David's Slave Farm: Alyse's Training Part 2 free porn video

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As soon as my eyes had drifted asleep, I was woken by a siren like alarm. Suddenly, all of the lights were turned on and the room was illuminated. I saw my surroundings for the first time. I was in a large barn, with about 30 other girls.

All of the girls were on all fours, and had crawled to the front of their stalls. Some put their hands on the cage. I instinctively did the same. I looked again at some of the girls. They all seemed young, in their teens. They looked scared, but it seemed that they knew better than to cry out loud. They were all petite girls, most though with bigger boobs than mine. Their hair was all over the place, looking dirty and unkempt. Their skin similarly looked dirty, with mud marks and dirt smears on mostly pale white skin.

I looked around my stall, it looked antiquated, save for a 30 inch monitor displayed high on the back wall of each stall. There was a clip of what I thought was porn. It was of a leashed girl, with a tail butt plug on all fours getting gang banged by 5 or 6 different men. She looked like she was in a mansion. She seemed like she was having the time of her life. I was confused as I peered curiously at the video.

I looked away as the farm doors opened. Several men wearing black shirts and trousers came in and started coming into each stall. They were pouring some kind of feed into the doggie bowls that were in each stall.

The man that entered my stall didn’t even look at me. He simply poured this mud brown chunky feed into my doggie bowl, and used a hose to pour water into a second bowl. He hastily locked the stall closed and moved on to the next stall.

I looked down at my bowl, which looked like it was filled with poop. I smelled the thick mixture and gagged. I looked up at the girls across from me. Each and every one of them was digging in face first into their bowls. They were eating up the slurry like their lives depended on it. None of the girls were using their hands either. I realized that we were probably not allowed to.

Given their reactions, I realized that at least it was edible. I slowly tried it, and almost vomited. It tasted like shit. I forced myself to get through the bowl as I realized it wasn’t much food, and I didn’t know when I would eat next.

I was the last of the girls to finish by a long shot. I lapped up some water similarly. I looked at my chest, the brown juices were all over my boobs and dripping down my stomach. I could only imagine what my face looked like. The other girls were in similar shape, but didn’t seem to mind. One by one, the girls went to one of the far corners of their stalls and digging small holes.

What were they doing?

I almost vomited as I saw that they were pooping in the corner of their stalls. One by one, each of the girls started defecating.

It wasn’t long until I felt a deep cramping sensation in my gut. I wanted to curl up into a ball. I knew what was coming next. I crawled to one of the corners. I assumed the position that most of the other girls were currently in. I put my ass near the ground, and waited. I pooped large chunks of shit into the corner of my stall. Then more cramps came. I continue shitting in the corner as wave after wave of increasingly liquid poop kept coming out. Whatever was in the feed was clearing my intestines out.

I was so humiliated. Although none of the girls around me were paying attention to me, I had never pooped like this in public before. The smell was also terrible.

After I was done, I tried to sit as far away from where I pooped as I could, but given the small confines of the stall this wasn’t that helpful. I saw the other girls using their mouths to move heaps of hay onto their business to cover it, so I did the same. I almost puked again as my face got close to my shit.

The smell seemed to dampen a bit, for what it’s worth.

Thankfully two men entered the room again and led us out of our stalls. All the girls were on all fours as they followed the men out of the barn. I didn’t dare break the trend. It felt so strange to be on all fours, and naked at that.

I say my ‘barn mates’ now up close for the first time. I tried to make eye contact, or even feign a smile at them, but they all just looked forward, fearing to meet my gaze. Most looked straight ahead or down as they moved on all fours swiftly.

Sunlight hit my face as we were led outside. The men were on ATV’s. We were following the one in front of us. There was another one about 20 yards behind us watching for stragglers. I realized that they were taking us for a walk.

I looked around, in awe and horror. This was much bigger farm than I first imagined, it looked like a small town. There were many different barn like structures, as well as what looked like a health clinic with red crosses, and houses. Overarching the entire plantation was a mansion of a house.

What’s more is that there were seemingly dozens of groups of girls like ours, being led for walks by a couple of men. I couldn’t help but notice that the other groups looked different. The girls looked clean, and happy. Many were smiling, or had their tongues out as the pranced through the fields.

Where as I and some of the other girls in my cohort were struggling to walk on all fours, some of the other cohorts looked like they were effortlessly running in the same predicament. I certainly couldn’t get far before my knees were scraped from the rough dirt they were leading us through. My hands and elbows were killing me too. I was noticeably slowing down behind the pack. I was winded as well, clearly I wasn’t used to moving like this.

Before I could lag too far behind though I felt a sharp crack on my ass cheek. I turned around and realized that the man behind me on the ATV had whipped me!

“Move slut!” he screamed before winding up again.

I scampered ahead, causing the next lash of the whip to miss me. I was horrified, but this motivated me to catch up to the group and ignore my pain. My ass cheek burned.

After seemingly hours, we were led back to the barn. I couldn’t help but notice that some of the other herds stayed out, and had begun 'free grazing'. Some of the girls were playing with each other, some had gone into a pond to clean themselves. Some were being led into different buildings.

Our group was definitely being treated differently. We, dirty as ever, were made to go back to our stalls, which still smelled terrible. Thankfully though, a trainer came in and grabbed me again out of my stall. I was led out to one of the buildings that looked like a health clinic.

There, I was brought into a beautiful white clinic room, and made to sit on the floor. I looked at my skin, covered in dirt, mud and food smears.. I felt like I didn’t deserve to be in an office this nice.

A doctor, looking to be in his sixties, with a white beard, bald head and generous body approached me. The trainer stayed at my side. He showed me several cards and asked me to find the right card following a certain pattern. He did several tests like this for 30 minutes or so.

The doctor then put on gloves, and then started inspecting me like I was a dog and he was a vet. He looked into my mouth, inspected my teeth and then quickly listened to my heart and lungs with a stethoscope. He got me to roll onto my back and palpated my tummy.

Without any warning, he slipped two fingers into my pussy. I gasped.

“There there girl.” He cooed.

He withdrew and then quickly inserted a finger into my anus. I gasped again, I had never been touched there. I instantly clenched.

“Very tight” he smiled, looking pleased.

He turned to my trainer “she’s a very fine specimen. 5’6”, 90 pounds. Excellent baseline measurements. B cup breasts, 26 inch waist, 32 inch hips measured at the ass. She’s a thoroughbred, great bone structure, great fat distribution and potential for secondary sexual characteristics with our treatment. She’s smart, her IQ is around 110. Despite this, her obedience is not bad for her level. She will make a fine pet in due time.”

“David will be happy to hear that.” The trainer replied smiling.

The doctor went to his cabinet and drew up three different syringes. He told me to present my ass to him. I waited in fear in anticipation of what was coming next. I screamed in pain as he rapidly injected each syringe into my ass cheek.

The doctor grabbed my hair and stood me up. He took my over to the patient bed and bent my body over it.

“You don’t mind do you?” he asked the man I was with “I just love fucking these dirty little things before he gets a chance to clean them and train them. It really does feel like I’m fucking a wild beast.”

“Do your thing doc I got all day.” He smiled as he left the room.

I whimpered as I heard his zipper unhook. I cringed as I felt his hands spread my bare ass cheeks. He split my ass cheeks apart and entered my pussy from behind. I sobbed again. This was the second strange man in as many days that had now fucked my former virgin pussy.

He couldn’t care less. He continued to fuck me until he came. He knew I was powerless to resist. He gave me a sharp smack on the ass and then called the trainer in. I was led back to the stall.

Shortly after this, trainers, as well as a doctor entered the barn.

“OK pets. Time for psychological training to commence” the doctor announced.

One by one, we were given shot glasses of a warm liquid that we ingested. Almost instantly, I felt very relaxed. It’s like I forgot all about the terrible situation I was in, and instead felt like I was sinking into the hay. I felt like all my troubles had disappeared. Our vision was directed to monitors that were on the back wall of our stalls.

The doctor started speaking in the center of the room, and its as if all I could hear was him speaking directly to me. Some of the things he was saying was really resonating with me in this state

“It is your only purpose in life to please men.”

“You are nothing but a pet, whose job it is to serve your masters”

“You will be free of all responsibility and stresses of your old lives. Embrace your new life and fulfil your true destiny as a female.”

One the monitors were high frequency images and short clips of girls in leashes and collars, being walked by their masters, getting fucked in all sorts of ways as well as punished.

Phrases like this were repeated for seemingly hours. An unknown period of time later, I fell out of my trance, and slowly realized where I was again. While aware that I was locked in a stall in a barn, I felt a tiny bit more calm now. It was hard to explain.

“OK girls, now that our psychological training session is over, your daily sexual training will commence.”

A middle aged woman, and ten more trainers entered the room. I looked at the woman. She walked around the room elegantly. She wore a classy black cocktail dress. I couldn’t help but gawk at her body. Although she seemed to be in her 40’s at least, she had an immaculate figure. She was about 5’7” tall, slim and had tremendous breasts, a shapely butt and toned legs. She was blonde, but had some grey hair coming in.

The woman was picking 5 girls to come out of their stalls. I was utterly shocked that many of the girls were excitedly panting and pawing at their door. Its like they wanted to be chosen..

I watched as four of the excited girls were chosen, and taken to one of the many beds in the center of the room.

To my horror, for the last pick they came directly to my stall and pulled me out.

“Come on newbie, gotta pop the cherry some time.” The woman sneered at me.

It wasn’t long before I heard moans and whimpers echo throughout the room as the girls each had two trainers working them. I was whimpering in fear as two brutish men took me to one of the beds. Again I looked around. I saw many envious eyes looking at me. I couldn’t believe that some of the girls actually wanted this!

“Today we are going to work on your cock sucking, cock riding, and double penetration work.” The woman said to me as the men began to fuck me

She proceeded to coach me, as well as the other girls through various sexual positions. I was terrified, but something about the meditation session had calmed my nerves. By no means was I enjoying this, but I realized that there was not an obvious way out, so I reluctantly did what I was told. I noticed that the woman was coaching me a lot more than the other girls. The other girls were seemingly having the time of their lives fucking their trainers in any way that they asked.

After I was done, I was led back to may cage. The woman said that my next training session would be in two days, and told me what I needed to work on. They placed two of the other girls back in their stalls, and led two out of the barn, leaving their stalls empty.

The day had grown long now. I was exhausted. I was also starving. The small serving of feed in the morning is all that we had been given all day. I wasn’t known to eat much, but this was a tiny portion of food even for me. I, like many of the other girls, started to chew on hay throughout the day to trick our bodies into thinking we were eating.

I was curling up, getting ready to sleep, when the alarm blared.

“Attention all pets. Please direct your attention to the screen.

This pet, was caught using English to try and to speak to another pet. Please use this as a gentle reminder that all human dialect is forbidden. You are a pet, and should behave like it. Also please watch the entire punishment, or you will be punished as well.”

The monitor flashed to a girl in a dark room. She was gorgeous. She had a small waist, at least D cup breasts. She was a red head with blue eyes and pale skin. She had thick white collar on, and a butt plug with a red tail that matched her hair.”

A brutish man took the whimpering girl and bent her over into a medieval looking wooden device. He locked her hands and head into the shackles, leaving her helpless to defend herself.

He grabbed a whip and started whipping her pale ass. She shrieked with each blow, her wails echoed through the speakers into our barn. I wanted to look away but I somehow knew that they would find out if I did.

After 20 blows, her ass had turned a deep shade of purple. Next the man took her out of the device. Another man came by and escorted her out of the dungeon. The video stopped.

“Do not be like this bad pet, take this as a gentle reminder to follow the rules.”

About ten minutes later, the door to our barn opened, and this girl that we just saw on the screen was brought in to join us. She was put into a stall where one of the previous girls was in.

Strangely, the trainer took her butt plug out, and threw her to the ground. She laid there, purple assed, and crying.

It was then that I realized that this wasn’t just a normal barn, it was more of a place where new girls were held for a bizarre and cruel orientation. It also served as a punishment for girls that had been ‘demoted’ from other barns.

Exhausted, I went to sleep that night. I had this deep feeling of hopelessness, that my life would never be the same. But I realized that if I was forced to stay here, I at least needed to get out of this barn.

Day 7

I was already awake by the time the alarm blared. I was completely used to the routine by now. I ate my feed. I learned to dig a deeper whole until I hit some soil. I pooped in the hole and covered it up. This caused the stall to smell less. I had gotten used to the smell anyways. I looked at the scene playing on the monitor. This time it was three gorgeous pet girls all servicing Master David in various ways in a luxurious room that looked like his bedroom. I looked at the girls. They looked so happy to be sucking his dick, they were practically panting in joy. They looked so clean, with their hair done up in extravagant ways, had make up on and their nails were done. They all had cushy tail butt plugs in, and even had various kinds of jewelry.

I looked down as I felt my tits in my hand. They were in pain seemingly every minute of the day. It was a terrible throbbing pain, like they were about to burst. I was also getting used to the constant pain in my groin, after being assaulted daily by one man or another.

As we were taken for a walk, my eyes again gazed over at the other herds. They looked so happy, so clean. On our walk though, we did walk by a public punishment. A blonde girl was tied upside down from a tree, tied at her legs. She was getting whipped across her tits and torso. I didn’t know what she did, but I knew she would be joining us soon. I knew I needed to get ‘promoted’ and leave this barn as soon as I could.

I was escorted shortly thereafter to another doctor’s appointment. It was the same doc. He did the same tests and the same exam.

“Very good early progress” he said to my trainer “Her IQ has already dropped noticeably.. Her obedience level is coming along. Physically, she has taken to the food well. She’s lost 5 pounds of fat. Her breasts are still at a B cup, but I suspect, given their fullness to palpation, that she will start to grow after this injection.”

He gave me another set of two injections. I didn’t know what either was for, but knew I didn’t really have a choice to object. He unzipped his pants as he asked the trainer to leave again. Without even telling me, I bent over the bed, and let him have his way with me.

After another psychological training session with one of the docs, I was feeling more relaxed than ever. The trainers came in. I couldn’t bring myself to beg to be fucked like many of the girls were doing, but I didn’t cower away either. I knew that this was a necessary evil to getting out of here.

I noticed the red head that was punished the other day was picked. She fucked her trainers’ brains out. I couldn’t believe how she rode dick and sucked another’s so well at the same time. Her ass was healing from her whipping, but was still lightly bruised.

I was picked again. Two men brought me to the bed.

“Today, we are going to teach you how to use that tight asshole of yours.” The elegant Woman instructed

I welped in pain as each of the men fucked my virgin ass hole. I was crying tears of pain. They each went two rounds into my asshole. I felt like it had been fucked raw. They told me that next time I needed to ride them with my ass, instead of just taking it.

Week 3

I was getting desperate to get out of this barn. 50% of the barn had turned over. Many of the girls I was in here with had graduated out. A new girl or two was put back in every day after some kind of punishment for breaking the rules.

One of the girls had a particularly bad punishment. The pretty young brunette had a break down of some sort and was refusing all sexual activity. So she was taken to the punishment chambers, and suspended across from two poles. Her helpless hanging body was whipped countless times from head to two. While she was being whipped, the Dudley’s fucked her brutally in all of her holes. After this, she was brought to our barn.

A part of me felt bad for her, but deep down I knew that she had brought this upon herself.

We also had 2 new girls join us on the farm. Their fear was something that I could remember, but not relate to anymore. I ignored their cries for help the night they were brought in. I wanted to tell them to shut up and let us sleep, but knew better than to use my words. I simply hissed at them, with some of my other barn-mates.

“Well she’s down to 83 pounds. But her tits have only swollen up about half a cup size.” The doc says as he put calipers around my waist “Magnificent loss of body fat. 24 inch waist. Hips still 32 inches measured at the ass cheeks” Her IQ is around 95 now, and she is becoming very obedient. That was never a problem for this one.” He said as he patted my head.

“We will tinker with the compound a bit, less emphasis on fat loss, more emphasis on tit growth.” He told the trainer.

As soon as the trainer left I unzipped the docs zipper and started sucking his dick. When it was fully hard, I motioned for him to sit down into his chair. I pounced onto his crotch and started riding him.

He smiled smugly. He knew it was because of what he was doing to me that I was acting like this. I knew I needed practice for tonight. When I thought his dick was lubed up enough, I momentarily released him sat on his dick with my asshole. He moaned in pleasure. I gasped in pain, But I continued to ride him. I waited for him to cum in my asshole, before returning to all fours and waiting for my trainer to escort me to my stall.

Being further motivated by our psychological training that day, I was leading the charge in getting picked for todays sex training. I was picked. I rode both of my trainer’s with my ass and pussy. I was bit clunky, but managed to get fucked up the ass by one and suck another’s dick at the same time.

The woman was impressed, but I was still no match for a couple of the other girls who were ‘performing’ and they were ultimately chosen to leave the barn.

Week 6

Over the last two weeks I have tried to be the exemplary leader in our lowly group. I lead the pack in all of our morning walks. I lick my doggie bowls clean in the morning. I tried to fuck each and every trainer that I could in an effort to prove my worth. To work on my body control, I practice moving my hips, waist and mouth almost every minute that I’m in my dirty, shit stained stall. Something strange was happening to me. Seemingly each day I was becoming more relaxed. I was thinking less about my former life and worries about getting out of here. I still was uneasy that I was here, but I couldn’t help but keep thinking about getting fucked in a variety of ways. My mind, although sometime anxious and worried, would always circle back to the thought of cock..

“Progress!” the doc exclaimed to my trainer “83 lbs, but now her tits are finally starting to grow. A healthy C cup. Waist is narrower than last time, at 23.5 inches. Her ass is starting to accumulate a bit of fat and muscle, its at 34 inches now. From a psyche perspective, her IQ is 85, obedience is still good. Her motivation and acceptance appears to be increasing as well, which is normal for this time. We will continue with the aggressive treatment”

I rode the doc to thank him for his services and then scampered back to the stall. That night, I was thankfully chosen again by the Woman. I felt like I was in a trance. I rode and sucked dick like an utter slut. I moaned with each thrust, and for the first time since I’ve been here felt like I came.

It was the moment that I had looked forward to for so long.

The woman smiled as she pointed at me for the men to led me out of the barn. I was the only one. They called me a good girl, much to my pleasure. They led me to the lake and scrubbed my body and hair clean.

I felt like coming out of that lake, I was born a new girl. Or should I say, a new pet. My dirty black collar was removed, and was instead given a clean white one.

I was brought to a large barn. This one was filled with at least 50 or so pet girls. I was brought to an empty stall. This stall was noticeably bigger. The hay felt softer. They latched my collar onto the chain. I had a soft pad to lie on. I looked around, many of the pet girls were staring at me coldly. Some were hissing. They presented me with a 6 inch butt plug, attached to a 2 foot long blonde silky voluminous tail butt plug that matched my blonde hair. I moaned in pleasure and joy as the trainer inserted it deep into my rectum.

I didn’t mind, I was happy to have finally made it out of that hell hole. I quickly put my head down and fell asleep.

Week 8

Life in the new barn was a lot different. We woke up at the same time and had roughly the same morning routine, but everything about it was a lot better. We were able to poop outside, on the farm during our walks, so that our chambers didn’t smell so bad. We were given a lot more time to graze the fields after our morning walks as well. On our monitors were constant streams of what life was like in the mansion. The most desirable pets were chosen from the main barn to live as house pets. In the house, they would be cleaned daily by trainers, have make up and nail polish applied. They would have their hair done up. I wanted to be a house pet so bad. The problem was, that so did every other bitch in here.

While a lot of pets didn’t get a long with each other, I found two girls who I got along with quite well. We would help wash each other daily, and wrestle with each other playfully. They were both girls that I felt that I looked better than. So I thought that an added bonus would be that if the masters saw me with them, I might stand out even more.

“5’6”, 85 pounds, D cup tits, with no sign of slowing down by the feel of them. Waist continuing to lose body fat, at 23 inches now. Her ass continuing to expand, at 35 inches, but still toned. IQ dropping as expected, at 75 now. Obedience nearing acceptable levels for house pet status.”

“We will continue on with current therapy, and this is where I like to add in something for a bit of a reward for good behavior.” He said as he gave me another set of injections.

That night, I found out what he was talking about. My mind became even more preoccupied with sex than usual. My pussy was pulsating. The way sexual training worked in the main barn was different.

There were no trainers regularly entering our barn unless a problem was identified. Usually, we would have the men that live on the property or invited guests come into the barn and fuck any of us that they wanted to.

I would put my paws up and practically beg a man to come in and fuck me. As I was one of the youngest pets in the barn, I was usually a hot commodity. I would get fucked most days.

That night, one of the trainers had brought in a bunch of brown men who I assumed were probably police force from the next town over. Two older men with grey beards locked eyes with me. I excitedly panted for them to come in. They asked the trainer, who smiled and reassured them that they could do whatever they wanted with me.

They came into my stall. I drooled as they whipped their cocks out. Perhaps due to the injection, my pussy was pulsating for their cocks. I practically pounced on them. I gave them the night of their lives. I was in ecstasy as they used me in all of my holes. I howled in joy.

Afterwards I laughed as I heard them asking the trainer if all western women were like this.

Week 10

“5’6.5”, 90 pounds, DD cup tits. I believe they are reaching their natural capacity based on palpation. Ass had grown to 36 inches.. Body fat % is 10.

IQ is 65. Obedience level is above average. Continue current protocol.”

That night was a special night. Master David explained to us that he was having an investors party. The point of a party like this was to celebrate our current investors, as well as to bring in new ones by showing them a good time. We had been preparing all week. Each girl had their role. Hundreds of staff were flown in to help with preparations.

The house pets were put on full display. These most desirable pets were done up and used for public gang bangs, or given one on one time with the most influential clients. The new meat were set up in variety of BDSM equipment, to be used by the clients in any way they wanted.

Master David knew that some of the clients would get off on punishing these dirty scared girls in any way imaginable. These pets were set up into different equipment in the punishment dungeon, and the clients would be encouraged to try out the equipment.

Us, the common live stock, were used in a variety of ways. Some girls were used for outdoor activities.

Like in “Catch and fuck”, around 30 pets were brought to trees in the forest and tied to trunks, or suspended off branches, or bent over logs. The pets would be blindfolded. For clients who were adventurous, they would take flashlights into the forest and find these pets and fuck them!

Another 20 to 30 pets were ‘cows’. These cows gained the ability to produce milk with the injections the docs gave them. Cows are kept in a barn of their own, where they produce milk for the rest of the farm. At events like this, guests are welcome to go and milk the cows, as a once in a life time experience!

Other livestock. were used as servers. Where they would crawl on all fours with trays on their backs to serve our guests.

The rest of us were used as decorative pieces for the property. The mansion stairwell was lined with two pets on each barrister, to give it a sort of ambience to set the mood. Two more pets was mounted on the main door, and greeted each client with a bark as they reached the entrance.

Each table in the mansion was either made of a pet contorted in a certain way so that objects could be placed on her stomach or back, or the table would have a living pet mounted on it as a decorative piece.

Many other pets were mounted as wall pieces or works of art that the clients could look at. This is where I was to be used. Master Vlad thought that I would go well in one of the main living rooms, as a centrepiece.

So there I was, about an hour before our guests were scheduled to arrive, suspended from the ceiling like a chandelier by silk ropes. My ever growing breasts were drooping down, being the closest part of my body to the ground. My hands were made to be tied behind my back, accentuating my bust more. My back was arched and my feet were pointing up towards the ceiling.

I smiled in joy as Master Vlad complimented how fitting I looked as ‘the centrepiece’.

The party soon commenced. The guests were in aw at the scenery inside and outside of the mansion. They delighted at the ‘artwork’ seemingly mounted on each wall of each room in the house. The various centrepieces on display. I knew that many of these men already shared in Master David’s vision of how females should be used. And those that didn’t yet, would soon be converted.

I stared in awe at the house pets. There were about 30 of them. Each seemed more beautiful than the last. They looked gorgeous as they walked around the house, fully done up, with their hot pink collars. It was cocktail hour, at this party meaning that the guests that came were free to take any of the pets into a room and have some fun, before the party formally began.

I jealously stared at the house pets that were being dragged into rooms with clients, or being fucked out in public for everyone to see.

Sure, I had clients stare at me, and play with my tits that were hanging down above them for them to use, but my pussy was begging to be fucked.

As the party progressed , David addressed the crowd, and he was met with roars of laughter and approval. They roared as he laid out his plan to expand operations. I couldn’t understand the details, but it was something smart.

Attention then turned to dinner, which was served on a table which was decorated with naked pet girls. All food was to be eaten off of the pets. After dinner, is when the party really took off. The party degenerated into the clients doing whatever they wanted.

Orgies broke out in each room. I looked in lust and awe at how skillfully the house pets moved their bodies and accommodated cock. I saw one servicing 5 cocks at one time!

Those that were inclined went to the punishment chambers. Those that were adventurous went into the woods. Basically, these men’s wildest fantasies were coming true.

All while I hung there and watched.

Week 16

“I don’t think there has been a progression like this since Kayleigh.” The Doctor gasped “5’6.5”, EE cup breasts, still just 92 pounds, 23 inch waist and 38 inch hips.” She’s at 8% body fat, excluding her tits and ass. She is becoming the perfect pet “IQ 55, but I believe it will level off around here. Fully obedient.” I need to tell David about this.

Week 17

I was grazing the fields with a couple of the other pets. It seemed like everywhere I looked, I saw other pets glaring at me. If I got too close to them they would hiss at me. I think this was because every night I would get multiple men coming into my stall, where as many of the pets wouldn’t get any. I couldn’t care less about what they thought, all I cared about these days was getting stuffed with cock. I definitely wasn’t sleeping much these days.

But I would gladly trade sleep for cock. I felt like I didn’t need sleep to sustain me anymore, not even food, I only needed cock. There was hardly a minute that I wasn’t thinking about getting fucked. My pussy, tits and asshole seemed to be throbbing at all times, like they were begging to be touched and used. I hungrily eyed each trainer that would walk by, disappointed as they would walk by to tend to whatever task they were allocated.

I almost barked in happiness as I saw a trainer approach me. I rubbed my cheek on his knees, practically begging him to unleash his cock.

“There there girl. Not right now. I’ve been sent on special business.” He said “come with me.”

He attached a leash to my collar and led me across the field. I practically wagged my tail in anticipation as he hastily pulled me along on all fours. I noticed we were heading to the Master’s mansion on top of the hill.

Within ten minutes we approached the front steps, and he led me up and knocked on the door. A couple of trainers answered, and looked at me with joy. They brought me into the house.

I instantly drew the ire of a few house pets that I saw. One blonde was half way down the stairwell, glaring at me. Another was crouching under one of the living room table, and was practically hissing at me.

I ignored them and paid my attention to the trainers.

“Come girl, we need to get you cleaned up for the boss.”

What was happening? Could this be real? Was I really being brought into the master’s mansion??

The trainers took me to a bathroom upstairs. He shooed the house pets out of the way on our way up stairs. He filled the tub with warm water and soap. He urged at me to hop in. The warm water felt so good on my skin.

All I was used to since I had been here was the pond water which was usually cold and still dirty. The feeling of having warm, clean water with soap suds on my skin felt amazing. The man rubbed his hands on me, getting into all of my crevices clean. I moaned as his large hands rubbed my pussy and ass. He smiled at my reaction.

He cleaned my hair with a bottle. I recognized English letters, but I couldn’t put together what it said anymore. I assumed it was shampoo. It felt amazing on my hair though, which hadn’t been properly cleaned in months.

When I was scrubbed clean, he rinsed me with water and dried me off.

Next another trainer joined the man that bathed me. The two of them lathered a lotion on my skin. Again I shuddered in pleasure as they worked my pussy and ass. The lotion smelled great, and also contained some light glitter material that accentuated my skin.

The men blow dried my hair and tied it up into a ponytail. My long thick blond hair flowed down my back. The men put on a hairband on to my head. I realized that on top of the band were cute pink kitty cat ears. They removed my white collar and attacked a hot pink one made of thin leather.

I giggled at this.

The men then started to apply make-up on my face! They applied bright red lip stick on me, heavy pink flush on my cheeks, and double eye liner and eye shadow.

I looked in the mirror and felt so pretty.

They sprayed me with perfume and then led me out of the bathroom on all fours.

They took me up another flight of stairs and knocked on the door of the largest room on the floor.

“Come in.” boomed a commanding voice.

They led me into what was a huge, luxurious master bedroom.

I was in awe. I looked over at a satin cushion where two pets were cuddling and licking each other’s bodies.

Another pet was sleeping in the opposite corner. Then I saw him. In the far end of the bedroom, was one of the biggest beds that I have ever seen. It had red silk sheets, and a black frame with matching canopy. There I saw three gorgeous pets lying with him. There he was, Master David.

I instinctively crawled towards him. The trainers left and closed the door. I saw his frame get off the bed and walk through the partially see through curtains enclosing the bed.

“Stay girls.” He commanded his pets. He walked over to me.

“Well well well. Look what we have here.” He boomed “a far cry from the cowering young girl whose I raped a few months ago.”

He stopped in front of me a couple feet from me. He was fully naked.

I wanted to pounce on his cock right then, but I knew better, I was trained better.

I put my face at his feet and licked his toe. I couldn’t believe I was touching the one true Master David.

“Good girl.” He cooed. Encouraged, I put my lips around his big toe and sucked. He tasted delicious.

He pet my head and stroked his hands through my hair. He stopped me and walked a circle around me. He groped my back, and then my ass.

“You certainly have had an incredible transformation girl. As I knew you would.”

I arched my back as to push my ass onto his hand. I was craving his touch. He lightly grazed me pussy, before stopping and reaching around to grope my big tits.

“Very impressive.”

As I saw his foot in view in front of my eyes again, I instinctively started sucking on his toes and licking his feet. I was starting to get wet from his touch.

He smiled. He ordered the pets off of his bed, and led me into through the curtains.

I couldn’t believe that this was happening..

I spent the next few hours fucking Master David over and over. I didn’t want him to exert himself too much, that was my job. I rode him with my asshole and pussy multiple times. Each time he came, I would suck him off until he was hard again, no matter how long it took. I also came over and over again.

Finally, much to my disappointment, he called it a night. He ushered in a trainer to escort me out of his chambers for the night. I could tell that he was satisfied, and nothing gave me greater joy than this.

Week 20

Life in the house was much different than being out in the farm, it was glamorous. I was still ranked on the lower end of the 30 or so girls that were let in the house. Master Vlad, Master Dudley and Master Johnny all kept 3 to 4 house pets in their chambers.

Master David kept 6 girls with him in his chambers. This included his sister, and wife, Kayleigh, who was the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen. She was striking in every way. I was envious of her, and wanted to be in her shoes, married to the Master. She wore a diamond encrusted collar, and did not wear a tail. Although she was nude at all times, Master let her walk on all fours, and even let her speak to him in English, although she rarely spoke. She walked arrogantly around the house over us pets, and would frequently deliver punishments to pets that she particularly didn’t like. I, like the other girls, hated her. She was beautiful, but I convinced myself that I could see her age already, and that this would only get worse with time. I told myself that surely the Master would realize that he needed teen pussy like mine by his side as his pet-bride.

The other 5 pets were also gorgeous, the top of the top. But I was convinced that I could compete with them. None of them had the combination of tits, ass and narrow waist that I did. I was convinced that I could also out fuck them too. The problem was that every other bitch in the house thought that they could too. Every one of us wanted to be picked as one of the master’s personal pets, but being master David’s pet would be the highest honor.

Unfortunately, since the first day in the house, I never got to fuck David again. The other Masters would often have their way with me, and would occasionally even let me sleep in their chambers. I enjoyed every dick that I could get, but I considered it as all practice for my next shot with Master David.

We did host another investor relations party. This was the first one that I was involved in as a house pet. I was an especially popular option for fucking. I had fucked 5 or 6 men that night. A lot of the men were interested in me, and even more so after one of the trainers would tell them my age. It felt great to be a part of the party, and not just an ornament like last time.

On regular days, the pet’s were responsible for keeping the house clean. It was me and another pet’s job to keep Master Vlad’s bathroom clean. I loved to lick the toilet that he used. I would spend an extra amount of time cleaning the toilet bowl, savoring every drop of urine that was left on the bowl. It turned me on to know that I was licking sometime that came out of a Master’s penis.

When we were done our cleaning, there were lots of things set up around the house for the pets to enjoy. There were hamster wheels set up in the basement, where we would work out as much we wanted. There was no mandated exercise for house pets, but we all knew that it was in our best interest to keep in shape.

Any pet that gained unwanted weight, or disobeyed in the slightest would be kicked out of the house to join the common live stock, and one of them would have their shot. The girls were all deathly afraid of this happening.

As their weren’t enough dicks to go around the house, there were lots of different sex toys set up for us to pleasure ourselves. There were interactive dildoes set up on walls that we could give blow jobs to. They would vibrate and jerk the better we were stimulating it. Obviously this wasn’t the real thing, but I still would get off pretending that I was sucking Master David off.

There were similar stations set up that we could fuck. These were my favorites, I would spend hours on the day fucking these machines. I viewed it as good exercise, good training, as well as a way to get myself off.

All I thought about these days was cock. I couldn’t explain it. If I wasn’t getting fucked at the moment, I would be fantasizing about how I would get off next. Even all of my dreams would be of getting double teamed or gang banged. I would always wake up in the morning, in my cage wet, and craving cock.

Week 24

“Another remarkable response to her injections” The doctor said to David. For the house pets, the docs made a house visit. David liked to be present for the examinations.

If a girl wasn’t responding well enough, she would be swapped out for another pet in the farm that perhaps showed more promise.

“5’7”, 90 lbs. 7% body fat. F cup tits, still remarkably perky. Waist 22 inches, Hips 38 inches measured at the ass. Truly an impressive response. She has even grown an inch or so, something that we sometimes see with our youngest pets”

“Good” David smirked

“Sir, though, her IQ is continuing to drop drastically. More than expected. Is approximately 45 now.”

“That’s OK, we’re not exactly interested in her critical thinking ability.” He laughed “Continue the treatment.

I was given another set of injections, and the doctor moved on to the next girl.

David gave me a smack on the ass to express his approval, and shoed me out of the room.

Week 28

Another month or so had passed. The highlight was holding an investors party again. This one was one of our larger ones. I got to be used in my biggest role yet.

Me and another house pet were involved in a public orgy with 8 of the clients. Most of the others were watching in pleasure. I was in the zone. I was servicing 5 cocks at once. For our guest’s enjoyment, I ate out the other pet, and visa-versa.

After hours of fucking and being involved in multiple gang bangs, I slept in my cage truly happy.

Week 30

I was fucking a dildo-machine pretending that I was riding Master David, when one of the trainer’s grabbed me and took me up the stairs.

I was excited that he might be taking me to David. But he took me to a room that I had never been in before. I heard male voices in the room talking back and forth.

My pussy started to get wet.

They led me inside. I widened my eyes in shock at what I saw.

In front of me was Master David, the two Dudley’s and Johnny but I was shocked at who they were speaking to. It was my Dad!

He looked at me in shock before uttering “Oh dear god..”

“Go on girl, greet your daddy like a good pet.” David ordered

I paused, before crawling towards the man that raised me.

It was strange seeing him. I was loving my life here so much. It was so strange to see someone from my past life. I was scared. Not of him, but what him being here might represent.

As I approached him, I looked into his cold eyes, before lowering my mouth to his shoes. I licked them and purred.

“Go ahead buddy, take your shoes off, it feels better that way.” Johnny chimed in

My dad smirked before taking his shoes and socks off. I put started to lick his bare toes. Still I was uncertain about what was coming next.

“I know you’ve been getting progress pictures and updates, but nothing like seeing the real thing eh bud.” David explained

“Present your tits to your daddy girl.” Johnny ordered.

I instantly got on my hind legs. My arms were bent at the elbow and my hands primped in front of me. My tongue was out as I was panting.

Johnny explained.

“To summarize, her tits now stand at a magnificent F cup. Go ahead” He urged.

My Dad was in aw as he started to grope my tits. I couldn’t help but get wet from his touch.

“Despite this, she has remained weight neutral. Her waist has lost several inches.”

He stroked my torso, marveling at the lack of fat. Aside from my tits, my upper body was essentially skin and bones.

“Usually girls this top heavy would develop back issues, but because we have our pets walk on all fours, we won’t have to worry about that.”

“Genious” my dad uttered.

“Present your ass to your daddy”

I did as I was told, reversed position and stuck my ass up at my dad, tail and all.

“Her ass increased from 30 to 38 inches. Any other major changes to her body will probably require surgery, I think we’ve pushed her to her genetic limit”

My dad didn’t need to be told this time, he lifted my bushy blonde tail and groped my ass cheeks.. “No no that won’t be needed, she’s fucking perfect.” He gasped

My body writhed as I pushed my ass onto his hands

“As you can see, she loves this.” Johnny laughed “that brings us to her training. Her IQ has dropped to about 40 from 120 at baseline. she is now unable to understand complex thought, and really does not think critically at all. Her brain functions at a basic reward-punishment level. More than 90% of her thoughts revolve around cock.

Despite this, she has been trained to only act if commanded by her master. She has been trained to service her master using any part of her body that you could imagine. To communicate, she can no longer speak, and has been trained to communicate similar to how a cat or puppy would.”

My dad was very impressed. He thanked my Master’s profusely.

“That’s enough of us pal, we’ll leave you to it. You too have some catching up to do.” Johnny winked as the men left the room.

I was now left alone with my Daddy. I got on my hind legs again before him, giving him an inviting view at my body.

He looked me up and down, and started groping my tits and torso again.

“Incredible.” He whispered. “You know how long I have wanted to fuck you baby?”

I whimpered. He laughed.

“Alyse, ever since your mother passed, I started to notice what a pretty girl you were turning into.” He chimed as he continued to grope my body.

“I realized that I needed had to have you as my sex toy, and this was the only way.. It became my deepest fantasy, my obsession. In needed to have my little girl all to myself.”

He cooed as he fingered my pussy.

“But not even in my wildest dreams thought did I think they would do such a good job.”

He unzipped his trousers, and let his cock spring free. I instantly drowned out anything that he was saying and fixed on the magnificent cock in front of me.

I started to suck on it. Both of us were moaning.

“Oh Alyse, I’ve been waiting so long for this.”

He came in my mouth quickly. I swallowed it. I hopped on the bed and motioned for my dad to meet me there. He came and lied down. I sucked his limp dick until it was hard again.

I started riding him. He played with my tail with one hand, and groped my big tits with the other. I gave him the fucking of a life.

“Jeez, baby, you’re mom definitely couldn’t fuck me like this.” He laughed

He hadn’t seen anything yet. I fucked him for a few more minutes, before switching holes. I took my butt plug out, and replaced it with my dad’s cock. He was in heaven. He was in his teen daughter’s tight ass hole. He couldn’t believe what his daughter had turned in to.

I had spent the entire weekend with my dad. I had fucked him a countless number of times in every way imaginable. In addition to being able to fuck his teen daughter, who had turned into a complete pet girl, David also arranged for him to be able to have orgies with me and the other house pets as well.

My daddy and a trainer took me for a walk, to show my daddy the farm. He was in awe. He had the full sex farm experience.

He was taken through the progress of a pets, from the new girls stuck in the pig pen, to the common live-stock living in the barns. He was brought a couple girls that he could try out BDSM equipment on in the punishment chambers, and then was taken to the dairy farm where he got to milk the pet cows.

At the end of the weekend, him and David had a meeting. I listened intently, although could only hear muffled voices.

At the end, my daddy gave me a kiss, and promised that he would be seeing me soon. He then was escorted out of the house.

Master David turned to me. I was confused. I assumed that I would be going home with my Daddy. I was ecstatic that he was leaving though, so that I was left here in my true home!

He spoke over me, and spoke to master Vlad.

“I couldn’t give a girl like this up. I promised him that we would fly him out every month to have unlimited access to our farm and his daughter. In exchange, she would stay here for as long as we see fit.”

Master Vlad seemed happy.

Master David grabbed me by the collar “Come girl.”

He led me up the stairs and to his room.

He kicked a brown haired pet out of the room, which caused her to instantly moan and cry. He then closed the door behind her.

“Welcome to your new room pet.” He said as he pulled his underwear down and sat down on the bed.

Overjoyed beyond belief, I scampered over to him and engulfed his cock in my mouth.


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Janet in TrainingChapter 4 Slave Girl on Loan

Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on...

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Slave Training for Kate

SLAVE TRAINING FOR KATEPART 1It was Monday evening. And what a weekend it had been. Kate sat at her computer desk, completely naked, fondling her nipples, occasionally stroking her very wet pussy, reading the story on the screen. She had found this story, and others, on a website where people posted their writing setting forth various tales of slavery, bondage and discipline. She had read this one story she had found several times, the tale of a woman gardening in the nude in her fenced-in...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture Shopp

Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine, Hawaiian girls and Sophia, Spring Break Cruise and a Trip to the Cayman Islands. Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josies identical twin, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 411 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts...

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Chapter 21 The new training class and Chapter 22 Training New Slaves

The new class of training will have 12 weeks of training because it’s a large class 40 girl and 10 boys. The training will be starting in two weeks right now they are being seen by the doctor I will be observing looking for some new dom’s or dommes. I have one of the subs bring two of the girls in, so I can talk to them. The first one in her name is Julia 18 she is a manly looking girl, so I know she is gay the other girl looks shell shocked Beth 16 is her name I think. I begin by asking them...

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The House Slave Training Auction Chapter 17 and 18

The Training is over Master-T I look over at the boy and the girl as I say, today is our last day together and that tomorrow is the auction and they may be going to new homes it may be good or bad and that if they want to survive they need to be smart and obey. Jessie- I can’t believe I have been here for a month. I wish I could stay here with Master or at least get someone who is nice although Master can be mean sometimes like the first time he forced his dick into my mouth I was choking but...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture S

Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josie's identical twin, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Clairice, 12 sister of Jolene twin of Claire, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Ray, 40, white 5'11, 5” cock Madison, 36, wife of Ray, white, 5'7 Red Hair Blue Eyes 38D...

4 years ago
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 7 8 Revised

Master Rob Judy and Daisy Master Rob- I had Vanessa give these two some reading material while I was at the house. Judy-16 virgin from Florida sold to us by her step-father, who taught her how to suck his cock. Daisy-16 country girl I know they like to fuck nice tits big 40 B. Daisy- Damn Master Rob is cute I wonder if he will fuck us now I need some good dick they won’t let me get myself off. Judy-I hope he doesn’t beat me some of the girls in the hall were really beat up and that big mouth...

2 years ago
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Farm Training

Matilda, she much preferred “Matty”, was a solid, no nonsense farm widow. Her husband had been killed in a tractor accident about three years ago. The life insurance paid off the mortgage and she sold the farm equipment to settle other debts. There was some income from renting their land but she needed more. Keeping small animals like chickens and rabbits and pigs she could handle. It gave her a purpose and brought money at the Farmer’s Market. If course it fed her too. Matty was about 5’4”...

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A slave girls week of training

The girl trusted her Master and she knew that whatever He expected of her she would surrender to.  However, she did not know what the next week would bring.A few months before the girl had been used as the admission for her Master to a select club of Masters who would have access to a place in the country.  The girl knew that because of that acceptance into that club she would be available for use by other Masters and/or Mistresses that were members of the club.That evening her Master told her...

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Training a slave

Its true, I've always had an interest in the world of domination. The thought that it could be possible to re-train someone to live entirely dependant on your instruction, without any capacity to use independent thought is one that I find fascinating. To own another human being's existence is surely an idea that has inspired some of the world's greatest dictators, as human life is more valuable than any other known commodity. Of course, along with anything else I've ever done in my life, it had...

2 years ago
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 3 4

Andre and Natalia and Mistress Ann Mistress Ann- As I look over my slaves I know Andre needs a lot of work. I need to call some of my hardcore clients for him or he would make a lot of my rich ladies happy with the size of that cock let the games begin. Andre- I can’t believe this bitch is looking at me if she lays one hand on me I will fuck her up. This other bitch is looking at her like she wants to lick her boots it might be fun to see her lick her pussy, but the first chance I get I am out...

1 year ago
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Slaver Training

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is the story of the training of a new Slaver and the taking of two new slaves, a mother and daughter and what they are forced to endure before they are sold. Slaver Training Chapter 1-The Capture Sara’s face was covered in tears and you could see the pained expression on her face. She lay hog-tied on the floor of her home. She had a ring gag in her mouth, keeping it open. She was still dressed. Her arms were yanked up high behind her. Her wrists...

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Slaver Training Chapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sara’s face was covered in tears and you could see the pained expression on her face. She lay hog-tied on the floor of her home. She had a ring gag in her mouth, keeping it open. She was still dressed. Her arms were yanked up high behind her. Her wrists had been bound tightly, secured with heavy hemp rope. A spreader bar was attached between her knees, it was over three feet long, keeping her open and spread. A rope was attached to each ankle, the...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 1 22

A Slave Training and Auction Welcome to The House most of you have been brought here to be trained and sold as pleasure slaves. For some of you it will be painful others it will be pleasurable. I am your Mistress you will not speak unless you are asked to and you will answer with yes Mistress or No Mistress. My team and I will train you to enjoy, want, and even crave the things that will be done to you. Chapter One New Arrivals: Molly- White 17 Blonde hair blue eyes breast 36 D no longer...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 11 12

Mistress Liz Michael and Molly and Milton Mistress Liz- D tells me that he wants to talk to me before I start. D- What the fuck is up with you? I know that you have been a little down so what gives? Liz- I think I am just going through the motions. What you need is a hard session. I know I just need to find the time and someone maybe a bottom boy that I can whip and fuck hard. I can’t do it with Michael maybe one of the new once. He tells me to take Milton but don’t kill him. Michael and...

3 years ago
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The Training of a Slave Ch 01

(Author’s Note: I began writing this story after a role play I began with a friend of mine. After it fell apart, I started to write it out on my own. For those who have been asking, Enslaved to the Mob will be finished *eventually*. For the time being, I’m just not interested and uninspired by it. Thank you all for sticking with me and reading my stories. As with all of my stories, all characters depicted or mentioned are eighteen years of age or older, and all characters and story is the sole...

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The House Slave Training Auction Chapter 15 and 16

Master J Michael and Molly I go into my office to meet with J who is here to pick up his slave and Molly I give him a hug and a kiss as I tell him that it’s been to long since I have seen him. He looks at the monitor as he sees his boy and the girl working with my helper. I tell him that the boy has been in a chastity belt for a week and it has helped him I tell him also I think that being around Molly has helped they have become friends she has helped him and he has helped her. I also tell...

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Slave Pt2 The buying and training

The room was large and had doors leading off it. There were slaves in different areas of the room, in different positions, some male some female. Each slave was in a position or area that had to do with what they wanted, or what they were good at. A petite female slave watched him from her place on the floor, a black collar on a thick chain forcing her to stay sitting on the floor, while a bar between her feet forced her legs apart by ankle straps. He smiled to her, but continued to gaze around...

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Training A Girl To Be A Sex Slave

Hello everyone, my name is Ajay Kumar, and I am based in Visakhapatnam. A little introduction about me. I became bi-sexual under different circumstances. I was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. The following story is a work of fiction, which I hope happens in my life. It’s a bit lengthy and sorry for any grammatical errors. I was reading through the messages I had received for my previous stories on ISS when I came across a message...

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Trained to be a slut down on the farm

I’m Trudy and married to Dave there isn’t many thinks we haven’t dabbled in one way or another, so were looking for something new and exciting to try. We were going through one of the swing sites when we found an ad from a man in his 70s, he was looking to train a slut. We sent him an email telling the guy l was interested, a few days later we got a reply, he would like to meet and discuss training me, so we made a date the guy invited us to his house which turned out to be a small farm. When...

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Training a slave part two

And so it was the following morning that I awoke late, yawned lazily and swung my legs out of bed and onto the plush carpet of my bedroom. Brushing my teeth in the en-suite bathroom I contemplated my days work ahead, the further training of my new slave. Years of anticipation seemed to have allowed me to slip in to the role of a master with great ease, and rather than allowing myself to become over excited about things, I realized that I must keep calm and focused if I was to have any success...

4 years ago
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 5 6 Revised third post attempt

I look at the girls standing in my room they are both shaking and they should be this is going to be hard for them Jessica taken from her bedroom of her big house while her mommy and daddy slept. Kathy taken from a rich family in California outside of her house. Kathy- I want to go home I don’t want these people touching me so I tell him my father will pay to get me back call him. Master tells me to shut up before he puts his cock in my mouth so I shut up I don’t want that. Jessica is crying...

2 years ago
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Trained to be a slut down on the farm

When the front door open my legs turned to jelly the guy had piecing blue eyes his voice made my heart skip a beat, he was what l would call drop dead gorgeous even for a 70yr old, if he had asked me there and then for a fuck l would have been on my back knicker-less with my legs spread within seconds. He introduced himself as Tom then invited us inside, Tom showed us into the kitchen, l found myself listening intently to his every word, l couldn’t believe he was 70, but my jaw dropped...

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Continuing My Training as a Sex Slave

Continuing My Training as a Sex SlavePlease read the other chapters first. Thank you!http://xhamster.com/user/Leaflee/posts/124721.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/Leaflee/posts/125875.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/Leaflee/posts/127435.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/Leaflee/posts/129030.htmlThe cane whacked me hard. The tempo was a regular and steady pulse. I could not see Master and figured with each smack of the cane he was stroking his cock into a massive hard on. The anal hook was getting...

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summer on the farm and the farmers wife

Summer on the Farm Wife!!! It was the summer that I turned 15 and my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to go and life on a farm for the summer and learns what hard work is all about. I was not to gear to go off and live in the sticks with a family I had never met before but I had no choice. School had finished and my dad had set up the whole deal with a friend of a friend of a friend, I was packing up on the Friday night when my friends came over to say good bye. Sue was my...

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Training a Young SlaveChapter 2 Connie Becomes Entertaining

Over the next few months, slave Connie became a very good slave for Master Jim and Mistress Dora. She was becoming a good cook, kept the house neat and clean, and performed all of her other duties well. She had even come to enjoy her subservient situation as a sexual slave. She happily submitted to the many ways her masters used her body. Slave Connie loved being fucked in her pussy, ass, and even her mouth. She could take Master Jim’s cock deep into her throat and swallow his scum without...

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The House Slave Training Auction Chapter 19 and 20

The Auction and The Master’s and Mistresses Mistress Liz- The room is full of men and a few women. We have twenty going up for sale 5 guys one virgins and 15 girls 4 virgins. The virgins are in a separate auction. As I take the mic I welcome everyone and I ask that they look over the list that they were given as I tell them that these girls have been trained and are no longer virgins. I call the first girl out as she goes to her knees the bidding opens at 50 grand, and it goes up she goes for...

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The Slave Farm

Note : This story is completely fictional! Its a nice sunny day, Maliia and I are out for a drive. I'm driving and she is sitting next to me as we ride along in the country. We are chatting and my right hand is in her french kiss probing each others mouths with our tongues. So it is not a complete loss... We get out and are looking under the hood. Really dumb as neither of us know what to do. Then we see another car coming. It stops and a young looking girl offers to help. She says she lives...

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training a slave part three

It was almost six weeks since this girl had walked through my door, offering her completed slave contract to me with her tiny hand, eager to embark on what she must have thought would be an exciting sexual adventure. I watched her now as she lay sleeping on the concrete floor of her cell in the cellar. One of two, it was more of a cage than a cell, measuring only six feet square, its two ends barred, ands its sides made of heavy stone. The dim light in the gloomy cellar glinted gently against...

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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 02 A teenaged slave girl learns her true place

- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story. - - Part...

4 years ago
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By Docker5000 Part 1 David Hart lay on his bed reading a sci-fi comic and relaxing, it was only the first week, of his summer holiday from college. And he was already board. June Hart was in her bedroom stripping off the dirty sheets from her bed. It was wash day. She walked onto the landing carrying her dirty sheets, which she tossed down to the bottom of the stairs. She then went into her son's bedroom. David's mother walked into his bedroom. He looked up at her as she entered...

3 years ago
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Davids Plight

David Dawson could not believe his luck that week. His mother and her new husband were going on a three week trip to Europe. His new step-sister would be in charge. Shelia was a twenty-two year old student. For a sixteen year old boy David saw nothing but blue skies for three weeks. David loved to play hard and work little. His father had been killed when David was six and left the family well off. David would spend most of time doing nothing. In the summer he partied with his...

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