The War Of The CrystalsChapter 11: Teresa free porn video

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When Jack arrived home, he failed to see Teresa’s little car in the driveway but wasn’t terribly surprised. He had given the girl the easiest directions to follow, not the fastest. She would have to learn that on her own, probably by following Lisa or Jack to work. He parked and went inside.

“Something smells delicious!” he exclaimed. He smelled something very rich and appetizing.

“Thank you, Lord. We hoped you would approve,” answered Dakota. She came into the foyer from the direction of the living room.

“I do, and I approve of you, as well. How are you feeling?” Jack smiled at the beautiful young blonde. She was wearing a calf-length halter-top dress, cut low in the front and back and with a long slit up each leg to mid-thigh, and high heels.

“Thank you, Lord. We’re much better. If you wish, Sharley and I will be able to fully serve you tonight.”

“Yes, Lord John, we will be able to satisfy you completely tonight,” agreed Sharley, coming into the foyer. The gorgeous redhead was wearing a lacy and glittery top that hinted strongly that nothing was worn underneath, and a long wrap skirt that was open almost to her right hip. She also wore heels.

“Don’t forget, tonight is about Teresa. She will be joining us, and she should get first dibs on Lord Jack,” said Lisa. She had joined the other women, and was dressed sexily as well, in a tight red dress with an open cross-hatch cutout going from her left shoulder down across her front and around to her back and matching red heels. There was no way she was wearing underwear.

“Very true, Lisa. Any suggestions?”

Lisa and Dakota took an arm and led him from the foyer towards the stairs. “First, you need to clean up and change,” said Dakota. “Lisa’s right. Teresa is expecting fireworks, and you need to provide them. Not to put any pressure on you, Jack, but you need to bring your A-game tonight!”

Jack laughed, “No, no pressure there!”

“And make sure to thank Sharley and Dakota. While we were at the office, they’ve been here cleaning and cooking,” added Lisa.

“Of course.” Jack stopped in the doorway to the bedroom and took Dakota in his arms. Pulling her to him, he felt her melt against his body, moaning and writhing as he kissed her thoroughly. Then he repeated the process with Lisa, leaving her as breathless as Dakota.

The two women pushed him into the master bedroom, where clothes were laid out on the bed. “If we go in there with you, none of us will come out until dinner is cold!” explained Dakota. The two women laughed and closed the door behind them.

Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head. He wondered if he was really the one in charge or not. He began undressing as he glanced at the clothing on the bed. There was a note on top, ‘Only wear what is on the bed, and nothing else. That consisted of a long-sleeved white dress shirt, crisp khaki pants, a black leather belt, and dressy black loafers. Underwear was noticeably absent. Jack rolled his eyes again, and finished stripping. Seeing how the bedroom had been cleaned up, he decided to use the hamper in the bathroom rather than just toss stuff on the floor. He quickly showered and dressed.

Dakota met him in the hallway. “Just in time! A car just pulled up and Lisa says it’s Teresa. Now, roll your sleeves halfway up your forearms.” She undid most of the buttons of his shirt, then leaned in and lightly kissed the hollow of his neck. Jack groaned as she groped him, and his cock stiffened in his pants. Then Dakota pulled away. “Now you’re ready. Let her get a hint of what’s coming.”

“You need a good spanking.”

She smiled. “Yes, but not tonight. Tonight is for Teresa.” She pushed him towards the stairs.

Jack got to the foyer at the same instant the doorbell rang. Sharley was there, and she opened the door. Teresa Jimenez was standing there holding a small suitcase and looking both nervous and excited. “Uh...”

Sharley smiled. “You must be Teresa. Welcome. Come on in!” She opened the door wide and motioned Teresa in. As soon as the girl was inside, she closed the door. “Welcome to our home.” She took Teresa’s bag and set it down, and then hugged her. “I’m Sharley.”

Dakota was next, introducing herself and hugging the teen, and then it was Lisa. “We already know each other, but I think you need a hug from all of us.”

Teresa was overwhelmed by the welcome, so Jack kept it light. He, too, hugged the young girl, but added a light kiss on the lips before stepping back. “Welcome, Teresa. Find the place alright?”

“I got a little turned around when I got off the highway. That’s why I’m late. I’m so sorry!”

“Nonsense, nothing to be sorry about,” replied Sharley.

Teresa looked at the others and felt terribly underdressed. While the other women were wearing exotic and sexy outfits, and Jack was looking sexy and suave, Teresa was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and Nike cross-trainers. She didn’t even have outfits like these women had, and she wanted so badly to make Jack proud and happy she was there.

Lisa was the one who noticed that Teresa was nervous and panicky. “Come on, let’s go upstairs and get ready. Jack will stay down here and open the wine. Dinner is safe to wait.”

Teresa nodded. “Okay. It smells wonderful.”

“It’s burgundy beef, a sort of French beef stew, with hot French bread. Everything can be put on simmer for a bit,” explained Sharley.

“You can open the wine, Jack,” repeated Dakota.

“Sure thing,” he replied. Sharley grabbed Teresa’s bag, and she and Lisa led the girl into the house. As Dakota passed him, Jack quietly commented to her, “Remind me again, who’s the Lord and who are the concubines?”

“You can spank us all tomorrow. Tonight, your job is to give Teresa the night of her life. Focus, Jack, focus.” Jack gave a wry smile and swatted the blonde on the rear. Sharley quickly wiggled her butt and said, “That’s for tomorrow, Jack.” Then she scampered out of the room before he could swat her a second time. Jack went into the kitchen to find the wine and a cork screw.

Upstairs, Dakota found the girls in the spare bedroom, where they had dumped Teresa’s bag unceremoniously. “What’s up?” she asked.

“Just figuring out what Teresa can wear tonight,” said Lisa.

“We can go shopping tomorrow. We just get through tonight, and we are golden!” added Sharley. She held up a sheer white chemise. “Now, that’s nice.”

Dakota lifted a small bra and panty set, in sheer black lace, still in the package. “These, too.”

“As for the rest...” Lisa didn’t finish the sentence.

“I just don’t have anything like what you have,” moaned Teresa.

“Nothing for clubbing?” asked Sharley.

“I’ve never gone clubbing,” the girl admitted. “I’m too young to drink, and my folks won’t let me go out like that and I can’t afford to move out and...”

The three concubines held their hands up and cut her off. “Never mind. We can figure this out,” said Sharley. “We’ll find some of our stuff you can wear.”

Teresa gave the three women a look of disbelief. They were all much taller and bigger, though her boobs were just as large. “I don’t think anything you have will fit me.”

“Details, details. Get undressed. Let’s see what we have to work with,” Sharley ordered.

“And I’ll go get that wine,” said Dakota. She left as Teresa began pulling her t-shirt off.

Sharley started sorting through the clothes on the bed. She held up a pair of high-heeled sandals and said, “Well, if nothing else, these will keep him focused.”

Lisa laughed. “Men can be so easy.” She smiled as Teresa tossed her t-shirt aside and unzipped her jeans. “Well, it’s easy to see why the guys around the office like to hang around the lobby. You are gorgeous!”

“I hope John is happy with me. I’d hate to disappoint him.”

Teresa finished undressing moments before Dakota returned with a bottle of wine in one hand while juggling four glasses in the other. “I got back just in time. Teresa, disappointment is the last thing Jack is going to feel about you. Trust me, he is downstairs right now getting ready to storm the castle up here. He is going to love you, and in so many senses.” Dakota set the glasses down and began pouring the wine.

“The bathroom is right through there,” pointed Sharley. “You have five minutes. Go take a quick shower, but don’t get your hair wet. We’ll figure something out.” She shooed the teen into the bathroom, and then she and the other two began rooting through closets and drawers. By the time Teresa returned, a towel wrapped around her body, they had a small pile of clothing on the dresser.

Teresa picked up the bra and panty set. “Start with this?”

Sharley took the set out of Teresa’s hand and tossed it back on the bed. “Not tonight. It’s very nice, but for that we need a different ensemble. Don’t worry, though. Here, put these on.” She held up Teresa’s sandals.

“I need more than these!” protested the girl.

“Sit. Shoes,” said Dakota.”

“Don’t overthink things, Teresa. Jack might be our Lord and master, but he is still a man, and men aren’t all that complicated. You are beautiful and have a great figure. That papers over almost any mistake in fashion.”

“She’s right, Teresa. A loose top, a short skirt, and high heels - what more do guys want?” finished Sharley. She held up a silver-gray glittery top. “Here, try this.”

Teresa took the top and looked at it dubiously before putting it on. It was a halter top, virtually backless and sideless except for a few tiny crisscrossed straps; the front was a loose cowl neck. Teresa’s large and full breasts jiggled enticingly as she pulled it into place.

“That’s good,” commented Lisa, while Dakota helped Teresa tie the halter ties around her neck. “Don’t worry about taking it off. Jack will handle that little problem.” The girls all giggled at that.

“Same with this.” Sharley handed over a short black wrap skirt. It was mid-thigh length and could be adjusted for the difference in waist sizes between the owner of the skirt, Lisa, and Teresa.

“No panties?” asked Teresa nervously.

“Trust us. You won’t need them. When you are alone with Jack, you won’t want anything to slow him down!” said Lisa.

The girls finished preparing Teresa for the night ahead and touched up their own makeup and looks as well. Then, their bottle of wine finished, they took their empty glasses back downstairs. Jack had opened a second bottle and poured himself a glass. “I thought I was going to have to send out search parties.”

“Now, Jack, you know we’d never leave you,” chided Sharley. “I think the wait was worth it, don’t you?” She stepped aside and nudged Teresa closer to their Lord.

“Oh my God! Teresa, you are gorgeous!” he said happily.

“This is alright? I mean, I don’t want to let you down or anything.”

“That would be impossible. You are spectacular.” He grabbed the bottle of wine and began refilling the empty glasses.

“I think it’s time for dinner. Jack already has dessert planned out,” said Lisa. She and Dakota went into the kitchen.

Sharley led Jack and Teresa into the dining room. She fished out a butane lighter and began lighting the tea lights she had placed around the room. “Hit the lights,” she said to Teresa, who turned off the chandelier over the dining room table. “You sit here,” she told Teresa, indicating the seat to the right of Jack. She, in turn, sat on Jack’s left.

Lisa came into the dining room carrying a large tureen of burgundy beef, with Dakota following with a covered bread basket. They went back and came out with steamed asparagus, butter, and hollandaise sauce. Then they sat down, Dakota next to Teresa and Lisa next to Sharley.

“You girls have a nice long chat about how awful men are?” teased Jack. “That’s what you do when you gather together, isn’t it?”

“It was a union meeting, Jack. I thought you knew that,” answered Dakota.

Jack rolled his eyes and snorted. “You all look lovely, all of you. I am truly blessed you are here.” He reached over and took Teresa’s hand. “Thank you for joining us.”

“Thank you for asking me, Lord,” she replied.

“We were all very excited when Jack told us you would be joining us,” said Lisa.

“I wasn’t sure what would happen, but it’s been so much fun so far.”

Sharley nodded as Jack began ladling out the rich stew. “Welcome to the sisterhood.”

“The sisterhood?” commented Jack.

“We may be your concubines, but we are also a sisterhood. We are a sisterhood of service and support, for one thing. Yes, we serve and support you, Jack, but just as important, we serve and support each other, and if you think about it, you serve and support us as well. Without you, we could never achieve all that we want to be.”

“I never thought of it that way,” admitted Jack.

Dakota giggled. “We’re also a sisterhood of pleasure. We provide pleasure to Jack, but he provides pleasure to us, and we provide pleasure to each other, as well.”

Jack laughed at that. Teresa, on the other hand, opened her eyes wide as she realized the full implications of that statement. “Oh, I guess I never thought of that.”

Lisa calmed her by saying, “Don’t worry, nothing like that will happen until you are ready for it. Tonight is about you, and you and Jack. Right now, let’s just eat and drink our wine, while you tell us about Teresa Jimenez. We want to know everything about you.”

“I agree with that,” said Jack. “First, though, I have to tell you my schedule changed a bit. Tomorrow I need to go out for most of the day. I’ll be gone from mid-morning to late afternoon.”

“Do you wish one or more of us to go with you?” asked Sharley.

“No, that’s alright. This is just an errand I need to do. I’m sure I’ll be back by dinner.”

Dakota looked at the other women and smiled. “That just leaves us more time to go shopping. We’re going to take Teresa out and do some damage!” All the girls giggled at that, and Jack smiled as well. He knew precisely what kind of clothing they would be shopping for, and he knew he would enjoy the results immensely.

Jack nodded. “That reminds me, I need to reimburse you two for some of the expenses we’ve been incurring lately. I’ll write a couple of checks this weekend. Don’t let me forget.”

Sharley and Dakota looked stunned at that. “Lord, it is our privilege to serve you in every way!” said Sharley. Dakota repeated her fellow concubine a moment later.

“Serve, not bankrupt yourselves. Just let me do this for you. I am sure you’ll be able to spend it on some fantastic outfits or toys or something.”

The four women looked at each other in disbelief but agreed to do as their Lord wished.

Lisa brought the conversation back to Teresa, who told them about her family and childhood. She was very worried about how her family would react to her moving in with Jack and the other women. Her mother was a very strict Roman Catholic, and anything that smacked of sex was absolutely forbidden. It had taken a hospital stay for severe menstrual cramps for them to allow her to go on birth control pills to control her period. The Jimenez family would simply freak out when they learned about her new life.

“Don’t worry about that,” said Jack. “I’m sure I’ll be able to talk to them and sort that out. However, it’s not something you need to worry about right away. For the next few weeks my schedule is going to be kind of hectic, and I might be traveling some. It might be easier for you to simply keep pretending you are spending weekends with your girlfriends until I sort some things out. Maybe we can have dinner and dessert midweek a time or two.”

Same as The War of the Crystals
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The 400 Year WarChapter 15

The War of 1812 This chapter is devoted to a very short and nasty war which lasted only two years and eight months that involved many of the American Indian Tribes despite their past experiences which should have warned them about not getting involved in wars that could only hurt their own cause of retaining their tribal lands. If one were to search for the primary singular cause of the War of 1812 the only possible reason would be that the British Empire was still smarting from the defeat...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 Chapter 1 DwarfQueens Reward

Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter One: Dwarf-Queen's Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Minx – The Free City of Rartha I padded through the bustling crowd in the market square, my small cutpurse dagger tucked into my palm. It was a ring dagger. Instead of a hilt there was a circle of metal I slipped my pointer finger through. With a flick, I could spin the blade around my finger, slice a purse open, gather the coins with my other...

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War A Love Story Part 3

In 1941 Russia comprised a fifth of the worlds land surface, but its main cities and industrial centres all lay to the west of the Volga, and it was this portion of the world Hitler hungered to take during the summer. During a ferocious German invasion the mass of the Red Army was quickly knocked to pieces in a series of colossal annihilation battles which cost it a million casualties, and by September four million more Soviet troops were slowly starving to death in miserable captivity....

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War For A Rose 1455

The man was bleeding heavily from his thigh. The arrow had seared and torn through the chainmail that was wrapped around his leg. Blood had begun to seep through the inter-linked chainmails and into the grass as the man fought with all his strength, dragging the injured limb along as he made his way into the nearby forestry. "Just a bit further, before I get caught by these Yorkist dogs!" The man shouted in a final effort to motivate himself. If he was caught he would be tortured until he told...

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War A Love Story Part 2

Fr?ulein Dietz was inconsolable for days about the fire that had gutted the library, but no look of suspicion settled on Willy Fr?hlich. The cause was clear, she said. The electrical wiring in the building had not been renewed since it was installed at the turn of the century, and it was just one more reason why it was so important to have everything at Ravenskopf renovated. With no more of Professor Dietz's notes to write up, Willy was assigned as Celina's personal assistant and s...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 16

THE PERIOD POST-WAR OF 1812 TO BEGINNING OF THE CIVIL WAR IN 1861 This chapter will be primarily focused on the Seminole Wars which were also known as the "Florida Wars". The rise of the Seminole Indian Tribe took place over a period of almost two hundred years and was greatly influenced by the encroachment of the European settlers into the area now known as Florida. The Seminoles were comprised of a number of remnants of other Indian Tribes that had escaped from the ravages of European...

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Andersonville 18 Love and War

There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...

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The Tides Of War Pt 10

Chapter 37 The Crater settled into a routine, the months passed into years. Susan gave birth to a son christened Guy Ramage. Martin and Jill had a daughter the same year, Barbara. Sulkie and Tana had foals, and Zeus was trained to the saddle. By the start of 1899 there were over 260 horses and foals out in the crater, and over 300 cattle and calves. People from the surrounding area would come to buy horses or cattle, mainly the Jersey’s for their own dairy needs. Susan had started a...

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Winter War Legend of the Snow Fox

In a move that has shocked the political world at large; the governments of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have concluded and signed a treaty of mutual non-aggression. The released statements of many world leaders has ranged across the spectrum, from ones of rejoicing that the prospects of another great war in Europe has been avoided, to others who unofficially are seeking more information or are involved in a series of ‘intense discussions’ with allied...

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The War of 2020

The summer air swept clouds of thick black smoke through the grassy hills. In West Virginia, the air was hot and polluted enough already. His eyes stung, watering as he turned away from the fire. Pulling out a bandana, he spit before covering his mouth. Another crop was lost to rival looters, the third one this week. They'd taken as much corn and soy as they could before setting the bare fields ablaze. We have been at War for over 5 years now, with no signs of it ending anytime soon. He had...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 18

1875 TO 1885 The primary focus of this chapter will be the famous "Battle of the Little Bighorn" or perhaps better known as "Custer's Last Stand". This battle is probably the most studied confrontation between the American Indian Tribes and the European settlers of the New World. It comes at a time that is almost at the very end of our 400 year timeline and the handwriting is already on the wall about the outcome to the conflict between the American Indian Tribes and the European...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 10

THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS 1763 The Final Battle of Detroit and Defeat of Chief Pontiac (Author's Note) Before starting this final chapter of the segment of Part II that relates to the French and Indian Wars, I wanted to clarify some of the confusion about the Treaty of Paris 1763 which formally ended the French and Indian Wars. The first source of confusion is that there were two Treaties of Paris. The first one was called the Treaty of Paris 1763 and it formally ended the French and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 53 War is Hell

January 30, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “There goes the luckiest man in Iraq,” General Norman Schwarzkopf said as he played a video of a laser-guided bomb destroying a bridge just after a vehicle had crossed it. “Damn!” Elyse exclaimed. “Those videos are amazing, but it’s making this war too much like a damned video game,” I groused. “The damned country is already too ‘gung ho’ for this war as it is.” “But you want us to win, Snuggle Bear.” “Once it started, my only concern is our men and...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 57 Nov 1945 the Nurenberg War Crimes Trial Begins

“As I see it today, Hitler and Goebbels were in fact molded by the mob itself, guided by its yearnings and its daydreams. Of course, Goebbels and Hitler knew how to penetrate through to the instincts of their audiences; but in the deeper sense they derived their whole existence from these audiences. Certainly the masses roared to the beat set by Hitler’s and Goebbels’ baton; yet they were not the true conductors. The mob determined the theme. To compensate for misery, insecurity,...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 5 The English Colonies

-Chapters five and six will deal with the period of struggle between the American Indian Tribes and the European Settlers in the geographic confines of the thirteen original colonies during the period of their establishment beginning in the 1600s and up until the start of the French and Indian Wars in the mid-1700s. In the order of their establishment, the English settlements were: (1607) Virginia was the first colony established in the new American Colonies. It was founded by John Smith...

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War For A Rose 1459

Four years had passed since St. Albans, and the small battle there between the House of York and House Lancaster on 22nd May 1455, where the Yorkists triumphed over the Lancaster army based there and captured King Henry VI in the battle. Bartand and Lady Lott "Pixie" had evaded Yorkist forces and safely made it back to Lancaster controlled lands.There they made their goodbyes, hoping and intending to meet once more when Mason thought it the time to partner them both together for an...

Love Stories
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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World War Campaign for BeslandChapter 6

A country can win every battle, but lose the war. One would think that when that happens, there is also a country that has lost every battle while still winning the war, but that isn’t actually the case. When a losing army pulls out, the victors may celebrate the moment, but the real work has only begun. One has to rebuild what had been destroyed, and there is always destruction. In the modern context of war, winning and losing is a rather uncertain concept. Has the mission been...

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War A Love Story Part 4

"Looking at the moon?" Tom Soames did his best to ignore Michel, his pick-up for that night, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed. The small room was stuffy after their earlier heated encounter, and he stayed in the chair near his workbench, fiddling with electrical components and contentedly gazing out of the window. "No, the moon isn't up yet, its still daylight outside," he replied, "I'm just thinking. I have things to do. Plans to make." "Are you thinking of that girl you...

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World War Campaign for BeslandChapter 2

During a rather dull cocktail party in Inra, Ambassador Julliard took a sip of his tonic water while listening to Ambassador Lorenz, the representative from Espa, vent concerning the demands the Jade Empire was making upon it. Espa, like his country of Franka, was not going to surrender to the Jade Empire. Ambassador Lorenz said, “That whole affair in Engle is a disgrace. King Leopold shouldn’t have surrendered. Engle has lost all credibility as a world power.” “Let’s not be too hasty in...

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Aishwarya8217s Pre marital adventures

The former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai acted both in Hindi and Tamil films and soon became a famous actress in Tamil movies. Her captivating eyes and her smile earned her millions of fans all over India. Her looks are devastating and she has a very hot body to trot. She is a bisexual woman like most of the Indian actresses and loved woman with big butts. A grand music ceremony called the Star Night was organized in Singapore and Aishwarya Rai along with many other Tamil movie personals took...

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Going to WarChapter 3 Orders to War

July 21, 1994 Colonel Naff stood atop a building watching the action below. The first battalion had just jumped into a fake urban area used in making a television show. The set was complete with buildings, although they were just shells. They were now in the process of taking control of the area. One of the problems facing paratroopers is that when they jump into a war zone they are doing so with limited supplies. There isn’t a convoy of supply trucks lumbering along behind them with heavy...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 9 The War College Fiasco

The estate was an impressive, imposing, and surprisingly large underground complex that filled a huge cavern, with a dim looking pseudo-sun in the centre. The cavern was so large Jason was sure the whole of Manhattan Island could fit in it with ease. They walked along the stone path that was lined with grey/brown foliage none of which Jason could recognize. The plants looked like a cactus with thick oddly shaped leaves and a conical stem that was about two feet tall. There were trees that...

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Aella and the Greek War against the Romans

Aella held the bow and arrow in her hand steadily. She knew these forests better than anyone else because of her time fighting the Macedonians, and now she lay in wait in the thick underbrush as the night hid her slim figure in its darkness. “General Aella,” Stavros, her advisor, had said to her earlier in the day. “Everything is ready now. The men have been briefed, and your spies have returned confirming the news you had received last week. There will be an attack tonight, and we will be...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 7 Teresa

‘Howdy!!! We over slept! We need to be at my lawyer’s office in an hour. Get up!’ ‘What?’ I said rubbing sleep from my eyes. Gypsy and I sprang from the bed and raced into the shower together. It was just a quick suds up wash off, but it would have to do. Nothing cologne and perfume can’t hide Gypsy said with a giggle. We quickly dressed, and made a mad dash for the appointment. ‘We are signing papers today to make our business official.’ she said out loud, talking to herself. ‘Thislawyer...

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Making Love to Teresa

This was inspired by a wonderfully sexy, sensuous Lush member who brought me and mom many wonderful hours of tremendous pleasure. We sat across from each other at Pauli’s, a very nice restaurant on the outskirts of town. We sipped on house Merlot as we chatted. I wanted to know all about her. I ordered filet, baked potato and Caesar salad. We were going to share it in a most interesting way. She was a BBW in every sense of the phrase. She was big. She was beautiful, and she was all woman. She...

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Witch Chronicles 008 Prelude to War

The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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War Games

Dear Caroline, We miss you here a lot. It'll be funny going back to school without you. I mean, you were still here a year ago and then you were gone. Thank you for your letter. I'm glad you like where you're living. Okay, now I have to tell you something incredible, but you have to promise to believe me. It's all true, okay? Then when you're done you'd better throw this letter away. Tear it up first though. Here goes. Well, you know how boring things get by the end of the summer and...

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