Sometimes Miracles Happen
- 4 years ago
- 42
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I jerked awake. I was in my bed snuggled up to Shannon. Allison lay just beyond her, still asleep and facing the wall. I turned to see the clock; it was just after midnight. Jumping out of bed I raced to the kitchen, flipped on the light, grabbed the phone, and quickly dialed the hotel number from the note on the counter. A woman's voice answered.
"Hello. My name is James Matthews. My parents are Richard and Cindy Matthews; they are guests in the hotel. I need to speak to them immediately."
"Mr. Matthews, it's late, perhaps in the morning would be better."
I yelled into the phone, "I need to speak to my parents now!"
"One moment please." Elevator music filled my ear, punctuated with encouraging advertisements for the hotel. The woman came back on the line. "I'm sorry, there is no answer in the room; they must not have returned yet. Would you like to leave a message?" I could argue with this idiot all night and get nowhere.
"No thank you." I hung up and redialed. I adopted a slightly British accent and re-pitched my voice. "Yes, good evening, hotel security please." More fake music.
"Hotel security, my name is Martin Sloan, how may I help you."
"Mr. Sloan, my name is James Matthews, my parents are staying in the hotel, I can't reach them. The woman at the desk tried the room but there was no answer. She said they hadn't come back in yet. Mr. Sloan, my parents aren't party people; they came down there to relax. I think something is wrong and I would like you to please go up and check their room."
"Slow down. You want me to go up and possibly wake up your parents in the middle of the night? What should I tell them?"
"Tell them their daughter had a bad dream and their son asked you to check on them when they didn't answer the phone. Ask them to call me right away. I'll apologize if necessary. Please, Mr. Sloan, I think something's wrong. Please! Just go check on my parents."
"Okay. Okay. I'll have your parents call you, but if you're wrong I expect you to do a lot of explaining."
The line went dead and I waited, and waited. I paced, and waited some more. Finally I couldn't wait any longer. I dialed the hotel again. This time a man answered the phone. "Martin Sloan, please."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Sloan is not available at this time. Can I take a message?"
"What do you mean he's not available?" I yelled. "I just spoke to him. He went to check on my parents."
"Are your parents Richard and Cindy Matthews?"
"Yes, sir."
"What's your name, son?"
"Jimmy, my name is Marcus Roberts. I am the night manager. How old are you, Jimmy?"
"Eighteen," I lied.
"Jimmy, we think your parents are going to be okay. We have them on oxygen and the paramedics are en route now. When Mr. Sloan didn't get an answer at your parents' door he used his passkey and entered the room. It was clear immediately that there was a problem with the air. He called for assistance and pulled your parents from the room. They will be taken to a nearby hospital shortly. I was just looking up your phone number from their check-in slip to call you but you beat me to it. I have to go make sure everything is okay, but I will call you again when I have more details. Jimmy? If you don't mind me asking, how did you know something was wrong?"
"My little sister had a bad dream and made me call."
"Well, Jimmy, most people would think that was strange. But then most people never met my Aunt Alice. Jimmy, if your little sister has any more bad dreams, you listen to her. Try to get some sleep son. I'll call you when I have more information."
I hung up the phone and turned to find Allison and Shannon standing behind me. They were both wearing robes. Shannon handed me mine. Allison simply said, "What happened?"
I hugged my sister close and I could feel the tears in my eyes, "I had a bad dream."
She stroked my neck and waited for me to recover. Then she drew me to the kitchen table and sat me down. She took one of the other chairs and said, "Tell me."
Shannon stepped behind my chair and began to lightly massage my shoulders. I told them everything. As usual Allison waited patiently while I repeated the story. Then she got up, walked around the table, sat down in my lap, and put her arms around my neck. Shannon leaned over and put her arms around both of us. We stayed that way for few minutes. We may have stayed that way all night but the phone rang.
Shannon handed me the cordless. "Hello."
"Jimmy? It's Marcus Roberts. I just got off the phone with the hospital. It looks like your parents are going to be okay. They are going to have to spend some time getting some special treatments to clear the toxic gases from their blood, but all indications are that they are going to be just fine." He went on to give me the name and address of the hospital. I wrote it down, thanked him for all of his help and said, "Mr. Roberts, I think you will agree with me when I say that it would be best if as few people as possible knew about this. I for one would not want the press to get a hold of it. Thank you for your assistance." Then I hung up and told the girls what he had said.
I was suddenly exhausted, physically and emotionally. There was nothing more that could be done tonight so we decided that the best thing to do was to go back to bed and try and get some sleep. Allison must have turned off my alarm because it was almost 8:00 when I finally woke up. Considering I am normally up by 5:30 that's a long time to over sleep. Sometime during that time the girls had left. I didn't hear them so I figured they must be outside somewhere.
After a quick trip to the bathroom I made my way out to the living room. I could see Shannon sitting reading a book on the sofa. There was no sign of Allison, but it didn't take long to find her. Shannon must have heard me coming because she turned and put her finger to her lips indicating that I should be quiet. I soon discovered why. Allison was stretched out on the couch under a light blanket, her head pillowed in Shannon's lap. She looked very peaceful. You had to look close to see the tear tracks. I leaned over to kiss Shannon good morning. I saw an empty cup on the coffee table and guessed that she had long ago run out and didn't want to wake Allison. I got the pot from the kitchen, re-filled it and handed it to her. She mouthed a silent thank you as she took it. She looked really tired.
After she'd had a sip I mouthed "How long?" and pointed to Allison. She pulled me close and whispered in my ear. "She's been out for a couple hours, but I thought she would never go to sleep. We got up about an hour after you fell asleep. She just wanted me to hold her. She cried off and on most of the night. Could you hand me that pillow over there? I want to try and sneak out from under her before I wet myself."
I smiled and reached for the pillow. Between us we managed to get it in place. I gently held Allison's head while Shannon slid out from under her, and then wedged the pillow in place. Shannon headed immediately for the bathroom. I went to the kitchen for some juice, and then took it and her coffee cup, along with the pot, out to the back patio. She joined me a few minutes later.
"So how is she doing?" I asked.
"I think she'll be okay. The whole thing just scared her. I mean gosh, she almost lost her parents last night. They're not even my parents and I wanted to cry just as much as she did. And if that isn't bad enough then there is what might have happened to the two of you if it had happened. It shook her pretty bad but I think it was mostly the shock and I think she'll be okay. So what are we going to do?"
"Well I think the first thing we better do is call your parents. They have to know. Most likely we are going to spend the day in the car. I hate to do it but I really am going to need to talk to Allison about damage control. If the story gets out it's going to draw attention. What the papers would do with something like this. We'd be on the front page of every tabloid in the country, 'Girl's dream saves parents!' Every ESP nut in the world would be camped on our doorstep wanting an interview. Thank you but that is exactly the kind of publicity I don't want."
"Well at least you told them it was Allison's dream, not yours."
"Yeah, but that still puts the family on the front page. I don't want there to be something that someone may later think of when they are trying to put two and two together. But how do we stop that."
A voice came from the doorway. "We threaten to sue their asses off if word one shows up in the paper or anywhere else." A very bleary eyed Allison closed the door behind her and joined us in the warm sunlight. "Ugh! That's bright. Feels good though." She planted herself between Shannon's legs on the lounger and asked, "How much have I missed."
"Not much, we just got started. Sorry we woke you up. I thought we were careful enough."
She yawned. "You were. I missed this." She rubbed her hand on Shannon's leg. "After Shannon's lap, a pillow is like sleeping on a rock. It's soft enough, but there is just something missing." Shannon pulled her back for a quick 'thank you' hug as she continued, "Anyway, you're right, we need to get Shannon's parents involved, and the sooner the better, but they're really only the first step."
"Do you think threat of legal action is going to be enough? And how do we justify the need to hush it up? An attorney is going to want this on the front page for maximum effect."
"Not if you get the right attorney. The people we really need to justify this to are going to be Mom and Dad. They are never going to buy that it was my dream that triggered this. They'll know it was you. There are simply too many past incidents. They'll want to know everything, especially Mom. And I don't see how we can tell them less than that. Any part of the story we tell them just brings up questions and they won't stop until they have answers. Mom is going to flip when she hears about what you are doing with Rebecca. I think maybe we need to talk to Bob first, and then, depending on what he says, Rebecca. I'm sure she could slam a lid on this if we convinced her that it needed one. But the FBI showing up would generate exactly the kind of attention that we are trying to avoid. So I think we need to keep them out of it." She paused for a moment, it was obvious she was thinking about something. "I think Mom is going to want to meet Rebecca."
"You think so?" I asked. She gave me her, 'oh please' look and ignored me.
"Well, now that I'm up I'm hungry. Those omelets you almost had last night sound like a good idea so why don't you call Karen and get them headed this way and I'll start breakfast. Shannon, would you be a love and just touch things up and make sure we haven't left any big red 'kids having sex' signs anywhere?"
"Sure, I think I'll start changing the sheets on Jimmy's bed. Maybe yours too."
Allison giggled at that. "Couldn't hurt. Let's get to it, kids; it's going to be a long day."
Tom answered the phone but as soon as I started talking he had Karen on the extension. I gave them the basics, leaving out the part about dreams and just saying that the hotel had called us. Karen immediately went on the attack.
"Jimmy, you should have called us immediately!" she began.
Thankfully, Tom intercepted her. "And that would have accomplished what, honey? Instead of being rested we could have rushed down at 2:00 in the morning and spent the night in a hospital waiting room wondering what was going on? I understand where you are coming from, honey, but I think Jimmy did the right thing. How is Allison?"
"She's okay now. The little brat waited until I went back to sleep then had a meltdown. Shannon held her and let her cry it out, and then got stuck playing pillow for her while she slept. I think she just needed to get it out. I think poor Shannon was about to burst a kidney before I finally got up and helped her slip away."
"Well, I'm glad Shannon could be there for her," Karen said. "We'll be over in a little while. I assume everyone wants to go see them."
Tom jumped back in, "Actually, honey, I think we should wait until we hear something more. If it was carbon monoxide then they are going to be sitting in a hyperbaric chamber and we won't be able to see them anyway. Jimmy? I assume you have the number of the hospital. Why don't you get that for me and we'll call first and see how they are doing. No sense driving two hours for nothing. We'll call you back in a few minutes. You did well, my boy. Give the girls a hug for us."
I gave them the number and went to update the girls. Allison was just taking the first omelet out of the oven where she used the broiler to melt the cheese on top. Did I mention she makes great omelets? Maybe she could give Angela some cooking lessons. I called Bob while I ate.
"Bob? It's Jimmy. Are you busy?"
"Jimmy? Hold on a second." I heard some background noise for a few seconds and then there was a click and he came back on the line. The beep that followed told me that he was changing phones. "Okay, I'm on a regular phone. Obviously something happened or you wouldn't have called. What's up?"
I gave him the short version and my concerns about publicity and the probable reaction of my parents.
"Shit! Oh, sorry. Okay, I know just the guy to handle the hotel. He's not an ambulance chaser so he'll do what we ask him to without trying to talk us into anything we don't want to do. I wish I could talk to your parents first but I think we need to try and put a lid on the hotel first. Unfortunately that is going to be just one more reason that we need to tell your parents everything. The biggest question mark is Rebecca. I don't see how we can keep her out of this. Allison is correct; your mother is most likely going to want to see her. She'll probably want you to just drop the whole thing and let Rebecca and the Bureau handle it on their own."
"No! Not going to happen," I said.
"Whoa, down boy! I understand your feelings on this. I'm just pointing out that you better be prepared for it because it's a natural parental response. How much does Rebecca know?"
"Well, she knows Allison's name and my face. A few other scattered facts and whatever deductions she's made on her own."
"Not a lot but maybe enough. I guess the real question is do you trust her? Specifically do you trust her enough to tell her everything? On the one hand it would make it a lot easier for you two to work together."
"Yes. I trust her. She understands the need for secrecy and was already working on a way for me to contact her without being traced. It sounds weird to say it, but I don't know how to reach her when I'm awake. Not without getting caught anyway."
"Leave that to me. Give me her boss's cell phone number. What was his name again?"
I gave him the name and phone number and he said he would call me back in a little while. I finished my omelet and contemplated the next move. All I could come up with was to wait.
I didn't have to wait long. Tom called back first. "Jimmy, it's Tom. Okay, I talked to the doctor handling your parents. They are doing great. They'll be in isolation for the rest of the day and they want to keep them another night for observation, so there is really no point in going down unless you want to have dinner with them at the hospital or something. Karen and I are going to take tomorrow off and drive down to pick them up. That way one of us can drive each car on the way back and they don't have to. If you kids want, we'll call you out of school and you can come along. Think about it and let us know. Hold on, Karen wants to talk to you."
"Hi, Jimmy, I'm sorry about before. Tom was right; you did the right thing. God, I hate to say that where he can hear me; I'll never hear the end of it. Anyway, I thought maybe Shannon could spend the night again in case Allison has any more problems. We don't have to tell her that's why but I think it would be a good idea. We'll bring her school stuff over later and she can just catch the bus there in the morning, okay? Unless of course you change your minds and decide to come with us."
I had to laugh to myself over that. Allison was about the most level and stable of the three of us. Now that she had worked it out of her system I wasn't worried about a relapse. No need to tell Karen that though, especially if it meant that Shannon could stay with us for another night. "That sounds fine, Karen. Why don't you guys come over for an early dinner, say around 4:30 or so? By then we'll probably know more and be able to make better plans."
"Oh, that's a delightful idea. We'll bring some steaks and corn on the cob. Maybe the girls can whip up a salad or something. We'll see you later, honey."
I could do her one better on the salad. We had Angela's left over potato salad. I brought the girls up to date.
"Cool," Allison exclaimed, "we get to wake up with Shannon again tomorrow. The reason sucks but I sure like the result!" She reached over and pinched the object of her affection on the butt as she passed by on the way to the laundry with the sheets from Allison's bed.
"Hey! Watch that, shorty, or you'll be sleeping on that couch alone."
"How about if I kiss it and make it better?" Allison crooned and pressed herself against the older girl.
"Well, in that case I'll let you do the other side too." Shannon dropped the sheets and the two of them began an interesting dance composed mainly of tongue and hand movements.
"Okay you two," I interrupted when things looked like they may be on the verge of escalating right there in the kitchen, "work now, play later. Don't make me separate you."
Allison slid her hand up under Shannon's top and pinched a nipple, "Think you're man enough?" she said with a gleam in her eye.
"Allison," I said warningly.
"Spoil sport," she muttered, but she did take her hand back out of Shannon's shirt. Shannon just kissed her on the nose, picked up the dropped load of laundry and continued on her way.
"Meany," Allison said, and headed into the kitchen to clean up the breakfast dishes. The phone rang and she answered it. "Hello? Hi, Bob. Yes, he's right here. Talk to him will you, he's being a stinker. He won't let Shannon and me play until we do our chores first!"
I slapped her on the butt. "Give me that. Back to work, wench. Hey, Bob. I tell you it's so hard to find good help these days. I'd fire these two in a second if I wasn't so desperately in love with them." Allison blew me a kiss from the sink for that one. "So what's up?"
"Well, we're pretty well committed at this point. I called the attorney I mentioned. He is going to call the hotel. He said not to worry, that they will already have someone standing by to handle anything that comes up. He is going to tell them they have one shot to get this right. Their instructions are to draw up a settlement agreement, which must include a gag order for all involved parties. With significant penalties if either side violates it, up to and including a complete lack of responsibility for the other side if it's violated. Essentially, if either side says anything, it costs them a fortune and the other side is then free to say whatever they want with no penalty or fear of repercussion. The agreement must be binding on all their employees as well. Then they get one shot at a settlement offer to your parents. No negotiation, get it right the first time or we go straight to court, the gag order is contingent on acceptance of the settlement offer. Should be a slam-dunk. You could get more by going to court but then there would be no way to keep this quiet. He said not to worry, if their attorney doesn't know just how much this is going to save them and jump at it, he will personally call their CEO and explain it. I hope your parents don't pop a gasket over the way we are handling this."
"Don't worry about it, Bob. My parents are not the least bit interested in suing anybody. Neither of them have a litigious bone in their bodies."
"Ooh, big word, I'm impressed. Okay, then on to part two. I called Rebecca's boss from a pay phone at the school. I'm sure they will trace the call and considering she knows your age I figured that should be a hint she couldn't miss. I told him to tell her that 'Jimmy' needs to talk and to have her call back to that number. I gave him a three-minute time limit. She called. Once she assured me that the line was safe to talk on I told her that I was your therapist and that something had come up that you may need to talk to her about on short notice. She gave me her cell phone number and said not to call back from the same pay phone, as her boss would probably have it watched. I then dropped the hint that you may actually want to talk to her in person. At first I thought the line had gone dead. Then she asked if I was serious? I told her nothing had been decided but that you felt you could trust her and that it looked very much like that may become necessary. She said to call back any time. She stressed the 'any' twice. So from here it's up to you. I'll help any way I can."
Friday, May 13, 1977 was the evening Megan Richards was supposed to be flying home to L.A. from Northwestern University in Illinois. It was also the day Brad had flown home from The Air Force Academy in Colorado… the day Barbie had been convinced that his plane was going to crash from being struck by lightning! But Brad had heeded her warning and avoided the sudden storms that had hit Las Vegas… Megan’s mother had been very relieved when she called home to tell them that she didn’t know when...
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Most of Megan Richards’ dreams for the future had been shattered… the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day… one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she’d always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father… Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she’d not inherited her smarts from him… except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas Seldon, was also very...
Megan Richards waited and watched for a chance to catch Jonnie North alone at his birthday party in the posh nightclub that the modeling agency had rented for their star client. But she rarely ever saw him without that gorgeous model Kristina Davidson hanging on his arm. But she stayed unobtrusive and observant, thinking the other woman was bound to get sidetracked at some point… Jonnie had asked the agency to be sure to invite all of his friends… including Megan. He wasn’t as angry any more…...
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Charles and Diana and Tom and Lynda were relieved an hour later when they heard Jonnie’s Camaro pull up in front of the Richards’ home in Brentwood again. They walked to the window and saw Barbie climbing out of the driver’s seat, Jonnie stumbling out of the passenger seat and both of them helping Megan and Brad out of the backseat. They all turned toward the door as it opened. Jonnie North entered behind Megan and he looked right at her mother. ‘If you guys had told Meggie that she and Brad...
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Charles and Diana and Tom and Lynda were relieved an hour later when they heard Jonnie's Camaro pull up in front of the Richards' home in Brentwood. They walked to the window and saw Barbie climbing out of the driver's seat, Jonnie stumbling out of the passenger seat and both of them helping Megan and Brad out of the backseat. They all turned toward the door as it opened. Jonnie North entered behind Megan and he looked right at her mother. "If you guys had told Meggie that she and Brad...
Most of Megan Richards' dreams for the future had been shattered ... the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day ... one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she'd always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father ... Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she'd not inherited her smarts from him ... except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas...
Barbie Estevez was sitting on Megan Richards' bed, helping her best friend pick out an outfit to wear for Jonnie North's 18th birthday party that evening. She finally helped her to decide on a full, flowing black skirt in a soft, gauzy material with a satiny lining that fell to just above her knees and a fitted white halter-top that supported her full breasts and gave her a lot of cleavage. Then Barbie suggested that Megan show off her well toned legs by wearing a pair of white, strappy...
Barbie Estevez cried out to Brad Seldon as his plane was going down in flames after being struck by lightning ... then she screamed and sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She looked around and realized it was the middle of the night and she was still in her bed ... not with Brad in his Cessna 172 Skyhawk in the middle of a violent storm. She put her face in her hands as she started to cry. The nightmare had seemed so real ... she'd never had such a vivid dream before in her life... She...
Friday, May 13, 1977 was the evening Megan Richards was supposed to be flying home to L.A. from Northwestern University in Illinois. It was also the day Brad had flown home from The Air Force Academy in Colorado ... the day Barbie had been convinced that his plane was going to crash from being struck by lightning! But Brad had heeded her warning and avoided the sudden storms that had hit Las Vegas. Megan's mother had been very relieved when she called home to tell them that she didn't know...
Megan Richards waited and watched for a chance to catch Jonnie North alone at his birthday party in the posh nightclub that the modeling agency had rented for their star client. But she rarely ever saw him without that gorgeous model Kristina Davidson hanging on his arm. But she stayed unobtrusive and observant, thinking the other woman was bound to get sidetracked at some point. Jonnie had asked the agency to be sure to invite all of his friends ... including Megan. He wasn't as angry any...
Luna's Father had finally agreed to a date for the wedding and arrangements were in hand for the hire of a Marquee which would be set on the level ground behind the house. People could disapparate into the garden and make their way to the wedding venue from there. For those who disliked this method of travel, then a port key would be made available at various locations. They had been given ministry approval for this. Since there was no proverb in the wizarding world which said, "Marry in...
Just as Liz predicted, Sean had to be taken to the hospital at least three times a week so the other nurses could see him. Martha was getting used to surprising things happening around Sean but she found that she could still be shaken. There were areas of the hospital that two month old babies couldn't be taken to because of fear of infection but the areas that were available were visited. One ward they could visit was the cancer ward. The cancer ward wasn't an especially pleasant place to...
The Hawking's return to Earth was very low key, as was the activity of most of the people who left the ship. Rob called another meeting in the Captain's mess, with the same group as before. Ted Henley got included this time. "We're back in a hurry because we need to get some teeth, both for the ship and for the crew. That means guns, and when it comes to this area, I will concede a lack of expertise, and cede it to those among us with military backgrounds." Rob said as an opening...
Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don’t make it I can’t think of a better way to go. But we really had to...
Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don't make it I can't think of a better way to go. But we really had to...
Straight SexHi all, I am Mimo from New Delhi. A decent 40+ Bengali chap working in MNC . I am well settled family man. I have been reading all the stories at ISS at my ease time. So i thought lets share one of my best extra marital affair happened with me. This incident took place about 3 years back, i happened to meet this wonderful marwari lady named Trishna she was working as general manager of a private reputed firm , our meeting started over coffee and ended with love making ,we had corporate meeting...
HAPPENSTANCE The eagerness I felt to suck cock drained slowly away the further I traveled down the corridor. By midway point, I has seen two men; one of which I held no interest in. The other, well, he showed no interest in me, so there I had broken even. I removed my darkened lenses and looked to the back of the corridor. A look in the mirror made me head there after a stop at the head. “Hello.” I said to the 5’10” tall, brown haired and eyed, well built man before me. “How are you?” He...
Rated R for context. Nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 14 "Floop and Happenstance" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly stared, squinting a little without his glasses. Andie had just removed Melissa's wig revealing thinning brown hair and a receding hairline, very much at odds with the rest of Melissa's appearance. Moments before,...
This is how it starts. A crowded Friday afternoon subway car, and my stop coming up. I'm trying to squeeze past you to get to the doors as you're zipping up your jacket, and you catch my hair and necklace in the zipper. We're stuck, tangled together by happenstance and fate, and I can't help but laugh at the consternation on your face. We're jostling the passengers around us, trying to free my hair and your clothing, drawing grumbles of complaint and annoyed looks, as the doors clatter...
HALLOWEEN HAPPENINGS by Throne The party was really beginning to swing when I arrived. I saw our hostess, Molly, who I had secretly lusted after for nearly a year. She was dressed as a devil girl, with a red body stocking, black boots and one of those plastic hairbands with two little horns on it. Oh, and she had jazzed up her make-up, heavy on the liquid eyeliner. Anyway, I didn't want to stare at her and it became very easy not to when she led me into the den. There, in the...
The Miracle Legacy By Morpheus There was a faint humming that filled the air from the small room's air conditioning, as well as the many whispers. I frowned, stretching in my chair and glancing around me impatiently. There were 9 other people in the room, waiting just as I was and all of them seemed to be college students too. I yawned, glancing at my watch and wondering when the show was going to start. Or more specifically, when it was going to be over so that I could collect my...
This story is certainly a sissy fantasy scenario come true. I realize that it's somewhat unrealistic, but a sissy can dream, can't she? My personal dreams are bolstered by my new Jailbird chastity and the key that I sent halfway across the country with the request that it not be sent back to me for at least two months. Anyway, I write this because I keep meeting men who claim to be Masters, but who are so worried about offending me by going too far so they don't push things hard...
Well lets start this from a point of my belief. After reading numerous stories from ISS I alawz believed that some woman is alwaz their who wants to get laid by me and it will happen someday in a very unusual manner, whether a married lady or a maid servant does wants me to screw her wildly and with that hope i kept on tryin hard to get attention either by looking at my neighbor’s maid servant constantly (she is hot by the way) or by looking at the aunties at various places. But my tryst never...
IncestThis story is dedicated to a beautiful young girl who tragically took her own life on September 5, 2006. This story is not about her. Nor does it involve her suicide, but rather, is a result of my own grief for her family. When I feel the ache of sadness, I's the only way I am able to understand and cope with tragedy. - Anon Allsop ***************************************************************** "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight...
The Miracle 14 year old Deepu lay in his bed wide awake, scared and sad. His dad was drunk and shouting in the hall while his mom was in her bedroom crying. He wondered how everything went so wrong so quickly. A few weeks ago his mother had given birth to his baby brother. A child that his parents were hoping and trying for, for years. It was like a festival at his home. Unfortunately the baby developed some complications and died. It sent the family in to a deep tailspin. His father was drunk...
IncestWe arrived at the club just after 10pm and wandered up to the bar to get the first round of our nightly alcohol intake, the music was pretty good for an early start as my wife and I sipped on our cider and found an empty table near the dance floor. She was the first to make her way up to dance and show off her figure hugging dress as she moved around to the music, I admired her curves through the black fabric and wondered if maybe her lack of bra was a good choice while noticing her small pert...
They cruised the block for the 20th day in a row, checking out who was home and who was not. The old van made the turn and stopped, the three of them talking about the job, "What do you think?" Mark asked the other two, they both nodded their ascension, "Tomorrow then," and he pulled out and headed home. They had been friends for years, living off of others, family and mostly strangers. They all lived together in the house Mark's father had left him, but life is not free, so they cased...
He did what any father would do. When he received a call from the school officials that something had happened to his daughter he was on it in a minute. “What?” he said, assuming it was bad. “When did this happen?” he asked. “I’ll be there as soon as possible. Where do I need to go?” he went on to say. They told him and he immediately threw on his clothes and grabbed his wallet and took off to get his daughter so he could take care of her. “Are you okay?” he asked her. “Are you alright,...
IncestDonna came into the room holding her cellphone and said to her husband, "Dear, it will have to be a raincheck on making pottery tonight. Alice called, she sounds really down." Martin Gahan was as happy as a poker player holding the nuts when his wife said she had to cancel their plans for the night. He loved spending time with his wife, but wanted to actually be the poker player holding the nuts tonight instead. His friends threw together a spur of the moment poker game for this...
It’s too cold today to wear a skirt, so I’ll need pants. I select one of my few pairs I have to choose from, so tight that I can’t imagine them ever seeming comfortable to a person. Black. For a top I have a bit more selection. I’ll wear the dark blue top: silky and breezy, with thin straps. It shows off a lot of chest, and all of my shoulders. I watch myself dress in the dirty mirror in my “room”. It’s more like a cell, with only one small window that is too high to look through, and a small...
Introduction: Im sorry it took so long to get it up! Im hoping you guys enjoy it, despite the long wait. The lacy black underwear which are so transparent that they are almost invisible, or the obscenely small red ones that hardly cover more than my nipples? I guess Ill choose the red ones today. Its too cold today to wear a skirt, so Ill need pants. I select one of my few pairs I have to choose from, so tight that I cant imagine them ever seeming comfortable to a person. Black. For a top I...
Strange couplingI had been dating Ann for a year and a half. I was not a favorite of her mother. She was constantly on Ann to break up with me. She didn’t think I was worthy of her daughter and was constantly on Ann about it. Thankfully, Ann was not aligned with her mother on that.Mrs. M , Ann’s mother, was also the principle of the High School. I always treaded lightly around her mother. It was one thing for Mrs. M not wanting me to date her daughter and another to get in trouble at school. We...
She’d had a horrific experience in her very first year at college. Away from home for her very first time, Kathi had experienced a most frightening occurrence she will scarcely overlook. But once he found out he was there. Her daddy jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes and her daddy was there to comfort her and “take” her into his arms. “Oh honey…ohhh baby…are you alright?” he asked as he held her full figured like body in his arms. It looked like it but he couldn’t be sure. Her mother...
Incest(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Daughter's Incestuous Miracle By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – September 2037 I trembled as Mommy rubbed the wand vibrator up and down my pussy. I loved the birthday gift she bought me, the buzzing end of the massager humming against my entire pussy at once, sending wicked sensations through me. It made listening to my parents talk about their first dinner date even more naughty. I was...
Our story starts with Steve on vacation, sunning at the beach during his summer vacation, there is a party atmosphere in the air as the most of the students that have come to the beach on their summer break is there to do only one thing, party. Normally this early in the mornings most of the students was sleeping off the effects of their heavy partying the previous evening. This was the time that Steve and obviously the other inhabitants of the town chose to do their visit to the beach, the...
I swear to God, I did not sacrifice a virgin, and I did not sell my soul to the devil. Considering the fact that I am married — quite happily — to the most awe-inspiring woman you’ll ever meet in your lifetime, your children’s lifetimes or even your grandchildren’s lifetimes, you may wonder what I did to land her. The answer? Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. I was simply sitting on a barstool, a lonely 30-year-old man nursing the wounds of my latest relationship disaster over several mugs of beer...
The Miracle of Christmas Another sleepless night, another Christmas fraught with worry. There wouldn't be many packages to open for the kids this year. I've been telling them that Christmas is too commercial and we are starting a new tradition of just one present per person. The reality is that we can't afford even one. They had watched the polar express for the umpteenth time, and I was tired of hearing that simpleton message: “You just need to believe.” Belief is a luxury for children and...
SupernaturalBrad's Miracle Cream by ~ MojoFu ~The buzzer sounded James walked over to hit the intercom button."Hello," called out James ."It's me," came Linda's voice back through the static filled box.James pushed the button to let her in then unlocked the door. He shuffled over to the couch and plunked himself down in front of the baseball game that was on. A few minutes passed until Linda came inside and shut the door behind her. She wandered over to the fridge and found a bottle of water. Opening the...
"Hi Bobby. Don't be afraid, I won't bite..." Oh god. She had a friend from school, Abby Wilson, built much the same way. Abby also knew how to tease. She sat in my row in the auditorium for study hall, one empty seat between us. She had a habit when leaving to need to go in the opposite direction from me. So she'd squeeze by in front of me, letting her tight ass rub across the front of my pants. Then I'd have to hide the hardon during my next class. One day an upper classman in the row...
I swear to God, I did not sacrifice a virgin, and I did not sell my soul to the devil. Considering the fact that I am married — quite happily — to the most awe-inspiring woman you'll ever meet in your lifetime, your children's lifetimes or even your grandchildren's lifetimes, you may wonder what I did to land her. The answer? Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. I was simply sitting on a barstool, a lonely 30-year-old man nursing the wounds of my latest relationship disaster over several mugs of...
"Are you sure you don't need anything else, Amberle?" Suzie asked. I shook my head. "No, you guys have been wonderful." The week after McKayla died was one big blank spot in my life with only a couple of memories in between. Maureen said I handled everything well. In truth, there wasn't much I had to do. Before she died, my wife had pretty much planned out her memorial service and had made all the arrangements. I think she knew there were so many things that were out of her hands,...
Within seconds the whole scene around that house burst into one of frenzied activity as axes and grappling hooks were brought into play along with chainsaws and all sorts of other rescue equipment. As Jared watched he saw one fireman jump down into a hole of sorts and call out, “It’s some sort of wine cellar. There’s two people lying down here in the wine cellar. I don’t know how they survived but they have. They are unconscious and badly burned but they are still breathing! Get them...
"What did you do to me?" I asked Theodora in confusion. The nun was still straddling me, my cock still inside her pussy. When she mounted me, when I submitted to her, I had expected her to exorcise me and steal my powers. Instead, she gave me something else, some golden power. The power had sunk into the very fiber of my being, the very essence of my soul. I could see her aura, no longer the gold of a nun but the silver of a regular person. What was going on here? Mary was bound and gagged...