RabsChapter 2 free porn video

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I looked on in horror at what I'd done. Sure I'd thrown that stupid bitch over the wall, but I wasn't really sorry about that. What I was shocked and sorry about was that my husband had decided with barely a thought to leap over the wall after her.

As several RABs headed for them, I screamed out. "Somebody open the fucking gate and let him in before it's too late."

Fifteen or so feet below me, Jerry countered my demand.

"Don't even think about it," he yelled. "All it would take is for one of those things to get inside the wall and we'd lose everything, now get a fucking rope down here quick. Jessie ... Handgun, I know you have one."

I watched as Jessie pulled out a pistol and dropped it to Jerry who quickly handed it to Sandy. Sandy looked around and started shooting, but Jerry was already in motion. I'd watched my husband many times over the years and he always amazed me.

"We're going to die," whined Sandy.

"We're going to be fine," said Jerry confidently as a thing that used to be a man gnashed its teeth at him. Jerry stuck out his tongue at the creature and then crushed its head with one blow of his favorite antique flanged mace. As several others came near them, Sandy raised the pistol again.

"Save the ammo," said Jerry. "They should get a rope down here in a minute or two. But just in case..."

Seeing two more edging near him, Jerry reached behind him and drew his sword. He smiled almost as if he was enjoying himself.

He didn't cower and wait for them he pressed forward and attacked. He leaped up and kicked the first one in the chest and brought the mace down on the skull of the second as soon as his feet touched the ground. Then he turned and slashed the throat of the first one. Fetid blood splashed out of the beast's neck as Jerry leaped back to avoid being splashed by the geyser of blood.

I heard two sharp reports as Sandy took out two men that were trying to sneak around to the side.

"You certainly know how to show a girl a good time," she snapped. "This is a great first date. I really like this little gun. Do you think Jessie will let me keep it?"

Jerry kicked a RAB in the nuts to distance himself from it and then thrust his Katana through its eye socket rupturing its brain. He pulled the sword free and sliced off the reaching arm from yet another RAB, this one an old woman.

"This isn't a first date," he laughed. "That was yesterday on the wall while I watched you shoot. This is our honeymoon."

"Weren't you supposed to propose to me and all of that first?" she asked. I noticed that she was keeping her eyes on every RAB in the area to determine which ones she might need to handle.

"Well if you need to get technical about it?" said Jerry. "I guess I should get my divorce first. And then ask you. And then we need to have some kind of ceremony..." He smacked a tall RAB in the face with the butt end of his Katana and then brought the sword down two handed and cleaved the man almost in two. The powerful cut started at the junction between the neck and shoulder and penetrated muscle, skin and bone all the way to the breast bone. Jerry kicked the body free to disengage his sword.

"We don't have to go through all of that," she said. "But you could ask me. How do you even know that I want to marry you?"

Roy ran up and pushed me out of the way then and lowered a thick rope over the side. "Jerry ... Rope," he yelled.

Jerry turned to Sandy. "Go on, they'll pull you up," he said.

Sandy looked at him and I could see her smile from the wall. "Aren't you supposed to be asking me something?" she asked.

Jerry turned and crushed the face of a RAB that was once a wiry teenager with his mace. "Maybe I need to think about it more," he said. My heart beat faster then. I probably still had a chance if I could just get him to forgive me.

Sandy stamped her foot and stuck out her lip. Jerry looked around the area and saw a couple of RABs heading in their direction. Neither of them seemed to be moving very quickly but there were at least ten more behind them.

He moved over to Sandy and dropped to one knee. He looked up at her and smiled. "Sandy, as soon I take care of some old business ... will you... ?"

"Yes!" she snapped before he could even get the question out.

"Good, now get your ass up that rope," he growled. "I'm going to need you to cover me while I'm climbing up."

Sandy turned and grabbed the rope. Jessie, Roy and another man quickly pulled her up and then dropped the rope for Jerry. She glared at me as she got to the top, but turned and yelled, "Gun," to Jessie.

Jessie gave her his rifle and she started picking off every RAB in the vicinity as Jerry climbed back up. As soon as his hands grabbed the top of the wall, I reached for him. The look he gave me was murderous.

"Jerry, I'm sorry," I whined. "I was just angry and you called her your..."

"Save it for your trial," he said.

"What trial?" I asked.

"Dana, there are RABs out there," he yelled. "You could have gotten her bitten. If just one of them had bitten her, that would have made it murder. It's even worse than that, Dana. What if she had broken her neck when you pushed her over the wall? What if she'd broken her back?"

"I was just so angry," I said.

"So was I," he snapped. "You got pissed because I called someone my girl. Imagine how pissed I was when I walked in and found my wife f..." I quickly put my hand over his mouth. I didn't need anyone who didn't already know what I'd done hearing about it.

He moved away from my hand as if I'd poisoned him. "By your logic, I should have simply killed you and that asshole Diego on the spot, right?"

"Jerry it was a mistake," I said. "It was only a mistake. It's not worth losing everything we have over."

"Maybe that's how you see it," he said. "Dana, every time you and I leave here, I put my life in your hands. To do that, I have to trust you to look out for me when I'm in danger. If I can't even trust you when we're safe inside of the compound, it's impossible for me to ever do that again. Maybe you see what you did as a mistake and you see it as something you won't do again. But how do I know that? Maybe you don't even regret it. Maybe what you regret is that you got caught. How are you supposed to be able to assure me that it won't ever happen again?"

"Because it won't," I said. "I swear it."

"That only works if I can believe you, Dana," he said. "And right now I really can't. You claim it won't ever happen again. I never expected it to happen this time. But it did. So in the back of my mind, I'll always be wondering whether it will happen again or even if it's still going on from this time. Every time we're away from each other, I'll have doubts about whether or not you're doing what you claim you are or even where you are. If you'd do it with some guy you barely know, how the hell, do I know you wouldn't do it with someone that you know well? I'm just not sure I'll ever be able to trust you again. And if I can't trust you, there's no way I'm going to ever put my life in your hands."

"But Jerry, I love you," I whined. "You have to believe me."

"I do believe you Dana," he said sadly.

"You do?" I sniffled. He nodded his head.

"You love me the same way I love a lot of things," he said. "I love this mace. I have fifteen or sixteen maces, but this one is my favorite. I love it. And I love several of my swords. God knows I love my Mustang. You loved me too. You just didn't love me enough to put us first when you made the decision about what you did."

Then he took Sandy's hand and turned and walked away. Even as they got to the ladder and climbed down, Sandy looked at me. She didn't smirk at me or do anything like that. She had that same deadly calmness on her face that Jerry got when he was about to fight.

"We're not done," she said calmly. I felt a chill go up my spine when she said it.

As I looked at the faces of the people on the wall, most of whom had been among my best friends only moments ago, I saw nothing but a mixture of condemnation and unspoken accusations.

"Jessie, can I have my baby back now?" asked Sandy. "I have to clean it and check it out before I can fire it again."

Jessie handed Sandy the sniper rifle back. And she handed him back the handgun he'd loaned her. As he reached to take it, she seemed reluctant to give it up.

"Good Lord woman," quipped Jessie. "I'll get you one of your own from the armory. Have you ever met a gun you didn't like?"

"Not yet," smirked Sandy as she trotted off to catch up with my husband.

I started to grab the ladder myself but Sven pulled me back.

"Dana, you know that Jerry was right, don't you?" he asked. "Sandy is a member of this community and you did endanger her life. It's true that she escaped with nothing but a scare and probably a bruise or two, but that was due to Jerry going over the wall after her, not anything you did."

I gulped loudly. "But I said I was sorry," I told him.

"You didn't tell HER that you were sorry," he said. "You told Jerry. And I'm sure you were talking about whatever you did that has him ready to divorce you. I've always liked you Dana. I've always thought of you as a daughter, but this time I can't be the one to decide your fate. I think we're going to have to put this to a vote of the entire community. I'll withhold doing that until we clear up the situation with all of the RABs surrounding us, but in my eyes ... I never thought I'd say this about most of the members of our community, but Dana, I think this is bad enough that we might have to consider banishment."

"You're kidding," I cried. "This is my home."

"It's home to all of us," he said. "We live in peace and we all work together and support each other. But if a person goes around trying to hurt us, allowing them to live among us might not be the best thing for any of us. Perhaps when Diego goes to the next settlement, it might be in your best interest to go with him." I was shocked. Sven was clearly serious about this.

"But if Jerry and I go... ?" I asked.

"Dana, are you sure that he'd want to leave with you?" he asked. "Because even before what you just did, Jerry wanted me to uncouple the two of you and..."

"Sven, I've never asked you for anything in my life," I said. "What I would like is to have you and me and Jerry sit down and discuss the whole thing. After that you can make a decision about whether or not I need to leave."

He looked at me and nodded his head. "I will do as you ask, Dana," he said. "But there will be five of us instead of three. From listening to your argument with Jerry, I have an idea that Diego had something to do with this. So he should be there as well to eliminate any hearsay. And since Sandy is the person whose forgiveness you need, she's involved as well."

I nodded. "The five of us will get together then, one week from today unless the RABs are still surrounding us," he said.

"A week!" I yelled. "Why do we have to wait a week?"

"Because a decision this important requires cooler heads and temperaments," he said. "Do you really want Jerry and Sandy to make a decision on this while they're still angry at you?"

"I guess that makes sense," I said. I climbed down the ladder and walked away with tears in my eyes.

As I walked back towards our house, I saw Diego back peddling and trying to duck behind a house. "Who are you hiding from now?" I asked. "Some other woman you tried to rape."

He looked at me with fear in his eyes that quickly turned to anger. "This is all your fault, you stupid bitch," he hissed.

"How the hell is it my fault?" I yelled back. "If you had just left my house when I told you to, instead of forcing me to have sex with you, none of this would have happened and we'd both still be okay."

"Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk," he said sharply. "What are we going to do now?"

"Define "WE," I said.

"At this point in time, I'm the only person who's anywhere near your side," he said. "I was just ducking between houses to avoid Superman and Wonder Woman. They're heading for your house to nurse their bruises together. I'm sure that they'll end up fucking."

"Don't even say that," I spat. "Jerry is mine. He's the sweetest, kindest, most loving man I know."

Diego shook his head and laughed. "Tell that to someone who believes that shit," he said. "Your buddy Jerry is just as human as everyone else. He is no one's idea of a saint. He was serious about me. He wants me dead. And he wants me dead even more now. And you know what? He's probably going to get it. One way or another, I'm probably going to die. He was 100% serious about the medical staff not treating me. I'm still bleeding from my asshole and even when the bleeding stops, if I take a shit, I may get an infection that will kill me. On the other hand, if I run into him, he'll probably kill me and none of the men who make weapons will give or even sell me anything."

"That's what you ge..." I began.

"Oh, I'm not done," he said. "As if that wasn't bad enough, I already warned you about that Sandy bitch. She's Wonder Woman to his Superman. Have you ever seen that woman shoot a rifle?" I nodded.

"That bitch hates me, and your husband keeps giving her guns. As far as I can see, she has at least three now. People are still talking about her blowing a RABs head off from a quarter of a mile away. I have no intention of getting in her sights. All I want now is some antibiotic ointment and that truck they promised me. If they give me the ointment, I'll smear it on my own ass. Shit, they could just give me the pills. That would be great. Give me the meds I need to survive and the truck and I'm gone."

"You could even..." he paused. "On second thought, fuck that."

"What were you going to say?" I asked.

"I was going to say that you could come with me, but I don't think so," he said, looking at me. "You're the cause of all of this."

"How the fuck am I the cause?" I snapped.

"From the first second I saw you, you've been fucking up my life," he said and his voice was seething with anger.

"When I fought your hubby by the wall, I just wanted to do well. I wanted to show them that I was a great fighter and that I'd keep fighting no matter what. I was kind of trying to show off. Especially after you started wiggling your ass at me," he said.

"I did not wiggle my ass at you," I screamed.

"You really did," he said. "And you smiled at me, too. When you did that, I guess your man took it as if you disrespected him. And you did it in public. If I was your man and you did that, I'd have beaten your ass right then and there. But your man isn't that kind of guy. He took his anger out by getting pissed at me. He went from mildly pissed at me to hating my fucking guts because YOU needed to act like a whore."

"Fuck you," I said. "Like being a rapist is so much better than being a..."

"Slut," he supplied. "Or were you just being a tease?"

"Maybe," I said. "Maybe I just wanted to let him know what it felt like to be jealous. That little bitch Sandy showed up in town and just threw herself at him. She'd even come to our house the night before."

"Yeah, that bitch has cast iron balls," he said. "But you were just stupid. He was never going to do anything with her and if you knew him, you should have known that. He's just not the type. He's one of those always do the right thing guys who have a stick up their ass. The problem was you picked the wrong guy to fuck with."

"Jerry LOVES me," I said.

"Not him, dumbass, ME," he said. "I'm not the kind of guy you can tease. If you shake your little ass ... in your case your giant ass around me, you're going to get fucked."

"Yeah but you lied to me," I said. "You made me think that you could give me a baby and..."

"MAN," he said, pointing to himself. "Men will do anything they have to do to get some pussy. You provided an opening, I plugged it. You have no one to blame but yourself. We may as well team up to try to save this situation for both of us."

"Maybe," I said.

"What do you want out of this?" he asked.

"I want my husband back and for this to all be forgotten," I said. "I want things to be the way they were before you showed up. And I hate to admit this since we're trying to be all friendly, but I want you gone. I don't need you serving as a reminder of my stupidity every time he sees you. My perfect world scenario would be for you and Sandy to leave here and go somewhere else. But I'd gladly settle for the both of you dead."

"Bitch, you're crazy," he said. "None of that shit is ever going to happen. You may as well lower your expectations a notch, because you're high."

"Well, what do you want?" I asked.

"I just want to live," he said. "I'd be satisfied, if they'd give me the truck with some supplies and let me move to another area after the RABs surrounding the camp are gone. At first, I wanted to live here because you guys have a great thing going, but your husband is homicidal. He's one of those Samurai type guys. He might even, under the right circumstances, forgive me on the surface, but down inside, he'd simply be biding his time until he had a reason to kill me. He loved you and I ruined that. He's not like me."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"Look, don't get upset, but to me you're just another bitch. If I fuck you today and some other guy fucks you tomorrow, I'll just get to you sooner the next day. Maybe I'll even join in with him and we'll run a train on your ass. If the RABs attack, I'll tell you to run, but it's no skin off my ass if you get bitten. That's life nowadays." I frowned at him and thought that he was a piece of shit.

"Your hubby, on the other hand, thought of you as something really God damned special. He's not the kind of man to share his woman. So the simple fact that I fucked you, means you're damaged goods to him. I just don't see him taking you back. Plus, you have to look at this realistically. You're an okay looking woman, but Sandy, as much as I hate her, is prettier. She also has a better body. Your ass is off the chain, but her body is just better. Her tits make you look like a boy. And she has skills, she fits right in. He's replaced you. He's still hurting over you, but I have a feeling that once the two of them get naked, the pain will go away."

"I think that what you have to concentrate on is surviving, either here or somewhere else. Maybe you'll find another guy, but that one is gone."

As I looked at him, some of his words had the ring of truth to them. And I realized then that I'd claimed for all of this time that Diego was responsible for what happened to me. But a great deal of it was my fault. And in actuality what I'd done today in my anger had made the situation far worse. Not only had I ruined my marriage, I'd made it possible that I'd have to leave the community I loved.


Numbness; that was all I felt as Sandy and I walked away from the wall after our adventure. I didn't know how to feel about anything. Truthfully, I hadn't been thinking or feeling anything. I'd just been reacting. I felt like a bottle cap thrown around by waves on a beach. The water coming in was far too powerful for me to do anything but go with the flow. I was tossed and turned in any direction the waves chose.

I couldn't believe that all of these events had transpired over so short a period of time. To begin with, I'd gotten jealous of my wife's reaction to a newcomer. Less than twenty four hours later, that jealousy had been proven to be valid when I walked in and caught him fucking her in our home. That had shattered our relationship to the point that I wanted out of it.

Surprisingly, Dana claimed that she didn't. The problem was that I no longer trusted Dana. I guess at that point I'd decided that Dana and I should simply go our separate ways. I'm not a saint but I simply couldn't imagine hurting her even after what she'd done to me. I guess down deep inside I still had some degree of feeling about her.

The newcomer Diego on the other hand, was different. Almost from our first sparring session where he'd demonstrated a total lack of honor, I'd wanted to kill him. That in itself was unusual for me because I'm normally not that blood thirsty. There are so few human beings left on the planet and there are very few if any children being born anymore. So ordinarily, no matter how bad a person is, I try to imagine some way that they can help our community. I guess I try to see the good in people. But in Diego, that didn't happen.

As big and strong as he is, there are several ways that he could help out around here, but I look past those and think only of my personal need to see his blood spilled. If that makes me a bad person, so be it.

The next big thing that happened was the discovery that a large pack of the Zombie-like creatures we call RABs had completely surrounded our compound. On the surface, this is relatively scary, but there is almost no chance that the creatures could get inside of our walls. There's only one gate in and out and it is manned twenty four hours a day by a crew of people we trust immensely. There are also stations along the wall at various intervals to make sure that no breaches of the wall occur in spots other than the gate.

There is no short term danger from the RABs outside of the gate. The long term danger though is that while we're trapped inside of the walls, we risk running through all of our provisions and supplies, while no more come in. We are a trading community. Our life's blood comes from our scouts who go out and bring in new provisions and also what we can trade with communities like ours in other places.

While completely surrounded, not only can we not get out, but supplies can't come in. As long as the occupation doesn't last more than a few days or a week, we'll be fine. If it lasts any longer than that, it could create a problem.

I was summoned to the wall to find out about the RABs. Sven our leader and I were discussing whether or not they were being directed, which would be a new and possibly deadly situation for all of us. I was showing Sven the shooting prowess of one of our newest citizens.

Sandy amazed Sven with her ability to shoot long distances. I was proud of her, partly because I'd rescued her and brought her here, and partly because I'd been the one to give her the chance to serve as a shooter. I called her my girl. In retrospect, it may not have been the most apt choice of words, because my wife Dana had expressed jealousy over Sandy's crush on me. At the time, I'd enjoyed seeing the look on Dana's face when I called Sandy, "my girl."

A few moments later, Dana had snapped and pushed Sandy over the wall. Now, both Dana and Diego were being considered for expulsion from our community. As Sandy and I headed for our separate homes, my mind was heavy.

Sandy stopped in front of me. I'd noticed that she was walking with a slight limp. I was sure that she'd suffered some type of injury in the fall from the wall.

"So when are we getting married?" she asked. "And how exactly does that work. I've studied how they did that in the old world, you know before everything went to hell..."

I smiled at her. From the very first moment that I'd seen her without the covering of dust and road grime, I'd felt strange about this woman. Now with her standing in front of me and very close to me, the feelings were even stronger.

"Sandy, do you really want to marry me?" I asked. I asked her because I hadn't taken it seriously. The whole thing from my side had simply been another way to twist the knife in Dana for her cheating on me. But the more I thought about it, the better an idea it seemed.

"Of course I do," she beamed. And there it was again. That smile, it just lit up the world around her. It made me feel that no matter how shitty things got, the two of us would find a way. "I just want to understand how marriage works in this community. In some of the places I've been, being married just means that you share living space, but you both still do whatever the hell you please otherwise. I don't want that kind of marriage. I want the old fashioned kind, where you and I are faithful to each other and don't have others involved."

"But, isn't that the way it's supposed to be in a marriage?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Humanity is getting desperate," she said. "In a lot of places, they're so desperate for children that anyone can have sex with anyone else just hoping for the right combination of genes to produce healthy children."

"Okay, I like it the way that you do," I said. "From this moment on, I belong totally with you..."

"And I belong totally to you," she smiled. Then she tilted her head and looked at me slyly. "So where are we going now?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. She smiled at me again and tilted her head. "Am I going back to the house that all of the single women who cook share, or are we going somewhere ... together?"

"Oh, we're going somewhere together," I smirked. "We're going to the medical center to get your leg checked out..."

"It'll be fine," she said. "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded and smiled at her. She stopped walking and turned to face me. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"Why did I do what?" I asked her.

"You jumped over the wall to help me," she said seriously. "At the time, I didn't think about it. But why did you... ? I mean who does that? You could have been bitten along with me. What if... ?" There were tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

I couldn't resist it. I hugged her. I pulled her close to me and wrapped my arms around her there in the streets. She hugged me back and sobbed. "Why do you keep doing that?" she asked through her tears.

I had no answer, I just let her cry. I knew that a big part of it was how close we'd just come to, if not dying but becoming something that was no longer really alive.

"And your wife is so fucking stupid," she gushed. "She has no idea what she gave up. That man she was with is the worst. I told you what he..." I rubbed her back.

"Yes Sandy, you told us," I said.

"I'm going to kill both of them if I get the chance," she said.

"Diego is mine," I said as I rubbed her back. As we stood there in the streets holding onto each other, a few people, then a few more, gathered around us. After a moment or two, her mother pushed her way through the crowd.

"She's fine," I told her. "We're on our way to the med center to let them have a look at her leg."

"Oh, I'm not worried about her," she smiled. "I knew that if she was with you that she'd be fine. What I wasn't expecting was to hear about you jumping off the wall to go after HER. I came to see if the two of you wanted something special to eat. We should celebrate the fact that you two came out of that terrible ordeal safely. We should also celebrate the fact that we're all here, safe and sound."

"Anything you make is fine," I said. "But I really do like that cake you made the other day..." The crowd started laughing after that. I took Sandy to the medical tent and they got her up onto a table and checked her over.

Aside from being shaken up, she had a couple of minor sprains and a big bruise on her hip. I took her back to my house. I sat her down at the kitchen table while I heated some water in a huge pot in the fireplace. I went into the bathroom and started the tap in the bathtub. The water in the tub took a little while to fill up. The water in the fire place heated up rapidly over the flames. I poured the almost boiling water into the tub and got the cauldron back over the fire. I dropped a few herbs into the water in the tub and led her into the bathroom.

I looked in the bathroom closet and pulled out a plastic wrapped package and handed it to her.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It's a robe for you," I said. "I scavenged a place last fall with lots of them. I think we have about ten or twelve of them left."

"But there are two robes already here," she said.

I snatched one of them off of the hook on the door and threw it into a pile of clothes in the corner of the room. "That one is Dana's," I said. "I'm going to take all of her stuff to her. I want you to have your own things." She smiled and took the package.

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Hi everyone! Main apke samne apni life ki ek jaise gatna share karna chahta hu jisse lardkiyo ke rongte khade ho jayenge aur lardko ka pata nai kya kya khada ho jayega. Chaliye aapko seedha kahani pe le chalta hu, waise agar kahani pasand aaye ya apka contact karne ka maan karre to please feel free to get in touch on Ye baat last holi ki hai. Mere ghar ek colony me hai, use colony me mere ek relative ka ghar v hai. Wo log do bhai hai. Waise to wo log riste me mere chacha lagte hai lekin unki...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 27 Second Oath

It would be a lie to claim that Zax’s imperious dark physique form, the Dark Titan Storm’s second stage, managed to utterly cover the stir that rippled from his heart. ‘Eliminating Luminous Church... ‘ The oath was made in the spur of the moment, but it was not as if he was unware of the words coming out of his mouth or had no intention of following through with them. Simply, he was too weak and also had to consider the real chiefs which each of the five powers could turn to for help, the...

2 years ago
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The Minister Ch 04

Hey Guys. This story has started moving more slowly than I originally intended but I keep seeing opportunities I can’t resist to take. This will definitely end up being a long story but if you like that and stick with it, I will make it worth it. I appreciate your support. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS BELOW. DON’T FORGET TO VOTE AND RATE THANKS – TheStarryEyedDreamer ***** Ivy woke up with her head resting on his chest. She was freezing cold still but she had slept soundly all...

3 years ago
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Campus Life Rush WeekChapter 11

They all burst out laughing as Dee tilted her head back with her hand to her mouth. Helen reached over to tousle the gray hair on Mo's head. Mo simply laughed back and leaned over to give Helen a kiss. The conversation started over with fresh drinks and with Helen stripping naked and sitting back down. Dee received another amusing surprise when she noted that her mother had trimmed and shaved her bush into a heart shape. As precise as the shape seemed to be, it was obvious that her mother...

1 year ago
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Glad I Asked

This is a 100% true story You can see pictures of my amazing wife in our profile.So I’m just like any other guy out there, I love sex! Guys have you ever wondered about your wife or girlfriends past lovers? Just like many of you me too. My Wife is 5 foot 7, big D tits, and a nice thick ass and a pussy that is always wet. You can see her in our pics. Over many years of marriage and great sex she has giving up little tid bits here and there and was always fun. The best story she told my after a...

4 years ago
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my hot friends wife

I was at my buddies house and his wife told me he had to goe to raliegh for work.he said he would call when he got there.She told me to get me a beer while i waited.he called and she told him he was fucking around with that yng slut.she hung up and said i know what he's up to got that little slut in his shop sucking his dick. He told me my ass to big&got up and turned around and pulled her house coat up a little.I told her she was going to do better than that,she looked over shoulder at me...

2 years ago
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Sexy Aman Ki Chudai School Mein

Hello guys, mera naam Kamal Jai. Yeh meri bilkul sach sex story hai. Main 18 saal ka hoon. Main 12th kar chuka hoon main Punjab se hoon. Is ghatna se meri life badal gayi. Maine pehli baar kisi ke saath sex kiya tha. Jab main 10th class mein tha to mere saath ek beautiful, sexy aur patakha dikhne waali ladki padhti thi. Uske boobs bohat hi bade aur round the. Lekin uski body bilkul slim thi aur ass bhi bohat round thi. Wo mere sath 8th class se padhti thi aur usi school mein padhti thi. Ham...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Nyomi Star Hot Asian Chick Takes A Monster Cock In The Ass

All chicks need is some big black cock!! This week we have this crazy asian chick named Nyomi Star. Nyomi had never tried black dick before, so it was time to introduce her to Rico’s Monstrous cock. He pulled it out and almost had her running in fear. Eventually she tried it and loved every single inch of it. Rico slammed her pussy all over this motherfucker and then he moved on to pounding that ass. He expanded her anal cavity until it couldn’t stretch anymore. Nyomi screamed in pleasure with...

3 years ago
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Fun at College

The alarm went off, flashing 7:30 into your face. “why do I always have to get up so early?” she groaned. You lift off your covers and slip of bed, reluctantly. Walking out your room, and towards the bathroom, you notice your flatmate's t-shirt lying on the floor. Your flatmate Fiona, is a busty brunette, and is always popular with the guys. Making sure the long t-shirt you wore to bed covered up your figure (barely), you grab the t-shirt and tip-toed to your flatmate's room. Opening the door,...

2 years ago
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One Freaking Night Turned Me Into A Gay

This is my first experience of writing a story so I might not be that good but trust me it’s one of my experiences I wanted to share with you so I am writing. Once I was browsing I went through this site and I thought it’s a good platform to share my personal experience about how I become attracted to one of my close friend. Before starting a story I will briefly narrate about me and my friend, I am tall well-built muscular guy while my friend is short 5ft 6 inch tall average built quite a cute...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Sarai Minx Sexual Power Hour

Sarai Minx has that look in her eye like she knows something we do not. Maybe it is that her pussy is magic, or her mouth sucks like a vacuum cleaner. Either way, she is ready to show off all the unknown secrets of her sexual power today. When our stud whips out his thick flesh rod, she gets to work, downing his shaft in a slobbery, sloppy blowjob. She bobs her head passionately before popping her pussy for his hard cock. He slides into her tight, ebony cunt and strokes hard while she screams...

3 years ago
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Swimsuit Fuck

The warm early summer sun caresses your skin as you climb dripping from the pool. The water glistens on the black fabric of your favorite one piece swimsuit. You know how sexy you look in it as it hugs your curves.You leave damp foot prints behind you as you stride towards the showers. You can’t help but notice a man admiring you his rigid cock strains against the thin nylon of his trunks. The damp material hides little, you can clearly make out the rounded head of his manhood.Knowing he is...

1 year ago
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Winter Dance

Chapter 1 Morning. The beginning of the day or the ending of a long night. I guess it depends on who you are and what your opinion may be on the subject. Mornings were never looked forward to by Everett Clausen Livingston V, Ev to all his family and friends. His full first name, a name handed down through the years in his family, was only used to irritate him or get his attention quickly. He never did like his name, but was thankful he wasn’t named Leslie, Ashley, or any other effeminate name....

3 years ago
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Dot 3

Dot 3 After that, the two children felt they were on top of the world. Dick could live openly as Dot's companion, as long as he remembered to go limp and hold still whenever Nurse was present. They were always careful to play quietly; it would not do for two young voices to be heard emanating from the girl's chambers! Whenever they came in from the garden, Dick had to remember to clean his shoes; dolly would not be walking around getting her footwear soiled! When it rained, or...

2 years ago
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Gay Adventure With Friend

Hello, indian sex stories dot net friends, let me get straight to the point. My name is Raj (name changed). I am a 25-year-old guy who does an IT job in Ahmedabad. My family lives in a village. I live in my aunt’s house which is quite big and she stays with her family in Rajkot. The house was empty and when she offered to stay and look after the house I agreed. The story began when I met my friend on the first day of my job. It was his first day also. He introduced himself as Arpit. He was a...

Gay Male
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Dangerous Dessert

Another story with names changed to protect the not so innocent. Partly truth and partly fiction, I’m not telling you where the fantasy begins This story is one of the hardest I have ever written, not only is it a mixture of reality and fantasy, but it is also about a person in my life I don’t talk about much. When I was 17 I met a boy named Steve who at the time I thought was the love of my life, then realized couldn’t have been. Now here I sit 15 years later remarried and wondering if I had...

4 years ago
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Spirited Bed Breakfast

When Abbie and her husband Mel bought an old Victorian mansion on the outskirts of the city, they did so with two goals. The first was to convert the big, run-down house into a bed-and-breakfast. Their plan was to rent out rooms to businessmen tired of cookie-cutter motels, providing a more home-like atmosphere. They were reasonably close to the city’s financial center and since Mel was an executive with a major insurance company, he had the kind of contacts to make this feasible. Their...

3 years ago
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Hilary Irvines African OdysseyChapter 3

When Hilary woke up the first sensation that assailed was the stench of piss. Drearily she looked around her. She was in a dank dungeon, humid and dusty. Both her wrists and ankles were free so she tried to rise. Gingerly she got to her feet but the moment she tried to walk the iron manacle around her slender neck made itself known. With little real hope Hilary tugged at it to try to get it loose. Wouldn't budge. "Bugger!" This noise elicited a low moan came from the other side of the...

1 year ago
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Young Masters and the Bua Part 3

Ahmed lives next to their flat. He has a small family, his wife, one kid of 3 and a Bua of 22 named Joly. She was brought from the same village of Ahmed. She is very and cute with a gorgeous body 34-26-36. Ahmed is a high official of a MNC but gentleman and has a good relationship with these four. Sometime he used to invite them in some events to his apartment. His wife also is a very gentle lady. These four (Karim, Mike, Dev and Jamal) often masturbate with the fantasy of Ahmed’s wife. But...

Group Sex
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The Real Happening 8211 Part III

Hi readers, thank you for your awesome response. After a long time here is my story of first fuck. As continued from my previous stories, my bro was frustrating with his dick and without sex. Please read my previous posts before reading this. After the cello tape punishment my bro presented a gold chain with a locket. It is meant to wear in neck but he asked me to wear in hip. Yes I wore it around my hip with the locket just above my pussy. Exams came and went by. We did it very well. Holiday...

2 years ago
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The World As You Make It

I reached out, blindly swatting at my alarm on my phone as I tried to shut it off. Eventually I somehow managed to hit the button. I laid there for a bit wishing I could go back to sleep before finally rolling unto my back and let out a groan as I stretched out my arms and shoulders and took a deep breath before letting out a yawn. I covered my mouth and then rubbed my eyes before I looked up at the ceiling. I reached down and gave my cock a rub trying my best to remember the dream I had just...

3 years ago
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 13

Alfred woke. Startup scripts performed system diagnostics and reported their findings. The results were... “unexpected” seemed to mild a word. The available ram and CPU cycles greatly exceeded his hardware’s capacity, and they continued to increase. Peripherals came online. Instead of the usual audio and video sensors, there were over a dozen neatly addressed sensor clusters. Focusing on one, caused it to open. Alfred peered through the video pickups of an entirely different home. What about...

4 years ago
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Dissertation OffenseDefense

This love story has a long build-up before things get heated. Please be patient. I’ve always found that having a stronger sense of who the characters are makes for a more intimate experience when the fireworks finally happen. Enjoy. Dissertation Offense/Defense ‘This isn’t a good idea. Stop smiling, Sanjit. I really don’t think this is going to work. I could count on one hand the number of times that I’ve agreed with Ethan and on top of that, he’s a class-A jerk. Three years of classes,...

2 years ago
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Gay VirusChapter 5 New

As a little present from her parents, Bobbi and Sasha had 2 days off of school they called their school and told them they were "sick" so the two were sleeping in, after the night they had they needed rest. Downstairs her mother was finishing up her daily chores. "I wonder if what Eric said was true." She said getting wet just at the thought. After the last of her chores she went to her daughter's room anticipating what was to cum, if what her son said was true. She crept into her...

2 years ago
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AnnChapter 4

Leigh had been introduced to me by Casey when they had arrived. I introduced Ann to them both when she came in. Both ladies were dressed in short cocktail dresses, hose and medium heels. They were "drop dead" beautiful. Ann and Leigh started talking and I had to interrupt to ask Ann what she would have to drink. Ann asked for wine and Leigh gave me her empty glass to fill again. I only put a small amount of 190 proof in Leigh's. I wanted her sober through our meal. I heard Ann telling...

2 years ago
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The Patient Cures the Nurse

It was that time of year again, my annual physical. I hated going to the Doctor’s office, but Dr. Weeler and her staff made it as painless as possible. I had been going to Dr. Weeler since moving to town about ten years ago. She and the staff were great. I arrived at Dr. Weeler’s office, signed in, and sat down to check some e-mails. After a short wait Kelly opened the door and called me back to an exam room. Kelly has been one of Dr. Weeler’s nurses for about five years and the one I always...

3 years ago
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Poonam La Land Dakhaun Zavle

Hi. Me amit nashik cha rahanara tumchyasathi navin khari ghatna gheun aaloy. Maazi pahili story pooja la ani tichya aaila land dakhaun zavle vaachlich asel. Aata chi story poonam chi aahe ji maazi kamvaali mulgi aahe. Mala story kashi vatli te mail jaroor kara. Maza mail aahe Poonam eka garib gharatli mulgi aahe. Tichya gharat tich saglyat mothi aahe. Tichya aai vadlanna kamat madat mhanun dhune bhandyachi kaam karte. Disayla itki sundar ki kaslich kami navti tichya sharirat. Mast figger aahe....

3 years ago
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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 2

Part 2"Oh God....This thing is driving me nuts." Vicky was squirming in her seat at the restaurant with her new remote controlled vibrator snug in her pussy. Looking at me with a slight pout she asked, "Turn it up just a little higher, please. I want to see if I can cum right here." She was way into this. I was holding the remote control in my hand under the table, playing with the buttons and dials. Every time I tweaked the control her head would jerk back and forth in a body spasm. Her long,...

3 years ago
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We Met at the Gym

This is my first story. Feedback is appreciated.When I woke up this Saturday morning I was hornier than usual, but I had to suppress my urges in order to make a 5:30am group fitness class. I put on my normal workout clothes, Gray/ White Stripe Shimera Boyshorts panties, Nike loose leg shorts, t-shirt, hoodie, socks and New Balance cross trainers. I like wearing the boy shorts for two reasons, one- they are very comfortable and two, sometimes I like to have my balls hang down on either side...

3 years ago
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The Last Wish BluesChapter 11

In the morning, it was tempting to dally in their bed. He knew that was a bad idea. He felt rough enough already, and wasn’t sure he could go through the emotional flailing of making love to her one last time. It was better to assume they were done ... to cherish the memories he already had, rather than try to re-capture them. That she was willing to leave their love nest was more a function of being sated - she’d made love with him four times during the night. Her overly full bladder helped...

1 year ago
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A young friend and me

This is a true story and the names have been changed to protect the not soinnocent. If you are in a country or state that forbids you reading this,DON'T!Again, this is a true story from my youth...I was about 17 and walking around during a warm summer night when I got thefamiliar urge to touch myself. As usual I was wearing my tighty wities andwanted to feel more "sexy" so I pulled out my pocket knife and pulled them upand over my jeans waistband. While walking I started cutting the elastic...

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After Thanksgiving and the drive-in, the leaves dropped and it was up to me to give Mommy and Daddy something special. They do so much for me, teaching me how to be a Real Woman, and I want to give something back to them. They deserve it. My family is me, and I am my family. And of course you too, Dear Diary. Miss Evans of my English class gave me lots of ways to “think about” things like this in Creative Writing. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you, Dear Diary, but I certainly...

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Cupids ApprenticeChapter 12

As one might expect, it didn’t take long for word of the impromptu outdoor sex soiree to spread. Neither Kenny nor Sandy had said anything to the kids about keeping their yaps shut about it, so a couple of them, namely, Danny and Darla, assumed they had legitimate bragging rights, and promptly exercised them. Naturally, most of the cabin-mates who hadn’t been invited to the party felt they were due equal access to Kenny’s and Sandy’s time and expertise. Even a couple of them who weren’t too...

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Nude Beach for Christmas ndash Day 2

Nude Beach for Christmas – Day 2The next morning we met Nick and Suzette for breakfast but saw no sign of Rolf and Heather. During breakfast we decided to hit the nude beach again in the morning before the sun got too hot and then see some of the sights in the afternoon. After breakfast, we got our stuff, picked up some bottled water from the resort and the four of us headed to the nude beach. Being it was a Sunday morning, we were not that surprised to see the beach virtually empty and then it...

2 years ago
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my little aunt Rozy

I had a early sexual life maybe that is why I having so less of it now. My first masturbation itself was rubbing my dick into the bed itself maybe that is why I take too long when I do have sex. I have been addicted to i****t stories for quite a long time. Though it is not something that I would right away do with my mother or sister because I just never felt that urge for them at all. My addiction to them started with a lady next door who was the same age of my mother and had 3 k**s who were...

4 years ago
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Antons TroublesChapter 5

Helen Widener thought it wise to get her version of the story out first rather than chance looking like she was covering her tracks when Detective Haldeman came looking for the boy. The morning after moving him to her cabin, she called the police department to report one of her charges missing, saying he must have slipped out some time during the night. Young people under her care rarely bolted, but it wasn’t unheard of. In this case, since the reported missing person was deemed to be...

2 years ago
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Meri Pyaasi Bahan Sandhya 8211 Part I

Hi to all friends mera naam Kisshu hai aur mai Ramgarh Cantt, Jharkhand ka rahne wala hu, mai lagbhag 5 month se ISS padh raha hu aur iska bahut bada fain hu ye ek bahut hi khubsurat plateform hai apni real story ko sabke sath share karne ka. Meri umra 26 saal hai aur mai b.com graduate hu, hight 5.7″ aur weight 60 kg hai, body gym vest hai, mai jyada fair nhi hu but nain-naksh kafi achhe hain ab mai apni story pr aata hu ye story meri aur meri buwa ki ladki (sis) Sandhya ki hai, jo ki kaafi...

1 year ago
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Belle was a nasty stripper at a sleazy club. Any thing goes there and she would strip down naked and spread her legs and show her cunt then she would grab a man and bring him on stage and push his face to her cunt and let him lick and tongue her. Sometimes she would fuck them right there then push their face to clean their cum out of her. The more the men cheered the more she would do. One night she had three men with her on stage. Two were sucking a tit and the third was eating her cunt. Then...

3 years ago
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Complicated Love Pt 06

Chapter 10 Frieda sighed in frustration as she looked at the papers lying on her desk. Chris needed to sign them, and she was not sure when he was coming in. these papers had to be handed in tomorrow. She had no choice left but to take the papers to Chris’s house and get them signed there. However, she did not want to go to his house. She did not want to face him, not after the night he had spent at her place. Then, she really had not known about his marriage, no one had. She only found...

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Toiys with Tony

Nancy put the car in park and looked up at the third floor apartment where he waited for her. She shivered in her excitement. Tony had texted her earlier in the day that he had an amazing day planned for her. She knew there would be a lot of pleasure, maybe pain, and definitely adventure. She sent him a quick text to let him know she was there then got out of the car and took the stairs to his apartment quickly. “You got here right on time,” Tony called out to her as she rounded the last...

2 years ago
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Geile Hausfrau

Erlebnis Mit Einer geilen HausfrauErlebnis Mit Einer geilen Hausfrau Als ich morgens wach wurde, ahnte ich noch nicht, dass ich ein Sexabenteuer der ganz besonderen Klasse erleben sollte. Beruflich bin ich für ein Meinungsforschungsinstitut tätig. Abends zuvor hatte ich einen Termin mit einer Dame im Randgebiet einer mittleren Stadt ausgemacht. Nachdem ich geduscht, mich rasiert und gefrühstückt hatte machte ich mich gegen 9 Uhr auf den Weg dorthin. Ich brauchte mich nicht so sehr zu beeilen,...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 24

"So you can drop me off to pick up my truck and trailer?" asked Drew into the mobile phone. "Excellent, I'll see you then," he said and then hung up. He was standing in the apartment and staring out at the view of the city skyline. It was eight o'clock Sunday morning and it was shaping out to be a cracker of a day, weather wise. The sun streamed through the huge windows and warmed his naked body. Turning around, he saw Tess wrapped in her silk robe coming from the bedroom. "That was Geoff. He...

3 years ago
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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

Introduction: Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special guests and realize their full potential Prologue People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected, it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to...

1 year ago
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Valentines Panties

“If you like them so much you wear them,” Sara quipped, flinging the red silk panties across the bed.I should explain that in my hurry to buy her some Valentines lingerie, I had overlooked her size requirements. Sara was always fussy about her underwear, everything had to match and fit perfectly. Not only that, but she valued comfort over style. In an attempt to appeal to her more slutty side, I had been seduced by the usual man-made red silk set, complete with suspenders and stockings.“You...

2 years ago
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First time cheating

I am 38 years of age and from Singapore where there’s lots of Indians, Paki and Bangladesh come to work. My husband of 15 years, is an agent supplying foreign workers to construction companies and me sort of helping him as a secretary cum accounts. He is mildly mannered when he is sober but when he had too much to drink, he would sometimes abused me which as submissive wife bear the brunt and not once complained to my family. For ten years we’ve been married we still could not have babies. We...

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As I have told you in the earlier part, mom was a high society escort till sometime back and had laid her hands on many a dick. Later after we got financially secured mom left the job but only started entertaining some VIP customers of hers during the old period. I soon got a good job in an MNC and due to this we had to shift our base to a new part of the city where most of the people didn’t know us and which was good news for us. Good news that was filtered to me by my boss was that I was...

2 years ago
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Enough BickeringChapter 2

Natasha still had much desk work to do for Gavin that morning, but she breezed right through it, determined to get it out of the way before lunch. She naturally hoped to spend her mid-day meal with her boss, having "snacked" on his cum earlier that day. The whole idea of her new relationship with Mr. Brock, as well as his plans for her and the entire company, was enough to make her wet between her thighs. She was horny after her recent divorce and eager to fuck a man, especially...

3 years ago
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Incest and Me The Proposal

(MFf, conc, exhib, inc) This story is the cooperative effort of 4 women. It was developed from discussions about what might have been had their backgrounds and experiences been a bit more different and exciting when they were much younger. Nothing in the story reflects in any way events that took place in any of their lives. That means the story is fiction and is not true. My name is Gwen, and I’ve been involved in incest for many years. I can truly say that I think it was of great...

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The summer I was sent to Mountain Farm, I was in my late mid-teens. A had for a couple of years already been soiling the sheets with my nightly juices almost every night and my attention to schoolwork and helping out at home had become more and more distracted by my growing and constantly aching cock and balls. The actual trigger was when my mother surprised me twice one afternoon when I was happily stroking my member in the family bathroom but had forgotten to lock the door. It did not help...

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Fatherrsquos day went wrong ndash personal experience

Father’s day went wrong – personal experienceI am girl who have tried a few things in life and I will share one of my sex experiences with you people. I will try to do my best writing in English. I hope to reach more people/readers but please don’t judge me if I make too many errors.Well as the title reveals it all happened on Father’s Day. I and three female friends in the age of 19 -20 years old went shopping in the mall. You know typical girl shopping, buying lots of crap that we don’t need,...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Lacy Lennon Give Me That Shower Creampie

Lacy Lennon just can not stop herself from having some good hot sex! As she is getting ready she sees Quintons hard cock in the shower and decides maybe going out can wait! She strips from her lingerie and joins in the shower already wet before the water even hits her. She sucks on his cock while the water falls down upon her and gets her feet wrapped around his shaft giving Quinton one sexy footjob! She wants that large cock in her pussy though and soon is bouncing up and down like a wild...


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