SpaceChapter 15 free porn video

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Betts I did as she sat and looked out an open window. She was naked but the viewer could only see part of one breast.

The munchkins came over and I chased them away. I did them in small bathing suits at the beach but they didn't have a sand bucket. I had them pose like adults.

Paul was done as I first saw him. He was frightened and ready to bolt. A second picture had him relaxed as he sat in the sun with his long hair. The third picture took a moment. I pictured him in the same Aristis uniform that I saw myself in. Behind him was a large window and I showed a planet as seen from space. Paul's hair was short and he was serious as he gave orders.

I did a picture of myself drawing a picture of Betts. My shorts were bulged out as I worked.

I took the drawings over to Gail and gave her the one of her.

"This is fantastic Wally. I never knew you could do such great work as this."

"Thanks Gail. I did one of the guys together."

"Show me."

I put the two drawings together and she laughed so hard the guys hurried over so see what was happening. They didn't say anything but they did smile especially when Gail brought her picture closer to that of the guys and wiggled hers.

Betts shyly said, "Did you do another one of me?"

"So you saw the one I drew in school."

"I stole it. It is in my collection of things to keep forever."

I handed Betts her picture and she just stared at it. The munchkins wanted to see and then they too were quiet. Gail, the guys and Paul had to see next.

Soon enough Patricia said, "What about your munchkins?"

I handed two more out and they showed everybody. I handed Paul his three upside down. He looked at them in order and then did them again and again.

"These are great Wally. Nobody ever drew a picture of me before."

"You are handsome enough to have lots of drawings made of you. The munchkins are the same way."

"What am I in the last picture?"

"Ah, you are on the bridge of a corvette. That is a captain's uniform that you are wearing. Usually you give mental commands but now you have to use your voice and your hand. The world in the large view screen is Cralto the planet the Tomma now live on. The Tomma are people that have fallen back into barbarism but are ascending again. Your ship is crewed by the Tomma and humans."

"Are we fighting?"

"That world is yours. You live there now and you would die to protect it and the Tomma."

Paul drew himself erect and smiled. I guess he liked the idea.

Betts interrupted and said, "What is on the last piece of paper.?" I just handed it to her. Now she laughed hard and everybody came to see.

I sat back down and drew the three guys again but individually this time and in Aristis uniforms. They were older now but still boys in part. Each one was in a battle and fighting to push the front forward. The weapons in their arms had never been seen on earth before. Armour would normally be worn but not this time.

The guys were much more solemn now and nodded their thanks as if the words would come out wrong. Paul showed them his picture and Sam hugged him one handed.

Betts phone rang and it broke the mood. She answered it, smiled, then said, "No, he is not eating me now or sticking me with his dick. He showed me how much he loved me?" In a moment she added, "He drew my portrait. It's just like a camera did it."

Betts asked me, "Can we go over to Wendy's?"

"We are entertaining. That would be rude and thoughtless. We might visit tomorrow."

Wendy said, "I am sorry Wendy, we are entertaining. Are you free tomorrow?" In a moment she said to me, "How does just after karate sound?"

I nodded. Betty completed the arrangements and I said to the guys, "If I could do it, you guys would be going too."

Chuck said, "We know. We have another objective in mind anyway." His head turned to Gail and she happened to see this. I think she took it as a challenge.

I said, "Let's help Gail catch up on some of her business and learn a bit as we do this?"

The munchkins and Paul cleaned up while Betts talked. We went into the house and watched what Gail did. She took orders and sent out orders in turn to companies to send the products to the people that paid her.

With only one computer here, I went home and got mine. I set up and worked beside her. I could select the information in the form and paste portions in many areas. Only one was to the company that shipped the articles. By the time an hour was over we caught up on four days work.

"Wally, you were fantastic. It would take me over a day to do what you just did."

"The interface in my computer is more sophisticated. It can handle multiple pastes."

"Where can I get that program?"

"It is a one of a kind product that a friend made for me. It's ported to my hardware and will not work in yours."

"I could get rich using that."

"You would have more free time you mean."

"I guess that is more accurate."

"Are the guys staying over here another night?"

"They are already having a lot of sleepovers at your house. One time their parents might actually phone and then the shit will hit the fan."

"They would just say they sneaked out. You would never be hurt."

"I know that but they would get in trouble."

"That reminded me of something."


"We own a motor home. We can travel to the beach or to the country. We can camp and fuck. Possibly we can fuck and camp. The guys want to have see how to perform a three prong attack works."

Gail smiled. "By using their three prongs?"


"War games were never so interesting."

Betts and I took the young ones to our house so Gail could discuss strategy with the guys. She was naked by the time I left the house.

The munchkins took their man upstairs but I told them to go easy. I don't think they understood but I think they would follow my advice.

Betts wanted to make love but I watched her exercise as I drew some pictures of June. The girl needed a boost. The first was one of her in a dress like Mom wore today but with a hat and gloves. She looked very demure and very much virginal.

Another had me fucking her as she lay back on her bed. Her abdomen was swollen and the baby would be about due. Betts had a similar abdomen and she was supporting June's head in her lap as she twisted her sister's nipple.

Betts got up and staggered to see what I had made. She looked and looked. Finally she said, "My pussy is going to be sore tonight. This is going to really turn her on."

"What about you?"

"Two horny women mean two sore pussies."

I exercised with Betts and we tried to mimic what we were shown by Mr Kazuyoshi.

June came home on time but Mom was very early. She could have caught us but I didn't think she would do this to her daughters. Paul was still upstairs and Betts politely told the girls to bring our guest out. Paul came out and Betts took him into the bathroom. She combed his hair then undid his pants, fixed his shirt and did him up again as if he was half of his age of ten. She did give him a kiss on the cheek. Paul was a bit too stunned yet to worry about anything.

Mom sat with Paul and talked. The girls were again polite little ladies. I had peeked at them and they had done nothing but kiss though their hands had wandered outside his clothes.

Surprisingly Bert came home early too. He brought Paul a coke from the fridge and sat far from him. The munchkins sat on Bert's lap which was odd. The girls were not that intuitive but then again they were female.

I stayed out of the conversation and out of the room entirely. June was crying upstairs and I saw that Betts was holding her. She saw the two drawings.

Pop put on the barbecue and made supper. He was polite to everybody and trying his hardest not to frighten the young boy. The munchkins went back to being ladies but young ones. Paul seemed to be comfortable now.

Instead of sex games we played board games. Betts and I hammed it up and then so did the young ones. It was more natural for them. Pop felt obliged to act like he was mortally wounded every time he was trounced. Paul felt good enough to act the same when he was attacked. Mom protected him against the nasty girls. This was actually a fun night.

During the night I mentioned about my talk to the Doc. Pop was pleased that his name was mentioned though he tried to hide it. When the time came, both adults took Paul home. Mom had tears in her eye when she came back. She whispered to me, "Paul hugged Bert and me. I think he would rather stay with us."

I said, "So you know that the Swami actually knows all."

"Yes, you were right all along Wally. Now we have to have some serious discussions with you guys."

"Our family is growing. Nobody wants to exclude Paul. Talk to Pop about how large the house has to be first."

"What are you not telling me?"

"I am telling you to not, not talk to Pop. The Swami says that Pop has the answers."


The girls were fairly quiet last night so I was given a chance to rest. I also got up early. Mom, Pop and June were having breakfast.

We greeted each other and Mom said, "Why do you think Leslie would want to live with us?"

"Well since you talked to Pop I will say she has to."


"She was only Frank's common-law wife. She is not the mother of any of his children. You will find that when you go through a lot of confusing companies you will find that Caputo owns the house Leslie lives in and a few more around. Two of them actually back onto his property.

"Frank was living the high life but he was leasing the house. The lease comes up for renewal in September. Most, though not everything, in the house goes with the house.

"There was no insurance policy found and there was little cash found in the house. Leslie could sell off her unwanted assets but whoever buys the house will want a lot more for a lease. Basically Frank was holding it for Caputo.

"Leslie has very little work experience. She may find a rich man but that is unlikely in the short term. She can delay for a while but in the end she will have to vacate."

Mom said, "Leslie never told me this."

"She may not know yet. Frank did the finances. Caputo is making ready to flee the country. At present he's liquidating everything that he cannot hide. The homes have been offered for sale on a private basis. Caputo does not want to let everybody know how desperate he is."

Bert asked, "How much does Caputo want for the house?"

"The property is easily worth four million. There is an offer in for a million that he should take as it involves the other homes in the area."

Mom asked Pop, "Could we come up with a better offer?"

He said, "We still owe money on this house. We could leverage it though and use the equity as a down payment. With some bridge loans we will have time to sell this house and move into the larger one. I can check on that at work today."

Mom turned to me and asked, "How did you come by all this information? Last I saw you were a smart twelve year-old."

"I talk to the cops. I gave some ideas to the Doc and he gave some information back. Logic tells me that much of this is going to happen. My dad has my coin collection. At present he is trying to liquidate it for cash at an auction. I am the one that is putting in the lowball offers."


"Through some intermediaries. I too will have mortgages. I hope to sell some of the property to pay for the balance of the properties."

June said, "You?"

"Yes Sweetie. If Pop pools his money with me and possibly some from Leslie we may get the homes. The one Leslie is in now is more than enough for our extended family."

"Extended?" Mom said.

"Mom, are you going to tell June about a possible future for us?"

She thought for a moment then said, "June, Baby, your father and I like Leslie. We would... a move in together. You would get two more sisters."

I added, "And possibly Paul as a brother."

June's head snapped back to me then to her parents.

Mom said, "We don't know yet. We like the little guy and he seems to like us. A foster home may be acceptable but a real home is the best."

"This is moving so fast. Living with Leslie and her kids I can see. Adopting Paul does not stretch my imagination too much. It's Wally buying a four million dollar home and other homes around the property that is hard to understand."

June looked at me and said, "Why buy the homes?"

"They are at bargain basement prices. My coins make me a little rich. That is not enough. We also have a lot of damaged children. We can make a sort of group home with the parents getting help. Lots of them are fucked up too. Sorry Mom. The Doc is in my plans. He works in our new community to shrink the parents' heads and their kids."

"You don't make money that way?"

"The houses keep their value or appreciate. Others I will sell. In the end I turn my paltry two or so million into ten times that amount."

"Two million? Paltry?"

"It is small. It is hard to find a house in the city for less than a third of a million. When I get older, the homes will cost a lot more. Ask your parents what this house is worth. Long ago a million was a lot. Inflation has ripped into that. My coin collection would grow in the coming years but not as much as the homes I am putting offers on will."

Bert asked, "Who is helping you. Is it Gail?"

"She is not helping me with acquiring homes. The younger Caputo hates me. My offer may be good compared to the others but he will try to talk his father out of selling to me. My involvement has to be kept secret."

"Why did you tell us?"

"You're family. You'll know eventually what is going on and it is better for me to tell you now. You cannot tell Leslie."

"Why, if she is could join our family?"

"The house is still bugged."

Mom was very worried now. "But we..."

"So that is natural. It is even expected. Leslie has to cry for real to be believable. I am sorry but that is the truth."

"When can she be told?"

"Caputo is selling quite a bit of his properties to me. I want it all. Some may not be sold until after he takes up residence in some other country."

"That is going to be hell on Leslie and her kids."

"Bring her here and you can talk unless they put bugs here too."

"The mob?"

"The mob, competition, or even the police to see if Leslie knows something she never mentioned."

"Who knows right now?"

"The four of us."

"Not Betty?"

"Not yet. She likes Wendy too much and possibly Leslie too."

Bert said, "But you told June."

"June belongs to me. Until she wants that to stop, she will say nothing."

All of them were stunned. June put her face down. I picked it up and said, "Don't be ashamed. Your parents already knew this. Now you can act the way you feel most natural."

"But... I'm like your slave or something."

"You do what you want. I tell you something and you have to choose. You only like to have me tell you things when your conscience bothers you. You are the same as anybody else otherwise."

Mom asked me, "How long are you going to keep... June?"

"Until she tires of us and shifts to some adults or possibly until I find someone that will treat her the way she needs and still cherish her."

"Who can you trust?"

"That is the hard part."

I got the girls up after the rest went to work. I went next door right away. Gail let me in after a long wait. She looked like shit. I said, "How did the three prong attack work out?"

"I fought them off but I used the last of my resources."

"You are not going to capitulate so soon?"

"Hell no. I am a fighter. They had the three prongs in operation almost all the time."

"It is a sad state of affairs. You are in your prime and the most horny while the guys are twelve and not yet at their peek state."

"I need strength. I'll get the troops up and hope they don't drag me back to bed. The last time almost did me in."

"Are you teaching them to hold off?"

"I do that all the time. My body loves it but my rational mind fights me. It wants some rest."

"Write your memoirs now. You can read them in thirty years and think fondly of this time."

"I won't survive that long. But I will think on the idea. I never have time now to do anything extra for me."

Karate was hell on all of us but Betts and I got off the least. Gail still flashed but it did not inspire the guys quite as much as it did before.

When we got out of the dojo I said, "Gale, you are caught up with your work now. I suggest that you drive out to Sandbanks Provincial Park. Take any siblings that the guys have with you. That will keep you from being attacked. Make a day or more of it. We will get home alright. There is no dojo tomorrow. If you want, bring the tents and the camping equipment."

"What are you trying to do? I'm only one woman."

You outrank the guys and the munchkins. You and most parents take the easy way out and do the job yourself. Delegate. Tell Chuck and he will whip his men into shape. Just remember that you were taking Patricia and Liza. You decided to take the rest to fill the machine."

When Gail dropped us off at Wendy's home, Betts said, "Why did you get rid of them?"

"I want them to be kids too. Gail needed a rest. The rest think that Gail is a great woman, which she is."

Erin greeted us with Wendy beside here. She was looking for the munchkins. I kissed Wendy and she returned the kiss with interest. When she kissed Betts I crouched down and opened my arms. "Does you Junior boyfriend get a kiss?"

She thought for a while, smiled and ran to me. Having me parked in her bum once didn't make us as good friends as I thought. She was only having good fun with her friends.

Wendy lead us outside to the pool area. There was one cop and this time it was a she. Near the pool though were four girls. Three were in skimpy bikinis but one had a light dress on. This was the girl with the super clit.

The latter was the first one Wendy introduced. Her name was Erica Henderson. She was the most beautiful of any girl I had met. The dress had to be a way of hiding her special feature from those that did not know her.

Ashleigh had the largest breasts she held them up proudly. There was a fear behind her eyes. Perhaps here she felt safe enough to flaunt her asset. Her body was good too. She must have exercised and eaten right.

Shirley was shorter with red hair and freckles. She looked the most frightened and held back.

Elaine was frightened too. She had lustrous black hair and dark eyes. She seemed to be like a cat trying to appear bigger just to frighten away and enemy. She got between me and Shirley.

I was polite to all of them. I tried to actually be suave but that's something to develop. Less threatening would be a better objective to strive for. The girls had the time in their forced servitude to gain a polish I lacked.

We sat down, and then asked if anybody wanted something to drink. I took orders and came back and handed them out. Wendy said, "Betts says that you made a fantastic drawing of her."

"Betts is my girlfriend. She's a bit bias I think."

"Would you do us?"

"I think I could. Do you have some larger sheets of paper and some pencils. I never tried to do anything with coloured pencils for a while. Now is a good time. My condition is that none of you look until I'm done."

There were some large sheets of art paper. I used the tools to sharpen the pencils. I would like to put sunglasses on but I wore them when we met not long ago. I didn't want to jog their memories.

Since I liked looking at these girls I figured I would work live instead of from memory. This gave me the chance to handle the models the way I wanted or at least a bit. They were frightened but not much. I was gentle and used kind words and they relaxed somewhat. I moved a girl's face one way or another and even pulled back the lips just a bit to give her a sultry look. I was not shy about pushing skin up to move a breast. The girls seemed to like this when they saw themselves as safe. I pulled out hair on some but it didn't work well and I put it back.

"Ok, you can move now. When I do some of the features I will call you back one or possibly two at a time. Remember, no peaking."

On a small sheet I roughed out the drawing. Some of the girls would have to move in more or at least in the drawing. Oddly I wanted them all to have sun dresses like Erica. I then saw Erica with a swollen abdomen. That was exciting but not good for a young girl. I would have to age her at least four years. That meant bigger teats too. I didn't want any girl to be the focal point so I chose an infant still wrapped in those soft sheets.

Betts had to be in this but again I didn't want her more important than the rest. I went through a dozen smaller sheets of paper before I started on the larger one. Erin was not in this group so she could watch what I did.

Leslie came out and walked over to me. I folded over the pad and walked to her. She put out her hand and I hugged her instead. With a kiss on the cheek I said, "It is nice to see you again."

"Not many boys your age would kiss me like that."

"I'm not that much of a fool. I would kiss you right but I still consider you taken."

"Really? By Bert?"

"I think you have taken Bert and Lillian. A woman, like you, needs and deserves more than a boy."

"Why thank you Wally. You make me feel wanted."

"You will be a beautiful woman even when you are sixty three."

"I think you could sweet-talk your way into any of the girls suits here today."

"I regret that I am here as a drudge."

"I saw you drawing so I don't think you are going to be a drudge."

"Perhaps not. May I draw your likeness too. I think I'm going to add four or five years to everybody."

"That would put me over the hill but you may try."

I went back and started over with the smaller sheets of paper. This time Leslie was in it at the centre.

Leslie was now pregnant. I drew a garden with wrought iron tables and chairs. The very pregnant Leslie was holding a child in her arms. Betts was nearby and I put some of her likeness into the child. The other girls were clustered near and admiring the baby. Erica was smiling and had her dainty hand on her swollen abdomen.

Shirley looked stronger and able to stand alone. She had her hand on Elaine as if giving her support now. Ashleigh's breasts were larger but so was the rest of her body.

I took a lot of breaks to stretch or even do exercises. Drinking meant I had to piss. Food came to me by way of my private servant. I fed Erin from my plate and kissed her once in a while. She had no trouble helping me with anything. The policewoman came near and looked. I nodded and smiled at her but didn't hide the drawing.

It must have been around seven that night that I was done. There was a considerable amount of detail and I was learning as I worked. I had to stretch. The policewoman said, "That is very beautiful. Are you a professional?"

"I just started."

"Then you will be famous one day."

"That sounds nice but that's not what I'm after."

Erin pointed out everybody in the picture except one. I had to add Erin to this group. Her face added last but her body went in with the rest.

I had a nice meal now and I ate slow and talked. Everybody wanted to see the drawing but they weren't crass enough to ask. When the agony was long enough I put the pad on an easel. When the light was right I folded back the cover and put the picture down so everybody could see.

The only talk was Erin going forward and pointing at her figure and saying, "That's me when I'm big."

Nobody else spoke. Erica started to tear up and Wendy held her. I didn't quite expect this sentiment.

Leslie said, "You have drawn us all very beautiful."

"You are all beautiful now. Why would you be different in four to five years?"

"You see me pregnant by then?"

"That is your second or third child."

She looked at me with a real intensity now.

Betts said, "That's my baby, isn't it?"

"Of course. The Huggins women tend to produce beautiful children."

Wendy asked, "Why are we older and wearing dresses?"

"Now is not a time to show flesh. You were all hurt. This pain started many years ago. The dresses show that you are women now and cherished. The children show that life goes on. The extra years shows that the pain of today will be but a shadow at that time."

"I'm not pregnant in your picture?"

"All of the images have gained just a bit of weight. It shows around your abdomens."

"All of us!"

"Of course, you make up a group and I hope you will stay friends forever."

"A romantic man my age. It is hard to believe that. Tell me though, who is the father?"

"An artist too may have dreams."

I was mobbed now but gently. Betts not only didn't protect me but she helped them. I was slowly stripped naked. My knee gave me problems and I could not fight my best. I didn't want to hurt the girls anyway.

Being but one young man I could do little but the girls worked on each other to assist me. Only Erica was not here. I saw her through the wall as she sat and spoke to Leslie.

Betts had warned them all that her pussy would be my first and she still had a few weeks before I took hers. The girls were used to the alternatives.

When Wendy came near I kissed her chest and then her lips. I was able to say, "Does Erica think that I will be offended by her clit?"

"You know?"

"I want to protect all of you. That means I have to learn. I may be shocked but only for a second. I would treat her no differently."

"She looks like a boy."

"She is a woman though with some extra equipment."

"You can deal with that?"

"I hope so."

"Let's give you a try then." Wendy wiggled away from me and from somebody's lips that were on her lower set. She groaned at this but she would be back. I participated a bit but watched Wendy go in and talk to Leslie and Erica. Soon it was Leslie and Wendy trying to convince Erica. The two started to undress the girl and she only put up a weak fight. It didn't last long.

Wendy took Erica's hand and led her to the orgy. Erica came close and just let me see what she was like. Her clit was a cock not even at half mast. I saw this casually as I looked at the rest of her body too. She was beautiful everywhere.

Guys are worried about turning gay. I did too but I was learning all the time. Paul was really cute and I could see myself and he possibly being lovers except that he was hurt so much.

Erica's cock was thin and otherwise the same as any other cock I had seen on the net or with my special vision. There was no sack. I had looked internally and found no testicles.

It was a kind of thrill to meet Erica this way but I also saw her vulnerability and fright. I had to think that perhaps hundreds of other guys had looked at her the same way. Was I going to be the same way? I was trying to make a difference in this world one piece at a time.

I tried to stand and some lips slipped off my appendage. It was difficult to get to Erica but I stood before her and held her hands in mine. "You are simply beautiful."

"I am not simple though."

"A man dreams of finding a woman with a large clit. Perhaps he is looking for another man or a woman that will experience more joy with more to love. I know you are all woman with just a bit added. May I make love to you."

"Not sex?"

"I rarely have sex. I really am a romantic. This tends to hurt me but I cannot change myself."

"You may have difficulty."

"Because of what happened recently? Or because men have hurt you too much?"

"Don't laugh, but I can't get it up like I used to."

"I would never laugh at you. May I try to please you?"

"Nobody has ever asked that before."

"Then they are fools."

She kissed me and I held her to me but not tightly. I got her to lay on the carpet. I went slowly as if I had a lifetime. Her ears and then her neck were treated as sacred objects. She had seen some rough times but she did start to respond to me. Her breathing got rapid then eased off as I tried to make a rhythm.

Erica's breasts were larger than Betts'. Her nipples too were more developed. I teased her but only so much. I wanted to show promise too. She was excited and urged me on but I kept to my pace.

At long last I got to her mons. Her clit was as long as my cock now. It was no different than what my friends had. By now she was a friend too. Seeing her cock as a clit was difficult but I tried to overcome my prejudice. I did not go to this obvious target first but found her outer lips and sucked and licked them before moving inward. I had to be careful. With a clit her size it was easy to touch. Her female organs were the same as all the other women and girls I had met. The mons opened a bit more and stayed open with Erica but this was not objectionable.

Same as Space
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Not the usual saturday night

I arrived in from work and my wife Vicki was upstairs getting dressed when she shouted "hurry and get in the shower we are due at our friends for tea in an hour".I showered quickly and got dressed then we got in the car and started to drive to our friends house. When we arrived the kids were playing and our friends were preparing the meal.  It was not long before we ate our meal and we all were talking in the sitting room while the kids played a game on the floor.  Vicki got down on the floor...

Group Sex
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The Train Adventure Of Sonali Mitra

Hello, friends, it’s Rudraksh again & I’m back with another story. First & foremost thank you for all love & feedback emails. I seriously appreciate that. So this sex story is somewhat special as it is based on a real incident that happened in a Mumbai local train to my beloved Sonali or as I like to call her Rani bhabhi. Before getting to the story let me give you a quick background of her. Her real name is Sonali Mitra, she’s married for 6 years and has a cute 4-year-old son. Prior to her...

2 years ago
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How Polygamy Begins 42

[Jay's Narration] I came out of my room the next morning around 8:00 a.m. to be greeted by Melly. We exchanged pleasantries and headed for the kitchen. “So Mom and Rachel are on the veranda having breakfast. Mom told me to tell you to stay away,” said Melly. “Oh crap,” I exclaimed. “Yeah, mom caught her heading for your room this morning and pulled her downstairs.” * [Rachel Narration] I slept well and woke up early. I thought I might go wake up Jay and get some alone time. I had just...

1 year ago
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A Big One for the Nurses

My sister Kate had introduced me to the wonderful world of group sex, one in which my incredible endowments were tested to their limits. I had surpassed all expectations, being able to pleasure five horny teenage beauties several times each in the space of a few hours. My tireless monster cock had unloaded plentiful loads of sweet cream onto their gorgeous bodies. However, with mum back, I had lost interest in those marathon fuck sessions. I preferred to pleasure my ultra-boxom mother, and...

3 years ago
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Adventurous Minxes

Adventurous MinxesIt had been a week and Elizabeth Gillies was still sore she had tried breaking up with Dozer but he always talked his way back into her pants somehow.“Not going to relapse he’s not talking his way back in again.” she thoughtSitting down with her coffee was a welcome change from the morning sex poundings she got in her holes depending on what day of the week it was she shifted at the thought that if they were still together Liz would have a very thick 24-inch monster up her ass...

1 year ago
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The lost colony

The lost colony Chapter 1 - Generation ship A long, slowly rotating metallic cylinder, this is all what you would see if you could watch the 10 km long generation ship traveling through space. That is, you would probably see nothing, since there were no external lights and the surface was polished. Even in the empty interstellar space holes and steps were preferred sites for dust accumulation. The surface was perturbed only at the tips of the cylinder, with the telescope in the...

4 years ago
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Step Sons Surprise 2

Continued....During the next day or so, mostly while I was out working, I reflected overthe developments with Tom. Whenever I did though I got a raging hard-onwhich was ok when I was alone but I do have a couple of lads that work forme and I know that one of them spotted my arousal more than once. If thiscarried on I'd have to consider wearing underpants!My mind just wouldn't close off and towards the end of a hot Tuesdayafternoon I was working with one of my lads (Lee, the observant one, who...

2 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 02

This is an edited version of the original chapter. I’ve fixed the grammatical errors and made minor alterations to the text. Since I resisted making major changes, the chapter is still quite wordy. ——————– Maisie Barnes rolled over in her lumpy twin bed and squinted at the clock on the old bedside table. 5:00 am. She pulled a pillow over her head and groaned, hoping to stop the morning’s first rays of sunshine from reaching her eyes. Her head hurt way too much for light right now. Stupid...

2 years ago
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Random Encounter

Behind the door were standing three women dressed in identical mannish-looking but femininely cut suits and ties. Two of them were wearing sunglasses even though it was evening and they were indoors. I guessed the one in the front only didn't because she already had eyeglasses on her nose. I stared at them for two seconds and said: "No, I don't want to hear why God makes people suffer, please go away." I started to close the door, but the one in the front with short blonde hair shoved...

4 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 72

Flashback – Ben – Back at the base The Corporal took me back to my room where there’s a nurse waiting at the door. She gave me a wicked smile complained, “It’s about time you got here - I’ve been waiting for almost an hour.” I glared at her and asked, “Don’t tell me, you’re next?” The Corporal innocently asked, “Next for what?” She laughed and added, “That’s for Banzai Ben to know and for you to not find out. Thank you Corporal for bringing him here to me but now you need to make yourself...

1 year ago
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Broke Fat Black and UglyChapter 5

“Mom. Mom!” Someone was pushing me. I opened my eyes. Stace hung over me. She must have covered me with a throw. I was warm under it. My naked body had been so cold all weekend! “Is he gone?” She looked even more frightened than yesterday. “I-I locked the door. Was that okay?” “Oh, Sweetheart, it’s over.” I told her. At least, for now it was. Getting up, I wrapped the throw around me and went to my bedroom. Donald lay still on the bed. “Honey.” I called softly. “Hnngg?” He grunted and...

3 years ago
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Dont Diss the Chef

Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved * Sarah Bell was wondering how she had gotten to this point in her life. How could she be so miserable? And worse, she knew it was all her own fault. Sarah had made her own bed, so to speak, and now she was sleeping in it. Alone. And THAT was a large part of her problem. She shivered from the cold — standing outside on the pier at night in Malibu was cold in February. Even for California! ‘Brenda,’ she asked her friend from work who had dragged her out...

3 years ago
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Wilson Classes 2 Hermaphrodite Hotel 13

HH13: Fucker or Fuckee? This is a merge point between two of my series of stories. The single story, "Wilson Classes" revolves around a world where, due to an unexpected side effect of a universal cancer drug, the children born to those who took the drug had changes to their genetalia. Boys penises gained a cartilage that held them in girl's vaginas until ejactulation occurred. Girls became instantly fertile when a penis was inserted into their vagina. Girls also gained what was, in...

4 years ago
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Pourne IndustryChapter 10

A very naked Cory took her place, first sucking on my glistening full 33 while I was trying not to cum yet, then she stopped and said, “I know you want to give me a big load of cum, so please, anytime Steven, unleash the beast for me?” Now inside my idol, I leaned in and we started kissing and fucking, and fucking and kissing endlessly, when I got one of those handwritten signs that said ‘68 minutes’. And I slowed down my thrusting to go deeper while my kissing went from her mouth to her...

2 years ago
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Motel Fuckslut

When Helen was tired they all slept in the motel room til the next morning. Helen awoke early and slowly pulled back the covers on Gordon and exposed his cock. Her cunt-smell was still on his cock and she could taste his cum as she started to suck his fat but soft cock and as she sucked he began to get hard in her mouth.As he woke she motioned to him to be quiet as she sucked his fat cock so that they didn't wake her hubby beside them. She wanted to fuck Gordon without her hubby knowing.They...

3 years ago
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The Lesson

When you got to your desk in Health and Wellness that morning, you found your term paper, face-down. You turned it over. It was a D-. There was a hand-written note on the top. "Shawn- Let's talk about this. See me after class." It was signed by Miss Danielson. You were really worried, and could hardly concentrate for the 45 minutes of class.The bell rang, and you waited at your desk while everyone else went off to lunch. Miss Danielson walked down the row of desks until she got to yours....

2 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 13

"Not a she," John said. "A place." Never heard of it. "I believe there are more Powers that Be than anyone thinks," John had said that more to himself than anyone present. "Come on up stairs with me. I want to try something." John chuckled. He picked up his Bo staff and headed up the stair. He peeked in his bedroom, Sultry was asleep. She was hugging his pillow. At the closet he opened the door and asked the Powers to step inside. He directed them to the far door. All he had on...

4 years ago
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Meena Is Any Man8217s Fantasy

I was looking to spend an enjoyable three day unexpected bonus holiday in my native place 23 kilometers from Pollachi. My Project had been completed earlier than scheduled. I was on a Volvo bus from Bangalore where I am working, to my native place. My name is Karthik and my Parents are farmers,. Girls found me to be very good company and I was quite popular with them, thanks to my helpful tendencies, soft nature and humour. I was not very serious about any of them, as I had lot of...

3 years ago
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Bubbles Ch 01 She Cant Say No

Preface to Readers- this is a sexy story of a good looking girl from the Midwest who puts all her energy and grit into a summer job so she can find a new life in New York. As you will soon learn, her brain is not as polished as her body although many admires try to polish it with both hands and then some. Her comments have a regional twang so her grammar is not always the Queen’s English. She speak in the manner women speak when there are no men around, a vocabulary they do not use in church on...

2 years ago
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See No Evil

Gabriel sat back down at his desk with a huff. His quick shopping expedition had been successful, and he finished hooking up the VCR to his computer using the equipment he’d grabbed, brow furrowed as he played with the various wires. After a few moments, he reached over and turned on the music, humming to himself as he continued to work. It was weird being in the house without his wife - he’d been away a few times in the last year or two for work, but he couldn’t recall the last time he’d been...

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Our 17 year old daughter

I came into the kitchen dressed in my usual way, pj bottoms , with no top. My 17 year old daughter was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. As I walked by, I patted her head and bent over and kissed the top of it. I poured a cup of coffee she had made for me, turned around, shot the breeze for a minute before I left and went into the other room to watch tv. Sunday was the same thing. Nothing new, everything normal as could be. Monday evening, after my wife and I went to bed, she said...

1 year ago
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A grandma fetish story for your enjoyment

In all my years, I had never thought of grandma Em in a sexual way until the day I walked into their house, yelled for her and got no answer. I could see that granda Willie was gone. His Chrysler’s absence meant he was either gone to play gin rummy with the guys or he at the golf course. Either way, I figured she was in the garden fooling around with flowers. As I head to the bathroom, I had whipped out my piss hard dick, opened the door prepared to loose my pee, when I get shock...

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Heart of the Highlands Ch 03

Colin had dressed up for this feast but not of his own choosing. Lydia had fussed over him for an hour. He wore a black silk tunic with a silver lining and matching accents. It buttoned up the front and the neck of it laced over his chest. She tried to talk him out of wearing the gauntlets but his glare alone had made her back down from the whole proposition. He wasn’t comfortable with anyone suspecting anything wrong, let alone seeing it. It had a tendency to make people recoil like he was...

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CameronChapter 2

The next thing I knew he was shaking me awake. It was almost noon and he wanted something to eat. He took me into the bathroom and we took a quick shower. But before he turned on the water he stood me inside the shower and pushed me to my knees. I thought he must want a blowjob but instead he grasped his soft cock and with and evil leer on his face he calmly stood there and pissed all over me from my breasts down. I just stood there in shock. I think my brain has been too numbed, too damaged...

1 year ago
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Matures are best

It was the Thursday night before Sharon departed on holiday with her family that things came to a head. I’d been out at an after work birthday drink, and got home a bit earlier than I expected. Sharon wasn’t in. I thought she’d be over with her parents, so I called them. She wasn’t there. About 30 mins later she got home. I asked where she’d been, and was told “At my mum and dad’s”.“Funny that, as your mum told me half an hour ago you hadn’t been there tonight”.“Oh………………shit!”Calmly and...

3 years ago
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My Sad Life Part 1Sex is not love

" For fuck's sake shut up you loser!!" Most nights were now like this.She would come in my room,and without saying even a word,just sit on my penis and fuck me like a freakin sexrag.At that time I couldn't help but think that it's ok, she's my mommy.Atleast I thought she was. " You fuckin dimwit.You're pathetic and of no use.I even hate doing this with you." She said while straddling on me.I was on my back and she was on top,jumping up and down. Then she said,"Suck me like the...

1 year ago
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Oh BoyChapter 2

The two girls eagerly bobbed their heads in agreement that they were hungry. We went to the kitchen naked, and nuked the hotdogs while I dished up the baked beans and potato salad. The girls both wanted Mountain Dew, while I wanted a Coke. We went back into the family room to sit on the floor and eat. I used the remote and flipped the TV on and saw that Saturday Night Live was coming on which made me turn to look at the clock over the piano. I exclaimed, "Holy smokes, we played around for...

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MommysGirl Brandi Love Alexis Fawx Athena Faris Lesbian Reconditioning Camp

Alexis Fawx and Brandi Love, two mature women who are also wives, are having a quiet conversation amongst themselves. ‘…She’s just going to get herself hurt dating all these skeezy boys with only one thing on their mind! We have to do SOMETHING!’ Alexis insists, looking worried. Brandi tries to comfort her while also saying, ‘I know, honey, but we can’t MAKE our step-daughter do anything, she’s that age now past 18 where if she wants to do something,...

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MyFamilyPies Braylin Bailey How Not To Dress For A Funeral

Braylin Bailey dresses in a hot little black dress to go to a funeral, which she doesn’t see a problem with. Braylin’s stepbrother, Apollo Banks, has other thoughts. He tells Braylin that guys are going to try to take advantage of her. Instead of offering to change into something more demure, Braylin takes Apollo’s hand and puts it on her hot little twat as she describes all the things she thinks he’s afraid might happen. She finishes by making it clear that she has a...

2 years ago
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Wild Cards 2Chapter 5

Daniel returned that night with her number unsure of how to proceed. He could no longer kill her and reporting the situation to his superiors was definitely out of the question. Daniel was simply too close to her now, and what was more he knew she was not evil. He had always been able tell even in early childhood when someone was good or bad. It was a feeling he got deep inside. With the good ones he felt comfortable and safe like a warm blanket was being wrapped around you. With the bad...

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Merlins Magic Cue Stick

Legend has it that Sir Lancelot was one of King Arthur’s round table members. He was the most trusted of King Arthur’s knights and played a part in many of Arthur’s victories. Lancelot is best known for his love affair with Arthur’s wife, Lady Guinevere. Lancelot’s life and adventures have been featured in several medieval romances, often with conflicting back-stories and chains of events. He was presented as the most formidable knight at King Arthur’s court. His adulterous relationship with...

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Carree Loves Billy Holiday WeekendChapter 4

He began to take small little movements, maybe an inch long, maybe a little more. He grew bolder as he continued making his strokes longer. "Oh baby", I said, "this is the best. Fuck me good, Bill" He began to really go at me in earnest making his strokes longer and longer, where I could feel the head on that cock lodge right at the entrance to my ass, and then pummel in. I was getting the fucking of my life, literally. The best was yet to come, no pun intended, as an orgasm began to...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 29

Ken could not believe how crowded the theater was. There wasn't even standing room in the place; every square inch was packed with people. He had a feeling that the fire marshal would be a very unhappy person if he could see what was going on here. The girls were extremely excited, and Ken resigned himself to a night of the loud, annoying crap that passed for music these days. He himself, when he listened to music at all, preferred rock from the '70s and '80s. Honestly though, he really...

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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 12

We went downstairs and I taught Piper how to make a perfect pitcher of Long Island ice tea. It isn't hard with the recipe I got from a good friend years ago. The doorbell rang while we were working. Craig let our guests in and escorted them to the kitchen. I made introductions. Our neighbors were a bit reserved in the company of the kids. They didn't expect anything of a sexual nature to take place with our kids around so I think they were mildly disappointed that the kids were going to...

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The Meadow

Imagine a still-warm day in October, walking through the trees all ablaze in bright reds or yellows and oranges, The sun is shining through the trees, bright rays dancing with soft shadows upon the ground, the rays kissing your cheek, warming your soul as much as your body. We dance as much as walk, holding each other’s hand, traipsing through the woods. We see a soft, small meadow and walk toward it. Across the grass there is a small hut, stone walls and partially overgrown — obviously old...

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A Walk on the BeachChapter 7

It was three weeks after my lover and friend’s graduation. I missed Friday nights with the guys and girls at the beach for far more reasons than the great sex. Terry went to Europe for the summer with her parents before heading off to college. Bob volunteered at a boy’s summer camp to beef up his application to Yale. Olivia and Tom were planning a wedding and checking out colleges they could both attend and get their degree. I was going to be a bride’s maid. Of course, Terry would be the maid...

2 years ago
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My Man Went To Jail

Every day away from him has been torture and today I finally broke. I had tried to pleasure myself all week, and I just couldn't seem to get into it. I tried putting my fingers in my pussy and using lube and all kinds of toys.. Nothing seemed to work.. I just couldn't bring myself to cum without my husband helping me. He called me today, and started talking very dirty to me on the phone, and as he spoke, I felt my pussy lips swelling and I started to really get wet... My juicy pussy was...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 8 The Think Tank

January, 1983, Chicago, Illinois The Windy City was certainly living up to its moniker the last full week in January. The newspapers, radio, and TV were full of news and advertising for the mayoral primary that pitted Mayor Jane Byrne against State’s Attorney Richard Daley, son of the former mayor, and US Congressman Harold Washington. Every city bus had some kind of political advertising on the side, and billboards had seemingly sprung up from nowhere. From everything I read, it appeared...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 12

Steve Still Thursday Back at the shop, I went out to the fiberglass shop and talked to Jeff's assistant, Ken. "Ken, you know the five mats you made up for us to test the strength of them?" "You mean the five composite mats?" "Right, those. Can you make up a few more just like them?" "Sure, no problem. I have the mixes right here and we can do them and lay them tonight. They won't be cured and ready until Monday, though." "That's fine, Ken, do three sets of them. I have an...

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sissy and her Daddy Chapter 2

jamie and Rich meet againHuh? Don’t recognize that number – fuckit… let it go to voicemail. Probably someone begging for money. Monday mornings suck enough already, I sure as hell don’t want to be putting up with beggars. I gotta get to work on this proposal or my ass is grass!Some time passes and the number rings again so I decide to answer it. “yeah? who’s this?’“Now jamie, is that anyway to greet your owner? I’m surprised you don’t have better manners. Nobody likes a girl with an attitude”Oh...

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Aunt LilithChapter 7

“Lilith? Is it supposed to mean something to me?” Clothilde demanded of Maurice, Lilith, and Ursula. “One of the sisters and wives of Adam, older than Eve. His other sister-wife was Bath-Tammuz, but she never made it into the legend, alas. Lilith was always portrayed in a negative light in the Midrash, but she is actually my ancestress ... and one of my lovers, in fact. Well, strictly speaking, my direct ancestress is Bath-Tammuz, but Lilith is her sister and thus my myriad times aunt. As...

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Learning CurvesChapter 90

The Barton women wore more clothes to breakfast than Tiffany and Molly usually did. Hailey had pulled on a pair of sweatpants beneath her T-shirt. Danielle and Madison each had on a sweatshirt. “Lisa had the baby last night,” Beth told her with a smile. “A little boy!” “Oh, that’s great!” Hailey said with a smile. “Is she at the local hospital?” “Yep,” Beth told her. “Lisa?” Danielle asked while wiping crust out of her eyes. “That Chinese girl that went out with Phil’s friend?” “Danielle...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 25

“How many days until we reach White Harbor?” Yara the Bottomless asked Lord Darren Haerd. “I’d guess about four or five at most, Your Grace,” Darren smiled as he stood with his Queen at the helm of the Balon, her flagship. “I’ve had a raven send me this note. Seems that my brother, Theon, is now very firmly attached to the Night’s Watch in Eastwatch. I’ll see him again when I arrive, assuming that he survives. That’s hardly certain, as it appears that four men have already perished in the...

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Bus to Jammu

Hi everybody, Myself Rahul from Amritsar. I am 27 years and just an average looking guy. Infact I am a bit short in height as boy cause I am 5’4″. The incident stated is true and happened yesterday only ie. June 29,2008. Mujhe apne client se milne Jammu jaana tha so Amritsar Hall gate se maine subah 6 bajhe bus li. Its hot now a days here. Meri delux bus mein seat thi and seat was no. 10 , iske saath wali seat 9 no. Jo window seat thi khaali thi. Maine conductor ko bola ki mujhe window seat de...

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mind controller chip 3

I hadn’t got a proper time out of events but you could see the feedback kick in. Anything set to zero stayed there. But everything else was multiplied as the signal was passed between me and Shep. It went from 20 percent for me to 30 percent for Shep then back to me at 50 percent etc until nearly everything was 100 percent. I got Sheps breakfast for him and let him in. He came and nuzzled my arm. I dont think he knew what had happened yesterday. After he ate his food I thought he would try...

3 years ago
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The Misadventures of Taylor and Selena

Title: The Misadventures of Taylor and Selena (Part 1)Author:  SadoRuskiSynopsis: This is a story of two friends, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez and the many sexual misadventures that they find themselves in. Disclaimer: This is fantasy. It is not real. Rape and violence against women is WRONG.  DON’T DO IT. Intro : Trying something a little different. This is the 1st part of a series of stories. Please tell me what you think at search4aphrodite(at)Hotmail(dot)com. Please include your username...

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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost 8211 Part 7

Hi, this Ajit Roy, aaya hu firse ek naaya part lekar. Yeh part bohut mazedar hone wala hai. Toh bina time waste kiye story suru karta hu jahan se khatam kiya tha. Rahul ka itna lamba bhashan sunkar Manali statue ban gayi. Rahul aur kuch nahi kaha. Woh apne room mein chala gaya. Yeh sabkuch video recording ke through dekh kar main ghar lauta. Raat ko hum sath mein dinner kiye. Manali bohut absence minded dikh rahi thi. Khana kha kar room mein jate hi Manali ne light off kardi aur mujh par tut...

2 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 17

Joy proved to be right -- it was pretty clear that the agent wasn't interested in letting the two couples get together to coordinate plans, but her attempt wasn't successful, and her arguments didn't work when she got back together with them. Jon, Tanisha, and Ben were content to sit back and let Joy battle with the woman, Joy winning most of the rounds. After considerable negotiation, Joy let herself be pushed back to a forty-five-day closing deadline with occupancy in seventy-five days....

4 years ago
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Taking One for the Team

The party was still in full swing when I arrived. The rest of the team were already either drunk or stoned, maybe both. These post-game parties were always a blast, so I was looking forward to it. Most of the girl's team, and some of the cheer squad were there. It was a crowded house, filled with music and noise, as I worked my way through the crowd to the kitchen. There on the table were assorted bottles of liquor, soft drinks, some snack food and more beer than I could ever hope to drink. I...

College Sex
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Jill the Jinx

Just when I thought things were starting to look up, my luck turned rotten. After two resoundingly bad marriages and the slow financial death of double whammy alimony, I had managed to score a tender young thing with an ass that promised paradise on earth. It was entirely accidental meeting Jill at the car wash because I usually washed my ten year old Chevy right in the driveway. She brought the happy back into my life with her submissive attitude and willingness to try anything at least once...

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Anger Issues

The Savage Hi, my name is Simon, and I have anger issues. I thought I had mastered them, but it appears I had only suppressed them. As a child, I had had court mandated anger management therapy, and medication, but that was all behind me now, the records sealed. I had always been a fighter. Growing up as the runt of the litter in a family of 6 kids will do that to you. My parents were hard-working folk, salt of the earth but great advocates of the ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’...

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Mutant 59the Plastic Eaters

Many years ago I found a library book titled "Mutant 59: The Plastic Eaters". It was very up-beat. It's been swimming around in my head for nigh onto forty five years now. I think that it's time for a different impression. Since so much of our society depends on plastics now compared to the 1960s. Let's just imagine what a catastrophe it would be. The first thing that let me know something was wrong was my shoes fell off my feet. They disintegrated. Then the lights in the grocery store...

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