ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 27
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“Fiona, let me tell you a secret, which you must keep to yourself. All of us were virgins, and none of us had even been out on a date! When you are not pretty, or even worse, too tall, no boy wants to ask you out. Reg didn’t ask us out, either; he didn’t even know HOW to ask a girl out. Through our study group we gradually became closer, and Reg was invited by Frances to share her accommodation as it is much better than his basic university student lodgings, and free as well. Then, as Reg continued sharing Frances’ accommodation, and Freda and Erika were also invited to stay there, things changed.
Freda and Erika joined Reg in bed and persuaded him to make love to them. They did not know much more than he did about the act of fucking, so it was a swift learning curve. It turned out that Frances had intended to be first with Reg, but the other girls beat her to it. She was able to have her time with him the next night, and from then on, the quartet were a team. I eventually was able to join their study group, and slowly sussed out how close they were. My joining their loving team came later, but only because I wanted it and was prepared to do what was needed to join.
Reg had treated me like a beautiful woman, without any intention of bedding me, and I fell for him quite strongly, despite knowing that he was making love with the other three.
That is a quick summary, Fiona, but from that you can see that what we have is not your usual polygamous family. We have a group marriage which is probably stronger than any legal marriage would be. We have committed ourselves to each other, thus loving is so easy for us. We have not allowed ourselves a get-out clause, because we never expect to want to leave the marriage.”
“You sound so mature, Prudence. Your words have an authority that suggests that you all feel the same way about Reg and each other.”
“You are correct, Fiona. Ask any of us, and you will get much the same response.”
Fiona said softly, shyly, “Can I get in?”
Prudence was startled by this response, and stared at Fiona in surprise.
“What? You want to join us? Why? This a quite a large group, already. Why would you want in?”
“I have a need to belong, Prudence. I want to belong to a family that will remain stable and secure. I want to be part of such a loving family, and yours is the only one that I have ever found worth asking. Any boy I have been out with, I checked on his family situation, and they all fell at that first hurdle. You Robertsons are different; so can I join?”
Prudence spoke slowly, carefully. “It is not as easy as that, Fiona. Joining us is an awkward process, mainly because we haven’t been asked before, at least not directly. You would need to become an integral part of the operation that is now this family, which means convincing all the others that you are worthy of inclusion. At one time, in the beginning, the girls were thinking of me getting pregnant by Reg, so that I would be more committed to the family if allowed to join. That didn’t actually happen, but all of us intend to have Reg’s children before too long. That is a result of love.
So, the problem you are facing is, you have to show that you can be a part of this cooperative team, be willing to devote your entire life to the family, and have Reg’s children as well. That is not something you can achieve immediately, Fiona; perhaps never, if any of us objects to your presence. We all have the power of veto, remember. I think you ought to go home and think about all this for a while. Commitment is more than just a word.”
“For the Commitment Ceremony, do I have to do this publicly, Prudence? I don’t want to stick my neck out, and be rejected, in the eyes of everyone outside.”
“I would never expect you to do anything publicly until you are at the point of no return, Fiona. I cannot promise you anything beyond telling the others and letting them have their say. I will need to get back to you after that, to say whether you can put your foot on the first rung.”
“That’s fair, Prudence. All I want is to know I have some chance. I know I have to convince Reg to love me as well as you.”
“Not quite, Fiona. You have to convince all of us to love you, which is not the same. Then there is the matter of finance. Does your family have any long-term financial backing for you, or does it all stop once you graduate with a PhD?”
“I don’t know for certain. My dad has a senior job in a large company, so he is not poor. It is more to do with my stepmother. If her desire to see the back of me is more important than my Dad’s money to her, she might be persuaded to help me pay my way if I were to join you. What financial input would be required?”
“At the moment, with us sharing a largish building owned by Frances’ father, we live rent-free, but we have arranged to engage a pair of twins as cook and housekeeper to let us concentrate on our studies. These girls may also act as nursemaids for our children, if they stay long enough. It is their first paid employment.”
“Oh, I agree. They have to be paid. What percentage of their salary do I have to contribute, if I get to join you?”
“We don’t have a hard and fast amount. Our various parents are sharing the cost, so it is a manageable portion per spouse’s family, but several thousand pounds per year is a rough figure. Would your dad be willing to help with that?”
“Assuming I was to live with you, I would save on my present accommodation costs, so I am sure the figure you suggest would not be a burden. My own digs are quite expensive, as Daddy wanted me to be comfortable, and not live in a hovel.”
“Okay. Well, I will put you forward as a prospective trainee for a wife position, if the others are willing to consider you. Let’s leave it at that, Fiona.”
Fiona exited Prudence’s car, and went off home, saying “Please say goodbye to the others for me, Prudence. I could not face them at the present, the way I am feeling just now.”
Prudence accepted that, and returned to the house, thoughtful. She waited until she was asked where Fiona was, and replied, “Gone. We need to have a family discussion about her.”
She refused to give details until everyone was gathered together. When that was done, she asked Reg, “What did you think of Fiona, Reg?”
He pondered, and answered, “Nice girl, quite good looking too, but I found her a bit confusing. I was not terribly clear about what she was proposing for her thesis. In fact, I got the impression that she was not terribly clear about it, either. That does not encourage me to support her research, I’m afraid.”
Erika added, “Funnily enough, I was not all that certain either, that she had all her dominoes in a row. For a PhD student, one would expect she would be right on the ball with her ideas and plans, yet that was not how she came across.”
Freda contradicted her. “Really? I thought she was a very nice girl. I was looking forward to having her poke around the house, interviewing us and so forth.”
Frances gave a short laugh. “Freda, you tend to view people as people to start off with, and not as a research student looking for assistance. Remember, you beat me to getting Reg to fuck you, while I was still worrying about it.”
Freda just smiled. “Why don’t we let Prudence tell us what she wants to tell us. I can see she is desperate to say something more.”
Frances looked at Prudence. “Really? Well, what DID you have to tell us, dear?”
Prudence took a quick look at all their faces, then burst out, “Fiona was not telling us the truth!”
This caused a few eyebrows to be raised, but no-one said anything while waiting for evidence to support this claim. Erika just nodded to herself; her suspicions confirmed. Prudence, having got their attention, explained.
“I was suspicious, and challenged her about her plans, saying I thought she intended something more than what she was claiming. She asked to speak with me privately, so we had a heart-to-heart in my car before she left. She admitted that I was correct. She was actually checking us out for her own needs. She comes from a dysfunctional family, where her stepmother wants rid of her, so she has Fiona’s father to herself. I can see where the stepmother is coming from, much as I disagree with her intentions. Fiona is looking for a stable family where she can fit in. She wants to be part of a loving family that looks to be permanently together.
That is what she was actually looking at, when she visited. She needed to assess us from her own perspective, as a potential family to join. I think we passed that test.”
Reg frowned. “What did she mean, ‘a family where she can fit in’? Fit in, in what way?”
Prudence sighed. “Ah, that is the question.” She looked around at them all and added, “She wants to be considered as another possible wife.”
That stunned them all.
Frances was the first to react. “Surely she can’t think she can just walk in and lay her marker down?”
Prudence raised a cautioning hand. “No, Frances. I laid down the rules to her. I pointed out that for me to join you, well before our Commitment, I had to convince every single one of you that I was worth it; not just Reg. I told her that she needed to show love to us and receive love from all of us, and that would take time, IF EVER IT HAPPENED. I emphasised that proviso for her.”
“Go on,” Frances urged.
“I explained that as we were a group marriage, we all had to be happy with her; just one objection was enough to cancel her application. I also pointed out that she should be prepared to have Reg’s children. I ended up asking if her family would be prepared to put some cash towards helping the marriage to pay for our cook and housekeeper’s salaries. I quoted an estimate of two or three thousand, and she didn’t balk at that. Her present accommodation must be a fairly hefty expenditure, the way she reacted to that; she would save on that, if she moved in with us. Her father is fairly well off, so can afford such a contribution, and her stepmother will probably see it as a way of getting rid of her permanently, thus is unlikely to object.
To end my report: I promised to bring it before you, as an application for trainee status towards becoming another wife; no more than that, and that I would get back to her.
What do you think? Am I in your bad books now?”
Everyone looked to Reg for an opinion. He saw that he was expected to formulate the family’s response, and worded his reply carefully.
“First and foremost, we do not have the information to formulate a real response to Fiona. We can only give a first approximation based solely on this one visit, so no hard and fast decisions are possible; merely impressions. My impression of her was as a I said earlier: a nice girl, and when I said ‘good looking’, that was a factual statement, and not a comparative. You girls are still beautiful to me, I assure you.
As to her sudden overture to us, I don’t want to say either way, for I need to know her better. That is ‘know’ in terms of knowledge, not in the Biblical sense! Frances?” He passed the buck.
“I need more time, as do you, Reg. In principle, I have no objection to sharing you further; for example, with Carol and Holly, but it is vital for any prospective partner to be on the same wavelength as us. The twins know what is expected. As for Fiona, Prudence has made the rules clear to her, so she can think it over, but compatibility is the vital component here. It will take time to work that out.”
Freda put in,”You already heard my reaction. I liked her, so I think she is in with a shout, PROVIDED she will endeavour to fit in. We can’t allow a prima donna into our marriage.”
Erika realised she was next, so added her pennyworth. “Notwithstanding my earlier suspicions, I felt she was a nice girl in many ways. However, we MUST be certain she is not an inveterate liar, for we depend on each other being truthful. Nothing spoils love quicker than untruths.”
There was a murmur of agreement.
Prudence now concluded the round.
“What say we make some enquiries around the university as to her general behaviour, and a quiet word with the police sergeant about her? That will give us some unbiased data to work from.”
Reg reacted, “That sounds eminently sensible, Prudence. How about you organise our enquiries, and collate the results? You have appointed yourself spokesperson and contact between the family and Fiona, so that additional task would be an advantageous arrangement. You okay with that?”
She nodded, reluctantly. “Yes, I can do that, if you are all happy with it?” She looked to the others, and found no objections.
Freda had an idea. “Why don’t we invite Fiona to our house to celebrate the arrival of New Year? It would give us more time with her, and we might be able to get enough alcohol into her system that she will open up to us.”
Erika murmured, “Now that is a good idea. Do we all have to stay sober, or can I have some fun with some spirits?”
Frances adopted her status of senior wife, and laid down the law.
“Erika, this family will not countenance drunkenness, so you can have a few drinks, but not to excess. This goes for all of us, understand?”
Erika pouted, but agreed, saying, “I understand, Frances, and I go along with you. Drunkenness would not show me as a good wife to Reg. I will behave.”
The others, including Reg, made similar promises. He declared, “Frances, you have taken it upon yourself to act as senior wife, and if you other ladies will permit, we can officially declare her to that position. You retain that position as long as the family is in general agreement.”
The other girls voiced approval. Prudence announced, “It is a position of responsibility. It is not for me. Frances is a good choice.”
Frances declared, “Well, in that capacity, I’ll go and phone Fiona, to invite her here for New Year’s Eve. Shall we tell her to come for lunch?”
Reg told her, “We certainly want to get to know her, so the earlier the better. We could do with making our estimate of Fiona well before the twins arrive, in case we have to tell them that our numbers may increase by one.”
“Right, I’ll see if we can arrange that, darling. Have we got the supplies for our little party; food and drink? Can someone check our pantry and freezers, and the drinks cupboard? Erika, love?”
She went off to make her call, leaving the others to sort out the catering.
Erika hurried to check the comestibles, and soon decided that extra supplies were needed. After a quick consultation with Freda, she phoned her orders to the grocer and butcher, getting promises of delivery within a few hours. The drinks cupboard was assessed by Prudence as adequate for the task, assuming no-one was aiming to get blotto.
Frances confirmed that Fiona was able to come for lunch and remain through the New Year revels. “She told me she was not very welcome at her former home, and coming to us was a bonus, she felt.”
The other girls reported on supplies, and what was due for delivery. They were satisfied they could provide a good lunch and dinner for Fiona to enjoy with them.
Reg checked on what attire would be regarded as suitable for New Year’s Eve, and was told pretty well anything, as long as he was dressed well. He nodded his acceptance.
Phone calls were made to staff personnel at the university who were on holiday duty, and whose opinion was worth listening to. They gave Fiona Prentiss a clean bill of health. Her records had no indication of doubts as to her suitability as a student.
On the day itself, they got up late. Two of the girls had managed to get Reg to pleasure them that night, so the other two insisted on the same in the morning, while the first pair snoozed on. He complied without complaint, saying softly, “I hope I can get a nap sometime during the day, so I am not dropping off before midnight.”
Reg was told to make himself scarce while all the preparations were being made, so he went out for a walk in the morning sunshine. He used his amble to explore the area further, for he had not been out walking much since he moved to Frances’ house.
He found himself in a street of semi-detached houses, with paths to their front doors. Ahead of him, a front door was open and sounds of an altercation drifted towards him. He couldn’t make out the words, but as he walked closer, it became clear that a woman and her husband were yelling at each other; or rather, she was yelling at him.
“It is either it or me, David! Get rid of it, and you can come back, but keep it and you can keep away. I have had enough!” She thrust something into his hands, and he took it, standing there as she slammed the door.
Reg was puzzled by what was going on, but there was no-one around to ask. The street was conspicuously empty, as if the neighbours had heard such rows before, and wanted nothing to do with the couple.
The man continued to stand still, clearly unsure of what to do, then he looked around wildly. Spotting Reg, he called, “Hey, do you want this?”
Reg came closer, and saw the man was holding a long-handled machine of some kind. He answered, “Pardon? What are you talking about?”
“This! A metal detector; do you want it?”
“I don’t follow you. What does it do? What would I want to detect metal for?”
The man looked exasperated. “It detects metal in the ground, of course. You can find coins with it, for example; perhaps treasure.”
Reg looked bemused. “Don’t you want to detect treasure for yourself?”
“I do, but my wife is fed up when all I find is tin cans, belt buckles, and other worthless trinkets. She says I waste my time with it, when she wants me to be with her. I am afraid she is right, so I am giving in to her. If you want to try it, you can have it for nothing.”
Having lived with very little for so many years, the idea of something for nothing appealed to Reg’s acquisitiveness, so he stretched out his hand.
“I am willing to have a go with it, but how do you work it? Is there an instruction booklet?”
The man thrust it into Reg’s hands, and declared, “Wait there. I’ll be right back!”, and rushed to his front door.
“Doris! I’ve given it away, but the guy needs the instruction book.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
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CuckoldPorn review superstar Carly Rae is here to collaborate with Nubiles for a girls vs guys reaction video. She is already nice and wet by the time she starts watching the girls getting each other off. Carly’s commentary ranges from the girls themselves to the production value. She is loving how much the girls are clearly enjoying themselves and getting into it in the lesbian part of the compilation. The girls give Carly plenty to love. There are some new ideas for positions, but most of all...
xmoviesforyouLife was definitely not easy but at that time it felt like God or the fates had decided to play with her. For years she was dreaming of someone like James, of a man so strong-willed and attractive to just take a look at her, to notice her and suddenly he was there. He was kissing her, holding her and he had no idea of the power he held over her. She was drinking her coffee slowly staring out of the window. The sun was shining for the first time in days but it was still too cold. She wore her...
Hi ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 25 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. I am going to narrate a real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much ISS for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. It’s a Friday night at a colleague’s place who is throwing a party, Not very crowded as there were just few people, who were working with me...
Carrying a bowl of figs on his fingertips, Mikha’El strutted up the palace’s columned hallways with his chest raised and a grin stretched across his black-beaded face. His sandy-brown arms, bulging with muscles, gleamed from the oils he had smeared to polish them. Ever since he earned himself the rank of house slave, taking him away from the sweltering and scarring toil of brick-making, he bubbled with gratitude. Not only did Mikha’El have his god Yahweh to thank for his good fortune, he also...
So there we were, sat in the studio and Billie getting herself decent after our little session. I went to the door and called out, “Next please.” I sat back next to Billie and rested my hand high up on her thigh. She covered it with her hand, moving it towards her crotch.As the door opened, we were somewhat taken aback by the girl who appeared. She said in a timid voice, “Would you like me to close the door?”This candidate was about twenty-three years old, with short auburn-colored hair. She...
BDSMIntroduction: Continuation of my first story This is my 2nd story, a continuation of the first. Hope you like it and comment. Mom took us to Mexico when I was about 5. We went to my grandparents house to visit a few days. My grandparents had a big ranch with cattle. It was the first time I saw real cows, and also the first time I saw horses. I was running around playing by myself when I noticed one of the horses had something hanging between its legs, and it would move. It really caught my...
Hello friends I’m back with the second part of my story. This story is a continuation of the previous story Fun Filled Tour – Part 1.Thanks for all your comment I received about my previous story. All your mails and comments are really a great inspiration for writing the story. So let’s get to the story directly. Finally after two days of train journey we reached Delhi. After the first day’s fun in the bathroom, we didn’t do anything on the second day, just a little smooching and stuffs. We...
Chapter 12 The guests were just sitting down for the reception as they arrived. Many eyes turned to see Kari enter with Davey. They had gotten to their table and Kari was helping Davey into his seat when Davey heard a familiar voice quietly whisper, "Good, God! Is that David with Kari?" "Shhhhh," came the response from the whisperer's neighbors. Davey flushed with embarrassment. Kari pushed his seat in and sat down. She patted Davey's hand reassuringly and turned forward to hear...
Over the next few weeks nothing further happened between Mom and I but I did actually get very lucky and also learn something about women through my sister. What happened was that it was well into autumn and we would soon be closing down our pool for the winter and Anne decided that she and her friend, Mary-Anne, would have a weekend together and get in a last couple of swims. On the Saturday I left them alone to their own devices but in the evening I teased them mercilessly and chased them...
"We've been invited out tonight" she said as I took her coat off and kissed her cheek, "Really?" "Well I've been invited but I'd like you to come too" "Did you accept?" "Of course I did, it's my boss" "Oh I see, the one who wants to get into your panties?" "That's the one, only tonight he's going to succeed" "And what the hell am I going to be doing while he's, he's --?" "Fucking me?" "Well yes" "You can watch darling, I want you to see me being...
This shorty is compliments of Dingwall42 Little Jonny “I bet you haven’t got one of these”. Little Mary “No, but my Daddy has two of them. He’s got a small one for wee-weeing with and a big one for cleaning Mummy’s teeth.” These are from a dedicated reader... An innocent young man went into a strip club for the first time. Not wanting to watch the show alone, he sat down next to an older gentleman. “Come here often?” he asked. “Not really” the guy replied. “I usually wait until I...
"Well hello again, Granny" He spat in my face. "That was just uncalled for, wasn't it, Granny?" His real name was Grant, and he was called that because he liked older women. "Fuck you, Rock" "Hey, hey, we're all friends here...Right?" As I said this I steadily increased exertion on his chest, cutting of his air. "Gagk...Fuu...Stra" "Hmmmm, what was that, Granny?" I slowly decreased the pressure so he could talk. "I...Said...Screw Satan, asswipe" "No, No, that is...
Chapter One The Parking Garage...Rain is all you could see as, gushing wind pounded the windshield with water. We moved down the highway in the storm headed towards the hotel. Richard decided that if I tagged along to his conference this weekend and got to spend some "quality" time together it might help us reconcile some of our differences. It's been my experience that the more time we spend together the more of an asshole he becomes but, I didn't protest. Sometime in the city could be fun and...
We stepped inside the first door and the doorman said, ‘Hi Kenny, who’s your date?’ ‘Hi Jack. This is Sarah, an old friend.’ I replied. ‘She doesn’t look old to me.’ He responded as her looked her up and down. ‘Can I see some ID young lady?’ He asked officiously. ‘Sure.’ Sarah gushed. ‘I love to show ID. It makes me feel so young when someone asks for it.’ She continued as she fished in her purse for her wallet. Gazing at the drivers license Jack intoned, ‘And your name and address and...
It was a nice warm summer day, so I decided to go to the beach and work on my tan. I got out my favorite little black bikini, it’s my favorite bikini because it’s the only one I’ve found that really holds up my double D breasts and makes them look nice and perky.its also got a matching pair of thong bottoms that really show off my ass. After the bikini I put on my little jean daisy duke shorts, the ones that let you see the bottom half of my ass. And a cute little tank top.then I pulled my hair...
I used to work for a telecoms company retail outlet as the showroom head. I am 29 years old and I come with an excellent education background with degree in management from a reputed business school. Very handsome in looks, with a lean body structure. Let’s get into the story which is as true to the incidents happened which I am narrating hereafter. We have had several employees working in the showroom and by the virtue of being a glamorous retail outlet. We had some of the voluptuous, sexy,...
“Here you go,” Ellie Travis said to the well dressed woman on the other side of the glass counter as she handed her the small store bag continuing her purchase, “and thank you for shopping here at R.J. Nickels.” Ellie always felt a little silly saying that after every sale, but knew all too well that some supervisors were eager to write you up for not doing so. As her customer walked away from the counter, the short haired brunette took a moment to check her hair and makeup in one of the...
Shapeliness The next day was memorable chiefly for Yvonne. I had invited her to Fran’s flat at lunchtime. It seemed only a courtesy to mention this to Fran at work the next morning when I apologised for again failing to return her keys. She told me not to worry, she had assumed I meant to retain them and had had another set cut on the way to work. ‘So keep them,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll need them if you’re going to keep using my flat as a handy knocking shop. How many girls this time, darling?...
Shower Sex By Blueheatt him&hellip, ____We laid in bed talking naked. She asked me to tell her one of my hot stories. She loved them, and they got her hot. She rated them by hot, hotter and hottest. I rated them by wet, wetter and wettest, because she was my hot story indicator. I noticed a pattern, any story with two women licking, fucking and having any kind of sex, she got the wettest. I wondered if she had a hidden desire to have sex with a woman again. I knew she had been with a woman...
Introduction: Divorce leads to Mom/Son fun. My first story ( didnt go so well so I got help for this one. Let me know what you think… My mother Helen divorced my dad when I was 16 years old and I chose to live with her. I am now 17 and just graduated from high school. Everything seems to go well and normal until one time I noticed my mother standing outside the bathroom spying on me while I masturbate with her panties. Its funny because I spy on her when...
"The girls are all set up in the basement," Mrs. Jameson said, leading me across the kitchen. "They're excited to hear your presentation." "That's quite something," I replied. "I never thought that a girls' club would be interested in global warming and glacier research in Greenland." "Oh, they're quite enthusiastic!" Mrs. Jameson chuckled. "They've been planning this for months now." "Months?" I asked, surprised. "But ... they only contacted me last week." "Did I...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Steph eased off the gas as she spotted the Police car on the bridge over the road, easing back to just over the legal limit she waited to see if the Police car moved. She could just make out the car on the bridge as she hit the gas and her Ferrari surged forward to 195 kph. Away from the city to her coastal retreat after nearly twenty years of high power city life Steph had sold out most of her share in her first company and had bought the big house at...
EroticHello guys, thanks for your wonderful feedback on my previous all the stories. So let us begin with another story here. This is a fictional story based out on real characters. My name is Rahul and I am currently 27 years old. This is the story of the time while I finished junior college. I was 19 years old. I was in an all-boys school. As most of you know the boys out there are the most vulgar and evil. I watched porn for the first time with my friends. I had a best friend Sunil, he gave me a...
IncestMy parents and Sean were getting along very well. They were going to his place, his famıly was coming over... He became a famıly friend.I never went to his place with my parents. I was actually kind of avoiding him after the whole him-seeing-me-jerking-off thing. Obviously. We did ran into each other a couple of times in my house, though. He would say "Hey" every time and I would usually just nod and hurry back to my room. And, of course, there was the uncomfortable ride to school thing as...
James Kirk was dead. No matter how many times the fifty-four year old Commander had repeated that simple phrase in her mind, she still found it almost impossible to accept. How often over the last three decades had she’d heard them uttered, only to have them disproved as the Captain managed to change the odds once again. If the latest proclamation had come from anyone other than Pavel, she would still be waiting for Jim Kirk to show up and prove everyone wrong. But this time there would be no...
She wasn’t allowed to be selective that was part of the challenge or the punishment. She knew he would know if she cheated and scanned the room first looking for the most appealing or at best the least repulsive. In this type of place it wouldn’t take much work on her part to seduce whoever it was she saw first. That was the deal, he picked the place. He would go in first; select a seat where he had a good view of the front door, and when she followed the first person that spoke to her would be...
Erotic FictionDejavu, JeanetteShe stretches out on her large four-poster bed and sighs. She listens to the rain drops as they fall against the bedroom window. Jeanette loves this type of weather, it makes her feel cozy. She would like to take a nap right now, but she has to get ready for a party tonight. It was already getting dark outside. Completely naked she steps in front of her large oval bedroom mirror. The beveled glass reflects her slim but well rounded figure. Carefully she brushes her hair. Her...
I come home to no dinner! Plus you're finger fucking yourself in front of the computer! "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!" You jump up because I scared the shit out of you! "I'm so Sorry Master!" "The time just flew by!" "That is No excuse for this!!" "You know you are not to play with yourself without permission!" "Get your ass in position!" She runs over to the front door and scrambles to all fours with her ass in the air. Throwing her blouse off and unto the couch along with her panties.I walk...
This is the continuation of the story A tour to remember..!! Sneha my love was watching us with lustful eyes, but did not have the courage to initiate the proceedings. But this time i wanted her to beg before me. I had always tried to convince Sneha about my love for her, but she never confided in me. I wanted to take revenge, and God had sent Khushboo that night for me to complete my act. After my sex session with Khushboo I was a bit tired, so didn’t give Sneha her due share of importance she...
I wake you at 3:30 in the morning. I’ve already dressed, made coffee and packed the car. You turn from me and act as if you intend to keep sleeping. ‘We’ll miss it if we don’t get started soon.’ Sunrise comes very early on the longest day of the year, especially from the top of Cadillac Mountain. We’ve been talking about doing this all week, but actually getting out of bed this early suddenly seems like the best reason not to go. I put my hand on your shoulder, ‘You know you’ll be sorry if...