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The Girl was gone again.

From her bed of clean sheets, she fell into the mattress, swallowed into memories past with a foreboding gulp.

The Man was there, and the Woman. Their voices rang off the walls and drifted up to the Girl’s ears in a roaring song of battle.

The Girl shivered in her bed and wrapped her arms round her body. Sleep, she thought to herself. Think nice thoughts.

The screams were cacophony. The Girl’s brother was quietly sobbing on the landing.

Think nice thoughts.

All at once, she awoke in the grown-up bed in the house that did not smell like dog hair and sweat. She breathed deeply, the air was clean. Above her head, the window was ajar. The curtains were open.

Don’t keep the curtains open – this is a house, not a shop window.

She put the voice away and rolled out of bed.

It was the funeral today. It was good weather for it – dry, not too cold.

Not every night was like the previous. Some nights the voices and the memories stayed downstairs: they did not creep past her bedroom door and bare their teeth at her in dark. But since the Man died, they had begun to fester under her pillows.

One less person left to blame, now. One less place for those memories to go.

The Girl put on baggy trousers and a dull shirt. It did not matter what she wore – never did. She scraped back her hair – the one thing she liked about herself..

She had tried very hard, but she could not be sad that he was gone.

She poured her cereal into a bowl and silently scorned herself for the size of the portion.

That’s why you’re so fat – you eat so much.

Nope, that didn’t affect her, not any more. She was going to eat it, wasn’t she? Most people she knew today probably wouldn’t be eating any breakfast, their stomachs would be heavy with grief.

Why was she not like them? Why did she not feel it?

She added her bowl to the pile of washing up and thought about how lazy she was. She would tidy up if she had visitors, but not for herself.

The walk to the Woman’s house was short and brisk. Leaves, the same bronze shade as her hair, pooled at her feet and stuck to her plain shoes. She would have worn heels – they made her legs look longer – but they were so uncomfortable. She probably looked silly in them, anyway.

The air was heavy at the house. People lingered in corners, muttering to each other. The Girl did not know how so many shadows had managed to escape the sunlight, but here they were, enjoying the misery.

She added her bouquet to the arrangement on the driveway. So many flowers, so much guilt. She was surprised there were so many tributes here because she was expecting a small funeral. The Man had not had many friends that she was aware of. He had a large family but they were not close to him. He had not been a sociable creature.

The Girl bent to read the cards on the flowers. The first one was from her younger sister: Thank you for being the best father in the world. The Girl felt a lump in her throat. She closed her eyes.

When she opened them, she stood at the bottom of the stairs in the old house. The smell of wet dog filled her nostrils.

There was a scream – young, high pitched – and her sister came tumbling down the stairs. Her sister clutched her head and sobbed in the relentless way children do. At the top of the stairs stood the Man, his face set cold beneath his black beard.

‘You pushed me!’ shrieked the sister.

‘No,’ said the Man. ‘Don’t lie.’

The Girl felt the familiar anger rise. It made her want to rip the paper from the walls. She blinked away tears and found herself back on the driveway, surrounded by satellites of sorrow.

She decided not to read any more cards.

A swarm of people awaited them at the church. Was there another funeral on today? The Man did not know that many people, let alone have that many friends.

But they were not leaving. The church was fit to bursting with people who touched each other easily, safe in the knowledge they had grief in common. What was this, some sort of cruel joke? This funeral was not for the Man that she had known. Where had he gone? Where was his cold, empty wake?

The Girl watched as the strangers stood at the front of the church and talked about a good man. A peacemaker. The congregation nodded in agreement, the Girl fought vomit. He was taken too soon, they said, One more angel called to heaven.

She tried, but she could not be sad.

The wake was enormous and the Girl did not have the energy for it. It was full of people who had pretended to like her for years and she was not in the mood to pretend to like them – especially not as they shared their happy memories of the Man.

She wondered, as she rifled through the cloakroom for her coat, if she had any happy memories to share.

Every argument your Mother and I have ever had is about you, said the voice. Your Father doesn’t care.

There was the rank taste of soap in her mouth after she had repeated a dirty word, from his nephew. There was her hamster lying bloodied in his ball after it had been kicked across the garden. And there was her china tea set, so delicate and pretty, lying in pieces in its box where it had ‘fallen’ from the shelf.

The Girl did not have any memories of her stepfather that were suitable for a wake.

She hurried along the road and round the back of the library, feeling in her pocket. The plastic rope felt cool in her hands,.

The path at the back of the library led down to the brook wood, full of solid old trees and cigarette packets. It was dark there. She needed shadow and solace. She needed the space to let go.

Slumped against a tree, each tear was a miserable little orgasm, a triumph of pain.


And the Man did what he wanted.


And the Man had been enough.

His funeral was proof . The Girl’s funeral would not be like that, she was sure. She would not be called a peacemaker, an angel called to heaven. She had been a horrible little girl, everyone said so. She had punched and bitten, lied and stolen. She had not known how to be any other way.

But now she was ready to let it go. She pulled the plastic cord from her pocket and unrolled it, winding the end round her fingers. She glanced above her head at a solid-looking branch. She could tie the right knots, she had read about it on the internet. Practised at home.

Why was she crying again? It would all be over soon. She knew she wanted to go.

‘I don’t think you want to do that.’

The Girl looked up, her heart pounding.

‘Who – who said that?’ Her voice wavered.

She glanced round anxiously. Curled up in the roots of a big tree was a fox with silky copper fur and a fine bush of a tale. He was smiling.

‘I’m sorry?’ she whispered.

‘Aye, it’s me,’ said the fox. He had a husky voice with a Scottish lilt.

The Girl didn’t remember taking any drugs, but it was feasible that she’d forgotten.

‘Foxes don’t talk,’ she whispered. ‘They eat rabbits and live on farms.’

‘The rabbits round here are a bit bland. And if you must know, I live in a shed.’ He uncrossed his paws. ‘But that isn’t my business.’

‘Then what is?’

‘You,’ he said, ‘and you do not want to do that.’ He nodded at the plastic rope.

She grasped it defensively.

‘How do you know?’

‘I already told you, it’s my business. The Misery, that is. The Misery has brought you here, hasn’t it?’

She lowered her eyes.

‘I can’t forgive him. Them. I’m the only one who can’t.’

The fox cocked his head.

‘But nobody is asking you to fo
rgive anyone. The question here is, do you want to keep on living?’

She shrugged. ‘No.’

‘You just don’t know what else to do with yourself.’

‘There’s nothing I can do with myself,’ she said scornfully. ‘Now leave me alone so I can…you know.’

‘No. I have something for you. It’s all part of the business.’

The Girl looked up at him, eyes defiant.

‘What might that be?’

‘They’re over there.’ He nodded towards the fence bordering the library. ‘Two saplings, down at the bottom. See?’

She leaned forward, squinting. Right near the ground were two green streaks of life, pale leaves pointed.

‘I see them.’

‘Those are for you,’ said the fox. ‘In exactly five days, I want you to come back here to see how they have grown. You will decide which one you are.’

‘What?’ The Girl frowned at the saplings, then back at the fox. ‘Firstly, that’s a barbed wire fence. Those trees aren’t going to grow far next to a barbed wire fence. And secondly, even if they did grow…they won’t do much in a week.’

‘But then foxes don’t talk either, do they?’ He cocked a bushy eyebrow. ‘Five days. You come back here and listen to what I have to say. If you don’t like it, you can carry on and do whatever it is you want to do.’

The Girl considered this. She was not sure what she was being offered, not even sure she was awake. She thumbed the plastic rope, could she bear another week?

‘Yes you can,’ said the fox. ‘Five days is nothing. And yet, it could be everything.’

‘Ok,’ she said eventually, mostly because she needed to escape.

‘One more thing,’ he said. ‘Come here. Closer.’

The Girl got up and stepped toward him with caution. She felt the tickle of his whiskers against her ankle and stiffened.

There was a sharp, wet pain and she jerked her leg away. ‘You bit me!’ She retreated back to the shadow of her tree and knelt to touch the two curved, red welts upon her pale skin.

The fox smiled. ‘I’ve made you the same as everybody else. Just for the week.’

The same as everyone else? She had longed for this. Now she realised that she didn’t know quite what it was.

Nevertheless, it was exciting.

The Girl looked down at the floor to find the rope was missing.

‘You can have it back in five days,’ said the fox.


She left the wood with a light head. If she believed in whimsy Hallmark-type feelings, she’d have said she had a spring in her step.

. . . like everybody else. What was that? A normal girl, who did normal things? Who had a normal family and a normal life?

She stopped outside a grocery shop and gazed into the window at the fresh fruit. She took her time, enjoying the decision, ignoring the people who pushed by. Then, she went inside and purchased a punnet of shiny red cherries.

At home, she sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her favourite film, sucking the tart cherries from their stones, staining her fingertips bright pink.

It was one thing to enjoy her own company.

It was quite another to be all right with that.


The following day was a Tuesday, and that seemed a good a day as any to be a normal girl.

The Girl still wasn’t sure what that was – but she didn’t think it was staying in the house. So she showered and let her hair dry in curls, put on her prettiest clothes and went out into town to find herself a normal job.

Employment was hard for the Girl. It wasn’t actual work that was the problem, she was more than able. It was the situation, the social predicament. There were groups of people and the Girl never felt like she belonged to any of them.. Judgement got in the way of friendship.

Besides, if they ever actually liked her, what did that make them? Did they have no standards?

Then there was the act of getting out of bed in order to get to work, to care about that job enough to find that energy.

Well, none of that mattered now. She would be fine with a job.

At the Job Centre, she stood at the electronic notice boards and began to read through the adverts, a nervous excitement bubbling in her belly. One step closer to becoming like everyone else.

A tall boy with straight brown hair appeared at the next board. He stood out in the centre because his clothes looked clean and his hair was tidy. A normal person would say hello to another normal person, she decided.

‘Hello,’ said the Boy, noticing her staring. She found herself smiling weakly.

‘Hello,’ she replied. ‘Are you…looking for something particular?’

‘Yep. Paid would be good.’ He had a cheeky grin and she found herself liking it.

‘Me too.’ Her heart thumped in her chest. What do normal people say to each other? Usually she was able to walk away at this point, to escape and be done with it.

Except, she found herself not wanting to escape from this Boy.

‘What did you do before?’ he asked, stepping closer. This was good – she didn’t have to look him in the face if they were shoulder-to-shoulder.

‘I ran an art gallery,’ she said quietly, worried it would sound snobby, ‘but that was over a year ago. I wasn’t very good.’

He shrugged. ‘You must have been good if you were running the place.’

‘It was easy enough. You know, pretty pictures, lumps of clay shaped like toilets priced at four thousand quid.’

The Boy laughed. ‘I like that. That’s funny.’

She paused. She hated compliments, how was she meant to respond without sounding like she had expected it? How did normal people respond?

‘Thanks,’ she said eventually, ‘I try.’

‘I’ve just dropped out of uni,’ the Boy went on. ‘I was doing a course in art and design. Then it occurred to me that I was probably going to spend my life with lumps of clay shaped like toilets, but considerably cheaper ones than yours.’

She giggled. ‘You didn’t like them then?’

‘Oh, I liked them, as much as you can. But they don’t make you much money, and I’ve decided I want to own a Porsche by the time I’m 30.’

‘I’ll settle for a moped,’ she said.

He grinned that grin again. ‘I like a girl with ambition.’

The Girl felt as if she was watching herself from ten feet away. Who was this person, who knew how to speak to a boy? Who didn’t mind it, who wasn’t suspicious of him?

She carried on talking to the Boy and he asked for her phone number. She found herself giving it to him. She found her hopes rising when he said that he would call.

She didn’t find a job.


The night passed with no tooth-baring intruders and she awoke with a churning stomach. The Boy was going to take her for a picnic and she had to be normal for an entire day.

She rifled through her clothes, finding nothing suitable. It was all the sort of thing that a very sad, lonely girl might wear.

There was a pretty sweater at the back of the wardrobe but that wasn’t coming off the hanger. It hadn’t since the last time she’d worn it.

Is that new? said the Man. It looks nice on you. Makes you look like a nice young girl. I want a nice young girl like you to take to bed and –

Shuddering, she closed the wardrobe doors, the voice safely behind them. Something else would have to do.

She was too nervous to eat. She was still suspicious as to why all this was happening. The fox didn’t feel real, she suspected that when she returned in five days, she would find nothing but an empty wood. Yet the bite was still present on her ankle, the pain vague and sweet. It seemed to have twisted her world on its axis. Why would someone in the business of Misery want to help?


She awoke the following day to find the Boy in her bed, snoring.

It wasn’t that she didn’t remember what they had done. She remembered it all and was glad, because it had been fantastic. No, it was the fact that it had been so good which was bothering her, because…what h
appened now?

The previous day had been like pouring years of longing into a few short hours. It had been intense and exciting. It was strange and unsettling and wonderful to have someone to simply open her mouth to, who touched her without checking anyone was watching. Who said her name.

She wasn’t in love with him, not yet, anyway. Was that a good idea? She had decided a while ago not to trust anyone with her feelings. She needed to be responsible because, when it all went wrong, she needed somebody to hold accountable. And to punish.

A delicious little cycle, turning something good into something bad, making herself feel worse. She could feel that building already. What would she do to herself this time?

The Boy opened his eyes and grinned at her.

‘Come here,’ he said, extending his arm.

She went.


The Woman invited her for dinner on Thursday. The Girl wondered how anything was meant to be normal in the old house.

The Woman was pleasant to her. She made no remarks about what she was wearing or what she ate. She gave no lectures about finding a job, but was pleased to hear the Girl was looking for one again.

The Girl found that, for once, she wasn’t bothered whether the Woman was pleased.

‘How are you coping after the funeral?’ the Girl asked. The Woman shrugged.

‘Life goes on.’ She stroked and pulled at her black hound’s ears. ‘I can’t really believe he’s gone.’ There was a distance in her eyes. ‘I know he wasn’t a saint, but I can’t help but miss him. And you know how your brother feels…he’s in bits.’

The Girl’s stomach lurched as she watched the Woman’s sadness, and for a second, wondered if she was finally experiencing grief.

No. She still did not feel anything for the Man. But she felt for those who grieved him. She understood their loss and wanted to be of comfort. She felt.


She lay awake in bed the next night , worrying about her meeting with the fox.

She liked being normal. She had realised that it didn’t mean you had to be like everyone else, or to be accepted by everyone else. She had realised it meant that you were just okay with going on living.

Perhaps she would find a way to be like this, even without what he had given her. It might have been in there all along, and she hadn’t wanted to bother trying with it.

The Girl she had been before wouldn’t have known where to look for it, and even if she’d found it, she would have been far too afraid to use it. The voices would have pointed out how pointless it was.

That was how the voices, how the Man and Woman, had felt. That there was no point to living. They had tried to find one in the bottom of a bottle and at the end of a fist, but the Girl had seen first hand that they didn’t learn anything new from those things.

The question, once again, seemed to be, did she still want to go on living?


The boy met her on Saturday afternoon and they walked toward the park for another picnic.

His hand felt warm, his skin smooth. She liked his pulse. She liked hers. She had decided that much, and it was enough for now.

She paused as they reached the library.

‘I have to go somewhere for a moment,’ she said. ‘Will you wait for me?’

He peered down the path to the wood. ‘Are you sure you’ll be all right by yourself?’

She nodded. ‘I’ll be fine. Just wait here a while and I’ll be right back.’


She reached the tree she had slumped against five days ago, plastic rope in hand. It was uncomfortable to think about it, but sure enough, the rope was there now.

She reached down to pick it up.

‘You see, I told you I’d let you have it back,’ said the fox.

‘Thank you,’ said the Girl. She pushed it into her coat pocket, it seemed right to take it back.

‘So,’ said the fox, ‘how have the past few days been?’

‘Good,’ she said. ‘Better than I had expected.’

The fox nodded towards the fence behind her. ‘Have you seen the saplings?’

She turned and walked over to the fence, bracken crackling beneath her heels.

She was surprised at what she saw.

The first sapling had tried to grow around the barbed wire, and was distorted, its trunk warped. Its branches seemed to tuck back into itself rather than reaching for the sun.

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Part 2: Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday!The months flew by and she had to admit that their sex life seemed more exciting ever since they made the deal. This month was his birthday and she wanted to do something special for him. As she reflected on their sexual experiences over the last few months, an idea hit her for the perfect present for his birthday. She thought about some of his favorite experiences that they experienced as a result of their deal and decided that...

2 years ago
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Reclaimed In Full Chapter 4

I stormed out of the pub while Joel followed me. “Simon! If you do something stupid, you will lose her and ruin your marriage.”I got in the car, switched on the ignition and the car roared to life. “No, Jo! It’s not me. It’s her! She has lost me!”Shifting the gear, I pressed the accelerator and the car was in motion. The patience for which I was often praised was lost, and rage had taken control of my thinking. The cognitive part of my brain had come to a halt and was taken over by anger, which...

2 years ago
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Kurts Dream

Kurt Wagner A.K.A. Nightcrawler, was sitting alone in his room, wondering what his life would have been like if he wasn't born x-gene positive. He wondered what he would have looked liked. But he realizes that he is different, he's a mutant. He is 5'8, weighs 138 pounds and has blue fur all over his body, has only has three digits on each hand and has a functional blue tail that ends in a triangular point. His special ability is he can teleport over short distances, through a side...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Ch 01

Authors Note: This is not a story about incest so if that’s what you are expecting you will be disappointed! * I’m used to control, I work in a controlled environment, you see. Well, as controlled as a college can be! I’m a good actress, you need to be. Strip teaching back and that’s all it is – the façade, the emperor’s clothes. And I’ve never let my teaching mask slip. So many years of reserve, truth be told, and it has bled into my whole life. When I was younger I had hot thoughts like,...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 9

Joan wandered around her house feeling lost and very nervous. By the time she'd seen Ken earlier in the week, she'd decided that under no circumstances would she see any of those people again. Ever. But every time she'd thought of Eric or Sally, and how she'd feel if she never saw them again, her eyes teared up. She had had to call them one last time, then had managed to let Eric talk her into letting him and Sally come over. Her hands shook as she laid out the last plate for...

1 year ago
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ENVY by Eric This is a fan fiction of the National Treasure movies. No copyright infringement intended. Riley Poole was so angry he was surprised he wasn't burning up with spontaneous human combustion. See chapter 6 of my book nobody bought but the FBI, he thought bitterly. Here he was instrumental in finding two of the great lost treasures in the history of the world and nobody knew his name or saw his face. The only who had seem to know him was the IRS who has seized all his...

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KellyChapter 29

Todd was at it early Friday morning. He had left with Ami and Cara shortly after the sun had come up, and they were at the studio before 8:00. Todd had quietly slipped out of bed leaving his two lovers to embrace each other in sleep as he dressed, ate with Ami and Cara, and driven to the studio. Vanetta had come down when she heard the door open and helped Todd as he worked on the gymnasts' make-up. Then the girls had gone into action. Robert came down at 9:00 and had breakfast with Vanetta...

2 years ago
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dost ne maa ko choda

hi aunty logo yeh mere dost ki sacchi kahani hai jo mein aapke choot ke khidmat mein paish kar raha hoon choot mein ungli karne ke kaam aayegi Aage ki kahani mere dost ki jubani ye mere sache kahane he , mera nam aftab he mere age 22 he aur ma ke age 40 tak aur dad 48 tak he mere ma wese to buhut ashe character ke he pata nahe ye kese ho gaya . ye jan-07 ke bat he dad buhut bemar the hum unko gaonse se lahore leke ja rahe train me hum ne sleper men booking karwae . ye rat ka 9 baje ka time...

4 years ago
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Sexy Sub Slut ShySanne Day 3 part 3

SEXY SUB SLUT SANNE & FIERCE FIONA IN SECOND THREESOME IN CHAT - #2Sanne's tiny teen tits torture by tingling clamps. And next by whipping them off.Sanne's nice 'naughty' nipples turn to rare 'pink diamonds', rock-hard as they are.Sanne's boobies become bigger by all erotic excitement, pain pleasure inflicted!Sanne's ass needs now fresh re-painting red, traces from two days before faded.Sanne's bottom is burning once more, as well her belly now, for her wish to piss.Sanne's love lips, still...

4 years ago
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Bathtime with Daddy Part 1

Introduction: What happens when daddy looks at his little girl in a whole new way at bathtime? ~This story is completly fictional and created from my imagination!!!~ Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!! my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wifes passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so...

4 years ago
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My First Corporate Sex Experience With My Manager

Hi, guys. Thanks for the overwhelming response for my first ever sex story that I submitted here. This sex story is about my corporate life, how I had sex with my manager. You can call me jacky.And my manager Riya (name changed for obvious reason). I am sure when she will read this story she will come to know about me. As she is a regular reader of this site. Riya is almost 35 years old, but I can bet upon my own flat that anyone looking at her will say she is just 25. Big busty boobs, fair...

1 year ago
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The Girl Book 2 Chapter 04

As it was already dark, and it was the middle of a forest, nobody wanted to stop. Even for a small girl. Finally a big truck stopped, and a big looking guy asked through an open window. --- "What's up kid?" --- "I'm lost, sir. I would like to get home." The man stopped the engine, and got outside. He was big, and quite fat. With a big beard and greasy stains all over his shirt. --- "A small little thing like you? Out here in the woods?" --- "Yeah. Some friends played a trick on...

1 year ago
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Painful Trouble In Boyfriend Marriage

Hi guys I am 19 year old cute gay from Hisar, Haryana This is my story which happened a week ago…. Hope you will enjoy this.. As you know this is season of marriages. I got a invitation from my first boyfriend of his wedding. He said he will pick me tomorrow from my PG. At first I denied but later he persuaded me and I can’t refused. It was 4 day tour for me. So I packed my things and was ready to go. He came in his car and picked me from my pg. He was looking very handsome as always. As he...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Addict Island

Much like many societies throughout history, this one frowned upon female sexuality. So much so, in fact, that women who engaged in sexual acts were shipped to a secret prison island. Only women lived on the island. There were no guards, but often, sailors would happen upon the island. The location was kept secret, but for obvious reasons, many men would bribe government officials for the location and sail there. Lana, the daughter of Enos, stood trial for sexual actions. Enos had already been...

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A Bed Breakfast for sexual pleasure

When I was 29 years old, my parents died in a car accident and I inherited a beautiful large home that they had recently bought and had converted to a bed and breakfast place. Since they lived in a resort area which was popular in both summer and winter they expected it to be successful although they didn't care if they made a lot of money. My husband and I decided to move into the house and try to run the place the way my parents had expected since it sounded like fun and my husband is very...

Group Sex
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My Sisters WeddingChapter 2

Since the wedding was this coming summer it gave them a lot of time to prepare. Jason did come in and ask me if I would be his best man. I never thought to ask who the maid of honor was. I figured I would just ask Chris. I did find out that Larry and Gary agreed to be ushers. This was really all formality stuff. The cruise ship would be taking care of getting the reception hall ready. Chris came by my office and I asked her who was in her wedding party. She told me I was the best man and...

2 years ago
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life in fairytail

You were born on a farm that your mom and dad ran until one day when you were eight. You were fishing in a creek when you heard a scream. You rand towards whoever was screaming. You got their just in time to live the nightmare of watching your mother and father being brutally murdered by a group of bandits. You were so scared you couldn't move. Then you took a step back and stepped on a stick alerting the bandits to your presence. When you saw the murderous look in their eyes you ran away and...

4 years ago
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LimitsChapter 13 Jennys Story

A gym class laid out Jenny Shipley's future when she was just 8 years old. Taking a run on a long mat to do a tumbling flip, Jenny felt comfortable about what she was being asked to do. But she'd rather be back in the library reading a book than wearing tight, skimpy clothes in a big gymnasium. Jenny was bright enough to be easily among the brightest kids in her school. But because she was pretty, very blonde and in no need of glasses, no one perceived her as anything other than...

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My beginningpart 1

How did I begin? Smile…there was a time there were no cell phones and no internet (some of you might not be able to imagine that) and a single rotary-dial phone for the house. Tv was being broadcast in color but there were only 13 channels and you were lucky to get five of them. It seems today that most high school k**s have practiced sex before high school. I don’t know if that’s true but it just seems that way. It wasn’t like that in “my time”. Like many events in one’s life my beginning...

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Rocky Having Sex With Colleague8217s Wife Kavita

Hi All, This is the story about sex with my colleague wife which happened few years ago (All names are changed for obvious reason). I’m Rocky 5.7, athletic body. Kind at heart, jovial and good guy. Can reach me on Comments and responses are welcome :) My colleague Deepak is a best friend to me. Before marriage we used to hangout a lot. First I got married and after two years Deepak got married. I helped him in his love marriage against their parents wish. Her name is Kavita. Deepak is from...

2 years ago
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Gulp Girl with the Zeppelin Tattoos

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers We were in a large bathroom at a house party. Our lips were locked, our bodies were conjoined in a powerful embrace that is felt, explicitly only by lovers. We were like two clouds, crashing together, creating thunders. Both of us were filled with terrible, heart breaking, intense emotions and we needed a release. When we crashed, it rained; not above us, but inside us. Together, we let the burden go. I cupped her ass and pulled her closer. She had her head...

3 years ago
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Surprise HoneyChapter 8

Jan worked hard to get a great meal ready for us. She wanted to impress the ranger I think, and I was pretty sure that would happen. May checked the boat over and then asked me to go fetch our guest for dinner. Carl helped me get the zodiac in the water and I took off for shore. I could see the ranger waiting as I pulled in. She was wearing blue jeans and a nice shirt. Her chest was defined, as that shirt was snug on her. I tied off to the dock and stepped up onto the wooden walkway. I held...

1 year ago
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John and Sarah

Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister and I were on holiday with our parents in Scotland, I was 19 and Sarah 18, we had been there three day’s, part of the visit was so they could visit old collage friends, not wanting have to listen to all the old collage stories, Sarah and I stayed at the hotel, we could have room service in moderation, we knew our parents could be back late and wasn’t bothered when they hadn’t got here when we went to bed. It was around 2am when the phone...

2 years ago
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Teenage Adventures Chapter 6

It was beginning to get dark when Cindy woke up. She roused the others, and quickly got dressed."Gracious me", exclaimed Ms. Alsover when she realized what time it was. "You have to hurry up my dear, your mother will be worried".Somehow, Cindy had her doubts about that, but she did not want any more trouble at home. She packed up her things, kissed her grandma, and went for the door."Wait a minute", said Timothy, and he was pulling on his t-shirt. “I will take you home.”Cindy was glad for the...

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Brady Berta BoydChapter 6

It turned out to be an open winter. We had no time to sit by the fire. Charlie and Pete pushed things along and the timbers were dressed out and moved to the warehouse. The floor of the warehouse at loading dock level was the first portion to be constructed. Soon the shell of the building was being put together and we could say we had a warehouse. Canvas was our major expense, but it was something that could be used over and over again and later sold as used. The warehouse floor was built...

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Ecstasy With My Hot Neighbour Sarika

This is Amit, back with another interesting episode of my life. This one was an unexpected one and had taken me by complete surprise. A big thanks all those who have been writing to me and appreciating my stories and also those who are in touch with me. For new comers, I’m 35, 5’10” tall with an athletic body. Pretty good looking and an adventurous person, living on the edge. Pardon me for a long story, but believe me, its worthwhile to read the buildup. You will enjoy it. Getting back to the...

1 year ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 66

Jack was sitting down at his computer when I got home. "Jack, I've got to get going." "Going? For what?" "Oh, shit. God damn it, this is getting ridiculous. Today is the day we're burying Vivian. My mother." "Oh. I know I've been busy, but I'm certain that's something I would have remembered." "I know. There's just been so much going on with school and the emancipation and all of your appointments." "Well, no use crying about it. How much time do we have?" "Jack, I...

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How it Ended up Being Mom and Me 2

Getting out of the car at the hospital mom lead the way to the emergancy room then to the sign in desk which the woman behind the desk asked, "May I help you?""Yes I hope so. I'm Mrs. June Harriason, I'm here to see my daughter Magan Harriason that was brought in from a car accident.""Okay, hold on a minute and I'll be right back." the woman then stood up and went through a door behind her.It took a moment for the woman to return, "Mrs. Harriason, if you would step out and to your right there...

3 years ago
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Crazy day Part 1

PART 1 It all started pretty normal gf got up and ready for work, reminding me as she left that it's a late day so I'd see her around dinner time. This was also the day my ex needed a ride back and forth to a doctor appointment her car was in the shop, I was curious what would happen, we stayed friends mainly because we get together every once in a while for fuck sessions. I sent her a text making sure she still needed the ride. She responded yes please with a smiley face. Ok be...

3 years ago
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My Name Is AndiChapter 6

I cleared my throat and stood up and held out my hand and once again asked, “Jim. Would you like to dance? With me.” He smiled, took my hand and said, “I’d love to.” We walked hand in hand to a spot where there weren’t many people yet and started to dance. With my head on his shoulder, I said, “You’re so good at this. But I’m such a disaster at it.” He placed a hand on the back of my head and whispered, “Nonsense. You’re just starting out just fine. I’ve done this for years. You should...

1 year ago
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Head Girls Downfall

Mr Masterson stroked his long cane in anticipation as Tamara looked on anxiously. She knew what to expect and she knew it was going to hurt, her bottom tensed beneath her school skirt! At Le Blanc Maison finishing school for girls if you misbehaved there would be only one outcome, corporal punishment and if you were sent to the Headmaster, that would mean the cane! There would be no mitigating circumstances, the unfortunate girl would have to take off her knickers and bend over for however many...

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The Lesson

"The Lesson" I stood in the living room of Jane's apartment and watched the black and white picture on the television as her and Martha looked on. It showed Jane down in the apartment laundry room putting a load of clothes in the washer and another in the dryer. Then she fast forwarded the tape until I came into the laundry room, then let it play once again. It showed me going through the dryer she was using and going through her things. It show me "borrowing" two pairs of panties, a...

2 years ago
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Katlas Enslavement Ch 01

This story is from my own imagination, and based VERY loosely on the ancient Mayan empire. I know virtually nothing about it, so any dates or facts are probably wrong. ———— Katla lay curled up in the cage, shaking from fear, cold, and hunger. She had been captured by foreign peoples, as she went to collect seaweed from the shore. They had just anchored their ship, and she had walked right into their midst, fool that she was. They were very different, with silky black hair, and bronze skin....

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Arab Neighbor Part 2

As I was going to school one morning, there was a lot of commotion at Abdullah’s house. A big black van had pulled into the driveway and all the women were scurrying around with luggage. It looked like they were going on a trip.  I thought it would be a good day to mow their lawn and do pool maintenance if everyone was gone.That afternoon as I mowed the lawn, Abdullah pulled up in his big, black Mercedes and when he got out, I could see he was wearing his trademark, coal grey suit and fine...

Gay Male
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An unwilling slave

   I was at a bar by myself, drinking some beer and watching a basketball game on the big screen. I had a rough day at work, and this was my way of unwinding for the night. I had maybe three drinks when a guy sat next to me. I didn't pay much attention at first, but he started talking to me, and after a few minutes we were discussing the game, the strategy, and things like that. We chatted for a while, and sometime in there I got up and used the bathroom. ??? I was at the urinal, doing my...

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Enjoying a quick business trip

I was on a quick business trip; I had gone reluctantly there, since my hubby had come back home after a long trip of his and I really wanted to stay at home with him some days.But my Boss had insisted, saying I was the only one he could trust to take this task with fine results. After my first day there, I dressed up to go outside for dinner.I decided to wear a tight knee length black skirt and a red blouse.My panties were matching red and my conservative outfit was fully completed with a pair...

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