Reginald's FamilyChapter 3 free porn video

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“Fiona, let me tell you a secret, which you must keep to yourself. All of us were virgins, and none of us had even been out on a date! When you are not pretty, or even worse, too tall, no boy wants to ask you out. Reg didn’t ask us out, either; he didn’t even know HOW to ask a girl out. Through our study group we gradually became closer, and Reg was invited by Frances to share her accommodation as it is much better than his basic university student lodgings, and free as well. Then, as Reg continued sharing Frances’ accommodation, and Freda and Erika were also invited to stay there, things changed.

Freda and Erika joined Reg in bed and persuaded him to make love to them. They did not know much more than he did about the act of fucking, so it was a swift learning curve. It turned out that Frances had intended to be first with Reg, but the other girls beat her to it. She was able to have her time with him the next night, and from then on, the quartet were a team. I eventually was able to join their study group, and slowly sussed out how close they were. My joining their loving team came later, but only because I wanted it and was prepared to do what was needed to join.

Reg had treated me like a beautiful woman, without any intention of bedding me, and I fell for him quite strongly, despite knowing that he was making love with the other three.

That is a quick summary, Fiona, but from that you can see that what we have is not your usual polygamous family. We have a group marriage which is probably stronger than any legal marriage would be. We have committed ourselves to each other, thus loving is so easy for us. We have not allowed ourselves a get-out clause, because we never expect to want to leave the marriage.”

“You sound so mature, Prudence. Your words have an authority that suggests that you all feel the same way about Reg and each other.”

“You are correct, Fiona. Ask any of us, and you will get much the same response.”

Fiona said softly, shyly, “Can I get in?”

Prudence was startled by this response, and stared at Fiona in surprise.

“What? You want to join us? Why? This a quite a large group, already. Why would you want in?”

“I have a need to belong, Prudence. I want to belong to a family that will remain stable and secure. I want to be part of such a loving family, and yours is the only one that I have ever found worth asking. Any boy I have been out with, I checked on his family situation, and they all fell at that first hurdle. You Robertsons are different; so can I join?”

Prudence spoke slowly, carefully. “It is not as easy as that, Fiona. Joining us is an awkward process, mainly because we haven’t been asked before, at least not directly. You would need to become an integral part of the operation that is now this family, which means convincing all the others that you are worthy of inclusion. At one time, in the beginning, the girls were thinking of me getting pregnant by Reg, so that I would be more committed to the family if allowed to join. That didn’t actually happen, but all of us intend to have Reg’s children before too long. That is a result of love.

So, the problem you are facing is, you have to show that you can be a part of this cooperative team, be willing to devote your entire life to the family, and have Reg’s children as well. That is not something you can achieve immediately, Fiona; perhaps never, if any of us objects to your presence. We all have the power of veto, remember. I think you ought to go home and think about all this for a while. Commitment is more than just a word.”

“For the Commitment Ceremony, do I have to do this publicly, Prudence? I don’t want to stick my neck out, and be rejected, in the eyes of everyone outside.”

“I would never expect you to do anything publicly until you are at the point of no return, Fiona. I cannot promise you anything beyond telling the others and letting them have their say. I will need to get back to you after that, to say whether you can put your foot on the first rung.”

“That’s fair, Prudence. All I want is to know I have some chance. I know I have to convince Reg to love me as well as you.”

“Not quite, Fiona. You have to convince all of us to love you, which is not the same. Then there is the matter of finance. Does your family have any long-term financial backing for you, or does it all stop once you graduate with a PhD?”

“I don’t know for certain. My dad has a senior job in a large company, so he is not poor. It is more to do with my stepmother. If her desire to see the back of me is more important than my Dad’s money to her, she might be persuaded to help me pay my way if I were to join you. What financial input would be required?”

“At the moment, with us sharing a largish building owned by Frances’ father, we live rent-free, but we have arranged to engage a pair of twins as cook and housekeeper to let us concentrate on our studies. These girls may also act as nursemaids for our children, if they stay long enough. It is their first paid employment.”

“Oh, I agree. They have to be paid. What percentage of their salary do I have to contribute, if I get to join you?”

“We don’t have a hard and fast amount. Our various parents are sharing the cost, so it is a manageable portion per spouse’s family, but several thousand pounds per year is a rough figure. Would your dad be willing to help with that?”

“Assuming I was to live with you, I would save on my present accommodation costs, so I am sure the figure you suggest would not be a burden. My own digs are quite expensive, as Daddy wanted me to be comfortable, and not live in a hovel.”

“Okay. Well, I will put you forward as a prospective trainee for a wife position, if the others are willing to consider you. Let’s leave it at that, Fiona.”

Fiona exited Prudence’s car, and went off home, saying “Please say goodbye to the others for me, Prudence. I could not face them at the present, the way I am feeling just now.”

Prudence accepted that, and returned to the house, thoughtful. She waited until she was asked where Fiona was, and replied, “Gone. We need to have a family discussion about her.”

She refused to give details until everyone was gathered together. When that was done, she asked Reg, “What did you think of Fiona, Reg?”

He pondered, and answered, “Nice girl, quite good looking too, but I found her a bit confusing. I was not terribly clear about what she was proposing for her thesis. In fact, I got the impression that she was not terribly clear about it, either. That does not encourage me to support her research, I’m afraid.”

Erika added, “Funnily enough, I was not all that certain either, that she had all her dominoes in a row. For a PhD student, one would expect she would be right on the ball with her ideas and plans, yet that was not how she came across.”

Freda contradicted her. “Really? I thought she was a very nice girl. I was looking forward to having her poke around the house, interviewing us and so forth.”

Frances gave a short laugh. “Freda, you tend to view people as people to start off with, and not as a research student looking for assistance. Remember, you beat me to getting Reg to fuck you, while I was still worrying about it.”

Freda just smiled. “Why don’t we let Prudence tell us what she wants to tell us. I can see she is desperate to say something more.”

Frances looked at Prudence. “Really? Well, what DID you have to tell us, dear?”

Prudence took a quick look at all their faces, then burst out, “Fiona was not telling us the truth!”

This caused a few eyebrows to be raised, but no-one said anything while waiting for evidence to support this claim. Erika just nodded to herself; her suspicions confirmed. Prudence, having got their attention, explained.

“I was suspicious, and challenged her about her plans, saying I thought she intended something more than what she was claiming. She asked to speak with me privately, so we had a heart-to-heart in my car before she left. She admitted that I was correct. She was actually checking us out for her own needs. She comes from a dysfunctional family, where her stepmother wants rid of her, so she has Fiona’s father to herself. I can see where the stepmother is coming from, much as I disagree with her intentions. Fiona is looking for a stable family where she can fit in. She wants to be part of a loving family that looks to be permanently together.

That is what she was actually looking at, when she visited. She needed to assess us from her own perspective, as a potential family to join. I think we passed that test.”

Reg frowned. “What did she mean, ‘a family where she can fit in’? Fit in, in what way?”

Prudence sighed. “Ah, that is the question.” She looked around at them all and added, “She wants to be considered as another possible wife.”

That stunned them all.

Frances was the first to react. “Surely she can’t think she can just walk in and lay her marker down?”

Prudence raised a cautioning hand. “No, Frances. I laid down the rules to her. I pointed out that for me to join you, well before our Commitment, I had to convince every single one of you that I was worth it; not just Reg. I told her that she needed to show love to us and receive love from all of us, and that would take time, IF EVER IT HAPPENED. I emphasised that proviso for her.”

“Go on,” Frances urged.

“I explained that as we were a group marriage, we all had to be happy with her; just one objection was enough to cancel her application. I also pointed out that she should be prepared to have Reg’s children. I ended up asking if her family would be prepared to put some cash towards helping the marriage to pay for our cook and housekeeper’s salaries. I quoted an estimate of two or three thousand, and she didn’t balk at that. Her present accommodation must be a fairly hefty expenditure, the way she reacted to that; she would save on that, if she moved in with us. Her father is fairly well off, so can afford such a contribution, and her stepmother will probably see it as a way of getting rid of her permanently, thus is unlikely to object.

To end my report: I promised to bring it before you, as an application for trainee status towards becoming another wife; no more than that, and that I would get back to her.

What do you think? Am I in your bad books now?”

Everyone looked to Reg for an opinion. He saw that he was expected to formulate the family’s response, and worded his reply carefully.

“First and foremost, we do not have the information to formulate a real response to Fiona. We can only give a first approximation based solely on this one visit, so no hard and fast decisions are possible; merely impressions. My impression of her was as a I said earlier: a nice girl, and when I said ‘good looking’, that was a factual statement, and not a comparative. You girls are still beautiful to me, I assure you.

As to her sudden overture to us, I don’t want to say either way, for I need to know her better. That is ‘know’ in terms of knowledge, not in the Biblical sense! Frances?” He passed the buck.

“I need more time, as do you, Reg. In principle, I have no objection to sharing you further; for example, with Carol and Holly, but it is vital for any prospective partner to be on the same wavelength as us. The twins know what is expected. As for Fiona, Prudence has made the rules clear to her, so she can think it over, but compatibility is the vital component here. It will take time to work that out.”

Freda put in,”You already heard my reaction. I liked her, so I think she is in with a shout, PROVIDED she will endeavour to fit in. We can’t allow a prima donna into our marriage.”

Erika realised she was next, so added her pennyworth. “Notwithstanding my earlier suspicions, I felt she was a nice girl in many ways. However, we MUST be certain she is not an inveterate liar, for we depend on each other being truthful. Nothing spoils love quicker than untruths.”

There was a murmur of agreement.

Prudence now concluded the round.

“What say we make some enquiries around the university as to her general behaviour, and a quiet word with the police sergeant about her? That will give us some unbiased data to work from.”

Reg reacted, “That sounds eminently sensible, Prudence. How about you organise our enquiries, and collate the results? You have appointed yourself spokesperson and contact between the family and Fiona, so that additional task would be an advantageous arrangement. You okay with that?”

She nodded, reluctantly. “Yes, I can do that, if you are all happy with it?” She looked to the others, and found no objections.

Freda had an idea. “Why don’t we invite Fiona to our house to celebrate the arrival of New Year? It would give us more time with her, and we might be able to get enough alcohol into her system that she will open up to us.”

Erika murmured, “Now that is a good idea. Do we all have to stay sober, or can I have some fun with some spirits?”

Frances adopted her status of senior wife, and laid down the law.

“Erika, this family will not countenance drunkenness, so you can have a few drinks, but not to excess. This goes for all of us, understand?”

Erika pouted, but agreed, saying, “I understand, Frances, and I go along with you. Drunkenness would not show me as a good wife to Reg. I will behave.”

The others, including Reg, made similar promises. He declared, “Frances, you have taken it upon yourself to act as senior wife, and if you other ladies will permit, we can officially declare her to that position. You retain that position as long as the family is in general agreement.”

The other girls voiced approval. Prudence announced, “It is a position of responsibility. It is not for me. Frances is a good choice.”

Frances declared, “Well, in that capacity, I’ll go and phone Fiona, to invite her here for New Year’s Eve. Shall we tell her to come for lunch?”

Reg told her, “We certainly want to get to know her, so the earlier the better. We could do with making our estimate of Fiona well before the twins arrive, in case we have to tell them that our numbers may increase by one.”

“Right, I’ll see if we can arrange that, darling. Have we got the supplies for our little party; food and drink? Can someone check our pantry and freezers, and the drinks cupboard? Erika, love?”

She went off to make her call, leaving the others to sort out the catering.

Erika hurried to check the comestibles, and soon decided that extra supplies were needed. After a quick consultation with Freda, she phoned her orders to the grocer and butcher, getting promises of delivery within a few hours. The drinks cupboard was assessed by Prudence as adequate for the task, assuming no-one was aiming to get blotto.

Frances confirmed that Fiona was able to come for lunch and remain through the New Year revels. “She told me she was not very welcome at her former home, and coming to us was a bonus, she felt.”

The other girls reported on supplies, and what was due for delivery. They were satisfied they could provide a good lunch and dinner for Fiona to enjoy with them.

Reg checked on what attire would be regarded as suitable for New Year’s Eve, and was told pretty well anything, as long as he was dressed well. He nodded his acceptance.

Phone calls were made to staff personnel at the university who were on holiday duty, and whose opinion was worth listening to. They gave Fiona Prentiss a clean bill of health. Her records had no indication of doubts as to her suitability as a student.

On the day itself, they got up late. Two of the girls had managed to get Reg to pleasure them that night, so the other two insisted on the same in the morning, while the first pair snoozed on. He complied without complaint, saying softly, “I hope I can get a nap sometime during the day, so I am not dropping off before midnight.”

Reg was told to make himself scarce while all the preparations were being made, so he went out for a walk in the morning sunshine. He used his amble to explore the area further, for he had not been out walking much since he moved to Frances’ house.

He found himself in a street of semi-detached houses, with paths to their front doors. Ahead of him, a front door was open and sounds of an altercation drifted towards him. He couldn’t make out the words, but as he walked closer, it became clear that a woman and her husband were yelling at each other; or rather, she was yelling at him.

“It is either it or me, David! Get rid of it, and you can come back, but keep it and you can keep away. I have had enough!” She thrust something into his hands, and he took it, standing there as she slammed the door.

Reg was puzzled by what was going on, but there was no-one around to ask. The street was conspicuously empty, as if the neighbours had heard such rows before, and wanted nothing to do with the couple.

The man continued to stand still, clearly unsure of what to do, then he looked around wildly. Spotting Reg, he called, “Hey, do you want this?”

Reg came closer, and saw the man was holding a long-handled machine of some kind. He answered, “Pardon? What are you talking about?”

“This! A metal detector; do you want it?”

“I don’t follow you. What does it do? What would I want to detect metal for?”

The man looked exasperated. “It detects metal in the ground, of course. You can find coins with it, for example; perhaps treasure.”

Reg looked bemused. “Don’t you want to detect treasure for yourself?”

“I do, but my wife is fed up when all I find is tin cans, belt buckles, and other worthless trinkets. She says I waste my time with it, when she wants me to be with her. I am afraid she is right, so I am giving in to her. If you want to try it, you can have it for nothing.”

Having lived with very little for so many years, the idea of something for nothing appealed to Reg’s acquisitiveness, so he stretched out his hand.

“I am willing to have a go with it, but how do you work it? Is there an instruction booklet?”

The man thrust it into Reg’s hands, and declared, “Wait there. I’ll be right back!”, and rushed to his front door.

“Doris! I’ve given it away, but the guy needs the instruction book.”

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This happened several years ago. I was traveling to Bombay in first class coach. It was a two person coupe. Besides me there was just this lady. She was somewhere between beautiful and ugly. She was in her early forties. She had well grown breasts and attractive hips. Going by these two I imagined that her other parts must be equally attractive Since the journey involved two nights and a whole day, I introduced myself and asked about her. Surprisingly she introduced herself as a writer I had...

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this story between me and my aunty, she is married and has 2 k**s, 39yrs old, good looking nice big breast and butt, she is living in same street where I live, I go to her home all the time talk with her & her husband for hour just regular things. When I m in her home I watch her ass and breast all the time, make me feel so great watching her, when she talk with meI love to watch her lips, make feel so great. Her husband is my uncle (not a close) most of the time when I am with her hubby we...

1 year ago
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Kissing KellybyMister_Shy©Alright, so I'm a horny bastard, what else could I do? I've never considered myself very bright, neither would I say I'm blessed with an abundance of forethought...So, as I get this off my chest, let me go on the record and say, yeah, I know this was a bad idea going in. A spectacularly bad idea. A spectacularly dirty, risky idea. But I'll risk anything to get what I want, and what I wanted, what I couldn't stop myself from wanting, was my dad's new wife. I wanted to...

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Husbands Humiliation

Husbands HumiliationLosing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could...

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Some good times chapter 2

As I entered the house I just felt a thin layer of despair hit me as the room was dim and Miranda was waiting for me on the couch in one of the most sexiest outfits I ever seen her in, Hello there doctor wana play ? I thought thirty minutes ago I would've been a flaming torpedo she shimmied over to me with a sexy cavalier grin touching my chest and of course wearing my favorite perfume look I know I haven't given you any attention lately and you're so overworked the wedding can happen whenever...

1 year ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 2

Not again! Her parents wanted to go out for pie and coffee with their friends again after choir practice. Lindsey Hall really did have homework to finish that night, but that wasn't the only reason she was upset. It was just so typically inconsiderate! When she turned sixteen, the stated minimum age for the church choir, it was just assumed that she would join. Her parents never asked her. Lindsey had a very nice voice and liked to sing, but with only a few young people among the thirty in...

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Gloryhole Cocksucker

I am a cocksucking queer. I love to have another man’s dick in my mouth. I love to have a man’s cock seesawing in and out of my hungry cunt-mouth. I love the taste of other men’s pre-cum. I love to worship their fuckrods until they squirt their hot sticky cock nectar into my mouth. I haven’t always been a cocksucker, I’m a happily married man, and had never tasted a cock until 1987. How did I start to suck dicks and become a cum addict? Here’s a story about my first of many cocksucking...

4 years ago
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Our First Weekend Part 2

The Shower….. Walking slowly in a loose embrace he begins kissing her on the shoulders, moving slowly across her back.   She reaches for the glass door, bending slightly to turn the faucet. Seeing her bent slightly arouses him, the sight of her firm round ass is too much for him to handle. He grasps her hips pulling her to him in a playful but serious manner. He begins to rub his hard cock between each cheek, slowly at first until she begins to move with him. The water is coming down but...

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Big Brother He lives just beside my house, he was like a big brother to me since I was young. I remembered once it happened when I was five, a big and fierce dog was chasing after me, afraid and scared as he could be, he still took up a stick and shouted at the dog, miracly the dog just ran away. I, scared out of my wits, I cried. All I remembered next was I was lying by his hug. My First Relationship He was a very smart boy, since young, his grades are all distinctive As. I was just a...

4 years ago
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Aging WellChapter 13 Jack writes

I saw John’s and Becky’s jaws drop. Her last bit stopped me cold. I’ve never been vain but Sandy could give me the big head if I let her. I grinned. “She’s drawn to me because I have a big magnet. I pull her in by the fasteners to her bra.” I laughed. Sandy laughed with me but there was a look in her eyes that said there was a different reason in fact. My son and daughter were looking at me in shock, realizing that their father might not be the same person that they had been told. Short of...

2 years ago
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Just for FunChapter 3 Just a Fantasy

“Don’t worry about it,” Emily said, her eyes dancing. “I’m not worried,” I hissed. “I’m just ... nervous.” We’d crossed a line. I knew we’d crossed a line, but I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop. It was too ... electric. “What if my parents notice?” “They’re not going to notice,” Emily said, rolling her eyes. “You’re still their baby girl, remember?” I nodded. She was right. I knew she was right. But still... “If you’re really worried,” Emily said, leaning forward and...

3 years ago
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My Horny Wife Wants More

Hi I am a lucky chap to be married to a super hot wife. I have a good paying job and my wife loves to be a housewife. Her body is like a latina pornstar and has an outwardly opening pussy, always wet and willing. I had my doubts that in her college days, I didn’t have a problem though, but it took her a year to confess to me her sexcapades. She had tried at least four boys and men including a foreigner, and her lecturer. She even had a fling with a lesbian, but left out once she was becoming...

4 years ago
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Я уже писал, что мы с моей супругой оказываем эксклюзивные сексуальные услуги — показываем интерактивные порнографические спектакли. Интерактивные потому, что зритель может как смотреть, так и участвовать в нашем шоу. Так вот, эти наши спектакли всегда проходят по разным сценариям. Сюжет заказывает заказчик, а мы его потом осуществляем. Так вот я хочу рассказать об одном очень интересном спектакле, который нам заказал один из начальников. Он предложил очень необычный сюжет, но так как этот...

2 years ago
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Unicorn Dreams Ch 02

I woke up the next morning in the most delicious way possible…a smiling cowboy holding a big cup of coffee. ‘I don’t know how you like your coffee so I made it ranch style: hot, strong, black and sweet. I figure you can use the sugar rush and caffeine kick,’ he said with that sheepish little boy grin. I rolled over and smiled as I took the cup of coffee from him. He was not lying. It was so hot that it almost burnt my tongue and since I usually take my coffee plain old black the sweet...

3 years ago
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New York

New York (Escordgirl findet ihre wahre Bestimmung) Die Straße war menschenleer. Jill klemmte ihre Handtasche fester unter den Arm, während sie in die enge Gasse bog. Vor einem Schaufenster, das ihre Aufmerksamkeit erregt hatte, blieb sie einen Moment stehen. Sie bewunderte die filigranen handgefertigten Figürchen aus Glas und bemerkte nicht, das sie selbst mit interessiertem Auge gemustert wurde. „Wunderschön“, die raue männliche Stimme ließ Jill erschauern. Nervös drehte sie ihren Kopf und...

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Beckys strap on

I work in a grocey store very dull indeed theres one thing that keeps me going though working with becky she's tall dark skinned beautiful round arse nice cc boobs we were talking one day in the warehouse about past relationships when she got onto what our sexual fantasies were when she asked i felt a stirring in my trousers a rush of adrenalin right throgh me "honestly" i said "would be being dominated with a strap on" Wow seriously!?" she gasped all surprised "ill let you into a secret" she...

3 years ago
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Land Dekh K Ladki Ghabrai

Im Jagdish from Chandigarh n searching for aunty ,bhabi n hot girls jo sirf enjoyment k liye sex chahti ho or uske baad contact ki kosis na kare.can sen me mail. aap apne husban se b santusht nhin hai den i have an idea. Ok.ab mein apni story suru karta hun.meri paros mein ek larki rehti thi.jiska jism bhut hi sexy tha.uska badan bhra hua or uski ht bi 5f 9inch thi.mera to uski ht or badan ko dekh k hi land khra ho jata tha.uska jism is type ka tha ki bure aadmi ka land bi tight ho jaye.mein...

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Ek Gaon Ki Kahani Part 3

Hi to all iss readers yeh story shuru karne se pahle hi mai ye bata dena chahta hu jo iss ke regular reader nahi hai wo is kahani ko na padhe kyuki yeh story 1 months bhi chal sakti hai then ok let starts story contd..Usi gaaon mein dusri taraf… Kajri: “asha didi mujhe Kahan le jaa rahi ho, Lajjo tu toh bata hum sab kahan jaa rahe hain?” Asha : “tu chal na chup chaap, zyada pooch mat, jahan bhi jaa rahe hain bahut mazaa aayega” Lajjo: “Haan re kajri, dekh ab hum tujhe kya mazaa dilate...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 19 Family Threesome

When Suvendu returned from the office, I saw his eyes gleaming with anticipation of a family threesome. He was pleased with my sleazy fresh outfit of sleeveless figure-hugging top and skimpy shorts. It displayed my long legs and thighs to its glory. “Wow, Soni.” He exclaimed, “You are looking smoking hot. I am sure Joy must have jerked off a few times. Was he checking you out?” “Yes, dear, I saw his eyes scanning my thighs and cleavage. You are right. His gazes upon me were of pure lust.” “We...

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State of Undress

Some time in the mid-21st century, everything changes. Forced nudity becomes legal. "Temporary" nudity becomes acceptable as a legal punishment. Permanent nudity is officially acknowledged and nude marriage -- particularly ceremonies in which only one partner, usually the woman, is naked -- becomes the law of the land. Nudity becomes the new dress code for many occupations, especially those on the lower end of the social scale and especially those professions that have been dominated by...

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My elderly Neighbour

This is based on my true story in Beaverton Ont, i will change the names to protect those of interest.My neighbor Mrs. Wilks is an elderly woman, close to 65. My mom had me mow her lawn once a week because she doesn’t have anyone else to do it. I use to hate mowing her lawn because she paid next to nothing and it took forever… until she started giving me tips.It all started on a typical sunny day in July. I personally never thought of Mrs. Wilks in a sexual way because she was my neighbor and I...

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Sex Masti With Young Bhabhi

Hello iss readers, mene iss site pe bhut sari stories padhi hai but aaj me apni phele story btane ja rha hu jo mere saath January me huye hai aur ye puri sachi story hai. Umeed hai ki aap meri galtiyo ko maaf karengi. Me 23 saal ka hu. Smart bhi hu. Ye story do months phele shuru hoti hai. Me Delhi ka rhne vala hu. Ek private company me engineer hu. Ek din me Delhi me ek restaurant me badha tha apne ek dost ka wait kr rha tha tbhi ek young lady mere pass aaye aur mere se mera fon manga apne fon...

1 year ago
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Vintage Classic Porn

VintageClassicPorn isn’t just for grandpas, porn historians and dapper lads in crotchless zoot suits. It’s arguably for anyone who wants to jack off. While there’s no shortage of modern, ultra-HD premium teen flicks and VR gangbangs that drop you right into the action, pornography doesn’t have to be that complicated; if it makes your dick hard, it’s good smut. The retro stuff that’s still around has stood the test of time, inspiring fap fantasies for tells you...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Jodis Story Part 3

Settling into Married Life After our honeymoon in Hawaii we arrived back home and settled into work. Jodi's fabric store was doing OK and my work was busy all the time. After a week home Jodi showed me an e-mail from Phillip. It turns out he was travelling down our way in a couple weeks. He worked for an advertising agency that had the contracts with the parent corporation of Jodi's fabric store. He said he would love to get together with...

2 years ago
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E022 Sunday Afternoon

After he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma.  She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids.  Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten.  She is on page fifty of the...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Door to door service

The front door bell rang, and, knowing my landlady was out for the afternoon I went down and answered the door. There was a girl, about 20, stood in the porch out of the rain. "Hi, is Mrs K in?" she asked. "No, she’s out 'til later. Can I help you?" I replied, hoping the answer was yes. "I have an order for her", she said, holding up a carrier bag, "She’s ordered some goods and I need paying for them. Could I leave them with you?" "Come in," I told her, holding the door open, "Get out of the...

Straight Sex
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The Conversion of Stef Part 3

The conversion of Stef Part 3 My mind was in a whirl I was still suffering from the shock of seeing Eric there in front of me just having giving me the best blow job of my life and now I was supposed to return the favour. "Hurry up," repeated Anne, "Eric is starting to lose interest." What could I do? If I refused Anne would have me evicted and with copies of pictures of me in panties, stockings and bra and also the video of Eric giving me the blow job I was unlikely to be able to...

1 year ago
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What Choice Do I Have Part 2

What Choice Do I Have? - Part 2 Authors Note: Hi everyone! Firstly I would like to say, thank you so much for all the positive comments I have had since posting the first part of this story! Nothing fuels my writing more than the feedback from my readers so I do really appreciate it! I will try and answer people who have left questions but it may take me a while to answer and for that I apologise! Anyway I hope you enjoy this next chapter! I woke early as the first light of day...

4 years ago
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After I graduated from high school, I decided to get a job and work for awhile before college. I wanted to move out though, so I rented a room from my Aunt and Uncle. It was a pretty good thing for all of us. I was between boyfriends so there wasn't much going on in my personal life at this time. Which was fine actually. I was really too busy right now for commitments.I am what is termed a BBW. I am a big, beautiful woman. I am about 5'5" and I weigh about 210. I am proportioned rather well,...

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PurgatoryX La Serena 69 Bella Rolland Genie Wishes Vol 2 E2

The next afternoon, Donnie (Donnie Rock) once again summons his sexy Genie (La Sirena 69) and makes his second wish; to have sex with a hot, young brunette with big tits. The tantalizing Genie is happy to grant his wish, only this time, after being bottled-up for centuries, she seeks permission to stay and watch the action. Donnie happily agrees and without further ado, an already horny, well endowed brunette (Bella Rolland) appears before him. While Donnie and an eager Bella go-at-it, lust...

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Papa Mummy Ki Chudai Dekhi

Hi friends, mera naam Pinky hai aur main UP ki rahne wali hu. Main call center mein job karti hu. Main aap sab ko aj ek sacchi kahani bata rahi hu. Main apni story par aati hu. Ye story meri mummy aur papa ke sex ke bare mein hai. Kaise maine mummy ko papa se chudte dekha. Apko pata hai main call center mein job karti hu aur main night mein job karti hu. Job karke raat ko bahut late ghar aati hu. Mere parents ko pata hai ki call center main night shift mein bahut raat tak job karni padti hai....

2 years ago
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Unspoken Love

Unspoken Love Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I suppose I should have known better when I left the house, but after waiting so long, I just couldn't help myself. I spent almost two hours getting ready for my first debut outside the house, then, drawing in a deep breath, I casually walked outside, got in the car, and left. I never looked better, or felt more afraid in my entire life, yet the exhilaration I felt when the cooler air hit my legs was enough to help me deny the...

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