Six Times A DayPart 20: You Wreck Me free porn video

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A dreaming Alan found himself in a strange place. All was dark, except for a spotlighted area centered on him and the big bed he was sitting on. He was wearing just an old Chargers T-shirt, and Suzanne was on her knees between his legs, sucking his cock.

Interestingly, he found this situation both familiar and comforting. But the locale was bizarre. The lit area was quite large, but he couldn't see any furniture or walls beyond the bed he was on, or any distinguishing features besides a blue floor fading into darker blue and finally pitch black.

He was about to ask Suzanne where they were when his mother walked into the light. She was dressed in her usual "old Susan" clothes that completely covered her up, while Suzanne was naked except for the always-present high heels.

Yet this obviously wasn't the old Susan, because as soon as she saw what was going on, her eyes lit up and a big smile appeared on her face. She walked up and said, "Suzanne, you meanie! All this yummy cocksucking going on and you didn't tell me about it! Can I join in?"

Suzanne wasn't just bobbing lightly; she was deep-throating Alan fully in a way that only Glory had done to him previously. Since she couldn't answer very well with her mouth full, she moaned a loud "Mmmm-hmmm!"

Susan took this as agreement, even though Suzanne had been making many similar moans.

Alan forgot to ask where he was, because Susan started a sexy striptease. Between that and Suzanne's fantastic deep throating, he was totally overcome by lust.

Susan hurried through the striptease because she wanted to get in on the action. She knelt next to Suzanne and tapped her friend on the shoulder.

Suzanne moved over, stopped her deep throating momentarily so Susan could join in the fun.

Alan stared down in disbelief as Susan and Suzanne began taking turns working on his dick. One of them would hold and stroke the base of his shaft while the other bobbed or licked around his cockhead for half a minute or so. Then their hands and mouths would swap positions. That way, the one waiting for her turn to suck would get to jack him off for a while.

He felt very strange. Sure, they were rocking his world with overwhelming pleasure, but something seemed amiss. (He was dreaming, but didn't realize it.) He scanned his memories but couldn't actually figure out what was wrong, so he shrugged it off and went back to enjoying all their lapping and fondling and stroking.

However, they'd only managed to pass his cock back and forth a few times before Katherine entered from the shadows.

He figured that spelled trouble. Surely Susan would get upset, stand up, and insist that Katherine shouldn't get near such a lewd scene.

But all that happened was that Katherine giggled in delight, saying, "Cool! Hey, Bro! How are things these days for you? I'll bet they suck." She'd walked straight up to where he stood, then pointed down at the two buxom mothers. "They suck. Get it?"

She too started taking off her clothes in a sexy way. Mere moments later, she was nude except for the high heels she was wearing, just like the two voluptuous mothers. She didn't even ask permission, but just knelt next to Susan and tapped her hip.

Susan obligingly moved over. Now all three women were sucking him off at the same time! Instead of taking orderly turns, the scene turned into a free-for-all, with tongues and lips and fingers seemingly everywhere at once. It helped that his dream dick was a good deal wider and longer than his real one, giving the three of them lots of extra surface area to work on.

But he had hardly begun to enjoy that when someone else walked in from the shadows. He'd been expecting another beautiful woman wanting to join in, but instead it was his best friend Sean.

"Whoa, dude!" Sean was dressed in his typical school clothes, even to the backpack slung over his shoulder. He walked closer, into the light, but maintained some distance from the triple blowjob that was still in progress. "What the Hell is going on?!"

Alan spoke for the first time since his dream had begun. "I don't know, dude! I really don't know. It's bizarre!"

Sean drew a little closer, until he was about ten feet away. "Dude, is that your MOM? It is! Dude! And that's Katherine! Your sister!" He turned his head this way and that, trying to get a good look at the third woman and figure out who she was. "And that's Mrs. Pestridge, Amy's hot mom! DUDE!"

Another voice was heard off to the side. "Room for one more?"

Alan and Sean looked over and saw that it was Glory. She was already naked except for high heels.

Sean exclaimed, "DUDE! No! That's impossible! The sexiest teacher in school too?!"

Susan paused in her licking to look up at Glory and smile. "Son! I'm so proud of you! You've turned your favorite teacher into another one of your sex toys? Come over here, Ms. Rhymer. Four tongues are better than three."

Glory walked over and knelt next to Suzanne. "Please. Call me Glory. No need for formality when we're all enslaved to this young man's cock."

There were so many women now that Alan got off the bed and stood next to it, making it easier for them to all kneel up close to his crotch.

As Suzanne shifted positions, making room for Glory, she said, "Glory it is then. Here, you want to bob on his cockhead for a bit?"

Glory replied, "I don't want to impose. Let's just all lick it together."

Sean was too stunned to even speak. He made some incredulous gasping sounds.

"I know, it's weird, huh?" Alan said in response. But he didn't feel particularly embarrassed or shocked to have Sean see him like this. It was as if this were the new normal, and not having his cock sucked would be the strange thing. "This has been happening to me a lot lately. Kinda cool, huh?"

Sean put his hands on his head. "Dude! I can't believe what I'm seeing! This is like ... unreal!"

"I know," Alan nodded. "Welcome to my life."

As if to confirm Sean's "unreal" notion, just then Amy came walking into the light. She was already buck naked, again except for high heels. Other than that, she was her usual smiling self. "Cool beans! Super cocksuck fun!" She bee-lined towards the action centered on Alan.

Then she noticed Sean, but she only gave him passing interest. "Oh, hi Sean. What's up?"

Sean just pointed incredulously at the naked pile of bodies.

Amy beamed, and giggled. "I know! It's superificly orgasmotastic, isn't it? Personally, I'm gonna take his ass for a while." She knelt behind Alan, but before she started licking his ass crack, she leaned over to look at Sean (who by this time was standing in front of Alan). She wagged a naughty finger at Sean and tsk-tsked, "Sorry, Sean, but no touching, m'kay? We belong to Alan, and Alan only." Then she spread Alan's ass cheeks wide and buried her nose in his ass crack.

Sean complained loudly, as if he'd just been told that his entire family had been killed. "Oh man! That sucks! I was just about to ask if you could spare one or two for me!"

Alan said with surprising calm, given the sheer number of tongues and lips working on him, "Sorry, man. No can do. I know that makes me a greedy asshole, but I love them all, and they all love me."

"Man! I have such a boner! It literally hurts. But at least please tell me what's going on. Dude! You're doing it with your mom and sister! You're fucking them!"

Alan explained, "I wish that were true, but they're pretty much just jacking me off and sucking me too. Mostly sucking, actually. I don't know why me, or how, or anything. It just happened."

"That is soooo weird," Sean said. He was starting to calm down somewhat, but he still looked floored by what he was seeing. He appeared too aroused to be bothered very much by the apparent incest. "But that's not even the strangest part. I mean, they're like five of the sexiest women in the universe! They all could be, like, centerfolds! Seriously! How did they all fall for you?"

Alan raised his hands in a gesture that expressed his puzzlement. "I don't know, man! I really don't know! Sometimes, I think this must be a dream." Which was ironic, since he still didn't realize that it was in fact a dream (although his real life wasn't that much less incredible).

Sean was transfixed, watching five different heads bobbing up and down. He was too captivated by the sight to say any more at that moment.

So Alan continued, "I think about this all the time. It kinda bothers me. All this great sexual joy came so easily, so improbably, that it makes me think it could disappear in the blink of an eye."

"Just look at their asses!" Sean exclaimed. The tushes of Glory, Suzanne, Susan, and Katherine were lined up in a row, rising up and down in a steady rhythm like interlocked parts of a pistoning machine.

Alan was in a downright philosophical mood, so Sean's comment didn't exactly help. Then Sean asked, "And what's with their heels?"

"I don't know!" Alan wailed. "They wear high heels all the time, and I never even asked them to. Everything is too weird!"

He persisted, "I'm scared! What if all this love and sex around me disappears tomorrow? I'd be crushed! It would be like going from the gates of Heaven to the pits of Hell. I can't do ordinary anymore, man. What if I don't deserve this? What if there's some kind of karma, or payback? Are there gods or Fates at work? Could the whole thing be some sort of cruel 'brain in a jar' joke? I need answers! Do you have any?"

Sean tore his gaze away from all the bouncy rear ends to make eye contact. "Dude, if I had answers, I'd be where you are, and you'd be standing here. Why don't you ask THEM?" He nodded down towards the bobbing and licking heads. "What makes them so psyched to suck you off so much? What do they see in you? What do they want from you? Where are they going with this?"

"Yeah!" Alan exclaimed with passion. "I'm in the dark. They need to tell me what's going on! There has to be SOME kind of guiding hand. This just can't all be coincidence, can it? Is there some sort of deeper meaning to all this? Or some kind of lesson? Sean, there's some sort of secret mystery here, and I can't put my finger on it."

To Alan's great shock, Sean said matter-of-factly, "Oh, that? The secret? Yeah, I know that."

"Then tell me!" Alan exclaimed above the din of slurping and sucking.

"Okay. What you want to know ... The secret ... The answer to your question is..."

Alan could feel the dream slipping away from him. He reached out towards Sean with both hands, but in vain, since Sean was well out of reach. "Nooooo! Sean! Tell me! Quick!"

It was at that moment that Alan awoke. He sat up in his bed, totally disoriented for a few moments. It was still pitch dark, so there wasn't much to see. He flopped back down on his pillow in frustration. Shit! That was just a dream? But it was so real! Even the pleasure was so real, so intense! I could feel tongues, and lips, and...

His morning wood was throbbing and tingling with pleasure, so much so that he pulled the sheets down and looked at his crotch to understand what was happening. But there was no Katherine secretly blowing him under the covers or any other pleasant surprise like that.

Was that a wet dream fantasy? Or some kind of nightmare? I was soooo close to getting the answer! If that was a nightmare, it has to have been the most sexually arousing one in history!

Or is maybe my mind playing tricks on me? Of course there's no easy answer to my question; that's just a wish-fulfillment fantasy. And the real life Sean certainly isn't gonna know anything at all. I don't think I was really talking to him, even in the dream - I was talking to me. And I don't know any more than I already do, if that makes sense.

Damn. I just need to have the confidence that this isn't gonna all disappear on me like some kind of cruel Twilight Zone twist. They all love me, and I love them. No one's going anywhere. Even Mom is loving this sex stuff too much to go all the way back to her old ways. Plus, there's all the fun stuff happening at school, especially given what happened with my hot teacher Glory yesterday. That's probably what triggered the dream.

There's no big mystery here, no secret guiding hand. It's just that beautiful, busty women tend to stick together, and they tend to have beautiful children. True, Sis was adopted, but maybe she was selected because Aunt Suzy found a beautiful mother. Why can't they love me and be attracted to me just like I am to them? I need to have the confidence that I'm a worthy, good person. I AM worthy of them. It's not impossible that they love me, just because they're all so gorgeous. We're family, so that's different.

He sighed heavily. But I'm not really worthy! No one is, not of all this! He sighed again.

He had a hard time going back to sleep, especially since his dick wouldn't go flaccid. He kept thinking about double and even triple or quadruple blowjobs, and all kinds of other possible permutations. Each one seemed more enticing than the last.

Forget the five in the dream; I've dreamed about them so many times before, in all kinds of combinations. Although I would kill just to get Mom and Aunt Suzy together in reality, never mind the others too! And what about Christine, and Heather ... and Simone?! Wow! I'd better include Aunt Suzy in that group too, if only so she can show Christine what do to. Sweetness! Man, what if it was the whole cheerleading squad at once? Six tongues on my cock at the same time! Why stop at four?!

Man, this is not helping me go back to sleep. Grrr! I'm just too aroused all the time.

He tossed and turned for a while before exhaustion finally overtook him.

Chapter 2

Alan slept in that Saturday morning. When he finally woke up again, he shook off the doubts and worries his dream had highlighted, trying instead to focus on the immediate positives. The day's sexual possibilities seemed endless.

He went down to the kitchen for breakfast, but no one was around. He was more than a bit spoiled, in that he expected his mother to always cook for him. But then again, cooking for the family was a big part of her self-identity, and she got upset if anyone else cooked anything without her at least taking part. He went back upstairs to find her.

Susan was in her bedroom, wearing just a towel. Nonetheless, she said, "Come in."

Alan was surprised by her scanty garb, but not very much. It seemed that half the time he'd seen her around the house in the past couple of days, she was wearing nothing but a towel. Furthermore, this one was smaller than the rest: wrapped around her torso, it just managed to cover her nipples and her bush, and there was barely an inch to spare on either top or bottom.

She sat on the edge of her bed brushing her hair, seemingly not bothered by his presence despite her near nudity. However, her heart was racing fast as she contemplated helping him with his orgasm "problem." "Good morning! What is it, Tiger?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just feeling a bit hungry is all." His penis was engorging fast in his shorts.

She glanced at his crotch and noticed the emerging bulge there. "Let me help you with that. I'll cook you some nice pancakes." Actually, I really want to help him with his big, thick, spermy problem! But I can't! Just because Ron isn't at home right now, I'm still a married woman!

She forced herself to maintain eye contact with him. "Would you like that? Or would you prefer French toast and some fruit?"

"French toast with fruit on top sounds good."

She found the idea of breakfast startlingly arousing, because it reminded her of her wild wet dream from the day before. A large part of her mind wanted to make that dream world an immediate reality, but her more prudent side held back. "Okay ... Um, before you go, Son, I have a question."

"Shoot." He tried to appear casual, but in fact he folded his hands together in front of his crotch to block the view of his raging, throbbing boner.

She was very frustrated at his hands being in the way, not to mention the fact he was wearing shorts in the first place. She could practically taste his cum on her tongue. Still, she was trying hard to not show or act on her lusty desire. "Tiger, I'm a bit concerned about your ... you know. Reaching your daily target. I know how tortured you must be lately; Suzanne and I have been talking about it a lot. I'm concerned that without getting a lot of help, uh, manual help from others, your member may be getting, you know, uh, worn out a little."

"Yeah, you could say that." If his dick was stiff before, it was doubly so now.

"That's why I thought it would be a good idea to give you this." Susan stood up to get something, but as she stood, the towel fell completely away from her body. She grabbed it as it fell and pulled it back towards her.

He lurched forward to try to help with the towel, but as he did so his erection sprang out from under his shorts and bounced forward. It didn't just peek out of his shorts partly or a little bit; it came out completely and nearly carried his balls out with it.

She pulled the towel up to her chest, which effectively covered her crotch, but she just held it with one hand over her cleavage and left almost all of her tits still uncovered. She stared down in shock at his fully exposed manhood.

She thought, There it is! It looks soooo good! So tasty! There must be something wrong with me, because my desire for my son's penis is so strong! Too strong! I can't! I can't! But look at it. Mmmm! So thick and long and manly!

After a few long moments, he covered it with both hands. He was very embarrassed too, and his heart was beating wildly just like hers.

Susan continued to silently stare at his crotch even after his hands pretty much covered all of his hard-on. Her face was turning red with embarrassment, and she continued to show little concern for covering her nude body.

Time seemed to stand still. Nobody moved or said a word. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the room.

Finally, he stuffed his boner back into his shorts. He didn't want to, but he felt strangely obliged to, out of politeness.

She continued to watch intently. She stared at his shorts even after his hard-on was put away, especially since he removed his hands.

"Um, sorry about that," he finally said.

She seemed to snap out of her reverie, and looked up into his eyes. "No, it's my fault. Never mind! It's nothing you and I haven't seen before, ha-ha."

The laughter was forced, so he made himself laugh back. But it helped to defuse the highly charged situation.

He noticed she still wasn't covering up her nipples with the towel. He strongly suspected that she was very aroused, tempted by the sight of his arousal. He wanted to encourage her to help him out, but he was shy about doing so. At least he managed to ask, "Do you remember the other day when I was in your room and you didn't even have a towel?"

She nodded. Without consciously realizing it, she rubbed her bare thighs together while reveling in the now pleasant and arousing memory. But she said, "Let's not even think about that, Tiger. Remember: that's in the past. Ancient history."

He nodded, though he wondered why she still held the towel with only one hand, doing a bad job of covering her nudity. He didn't really believe her "ancient history" line.

She found herself thinking, Why doesn't Ron's penis make me shiver and tingle all over, like the sight of my son's does?! He's in town, right now! I should give my husband a blowjob tonight. Today, even. That's what a good wife would do. But why does that thought not inspire me? In fact, it almost makes me feel ... disloyal. Disgusted, even. Strange.

She said a bit nervously, "Anyway, I was about to give you something. Since I'm a bit indisposed, can you get it for me? It's a jar I've put in the drawer with all my bras." She turned sideways and pointed towards her clothes cabinet, which allowed him a great side view of her body. She didn't quite reveal all of her ass, but she certainly showed off her shapely hips and incredibly toned, long legs.

He reluctantly tore his eyes away and followed her outstretched arm that was pointing towards the cabinet. He walked over to the drawer where he knew she kept her underwear.

"That's the one," she said with a strange gleam in her eyes.

He opened the drawer she'd indicated and found a jar there. He picked it up and looked at the label. It read, "KY Jelly." Then he turned back towards her.

She still held the towel in such a way that he could see nearly all of her huge tits. "Tiger, you don't use any lubricant when you do your thing, so I'm concerned about, you know, damage. It'll be better if you use that."

He was genuinely doubtful. He'd masturbated a certain way for a long time, and wasn't keen on changing. "I don't know, Mom. This stuff looks really weird."

"It's not weird." She walked towards him until she stood right next to him, with the towel still precariously covering her pussy and little else. She held the jar with her free hand, so both of them now held it. She opened it and the lid came off easily; it was clear it had been opened already. "Look. It's cherry flavored. It feels good and it tastes really nice. Try it. You'll get used to it."

He inhaling deeply. He pretended he was sniffing the jar, but he was actually interested in her smell. He loved her natural aroma, plus the shampoo and perfume she favored. He sniffed again, and realized he could also smell her arousal. He asked, "How do you know what it tastes like? And why should I care about the taste?"

She blushed. "The taste is, uh, in case a nice young lady wants to help you out with her mouth ... But please, let's not discuss this. This is very embarrassing, especially with the way I'm dressed. Or not dressed!" She coughed nervously. "It's a good thing your father is off playing golf."

He had totally forgotten about Ron. The mere mention of Ron freaked him out. He felt like a disloyal son, cheating on his own father. And even though she just said he was playing golf, he was filled with dread that they'd get caught.

Suddenly Alan wanted to be out of the room, and fast. He grabbed the jar with both hands and said, "Thanks, Mom. You're so sweet and thoughtful. I'll uh, I'll try this out later." He left the room, his head swimming as he pondered her conflicting signals.

When he left, Susan thought, Oh, poo! I was so close. Why didn't he ask me to try it out? That would have given me a perfectly legitimate reason to suck him off, saving him from the sin of Onan. But maybe it's for the best. Maybe it's a sign that I have to persevere and hold out until Ron is gone. Perhaps God is testing me. Ron IS my husband, after all. In theory, I should be thinking about sexually pleasing him ... In theory.

Darn it!

Chapter 3

Not long after that, Alan went to the beach with his friends Peter and Sean. He'd been too embarrassed to see Susan again before leaving, but he left a note telling her of his plans, and that he intended to return home in time for lunch. He looked forward to many restful hours free of anything more sexually involved than ogling beautiful babes on the beach. And while he greatly enjoyed all the great sexual pleasures at home lately, he was also glad to get away from the moral issues brought forth by Ron's presence.

The blandly-named White Sands Beach was the closest beach to the high school, and since the way there was not well marked, it was virtually unknown to tourists. As a result, it was "the" place to see and be seen by kids in the school. It was also why Glory, who definitely did not want to be seen by the school crowd, never surfed there.

Alan hadn't spent time at that beach before, because he knew that it was used by the school's "cool kids" and thus socially off-limits to nerds like himself. But with the newfound confidence brought on by his recent sexual success, he decided that there was no reason to avoid that beach. After all, it was the closest beach to his house and one of the nicest beaches in the area. Peter and Sean weren't keen on going to that beach because of its reputation, but Alan talked them into it.

Heather absolutely loved being the reigning social queen of the school. So when she wasn't busy lording over "her subjects" during the school week, she spent most of her free days at White Sands Beach lording over largely the same bunch of kids there.

She also liked to flaunt her perfect body at every opportunity, so she relished wearing scandalously small bikinis to show everyone just how hot she was. She reveled in her ability to turn heads and even drop jaws just by strutting her stuff.

Since Heather liked to walk up and down the beach, patrolling her turf and showing off for "her subjects", it was inevitable that she would eventually come across Alan, Peter, and Sean.

Although the three of them were socially labeled as nerds, they didn't physically look that far out of place at the beach. It was true that Peter was quite short and chubby and didn't really fit in with the "beautiful people" who liked to show off at the beach, but Alan and Sean were both handsome and muscular, thanks to their love of playing tennis and other sports. All three of the boys were also sufficiently tanned, and didn't have embarrassing "farmer's tan" lines, due to spending time in their own backyard swimming pools.

Heather was walking along the water's edge with Simone, her best friend and sort of "right hand man" in almost everything she did (except cheerleading - Simone was too involved in school sports to be on the squad).

Simone happened to be ethnically black, but culturally she'd been raised in a very "white bread" upper class environment as one of Heather's close neighbors. Simone was arguably as beautiful as Heather, and similarly endowed physically, including having a similar impressive bra size. That was one reason why they were best friends. Both were bisexual and frequent sex partners with each other, but that wasn't the main attraction between them, since they both preferred guys and had a series of boyfriends and other male lovers.

Mainly, they were close because they had known each other since they were little kids, and Simone had learned over the years how to handle Heather: very carefully. As a result, Heather was kinder to Simone than anyone else, and Simone was the only person able to criticize Heather without pissing her off overly much.

While Heather liked to be surrounded with toadies and "yes men" types, there was something ultimately more satisfying about being friends with someone who would share their honest opinion. Her ego couldn't stand too much of it, but having one bold and fairly independent friend was good for her.

So it wasn't at all surprising that Simone and Heather were walking along the beach together, surveying the crowd like the beach's queen and her chief minister.

It always delighted Heather to hear conversations quiet and see heads turn towards her as she strolled along the water's edge. The effect was almost like the bow wave of a ship unsettling the waters as it passed by. She loved the feeling of almost every eye, male and female, silently roaming over and caressing every inch of her body in unspoken lustful desire or jealousy.

But she loved even more what happened in the wake of her passing. For instance, the low buzz of hushed whispers, talking about her. Or the grunt and crash of a guy walking into something and falling over because he'd been so distracted by her that he wasn't watching where he was going. Sweetest of all to her ears was the sound of a sharp smack by a bitterly envious girl slapping her boyfriend's face to get him to stop gawking at Heather's magnificent ass as it swayed its way into the distance.

Heather gloated to herself as she walked,

Gaze upon perfection, o ye puny mortals,

for I am a goddess made flesh.

All who look upon me

shall love me and despair.

Same as Six Times A Day
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I sat in the leather wing back chair in the headmaster’s private office, waiting. He was in the room next door talking to the school secretary. They were probably trying to get ahold of my parents, good luck with that. I wouldn’t have been left here at Bayou Academy the swankiest boarding school in Houston’s River Oaks neighborhood if my parents had wanted to be bothered with raising me. “She’s been found, unharmed. Very good. Send me a bill for any expenses you incurred.” His conversation...

3 years ago
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Bayou Beauty

She was an absolute beauty. That circumstance affected her life from childhood on. She was sought after by many for business or personal reasons, usually egocentric. The dollars came rolling in for modelling and such, and as arm-candy she was wined, dined, and well-traveled. The latter usually expected access to her beautiful body in exchange, she discovered. She liked sex alright, but these joinings were mostly physical lust, not providing much emotional satisfaction beyond feeling desirable....

1 year ago
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Nervous Wreck

My stomach has been trying to turn inside out for the past hour, never would I have I thought I could be so excited and so terrified at the same time. My nerves were fine when I left home but my fear kicked in as I got closer and closer to making this a reality. A “girly” girl would be the last thing that anyone would ever call me, unless they saw me tonight. I spent all day yesterday at a beauty salon with my friend. My nails, hair and makeup all done up. This isn’t me, I should be in a...

1 year ago
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Start Wreck

"Star Date 6." "Captain, it is definitely not Star Date 6." The captain lifted his wrist up to his ear, then bounced it a couple of times on the arm of the captain's chair. "Stupid Ralex. It's not supposed to lose more than a second a parsec." The Vulcano raised both eyebrows. "Sir, that is definitely not a Ralex. Real Ralexes are not made out of plastic with imitation gold foil covering." "Well, the email said it was indistinguishable from the real thing." "Sir, you can't...

1 year ago
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The Car Wreck

Ida Mae Ludwig slid into the back of a car and started to cry. They exchanged insurance information."My radiator is smashed how will I get home" she sobbed."Don't get so upset Lady I'll take you"Ida Mae calmed down and found out the boy's name was Brian Martin. He had gone to the same school as her son."Did you know Rick? she ask."Hell yes, he stole my girlfriend" "Was her name Linda?" she ask."That's her""My son dumped her before he joined the Navy" "Damn, she had pregnant she was so happy she...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

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Earths CoreChapter 3 The Official Elite Tryouts Start

Everyone in the crowd froze in a various array of postures. Moments after they got to their seats the group battle ended, and in both ghastly and bloody manner, at that. “Is ... is that it?” Someone asked in a barely audible voice. “In just a few seconds he took out five of the eight of them, killing three of them, not less...” Another person mentioned waveringly. “How terrible, he even didn’t spare the woman...” “Dad, dad, what Martial school this expert belongs to? Please sign me in!”...

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Six Times A DayPart 145 We Will Rock You

Susan was busy cleaning the kitchen when she heard the front door open and close. "Honey, I'm home!" Suzanne shouted. That was a bit of a joke to herself, acting as if she were the father in some 1950s sitcom of domestic suburban bliss coming home after a long day of work. Susan rushed to the front foyer and gave Suzanne a big smile followed by an even bigger kiss on the lips. She loved the way Suzanne was dressed in a formal yet sexy way, as usual, and was wearing seductive perfume,...

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Six Times A DayPart 3 I Cant Get No Satisfaction

Late at night, Susan found herself dreaming. In the dream, she was wearing the same French maid outfit that she'd worn after losing the bet with Suzanne. She was cleaning the dining room table when Alan came in, dressed in his usual T-shirt and shorts, and sat down next to her. "Nice outfit," he said as he reached out with one hand and caressed her nearest butt cheek. Since in her dream Susan was wearing neither panties nor a bra, his fingers found nothing but firm yet somehow soft...

1 year ago
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NSFW YouTube

It goes without saying that NSFW YouTube is my favorite YouTube. After all, I am a professional masturbator, a world-renown internet pornography expert, and a self-described pervert. I mean, sure, sometimes I’ve got to watch the same SFW tutorial videos as you when I’m figuring out how to upgrade the RAM on my laptop, but it’s only so I can watch higher-tech porn. (Those VR gadgets can be a real motherfucker, can’t they?) ThePornDude ain’t just a clever internet nickname, you...

Porn for Women Sites
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Six Times A DayPart 93 You Shook Me All Night Long

Alan came to with a start. It felt like he'd only closed his eyes for a few seconds, but he realized he must have been out for a while. He reflexively sat up in bed, worried that he'd let too much time pass and that this once-in-a-lifetime evening was already over. Only after he'd started to bolt up did he realize that his body had been snuggled up against his mother's, and that he'd had an arm draped over her. He hoped he hadn't woken her up with his quick movement, but it was too...

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Six Times A DayPart 86 Good Times Bad Times

Alan had gone to sleep quite late, due to all his homework. It was nearly three in the morning when he finally went to bed, and he fell asleep instantly. Normally he was quite a deep sleeper, especially when he was so tired, so he was surprised to wake up a short time later. He was even more surprised to realize that he wasn't alone. He could tell it was Katherine merely by her smell, but he opened his eyes and looked at her body in the darkness just to be sure. He couldn't see any more...

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Consequences I No More I Love Yous

Consequences I: No More I Love You's By Myria Looking back it seems like it was all simple fate. If I hadn't had so much paperwork to do that I stayed well past my shift, if I hadn't decided to take the bridge across instead of my usual route home, if the moon hadn't been shining so brightly, if... If so many things hadn't conspired to come together I never would have even seen her. There's something about winter nights that can be almost exhilarating. The way the cold air...

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Six Times A DayPart 133 Youve Really Got a Hold on Me

Alan, Susan, and Katherine gathered in Susan's bedroom, so they could have a really big bed to use. All of them were surprised to discover that the "stealth fucking" idea actually more or less worked. Susan and Alan lay naked, face-up and side to side, while Katherine was face down, on top of Alan. His erection poked up into Katherine's pussy. She nestled her head into his neck and closed her eyes. Susan managed to snake one of her hands under Alan's thigh, so that she could hold his...

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SixX Candles

I wrote this as a new style of writing, it is not my normal genre. Please read it with an open and accepting mind. Thank you. The cool night of early summer had set in fast as I walked home from work. My feet aching and my thighs burning from standing stationary all day helped the short walk seem longer. With my book tucked under my arm, my M&Ms in my hand and the night thick around me, I studied my surroundings carefully as I came off the main sidewalk and entered the apartment complex. ...

1 year ago
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Sixtees Mein Pehla Experience

By : Gupta.Prem760 Hi readers, this is Prem prakash Gupta from Punjab. This is my first story and is a true story. You people don’t believe that now I am 63 years old and this homosexual experience is my first one which happened about two months back. About me I am 63 years old retired teacher. I am a dark and still active baniya. My height is 5.7”, average built. I always remained sex maniac, but always thought about females and always had sex experience with females only. Though I didn’t...

Gay Male
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Sixpack of Hecate

Hecate was so excited! She was finally going to meet Katie McN. H could hardly believe that Katie would be able to arrange for the Space Shuttle to land at Heathrow just to pick her up and take her to Texas. And yet, here she was landing at Midland International Airport at the start of her exciting adventure. H was the only passenger on the Shuttle this trip. So, she was able to sit up front in the copilot's chair for the entire flight. How wonderful! When the shuttle finally landed at...

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cmsix and the Lapdance

Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2005 This here tale is an eeerotic fantasy of the humorous variety which I done writ in the vernackulary style of th' area where it all took place. So, if'n you don't speak Redneck, y'all are gonna be lost, 'n' y'all got my deepest sympathies fer bein' so poorly educated. The characters, cept'n for th' famous eeerotic writer cmsix 'n' the briefly mentioned eeerotic writer Naive, 'n' the situation are purely th' product of my overactive imagination....

1 year ago
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Ready for Desi XNXX porn, aka Desi52, aka Desi49? As a lifelong fan of pornography, I’ve always thought India should put out more of the stuff. They’ve got one of the highest populations in the world, which means more people to fuck on camera. Still, it was downright impossible to find Desi smut in most parts of the world before the Internet. Sites like Desi XNXX aka Desi XNXX 2 make it a hell of a lot easier than a random shitty Indian sex (or is set up like...

Indian Porn Sites
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What the fuck is Mzansi XXX? I’ll be honest; as an American, I had no idea what to expect when I got the link in my inbox this morning. Pardon my ignorance, but even after seeing all the amateur ebony porn on the front page, I still had to google Mzansi. Language is a funny thing, so the first definition I got was “a low-cost national banking account.” The deposits and withdrawals I’m seeing are all semen and cock, with no money exchanging hands, so I don’t think that’s what they’re referencing...

Black Porn Sites
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Six Times A DayPart 50 Under My Thumb

A few minutes later, the phone rang again. As Susan went to answer it, she grumbled, "What does Brenda want now? Do I have to walk her through ANOTHER fantasy blowjob? Good grief!" But it turned out to be one of Susan's cousins, living in Chicago. That was a real cold slap of reality for her. That cousin, like almost everyone else in Susan's extended family, was very religious and uptight. Susan was grateful that for once she was actually fully dressed, more or less - she quickly...

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A Sons Vengence Ch1 Strike Against the Homewrecker

I hate my new stepmother, Lily. If she and my son of a bitch father hadnt had that affair, my real mother wouldnt have been drinking, got into that car, and died. Not long after that, they got married. Go figure. She a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a nice hourglass figure, but shes only a slut after my father for his money and he just wants some sex. Now Im just a soon to be 15-year old boy stuck with the two of them and her 13-year-old daughter, Lucy, who looks like a mini version...

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Six Times A DayPart 46 Show Me

After Suzanne left to make dinner at her own house, Katherine, Susan, and Alan continued to hang out. Once again, Alan was driven to distraction by the clothing, or lack thereof, on Katherine and Susan. Eventually, Susan insisted to Katherine, "With dinner coming up, I must insist you at least wear something to cover up your privates." Katherine griped, "And are you gonna keep on wearing that erotic apron?" Susan sounded indignant. "No, I'm going to change into something else too....

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Six Times A DayPart 56 Bad to the Bone

"Sheesh! That Brenda is too much." Katherine was lying on Amy in the middle of Katherine's bed. They were both still naked after spending a long time shaving each other's pussies and "checking for bumps." Their dildos had gotten a lot of use as well. "Yeah." Amy was feeling sleepy after her big orgasm a few minutes earlier. Her eyes were closed and she was in no mood to move or talk much. Katherine was feeling sleepy as well, since she too was floating after a nice orgasm, but she...

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Six Times A DayPart 13 Saturday Night at the Movies

Early the next morning, Alan woke as usual to damp, sticky bed sheets. He jacked off in bed, then took his shower where he jacked off yet again. Suzanne came into his room shortly after that, dressed in normal clothing. She closed the door and whispered to him, "Sweetie, I'm not here, okay? Let's be very quiet because your mother would get mad at me, and right now she's down in the dining room. But I thought I should risk it, because your father will be arriving soon, so this might be the...

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Six Times A DayPart 6 Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

Friday at school, Alan was impatient and distracted, as was par for the course lately. All he could think about was the prospect of Suzanne giving him another handjob later that afternoon. He didn't realize that she was planning something new, even though she'd dropped some not-very-subtle hints about it. Suzanne and Susan continued their ritual of talking about their dreams and recent sexual experiences while doing their morning workouts. Susan had handjobs and blowjobs on her mind to...

4 years ago
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Free Birds in the Bayou

“If you’re a man in America, and you have a great divorce lawyer, you get the kids every other week. If you have a decent divorce lawyer, you get them on the weekends. If you have a bad divorce lawyer, you get them a week of every month. If you have my divorce lawyer, you get them for one month every year before school starts, and no contact until then. You know, I sympathize with women activists in this country, I really do. It makes no sense that half the population had to claw through...

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Love story Within the Bayou of Houma Louisiana

Charles Tate and I had been childhood sweethearts. Everyone within the bayou of Houma, Louisiana thought we were the perfect couple. But we discovered a terrible secret that tore through our love and hearts. We were half brother and sister. How could this be? How could this possibly happen? When we were eighteen years old we demanded to know the truth from our parents. My Mama told me that Charles’s father, Emmet Tate, had been a few years older than she and seduced by his charm and good...

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Six Times A DayPart 83 Glory Days

Back at school, Glory still had one Televibe vibrator in her pussy and a smaller egg-shaped one in her ass. The cell phone allowed Alan to remotely control the vaginal vibrator with the press of a single button in his pocket. He'd put the Televibe to good use during the first two breaks between classes, but during the break between third and fourth periods he'd had an unpleasant run in with Heather. All of his troubles with her put him in a bad mood, so now that his fourth-period class...

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Six Times A DayPart 17 Stuck in the Middle with You

Thursday started quite early for Alan. He was sleeping in bed when he awoke to the sensation of someone gently shaking him. "What? ... What?" he mumbled and opened his eyes. It was pitch dark, and his sister was leaning over him, naked. Her shapely boobs dangled inches from his face. "Is it morning already?" he whispered. Then he answered his own question with a glance at the clock next to his bed. It read one minute after midnight. "It's Thursday already, Very Big Brother,"...

1 year ago
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We’re on the weird part of the internet with this one, boys. I miss the days when I used to review anal videos, which was like, the weirdest part of my job. These days, it feels like the zoomers are taking shit too far. Today, we’re talking about NSFW ASMR videos. I’m not going to break down what that acronym stands for. It’s a complicated term for that simple little effect in your brain when you get a tingly sensation down your back and you feel sleepy. It sounds a lot like an orgasm, but it’s...

ASMR Porn Sites
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Six Times A DayPart 4 Beat It

Susan and Suzanne continued their usual morning workout tradition on Tuesday morning. However, Suzanne had added an exciting new component: before, after, or sometimes even during their exercise session, they would talk about their sexual dreams from the night before, as well as detail any arousing experiences during the previous day that the other might have missed. Susan was generally very honest in her accounts, although sometimes there were dreams or parts of dreams that she was just...

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Six Times A DayPart 16 Beyond Belief

The next day started out like a relatively sex-free day for Alan, by his recent standards. Nothing sexual whatsoever happened at home before school, except for his erotic dreams and what he did in private. He masturbated once before he got out of bed, but it was almost like a chore, done purely to help him reach his daily target. Because Ron was there for breakfast, there was no chance of even enjoying any "visual stimulation." And his school day was almost like any other school day, but...

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Six Times A DayPart 88 With a Little Help From My Friends

Alan's euphoric mood began to change on the drive over to Dr. Fredrickson's office. With Susan and Suzanne out of his sight, his thoughts began to drift back to Glory and all the troubles there. Not only did that make him feel bad, but his great time with the 38G duo made him feel guilty that he had somehow ignored Glory's feelings, and that made him feel even worse. He felt as if he'd cheated on her. Man, I suck. It's only been, like, an hour! Geez! Just an hour or so since I heard the...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 20 Tryouts

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 23 Baseball Tryouts

When I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 1 Stirring The Elite Tryoutsrsquo Preliminaries Finals

Onzengvas ... its lands, before the Age of Catastrophe shifted continents, before it reshaped the planet and before Luminous Church unified it in the name of The Almighty, were known as Africa and South and East Asia. At the center of the south eastern lands of Onzengvas an enormous and marvelous, mountain like capital city was erected, named after the land itself, “Onzengvas city”, and powered by a formation of twelve floating pagodas crafted from twelve third realm Pure Cores. It knew no...

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Six Times A DayPart 39 Im Goin Down

Katherine waited eagerly for Suzanne, wondering why she was late. Suzanne had said she would get to her by six and it was already past the appointed hour. Suzanne quietly knocked on Katherine's bedroom door and led her to the bathroom attached to the master bedroom. (Suzanne preferred it over the nearer bathroom because she knew the bathtub was much roomier.) She'd half expected to see Susan sleeping in her bed, since she knew Susan had rushed to her bedroom not long before, but there was...

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Six Times A DayPart 126 She Loves You

Around nine in the morning, Katherine sat down at her desk, took her diary from its secret hiding place, and wrote: Dear Diary, Sigh. Such is the life of a harem fuck toy. I just peeked in Brother's room. I found out that Amy's cuddled up to him, with both of them still sleeping soundly. She's such a lucky sister-slut, getting to sleep with him all night long!!!! I was sooooo tempted to wake them up and join in. But Amy's such a sweet girl. She deserves a night with him all alone. And...

1 year ago
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Six Times A DayPart 149 Celebration

Susan and Suzanne were upstairs in Susan's bedroom getting dressed. Alan had given them ten minutes to get ready before his big announcement, so they were moving with speed and a sense of purpose. They had conferred briefly over what clothes to change into, and had mutually decided to wear dresses that were regal and fancy, but also sexy and revealing. Fortunately, a lot of Suzanne's clothes had found their way into Susan's closet over the previous two months. After having decided on...

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Six Times A DayPart 32 When Will I Be Loved

After a remarkable Tuesday, Alan figured he needed to take it easy for a while. As he awoke, visions of the previous day flooded his thoughts. Between the memories of fucking Heather and getting repeatedly blown by his mother, his penis was hard in seconds. He recalled his mother's "cock hungry alarm clock" treatment, and looked around his room, half-expecting to see her there. But he found himself alone. He remained in his bed and waited until his penis had calmed down before leaving...

1 year ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 28 Tryouts

The last semester had started off so bad, but by the end I had decided to stay where I was. With Rory and Gemma, I now had other students to talk to, it wasn’t often, but it was enough for me to get by. During the break I had plans. I had disregarded my Dad’s advice about not researching baseball, I did my normal video research, on all aspects of the game. As well as learning about the game, I discovered a few things about the game. Pitchers got a lot of recognition but didn’t play as...

1 year ago
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Six Times A DayPart 120 Thank You

Alan drove down the road with Glory in the seat next to him. With their windows open, the wind blowing everywhere, and both of them wearing dark sunglasses to fight the glare of the bright sun, they looked like a typical relaxed Southern California couple. But that picture was betrayed by the serious frowns on the faces of both Alan and Glory. The awkward silence between them grew and grew until it became nearly unbearable. Finally, Glory said, "Sorry, but maybe you should just turn...

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Six Times A DayPart 78 Dont Stop

Xania and Amy continued to kiss, lick, and fondle until most of Alan's cum was gone. But they didn't stop there. With the others giving them some privacy, they were able to get even more intimate. Xania wound up lying on top of Amy. Xania's pussy had finally recovered from her last orgasms, so the two beauties fingered, kissed, and fondled each other until they reached a mutual orgasmic peak. They just rested for a while, lying on the floor entwined in each other's arms. Amy said, "You...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 15 Tempted

On the cheerleader front, after all the fun Katherine, Alan, and Kim had in the storage closet, and Kim's generous offer for them to use her house, neither Katherine nor Alan brought up the idea of counter-blackmailing Kim again. In fact, if anyone was in the driver's seat now in terms of setting rules and an agenda, it was Alan first, Katherine second, and Kim last. The fact that Kim was much younger made it hard for her to stay in control. She could easily have blackmailed both Alan and...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 27 Anyone for Tennis

There was a big Halloween party planned for Saturday night, so Alan figured there wouldn't be much action earlier in the day while people were conserving their energy and preparing for the party. However, everyone was keen to test the waters on how things would be now that Ron was gone. Katherine woke up fairly early and went jogging. She'd been exercising regularly to keep in shape since before she became a cheerleader, but lately she was even more dedicated because she considered herself...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 104 Little Sister

Suzanne lay back on the bed, waiting. Amy lingered over her. She slowly brought her face and body down. As usual, there was a big smile on her face. As her face got within a few inches of Suzanne's, she said, "I love you, mother." Suzanne finally lost control and burst into tears. She cursed, "Stop saying that, already! You're turning me into a blubbering idiot!" Amy frowned. "Are you unhappy?" "No way! These are tears of joy. I WAS unhappy, for so many years. All those affairs I...

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