He Seduced His Little SisterChapter 2: Eleven Years Old free porn video

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"You mean to say you've never heard of Truth, Dare and Promise? You Yanks don't know nothing. C'mon, I suppose I'll have to teach you..."

It was the summer of '62. Maryon had made one firm friend at school, but even to Karen she'd made no mention of her exciting games with Mike. Though, lately... for some months in fact... he'd paid little attention to her. She'd suspected for some time that he was enjoying himself with his new girl friend, that Riva Kamparsky who treated her, on the few occasions she deigned to come over to the house, like a little kid. One day she'd show them all how grown up she was... how much of a girl... how much she knew about making a boy happy, even if she was little and young.

But so often had she gone to sleep thinking such thoughts, and so commonplace had they become to her childish, still largely unformed mind, that they'd sunken deep into her, and were now unvoiced and unnoticeable, as quiet and secret as a cancer. She certainly wasn't consciously aware of them as, this hot, bright day, she sat with the others in the barn next to stables of the Matherly Ranch.

Matherly's wasn't a working ranch, more of a rich man's hobby and tax loss. Glenville was too close to, and too much a part of the great Metropolis for a rough and ready acreage to be farmed, or much livestock raised. But the estate of the Matherlys was as secluded and spread out as their money could make it, with green pasture land for the string of horses, and comfortable quarters for them away from the main house. The barn was full of straw, dried and in bales or, these broken, scattered thickly over the floor, while upstairs the remnants of last winter's hay still smelt sweetly from over the edge of the high loft and suffused the close air of the darkened building, with only occasional shafts of sun sliding through cracks and between the tall, all-but-closed doors.

"You Yank kids probably know it as something else... another name." The speaker was Colin--Colin something. He was English, visiting thirteen-year-old Sylvia Matherly for the summer vacation... the 'hols' as he called it. From his lofty height of fourteen years he seemed to regard the rest of them, Karen, Maryon's twelve-year-old friend from school, her 'boy friend, ' the same age as Sylvia... Derek, his friend Johnny, a year younger, and Sylvia herself, currently 'dating' Johnny, and Maryon the youngest at eleven, with a considerable amount of condescension somewhat boosted by his exotic position of being 'Sylvia's English cousin.'

This was Maryon's first meeting with him and was, indeed, only the third time she'd been invited to Sylvia's to play, the invitation being extended through Karen who, though she usually kept herself aloof from the others at school, was mysteriously strong enough in her personality to go where she wanted, and had taken a sort of liking for Maryon's company, even though she was a year and a class ahead of her at St. Joan's. In Glenville it was a mark of snobbish distinction to be accepted as a 'Jonah', and Burt and Louis had groveled to get their daughter into the school.

For some reason Karen had laid it importantly upon her that this day she should wear her full school uniform for the visit to the Matherlys, and dutifully Maryon had obeyed, wearing her soft white ruffle-fronted blouse with the blue-and-brown school tie neatly in place, the knee-length brown skirt with blue hatchlines, blue jacket with brown piping, white long socks that nearly met her skirt's hem, tidy black button shoes and, on her long blonde hair, braided into two plaits, her school hat, of pale yellow straw with a blue-and-brown banded ribbon. She was a bit put out to find that the other two girls were very casually dressed, in contrast, Karen in tight hip-hugging Levi's of faded blue that looked as if they'd been painted on her and, above a navel-bare midriff, a short, loose, sleeveless top, its once-bright lines of color now washed out. Sylvia, barefoot, was tanned darkly the length of her legs, which only at their very tops vanished beneath a pair of white shorts, which matched the brief halter beneath which her burgeoning breasts strained the thin cotton cloth. Again in contrast to Maryon's neatness, while Sylvia's short brown hair hung in a froth about her head, Karen's jet black uncut tresses were caught into a ponytail secured by a rubber band, leaving her oval, white face a clear setting for her greeny-blue eyes.

Maryon really felt out of place, the more so as the three boys were even more informal in attire... Johnny in jeans and a flapping, unbuttoned shirt, Derek in tight red-and-white checked Bermudas, and Colin wearing a pair of faded light-tan shorts loose about his thighs. The excuse Karen'd made was to show Colin that some schools in America wore clothes like they did in England! though why Sylvia, in the same house with him, couldn't have worn her uniform, Maryon didn't think to ask.

Now the five settled themselves down to listen as Colin explained the game. Earlier they'd played hide-and-go-seek, but Maryon didn't much care for that, not since Derek had tried to kiss her. He was Karen's guy, and ought not to fool around with another girl, surely? She hoped this one would turn out better, though, since Sylvia and Karen were paired off with Johnny and Derek, it didn't look like Colin was going to pay her much attention... he was three years older! She returned her attention to the English boy.

"Now, this is the way it goes," he said. "One of us... doesn't matter who goes first... gets to ask each of the others whether they choose a truth, a dare, or a promise. Then, whatever they choose, he asks them something... whether it's true that something is so-and-so-like, 'is it true that you like, well, someone?' Whoever the Inquisitor says, see? And if it's a dare, then, the Inquisitor can dare him or her to do anything he likes. Or if it's a promise, then they have to promise to do... well, whatever the Inquisitor tells 'em."

"Sounds okay," said Derek, and Sylvia thought it was a groovy idea.

"But what happens if whoever you ask doesn't want to answer, or do whatever it is you dare 'em to do?" asked Johnny.

"Then the Inquisitor can order 'em to pay a forfeit, do or say something else. And they have to pay the forfeit, that's very important and we've all got to agree before we start on that, else it's no good playing the game. Okay? Do you all agree? Then we can start now. Who wants to be Inquisitor the first time around?"

They looked at each other. Colin alone stood before them, careless and looking almost naked to Maryon's eyes with his golden hair, bronzed skin, and pale tan pants. She sat on a bale of hay while the other four lounged on the soft strawed floor each side of her, Sylvia and Johnny on her right, Karen and Derek at her left. Colin looked at her. "How about you, Maryon Alysun--that's a pretty name, kid!-do you want to go first? You're the youngest."

Confused, she shook her head. "Nah, you go first, Colin," said Johnny. "You know how to play it best. Then we can learn from you."

"All right," he said. "We'll do it in order, then. I'll ask first. Okay? Right, then. Ah, Sylvia, do you want a Truth, a Dare, or a Promise?"

"Oh, I'll take a Truth, Colin," said his cousin, shrugging her frail freckled shoulders.

"Um... is it true you like Johnny a lot?"

"Oh yes," said Sylvia, taking her boyfriend's hand and squeezing it till he flushed and moved uncomfortably.

"Very good," said Colin. "Now, Johnny, how about you, what will you take?"

"Oh, the same as Sylvia."

"A Truth? Well, then... is it true you like her as much as she likes you?"

"Oh, I suppose so!"

"You only suppose so? Won't you give us a Yes or a No, Johnny? Otherwise you haven't answered properly and you'll have to pay us a forfeit."

"Oh... yes I like her as much as she likes me," he got out, not looking at Sylvia. But she wasn't about to let him get off easily, and, throwing an arm about his neck, kissed him on the lips. "You'd better," she warned, darkly.

Colin looked at Maryon. "Now, then, what about you?"

She thought she caught the suspicion of a wink from him to Sylvia, but paid no attention to it. "I think," she said, "that I'll take a Dare."

"Hah, good kid... braver than these two, at any rate. Let's see, now... I dare you to... go climb up the ladder there and come down again before I count twenty. One, two, three... Go! "

Before she was quite sure of what she was doing, Maryon found herself clambering up the tall, straight-set ladder that led to the loft, frantically trying to beat the count of Colin's voice below her. Halfway up, while he was still at four, she saw that he was standing directly beneath her, as though to make sure she went all the way up, and was blushingly aware that he could see all the way up between her legs to where her dark blue elastic- topped and legged underpants would cut off the view. But she scurried on up, stood swaying on the top-but-two-rung then climbed down again taking the steps two at a time, Her light skirt billowing up slightly and once getting caught so that she lost a beat in getting it dislodged from the splinter, noticing Derek also, flat on his back, nearly underneath her. However, her face red from the exertion, she managed to get her feet on the ground again just as Colin counted 'twenty'... though he whispered in her ear as he went back to the center of the semi-circle: "You cheated, you know. I slowed the count for you. Remember that. But I don't think the others noticed."

Out of breath, she sat down on the bale of hay again and tried not to look at anyone as he next asked Karen what she would choose.

"I'll take a Dare too," said the black-haired girl, boldly, looking at the ladder. But her challenge was to be different.

"Right. I dare you... to come over here and do a handstand. I'll hold your ankles so you don't fall," said Colin.

Karen pouted but, without argument, placed her hands on the floor and swung her lithe white body up until she was upside down against his restraining hands. As she remained there, breathing strongly in and out, her loose top slowly edged down her upper body so that, since she was facing the others, the hard black nubs of her nipples were just revealed, set in her pair of flat, oval breasts, their darkness startling against her pale white flesh. Karen didn't tan. Maryon, moving only her eyes, saw that the grinning Derek was intent on the view afforded him, and that Colin had leaned his head over slightly so as to see down His victim's body. In a moment he let his hands drop to her hips and expertly swung her back onto her feet. As she walked back to drop to the floor, Maryon observed that her friend seemed to swing her hips just a little more lithely under the tight Levi's, and her hands were slow to pull down her disarrayed top.

"Very good, Karen, you're a good sport," said Colin. "Okay, Derek, what's it to be?"

"A Promise for me," said the cautious boy, thinking this to be the easiest and less troublesome choice.

"Ahah, the first with a Promise! Let me think about this. Derek, do you promise to tickle Karen until I tell you to stop?"

"What?" cried the startled boy. "But that means Karen has to be part of it too!"

Colin blandly stared at him. "Doesn't matter," he said. "That's part of the fun of the game, see? Go on, now, she can run if she wants to, but she has to stay inside the barn."

Promptly acting on his suggestion, Karen leaped to her feet and tried to evade her pursuer who, now that he got the idea, ardently played his part. After some minutes of the chase, he had her cornered against the ladder where she leaned, breathless, and he begin to tickle her unmercifully, concentrating mainly on her bare sides and her neck. She screamed helplessly at him until Maryon thought someone would hear her and come, till she remembered they had the run of the place today and were alone. In a moment the writhing Karen fell to the straw beside them, and instantly Derek was astride her, his busy fingers running up and down her quivering sides then, as she tried to fight him, up under her armpits and into her throat he went, until she was kicking and twisting uncontrollably. Before long her scanty top was riding high up her slim young body and once more her sharp black nipples were on view, though she was struggling so hard they seemed to shimmer against her pale skin.

Concentrating on his task, Derek let his full weight sit on her hard thighs and, holding her thin wrists in one of his hands, with the other began to play about her navel and then, inexorably, up her fragile rib cage to the soft silken bags of her shallow breasts, where with finger and thumb he began to rapidly circle their stiff little cores. Maryon saw that his mouth was open and he was breathing as hard as if he were the one putting up a desperate struggle. But she'd noticed her brother Mike sometimes went like that when he was excited over playing with her, so she supposed that was what it was, even though this was different. This was just ordinary play, wasn't it?

Just then Colin told Derek to leave off and, panting, the T- shirted boy got up and threw himself to the floor by Maryon. She wondered why he so awkwardly adjusted himself under the bulging red-and-white checked Bermudas. Karen merely rolled over and hugged herself into a ball, fighting for breath so that Maryon could see her slim, naked rib cage expanding and collapsing like a bellows.

Very casually indeed, Colin sauntered over near the girl curled up on the floor and propped one bare foot on the bottom rung of the ladder, putting himself at the end of the line.

"Your turn, Sylvia," he said, over his shoulder, and his young cousin got up and took His previous place, exchanging looks with him when she stood there that Maryon thought, for some reason, significant.

Johnny was the first to be asked, this time, and he again chose a Truth. Sylvia smiled, a bit evilly, Maryon thought, and poked her slim, limber tongue between her full, rosebud lips. "Is it true," she said, "that you'll shout out what I whisper in your car? And remember, kiddo, I get to give you a forfeit if you don't!"

"Uh, yeah... I guess," said Johnny.

Sylvia, grinning impishly, went to him, leaned over and breathed in his ear. "Now, loud as you can," she said. The boy went red in the face then, looking at no one, bawled out, at the top of his voice: "COCK! CUNT!"

A shock went through Maryon... Mike had taught her all the words like that, but she'd never heard them right out loud like that. A hot and cold shiver went through her and unconsciously she pressed her legs together. This was some strange game! And it was her turn next! What should she choose!? She heard the older Sylvia ask her, and she hesitated. "I'll take a Promise, I think," she said.

"That's easy," said Sylvia, laughing at her with her hands on her hips. "Do you promise that, whenever I tell you to, you'll shout out what Johnny just said, and just as loud?"

Beside her she could hear the now recovered Karen giggle, and she felt the blood rushing into her cheeks. Her ears were singing, and her voice sounded strained and hoarse, as she got out: "Yes... Sylvia... yes."

She expected she would have to fulfill her promise now, and mentally prepared herself, swallowing, but such was not to be the case, for Sylvia swung toward Karen, who was now sitting next to Derek, but not so closely as before, in her original place.


"A Truth, this time!"

"Mmmhhh... Okay, Karen, is it true that you didn't mind at all showing us all your titties just now?"

"You're a rat, Sylvia, and I'll get you for this."

"Rat to you, too, but what's the answer? And remember the forfeit."

Karen had the grace to bob her head down as she mumbled, but loud enough for the others to hear: "No, I didn't much mind."

Sylvia was not about to let her off so easily. "What didn't you mind, Karen?"

"Showing off my tits, goddamn it!" was the louder reply.

"That's better. Now, Derek?"


"Right... I dare you to tell us truthfully what you were thinking of when Karen's titties were showing."

Derek blushed and looked awkwardly at his feet. "Uh. Nothing much. She... they... I wasn't excited or anything," he stammered at last.

That earned him a burning, sidelong glance from his girl- friend, but Sylvia was not satisfied. "What d'you think, kids, is that the truth? Or shall I make him pay a forfeit?"

"Hey, that's not fair," protested Derek, but Johnny and Colin gleefully agreed he should be forfeited.

"Oh, I'll get you," he hissed savagely at Johnny, behind Maryon's back, but nevertheless he promised to pay.

"Then... Karen shall have a chance at tickling you," said Sylvia. "But this time, you mustn't run away, and you mustn't try to stop her, but just he there and let her do it."

Karen laughed, and stood over Derek as he reluctantly streched himself out on the floor, arms above his head as she directed, then, hunkering down over his hips till Maryon thought the bard round cannonballs of her butt would burst through the tight, trim Levi's. Then, her slim, deft little fingers were busy at the tight-drawn waistband of his Bermudas, under it, then under the edge of the T-shirt and, pulling it up, were free to tantalize and torment his bare flesh. She started off as he had, by letting her hands attack his sides, where he, like most people, was most sensitive, but before long, as he twisted, his mouth grimacing with the effort to not give in and laugh, Maryon could see the ten slender digits beginning to dig into his soft, flesh, moving slowly but steadily about him until they gouged his belly.

Maryon was surprised at the look in Karen's eyes, almost slitted--shining, fierce, secret--as the girl dug her sharp-nailed thumbs into the outer moat of Derek's navel as if she would slice him there. But, as he bucked instinctively beneath her, throwing her forward, she eased off a bit and instead let her wandering hands work up into his hairy armpits, at which point he broke down and wriggled and gasped and hysterically laughed as she'd done when their positions had been reversed. Finally, as if torn between being bored at this childish sport and a reluctance to let her victim free, Karen sat back against his upthrust knees, brushed the back of her hand against her brow, and asked Sylvia: "That's enough for now, isn't it?"

The older girl, who'd been hovering over the squirming pair, nodded and, a bit wearily, Karen leaned over and kissed the stilled Derek lightly; quickly, and rolled off him.

"Okay, Colin, over to you," said Sylvia.

"Dare," said the boy laconically.

Sylvia looked briefly around the others before facing him as he leaned against the ladder. She seemed to swallow, then said: "I'll do you a favor, cousin. Since we're sort of in twos, the rest of us, I mean, I think you ought to make up to Maryon, so's she's not left out of things. So... I dare you to give her a big, real, romantic kiss and hug. All right?"

"Righto," said the taller, golden-haired Colin and, pushing himself away from the ladder, stepped quickly over to stand in front of Maryon, whose pulse was already palpitating at this sudden thrust to prominence. "Stand up, luv," he said, taking her elbow, "and let's show them what it's all about, eh?"

Something in his manner, something in his subtly burning stare, something she could almost smell reminded her suddenly, sharply, of Michael, so that as she got to her feet, her knees felt weak and she almost sat down again. Letting him take the initiative, she gladly surrendered herself to him, uncaring now of what he might do with her or of what might happen. She felt maybe this might be what 'being in love' was like, being shaky like this, and a bit faint and helpless.

Colin put one arm about her, under her long jacket, and tightened his hand about her waist. His other hand held her just behind the shoulder and, putting one lean leg behind hers, and the other between them, leaned her so that she was just off balance. The hand behind her slipped a little lower and pulled her tight in against him, while the other touched her neck and raised her face toward his. Looking down at her with a strange light in his eyes, he bent to kiss her and, instinctively, she opened her mouth and thrust with her tongue as Mike had taught her to do. She felt him start, then his lips were hard on hers and their tongues began to battle in their mouths, each pushing and withdrawing, sucking and wriggling. The hand at her back cupped her ass, now, outside the cloth of her skirt, so that her unprotected groin was ground into by his hip, and against her own hip she felt his large softness through the layers of thin material. Now she put up her own arms about his neck and pulled herself up harder against him, dealing with him as she'd often done with her brother, knowing that this was the right way for grown-ups--somehow Mike and Colin both seemed grown-up--to kiss and show their affection for each other. And she now desperately wanted to show her affection for the English boy.

She closed her big blue eyes and plumped up her soft red cherub lips and gave as much of herself to him as she was able, not seeing the surprised and grinning faces of the others about her as they intently watched. She wriggled her hips a bit, to better adjust to his height, and felt his hidden flesh roll around to her belly so that she was able to press it between them. The hand at her cute little butt was clasping, grasping, squeezing her deliciously and, except for the strain on her arms, she would have been prepared to have gone on kissing like that forever. But after a while she felt a tap on her shoulder and, dazed, she opened her eyes to see Sylvia standing over them.

"Okay, okay, enough already," the bigger girl said, parting the two like the referee at a wrestling match on TV. "Well," she continued, as Maryon dropped weakly to her bale of hay, "you really know how to kiss, don't you? Perhaps you can give us lessons, huh?"

Karen and the others giggled, but she saw that Colin was staring at her with an odd light in his eyes, as if he'd just discovered something curious, startling, and worthy of further investigation. His face looked hot and flushed. "Thanks," he said, surprisingly, then took his cousin aside for a moment and whispered something quickly in her ear.

Maryon was very pleased with herself at having come through this experience so well and having acted not at all like the little kid girl they seemed to have expected. She even managed to wink at Karen, who was stroking Derek's hand where he held her round the waist, his hand red and fleshy on the girl's pale bare skin.

"All right, Johnny, it's your turn now to be Inquisitor," said Sylvia, returning. She dropped down onto the straw where her boyfriend had been sitting as he got up and stood in front of the small group.

"You first?" he asked her.

"Not really... put me last, after Colin. That way it all works out equal," she said, stretching out with an arm bent beneath her head, so that beneath each cup of her halter a full crescent of tanned soft flesh spilled.

"Looks like it's your turn again, kid," said Johnny, hitching up his jeans and looking at the still flushed Maryon, who could hardly keep her covert eyes off Colin, who'd returned to his stance by the ladder.

"Oh, um... oh, I'll take another Dare," she said, somewhat breathlessly. Her eleven-year-old body wholly ached that it would have something to do with Colin.

But she was to be disappointed. Johnny scratched his stomach, in deep thought, while she willed him with her eyes to please have her kiss Colin, or something. "Okay," he said, after a while, "here's what you do. You see the way Karen's got her hair down, in a ponytail, so that it sticks out, then hangs down? Well..." he winked quickly at Derek, "... you have to go and take off her vest, but you have to do it so that you don't pull her hair up with its neck... understand? We'll watch you, and you pay a forfeit if you mess it up. Go on, now. Karen, you kneel down there, so you're not too tall. You can put your arms up, to help her, that's all."

Obediently Karen dropped forward on her knees, and held her hands up over her head, quivering slightly. She looked down at the floor, but as Maryon approached she thought she saw a glint in those greeny-blue eyes from under the long, dark lashes.

At first the problem didn't seem too difficult... the neck of the top was wide and the hole it caused quite large. The others crowded round to observe everything. Maryon considered. If she took the thing by its bottom edge and lifted, the way it would normally come off, she might not be able to see at the back properly to make sure the ponytail wasn't disturbed. The other way was more awkward, but it might be better in the end. Carefully she reached down, standing behind her friend, and hooked her fingers under the neckline at each side. She gently began to lift and the garment slid up the slim body without trouble until, just as Maryon had the ponytail safely hanging down inside the back, the front caught on Karen's chin. Try as she might, she just could not get the two things, the hair and the jaw, clear of the top's hole, even when she tried putting her hands at front and back instead of at the side. Johnny and Derek and Colin, she saw without really looking, were much more interested in looking at Karen's body than at her efforts, but Sylvia kept a hard eye on her struggles with the recalcitrant top.

Finally, just when she thought she had it clear all around and triumphantly jerked smoothly upward along the upraised arms, the thing caught under Karen's nose, the back pulled forward, and her hand snagged against the girl's long black hair and bent it up into a loop.

"Not quite! Not quite!" laughed Sylvia, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. "You didn't quite make it, kid."

In disgust, not caring, Maryon swiftly tugged the top up over Karen's bare arms and half-threw it at Johnny. "There!" she said. "That's the best I could do. Did I hurt your nose, Karen? I'm sorry."

Throwing one slim arm over her naked, pale, shallow breasts, Karen, half hunching her shoulders, rubbed briefly at her nose, then sniffed up at Maryon. "It's all right, baby," she said. "Don't worry about it."

She reached for her top, but Johnny, stepping back, passed it to Derek. "Not yet, babe," he told her and, with a pout, she sat down, brought her knees up against her chest and put her arms about them, and waited for Johnny to ask her her choice.

When the question came, "Truth!" she declared, in a husky voice.

"Is it true that you're wearing nothing under your Levi's?" asked Johnny. "And you'll have to prove it."

"Oi! what about Maryon Alysun's forfeit?" interrupted Colin.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot about that," muttered Johnny. "Say, is it all right if I give her one later, before we leave, but when I think of something?"

"I guess that's okay," said the English boy, smiling at his cousin, who'd flopped down by Maryon again. "Later, later, masturbator!"

Derek barked out a laugh, then flushed deeply when Colin turned a bland gaze on him. 'Okay, let's got on with it, Johnny," he mumbled.

"Well, Karen?" asked Johnny. "Are you or aren't you... and will you?"

"The answer to the first question is, No! No, I'm not, that is; yes, it's true. Okay? And to the second question, well, I'll let Derek prove it, all right?" And before anyone could object, she'd unbuttoned the top of her pale blue Levi's, unzipped a couple of inches, leaving marginal room, reached for her startled boyfriend's hand and thrust it down in back of her, his palm against her skin. From above Maryon could just see the dark- shadowed valley between the two squashed-up globes of Karen's butt before Derek's hand eased down against it. His wrist wriggled and his hand thrust deeper as he felt, clumsily, at her skin, then he withdrew it and, as Karen rearranged her clothes, said, a bit shamefacedly: "It's true, Johnny. Take my word for it."

His friend grinned. "Don't say I never did anything for you, Derek. Okay, I'm satisfied with that. Now, it's your turn."

Derek thought for a moment, rubbing his recently pants- immersed palm against his smooth young chin. "I think 'I'll try a Dare," he said, licking his lips and eyeing his black-haired girlfriend.

Johnny smiled at him. "Well, since Maryon the world-famous champion kisser took something off your girl, I'll give you a chance to get even. I... dare... you... to take Maryon up into the loft there and, before I count up to one hundred, take off her panties and bring her and them back down to us."

Derek's face was hot and his eyes shone as he looked from his friend toward Maryon, who felt a shiver of apprehension go through her. If it had been Colin-! But, still, they were letting her play with them, and not as if she were a little kid. Half reluctantly she stood up. "Okay, blondie?" breathed Derek, and she nodded.

"You don't start counting till we're both on the ladder, all right?" he flung back over his shoulder. Taking Maryon by the elbows, he steered her over to the ladder, where Colin obligingly made room for them, and let her get three rungs up before putting his own foot on the bottom rung. "Now, when he says, Go! you just shoot up there, hear?" he whispered heavily in her ear. "When we get up there, just leave it to me. You don't want us both to get forfeits, do you?"

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Seduced Into Frillies by Throne (A spin-off of Seduced Into Panties) I felt so lucky when my old buddy Myron called and said he could set me up with a hot girl named Paige. It sounded too good to be true, me being short and slender and, frankly, not well endowed in the dick department. And, like Myron, I'd never had any success with girls. But then he had met the stunning Lana, after which I didn't see him anymore. Still, with all my liabilities, I couldn't imagine matching his...

3 years ago
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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 8 Historical Perspective

During the next week the treasure was moved from the treasure room to a vault at H. J. Hendley & Company, a company that specialized in storage and appraisal of collectable coins, gold and antique jewelry. I took no chances with the transfer and contracted an armored car service to make the actual move. The brief appearance of the armored car in the neighborhood was hardly noticed by our neighbors. Leo Hoskins proved to be a fount of knowledge concerning property law and more...

2 years ago
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Seduced My Mami And Fucked Her

Hii friends me aaj aapko apne jeevan me hui sachi ghatna batane jaa raha hu ki kaise meine apni mami ko seduced kia aur choda. Mera nam kunal hai me delhi ka rehne walla hu aur engineering kar raha hu aur meri mami gujarat me rehti hai unka fir 34-30-36 hai. Aur kafi achi dikti hai dekar to lund khada ho jata hai. Ye kuch 2 mahine phele ki baat hai jab mera vacation chal raha tha may me. Toh me apne grand parents ke yaha gaya hua. Mujhe toh bas mami se millne ka mouka chaie tha bas aur kuch nai...

3 years ago
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Seduced By An Entity 8211 Part I

Hello all, this is my first submission to this very website. This is a series of story and pure ficition. Please enjoy this if u like I will write more and complete the story. Cheyenne decided to spend the first day back swimming when a bottle nosed dolphin came up to her talking in dolphin language and trying to get Cheyenne to follow him. Ok boy show me what’s wrong.” She said as she held on to his fin where he took her to another dolphin that was injured. Oh no, it’s bad boy.” She said to...

3 years ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Eleven

Right from the Start - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Their classmates in school, Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Ricardo: An transvestite designer; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist. Chapter Eleven As soon as Simone recognised the sensations in her...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 "My dad is not a very nice person," I explain to my therapist. "Maybe it's because he never expected to have a child after number ten. Maybe because he was 59 when I was born. Maybe because he's an asshole." My therapist signals that I should go on, "When I was born my oldest brother had just been married, my youngest," Here I gesture with my fingers on my glass. "Well the one closest to me, was starting High School. He didn't have time for me." My therapist refills my...

2 years ago
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Eleven 2

I'll be honest, I panic. First because some girl managed to stowaway aboard the ship. That's a huge problem, she's going to be hungry and I only have enough food for 6 months of me and no one else. This lasts for about long enough for me to turn around and see no one behind me. Then I try to figure out whether or not it's a trick mirror. I hear when people are friends they play pranks on each other. I don't have any friends, so that theory has a pretty short half life. I cup my...

4 years ago
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Tingles Eleven

TINGLES ELEVEN By Katharine Sexkitten I took a moment during the first meeting of Tuesday to zone out, focussing not on the latest marketing and operational plans for a product roll-out, but instead on the never-ending exquisite rapture of wearing panties. Words are hard to find to express just how sexy wearing panties can make me feel. Does make me feel. Every time. Every second. Soft fabric cradling my little hairless feminine cock and balls, holding them in a pillow of...

2 years ago
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Seven Hunred and Eleven Cigarettes

It was Friday night, and again no one had asked me out. It was probably my fault. I had stopped going to the local bars, sick of the same old guys drinking the same old drinks and having the same old conversations with them. I'd dated white men all my life, and found them all the same. I'd always wanted to date outside my race, but the fear of what my family and friends might say kept me from reaching out across the color line. At 5'8", I was taller than most women, with dark blonde,...

1 year ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 22 Code Eleven and Counting to Ten

Sunday, July 19, 2009, 8:30 PM “Oh, get a room, you two!” Annie and Joey were in mid-kiss, hovering thirty thousand feet over the city, floating over a layer of clouds, and their eyes snapped open in alarm. They had just spent the past several minutes playfully flying over the city, and were finally in a romantic embrace. So the last thing they expected or wanted to see was somebody else up there with them. They turned and saw the young curvaceous girl floating near them. She looked...

2 years ago
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Seduced by Sin Ch 03

Thank you for all your patience with me, I know it’s been a long wait for this chapter. Things at home and work have been a little crazy, so I haven’t had much time to devote to writing. I know this chapter is really short, but I wanted to get this part out. Sorry, no sex in this one, but hang in there. Next time, I promise! Once again, thanks for reading! Renee On the edge of the pool inside the glen, Kate and Sin lay together in the grass, she was cuddled up against his side, one shapely...

3 years ago
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Seduced nad Feminized

Michael-Michelle SEDUCED & FEMINIZED Strange feeling as he left home that morning. Couldn't put his finger on it. Like walking toward edge of a precipice or something. Kinda anxiety of something totally unknown looming.Maybe just feeling guilty throwing the wife about during the night, Mike thought. Well, he'd been justified in slapping her face, grabbing her head and jamming his cock in her mouth to get a decent sucking. It was his right, she was his wife. He'd been left damn frustrated...

4 years ago
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Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich richtig gesehen hatte. Hatte sich die Figur etwa doch bewegt? Jeder kennt diese alten Brunnen, die auf Marktpl?tzen zu finden sind. Aus Steinen gebaut, und oft mit einer Figur obendrauf. Eine G?ttin der Gerechtigkeit etwa, mit verbundenen Augen und einer Waage in der Hand. Hier war es allerdings ein - nackter - J?ngling. Nicht besonders gro?, so knapp einen Meter, und aus einem r?tlichen Stein gehauen. So etwas kann sich nicht bewegen, sagt einem der Ve...

3 years ago
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Seduced for my cock

I opened the gate. It was a fairly big house with goats & chickens roaming about in the garden. I knocked the door. Door was opened. Karen was standing at the door. She must be in her late twenties. With long blonde hair big blue eyes. She was shorter than me. Her bosoms were pointing me. They were so huge and pushing against her tight fitting t shirt. I immediately go my eyes off her tits and looked at her pretty face. her smile was inviting. She was the prettiest woman i ve ever seen. I was...

1 year ago
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Seduced by a Horny Friend

I am an oversexed, 60-year-old, married man who was forced to endure the God-awful experience of being raised as a Mormon. During my early childhood, virtually all of the adults who were a part of my everyday life–with the notable exception of my very open-minded father–considered homosexuality and bisexuality to be an abomination that a “decent person” just didn’t talk about, much less accept. Just like most of you guys out there, I took girls out on dates when I was in...

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Seduced by my best friend pat 2

Again, just like the first part, everything is true except his name.Back when I was 18, my best friend growing up, once seduced me during a sleep over. It was the first real sex I had ever had. I had gone out with girls in high school and still love women, but I never had the opportunity to go all the way with them and with Steven, well, the curiosity was just too great. We had spent last summer sleeping over at each other's house every weekend on the guise of playing video games or watching...

1 year ago
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Seduced And Fucked My Neighbor Laxmi Aunty

Hi, this is Rakesh. This is story how i seduced my neighbor aunty . Lets just jump to story . I am Rakesh from odisha , pursuing engineering and have a semi-build body and a 6.5″ dick ( think which is enough to satisfy women ) . The heroin of the story is Laxmi aunty . She is a house wife and used to live next door . She is a good friend of my mom . She usually visits mom . Her husband works as a driver at the some state govt. Office so most of time he is traveling . She got a daughter of 7...

3 years ago
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Mera Mom Chudi Mere Story K Ek Reader Ashish Se

Hi friend I m Vikram ek bar fir se aap logo k leye ek real story la k aya hu Ye story mere mom or mere ek frnd ki hai is na mere story pdhi or mere se mila or fir mere maa se mila or us se dosti kari mai aapne dost k bare mai bhi bata du name Ashish hai Delhi se hai height 5.11..tall..brown Color..athletic body..good looking..6.5 land ka size Mere maa k naam sapna hai hum ek midail class family se fairdabad mai rehta hu mere ghar mai mai mummy papa hai bs papa ka aapna kam hai mai kabhi kam pe...

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Ashish Made Me His Slut

Hi mera nam kamran he. Ye story mere aur ashish ki hai.Ashish mera padosi hai.About me me 1 gay pure bottom hoon. Mujhe gaand marana bohat pasand hai aur meri gaand bohat bari aur naram he aur mere boobs bhi kaafi bade aur naram he bilkul girls ki jesi body he meri. Mere body par baal bohat kam he. Agar aap janna chahte he ke me gay kese bana to meri pichli stories parh le. Story parh kar feedback zaroor de mera email he Coming to the story now ye 2 mahine pehle ki bat he jab me rajiv se...

2 years ago
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Seduced by a black man and his uncut cock Part 1

Pleasuring Black Cock – Part 1I am a white man who is totally attracted to strong black men and now prefer to play exclusively with them. I will still do the occasional white man, etc., I just prefer black men. I have tried white men, brown men, asian men and indian men as well. Have pleasured some big cocks, yet, a black man’s sexual prowess and stamina won me over long ago as a teenager during my first time with a cock.Those men who I contact to hookup with and have never been with a CD, I...

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The Seven Eleven Hookup

I pulled into the 7-Eleven and headed for the cooler. It was a typical hot summer afternoon, with temperatures near one hundred. I grabbed a bottle of water, then thought, A cold beer sure looks nice. I still had an hour or two left of work, but I decided, What the heck? I am self-employed and who’s going to care, right?I paid for a six-pack, even though I knew I was only going to drink one, maybe two beers and save the rest for later. Then the unexpected happened.As I was about to leave the...

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Eleven Nineteen

I love South Padre, Island, Texas. I was sitting on the beach, all by myself, late on a Saturday evening, just about sundown. My girl friend and I had just finished off a lollapalooza of an argument, driven mostly by the beer and the sun we had self -indulged in for several hours. I knew better than to try and stay in the hotel room and reason with her, so I sauntered out to the beach to watch the surf pounding the sand.I was about to go back to the hotel room when a lovely, and I do mean, very...

Quickie Sex
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Experiment Eleven

Experiment Eleven By Walter Ego Captain's personal log. We reached the Baldec system ten standard days ago on a mission to investigate the apparent loss of several independent mining ships. I've come to understand why independents have been attracted to such a far away system. Baldec has a dense asteroid belt and ship's scans have already come across several formations that would set the entire crew up for life if we had the wherewithal to haul them back to Earth. Central Control can...

3 years ago
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The Deception of Choice Episode Eleven

The Deception of Choice. Episode Eleven, comprising Chapters 27 & 28 Preamble: David, back from his sojourn in the Venumar Foundation's Hospital Research Facility feels a sense of homecoming on his return to the comparative privacy of the Holding Wing. And such a welcome from all the girls! Not to mention Dr. Tabatha and his instructors. Escape seems further away than ever and sometimes that seems less important. Oh and Coralie returns, but alas no longer the girl you may...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Eleven

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Eleven - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's...

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Seduced A Newly Married Lady 8211 Part I

Hi to all ISS readers…This is Satish again. My introduction to the new readers….I am Satish 47 years, with fair skin, 5’11” tall having a strong body with equally strong desire for satisfying a married lady….Other descriptions can be found out personally… It was great feeling to get lovely remarks from ladies for my earlier submissions… All ladies, aunties, bhabhies (I love married women from 25 years to 45 years) please feel free to send your remarks on my e-mail ID ….I believe in GIVE...

2 years ago
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Maa Mere Dost Ashish Ke Saat Kashmir Trip Pe Gayi

Hello friends, I hope aap sab thik honge, and enjoy kar rahe honge. Aap sabko mai batana chahta hun meri maa kaa name Vinni hai. Wo ek gathile badan ki maalkin hai. Uska figure 36-28-38 hai, aur height 5.5 hai, to aap khud andaza laga sakte hai ki wo kya maal lagti hogi. Ab mai zyada time waste naa karte huye seedhe story pe aata hun! Meri maa kaa affair mere ek dost ke saath chal raha tha. Ye baat mujhe kuch time pehle hi pata chali jab maine apni maa ke phone me WhatsApp pe uski chats padhli...

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Seduced In The Bus On My Way To The Hotel 8211 Part 1

I’m Regina, 25, working as a Software Engineer in Bangalore. I have a great structure of 34C. My navel is damn awesome as commented by my boyfriend and starred by everyone whenever I exposed it. Of course, I love to get that attention. I was getting a spam/unknown number call about the video they have of me and my boyfriend. I rushed to Mysuru by bus. The guys blackmailed me on my way to Mysuru. They were asking me to get warmed up with different men on my way through Whatsapp messages before...

4 years ago
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The Keyholder

The Keyholder?Just that please.? Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel...

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Seduced by Neighbors Son Pt 2

After being seduced by Otto, my next door neighbor’s high school aged son, my life was rocked and my thinking changed. My husband Jerry knew nothing about what happened, but later that night he admitted that the idea of another man seeing me naked was a huge turn on for him. That’s when I began to hatch a plan that would involve Otto, me and Jerry.I didn’t see Otto for several days as he had told me that he had a new part-time job cleaning pools and that he started fairly early in the morning....

1 year ago
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Seduced Elder Brother For Bike Ride And More

Hello all, I am Karan and I have been into incest for a long time. I am also an Indian Sex Story reader for a long time. This story is shared by my sister who has decided to share our incest experience with all your readers. This is a true story. My sister will be writing the story so enjoyable. This is my true story where I seduced my older brother. We are a family of four and we belong to an upper-middle-class family. We live in a spacious house wherein we all have separate rooms. One study...

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Mathis the Mountain Man

There he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...

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Cleaning for Master Holden

Cleaning for Master HoldenJoanne works for Rock Creek Maids three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She only works in the mornings, and usually not past noon. The maid service employs twelve female Rock Creek residents and four male residents, all part-time. Joanne likes working there. The other maids are friendly, and most of the customers are really nice. Her part-time job provides her with some supplemental money so she doesn't always have to go nagging to her master for a few...

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Fairytale Adventures Ch1Goldilocks

Author's Note: This story contains some elements of reluctance (turned into willingness), as well as lesbian sex. I hope you enjoy =)-----------------------------Kristen awoke to find herself in the yard of a house... but not the kind of house that she was used to. This house was more of a cottage with a thatched roof... although larger than any cottage she would have ever pictured. Staring at the unfamiliar scenery for a moment, she felt a breeze blow across her body and looking she realized...

3 years ago
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Seduced And Fucked My Cooking Horny Maid

Hi… Friends thanks for few good response in my story still trying to improve this is my second story which took place between me and my cooking maid, when I was all alone in house as my parents had went out of town for function….. This all happened with me 3 years ago, my final exam where completed and back to home for vacation. We had a cooking maid at home she cooks very well and was friendly in nature use to talk with everyone nicely she was like member only. Her name was (Ashmitha) (changed...

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Jyoti Sharing Desires With Own Bro Ashish 8211 Part II

Hi this is Jyoti again I am very thankful for your warm response to my first story. For new reader I would like to describe myself again is I am 17 year and 5.6 ft tall with good curved figure ie.32C-26-34. I love to where western cloths and when every I wear tight top and jeans my curve become more attractive and I got hot comments also… My colour is fair and has long silky hair… my breast and bust are in good round shape and my brother is Ashish Bhaiya was 21 with handsome looks… his height 6...

2 years ago
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Maddie Goldberg

Chapter 1Maddie Goldberg bounced her thick white ass on Reshawn Titus's black cock like she was tethered to it by an elastic cable. She moaned and ran her fingers through her wavy dark hair and slammed her body down and down and down onto the black man's rod. Reshawn guided her with his meaty hands on her hips, digging his fingers into her smooth pale sides and letting her round white ass recoil as it collided with his sturdy thighs."Ride my dick, you little Jew whore-piece, ride!"Throughout...

3 years ago
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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Eleven A First Time For Everything

Carrie Laakkonen kissed Jessica’s lips gently and smiled. She loved the girl with the flowing long red hair more than anything in the world. She didn’t even care about the risk that the girls had been taking by seeing one another in Carrie’s bedroom for nearly two months now. The Deputy Head Girl at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College knew the consequences if the two girls were discovered in her bedroom together, but the seventeen-year-old knew that the chances of being discovered were slim thanks...

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Always Faithful Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven - Greg and Laura at the Country Club Dan learned about his wife’s date Saturday evening. As Greg suggested, he reacted negatively and with surprise. Laura didn’t expect the vehemence of her husband’s reaction. In her mind, she was just telling Dan a firm date for something long planned. “I didn’t expect you to be this way. You should have anticipated our date.” “I know I bought the dress you will wear. This is your red dress date, isn’t it?” “Yes, I will wear the red you bought....

1 year ago
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Film At Eleven

Film At Eleven By Cal Y. Pygia I'm a shemale. I'm also an exhibitionist. And a news hound. These interests, as I've learned, don't always go together--or maybe they do. Let me explain. Since becoming a woman in every detail but my genitals (which remain, as they always shall, defiantly masculine), I've delighted in "accidentally" exposing myself to men and women alike. It's much easier for a shemale to expose herself than it is for a guy, because society tolerates a great deal more...

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Skipper Chapter Eleven

Skipper, Chapter Eleven - By: Beverly Taff While the others celebrated Sian and Margaret's exciting news, I went to the kitchen and made a show of checking the turkey in the oven. As I prodded it with a fork and checked the clock for the umpteenth time I sensed a presence behind me. I had been expecting it. "It'll be another hour or so before that's cooked," observed Elizabeth. "Yes," I agreed sensing that it would be prudent to let Elizabeth broach the subject of Sian and...

4 years ago
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Eleven Minutes After Nine

Eleven Minutes After Nine, by Kellie Nadine An incessant knocking at the door roused Cynthia from her dreams. Looking at the clock on her night stand, she saw the time was eleven minutes after nine AM, not an unreasonable time for visitors. She'd better answer the door. Slipping out of her nightgown and donning a heavy sweatshirt & sweatpants over her bra and panties, she made her way to the front door. Opening the door just enough to make the chain lock tight, she saw...

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The Games Part Eleven

THE GAMES PART ELEVEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here...https://fictionmania.tv/searchdisplay/authordisplay.html?word=1473 Chapter 41 TODAY'S CONTEST SEEMS SIMPLE ENOUGH, which immediately makes me suspicious. This is The Games. Nothing is what it seems. Once you think you understand the rules, new rules are...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Submission Day Eleven Linda Balks

A Tale of Submission By LindaK Day Eleven - Linda Balks Linda had gone to bed angry. That anger was easily seen by Mistress Jane and as a result, everything Linda slept in was made tighter, more uncomfortable. To further confine her, Mistress tightly tucked a latex blanket onto the bed. Instead of sending a message, it made Linda more miserable and upset. As she lay there unable to sleep she tried to analyze her feelings and why she was so upset. Certainly she was mentally...

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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters Seven Eleven

Chapter Seven: WednesdayPart 1: Morning - Business UpdateI woke at sunrise, but Patti was still sound asleep, so I snuck out of bed, gathered lingerie, clothing, shoes, wig, and purse going into the bath to shower and shave. My dress for the day was a very simple, short-sleeve tie-waist shirtdress in tartan. After getting dressed and applying my makeup, I tiptoed out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Then I put on my two-inch black open-toe heels and went into the kitchen to make...

3 years ago
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“A change of plans baby,”: I tell him when he phones. “Kelly, a slightly older lady is seducing me, you know I am bisexual. She has been chasing me for days. “Want me to tell you about it?” “Yes I do, in minute detail,” he tells me in a husky voice. “It is very exciting being seduced by a new woman and telling my man about it, wish you were watching. All I was wearing when Kelly arrived was my very short silk dressing gown and heels. We kissed like teenagers and undressed each other. “You...

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Seduced by Sin Ch 01

Ok, this is my first attempt at writing, so it might be a little on the rough side until I get an idea of where I want my writing to take me. Constructive criticism is welcome, and I am open to any useful suggestions or ideas you might have. Please, no bashers. Hope you like it! Renee * Our story begins in the early 1800’s England, on the estate of Lord Carrington, Earl of Bendford, just north of London. The Earl’s only daughter, Katherine, rose early that morning, dressed in her favorite...

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Seduced by Neighbors Son Pt 3

After my husband practically ****d me after watching me seduce our 17 year old neighbor who is also our new pool buy, I could not wait to see the young teen. It wasn’t until Monday afternoon that I had my first chance to talk to Otto. I told him what happened when Jerry got home and how he sexually attacked me because he was so turned on by my seduction of him and the blowjob. Then I told Otto that Jerry wanted me to have sex with him the next time he comes to clean the pool and that he will...

2 years ago
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Seduced By Cousin Brother

Hi, this is Nikki. I am 25years old girl with stats 32-26-36 and I am going to share my real sex experience and how I was seduced by my sweet Cousin Brother and had touched the heaven and treasure of sexual happiness. This is my real sex story. I am actually from Telangana state. I am married a year back and presently staying in the USA with my husband. It started with my cousin brother who is 33 years old and around 2 months back when one day my sweet brother started sending messages to me by...

4 years ago
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Seduced By A Woman In Bus

Hi ISS readers I am regular reader and big fan for this site and this is my first story posting here.Myself used to fantasize in each of the story written by the users in Indian sex stories. Please let me know any grammar mistakes and your feed back to I am Rock (pen name) from Chennai 6ft height dark skin this happened to me some 10yrs back when I was studying college, one fine day I was traveling in a local bus around 7pm in the evening where it was very crowded not even have space to breath...

3 years ago
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Seduced And Fucked My Friend8217s Hot Wife

Hi to all the ISS readers. This is RK from Chennai. About myself, I am a 20 yr old boy with brownish color complexion. I have a muscular body with a 7 inch big thick gun. Ladies in and around Chennai, wanting private or secret sex can mail me at (privacy guaranteed). Now coming to the story… this happened two weeks ago with my newly married friend’s wife. My friend Nikhil is a 25 year old guy from Madurai. He works in a textile company in Chennai. We know each other from last 2 years and we...

2 years ago
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Seduced And Fucked Advocate Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers, my name is Anay & i am from Pune. I am 21 years old and a law student. This is my story about how I fucked a hot and horny advocate. Being law student i have to frequently visit registration court of Pune division. There i saw a really hot married lady, later i came to know she is also a advocate. She has white skin color, used to wear Punjabi dress as she was Punjabi. Soon, i started talking to her and used to ask her for help and she used to help me a lot and we used to...

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Seduced Slut part 2 written by a friend for me

by was addressing me as "ma'am" in our conversation but it sounded more like "mum". I liked that.I pressed her to answer. Then manouvered her into admitting to spending "some time" at adult type sites. I noticed that when she told me this her eyes sparkled even more. Acting on a hunch I told her that I needed to inspect her bedroom before I left. She told me that no one else had done that but it was okay. She wheeled herself down the hallway as I followed close behind. At the doorway, she...

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Seduced And Banged My Mom8217s Friend8217s Daughter

Hi myself Sylvester (name changed) here, 21 years old with average height and body. I am a fun loving guy, extra active in sexual thoughts. I have been reading iss since I am 15 years. This is my first story on this site and it is completely real. Please give me feedback. Any unsatisfied housewives or girls in Hyderabad can contact me at . Coming to the story, this is how I seduced my mom’s friend’s daughter and had sex with her. Her name is Priyanka. She 5’5 in height, I don’t know her sizes...

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