opened a private comm to Tinker. To say he was not happy was an understatement. I walked into hanger bay nine to see fleet chief engineer Paulson waiting, “Captain Drake?”
I nodded and he held out a memo broad, “If you will sign the ship receipt?”
I shook my head, “I do not think so Chief.”
He frowned and I smiled, “Tell me Chief, how well do you like the general?”
He looked at me and then looked around. He looked back and his eyes narrowed, “What did you have in mind sir?”
I waved, “Forget the sir, call me Jason or skipper. I was noticing that the general seems to have forgotten to sign the decommissioning sign off sheet.”
He blinked and looked down at his memo board. He scrolled through it and then looked back at me with a nasty grin, “What did you need fixed skipper?”
I laughed and started walking, clapping him on the shoulder and bringing him along with me, “Well, now that you mentioned it, the ship does seem ... incomplete. I was thinking of throwing in four Atom class engines and I think we can fit...”
When Tinker stomped into the bay there were three full engineer crews swarming over the huge ship. A line of tables beside the door held cases of cold ale and food. Maintenance sleds moved around the huge hanger and Tinker stood and stared. I cleared my throat, “Did you get my things?”
Tinker looked at me and waved, “What the hell is going on with my ship?”
I grinned, “Well, the general forgot to sign the decommissioning sign off sheet. I pointed it out to the Chief engineer and requested certain ... replacements and repairs be made.”
Tinker just looked at me and then pulled the hover sled behind him as he walked closer, “And just what did your feeble mind think of?”
I turned to the table and the memo board, “I was thinking of replacing the four missing engines with four Atom class engines.”
Tinker was looking over my shoulder as I scrolled down, “We can cut the static bulkhead between the generators and put in three Sierra Two’s. I also want to replace all the shield generators with Tobias six’s. For the anti grav units I was thinking of...”
A slim blonde with nice curves cleared her throat behind me, “Excuse me, I am looking for Captain Drake.”
I looked back and slowly turned, “Tinker, you asked for the brat and in the Duke’s wisdom here she is. Meet our new second seat, Michelle Elizabeth Grey.”
Tinker turned to look at her and shook his head, “Just great. What other monkey wrenches did they throw in?”
She was looking back and forth as I grinned at Tinker, “We have to complete refitting before 1900 hundred tomorrow night.”
He looked at me, “You are kidding right?”
I shook my head, “We lift or I get fined.”
He muttered and reached out the grab Michelle’s coverall, “Come with me you.”
She went wide eyed as he pulled her after him headed towards a knot of engineers. I grinned, “I called your wife and offered her the second engineer position.”
Tinker turned to look at me and I shrugged, “Insystem transports spend a lot of time away from home. Beside she is better than you.”
Tinker grinned, “You just want to steal her recipes.”
He turned away and pulled Michelle after him. I sighed and took her hover bag and the float sled with all my stuff that Tinker had brought. I pulled it into a corner and then went for cots and bedding. Most of the first few hours were spent tearing the ship apart and trying to find the parts I wanted to put in.
Tinker, with a tired looking Michelle struggled up to the table where I was talking to Tinker’s wife, Silvia. Tinker kissed her cheek absently and reached for a bottle of ale, “The chief told me about the launchers and rail guns.”
I nodded, “There are reports of ships disappearing while bringing supplies to the outer stations.”
He took a drink and elbowed Michelle, “Eat Cadet.”
Michelle sighed and put her head on the table, “Do I have to?”
I grinned at Tinker as he grinned at his wife, “We have a lot to get done Cadet you can not stop now.”
She struggled up and reached for one of the class one ration boxes. Silvia smiled, “It could be worse; you could still be floating in orbit.”
Michelle frowned and turned to me, “You would not believe me if I told you what happened.”
I sat back and put the memo board down, “Cadet, if there is one person that would believe you it would be me. But, I will know if you lie, make excuses or make something up.”
She straightened, “I do not lie and I do not need to make something up.”
I nodded as both Tinker and Silvia sat back waiting. Michelle took a breath, “Two weeks ago I was scheduled for a practice flight to Durango from Alpha Central. As soon as I reached cruising altitude the computer went crazy and sent me out atmosphere. I do not know how the shuttle missed me but it did. One week ago I was letting Jacob, my mentor in flight school talk me through a high atmosphere reentry practice flight when it did it again.”
She looked around, “Today I was testing for my atmosphere reentry solo when it diverted me and then everything shut down.”
I looked at Tinker and he shrugged, “Once is an accident. Twice is a coincident. But three times is enemy action.”
I nodded and sighed, “Gold six Tinker.”
He nodded, “I will watch her.”
I picked up the memo board, “Eat Cadet.”
I looked at Tinker, “Silvia had an idea. If we put four micro hydrogen plants amidships and tie them into the ships power systems...”
“You can put together a Nelson’s shifter if you add another two plants.”
I looked at Michelle as Tinker sat back warily, “Where did you hear about a Nelson shifter?”
She looked from me to Tinker, “In the imperial theological archive.”
I closed my eyes and shook my head. I looked at Tinker, “She is right. Add two more plants and put the Nelson between them. Make sure you add secure bulkheads.”

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